Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 28, 1904, PART I, Page 10, Image 11

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The Leading Oress Goods House
of the West.
The Largest Ever Soon in Omaha.
Ve defy any other house to make the following prices on
up-to-date Dress Goods:
jYlestley's $1.2& black 98C
Srl"stlcy's $1.50 Murk
Priestley's fcl.SW Mark
lYifwtley's oc black Sicilian, EQf
64-in. wide
prleftWs I1.2S Mnrk
Priestley's $l.b8 Mack
JLupln's $1 25 black
J.upln's 11.98 Mack I JO
tn m plea aro now ready and will be Bent
Wool Dress Goods
6-ln. mohair slcilllan. In blues and black, 62-ln. all wool ladles'
cloths, assorted rolors; 4fi-ln. all wool whipcord and black
rrepiinetto, worth up to $1.25,
Monday, per yard
All wool Scotch mixtures, greys and browns, 3S ln.( 40 In.
mohnlr slcllllan, blues and black,
worth up to 89c,
Monday, per yard
All wool Kreinch challles. choice styles, French and German
plaids, and heavy suitings, pluln dark colors,
worth up to TTic,
Monday, per yard
Wool serges and fancy wool novelties, black and assorted
worth up to 65c,
Monday, per yard
How It's Your Chance.
We have secured the exclusive right to sell the Zion City laces In Omaha. These
ere tho finest wash laces In the world and the customer Is saved the actual SO per
cent duty. This Is the only factory making this line of laces In the United States
ml Irnnorters must n.iv 60 cents on every dollar's worth of goods they offer for sale.
lc per yard for laces
tHc per yard for laces
15c ler yard for laces
Linon and Domestic Department
40a TABLE DAMASK. 22He..
fBleached union table damask
. M Inches wide, worth 40c st OHc
850 TABLE DAMASK, 19c.
ffiilea?hed union table damask, 68 Inches
worth 36c yard Monday 19o
45c TABLE DAMASK. 26c.
Sieavv cream table damask, 60 Inches wide,
'worth 45c a yard at 25c
75c TABLE LINEN, 49o.
JSFIne silver bleached table linen.
, worth 7Jc-at
YGur Lace Curtain Opportunity
MONDAY. FEB. SO, we will place on sale on 3rd floor. Drapery Department, hun
dreds of sample Lnce Curtains.
JjOT 1-NOTTINGHAMS. worth up to $L75-Monday, Qnfi
4fr ri It w W W
JLOT 2 White and ecru NOTTINGHAM3
and CABLE NETS, worth $3. 5Q
Monday, per pair Ufv
Special lot of sample odd Lace Curtains
white, (to at 3oc. 20c and 10c each. While
plain figures. Make your selection early.
ay- '
Itinerant Doutist aod a Piano Tnnar Spread
Jo in ths Foreign Colonies
p.t Ho Rich that His Wife Wears
Diamonds Another Lets a For
tune Slip A vr ay Charac
teristic Anecdotes.
Not Robinson Crusoe or the accomplished
parent of the Bwlss family Robinson could
have easily acquired dentistry or piano
tuning. Yet wherever western civilisation
gets a foothold the necessity for these two
vocations arrives.
There are very fow places in the Orient
in which the foreign population is large
nsugh for a man to earn bla living prac
tising either dentistry or piano tuning.
There are not enough of either teeth or
pianos. The consequence is that both
dentistry and piano tuning are peripatetic
professions, and the master of each finds
bis clients from Singapore or New Cbwang.
He has his periods and his dates. He
comes with the spring time to Amoy; the
rainy suiaon finds him at Manila.. He is
due at Che Foo when the summer popula
tion is at its helkht; ha reaches Seoul Uur
lug Its inspiring autumn.
Meanwhile Die various foreign colonies
await his coming and coax and humor their
toothaches and rusty wires until he ap
pears. He comes to bring not only healing
and amelioration to the two-legged or the
four-legged, as the case may be, but he
brings with him a fund of entertainment
and gossip from the straits, from the towns
Of the Yellow soa, the China sea, the Gulf
f Poo hi 11 and the river Han. He knows
Who has murrlod, who has died, who has a
year off at home and a lot of gossip much
more racy than these details offer.
For however commercially Important are
the cities of the east, socially they are so
many villages strung along the waters and
their Inhabitants are sufficiently limited for
ach to have a good working knowledge
Of the other, each having also certain rela
tive ambitions to be kept up and fostered.
M'hlle Hong Kong enjoys the advantage
Of an exclusive official socloty, It could
never hope to rival the gaiety and coemo
pulltantam of Shanghai as the London of
the east. So there are larger and smaller
matters of interest which the dentist may
Impart between the strokes of his mallet.
feel the exquisite thrill of motherhood with indescribable dread and
fear. Every woman should know that the danger, pain and horror
of child-birth can be entirely avoided by the use of Mother's Friend,
1 a scientific liniment for external use only, which toughens and renders
puauitt au uie parts, ana
assists nature n its sublime
I work. Dy its aid thousands
of women have passed this
great crisis in perfect safety
and without pain. Sold at
bottle by druggists. Our book of priceless
value to all women sent free. Address
Everything In cream and all other htilM,
broadcloths, voiles, granite, lairnlowre,
sublime, brlllantlnes, siclllln.ns, C ff
etc., at 25c, 6oc, 75c, $1 up to JUU
Priestley's melange Sicilians for shirt waist
suits f.H in. wide, O Cfl
$1.25. tl.r. $2.00 and tfiUU
Lupin's gun metal In all shade,
59c, 75o, $L0u, 11.60 and ,
In all the new spring shades and all
welKhts, at 60c, 75c, $1.. $1.36 g QQ
All the printed wool challlcs In allk stripes,
and without illk stripe and all our
J Tinted henriettas, worth ioc and Cfl
l.oi). will go at 9UC
free to any address. Mall orders promptly
Domestic Department
I 6c per yard for laces
worth ...
10c per yard for laces
Heavy extra fine bleached sheeting, St
Inches wide, worth 30c yard at ....aVio
Heavy soft finished bleached muslin,
12 He value at l-8o
L. muslin, M Inches wide, worth
6Vfcc, Monday, 20 yards for COO
15c English long cloth for ICo
15a sheer India llnoa, at mm m..10o
HAMS all white, worth up to
J4.&0 Monday, per pair tub
In Nottlnghams and Cable Net, earu and
they last. Each lof will be marked In
Bee our 16th street window.
and the piano tuner while he Is wrestling
with the wires.
Migration of the Piano.
Kipling has celebrated the banjo as an
explorer, but the piano is almost as am
bitious. It is found in the most unex
pected places. Chinese carriers will trans
port it over numbers of miles as easily,
and more jauntily, than is done 'by any
of the mecnanlcal appliances of a great
city. You may leave it in your town house
In the morning, and in the evening dance
to Its tinkle in some far away Buddhist
temple that has been taken for the sum
mer months.
Rainy seasons and the brooding moist
heat of the east play havoc with its tune
fulness. It must be cared for as is a
child with a tendency to colds. Hence, ths
important part that the piano tuner plays
In this curious and Interesting foreign life
of the east, where muslo Is both consoler
and friend.
Both the dentlBt and the piano tuner are
apt to bs Americans. The dentist cer
tainly Is; while the piano tuner mora than
likely has a strain of German blood.
In point of Income, not that of the governor-general
of Hong Kong, or that of
any of the ministers plenipotentiary, com
pares with the Income of tho dentist.
Sometimes he Is accompanied by his mate.
But that lady rarely squanders herself on
any except the gayer ports, or at Che
Foo in season. There is no woman In the
east who has larger jewels, mora of them,
or more exquisite toilettes.
Lying on a long chair In the public gar
dens at Shanghai, while tho band was
playing under the electric lights above the
tum-tum of the "devil boats" on the river,
and all Shanghai, in dinner costume, was
parading among the green-bordered walks,
the writer saw two women conversing with
a couple of men resplendent in their snowy
white duck. Paris was spelled all over the
filmy white gowns of the women and dia
monds seemed to take the place not only of
ornaments, but of every necessary pin. It
was something to see. Such exquisite crea
tures. It seemed, oould only belong to the
entourage of some great diplomat or con
Whs aie trtey? Who. are they?" was
"Those? Don't you know them? Who
else could they be but the wife of the
American dentist and her sister," was the
Shortly after the occupation of Manila
a new dentist made his appearance, and
not before he was needed. There was
toothache in the ranks and exposed nerves
at headquarters. There were English bank
ere, the heads of Eeotch and German
houses and their subalterns with missing
I. the joy of the household, for without
it no happinc can be complete. How
sweet the picture of mother and babe,
ano-els smile at and commend the
thoughts and aspirations of the mother
bending over the cradle. The ordeal through
which the expectant mother must pass, how
ever, is so full of danger and suffering that
she looks forward to the hour when she shall
That our goods are the purest of the pure, our prices the lowest of
the low. and our Trndinrr Stamn Premiums sUDerior to all others.
goes without question
max iraaing at uup aig store is a money saving proposition, 1 ry
it and rpa
Most Comprehensive Collection
of Fancy Silks in the City.
Have taken the town by storm. Nothing equal to these
silks for shirt waist suits has ever be
fore been produced
Monday We Offer
Some Marvelous Bargains.
- In blues, browns, champagne, cream and
other leading shades. On sale CO.
Monday, only Uuvl
FANCY 8ILK8 Over 100 pieces In choice
choice for Monday, per yard
Greatest Lot of
Black Silks Ever Offered.
Black Grenadines. 44 In. wide, ft On
worth up to 11.50, for 096
Black taffeta, 27 In, wide, CQa
worth up to $1.00, for USJG
See our wonderful line of LAUREL SILKS
SQine Warm Prices in Our
Extra, heavy unbleached cotton
flannel, SO In. wide
Extra heavy Donett or outing
flounced and embrold ered ladles'
unmade skirts, at
White word flannel, 27 In. wide, ex
cellent value at 25c per yard, at....
fillings, for since the advent of Admiral
Dewey in May the traveling dentist of the
east had not been able to reach bis Manila
clients. The new dentist was opportune.
He was also socially 'welcomed.
A grateful young attache had introduced
him at the club that assemblage of for
eigners whose endorsement is necessary to
social life.
He had his own accomplishments. He
an expert poker player and initiated
the young tellers and clerks of the big
commercial houses Into the American game
by night, while he attended to their teeth
by day.
A Showy Bill.
His young, blond-headed mentor not only
played poker to the dentist's great advan
tage, but had some refractory teeth. In
return for the latter attention the dentist
sent him a bill for $300. The youth, whose
stipend was not over $1,600 a year, and al
ready depleted by his poker losses, paid
the bill but plnnsd It receipted on the club
wall. This la easily done, for Manila houses
are covered with frescoed cotton instead of
plaster. Thus It waa Inspected by the club
at Its leisure.
In consequence there were no more games
of poker in which the dentist held a hand.
Cold shoulders and curt greetings were his
portion. Manila was no longer either profit
able or pleasant.
He was a passenger on the ship from
Manila to Singapore. Other passengers
were representatives of the big banking
and produce firms, gay young fellows on
furlough who played deck golf and poker
to. the tune of champagne corks by day,
danced jigs and the Highland fling, and
roared "John Peel" to the tinkle of the
deck piano all evening. It was an Interest
ing exposition of masculine methods to
observe how effectually the offending mem
ber of society, the dentist, kept out of It.
The slightest participation on his part,
even In the conversation, caused an Im
mediate changa of subject
But there Is one country that the travel
ing dentist does not vtalt. This is Japan.
In fitting herself out for her new civiliza
tion Japan remembered the teeth of her
people and a number of young men went
to Philadelphia and studied dentistry. They
have returned and practiced so successfully
and so cheaply that they are patronized
even by the foreigners. That facility of
hand that belongs to the Japanese seems
to fit them for this profession. I had the
benefit of the services of one of these young
men, who piled his weapons nimbly and
ohsrged only 8 yen $4 gold for work that
would have cost three times that amount
at home. It was a delicate piece of work
and after six years Is Intact.
To the readiness of Japsn to accept. In
the first place, everything offered by west
em civilisation, has succeded a skepticism
and hesitation that now halts at every
thing until It has been tested by the sub
tleties of the Japanese Intellect. For ex
ample. Japan Is a hopeless place for doo
tors with devices for healing not recog
nised by the great medlcad centers where
the Jspanase have "taken their degrees.
Adveatarer Cornered.
A traveling electrtoal physician came to
Toklo. He called himself sn American,
but In what part of this country Is grown
that long, jetty, oiled and curled hair and
swarthy mustache I do not know. He
brought with him columns of testimonials
from Edinburgh and bis victories over the
faculty from Sydney and ovations In his
honor presided over by the governor-general
These hs published In the Toklo
journals at advertising rates, with free of
fers of healing for two days. Reporters
swarmed about our hostelry and the lawn
was oovered with the lame, ths halt, and
the blind. Danjuro's big theater was
taken for two ovenlngs of demonstration,
and was crowded. No prospect opened
But ta the distribution, of patronage on
with those who know.
quality checks and stripes. In pwn,
brown and navy; worth $1.00. CQ
Monday only '
styles, worth up to $1.25; your
Black Peau de Sole, 27 In. wide, CO a
worth up to $1.00, for UJG
Black and moire silk, CQ.
worth up to 41.50, for UJG
for shirt waist suits; all exclusive de-
90c, 1.25 and 1.35
Full size white honeycomb bed
spreads, each
$1.50 BED SPREADS 98c.
White honeycomb, fringed, full
size bed sprendn
$2.25 BED SPREADS $1.69.
Genuine Marseilles bed spreads, dl
center, surrounded by very hand
some floral design, each.....
JVJ 12)
insignificant newspaper was refused. The
editor promptly raised a cabal. This is
easy In Japan where the shock headed
soshll students out of a job can be hired
as partisans of any cause. The battery
was set up, the glittering electrical ex
periments beguiled the multitude. The
lame said after gripping with the professor
that they could walk The blind professed
to see.
Ail was going swimmingly when a Japa
nese doctor got up and desired to ask the
professor some questions. What they were
heaven only knows, for clamor shook the
house and the evening ended almost in a
riot The next evening the theater was
jammed and the results even more disas
trous. AU the newspapers had turned
agairst the newcomer, regardless of the
thousands of yen he had distributed among
them. The rich private practice he had
engaged for faded from view and after a
week he crept out of Toklo piecemeal as to
trunks and belongings lest he suffer vio
lence. On the other hand the medical mission
ary, through his dispensary and work
among the poor, is one of the blessings
that the west has conferred upon the east.
He is found on his bicycle In the moot un
used paths mlls from home, where he has
held a cllnlo or has been called for an op
eration. It is, perhaps, not realized what
a distinct commercial advantage he has
been to this country by means of his In
troduction of different drug In the Orient.
It would be interesting to trace the Increase
yearly In sales of such medicines as qui
nine and srntolne In the Orient since the
advent of the medical missionary on his
beneficent mission of healing.
Eat Seeds and Roots of Pond Lilies,
Dine on Polecat Venison and
Shun 'Possum.
Matt Duhr, an Oklahoma , Indian au
thority, visited the Otoe tribe near Red
Fork recently, and these are some of his
"The Otoe dancing hall is a fit place for
boat hen to worship in. It is a horribly
decorated round house. The orchestra con
sisted of one thing, by them called a drum.
Pounding with a sledge hammer oa the bot
tom of an empty pork barrel would make
just as doleful noises.
"The pagan religious services last week
were suddenly and roughly disturbed by a
redskin espying a jack rabbit In the dis
tance. Most of the Indians forgot their
worship snd chased the long-eared scamp.
They pursued it for about four hours, when
the cunning animal took refuge in the
thickets on the margins of Red Rock creek.
"Lots of the Otoe squaws sre now gather
ing the seeds of pond lilies and dig the
nicely tasting roots of the famous plants.
Large quantities of the tender pond illy
pods are gathered when green and are
boiled and greatly relished. Polecat venison
appears to be one of the favorite meats
eaten by the Otoes. They never eat 'pos
sum or eels and give pretty good heathen
reasons for their repugnance to or venera
tion of these creatures.
"Faw-F&w, chief of the Otoea, dresses In
costly civilized apparol, a huge turkey
feather adorns 'his enormous slouched hat,
and each of his cheeks hss a large blue
star tattooed therein." Kansas City Jour
nal. Methodtsts to Meet In Denver.
DENVER, Feb. 27. Word hss been re
ceived from Mrs. Clinton B. Flsk. presi
dent of the Woman's Home Missionary
society of the Methodist church, that the
twenty-fourth national convention will be
held In Denver In September of this year.
This society has enrolled more than 100.060
women In the United States, besides large
branch organisations In the Philippines,
Hawaiian islands and Porto Rloot
w m m m U sT
hum yois
You will always find
Groat Sale of
Samplo Trunks and
Suit Gases.
150 sample cowhide drees
suit cases men's and la
dles worth up to $10.,
60 sample trunks, from the
best makers In the coun
try worth from $8.50 to
$S.60 Monday
China Department
Decorated china fruit saucers and fc
oat meal dishes each uw
Crystal spoon holders and 2c
cream pitchers each
3-arm wrought Iron . IQr?
candle holders
Decorated toilet JJQ
Water tumblers E
6 for ut
You Can't Buy Gold
For Loss than tho Cost
of tho Gold.
But You Can Buy From
Gold filled frames, 10 year guarantee
Alumlnold glasses, with imported QCr
lenses 2.00 values fO
Booipera of Chemio&l Firs Extinguisher
Turn a Trick or Two,
Cheap Substitutes for the Real Ar
ticle In Fancy Wrappings
Missionary Work of Trav
eling Agents.
During the fire in the Iroquois theater,
when the flames were Just creeping up the
hangings on the side of the stage, one of
the stage men seised a hand grenade and
threw It upon the flames, with no other
result, he says, than to get his eyes filled
with salt water. This emphasizes the fact,
which has long been known by those who
have examined Into the matter, that the
chemical fire extinguishers which are so
carefully fastened up In public places, and
upon which so much reliance is fixed by
the public and the proprietors, are In most
cases of little more value as a preventive
than is the asafetlda bag tied around the
neck of a school boy as a prophylactic
against ail manner of contagious diseases.
In fact, not so much, for it may be that in
the latter case the Imagination of the indi
vidual may assist In warding off disease;
while It Is not known ss yet that faith or
mental power will do' anything toward ex
tinguishing a fire which Is under good head
way. Chemical fire extinguishers of the hand
grenade order are supposed to act In three
different ways. First, by the development
of gases capable of extinguishing a flame;
second, by coating the inflammable material
with an incrustation of salts of some kind;
third, by extinguishing the Are by the ac
tion of the water which they contain. The
best chemical Are extinguishers are com
posed of solutions of carbonic acid gas ab
sorbed by the water under pressure; as
soon as the pressure is relieved by the
breaking of the container this heavy gas
spreads through the vicinity, and since it
la In itsolf a nonsupporter of combustion
and shuts out the air. all Are in the region
through which it spreads is necessarily
extinguished. The action, therefore, of a
hand grenade charged with carbonic acid
gas under pressure is very much more ef
Aclent than the action of those where the
solution has to be applied to the flame It
self in order to extinguish It, because It is
then Impossible to throw the contents
directly upon the source of the fire, ss In
ths case of blazing drapery or curtains, and
besides it Is not every one who Is cool
enough In such sn emergency to throw
straight, even If he knows exactly where
the root of the flame Is.
I'sefal Snbstltntes.
Very few hand grenades upon the market
are thus charged with carbonic add gas
under pressure. Many of them attempt to
reach the same result In a much cheaper
manner by using some salt which, by the
action of Are, will develop gases capabls
of quenching the flams. Of these salts ths
most Important are the smmonlum salts
and blcarbonata of soda. All ammonium
salts decompose with heat, producing non
combustible gases, snd bicarbonate of soda
gives off carbonic acid at high tempera
tures. These are useful, therefore, in esse
the contents of ths vessel can be thrown
directly upon the fire.
But both the salts of ammonia and bi
carbonate of soda sre somewhat expensive,
and since Are extinguishers sre generally
bought, not by chemical analysis of their
contents, but on account of the beauty of
the receptacle or the eloquence -of ths
sgent, It has been found more profitable by
Ufintnr Quito
wiihci ouiio
A man to feel pleased with himself must
little cost If you purchase one of thw handsome suits or overcoats we r ti
re offering you tor Monday at $U'.o and
The suits made up In all the most popular
fabrics, cut in the latest styles and in the
nobbiest patterns, are actually worth from
$15.00 to $1M hand-tailored, hnnd-partded
shoulders ana ecir-retaining nair clotn
Monday, $10.00 and $12.50, Monday.
Furniture Sale Extraordinary
$7 50 couch $ Ho
$10 50 rou.-h 750
$13. W couch ...9ii0
$4 i!5 oak rocker 2.95
$3.25 rocker 1.95
$25.00 oak bed room suite 18 50
Our new line of sleeping couches, folding go-carts and carriages, surpass any
line ever before shown In Omaha. We have folding go-rarts. from $:.75 up to $0.50.
Sleeping couches from $'i.S5 to $;! Carriages from $5.85 to $25.00.
Hardware, Stoves and ilouso
furnishings. Special Monday Bargains.
All willow clothes baskets 43c
O. K. Rotary wringers $5 25
$2.00 folding Ironing board 95c
Wood frame wringer $1.I9
No. 2 hatchet 9c
6 tlppeid table apoons 12c
Large granite wash basin 13c
Red braced wood eaw 39c
Special Oiscount On
Monday Grocery Sale.
trading Stamps With Every Purchase
21-lbs. pure cane granulated sugar for $1.00
5-1 bs. good Japan rice, sago, tapioca, bar
ley, farina, flakes or pearl hominy ..19c
Large sacks pure buckwheat flour. .... 35c
2-lb. pkg self-rNing pancake flour lic
1-gallon cans l.incy table syrup 35o
1 gallon cans Tennessee sorghum 35c
Malta Vita, Egg-O'See. Force, Neutrita,
Presto, Vigor or Vim, per pkg 7MiO
1-lb. pkg imported macaroni 9c
The best corn starch, pkg 4c
Bulk laundry starch, lb ftVic
8-lh. cans choice hominy, Sauer Kraut,
rhubard, Cal, squash, apple butter or baked
beans IMfi
Iarge bottles pure tomato catsup l-3c
Large bottle Worcester sauce 8 l-$c
Large bottles pickles, any kind you
the manufacturers to All them we refer to
the grenades, not the agents with brine or
the liquid refuse from some chemical manu
factory. Even in this case the extinguish
ing power of such a solution is greater
than that of so much water, because of the
partial volatilization of the salts at high
temperature and the effect, already men
tioned, of coating the Inflammable material
with the residue left on evaporation and,
to a certain extent, rendering It Incom
bustible. Such hand grenades, also, have
the advantage over water of always being
resdy for use- and of not freezing in a cold
building. Flro buckets, it Is found In prac
tice, cannot be kept Ailed with water with
out more attention than Is generally given
to such precautions, and the buckets them
selvesno matter how red they are painted
nor how much they are decorated with
prohibitory legends will be carried off.
Fancy Names and Fancy Wrappings.
A form of Are extinguisher now exten
sively sold under various fancy names sub
stitutes for the solution of a dry mixture
of salts, usually In a long tin tube. Ths
contents generally consist of common salt
and bicarbonate of soda, of course in their
cheapest commercial forms. Such a Are
extinguisher, making a liberal allowance
for the coet of the tube and the brilliantly
colored wrapper with the picture on it,
probably costs the manufacturer about lfi
cents; It is sold for $2, although if you
work hard you can beat the agent down to
$2 a dozen. The mixture is, of course,
fairly effective for extinguishing a Are If
thrown directly on the burning material,
and at a reasonable price such extinguish
ers are good things to have around.
The most efficient of the chemical fire
extinguishers are modifications of the old
Babcock Are extinguisher, and consist of
a solution of bicarbonate of soda with a
bottlo of sulphu-Mc acid so arranged that
it can be broken by turning u screw or by
simply Inverting the apparatus. A short
hose Is attached, and without much skill
on the part of the operator a stream of
water, charged under pressure with car
bonic acid gas, can be directed on the Are.
The hand grenade is apt to be thrown
wildly, and often on account of the smoke
the source of the Are cannot be seen; but
with this form of water from the hose
can be directed on the remnants of the
Are as the smoke clears away. If the Are
Is under much headway that the contents
of one of these does not extinguish it, it
Is time to run anyway and turn over the
job to the Are company. .
How the Trick Works.
The 'method of selling these Are ex
tinguishers In country towns Is to build a
large Are of boxes and excelsior in one
of the principal streets, which, of course,
Immediately draws a crowd. After the
flames have spread sufficiently to give the
whole pile the appearance of a house afire
a well directed hand grenade thrown by
the operator extinguishes the flam us In
stantly. The trick constats essentially In
knowing just where the Are Is situated
and getting the. contents of the grenade
exactly upon that point, and In most such
spectacular Ares a quart of water as care
fully placed would produce precisely the
same result. However, these traveling
agents do a great deal of good In their
missionary work by arousing people to
appreciate the Importance of having soma
method at hand In houses snd public build
ings for the quicker extinguishment of Jn
dplent fires, and it Is undoubtedly a good
thing that people should not consider a
public building properly furnished until it
has at least "nine green boyles hanging
on the wall." New York Independent.
Flad Treasure of laras.
NEW YORK. Feb. . Advices from
La Paz, Bolivia, announce that the tradi
tional treasure of the Incaa has been dis
covered at Chsllacatta, cables the Herald's
onrl flimrnnofo .,
aim uvoiuuaio'
be well dressed. Ton can be so at verv
The overcoats are made up In kerseys,
cheviots, vicunas and casslmeres. In all
colors and patterns, garments made ex
prcsslv for the lovers of good clothes,
worth' from $13.00 to $."0.00,
$.100 rockers $17
$2.25 rockers 1 'A
$.'( Iron bed .....4R5
$fi.0fl Iron bed,
$2.50 iron bed l 75
$7.50 chiffonlercs 4 !J
20c wash boards
No. 8 copper bottom boiler
Nickeled Pott's irons
Gas oil cans
Corn poppers
6 knives and forks
Granite dish pans
Good claw hammers
. .Ho '
All Heating Stoves.
want for 8 l-3o
Large bottles pure fruit jams,
aseorted .....8 l-3o
Choice California prunes, per lb 3Hc
Choice Minnesota peaches, per pound. 7V'
Fancy New York apples, lb dc
Fancy Virginia blackberries, lb 7o
California dried grapes, lb ?fc
English currants, lb ......7c
Seeded raisins, per pkg Wo
Fancy sweet navel oranges, each lc
Largo juicy lemons, each lo
California White Clover Honey, rack. 12V
Fancy cooking Figs, lb 7o
Fancy .Bellllower apples, dosen.... Ijo
Lima (Peru) correspondent. It amounts
to $18,000,000. The discoverers ere of va
rious nationalities and are quarreling over
the treasure, although a legal contract ex
ists between them as to the division. The
authorities have Interfered In the matter.
Masaeehustts Bank Commissioners
Say that They will Ask for
a Receiver.
TAUNTON, Mass., Feb. 27. The doors of
the Taunton Safe Deposit and Trust com
pany did not open today, as a result of an
Injunction from the supreme court restrain
ing the treasurer from receiving or paying
any deposits until after a hearing on an
Injunction in the supreme court at Boston
The state bank commissioners have an
nounced that they will ask that a receiver
be appointed for the Institution. The com
pany Is said to be in difficulties because of
poor Investments, but the president, Ed
ward 11. Temple, calms that the depositors
will be paid in full. The liabilities re
The capital stock Is $300,000. President
Temple said also that he would not oppose
the petition for the appointment of a re
ceiver when the case came up In the su
preme court. '
Few People Ksmv Bow Caafnl It ts an
Preservlngr Health sal Beetaty.
Nearly everybody knows that obarooal Is
the safest aod most effiotent dlatafeotaat
and purifier la nature, but few realise its
vniue when taken Into the human system
for the same cleansing purpose.
Charcoal Is "a remedy that tho more yon
take of It the better; it Is sot a drug at
all, bat simply absorbs ths gasea and Im
purities always present In the stomach
and Intestines and carries than out of ths
Charooal sweetens the breath after smok
ing, drinking or after eating anions and
other odorous vegetables.
Charcoal effectually oleers and Improves
the complexion. It whltsns the teeth and
further acts as a natural and eminently
safe oarthartlo.
It absorbs the Injurious gases which col
lect In the stomach and bowels; It dlalo
feots the month and throat from ths
poison of catarrh.
All druggists sell eharcoal in one form or
another, but probably the beat charooal
and the most for the money Is In Stuart's
Absorbent Losenges; they are composed of
the finest powdered Willow charcoal and
other harmless antiseptics in tablet form,
or, rather. In the form of large, pleasant
tasting losenges, the obarooal being mixed
with honey.
The daily use of these loaengea will soon
tell In a much Improved oondltlon of the
general health, better complexion, sweeter
breat and purer blood, and the beauty of
It Is, that no possible harm oan result
from their oontlnued ass, bat. on the con
trary, frost benefit.
A Buffalo physician, ta speaking of the
benefits of charooal. says: "I advise
Stuart's Absorbent Losenges to all patlsnts
suffering from gas In ths stomach and
bowels, and to deer the complexion and
purify the breath, mouth and throat; I
also believe the liver to greatly benefited by
the daily use of them; they coet but
twenty-Are cants a box at drag stores, and
although. In some sense a patent prepara-,
Man, yet I believe I get more and better
eharcoal In Stuart's Absorbent Losenges
than la as eg the ordinary oharoooi $