TTTE O MATT A PATLY IttZK: rniHAY.. FEnRFATtY 20, 1004. SPECIAL NOTICES Ailrrrtinrmrnti for these column will be taken anlll 13 for the evenln edition aad anlll H p. n. for lh mnrnlna aad Sunday- edition. Ratea, I l-2o a nord drat Insertion, le a word thereafter, olhlna; taken for less taaa SIOc for the Brat laaer tlon. Thrir (idrrtlm( moat be ran roairralltr If. Advertisers, vr ffqifitlif a nam fered rhrrk, raa hare " "d drriird to a numbered letter la rare of The Bee. Anawers aa addreaaed will be delivered oa presentation af the rberk only. M ISCKLLA S EOl'S. BOYLES COLLEGE JEW YORK LIKE BUILDING. OMAHA, -business, Shorthand. Typewriting. English. LAY AND NIGHT. Apply tor Catalogue. riirim a-,r and iron wonts make a bpb- laity ot lire escupes, shutters doora and sales. U. Andieen, prop., 10. o- mm i. ft ilaou My2o V. M. HAVEHLY-EXPEHT ACCOUNT ANT. 213 BEE BLUG. PrtUIN. an. fC n SILVER, NICKEL Plating. Om. VJULU i-,ttiln Co., lw Harney. Tel. . t-ITY SAVINGS BANK paya 4 per cent. SPECIAL For a limited time we will fit you with a guaranteed pair of spectacles foi u. ion t miss inis ensues, u. "r ticlans, N. 16th at. R 73t FERF1KLD riano Co., Hee Bldg.; Weber, rilorey & Clark, Ludwlg, Behiller. K ..11 EAGLE Loan office. Reliable, accommodat ing; all business conndenuai. ju jjouKias. rv 105 LX PRESSMEN'S Delivery Co., moving and storage. 214 N. lBth. Tel. 1196. U u TRY THE CHICAGO LAUNDRY. If you don't, we both loee. Good work, prompt attention. 14 N. 16th. Tel. 2"5. K-7U ANTI-MONOPOLY GARBAGE CO., cleans cesspooia, vaults, removes garbage, dead anluiuls, reduced prices. 611 N. 16. Tel. JTT'J. 74 P. MELCHOIR, machinist. 13th ft Howard. rt ti ri'DLICITY DESIGNS WH EATON, In the Bee Bldg. R 748 We rent Bfwlng machines, 7Re week. We repair and Bell parts for every machine manufactured Second-hand machines from SK.OO to 110.00. Nebraska Cvcle Co., Thons 1663. Corner 15th and Harney. R &4 STRONGEST In the World." The Eoulta bin Life Assurance, society. Its policies lire alght drafts at maturity. 11. D. Neely, manager, Merchants' National Bank Bldg., Omaha. Neb. R--49 I INll'l I lliVJ ( Crounsa block, ci I YNHTAH ( lti,h Bt- "nd CaJ?- ve- LllMUJlAU) R-S30 SIGN painting. S, H. Cole. 1303 Douglas. R-T61 ALT, kinds carpenter work, repairing, I T. Ochiltree, toth r .id LaKe. R-370 MOVINO picture machines, atereontlcons fllma and slides at bargain prices: mall orders filled. R C. Taylor, 8011 S. 19th at. Mwa t ax E. J. DAVIS, safe mover, heavy hauling;. jii Ji-arnam. Tel. 3&s. K 152 MS VODICKA ft CO. fine tailoring;; all kinds pressing, repairing Krug theater bldg. ipi. aim. R 753 Clothes prnaaed, altered. Youaen, Paxton noiei lauor. t XU8 TRACINGS: Blue prints ft working draw ings, sues at jo., umana. pnone ikj. K-7 Apr22x PER FIELD Piano Co., Bee Bldg; no inter est, nonest values, easy terms. R 737 f hirnrwli'' relief; corns removed. w. ... vj-ujr IJr. tt0jt r. j.3 l605 farnam. R-740 LOCKSMITH qSTdS-m N- R-M253 FOUR to 40 horse power gas or gasoline engine, net our prices. Wltte iron Works Co., 629 W. 6th St., Kansas City, mo. It ALL FORMS OK THROAT AND LUNG trouble given immediate relief by the use of Milks' Emulsion. To Introduce this remedy a R0c package will be given away at the Drug Department of the Boston more tomorrow. R 417 26x Ev ERYTHING necessary to a complete running engine goes wnn Wltte uaa Kn ginea. Wltte Iron Works Co., 629 W. 6th pti., naiiruiB v ay, mo. rt BUSINESS CHANCES. i 1- bi cbis r uk BALf-uenerai stnre win invoice aoout aeven thousand. Lo cated in northeaatern Nebraska. RU. average SI. too per month. Newatock, rent cheap. Good farming country. Address u . pee. x M164 26 FOR SALE, clean, up-to-date paying hard. ware business; Investigate this. Adcreas L,ocs. xsox m. Alexandria. .Neb. Y-M332 8tix 1 CAN quickly sell for cash without 'jo si 1 ubllclty your real estate, buslnets or rtnershlp, no matter where located. nd me full particulars, price, etc. Ad- rena Chas. E. Powell, Is V rV. Mohawk St.. Buffalo, N. Y. Y-M712 Marl3 S1IOLES - ARMSTRONG CO., business rhances and exchanyes; WTlte us, 722 New 10m um uiag. lei. 4. Y 754 TO GET In. or out of business call on Wil liams, room tit, aiocague building. Y-M971 , PARTNER for St. Louis exposition with lv, vin iiiuiiey. Auuress U 44. Hee. Y-M968 26 FOR SALE cheap, the beat rooming house 111 1 no eiie. Aiiuresa xock iiox 111, r re inont, reo. Y M374 27x FOR SALE, clean stock of general mer chandise: Invoice about Sl.OuO. Inquire W. 11. Davlilson, Springfield, Neb. Y 397 26 MERCHANDISE FOR EXCH ANGhi-One stoi k of almost new goods, consisting of different lines of dry goods, furnishing goods, notions, domestics, etc; all staple, up-to-date merchandise; no shelf worn, out-of-date goods; invoiced at about 110. Ouo; goods open subject to Inspection: no fixtures or millinery; owner needs small amount of cash to settle Indebtedness; will consider sny kind of property with value for bBlance: will give good lllieral trade. Address A. H. Brown, 60s Hall Bldg., Kansas City. Njo. Y M398 lx P.U8INKBS and building for sale; painter and paperhanger: I also make picture frames; my wall paper, painta and mould ings will Invoice about titJO; building is worm i.tAi: tne nei location 1 know of I want to gu west. Alden Garwood. Mr Cool. Neb. Y M423 27x WANTED A good partner; must mean business and have 11. out) to Invest In an ii-(o-il.ite invention just out: a snap for trie right one. Address liuslnesa. box fi"D, Teeumseh. Nelv Y M428 2ix LAW AM) COLX1SCTIO.M. 6TII.I MAN ft PRICE. 410 lat Nat. bk. bldg. 784 THE few Hnow-Church Co.. law collec lions, real estate, attorneys, collectors, brokers everywhere, lat floor N. Y. I.tfe. Ttk ISi. -78 V F. Flk. WAPPICH. advice Iree. Creluhton . T7-F?x FOR EXCHANGE. WILL trade beautiful piano far horee. Schmwller ft Mueller, uia Farnam st. 5t 79J VI1111TV aires land In Rurt county. Neh. for Omaha residence proimrty. C T. Luklnion. New York Life bldg. Z M76I TICKET HHOKfcUS. CUT-RATE railroad tlcketa everywhere. WAITED MAI.K HKI.P. LEARN SHORTHAND 1)1 MAIL. We are teaching Shorthand hy mall moat successfully, our rates tor tuition ate low, our course thorougn and our system esy to learn, easy to write and easy to rrmi. Jf you are unable to attend college, why not Improve your time at home. It meana a good position for you in a lew minima. Bend a i once for particulars. Address, OMaHA I'OMMEKliAL 4'OLLLOr.. 17th and Douglas Sts., Omaha, Neb. MEN to learn barber trade; free railroad fare upon wur failure to convince you ui tlua being the b&HT. lamest anil on y rename, moat practical barber college lit thla section. Write catalogue today. Western Barbers' Institute, Omaha. Neb. 13 1 09 WANTED For V. 8. army, able-bodied. unmarried men, between ages ot i Mu ntlxens of United State", of good charac ter and temperate liabllB, wbo can speua. read und write English. For information apply to reciulllng uftlcer. ltith and D"go Bts., Omalia, or Lincoln. Neb. 13 Mint Wtat'ri Employ t Ag'y. R. H-. Cro"n8f . !,!,k" - WANTED-California la Oie place now a 'he time. There ar good poaniona u.. for men cf cletlcl ability, professional men and mechanics. Write ua what em ployment ou desire and we will Bend by mall frequent itsta oi goou yjur line. Registration fee, SI. to tie aeni with application. No further charRes. COMMERCIAL INFORMATION RL rt r.AU, P. O. Box 698. Lob Angelea ."ii ii i WANTED Two men to work from our (riia-ona: Bteady position ana hp"" unnecessary C. F. Adams ft Co., 119 Howard ac B-760 WANTED Prlght solleitora for "War Be tween HtiKsla and Japan, ny urm . Btead; best book; big book; enornioua de mand; big proflta; freight paid: credit given; outfit free. The Dominion Com pany, Dept. B, Chicago. B M257 27 X WANTED, man for road work; good prop osition: man experienced in araui ur nesa preferred. Address D 48. Bee. WANTKD First -class drug clerk; goou wsgi-a for good man. Sherman m- on bell Drug Co., Omaha B MJiO a YOUNG MAN Over 18 lo coach lor wvi Position. Box 5.0, ueaar apioe, WANTED Men to learn barber J1: pare now for spring rusn; om '-""" fine work and expert Instructions aaee vests of apprenticeship: can p'-rl' .f"-"1 exienses: call or write. Moer College, 1302 loug1as at. B M400 1X TT7 , vt-c-ta ai-irp-irtj trpu FROM ASTHMA to trv Milks' Kmiilsinn; lmmeaiaie mrci. i.iini,.rv ii the Druir Denartment of the Boston Store, tomorrow, a 60c package at 10c. ' 13111 HARNESBMAKER wanted. 'Phone orrjH at once. A Wolf. Iogan, la, B M422 1 WANTED FEMALE HELP. ANYONE need of housekeeper, or man and Wlf6, call i.anaauui unite, ui" vii S . I r vvavtfDA arood housekeeper, by a pricEt, In the country; nignesi reiorBow-, inuat be a Catholic; very little work; good salary. Address JJ is, nee. C M862 WANTKD, Indies for steady home work. call suite 55. Douglass Bldg. C 38 26x WANTED Cook and laundress In small family. 2037 Ooage si. WANTED Girl for general housework good cook; no washing. Mrs. Carter, C M405 27x 4248 Burdette. WANTED Ladlea to learn halrdressing. n...M..iii.nir nr rneini mHHNrp ihfi lew days of sieclal February offer; splendid four weeks completes: call or write at once. Moler College, 1B Douglas St. C M401 lx ALL DELICATE WOMEN BUFFERING with asthma, throat or lung irouDie win find immediate relief In Milks' Emulsion. Tomorrow there will be an Introductory ! nt thla remedy at the Drug Depart ment nf the Boston Store, and you can obtain h trial package for 10c. (regular price. 60c.) C-417 26x LADY, you will regret It If ynu do not get T, trial bottle or jhiiks r.muision ai mo JTig Department of the Boston Store tomorrow, at the Introductory sale there jou can obtain a 60c package of Milks' Emulsion for 10c. C 417 25x YOUNG woman to know what Milks' Emulsion IS. uo to tne urug uepanmeni of the Boston fcUore ton.orrow and obtain a 50c package of this remedy for 10c. C 417 2Bx STENOGRAPHER to know what Milks' Emulsion is. Bee display au. C 417 25x STENOGRAPHER to know what Milks' Emulsion is. At tne introauctory saie tomorrow which will be held In the Drug Department of the .Boston Store, you can obtain a 50c package of this remedy for 10c, which Is guaranteed to cure the most aggravated forms of stomach and lung trouble, C-417 26x WOMEN to ret acquainted with Milks' ot s K.mulnlon. It la a wonderful remedy Full slsed 60c package of this remedy will he riven for 10c tomorrow at the Boston Store's Drug Department. The price la only to introduce the goods. . c tiT 2BX A GIRL for general housework; apply 1309 8. 3 2d at. u M4io zbx FOR REST FURNISHED ROOMS. bENTER hotel, 210 N. 17th; nice transient rooms. jv iv axis WARM room, suitable for one or two. 2j80 Harney. E-tjo 2x ROY.L HOTEL, European, 16th ft Chicago. E 7a DEWEY, European hotel, Uth and Farnam. a, W NICELY furnished rooms. Inquire Omaha Hi earn ltunury. i,au mivchwiuu. rnont A 17ts3. ' tio O. M. E. hauls trunks. Telephone 611. r, im ;.li PER WEEK, Doran House, 422 8. 18th. aid luv SINGLE room. In nicely furnished, steam i..vihiI hat: all modern: walking distance very reasonable. Tel. B2499. 224 Farnam, second Hour. t-Mi M.u Vienna Hotel, lull Farnam; fine rooma: la dies Ct-lc; piivte aining r., open nigms. NICE furnished rooma S24 N. Uth. K-76 FURNISHED rooma and board. 60 a 25th ave. isi. una. E M150 FURNISHED room, transients, 608 N. Mph, FURNISHED rooms. The Dresher. 602 8. 16th. .! JU LARGE, warm room. team heat. 1901 Capitol ave. E-M7M nRViRHED room with all modern con venlences. private (amuy, is jones . A FEW pleasant rooms at the Farnam for gFntlemen, wnn ooara ii aesireii, uni anu Farnam. E-M369 29 FURNISHED rooms, modern: also house- keeping. Or. lirimtn, li r arnam. , K-M42S:8 FlItsHUtU ROOMS AID HOARD, Furnished rooino, ateam heat, with or with out board. Midland noiei, loiu at inicuga. F 7o UTOPIA, steam beat, 1721 Davenport. r i m ROCKAWAY, 1316 Douglaa Meals, ltc r ii NICE rooms; good board. 8U6 8. loth. F-226 Mart EEST meals In city. Karbach restaurant. F-467 Maria 609 a 25th ave. Tel. L-Hll. F-M423 WANTED. Arst-claas boarders only. 1823 Capitol ave. . e M1M fix PLEASANT room, suitable for two. with good board. 2216 Farnam St. F 420 2kx SHORTHAND AND TYPK WRITIaG. A. C. VAN 8ANT 8 school, ,17 N. Y. Life. Neb. Bus. ft Shorthand CoL Boyd theater. AN EASY WAY TO SELL IT A WANT AD WILL TURN MOST ANYTHING INTO MONEY. for HE.vr HOtES. THE Omaha Van and Stctage Co. pac move and atore 11. 11. goudn. Storelious, 1 .'u-J4 N. 19th. omcc, UiilVi i59-SU. D S3U HrilKF'n Pts of the city. Tin IlUUJLiiJu,, l,vliiU, bu6 Bee Bldg JJ MU I irvl lCCCIn all natts of the city. lv nVJUOUJc. Peters ft Co., Bee Hldy D Ml IJAYNE-BOSTWlCK & CO., choice liudses. 01-ul New xurk Life Bldg. 'Plione lui't. L 842 WE MOVE pianos. Maggurd Van & Stor age Co., Tel. 146. unite, llii Vkeosier di, 1 M4 HOUSES, Infcurance. Ringwalt, Barker blk. u no 2011 Sherman Ave.; eight rooms, all mod ern; hardwood nnlsh; launury; nam, oo. WALLACE, BROWN BLOCK. . n D M377 28 FOR RENT 11-rooni house, modern and In flrst-clasa condition; lari;e yard ana shado trees; 3177 Davenport Bt. Apply H. J. Windsor. 1518 Dodge st. FOR RENT The Wakefield house, 2M,S Farnam Bt., 12 rooms ana casement, house unusually well Imiit and finished. Will rent Tor two years to suuaiue par tips at Sl.Ofli) per annum, partly furnished, or at a less rental unfurnished, or we offer the property for sale n.t S12,u"0. The Byron Reed Co., 212 8. 11th st. D M389 1 WE HAVE severs! 6 and 10-aere tracts on which we will build cottages to sell on easy terms or rent at $120 per year. F. D. WE AD, 1524 DOUGLAS. D 396 2o FOR RENT Large house In good location; modern In every way; admirably adapted lor a private hospital. Thomas Brennan, Room 1. N. Y. Life Bldg. D-M409 2 FOR RENT Five-room house. No. 290 S. 21st, South Omaha. D M408 26x FOR RENT STORES AMD OFFICES. FOR RENT, building suitable for whole sale purposes at 916 Farnam, 22x90, four stories and first-class cemented basement, levator, fire and burglar proof vault, of fice counter and fixtures. For price and particulars Inquire C. C. Koaewater, sec retary Bee Building Co., room luo, Hee Building. I-M567 I STORIES and basement 22x100; 1006 Far nam St. Inquire 314 First Nat l Bank bldg. 1 72 FOR RENT, three upper stories In four story building at 81G Farnam St., two stories If preferred. Address C. C. Rose water, Sec y., Room 100, Bee bldg. 1 M.8G FOR RENT 4-story and basement build ing, 1616 Dodge st, now occupied by Omaha Carpet 90. Inquire on premises. TWO-STORY building, 1612 and the second floor 1508-19 Howard. W. H. Bushman. 1 626 DENTIST wanted to share office with a physician with fine quarters In Bee bldg., with well established practice. Address C 21, Bee office. FOR RENT One-half storeroom, good lo cation on uougiaa streu aoo u u, Bee. - I-33 AGENTS WANTED. WANTED, canvassing agents In every county to solicit uDscripuons 10 inc. TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER. Steady employment with assured good In come. Agents In the country wim horse and buggy especially desired. Canvassers make easily 60 to S100 per month. Ad dress Century Farmer Solicitors' Bureau, Bee building, Omaha. J-213 WE want 10,000 agents for greatest house hold seller ever prouucea; aciuauy seu In every house; Immense moneymaker for agents; send 10c for complete sample And nnp Urm illustrated catalogue of sgenta' avppllea. Southern Mercantile Co., Dept. B 107, Houston, Tex. J-M446 Apr8 AGENTS' GREAT OPPORTUNITY. irWTO trip n I sr. liOLis r.Ar-uni- TION, also BOARD. ROOM and Paid Ad n,llnn. AUTHORIZED EXPOSITION HISTORY IN CAMPBELL'S JOURNAL similar to ItB Prise History of Chicago and Paris Expositions. Everybody wants It. Maa-aslne agents average 2o orders llir T.AROK COMMISSIONS. SPE' CIAL EXPOSITION NUMBER. Otitnt and Paitlculars sent free to Working Agents J"trl is 1 f.n 1 b noiAur,. u . TTK POSITION DEPARTMENT CAMPBELL'S JOURNAL St. Louis, Mo. j mi" FOR SALE HORSES, WAGONS, ETC. t fine depot wagons. 2 rockaways, 1 coupe. 2 traps, 1 wagoneue, z oraya. fiuiiiuiuuu Carriage Co.. lath and Harney. P loo FOR SALE, 2d-hand, 4-passenger broug ham, at bargain ii laaeu ai uiice. iw Harnjy. P-M17 FROST doeen't shave men, he shaves spokes. Wagon repairs, mo mu imv enwot th. P 783 HORSE8 for sale: second-hand harness, vehicles, cheap. Melcher's Stables, 61 8. 19h. i' MS68 FOR SALE, a fine driving horse S years old. Geo. S Cackley. 16th and Capitol ave. P M246 27 HORSES bought and sold. Exchange sta bles; Tel. 3477. P-54 29 FOR SALE Blnck Percheron registered stallion 4 yeara old, 1.70O pounds; Black Jack. 7 years old, 15Va hands, l.ouo pounds; prompt server, sure foal getter. I M. Greene, Johnson, Nemaha county. Neb. P M399 2tix LOST. LOST Bull terrier, female spayed dog, with brlndle spots on each ear, covering the eyes, and one spot on left rump; lib. eral reward If returned to H. K. Lchmer, i&Ci Emmet. I.ost 361 23 LOST Black and white fox terrier; return 449 Glen ave. Council Bluffs; reward. 1.0HT tlold watch fob: Initials 8. C. H. on charm. Return to city treasurer's office for reward. lii-miij.'ii LOST Wednesday afternoon, a ladies' gold watch ana rob: nam: ."so. , ,u..".". en graved with owner's name. Return for reward to 22 Continental block . Lost M YOU IX)SB MANY OPPORTUNITIES, but do not loee this one. u tomorrow to tne Drug Department of the Boston Store and obtain a 60c bottle of Milks' Rmulsion for the smart sum orioo: i.owt 4ii jot WANTKD SALESMEN. WANTtEtl ExDerlenred aalesman. with es tablished trade, for Nebraska; state ref erences, experience ana saiury expecieu. Singer Bros.. Bt. Liouia. mo. WANTED, experienced salesman, with es tabllshed trade, for Nebraska: state ref erences, experience and salary expect-L Singer nros., bi. iouis, bio. x CALENDAR salesman for Nebraska and northern Kansas: large eastern house; ar tistic line. Call lo to 12 or 4 to 6 Hote Paxton. . Inquire for Mr. Schussler. M 416 x IPHOUSTERISQ. Peterson ft Lundberg. 11S S. 17th. Tel. L-23&S. GATE CITY. 1706 St. Mary's. Tel. B 273. U'1 -VI IB FOR BEU-HFIKMSHEU ROOMS. TWO rooms with use of kitchen for hue FOR BALE REAL ESTATE. Douglas County Farm Close iu UI....1.U aim bun. omu.ia, good larm lor feeuing or larming; land acrosa the roa.l recently sold for -'0u per acre; good house of b rooms, barn, granary. We are goicg to sell this property. To uo o it will lie sacrificed at Jltw.OO per acre. W. FARNAM SMITH & CO., Rii L55 cli8- Williamson Co., g KK 796 THE UNION PACIFIC LAND AUENCY, i2J SOU 111 Will 81'., OMAHA, have some veiy uenraule tunning and 'grazing lands lor aaie. These lands are on either slue of the tnlon pacltlc R. K. in Nebraska and are many of them In counties where adjoining lands are quite well Unproved; nee. them for turther 4ar t tkulats. RE M429 2ti WE write all kinds of Insurance. Kenny h. K. Inv. Co.. l liune 336. M Bee Bldg. KE Mi4 $2,400 2U22 Decatur 3t., new, well built, 7 rooni house, modern, piped for turnaca, oak Hours downstairs, a BARGAIN. D. V. Hholea Co., 722 N. Y. Lite Bldg. Tel. 4. HE 604 SPECIAL ateniion given to property placed In our hands for rental. Kenny K. E. & lnv. Co., Phone 336. 3W. Bee Bldg. RE MbdG ROSEBUD INDIAN RESERVATION maps showing in colors lands to be opened to settlement; also the Indian heirship land In Charles Mix county; price &oc. Grimes ft AbBher. Wagner. S. 1KB3M.U FOR Noon Luncheon try the KARBACH KESTAURANT, where you will tlnd tha bent prepared nwajs in the city at reason able prices. 418 b. lath; Joseph Straub, prop. HE B20 M-14 GLOVER, 1st floor N. Y. Life, city prop, erty, farms, ranches. Tel. 133. RE i9t Wanted Real Estate We have cash customers for the following: Five, 6 or 7-room. modern, or partially modern house, close In. Good building lot. eaut of 83d, 100 ft. east frontage: must be gilt-edge. A bunch of lots, well located, to Improve. Constant calls for i vr 7-room houses to rent. List your property where there's something doing. SH1MER & CHASE New Ottice, ltjtw Farnam. Tel. 2422. RiS M410 2 WANTED, parties desiring homesteads on the Rosebud reservation to correspond with the Bonesleel btate bank, Bonesteel, V'HEN buying or selling real estate be sure to get a Midland Guarantee and Trust company bonded abstract, 1614 Far- cam street, to. r. jjoage, jr., rresiaeni. SEVEN-ROOM modern cottage: east front; only seven blocks west ot i,ow,ouu post- otnee. trice oniy ii,ow. BEMIS, PAX'1XN BLOCK. HE M383 28 THE UNION PACIFIC LAND AGENCY, 222 SOUTH 13TH ST., OMAHA, have some very desirable farming and Krazlng lands forale. These lands are on either side of trie Union Pacific R. R. In Nebraska and are many of them In in counties where adjoining land are quite well Improved; see thorn for further par ticulars. RE M430 26 EIGHTY acres choice farm land near Kuser's Park, SI 10 per acre. R. C. PE1EHS & CO., GROUND FLOOR BEE BUILDING. RE M3S6 27 IF YOU want to buy, sell or rent a house or a farm; If you have a business for ale or want to buy, call on or write Kenny R. E. ft Inv. Co., Theme 336. 300 Bee Blag. RE Mu3 ENGLISH & CO. PAXTON BLOCK. One of the mest 8-room modern residences In West Farnam district, 82.200. RE M3U 7-ROOM modern house, steam heat, lot 66x 104, nice shade, 4 blocks from High school, S3.375. R. C. Peters ft Co., grd. floor Be bit'-- RE 348 25 TWO FARM BARGAINS. feMALL FARM GREAT BARGAIN. Nearly luo acres, 15 miles from Omaha, one mile from railroad station: 62 acres under cultivation; 12 acres hardwood tim ber; some good hay land; stream unfailing water; no buildings. Very cheap for S3,5uO, nail casn. About 330-arre stock farm 2S miles south east of Omaha; 90 acres under cultivation, balance Umber and pasture; tough, but splendid slock place; three-room bouse, well running water, all fenced, all neces sarjr farm buildings; only half mile from one railroad station, one mile from an other; a bargain at 112 .500. Get particulars. GEORGE G. WALLACE, BROWN BLOCK; HE M3S6 26 ACREAGE. 10 acres, high and sightiy, on West Hamil ton street, one mile rrom Bennon and jDiindee cars; eastern owner has cut to ;i,5uo If sold at once. n. !. dodue ft r;o.. 1614 Farnam Btreei. RE M387 28 CHEAP FARM. F-ighty acres 34 miles northeast of Mis souri Valley, Harrison county, lowa; piack loum; four acres pasture, balance In culti vation; fenced; house, barn, windmill, corn crib, orchard; until March 1, S4s per acre; see us quick. The Abbott-Cowan Company, 312-314-315 BROWN BLOCK. HE M3M 27 BEE" R H. Landeryou If you wish to buy or sell real estate. 442 Boura or iraaa. Tel. 2151. RE 5i9 Illus. your property. Baker "Bros. Eng. Co. SEVERAL acres of ground with orchard: Belmont Park; very sightly: cultivated; SV50. I. Wead, 1521 Uouglas. RE-M421 8 THE UNION PACIFIC LAND AGENCY. 222 SOUTH 13TH ST.. OMAHA. have some verv desirable farming and grazing lands for sale. These lands are nn elthrr side of the Union Pacific R. R In Nebraska and are many of them in counties where adjoining lands are quite well Improved; see them for further par ticulars. ZD DO YOU WANT TO SELL A FARM? If you wsnt to sell a farm or ranch tell tlie farmcts nd stock raisers about it The best way to reach them Is through THE TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER This i.gricultural wrekly goes to 60.000 homes of fanners and stock raisers, so If you have a good piece of laixl to sell at a reasonable piiie. you will find a buyer among them. The cost of sn advertisement is small 2 cen's per word in small type or 2.i2 p'-r inch if set In large type. 1 HE TWtNTIKI H CtNTURY FARMLR OMAHA, NtB. RE-S2? FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. HOUSES S1.800 1222 S. 27th, six-room modern houre. east front, near Poppleton ave.; new open plumbing and porcelain tub; gas; large basement under whole house, where additional rooms inn be had. All newly papered and will be painted outside lor uui-chaser. SI, 200 2631 S. 11th St., attractive four-room cottage, city water, boulevard in front: lot noxliil. S 950 28H1 8. 11th st.. five-room cottnge, next Botitn of 2M1; lot Xlxsa. This can be made a neat home and more trnund mtrrhnml n tniitli SI, 400 1606 Elm St.. best home bargain In south end; nve-rooin cottage; fine lot: good shado trees, rliv water. largo 2-atory barn; all on good street; south front, and only one block from car. We have refused several offers for this property and will stick to our rirlee. S1.500 3314-16 8. 20th st. Thla la the beat investment barmln In south end. Threi-room cottage and eight-room aouoie nouee; rents tJ) per montn; lot 60x150. We have no better home and investment f nr thn mnnnv SI, 600 8. 9th at., near DorcaB, 6-room house. lot 0UXI42; shade and fruit trees; good cellar. A bargain for a home. N. P. DODGE & CO 1614 FARNAM uulvjc Ot KKJ.f lOlt FtiiHiVl I K E 3 .13 25 4 ACRES short distance south Countrv club for 8750 for ten days only. F. D. WEAD, 1524 DOUGLAS. RE SACRIFICE HAI R We have lust had listed tor nulck sale two iiuuses on corner lot. close In, one block JA n"JLm,J!-J,ne Iour-r,oom '"'"TS V.' - iT..T" ' '".!! " of this property must sell and we want you to make us your best offer. Let ua I now jvu liio iroperiy at once. Payne, Bostwlck ft Co., 601-3 N. Y. Life Bldg. RE 394 -Ji FOR SALB 11-room house, modern and in nrst-ciass conattion; large yard and shade trees; 81i7 Davenport St. Apply 11. j. Windsor, lols Dodge st. maiv 1 9-ROOM house on 81st, north of HArunom park. S3. 600. F. D. WEAD, 1524 DOUGLAS. RE-896 25 S1.300 WILL BUY a corner lot and good house near 24th and Lake sts. Thomas Brennan, Room 1. New lork Life Bldg. RE 118 FOR BALK MIsCKLLA INK lit S. INDIAN goods and reUca, U19 Farnam. Q 776 ID-HAND safe cheap. Derlght, 1119 Farnam. U 777 CHEAPEST OAK SLAT CORN CRIB BING. Long fir timbers. 901 Douglas. W-778 100 KINDS of Mineral Water. Sherman ft McConnell Drug Co., Prolans. Q 779 KIMBALL PIANO, slightly used; big bar gain. v-u or wm tiooio I, ee ttiag. J 0 HARD coal stoves, SS up; furniture cheap. Chicago Furniture Co.. 1410 Dodge. , Q-781 SECOND-HAND billiard ana nnol tables: billiard tables repaired; large stock cheap bar nxtures, cigar counters. Tne iiruna-wlck-Balke Co.lender Co., 407-9 S. 10th. Q-776 160 WATCHES, 76 diamonds, left In Yawn, cheap. Diamond Loan Office, 1401 Douglas. y Miitt STOCK YARDS SADDLERY CO., Headuuartcrs for Whips and Axle Grease. We make a special of the above and for that reason can rive you any kind at eastern prices. J. G. Blessing, 331 No. 2th Bt., Souta umana, union snop. y , FOR SALE Several scholarships In a'ftrst- class standard school in omana, compris ing complete course In business, short hand and typewriting. Inquire at Bee office. W J BILLIARD ft pool tables. 1407 Harney Bt. i mow w.i is 1 I1MRFR Cheap sheeting,' S13.50 thous, l. vj 1 1 1 ulji cauy Ltm. Co., 6th ft Doug. i MMif Mario FOR SALE cheap old Ink barrels. Apply to the press room or J ne tsee. w IRON FENCE ZZ$? uu KSt 16the st . Q-M358 Je30 AUTOMOBIIJCS, new and aecond-hand, S250 to S4.000; write for catalogue. II. E. Fredrickson, Uth and . Dodge. Q M411 M2I FOR BALE Combination bookcase and desk and other furniture. 116 S. 25th st. Q M407 27 CITl'ATIONS WANTED. 61TUATION wanted on credits, collections, Justice court work, by energetic young Man of 28; several years experience; can chow good record, A-l references, bond. Address " H, Bee Offlce. Council Bluffs. I WILL use Milks' Emulsion and not lose a day from my work. To Intruduce tills remedy, there will be a sale lu the Drug epartment of Boston store, tomorrow if 50c package for 10c. See display "AD. A 417 25x IF YOUR health siiffern from throat trouble fcrtm icrv lii0 fivpr an rAliirn. XfllUd' Emulsion will give you relief. Tomorrow the Drug Department of tlie Boston Stnre will hold an Introductory sale, where vm can obtain a 60c package of this remedy for 10c. A All BiX BOY 17 years old wants place to work; home and opportunity to learn irane or Cov" wll'l"?.?!"1 WeCt: WePA-M4'4!?d boy will call. A-M4.4 2x SITUATION wanted by energetic tic ynnn man. where ne can nei-ome scquatntea with the breeders of Nebraska and gain a knowledge of live slock. Address E 84, Bee office, A-Mttl an CLAIRVOYANTS. READINGS 60C THIS WEEK. Ponelblo. clairvoyant, palmist and antrolo ner. reveals all questions of Lie pertain ing to marriage, sickness, deatli, changes, travels, divorces, separation, lawsujts, business transactions, deals, mortgages. lust or absent friends, mining ventures. etc.; tells who and when you will many; reunites the senarated: causes speed v marriage. Headings by mail; send stamp for particulars. Honrs. to a aany. 1619 DODGE STREET. 8 M367 Six BUSINESS MEDIUM. 718 N. 17th St. 8110 QYLMER. palmist. 715 N. 23d. Tel. B-na. . S ill Wasted to Dir. Books bought, sold. Antique Book Con ceru, in Ivaruacn ui. iei. jav N-7u6 ID-HAND furniture; high prices. Tel.. 2020. Chicago Furniture Co. JN . BEST PRICES for used stoves, furniture. Enterprise Furn. Co., 102-4 8. 14th. Tel. 22ifi. WANTED To buy team of Kofl or 160-pound horses suitable for grocery wagon, and I or I driving horses about 1.u' pounds. Stueben s livery stables. 113 e. im. rear. N-llxa vs HAVE you a bargain for 1500 to S7of cash. Address I Ee. Jiee omce. r n. FLOMlST. HESS 8WOBODA. 1415 Farnam. b.00 U HENDERSON, Cortat. 161S Farnam Sl vi pi:ro t ilj.'tl liaillllj ,ia work guiirmi- . 1". Mit'I.Ai.S. teed at reasonable prices. ;it N. l,ui at. Tel. HA1. V M VI HIAWATHA and W) other aongs In one book. 6 cents poMpald. Hubert r renan, M Bo. Utn. U M536 MUX DON'T READ THIS Unleae yoi fa' clean clothea. If you do patrontfie the Domestic luundry. :41l N. !4th T4. L11S2. U-MIZ1 M2 Aecordlon Pleating-, cheapest, beat, qtitckext. mra. A. c. Mark, litn and tougiaa LA BOOK, ladles' tailoring. 613 Karbach ANY poor girl In need of a friend can call or write to the matron 01 tne rsivmi..n Army Home foi Women, 8C4 N 21th St.. Omaha. Neb. V M526 Maylx Stammering cured. J. Vaughn, Ramge VM. ELITE parlors. 615 8. 16th, 2d floor V C-TI "VIAVI," way to health. 350 Bee building. V HPS MAGNETICS1 n. itV'.ir.'in WHAT'S nher than accordion pleating? e do nothing but the finest, I'lentlng Co., J00 Douglas block. L i BEN BOIT-Whv didn't you meet me al v oiumnia l'honograph company J,u" night? 1 waited till half past 9. Bay. their free co.irerta are grand, and 1 bcught dosvn X. P. 50c records for 2ac acli. Peggy From Paris. U M137 WATER'S PRINTING CO.. 1212 Douglas at. PANTORIUM Tel. 963. l.'leaiuiiK. I'yelng 407 Bo. lutn. U M541 BIILJ-An' to a good thing; met at sti.ecker's cigar store this ev et me tra r atnre inia eveilllis and we'll smoke u 5c Monogram and I'll "tip" It off to you. Frank. U-M136 SEND 25c for HOMESTEADER'S GUIDE containing fortv-elght pages of valuable Information. OFFICIAL MAP and full Instruction how tn ei a claim on the ROSEBUD RESERVATION. Forbes Locating Agency, liomsleel, 8. D. U-883 PIANOLAS for rent! 8 rhombs' rent al led on purchase. Schmoller ft Mueller. iJis amam. Tel. 1625. ti .' IL O. SMITH, plumbing, 118 N. 15; tel. T3H92. 1 ' lTMaM PAPA Hurry home. Mamma wnnta you to get me a pair of Httteson s "Patent Slip Not" Rlmlehs Eyeglas-,es. They're Just too swell, lan t ahake off. 213 8. lbli. t antzo. U 342 Mar21 GENTLEMAN, stranger. Cesires acqualn tance with young lady, good figure, who can oevnte anernoon to matinee; onieci, matrimony ind good time. Address D 61, nee. l!;j(S.) 2ux TLB' vapor Rnd ",coho1 baths-730 B-t FAMII,Y hand lnundry; rough drying i specialty, mi Jackson st TJ M379 M23x MAIL package received; thanks; no kick coming from me. U. ft I. CO. U 419 27x ACTIONS signify much; the baby looks good; a certain lady surely appeals to me nnd I feel we. should know one another; Just a note as a tonic. F. II. D. IT 419 28x M. Saturday. N. TJ 419 2fix JACK Come down to Mrs. tonight. 8:39; ring bell. U 119 ZbX SAKI Watching since 11th: start West next week; telephone. OMAR. IT 419 28 x MEDICAL. MAGNET PILE KILLER. IT CURES. At druggists. SI. 817 HOMEOPATHIC medicines, wholesale, re tan. ttnerman at Aicuonneu, umana. -811 DR. PRIES treats successfully all diseases and irregularities of women from any cause; experienced and reliable. 1613 Lodge St., Arlington block, Omaha. -814 WANTED The case of catarrh, rheuma tism, eczema or stomach trouble tnat Cc- Lon-Co. WON T cure. 859 29 PRIVATE hospital during confinement; names aoopiea. Mrs. uarueis, J34 laK8. Tel. Red-1884. ' -815 PRIVATE home during confinement: babies adopted. The Oood Samaritan Sanitarium 728 1st Ave., council Bluffs. la. 628 PRIVATE hospital before and during con finement. Mra. Fisher. 2516 S. 11. Tel. 1SS9. 816 MONEY TO i.OA.M CHATTELS. itAHA tge. Loan C Furniture lomo, (Julclt service. Piano loans, j-jisy paymenui. Live Stock loaas. Best terms. Kulurv loahs. Any time. Our rates are as low as any and much lower than many, ana we always try 10 Iilease. . 19 Board of Trade bldg. Tel. 2195. (Established 1S92J 3u6 S. 16th St. X-J44 MONF.T LOANED ON TURN IT U R E, PIANOS, LIVE STOCK, bAbAKIf.S, tic. Low raie and easy terms. Business confidential. Try us if you ant to save money., PHOENIX CREDIT CO.. 633 Paxton Block. 16th and Farnam Sts. MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE and others wltn security; easy payments; ;.,! huslness In 49 principal cities. Tolmun. room 440, Chamber of Commerce Bldg. j. oj SAVrc MONEY" hv gettlnir SALARY AND FURNITURE LOANS from ine rcr.l.JnJ ' Kr.oi l l u.. Rooms 307 and 308 PAXTON BLOCk" X-M892 MONEY loaned on plain note to salaried people; Dusinesb connaenuai; lowest rates. VI f axtun uiucn. aiio ... a. jiuuon to. X-827 MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, jew elry, horses, cows, etc. c. . eed, am a. 13th. X 828 CHATTEL, .alary and )e Loan Co R g Barker welrsr loans Foley er uiock : , .. , etc. 11..lltl ,- T, Pr) ,nnw. room 215 at 209 8. 15th at.: tel H!i6 X-M427 .ttONEY TO LOAN HaUAL K9TATE. FARM and city loans, low rates. W. H Thomas, f irst Kal i isanK uiug. jei. ivu. w Li i PRIVATE money. Sherwood. 937 N. Y. Life, 4 TO 6 P. C money. Bemls, Paxton block PRIVATE njoney. F. D. Wesd, 1520 Douglas w u WANTED, cltv loans and warrants. W. Farnam Smith ft Co.. um rurnam Bt. W-836 WANTED, reai estate loans and warrants. R. C. Peters ft CO., lies uiag. w I per cent farm loans. R. C. Patterson, 1224 Farnam. W-83S I per cei t loans. Garvin Bros., 1604 Fnrnam MONEY TO LOAN Payne Investment Co. w eji MONEY to loan. Kenney Real Estate snd Investment i i... r. rt mm. vr no Ml'SIC-tL. THOS. J. KELLT, voice, Davidge block. CHAS. H. KEEFER. piano, 56 Barker Blk. slJ4 IT'Ie) PAISY HIOGINS, voice, piano. 2t'13 Iav. lei a-:.i. -L'i" PATENTS. H J. COWGILL No fee unleas suceessfjl. 8! B. Ulh a:.. Omana. let. l.. . PATENTS guaranteed. Huea Sl Co.. Qmaha. U A1-& t'Ot M. KK THAT YOU KIND YOt'K WAV Td, tlie Drug Iiepurtmi-iit of the ltonii t tore where tomorrow at an lotrodnrt'O y sale, a WV trial iH-kagi of Milks' Kmul alon will be given for loo. Kounil 417 .'.'x FOUND THAT WONDKRKI L REMEDY, Milks' KmtilMion; ran lx bad only at the I nig Di'partmi nt of the llntMon Store. Tomorrow a 6v pucknge cf tbls renieily will sell at an Ititroduolioy sale at this store for inc. yiiantlty limited. Found -117 n.". OSTEOI 4 1 HY. Ahnson Irlstltute. 61R N. Y. Life bldg. T.VW4 Dr. J. A. Meehan. 515 N. Y. Life bldg. T.lftl 7M The Hunt Infirmary. McCague bldg. T ?3. Dn OIIACE DEEGAN, K2 N. Y. Life. Tel. Fayette Cole, osteopath, 6"9 Paxlon block. ,:n UftEMsMAKIXi. IN families. Miss Sturdy, 309 N. 23d GINGHAM ajirons made. 1-70 S. 9ih. Tel. Hca-Sril. i:2 Ml7 DANCINM ACAtllCH V. MO RAND'S spring term: Lessons for ndu't .-x.iiiiif-m. i up?, ami rri.. s p. in.; ptivatif lensons dslly; li:ernl reduction to pupils Vho Join now. Call nnd Hnrnev. WA M;lrl3 COS I I M ES. Theatrical and masq. Lleben. 1018 Farnam. j I'.l DETECTIVE AUE . Capt. Cormack, 517 Karbach blk. Tel. A-"v"2 100 POSTOFI'ICE t) I II E. tSliould be read tlallv hv all t". ilrd. as t-hanges may occur attain 1 1 in. Foreign malls for the week endli f: IVhm- ary i:n, win close irmiMri i.v in ail cases! nt the Ocneral Postolllce iv til lows: I'ARCKLS-l'OST MAILS c l.c ,.no hour earlier than closing time sltn b low. Parcels-post malis for Cerinatiy close at 6 p. ni. Friday, per s. s. I'anicit. Regular and Supplementary mnil loe a' I-orelgn Stntion half hour later in i closing time shown below (i xci pt tha. Supplementary Malls for Europe in,. I Central AmTlcn. via Colon, close clio hour later al Foreign Station;. Transatlantic Mnllft. FRIDAY At 1! in. for AZORES ISLANDS, per a. s. Romanic, from Boston. SATURDAY A I ii n. m. for EUROPE. r a. Philadelphln. via Plvmouth niul Chrhourg (mall for Scotland, lr land an 1 Liverpool must ho directed "iicr s. s Mil sdelphia"): at 8::m s. m rsunnlemcntarv 10 a. m l for EUROPE, per's. s. Cam lanls. via (Jueenstotvn ; at :.Ti a. m. for BEIOIUM direct, per s. s "celund imiul fnust be directed "per s. s. Zeeland"); at t 30 a. m. for ITALY direct, per s. s. Princess Irene (mall must he directed "per s. a. Princess Irene"; at 9:"n a. m. for SCOTLAND direct, per s. s. Furno' sla fmall must be directed "per s a. Vtirnessla"!: nt 11 a. m. for DENMAR'C direct, per s. s. Islnnd (mall must be di rected "per a. s. Island"). After the closing of the Supplementary i raiisa'innric .Mans nil!1'! above, ulill. Hons! Supplementary Malls are opnnel on the piers of the American, Encll'h, French ami German steamers and rema'n. open until within Ten Minutes of tho hour of sailing of steamer. Malls for South nnd Central America, West Indies. Etc. FRIDAY At 9:30 a. m. (supplementary 10:M a. m. ) tor inaula ana haiti, pr s s. Valencia; st 12 m. fcr GIHNTANAMn and SANTIAGO, per s. s. Yumnrl cnall must be directed "per a. a. Yumnrl"! SATURDAY At 8 30 a. m. frupplcmentsry co a. m. j ror v.; kai'AU and VENEZU ELA, per a. a. Maracaiho (mail for Sa vsnllla and Cartagena must be directed "per a. a. Mararalbo"); nt 9 a. m. for PORTO RICO, per a b. Ponce, via San Juan: at 9:30 a. m. (supplementary l:3n a. m) for FORTUNE ? ALAND. JAMAICA. SaVANILLA and CARTAGENA, per s a. Siblria (mall or Costa Rica must be di rected "per B. s. Plblria' ); at 10 a. m for GKENADA, 'HD-TDAD and CHDAD BOLIVAR, per r s. Jdaracaa. via Trini dad; at 1C a. m. for CUBA, per s. s. Mex ico, via Havana. Malls Forwarded Overland, Ivtc., Ex cept Triuinpnrinii. CUBA Via Port Tampa, Florida, closes nt this offlce dnlly, except Thursday, at 5a:l a. m. (the connecting mails cbwe here on Mondivs. Wednesdays and Satui-da . s). MEXICO CITY Overland, unless specially addressed for dispatch by steamer, closes at this office daily, except Sunday, at 1:30 p. m. and 10:30 p. m. Sundays at 1 p. m. and 10:30 n. m. NEWFOUNDLAND By roil to North Syd ney and thence by steamer closes at this office dally at G.30 p rr.. (connecting malls close hern every Monday, Wrdnc&day and Saturday). JAMAICA By rail to ThllVphla and Jhence by steamer closes at this office nt '0:30 p. m. every Sunday. Bv rail to Boston and thence by steamer closss at this office at 0:30 p. m. every Frldnv. MIQl'ELON By rail to Boston and thence hy steamer closes ai iius onice uany ni ii:30 p. tn. BELIZE. PUERTO CORTEZ and GUATE MALA By rail to New iiriesns nnd thence by stcimer closes at this office dallv, except Sunday, at $1:30 p. in. anil 1 10 30 p. m . Sundays at ft p. m. and lli):P,4 p. m. (connecting mail rloseB here Mon bava at 10:30 p. m.) COSTA RICA By rail to New '".leana nnd (hence by ateamer closea at mis omen dnilv, except Sunday, at H:30 p. m. sud JI0:30 p. m.. Sundays at II p. in. and lO .Ssw, p. m. (f onnec-.lng mall clone: !:sre Tuesv lava at 110 30 P. nl ) BA HAMAS (except Paicels-Post Malls) By rail to Miami, r ia.. anu nmce ny steamer closes at Ivan a. in. every Mon day, SVednesdav and Saturday. .Registered mall closes at G p. m. previous day. Transpacific Malls. HAWAII. JAPAN. CHINA and specially uddressed mail for .ne PHILIPPINE IS LANDS, via San Franol.ioo. clime hi-ro dally at 6:30 p. in. up to February J-'lst, Inclusive, for dispatch per a. s. China. PHILIPPINE ISLANDS, via San Fran cIkco close here dully at 6:30 p. m. up to February !25lh. inclusive, for dispute h per U H. Tratieport. NEW ZEALAND. AUSTRALIA (except West). NEW CALEDONIA, FIJI. SAMOA and HAWAII, via San Francisco, cos here daily nt :30 p. m. up lo February i27th. Inclusive, for dispatch per s. s. Sierra. (If the Cunard steamer cnirylrg the British mail for Few Zealand do, s not arrive In time to connect with this dispatch, extra mails closing at 5.:in a. n- SI 30 a, m. and 6:30 p. in.; Sundays nt 4-30 a. m., a. m. and ii:30 p. m. will ho made up and forwarded unlil the arrival of the Cunard steamer). AUSTRALIA . (except "f - LANUH anu ir.v " 'INE ISLANDS, via San Eraurlsci, close here dally at 6.30 p. m. up to February 129th. Inclusive, for u.spatcn per a. a HAWAII, via .San Francisco close hen. elusive for dispatch l r . s. Alarneda. AlllTl' ami MARQUESAS ISLANDS, via 5.1 Krai -. ' '" ,l""v 6 3" " to Mari-h l.'th. inclusive, for di- " ILf -j ! 1 1 II nf!l rin v r n.j"' i'- M . -- ii in A and JAPAN, via Vancouver and victoria R- close here daily at 6:30 p. Yin to March l5lh. Incluslvc.for ills m.tchP,Hr s s. Empress -of India. Mer lndiie for U. S. Postal Agency at Shanghai cannot be forwarded Wa, Can- Ban 1' Tanciaco exciuaiveiy. rmiivpHclfic malls are forwarded to port of aalllng doily and the schedulo of clos ing ia arranged on the presumption i f their uninterrupted overland trans!!, ttieirlstered mall closes at 6 u in. previous day CORNELIUS VAN CO'l'T. Postmaatei er post Office, New York, N. Y., February 19. f.H'4. OIU18 MTKiMKIta. HOLLAND-AMERICA LINE. Tw,a-S..rv blo-ntn ot u.iw Ions. gW KuKK tiUi'lkltUAM. ?U hOlUMiHH. Btiiu.1 luwar. i lu . ai. Aniurdain March 1 EtaunUim ftt&rtk kullrrdia Murtli I HolJni April I SourJum Mirtti U Uultirdiiui April It Blrs liiujr. H01.LAND-AnEKK'A 1.1 Mi. 4k DesrMra St., CiU ro. II.. ; Hrrr Mirtl. ri.i St. ; C. aik.r.,ri. IJk'i rtmtie uj i a. haili. Uat luaia ne dally addressed oniyi, ........... Victoria B. C.. close here dally at b;3a . in. up to February .7ih. inclusive, for i.nRrrh rr s. s. Mlow'i-ra. mspairii "".. , ,iiv. .Mil nirtf ft. vi iTF I'nlesa othcrlsn addressed. W'sf Aist'rallH Is forwarded via Europe; and New Zealand and Philippines, via Ssn i-ranrlci the quickest routes. Philippines specially addressed "via Canada" or "via J-urope'' must be fully prepaid at t! foreinn rates. Hawaii Is forwarded vU , ire Hy )g it tl In rf v.i rv !- t t M M M ir tv o il c t t a, i l uit villi raiuaiu. uuu, i 7l 41 land and wife. IHU (.'timing, u-aot