Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 02, 1904, Page 3, Image 3

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Treasurer Finds S'.a'e Eaaning Behind io
8p;:eofHearT Rfceipli.
prmnrrstlr Kdltora to Meet In Mn
coin Menilny and Dlseas the
Condition of the Parlr aad
Preecrlbe Bemedle.
Hrst National
(From a Start Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, March 1 (Special. )-The re
Xort of Stute Treasurer Mortensen, died
with the rulitor today, shows that In the
aon-rnl fund of the state there wa re
ceived during the month I1S2.578.50, which
Xfan occasioned by the working of the new
revenue law. which brought In the per
sonal taxes. The payments from the fun 1
however were greatly In excess of this
amount, $'Ji;i,:7 S6. The report shows that
the. state is still running behind at a rate
that is Interesting, If not alarming. How
ever, the statement Is not an Indication
of the financial condition of the state,
for the reason that until the valuation of
.rnperty is ascertained and the lery fixed.
It will ha impossible to tell Just how the
state is coming out at the end of the
Mennlum As soon as the Plate Board of
Kami ligation does this, then It will bo
possible to tell Just where the state Is
from a financial standpoint.
The report shows that the permanent
school fimd contains M. 496.06 and the tem
porary school fund 134.631. Cash on hand
at the end of the month amounted to
K021.76 and cash on deposit I374.S12 .. Dur
ing the month there was received a total
of 1632,100.46, and paid out t44H.S17.07. The
report in detail, together with the banks
In which the money Is on deposit follow:
B lances
Feb. L Re-
l'crm. school . J7.i,'T
Temp, school ... .138,023
Ag. rol. endow... s.l
Ti mp. university 32,64
Hosp. for Insane H.S
State library .... .
Vnlversitv cash.. 16.1'
SNnrmal library... 979
Normal endow
formal interest.. KM
Inheritance tax.. $.778
J en. si. labor.... l.34'
1'en. land
g. ft meeh. arts 10.!
B. exp. station
Pay- Feb. ,
celptw. ments. 1S04.
uaS78 .1!,97 t
SAWi lffl.-.U M.4U5
86.0t M9T M.i6
6.1 . 7.71
2&,rc3 SU38 JH.74
3 1.40a
4.J74 11. KB
m w (so
16ss tsas
Si3 1.704
2i 4.0O5
. 10 Kin
617 2.0JU
Totals 04.460 IU2.100 (446.S17 rso.34
Ty rash on hand t t.0ZLid
l.y cush on ileoslt 37tj;ii43
Total 3l.2M.18
Rank Balaneea,
. 14.a&.02
. 3. 4. Hi
. 22.-.TJ.74
. i!4,30&.t4
,. Sl.4Vef.4Vl I
,. 4':5
,. ai.ew.a)
.. 24M7.52
.. lS.iOiW
.. S,12.41
Custer National
Cimin MiLiK ii&nk of Curtis.
lannetrog Dannebrog State LSOvl
Orand Island
Total 1374.811.43
(Gordon C'aee- t'p Again.
Forward and ever and ever and ever
H.imtiel I. Gordon will draw pay because
he was once the police Judge of Omnha or
for the Fame length of time he will have
a care In the courts to collect that pay.
That practically was the Information given
out by his attortiev, Judge Kller, this morn
ing, nftfr the Judge had requested the su
preme court to put ovor the case fur the
present because he had been too ahk to
g-t ready for trial. This case In ques
tion was the one which was decided In
fnvor of the city against the Judge and In
the decision handed down concerning It,
the supreme court said that Gordon was
out and the case was settled for go. d
The case wssn't settled for good r bad
elUier be nuse It was not many days before
Judge F.Iler secured a rehrarlng. it is for
the salary of 1S01-2.
Judge Kller said Judge Gordon lias quit
holding mosquito court at the station, but
he Intimated that wojld not bar htm from
collecting salary right along as he had done
his best to break into the court room with
out success. The section or the. new
charter relating to the election of a pollc
Judge he said was bad and that Gordon
could not be ousted until the next legis
lature did it. Judge Eller admitted that
he was tired of the case, that the court
was and that the people were, but he did
not say he Intended to quit.
Setback for (imm Fight.
The fight for lower gas In Lincoln re
ceived somewhat of a setback at the coun
cil meeting last night when a report wag
adopted which was to the effect that the
compromise made in October. 1&X9, binds the
city to make no effort to reduce the price
of gas until September. 1906. The commit
tee appointed to ascertain the cost of the
manufacture of gas In Lincoln learned noth
ing. As an excuse for the backdown of the
council it was given out that President
Poherty had stated that he would reduce
the price of gas if It could be done without
It appearing that the company had been
forced to make the reduction.
Democratic Editors to Meet.
The Association of Democratic editors
will hold its third annual meeting In Lin
coln at the Llndell hotel next Monday even
ing. This la the program that will be car
ried out:
Reading of minutes of last meeting.
Paper. "'What Has Become of Prog
perityt'1 Ward Morse Democrat, Central
Pnper, "Democracy of Nebraska," C. D.
Casper. Press. David City.
Paper. "Does the Commandment, Thou
Shall not Steal,' Apply to Nebraska?" Ed
gar Howard, Telegram, Columbus.
Poem, (original) Will M. Maupin, Com
moner, Lincoln.
Paper, "Should the Democratic Party Put
a Premium 1'pon Disloyalty?". Richard L.
Metcalf, World-Herald. Omaha.
Paper, "The presidency of the t' tilted
States," W. IL Rlsley, Democrat, Grand
Paper, "Nebraska Redeemed, Cliff
Frank. Teller. York.
Paper, "Recognition of the Panama Re.
public," R. A. Raten, Journal, Plattsmouth.
Treasurer's report.
Business session.
the Conservative Saving and I-osui Trust
company of Omaha, and will have ch.uge
of the abstract department of that com
pany. Mr. Ferguson Is one of York's brlrht
young business men snd leaves a large
number of friends, who regret his departure.
All Who In me t Nebraska In 1NV4 or
ttefcre imltrl.
Hi M HOLM. Neb.. March 1 Special.)
An interesting and Important movement
was started yesterday afternoon, when a
hnlf riocen of the pioneers of this place got
together and planned t have some sort of
a gathering the -coming summer, to be ar
Mned and pnrtli Ipated In by those who
sett led' In the wlld-rticss of Nebraska a
half-century ago In The intention at
prsent Is to 'fin an orgtnliatlon. to which
a rough house. Jlart had Roslough ar
rested and owing to this. Boslough's bonds
man. O. W. llti-hes. ssked to have Bos
lough confined in Jail, saying that he did
not care to continue on the bond. Bos
lough snd Alice liawn are. charged with
gambling end each are out on bail. Their
trial will take place at the coming term of
district court.
1)1,1) :. A UK 1HCH AH;F.I1.
Vonna-er Men Said to Hare Displaced
Fifty Old Men on Bnrllnuctnn.
BEATRICE, Neb.. Murvh 1 Special Tel
egram. Word reached here t'xiay that
fifty of the old employes of tha Burlltigt n
read at Wymote Were discharged this
morning and thflr plamstll'li d with younger
men. It la understood the order did not
ptate the cause for thulr reb ase, and the
veterans are anxious to obtain some ex-
Doctor Teitifi that 0'Kci 1 Wis Killed by
Binnt Instmmtnti
Accused Policeman Represented by an
Attorney and Witnesses Before
Coroner's Jury Are lonely
Unless the System Is Built Up and 5iitlnei by
luffy's Pure Salt hishay
Farmers & Merchant
Bank of Cummerco
City National
Columbia National
First National
Commercial National
First National
Merchants' National
Omaha National
T'nlon Notional
United States National
Alllanct First National
Battle Teek Battle Creek Valley.
Baxlle Mill Bunk of Basils Mills.
Broken How Btate ,vn.'9 " ""
r.0. u state before beginning Its business.
'V?! In the recent decision holding the law
valid and constitutional which the supreme
Commercial State 4,OVi.44 court handed down it did not pass upon
Ornnd Island Banking Co 4. WS.W any specific section of the law, though
the three commissioners In the three cpln-
Waatt Ruling- on Credits.
The State Board of Equalization held a
short session this aiternon and adopted a
resolution to ask Attorney General Proat
whether the word "cTedlt" In the new
revenue law means net credit or gross
credit. The board desires tha written
Harvard Union Btate 4.116-M
First National 4.f0n.rl
(turman National t.0o',.o4
Holdrege First National 2.9-.32
Lootnls First National .0X '
McCook Citlsema 4.191!?
Newport Newport State 2,V0.0O
Norfolk Norfolk National 4. 167:4
O'Neill First National ' 4.T?.C6
Ord First National .S00
Orloans-Bank of Orleans 4,nU
l'lrce llerce County 4.0UO.OO
Himth Omuhn
Packers National 10T7.DO
South Omaha National i,620.6l
fit. Paul
Cltisens' National 4. STACK)
Flrnt Btate 4.U68.00
Sterling-First State 1,004.40
Stromnburg Farmers A Merchants 4.Pft.'i7
Ions filed by them, each declared that It
was the Intention of the legislature to
make credits net credits. The board will
meet again Friday afternoon to take np
other matters that the secretary wants
straightened out before proceeding.
Kearney Normal Costtrmet.
The Btate Board of Education will meet
tomorrow to let the contract for the build
ing of the Kearney Normal school. Sev
eral contractors were here today, but It
Is not known Just how many bids will
be put In.
The First Church of Chrtrt, Scientist, to-
leneral Manager Holdrege s ated that on
account of slack work a number of shop
men have been lnld off all along the sys
tem and that others have been transferred
to the Hi.velock shops. He denied x
plicltly, however, that the Burlington was
displacing Its old men with younger ones
or that anyone had been put to work In
tho pkice of tho men laid uft on acc iunt
of slack work.
shall be ellirlMe for membership all re.-i- j planatlon from the officials of tho corn-
dents of southeastern Nebraska who have pany.
lived in the state since tho year mentioned
above, and it is urged that all who are en
titled to participate will communicate nt an
early date with 11 P. Marble of this city.
sending facts regarding their settlement in
the state. Among the prime, movers In tho
matter Is Samuel B. Bobst of this city, who
settled with his parents near the west line
of the county on April 10, 1S, and is be
lieved to be among the first settlers of the
state. His father. Christian Hohst. was
the first probate. Judge of Richardson
county, when Its borders extendml from the
Missouri river on the east to the Rocky
mountains on the west.
At the SAme time nnd In the same party
came Squire Fries and wife, both of whom
are still living near Dubois. "l'nc!e Tom"
Brown Is another of the interested one
who came westward a single man May r7,
1864, and erected a cabin nine miles south
wept on the farm which he still owns. He
is perhaps as well posted on the early his
tory of this region as any man now living,
and can tell many Interesting experiences
of pioneer life, when a white, face was
seldom seen within tho borders of the state.
In fact, when these parties first erected
their honies they supposed they were In the
state of Kansas, and not until Inte In lS,r3
were they certain, a correct survey locat
ing them In Nebraska by several miles.
Squire J. E. Frey nnd wife, who recently
celebrated their golden wedding anniver
sary, are other residents of this city who
have lived the fifty years In this section,
and both are still halo and hearty. Henry,
Prince and James Robertson are three sons
of Daniel Robertson, who came late In De
cember, ISM, and have since lived here
abouts. There are a number of others,
doubtless, who will be entitled to partici
pate In the festivities arranged by tha
grey-haired pioneers, and all will be welcomed.
Men Accused of Lyons Job Bound
Over for Trial.
TEK AM AH, Neb., March 1. (Special
Telegram.) The trial hire today of the
Lyons bank robbers resulted In their being
bound over to the district court. They were
returned this evening to the Douglas and
Dodge county Jails, where they have been
since their arrest.
Syracuse Bank of Syracuse S.04n.oo day bought the lot 100x142 feet, at the
Valentine Valentine State
Wahoo Saunders County National
Wayne First National
West Point West Point National..
Wolbach Wolbvck Slate
City National
Don't Risk a Penny,
Get Well First.
4.120 .00 corner of Twelfth and L streets, and will
i iiii -o 'n tn8 tieur future begin tB erection of a
7'000 00 church of that faith. At present this con gregatlon holds Its meetings In Fraternity
hall, but owing to the growth of member
ship It has been found advisable to erect
a church of Its own.
The only case In the supreme court today
In which the state was Interested was that
wherein the constitutionality of the game
law Insofar as It relates to the confisca
tion of the gun of the hunter Is concerned,
Attorney General Prout appeared for the
Information Concerning Floods.
J. 8. Stevens, formerly of the State
Board of Irrigation, but now employed In
a similar capacity by the government, U
making preparations to secure data on
the floods In Nebraska. Heretofore very
ence must have taught me some certainties.
And, all that 1 know of disease and
cure, all that 1 have proven to be worth
knowing Is condensed tn my six books
lor the Sick.
Write for a free copy todsy.
They tell of my great discovery that
-practically all diseases can be permanently
cured through the Sympathetic Nerves.
Not the nerves we feel with, see with,
Lear with, but the inside nerves.
It Is these that uncousvluunly operate
the vltul organs, the Heart, Liver, Kid
tt), Bruln. ate.
When the Inside nerves get run down.
that Organ which Is weakest In the body
lkttioa Its power to act properly.
It ihea throws llu mork upon the other
These organs In turn become affected
UiToufh overwork, and so, scarcely any
uw U found without complication.
I -proved It useless to doctor the Indi
vidual Organs themselves while the Nerve
It runs the huinooi mill at full capacity
Dakota County District Court.
DAKOTA CITY, Nel.. March l.-(Spe-
clal.) The regular spring term of court for
Dakota county was convened in this place
yesterday morning by Judge Guy T
Graves of Pender. It is thought the term
will continue all of this week nnd a por
tlon of next. There are no criminal cases
to bvi tried at this term of court and but
very few civil cases of much Interest. The
Jury reported for service this morning.
A transcript from the district court of
Douglas county, Nebraska, was filed In
the clerk of the district court's office late
Saturday evening, of a Judgment "rtndered
In said court on November 6, 1901, In a
suit Instituted by James Nelson against
Joseph Crow in the amount of jn059, re
covered on a note. Crystal Lake park was
recently transferred to It. A. Talbot and
Joseph Crow for a consideration of J10.
0t. Mr. Crow Is vice president of the
Sioux City. Homer & Southern railway,
now In process of constructing an electrlo
railway from Sioux City to Homer, and
ia also ex-postmaster of Omaha.
Heirs Are Turned llnnn.
PLATTSMOl'TH, Neb., March 1. (Spe
cial.) In county court yesterday Judge
Travis handed down a decision in the case
brought by Johanna Sayre and John Kupke,
asking the removal of C. S. Polk as admin
istrator of the estate of Ernst Kupke, de
ceased, which In substance admitted that
they were legal heirs of t lie deceased, but
prior to tho tiling of tho petition they had
sold and transferred all their Interest in
tho estate of their father, therefore the
application Is denied and the petition is dis
missed. The court ordered Mr. Polk to file
a i-eport of his doings as administrator up
to the present time and to give & new bond
In the sum of t-2,'JM by March 16. The old
bond was in the sum of $6,000.
The iiKiulf itlon Into the death of George
O'Neill, the young man who died at St.
Joseph's hospital Monday morning from in
juries stisiained while being arrested by
Officer Moore nt Henry Keating s saloon at
an early hour last Sunday morning, was
began nt 2:TO p. m. yesterday and after a
session of three and a half hours an ad
journment was taken until 7 o'clock this
evening. The morgue was thronged
throughout tho entire proceedings, many
coming and going, but the majority re
malnlng during the entire session and listen
ing with interest to every word that was
said by tho seven witnesses who were put
on the stand. At this evening's session It
Is expected that ns many If not more wit
nesses will be examined.
Ex-Officer Moore Is represented by At
torneys A. W. Jeffries und F. S. Howell,
the family of the deceased bj- E. W. Elm-
The World's Famous Sprinp; Tonic an J Stimulant.
The standard of puiity
I'lalltv nnd
cilenee for nearlv luilf a centur.
I'sed b over 7. '"' leadiim lo. tts a i l
mote than i.o hospitals, .m.t in in 111 n.s of
h"tiuvi, a a gentle tonic, stimulant and in
visomlor, tho one certain cute and pte
Ventlve of disease.
The strain of the long, cold, tryintT win
ter leaves the vitality at a ev tow el!,
and unless the blood is at once enriched,
tha lift illation st vngi lo ne.i ami the
system put into pcrlc t condition to over,
come and resist disease Vy taking lMi:Y's
Furo Malt Whiskey as directed, the Mis
tering, changeatilo March weather will
pro e fatal; or we will contract some
chronic disease of the throat, lungs, stom
ach, etc.
You Need No Other Medicine.
Duffy's f.tre Milt Whiskey prevents and
cures coughs, cold", bronchitis, catarrh,
grip, pneumonia, consumption and all
throat and lum Iriuhles; Indigestion, dys
pepsla, sour stomach, gastritis, lielchlnw
r. n.l . h . , . K.. r ... in,,.... eo.iiineii niseits.-n; urn our-n. inn-
. .... v.,....., eii.iuic, Inrla and all low fever1
Wilson. SI Ml mil avenue.
f Just such lettcrt
Wonld Bar lovra Company.
TEKAMAII, Neb., March l.( Special. )
The National Llfo Insurance company of
the t'nlted States filed a petition In the
district court of Hurt county, Nebraska, to
day In the case of Pearl T. Fullen and a
number of others ponding against this
company and the National Life and Trust
company and the Security Life and Sav
ings Insurance company of Des Moines,
I.i., recently commenced by attorneys Hope
well and Blnghaus, to remove the case to
tho United States circuit court. The at
torneys for the plaintiffs have drawn and
filed with the state auditor objections to the
Issuance of a license to the Insurance com- I
pany to continue in business in the state
For 80 years Tve been a physician!
have treated nearly two million cases!
Surely you'll admit that such expert- little data could be ecured during the high
water because all of the trains were usu
ally knocked out to such an extent that
It has been impossible to get around at
the right time. Mr. Stevens has be?n re
quested by the government to get In shape
the Information.
Insist Bsrry Is Oat.
After a series of brilliant and most In
terestlng engagements In which were
brought to puty the experience gained in
two wars and many political fights, the
fierce struggle between Adjutant ilenerai
Culver and Hrlgadler General Harry may
be said to have ended. Outside the breast
works, with a fresh scar added to the
many received during a grand career la
the civil war, lies General Barry, routed
and scouted, a fallen hero.
The routing and scouting was done on a
technicality, and on that score the valiant
hero may again come back to Interest Ida
friends by another discharge of heavy ar
tillery In the Interest of harmony In the
School Teacher Deserts Wife.
BEATRICE, Neb.. March 1. (Special.)
The little town of Virginia, fifteen milos
southeast of Beatrice, Is Just recovering
from a sensitlonal affair In which Prof.
McCleery, principal of the schools there,
was the chief actor and a heartbroken wlfo
Is left to suffer for his misdoings. In tak
ing charge of the schools the professor gave
th residents of that village to understand
that he was not married, and soon after
locating there lie was not long In gaining
access to somo of tho best homes In Vir
ginia, and at once became a favorite among
the young women. Last Thursday evening
Mrs. McCleery arrived at Virginia and
rather took her husband by surprise. The
next morning tho professor disappeared
and has not been seen since. Mrs. Mc
Oloery Is heartbroken over her husband's
actions, and the Virginia Hoard of Educa
tion is Just now engaged In trying to find
someone to take the professors place.
Xot Tried for Drunkeueos.
HURON, S. D March l.-(Speclul Tele
gram.) In the statement of the case of
tho City of Huron against C. N. Cooper,
published a day or two ago, a grievous
misstatement was made. Mr. Cooper wax
not tried for drunkenness in the case re
ferred to. That charge was made tn th'
original complaint and on which trial wa,i
had by Jury, resulting In a disagreement.
It was stricken out after that trial, uni
the charge on which he was then tried was
that of tumultuous conduct, threatening tn
fight and fighting. This was not resisted
by Cooper, though he required the records
to be made up with a view to bringing the
action in the circuit court.
Power Shearing Plant.
FREMONT, Neb.. March 1. (Special.)
A sheep shearing plant Is In operation nt
the Fremont stock yards and a good many
sheep which ore being fed there In transit
are relieved of their,,, wool before being
shipped to market. Toe power is furnished
by a gasoline engine,, which moves the
knives of tho shears very rapidly. It only
takes three minutes to take off all the wool
when the shears are in the hands of an
expert operator, and without cutting the
skin of tha sheep. It requires much skill
and practice and It Is very hard work U
run one of the machines. Expert opera
tives can get Pi per day.
Maklna- Trip to Jerusalem,
YORK. Neb.. March 1 (Special.) Rev.
and Mrs. W. Medlar and Mr. and Mrs. C.
C. Cobb left today for an rxtend-d trip
a'oad or.d will be gone some time. Thy
sail from New York City on March S. go i g
to Jerusalem and Italy and many other
intermediate point j of Interest. Rev. Mel
lsr of the Congregational church here Is a
delegate to the world's Sunday school con
vention to b" held at Jerusalem on Apajl IS,
19 and 20. Mr. Cobb Is one of Ycrk's suc
cessful and pioneer merchants. The party
will return about the middle of Miy.
Child Crushed to Death.
FREMONT. Neb., March 1. (Special.)
A 4-year-old daughter of A. Baechler of
Pleasant Valley township was accidentally
killed yesterday afternoon by being crushed
by a log. Baechler had a pile of logs In
hl yard which he had hauled up for fire
wood, and was unloading another load
when the accident happened. The chllif
climbed to the top of the pile, which rolled
down, carrying her with It. Her chest was
crushed and she was badly bruised. She
lived about twenty minutes, dying before a
physiclon could be secured. Hor father saw
the log start to roll with his child. Btand
Ing on It, but It fell so quick that he was
unable to reach her.
BeduUve temporarily deadeoea the Vr&. In the statute which probably will
iialn hut Increased distress afterwards.
Tonus revived tho drooping powers.
only to insure rrlttpbo so soon as the stim
ulus was withdrawn.
of what use to hourly move ahead the
liandu of a watch If lis out Lnsp ling be se-
lioUKly weakened?
be fired at Mm aa soon as the forces of
General Culver get time to do the loading
Is found the technicality. The law rfo
vldes that the brigadier general shall be
eleeted for a period of three yrara and
nothing is said about him helling offl.
until his successor is elected and qualified.
There is but one sensible tiling to do, I In the records on file in the ofnc of Com.
VU. stiiteu up the mainspring. I mander-ln-Chlef Mickey It la shown fiat
i uui is wnat my, now laiuuus, prescrlp-1 General Harry w as elected February U,
tlon Dr. ahuup's iUtorallve does.
-t acts mrectly upon the Sympathetic
.'""n v. tmirs jusi tut steam acta iu au
it provides, thmurtl lhu liMa nerve.
the power to uua ui weakest organ dj
il uuty.
It enables wesk organs to cast off their
dogging waste matter, and to repair their
worn uosue.
power to fully operate them wu luck In
till that mill produces tmiuvh new mule.
p" to keep lueir running without further
sio sure ajn I of this Restorative that I
thorite certain Druggists everywhere to
appiy 11 on a months trial, to practically
all who wnte me for thai orlvileae
To supply it at my expense If it fails to
perieni. i your expense it It cures.
The cost Is but for six bottl in.
eluding my profestdonal help during treat
ment. Could anything better prove my faith In
uui sytiasn. tutu ini voluntary lest.
Could anyone furnln you better
grounds for confidence?
Tou should gel my bonk, which tells
How to cure alaMue permanently.
nte for it today, now, you can't
gnc wen loo anon.
Just specify which of tbe six yoj need.
Hook I mm thipMrds.
l m ins Hn.
t as In Kjdstr.
Poes 4 fee 1'onn.
Sxk I tar Ma MM )
goes e aa K a Ulna ti am.
19"1. Therefore, on February IS of the pres
ent year he was done for. The stituus
also provide that the brigadier general
shall be a member of the National iSuard.
As his term of otflce has expired, Barry Is
no longer a member of the National Guard,
so, therefore, before the general can mike
another dash Into public print It will be
up to him to find a way out of his prerent
standing with the guard.
In view of these facts It la beginning to
look mighty like General Culver will suc
ceed in abolishing the office, which will
also abolish the staff of the brigadier gen
eral, leaving himself free to call upon Gen
eral Daggett to take charge of the brigade
should the necessity arise. In the mean
time Oeneral Daggett, who has served bis
time and won his star In the regular army.
has never said a word about the preren'-
Indents omlag to Omaha.
Two hundred students of the State uni
versity will leave tomorrow morning In a
special train for South Omaha to lr.v?s I
gate tha packing housea. Prof. ' R H. Smith
will be In iharg of the student
Address Dr. Shoop, Box f73 Racine. Wis
P. S. 81mols caaaa often vielii in one Knt .
tie of Restorative. All druggists carry It.
xiui an aruggista on not supilv it on
moiita trial You must writ le me for
Coasea ta Oaaaha.
TORK. Neb.. March L (Special.) H I.
Fargwaoa. af the Ann of Ferguson Jk Son,
abatractan, tu aaoaoial a position attb
Diwlnnsh In Trouble Aaaln.
YORK. Neb.. March 1 (Special )-C. Bos
ough objected to L. E. Hart being at the
house of Alice Hawn snil proceeded to mnke
Child Dronnril In Canal.
KEARNEY, Neb.. March l.-( Tel
egram.) Mr. and Mrs. George Lander
bach's little eon. 14 years old, was drown 1
In the canal near the cotton mill Monday
evening. The little fellow was playing with
a sister, a little older than himself, anil
ran down the bank. He missed the foot
bridge and fell Into an air hole In the Ice,
the only one for fully 4M fe-t In either
direction. Tuesday evening all efforts to
locate the body proved fruitless.
English. The suspended officer was brought
to the morgue In the custody of one of
his late fellow officers and sat beside his
counsel (V.irlng the proceedings.
Companion tan Tell Little.
The first witness to be examined waa
Charles Hall, 2Iin Cuming street, at whose
house, the testimony showed. Charles Mohr
1125 North Twentieth street, nnd Georg?
O'Neill, the deceased, met on the evening
before tho fatal event. Hall and Mohr
both recited In detail all that transpired
during the evening und night up to the ar
rest of O'Neill, but when, questioned on
what transpired nt Heatings saloon, all
they could say was that they knew some
thing was going on between the officer and
O'Neill, so they mndn for the back door
ns quickly as they could nnd then ran, not
stopping to see what happened to their
When questioned closely they admitted
that they had Rot out as soon ns they
could, as they thought they were going to
be arrested. Hall said he was standing be
side O'Neill when the officer came In the
saloon, hut could not testify as to how the
mirror was broken or how O'Neill was hit.
Mohr testified that he had an Impression
that the officer grabbed O'Neill and heard
tho glafs fall. He also said that he re
membered hearing the officer asking Hall
his name and address when, it is said.
O'Neill entered the breach. The clcsest ex
amination falhd to elicit any Information
from llall or Mohr regarding Just what j
happened between O'Neill ar.d the pollen- j
ninn. so quickly did the twain leave the
Mature of the Wounds.
Police Surgeon Trostler and Drs. H. P.
Hamilton nnd W. R. Lavender were ex
nmlneri at considerable length by the
various Interests represented.
Police Surgeon Trostler stated that
O'Neill told him at the station thnt he had
been struck by tUe officer, with a club he
Dr. Hamilton, who operated on young
O'Neill at the hospital and who. wllh Dr.
Lavender, performed the autopsy, testified
at length ns to the nature of the wounds
and the operation. Dr. Lavender gave a
technical explanation of the post-niorter.i
examination and stated that in his opinion
none other than a blunt instrument could
Irave produced the fkull fracture which
caused tbe death of O'Neill.
Charles F. McOovern, one of Henry
Keatlng's bartenders, who at the time of
the arrest of O'Neill was playing cards at
table in the saloon, testified thnt he
saw the officer strike O'Neill on the head
with a club and salid lthalt tho colntlact
of the club made a loud noise. He said
he did not know the mirror had been
broken until someone had told him of the !
fact, ell also stated that he did not hear
what took place between the officer and
the prisoner before the former Jerked
O'Neill toward the door and struck him.
Mrs. Emma Robinson, a colored womnn
whs happened to be passlnb the patrol
box at the time of the arrest, testified
what happened at the -box. She caused
considerable merriment when asked as to
the size of the arresting officer. 'Was be
as large as I nm?" asked Attorney Jeffer- I
les. "Well, when dem officers get dem ',
big overcoats on, dey all look alike to '
me," was the woman's reply. '
The Keating saloon, Sixteenth and Dav
enport streets, has been closed by ord?r
of Chief of Police Donahue, and It Is i
stated that the place will not be opene 1, i
at least until a thorough Investigation of i
this affair hns been made. j
It Is expected that the Inquest will ho I
concluded this evening
it builds up l.ew tissues, tones IIP the
heart, invigilates the brain, nuiets the
nerves and strengthens the muscles; it kl!l
disease germs of every description, purities
the blood and cleanses the enllre system.
It keeps the old young and makes tho
youni; strong.
Brother of Francis Wilson, the Famous
Actor, Says : " Duffy's Pure Halt
Whiskey Saved Hy Life."
"I cheerfully recommend Duffy's Pure
Malt Whiskey to all who are suffering
from any disease that has brought about a
weakening of the system. It saved my H e
When started using It 1 was a weakling
ami weighed 1ST founds; now I tip the
scales at l'2u and am Btronjr, robust nnd
"From the first dose 1 begun to feel bet
ter, color came to my cheeks, my step be
came elastic, nnd 1 never felt tetter in
my life. 1 flrmlv I elluve that had It not
been for Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey I
should now he In my grave.
Mnde My Wife Strong;.
"My wlfo was sickly nt.d pale and weighed
less than hi pounds. Nothing seemed to do
her any good, hut, thanks to Duffy's Pure
Malt Whiskey, she is now In perfect rvnltii
nnd welghN i.'i" pounds. We never tire of
recommending Duffy's, tecauso we know Us
worth" R
1 "eiroit. M , h
We recivo lhn;i;;iiul.s
from men an. I w hiivl o ervwiiere w he.
hae been c in d and kept stroi g ami
healMiy by li,ff. 's puro Malt Whiskey,
l'.vi-ry I -.-j. T I tn 1 1 1 it I Is published In good
fait h nnd guar.! I-1 !.
l:ITV's Is absolutely pure, contains no
fuse! oil, ant Is the only whiskey recoi;.
t'ls! hy the Government as a medicine.
T'uis is a guarantee.
CAI TIOV-Whrn on nsk for Unity's
Pnre At litskey lie sure jrom set the
Krnnlne. I nsrrnpiilons dealers, mind.
fnl of the eirellf see of this irepara.
tlon. Mill try tn sell o cheap Imita
tions and malt vthlakey snbstltntea.
which are put nn the market for pro lit
onlj, and which, far from relieving
the sick, are positively harmful. De-
iii and Duffy's" and be sure to get It.
It Is the only absolutely Pnre Visit
Whiskey which contains medicinal,
health-all Ina- qnnlltles. HulTy'a Pnre
Malt Whiskey Is sold In seeled hnAles
onl) never In llnsk or bulk. Look for
the trnde-nutrk, the "Old ( hemlat." on
the label, nnil he certain the seal over
the cork Is nnhroken. Beware of a
filled bottles.
Sold bv all druggists and grocers, ol
direct. l'.t a bi.t!e. Medic. I booklet frea,
D;t:Tv Malt Whiskey Co., Rochester, N. T.
J'mTmiK J''isusn a, f jsmwyn . muni's si !
Gage Connty Mortgage Record.
BEATRICE. Neb.. March. 1. (Special.)
Following is the. mortgage report for Gage
county for the month of February: Num
ber of farm mortgages filed, fifty-nine;
amount, Ki.7i9; number of farm mortgages
released, forty-eight: amount, p'2.5T2; num
ber of city nnd town mortgages filed
twenty-one; amount. 12.t,23; number of
city and town mortgagee released, four
teen; amount, J11.0S3.
And Ills Daughter Matched lllm.
Coffee drinking troubled the family of
a physician of Graft on, W. Va., who de
scribes the situation briefly:
'Having suffcied quite n wrl! from
vertigo, palpitation of the heart nnd many
other derangements of the nervous system
and finding no relief from iiiual methods
of treatment, I thought to Fee how much
there was In the 1'ostum argiment against
"So I resorted to Tostum, cutting off
the coffee, ujid to my surprise and satis
faction have found entire relief from all
my sufferings, proving conclusively the
baneful effect of coffee end the way to be
rid of It.
"I have founl Postum completely takes
the place of coffee both in flavor and In
taste. It is becoming more popular every
day with many of our people snd Is hav
ing great demand here.
"My daughter. Mrs. lxir.g, has been a
sufferer for a long time from attacks of
acute indl'-estlon. Py the dismissal of
coffee and usini: Postum In its pi ice rhe
has obtained complete relief.
"I have alao beard from msny otlxrs
who l.ave used your Postum very favor
able accounts of Its good r:Totts.
"I piescrlhe Pott m In piece of coffee
tn a great many as.ra and I believe lint
upon its rr.rrits postum will come Into
general use." Xati jrUen 1 Pruu-n Co.,
lUttlti Cre. k. Mich.
Ik fr the fa nr. out l.t'l? hook "The
Rod U VYeavli," lu taob t-aci.a.
Charara Itrol her.ln..a w with Arson
RED er.On. Neb., March l.-(8peclat.)
Eire destroyed about forty tons of hay
on the farm of George Drake, a farmer
living south of the city, last Saturday
night. Drake came to the city yesterday
and swore out a complaint Hgaln-t his
brother-in-law. Jeff Krauchamp. for set
ting Pre to the hay. Tho hearing is set
for Thursday afternoon.
I'loral Company incorporates.
BEATRICE. Neb.. March l.-( Special )
Articles of incorporation of tho Dole Floral
compeny have been filed in the office of the
county clerk here. The company Is ran
Italixed for $5."l and the principal place
of doing business is at Beatrice. The In
corporators ore S. H., E. TV. and TV. A.
Dole of this city.
Difriii March and April very low colonist rates will
be in effect lo the west :
$25.00 to Sati Francisco nnd Los Angeles.
$25.00 to Portland, Tucoma and Seattle.
$22.50 to Spokane.
$20.00 to Butte, Helena and Salt Lake City.
$16.75 to Big Horn Basin, Wyo.
Correspondingly low rates to hundreds of other '
points. ' '
Folder mailed free on request, tel'lr.g all i
about tho low rates and dally tourist car
hat.w .t-4svy7aii4.f fern
City Passenger Agent, ,
1502 Farnam Street, Omaha.
VSjsiipu suaaeniiji. 41 rrevnsanaawvwnpsetaai
A.aii'tna-y ittiaVI'atfet
Fsnsa ai 11 ""jC
1 mn lliaiinr
Control of Des Moines A- Port Dodute
Railroad Goes to Syndicate of
Reeeat Purchasers.
NEW YORK. March 1 It was learned
today that the control of the Des Moines &
Fort Dodge railroad has passed to the syn
dicate which some time ago made an offer
to the stockholders for their holdings. The
ownership of the road is not known. The
road is at present under an rlghteen-yesr
lease to the Rock Island, the lease expiring
January 1 next.
Gold Medal
At Pan-American Exposition
District Court la f'ass.
PUATTSMOrTH. Neb.. March 1-fSpe-clul.i
The March term of the district court
convened In this city this morning at 9
o'clock with Judge Paul Jessen on the
bench. Very little burlness was transacted
excet t the calling of the docket and hear.
Ing motions.
Try Edholm's watca repsrrtng departra't
Ruodlera Perfect Appeal.
JEFFERSON CITY, Mo. March l.-The
supreme coirt today ulsmlssed at the
i-ost of tin defendants, the proceedings
brought by the attorney general to have
the bonds of Julius Ihmann snd four
other former members of the St. Ixiuls
hens" of delegates convicted of boodllng.
forfeited for failure to pay docket fes
and thus complete their appeul to th
tui rctm- court. The docket fees have been
pud and the cases have been docketed (or
bearing at the April ten of tite luutiiii
It is
that a
Unlike Any Other!
The full flavor, the deli
cious quality, the absolute
Purity of Lowney's Lreak-,
fast Cocoa distinguish it
from all others.
Lowney't Cocoa is the finest
possible product of the choicest
Cocoa Beans.
Vu Lnmn Rtcttft Bock UUt hum
mmkm t WiM 2foaWoa, ,
Cramii3,J:iml,tt(.,ll komu. Stulrtt
tks Waller M. Vmwmi 0a, manaa. aUaa,
not so much of a calamity
man contracts disease or
weaknesses, but that he neglects
them or fails to secure the proper treatment
for their cure.
Whv wait until your whole system
becomes polluted with disease or until
your nervous system is tottering under
the strain, and you uro a physical
and mental wreck, unfit for work,
business, study or marriage? Uncer
tain or Improjier treatment can only
do harm. There Is only one perfect,
safe and lasting cure for you. which
vim will find at the State Elect ro
Medlcal Institute Start right, and
start at once. Delays are dangerous
We treat men only and cure them
quickly, ae.fely and thoroughly.
Every man suffering from any
private diseases.
Varicocele, Stricture, Kid
ney or Bladdar Diseases,
Poisonous Discharges
Blood Poison (Syphilis),
Weakening Drains, Impotency. Nervo-Sexual Debility,
caused bv self-abuse, exceases. Indiscretions, or the results of specific or
private diseasa, owes It to himself, ills family, and rM.eolally to tho future
generations to get cured promptly, xafely and thoroughly.
rOsJCrt TiTlftM fDFF Office hours. a. m. to t p. m. Sundays, 10 to 1
VUiiOH I I lull HLL only. If you cannot call wrlta for svmptom blank.
1308 Farnam St., Bet. 13th and 14th Sts., Omaha, Neb.
au ' -
Your liver regulates
your system.
Wright's Indian
Vegetable Pills
regulate your liver.
Tho Annlhliator of Worms.
sal kg all draegtata.
. : 1 3
!' 7 M J lCi "iumta n
f B i I 1 1 D 2 tt cuui f u r I, nd H
! f . riuf jri "Irfi Hi in ft f ""tin' c 7
C ' V -i W3i Vg' tul JiLility.
: l SYMPTOMS iirhlcn and itiue- m
j 7 '1 ttQ pio, KirtneM tiU 7
j U U bleeding. 1 h mri form, ulrf, H
I Ilk protrude, tJ ' ttrlct4, tilrri, roui V
io vry twtrioua wi gainful. Tn cur thvtn H
i H luilatil relief. Cure, In ar'aral 1t. 11
I X At drunn.U. T
B or fut witb emus fr P I J J B
Si a Matydor Mfg. Co.. 1 aneaster. 0.. U.S.A. i
I "7 m.IiI ,nd rc iniii ncil In Hn.aK M. i
j p sell. 1 1 a i Jjii'
Ix puty Pljte Vct rlnarlun.
Kood inspector.
Office snd Infirmary. Sblb and Mason ft.
OMAHA. Jsi-b, Telephone Ut.