0 TTTE OMATTA DAILY TtEE: SUNDAY FEBRUARY 21. 1904. n Men's Pants $1.39 Those psnt now on sale on our nnl floor at $1 39 are a surprise to mmt any body tliat looks at them; among thtm nre guch staple goods n heavy corduroy, also plenty of rasslmcre and worsteds. On this ffrnr we nlso sell strong, durable working pants at 75c. Hoys' long pants (not very heavy), 48c. On our main fl'T we offer a Una of fine mens punts nt $l.fi. mm of Which compare favorably' with what tailors make to order for r.0. Here you also find a line pf men s suits at $7.00 'similar to what near-by stores t hargs $12.60 for. Over coat must go; the prices which we name on them In most rases will pay barely for the making and trimming; f2.! for blue beaver overcoats, $3.90 for frieze ulsters. 14 W for a variety of coats, some of which you will acknowledge to-be reasonably cheap for $19.00. On our second floor you will also find men's socks, 3 pairs for 10c. All sorts of handkerchiefs, 8c; men's fleece lined undershirts, 20c; suspenders, 9c All eorts of shirts, choice 25c, Including boys' hlrts; men's overalls, 25c a pnlr, and wool ribbed underwear, 45c ft garment. Lined leather gloves and mitts, 15c; boys' fancy colored sweaters, 25c, and many other things Just such as every man and boy needs at a big saving to you. , The Guarantee Clothing Co., 1519-1321 Douglas Street. i SS.l, ,., -,.r. ' ij EPS! I picture 'frames AMD Free Monday a handsome picture of George and Martha Washington with every pur chafe In our china depart ment. 1-2 Off Tour choice of any picture In the house during this month at half price. V 1 1 1 1 Framing te erder It ene of our aptclal ties. ardy2 lTnE 99 CENT STORE" 1513 D oddest. FRAMING Cash Income $344,773.76 Net Ledger Assets December Jl, 1903, $197,934. 10-Surplus $24,984.66 New Bualnes $2,328,000. NET GAIN IN ASSETS $113,767.87 Bond, and First Mortgages Deposited with State fl0O,45O. B.slne.s la Force Derembet 81, 1908, f6.011.fWIO. What does the thoughtful reader think of the big figure in the headlines? Where does he suppose the concern Is loca ted which produces them? The well known, aggressive and successful Institution which makes the splendid showing hinted at In the headlines la a western corporation or ganized In 1897 to give the west a fiduciary organization of which It may be proud; It Is the best advertised corporation doing business west of the Mississippi river, and Is the Bankers Reserve Life. The company writes up-to-date life Insur ance policies on selected risks in the great health belt only, and hence Its death losses for 1908 were phenomenally low, $H,0n0. On the 81st day of December it had on hand In cash, in bonds and other'forms of assets J20fi.Tll.66, with a reserve liability of but tlSl.727. leaving this young legal reserve company with a surplus of $24,984.66, and n. II. Roblson, President, figures tho reserve llnblllty upon a higher standard than his competitors. On the 31st day of December this remarkable young company had a few thousand short of $7,000,000 of the best risks ever written in force. The company put upon Its books during 1903 a net gain In aggregate amount at risk $1,677,000 at an expense which every life insurance man will pronounce phe omenaJly small. IDAY Feb. 22, Only, YOU CAN RUY SHIRTS $1.00, $1.50 and $2.00 Shirts, 75c Both stiff and soft bosoms all good pat ternsIn other words, real bargains. SUSPENDERS. The kind that feel right, 15c SILK CARTERS. The kind you want, 15c ALBERT CAHN , 219 S. 14th St., Omaha We Wonder If any of TUB PEOPLE (not the drug gists) of Council Bluffs, OR ANY PLACE ELSE. FOR THAT MATTER, think for a ' minute that we are no longer cutting prices just 'cause we are no longer ad vertising in the Nonpareil? You ece, the patent medicine fellows (at he solicitation or URGENT REQUEST of the drug trust) told some of the dally papers that they would cut out thejr ad vertising If they (the papers) continued "to lot that Schaefor slash the price of ' their goods in his ads." So, you see, we .' don't use as much rpace as the patent , medicine fellows and therefore our ads or ' theirs had to be killed, so we told them to go on with their killing; we would run our business our way, and everybody else 'has the same privilege, as far as we are ' concerned. Nol If you want tho latest and lowest I cuts on anything In the drug, patent med ' Iclne, family liquor, chemical, pharma ceutical, rubber goods or anything else in ' a drug store, send us a list for prices, , not catalogues. entiAcccD'c CUT FR,CB )0UUHa.ri.ll O ruo STORE A T. YATES, Prop. lBth ap Chicago Bis., Omaha. Thones 'i T47 and 79-. 24th and N fits., South Omaha. 'Pbone No. 1. 6th Ave. and Main St., ' Council Bluffs. '1'hone 833. All goods de livered in either cltr absolutely free. TELEPHONE 431 mi i wpipam y jiiiii imiu III) FAltNAM ST. SGRHNTON HARD GOAL ill SIZES. ROCK SPRINGS COAL CANON CITY NUT COAL FOR COOK STOVES And many other grades, from cheap, st to the best. Nebraska Fuel Co. 1414 Farnam St. Phone 43L Full Set Teeth $5.00 Best Set $7.50 KK Gold Crowns. Gold Fillings aliver Fil ings ..13 ra up. ua. ,...ioo um. BAILEY, THE DENTIST. (Established Ikss.) rd FI-Ooll. 1'AXTON BLOCK. Deputy State Vetenaarlao. Food Inspector. ft. L RAM&CCIOTTI, D, V. S. CITT VETERINARIAN. r lshh. Infirmary. XSta and Mason Bta aM a rt A. als 'ia;kM am A fancy gulfing six months old is, In some reflects, as out-of-date as An egg fried nix hours ago. Its value hasn't re alty deteriorated but Its salnblllty has. That's one of the rea sons why this Fall Stack Reducing Silo is sellllng any and all of our 125.00 and $23.00 Suit ings and Overcoatings for $20. $45.00 and f50.00 Suit ings and Overcoatings for $35. $14.00 and $15.00 Trous ers for $10. $0.00 and $7.00 Trousers for $3. MacCarthy Tailoring Company, 104-30 4. 16th 5t, Next deor te Wabash Ticket Offlee. heas A Typewriter for $40.00 guaranteed to be equal in every re spectsuperior in some to the more well known makes In use. It is the same process of evolution that took place In the bicycle trade At first you had to pay big prices but eventually the price dropped and the bicycle at reduced coBt was aa good as the high priced one. The Sun Typewriter Is standard In every respect. As an evidence of our confidence in It we will place it in your hands for ten day's trial, absolutely free of cost to you. Send for a catalog. Agents wanted. , 1308 FARNAM ST. "PHONE 31 OMAHA, NEB. Are Your Feet Comfortable Are your fet comfortable In the shoos you are wearing' Are you natlsfled with the way your shoos fit you? Do you think they look ns thougi they were properly tltteu? If not. we invite you to come to this store and give us an opportunity to tit your feet once. If we do It once you'll want ua to do It again; because, we do It In a way that will please your feet and your feelings. Our 3.50 Shoes come In all shapes, all sizes and all widths, to fit all feet. We can give you more style, more comfort, more wear and a better fit, for $3T0. than you have ever revived for that amount of muuey before. CRY SHOE CO ite-DOMLAfcOi I BEN1HI MPI Leading Piano Dealers of the West. fa "it? fir '11 A PIANOS PIANOS PIANOS At the urgent request of quite a number of prospective buyers WE CONTINUE OUIt PHENOMENAL, OHEEN TRADING STAMP SALE of HIGH GRADE PIANOS ONE WEEK MORE. It means that you get GREEN TRADIN.G STAMP TO THE FULL, COST AMOUNT OF THE PIANO with your FIRST PAYMEK'T Pianos on Easy Payments Pianos on Easy Payments Your Own Terms WE SELL HIGH GRADE PIANOS AT DEPARTMENT STORE PRICES. PRICES THAT ARE ALWAYS IJAK-OA1N-STRUCK. YOUR OWN TERMS AT THAT. EASY PAYMENTS are the EASIER because of our IMMENSE AGGRE GATE BUSINESS IN ALL LINES. EASY PAYMENTS are an EXCEP TION In the RUNNING OP OUR BUSINESS conllned exclusively to OUR PIANO AND ORGAN DEPART MENT. EASY PAYMENTS on any AND ALL riANOS, are graded from 5.U0 A MONTH. PIANOS ALL STYT.ES Evervone sold under a COPPER-RIVETED GUARANTEE FROM THE FAC TORY AND OURSfELVES. Price from $V TO 145; ALL ON EASY PAYMENTS. ORGANS EVERT POSSIBLE STYLE AND IDEA Prices from 80 to tC.00. Monday morning we start a special sale of muslo merchandis ing at cut prices. Small Instruments Guitars, Mandolins, Banjos, Violins, Harmonicas, Accordeona, etc., etc. Folios, Sheet Muslo, new and up-to-date; everything in musical merchandise at bargain prices and GREEN TRADING STAMPS EVERY TIME. SPECIAL Expert tuners, re pairers and movers, satisfaction guaranteed. Call or write. LET'S GET TOGETHER. 16th .Harney Sts Traditig Stamps Free WDEES THR BBLIABLB ITORR. Trading Stamps Free mUPKEiHiENT Tho Host Beautiful Array of dpilllg suns, and Uaists ever soen in the city, are now on display in our immense Cloak Department. We respectfully invite the Ladies of Omaha to mt our store and &ee for themselves the finest line of Ladies' Spring Garments ever shown in this or any other store in the citv. New Suits at $10, $12.50, $15, $20, $30, $40, $50, $60. $75 and $95. Women's New Voilo Skirts Beautiful garments with silk drop at $8 90, $12, $15, $25, $35 and $45 each. Specials for Monday Shirts, ?15 women's coats 4t90 95 women's waists . 48 ?2 women's underskirts. . . Q8c I$G children's coats 2-98 $12 children's coats 4 98 If 5 women's skirts 2-98 j For a Monday To clean tip all of our men's doa ble sole patent leather kid, leather lined shoes, and all of our patent leather colt, double edges, regular $5.00, $5.50 and $6.00 values. We will sell then at one price $3.50 Some of these are Ha nan makes and other good makes that have given such good satisfaction at the regular prices. Also all of our high cut men's bals, heary double soles, regular $3.50 and $4.00 shoes, at one price, Monday at 8 $2.50 This sale, will only last Monday. DREXEL SHOE CO., 1419 farnam Street. Omaha's Uto-Dt Shoe Hon i H B Jeilels In all styles, shapes and colors at I cents and 10 cents a dozen largest variety In the city. Indian Beads, Gold Beads, all kinds of Beads, the largest assortment of any house try one of our 10 cent Bead IxKims; by mall, 15 cents. Special attention to mail orders. Remember we make stockings like mother used to make. JOS. F. BILZ 322 S. 16th St. OMAHA. A Straight . Tip. We will show you the best variety of exclusive styles and qualities In up-to-date Suitings and Overcoatings for spring. Helgren & Gradman Tailors. 309 5outh Sixteenth Street Telephone 0M. Women's Flannelette Wrappers -49C HAVDEN BROS. r from John Grant Vice President and General Manager Nebraska Bitulit hie Co. Omaha, Nebraska, Febl5. 190. Dr. W. C. Maxwell, 624 Bee Building. Omaha, Neb.. Deflj- Sir: 1 contracted piles and fistula In ISM, during the Civil War, and was operated on by one of the most eminent physicians In Wash ington, D. C, and by one in New York City, and ateo this city. . I was a great sufferer up to the year 1S88, when I was recommended by Dr. Oscar Hoffman, who went with me to our oflloe, (which was at that time In the Paxton Block) where you made an examination in the pres ence of Dr. Hoffman. You Informed me that you could cure me without the vtmt of the knife, tying or burning, and without pain, and In Ave weeks time you pronounced me perfeltly cured, and I do cheerfully testify that I have nver had any retuif. of my trouble during the past Bixteen years, which shows that yur curen are permanent. Respectfully youra, JOHN GRANT. Reliable Dentisfry Established for Years, No Delay. By Old. Reliable, Painless, Expert Dentists. No Students. but Skilled Specialists in Each Department. Until February 25 low price continued, by request of the large num ber we hare been unable to wait npon. We hare got the business and are her to atay. Hlgb class work and low prices cause the people to crowd our place. 15,000 patients In the last rear and a halt Bet of Teeth, from. ........ 2.8S Gold Crowns, from....... 2.85 AJnmlnnm Plates, from 8.00 Fillings,' from 25o Teetn Bitractea M FREE Fit Guaranteed. Work guaranteed 10 rears. Btate charter. Consult the Professors FRBJEV. W make loose teeth tight stop bleeding of gums and heal all diseases of the month. Try one of our double Suction Patent Non-Irritant Plate, that are guaranteed to fit Our Gold Crowns at $3-50 cant b beat for fit and appearance. UNION DENTAL COLLEGE 1522 Douglas Street. Open Dally. 8 to 8. Sundays. 9 to iSsKSMfjpjaiMisjwiii iiiisi. ! iiiiniwmi nsmn .h.p A J Iff ' fJirr TSJflTva rLE, o DEER I HA Hid DOT Strictly pure. A good blood purifier. Made from the best se lected hitui- Rava doctors' hills, and If trf.H nnp, ur will have to ask for the second order. pf veuverea io asy pari or umina, loubcii uium or Stuth Omaha. Ur Order a ease from JETTER BREWING CO. sr HUGO F. HLZ, IJ24 Dsuflai Strict, Omaha. Telephone 1542 or LEE MICHELL, Wholesale Dealer. Council Bluffs. Tel. It DR. BRADBURY 1506 Farnam Painless Extraction DENTIST. TEL. 1756. Without Gas. Fillings 50c ud Gold Crowns, $2.50 up Bridge Work $2.50 up Lady Attendant Fourteen Years Sam Location We positively remove nerves from teeth with. out the least particle of pain. Plates $2 up. Open Sundays 10 to 12 A Decorative Article for any dressing tahle Is the Inter national Tooth finish btaml; kreis the brush out of dirt and water; always where you want It. Tou cui get one free at Howell's. Ak us how. !fio l.lquoxnne Pills 2To 8ie 1'ncker's lutaneous Charm.... io t'ertlfli-d ever Thermometer "io ed l'uns l. U) Htomach Tillies tl $1 Caldwell's vrup Pepsin t3i SJ Clobe Hair Kestorer 11.60 SI W'urner's Safe Nervine 75o 2"o Colgate's Violet Talc J5o 60c Cuddhy's Itex Bevf Ext 8&o We Bell Vaccine Virus and Anti Toxin. HOWELL DRUG CO. 1UTII AND ( API IOI, AVE. Trading Stamps Free -J re M I'llfci ItKLlAltll truKK, Trading Tho Beautiful flow Spring Silks Aro Hero A BRILLIANT COLLECTION OF FASHION FAVORITES THE I,AL'RF.l. SILKS AJIK T1IK .ATTKAOTMN OK Till! HKAPON. They are B.s fascinating to the lover of silk beauty as the new Star la to ths aatmnomer. The name, Ijirel, Is on the lips of all the people. We have the EXCLUSIVE agency fur Omaha, New silks for waists and shirtwaist suits worth 75c lOr, for only VC Elegant silks, both plain and CUP fancy, worth 11.00 only OCT Monday we will sell regular tl.00 24 Inch wide pongee fSQc for ......... w w The finest line of silks for shirt waist suits In the country 1 1 at Wo, fl.2bf and The new MassaJlne ilka, all the rnge In the east T the finest, purest slllt made, only. . ,c 6 AMPLE 3 OiEERFXJLLT MAILED TO OUT-OF-TOWN CUSTOMERS. Monday 25c Lace Salo Monday Monday morning we will place on sale, a lot of odd lots of fine laces in silk, linen and cotton goods Worth &0o to il.iO. per yard OCn all at one price Adfc. SPF.CIALS. Pure linen handkerchiefs, each Bo 60o hand bags, at 2fa 60o elnstio belts Xo (1.00 lace collars, at 89c EMBROIDERIES. This sample line of complete sets of the largest embroidery house In America, on sale Monday at fn to 66o per yard. RFXH'luMt PRICE loo to $1 per yard. NfcKDI.KH. NKKDI.KS. NKEDLES lo per pk; for full count gold eye needle. Io for Keldlng Bros' sewing silk, UtH) yards for 6c). Clothing Sale Extraordinary MBTNS PANTS, worth from $3 50 to $500 and 16.00 In Trading Stamps. POTS' KNK.K PANW SUITS, worth COO, and to in Trading b tamps. $2.50 DO NOT FAIL TO SEB OUR 8PRJNQ LINE OF HART, BCHAFFNHR A MARX HAND-TAIljOREn CIX3THINO WE ARbl OMAHA'S SELLING AGENTS. Your Furniture Chance 4.95 SANTTART STEEL COUCH -worth $7.60 sale price OAK ROCKERS nil Art er sawed oak with wood or cobblwr seat, large 2 size, worth $.& sule price " J'J IRON BEDS brass rod on head 4 UC and foot, worth $.2t aa:e price ...'-'- COUCH IW Inches) wide, SV, feet long steel construction eprtngs, host grtuie velour upholstering, regular $13.85 Q (JE txuch on sale at Exceptional Bargains SAMPLE TRUNKS AND DRESS SUIT CAPESJ-about 160 sample cowhide dressing caws, worth up to $10.00 60 sample trunks, worth up to $s. Your oholoe of either lot, Monday ... S4.95 treat Slock Reducing Salo Ladies' Undorwear 25c For ladles' CAMBRIC OOWN8 embroidery trimmed, and hemstitched tucked yokes. CORSKT t'OV KRSbandsomely trimmed with double rows of Insertion, back and front emoroidery trimmed, fine CAMURlt. DRAWEliS and S1KJHT SKIRTS, with wide lawn hemstitched rutlles, with clusters of tine tucJis, worth 50o and '.'uc at Sic. $1.00 UNDERWEAR, 60c ' Corset covers, gowns, drawers, chemise and shirts, made of fine tiuallty cam brlc, elaborately trimmed with Swiss em broidery or Valenciennes or torchon lace, regular $L0O values Bidf" Monday OUW $t50 AND $1.75 LADIES' QOWNS AND SKIRTS. 98c Ladles' nainsook or long cloth' gowns, dain tily trimmed with lace or Swiss en.br n I clciy, all the newest styles, and iadle.C !lnn cambric skirts, with wide umbrella mlllos of embroidery and Insertions worth $1.00 and L7& our QHc price for Monday All our children's lace trimmed outing llannel dresses, In pink and blue, ages 1 to 6 years, worth 2Sc DOc to "So at "uw The Leading Dress Goods House of tho West The largest, most up-to-date and best ley. Courtauldt and' all the leading mauuf BLACK DRESS GOODS. Chiffons crepes and voiles, are the swell fabrics for Easter wear. 4-inch chiffon crepes, silk warp, f OS. Lupin's make, at, yard 44-lnch Lupln'B ch'.ffon roils for the rew 1830 styles, for today's RC sale, at u"w Priestley's 6-lnch black Sicilllan, 7Sc think of the price only Prlestlev's 58-Inch mohairs, cravenetted, the only fabrics to use for O QB rain or shine . selected stock In the west. Lupin, Prlest acturers of the world. LUPIN'S VOILES. In all the new r.hads and weaves, O f)fl $i.w, si.:5. $1.50, up to j.vv LANSPOWN and SILK WOOL CREI'ES. at $1.00, $1.25, cL&O, 3.U0 EVENING SHADES from '&a to FRENCH CHALLIS all the styles .5,00 50c For popular priced dress goods, from 10c, 16c, 25o, 89o, 49o and 69o, see the DOMESTIC ROOM. Linen and Domestic Department EXCEPTIONAL BARGAINS FOR MONDAY. X) TABLE DAMASK, 22c. Bleached union table damask' 61 Inches wide, worth 4o at 22Hc 3Ro TABLE DAMASK, 10c. Bleached union table damask, 68 Inches worth 85c yard Mondny 19c 45c TABLE DAMASK. 25c. Heavy cream table damaak, 60 Inches wide, worth 46c a yard at 2c 75c TABLE LINEN, 49c. Fine silver bleached table linen, worth 7&c at Sc 80o BLEACHED SHEETIN3, 230. Hervy extra fine bleached sheeting, tl li.ch.es wide, worth 80o yard at ....23VsO lTHo BLEACHED MUSLIN, ( 1-So Heavy soft finished bleachod muslin, UVac value at 8 l-3o I L. muslin. S6 Inches wide, worth tic, Monday, 20 yards for $l.no I5h English long cloth for loo 15c sheer India llnon, at 10c Optical Department Gold fined frame, guaranteed lO IK yearn ojrnrth $3.tiu . Mm J FramiUejai cyaeliumn Qttr' VIM) value ax - zrJ NO .CHARGE FOR FITCTNG. BAlUHFUn'lUN aUARAJCEEinj. Piles Cured WITHOUT PAIN By W. C. Maxwell. M. D. Graduate of Bellevue Hospital Medical Col lege of New York City. 124-S Bm bulidiac pins he, tieU Tel. $44 Paint Season 1904 The paint season of 1904 Is now on snd bids fair to be the greatest In the history of Omaha. We have last received a car load of the old reliable brand SHERWIN-WILLIAMS CO. This Is the paint which has been made In the city of C'lvelajid for nearly 60 years. but with some Improvement In process or style each year, until now the 811 hilt WIN- WILLIAMS line of paints, colors, varnishes and fr-eo colors Is the STANDARD OK THE WORLD. Tke best any paint or color manufacturer dare say is that tneir brand Is "AS tlOOD" aa the PIIKRWIN-WII MAMS line. No one EVER CLAIMS THEY HAVE BETTER. The Sherwln Wllllams line of paints embraces a full line of READY MIXED PAINT for paint ing the OUTSIDE of DWELLINGS. W shades In all. Full line of EIOlt PAINTS. 1! ehades. Full line ENAMEL PAINTS. 24 shades. Crensot paint for barns and out-dwellings. Full line FLOOR ; LACS (varnish stains for floors.) Full ' line varnlKh stains for chairs, woodwork. , etc. Full line VARNISHES made for each respective use for which varnish Is ever ! used. Then there are fresco colors, colors in oil, colors In varnish, barn paint, porch floor paint, roof and bridge paint, graphite paint for Iron work and all READY FOR TUB BRUSH. If you are going to do any kind of painting ask us for color curd. Sherman & McConnell Drug Go. COR. 16TH A-ND DODGE. OMAHA. Wholesale A Retail Druggists and Dealers la sV&srwia-WllJiaius PsJaia 7ool Dress Goods in tho Domestic Room $1.25 alt wool whipcord, $1.25 all wool suit ings, black creponetle, R(lr only 85o all wool Scotch mixtures, 86 jncnes wide, assorted colors 4vC 25c wash' good's In the Scotch mixtures snd tweeds. 33 Incnes wiue, an IOC the spring colorings only w 15o Mandalay suitings, $6 Inches wide, lm- ported percales, new spun 1UC I colors only 1 75o all wool French challles, ilOc great assortment only 6."c Novelty wool dress fabrics, 36 Inches wide, rprlng colorings 20c only , w 12Vio spring colorings, light and dark stan dard percales HiC only 10c. extra heavy corded dimities, striped cheviots and fancy walsttngs K: Flannel Department Extra heavy ontlng flannel, fancy stripes and checks, regular 't'', at. yard 1 case 40 inches wide llkoliiie, regular 10c quality, at, yard -bo 1 case extra heavy Kbiker flannel, regular 6 Via quality, at, yard o 1 case cheviot shirting, regular lac Ity. at. y;irKVAm 'J Full else colored fringed blue snd Pi"- hAtIA, COII1D DVU BUH.-14U", ..." each .iSO Extra he;tvy white honey-comb bed spreads made from douoia iwisieu ynrii. !- large size, beautiful patterns, regular $l.i6 each White heavy knotted fringe bed spread.. Marseilles patterns, extra larg size and no better value to be had, regular $-."". Vii! hs!i! ' genul lie ' Ma rsel I los bed s pt o.i is. hPiw and rich border, in beaulllul raised lloral patterns, regular $2.5, e:ich .$1.70 China Department Decorated oatmeal and fruit saucers ea. Jo Preserve Jars onsnidora vo Very large vegetable dish Crstal spoon holder , Crystal cream Jugs Hardware, Stoves and llousefurnishings MID-WEEK CUT PRICE BALE. Vr. t rnnlt tea kettle llMnch -runlle basin 0-inch I'lo plate 4-tuarl pudding pans .... llninllK spoons Wash boards Red frame wood saws ....r,7o ..12Vio . ...tic ..12Ho ..iDa 8-quart granite dish pans ... Granite dlpier 2-quart pudding pans 8-quart sauce pans 4-quart coffee puts, granite. Steel frame wringer inn wasn oasins 12 nniisin FTSTT RALE NOW ON. ERS COMBINED: SALT FISH. Norway mackerel. Irish mackerel. American mackerel, Norway herring. Holland herring. Iabrador herring. Ijike White Fiah (all sizes). Norway eels. Spiced herring. Smoked sturgeon. Smoked nil nook fa1,"" Smoked Iceland halibut. BPECIAL CUT PRICES ON HEATING STOVES. LENT IS HERE. WTB CARRY MORE FISH THAN ALL OTH- FRESH FISH (NOT FROZEN.) Pacllto Ocean halibut. Pacifla Ocean cod fish. I'acilio Ocean salmon. Paclrlo Ocean flounders. I'acltlo ()cean crat'S. Pacini Ocean smelts. Lake Siirrtor white fish. lke Superior pike. Ike Superior trout. Channel cat Brook trout. Imported Norde Anchovies. Russian sardines. GROCERIES GROCERIES RELIABLE GOODS REM ABLE LOW P RICES. 21-His pure cane granulated sugaj:, for $1.00 beans for 12MiC ,.35o ..19c ..19c ..190 1j.rir sacks cornmeai Large sacks buckwheat flour i4-allon cans Golden table syrup 5-lbs. hand-picked navy R-ii.a arod Japan rice.. 5-lbs. tapioca, sago, barley or farina.. 19c iirnmanielon. lellycon. Fruit Pudding, or Force'' Vigor,' Vim, Neutrlta. Malta Malta Ceres, etc., per paekagu 2- lb ikg self-rising paneaKe Hour 'v: 3- lh cans solid packed tomatoes TV: 2-lh. cans Early June peas 7've 2- ln tans wax or string beans 5c 3- lb cans Golden Egg or Greengage plums, at lK" 1-lu pkg Imported macaroni 9o .7'- Vila, DRIED FRUIT. Iirge California Prunes, pur pound. 'h,lce Utah Pearlies, per pound English Cleaned Currants, per pound Fancy Mulr Park Apricots, per pound Virginia Blackberries, per pound Fancy California Grapes, per pound.. FRKSli FRUIT. FKESH Fill ' IT. Fancy genuuie Highland oranges, en Fancy genuine Highland lemons, ea California white tigs, per pkg Large Brazil cocoiinuts, a:li 1 1 A IIX EHS. H A UN K.SS. Now Is your time to buy harness. A good double t'oneoid bi e. Wiiinf nesx A gcKd double farm harness A g'Md double Pn-lnch harness We make all our own, therefore guarantee the quality. 7'ic 7 So I'-",.: 7SO ch.lo Cli p! ..7I..C ....4c h-ir-.127 ' ..2 :) can BROS. i . l -