TITfl OMATTA DAILY BEE: MOOT AY. FETIHTTARY 22, 1WU. SPECIAL NOTICES Advert lartnrnta for llieae iMiluntna will be taken until 12 in. for the renins edition ami nutll M p. m. (or the mornlngf and Sunday- edition. Hates, 1 t-'ir n Monl llrsl Insertion, le a word Ikrrritlli-r, ntlilnc taken for less than 'JOo l.r the flrat Inaer tloa. Thfif advertisements moat he ran eonaerotlt -l . Advert laera, l reimeatlna: a num bered eherk, fan hair anairrrt ad dreaaed to a numliered letter In rare of The Bee. Answers so nddressed 'will be delivered on presentation of (ha eheek only.. MISfKLLAMOOt BOYLES COLLEGE NEW TOKK LIFK IILILDING. OMAHA. Business, (shorthand. Typewriting, Ungllsh. KAY AND b Willi'. Apply fur Catalogue. B-M403 OMAHA Safe and Iron wonts make, a spe dally of tire escapes, sliutcers, doors and safes. U. Andreen, prop., 1UJ ti. 10th at. K MS60 MayUo D. M. H A VKIILY JOXI'KKT ACCOUNT ANT. 212 BLK ULl 11. 'PHONE H4. f.CW n SILVLK, NICKEL Phulig. Orr.. VJVL.U i-iaiing Co.. 1.Vj Harney, 'iel. 2T,.T5. R-7.4 CITY SAVINGS HANK pays 4 per rent. R-785 BPECIAL For a llmltod time we will fit rou with a guaranteed pair of gpertaolen or fl. Don't miss this chance. L'. 8. op ticians. 308 N. 16th at. R 739 PFRFIELD Piano Co., Bee Bldg.; Weber. Storey fc Clark, Ludwlg, Schiller. R 737 EAGLE Loan office. Reliable, accommodat ing; all business confidential. 1301 D"Uglae. R-73' EXPRESBMEN'B Delivery Co.. moving nnd storage. 114 N. Kith. Tel. 1196. R 739 TRY THE CHICAGO LAl'KDRY. Jf you don't, we both lose. Good work, prompt attention. 214 N. 16th. Tel. Vn. R 741 GOLD crowns from 3: fillings from 25c; set of teeth, ti; teeth extracted free. Union . Dental Co., 152.' Douglas, room 4. R 744 ANTI-MONOPOLY OARHAGK CO., eleins cesspools, vaults, removes garbage, dead ', den el. 1771 -74 animais; reaucea prices. 6.1 r. IB. Tel. 1773. P. MELCHOIR. machlnlat. 13th & Howard. R-747 PUBLICITY DESIGN8--WHEATON! in the Res Bids. R 748 Wa rent Btwlng marhlnea, T5o week. We repair and aell parts for every mnchlne manufactured Second-bund machines from 1500 to 110.00. Nebraska Cycle Co., Thona 1663. Corner 16th and Harney. R-604 "STRONGEST In the World." The Equita ble J. ire Assurance society. Its policies lire sight drafts at maturity. H. D. Neely, manager, Merchants National Rank B!dg., Omaha. Neb. R-749 PRINTING ) H,Bh rrad8 work- I llll I IHU ( Crounse block, corner LYNG5TAD ( ls,h Bt- and C&J&?- CIGN painting. B H. Cole, 1302 Douglas. ' R--Tal ALL kinds carpenter work, repairing, Rromptly attended to. J. T. Ochiltree, ith c.id Lake. R 370 MOVING picture machines, atereoptlcona. Alms and slides at bargain prices: mall orders filled. R O. Taylor, 800 8. 10h st. R M943 Ffflx E. J. DAVIS, safe mover, heavy hauling. 1119 Farnam. Tel. 36s. R 152 M3 VODICKA tt CO., fine tailorings all kinds pressing, repairing. Krug theater bldg. Tel. 8182. R 753 Clothes pressed, altered. Tousen, Paxton hotel tailor. R 208 TRACINGS; Blue prints A working draw lngs. fides & Co.. Omaha. 'Phone PliS. R 237 Apr22x PER FIELD Piano Co., Bee Bldg; no Inter est, honest values, easy terms. R 737 ChironnrtvS1 re,lef: t(,rns removed. v-IUIupuuyDr. Roy. r. 2-3, 1506 Farnam. R-740 ..p boiler, no engineer, no danger. Small floor space. Wltte Gns Engines. Wltte Iron Works Co.. 629 W. Eth St., Kansas City, Mo. r BUSINESS CHANCES. BUSINESS FOR BALB-Oeneral store, will Invoice about seven thousand, lo cated In northeastern Nebraska. Sales average 11,800 per month. New stock, rent fi iiV, v'""u """' country. Address D 83, Bee. If M1S4 20 kOR SALE, clean, up-to-date paying hard ware! business; Investigate this. Address Lock Box 206, Alexandria, Neb. Y M332 26x 1 CA?? .J"'0"'y for cash without local publicity your real estate, business or partnership, no matter where located. Sand me full particulars, price, etc. Ad dress Chaa. E. Powell. Ill W. Mohawk St.. Buffalo. N. Y. Y MTU Marl t HOLES ARMSTRONG Co business chances and exchanges; WTlte us. 72"' New York Life Bldg. Te 4. Y-7M TO GET In or out of business call on Wil liams, room 411, McCague building. Y-M971 WANTED, partner; I want a sooer, aner- ratlo man with 1250, to manage business n Omaha; li per week wages and half Interest In business; permanent situation; this Is a good business chance; references required. Address 11. W ELM EKING. Peoria. 111. Y-M5S7 23x FOR SALE Plrst-class harness buslnes-i in Colorado; town of six thousand people only two shops In town, both doing good business: stock will Invoice about two thousand, Ave hundred dollars; no old floods In stork; reasons for welling, mln ng Interests to look after. Address D 13, care Bee. Y MS9I 21 x TOR SALE, old established hardware and Implement business eastern Nebr In voice 110,000, annual sales $.'ViiO: owner Withes to retire. Address D ?tf, cure Ree Y-MP10 5x PARTNER for St. Louis exposition w'.lh auv; mg money. AUdriss D 34, lice. Y-M9.VS 20 AUKVls WA.VIJlU. WANTKD. canvassing audits In rvtrv i-oiinty to solicit eubscrlptlons to THK I'WENT.KTII CKNTIKV FARMER, etmiiy employment with assured good In voine. Arl.ls It- the country Willi noisa and bugvy especially desired. Canvassers muse raauv sou to iuu per month. Ad dress Century Farmer Solicitors' llurenu, uuiiuiuii, wmaiiu J -13 WE want 10.000 agents for greatest hous?- noia seller ever prc.iuce.i ; actually sells In every h-JUee: luimenue mom youiker f'ir gnLs; send 10c lor complete sample and our large illuMrnied i-atslccuc i,f agents' supplies. Southern Mercantile vo., avrpi. u Ji, Houston, TfX, J M440 Ap:8 TWO 3-story buildings to learn, both e T-,,-mij itAiiei in retru iiismct. not re or irrma. . v. feters At Co., 1702 F ar nam. J-S54 22 WANTED State mnnaaer to at.l,il.K only perfect system for manufacturing Hollow Concrete Hull. ling Blocks- rare opportunity for comretent party. Ad dress Huildlng Rlo.-k Mfg. Co.. MS Lum ber Exchange, Minneapolis. Minn j-Mosj ;:x When You Write . to .Advertisers remember It orly takes an extra stroke or two of the pen to mention tho fact that you UI the ad In The Re. LAW AMI COLLECTIONS. 8TILI MAN PRICE. 410 1st Nat. bk. bldg. 7bo THE raw Snow-Church Co.. law collec tions, real estate, attorneys, cul lectors, brokers everywhere. 1st floor N. Y. I. IN. TL 133. -TNI W W. WAPP1CL advVe free. Creishton Bik. Wc Fax WA HTKIe- MALE HILP, BUSINESS DEPARTMENT of the OMAHA COMMERCIAL COLLEGE 1 1 III al.u Dougiaa. B 1 win III 1 IB iiiiui J a-t . v. j unique ana interesting, 'leachers extremely Conn ha. yvuiount oi ousiiiess truuacted eiioimous. it would pay anyone to spemi u it 1 1 . . 1 1 I.. , 1 UoulnAM mn uesnti.g iKxikkeeprs can be accomodated. nuiriii!iii .ueraiure Live. MEN to liarn barber trade; free railroad tare upon our failure to convlnco you oi this being liis h r'.HT, largest and only rh.ioi,-, iiiosi pracllcal barber college In this section. Write for catalogue today. Western Barbers' Institute, Omaha. Neb. U 769 l-eml and wilte EngliFh. or tniormaiiuo . 'ply to recruiting otlicer. ltith and DoOgo Sts., Omaha, or Lincoln, Neb. B M164 MOLER 8 BARBER COLLEGE of Den ver, Colo., offers aovanteges In teacning the barber trade that canont be had else where. Write today for our terms. B-M316 F24.1 4 Wesfn Employ't Ag'y, R. 14-16. Crounse blk. U iiiio WANTED California Is tlie place now Is 'he time. I here are good positions open for men of clerical ability, professional men and mechanics. Write us what em ployment you desire and we will send by mall frequent lists of good openings In your line. Registration fee, fl, to be sent with nnnllrntlitn n further charges. COMMERCIAL INFORMATION BUREAU, P. O. Box 698. Los Angeles, California. B M169 M-4 WANTED Two men to work from our wagons; steady position and experience unneceesaiy. C. F. Adams St Co., 1619 Howard St B 760 WANTED Good "coatmaker at once; steady lob Tor right man. For particulars write Dan Domash, Nelson, Neb. B MS52 22 WANTED City agent, on salary nnd com- ninpion, roi a prominent eastern ine Insurance Co. Address D 21, Bee. B Mc9 22-t WANTED, men to learn barber trade. Csn enrn expei.scs before finishing. Few weeks completes. New Idea. Graduates earn 112 to SIX weekly. Tools given, diplomas granted, positions guaranteed. Call or write, Moler College. 1302 Douglas st. B M885 23x THE work of a painter and paper hanger in exenange tor a goon piano ini cosi 14X0 ten years ago. Address D 24. Bee. B 903 24x $20 PER week salary and expenses paid to a good man to travel, deliver and corect; references and security required. Address Manager, No. 3K5 Insurance Exchange building, Minneapolis, Minn. B MlflB 23x WANTED First -clans all-round carriage woodworker; good wages and steady worn. Address Model Carriage Co.. Houston, Texas. B M224 23 WANTED Bright solicitors for "War Be tween Russia and Japan, by Murat Hal stead; best book; big book; enormous de mand; big profits; freight paid; credit given; outfit free. The Dominion Com pany, Dept. B, Chloago. B M267 27x WANTED, man for road work; good prop osition; man experienced in gram busi ness preferred. Address D 48, Bee. B M327 A FIRST-OLA B9 tailor bushelman. at once. Apply Mr. Vollmer, clothing nept , Ben nett' B 334 21x WANTED FEMALB HELP. ANYONE need of housekeeper, or man and wile, can Canadian omce, l&tn ana Dodge. C M7'j4 WANTED A good housekeeper, by a priest. In the country; highest references; must be a Catnollo; very little work; good salary. Address D 19, Bee. C M862 WANTED, ladles to learn halrdresslng. manicuring or electrical racial massage. We have adopted a quick and practical method that saves years. Experf Instruc tion. Can earn expenses before finishing. Few weeks completes. Special February offer. Call or write, Molcr College, 1302 Douglas St.. C M8.S4 23x WANTED, ladles for steady home work. Can suite do, Douglass iiiug. c jb z&x IMH HliJ(T FtHltliUED ROOMS. FURNISHED rooms; steam, gas, bath, half DiocK irom postonice. 213 No. I7tn. E Mitol 22x SENTER hotel, 210 N. 17th; nice transient rooms. ' i 12! uu ONE south room with board. 2418 Cass. E M980 22 FURNISHED front rooms; steam heated. ino. sum. - tM'Jal ux PLEASANT front room, 310. 1711 Daven port. , is M9d6 Xtx t ROOMS for light housekeeping. 2221 Ca!. lU M9o6 221 S PARTLY furnished rooms, light house- Keeping. 2U19 CU1. Hi M9M ZiX NICE furnished rooms; steam heat. 1811 wnicago. u ju.9a3 ux. HOUSEKEEPING room, reasonable. 417 ISO. mil I t.' E M90Z BX WARM room, su!ta'.le for one or two. 2:8) Harney. E 9i 26x ROYAL HOTEL, European, 10th &. Chicago. a 7ta DEWEY, European hotel. 13th and Farnam. E 763 NICELY furnished rooms. Inquire Omaha Steam Laundry. 17D0 Leavenworth. 'Phone A-1783. E 764 O. M. E. haul trunks. Telephone 611. E 76a 11.25 PER WEEK. Doran House. 422 8. lSth. E-7W TWO newly furnished rooms for gentle men only; new house, all modern. 630 S. 17th ave. E M232 23x LARUE or small rooms at 1914 Farnam; also bourd. E M318 23 SINGLE room, modern, (5 month. 621 So. lath. E M317 23 SMALL rooms, modern. 2567 8t. Mary's. E M 316 23 NICE, large front room, all modern. 7u2 So. 17Ul. E M315 23 X FURNISHED rooms; reesonible. 712 N. lfith. . B M3io x NICELY furnished rooms; steam hetL 615 8. 16th. - E M308 23x SINGLE room, In nicely furnished, steam heated Hut; all modern; walking distance; very r-aionable. Tel. B241l. 2234 Farnam, second Hour. E M335 M20 FURNISHED rooms; modern. 715 8. lth EC. 3d II001. E M3o8 23x FURNISHED rooms and board: private f.imlly. 2t'13 Davenport. F M307 23x FURNISHED rooms; transients. 712 8. lth St., I'd door, left door. E MSUti Kx SC. MEAL rant. TICKETS. $5. Karhsch restau-F-M3U6 23x PLEASANT south room nicely furnished; steam h-xt. good location. The Dreaher, 602 S. Kith. E M3)4 13 YOUNG MAN wants roommate; accommo dation first class: board and room reitv onable. Address D 43. Bee. E MS03 x FRONT rooms; housekeeping. (18 8. 1th St., 3d floor. E M3H4 23x NICELY furnished. 1613 Burt. E MHO 36 Vienna Hotel. 1011 Farnam; fine rooms; la dles' ct.fr; private dining r . open nlghta. E-UC NICK furrlshed rooma 324 N 15th. E 79 Ft RNI8HED room with all modern ron venlercea. Private family, 2513 Jones Bt. E MS6S FTRN1SHED rooms and board W B. r5th ave. Tel. L271L E M150 FURNISHED room, transients. C N. !. E 196 M4 WANTKD-For U. B. army, able-bodied. uooiunieu men, ueiween iib ui citlsens of United Slates, of good charac ter and temperate habits, who can speak. THE FARNAM. lt aad Vaxnam ata. References required. 1 SIM DO YOU READ WANT ADS? IF YOU DO, SO DO THOUSANDS OF OTHERS. BETTER HAVE YOUR AD AMONG THEM. FOR HEST-FIRJISHED ROOMS. FURNISHED rooms. The Dresner. 002 8. 16th. E-17S M4 LARGE, warm room, steam heat. 1909 Capitol ave. E M 720 FIRMSIIED ROOMS ASD BOARD. Furnished rooms, steam heat, with or with out board. Midland hotel, 16th & Chlcugo. F 7w LARGE well furnished front room, all mod ern, with board; also good table hoard hy day or week. The Dreshcr, 602 S. Wth ft. F 772 UTOPIA, steam heat, 1721 Davenport. F-720 ROCKAWAY, 1316 Douflas. Meals, 15c. F-771 NICE rooms; good board. 808 S. 20th. F-225 Mar5 PEST meals In city. Karbach restaurant. F-857 Marl5 609 B. 25th ave. Tel. L-2718. F M423 WANTED, first-class boarders only. 1823 Capitol ave. F M154 27x MAN and wife, or two gentlemen can find pleasant home In private family; mod ern; first class board. Address D 41, Bee. F M302 23x PLEASANT room, south front. In private family; terms reasonable. 35DO Dodge. 'Phone L-245S. F M283 22x MODERN unfurnished rooms for Upht housekeeping in nice flat, good neighbor hood. Address D 44, Bee. F M319 22x NICE rooms, with or without board. 710 So. 17th. F M314 23x ROOMS and bonrd. N. W. cor. lth nnd Capitol ave. Tol. 2433. F M2S1 23x FOR HOT-llOlG8. THE Omaha Van and Storage Co. pack, move and store li. H. guutla. Storehouse, 1120-24 N. 19th. Olrlcc, luilVj Fui uain. Tel. 1559-8C3. D 839 FOR RENT 6-room house, 26C3 Woolworth ave.; porcelain bath, gas, hot and cold water; newly painted and papered throughout-JJ0. J. H. Shtrwoud. New York Life Bldg. D M6t7 HOIsFln all" parts of tho city. Tho ilUUJtOo.i'.Eavliito,, ew Uee Bldg. D 840 HnilP's'n a" Patts of the city. R. IIWUJL, Peters & Co., B Bldg. D-Ml PAYNE-BOSTW1CK & CO.. choice houses. 601-603 New lork Life Bldg. 'Phone 1014. D 842 WE MOVE pianos. Haggard Van & Stor age Co., Tel. 14i6. Ofllce, 1713 Webster St. D 844 HOUSES, insurance. Ringwalt, Barker blk. D 45 FOR RENT Large 11-room, colonial house, thoroughly modern, 3177 Davenport St. on the southeast corner of 32d and Dav enport St. Apply to H. J. Windsor, i.'.'.S Jjodge St. D 99B GOOD flve-r cottage, 2920 N. 25th St., $11. D-'iS FOR RENT. 8-room house, with basement: all modern Improvements; steam heat; at 220 N. 17th st. Apply to H. J. Windsor, 1518 Dodge st. D M2 FOR KENT-STORES AM) OFFICES. FOR RENT, building Kultablo for whole sale purposes at 916 Farnam, 22x90, four stories and first-class cemented basement, elevator, fire and burglar proof vault, of fice counter and fixtures. For price and particulars Inquire C. C. Rosewater. sec retary Bee Building Co., room 100. H.;o Building. I-M.-.G7 3 STORIES and basement 22x100; 1005 r r nam St. Inquire 314 First Nat'l Bank bhlg. I--2 Two 3-story buildings to lease, both excellently located in retail district Inquire for terms. R. C. Peters & Co., 1702 Farnam. 1-854 23 FOR RENT, three upper stories in four story building at 91G Farnam St., two stories if preferred. Address C. C. Rose water, Sec y., Room 100, Uee bldg. I-M98S FOR RENT 4-story and basement build ing. 1515 Dodge St., now occupied by Omaha Carpet Co. Inquire on premises. 1779 TWO-STORY building, 1612 and the second floor 1508-10 Howard. W. H. Bushman. 1-626 DENTIST wanted to share office with a physician with fine quarters In Bee bldg., with well established practice. Address C 21, Bee office. 1-131 FOR RENT One-half storeroom, good lo cation on Douglas street. Address D 17, Bee. 1853 TWO 3-story buildings to lease, both ex cellently located in retail district. Inquire for terms, R. C. Peters & Co., 1702 Far pam. 1854 23 FOR SALE HORSES, WAGOS, ETC. 3. fine depot wagons, 2 rockaways, 1 coupe, 2 traps, 1 wagonette, 2 drays. Drummond Carriage Co., 18th and Harney. P lo5 FOR BALE, slightly used, 2 carriages, 3 phaetons, 2 top buggies, 2 driving wagons: cheap. Andersen-Millard Co., 1616 Capitol t: P-714 FOR SALE, 2d-hand, 4-paisenger broug ham, tt bargain if taken at once. v.M Harnoy. P M17t FROST doesn't shave men. he shaves spokes. Wagon repairs, 14th and Lt av cnwoith. P 783 HnRP FOR BALE, heavy and me I1UIVJLJ dlum weight expreseera, draft and chunk. Harney Street Stables. P Mn37 22x HORSES for sale; second-hand harness, vehicles, cheap Melcher's Stables, &1 S. IM. M868 GOOD live work horse, 1,250, and harness for sale. 417 S. 14th. P M943 22x FOR SALE Or would trade, 1.40o-pund work mare for a buggy horse. 1717 Cm et. P M2S1 2Sx FOR SALE, a fine driving horse years old. Geo. S Car k ley, 16th and Capitol ave. P M246 27 WANTKD TO BUT. R-u-L'c; bought, sold. Antique Book Con DIXJKS ceru, 211 lvarbach blk. Tel. 3614, N-766 ZD-HAND furniture: high prices. Tel. 2010. Chicago Furniture Co. N 757 BEST PRICES for used stoves, furniture. Enterprise Furn. Co., 102-4 & 14th. Tel. CM. N-378 Mar4 WANTED 100 cars of bones; will pay a food caah price; write me. 8. M. lley, too Indiana ave., Kansas City, Mo. N-M242 FZ3x TICKET BROKERS. CUT-RATE railroad tickets everywhere. P. li- PbilUu, Uu6 ranuo. 'Phone 7V4 7li FOR BALE REAL ESTATE, HOUSES FOR SALE GEORGE & COMPANY 1601 Farnam Street The 39th St Home of the late Judge Ogden, being the large, modern stone residence, with 91x155 leet Irontlng east on 3Soh St., V biock north of Karnam. Sec us for price. 36,000 for the 9-room, modern house, 610 t'urk ave., with 76 tcet frontliig tast on Pnrk ave. ami 75 feet fronting west on 'Mh St.; Improvements alone cost )8,000; nil special Improvements paid. 35,000 lor 7-rooni, modern house, full lot, hoar 83d and Famum t. ; very dairable. 34,im for the 8-rom, modern, new house 23' California at. 33,600 for the 8-room, modern house 2112 Lo cust st. 33,160 for a 6-roorn, modern cottage, located on West Famam St., having hot water heat, best of plumbing, south front, on corner lot, paved street. See ua about this lt you want an up-to-date cottage home. 32,160 for tho 7-room cottage, modern ex cept furnace, 3021 Chicago St.; desirable . nchborhood. IWo tor the -ronm brick house on lot Wx PI0 feet, having east front, nnd only one block from car, 2514 North 31st st. We have many denlrable residence prop erties for saie, both Improved and unim proved, in different parts of the city. RE-M987 23 IOWA FARNL 80 acres 6 miles south Neola, la. Price, 352.60 per-acre. Cheap at $60. Must be sold by February 27. SPECIAL BARGAIN. 240 acres In Buffalo Co., Nebraska: 180 acres cultivated; no bulldlngB; soil rich black loam; surface gently rolling. A bargain for I4.5KI. BENSON & CARMICHAEL. 642 Paxton Block. RE M26C 24 Douglas County Farm Close to Omaha and South Omaha, good farm for feeding or farming; land acroaa the road recently sold for $200 per acre; food house of 8 rooms, barn, granary. Ve are going to sell this property. To do so It will be sacrificed at 1106.00 per acre. W. FARNAM SMITH & CO., Sole Agents. RE-155 Williamson Co., h' RE 796 WE write all kinds of Insurance. Kenny R. E. & Inv. Co., 'Phone 336. 300 Bee Bldg. RE M634 $2,400 2622 Decatur St., new, well built, 7 room bouse, modern, piped for furnace, oak floors downstairs. A BARGAIN. D. V. Sholes Co., 722 N. Y. Life Bldg. Tel. 49. RE 60S SPECIAL atentlon given to property placed in our hands for rental. Kenny R. E. & Inv. Co., 'Phone 336. 300 Bee Bldg. RE-M6;!S ROSEBUD INDIAN RESERVATION maps showing In colors lunds to b opened to settlement; also the Indian helrsiilp land in Charles Mix county; price dtc. Grimes .-.slier, Wugr.er, 8. D. RE 822-M-14 FOR Noon Luncheon try the KARBACH RESTAURANT, where you will And the best prepared rneaU in the city at reason able prices 418 3. lath; Joseph Straub, Prop. RE 20 M-14 GLOVER, 1st floor N. Y. Life, city prop erty, farms, ranches. Tel. 133. RE 796 IDEAL LOCATION FOR A NICE HOME Lot 14, block 14, West End, worth $1,600. AVI 11 consider reasonable offer. W. N. Nason, Sole Agent, 416 Rue Building. RE-M241 23 FOR SALE the most complete 6-room, strictly modern cottage In the West Far nam district; $3,300 lakes lt; earning 10 per cent net. BEUIS, Paxton Block. RE M285 23 Illus. your property. Baker Bros. Eng. Co, HK-m $1,500 WILL BUY a neat cottage and full lot In Htewart Place. THOMAS BRENNAN, Room 1. New York Lifo Building. RE-608 WHEN buying or selling real estate be sure to get a Midland Guarantee and Trust company bonded abstract, 1614 Far nam street. N. P. Dodge, Jr., President. RE M153 WANTED, parties desiring homesteads on the Rosebud reservation to correspond with the Bonesteel State bank. Ronesteel, 8. D. RE M908 26 X BEE R. H. Landeryou If you wish to buy or sell real estate. 442 Board of Trade. Tel. 2151. RE-659 IF YOU want to buy, sell or rent a house or a farm; If you have a business for sale or want to buy. call on or write Kenny R. E. & Inv. Co.. Thone 336. - 300 Bee Bldg. RE MC33 ENGLISH & CO. PAXTON BLOCK. One of the finest 8-room modern residences in West Farnam district, $2,200. RE M341 DO YOU WANT TO SELL A FARM? If you want to sell a farm or ranch tell the farmers and stock raisers about It The best way to reach them Is through THE TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER This tgricultural weekly goes to 60,000 homes of farmers and stock raisers, so If you have a good piece of land to sell at a reasonable price you will lind a buyer among them. The cost of an advertisement Is small 2 cents per word In small type or $2.52 p-r Inch if set In large type. THE TWfcNTIETH CENTURY FARMER OMAHA, NEB. R E 12 WANTED SALESMEN. WANTED Experienced salesman, with es tablished trade, for Nebraska; state ref erences, experience and salary expected. Singer Bros., St, Louis, Mo. 968 WANTED, experienced salesman, with es tablished trade, for Nebraska; state ref erences, experience and salary expected. Singer Bros.. St. Louis. Mo. 653 SALESMEN We want two good men for weaUern territory on salary and commis sion; we are opening considerable new ter ritory and there la a chanoe for advance ment to the man who can make good; the bouse that manufactures for us la one of the oldtaH and beat known In the business. H. L. Haywaxd. 322 Bee Bldg. M 114 M OSTEOPATHY. Johnson Institute, 616 N. Y. Life bldg. T.1S64 Dr. i. A. Meehan. 616 N- Y. Life bldg. T.1M4. Ids Tbe Hunt Infirmary. McCagua bldg. T.33U. 7o DR. GRACE DEEGAN. 833 N. Y. life. Tel. 26FS. -790 Fayette Oole. osteopath. 60S Paxton block. -791 Dra. Laird Laird, 303 Karbach blk. Tel 1 FOR SALE MI9CELLAM0OIS. INDIAN goods and relics. 1119 Farnam. Q 7V6 2D-HAND safe cheap. Derlght, 1119 Farnam. W 777 CHEAPEST OAK SLAT CORN CRIB BING. Long fir timbers. 901 Douglas. q 778 100 KINDS of Mineral Water. Sherman A McConnell Drug Co.. Omaha. Q 779 KIMBALL PIANO, slightly used; big bar gain. Call or write Room 7, Bee Bldg. Q 7 0 HARD coal stoves, $5 up; furniture cheap. Chicago Furniture Co., 1410 Dodge. Q-7S1 SECOND-HAND billiard and rvr..l tables; billiard tables repaired; large stock cheap bar fixtures, cigar counters. The Bruns-wlck-Balke- Collender Co., 407-9 S. 10th. Q-775 150 WATCHES, 78 diamonds, left In pawn, cheap. Diamond Loan Office, 1401 Douglas. Q-M116 STOCK YARDS SADDLERY CO., Headquarters for Whips and Axle Grease. We make a special of the above and for that reason can give you any kind at eastern prices. J. Q. Blessing, 331 No. 2'tli St., Soutc Omaha, union shop. Q 774 FOR SALE Several scholarships In a flrst class standard school In Omaha, compris ing complete course In business, short hond and typewriting. Inquire nt Bee office. Q-852 BILLIARD & pool tables. 1407 Harney St. Q-M848 Marl5 I 1IMRCP Eet sheeting, $13.60 thous. LUIVlDtrc cady Ltm, Co., 6th A Doug. Q M849 Marl5 BIG BARGAIN IN Government Clothes 86 woolen ehlrw, 150 pair trousers, 100 blouses, 150 campaign hats, 180 cups, 136 pair leggings. Call st 1023 Farnam st J. RAV1TZ. Proprietor. Q M917 25 CANDIES, home made, absolutely pure, at 25c to 60c per pound. St. Mary's Guild, Oood Shopnrd church, order from Mra. Charles Wall. 'Phone L-3278. Q-M950 22x GOOD hay, $4.50 ton. 801 N. 16th. Q M9r.9 MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. )maha AllT00- Loan Ca. Furniture loans. Quick service, Piano loans, Easy payments. Live Stock loans, Best terms Salary loans. Any time. We charge nothing for making papers and we never deduct Interest in advance. 119 Board of Trade bldg. Tel. 225. (Established 1892) 3c6 S. 16th St. X523 MONEY LOANED ON FURNITURE, PIANOS, LIVE STOCK, SALARIES, ETC. Low raiei and easy terras. Business confidential. Try us If you want to save money. PHOENIX CREDIT CO., 633 Paxton Block, ICth and Farnam Sts. X-2U MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE and others with security: easy payments; largest business In 49 principal cities. Tolmun, room 410, Chamber of Commerce Bldg. X-2 "SAVE MONEY" by getting SALARY AND FURNITURE LOANS from the RELIABLE LOAN CO., Rooms 307 and 308 PAXTON BIXJCK. X-M892 MONEY loaned on plain note to salaried people: buslnesb confidential; lowest rates. 514 Paxton block. The J. A. Hutton Co. X-827 MONEY loaned on pianos, f un.lture, lew. elry, horses, cows, etc. C. F. Reed, 319 8. 13th. X 828 MONEY to loan on furniture, horses, etc.; balf rates. 215 Karbach blk. Tel. B-2964. X-993 CHATTEL, salary and Jewelry loans. Foley Loan Co.. It. 8. Barker Blotk X 829 MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE. FARM and city loans, low rates. W. H. Thomas, First Nat'l Bank Bldg. Tel. 1643. W-127 PRIVATE money. Sherwood. 837 N. Y. Life! W 831 4 TO 6 P. C. money. Bemls, Paxton block. , T OOO PRIVATE money. F. D. Wead. 1620 Douglas W-834 WANTED, city loans and warrants. W. Farnam Smith & Co., 13J) Farnam St. W-836 WANTED, real estate loan and warrants. R. C. Peters & Co.. Bee Bldg. W 832 I per cent farm loans. R. C. Patterson, 1224 per eel Farna W 838 I rer cert loans. Garvin Bros., 1C04 Farnam. w-s.;o MONEY TO LOAN Payne Investment Co. W 837 FOR EXCHANGE. WILL trade beautiful piano for horse. Schmoller & Mueller, 1.113 l-'urnum st. Z-797 EASTERN Nebraska farms and all kinds property wanted In exchange for orange groves, etc. G. W. Dennis, Riverside. Cal. Z-M506 26x EIGHTY acres land In Burt county, Neh., for Omaha residence property. C. T. Dickinson, New York Life bldg. Z-M7S1 MUSICAL. rtpi-hartrn riechtold's Union Orchestra. vjicnebua 319 south utn st. Tel. 29v:. M 450 F-23 THOS. J. KELLT, voice, Davldge block. 369 CHAS. H. KEEFER, piano, 65 Barker Blk. M524 F23 DAISY HIGGINS. voloe, piano. 3013 Iav Tel. A-2741. -M313 WANTED TO RENT. WANTED, to rent about 6 acres, suitable for poultry. Address D 4i, Bee. K M33G 22x WANTED, to rent 6 or 10 acres for pota toes. Address D 46, Bee. K-M31f 22x CLAIRVOYANTS. BUSINESS MEDIUM. 718 N. 17th U 6110 GILMER, palmist. 716 N. 33d. Tel. B-3246. S-1U HOKTHAKD AND TYPEWRITING. A. C. VAN BANT S school, 717 N. Y. Lite. 84 Neb. Bus. at Shorthand Col. Boyd theater. 817 DETKCTTVE AOERCT. Capt. Cormack. 617 Karbach blx. TeL A-V03. DANCING ACADEMY. MORAND8 spring term: Lessons for sdult beginners, Tues. and Frl.. p. m.: private leKsona dally; lILeiai reduction tc pupils who Join now. Call 16th and Harney. til Uarl3 lEHONAL9. Paper Hanging ZtZTlJZt Op lfliir teed at reasonable . I . JMLIJII. 2l N 17th St. Tel. B25I7. U M3ol HIAWATHA and 6" other songs In one book. 6 cents postpaid. Robert Frenan, 6iK So. 131 h. U-M53S M12x DON'T READ THIS unless yoc wea- clean clothes If you do pstronlre the Domestic laundry. 241S N. 54th. Tei 1.11S2. V M121 M2 Accordion Pleating, cheapest, best, quickest, Mrs. A. C. Mark, 17th and Douglas. U-978 LA ROOK, ladles' tailoring. 613 Karbsch blk. U 803 ANY poor girl In need of a friend can call or write to the matron of the Pnlvntlon Army Home fo Women, SS:i N. 2Mb St.. Omaha. Neb. U M526 Maylx Stammering rured. J. Vaughn. Rarrge Bid U-805 ELITE parlors. 615 S. 16th, 2d floor. r-808 "VIA VI," way to health. 350 Bee building. U 80S MAriNPTIf"" treatment ft baths. Mme. lUAUlMt 1 lSmltn llg N. 15. 2flr. R. 1 U M944 Mch8x WHAT'S niter than accordion pleating? We do nothing but the finest. Goldman Pleating Co.. 200 Douglas block. U 809 BEN BOLT Whv didn't you meet roe at Columbia Phonograph company lost night? I waited till half paat . Say. their free concerts are grand, and I bought . donn X. P. 60o records for t&o each.-Peggy From Paris. U-M187 WATER'S PRINTING CO., 1213 Dougiaa at, vsxa ARCHIBALD Must have your picture be fore you leave. Don't fall to meet me at Proctor's, 616 S. 16th, Sunday afternoon. We can get 15 beautiful cabinet photos for $3.00. Elolse. U-162 PANTORIUM-- U M541 BILLY Am next to a good thing: meet me at Stoecker's cigar store this evening and we'll smoke a Rc Monogram and I'll "tip" it off to you. Frank. U M136 r , Baths and Halrdresslng IXfCTPrit Parlors, 205 Ramge Building. Tel. 3)79. Ladles only. U-S04 FEND 6o for HOMESTEADER'S GUIDE containing fortv-elght pages of valuable Information. OFFICIAL MAP and full Instruction how to get a claim on the ROSEBUD RESERVATION. Forbes Locating Agency, Bomsteel. 8. D. U-883 PIANOLAS for rent; 3 months' rent al lowed on purchase. Schmoller & Mueller, 1313 Farnam. Tel. 1625. U 9:0 THE following persons, living In 189, or their heirs, wanted: Lamplor J. Chase, Holman Johnon, Charles Tldd, Deldma Butler, Mrs. W. B. Fiillerton, Lnuls F. Sherburn. Attorney, P. O. 204, Stnmford, Conn. U 321 23x 24TH ST. car, Tuesday, between 1 and 2; you were In black, and after we changed cars you said. "I could not help II"; f promise you that you will not regret It If -you change can at same place on Thurs day at 12. Address H M, Bee. I 324 23x ITALIAN nobleman wants lo meet refined lady of means; object, mutrlmonv. Ad dress D 47, Bee. U 323 23x BRIGHT hiiRlness man. matrimonially In clined, deelrious of meeting Holing ladv 28, financially comfortable, cat; do so by addresjng H "4. Bee V 323 23x MEDICAL. MAGNET PILE KILLER. IT CURES. At druggists, fl. 817 HOMEOPATHIC medicines, wholesale, re tall. Sherman & McConnell, Omaha. -811 DR. PRIES treats successfully all diseases and Irregularities of women from any cause; experienced and reliable. 1513 Dodge St., Arlington block, Omaha. -814 WANTED The case of catarrh, rheuma tism, ectema or stomach trouble that Co-Lon-Co. WON'T cure. 859 29 PRIVATE hospital during confinement; babies adopted. Mrs. Gardcls, 2234 Lake. Tel. Red-1884. 815 PRIVATE home during confinement: babies adonted. The Good 8amarltan Sanitarium, 723 1st Ave.. Council Bluffs, la. -626 PRIVATE hospital before and during con finement. Mrs. Fisher. 2615 S. 11. Tel. 1889. 816 DRESSMAKING. IN families. Miss Sturdy, N. 23d. -M308 GINGHAM tprons made. 1770 8. th. Tel. Red-2S64. 9P2 M17 PATENTS. H. 3. COWGILL No fee unless successful. 618 S. 15th St., Omaha. Tel. 1798. 70S PATENTS guaranteed. Sues A Co., Omaha. m A13x 1'PHOl.STERiaG. Peterson A Lundberg, 116 8. 17th. Tel. L-2353. H-409 GATE CITY, 1705 St. Mary's. Tel. B-2075. -M023 Ml 8 FLORISTS. HESS A 8WOBODA, 1416 Farnam. -800 L. HENDERSON, florist, 1619 Farnam St, 801 SITUATIONS WASTED. WANTED Situation as drug clerk and soda man; six years experience; good references. Address D 29, Bee. A M143 26x SITUATION wanted on credits, collections. Justice court work, by energetic young man of 2S: several years' experience: can show good record, A-l references, bond. Address "H." Bee Ottico, Council Rluffs LOST. STOLEN Large black Dane dog. Telc- j)hone 1048. Lost M3Q0 23x COSTIMKS. Theatrical and maaq. Lleben, 1013 Farnam. -7W RAILWAY TIME CARD. UNION (STATION lOTTI AND If ARC Y. Chicago, Milwaukee at St. Paul. 1 IrtlM Chicago ayllht a 7 fhtrago paat Kxprvaa a 6 Orarlani Limited a t lea Mnlnea Eipraaa a T Chicago, Hark Island A t5 am :ifi pm 10 pm R6 am all :1R pm a I 10 pm a 1 10 am a 9:10 pu raclflc Chicago r7Hht Llmlo-'tl.... Chicago Iiarlinht Local Chicago Kiprraa P-a Mnlnaa Piprnaa Chicago Kait EiprcM WKBT DW- Un.i.1.1. I mll.ii ... a I .a 7 bl 1 a 4 .a w aft am a S 50 am :00 am a Ifi pm ;lft am a I 16 pin SO pm bU M am 10 pm I I N pm M am a III pra 10 pm a I 00 pm 10 pm ali 40 pm s 1 t.lniiln TnlnraAfi CnrllllL DeD- var, 1'ucblo and Waul a I Taias. California and Oklahoma Klrar 4 Mlasonrl Psu-lfle. St. Loula Kiprcaa al K. C. aad St. Loula Kipreaa . . aio Inlnu raclflc. 00 am 40 pm a I SS pm a 4 Ifi am Tha OrerUnd Limited Tli. 1'ait Mall The California Kiprraa Tha Atlant.c Special Tha Portlands hloago Special a a I a 4 .'.a'l '40 am a I Oft pm :60 am a 1.2" pm to pra I MD in to pm a C IO pm i M0 pm H pm ll ii a I '40 am 00 pm bit 45 pm 00 r-m b 35 am Tha Atuntlo .prea The Colorado aptrlal all Tha Chicago Special Lincoln, h-atrica and Itroma- turg Eipreaa b 4 Coluanbua Local Chicago fc Northwestern. Paat Chicago... a I 40 am 0 am 10 pm -40 am 00 am 16 pm to pm a Ti55 am a Vso'eni b I 45 pm aio oe pm all to pm a I 1ft am a t 4 pm a 4 "06 am a ir am a t 4" pm lltbim bio li am tm li am Local UUcago. U II Ucal Bloul ritr.. D.TlUlit St Paul. Ij.tUhui rtikuego. L4mlt1 Chicago... Past Chicago Lonal Chicago Kaat SV fail! 1H fanl Kiprea.. .a 7 a .a I a I . .a 4 .a la pra lit pm Paat Mall Loca.1 Bioui Cltr b 4 N,.rl,.l and Houeateal as Lincoln and Long Fine b f Iwada-oiid. Hot Springs and Lincoln at ra.apr and Wrooilng lfiiieaa...4 S Baatlngi, (uncrtor and Albloa..k I 100 pm 06 am 06 am 5 pn a 5 10 pa to pm 1 pa M pa 5 1 II pa p AIL WAT TIME CARD. Chicago ;reat Western. S St. rul and Vlnneapollf t.mtd a T IK -4( St Piul and Mlnnrapoli Ei...a7Aatn a Jo pm I'Jicago Limited a 4 M pm alO lu am P Paul, Vinn. and Chicago B a 1 rm Chlcagn Kxpreaa a 4 10 am a 4 0 pm Wnbnah. . Lonia -Tannnn nail" Kt a Xd pm a 4 In am St Lome 1-cal (roancll Itlufra) a 16 am aio JO p-n Illinois Central. Chicago Kirreaa a Ml pm alO fm Chlcacn, Minneapolis and St. Paul l imited a T SO pm I l im Mlnneapolla and t. Taut Ex. ..b 7 50 am M0- pm fit HI.INr.TON STATION lOTll fc I AON rhlcnan, narllnsrton A Qulney. Leave. Arrive Chicago Special a ""0 am i I II pm Chicago VeattbulM Rlpraaa....a 4 00 pm a T 45 am f'Mc.go Ixwal a 1 am all on rm hicago Limited a I 05 pm a 7 46 pm Paat Mall 1:45 pm nnrllngton A Mlaaonrt River. Wvmore. ReatHre and Lincoln.. a so am Nebraska Ktpreaa a 5 M am fenrer L'mlted a 4 10 pm Black l;ia and TUget Sound El all 10 pm rolorado Veatlhuled riyer Lincoln Paat Mall b 1ST pm Port Crook- and Plattamonth b I 10 pm Peiievne and Paclfio Jnnctlnn...a T M pm Beiierue and Tai Ulo Junction. ..a 1:80 am Kansas (11,, t. Joaepb A Co Ml 05 pm a 7 45 pm a I 46 am a S SO ptq a 1 SO pra lint am MO 56 IDT a I S7 i Hluff. Kanaaa citp Par Fipreaa a l am a 06 pm St. Loula Pier a 6 : pm all -on am annua t lty Night Eipraea alO 41 pm a 4 10 am W'.BTER DEPOT 1(1 Til A WEBSTER, Mlaaonrt Pmelflc. Laara. ArrlTa. Feb. Local via Weeping Water. b 410 pm aio 15 am Chlraao, s. Panl. Minn. A Omaha. Twla ntr Paaaenger b 10 am b 10 pm Bloug City Paaaenger at. 00 pm all Jo am Oakland LoeaJ bt :41pm b 4 10 am a Daily, b Pally eice.pt Sunday, d Pally aieopt Baturday. a Pally aioept Monday. OCEAN STEAMERS. HOLLAND-AMERICA LINE. Haw Tvia-avrew ateaaaara ot 11.6110 lona HBW TORK HOTTKKUAat. la UOtLUUNaV aalllug Tueaday. at 10 a. m. Statendam Feb. JJNoordam March St "Amaterdam March 1 Statendam March 15 Rotterdam March I PoIimIidi April ft Steerage only. HOLLAND-AM ICR IOA LINK, Dearborn St., Cil. eago. 111.; Harry Moorea. 1401 Famam St.; 0. Rathetford. 1121 Famam gul 1. B. Iteyoolda. 1101 faroam SC LEGAL NOTICES. NOTICE OF STOCKHOLDERS' MEKT1NO Notice Is hereby given that the regular annual meeting- of the stockholders of the South Platte Land company will be held nt the office of said company in Lincoln, Ne braska, at 11 o'clock a. m. on tho 2d day of March. A. P. 1904. By order of the board of directors. C. It. MORRILL. President A. B. MINOR, Secretary. Lincoln, Neb., Jan. 30, 1904. Fld30xm SAVED H0RACEGREELEY'S LIFE Reroller-ttons of an Incident In West ern History by One) of the Part I cf rvn ta. i What would have happened to Horace Greeley had not John H. Witter and party arrived opportunely on an hlstorlo scene on South piss, near tha spot whore now stands the town of Evanston, Wyo., on September B, 18S9T Perhaps tho makers of history can an swer; perhaps not. Certain lt Is that no one of them has yet told the story. AnJ yet lt has a most Important bearing, po litically. Journalistically and philosophi cally on events trlnoe 'S3. It ia an Important Item In Itself that a party of disappointed homeseekers si. mil. 1 have decided to lynch the famous New York editor at that comparatively early stage of hl career. 'What significance does It assume when ono puts on his thinking- cap and tries to emulate tho ex ample of the historian who enlarges upon what might have been! What a difference It would have msde had Horace Greeley been eliminated In 1969! The thinker who follows events closely can but shudder at the possibilities of the conception. Atid here Is the untold story which has been Ignored In all biographies of the great Journalist and hns not been previ ously told In the west: A party of restloss men who had read Mr. Greeley's glowing editorials of tho "Go west, young man," style In tho New York Tribune, decided In the early part of the year 1SS9 to take his advice. September 9 of tho same year found them wandering In the wilds of Wyoming, dis appointed, heart sick and longing for home. They had been told to come to tho Pike's Peak region, the new EI Dorado. Unfortunately, they did not go far enough and struck the wrong side of the peak, missing Cripple Creek altogether. Weary and tired, the emotion uppermost in their minds as they gazed on the endless sand dunes and the monotonous stretch of sage brush on the Wyoming plains was one of disgust nod a desire for vengeance on the man who had been instrumental In getting them Into the hopeless plight At this Inopportune hour appeared Mr. Greeley on the scene. H was making a ng a t thtk tour of the west, traveling by through Wyoming. The hapless Immigrants learned that the author of their misfortunes was aboard and surrounded the vehicle. They Insisted that they had been uuped Into leaving their happy homes. Some one suggested that It would be a good Idea to lynch Mr. Oreeley. At this critical Juncture John II. Wit ter and ptrty arrived. He was traveling through to Sacramento, Cal., with ox teams and happened to riss Mr. Oreeley's route. Hearing of tho editor's plight, he hurried to the rescue. Mr. Greeley lind left the stage and wns endeavoring to renson with the malcontents and to convince them that their debut In the west was not a misfortune, hut rati e a blessing, albeit disguised. He was met with hisses. His efforts to make himself heard ttrded to Increase their wrath. Shouts of "fraud'' and "(ie oelver" came from every side. In the face of these accusations Mr. Greeley Instated upon addressing them. Ills companions counseled night, but he would have rrnni of It. Then someone yelled. "Lynch him!" A man broke forth from the crowd carrying a rope. He tied a nooso and was about to throw lt over Mr. Greeley's head Mr. Winer's party here Interfered. It was much smaller than the recalcitrants' faction, but was as determined. The res cuers surrounded Greeley. After a monumental efTort quiet was re stored and the wrangling between the men leased. Then Oreeley had an opportunity in speak, and he did. After the first few words he commanded attention, and he'd It until he had concluded his remarks. Bucti was the convincing force of bis arguments that he succeeded In changlrn their opinion of the west and In mnkit.ir them decide to cast their fortunes with tho new country- Finishing, he thanked Hum klt.dly for their indulgence and calmly pro ceeded on his Journey without further ad Some members of the lynching party are among the oldest and best known rltlieiis of the west, who have succeeded In amass ing fortuni s In the new country, end fire today very thankful that they remnlnfd This Is the story which mnkfs the recent visit of John H. Witter In this city notable Denver Post. Strikes at Their Boot. Many dangerous diseases ln-gln In Impure blood. Electric Btttirs purifies the blood, and cures, or no pay. Only 50c. Kor sal by Kuhn A Co. Adler's auction sale of unredeemcl pledges 8. E. Cor. l!th and Farnam ata. 'J t