THE OMAHA DAILY DEE: TUESDAY. MAKCIT 1. 1S04. K1 JANKERS' DION CASE IS IP Keither PriT finited with th Ficdicgi of th Bsferee. STATE WANTS FRAUD FEAJURE PASSES ON Cntrrnor Drrimimriiili eeral Xa tloaal f.narel Officers to AduJ the Military School Held at Fort l.ritrnnortk, (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN. Feb. (Speclnll-The ens cf the Hankers' Inlon of thrWnrh) has arnne to the upreme court. Iieputy Attor 3wy fjoneral Nortls Brown for the state and Judice Field frr the defense having; completed their argument on the report of Jteferen Ityin tlil afternoon. Should the court decide not to pro Into the evidence, but to net up' n the srtuinent and the re port of the ref.-ree It I not unlikely that a decision will he handed down at this lttln. The question, however, of going Into the evidence lias not yet been de cided. Kor th state, Deputy Attorney General Urown objected to that part of the con clusion of Judge ityan whl-h laid the cotn tny was solvent; he objected because H'-feree Ryan did not make a specific find ing on the charge of fraud, which he claimed Was on of the main Issues. Judge Field objected to one or two minor con clusions of the referee, but waa willing to accept the report aa a Judgment. Let Printing Contract. The State Printing; Board this afternoon let contracts for printing supplies for the Use of the Hoard of Kciualliatlon. Of the tax lists. North Co. secured .a contract for printing- 100 elrht-nulre fix llsta for tW: Klopp ar Unrtlett landrd the sixty six-oulre lists for t144 ;the forty four- q ilre Hats for 1M . and the fifty four eulre cash books for S193.Sn. On this work the Btate Journal company waa the low est bidder, but as the co npany did not specify the kind of paPT named In the advertisement, and refused to do so, the fcld was rejected. Militiamen to Go t School. Governor Mickey has recommended that these members of the National Guard be rent to Iavanwcrth aa students In the general science and staff school at that lace, the government to pay all expense except for hooks and heat ad light for one year: Captain Eberly oT Stanton, Cap tain Feebler of Nelson, Captain Summons of Kearney, Flint IJeiitenant Davis of York, First Lieutenant Hervey and Second Lieutenant Guy C. Furay of Omaha, and Heeond Lieutenant I. 8. Johnson of Com pany B, First regiment. These were all the applicant!. Adjutant General Culver has Issued an tirder to the Guard to prepare for the an nual Inspection by the government to be conducted by General Daggett, beginning March 10. Alma Postofllce Case I p. Deputy Treasurer pibcock has been sum moned na a witness to appear In the I'nlted titutes court at Omaha tomorrow and lirlng with him warrants Issued to pay for stamps purchased of the postmaater at Almo. Frank Betts'waa arraigned In . district court this morning on the charge of forg ing two checks to the aggregate amount of $400, and pleaded not guilty to the charge. His trial waa et for Thursday of this week, It Is said that a continu ance will be taken by his attorney's and the case allowed to go over to the next term of the district court If low enough bonds can he-seonr'ed from the court. . i Certificates to Doctors. At a meeting of the atate Board of Health thla morning, eleven certificates were laeued, six to persons to practice osteo pathy and live to medical doctora. The beard haa sent out to the various town ships of the stste a pamphlet containing Us rules, governing contagious diseases and mattcra pertaining to quarantine. Renewal of Guard War. It la confidently believed that a mani festo la brewing In the office of the adju tant general and that In the courae of a few days It will Issue. Thla belief Is baaed on the fact that since Washington's birth day there haa been nothing doing In the Culver-Barry typewriter war until today, hen a morning paper printed In Omaha pave vent to an editorial which General diver's friends say docs him a rank In justice, tu that It accuses him of In jecting politics Into the National Guard. inasmuch aa there la on the atari of the J-aper In question a member of the guard. ho Is believed to be the press agent of Cleneral Barry, neither General-Culver nor JhiJ frlenda believe there la very much ruth In the charge agalnat the general. for the reason that thla reporter In ques tion la a member of the guard and Is friendly to General Barry It la believed by Culver'a frlenda that be baa Influenced Ms editorial management to write the story.' Now then. If this can be proved, and no scouts are sleeping now days, this joung man will be court martlaled, and hla Hid will be most horrible. That. Is the penalty for criticising a superior officer. aea for Heay Uimtirn, In Judge Frost's court today began the ult of Miss Katherine Shepherd against the Lincoln Traction company for 3000 damages because she was Injured while getting off of a car last January. Mies Shepherd at the time was a teacher In the Which Book Shall 1 Send Aid To Whom Shall I Send It? That Is all I atk-Juvt a portal card ju tha Bln)lPf "f pnny to a14 a akrk ftin4. Ha at fia ia your friftt4 -an4 a atranaw to ma. Tt if -ou fnrly tM mo hU nam 1 gladly do Ihti: I will arrange with a 4rugglat ntar htm ao h mar A m feotilrs !r. 9hoop a Kaatoratlva. I will h him It a mni to prava what U ran do If It ucieiW. in coat la lo t. If H rail. I will par ft 1rugtt wjvwlf. , And tt i-li ooe'a mrr word laalJ dwlda It. TouM 1 mrt iuu lur .- in tan ant nut mo I would forattr fomiar rod that 1 har what taoor al-k nnoa ftrol. M i thn that: 1 havo that without whir wioa of tiic ro t-an crvar art wall- I would ovar h;m tnu with vidsTiwo Irrralatlhbf rontlning you would go away tailing ail jomr aich (nooda hunt n. Unt 1 ca nifri tmr a fw. ao I baa put what I know in i bokn And I iwito thla anawaa o afc ty who noodi lb. a books. ould y moat mr. 1 ttlia ow would willingly tak my id Hut you i-inM a 1 taka pours- I trust to yuur honest tha taat at mv lis. a,Dd I will ia-. or hi mv, just aavTwa dwMda- aa you o'.. ( uf a st out hn will natfort aa Offvr has thts? I ran affori tho oflsr bacwuao fail urs ar lw They only whoa lhra at tiu.tfi lik rsnetr hUh mdlMno tan not euro. 1 hava I urn shed my Kroutritivo to hundreds of thouKands la this d, and i "Mi f ear o hava chsorfuily paid- hrui lhv mm well I pay lu4 wa willingly whsa ore says I hava (a Hod. i don't want the nior f lha haptlasa. My Keatoriijt forma the only wwr to atrwngthan tha in Id r.eryra It Is my discovery i ha result uf a 1 1 'Mima's work lnrrn of dovtortn tha weak organs 1 dv tor tha aue uf their weaknena. I bring tka mwrrm power which alone makes the vital vrgsna a-t. There is no other wav to soak any eu vital rn do Its dutv lung Won't yow wrtta postal that aoai suk friend may learn avK i raniedy 1'ka that . Writs guw -today. Dr. Shoop. Baa atTS. Ra.Mne, Wts HHd ass's, sot rht-rnV ar often cured with oaa m t hot tie. At druggists. r. Shoop's Restorative SMl I tostxil i tit i nn ft j I tr Bin ,Mi'tl Mt hiiaiaia Sm4 iMtk.-ltarl teal 1 a tat KUiof At the Doctor's Risk public schools and she now atatea that owing to the Injuries received on her head she Is unable to resume her duties, hence the large amount of damages asked She claimed that as she attempted to g-t off a car at Twenty-eighth and O streets the enr audd'-nly started and threw her to the pavement. - Bids for Federal Bnlldlng. Custodian Llndsey of the federal building Vns been officially notlrtcd that the city council c nr. not move Into the old f"drnl building until the new one Is completed and the city has bought the old. Mr. Lind sry was also notified to advertise that Mds for the new building would be received at the office of Architect Taylor In the treas ury department at Wushlngton up to 3 p m. April It. The three district Judges and County At torney Caldwell were In consultation this afternoon over the matter of the contempt proceedings ordered Instituted by Judge Frost some weeks ago against R. J. Greene on the charge that he mutilated the records In the Penn-Trompen case. Mr. Cald-well prepared the Information some time ago:' but he waa waiting the signing of It by some one conversant with the facts. There haa been some talk recently of dropping the proceedings, and after the consultation It waa given out that nothing had been done In the matter. S4.RPV COrSTV HA A CANDIDATE. Pats Forward f'oantjr Jidie Wilson for Ijind Commissioner. PA PILLION. Neb.. Feb. 29 (Special ) The republican of Sarpy county, for the first time, will seek a place for one of Its members upon the state ticket. The friends of our county Judge, J. R. Wilson, will ask for hla nomination for the office of com missioner of public lands and bulldlnss Mr. Wilson has been elected for six con secutive term. In two of which he carrl-'-d every voting precinct In the county; twice he waa the only successful candidate on the republican ticket. Politics In Richardson County. HUMBOLDT. Neb., Feb. 29 -(Special. ) The question of float senator for Richard son and Pawnee counties seems to be oc cupying the front of the stage Just now In this end of the county, probably for the reason that the only candidate In this Immediate vicinity is asking for that place. Following the usual custom this Is the year when the privilege of naming the candi date falls to this county. So far the only aspirants to place themselves In the hand of their friends are Judge E. A. Tucker of this city and Ex-Repreaeritatlve Robert Cain. Jr., of Stella. No strong opposition has as yet developed against either In their respective localities, and It b ol;s like the matter would probably be settled from a geographical point of view. The friends of Mr. Tucker believe this will be to their advantage by reason of his being the only west end candidate. In the line of repre sentatives, of which there are three to elect, the situation Is more complicated, there being any number who are willing to make the race. Two of the present representatives. H. B. Belden of Grant and Cass Jones of Rulo are said to be can didates for renomlnatlon, while the other. W. H. Hogrefe of Stella, It Is understood has withdrawn In order to be out of tho way of Cain for the senate. In addition to the first named. Grant now comes out with three more aspirants, former Sheriff J. Rock Williamson. George Smith and W. B. Alexander. The contest between these gentlemen will of course be settled at the primaries. A. J. Wheeler, the Salem lum berman, Is considered one of the leaders In the representative race, and It Is under stood will receive the united support of the west end In his candidacy. For county attorney hut one name has been men tioned and the place will "likely go to W. H. Morrow of Bhubert without opposition. District Coort In Washington t'onnty. BLAIR. Neb.. Feb. 19 (Special The regular term of the district court convened on Tuesday of 'last week with Judge Lee Estelle, presiding. The Highland ditch eases occupied most of the time of the court. These cases In which the laud owners adjoining the ditch sue for more damages than was awarded them by the appraisers who were appointed by the county, are Jury cases. In the one df Jos eph Gutschow, which came to trial, he was allowed a less amount by the Jury 'than had been given him by the county ap praisers. Other similar cases will be up for trial this week. The court room was crowded on Friday, as much Interest waa taken In the case of Mrs. Ellen Tyson of Arlington, who sued her son Amasa Tyson for the possession of eighty acres of land, being a part of the $15.(0) estate of his father, Peter M. Tyson, now deceased. The case was decided against her and leaves the son In full possession of the land. This case Is the outcome of a divorce case. In which Mrs. Tyson sought a divorce from the husband and father, Peter -M. Tyson, but owing to the strong evidence of a highly sensational character against her, she was denied a divorce. Mr. Tyson died soon after, leaving his property to his wife and only son, the greater share to the wife, although she had left his home and refused to live with him. The land In dispute was given to her by her father at the time of her marriage to Tyson, but for which her husband had pal a her In cash and held the receipt for the same, which was produced In court. Fines romplalalasr Wltifii. VVATKRLOO, Neb.. Feb (Special.) - Saturday night two young; men of this town ensased .In sn altercation which re sulted in both bHns fined In Justice court this mornlna;, to the tune of 125 and costs. The parties to the racket are David 8ibert and William Mct'llntock and the affair grew nut of a trivial matter wlyle In a restaurant. They became Involved over the refusal of McCllntock to give up a stool for Blbert-to use In eating; a lunch. In th melee that followed. McCllntock drew a fun and knife and ordered Slliert jiot to ad vance another step, on penalty of being; shot. Slbert struck the hand holding; the gun and grappled with his antagonist, when the revolver was discharged In the air. Injuring no one but passing through the wall of a building nearby. Plhert swore out a warrant on the charge of shooting with intent to kill. In the preliminary hearing the testimony was about as indicated above, but the Justice thought both needed a lesson and g.ive. It to them. McCllntock paid his fine and court costs, but Slbert thinks of appealing ths case. Farmers' Sale Day at Blair. BLAIR. Neb.. Feb. .-(8peclal -Satur day waa a red letter day for f3!alr In point of attendance of people from the country and the volume of business transacted by tha business men of the city. It waa the Initial number of the "farmers' sale and exchange day." which was recently in augurated under tha management of Auc tioneer H. H. Reel and U. F. Bros a:d which will te continued each Saturday. The amount of tha day's sales was neirly $2,000. Including a small livery stable, be longing to Frits Gutschow. who has closed out his business, bight fins horses w brought over from Harrison county. Iowa, and sold here. The arringement for a general sale day meets the hearty approval of tha farmesa i.t thlt vicinity as wai show i by the large attendsjice and the amount of goods aad stock brought In to be dla Mjaed of. Will Ora-aatie Balldlaaj Association. HUMBOLDT, Neb.. Feb. .-(Special The local building la now an assured and loan association Institution for Hum boldt, parties repiesentiuf nearly so of the subscrlted sh.ires having met last even ing at the Masonic hall and completed or ganliath.n by se'ei ting nine directors, as follows; J. p. Wotih, F. R. Ifutterfletd. H. K. Boyd. J. F. Walsh. E. A. Tucker. A. A. Tanner. W. Skalak. L. Howell and 11. P. Marble. These directors will meet later and perfect the n-g.inizatlon by se lecting the necessary officers and commit tees. It Is the intention cf the promoters to make the nf"clution largely local In liiiracter, and it Is believed that It will have a tendency to encourage home build ing and stimulate saving among those of limited means and wage earners. NEW ROAD ASKS RIGHT-OF-WAY Projectors of Moo a (lly-llomer Klec trlc line Present Ordinance Which la Modified. DAKOTA CITY. Nfb.. Feb. -(Special Telegram.) At the meeting of the village board Saturday evening an ordinance was presenled asking that a right-of-way be granted the Bloux City, Homer & Southern Railway company through this place on Fourteenth Hnd Broadway. The ordinance was championed by Cap tain R. A. Talbot, general manager of the rbad and Attorney R. K. Kvans. The ordinance will be modified and will come up for action at the meeting of the board on March 7. The Sioux City. Homer A- Southern rail way Is the electric line which la now In course of construction between Sioux City and Homer. In thla county, vln this place, on which all the grading already has been done and upon which a good share of the ties and rails have been laid. The time for the completion and operation of the road under the franchise granted by the county Is September 30 next and Captain Talbot promises to have the road In opera tion by that date Fight at,ebrnUa City. NEBRASKA CITY. Neb., Feb. 29 -(Special. ) Ed fnderwood last night went to the home of Doctor Thompson In this city snd became abusive to the people In the house and threatened them with a piker. Thompson and bis son then lit Into Under wood, beating and rutting him until h waa hardly able to get out of the house. Fn derwood was cut across the abdomen and on the arms. Dr. Wilson was called and dressed bis wounds. Mrs. Pearl Haubr-r, daughter of Thompson. haj filed a com plaint against I'nderwood. but up to this time he Is in too weak a condition owing to loss of blood to be arranged for a hear ing. Kansas Hanker Severely Rnrned. HUMBOLDT, Neb.. Feb. 29. -(Special.) W. R. Guild, a banker and leading cltl xen of Bern, a small town across thellne In Kansas, came very near burning to death as the result of being covered with burning gasoline from a lamp In the Pres byterian church. The Tamp was not work ing right and he thoughtlessly loosened n cap which permitted the fluid to be forced out by the pressure. Fortunately assist ance arrived before he had gone far, and the burns were confined mostly to bis arms and chest. His recovery Is still a matter of doubt. Social Life at Norfolk. NORFOLK. Neb., Feb. 29. (Special.) Norfolk social circles have been leading a strenuous life for fair during the last two weeks, the leatures being receptions, ban quets, dinners and other functions given In honor of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Bucholz, who are to leave this week for their new homo in Oakland. Cal., where Mr. Bucholx goes to accept the cashier's desk of the Central bank. C. E. Buinham of Tllden Is In the city to succeed to the presidency of the Norfolk National b ilk. Child Badly Scalded.' - KEARNEY. Neb., Feb. .(Special Tele gram.) The 2-year-old son of V. J. Walters of this city met with a painful accident Sunday afternoon. Mr. Walters was boil ing; some cough syrup, and when his back was turned the little one pulled over the vessel containing the boiling; liquid, spilling; It over his face, arm and chest. He was terribly scalded, the skin peeling from the flesi In places. Machine to Hans; Paper, PAPIKMON, Neb., Feb. 2.-(Speclal .) It Is not often that a preacher turns In ventor, but Kev. J. A. Holmes of Gretna is an exception. He has invented a machine to he jsed In hanKlng; paper. The paper Is placed In the machine, a crank Is turned and the paper Is pasted, trimmed and hung neatly on the wall. With this contrivance about 10ft rolls of wall paper can be hanged In a day. fir Commissioner of Insanity, BI.AIR, Neb. Feb. 29. (Special.) Dr. H Noble was appointed aa a member of the county board of insanity commission, by Judge Kstelle. to (ill the vacancy caused by the removal of Dr. M. D. Pedal, who was taken to the Insane asylum at Lin coln. Dr. Bedal was suffering from soften ing of the brain, brotiKht on by overwork and a complication of dlseasea. Sale of Fine Hobs. BEATRICE. Neb., Feb. 29 (Special Tele gram.) One of the most important sales of thoroughbred Duroe-Jersey hogs ever held In this section of Nebraska was pulled off here today. leading stockmen from Iowa, Kansas. Missouri and Nebraska were in at tendance and fancy prices were paid for tha stock, which was owned by A. T. Cole and W. B. Bishop. F.stortlon Case Postponed, BEATRICE. Neb.. Feb. 29 -(Speclal Tele gram. (Charles Folwell was arraigned to day in county court on a charge of at tempting to extort $1,000 from Mrs. Prlble. a widow living near Odell. Neb. He pleaded i no' guilty and was released on bonds of $.Vi0 to appear March 10, the date fixed for his preliminary. (ovr Injures Child. TBTMSKH, Neb.. Feb. :fl.-(SpeclaM- A lltt'e son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sapp, living In Todd Creek precinct, was at tacked by a vicious cow, and before the animal could ha driven off the child had received severe Injuries. Bla Prlee for Farm Land. YORK. Neb.. Feb. 29 -(Special )-Eighty dollars per acre is the amount paid for the ' highest temperature for February In thirty Nile. farm. Mr. O'Brien made his money "mpi Z"?"1 Ay 9 m Vft e5 Hair falling? Then you arc starving it. You can stop hair-starvation with a hair food. Ayer's Hair Vigor nourishes, feeds the hair. And the deep, rich color of early life comes back to the gray hair. Why look old 20 years before it is time? Bl-04 , beetle. AUaragrtats. farming In York county and this winter he traveled looking for a location better than this and after spending months looking around he decided there was no place better than Y'ork county. Many farmers are predicting that in a short time lands will sell in York county for lim per acre. There is an Increased demand for Y'ork county lands and prices are advancing. COSVF.ISTIO IS HMHIl IHTRICT. Republican Committee Calls It for Cototnhos March IT. NORFOLK. Neb.. Teh. 2.i Special Tel egram.! The republican congressional committee for the Third district met here today and called the congressional con vention for Columbus and fixed the date for March IT. The sentiment of the com mittee was that Congressman McCarthy would be renominated without opposition. Deputy Treasnrer to Iteslgtn. TECt'MSEH. Neb., Feb. 19 (Special 1 Deputy County Treasurer A. P. Llbby will shortly resign and remove to Cody, Wyo., with his family. Mr. Ubby has bought a farm near that place. He Iihs been In the treasurer's office here for some time and will be missed from the city business and social circles. Ketnrn Fox to Astlam. PAriLLlON. Neb., Feb. 29 (Special. ) Frank Fox. the Insane man. who escaped from the Lincoln' asylum and created so much excitement In Fort Crook, by his murderous actions, later attempting sui cide, wes yesterday returned to the asy lum. Woodmen Hold Open House. PENDER, Neb.. Feb. 29 (Special ) The Woodmen of the World had open house, at tended bv a good audience. The address was given by Sovereign Lecturer G. II. Schleh. DEATH RECORD. Fred C. Foster. Fred C. Foster, aged Ci years, son of A. C. Foster, died Monday afternoon at the residence of his father. :W South Thirty third street, from an Illness of peritonitis, with which the deceased was stricken last Friday afternoon. Mr. Foster grew gradu ally worse until the last, maintaining con sciousness during the entire period of his sickness. He died "peacefully. He was a graduate of Kastman's Rusines college at PouKhkeepsle. N. Y.. and at the time of his death was In the employ of the Otto Gas company of this city. The final arrange ments for the funeral have not been an nounced. - Knneral of fi. W. McMillan. ONAWA, la., Feb. D9. (Special Telegram.) The Tuneral of G. W. McMlllun, the well known Onawa attorney, took place from the family residence this afternoon. The serv ices were conducted by Rev. C. N. Lyman of Aldcn, la., an old friend of diseased. The district court of Sioux City adjourned as a mark of respect to the oldest member of the Monona county bar and the Judges, Gaynor, Hutchinson and Oliver, were pres ent, and Court Reporters Cody and Hamil ton, also Craig L. Wright and other dis tinguished citizens of Sioux City, Omaha and Council Rluffs. Interment was In the Onawa cemetery. J. F. Stone, Veteran. J. F. Stone, a member of Grant post. Grand Army of the Republic, died this morning at his home. 2130 South Thlrty fcurth, of ailments Incident to old age. He was 77 years of age and served throughout the civil war In an Iowa regiment The funeral will take place at 1 p. m. Tuesday from his late home. The remains will be shipped to Malvern, la., for final Interment. John fl. ('aril. LOGAN. Ia.. Feb. ( ! f (Special )-Today Occurred the funeral n't, John B. Card, who died yesterday at the home of his brother. Sylvester, at Logan. .He was born April 4. lS5n. In Portage county, Ohio and has lived many years at this place. Colonel Jerry Raster. NASHVILLK. Tenn., Feb. 29.-Colonel Jerry Baxter died today after an Illness of five weeks. Colonel Baxter was one of the most prominent citizens in the state and played a conspicuous part In Its military and civil annals. Husband of Small's Danichter. CODY. Wyo.. Feb. 2S.-(Spfclal Tele- i gram.) Ben Primri, the second husband of Mrs. Lola Schueleke, daughter of Rev. Sam Small, died here yesterday of heart disease. He married Mrs. Schuelke recently. Walter II. Doyle. NORFOLK, Feb. 29.-Walter H. Doyle, president of the Citizens' bank of , Norfolk and one of the most prominent men In southern financial circles, is dead. Heals as by Magic. If a pain, sore, wound, burn, scald, cut or piles distress you, Bucklen's Arnica Salve will cure it, or no pay. 25c. For sals by Kuhn & Co. Parkatnn May Incorporate. RIOI X FALLS. S. D.. Feb. 3. (Special.) A special ejection will be held at Parks ton tomorrow for the purpose of getting an expression from the voters on the prop sliion of Incorporating the town as a city under the laws of South Dakota. The ques tion has been carefully discussed for sev eral weeks by the taxpayers and senti ment Is said to be strongly In favor of In corporating These favoring the proposi tion express the belief that but few If any opposition votes will be cast. Are 5lmply Perfect. Dr. King's New Life Pills are prompt, safe, gentle and always satisfy or no pay. Best for stomach and liver. 25c. For sale by Kuhn & Co. laalile to Lorate t.oods. RAWLINS. Wyo., Feb. 29. (Special i Special Agent Kelllher of the Union Pa cific secret service haa been here several days, working on the case of the recent box car robberies. The cars were robbed somewhere between Wamsutter und Raw lins and the officers hare a good idea of who committed the thefts, but the goods were not found In the possession of the suspected men. , Warmest In Thirty-Two Years. CHEYENNE. Wyo . Feb. 29 -(Special Telegram, l 1 he temperature registered 3 boo ve. nere at i:.(U Maturilav afternoon, the Hair Viqor 7 "Ayer's Hair Vigor saved my hair. I know from experience that It quickly stops falling hair, and makes the hair grow." Mrs. J. E. WasNKK, Geneva, Nebraska. t. 0. AyarOeLeweU.Kaas. IMPROVEMENTS AT MEADE Oie Huidrrd ted Twenty Thousand Dollars tJ Be Expended This Besj.u. PLANS TO BE DRAWN AT EARLY DATE Representative Morton More Hoprfal That Rosebud 11111 Will Sot "Be Vetoed hy tha President. (From a Staff Correspondent.) WASHINGTON. Feb. 29. (Special Tele gram.) Representative Martin called at the War department today and secured a tacit promise from officials that $120.(10 would be expended from the general fund at Fort Meade, P. D. The department will expend this sum as follows: Two set field officers' quarters, $24.0; four set line officers' quarters, $39,000; two non commissioned officers' quarters, $."i0.000; one double barrack, $."2.0. The working plans for these new buildings at Fort Meade will be commenced very soon and It is hoped to get the specifications In shape In the early spring and secure satisfac tory bids so that the actual work may be commenced during the summer. I'pon motion of Representative Lacey, Judge James P. Connor of Denlson, la., was admitted to practice before the su preme court today. Hope for Rosebud Bill. Representative Martin had a talk with President Roosevelt today regarding the Rosebud bill. The president still holds the view that the lands should be sold through a system of competitive bids, believing that this method of procedure would bring better prices than the plan proposed In the bill which passed the house, $3 per acre flat. Mr. RooRevelt discussed the situa tion with Mr. Martin and said that he understood the character of the country proposed to be opened and only desired to do all In his power to protect the In dian and gain for him the full and true value of the lands. Mr. Martin since his talk this morning with the president feelH much .more hope ful of executive approval of the Rosebud bill than ever. The bill will be put through the senate In the same form in which It passed the house, and It Is not now thought the president will veto it as he practically threatened to do when the South Dakota delegation called upon him about a week ago to discuss the merits of the measure with him. FORECAST OFJTHE WEATHER Fair and Colder In Western Portion of Nebraska and (older In I own. WASHINGTON. Feb. 29 Forecast: For Nebraska Fair Tuesday and colder in west portion; Wednesday, fair. For Iowa Fair Tutsday; Wednesday, fair and colder. For South Dakota Fair and colder Tues day; Wednesday fair. For Wyoming Fair Tuesday, except snow in northeast portion; Wednesday partly cloudy. Fyr Montana Fair Tuesday, except snow In northwest portion; colder In southwest portion; Wednesday fair. For Kansas Generally fair Tuesday and Wednesday. For Missouri Fair Tuesday and Wednes day. Local Record. OFFICK OF THE WEATHER BUREAU, Oftfl A H A, Feb, W. Official record at tem perature and precipitation compared with the corresponding day of the past three years: 1904. 190S. 1902. 1901. Maximum temperature .. 60 Minimum temperature.... 29 Mean temperature 40 Precipitation T Record of temuerature and precipitation at Omaha for this day since March 1, 19"3: Normal temperature 29 Detlclency for the day 11 Total deficiency since March 1 74 Normal precipitation 03 Inch Deficiency for the day 03 Inch Total rainfall since March L... 32. 96 Inches Reports from Stations at 7 P. M. S3 CONDITION OF THE WEATHER. Excess since March 1...., 1.24 Inches Omaha, part cloudy 46! W; . Valentine, clear 44 h .00 1 North Platte, part cloudy 52 fis .oo Cheyenne, part cloudy 44 50 ,0i 1 Salt Lake City, part cloudy 421 4K .0, Rapid City, clear 42 4S .( 1 Huron, clear 24: 2V .ot , Wllliston, cloudy 24 34 . 01 i Chicago, cloudv ' l 34 .fi? i St. I-ouls, part cloudy 401 SO T St. Paul, cloudy S2 341 .01 Davenport, cloudy 34 36' .01 Kansas City, clear 46: 4S .(VI Havre, cloudy 12 30' .01 I Helena, clear 32 3S! .01 j Bismarck, cloudy 32; 32 .0'i Oalveston, cloudy 66 72! .0) T Indicates trace of precipitation. L A. WELSH. Forecaster. Dr. Lyon's PERFECT Tooth Powder AN ELEGANT TOILET LUXURY Used by people of refinement for over a quarter of a century PREPARED BV CLOSING OUT ALL OUR- Buggies, Carriages H and wagons FREDRICKSON Fifteenth and Capitol Ave. Read our special "ad" every Sunday land Wednesday In The Bee. I.KUtL .NOT1CK. NOTICE OF STOCKHOLDERS MEETING Notice la htreby given that the regular annual meeting of the stockholders of the Eoulh P'.atte Land company will be held at the office ol said company in Lincoln. Ne braska, at 11 o'clock a. m. on the 2d day uf March. A. D. Vii. By order of the board of directors. C. H. MORRILL, President. A. B MINOR, Secretary. Lincoln. Neb.. Jan. . 1804. rid39xra STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING The annual merlins; of stockholders of The Bee. Publishing Company will be held on Momluy. March Till. at 4 u'clock p. m , in The Bee building, corner Seven teenth and Farnara etrreis. Bv order of the president. GEO. B. TZSi'HI.'CK, F23ME12t Secretary. TIlK'D MO I M IT I . . si... 'r ;.b - ' 1 tsanT.iiit.o.iltm.. : . . ' ii; To Prove What Swomp-Root. the Great Kidney Remedy Will Do for YOU, Every Reader of The Bee May Have a Sample bottle Sent Free by Mall, Weak anJ unhealthy kidneys are responsible for moro sickness ant. suffering than any other disease, therefore, when through neglect or other causes, kidney trouble Is permitted to continue, fatal results are sure to follow. Your other organs may need attention but your kldneya most, because they do most and need attention first. If you are sick or "feel badly," begin taking Dr. Kilmer' Swamp-Root, the great kidney, liver and bladder remedy, because as soon as your kidneys begin to get better they wilt help all the other organs to health. A trial wl.l convince anyone. The mild and Immediate effect of Swamp- digestion, being obliged to pass your water Root, the great kidney and bladder remedy, j frequently night and day, smarting or trrl Ir soon realized. It stands the highest ! tation in passing, brick-dust sediment In for its , wonderful cures of the most dls- the urine, headache, backache, lame back, tiesslng cases. Swamp-Root will set your ' dizziness, sleeplessness, nervousness, heart whole system right, and the best proof ! disturbance due to bad kidney trouble. of this Is u trial. 53 Cottage St., Melrose. Mast. Dear Sir: Jan, 11th. U4. "Ever since I was In the Army, 1 had more or less kidney trouble, and within the past year it became so severe and compli cated that I suffered everything and whs much alarmed my strength and power wa" fast leaving, me. 1 miw an advei tlse-i ment or swamp-Koot and wrote asking for advice. 1 began the use of the medi cine and noted a decided improvement after taking Swamp-Root only a short time. I continued its use and am thankful to say that I am entirely cured and strong. (In order to be very sure of this. I had a docor examine some of my water today and he pronounced It all right and In splendid condition. I know that your Swamp-Root Is purely veee.iitc mii a.. not contain any harmful drugs. Thanking you tor my cornpiet re covery and recommending Swamp-Hoot to all sufferers, I am, Very truly yours, I. C. RICHARDSON." You may have a sample bottle of this famous kidney remedy, Swamp-Root, sent free by mall, postpaid, by which you may test Its virtues for such disorders as kid ney, bladder and uric acid diseases, poor EDITORIAL NOTICE -So successful is Swamp-Root In promptly curing even the most distressing cases of k'idney, liver or bladder 'roubles, that to prove Its wonderful merits you may have a sample bottle and a book of valuable Information, both sent absolutely free by mail The book contains many of the thousands upon thousands of testimonial letters received -from men and women cured. The value and success of Swamp-Root Is so well known that our readers are advised to send for a sample bottle. In sending your nddress to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Blnghamton, N. T., be sure to say that you read this generous offer In The Omaha Daily Bee. The proprietors of this paper guarantee the genuineness of this offer. mm m ia 7 swavifw far f niTimniniwmnl T a 7? Se? Best of Everything The Only Double TracK Railway to Chicago The O via ha Chicago Train Par Excellence 1 Ao. e oliil frat'ri mue!" t.p in Onisia daily O.V HUE tit 6:S0 p. m , tirriu iiijf L'hiety 7:30 next mom my. Likrmry, livff'.t Car, Jirtr, net Atamiaul Sletu i $, L7irC'ar ii'wryfitu'y. . -City OfflCea 14011403 FAR NAM OMAHA TTU 624661 GOVEHNMET NOTICE. KOllT RILEY, Kan., Feb. 3. If04. -Sealed proposals in triplicate will lie received hc-ie until 11 a. m. March 3. lift, for con struction of one (iuardhouxe. one Hnd liarrack. one Farrb-r'a Khop. one Ordnance (Storehouse, one Swimming pool, alterations in flvi Artillery Ktahbs and construction of Lockers for Artillery Barracks. In formation furnished on- application here, also at offices of Itepot Quartennaxf -r, Chicago, 111 . 8t Louis. Mo., Omaha. Neb. and lienver. Colo. I". 8. reserves tha rufht to reject any or all inns or any part thereof. Envelopes to le endorsed: "Pro posals for const ruction and alteration of Public Buildings," and addressed Captain G O. Ci eas. Constructing yuarlci master. ore: a steamers. HOLLAND-AMERICA LINE. Ms Tvie-aV'sw tsuaasara a4 U,5uv Tooa. 6IW VOKat HKlTfcKUAM. ta BUl'LouNaV bailing lussdey. at ID a. ax Rotterdam Marcn 6 Potadam Aint 6 Nuordau March a Hotter .lam April 12 Stateadam Mari-b ft Kyadam April it UOLLAND-AMKHICA LINE, s Oearoora St, Ci cago. Ill ; Marry aluoraa. IW fares n. ; C. katswftoM. UJt Fausas Sx-1 i at. kaf uala. 16a laxaaa St. 8T I skin eruptions from bad blood, neuralgia, rheumatism, diabetes, bloating. Irritability, wot nou t feeling, lack Of ambition, loss of flesh, sallow complexion, or Blight's dis ease. If your water, when allowed to remain undisturbed In a glass or bottle fo; twenty-four hours, forms a sediment or settling or haa a cloudy appearance. It Is evidence that your kidneys and bladder need Im mediate attention. Swamp-Root Is the great discovery of Dr. Kilmer, the eminent kidney and bladder specialist. Hospitals use It with wonderful success In both slight and severe cases. Doctors recommend it to their patients and use It In their own families, because Wir i0.ilaa im Siram n-vt an malms, and most successful remedy. Swamp-Root Is pleasant to take unlit for salo at diug stores the world over In bottles of t-vo sizes and two prices fifty cents and one dollar. Remember the name. Swamp-Root. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the address, Blnghamton, N. Y., on every bottla. QAILWAY TIME CARD. I MO.M STATION lOTIt AD MARCY. Chicago, Ruck Island A Pacific. AST. Ltr. Arrive. rhlraitn Piyllght Limited a I u am s S II) am (hirao Daylight Loral a I o am illl pot Chlraitn lCipraii bit IK am a t Si pis !) Moines Kipraa a 4 30 pm bll 50 am Chicago Fait Eipreaa a 1. 10 pm i l a pm WEST. Rykr Mnuntaln LlmltM a f.SO am a T:2S pm Lincoln, roloraio Sprlnga, Dn rrr. Pueblo and West a .10 pm at. 00 pm Texas. California and Oklahoma Flyer a 4:10 pm alt 40 pm Wabaab. St. Ijouia "Cannon Hall" t ...a 0:30 pm a l'20 am St. Louis Local (council Bluffs! a l is am alO JO pm tilcuuo k- !oi-lifvern. Fast Chicago Lofal nlctio , Mail IrfKMl Sioux City Haillftht t Paul Ilavlight Chl.ago Limited Chicago Kast chlcsKo l.nesl Chicago It Kt. Paul Ht. Paul Lxpraas Fast Mall Loral Sioug city Norfolk and Hnnes1el a 1 40 am s I II am all so mm ....a 1.10 pm a a. SO an b 14 pis, ....a T r0 am alo 00 pm ....a Oil am all to pm ....a Zt pm a 1:11 am- .....a I M pm a I IS pm a 4 Zo pra ....a I 16 pm a in am a M am a i 40 pm .....b 4 00 pm a to am l On am Mo at am b I.Oi, am blO Ss am I.tncoin and Long Plus..., licadwnnd. Hot Springs and I Lincoln a ! SO pm sa:10pm ( aaper and Wvnoilng Kxpress. . d 2 60 pm a I 10 pm a : Hastings, Kuoerlor and Albion, .b 2 50 pm b 1:19 pn , 4 iiloii Pacific. ' ' Tbs Overland Limited a 40 am a 08 pm , Tna Kal Mali a t 60 am a S 24) pm Tha California Ftpresa a 4 pm The Atlantic Sjiectal a T-50 am Ths Portland-' hi,-ago Special. . a S 20 pm a I 20 pm Ths Atlantic KxpreNS a 7 SO pm , Tha ( olorado Special fL:2l pni a 3 4o am ' Th Chicago Spe'ia; s 1:40 am ' Lincoln. Heatrica anl Stroma- j burg Rxprsss b 4 00 pm bit II pm I Columbus Local b I 00 pm b 4 35 am I ( hteaao t.reat Wrateru. ' St. Paul and Minneapolis Lmtd 7 11 am 1 St Paul snd Minneapolis i . a 7 IS am a I 10 pm i blcago Limited a 4 60 pm alo SO am St Paul. Mlun and Chicago FI I i pm I hicago Express blragn, Milwaukee sir Chicago liayllght Chicago Fast Kxpreas Overland Limited Das Molnea Express Illinois Central. Chtrsgo Express a 4 SO am a 4 M pm at. Paul, a 7 66 am all 16 pm a 6 45 pm a I 10 pm a I so pm a t 10 am a 7 55 am s S 10 pm a 7 50 pm al4 J6 pis Chicago, Minneapolis and St. Paul Limited Minneapolis and St Paul Ex . Missouri Pacific. iTM pm a I 06 am- b 7 50 am bio M pm St. Loula Express alO-no am K. C. ail 4 M. Louis Bapreaa a 10 50 pm s 25 pm a 4 16 aia HI Kl.lMiTON TATIO lOTH s MA90S Chicago, Burlington at (talnry. ltav. ArrWa s 1 00 am a I 54 pm Express-. . . 4 00 pm a 7 46 am a 11 am all 00 pm a I Go pm a 7 45 pm Chicago Chicago Chicago Fpeelal Yvstlt.uled IjO si Limited Chi. ago Kast Mali 41 pm Kansas Illy, Kt. Joseph at to. UlnSa. Kansas city rey Express a 15 am s 4 06 pm St. Iula riper a 6 ts pm Kanaaa City Jtlght Express ... alu af, pm Murlinalon at Uiaausrl Itltrr. Wymore. beatrlc and Lincoln. -a I 'A am Nrprankit txpreaa a a 0 am tavr L:c.ited a 4 10 pm alia, a Kills aad Puget Sound kU ail ll) put ( olorado vestlt.ulsd r.)er Lincoln Ksxl Mall .... t 3 37 pm Fort Crook and Hlatlshtouth b 3 10 pm lieliavus sod Pacific JuueUoa...s T Wl pm bellsvua aad Pacific JunuUb. ..a 3 tu am all ut am Mm b!2 pm a J 46 pm i I li am s I SO p a a 3 20 pis till la bio 35 aa? lllllS WEBSTER DEPOT IBTII at WKHS1KH. Mlaaoarl ParlCr. Lasts. Arrive Keh Local via Weeping Water b 4 10 pm al l 36 am I hliato, bt. Paul, Miss, ate Ousaaa. Twin City. Passengsr k 4 SO am bll pm eloux City Paeeeugel a t 00 pm all Oakland Local k 6 44 put b 1 am s Pally. Saturday. k Dally street Sun4ay. t bally sxcspt Itsata. 41 Daily asaspt I r