Till: OMAHA PAIT.Y HEE: TnmfspAY. MATCH! .I: 1001. Si CHAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET "; July. f,1,, . No. 2 white. rash. No, 4I-; No. S, E'porti from Farm and Fcreijn Ldidi fare Wbea' from Bears. MAY AND JULY SHOW MORE STRENGTH torn I feat Mrnnirr, lint Does a Much Kite as or Unmr terest, o lsnl-Wbnt .reat In- OM A HA, March 2. 14. Uml reports Hum me winter vvnuit r ' K i ' 'i anil stronger Ion ian muiKet ! wueal Hum tl,e ut m u.uii t"Uay and nul tea il mi me U,.ml ei,u '( ttie ei-miw. mii-ago M.iy uilvamri 1 cents mm new July was at one lime cents stronger th.in the i lime i)t Tuesday. Coin was suohger also, but did nui m.ik-; tn advance rniiue hy wheat. The in.irKit waH not wucli .ii.i titd'-i(: to iarne bUHluees on Omaha exi hai Ki', in'l the wise uo h he liiK nrai llc ally ''Mi on, ""lalde. interest IhtKRed km a c'jnHviiiine. CIiIcmko .Vl;ty wheat nfit-nea nt '.", cents, l'4 cents iM'ttcr than the dope of Tuesday. It weakened to 9 emus, WITere It fiddled, about with under nneiuttoiui of shorts buy ing and liquidation. The highest point reached wns W'm cents, and the close was pornewhat weaker. New July opened at fcj'io and fluctuated between that figure and Wis Omaha oiened only slightly stronger than the cloMe of Tuesday and advanced 1'4 rents. May corn opened at the closing figure of the day before, ad vanced cent to til, broke to the hslf on offerlnirs and with a later demand ptrengthencil to 4c. Chicago May fluctu ated considerably iiiirl at on time was 1 cent off from the opening, but the clone wis about the same. The range of prcea pad on the Omaha exchange Tuesday was as follows: Closed Open. High. Low. Today. Tues. Wheat Mav .. July .. Corn May ,. July .. Oats May . Msrrh 4f 41 Nrt. No. 8, WKr; No. 2 red, $1 oST1 17; No. J !1 ""il f'4. COllN-Mny. 4." 2 mlx-.l, 4-''l4JV 4J'oi:u c. iT-NV 2 whit H Y-'h'lne timothy, prairie, n -,,, - -a. P.YE -No j. r,Mi;. Ill TTEK-t ri atiierv, 21 'n 2 IT. K'lilH Steady; Missouri rases Returned, lie per d whltewood cases lnclud'd. He, Wheat. 1,11.. Porn, hu Oats, bu mixed. !..(.' 10.n; choice ; dairy, fancy, and Ksnsas, ; new No. 2 per dor.. ipt. Shipments . .1'". " 72.o.i ll.OKJ 144 "i 3L'.l'l 5,t CHICAGO UKAI1 .4n PRO I510. NEW TORIi STOCKS xND BONDS Market Continues Hat and Lifeless, witk Consequent Lack of Demand. STAGNATION NOT CLEAR TO SPECULATORS Idle Fond ontlnne to Pile I p In Sm York Hank nnil This Fact Adda to Inrertalnty of the Market. K S5, M'i Wi tn 8oVi M SuVs bl u'H , 45'4 W 46,4 4'4 4f. 4i 45J, 40 4nU 40 4IH-4 4(i 40 4u' 4U 40' ' 401, Chicago receipts of grain were S3 cars of wheat, 6 ut which wero contract grade, 1HH cars of corn, H being contract, ami 173 ears of oats. 3 contract. Kstlmated recefhts for tomorrow are 3u cars of wheat, 196 of corn and 35 cars of oats. Winter w heat conditions peem bad, ac cording to the weather bureau crop report, which says: As a whole the renorts regarding win ter wheat Indicate that the condition of this wheat Is unpromising over much the greater part of the winter wheat belt, the most unfavorable reports being received from the middle and eastern districts. At the beginning of the month the, greater part Of the Winter wheat area was well covered with snow but only the more northern portions were protected during the greater purt of the month. Local t'asli Grain Market, Another dull day oh the cash market. The cash situation la growing daily less satisfactory. No wheat was ottered for ale und the demand warranted none. Wheal was weaker, from lo to Ifrc off In twenty-four hours. Receipts were 4 cars In and 3 cars out. The corn market was somewhat better than wheat, but also suffered from uncer tainty, with a slip from Tuesday' prices of about Receipts wero 4U curs in and 17 cars out. Representative sales of c-ar lots by sam ple, on track, Omaha: Mixed Corn No. 3, 1 car, 41Mrc; No. 3, yellow, 1- car, 41 He: No. -3, yellow, U far, 42c; 1 cur. ltto; i.(H,, V 4iA;. ttsr, Uu,'ts jwereV wetc "at the 'pr't'f'n of,vTues day. I.IUlelf any of-the Jul ge receipts .of that day wero offcrad on the : lloor this morning. Receipts were 6 curs In and 18 cars out. One car of No. 4 white oats sold for 3!Hc and 2 cars of No. 2 rye brought 70 cents. ... WHKAT No. 2 hard, WiRSc; No. 3 hard, SWuk'ic; No. 4 hind, l'yU'''-'. No. 2 spring, mVisv; No. 3 spring, blVu'i No, 4piiug, 71'cTiiV. CORN No. 2. 43c; No. 3, 40Vo414o: No. 4,. 3!Ht!l)W,ic; No. 2 yellow, 43'n44c; No. 3 yellow. 4IV4-e; No. Z white, 4.'H'd43c; No. 4 white. 41VU4JC. IIATH-No, 2, 37;lKc; No. 3, SUHfiJicJ No. 4. 3fj',yu:)fiV No. 2 white, 42',ac; No. 3 white, 4uinu-; standard, 414i42c, Notes from the Kirhsuge Offlers. Omaha Inspections of grain were 6 cars. Of wheat, 2. cars graded No. hard -winter, 2 cars No. 4 luird whiter and i,cur no gi'aile. Of corn, 2 cars grudrd .No, 2, 13 cars No. 3 g cars No. 4, 3 cars No. i yellow, 1 car No. 4 white and i car no grade; Of Oats. 3 cars graded No. 3 white and 23 cars graded No. 4 white. , Corn coming to the Omaha exchange Is Improving In grade In the last week. ' The first car of No. 2 corn was received not more than ten days ago, but there have been a car or two nearly every day since the first one wus. lnspctced. The largest number of cars of oats were Inspected to day. ' . Transactions In grain Tuesday for future delivery totaled 134.m0 bushels. Urdu Markets F.lsewhere. Closing prices of grain Monday and today at the markets, rmnwd were as follows: KANSAS CITS". ... Cload . Tod.iy.JTufsday. Features of the Trading and Closing; J'rlrea on Hoard of Trade. CHK'AUO, March 2 larm over winter wheat, the railroad jtriko in Argentine and prospects of a cold wave combined today to create strength in wheat, (.'losing prices were about the best of the da. May be ing l'o above last night's figures; July Is up 2'!C, Corn shows a gain of ii'uSr; oats, Vi'S''. and nfoJs4ons JV'iT'ir. l'rrhap thr- feature' thar atlra'ctrsl most attention frj.m wh'at traders wss'the gov fitiment crop repair f In Ifs general summing ui of th aiearanee of winter whent, stat ing Hint th cendliion of the plant was un promising over much the greater part of the whi.U belt because of severe weather without snow covering. The fear of a cur tal.ment of wheat shipments from Argen tine on account of the railroad strlkn will Increase strength In Kngland. May oened up nt 'y'.'ite; July was Vic higher at tJ'.'ii'.Hc. l'.efnre any support came Into play the. price had dropped to 9?V a loss of IV' from the onlng high point. Tho rlmii was almost at tho top. After selling up to Siijr, final figures on May were TOc; July closed at the high point ut W.4c, Clear ances of wheat and flour wero equal to ?7.flii bushels, l'rlmary receipts were 1526, fl bushels, enmnored with 4i.9ol) bushels a year ago. Minneapolis, lu'.uth, and Chl ciino reported receipts of 414 cars, against 2'J" curs last wcrk and S3) cars a year ago. Weiiknrss prevailed In corn In th own ing hour owing to Hiiuldiition. As the ses sion advanced the market became stronger. The close was at the top price of tho day. May oiwned 2V lower to V,e higher at r.4'l4c, sold between 53'4ii! and fs"1i'lj'.'i5lc and c,ose1.at fho latter tigure. July closed at rje lifter s. Illnir between K'ie and 54c. Lo cal rcelit were INS cars, 3 of contract gt'ade. The iMirnilfisr on Mav onts was VifTn hlahir at 41','i4'-"c. after ranging bftwwn 11i41:lr, and closed at 4Lt;.'!t42ri,c. July showisl a -net gain of V&r, d.mlng at 3ec. t.fipnl rw.nl of H were 173 cars. I'rovWIons wera rathrr weak. Much of the selling prresure was due to weakness In coarser grains and a decline In hog rrt..r.m at v, vorita I'nder lmnrovel de mand prices gradually advanced, the close being at about the top fl cures. May jiork sold betweon I14.37H an $14.s.'i. closing at a min f "9U.c ni S147!U. May lard closed 2'u-r'C higher nt 7.47'4'u7.jO, while ribs were ur oC at 11.43. Kstlmated rn-olpts for tomorrow: heat, Wl ears: corn. 195 cars; oats, 235 cars; hogs, 30 mil head. The leading futures ranged as follows: Artlcles.l Open. lllgh.l Low. Close. Yes'y. Whent May a Julv b July a Hept. b Sept. Corn Muy July Sept. Oats Ms y July Sept. Fork May July. liird--' May July Illbs May July S:H'U4 H4i Hj S7'(ix7' hSSj'.!7 s7 (".'uKtiSj 7 bi Miitrlwiwi mv f,L'H,-3HI 54 62'nl 61V21! 6-'7i "l1' -?K 42 41 asi1 3i"s, 3s'i -34',; 34 34 14 4R 14 N 14 14 60 14 S5 14 45 7 40 7 50 - 7 S11H 7 47H! . 7 47 7 37141 7 50 7 324 7 IS I 7 tW 7 40 I Sfl'J 97 aryffWRS 92ti (Oi 87 64 52 422' 39 34 85 64 63 42 39 3t 14 72HI 60 14 !): 7 60 7 65 7 45 7 65 14 W 7 56 7 40 7 60 Wheat May ... July ... Corn May ... July ... Wheat May ... July .. Corn May .., July .. heat- May 1.. July ... BT. LOUIS. MINNEAPOLIS 83 45 4H4 9i 474H 4U11 Wheat- May ... July ... . Wheat May July ... DULUTH. NEW YORK. 99 99 Ki 81 45 45 94 A 87A 47n 49 P7n 9 87'. .'.li.02' ....99 $1.01 99 HEW IOIIK .UKSJrJIAL JIJItK, stock mar- One of the NEW YORK. March 2. -The ket continues flat and lifeless. Immediate Influences mxin today's market was the unsolved doubts over the outcome of the Furls settlement, which Is still in doubt. Filth Fails and London labor under this disadvantage today. Current railroad earnings are dlscou ruling. Heavy declines In January net earnings continue, to come to, hand, thf IT-nnsylvanla .and l-rf igh VaJ Icyibelng titdiiy,'s corutilcunkis" aiMUllons to the list. Sotitrtcrn . Railway' miU4 a sf"'d ahowlng but the stin ks gof no Ja'tictllr of It. Call money Is a drug anil reserve con tinue to pile up In New York banks In spite of snm reported demand on Chlcseo banks from the Interior and a resulting fall in New 1 ork eichango at Chicago There was a transfer of JIUO.OUO to that point today. New nrk Centrals one-year borrowing of i"i.fio.iiii at the equivalent of 5 per cent confirms the Indication of previous railroad loans that n hign rate is nemanoeu Tor these corporation loans and gives an allu sive appearance to the extreme ease In the current money markets. The movement of gold from New York to Argentina inaugu rated yesterday Is a factic In the problem. Its present significance Is that Ixindon Is able to call on New York for payment of Its South American debt, notwithstanding the enormous merchandise account for the past five months, for which payment was dun us. The war In freight rates, the rroepect of a soft coal strike, uneasiness over the condition of winter wheat and the Impending Northern Securities oeclrlon must be nil held In mind to understand tho npnthy of the market from day to day. The movement of prices today In detail Is not worth analysis, lionds were firm hut dull. Total sales, par value, l,13o.otm. I nlted States bonds were unchang-d on call. The following were the closing quotations on the New lork stork exchange: Sales. High. Low. Close. kept dull at shout parity. Stork became firmer later and clos. d stead. Curd Trunk was weak. Kotoigners Improved. Kntllrs rallied. The amount of bullion taken Into tlje Hank of Kngland on bal ance totlav was 4.1J2.t"', India council bills were allotted tod iv at 1 4 l-ld. PAKIS. March 2. Three per cent rente, 94f 97Sc for the account. Friers on the bourse tod iv opened (inn. h.it s'ocks w ere inclined to heavlni ss. Russian 4s closed ut 9.t.'l. HKRT.1N. M arch 2-Fticcs on the bourse today were unchanged Kxchange on Lon don. 2iim 47pfg for cheeks I'lseount rate: Short hills. per rent; three months' bills, 3 per rent. Iloslnn stork Quotation. BOSTON, March 2 -Call loans, 3'i4U per rent: time loans, 4'o".', per cent, otllelal closing price on stocks and bonds: At'-htnon Adj. Am... do 4 M-lran Cent. 4a... AOhler.n !.. Pfit ntnn Altny.. Mn!t.in V 1 1 n e . . . p.'Mnn K Ipvatil . . . . ltrhlmrR rtd ie1ran intral. .. Y.. N H H. pre Mroitettp I nl'in . Pacylt-,, , Am'n Arne. ("hem.. (to rid . . . Am'n Pseu. . Tubf . . Am n Siirr r itn rfd Ai'n Tel. Tel.. Am'n Wnolen do nf1 Pom. Irnn Pterl. Kdlunn Kler. Ilium. eneral Klertrlr MnKihniwttB Kler. di nfd nlted Fnilt. tilted Sh.w Mh. lo rM Vtrlc.n. . ..Atrhl . 8. Steel do pfd Hid "Hid, ex-d. London stork Mnrket, LONDON. March 2. Close: Connnln for money, !. 7-15 IV, Y Central. do rrount W 11-14 Norfolk i W. . 67 W Ry. M .". T... Shipments 22.300 lil.R'iO S7.200 175. 8"0 8.300 20.0110 No. 2. aOId. bNew. t.., f.iminllfina were as folloWBf I.OI'R Steady : winter putents, $5.10f Ron. .ouM.ia 14 Rik W, (Ki : SDrlnK patents t4"HiV,i5.zO: straights. 14.4tK-4.70; bakers.' 3.50 ""w"! i RAT No. 2 spring. 92Ca$1.00; No. S, 85atc; No. 2 red. WicOill tdS coi)MXn t. R:'c: No. 2 yellow. Boo. OATS No. 2. 4i'Vfi41c; ;No. 2 white, 44c; No. 3 white. 40H143c IJ VL' V 9 7'(V-( HARLEV-Onod feeding, 38340c; ;fulr to choice malting. 4H'u85c. tji.-irTa v.. l ftjir 1109: :No. 1 nortn western,' 11 .15." Timothy, prime, $3.00. Clover, .iri nl o-rnde 111 Wi. PltOVIsrtiNSa-Mess pork, per' bid. , $14.fi2 t?i7K l.nrd er 100 lbs.. 7.3V(e7.35. Short rlhs sines- lioosei. ei.-O'lll.Ji ; biioii. iicxii Ides hoxedl. ll.WaT.b. ltillnwing ure the receipts ana onipmems 9f flour and grain: Articles. Receipts. Flour, bbls X9.900 Wheat, bu 75.100 Corn, bu 400.200 Oats, bu ehi.nm Rye. bu... M.200. MarleV bn 204.700 On the Froduce exrhango tonay tne nut ter -fltarket was easier: creameries. 14'd) 25r: dairies. 14'u22e. Lggs steady, at mark, rases Included, 171il7c; Cheese, steady, 1014 (Ull0. , St. 1,011 Is firnln and Frovlslons. ST. LOl'IS. March 2. WIIEAT-Hlgher on cold wave and damage reports: shorts cov ered; No. 2 red cash elevator, $l.o:V;; track, RffiOae; May, 9t;c; July, f-Sc; No. 2 hard, 94'i !ie. CORN Firm: No. 2 rash. 45r; track, 46'a4oc; May. 47c; July, 49c. OATS Quiet; No. 2 cash. 41Vr; track, 4"(4"-V.c- Mav. 41c; No. white. 4-rc. KLH'R Steady ; red winter patents, to SO (fi5 40; extra fancy and straight, J5.0iKii5.j5;' clear 14.2014.35. UKrtlv-Tlmothv. steadv. $2.5of(2.75. ' IKNMKA L Steady, $2 50. RRAN-3trong: sacked, east track, 90fi02e. HAY Dull; timothy. $s.oo'iil2.60; prairie, IS tuffin 50. TRON COTTON TIES 2c HAGOINO 'o. HKMP TWINK e. FHOVISIONS Pork, higher: Jobbing. J14 82H. lird. higher: prime steam. 95. Huron fhoxed). steady, extra shorts, $S.37; olesr ribs, K 50; short dear. $S 50. FoI'LTHY-Stcadv: chickens, lOrtflflUc; springs, lo-; turkeys and ducks, 13c; Keese. 8c' Ut l.br. It Qiriiujr, rirtuiiri -."ti-w, Qootatlous ' of f h nay ; bw ' Various , . . CcjnMiiodlt le.' ; NKW YORK, Marvh 2 FLOCR Re ceipts. 30.KS1 bbls : exports. 12.160 bbls ; market about steady, with a moderate trade; . MluuiiKotu patents, ti 'V(if Mln nesotii bakers. $l.'.ou4 7o; winter patents $fi L1Kii; On; w inter extras. $3.tk'i 4.00; winter low grades. 3. lS'u'l so. Rye flour, steady fstr to good. J4 3"ii4 55; choice to fancy, $4i4K5 I4urkwheat Hour, dull, IJ.nrifiiJ.lo. C iliNM KA l Ktuady ; ellow western, $1 12',; ily. $1.11; kiln dried. I3.15ili3 25. HAltLKY-Julei; feeding. 5 c. r. I f.. New torn; mailing, lk'(io, r. 1. r., HufTal 1. ft 1 K ijuiet; .mi, ; western, sic. lo move. WHKAT- Rerelpts. li 4:l bu. Spot mar ket Hleady; No. 2 rt d, $1 u7. elevator; No. 2 red, $l tUMil,ll. f. o. b.. afloat; No. 1 north ern Duluth. Il.li. f. o. b., attoat; No. 1 northern Manitoba, f. i. b., afloat, nom inal, options opened firmer, but later de clined under foreign selling and liquida tion. The dose was firm at l'nlc higher. May $1 01 'il 1 .02. closed at $1.02; Julv. 97'iU 1-lrtc, rloeed at 99c; September. K9(t tile, closed at hoc. 'OKN-Itvcelpl, 29025 bu.; exports. ,21 hu. Spot market Heady: No. 2. 62: eleva tor, mid 6Kc. f o. b.. alloat; No. 2 yellow, 5c; No. 2 w hlte. . Eh'ic. option opened firm, declined and rallied with wheat and closed unchanged to c lowr. May. &'. jf 60c. closed at 00c: July closed at 6Sr. OATS -Receipts. 2.5il bu. Sixtt market easy; No 2. Mc: standard white, 6ic; No. 2 white. 5Tc; No. 3 white. Ma HAY Steady; shipping, 65 5c ; good to choice. 9V'trl 05. HOPS tjulet ; state, ' common to cholca. 19o3 rrop, ;Wi;!So; 1(2 crop. I4ic: olds, li) (Blic; Failric coast, 19i3 crop, 27&34C; 12 crvp. 24i27c; dls, loft IV. HIDKS -llrm: Cialvtton. to 3 lbs., ISo; California. 21 to 25 lha.,.lc; Texas dry, 24 to :!a U.S.. 14c. RICK Steudy ; domestic, fair to extra, SVi Hv-; Japan. nemlnaL TALIAIW-Stradv; city i$2 per pkg ), 5c; Country (pkiin. free. t'.liri'c. PEANl'TS Firm; fnncy hund-plcked, Br; othesr dnmestlc. 31 1 ''itiU.r. I.KATMKM- Firm: acid. 2:iii2o,-. PROVISIONS-Heef. stejulv; family. $1150 T12 5o; mess, 'i w 50; beef hiimi fcn Fwj 2200: pa ket. tlo.;K(i 11.1; city extra India rkess. $lti vo-ulS on. Cut meats quiet; pi. Vie. I riHlies. $7 5"iitt: phkled shoolders. tii); plukled hams, $h II to. Itrd. eajtv; west ern tenie.l. $7 75; refined, ipiht: ron tlnentol. 7 75: South America. $ 50: rom pound. $0 K7Vi7 tiO Fork, quiet; short dear, $in Fv,it7 ii: met. u; 5.01I7 m). RFTTKR Steady ; fresh creamery. 15r SCr; state dry. 14ji"Sr. CHKKSKirirni. li;12e. It 1.-4 - Steadv : western firsts, e. FOI'LTHY Alive, quiet; western rhlck- ens. 12-; fowl l;nc: turkeys. 15c Dressed. weak; western ch'cken, lJ'aiSt1: fowls. 12 u lie; turkeys. lT'ulV. Kasui lit? Grain and Provisions. KANSAS CITY Msrrh f. WHRAT War. c; July, ke; cash. No. t, frj.'lc; 155i 20c. 3-Steady, dnlrv. K1; FlolirbNs.". Wheat bu.. Corn, bu Oats, bu lower. 15c. case rount. Receipts. Shipments -.t. T.tV 1tj'i0 90.01O 123.000 .. ... S7 q fiO 0"0 54.000 62.000 Milwaukee iraln Market. MII.WACKF.K, March 2 WHKAT Mar ket 1e higher; No. 1. $l.ui(1.01; No. 2 northern. '.nV'i'.i'.'e; Julv 95c. RYK Dull: No. I. 70. 'il 77c. H ARI .KY Steady ; No. 2, tile; sample, 40 4iie. t'ORN-Strudy; No. 2, CuUk-; July, 6I0 bid. Atchison do pfd llaitlmoie & Ohio.... -do pfd Canadian Pacific f... Central of N. J Chesapeuke & Ohio. Chlcugo 6c Alton do pfd Chicago Gt. West.... Chicago N. W.... Chicago. M. oi St. I. do pfd Chlcugo TeV. & T.... do pld C, C, C. & St. L.... Colorado Southern .. do 1st pfd do 2d pfd Deluware & Hudson. Del., Luck. & West.. Denver & R. O do pfd Kile do 1st pfd do 2d ptd Hocking Valley do pfd Illinois Central Iowa Central .., do pfd K. C. Southern do pfd Louisville & N Manhattan L Met.- Securities Metropolitan St. Minn. A St. L.., M.. ftt. F. & S. S. do pfd Missouri Pacific Missouri, R. & do pfd Nut. of Mex., pfd.... New York Central... Norfolk & Western.. do pfd Ontario & Western.. Pennsylvania Pitts.. C. C. & St. L. Reading do 1st pfd do 2d pfd Rock island Co do pfd St. L. 8. V., 2d pfd St. L. Southwestern. do pfd Southern Pacific ... Southern Railway .. do pfd Texas & Pacific Tpl., St. L. & West. do pfd Union Pacific do pfd Wabash do pfd Wheeling & L. B.... Wisconsin Central .. do pfd Adams Express .... Anier. Kxpress I . S. Kxpress Wells-Fargo Ex Amal. Copier , Amer. Car & F'dry.. do pfd Amer. Cotton Oil .. do pfd American Ice do pfd Amen Linseed Oil... do pfd Amer. locomotive .. do nfd American 8. & R.... do pfd Amer. Sugar Refl'g. Anaconda Mining.... Brooklyn R. T oo. Fuel & Iron.. Consolidated Oas .. Corn Products do nf.l Distillers' Securities. Oeneral Electric .... International Faper. do pfd International Fump. do pfd National Lead Nirth American .... Pacific Mall People's Oas ....'.... Pressed Steel Car... do pfd Pullman PalaceCxr. Republic steel do pfd Rentier floods do pfd Tnn. Coal & Iron.-.. '. 8. I-etither do pfd . 8. Realty do pfd '. 8. Rublier do pfd nlted States Steel., do pfd Wesllnghouse Elec. Western I'nlon N. Securities .- Total sales for the 3,400 2.400 u,4uu Ml 04 KVi 74 6U0 111 110- 2' HI l,3i.i0 3U0 lOO 1,200 o.MJO 8, Vl6 2,900 100 2oo 300 100 500 4,200 l.loO 200 29 3S 82 15 104 1.(9 9 20 7 Hi 64 23 155 29 30 Si 15 I'i2 138 9 19 70 15 54 164 23 62 3914 23 02 39 100 126 12ti 100 1.000 1,000 ' 600 900 32 103 14.1 ' No. 115 $00 01. 1,900 1O0 '2116 L'oO 600 '566 12,800 88 15 30 ll", 66 20 113 32 lull 142 85 . 116 60 8S' 15 30 114 55 20 113 2,600 ' 40 40 100 2,100 100 100 2.40 ' 800 1"0 100 3,000 Vf 66 20 61 30 43 19 24 36 74 60 20 1 30 43 18 24 35 73 400 33 -33 Liverpool tiraln Market. LIVKRPOOU March 2-WH EAT-Spot, steadv: No. 1 California middling, 4s 4d. Futures, steady; March. 6s 10, I; Mav. 6s 9d. CORN Spot. American mixed, new. easy at 4s2'sd: American old. steady at 4s 6"-d. Futures quiet; March, 4sld; Slay, 4s 4d. Pnluth raln Market. Dl'H'TH, March 2 WHEAT In store. No. 1 hard, $100: No. 1 northern, 9Vc; No. 2 northern. 9'.c; to arrive. No. 1 hard, $1 .00; No. 1 northern, 90c; May, c: Julv. 99c; September. S.S',r OATS On track and to arrive, 39e. Minneapolis Wheat Market. MINNEAPOLIS. March 2 FIil'R First patents, $0 .2fu,i .35: second patents. t6.lifti5.3i1: tirst dram, t3.S5tj4.25; second ii.-H.rs. $2 6'Wi2.0. liRAN-ln bulk. $16.1X16.25. Minneapolis (iraln Market. MINNEAPOLIS. March 2. WH EAT May, v.", July. !'.'iWtc; September, ssve; in tri.k. No. 1 haul. $101: No northern. :".te; No 2 northern, 7'i97r; No. 3 northern. 9Vi'.t5c. Market. I.-COR.V-Easy; 1'eorln I'EORIA. III., March No. 3. 41c No 4. SHUr. U lllskY On the basis of $1.27 for finished guotls. Toledo Reed Market. TOLEDO. March 2 -SEED Clover, cash and March, $7 15; April, $7 12; prime uisiKe, to. jit; prime uinoiiiy, si. to. Condition of the Trr.s.rr. WASHINGTON. March 2. Today's state ment or tne treasury balances In the gen eral fund, excluelve of the $i5O,t"V0uO gold reserve in ine uivision or redemption, snows: Aval anie casn Daiancea, r2-J.ii6, . gold, $Ul.,.To,7'2i Ilank C'learlnajs. OMAHA, March ? Bank clearings for tdlay weie $1 .557 5 ? 1. a decrease from the c-.i. rti-j oiidi.n usy lust var ut 144HJ.1. 700 100 100 6.906 200 300 1.300 100 18 40 103 47' 18 40 103 40 31 !; 80 8 31 80 5.600 125 125 12.300 100 1.7t0 900 41 31 193 18 40 31 19! 18 100 159 159 1.4O0 300 98 ?t; 98 100 230' 210 400. 13" 19 son 200 'fitin l.loo 3'. iv 1 8.3"0 100 7i 1 Oo1 8V4 75 80 110-4 1.1 29 37 81 11 P.3-4 139 112 9 19 70 15 63 23 164 260 18 06 23 38 72 78 120 18 33 10 31 102 84 114 68 00 118 88 15 35 31) 114' 65 Mo 20 113 6t 40 70 60 20 601. 41 13 30 42 18 .9 22'4 23 33 73 Mil. 1 33 15 18 40 220 1S5 102 205 40 19 08 . 28 KS 21 9 27 22 80 47 90 125 4iZ 41 30 192 17 r.x ?3ii 159 11 04 :n 71 v; M7; 81 571, flKV 27 08 210 7 42 19 77 36 itie-onda Atchleon lo vfcl Paltlmore Ohio.. 'anadian Partite henpeake Ohio hiroo tit. W M. Ft. P... rielteera . A R Q do nfd Erie do tut pfd do M rfd TllfnolR rentral .out a. Nueh .. K. ft. T i:x-Int. SUA KU-Har. steady. 26 11-10,1 per ounce. MONEY 2i3 per rent; the rate of dl-i-unt In the open market for short bill 'OalII 3-lti ner cent: for tbre mimlha' bills, 3'(i3' per cent. Cotton Market. NEW ORLEANS Marc h " jWPTnv Steady; sales. 7.85u; ordmarv, 12 13-liic; good ordinary, 14c; low middling. 14c; mid dling, 15c; good middling, 15 7-lilc; mid dling fair. 15 13-lt'.e: rei eiots s s:,t- at.., a. 3HH.303. Futures, steady: March. i5.2oti 15 28.-- Airil. 15.4utila.45c; May. 15li9'(( 15.70c: June. n.8911 ln.Suc: JulV. 10 14c- Ano-iwl lr.jl 1 15.45c; September. . -13.4ofi 13.41c: October. 13.70'n 13.73c. ST. LOUIS March 1 mTTAV xr-i. 1 higher; middling. Uc; sales, none; re ceipts, l.Ouo bale.; alilpments, liKi bales' stock. 21,9ol bales. ' NEW YORK. March 2 fOTTOV-st quiet 15c higher; middling uplnnds. 15 75c; middling gulf, lilc; sales. 4.000 baits. Futures closed firm; March, 15.45c: April, 15 5v May, 16.74c; June, 15.71c; July, 15.71c; August. 15.13c. L1VERFOOI,. March 2 -rOTTnv-,,i market. Increased demhnd find prices steadv: American, middling. 8. hid GALVESTON. Mnrot, 5enTTnv Steady, Mc. 7 50i 12 it W 159 88 491 , 12 4'. day, 131.600 48 II 50 loS 87: . . . . 84 snares. 11 50 169 87 Sew York Iloiirr Mnrket. NEW YORK. March 2 MONEY On call, eav; l'u2 per cent: closing bid, 1 per cent: onereq at i4 per cent; lime loans, easy and null; sixty days. 3 per cent: ninety najs, a1 per cent; six montn 4ti4 per cent. PRIME MERCANTILE FA PER 4x(51' ner cent. K I tLtllsl rsii rAi llA.ror--rieay. won actual business In bankers' htl's at 'a (MSafJ 4 8055 for demand and at $4. 83titi 4.83TO for 6u. day bills: posted rates 54iVU48.; cum nerelsl Mils. H.B'i'M.MV SILVER liar, 67c; Mexican dollars, 45'xC. 1 rttIo tjovernment, sieaoy; raiiroaa, firmer. Th closing quotations on bonds are as fellows : . ..ln4'i Manhattan r (. ...lift ,Mri centnl t ...1"4 ' do 1st Inr 1:1 ...104j "Minn 4c St I.. 4a . -S ...l.l'K at. K. e T 4a. ..131 ,1 do it .. IKS N. H K of il e ...H'7L, V V. ' m ST ... trSV-N. J ''"i. gen. 5a 12nl ... e ,,,nnern fa,, t, p, ... ;'-;: do 3a 1' ...MH Kortolli ft W . 4a. 7 ... 7: o. g. u 4s ft ssr... 4a I" Penn. con. a H ...P Keadins sen 4a uf, ... m SI. 1 ft I. M. e. La 11: ...lul SI. L. ft b K In ta ... Ttwt L. 8. W. lata ... J, visiaMDoara a. Lb an'v lti soulliarn Pac 4 l OS, So. Hallajr 6s HIS leiaa r. is 1U V 8. ref. Is. nt.. do coupon do Is. res do coupon do sew is. rg. .. do coupon do old 4s. res;... do coupon Atrhlsoll fan. 4S do s, 4a Atlantic ('. L. 4s Hal. ft Ohio 4s. do . ft 8 P (an. Central of OS. 9S do lat Inr Thea ft U. 4SS. Chicago ft A. S'-ia f ' , U. si Q. s. 4a C ft N W c. 7a. C. R. I ft P. 4s. do col. 5a c.r.c. s L. g. t nicaao Tar. 4a . . Con. Tobscco 4a Colorado ft 80. 4 ! ft R. O 4s. Crl prif1 llto is. do gen. 4a r w n c is. Hocking Val 4S L. ft N. ul 4a . . STS tt'.hl Oi5house Com.. 7S . . ?7 a Adventur 2 .. u4 Atlmier i . . K.'tfc Amalaamated 4. l4 .. e4 Aniet-an Zinc 7 ..It., lAtlaMIc 7 . . lr.V ItniKham l!l . lit Calumet A Heels.... 444 . . USH Centennial 7 . . 11 Copper Hange 411 ..is: Pair Weat 34 .. 77 I)r,m1nlon Coal 57 V 7t frankllrt 7'i .'."I., rrram-y 3s . 74'- lale Rnvnle 7 .. 4'li Maaas .iuelt -Mining 4 . .1! Slrhigan 4 ..itl'i Vehawk ; a ..VI Hi 011. c A C 2L, .. PS Old Dominion 10 .. 7n Oacenis 5:s . . Parrot 21 . .20 gulncv ..l.'.P Shannon 7 . . 1 Tamarai-k 9.1 .. 7.i',ITrinltv .. irvvt:. ft. Mining .. stoyr. P. till s .. 4". ftah S.1H, . . 2l'ii VI, tnrls S aon . Winona 6S . . li'T, Wolverine 73 do nfd Onlarlo At Weat... . S 1 '-4 1 1 ennnylvania . 7t'.IKnnd Mlnca .Il, Reading . Il llo nt ptd . It, I do 2,1 pfd .142.VSiuthern Hallway . IKS.! do pfd . l,ten.. panne . 6 Jtinlon Patlflc . 2t'I do pfd . 614 P. 8. Steel . 4" 1 do pf, .130S Wahaih .ins I do pfd . 15 , IK 7S OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET CV.tla Receipt? Moderate tod Fric$ Held Fully Steady. HOG MARKET VERY SLOW AND LOWER Fairly Liberal Han of Sheep, lint with n lionet Ileum nd Tradlnw Haled Active lth Price tendy on All Desirable tirades. FOFT1I OMAHA, March 2, Receipts were; Cattle. Hess. Hfllci il Mnnd.iy i.41 .4ti.s Ulflclal Tue.day 3.511 K.D'.'i Ulticial Wednesduy S,olo 0.4o 1;4. fclleep. tv.osi H.idS 7.8!'.l . 9.4tO .ls.lltl '.2.471 3,84o .'.4J 1!4.I',I0 a.4n 30. 1 K 5 ;33"9 .9 .3 a.i.7i l'J.8.'.,' ISO. 1.181 Tliree d.iys this week S;ime dins last -.ek.. Hume dnys week before., 14,458 8nme three weeks sno..'l,twj fiinio.. lour, weeks ago.. I.TiM Same .da) s last year. . . .14,ut7 It KC LIFTS FOR THL' ,Y 1CAR - J'4) UATB. 'ifte foliofliny lable 'shows the receipts of cattle, hogs and sheep at. South Omanu for the yeur to dale, with coinparlso'n's will! nisi yeur; 1904. Cattle 14K.5!i5 Hoats 41. 4s Sheep Ul.Zri Averai; urlcts liu OniSna lur tile last several day wutt coin parisuiis- 103. Inc. Dec. 151.818 5,223 4H3.K02 18.Eo Z14.015 10;,ik7 lor IuikS at Si'iitn Uate. mi. iaO3.,19o2.ll)Ol.;i9O0.;Uti3.lSJ8. jot, t? I'VS 1S 1S 4C, 7i ii n '- its S4S Is Xew York Mlnlnu; tluntnt Inn. NKW YORK. March 5 P,,11lI rD tne cmsing; quotattons on mining; stocks: ilnma Con. Alice Ilrrei e onistcV .. . Con. Cat. ft Horn Silver.. Iron Silver Iadvllle Con Little Chief. Vs. .. li .. i) . .148 ,41.1., ..110 . I 7 Assessment paid. Ontario "Phlr PhnenU ....... I'ntnul Savage Sierra Nevada small Hopes .. Standard ,4r,n .4.-,o . . 21 . t4 . bu . IV .til) Metal Market. NKVT YORK. Mnrch o u fc"p i t o tu London market inr tin was - 15s 'lilsrher, frot rl'lnT at 124 2s Kd and futures .rZ4 10s. Locally the mnrket wo a a llitl easier, closing at $J8.0ft?i 28.40. C!opper was tinenansTcd at ."(1 Vm for snot and 55 15s for futures In the I. on, Ton morkei. n.. u was q'.et.. tvlth Inks. Arrrrorvtto arid rast- ins; nil minted et 12it "fil2 .50. Leatl ad vanced la 3d to 11 '7s fid In Ixndon. and the- local mnrket was steaelv at $4.tN 6" Bpelter writs steady at Jo.0MT5.15 locally and Bt 22 ?S fid ill IxndrAV Iron r4,vae.4 of Sd In Olasfrow nnd Bt'MSi 4",d In Middle. bor'MiKh. Icnlly Iron was nnchMn(re1. No. 1 foundry northern Is fnioted Rt $14 75ifTl5Vi No. 2 foundry northern' nt $14 2,"tn4.73, No. 1 foundry sotitliern and No. 1 frvunrtrv southern. ioft,' nt llS.KtfflS.Tr). 8T. LOFTS. March 2. M KTA L9Tjnit firm at $4.424. Pi.eltee Steady at $1.80. Wool Mnrket. HOSTON. March t WOOT-Terrltnrv wools tend to be active. Fulled nnd foreign wools are both firm and steady. The leadlne ountntlons are: Idaho, me dium, ltMil7e: low medium. lTTiiSc. Wv- nlne. fine. Winlhr. henvv fine. 1?.fi14e- me. dlnni. lW.?il!le; low mlddllnn. V3Ti?nc. T'tsh and Nevada, fine. IMiltic: henvv fine ISfi 14c; fine medium. IfiHfJWc: medium. IS-frlsc'! low medium, l!W!?n0. Pokota fine. lG'Tjlfic; fine medium. IO'iITc; 'medium. '.RTilflc; low medium, l!'ti20. Montc.na. medium choice, :friJ0c: averape. ISiVISc; staple, 39(20c; m dlion .-holer J!fr'!0n. RT. IX1IMS. Mnreh 2. WOOL Nomlnnl medium errndes comblns: nnd clnthlnir, l"r ?mc; llurht fine. iSfilTUe; heavy fine, 12ft 14ic; tub washed, 20iiric. Feb. Feb. Feb Feb. FeUi Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb, l''t b, Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Mar. Mar. 13.. .1 4 U9 lu.. 1 I 1 6 fcl, t 2s: 8 fjl 7 6i 1 "J 03 6 72 I 6 271 4 W $ fol $ tW u vi i J Uo 6 7 4 7ui 41 il M 0 U4'4 b i ,8 e .2 - j o., a o, 6 l.Hl 0 U0 4 M 6 2J 4 83 I Kl 6 iMVai ' S, 6 ! Il J0 4 ti 3 iiU ti W I 5 Mi 6 32 4 74 3 47 2 fa 5 27 I b U6i 6 4 tf $ 63i 3 M 6 2-Vil - I . )U, 4 4y, 3 ob $ $1 a l.i-.-j. a S4i 6 961 4 ti o ., - u MSI ti M, 6 M 6 37 3 08 S 79 , o .Jin,. 0 Ul 6 oa, 6 i3 4 60 JM ti Mi, 6 e b 2ti.4 bi a tw, ' 6 HH, 6 On, 6 2N 4 77, 3 04: II t'f a a Ml ti 01 5 22 4 6o 13 til 3 7s 2... 6 IKS,, ti !"S 5 2i 4 bo 3 lii 3 so B 17J 6 13-, Indicates Sunday. 1 i ' The olTlclnl numlK r of. cars -of stock liruuglit in today by ouch roud wms; C, M. & St. F 2 n Wabash 1 Mo. Fncilie K 2 1 Union 1'iicllle .System. 31 24 C. St N. V. Hy 2 F. K. oi M. V. H. It... 2S 23 V., St. 1'., M. & V. Ky 21 3 li. & M. Hy 55 20 C, It. Ut y. Hy...' 2 3 C, H. 1. & F., east.... 2 7 C. U. I. & F., west.. .. 2 Illinois Central 6 Chicago Ureat West.. 1 1 Total receipts l!il 106 SO The disposition of tho day's receipts was as follows, each buyer purchasing the num ber oi head Indicated: ltuyers. Omaha FackitiK Co.. Swift and Company (1'a.tlle. Io(rs. Sheep. Cudahy FackiiisT Co Armour At Co Armour o; Co., S. C... 'ansant & Co Curey Ai Fenton Lobman it Co. McCrearv & Curcy W. 1. Stephen - Hill & llunulnger .... Huston 6c Co Hamilton & Hothchllds L. K. Husz Wolf A; Murnun ....,.. Sol DcKiiu S. & S..... J li. Hoot ei Co Mike HanKt'ity & Co... F F. Iewls Other buyers 624 M5 573 CM) 1.014 l,bf)7 b71 Jh3 1.421 .2,023 l.Slit 117 124 ... is 23 59 1 70 3 ' ... .... 9 ., ... ....i IX , ', ... '.'...MT8f ' 4&T.M "... .... '53 ' ' ... 78 "... " ... 12 282 ' 6 . ....3,707 6,842 6,559 Tolnl , CATTLE There, wus not as large a run of cattle here this morning as waa gener ally uulictpalcd and as a result the market ruled fairly active, with prlceB fully as good as those In force yesterday. Uuyera were out in good season and most every thing desirable was sold In good season There waa considerable uneveness In the market for corn fed steers. Some of the buyers seemed to be anxious for supplies and In unota the orlces they paid looked little higher. Some of the other packers though did not take hold w4th much life ami old not iiuv more than steady prices. The general market could probably be! be described tv calling It steady to strong. As high as $4. So waa paid for a .bunch of kimpm which avernired 1.341 -rvodnds 'rim cow market waa ciuHe wotlve and could also be quoted steady to strong. Tha hetter urades showed the most strength There was not a largo number on eale .and as a result an early clearance was maoe, The same as with beef steers, there was considerable uneveness In the prices paid, so that some sales looked much' better than t hem HulLs were again In small demand and the mnrket was slow, with prices no more than steady. There were quite a number on sale and It took some time for salesmen to rilsnotie of ail tney nau on nann calwes continued In good i,rl,.m nteildv. ' . . i , . , V. I There wan a gouu ununim in m,j ,.i.i nt all decent In tne way n stocaers unu feeders and tne maraei coum aaicu o minted active and fully steady on such kinds, the same as usual were none too active, but still they sold In shout the snme notches they did yesterday Representative saiee: BEEF STEERS, Oils nnd Itosln. NEW YORK. March 2. OILS Cotton seed, quiet: prim- yellow. 39c. Fetrnleiim, steadv: refined. New York. Iv.SK: I'hlla'. delnhin nnd Haltlmore. $h.ro: prime In bulk. (to Turpentine, riulet. Klt4n;3e. ROSIN Quiet : striiined common to nood. $7 25. . OIL CITY, Mnrch 2. OI I fJ Credit hal- snces, $1 77; certltlcates. no bid: shipments, mi. ITS bbls : runs. 101411 bbls.: nvernae. f.9 - SIR bbls.: shipments. Lima. 9 P.tl bMs. : runs. Lima, 77,521 bbls.; average. 4S.070 bbls. :; r. CnHee . Masket. - .'. ' NEW OHK..'-Sc'h.' 2. f(FF':R--7l4 market fcr ftmires "rtii4(iel'st'f:adf'..if an ad vance of o'ljlu TiMnUi.. and closed alUf at fTChanced prices to tfn ndvance of 10 points. Pales were reported of 4fl,(0 bags. inc;udlnjr March at 5 4iMj5.45r; May. S.7tV; June, 6.86c; July. 5.9T,fro nic; Sitember. .20f6 2n-.; 1 e rmlii'', .45fJ'.rV. fkmt Rio, steaxly; No. 7 li.-fke, 6 15-lc; mild, steady; Cordova, 10-.J So. 4a. 7S ... an . . . M a . MS ... T, ... 6, ... 4 ...im .P4V T . St U W. I'nlon Pac. 4a do conv. 4a I' S Steel M Ss. W'absah la do deb. R W U E. 4 Wlsronsln Can. 4a. . colo. r. l I S .li'.'A, . .116 . t' . a; . 70 Hugnr and Molap. NEW YORK, March 2 SI '(JAR Raw, firm; fair refining, 2Ti,il2 9-32e; centrifugal. !1 313 3-32c: lni,la.Hi-H biiKar, 2r'aU 2 l-32c. Refined, (inlet. NEW ORLEANS. March 2.-SrtiAR- Sleady; open kettle, 2V"3 3-b'.c; oiieti kettle centrifugal, 3'n:vV; centrifugal whit", 4'i,c yellows, 3'4'(8 1,1-Ph'; seconds, 2'k'u3 o-IOc Molasses, nominal; open kettle, ayVOc; cen trifugal, lmU5c. Syrup, SiHiist. ftr York Live Stock Market. NKW YORK, March 2-REEVES Re celpts. 2.648 head; market fur steers slow good steers steady to 15c lower; bulls and cows steady to 1 lower: steer. $4 S.'-'t 6.4t; oxen and stags. $4.2.Vn5 4o; bulls. $i.ti '(14.50; cows, $1. land 0; cables unchaiiKfd hlilpments today. K cattle; l,uo sheep and b.MO ouarters or oeei. CALVE Kex-elpts. L149 head; market for good veals trifle firm ami wanted, nil others slow and barely Bteady: vnuia, $1 1 SjS.Ou: choice to extra, $K.26.'us.75: 1 til calves. $3 .fttrfl 5i: barnyard calves, $2 5vr I.OO; cltv dressed veals lower at s'm12c choice. 12Vic: country dressed. 6 ,( KM-jc. SHEEP A NO LAM Hi1 Receipts. 073 bead market slow; lambs full steady; heep. $2 7 it4.H; culls. $2.ti'y-'1.2i, lambs, $5.6uyti. lo culls. $4 b. Hi a IS Receipts. 4,30 head; market slow state and Pennsylvania, hogs, $4 .5o'j5 .75. Ht. I.nul 1.1 e Mock Market. fT. I.OF1S. March 2 4'ATTLE Receipts 4.5i head, including 1.7'i Texans; market active and generally higher; native shli pers nnil e-irt ateers, $'( .2.""i5 2o; dressed beef and butcher jtfeers. $4.u43.it; steers under l.l" sninds, $': Kiu4.s5; sta kers and feeders. $2 Si3.'; cows and heifwrs, V-'S.i' 4.25; canners. $2.TT,'ti"2.5i; bulls. $2.5t 'n3..i; calves. $3.tKii7 1"; Tex and Indian steers. $3 . lifj 4 40; cows and heifers, $2.1i")fJ.25. H HJS Receipt. s.!iiai head; market on all but good hogs and lights, lower: piss and lights. $.7M;5 .lo; packers. t,.H'rjjfc; butcher and U-et heavy. $5 3i mi 5 66. SHEEP AMI I .A MBS Rerulpts, S.S head: market slow: nutlve muttons. $4 ", 4 25: lambs. $4 5t"'r' : cu'is and bucks, $2.25 442S; stockors. $2.0i33.00. demand, Veal with Ex-lnt. Offered. Ex-lnt, offered. Korelaa Flaaarlal. LONDON. March t Supplies! of, money were smaller than anticipated on the mar ket today and rates stiffened for money and discount. Trading- was quiet and gvn eraltv more cheerful. Consols mere slightly Bartor. aimasicaua opened Irregular axid Slonx City Lira Mtuek Market. 8IOI X CITY. la.. March t.f Special Tel egram ) CATTLE Receipts. l.t head; market strong. Beeves. H.UUrt 50; cows, bulls and mixed. $2 5t"u3 40; stockers and feeders, tS'K'ui.ii caJvts and yearlltigs, $2 TrtiS 50. HOOS Receipts 4 r head: iio lssr, $4 70o.2u; bulk, 5.0otu6.UW No. ... ... 15... 4... II... T... 14.., 12.., 17.., 1... 1... $.. 1.-, I... f... 14.., (,.. 16.., !.. I.. 1!.. 10.. m . t:. I . 1 . J . It.. 14.. .. 11.. 4. . 42.. 2 . 10.. IS.. 4.. 10.. 1... 1 ... 1... 1... I. .. 1... 1... I .. 1... 1 .. 1... $... 1... 1... 1... I... 4 .. I... S... II. .. I... 1... I... 1.. 1... 1... 1 .. 10 .. 4 . . ., I 1 ... I . .. 4.. 1 . 1.. 1 . M.. (.. 1',. . M . ( . 10.. 1 . II. . 1 . . 11.. t . I . I . .. t.. 1 . IT.. I . I . i Av. Pr. No. AT. Tr 1115 1 0 4 i...10l ltfl k,i s on 1 mIIM 4 0 . ... '-0 1 0 1 8 4 00 1.15 111 4 11M -4 no J',0 S 40 114 4 00 24 1 40 tO 1144 4 00 1(H5 I SO 1111 4 00 . ... 960 t no 1031 4 00 41 I 60 M lit 4 00 1100 1 0 1 11V 4 00 1140 t 60 4 1141 4 00 RH8 1 0 1... 1OJ0 3 60 ... 75 0 IK... 070 1 0 4S... H.-.l 3 B . . . r, 8 M ... In 1 U, T... W',7 8 75 14 ... 1071 3 75 40... ....1000 I "5 20... 1075 75 to... t ' - lt -.V. !2 ... 1125 I if... lJ 1 0 44... 1180 8 M. ti-, 1170 8 0 4..'. losi 3 0 S5..T PWl 8 0 17... 1014 1 0 14... 1015 8 10 11... 114 $ W 13... 107:1 s nr. 4... 10M I 5 22... MIT 1 10 20... 112.-, 3 0 21... ft, io 1 90 BTEER8 AND HEIFERS. ion a no ii H74 1017 3 0 1 1H4 1 1" a (to STEERS AND COW8 4 00 , 4 10 4 10 4 10 4 10 4 10 4 15 4 15 4 15 4 16 4 15 4 20 1171 TK4 1124 lost 10M 1041 1376 1126 1141 HUT 1170 .a..eJ402 ...,,1241. 4 25 1 1 b I 4 zn mi 4 IS ..tlltfc, 4.35 . . .lr.f.n ' 4 so ' ..'....120f 4 M 1172 1J7 1370 1171 l:i 1434 llli 1141 4 96 4 16 4 40 4 60 4 n 4 00 4 70 4 K5 4 20 4 30 .MI9 101 . 7 . 730 . 40 . 720 .I'f.'l . 2' . 1MI . W . 7HO .1140 .12"0 . 9S0 .lnt6 . 0 . 70 . .inoo , . t,6 , . .. ..1110 .. 72 ..1-K) . .l'0 . . 1H1 . tilt . .orl . .100 . .1041 . . "t! . . 7 . nil . .110 . V4! . ,l"XO .. 11 .. 40 ..1220 .. .. r,5 .. tf.l .. .. 7 ..KI20 . .10 .1270 .. ft .. tw .. 424 .. W1 .. 414 .. 545 .. 7 ... '0 ... 714 ...1411 ...100 .1411 ...1140 ...14 ...liM 3 4'l 3 ) 4 00 H 17. I1t .1104 4 05 4 25 COWS. 1 75 1 75 3 0.1 1 00 1 no 3 00 2 00 i 25 3 26 1 15 2 25 2 25 1 25 3 2 27 3 25 I ts 3 35 3 40 3 40 3 44 3 45 8 (0 3 60 3 50 1 50 3 50 3 60 2 o 2 65 2 10 1 16 2 75 I 75 3 71 3 75 3 76 1 as 3 15 3 16 t 16 3 St 8 K 8 00 8 on 1 1 1. 22 14., 17. 14. 1 I I. .. ... 1... f... 16... 67... IT... 15... 21 .. 14 .. II. .. 1 .. I... 1 . 1 ., . 4 ... I... 1.. I . t.. . 4.. 14 t.. t . I. . 4 . 7.. to.. 1. . 13.. II. . 4.. 7.. HEIFERS. t no 3 10 8 10 3 U 8 M I 40 I 66 I It I 3. 11. ..1270 . . ft 60 .. 630 . .1"25 ..lo67 .. 6 ..losi 71 1141 1200 1355 MM ...1151 .... 11 1036 ....101 I 1211 1057 1021 ....1130 ..,.1121 lino 110 , ....M'2 nil m 1170 1 350 r 1150 1077 105 1 1 SHi mi 1120 1250 13'4 1137 13U 1IU n-i m:T 1160 11 imp 4 610 Ill 744 ISO 7l IftO 3 00 8 00 I 00 1 00 I 00 I no I oo I 06 $ 10 I 10 I 10 3 10 I to I 16 $ 16 I 15 I 16 I 10 I :o 8 to 3 16 3 15 8 26 I 25 8 25 3 25 8 26 8 26 I 21 I "5 3 25 I 24 I rt 8 26 8 25 8 10 a io 1 Kl 3 16 3 16 5 I 86 I 40 I 40 I 45 $46 9 76 I 16 I 10 I It) I 10 I 15 I 16 BULLS. I 40 I 60 I 65 I 6 I 65 I Tf I ... 1 a 1.. $., .. 170 ,.lf20 . .H0 .1740' . . laao ..1W) I no on I 10 I 1) I '( I I... i . . 1... 1... 1... 1... I... 1 .. 1... .14.-0 .100 . 1 I 70 If 70 . 2 ", I 0O i 26 140 . 120 STOCKEUS 4.: i 2 v.', ;. 'ALVES. ,i:o i i, . ;.K5 . 17S0 3 TV, J .15 3 .V. 750 "0 '7 614 a, mi '4 s : 8 4o 8 40 1 4.-. i 3 f.o 3 50 4.0 1 no 3 x, AND II lo. II. 2 'feeders'! V,4 l"t 3 o 3 r,o 3 -l .1 77. SM 3 6.'5 4 oo rxcclve run but ewinir to t lie provision ' lov. Fuckers and salesmen ' ti !!r4.2T.: Trxss clipped crllnB. hi', Mmki'rs nnd In del. $2. 75)14.2." $4..vf It. 1fH4pll ST. JOSI I'll. ills ceiplsi. 1.7:;i h I'lgller: tvitlve" ei s. $1 V,. 7": ' ti eil.-rs. :' -i I . , I II M '.S lice, lpl. lower; licht. $1 V- i'"i SIIEEl' AND hi lid ; lll.l rket ste:n $. .'Jo: wethers, $1 0. l.,c luwir. I.De stork Market. March 2 CATTLE Ue il; mnrket strong to I'M f : V.-.J.. 4". cow and helf- $1 iki0.i; stivkcrs nnd head: market 1'o medium anil heavy, .". i; LA MRS l!eiclts, J.520 v to !" lower; purling, ; encs, $4..V; lambs, lt 7 7vH 1 ao III MIS There was not mi of hog here this- morning, the. uncertain condition of market tnnling opened very Were sfrald to take holil were nlsn rather timid nbont cuttlni; loose. nen me provision market did open, though, prices continued their downward course. The hog market here iueneil ubont nickel lower, but ss the mornine o.l. vnnced the situation grew worse rather than better add the general mnrket could be quoted as fSwlne lower. The- bulk of the i mennim ti gorxr.w-j Ight hngsold from $r,.nii ti$46 -siid. shlph'-a. tr.i wil. p,i,i for a prime loud walglilngi 31V- pound.' The llfefit tuf$. was pnrtlctilurlv hard to- dispose of and tivlorts Varfg'ed from 4 HP flown. If wns la ti-' before even the bulk of the lino- oisposen oi ami at noon there wen good many In first hands. Representative sales: No. Av.- Sh. Tr. 7 a. sh. Pf. . 164 '.. 4 75 4' 121 4 6 10 5 167 .. 4 75 27. Ill Ml t. 10 1 171 .. 4 M (4 t."4 40 5 lo 77 1st 10 4 ft". M .221 . . 6 10 75 o7 ... 4 15 5ft 214 80 f, 10 77. ..201 .. 4 7l, 71 246 .. 6 10 II 101 .. 4 17', 64 2o5 40 5 10 2 201 .. 4 r,7 J7I ton 6 12U. 64 .Ml .. 6 00 tf. 21.1 40 6 .", t'-7 .. S 00 It) 324 tip 6 ll't. 71 ti K0 6 00 61 "!,ft 10 o 1"ij 41 2"2 .. a i 72 27,1 . . 5 j. 40 tft .. $ 00 76 17.7 40 6 121, 19 2" .. 6 (V) 64 217 40 6 12' 7: lftft .. t 00 II ...263 .. r, tr. 41 220 40 5 02i In j:m . . 5 ,s 6 13.1 ISO 6 06 f,4 ;.,7 60 5 l;, M 220 210 tor, 62 210 .. 6 15 4" 224 40 III) 45 2(9 120 5 r, 27 M Ml 6 05 71 Jls (0 6 15 12 Ill .. 5 05 . 11 27,4 : . 6 tr. 3 222 .. 6 06 72 212 .. 5 r, S7.. 214 .. 6 05 H 2o .. 6 li 14.. ..1. . 200 .. 6 06 67 :..J.1 .. 6 5 79 219 . . 6 0714 41, '.'!.-, 40 5 15 65 221 .. 6 0714 f,4 22 . ,", i;ii ' 2" .. 6 071, r 270 40 6 17'i W 231 .. 6 10 61 fft5 .. f, 1711 77 221 l?n 5 10 7.1 40 6 171, 71 113 40 6 10 Sfi 2H4 120 t, "0 64 112 .. 6 10 62 214 40 5 20 "0 213 .. 6 10 . 71 scj . . 6 ;.) 6 211 40 f. 10 41 291 160 f, 27, 74 210 .. 6 10 64 311 .. 5 30 4o 244 40 5 10 SHEEP Hecelnls were falrlv liberal thli morning, but the demand WHs'eiii0l to the occasion und the market r.iUd active ami leitdy on nil desirable grades. Hiivers were out in .good seuwo. a,, everything at a'l desirable changed hands about as last as offered. Common stuff wnn not quite so brisk as the better grades, but still even those sold without much difficulty ut steadv prices. M or lean wether sold as high as $4.40. Mexican ewes at $1.00 and Mexican lnmbs brought $."..50. For the week to date the market tm goixl to choice grade I but Wtle different from the close of last week. Inferior grades may be a trltlo lower, hut still a dime would cover the decline In prnctlcallv all cases. Considering the Mb. eral receipts, pot only nt this market but nt otner points as well, tho gelling Interests are well pleased with the wav nrlces have held up. Vunlatlons for corn fed r-'ock: Choice western lnmbs. $r.u04t.'.7; fair to good Inmhs. $j.(V((r. ..Til; good to choice Mexican yearling,-$4. 754V5 10: good to choice western ve n lings; $4 r-tif1.75; fair to good yenrllne;, $4.2oi7W.riO; good to choice v ethers. 14. ill 4i4.50; fair to good wethers, $'1.7f',?4.00; good to choice ewes. $n.C.fi 4.10: fair to nood ewes, xa.tiO'ia.so. ifepi-esentatlve sn'es: 1 weetern buck 20 western cull ewes .... 300 western bucks , 50 wMuern bucks iO western ewes 3 w'estern culls 6 wrstera twes ...'. 362 wcsfeith ewes 1 western ewe. 121 western ewes ,. 411 western ewes 440 western ewesi 4 wentern culls 3T9 western ewes 54 western ewes 30 western lambs 7.1 western foiler lambs 35 western cull lambs .. 2 western wethers 14 western wethers ;24 Mexican welhers 13 western yearlings .... 21 western yearlings .... 3 western lambs 91 western lambs 2'0 w'estern jenrllngs .... 250 western yearlings .... .7i western lambs . 2!1 western lambs 3 weatern lambs .20 western lambs ........ 13fl western lambs 449 westwn lambs 50 cull lambs 303 western ewes 113 western ewes 410 western eves 513 western lambs .170 1K 102 102 , 3. SO !ttl ...... 9S 107 107 112 115 luo 110 120 57 54 51 115 100 92 09 fix 03 00 SO -. fill , 1H 74 S3 K5 63 63 96 97 123 101 75 2 50 2 50 2 00 2 00 2 75 3 00 3 50 3 Bit 3 5 ' 3 90 3 90 5 90 4 Oi 4 i) 4 00 4 00 4 00 4 00 4 00 4 25 4 40 4 50 4 50 4 50 4 70 4 70 4 75 4 75 R 00 5 15 r 15 5 50 5 60 2 75 00 3 90 3 90 4 75 , Stork in Mailt. Fallowing -are the receipts of live stock for the Ijc principal western cities yes terday Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. South Omaha 3,510 .4"fl 7.KW Chicago 17,nl 2. "an SO.oon Kaneas City B.ooo 9.T.") 4,i"K St. Louis 4.5"0 H.5KO 3,50(1 Bt. Joseph 1,731 4.237 2,524' Sioux City 1,hhI 4,im0 Total 32.741 60,613 37.919 CHICAGO 1.IVK 8TK K MAHK.KT. Prices for Cattle Klrong to Ten Cent Hlliher, 'While Hog Are Lower, CHICAOO, March 2 CATTLE Receipts, 17.000 head; market strong to 10o higher; good to prime steers. $S.OOO"ifi.95; poor to medium. $3.50fu4.90; stockers and feeder. $2.5ofl4.25: rows, $1.501i4.U0; . hellers. 4J2.001 4. 60-; eonners. $1.50f12.50; Dill's. $2.00oi4.15: calves, t3.0Ofj6.S0; Texas fed steers, tl.Wit 4.75. HOOS Receipts, 2S.0O0 hal; estimated to morrow, 80,000 head; market mostly I'm lower: mixed .and butrhers. $5. Ie0i5.5"; good to choice heavy, t5.4noy6.ofi; rough heavy, $5.2rvri3 4o; light, $4.6Wi5.2o; bulk of sales, $5.15(35.40. . SHEEP AND LAMPS Receipt . 20.000 head: market steady to strong: In mini, e'ewl ypsrood to choice wethers. $4 2T'(4.75: fair Ito Vhrtrl-e mlx-d. $3.Sm!M.-J5: western stfeep, $2,7544.75; native lambs. $4.5of6.70; wefern lambs, t4.750i3.7O. OUlclal yester day: , . " ; . . . . , - i. . Receipts. Shipments. Cttlef :.. 4.C5H 3.112 Hog 17.1S4 7.41.1 Sheep 8,615 4.919 Kansas City Live Mtoek Mnrket. KANSAS CITY. March 2. 4'ATTLE Re ceipts, 5.000 head. Including 5ti southerns; market li"ijl5c higher; all tpiotailons 1i",i Ific higher; export and dressed bw.f steers, $4 finio.40; fair to good. $1 IMri.Sii; western fed steers, 13 .W4.6: stockers and feeders, 13 00014.30: southern steers, $V5(V'i4.1'i: south ern cows. $2 4(K3 25: native cows, $2 0iii4 .mi; native heifers. $3.2D4.S"; bulls, xs.mKir4.tju, celves. $3 fHKii4Von. IKHSS Reeelnt. 9. "00 head; market 10, lower; top. $5 3TH: bulk of sn'es. $4 9niif. .30; heavy, $o.2'fi5.3T': packers, $r,.nirr,.:t(i; pig and light, $4 . 2ai . l". SHEEP AND LAMMS- Receipts, tor head; market steady; nailew lambs, $5."",i 5 75; western lambs, t''.0"l?i5.7i; fed ewes. fc; pan, can, OIHIIt Y4 IM)I,K14I K M IRKl'T, I'nnilltlon of Trnrte nnd Itnotntlons on tnple nnil Faney lro4luee. F.tUiS-Receipt, more liberal; market weaker; fresh stork. IP4C LIVE Ft H l.TUY Hens. P'jc; young roost eis. Mi'.v. -old roosters. 6c; turkeys, 13-i 14c; dorks, Ji,c; g. t se. Sc. DRI:SSED Ft 11 I ,T It Y- Tut key, 1Ci17c; ducks. 1 l',i 12c; geese, 10c: chickens. V'Vii lie. I'.I'TTER-Facklng stock. 13c: choice to fancv ilairx rolls. I3nl4c; separator, 23c. FRESH FletH -trout. 9Vil0c; pickerel, nVutic: pike. 9c; perch., ti ii'4jt' : bluetlsh, 15c; whit. 'fish. K'rt 9c ;; salmon, lie: haddock, bh ; rodltsji, 12c; redsnnpper, 11c: lobsters, boiled, per lb , J'.V: lobsters, green, per lb., 3(-. bullhiSils. lie; catllsti, lS'altcj black tmss. 2hi : halibut. 10c; crapple. 12c; her ring. 44c: white buss. 1.1c; Pluellnlj smelt, tortile. OYSTERS New York Counts, per 43c: per gal, $2 00; extra select, per 3.M-; per gal., $1 W; standard, per can, 2ic; p,-r gal.. ! 50 .. 111! N l'.T "on. $15 50. HAY Prices ipioti d bv Omaha TVholesnla 'tealers' i.Kt-o'la tlon: Choice No. 1 upland, t'l.od; No 2. $0 mi ilium, $"5; cosrse. 13. 00; rve straw. $5.00. These prices are fornix- of good color nnd Quality. Demand fair and receipts light. VECi ETAHLKS. FOTATOES-Colorado, $l.t)0; Dakota, per bu . $1 on; liHllvcs, 85c. SWEET POTATOES Muscatine, per bW., $3 w. NAVY HE A NS-Per bu.. $2 2T.fl2.35. CELERY Largo California, two, 75c and lee. 0NH1NS Spanish, per crate, $1 90; Colo rado vellow and red. per lb., 24r(i2-4C. CAF.IlAtiE-Wisconsin Holland, 3c; new California. 3c. 11 UN I I'S- Canada, rutababas, per lb., l'4c: whin-, per bu., life. CA Rltti l S -Per bu.. $1 .00. P.MiSMI'S Per bu.. 00c. PEETS- Per bn.. One. CAt 'LIFlAiWEK Cullfornln, per crate, HmCFMRERS-Per dox.,' $1.251i1.50. TDM ATOES-Florlda, per 6-basket crate, $4 5001.1.1111. RADISHES Per doz. bunches, 35c. Ll-JTTl'CE 1 1 EADS- Per dog. bunches, 0o ciJI tin; per bbl.. $7.00; 'eaf lettuce, per dox. bunches. !"". "TliMI'H -Southern, per iloi.t 75c. IIIOETS Soiiiliern per doa., i5c. CXRliO'l'S-Southcrn, per do., 75c. PARSLEY - Southern, per doz., $1.00. FltllTS. APPLES- California Ilellflowers, per box, 1 77,- New Votk exnort C.recnlngs, Russets and tnl.lwlns. $4.00. CRANHERHIES l.-fsey. per bbl,. $T00; per box J2.5o; W isconsin Hell and Bugle, $7 50; Fell nnd Cherry, $6.M. 1 5 RAPES Imported Malagas, , per keg, $7 to STHAYVHEHHIES Florida, per qt.( TROPICAL FR1IT3. ORAKtlW-Novels, nil sizes, choice. 112 25: .iincv, nil sizes. 12.20'fK.DU. ElOMONS 4'ailforni 1, fancy, 300 to $.1,511; choice. 240 to 2i0 tl7.es, $3,007(1 J. "26. jier n"io S-crnwn, EOc. $2.15 $0. nrtons, R5e; :4c; 5-crown, i.-KIS 1 'allfornla, Imported Smyrna, '.(','; i-crown. loc. HAN ANAS Per medium r.lzod bunch, f owii'.!.50: .lumbos, t2.7ntf3.2R. DATES Persian, per box of 30 pkg. C'joo; per lb. In 60-lh. boxes, Dc; Oriental Muffed dates, tier box. $2 40. ii'Ot'OANl'TS-Fcr. pack. $4.00; per 4J01., f'"r'' M1SCEL1-ANEOVS. CHEFSE Wisconsin twins, full eresm, I2r; " VVIsviuislii Y'oung Americas, 1flc block. S? Iss. 10c; n isconsln brick, 13c; Wisconsin .imburger. 12c 7.K1NEY Nebraska, per 24 frame, $3.00; Vtnh nnd Colorado, per 24 frames, n.w. MAPLE SI CAR tihlo, per in., inc. CIDEH--I'er bbl.. H5.R0; per H hid., $S.!r. HORSERADISH Per case of 2 dot., packed, soc. tllOI'.rt -o. 1 green, tie; 10. & green, oc; No. 1 sailed. 7c; No. 2 salted, 6.': No, 1 veal calf. S to 12 lbs., 8Vkc; No. 2 veal calf, 13 lo 15 lbs., OHc; dry salted hides, iff12c; sheep pelts. 25'(i75c; horse hide. $1.50f('2.50. M TH Walnuts. n. sort sneii, per in., 5c; hard shell, per lb., 14o; No. S soft shelt. per lb., 13c; No. 2 hard shell, per in., I2r; Hraxlls, per lb., lie; ninorr. per 10., lie; plmonds. soft shell,, per lb., 15c; harrl shell, per lb., 13c; pecans, large, per lb., 12c: small, per 11)., 10c: peanuts, per lb.. 6c; feasted pennuts, rer.'.b., Fc; Chill wal nut", 12fi13W.c: large hlckorv nuts, per tm.. $1.50; ehell iisrVh rter bu., $100; Yilack wal nuts, ier liu., $1.25. flF.il. K1TATR DEEtiM filed for record March 1, 1904, as ftirnlshed for The He by tho Midland Guarantee and Trust company, bonded alwtrat:ter. liill Karnam street: James Comer and wife to Oeorge V. Coleman, lots 5 and 6, block It. Red ford Place t 1,500 Jacob Newman anil wife to Leopold I latin, part lot 12, subdivision of s",. block 13, Hoed's First addition.. S.tXO Maria It. Johnson and husband to the , Ityroii Ri'd company, part lot 13, subdivision of sVi block 12, Reed's First udditlon 1 Thoinaa Q. Harrison, guardian, to (Irant v. Cleveland, lots 32 and 33, block 4, Campbell s addition 150 Eminellne E. W'luspciir et a!, to Wil Hum Markmnun, se1 ne'i and nv4 s.i,. and st ae'4 25-16-11 12,800 Christian Kiu-bler to Christian Hol- stoln, lot 3, blin k 8, village or Mil lard 630 Marv A. McLaln and husbtuid to liar nest Frisk, lot ' 16. block 15, Shull'e Second addition 1,700 Clementine liiown, et al to Carleton S. Shepard, lot 6, block 6, Kountze l'lae ; LOW F ter iKa-rner and wife to Katherlno Ketta!. et al., pert of lot 15, block 2, Campbell's addition 600 peter J. McHulre and wife to George (1. Winston, part of lot 2, block 16, E. V. Smith's addition 1,000 Sheriff to John C Havomeyer. part lot 12, block 6. Routines Third addi tion : U70 Hratriehorough Savings bank to Itlaic.h Doherty, lot 54. Nelaon'a addltlbn l.0 CL0. A. ADAMS GRAIN CO. Grain, Provisions & Stocks. Members Omaha Grain Exchange, Chlcngo Hoard of Trade and other exchanges. . Correspondents Partlett. F'azler A Currlcgion. 2 IS Bosrd ol Trsde Bld'g. Omaha. Updike Commission Co., GRAIN AND PROVISIONS. Riudncss huiullol promptly in all murkots. Ofllce, 553 iiee Dulldlng, Telephone 2456. tl. W. VPD1KE. MANAOER. FOUR POINTS FOR TRADERS WHEN YOU TRADE IN GRAIN, PROVISIONS, STOCKS PLACE YOUR ORDERS WITH nnr commission Jf WT Um 777. INCORPORATED. Capita! and Surplus, $603,000.00. General Offices: N. Y. Life Bldg., Minneapolis. IOCeT CIDVIPC Moat reliable market Information. Larraal DtO I wbllllUia prlvalo wire ayalvni in Aincriva. 2WC fMIIDtUTCC to execute your order if the market Ilk UUAllAII I EC reaches liie price wliicn you act. W(iarjr NO IMtKtsr for carrying long slocks, 3. MARGINS REQUIRED lt&Kr&&,&V'''M, A DtrCDSIIPtTC 176 National and Stat Bank; 15 Branch ' 1 llkl klls.il Via,! THE CO orrtcea. CUAHA BRANCH 1618 firoan St., Tel. 3467. . TKOS. M. WADQICK, Cor. N. B.-W. Issue earh week sn exhaustive review of the markets anil the moat accurate (grecsutt of future movemscts. . Free at any of our uffloea. n A