Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 23, 1904, Page 5, Image 5

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Hague Tritrat,al Dccidei Upon the Etatns of
Claimi Agaioit Veneiae'a.
Commissioners Expect This Country
to Supervise Carrying; Out of De
cision Rewarding Costs of
the Mtlgntlon.
Eatifioatitm of Agreement at Oolumbni ii
in Sight
Pacific National Oraanlsntlon and the
National Association of Minor
l.ti(ii mil Work in
JOLl'MEVB, O.. Feb. 22 Ratification of
tho ieace agreement with the Pacific Na- I
tional organisation ty the National Asro
elation of Minor league! now ifcmi as-
sured. An Informal conference of the mag- 1
nates of tho three class A leagues was held
this evening. I'resldent Hanlon, of the Fa
cile National outlined the proposed agree
ment, which proved much mors favorable
tho claxa A leagues than had been ex-
It Is now believed the only possible hitch
will ! In the awarding of disputed play
ers. It is thought the Tactile National will
be allowed to take all players for whom a
straight contract can be shown providing
it antedates the one thut has been signed
with a club liiHide the ranks of organized
base hnll.
The real work will be done tomorrow,
when there will be a conference of the
representatives of all the minor leagues
and Hanlon will submit his official report.
Tho following were present tonight:
American Association President Qrlllo,
Cincinnati; T. J. Hryce, Columbus; George
Tebuau, Louisville; Charles Kauchaupt, In
dianapolis. '
ISaatern League President Powers, Ar
thur Irwin, Toronto; Oeorge Stalllnga, Buf
falo; II. C. Qrlfflths, Jersey City; W. Un
derwood, Rochester.
Western league Thomas Burns, Colorado
Kuv.muugh, M. J. Finn, Little Hock.
New England League President T,
Nuw York.Stato League President J,
I t-rreil.
Bombardier Wlus the California
hrrby on a Firm bat
Sloppy Track.
SAN FRANCISCO, Feb. 22. Bombardier,
ridden by Sih won the California derby at
Oakland Km lay. Judge finished second, ,
but was disqualified for fouling Formaster
vurly In the nice. Second mousy went to
Formaster and Toledo was placed third.
Although rain fell the greater part of the
day, ono of the largest crowds of the sea
ton was In attendance and the grand stand
mil betting ring was thronged. Though
the track was muddy, there was a linn
bottom.' 'Menduti and Ananias were
scratched, leaving four to compete In the
derby, which was at a mile ami a quarter,
with a value of". Results:
First race, futurity course, selling: Cousin
Carrie won, Kir Tom Tiddler second, Pat
Moirlssey ttiird. Time: 1:12.
Second race, three and one-half furlongs:
Mcfiregor won. dloomy (lus second, Stool
Wire third. Time:
Third race, six and one-half furlongs: El
Pllola, won, Meeheuus second, Ocyrotho
third. Time: 1:23.
Fourth race, one mile and a quarter,
California derby: Bombardier won, For
matter second, Toledo third. Time: 2:1114.
Fifth -race, one mile and llfty yards:
Corona t won Rey lare second. Cloche
J iu-tlrlrd. Time: l:4fi.
ixth race, one and one-sixteenth miles.
pur e: IHvlna won. Leader second, Lsheiiu
third. Time: l:tK.
NEW okl.EANH. Feb. 2; Results:
First race, live furlongs: Leila won,
Marltana second, Mammon third. Time:
1 :".
.Second race six furlongs, selling: Our
IJIIIe won. Bronx second. Lady Free Knight
third. Time: l:liii.
Third race, 2-year-olds, half tnllo: Arch
Oldham won, 1)1 kio Lad second, Isabella
third. Time: .4.
Fourth, race, Oeorge Washington handi
cap, one mile and twenty yards: Ie
Resske won, Mauser Second, Tribes 1 1 111
third. Time: !:
Fifth race, one mile and seventy yards:
Oraviua won, Bud Enibry second, Emigre
third. Time: 1:47.
Sixth race, six and one-half furlongs:
Redman won, Arachuu second, Lady Radnor
third. Time: 1:21V
LOS A.NllELES. Feb. 22 Ascot results:
First race, four furlong: El Otros won,
lillona soeond Plrella third. Time: :49.
Second race, mile, selling: Columbia
Ctrl won. Iris second, Mllas third. Time:
Third rare. Slauson course, selling: Pur
bar won. Chief Aloha second, Lady Fose
third. Time: 1:11V
Fourth, race, mile, handicap: Oarsman
won. Rag Tag second, Nitrate third. Time:
Firth rain, Slauson course, selling: Nation
Won, CrlsH Cress second, Maresu, third.
Bixth race, seven furlongs. handicap:
Allcock's Plaster are the original and (ratline porraui plaMers and have never
been equalled at a pain-oirer. W guarante tlicm to, contain no bcliaoouaa, op hub
vr any poiaon wuaiatrr. Absolutely safe, wondeilullr curative.
Never Accept
cS La.
Klfln won, filennevis second, Dolly Iloman
third. Time: 1:S.
Monday afternoon in a league gamo on
S"llerk's alleys the dnrksons won two out
of three games from the Krug Parks.
1st. 2d.
3d. Total
IKl &60
Clarkson 2il
FranciHeo 2n4
Norton 178
t'Himil 1V1
Marble IliC
Totals 94.1 652 41 2,830
1st. 2d. Jd. Total.
Clav Ifi2 Imj lill u"3
Banks l'.ij lsx l'. 677
French Hi 175 17" 51
Bengele 1 VI 1M 2M Ml
Klmmermunn 1F 210 ICi M
Totals 912 907 1,007 2.8W
On Selleck's alleys the Omahas won two
games of the three played with the aver
ieys. Score :
1st. 2d. 3d. Total.
Wlgman 173 l.i 17 fM
Zarp 1SS 179 211 678
Huntington h'l D liw 6
Fogg 247 Ml 2T1 MO
Emery 211 Wi aot tfuil
Totals tins 1)12 1,014 2,039
1st. 2d. 3d. Total.
Hodges 175 1S2 192 MS
Urilhth 144 17 1M fn)3
Fowler 154 213 215 62
Mockett 224 InS 220 tl7
Reed, 11. I) 172 211 2V2 D
Totals Mj9 )U 1.012 2.824
On Selleck's alleys the Wavcrleys won
two games of the three played with the
Kruk Parks. Score:
Hodges Hi
Cochran 114
Fowler 147
Mockett ISO
Reed, ii. D 236
(6 1.030
1st. 2d.
French 241 2
Bnngele 173 2'2
Clay 167 15S
Banks 148 19
Zimmerman 1W 21tt
3d. Total.
158 6n3
181 656
1) . 61JO
226 643
171 63
Totals ....925 946 916 2.7S7
The W. O. W. and the Westerns of the
Commercial league played on the Oate
City alleys last night. The W. O. W. was
handicapped by nut having one of its best
players and lost two games, but made the
most pins. Score:
1st. 3d. ' 3d. Total.
Orubb 1 153 2(w 146 4i
!uke ir,2 1H 149 497
Manning 146 169 150 401
Stapentiorst 186 M3 163 612
Laldy 141 m 157 479
Totals 787 899
w. o. w.
1st. 2d.
Smythe 11a 123
Johnson 138 231
3d. Total.
15 :wt
McKelvey 21
Yates 176 2o4
Stliea 17 lbo
Totals 834 878
750 2,462
Hastings Bonlert Win.
In a bowling contest at Hastings Satur-
tIK ll.a V....U . -1 1 .
.t.n... uiv vi iv imiu wviv .ueieuien uy
the Hastings team by a score of 2,561 to
1st. 2d.
Adams ,.j imj
Romaln 153 168
Smith 146 160
Speer 166 143
Hoagland 165 2u7
Totals 812 861
1st. 2d.
Raymond '...169 2i9
Ward Jti 123
McParland .T.118 147
Murphy 12 129
Belamy 168 157
Totals 734 765
3d. Total.
3d. Total
2i9 687
7S0 2,279
Detroit I'nrebaaes Two Players.
DETROIT, Feb. 22. The Detroit Ameri
can base ball team today completed ar
rangements for the acquisition of Oremln-
fer of the Boston Nationals to play third
ase ami Clyde Robinson of the Washing
ton team to play In the Infield wherever
needed. It Is understood that these two
purchases footed up about tit.'"". The
signing of 11. C. Hoffman of the Wllmlng
ion. Del., Independent team to play in the
outlleld with the Detroit team was also
announced today.
Omega till for Neuralgia, Headache,
earache, toothache. Quick relief. Try a
lOo bottle.
Checker Tournament.
WEBSTER CITY, la., Feb. 22-(Speclal
Telegram. I The Iowa state checker tourna
ment will begin a Hire days meet 111 1111s
city tomorrow. In order that the two meets
will not conflict the Interstate meet, consist
ing of Iowa.. Minnesota, Wisconsin, Ne
braska and South Dakota, has been called
off. About 15ii will take part In the meet
here, the winner of which will be awarded
the Iowa state watch.
Knowing ones order Cook's Imperial
Champagne not solely on account of the
name, but the product.
Tear an Allcock's Porous .
Plaster in two length.
wise, and apply on soles
of feet ; renew the plaster
every time the feet are
bathed. You will be sur
prised how it will relieve
rheumatism in the feet or
For tired or lame feet relief
is afforded at once.
a Substitute.
1 1
THE HAOCK. Feb. 22.-The arbitration
tribunal, which has been considering the
claims of the blockading powers for prefer
ential treatment of the claims against
Veneruela, has decided unanimously that
the three blockading powers, Great Britain,
Germany and Italy, have a right to a
preference of 30 per cent of the customs
duties at I -a Ouynra and Puerto Cabello,
the litigants to pay their own costs In the
procedure and divide equally the costs
of the tribunal. The Cnlted States Is com
missioned to carry out the decision of the
tribunal within three months.
In giving Judgment the tribunal points
out that it has been guided by international
law and the equity of the case, and that
the protocols signed at Washington since
February 13, 1903, and particularly the
protocol of May 7, whereof the obligatory
nature cannot be doubtful, form the legal
basis ef Its sentence; that the tribunal
Is not competent to question the Jurisdic
tion of mixed commissions at Caracas, or
to Judge their action or the character of
the warlike operations of the blockading
powers nor exhausted all pacific means to
prevent the necessity of employing force.
Venezuela Refused Arbitration,
The tribunal decides that It is only in a
position to certify that since 1901 Ven
ezuela refused arbitration proposed on sev
eral occasions by Germany and Great
Britain, that, after the war no formal
treaty of peace was concluded; that the
operations of the blockaders were stopped
before they had received satisfaction for
all their claims, and. further, that the
question of preferential treatment was sub
mitted to arbitration.
The trlbunnl declares that it found and
recognized In these facts evidence In favor
of the. great principle of arbitration In all
phases of International conflict. In ad
hering to the protocols the blockaders
could not have Intended to renounce their
acquired rights, or their privileged, de
facto position. The government of Ven
ezuela Itself had recognized In principle
the well foundedneas of their claims, while
It had not recognized those of the non
blockading powers, and until the end of
January, 1903, made not the slightest pro
test against the claims for preferential
Throughout the diplomatic negotiations
Venezuela, constantly distinguished between
the allied powers and the neutrals. These
latter, tot having been protested against
tho claims for preference of the blockad
ing powers, either at the time the war
stopped, nor Immediately after the signing
of the protocol of February 13, the gov
ernment of Venezuela only agreed In
respect to the tilled powers to offer spe
cial guarantets for the fulfillment of Us
Secures Only Claims of Allies,
The good faith which should direct In
ternational lelatlons imposes the duty on
the tribunal of declaring that the words
"All claims," employed by the Venezuelan
representative In the negotiations with the
representatives of the allied powers, could
relate only to the latter powers. Neutrals
could tn some respect profit by the cir
cumstances created .by the . operations , of
the war without acquiring new rights, the
rights already acquired remaining abso
lutely Intact
In the decision the United States Is
charged merely to supervise the carrying
of the decision regarding costs.
After the delivery of the decision, Tresl-
den Muravleff. the Russlnn minister of Jus
tlce, In a short speech declared that the
findings had been reached after a most
minute and most Impartial Investigation.
Like all human acts, he added, the de
cision was susceptible to criticism, but now
It was made, every one should accept It.
The arbitration begun In times of peace
had ended amidst, the sinister acts of war,
which wa& a terrible obstacle In tho path
of light and progress. In spite of all good
will, alas, no one was secure against an
ti pected hostile attack. A ration was
obliged to accept a war when the legltl
mate defense of honor and liberty was In
volved. The Just providence which ruled
over battles will distinguish between right
and unfounded pretentions. At the end of
this war between a European and Asi&tlo
people the light will shine out afresh. The
president concluded with saying that The
Hague arbitration tribunal remains always
the rampart of Justice, truth and reason
and the sublime hope of the future,
Washington llrgrrets Decision.
WASHINGTON. Feb. 22. -A prominent
official of the State department, when
shown the dispatch relative to the de
clslon In the Venezuelan arbitration,
stated that while the department re
greted exceedingly the precedent which The
Hague tribunal had made In this case,
there was nothing for the Cnlted Stat
to do but accept the result philosophically
as binding in International law. The mere
question of time when the United States
Bhnll receive from Venezuela the amount
of the awards In our favor was the small
est consideration. What the government
disliked was to admit the principle that by a
mere show of naval force a creditor na
tlon can secure precedence la the payment
of debt over another nation which does
not exerilse such force. It Is regarded
as a premium nn violence and as tending
to discourage nations which are disposed
to settle their claims by the peaceful
methods of diplomacy.
The Venezuelan government, while the
principal party nominally tn the proceed
Ing before The Hague tribunal, was really
rather Indifferent as to which power should
be paid first, recognising the fact that
they must all be paid In some order. That
government has been carytng out the un
dertaking reached In the protocols which
terminated the alllea' Intervention, to set
apart 30 per cent of the custom receipts
at LaGuayra and Puerto Cabello month
to month, and the money has been placed
In bank awaiting this decision. The fund
up to date will be turned over to Germany,
England and Italy, as well as 30 per cent
of customs collections at the ports named.
until the claims of these powers shall be
satisfied In full. This probably will take
about two years and after that the claims
of non-allied or peace powers will be taken
up and paid pro rata.
Travelers Organise at Hastings.
A rwrty of Travelers' Protective as
sociation men. consisting of State Presi
dent A. V. Whiting. Secretary R. F. Ho.igtn
and State Directors John Kelly. E. H.
and Charles L. Hopper went to Hastings
Friday night and on Saturday night or
ganized a local post of the Travelers Pro
tective association In that city, having
a petition signed by twenty-two applicants.
These oineers were eieeiwi tor me local or
ganization, which will be known as pont
O: W. J. Biles, president' 11. B, Miles,
vice president; 8. S. Snyder, secretaryr
treasurer. Board of directors, C. E. Dins
more. J. D. Robh, Q. P Dorsey. 8am E.
Flowers, A. D. Spier, W. C. Alexander,
Surgeon, Dr. Charles V. Arts.
Nisi Taesa la lb Baa.
If you have loss of appetite, headache,
constipation or biliousness take Electric
Bitters. If cures or no pay. Only ffcc For
sals by Kuhn at Co.
z You Hear
Is the Sign
They arc Fresh
Mrs. George A. Hoagland threw op on her
home at Sixteenth and Howard streets
yesterday afternoon for the annual "birth
day" party of the Visiting Nurses' associa
tion and between t and 5 o'clock the spa
clous rooms were filled with a gathering
that would have been notable even for
another than the Denton season. While
the birthday party Is one of the conspicuous
annual social functions, none of those of
previous years have surpassed yesterday
aftornoon's reception In point of attend
ance or an a financial success, though the
exact proceeds have not as yet been an
nounced. It Is the plan to send with each
Invitation a little silk bag which each guest
Invited returns, the day of the party, with
a penny for each year of her age. By this
means a large part of the fund for carry
ing on the work of the association Is se
cured. The guests were received In the
drawing room by the officers of the associa
tion, Mrs. Herbert Rogers, Mrs. Albert Noe,
Mrs. Carl Herring, Mrs. Mawhlnney, Mrs.
Adams and Miss Louise McPherson, who
were assisted through the rooms by the
twenty-one members of the board of di
rectors. Out In the library punch was served
by a number of young women, while In the
dining room, which was trimmed with red
shaded candles and red blossoms, Mrs, Bon
Gallagher, Mrs. J. A. Munro, Mrs. Cudahy,
Mrs. Joslyn, Mrs. Kllpatilek, Mrs. Baum
and tMrs. J. E. Summers presided alter
nately at the table. During the afternoon
a musical program was rendered In the
music room. Miss Corlnne Paulsen, Miss
Anne Gamble, Miss Edna Jensen, Miss So
renson, Miss Hanoock, Mrs. Carl Herring,
Mrs. Thomas, Mrs. Harry Lyman and Mr.
McCune contributing.
The following program has been an
nounced for the fifth annual convention of
the Consumers' league, to be held In New
York March 1 and 2. March 1, arrival of
delegates; meeting of executive committee,
etc.. In the afternoon; public meeting at 8
p. m., with 'addresses by John Graham
Brooks, Mrs. Florence Kelley, Mrs. Fred
erick Nathan. Homer Folks, Dr. Ernst
Lederle and Prof. E. R. Sellgman of Co
lumbia, March 1, adjourned meeting of the
council at 10 a, m., Calvary church parish
house; In the afternoon a reception to offi
cers and delegates, tendered by Mrs. Fred
erick Nathan. 162 West Eighty-sixth tret;
In the evening a social sight-seeing excur
sion for members.
"It Is a little curious that, In this centen
nial year of the Louisiana purchase," says
the New York Post, "the house built In
1S07 In St. Ixiuls by Captain Clarke, who
lived In It until his death In 1S38, should
be torn down and little or no notice should
be taken of It. The old house, It Is said,
Is now being removed to make way for a
race track. From 1813 to 1821 Captain
Clarke was territorial governor of Mis
souri, and for some time afterwards acted
as superintendent of Indian affairs. Many
noted people visited his house and It was
there that the treaty providing for the
removal of the Osage Indian from Mis
souri to the Indian territory was signed.
The regent of a Nebraska chapter of the
Daughters of the American Revolution has
Constipation. Its Caust and Curt.
A person in order to be healthy bust get lid
of the waate products (or poiaoLa) of the body.
N'alura baa provided four ways to get rid of
tbetu: Toe Uowela. the Kldoeja. tha Blmlder
and the pores of lb Skin.
If the bowela beoorna inactive, that portion of
the food which should be inrowo ofl Ilea Id the
Intestines aod ducomiiobes, causing blood, nerve,
llrer and kidney trouble, and closes the porea
of tbe akin, thus creating dikeaae in the enure
You can Immediately relieve and permanently
cure jrouraelf of stubborn constipation or di
treasing stomach trouble and perfectly regulate
your kidnera and Urrr by lakltur one nose a day
of DRAKE 9 PALMETTO WINE. Any rtfeler
of tbta paper ran aeeura absolutely free a bottle
by writing to Drake Formula Co., Drake build
ing, Chii-Atfo.
A FREE trial bottle alone taw brought health
and rigor to aiany so you one it to luaraelt to
prove vual It srili du In your ewe.
Write ibe cooipauy UU very uay.
A Sailor would define
Uneeda Biscuit
(Always dry and light) as a
are preferred stock everybody's choice and
everybody finds a smack of pleasure in their
goodness always clean, dry, light and crisp
in an air-tight package.
managed to secure some valuable memen
toes of the old place, Including part of the
mantel In Captain Clarke's room, a small
cupboard used by him, and several feet of
quaint scroll work In a. design of leaves
and grapes made In France for a porch
railing. The regent of this chapter, Mrs.
J. R. Haggard, has an 'Interesting collec
tion of historic woods."
The New York City Federation of Wom
en's Clubs has weathered Its first year of
"minding the affairs of the city" and next
Friday will hold its annual convention,
which will bo followed by a luncheon at
Delmonico's. The morning session will be
devoted to reports of committees and chair
men and at 1 o'clock adjournment will be
taken for the luncheon and reception. In
addition to the executives of several promi
nent national women's organizations It Is
expected that a number of prominent city
and state officials will be present. The
federation Includes over 8,000 women, all
of whom may attend the luncheon If they
desire, and aside from being a conspicuous
factor In the General Federation, has, dur
ing Its brief career, become a recogniied
factor In municipal reform work of New
York City.
The Club Woman for March Is especially
promising In Interest to women of all In
terests. Among the contributions ' is an
article by Mrs. George Jay Gould on "Fash-
lonablo Life Versus Motherhood," in which
she vigorously defends the society woman
from the standpoint of her own experience
In the fashionable world.
The postponement of the annual Conti
nental Congress of the Daughters of the
American Revolution at Washington, D. C,
From February until next April will cer
tainly Insure an Increased aU'iJance at
that very Interesting meeting. The Incon
venience of February as the time for this
annual meeting bus long been recognised
and it Is thought that the change of date
will be especially appreciated by the chap
ters of the western states.
Mustang Liniment
In ase lor over alxty years.
Mustang Liniment
cares) Spavin and Kin a; bone.
Mustang Liniment
entries) all (urms of lih tU-niatWue
(m I1LI -. l-tlla s,l K.Wf I 1 I ad TraiSi iii 1 titt -mrnn-fir-TM n. J
"Tkmf mmlH mm
CTiRJimiJi in
A Stock Broker would de
fine common soda crackers
(usually damp and soggy) as
Prussian Miiistm in Keiohitaf; Explain
" Action of the Polioe-
One Docnment Bald Nicholas II Should
Not Die by Ballet, bat Itatber
lie Reserved for the
BERLIN, Feb. 22.-Tho debate which be
gan in the Reichstag January 19 regarding
the police surveillance of Russian students
In Germany was resumed today In the
Prussian Diet, and the Prussian minister
of Justice, Dr. Schoenstedt, and the Prus
sian minister of the Interior, Frelherr von
Hammersteln, went at length Into the
allegations made In the Reichstag by Herr
Haass (social democrat), Herr Rebel, the
socialist leader In the Reichstag, and oth
ers. The minister explained the action of the
government In this matter so satisfac
torily that they won the approval of the
opposition speaker. Dr. Schoenstedt gave
a full statement of the reasons for the ar
rest of a number of socialists at Koenlgs
burg, which had aroused much bitter de
nunciation from the socialist speakers In
the Relchstug.
He said the state attorneys of East
Prussia had long been aware of the ex
istence of a system of smuggling undesir
able literature into Russia and an exam
ination had resulted In the finding of ex
tensive deposits of these pamphlets hid
den In various border towns. They suc
ceeded In securing a number of these doc
uments, most of which had been prepared
In Switzerland and translated into Russian
and Lithuanian. Translations Into Ger
man showed that many of these pamphlets
Greatest In the World
A MILLION AMERICAN BOUNCIHQ BABIES ara kept erowlnsf with the) da.
light of living because their mamas bava learned to yaaCASCARETSCaiidy
Cathartic. Neighborly neighbors tell each other of CA8UAHETS and tbe
kind words said have created a sale of over A MILLION BOXEB A MONTH.
It Is easy to protect Infanta against children's complaints, because all these
perils have their beginning In stomach and bowels, and wa have In CAS
CARETS a perfect medicine that wiU alwaya keep the delicate machinery In
achlld'ebody clean, regular and In working ordar. Children Ilka the little)
candy tablet, and are kept safe from all stomach, bowel, blood and akin dl
eases. All druggists, 10c, 29c. &Oc. Never sold In balk. Genuine tablet
stamped CCC. bample and booklet free.
Address BTERLiNO REMEDY CO.. Chicago or New York. 19
Mustang Liniment
Umbers up Stiff Joints.
Mustang Liniment
penetrates to tbe very bone.
Mustang Liniment
always gives batlaaouoa.
were of a treasonable and anarchlatlo
character. Dr. Schoenstedt read a passage
from one document which expressly advo
cated murder, and quoted the following
"I prefer, however, that Nicholas II.
should not die by a bullet, but rather be
reserved for the scaffold."
A search of houses where this literature
was found brought out the fact that twelve
or thirteen persons engaged in the smug
gling were all social democrats, and corre
spondence was seised which points very
strongly to the assumption that they were
acting under orders of the party manag-,
Frelherr von Hammersteln In his ad
dress referred to a small book that had
been seised, which gave minute directions
for the organising of murderous plots. Re
ferring to the charge that the Prussian
government In expelling suspected Rus
sians had Bent thpm out of the country
across the Russian frontier Instead of per
mitting them to choose the frontier by '
which they should leave, said it was a
general rule to permit expelled persons to
choose their frontier, but that exception
was made in the case of anarchists. All
states, he declared, are united In their ef
forts to combat anarchy, and special '
agreements exist that expulsion shall be
to the country where the Individual was
born, so as not to work Injustice to other
After the minister of the Interior con
cluded a few short addresses were made
and everyone expressed satisfaction with
the government. One speaker regretted
that these explanations were not given In
the Reichstag at once, so that the foroa
of the socialist churgos tlTere might hav
been broken
Failure Affects Grain Firms.
BREMEN, Feb. 22. The failure Is an
nounced of the grain firm of Johann
Lahusn. The liabilities are estimated at
2f0.000 end the assets at fSO.000. Several
American rraln firm are said to be af
fected by tbe failure. .
Mustang Liniment
Beat for Horse ailments.
Mustang Liniment
liewt for Cattle ailments.
Mustang Liniment
Best for Fhep ailments.