THE OMAHA DAILY REE: WEDNESDAY. EERKUA RY 24. 1001. lJX AND PRODUCE MARKET Isd catioDi FtvoraUe to Cain Boiine-i and Diiconragio? for Futures. i Bear day in Chicago felt here Ir Wlinl Optin strong, Adunrn, bat toiler llrmka and Falls liark Mttl Otrf Two OiiIii. OMAHA, Frh. 71, 19M. That tho Omnha grain mnrki't will lift ft fcash market and only siiondurlly a market In future options In hemming more ap parent every dy. 'I he crowd which deals In grnln tor fut.ire tlHlvcry Is not largo enough to mnko a silf-siiHialnlng market and for thin reason a hear (liiy In Chicago, transactions on the Omaha lloor. Today future In wheat and oats were dead ftnd prHctlcally nothing whs done In totn. Chicago was breaking and th Omaha tio'ir wan deserted hy noon, having no lntr"St for the ioial speculators. Hut ag the fath er of the exchange hoped from the Ins. that Omaha chimin he a cush market, con ditions are entirely satisfactory to them. Chicago May wheat opened strong on the Iilgher foreign closes of Monday, and ad vanced from $1.V4 to tl.J"S. hut later broke and fell to ll.tttVfc. Krnm triers It rallied and passed $!.(, hut cloned wenk lit $l.ii.1?4j. New July also opened strong, "o. over the clone of Hattirday, but the opening was the high price una for low, lt4o wad reached. May corn on Omaha exehange wan the only future which looked good and It opened at 4fl'fcc on huylng order. baler offerings were not wanted and the marked declined to 47c. Chicago opened up, hut broke from 57n to fnio. The top of the market It la liclleved, has been reached on the present war situation. Vnloss aomnthlng hig la rumored; the mar ket on wheat , nod com prntinhly will remain stationery or even react during the next few day. Any Increase. In the scope jf war operations will eivo the wheat knottier latent The- rango of prices of Omaha grain for future delivery and the clone today and fctuturduy were us follows: Open. . ..W ...hi ...4 ...47 ... nigh. i.ow. Cloned Today. Hut'y W.j Ml NX MV4H Hi t5 l 4X14 474 47 4MiH 47 471. 47H 42H 42 42 42HA 40H 4t!3 May at tl IH. July cloned at Kr. Clear r.d of wheat and hour were equal to 3k'i.) bushels, l'rlmary receipts were 1.131. i'i bu.. agnlnnt l:4.ii fm a year ago. The "mount of pannage Increased 1.8m. und hu.. while th" vlnlhln supply decreased 1.137."" hu. Minneapolis. Imiuth and Chicago re ported receipts of 7m cars, against S1U cars hist week ami 7-1 cats a esr ago. Corn was traded in heavily and prices moved In sympathy with wheat The open ing strength In whent caused May to open a shade to VnSc higher at 6''nal'f. There was a great deal of protlt-taking at the stnrt. due to the heavy liquidation In wheat. May declined rapidly to rVc, hut good buying developed on the slump, and the market went up with about as much Hlacrlty an It hnd fallen, l.ate In the day another break occurred, brought about by the Booond sharp decline In wheat prices. May sold off to litHe and closed at a net Ions of mnli4c nt ooC. July ranged be tween 54-No and 86 4c, closing H'nNc lower at 54V"'t4''. Local receipts wire G39 cars, hone of contract grade. Oats were exceedingly nervous and on that account the volume of business was somewhat restricted. The fenture In trad ing wan the henvy selling by a prominent commission house, supposed to be acting for the lending long. The action of this house, which was followed by smaller hold ers, which resulted In a decline of 14c In Mav and 1c In the deferred futures. The buying was mostly by shorts. The close was pear the bottom. May openen nn ohnnged to 4r higher at K'Mr'i 4rtc and after ranging between 44e and 4i'.io closed ut 41'v. Ix.ral receipts were 4on cars. l'rovlnlors were excited In the same de gree as the grain markets. The opening Was wild with prices strong, hut a general rush on the part of the holders to sell cumed a Ions of all of the Initial advrtnre. May pork showed the greatest weakness an ! declined 45c from the ton mark. After selling b-tweon llu.ttO and $lrt(6 that product cloned li.'.to lower nt 115.774. May Inrti was down 174c Ht 17 S74. while ribs were off l.'.c at $f f.74. Kstlmated receipts for to morrow: Wheat, 45 cars; corn, 600 cars; oats. 2:u cars; hogs, 50,000 head. The lending futures ranged as follows: Artlcl. n.l Open. Hlgh. liow. Close. Yrsy JtVheat May .. July .. C't n Way . July . Deis May . Jlurrh Local rash tiraln Markets. Itecelpts were heavy, offerings large, de mand good, but prices In csh grain were tiot higher than those of Hntuntav. Wheat 'Wgs steady to strong. Receipts were 8 ars In and 4 cars out; onu week ago, t and iiiiles of car lots bv samnla on track. DtiiTHta: , Hard Wheat No. 3, 6 cars, 87c; No. 4, 1 Mr, 82c. Hprlng Wreat No. 4 tsour), 7!k Klevators are, strong buers of corn. The feeling prevail that cash corn la so much under May and July corn that It Is not at Its real value, nO tlie elevator men are beginning to load up for future advances. 4 'oiiMliteru I ill corn U.-fid If. .lit over fits n rising market tomorrow. Receipts wero Sf6 cars in And 31 out; one Week ago, 21 and 27 cars. Sales of car lots by samplo on track, n Omaha: Mixed Corn No. 3 2 cars, 44c; 1 car, 4Hi,c; 1 rnr 414e. No. 4, 1 car, 4-4c; 3 cars, 414c: 1 car 40c. Yellow Corn No. 3, 1 car, 44ci 2 cars, 2c. No grade, 1 cor, SOc. " The oat market Was fc.nturelesn and prices ruled as Saturday.- Receipts were cars In and 9 out; one week ago, t and 1 cars. Hales of car lots by sample, on track, Omaha: White Oats No. 4, 1 car, 40c; 1 car, 3SHe. JiJo grade (burned), 25c. W11BAT No. 2 hard winter, Vrf92c.; No. 8 hard wlntei, 8rit'j0c: No. 4 hard winter, W&tWc; No. 2 spring.. 5Sfi !Wc: No. 3 spring, t&Mc;' No. 4 spring. 77ii86?.' CORN-No. 2. 44f4r.c; N6. 3, 414'S42c: No: 4, 414i414e; No. 2 yellow, 444't46e; Nd. 3 yellow, 4M424e: No. 2 white, 444ij'45c; No. I white. 414'il42c. OATS- No. 2, SSfi39e; No. 8. STagc; No. 4. 8Bfj37c; No. 2 white. 4.Vtr434c; No. 3 white, 41 12c; No. 4 white, 4'at0Vic; standard, 4iViu424c. Notes from 4b Exchange Offices. Btockhhldora" In" (fie' Omaha' Grain ' ex rhunge met In the exchange hall this after noon after the close of business to consider several proponed changes In the constitu tion. The most Important Is- the limiting of the capital and the limiting of member ship to 2o0. Omaha Inspections of grain for two days Wers 11 cars. Of. wheat, 7 cars, graded; No. I hard winter, i cars; No. 4 hard win ter. Of com. 44 cars No. 3. IS cars No. 4, cars no grade, IS cars No. 3 yellow. Qf oats, I No. 3 white. 2 cars No. 4 white, 8 cars No. 3 white clipped, and 1 car No. 4. Motes of the Grain Trade. Minneapolis wlrts that elevator men ex pect ntoi ks of grain to Increase. Chicago receipts were M cars of wheat, 1 contract; 639 curs of corn, none of contract grade, and 400 cars of oats, t of contract. This Is for two days. Kstlmated receipts for tomorrow are 46 cars of wheat, 400 ears of corn and 22o cars of oats. Visible changes In grain stocks for the Week: Wheat decreased &92.0UO; corn de creased i7, 0u0; oats Increased 182,000. Last year for same period wheat decreased 16.000, corn decreased 9,000 and oats Increased L31.000. The visible supply Is: Wheat, Sfi.OlO; one year ago, 4).64.0u0; decline, 12,107.000. Corn, 8.712,000; year ago, 10,481,000; decrease, t,7ti,000. Primary receipts were: Wheat,, Bgalnst Kl.'4.no0 one year ago: corn, l,3".3,uoO, against 1.31)3.000. Shipments, wheat. M2.0OO. (gainst IM.000; coin. 4U4.ouo, against t22,ouo. ahes.ungures are for two days. Mrago stocks of grain In regular ware- Wheat, n.iea.uuo: increase, 2l.noo. 993.000: Increase. 15fi.0ii0. Oats. 1.993.- I f): Increase. 230.0ui. Rye, 234.000: Increase, 1 li.tM. Barley. .142,000; Increase, 116,000. Wheat Mny a July b July Corn Feb. May July fists F !. Mny July Sept. Turk May. July I-anl May July Rl'm May July 11.06 n64'n9' M 67ft ."4 K'0 4 tfi4-;4 iii'g'n M4-7'il 16 001 1 024 8 00 8 20 7 75 7 774! 1.084 974, 96 r.av.; r.74 r64 44 424 374 la 6 16 10 8 05 8 20 7 80 .03141 9: I 924 t.24' Wi'. 1.04 l.nfit; 944 9&Vll'i 9341 96 524 r 64,64Vft4 424 4t"g 414 364 1 414 414 364 15 60 15 70 7 R24i 7 974! 7 D5 15 674 15 724; 7 874 8 00 7 B741 7 70 42 4fi4 414 3T . 15 95 10 00 8 05 8 174 7 724 7 824 SEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS Tone 0' the Market Become! Kerroui ApprebeniiTJ. and NORTHERN SECURITIES AFFECT PRICES I neaslness Over Foreign ' Financial Mtaation Revived by the Report of an Important Hanking Failure In Berlin. 1 rrhesji.n I "iiMrag Tggeriuuses: Grain Markets Elsewhere. Closing prices of grain Saturday and to day at the markets named were as follows KANSAS CITT. Today. 84 2 !vV heat May ... July ... Corn Msy ... July ... (Wheat Msy ... July .., Corn Mav ... July .. JlVheat May .. July .. Wheat May .. July .. IWheat May .. Sat'y. 91 84 ::::::::::::::::::: JK. 8T. LOUia 94 VJ sw i .mm MINNEAPOLIS. , 11.00 994 PULUTH. ' !. II .034 NEW YORK. 98TB 474 tl on.. 91T, 1A n.024 II KK I1.U14I) II.OI4II fl.Ot 99V CHICAGU CHAIN AD 1'HUVISIUKS. Veatarrs of the Trading; and Closing; I'rlers on Hoard of Trade. CH1CAOO. Feb. S3 With the suddenne.. of a culprit Jerked from a scaffold, the May in inuay ieii D"o,' Kicaing up and down for hours In spasms that were jieurioreuKing. Trading- was on an enor mous seine. cars of l-?uropean compiles turns in tne ltuaao-Japanese war forced the liru-e up 10 a new high record mark. tt.t4, but tne llnuldullim caused a headlong dive u luiupurvu wit 11 Batuiday a close rnal figures were down lc. July chwed jvc lower, siuy com was off lulc, May w. ii nun piovinions I Iio. Mid excitement marked trading In the wnt pit rrom tne very start. Hiiving or ers appeared to come from all directions at inn opening 1 rie cause was sharp ad vancea 111 foreign grain markets. A rumor mat tne tngunii nect Had leeii ordered to Intercept any attempt by the Russian fleet to pass tne uaraanelloa furnished an Hihll tloual niotivo to many traders. The May delivery was In mote active demand than the deferred futures and, as a result. Initial eaiea on mai opium mere nc en aclxance o over eaturday s closing ligure at 1 U04.U 1 U!i4. I lie lde range of prices Showed more plainly than anything ele the excitement under which the market opened. While some brokers were bidding iw a misnei r.r wneai oiners almost at their sides ere selling tnst commodity fo S- a bushel less. The volume of trading th. tlrtit few minutes was enormous. Hundreds of thousands of bunhels were sold on the dvarre and under this heavy profit-taking tne price 01 May reu an even c rrom the high point to II 044 July declined to MV- lHc. from the top. Manv stop hiss orders were reached on tla way down. hl added to the weakness, bhorts in the May tiMik advantage of the hrexk to uver and the boxing from this sou re caused a recovery to II OS1. Within the last fifteen minutes another flood of selling orders apiearrd in the pit The result or this rem wed attack was break In May to 11.034. a decline of f'e lYnm the high point. July sold ulT to V-Sr m, )usj of 14c Ths closo wss weak with No. 2. a Old. b New. FLOI'R Strong; winter patents, 14. Wit 5.10; straights. 14.604i4.80: spring patents t.Vti.W; straights, lt.WM.3o, bakers, 12.3 4(2 70. WHEAT-No. 2 spring, to.9Siii1.C5; No 1(1. 9c.r 1.02: No. 2 red. 10.9(11.12'. . CORN No. 2, 52c; No. 2 yellow. 624c. OATS No. 2, 424flc; No. 3 whlto. 414'3 46c. RYK No. 2, 7S4ft7fic. BARLBY tiood feeding. 41fi43c; fair to choice malting, 4Sri68o. SKKD No. 1 Uax, 1112; No. 1 northwest ern, 11,184; prime timothy, 12.26; clover, con tract gnade, 111.15. PROVISIONS Mess pork per hhl., 115.62 fc 15.76. lvrd, per i00 lbs., t7.704r7.80. Short ribs shies t loose ). 7.riO'(t7.624. Short clear sides (boxed), $7.&aft7.75. WHISKY Basis of high wines. 11.27. Articles. Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbls 41,000 27.8H0 Wheat, bu... 52,500 92,3o0 Corn, bu Ii97.200 143,miO Oats, bu 670.400 2CU00 Rye, bu 8,9oO f.8'W Uarley, bu , 179,800 13,i On the l'roduco exchange today the but ter market was steady; creameries, lt'u 264c; dairies, 1344j22c. lTggs, weak; at mark, cases Included, 2223o. Cheese, tlrm, NEW .YOHlvtiEMCRAL MARKET. Quotations of the Day on Various Commodities, NEW YORK. Feb. 23.-FI.OL'R-Rocelnts. 14.410 bbls.; exports, 62.009 bbls. Market very Arm, but hold above buyers' views. Minnesota patents. 15.0uiU6.4O; Minnesota takers, 14.00fl4.ilfi; winter patents, u.lO'qS.4u; r nuer straightn, J4Soi6.1u; rye flour, nrm; in- to goou, H .wi(4.4o; choice to fancy. 14 a04j4.75; buckw heat flour, dull, I2.00'u2.10. t UKN.MISAI.r-Firm: yellow western, ll.lo;. city, 11. UK; klln-drled, 12.903.00. Hi hi Quiet; No. 2 western. 72V4C. f. 0. b. afloat; elate and Jersey, CC'ji liSc. 11AKL1CY-Uulet: feeding. Die. c. I. f. New York; malting, fc'ubtjc, c. 1. f. Buffalo. WHEAT Receipts: 13.000 bunhel; exports. 2.&2H buxhels. Spot, market tlrm; No. 2 red, l.o7, elevator, and ll.U8ijl.10 f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 northern, iJululh, jfl.10. f. o. b. afloat; No 1 hard Manitoba, nominal, f. o. b. afloat. Options wheat opened tlrm on strong cables and the war outlook. later It eased off under heavy foreign sell ing, mild weather in tne Boutjiwent and realizing. The market again advanced on good support. 1'rortt taking, reports of financial failures In Berlin and indications of groat weakness at Chicago oased prices and the close wuh unsettled, at 4'ue net lower. May, 11.0344: 1.164; closed. 11.034; July. 981c(ull.00"k: cloned. 974c: boptember. 914'(i934o; closed. 91ie. CORN Receipts, 60,525 bushels; exports, 30.532 bushels. Spot, market firm; No. 2, nominal, elevator, und b.e, f. o. b, afloat; No. 2 yellow, 69c; No. 2 white, 67c. Option market steady on good rabies, strength in wheat and good local support, but broke later with trun and provisions. The close wag unsettled, at Vie net there. May, 6o4t(4j24o; cosed at tile; July, C.4'jwjc; closed at Etio. OATS Receipts, 146.&00 bushels; Stot, market tlrm: No. 2. 64ii5;c: No. 8. 574'uu8c: standard white, 674'y5flo; No. 2 white, (74 llAl-uuiet; snipping, w'liw; gooa 10 choice. 9ucUll.06. Hol'8 Firm; state, common to choice, 19u3 crop. Sorn3ic: 1902 crop, 24ic; olds, lo'it 16c; Paclrlo coast. 19U3 crop, 7u36c; 1902 crop, 24(1 27c; olds, lot; 15c. Kltli-Steauy, aomestic, jair 10 extra, 4j&4'; Japan, nominal. l.liATHKK r irm; acia, mhixo. TALLOW yulet; city I2 per pkg.), 54c; country ipKgs. free), &VU"Hc . t'KOVlslOiNS Heer, nrm; ramiiy, in."")1 11.60: fess. 19.umiik.60: beef hams, 120.5o'ii' 60; packet, f lu.uwu 10.50; city, extra Iniliu tnesn. llr ink.i 17 0.1 Cut meats, sleauy; pick led, bellies, !7.&0ii8.25; pickled shoulders, 0; pickled hams. tli)OHti 11.00. Lard, easy; weslein steamed, 8.1o; reltned, easy; con tinent. Is. 10: South America. 18.50; cotn- poiiiul, In 87417.00. bl 1 ir.H rillll iresn creamery, colli sion to extra. 16di2tic: state dairy. 14U22C. I'HKfcpK-rlrai; state full cream lancy large and small, colored and white, Septem bcr, 1'; late mane, ltec. F.tKIS I nxellleu; Western nrst, 310. Pt)i'LTRY Allvi, tlrmer; western chickens. 12c; fowls. 134c; turkeys, 16c. licensed, easier; western chickens, l-'uH4o; fowls, 124a Uc; turkeys, l.'yltfc. St. I.ools tiraln and Provisions. ST. 1XJCIS. Feb. 23 WHF.AT Lower; No. 2 red. cash, elevator, Il.W; on track. II.; May. 984c; July. 894c; No. 2 hard. DocU 1 ou. CORN Lower; iso. z cusn. ; on track 47y4T4c; May. 5tV: July, 6li'uilc. OA'l S Strong; o. i. casn, ;c; on track, 4Uu434c; May, 43c; No. 2, white. 4fV FLol R Dull but nigner, anvanom cneck- Ing b.iciicss; led winter patents, lj.loy5.27j; extra fancy and straight. H bouO 10, clear, li.h'iit 20. TIMOTHY 8 tnCD Steady. 12.504(2 SO. COKNMKAL Mtetulv. 12.60. URAN Higher; sacked, east track, 904j) !c. HAY Steaily; timothy, IS.OofolS.OO; prairie, tS.fiU 50. IRON COTTON TIES 83c. KAiiUINO tttto. HKMP u. PROVISIONS Pork, new Jobbing. 115.974. I.nrd. steady; sleame.1. 16 974, Bacon, steady; boxed extra shorts. 18; clear ribs, 17 ,'4: short clear, 18.26. Pol'LTKY Steady; chickens. 11c; spring. lie; turkeys, 14c; ducks. 13c; goesa, c NBW YORK, Feb. 'Ji A good start sgalnnt depression was made by the stock market this morning, hut the lone became neivous and apprehensive as the day wore cn and In the afternoon there was posi tive weakness. The relative share In causing this weakness between the several factors In evidence was not very clear. Some of the early Improvement had Its Impetus from foreign nourcen. where the success of yenterday In calming the pan icky conditions on the Paris bourse was followed by some rebound. The later ac tion of the market gave rise to the sup position that none of the early advances were stimulated by manipulation to af fcrd a betttr basis for selling. The con centrated nature of the selling Induced some fears that large Interests were liqui dating their holdings. The suspense felt over the coming Northern Securities de cision was an Important Influence In the market and there wan room for the opin ion held by nome persons that It was the dominant Influence. Wall street was entirely nt sea during the morning as to what to expect on the subject. London had a belief that a de cision would be handed down today and would favor the company. No decisive Information could he secured here whether the court would hand down any decision today nt all. Monday being the usunl de cision day, It was doubtful whether tho holiday of yenterdiy would lead the court to hand their decision on thin, the flrnt day of annemhllng. When the report was received thnt decisions were being deliv ered, the market nhoWed the greatest weakness cf the whole day In sympathy with a break of ? In Northern Securities Itself on the curb. I'neanlness over the foreign financial situation was revived by the report of an important banking failure In Berlin and the strength In the local ex change market gave color to the doubts felt. It Is realized that Europe Is not stripped of American securities, however large the recent reduction In the floating supply there may have been. Kxtennlve financial disturbances In Europe would be sure to precipitate presnure upon the world's strongest financial point, which seems to bp New York at present. The strong In flux of csnh Into New York, which Is making it no strong. Is viewed somewhat dubiously, taken In connection with the de cline In railroad earnings nnd the shrink age In the country" bank clearings, point ing to a decrease In business activity which Is not wholly reassuring. The pendency of the vote on the Panama treaty pointed to an early call by the secretary of the treasury for a portion of government de- fioslts In national banks. A further cut n the lnke rate kept alive apprehension over the war or rates. Thn end of ths morlatortum on RaMmcre obligations uncovered no embarrassment, which canned satisfaction. The "-market chined at about the lowest of .the day and showed losses ranging generally between 1 and 1i points. Southern Pacific was the most actively pr.sned for sale nnd a num ber of dormant stocks made vjolent de clines. In the bond market the tntnl sales, pnr value, were tl. 840.000. United States 3s "Intered advanced 4 per cent on call. The following were the closing quotations on the New York Stock exchange: Sales. High. Low. Close. Atchison 29,700 bo- 644 6i4 commercial bills. I.82V t nnd l4W4tM.r t'i- SILVER-Rnr. 6.V: Mexican RUN I is tiovernment bonds, road bonds, eany. The closing quotations on bonds follows : .P iMnnhattan e. .h Mn lentnil .1"44 t,i 1st Inr. .. 'Minn. A St. L. .la: M . K A T. .! .l'C 1071, dollars, 4'k-. Arm; rail- are as reg r fi ts. ts. C. 8. ref Is. no coupon do Is. rei 4tn entipnn 1o new 4s, 1o coupon do old Is, do coupon Atihisoii gen. do al). 4s.... Atlsntk r. I,, lis 1. A Ohio is (to SS Ontrsl of ()s. no 1st tne rties. A Ohio 4V.. t htcasn A. !.. C , H Q. n. .. I-. M A S P. I 4s. r. A N. W. c. Js... V., R. I. A P. 4s... do col. C.I" C. St. L. (. 4s I'hlrsgr. Tr. 4 Con. Tobacco 4s.... Colo. A So. 4s I). A R l. 4s Erie prior lien 4s... do gen. 4s F W. A 1). C. Is... Hockins Vsl. 4's.. L A N. unl. 4s Offered. K 4s. ..pa4 S4 .... 4s.. .... : r. N. '.. R. of M. c. 4s 73 N. T C. g . M s. J. i'. g. f'S i: No. Parinc 4s lt'l do ris 7't N. A W. r. 4s rv, 9:Vl H. U ll A psr... ! 106 IPcnn tonr. 3'n 44 67 lltcs'ilns nen. 4s 1 '3v,'pt. L. A I. M. c. Ss .lilt 71 St. b. Ac ( F. fg. 4s. 710, 92 St. I.. S. W. Is tol'i Seaboard A. L. 4s... 6 1 S 4, So. I'sclne 4s 67', So. Railway r,s 1 1 1 4 7H1 T'lK A P. Is llSi 7H T . St. t, A W. 4a.. J S 1H 101 '9 iL'nlon Pacific 4s.. rV4, do tonr. 4s Mu,' f S. Stsel 2d ts 97'siWahssh Is ff.'i do den. B 4 W A L. E. 4s... 16 Wis. Central 4s.. los Icolo. t. A I. ts. ...P'J ... s ... 71H ...lis ... 4' ... s ...US ... 724 OMADA LIVE S10CR MARKET Cattle. Receipts Very Hearj and Frices Full a Dime Lower HOGS ALSO SOLD SCME LOWER applies Large and Ira Loner at Sheep and I 1 tubs Hathrr mil the Market Was Slow 3 Fifteen tents All Around. OMAHA, Feb. 23, 1P04. Cattle, liogs. Shcco. Boatns gfock Quotations. liOSTON, Keh. 2.1. Call loans, 4'544 per cent: time loans, 44(064 per cent. Oinclal cloning prices on stocks and bonds: 4s. It. Atchison adj. riu 4s Mil Central Atchison do pfd Itoaton A AINuijr Iloston & Mains.. Host on Klevsted Fltchotirg p(d .. Met. Csntral .... N. T . N H. A Fere Marinette . t'nlon raclflc ... Amer. Are. ai pro, .... Amer. T. A T.... Amer. Woolen .... do pfd Dominion 1. A B.. K'tlson Elec. Ilium, ilensral F.lectrlc . Mass. Electric do pfd Mnss. Das t'ultcd Kmlt Inlted Shoe Msch.. do pfd U. B. (iteel do pfd Westing, common . Bid. "Asked. 7 1 Adventure .V ' A lln..- . A3 AmslKsmated .. . 4, Amer. Zlne ., . S Atlantic .144 Hlngham 16H i sl. A Hecla., . ia" Centennial .... .134 ;Copper Range . . Pair West .... .IX) Pomlnlon Coal . "1 Franklin . 73 Urancv Chem... ll4) "lale Rorale .. .. 74 IMass. Mining .. i;?VMI''!i!n alMohamk 691 Mont. C. A C. '4 Old Dominion ., .231 .i:.s . 1SH . 74W . . 5 . 4 . 2Vi . 101, . . 76 onlncy nhannnn Tamarack .... Trlnllr f. S. Mining. f. S. till t'tah Victoria Winona Wolverine . I . 31 . 46 . . 1 . llt ,4r. . 1H . . 14 . 67, . 4 . I . I . . 4'i .c, . t . 10 . r.J . 21 . 16 . 44 . low . . 70 4U0 2,5m) iuo ! L4)6 ,- aw . 2,4i,tJ "m lut) '. I.Ti'k) 2IX) 1D0 . 3.2iO SUO 3W , 400 ', VjVi , 8,300 ! "41V) . 1,400 2.KI0 2,Z(i0 300 1.4.M) 9. IKK) 600 too do pfd Baltimore & Ohio do pfd- Canadian 1'acilic Cent, of New Jersey. Clies. & Ohio Chicago &. Alton ... do via C. O. W C. N. SV C, M. & Bt. IJ do pfd Chi. ler.' & Transfer do pfd C, C, C. & St. L. ... Colorado Southern . do 1st pld do 2d pfd Delaware & Hudson. Del.. LUck. & West. L. & K. G do pfd Erie do 1st pfd do 2d pfd Hocking Valley do pfd Illinois Central Iowa Central do pfd K. C. Southern do pfd Louis. Nashville.. Manhattan L , Met. Securities Met. Street Ry Minn. A St. Louis M.. St. i: & S. ate. do pfd Missouri J'acltlc M., K. & T do ifd Nat. R.i R. of M. pfd N. Y. C 3.V1 Norfolk Sc Western.. 8U0 do pfd Ontario & Western .. 6.600 Pennsylvania 74,100 1'.. C. C. & St. L Reading 10,200 do prd ex-dlv do 2d Pfd 200 Rock Island Co 21,4"0 do pfd 600 St. L. & S. P. 2d pfd. KiO St. U 8. W. lm do pfd Southern Pacific .. Southern Railway do pfd Texas & Pacific Tol., St. U. & West. do pfd Union Pacific ex-dlv. do pfd Wabash do pfd W. & L. E Wisconsin Central ... do pfd Adams Express Co.. Am. Express Co I'. S. Kxpress Co... Wells-Fargo Ex. Co. Am. Copper Am. Car & Poundry. do pfd Am. Cotton Oil do pfd American Ice do pfd Am. Unseed Oil do pfd Am. locomotive .... do pfd Am. Smelt. & Refill's. do pfd Am. Sugar Refining.. am. Mining co H. R. T Col. Pitel & iron..,.. Consolidated tlas ... Corn Products do pfd Distillers' Securities (leneral Electric .... International Paper. do pfd International I'ump . do pfd National Iead North American .... Pacific Mall People's Oas Pressed Steel Car ... do pfd Pullman Palace Car. Republic Steel WH4 W4 c4 "64 4,bU0 1154 113"4 3u4 36 ... A 15 1044 1M4 "84 14 'is'" 6 22 1MT4 255 1SH t7 40 'ii" 1274 103 141 N5 1154 29 354 '1414 Hi J 4 1374 "iii 194 'iiii 52 22 IRS 25t'4 l"4 64 84 'ii" 1264 101 141 Hi 114H M. 500 6H4 59 894 1.14 8 iit4 56 '204 1144 If- Ob ii.i4 C54 'ii'4 1124 414 394 . 1.2'0 .53.900 . I.5O0 . 1.4i0 2,000 100 KIO S2,SiO 100 1,0") , 1,900 P) 1) , 4J 56 214 594 424 194 31 464 194 so 224 23 33 75'i 87-J 14 344 144 is4 i 26.5110 f) 3'0 100 4'i6 400 300 1.5oo , m . 6.000 . l'O .23.4HO . N.) . B. . 600 . 100 . loo . 3,400 2H) 3)0 200 H) 3"0 1.6O0 45 194 674 29 30 224 794 124 62 'H 31 I904 14S, 56 194 59 424 134 30 424 14 78-4 214 23 33 73 sat S3 144 1x4 404 444 1H 674 29 "74. 294 74 64 113-4 153 29 35 81'4 144 162 1374 172 $ 72 544 614 214 lf.S 280" 1S4 XA E14 IX 724 814 126 164 33 164 314 101 141 834 1144 58 594 IIS 874 144 35 35 1134 564 M 194 1124 5S 39', 77 554 11 59 ' 13 29Vi 42 384 214 22 S3 73 874 174 33 144 17 19 V 220 1S5 I11O 205 46 67V 284 Ml London LONDON. Feb. Conaols, money do account Anacnmla At. Mson do pfd Tlaltlmors A O ( ansdtsn Pacific Ches. A Ohio Chlcsgo Ot West.... 0., M. A St. P PeOeers 1). A It. O do pfd Erie tlo let pfd no zd j.rti Illinois Central Iiuls. A Nash M., K. A T SILVER Har. MONEY :vn!4 per cent; the rate of dls count In the oten market for short bills ts 3V34 per cent; for three months' bills, 3 7-HU34 per cent. Stock Market. 23. Cloning: . 6H N. T. Central., . Norfolk A W.. SV41 do pfd . eV Ontario W.., . P2 JPennsvlvanla ., . 7 Hand Mines ... .lliS'Hsadlnx . 1i do 1st pfd... . 1SV do M pfd... .14.", 'Po. Rallwsr ... , 1!"V do prd . 1nTs So. Paclllc ..... . S!04i Union Pacific ., . 24',' do pfd . 0414.1;. 8. Steel . 41SI do pfd .131 iWshsRh .lur,S do pfd . 11 steady, 27V4d per ..11714 .. 67t .. 9 .. I"4 .. M4 .. .. H .. 4l)S .. 24J .. in .. 82V4j .. 4R .. 79 .. 92 .. 114 .. .. 19 .. KV ottiice. )Mh4L V.hOLF.SAI.K MAIIKET. 8,Asi 22.48S 16,25 14,'iotl 12,66i 21 1 TO ii.u; 4.o0i SOUTH Receipts were: Olhclal Monday .. Oiliclai 1 uesday . Two days this week li.i Same uays lost week.... 9,6.9 Same days week before. d.m6 Same three weeks sgo.. 6.ej Seme four weeks ago... 6.216 Same last year 9.S.1) RECEIPTS r'OR THE YEAR '1 he following table shows the recoiu.g ot cattle, bogs una stieep at South t.malm lor the year to uate, with cunipai 1B011 wlui last year: 1904. 1903. Inc. liec. Cattle ,...129,77S 136.6vt te.iilo Hogs 361.001 3i.6,J70 2,i9 Sheep 270,2bu 183,2Mi 86.9!9 .... Average prices paid lor hogs at South Omaha tor the last several Usjs witb comparisons: 18. .47 24.V8J i;,e;u 16.910 14.:os lu'lJ L'A l E. late. j 1904. 1903.1902.l9Ul.1900.U99.189S. Feb. 1.... Feb. 2....1 Feb. .... Feb. 4.... Feb. R.... reb. .... Feb. 7.... Feb. .... Feb. .... Feb. 10... Feb 11... Feb. 12... Feb. Feb. 14... 1'eb. lo... Feb. 16.. I Feb 17... Feb. 18... Feb. 19... Feb. 20... Feb. 21... Feb. 22... Feb. 23..., I 4 8O1 3 7 1 1 li 1 65; 4 7241 I 6 3 5 m i 67 t 64 I 64 1 W I D jot t bS V4i l M 4 844, 70 5 92 4 62 S 69 61 s ) t) 94 6 Sl " a w. 4 76 6 8-'i 6 11, 6 23i 4 60: 4 804; 7ti 6 in 5 211 4 70 1 3 51 I J4 031 t 281 4 l8l I 6 4 884; I 5 as, 5 2.M 4 oil 3 06 4 88 I 6 71 I 5 2o 4 84 I 3 7o 0 0141 6 7.. 1 C 00, O UU 1 II ,V H I I , .1 HVi 6 Ul 6 721 6 041 5 30 1 4 79l 4 9oW, 6 8', & ad, a 241 4 Mti 3 68, 1 6 80, 5 92 ; 5 3o, 4 io, 3 ki 3 83 4 9 1 u si n -y 8 7i' 7 bs, 8 9 6 03 I 6 72 I 5 271 4 831 I 56! 3 89 8 78, 14 761 3 68 1 3 84 6 78 6 22 3 42i 3 87 5 84 6 23 4 83 , 3 91 5 !, 5 ao, 4 i. 3 oi fi 88; & .T'l 4 741 3 47 3 93 8 274 I 5 96 6 29i 4 9 3 56 1 3 84 5 2241 6 92 IS 32 4 C9 3 58 3 81 3 74 I 72 8 7 a t 1i 3 'il 3 71 3 7b 3 77 I 81 I u 02 I 7 Uo 6 044, 6 97) 6 LV C 901 6 24'!, 6 6 98 27 6 36 10 2 9 2 45 2 11 1 33 17 . 7 11 3 8 1.. 207 31 2 2,,, 79 47 m 1224 82 Sx lss4 174 70 234 158 114 644 144 82 4 100 69 HITTER Steady: dalrv, lisyjuc. EUUS Lower; 22c. Flour, bbjs Wheat, bu Corn, bu Outs, bu creamery. lirt2 case count. Receipts. Shipments. .7.i Si.oud 245.0W lnl.0i.aj 204.t4) 177.) 173.0UO 118,000 Cottoa Market. NEW YORK, Feb 23. COTTON The market ojnrd quiet and steady at a de cline of 8 points to an advance of 1 point under Ihiuldation, due chierly to feata of a reaction as) a result of unsettling war news. Cables, however, were firm. The market advanced rapidly and shortly after midday March sold up to 12 4oc, May to 12 4nc. July o 12.elc. net gains of fiMioJ points, this level representing an advance of nearly 24c without any substantial re action. Estimates as to the amount In sight for the seek have been reduced from lt1 0 to lto.oot) bales), against 179.UOU bales lart vear. NEW ORLEANS. Feb. '.I. COTTON Firm: sales. 6.40o bales; ordinary. 11 l-'oc; good ordinary. l.V; low middling 134c; middling. 14c. good middling, 14 li-lc; mid dling fair. 14 ll-ltic. ltecciyts, 3,7i bales; stock. 380,352 bale. 69 290 74 74 214 79 1224 304 4SM 23 liv 11 P44 5 j 714 144 24 974 JOS 7 do pfd , 43 Rubber Goods do pfd Tenn. Coal & Iron... V. S. leather do pfd P. 8. Really do pfd V. 8. Rubber. do pfd I'. 8. Steel do pfd Westing. Electric ... Western I'nlon Northern Recurltles. Total sales for the 800 194 194 1.700 ,() 4O0 20 1.100 , 3.2-10 .20,910 . .- .1.310 day, 19 75 344 4 ,T4 514 104 464 164 " 84 M 475.0iX shares. 35- 53 11 664 154 874 344 514 10 5574 154 864 New York Mlalng Qaotatlons. NEW YORK. Feb. 23-The fol'owlng are in closing quotations on mining stocks: Adasis Cos Alice Hr tirunswlok Coo ... Coinstock Coa. Cal. A Va Hora Bilwr Iroa tilvsr Lssdvlil COS .... 19 .. II .. 1 . .. ..111 ..150 .. I Lilt Is Chief OoLarlo "Pbir PhosDli Potosi Srs, F terra N'evsda Small Hopes .. . .4i .. I .. 14 .. M .. 4 . . 10 ..Ui Sfw York Money Market. . NEW YORK. Feb. 33 MONEY On call steady: highest. 14 per cent; lowest, 14 per cent; ruling rate. 1 per cent; last lian, 1 per cent; closing bid, 14 per cent ofT'-red at 1 per cent. TIME LOANS Steady; sixty days. Sir 14 Per cent; ninety nays, 3-(J 3 4 pfT cent six months. 4 per cent. PRIME MERCANTILE PAPER 44i4 per cent, bternng exchange nrm. wttn tual business In banker's hills at 84 862tn!) 4 82S for demand and at f4 83J0hi 4 8326 for sixty day bills; pustiid rtUea, 4.834j4.4 Condition of Trade and Qaotatlons on Otaitle nnd Fancy Prodnce. JGGS Receipts, more liberal; market weaker; fresh stock, loSiJOc. LrVE POULTRY Hens, o; spring chick ens, 9c; roosters, according to age, oc; tur keys, 13(ffl4c; ducks, 94; geese, 8c. DRESSED I'OULTKI- Turkeys, 16-17e; ducks, n'12c; geese, iX'; clilukens, 94l 104 lll'TTER Packing stock, 13c; choice to fancy dairy rolls, 13ml4c; separator, wo. FRESH FISH Trout, 94&10c; pickerel, 64 tS6c; pike, c; perch, Cfjtic; bluehsh. 15c; whlteflsh, tKe9c; salmon, lie: haddock, 10c; codfish, 12c; lednnapper, Ho; lobsters. boil?d, per lb., 32c; lobsters, green, per lb SOo; bullheads, Ho; catfish, 13t14c; Diack bass, 20c; halibut, ICc: r.rapplM, 12o; herring. 44c; white bass 13c: bluettus, 8e; smelts, li'Olio. OYSTERS Xo-.v York Counts, per can, 43c; per gal., $2.00; extra select, per can. tic; per gal., $1.80; standard, rer can, I7c; per gal., RRAN-Per ton. tln.50,,i V HAY Prices quoted by Omaha Wholesale Dealers' association: -Chnkw No. 1 upland, 31.50; No. 2, 16.00; medfrlrrl, $5.50; coarse, $5.00; rye straw. $5.00. These prices are for hoy of good color and iualtty. Demand fall and receipts light. VEGETABLES. POTATOES Colorado.; Dakota, pet bu. $1.00; natives, 9oc. SWEET POTATOES Illinois, $tr bbl., $3.50. NAVY BEANS Per bu., $2.35. CE1-ERY Lurge California, 6O0, 75c and Kic. ONIONS Spanish, per crate, $1.90; Colo rado yellow and red, per lb., 24c CABBAGE Wisconsin Holland, 34c; new Cuiiforniit. 34c. TURNIPS Canada rutabagas, per ih 14c; w hite, per bu.. 60c. CARROTS Per bu., 85c. PARSNIPS Per bu.. 6uc. LEETS Per bu.. 60c. CAULIFLOWER California, per cratg. 92. lit. CUCUMBERS Per do.. $1.2501.50. TOMATOES Florida, uer 3-basket crates, 14.60. RADISH ES Per do:. Bunrfcs, .15c. LETTUCE HEADS Per dox. bunches. 90 C$1.00; per bbl., $7.00; leaf lettuce, per dox. Clinches, 45c. turnips Southern, per doz, 75C. BEETS Southern, per dox., 75e. CARROTS Southern, per dos.. 75e. rARSLEY-Southern. per dot... $1.00. FRUITS. APPLES Callfornln ltellflawers. Der box. $1.66; New York export Greenings, Russets nd Baldwins. $3.75. CRANBERRIES Jersey, per bbl.. $7.00; per box. $2.50; Wisconsin Bell and Bugle, $7.60: Bell and Cherry, $6 50 GRAPES Imported Malagas, per Keg. $ STRAWBERRIES Florida, per Qt., 00c. TROPICAL FRUITS. ORANGES Navels, all sizes, choice. $2.00 ttf2.25; fancy, all slues, $2.25Cu2.60. LEMONS California, fancy, soo to aw, $3.50. choice, 240 to 270 sizes. $3.0oU3.26. FIGS California, per 10-lD. cartons, roc; Imported Smyrna. 3-crown. 14c; 6-crowu, 10c; 7-crown, lttc. BANANAS Per medium sized puncn. 12.(48172.60; Jumbos, $2.75fe$28. COCOANUTS Per sack, 4 w; per oui., 60c. DATES Persian, per box or so rsgs., $2.00; per lb.. In 60-lb. boxes, 6c; Oriental stuffed dates, per box. $2.40. MISCELLANEOUS. CJ! EE8E Wisconsin twins, full cream. I2c; Wisconsin young Americas, 13c; block Swiss, lbc; Wisconsin brick, 13c; Wiscunslu llmburger, 12c. HONEY Nebrnnlta, per 24 frames, $3 00; Utah and Colorado, per 24 frames. $3. MAPLE SUGAR Ohio, per ID.. 10C. CIDER Per bbl.. $.ri.50; per 4 bbl.. $3.25. HORSETtA DISH Per case of 2 doz., illl).n r. fl. I green, ue, w. - sicrn, No. 1 salted. 7c; No. 2 salted 6c: No. 1 teal calf. 8 to 13 lbs.. 84c: No. 2 veal calf. 12 to 15 lbs., 64c; dry salted hides. 8iilic; sheen pelts. 26ra.5c; norse runen. ii.duu-.dv. KlTft-Wainun. No. 1 soft-shell, per lb.. 15c: hard-shell, per lb.. 14c: No. 2 soft- shell, per lb., 13c; No. 2 hnrd-shell, per lb.. 12c; Brazils, per lb., lie; filberts, per lb., lie; almonds, soft-shell, per lh.. 15c; hard shell, per lb.. 13c; pecans, large, per !!.. 12c; small per lb., lfic; peanuts, per lb.. Ac; roasted peanuts, per lb., e; Chill wal nuts, l?fii34c: large hlckorv nuts, per bu , $1 60; shell burks. per bu , f'-'.OO; black wal nuts, per bu.. $1.26. Wool Market. BOSTON. Feb. 23.-WOOL With the market steady and firm, dealers feel conn dent that the season will clone In a satis factory manner. The new clip is near at hand and the amount of wool to be carrt-d over will not he large. There Is a steady movement In territory wools. The market for nulled wools Is firm, with moderate of ferinas. Forelun wools are quiet. Current notations: Idaho, fine. IS'filbc; heavy fine. l.tu 14c: fine medium. It'iil64c; medium, 16 si 17c : low medium. 17'ii'lia'. Wyoming, fine, 1u16c; heavy fine. 131il4c; fine medium. 16i 17e: medium. 18'Vil 19e : low medium. 1U4T-0, Utah and Nevada, line. 15916c; heavy fine. 13otl4c: fine medium. 14tl7e: medium, 18 t19c: low medium. 19V-'"c. Iiakota. fine, 15 (6c; fine medium. 16'H7e; medium. 18iil9c; low medium. 19'ijoc. Montana, nne choice, 19i20c: fine medium choice, wyjic; aver- hks lMiil9c; staple, ltKu-'-ic; medium choice 19fJ0e. ST. LOUIS. Feb. 23. WOOI-Steady : me dlum grades, combing nnd clothing. 'Tro? 21 V,,-: light fine lfil74c; heavy fi':e, i:fl4c tub wached, 20'ri3ii4'- Indltrates Sunday. Tho oftlclul luiiiiber of cars of stock brought in by each rond was; Cattle. Hogs. Sh'p.H'ses. v ., m. ci Bt. l". Ry... 10 Walmnh 3 Mo. Pac Ry 9 L nlon 1'acitic system. 55 C. e N. W. Ry 4 V.. E. & M. V. R. R. 79 C, St. P., M. & O... 86 B. & M Ry 84 C, B. & 14. Ry 7 C, R. 1. & P., east., 6 C, R. 1. & P., west.. 7 Illinois Central 5 Chicago Gt. Western. 8 Total receipts ....316 The disposition of the day's receipt as follows, each buyer purchusini number of head indicated: Cattle. Hons. Sheet Omaha Packing Co !18 1,866 37. Swift and Company 1.398 3.61W Cuduhy Packing Co 1,397 3.456 Armour c Co 1,076 4.046 Armour, Sioux City 83 1,383 Vannant & Co 117 .... Cnrey & Benton 55 .... McCresiry or Clark ?-.'l .... W. I. Stephen 99 .... Hill & Huntzinger 87 .... Huston & Co 3S .... Hamilton & Rothschild. 33 .... L. F. Hunz 104 Wolf & Murnan ..... 116 Sam Werthelmer 80 .... Sol Degan 19 J. 11. Root & Co 96 F. P. Lewis 28 Hiiggerty & Co 47 .... Other buyers 744 .... was the C7'J 3.210 t!4o 2,731 431 Total 6,805 14,319 7,391 CATTLE There was a big run of cattle here this morning end as a rule pacaers hud little trouble In pounding the market to quite an extent As will be seen from the table ut receipts above, tho supplies for the two days this week are consider ably In ttxeeye of the receipts for the aume cuys of last, week and also of iitsi yar. Corn-fed steers made up a large hare of the offerings this morning and the gen eral market could wifely be quoted a olnie lower than yesterday. Some of the best heavy cattle were perhaps not quite that much lower, while the warmed-up and common stuff In many cases was consld r ably more than a dime iower. t):i ih average the decline did not mls 10c vry far. Truding was slow from Hurt to tinl-h, 4 the large receipts made uuyers Indiffer ent and salesmen were slow to take the C rices offered. The day was well advance.! efore a clearance was made. The cow market was also lower and con siderable) uneveness in the prices paid was noticeable. Some of the choicest bunches 1 rought p'lces that were rot so much lower t 'in n yesterday, but when It dime to tho rencral run the :narkrt wa safely a dime lower. Bulls were a'so lower In sympathy with the decline on cows snd steers. Veal calves were steady to a little lower. Storkers and feeders were about the only clnns of stock that commanded steady prices. The demand seemed ro he fully equal to the supply and anything ht nil do nlrable sold freely at yesterday's quotations. The common kinds were not so brisk, hut sill! even those sold at steady prices. Rep resentative sales: BEEF fJTEERB. I Ivrrpool Grala Kirkrt. LIVERPOOL. Feb. 23. WHEAT Soot nominal: futures unsettled: March, is lid; Msy. s loi.d; July. 6a 104d. CORN Soot, firm; American mixed, new 4s 3Vd: Amtrlcan mixed, old. firm. 4s 7d futures, quiet; March. 4s 34d; May, 4s 64d Bank Clearings. No. At. Pr. No. at Pr. 1 7IM) I 10 K77 I 5 f tun S 10 li 1191 I Hi t i5 40 19 947 I 5 10 10S I 40 IS 1271 I 8.1 10 Ull I 40 tO 1191 I 90 6 r.6S I 40 11 U5 I 95 1! 910 40 10 U'l 4 no tl 79$ S 4S II 12IS 4 no 17 4H4 I 61) 7 HOT, 4 03 4 1H"9 1 Nl ?! ..Ill J 4 10 4 1010 8 0 14 1114 4 10 11 ......l'il I CO 11 1K.4 4 10 1 13M1 1 65 10 11H4 4 15 1 1090 1 95 80 U17 4 10 6 1"4 I 73 79 1241 4 IS 14 H4t I no 1 issn 4 15 1 1126 1 0 13 i: 4 10 4 1075 I 80 11 1241 4 80 4 1170 I 0 IS U41 4 45 10 110 I 80 )7 l:l 4 45 T It) 1 H5 1 1502 4 75 I isn3 I H5 STEERS AND HEIFERS. 15 9 5 1 46 14 less I 80 14 lO'l 1 75 17 ltrisT 4 10 STEERS AND COWS. 1 1142 1 96 COWS. 1 87n J 00 6 1114 I 15 4 7S0 I 00 4 877 8 IS 4 4:ir. I lr. 17 910 I in 1 Siio J !r I K- 1 if, 4 910 l ll 4 11S8 I 15 1 810 I 15 1 sr.o I 15 t 1000 I 60 10 loon s to I m:i 1 to is mm 1 to 1 1030 t r.o t ion t 10 I I05 I 64 19 114 1 M 1 k.,0 1 50 13 950 t li) I . 90 I 75 C llm I 10 100 I 75 31 1042 1 20 1 li40 80 I in I 16 8 1137 I 85 20 12111 I 26 T lnl I 85 14 997 I 25 I JIH4 I 85 1.S8 I 26 4 11175 2 90 9 128 X SO 4 1197 I 80 14 7 1 50 10 10:2 I 90 1 875 I 10 15 9r 2 95 1 13rl I JO 9 KM I 1.) 24 1025 I so 1 9:.2 1 l) 1 10o5 I 15 l'WI 1 n 7 !7 1 35 II 10S9 I 05 It 1184 I 13 J3 9h4 1 I'S , 125.'. 1 40 7 961 9 10 24 1206 I 40 HEIFERS. 1 8r,4 1 70 1 825 I li 1... 1... 1... 1... I." I... 1... . 831 . 920 .1620 .1530 .1470 . 800 . 380 21JO I 00 BUI4LB. 2 o 1 I 7S 1 1 IK) J I 05 CALVES. 4 00 1 4 75 I. 4 75 - t. ..1480 ..1440 . UM) ISO 110 1 70 9 25 I 25 1 21 BTOCKER3 AND FEEDER!. 00 4 no 6 26 heavies f mm that to $.V.V, tho top price of the season to date The done of the market wan very slow nnd weak, pnrtlculnrlv on the light weights. Thn fact that the light stuff wan left birgely until the .'lone helped to make the market appear weaker than It was early In the day. Representative sales: No. At. Sh. IT No at, St. FT 44 171 ... 6 00 20 ;.-. ... j -5 84 .178 ... 5 o5 67 226 ... 6 2f 78 178 ... I 10 71 2 .0 ... : ?5 0 ISO ... 6 10 tl ;-4' 40 f. 25 44 17 40 6 10 70. 244 . . 6 25 45 J 80 6 i-i4j 4 jr. vi i If. tJJ 40 4 11 74 .:; 120 6 25 70 18 ... 613 J 2.1s ... 6 25 73 107 ... 6 16 : 87 22.1 210 6 25 3 !ll ... 6 15 14 251 ... l:s 28 21 ... 6 15 82 228 40 6 25 7 !"0 40 5 17'4 77 .125 ... 6 271, 74 2o6 ... I 1H4 45 141 ... 6 IT H 79 207 ... 6 It's. 57 251 ... I 27, 71 2"2 ... 6 to 71 217 . . 6 30 80 ryt ... 6 20 ao j.ra go a 30 51 204 80 jt (4) ... 5 30 89 2' ... 6 20 7 2J0 ... 6 30 72 213 ... t 20 ,- .:. ... 6 30 S? 2M 1K 6 20 11 247 ... 6 o 81 121 ... 6 10 1. M ... 6 JO 8 215 ... 6 20 ft 2n 80 6 SO 72 2;l 120 4 20 9 215 ... S 30 13 312 ... 6 20 73 Ifo 40 6 10 So 232 40 6 I2V4j 72 240 40 6 So t.8 258 ... I 22 17 t5 ... SSV 23 154 ... 6 I24 II ?'.. ... Ill'i, 46 224 ... 6 43 292 40 4 15 2 240 40 6 S3'4l t.8 275 ... 6 40 68 1'l ... i 2JU, 40 142 W 6 41 77 1.M 40 6 I2' 43 29 ... 6 45 69 223 120 6 22S 49 319 ... f, 50 40 21 80 6 15 15 155 40 4 85 72 40 6 15 48 194 40 4 95 58 2:4 411 6 23 78 175 ... I 00 6J 135 ... 6 23 72 171 ... I i 74 240 ... 6 25 14 lr, ... t 10 34 2'8 ... 4 25 24 188 ... 6 10 3 28 80 6 53 41 170 ... 6 10 4 2.5 120 8 26 82 211 ... 4 15 10 291 ... 8 25 m 188 . . 6 '.5 81 241 ... I 28 t 19! 80 8 15 80 327 '... 1 26 71 188 40 8 16 4 249 ... 6 15 SI t.'.l ... 6 ! 71. 132 40 6 25 27 194 ... t 10 40 114 80 It- 24 in ... I in 88 210 ... 6 25 83 100 ... 6 10 19 199 40 6 25 81 Ill 40 ( W hesvv 10o higher; lights steady, M.S'1r5.4t; bu k. PMi.'JO. tnrk la Mailt. Following sre the receipts nf live Stock for the six principal western cities yester day: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep South Onmha. . 14.J.45 .i"0 Chicago S.t 4t.0e0 75 ti Kansas Cltv 15,18") K.KN) 9.5.11 St. Louis 6.U8I H'.'sH) 1'0 St. Jon-ph :.r."0 r.'.o 6.3:0 Sioux City 1,(83) 4.0t .... Totals S7.338 !CK,i36 98.4-0 SHEEP Receipts were again quite liberal thin morning and as a result packers were Inclined to lie bearish. Trading was slow from the beginning, as snlemnen were not willing to tako off much from yesterday's prices. Buyers, thounh. wou'd not lake anything unless they could take off 104iKc, ana sansmen Dually hud to nell on about that basis. There were several bunches of the same kind on salo this morning that wero offered yesterday and practically all of them had to Bell liv.i ir,c lower. There were some well-bred native lttmtks on sale that brought 36. the highest price paid In somp time. Owing to tho fact that the market was s'.ow and offerings quite liberal the day was well advanced before a clear ance was made. Quotations for cornfed stock: (lood to choice western lambs, 35 5od.on; fair to good lambs, 35 25'a5.60; good to choice Mex ican yearlings, ii.ivvnf, :v good to choice western yearlings, 34.7oCufi.oo; fair to good yearlings, 34 2;Vd4 IV.; good to choleo weih ern, $4.15'(c4 40; fair to good wethers, 33 i 4.15; good to choice ewes, 33.85i?i4.1.i; fair to good ewes, 33 60Tn3.80; choice feeder lambs, 34.25iriu.iin; fair to good. 33.5iXic4 no; feeder yenrllngs. 33.7.VSP4.25; feeder wethers, 3:i7r 4.O0; feeder ewes, 32.5oj3 25; culls, 3l.'i'6u'3.O0. Representative stiles: No 22 western ewes , 4 western ewes li western ewes 24 western wethers So- western wethers 6 western liimls 7S wortern lambs I'-ll Mexican yearlings 411 Mexican yearlings 2.'3 western ewes 1-3 western t we:t , :il western ewes 1:7 western ewes 411 western ewes , 377 western ewes M western lambs , 58 western yearlings , 375 western ewes 25 western ewes 213 western wethers , 375 western wethers , 2'-'. Colorado yenrllngs , 230 Colorado yearling 315 Colorado yenrllngs 344 Colorado yearlings Av. Pr. .nr. 3 7;. , . 87 3 90 . too 4 25 .. SI 4 25 . . S 4 25 ,. 55 4 50 ...fil 4 73 , . 64 5 00 ,. 70 5 181 , . 93 3 CO .91 3 ft! .93 3 65 ,. lo3 3 75 .100 3 80 ,. Ill 4 15 ,. W 4 25 ,.76 4 60 . 112 3 70 ,. 112 3 70 . 124 4 10 . 120 4 10 .110 5 00 . 72 6 V) ,. ! 5 10 .97 S 16 Kansas 4 Ity tiraln and Provlnlaas. KANSAS PITY. Feb. 23. WHEAT May, 8V; Julv. 82c; cunh. No 2 hard. 94Ai9oc; No. 3, 8.vn92c; No. 2 red, tl.06ul.i4; No, 3, tl.03itl.06. C RN Mav. 47V: J"'. 47v Cash No. 2 mixed, 44y44V; No. 2 white. 4te; No. 3, 44c. OATS-No.l white, 1?1t4:V; No. 2 mixed 4M1 HAY Choice, timothy, $9.if l'LOO; rholco ptftlrle, il. .Vu7 .V. RYK- No. 2, 59c. Bl'TTEU Creamery, l!M23c; dairy, fancy. IS (I 1!IC. Missouri and Kannftn stock, 2o'c; r.ew No. 2 whltea-ood 21c. Receipts. 1LM1 tl.l8l 4.000 F.44H3 I.owei Canes returned cases Included Whont. bu Corn, bu , Oitts, bu Shipments. 172.000 7.1X8) Metal Market. NEW YORK. Feb. 3. MET At j8 As comistred with Inst Saturday's prices tin was considerable lower In the lsndon market, ypot ilecllnl.-ig 15s to 4.135 16s and futures 1.1 2s 6d to 1:125 hs. locally tin wan about 6 points lower In ninpathy with the declines abroad ut 32K.25-U28. &. 'upper advanced in londou, gaining 7n 6d to 157 2n Kd for npot and IlM s tnl for futures. lo cally copper wan quiet. Ike Is quoted at 312 ,5mi 12.75, and electrolytic slid ca.-tlng nt 312 .37V" 12 .('-'4. lad advanced 2s S.1 In the Ixunlon market to jCll 13s 9d, but wns quiet and unchanged hern nt 34 5O0T4 60. SHlter was unchanged at S5.Onoib.n6 In the local market and at JC21 12s tnl in ls-indon. Iron closed at 60s Oil In tllasrow and nt 42s fid In Mlddlesborouch. locally Iron was unchiingeil. No. 1 foundry northern Is quoted at 316.i8s(ilfi.Oin, No. 2 foundry north ern st No. 1 foundry southern nnd No. J foundry southern, soft, at 313.75 tiU 23. ST. IXI'IS. Feb. 23 -METAt-8-I-ead, quiet, 34.37H1i4.40. Spelter, steady, 34.82H. Visible Soiiply of tiraln. NEW YORK. Feb. 23 -Th visible supply of grain Saturday. February 20, as rom pllrcl by the New York Produce exchange, la as follows: Wheat. 3fi.S47.i8s. bu.; tle crea', 1,371,488) bu. Corn, S.712.ilO bu.; In ert use. S4.74s.issi bu. tints, 9.216.000 bu.; In crease, 48,0181 bit. Rve. I.iW.Oki Int.; (1e reane, 26 0. Barlov, 4,!8i.l..) bu ; decrease, rs.OOO bu. Mtntienpolln C.rnln Market. MINNEAPOLIS. Feb. 23 WHEAT Mny, 31; Julv, 31; September, S9V.; on track, No. 1 hard. ll.olVi; No. 1 northern. 31 "o'-i; No. 2 northern. 9Tc; No. 3 northern. 94' j"i9ti.ic. El .OF R First patents. 35.21 "176. 30; second patents. 3r.t'i'5.2ii: llrjrt clears, t3.70trj3.80; second clears, 32.71X11 2. SO. UliAN -Higher; in bulk, $15.rICr1!i.75. Diilnlh tiraln Market. Dt'LI'TH, Feb. 2lWHEAT-In store.. No. 1 hard, 33l.nl1: No. 1 northern, 99e; No 2 northern. 97,c; on truck. No. 1 hard, 31 OPi,; No. 1 northern. 9Urv: No. 2 northern, 97').c; Mav, !rV; July, 99V; September, 9V. o.VTS-On track and to strive, 42V. 4 Hit AGO MARKET FOR LIVE STOCK. Mnrket Is Mtrady and Prices Utile Ten tents Loner for Cattle. CHICAGO. Feb. 23. CATTLE Receipts, 6,000 head: market sternly to 10c lower; good to prime steers, S5.tTr5.75; poor to medium, 33.501(4.75: siockers find feelers. 32.5iKif4.2n; cows. 11.75114. 00; heifers, 32.('Oi 4.50; canners. tl.764i2.60; bulls, 2.0OTj 4.00; calves. z:i.Msiti.L&. HOOS Receipts, 4.0 0 tomorrow, 50.000; market butchers, 35.15115 .56; good InfiiiiSeS: rough heavy. 3l.90iFi5.30: bulk of sales head; estimated loc lower; mixed to choice heavy, t--1.2r.HR (5; light. 35.2541 5. 46. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 75.000 head: market steady, 10c lowor; Hmbs, monilv 10c lower; good to choice wethers, 31. 15114.50; fair to choice mixed. M.i'1i4 25; western sheep. $3.20iii.25; native iambs, 3lfO''i5.75: western lambs, 35.tWl0.0H. Official vesterdav Receipts, cattle. 27 911 head: hogs, 47.ii head: shr-en. 35. hold: shipments, cattle. 4.r81 head; hogs, 9.921 head; sheep, 5.090 head. St. I.onls Live Stork Market. ST. LOI'IS. Fell. 23.--CATTLE Receipts, 6.000 head. Including S.UW head of Tcxans; market generally slow i;nd lower; native shipping nnd export steers, 34.2.Vii5 25: Pressed beef snd butchers steers, 34.00fio.O0; steers under 1.000 pounds. 33.4not4.50; stock- ers and feeders. J2.3.ri1in.S3; cows nnu neir- ers. 32.50114.15: canners. J' TU2.60; bulls, 50D 3 50; calves. 33.0Off7 00: Texas and In- dlin steers, 32.75-5i4.3i): fed Mississippi steers up to 36.00; cows nnd heifers, 32.1(ra3.16. lloiiH Receipts, lii.wro nean: marsei wan lower: nigs and lights. t4.904iK.SO; pnekers. 15 10W5.45: butchers und best heavy. 35.25'tj; 6.60 SHEEP AND LAMBS--Receipts, 1 is head; market steadv to strong: native muttons. I3.504.n: 'ambs. S40.i59n: culls nnd buckH, 32.0O1t4.26; stockers. t2.OOii3.00. real estate tiiasukkih. Deedn filed for record Febrtinry 23, 1904, an furnished by the Midland Ounrnntee nnd Trust company, bunded abstracter, 1614 Ffimnm ntreet, for The Bee: W. 11. Mollory nnd wife to Oscar fl. IloiK'k, lots 0 to 10, block 1. Blaine Place- t 1M C. Plantou Mlddleton and wife to Wm. Megnrth and wife, part of lot 15 In Kounlze'n 2nd add 1.G00 Bamo to same, same description 1 Leopold Doll et al. hi Frederick Doll, sV of nei4 of neV of sec. 26-15-12, and other property 1 B. Jetfer and wife to James Curr, lot 6, block 1, Dreu's Hill 22S Minnie Morey et al. lo LeoiKild Doll, lots 1 to 21. block I. Taylor's Fiunam Street add., and other property, 1 Antonio Svanda and husband to Joseph Plpitl and wife, lot 6. I hs-k 8, Brown park 810 Jacob Newman t Frank- Frazler, lot -10, block rt. Albright's annex 150 r. V. Sholes & Co. to Wm. H. DeBuse, jinrt of lot 72, Cilse's add 1,000 Heirs of S F. Winch to Emma E. Norman, lot 18. Winch's sub 400 Robert T. Maxwell to C. R. Dt.nricnt, lot 5. block 1. Maxwell's 2nd B'M 600 Lnuta A. Baldwin to L.icy E. Stall smith, lot 6, block 3, M. type's add.. 700 Thomas J. Willow and wife to Ma thlas Sehultz and wife. pa.M of lot 15, block 9. K. V. Smith s add 875 Melz Bros. Brewing company to Peter Hansen, part of lot 46, S. E. Rogers' Okohomo, IW Wm. K. Potter, receiver, to Jane E. Sanfor, executrix, iot 7, block 58, Omaha 1 f.heriff to Mrs. 11. C. Marvin, lots nnd 10, block 4, MoCormlck's 2d add. 300 Wm. T. Graham find wife to Julia E. Chlhls, lot 4, block 4. Isabel replot.. MO Julia Thomas, widow, to Jns. Chrlntof ferson, sw4 of sec 6-16-9 1 Julia Thomas, administratrix, to Jan. ChrlstofTer.4on, same description 6.326 Lizzie 8. Davis and hti?band to Nelson Scheren, lots 4 find 6, Hock 13. Saun ders and Hltnebuugh's K.ghland park 5310 Kansas City LU Stock Mark?!. KANSAS CITT. Feb. 23. -CATTLE Re ceipts. 16.000 head. Including 400 southerns: market steaiiy to 10c tower; export nu dressed beer steers, steady to 10c lower, 31.50116.10; fair to good, 33 75114.40; western d steers, lOfnr.e lower, .nwf 4.26; stocgers snd feeders, sternly. 33.orxii'4 .25: southern steers. 10c lower, 33.25173.. 5; soutnern cows. ntadv. 32.45113 15; native rows, steady; 1. 751)3.76; native heifers, t3.20fi4.25; bulls, ' r.Mit 60: i-alves. 33 ooifii-.. ro. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 9 500 hesd; market steadv to weak: native lambs. 35 ?'6flO: western lambs, 35 001)5 80; fed ewes. !3Ko7,41fl: Texas ciippen yenr llngs, t4.00J4.25; stockers and feeders, 32.50 t! 4.00. SI. Joseph t.lvr. Stock Hnrkrt. ST. JOSEPH. Feb. 23. CATTLE Re ceipts. 2.50 head: market steady to Pc lower: natives, 31 4oli535: Texas and vest- j-rns. 33 10i14.Hr : cows ami neitern, i s.yi4.411; veais. 1.1.UIV11.D0; iiiiiin Bun nwvpsr., i...,int.i"1 vearllngs and ctlven. t2.u6u4.lU; siockers and feedern. t2.85rj 4.26. jiOOB Recelptn, 12.800 nearl: marker twp 10c lower; light and light mixed, tflluof 5.36; medium and heavy, 30355.55; bulk of sales. 35 251)5 45. SHEEP AND LAMHH Receipts, t..; head: market steady to 10c lower; Colorado Inmbs, 35.90; Colorado yenrllngs, 15.15; Colorado wethers,; c-oiorain) ewes, 34 10. Sioux Ity l ive Stork Market. 8IOCX CITY. la.. Feb. 23 (Special Tela- gram.) CATTLE Receipts. 1.(88) head; mar ket for stockers strong; killers easy ; oeeves, 3:1 50ff4 50; cows, bulls and mixed, 32.2oai3.5o; stockers and feeders, U- Wllv-M- calves ana yearlings. 32.5(Ki3.jO. HOtlS Receipts, 4,000 head; market for The Merchants National Bank of Omaha. Neb. U. t. Dtsetitir Capital and Surplus, $600,000 s&ANK UtPtV, rrs4. Ut I. WOOD, V. Srsa. lUTHtil PKAU. CisMtr. rtANK T. HAMILTON. Asst. Usklsr, Ssi-elr accounts et bsska. baakara, saroer at:ona, Srms sa4 Id4It14isIs n fsT.rsnls tarms. Foreign Exrhajs bouzht snd sold. Luttrs ot Crslt tasuMl, srallabla Is all faKa at tha world lnuraat paid ea Time Cartltostsa of Daposlt. Colisetlotis mads proraptlr sad aoeooailoslly. We rsquast aorraapaadeaoa. S. SLEUMAN Grain, Provisions & Stocks. Room , N. T. Ufa Bid. Tel. tm Operates 15 unices la This Stat. ' Established 1687. GEO. A. ADAMS GRAIN CO. Grain, Provisions & Stocks. Members Omaha' 'Jraln Exchange, Chicago Board of Trade und other exchanges. Correspondents Bartlett, Fiaxier A Carrli-gton. 2 IS Board of Trade Bld'g. Omaha. I0LLA UHEAT i OMAHA, February 23 Bank clearings for today were 31.400 5-'74. a decrease of ii33.ob3.kk from Ui corrcsywndiug davy year. 1 883 I It 1MI I 44 1 50 I 80 14 141 I M t 1170 I 85 11 '4 I 40 lo m I no 4 TTj I 60 1 44 I 00 1 8V I M I ithi 3 m 1 780 lit 4 770 S 00 10 84 I SO 1 4 8ft I 00 14 751 I 40 I Sei I 25 I Pas) I 40 MO I 25 13 78S 10 14 710 I 15 14 4 I 40 4 477 J li 4 4-.0 I 40 1 480 I 15 1 l'0 I 84 4 770 I 44 88 1010 45 4 821 I 40 43 .....871, I 75 t 70 3 40 M 40 3 IS H04114 There was a very htavy run of hi -us here this morning and as a result buyers had a good exeunt: for pounding prltes. They wanted to buy their supplies a dune lower but salesmer. would not cut loose at those figures. The general market could probably best lie described by calling It iViilOc lower than yesterday. Ttvere were, however, some very fancy hogs on sale which dldi.'t sell any lower, as high as 35 50 being paid. On the other hand, the light and common situ IT was very slow and sale'y a dime lower. In fact salesmen found It hard in a good many Instuncea to get even a bid on that class of hogs. Trad ing was slow all the morning and It was late before even the bulk was 01-poHe.l of Eight hogs sold largely from 35.16 down, last i iotdluin weights from 35.30 to 35.26 and t"A jntwvy Hug) irwn - 10 u.v gnu prime We have preached "Dollar Wheat" for the last SIX MONTHS, and those who have been with ua have reaped handsome profits. We advertised Dollar Wheat in this paper last Septembsr, and ui fed its purchase. 5ince that time wheat has advanced a PROFIT OF 25c A BUSHEL Write us today lor pamphlet giving reasons for higher prices. It Is free at any of our 175 ofllcea. lists MARGINS REQUIRED)ifll5cc PVZ. Gn C COMMISSION H R A I N PROVISIONS U C CO. dncorporste U II A 1 II ND STOCKS CAPITAL ANOSUmUS, $600,000 REFERENCES, 16S kUlll. Bener.l Offices: Nev York Life Bldg., Mlmeapolis, Minn. OMAHA BRANCH, 1618 Far nam St, Tel 3467. Ihos. M. Waddlck, Cor