THE OMAHA DAILY DEE: WEDNESDAY, MAKCTT 2. 1904. k: .GRAIN AJ.D PRODUCE MARKET Profenionali' View of Deo'lns Comet Tru Witkoat Much Delay. NO MORE DOLLAR WHEAT AT PRESENT Uqataatlon hr Manipulator Held Responsible for "lamp, Vhlrh However, la Iltatardrd aa Sot Permanent. Omaha, March 1. 1904. Dollar wheat no mure. The expectation of the professionals that th market would (all of sufficient support to keep up the hlgri jirlces, htut bn snown to have Ixvii well arounded and aftrr the lwar exhibition of Jl'irulHy. the market opened from 1 to II cent lower this morning and broke con tinually. LKjuiilntlun by the great mani pulators, la thought to be the Immediate cause of the slump, these having taken their profits and lei I the outsldara to hold the options, 'rtifeloiisls there are, low aver. In number, who bellve the bearish condition will be of no long, standing and that the war and crop situations warrant continued higher prices. These are buying on the breaks. Chicago, May wheat opened with a spread of only Vtj cent, showing the market to have been, wild, than at the Monday opening, from Il.ol. It broke to Wtc. i'lTe ruling quotation was Mfc and the market rallied from that figure onre to a and one c. Omaha, May opened at fWc, to lo lower than Monday's close, and broke to 84Vtc. On bids It rallied to 84c. July wheat opened only 'Ac under Monday, close broke to Sue, a loss of lc. and later rallied a little. Chicago weakened from 83c to 82Vc. Corn howed equal weaKneas. Omaha, May opened at 4Se (Monday close 47c) declined to &HJ and later was bid up to ihtc. Chicago opened weak at hio and lost lc during the morning. Another poor cash market. Chicago was off and the local market followed natVnal condition. The benr movement In futures continued to react on caxh grain. Tb wheat situation waa thought not to bo so good as Monday. More grain seems to be coming Into other markets. Omaha market was off lo from Monday. Receipts of wheat were i cars In and cars out; one week ago, 8 and 4 cars. Corn Is holding Its own and the Omaha market Is fully as llrm If not a shade bet ter than Chicago. This is due n a local omand by feeders and a!io buying by ele vators. The latter are apparently loading tip, for very little of the grain racelved and Inspected finds Its way by sample to the ex change floor. Cash corn was rather firm at Monday's price. Receipts were SI cars In and 10 cars out; one week ago, U and 31 cars. Pales of carlota by sample on track at vmanai SrniS.ZO; straights, S4.4O4i4.i0; baketn, $3 5 rKUVJBlONh Mess pirk. per nm., l.ti 4 7i. Ijitd. ter lw Ilia.. K.inaiX1 Bnort be sides (louse). S7 .2f.ti7.ilT4. Bhort clear Ides I boned), ',.r.fr7.B7Vt. K.linwing ate the receipts and shipments r rionr a. .a grain; Articles. lour, bids Wheat, bu rn. bu Oats, liu ye. bu arley, bu...,. 46 46 81 ' 46 S44 804 St 4ou 40tf S4B 8011 46 4&H 7H 82H 47 46 404 424 40 40V 41 Ho; No, S 1 car; 36c. . Onen. Hlah. Low. Today, lion. w neat- May 864 July A 61 orn May July .... Oats- May .. 42 42 July 404 404 Mixed Corn No. 3, 6 cars, yellow. 1 car. 424c: no grade. Oats were steady at Monday prices and receipts were 3 cars In and 6 tears out; una week ago, I and ( cars. WHEAT No. 1 hard, R54ff90c: No. 8 hard, l2HrWlc: No. 4 hard. i3a80-: No, t sprlug. 86H4ji9c; No. t spring. BH'GWc; No. 4 spring. 72tU78c. COKN-No. J, 430430; No. I. 4Tff414c; ro. 4, 408140; No. 3 yellow, 4tf34c; No. yellow, 4142e: No. t white, 43y43Vc; No. 8 white, 414420. oats-no. 2, Ifvas; No. . xwmte; No. 4, 864'a64c: No. i white, 4?Vdc; No. white. .,i-41c; No. 4 white, 394uc; stand ard, 414c. . , Kotes from the Esehanare Offices. Omsha Inspections of train were H cars. Of wheat, I cars grnded No. 3 hard winter ana x cars no. 4 hard winter, or corn, 3 cars graded No. 2. 15 cars No. 8 and 15 cars No. 4. - Of oats, 1 car graded No. 8 white and 12 ears No. 4 white. Two cars of-fye graded No. 2, and 1 car of barley INO. 0. v . Grain Markets Elsewhere. Closing prices of grain Monday and today at ins mantels nanua were aa ioiiows. KANSAS C1TT Wheat May July Corn May , ... July NhJW vuhk okm:hal siahkk r. notations of the Day on Varloas Commodities. NEW YORK. March 1. FIXJL R Re ceipts, 25,jO boH.; exports, lu.itw bob., Lately tuaiy; Minntiia uyiieun, .r. Minneeotit MKrri, n.jitii.iv, wunc. paiunis,; winter extra, m o u", inter low' grades, j.i;.u..ij. huui. uiet; fair to good, .S"tJ 1.00; cnolce 10 incy, 4 WXB4.90. iiuckwiiBdii nour, weaa, '..ot'Ul.W. cuiisAlKAl. Dull: yellow western. 11.124; city, 1.11'4; kiln dried, rilbUiA. iiAitl.r. t uulei; leeouig, tx-c, c. 1. r., New Yotk; malting, b.ijtkc, c. I. f., Huffal). KVK-Kaejl iso. i western, oc, to arrive. WHISA 1' Receipts, l.lkiO liu.;, easy; No. t red, Sl.uT elevator and I. o. ulloat; iso. 1 tiottnein liulutn, lt94 o. b . afloat: No. 1 hard Manitoba, nom inal, f. o. b., afloat, opllnns opened lower on disappointing cables, 'the closo was tin- tiled at a net .decline lit 2'cuMiC. May. I .oivtfl.ux, closed at 11.014; July, Ii'4ii!i94c, clos-d lit Vi'Vm Hepteiiioer, 68 lo-lixa. loKed at bva. CORN Receipt. S9.T75 bu.: exports. 153.- O bu.: srait. easy; No. 2. 62c elevator nnd 54c' f. o. b., alloat; No. 2 yellow, 5sc; No. white, u4c. Option market opened easy nd lower. The. close was easy at 'ulkc et lower. Miiy, MMi4lV:, closed at ttiVo; uly closed at 6H4c. 1 OATS Receltits. h7.o00 bu. : export. 4.325 bu.; spot, easy; No. 2, 55c; standard white. c: iso. i white, 61c; No. 3 wnite, 614c HAY Unlet: shlnulna. 6utu'7ac: Rood to choice, Uucfrll.06. HOI'S Unlet: state, common to choice. liKfl crop, 311380: 1902 crop, 22R": olds, 10 16c; l'nrlfic coast, 1(I3 crop, 27&34e; 19"2 rop. 24ip27c; olds, lofcloc. IUHKS-Firm: Oalveston. 2(1 to 25 lbs.. 18c; California, 21 to 35 lbs., life; Texas dry. 1 to jii ins., 14c. RICK SteaAr: domestic, fair to extra, 34 4c; Japan, nominal. TALIOW Steady ;Klty 1 12 per pkg.J, 54o; onnrry (pugs, free), 6VfioVc. f KAM. in Firm: fsncy hand-picked. 4c; othe.r domestic, 3l'4c. l.RATHKR Firm; scld, 2:ff2Sc. wool, Firm: domestic fleece. 2Ra,32e. PROVISIONS-Beef. firm: family. I11.R0 1260; mess. I90O&9.5O; beef hams, 120.50 22.00; packet, I10.ocf 11.50; city extra India mess. 11(1 otKi'lS 110. Cut meats, firm: rjlckled bellies. n.504j2R: pickled shoulders. MOO: pickled hams, Iin.OOS 11.00. Lrfird. easy; west ern steamed, $8.00; refined, easy; continent, $8.00; South America. $8.75; compound, 67n 7c per lb. Pork, easy; short clear, $15.50i 17.00; mess, $lfl 6t"ffl7.00. BUTTERr Firm ; fresh creamery, 15ffllGc; stste dnlry, 14622c. CHEESE Firm; state full cream, fancy, large and small, colored snd white, Sep- ember. 12c; late made, loc. F.OOfl Steady: western firsts, 2040. 101TLTRY Alive, steady; western chick ens, 12c; fowls, 134c; turkeys, 15c. Dressed, easy; western chickens, l2415c; fowls, 12 tfuc; turkeys,l7nnc. Today. Monday Whi.ii t Way ... Juiy ..1 Jinv- May ... July ... Wheel May ... Jui .1. Wheat- May ... July ... NVheat ' May .. July ... BT. LOUia 834k M4 47 MINNEAPOOa. 94 A 8THA 474B 8O4A 49 511 DUL.UTU. NEW YORK. 9 974 004 $1.01 8 I1.03H 94 , CHICAGO GRtl.1 AMD PHOVI9IONB. Kajiturra of the Trading and Closing Trices on Board of Trade. CHICAOO. March I. A decline !n foreign grain markets and increased primary re ceipts knocked 4c, from the price of May wheat today. UquJdallon spread to the frovlalon pit and resulted In a break. of 74o In the price of May pork. Closing sricea showed a loss for May wheat of 3'ic. compared with last night. July la down XHHW. May corn is off Zc, outs Zk1i'.:4c d provisions 424c to 874a Ixiwer prices In all foreign grain markets caused a weak opening. May belmr Wale. lower at $1,004 and Jul' down Mi'o at W4o. A dvemtse of nearly 3.on,oou bushels lit tne worlds available stocks had steadying' Influence for a tlin. During the Inst halt hour of trading, however, heavv selling again set in and the market broke violently. May dropped to 904c, a decline of 4c from the high point of the day. July ' fell io to 914c. A slight recovery followed on buying by shorts, but the cloee was weak, with May at c. July closed a 10 Clearances of wheat and flour were euual to M).0)u bushels. Prima rv receipts were 711.UU0 bushels, aguinet 391,600 bushels a year ago. Minneapolis, uulutn and Chicago reported receipts of 402 care, compared with w curs iasi weea ana at cars a year ago. Corn declined with' wheat, the market being without support. May openad Hi4o lower at 5tiSn and after selling up to soko me price prose 10 Mtc late In th day, closing at 544c. July ranged ttween tao ana t o ana ciosd a'uA; lower a Jo. Local reuelpts were 4M cars, 7 of Contract grade. mere waa a severe break In oats. rape. many in in stay aauvery. in break wtt ao snaro mat stop-loss orders were ex cuted In large nuniWri and these added to the demoralised state of the market. The Close was weak and near the bottom. Afte opening MjSc to Ht4c lower at 441 444c May sold between 41o and 444c, closing at 4ic. . July closed IV4C, lower at 394c Local receipts were cars. in hog products all lists showed sharp nreasa. stay .pora, nowever, was espe cially weak and declined 874c for the day in hogs at The cloee was practically at the bottom With May poik at $14.50, after It had sol. between 114 hi and 115 11. Ijld cloaed 4U lomer at $7.46 and ribs wr also down 4-4 Estimated reoelpts for tomorrow: Whea 85 cars; corn, 165 cars; oats, lfiO cars; hogs, i.uuu neau. The leading futures ranged as follows weakness In grains and lower prices .t the Yui were th bear factors, Articles. I Open. lilgta.l Vow. Close ! Yes y W heat May (July Juiy Sept. ' July Sept. Cut May July Sept. JVi k May July , July ' Kins May July J00ff4 1004 964 7 101 94 .'4 92S'n 5Vrt'4 93u4i W 14, 9: WV.4: s-741 85V 864 K M4f4' 4l MS MS 54Stl4 W: 5J, 6:14,1 V.4 W4 S W tCSt 62. 55444 441i 4 444 414 444ff4 tlSiJiS 41 S 39 3t4 414 3&4 5S t4V 3ll 354 IS IE 1 15 40 1 14 40 II 50 15 874 15 34 15 44 It 50 14 tU I 15 42 4 T78 T80 T40 745 T87H , T 9-4 T W T 55 7 56 Ou 7 7741 7 SO T 40 7 40 7 824 T 824! 7 874 T W 7 50 T 90 Receipts. Shipments 2h.t .... 43.( ....S')..i ,...Si.9.') .... T.7H) .141.900 4T.9"U W.70 175,1 7.1'J On the 1'rodnce ex hunxe today the but er market was easier; creameries. 14i"-'tic; alrles. lVii22c. Eggs, eajiy, st mark, cases Deluded, 17'al74c. Cheese, firm, 104H4c. NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS Market Animated it Epota ant! -fipumodio a a Ee.u'.t. tlc'ffr SUGAR YESTERDAY'S STRONGEST STOCK Coal Conference In Indianapolis and prend of th Freight War Hare Their F.ffect on the Market. NEW YORK. March 1. the movement of today's Mock market was somewhnt mure consistent than that of yesterday. In that pikes were above yesterday s level throughout the day, but the character of the market was not essentially cnanged. The movement of prices was so slow and sliiggislt as to be mmost Imperceptible and theie were minutes at a time when the ticker Was silent. Sugar was the etrongext stock, ine only news on It being the declaration of the regular dividends, about which there had been no doubt felt, and a rise In the price of refined sugar. , The returns o( net earnings lor January which appeared during the day Included Canadian Pncillc and Southern, all show ing declines In net earnings of varying de gree compared with last year's correspond ing period. Rock Island and Canadian I'aclhc showed some heaviness early In the day, but stocks of the other companies advanced with the rest of tne market. Heavy snowstorms, which were reported the severest In the history of the coun try In the case of the New York Central, threatened to Impair in operating ein eiency and the volume of traffic again, but the market Ignored the fact. lJtck of progress was reported from the coal con ference In Indianapolis ami the spread of the freight war to other commodities than grain was alleged. ' Prices dropped from the best price after a period of practical stHgnatlon. ltonds were Irregular. Total sales par value Itud.ono. Cnlted Btates bonds were unchanged on call. The following weie (mo t-toMng quotations on tho New York Stock exchange: Sales.Hlgh.low. Close. 400 400 TOO OMAHA WHOLESALES MARKET. Condition of Trade and ((.notations on Staple and Fancy Produce. F.aas Receipts, more liberal; market weaker; fresh stock, 144c. LIVE POULTRY liens, 94c: young roosters, 8u9c; old roosters, 5c; turkeys, 13if14o; ducks, 4c; geese, 8c. DRESSED Pol:LTRY,Turkcys, lfi17c; ducks, I lift 12c: geese, 10c; chickens, 104'iillc, HI TTER Packing stock. I3e; cnolce to fancy dairy rolls, 131jl4c; separator, 23c. FRESH FISH Trout. 94'n10c; pickerel. S4l8c; pike. 9oj perch.4'404c; blueflsh, 15c; wnltetlHh, H9c; salmon, lie; naddocg, loc; eodltnh, 12c; redsnapper, 11c: lobsters, boiled, per lb., 32c; lobsters, green, per lb., 80c; bullheads, 11c; catfish, lS'Jfltc; black bass, 20c; halibut, 10c; crapples, 12cj her ring. 44c; white bass, 13c; blueflns, 8c; smells. lillc. OYSTERS New Tork Counts, per can. 41c; per gal., $2.00; extra select, per can, 36c; per gal., $1.80; standard, per can. 27c; per gal., $1.50. 5itAi rer ton, HAY Prices quoted by Omaha Wholesale Dealers' association: .Choice No. 1 upland. $8.50; No. 2, $.0O; medium, $t.50; coarse, $6.00; rye straw. $5.00. Those prlcea sre for hay or good color ana quality, uemauu fair and receipt "gnt. V Klib I ABljf.K. J POTATOES Colorado, $1.00; Dakota, per bu., $1.00; natives. R5c. SWEET POTATOES Muscatine, per ddi., JP'. - . . - nee r WAV I ItKAfSB rer ou., -.Ji'H..on. CELERY Large California, 60c, 75o and 90c. .-.. ONIONS Spanish, per crate, t.wi; Colo rado yellow and red, per lb., 24020. CA HUAUK Wisconsin Holland, 3?c; new California. Sc. . TURNIPS Canada rutananaa, pec id., 1,800 ,-700 14c; while, per liu., 60c. CAR HOTH x er DO., per crate. $1.00. PARSNIPS Per bit.. 60c, . PEETS Per bu.. 60c. CAULIFLOWER California, '. 76 OCCUMnERB Per dos., tl.ZMn.BO. TOMATOES Florida, per 6-basket crate. uLm-. ... . w 1 11 k 1 r, r r 1 1 . . . ii.iiii iir-n. tvv . t.HTTTJCE HEAPS Per dni. bunches, c 6$1.00; per bbl., i.wi; icai iciiuce, per uus. bunches, c. . ... TURNIPS HOUtnern, per 00s., ibd. BEETS Southern. per dos.. 75o. CARROTS-Southern, per dog., TBe. PARSLEY Bout hern, per doi., $1.00. FRUITS. 1 rvriT va T-ollfnrnla Bellflowers. per box. 8175- New York export Greenings. Russets and tfaiowirm, r... CRANilKrtrllr. Jereey, -er u...,, i.w. ner Ikix. $2.50; W isconsin Bell ana xjugie, .50; Hell ana vnerry, tRAPr Imported Malagas, per keg, ' ' . .... TTM 1 r,w'if tAn H 1 KAW HP.ltnir.D ri..nun. uv. Wv., w THilPIP!, FRUITS. ORANGES Navels, all sires, choice, $215 62.26: fancy, all sixes. ij.aiU4.ou. LEMONS-Callfornla, fancy, 300 to M I... ..v,.,1.. In 270 sizes. I3.0IV(I 26, . ,. . ! . I .... M I K rn rl SKn f IOH i ailioiiua, imr iiriu. i....-, , 5-crown, iic, v-viiwii 360, ImpiHted Smyrna, ltk'i 7-crown, inc. BANANAS Per $2.0o4i'-VM: Jumboa, DA 1 t'erstan. medium 12 75(03.25. per vox . pi slxed bunch, SO rkg No. I tOld. New. ash quotations were as follows: WHEAT No. 2 spring. 94cij$l.uu; No. i. 91 ): No. 2 red, 964o'i$l 01 CORN No. 2. 51V: No. 2 yellow. S24e. OATS No. L 4ltuc; fso. while. tl'U 4S4c. itr nnn. 1. nc. BARLEY GimI feeding. 9tf41c; fair to Ch.nce malting, iUlc. 8tKD8-.No. 1 flax. $1 11: No. 1 northwest ern $1 1''4, clover, contract grade. $1150. FLOUR Easier: winter patents. $6 10$ fcJ, iUilila, Ha-'itufi tilug viui. $2.00; per lb. In n-lb. boxes, 6c; omenta COCOANL ITS Per aaca, w, per vtus., 60c. pHP.FitR- Wisconsin twins, full cream. 1?.- U'lnnmaln Ynuni Americas. 13m block Swiss. liVc; Wisconsin brick, 18c; Wisconsin Umburger, 12c. HON K 1 wenrasaa, per z-t iramen i.w; Utah nnd fotoraoo, per ia irames, sa.w. MArl .ri hi UAK-oiim, per in., 10c. CH'tFH Per bbl.. 15.60: per 4 bbl.. $3.S. HORSERADISH I'er case of 2 dog., packed. Wo. Itll'tyo ru. I s 1 wii, fi , Hrnii, w; Kn. 1 salted. 7c: No. 2 salted. 8c: No. : veal calf. to 12 lbs.. 84c: No. 2 veal clf, 13 to 15 lbs., 4c: dry salted hides, wrri'-'c; sheen pelts. 254i"75c; horse hides, $1.50(32.50. NUTS Walnuts. No. soft shell, tier .lb., 15c; hard shell, per lb., 14c: No. 2 soft shell, per lb., 13c; No. 2 hurd shell, per lb., 12c; tlraxlls. Der IB.. 11c; filberts, per lb.. 11c: almonds, soft chell,. per lb., 15c; hard shell, per lb., 13c; pecans, large, per lb., 11- mall tier lb.. 10c: peanuts, ner 1h . ac:'rossteii peanuts, per II)., 8c; Chill wal nuts liii'lSVkc: larae blckorv nuts, per bu. 11 5c; shell barks. ter bu., $2.00; black wal nuts, per tiu., i.2o. t. Lonla Grain and Provisions, BT. iniTIS. March 1 WHEAT Lower, demoralised by bulls selling out; No. 2 red. rash, elevator, twc; iraca. i..(fri.i Mav. 94c: July. 874e: No. 3 hard. 2iT944e CORN Lower and depreaeed: No. 2 cash. 45c; track. 46c; May, .c; juiy. ac. . OATS User; No. 2 cash. 414c: track, 4,H24c: Mav. 41c: No. 2 Wilts, 4640 FLOUR Steady; red winter patenta $0 20 ti5 4j; extra fancy and straight, J.tx.'U0.) clear $4 2i"ii4 36. SEED Timothy, steadv. $2.50ig2.80. I'liDVUL'tl s3aa.41,. bi BRAN Firm; sackej, east track. $03920. H A Y Pull ; timothy, $5.uoyn.W; prairie, $3 Ifi9 50 for No. 1. J RON COTTON Tl. VX. RAlltilNU 4c. JIFMP TWINB c. PROVISIONS Pork, lowert lobbing, 814.60. Itrd. lower- prime steam, WW1,, Bacon quiet- boxed extra shorts, ss i2Ss clear ribs. $Y26: short clear. $1.25. POULTRY Unchanged; chti-kens, 104 104c; springs, 104c; turkey and ducks, lie geese, sc. UUTTKR steady j creamery, WtiZiC dairy. 15".'50c. KtltlS Loner, lie. case count. Heeeibts. anipments. Atchison ,N 6,o)0 do pfd 80O tlnltiniore & Ohio.... 8.WJ0 do ufd Canadian Pa., ex dlv. Central of N. J Chea. & Ohio, ex dlv. Chicago & Alton do pfd Chicago Gt. West.... Chicago & N. W Chicago. Mil. & St. P. do pfd Chicago Ter. A T.... do pfd C. C, C. & St. L.... olorado Southern... do 1st pfd do 2d t.fd Delaware & Hudson. Pel., Lack. & West.. Denver 4 R. G do pfd Erie do 1st pfd do 2d pfd Hocking Valley do nfd Illinois Central Iowa Central ........ do nfd K. C. Southern do pfd .oulsvllle & N Manhattan L Met. Securities Metropolitan St. Ry.. Minn. A St. Louis.... M.. St. P. A 8. S. M.. do pfd Missouri Peclflo M.. K. & T do pfd Nat. of Mex., pfd.... New York Central... Norfolk A Western.. do nfd Ontario A Western.. Pennsylvania Pitts., C. C. A Bt. L. Reading ao isv ptd .......... do 2d pfd Rock Island Co do pfd St.- L. A S.F., 2d pfd. St. L. Southwestern. do pfd Southern Paelflo Southern Railway.... do Dfd Texas A Paelflo.. Tol. . 8t. L A W do Dfd Union Pacific, do pfd Vabash' do Dfd Whteltng. A L. E.... Wisconsin Central... do Dfd Adams Express. Amer. Kxpresa...... U. S. Express Wells-Fargo Ex Amal. Copper Amer. Car A F'dry.. do pfd Amer. Cotton Oil.... do pfd American Ice do pfd Amer. Linseed Oil... do Dfd Amer. Locomotive... do pfd mer. Smelt. A R.... do Dfd -. Amer. Sugar Rert'g.. Anaconda Mining.... Rrooklyn R. T Colo. Fuel A Iron.... Consolidated Gas .... Corn Produots do pfd Pis tillers' Securities. General Electric International Paper, Go pfd International Pump.. ao pra National Lend North American...... Paelflo Mall People's Gas pressed steel car.... do Dfd Pullman Palace Car. Republlo Steel do pfd Rubber Goods do nfd Tenn. Coal and Iron. U. S. Leather do pfd . S. Realty do nfd tT. S. Rubber do pfd 'nlted States Steel., do pfd Westlnghouse Elec. Western Union N. Securities 654 84 75 604 8S4 M4 1.300 1114 1104 3.4 81 29 35-j 81 7.700 1394 13St1 Flour, bbls. Wheat, bu.. Com, bu.... Oats, bu .. 113.01 .141. 00 ..1JE.0OO 17.00 149 0OO 7.0i 8S.0l Dulatn PUH'TH. March hard, 9KV-: aln Market. 1 WHEAT In store, No. 1 northern. W'c! No northern. 94e; to arrive. No, 1 hard. ts4c No. 1 northern, tsFiic; No. 1 northern, tie May. 4c; July. 94c; September. i"4c, OATS Ou track aud to arilva, Ju4o. ino 94 94 ll) 19 19 loO 74 74 3") 154 15S 100 54 54 100 23 23 O11O 154 1M4 100 21.2 20 100 184 14 l.m 234 22 1.60) 624 '1H 11,300 394 384 X) 127 126 1024 1424 1014 141 800 115 116 '166 69" 69" ',8o6 8S4 87V 100 154 154 'i6 80" 83" 800 115 1144 400 56 65i 1.000 20 12,200 1134 1,800 404 . 200 764 4,106 26' 400 62 100 414 '166 soli 4,100 43' 800 194 'io6 22 100 24 4 200 33 7,900 . 74U. 100 864 600 34 I.266 404 204 112 404 76 26" 61 414 86 734 864 834 29 100 101 101 464 194 654 88 744 !M4 II04 1,-3 3) 34 81 4 144 162 1.194 1T2 9 19 T5 154 64 23 1M4 2V) - 14 65 214 62'4 Hhi 72 7S 121 IS 33 164 81 1014 142 M 114 58 6!4 117 S84 15 S54 354 1144 66 6 204 1134 65 40 764 56 20 eo 41 134 SO 43 184 79 224 24 84 74 - W4 334" 144 17 40 tx 15 100 205 47 194 68 8 88 T 21 wenk. with actual bufttiese !r V:nkers bill nt 14 .Rfifl;4.8i lor demand, and at 4 M70i'8 4 S3f for slxty-ilsy bbln; posted rates, ft M'q4.M4 and $4 874; commercial bills f.R.14. SILVER Bar, 874c; Mexican dollars, 4T.J.C. ItoN PS Government, steady; rallrotd, Irregular. The closing quotations on bonds are at renews: tntt Vinh'ts e. g. 4 im 1. IX'J. ontrsl 4 6 1" Do Irt Inc 1H 'Mnn. St. L 4.. s UJi HI . K. A T. 4.... : 13fti do it 77i IM't N. K. ft. of M. . 4m. 7JH D B. rf. t. ret-. do rmipnh ....... do St. rg do roupon do nrw 4. res. .. do roupon do old 4. reg... do roupon AtrhlfKin sen. 4. do adj. 4n Atlantic t". 1,. 4i Kal. Ohio 4 .. do ii.b rntrl of U. ....l.t, Prnn oon. It, do 1st Inf Rodlnt K'n. 4a cha. a o. 4S St L A I. M. -. t'hlraso A A. 3Sa.. 74 4 St. U A 8 T. tt I . II. A Q. n. 4... l"a'ft 1.. S "V. lt- . C, 8. P. gen. 4a.lOt Beal.oaM A. L 4a. i' m . w. c. 7a.,..12i'S(,utlini Fac. 4a...'TH N Y. C. (. I'te ... v "X. . r. e. aa ... S,No raclflc 4a.... .. 1 do la ...jon'i N. A W. c. 4a.... .. t.t. n R. U 4a far. tt'4 ...l.ilV, ... 7"S ... 7W ... It ... 44 ... r. 4a. '"4 OMAUA LIVE STOCK MARKET 1 Bett Cttl Cold Steady to Btrong;, Otheri About btetdy. HOG MARKET VERY SLOW AND LOWER Desirable Grades of (keen gold Readily at'Steady rrlces. Others Little glow nnd Lamb Dull nnd Weak, C. R. I. P. 4.... do col. 6a 77l CC.C. A S. L. . 4a. t7'k Phlcaso Tr. 4a n t'on. Tobacco 4a 6!a rolorado A So. 4a. 4 0. A R. O. 4a 7 Erla prior Hen 4a ' do sail 4a tV T W. at T). C. la.. i llocklns Vsl. 4V.. HifV "I, A N. nnl 4a.. K4a Po. Railway aa Teiaa P. Is . T.. St. b. W Vnlon Pacific 4a. do oonr. 4a. . V. 8. 8tel Id wabaiih la do deb. D W. A L. IS. 4a Wiaconaln Cen. 4a tolo. T. A I. rtH ...i ...una ...Hi 4a. Mi ...10M ... 4 7t't m-4 79 SOtTTH OMAHA. March 1. Recelbts were: uoiile. Hulls Otticlal Monday 2.419 t,S Ottlclal Tuesday 3,400 -,500 ta Ex-lnt. Offered. Ex-lnt, offered. Sfir York Mlnlna; notations. NEW YORK. Msrch 1 Following 1 the closing quotations on mlmns; stockr: onurio Adama Ton.. Alice ., Precca Comatork Ton. ral. A Va Horn silver .... Iron Silver tndviil Con . Llttla Chief ..; 10 ,. li .. 10 .. ..m ..HO ..19 .. I .. orhir ThoanlK Potoal Savaga Slarra Nevada Small Hnpaa .. Standard .46) . 4 . Si . s . 9l . 1 . As.icssment paid. BOSTON. Arm on the as a whole Bank Clearings. OMAHA, March 1. Bank carlnKS for to duy, $l,STi6,915.77, a decrease of $377,2-l6.20 from the correspondliiat day last year. . Wool Market. March 1. WOOL Prices are wool market and the market only modcrutely active. The demand Is for (jo. id medium wools. Ter ritory wools tend to be active. Pulled and foreign wools are both firm nnd steady. The lending quotations lire; Idaho, me dium, Ityiflic; low medium. 17i)1fc. Wy- mlnn. fine, 15ijiltk'; heavy line, l:i'if!4o; me- 11m. iswul9c: low middlinK. lHaJOc. Ltah nd Nevada, fine, 1 5fi 1 He ; heavy fine, lllti. 4c; fine medium, 114(?1T''; medium, lNlilSc; medium, 19fi20o. Dakota tine. 15vl0c; ne medium, milic; medliuru lS'orjc; low Hum. I9nii0c. Montana, tnfdliim choke. 9(2oc; avernjee. 1Klil9c; staple, l!"o20c; me- um choice, 19'u20c. London, March 1. WOOL The listing 1 wool arrival for the second serle of uotlon B.-tlos closel today with the follow- K amounts: Nn.w South ales. 47,0S1 bales; Queensland. 20,913 bales; Victoria, ?M bales; South Australia, ;r,.356 bales; est Australia. 6.667 bales: Tasmania. 1.- 242 bnlei; New Zealand, 70. UM bales; Cape ootid nope, and iNHtai. zs'iso Dales. Eighty-seven thousand Australnslan nnd .zii bales or fane or uooa none and Na tal were forwarded direct to spinners, msk- njr the amount available tor the sales 167,- :s bales, mciudintc in naies neia over from the first series.. The sales are sched- d to open March 8. BT. LoriS. March 1. WOOL Steady : medium (trades, combine; and clothing, 17? 214e; Hunt fine, ift5ti7V,c: heavy nne, rap 144c; tub washed, 20fi3u4c. tletnl Market. NEW YORK. March 1 METALS Tin declined on tho spot position In London, os ne- 2s 6d lower at. 123 7s Oil. while fu tures were unchanged at 123 15s. Locally tin was a- shade easier, wttn spot closing at I2o.OOM2X.50. (.'onrier was steady In Lion- don with spot unchnnged at 5i 12s tid, and futures higher at too 12s oei. ixicany cop- ner was otilet with lake, electrolytic and casting all quoted at $12.25iiil2.5o. Lead was higher both here and in London. The local market adtanced to $4.60 4.86, while Lon don closed at 11 lfls 3d. Hoeiter waa un changed at 22 2s 6d In London and at $6.05 fftn.lo In the local market, iron closed at Is 3d In Glasgow and 42s 44d In Middles- borough. Locally Iron was unchanged. P.O. 1 foundry, northern, Is quoted nt S14.?Eff 15.25: No. .2 foundry., northern, at $l4.26ii 14.75; No. 1 foundry, southern, and No. 1 foundry, southern, soft, at $13.2R4i'13.76. ST. I.OUIS, March !. METALS Load, steady, I4.35W4.OT4- Bpelter, steady, $ 13,100 47 400 194 SOU 6tf4 BO '406 7 .900 814 t0. 9 57 8.700 224 22 2Vl 9X 81 79 80 400 47H 47 47 200 90 90 90 12,800 125 1254 1254 .... 64 7'.966 40 I'.joi 192" 900 184 'ioe 23" 'a66 ii" '400 ii 100 n 2.200 M4 l.MO 98 2U0 28 leas a a "166 19H "ino 7 V 77 100 74 'eno i?U son 4n t 400 11 15.600 6rt 200 159 191 n ii" ii" 81 -25 ' 97 28 194 64 ii 47 107 f5'4 158 404 80 iZ 1914 191 174k n 159 12 4H S3 714 "4 81 2 18 78 684 T 42 18 78 85M 74 49 11 48W 107i 664 156'i 7 8T4 Total sales for tho day, 174,100 share. Dost on Stock (notations. BOSTON, March 1 -Oall loans. S404U per tent: time loans, 4reH per canu Official elo-lng prices tn s'ocks and bondae Atchlaon Adj. do 4a no pfd , Poatnn A Aloanr. Ilo.ton A Main Pnaton KlavatPd . ritchbnre pfd .. M. Ontral N. Y.. N. H. A Para Marautts .. Tnlon Pactse A mar. Aria. Ohm.... do pri A mar. Ptiao. Tuba. . Amar. flusar .. do pfd Amar. TAT Amar. Woolas do nfd Fdlann riae. Illiua. . . Parot nanaral Klae 17 Onlncy Maa. Eiactne do pM Maaa. Oaa T'nllaS Fruit I'M ted fkoe Mark.., do pfd IV S. Si dn pfd Adventure 7 1 Almies .174 Amalgamated ... . ts Amar. Zing .... tt' 1 A turtle , .14114 T)lnfham ,H7 ral. Hacla , .UK 0ntann1al . 1V Toppar Range ., .MIH.nalT Wa . T. Dominion Coal , . 78 franklin . H Oranry , . T4 Tala Rftval ... 4 1 Maaa. MtnlaS ., .l,MlrMiran .114 Mohawk .lina Mon. C. A 0.. . 'oid TVtmlnloa .. Tniioapaoia II iShannon 7l4,Tamarak ltT-ln(ty 014 If44 Did .Bid, ex-fl. s n. a ftah Victor la Winona ... noiTtnn Mtntn.. UOII ... .... 4 .... 47-j .... .... T .... ItH 44 .... 17H .... Ki4 .... a .... M .... 7H .... t .... 7 .... IH .... 44 .... SR4 .... tH .... la .... it .... .... S .... TH .... 44 .... IH .... H4 .... tita .... I4 .... a .... 71 Usdos Block Market. 4XJNDON. March 1. Close: tiona.)!. tnonay ..$-! N. T. rantral do. socosat Aoat-onda Attchlaon do vfa Baltimore A O.. ('DJln Paelflo t'ba. Ohio ... Chlcato Ot. W... C . at. A St. p Dncra Li R O do pfd ........ Erl , do tat pf4.... do td Dfd llllaola rantral Loitla A Naaa 1 .at - Norfolk A W.. 114 . 7 . tl . 7V .lUS . 15 .KtS 14 14 do pfd aJ.V. 1 Steal IS o 'd .... ltd Wabatk ... .1U4V fd..... do Dfd Ontario A Wast..., Paonaylvaota Hand Mloas kaadlng do lat pfd do M pfd Soutbarn Hallway do pfd .... IT, a. Par 1 no Culos Paella to . 14 , II . 44 . ao . II . 7 . Ik . 4 M . K. A Es-lnt SILVER Bar. easy; 28 $-16d per ounce. MONEY 2Vii per cent; the rate of dls count In the open market for short bills Is 34458 1-14 per rent: fur three months bills, S4fe3 per rent. Kr York Money Market. NEW YORK, March 1 MONEY On call easy, 1VJ per vent; dotting bid, 1 per cent; offered. 1 per rent. Time loana, eauaier; sixty days, 1 per oent; ninety day 34 per cwnt; six mostha 4"i4V per cea Prime mercantile paper. 44r4 Per osmt S l liRLiMa tXC'lLANGB- trm, cload Visible SapJl- of Grain. NEW YORK. March 1 Special cable and telegraphic communication received by Bradstreet's . shows the following chanaes In available supplies as compared with last account: Wheat, United States nd- Canada, east Rockies, decreased 703.000 bushels. Afloat, for and In Europe. decreased 1,000,000 bushels. Total supply leoreased bushels. Corn. T'nlted Btates and Canada, east Rockies. Increased 6X6.000 bushels. onts. united states and tjanaaa. east Rockies, Increased 581.000 bushels. The lesdlna- Increases reported this week are Sra.OOO bushels In Manitoba and 183.000 bush- Is at tho Chicaa-o private elevators. The leading- decreases include 400.000 bushels at the northwestern Interior elevators: 208.. COO rushels at Louisville; 103.000 bushels at Portland. Me.l 97.000 bushels st Coteau: 54.000 bushels at Aberdeen and 60.000 bush- Is at Minneapolis private elevators. Cotton Market. NEW ORLEANS. March l.-COTTON- Futures. steady: Marrh. 14.82fil4.R4c: April, 15.02(?15.e5c: May, , 15.26Vff 15.26c; June, 12.9fV js.ooc: July. jr.HBrano H(o AUsrust. iB.Wit) 15.12c: September. 12.95gi3.00e; Octolter, 12.10 11.17c. Spot, quiet, steady; sales, 1,600 bales; ordinary, 1-' s-ioc (tooa ordinary, 13Tc: low mlddllna-. 144c: mlddllna-. 144o: od mldauns;, 10 s-itc; nuaaiina; rair. 9-lRc. Kecoipts, l.isi Dales; stock, auo.- 649 bales. NEW YORK. March 1. COTTON Snot. aulet: 25 points higher; middling- uplands, lti.Bt'e: midduna gun, 10. toe; sales, v.tuo bnlea 8T. LOUIS. March I.-COTTtJN Mar. kit steady; middllnr. 144c; sales, 580 bales; receipts, 1,200 bales; shipments, none; stock, 21,007 bales. 19P4. blieep. it.m Two dnvs this week.. 1.819 16.968 tt.Stt Same days last week.'0 'J3.8l 21.-'7 Hanie days week before.. V.i9 14,4 name three weeks ago... 6.16 14,4.;9 11.039 Same four weeks ago.... 6.0u6 13.487. 1.910 Same days last yeur 7.1U0 8.910 8.739 ftttt-tiris ivh ilit, UaH io DA it.. itie lotiowiiig taute suunvs tue tv.-.u ot catlte, iiohs aim sneep al South o.uu.ia lur Kie yeur 10 uatu, witit coiiitiarisoiis tust year; ' 19o4. lox Inc. Dec. Cattle l4o,,4 liu.oii ti.VnAt Hogs 4U.1MU TU1. m 14.UOX bheep U,Mi itu.ijl lvi.,tMl Avtiaat prices uaua lot' iioss t feuiilu Oitmiia tor the iasi seveial Uu witu com-aiarisotis: Date. I 1904. 1903.1902.lliUl.lo0.;lS9.!lBM. 1....I 4 7241 I 6 Ml 8 32 4 all I 441 I 84 J...., 4 ';,! $ Sl I 4 ul Mi .1 W J....I 4 4 8 U & Vl I 4 Ufi $ 89 i 4 t 4 81 J aV, i Ht 6 Jl ,m,t fc.... 4 10 tu 8 11 b a. 4 tkl. 1 13 4.... 4 801 8 ii 8 16 ft Zl 4 W 3 tuf I. ... 1 8 V4 8 01 b 8 4 11 8 i 1 8.... 4 88, I mi . 4 i! . tui j .1 .. . 4 88 i 4. 711 I 3l 4 84 10 1 71 10... 4 ul4 li id! 0U 1 4 8V 8 ill 3 . II. .. I 6 00 1 6 0 8 Vl i 8i ! W 3 " i...6i 1 a 'ut 6 tH 5 $0 4 T9 81 u..., 4 w4l-8 8v,-e wi a "1 I i 3 i 14... 1 8 &i e lui e 8 4 i, 8 wi I Nl lu...l 4 99 1 1 ali t U 9 7.ii i bt.; 3 16.. I 6 03 ( 6 T2 1 t i 4 83 I ! 8 88 1... 9 ut 1 1 m & 7S 1 ita soi ' 84 1S...I 8 tM4 U 9ii i '.! 5 2.) I 3 82) 3 81 1W... 8 8 M a 84 U 4 83t I 3 91 2o...i 8eil 6 rJ., ft 0 .Ui 4 l 8 5v 6 88 8 88 , 6 32 4 74) i 47 1 84 -2... I S 2741 I 8 9tii s i8i 4 8S 8 boi 8 81 Feb. i3... k 32V 8 . i 5 ., 4 89 2 bB 81 Ftb. z4...i 6 i.n., 0 011 H61 1 4 wi - y i6... 6 31, 8 81 6 U3 6 37 3 WJ .9 26... I 6 3U4 111, 5 88 t 83 4 66 I M 27... 1 6 1 6 ro, u oti 8 26 4 6a( 3 tti 2H... .1 6 8., 6 tfti 6 2j 4iii 3 til. 3 06 29... I 5 174 " M " 1...I u 13;k I 6 Oil t 22i 4 08 1 1 61j 3 78 Feb. rb. Feu. Feb. Feb. b. r eu. Fe b. Feb. Feu. Feb Feb. Feb. Feb. i to. Feb. Feo Feb. Feb. Feu. Feb. Feb, Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Mar. Indicates Sunday. The official number of cars of "stock brought In todtty by each road Was: taiiif .iiOKs.Dii p.11 see. C, M. & St. 1 Ry 1 Wabitsh 1 AllxHourl Facltio Ry 5 I nloii I'lK lllo system.... SI (J. & N. VV. Ry 6 V.. E. & M. V. R. R 34 C, St. F., M. & O. Ry.. 25 11. it M. Ry 37 C, ii. Ml y. Ry..... 2 n. t. t Bt. J 1 C, R. 1. ii P. Ry., east.. 8 Illinois Central 1 Chicago Ut. Western.... 3 8 3 U 6 27 10 1 139 41 Total receluu 152 The disDoaltlon of tho day' receipts wa8 as follows, each buyer purchasing the bum ber 01 head indicated: Buyer. Omaha Facklng Co.. Bwlft and Company Cudahy Packing Co Armour & Co Armpur At Co., Sluut City anemic Bt to v-- Carey ft Bonton McCreary & Carey w. 1. Btepnen Hill ft Huntzlnger Huston ft Co Hamilton ft Rothchild.... L. F. Hust Wolf ft Murnan Sol Dtgan J. B. Root & Co Mike Huggerty ft CO,.... . ft S Other buyers Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. 751 1,072 1.024 865 2,073 3.015 710 2,646 1,193 495 XiH7 1.8.3 21 960 .... 78 18 63 24 .... .... 20 .... ' .... 15 16 88 40 .... ..... 2 88 .. 124 22 ' .... .... 260 .... 287 Totals CATTLE There .31640 8.938 7 18t was a moderate run 01 came hern today for a Tuesday and as the lecal demand was quite liberal and some large shipping orders on l.uud the market was Quite active on uesitaotv ,rau- vm. iha tendency nf ntices LDWard. The bulk nf th arrlvuls soul in falrlv Kood soMBOil. The market on corn leu steers coutu uem bo described by calling it Steady to strong. Th strength was oonilned very largely to tii better zrades and something strictly good would probably have sold C'tf-lOo higher than voMieriiHv. The common uud part fat kinds, though wore more too brisk and In the malonty or tux 01a not. cominajiu muuu more than steady prices. The bettor grades were soon out of hrst hands and in fact the bulk of all the otierings wits aisuosea 01 at a reasonably early hour. The cow market was active ana strong, the malorlty of the better trades selling bmWc higher. Canners the same as has been the case of late showed very little change. Trading though-was quite brisk all along tne line ana a gooa clearance whs made. There did not. seaim to. Ihj any too many cows and heifers In alght to meet packers requirement. ItUUS uia noi snow muuu ut any ciiiwisb. The same as yesterday, they wera not very active. Veal calves sold readily at good steadv nl-lcea. , The demand for stockers and feeder waa again fully 'equal to the supply ana goou stuff - If anything commanded stronger price than yesterday. The general run of came, inougn SUIU UUUUl bu-ku, JIUUIUI m rairlv active so- that tha pens were cleared of the better grades In good season, Representative aa ea: natar nnd Molasses. NEW YORK. March 1 BUOAR Raw. firm; fair reflnlntr, 24ti2 8-S3c; centrlfugitl, 96 test, 34i3 2-32c; molasses' sugar, V-," 1.1-82c; refined firm; No. a, 4.15;; no. 7. 10c: No. 8. 405c: No. 9. 4.00c: No. 10. S.nfjc No. 11. 3.90o: No. 12. S.85c: No. 13. S.S0c: No. 14. S.75c; confectioner' A, 4 40c; mnldi A, hoo: cut loar. o.aoc crusnea. d.zdc po- red. 4. (c: granulated, 4.65c; cubes, 4.80c. MOLASSKS Firm. NBW ORLEANS. March 1. SUOAR Steady: open kettle, !Vo2 8-10c; open kettle, . ... . 1 9.4 II.- ..nia...l KI... I e 111 ttlUS'll. dtu o-l'i,, iciiiiiiuri If U'irr, 44c; yellows, 34ft3 lo-ioc; seconds, Z4if 3-lc. ViDLASSES Nominal: onen kettle. 20CT 28c; centrifugal, limine; syrup, acafop. Coffee Market. NTTW YORK. March l.-COrFEE The market for future opened steady at an ad- vanese of 10Sj20 points. The close was steudy at unchanged prices to an advance or 15 points, riaieti were reoonea or 00. bags. Including May, 6.MWi5 65c; July, 6.90c; Hnnianiliar t. Wtiii 20c: Octotier 6.30o: No vember. 6.80c; December, 6 4oiivi.45c, and Jan uary, 6.56c. No. 7 Rio, lt-lto. Kansas City Uralu and Provisions. KANSAS! CITY, March 1. WHEAT May, K3Sc; July, 814c; cash. No. 3 hard. Sue; No. 3, Ktio6c; No. 4. 7,4Tsoc; re ectoa, 7oSi-72c: No. 2 red. $1.06; No. 3. $1.0jfla.u2. . TORS-May. 4.i'c; juiy, 40ib-iic; casn, No. 2 mixed, 42c; No. 2 white, 44ic; No. t. I'lUc OATS No. I white, ivqiic; ino. z mixed. 294 40c. HAY Weak; cnoice nmotny, xavrajo.W: Cholre prulrle, Ii Jt'ji.iU. H V K. SO. Z. tMOIOC. BUTTER Creamory, 2J(ffI3e: dairy, fancy. 18c. EGGS Lower; Missouri and Kansas, rases returned, itc; new no. 2 whllewood cu Included, lac. Heceipta Shipments. Wheat, bu 212 .800 84.800 Corn, bu M.4V0 Se.fO Oats, bu 27,000 7,000 Philadelphia I'rodoce Market. PHILADELPHIA. March 1. BUTTER Steady, but quiet; extra creamery, 251126c. ECaC.8 T-o cents lower; fresh nearby, 21c at the mark; fresh weattern. 21c; fresh southwestern, 20Qj21o; fresh southern, 20c at the mark. CHEESE Firm: good demand; New York full cream. choe to fancy, llQUVyc; air to gooa, iinatfiic. HO. 1 4 I II a 1 I 8 1 14 11 I 1 4 t 4 8 M 11 4 4 13 7 n 6 It II 3::::: to 14 15 34 T II I AT. 70 779 ......lout ess mo luo 1010 o lot 1101 koal , 1076 1941 1UM ......1104 1UJ0 1104 71 10UI 1041 lnoi HIT W.4 1091 106 )04 , M 1141 101 14 10W , 1130 lilt .1171 .10AI ,K4 Pr. t (a I 74 I 74 10 I to i 40 I 40 I 00 I 10 I 40 : I 45 I TO I TO I 71 ! 16 I 74 I Tt t 40 I 80 I 10 I Do I 10 I 80 I kO i 3 I 14 I IS Mi I W I 80 ' I 15 I M I M Ne. II... 89... I. .. I... It... It... SO... II. .. 44... IT... U... IT... I... I. .. I... 14... I. .. 10... II. .. 11... 17... 40... 21... 1... 1... 1... It... So... 67... 10... 1... J ., II. .. 14... 18. SI. At. . .1144J ..1114 ..1100 ..111 ..ltil ..1141 ..1121 ..HIT ..mi ..un ..1144 ..11T4 ..HT1 ..1170 ..1177 ..1157 ..lltt. ..1304 ..1IM ..1171 ..Hid ..1241 ..17 ..1070 ,. .11(14 ..IKK) ..1101 ..1U0 ..1344 ...1110 ,..18110 ...lzlf .17 1421 1.174 BTEERS AND HEIFERS. .... 440 I 50 II 144 ....1035 I 40 , II 1044 ....1008 I M II 104 BTEERS AND COW& ....1178 4 W COWS. Tr. 00 4 oo 4 00 4 CO 4 vo 4 fro 4 00 4 04 4 08 4 08 4 18 4 10 4 10 4 10 4 10 4 10 4 IS 4 I! 4 II 4 IS 4 10 i 4 10 4 10 4 10 4 10 4 10 . 4 10 4 35 , 4 SI 4 I 4 40 4 41 ,4 40 4 W I 10 I N I 84 Minneapolis Grain Market. MINNEAPOLIS. March l.WHBAT- May, 794c; September, 4c; on track. No. 1 hard. 9y74jc; Nu. 1 northern, 9T4C; No. 2 northern, 9541t54c; No. i northern, 93 & 9be. FI.OCR Market 15c lower-; first patents. $6 245.S6: second patents, $5 10(6 2n; tirat clems, $3.jjj4.; second clears. $2.5CTj2.vv. bkan totrong; in num. Ii8.tv3l6.. Liverpool Uraln Market. LIVERPOOL March 1. WHEAT Spot steady; No. 1 Callfurnla, 7s 4.1, futures su-ady; March. C lo4d; May, 4s bd; July, 6s 6Vd. CORN Spot, quiet, American mixed, new, 4s id. American mixed old, 4s 6y1; futures. quiet; Mtu-cn. 4 iW. Alay 4 440. 4 1 4 I I 14 It.... 4.... II.... II.... M .... M... 1... ia IoS0 til 105 , 170 3t 1064 1140 871 0 Ill 1070 ...... 144 no lOrtO 10 nt 175 ISO 114 104 Ml 110 Ill Wit 70 174 low loIO 1110 1120 1110 ! ....... I0 1140 Ii4 1124 IU54 Ill 174 1074 IH I 10 I 10 I It . I IS I 16 I IS I M I 14 I M I 40 I 40 I 40 I 44 I 41 i so I t I SO t to I to I 80 I 65 I 4a I 10 I 10 I TO I Ti t TS I 71 t TS I 71 I 7S I 71 I TS I II I 80 I W I 80 I 80 I M I 14 I M .114 .lOM ..looo .111 404 I nin I li" I 1 10 I list 10 1018 II 481 ll ml ii.... un I H ini i it it it lc ii 4 II i.:::: H .... 11 II..... 10 1 1 t:... t l I K I 80 74 tt.1 ft Ilu4 11T UM luvl 110 118 820 ino lUbl 117 1041 128 ......174 1170 11M 1071 114 UK lost , ISSt , 121 1151 mo , 1151 , 1150 It 1 1MO J 110 44 . COW8 AND HElFERti. .... K II It It .... a4 I 84 It 1 ... lJ-1 I to to tal HEIFERS. no 421 580 t 41 . a , TI7 , Is) i 85 I I to I Id I 48 I 78 I 7. I TS I 81 1.... I ... 4 ... 1.... 4... 13 ... 38 ... 1.... I.... .107 . 141 . MO . iik .10u0 . I 't ,11G .. ; I 40 I 00 I 00 I 00 I 00 I OS I 10 I 10 I 10 I 10 I 10 I II 1 11 in It It I 14 I IS I M I to I $0 I to I to I 10 I 19 i 10 I 10 I 18 I tt I 11 I 24 I IS i :t I w t to .'! I to I IS I IS I 48 I 28 3 84 I St I IS I It I 88 11 I oo I it I 2S I 28 I 28 I 40 I 88 HOGS Receipt of hogs were not ex cessive this morning, but owing to the break In provisions both yesterday and today packers were very cautious. The market wss slow all d:iv with prices 5.il0c lower than yesterday's arller market, or trifle stronser thsn ystenln's extreme close. As compnreil with Saturday the market Was fully KiliSOc lower. The bulk of the medium to good weight hog sold from $5 10 to $.' 174. with prime heavies from $5.20 to $.i.30. Trading though wa cry slow and at noon there were "till third of the receipts In first hnd. The same as yesterday, the close was ex tremely dull nnd weak, particularly on the lighter weights. Representative sales; lit 14 8 80 ..1114 ..14?0 ..I'.-fl ..1M ..I4M ..!' .. f.'t ..14ro . 10 ,.1no ..150 1 1. ...1140 I... I sr. I Ml I So t lo IE t 75 I 0 I 80 I to I no 1 84 Ll.8. . iro7 .'.1160 . .140 ,.ir.:o ..140 ..lit ,.1,'J.O ..1.V.0 ..12?1 ..1!' ..I'M ..112)1 ..1450 I 50 4 00 i m 1 M I Oil I 00 I O) I ml I in I 15 I IS I 15 i 50 1.. 80 140 , 4 17S STAGS. I TO 1, CALVER I to l I 80 1 I 5v 1 4 (V. I B 00 1 .1110 I 13 STOCK KRd AND 4110 .. M .. 4t .. 71S .. 140 .. 750 .. 4S .. KS .. 4oS .. 110 .. 851 .. 7..J ..lioa .. r.iii .. ISO .. ir.o ..1144 .. Ill .. 1M0 .i 117 .. 30 .. 7WI SIM) I 50 I 75 I 10 I 00 I oo I on I Oil I on I 00 I oo I 2S I 5 I 40 I 40 I 45 I 60 S 50 I so 3 so I 50 I SO s to I 60 1.. ?7.. . T . . I . 11.. II.. I.. 11.. I . 1.. 4 . ... 11.. .. 16.. ).. I.. 1.. 1.. 5 . t.. 10.. no 10 140 I0 FEEDER?. mo j r.r- I on t oo t oo I oo 5 15 7..0 70 .:i SD4 , Ml . io , 740 , 1:4 . no , 171 Ml tSl , 14! . Ill IIS . 710 . 70 , 2!io . 451 . 610 . Ill I 55 I 55 1 15 I 10 I 40 J an 1 10 I hi I 40 I 45 I 15 I fS I 5 I 5 I 70 I 70 I 75 I ii I 8'. 4 (i 4 1.7 No. A. Bit. Pt. No. Af. Sh. Tr. ' 41 151 .. 4 55 46 J !7 140 I 15 15 147 .. 4 90 71 ii .. t jr, 15. ...... lUt 40 4 88 U in .. is 14 174 40 4 95' 7 -41 So r. 15 49. . .(... .17 .. 4 6 a ;ir, .. t ir, 11 174 .. 6 00 t 54 .. I IS II M. 10 6 00 7! :i t 6 ii 10 194 . . 6 00 6f 176 . . t 1.1 IS I'JO 40' Son si US 40 6 16 16 Ml 40 6 (tt -&J ,, t 17i M 1M . . 6 00 64 rtl . . 5 7S 91 1M 1W t 00 47 155 10 f 17i, 74 1.)4 .. C 06 f.. sso .. t 174 84. 104 40 6 05 II i:,5 .. t I7' 7 ,.ii .. t Of. r,t :ti t i:k, to 1S .. 6 06 48 14! ... 5 I7li 11 1B9 .. t Oft to ?0 .. t 17'i 4? Jul .. 8 05 ?0 7 .. 5 171, 60 ... ,...190 80 t 05 f.a 147 .. 10 I 193 .. J 03 74 ..!1 50 C :0 40 Ill 10 S 00 ft 14 140 I 21 64 2i .. t 0"l 61 20 . . (I !0 T Sol .. S 10 43 J49 40 I 10 77 Ill 40 I ID ti I4S . . 6 M 74 215 .. t 10 4;. 209 40 5 20 50 1.'4 . . I 10 4; 174 90 S 10 2. 2-5 .. t 10 74 Sa 200 t 20 3 2!l 10 I 10 14 1J .. .5 in 71 !?S .. I 10 9 IIS .. t ro 1 220 40 t 1"H fl 44 ISO t 45 14J 90 I 57 !4 120 D 22H 60 120 90 I 151, 272 .. t 2214, 71 130 120 I 12V, 72 270 .. t 22'tj 14 235 .. t 15 r.4 117 10 & 15 58 2.H .. t IS 44 29S 40 I 25 77 199 .. 5 IS 15 - I4J .. 6 I.7 77 241 ' .. 6 IS t set 40 I 25 71 ISlf 1C0 t IS 71 171 loO 6 15 W I"7 . . I IS M SM 10 I 26 72 133 80 t 15 64 101 .. I SO L3LLJW bend; market steady; nstlvs lambs, $ 0J 6 75: western Inmbs. $IH5.; fed 'we. ,i f"ti 4 .". ; Tcns chpid enrllngs, li.Jwif 6.15; sttiokers and feeders. $1i51i4.:'6. Tt. Ionia Live- morlt Market. fT I.OI IS. Msrch 1 CATTI.F.-Rerelptn. 3i head. Imludlng 1W head 1sns; ittaiket steady to strong; native shipping and export steers. IliWiSSi dressed beet and butcher steers. $4.0O'ti5.15; stivers tinder 1 ii il , hii J ('; stockers snd faeders. $51113 75; cows and heifers, $2.35u'4.; cen-n.-rs: $2ivti: 5ti; bulls, $i 5t"ii3 5i: calves. $3 00 ftV.m; Temts snd Indlsn iteer, $3,0044 40; cows and heifers, $2oiHi3.15. HOtiS-Recelpls. R,M head: market stronger; pltts and lights, $4 18111515: pack ers. $V. oMij. I;.; butcher nnd best neavyi 'Vhi-KP AMI LAMnS-rtecelpt. IPno head; market nrm; native muttons, 4J'1 4.75; litnil.s, $; culls and buck. $2. ti4.:5; stiH'kers, ti .OHii3.00 t. Joseph I.Ke- lek Market. ST JOSEPH. March 1CATTLB Re ceipts S.iloti head; market lo'a'iftc higher th in Thursday; natives, $3,751(5 40; cows and heifers, $2 0otj4.S0; stockers and feeder, $3.00 fij 4 5 lloOfl-r.ecelpts. S.1M head; market 54)100 lower; light, $l.96u5.30; medium and heavji. ;i 4i PMEET AND LAMPS Receipts. , head; market for lambs and yearling to Ine higher; alieep. stesdy l 10 lower'; lambs, $3.70; wethers, $4.50; ewe. $130. loas City l ive Mtoetc Market. SHMX CITY. la.. March 1 -(Special Telegram.) CATTI.K Reoelpts. 1.S00 hssd: mnrkt't. steadv: beeves. $3.50(f4 ritt; cows, bulls nnd mixed, $:oo'(l3.50; stockers and feeders. $3.ou'ti3.75; calves and yearling, $2 'fi:i !. . . , MOOS-Receipts, 4.5ii head: market, wenk; selling at $4.75'o.25; bulk of salei. $;..!X.ii(5 10. Stark In Hlght. Following are the receipts of llv torlc for Ihe six principal western cltle 7- Ctittle. .... 3.400 f onO 5.500 3,( . 1,3-JO Hoes. Sheep, 9.600 IStioO 13 i.) 8.500 1S4 4,500 8.9P7 10.4 3.000 S.0OO 4.143 .11,500 Cl,64 SI.455 SHEEP Receipts were ngiUn nulte liberal this morning although there were not as many on sale ns yesterday. Packers took hold fairly well nnd bought the sheep at generally steady prices. Oood stuff could be quoted active while Inferior grades were neglected to some extent. Soijie ewes sold as high as $4 os nnd Colorado ewes $ me wethers and vearllntrs mixed brought $4.60. Hut while the sheep sold quite freely lambs were not so nctlve snd In fact In some cases sold a trifle lower, particularly Where the quality was not desirable. yuot ttlons for cornred stock: cnoi" western lambs. $6.50475.75: fair to godo lambs, $5,0OT5.fiAi good to cholre Mx- icatr yearnngs, to.iHruo .j.i; goou to cnoice western yearlings, $4.7&rf..OO; fair fir good yearlings, t4.334.5: good to choirs weth ers. S4.otmi4.2u; fair to good wethers, jn.iii'ft 4.00; good to choice owes. S3 S.'7 LIS; fair to good ewes. $3.6073.80. Representative sniet I 16 west cull ewe 32 west ewes 7 west ewes 445 M extiian ewes.. 446 west wethers... 64 west wethers... fi west wethers... IS west lamb 1 want lainlM 76 bucks 45 western ewen . 2U western ewes .. 10 weetern ewe . 24 weetern ewe . 1 western Vw . SS7 western ewe . 313 western ewes . 4.' western ewes . 4S4 western ewes 3 Western ewe 444 Colorado ewe 200 western ewes 104" western ewet 69 western wethers 344 Mexican wether ZA4 Mex loan ewes and wether.. ZM western wethers 8 western wethers 53 western wethers S04 western yearlings 1? western yearlings 43 western yearlings 5 western ewes 454 western ewes 4 western ewes 4 western ewes 109 western wethers and yearl. 4i0 Mex. wethers and yearlings IH7 western lambs 5 western lambs 3 9N 9S 90 91 K5 9.1 1)4 lTw 10 , 9 95 . , 84 , 104 I'M) , 101. ,. 101 , 104 , 103 , 7 , 115 . 116 . 118 . K6 92 . 85 , 103 , 93 . 118 . 86 . 86 . 87 . 7 . 109 . 1( 67 82 73 70 i 60 3 ;5 3 75 8 90 4 35 4 00 4 0 e 00 tm 2 75 3 65 5 70 3 75 S 90 3 90 3 90 S 90 3 90 3 M 3 90 5 90 4 00 4 05 4 25 4 35 4 35 4 40 4 50 4 50 4 65 4 65 4 60 8 75 3 85 4 M 4 ?5 4 f.5 4 65 4 75 6 00 tciday : South Omaha Chicago Kansas City .. Pt. Louis St. Joseph, Sinux City Totals , Flviniornted pples nnd Dried Fruit". NEW YORK, March l.-EVAPORATET) . APPLES Market quiet. with demand HKht. but there Is bo pressor to sell, snd prices are steadily held; common, 44fc: prime, uV(r.t4c; choice, 647jw; fancy, 84 CALIFORNIA TRIEP FRVITS--Prune nre not nitrattlng satisfactory drmsnd and tho market shows rnther an f osier ten ilencv. though quotations still range rrrttn 34c to 64c according to grade. Apricot nre senrre and firm: choice, 9ffl0c: e tvn choice. 1047!04c: fancy, 13":r60. 11 Alar. In ltirht Slinillv tld thO better grades sre held with sp-vvrrnt xin flilence. Pcnehes nre quoted 7t74c; fancy, 10c. reorlrt Market. PEORIA. II! . March 1. Com steady: No. t. 41c; No. 4. 39o. . . . I J-- CIIICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET. Cnttlo iteetdy Hoa Strontr to Five Cents Higher. CHICAGO. March 1. CATTLE Receipt, S.000 heart: market steadyVfc good to prime steers, I5.00'a6.75; poor to medium, t-i.tto 4.60: stockers anil feeders, $2.60t(i4.16; cows, $1.6og4.00; heifers. $2,0044.50; canners, $1.50 ?S.50; bulls, $2.00414.00; calves, $3.00(6.76; exas fed steers, $1.00474.76. IIOOB llecertits, 1E.0OO head estimated tomorrowi 38.000 head; market strong to 60 higher; mixed and butchers, $6 2o3.(U!4; good to choice heavy, $5. 5006.70; rougn heavy; $5.rvn46; light. $4.9ut26.2S; bulk of sal'H. $5 .SAtjit.Sn. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 10,000 head; market steady; lamb, teady, mostly IOC higher; good to cnoic wetners, .y 4.76; fair to choice mixed, $3.50ii)4.25; west ern sheep, S2.503ft.ofi; native lambs, $4.501 6: western lambs, $4 60ijtl.96. Olllclal yes terday : Receipts. Shipment. Cattle 34.176 41.H7B Hogs &.920 9.71 Sheep o,8 HR.IL EsTATK TI1A1FER. DEEDS (lied for record In the office of tha register of deeds niarcn 1, iiw, u Isjied bv the Midland Guarantee and Trust company, bonded abstructer, 1014 ll street, for The Bee: Martin Dtinhnm nnd wife to Adolf Rosen, lot 18, block 7, Poppleton Park ! V:w- 1,480 Isnnc K. Cotigdon. trustee, to Luther Kountie, blocks 1 nnd 2, Druid Hill iuii nf rnllwnv. nnd other land 1 Tannic L. Farmer to Christian Rnth kev, lot 9. Rotlfleld 8. E. Williamson nnd wife to Anna C, Peterson, lot 1. block 4, Mount Doug las add C. A. Pnldwln. Administrator, to John XV. XV. Sneeiv, lots anu in, uioca 1. and other land, Onimmercy Park Same to cOorgla A, Merrltt. lot 23. block 1, and other land, Grojramercy Park ...1 Some to Gntc Sheely, lot 21, block 2, nnd other properly, Orummercy Park j,--- Mary A. Patrick and husband to r1 gnr C. Smith, lot 9, Iifayett Place.. P ed.Tlcka Stupenh irst to Interstate Investment Trust (Limited), psft lot 9. block, 7. Kounte A Ruth add J. H. l.ultnan to John Anderson, part lots 7 and 8, block N, South Omnha M'irwaret A. Stephens snd husband to John Gehrke. lot 29, Tutlle s ttbdlv. Anna'C. Peterson et al. to James Walsh, lot 1, block 4, Mount Doug Ins add V.V'ii ' Homer H. Robinson nnd wife to Wil liam snd Joseph Davis, purt lot 4, block 3, Armstrong add N. Cnnlev to I'M ward E'ster. pnrt lots 8, 9 snd 10. block 79, South Omaha.. Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance compuliv to Nebraska National b-nk middle third of lot S. block 11 . V ' I 111! l easaaaa.. II. A. Moore nnd wife to-Patrick n. McGtilre, part lot 6, block 1. Isaac He S.-lden's add Etta Henawa and husband to Chsrle P. Lochbochler and John II. Hall. undli'lded half part lot 6, block 2o, Omnha i,V"."- Edgnr A. P-nlrd. trustee, to Clijrleg F. LoclllKicler and John H. Hall, same Cornelius H. Paul snd wife to John Poll and Bertha XV. Rell. part lot 9, block 4. Shlnn's sdd William K. Potter, receiver, to B. w. Rnehford. sublnt 4, taxlot 41, w4 w4 10-15-13 m . 1 400 140 1,120 1,120 1,120 1,800 4.250 1,310 1,800 too 10,000 w 11.000 1,000 2.400 1400 2.000 1.SO0 GEO. A. ADAMS GRAIN CO. Grain, Provisions V Stocks. Members Omaha Grain Exchange, Chicago Board of Trad and other exchange. . Correspondent Bartlett. Fraxler 4 Carrlrgton. 211 Board of Trad Blil g. Omaha, Kansas City Mr roclr Market, KANSAS CITT. March 1. CATTLE Re ceipts, 8,500 head, Including 400 southerns; market steady to 10o higher; all quotations steady to 10c higher; export and dressed beef steers. $4.6o((i6.a; fulr to good. S'1.75' 4.60; western fed steers, tJ.iiriM.w'; atocger nd flinders. $3 00014.30: southern steers, $:t.4tv&4.10; southern cows, $2 i3.15; native cowl. :'.oo3.M; native ueuers,; bulls. S2.6'3.80; calves. $3 fj(06.CO. HOGS Rei-elpts. 13,0x10 head; market w 10c lower; ton. $5 45; bulk of a!e. $n05i1 6 35; heavy. $5Siii45; packers, $5.15 35; pitta and lights. M.nio I". SHEEP AND LAMMS-Recelpt. 5.000 The Merchants National Bank of Omaha, Neb. U. $. Dunltiry Capital aod Surplus, $600,000 PtANI MUMT, Pra. llt . WOOD. V. r8. LlfTIIFI PIAHI. Ctikaw. flANK T. lAMILTOIt. At Caask. Raoslae aocounU si baaka, bsohsis, aorvee atlo.ia. Inns sad isAlaMasIa aa Urorskls taroia. Foraifn CiehAnfa bouftit sa said. Ittars ml Crxltt laauad. arallabla la all sana of tba world. Inlaraa ald oo Tlaw CartlAeatas f Desaett t'uHaot I m. atada praanptlr sad aoouotaWalif Wa raeeast eerraspeedssea S. SLEUMAN drain, Provisions & Stocks. Room 4. N. T. Llf Bid. TL sue. Operate IS Omce In This Btata Ubllbd 18(1. Hi CO I FOUR POINTS FOR TRADERS WHEN YOU TRADE IN GRAIN, PROVISIONS, STOCKS PLACE YOUR ORDERS WITH r commission fin Capital and Surplus, S6O0.OO0.O0. General Offices: N. Y. Life Bide., Minneapolis. IHCCT CCDVIPC Most reliable market Information. Lir;t OCl dCnllwC prival wlr systim In Amirlia. 2WC ftlllOIUTCC to iiicuis your orders If th mark! II L UUAnAn I Ll. nachu lti prlc whlti you (. W char;) NO INTEREST for carry-In; long atocka. 3. U1RQIMS REQUIRED &WXr&XiVfr"Mr 4. REFERENCES ,7r6f4.,.,on, 8,a, BMk: '9 Br",, CUAHA BRANCH 1617 Firmi St., Tel. ,3467. THOS. M, WADOICK, Cor. N. B. W Issu aach wwli an sshautitlv rrvlrw of tha markets and th Biosi accurst furaoast of futur muvautanta. ' at any ( our 4fAov ii . Sin T i' im S8l' astmaaiJ J.". 81SJ..UJ'. aMpawaj uasayaaij iA. BH32