THEiOMAIIA" DAILY HEE: FRIDAY, FERIUTAKY 10. MOM. 9 GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET hett Touch! tbs High Watar Kark Owing to War Condition?. LITTLE SALES BECAUSE OF FURTHER RISE Pit Looks for Cireatr. Increases May Cars Sot Active aid Jalr Evan Less, lint Oata Make Uala. OMAHA, Feb. H. 1904. Chicago sees the highest May wheat of the year. NInely-nlne rents was reached early In the day and aft. r slight declines cf hrt or U''. the market returned several timed tn the highest Miint. A strong close. Wednesday In all Kuropean markets caused a strong opening In Chicago today. '1 he market as strong under tne Influence of r condition-. Kverynne seemed certain that wheat would continue, to go higher and none was willing to sell. The Chicago market acted as though everyone bad cov ered his short on r the Hslkan rumors Wednesday. Omaha VIhv wheat advanced 1 cent following Chicago, but Yery few transactions were made. Chicago opened at 9Kc over the Wednesday close and the lowest point reached waa K7Vto. Omaha July wheat was hid up He, with few offers taken. New Chicago opened at H9c, V,c over the close and ranged from (s8(4c to X9H'. May corn was not as active on Omaha exchange an usual. It opened strong at 4f.c, later fell to e and from there whs bid up to 4Cc. Chicago remained practically Stationary. No:hlng was done in July corn. Oats were a llttlo mure active thun tor Several days. The rangu In prices of Omaha grain for future delivery and the close today and Wednesday were aa follows: Closed High. Low. Today. Wedy Open. n ....,? . 45 45V4 43 34 Wheat May . July . Corn Mar . July . Onts May . March R 5 n F.1 'n J9 45HR 4fi 45B 46'4 R5 n K 4'tn 4J1.U 40-4 41 'A 42 89A 39V. 42 30V. Vs Local Cash Urals Market. The cash market waa unusually dull and few cars changed hands. Offerings were Withheld through optimism In future high prices. Receipts of wheat were fair, being oars In anil 6 out. Corn receipt were 7 cars In and 38 cars out. Oats were 11 cara In and 8 cam out. Ruling prices were the same as Wednesday. WHEAT No. . hard winter, 84'389c: No. t hard winter, li'ui5ci No. 4 hard winter, 721j7Xc; No. 2 spring, RT'&fllc; No, 3 spring, NfSssc- No. 4 spring, 7007X0. CUIIN-No. 2. 4;;u44o: No. S. 404.0411.0: No. 4, V.4i40Hc; jNo. 2 yellow, 43fd44c: No. i ,a.lln.v II',. i ',. XTn O . 'J . . . I . VTrt I white. 41H420. OAT8 No. i, 37Vi38Vic: No. . SOH-ffWHc! No. 4, 3tV"u":i7c; No. 2 white. 42T4;tc: No. i White. 40'u-tlc: standard. 4inU41c. - drain Markets Elsewhere. Closing prices of grain at the markets named Wednesday and tnHav whta am fol lows: KANSAS CITT. Wheat Today. Wedy. May h&HA 8.1',. J"' 80-TsA 79 Corn May 46 40. July 46 40' ST. LOUia Wheat May oB 4i ju'y Corn May 5H 6014 July ; DOA 6UV4 MINNEAPOLIS. Wheat May S 90. July 7H WWB UULUTH. Wheat Mly 97V4B 96 July 97 B D6 NEW YORK. Wheat May 11.01 A 1100 A Ju'y WViB KVi Notes from the Eicbssgt Offices. Omaha Inspections were la cars. Of these cars graded No. I hard winter wheat, 1 car No. 1 corn. 2 cara No. 4 corn, 2 cars No. I yellow corn, S cars No. 4 white oata and 4 cara No. 1 rya, In addition to votlnr on the proposition of reducing the membership and capital of the exchange at the meeting Tuesday the stockholders will consider the advisability of amending the articles so that members may vi.te by proxy, the president or direct ors may call special meetings and members may transfer shares. Chicago receipts were 19 cars of wheat. 222 cars of corn and ti cara of oats. MEW YORK QIKEHAL MlHKliT, Haotatloaa of the Day on Various Commodities. ,WK,TiOKK' Feb- W-f LOUR-Recelpts, J6.0W bbls.; exports. 21,524 bbls.; llrmly held and above buyers' views; winter pat ents, 15.U0fc6.IiK; winter straights, M.7U4H 90 Minnesota bakers, 14 0004.26. Ky flour, firm fair to good, $3.7&(f3.!ra; choice to fancy. HOwjrt.SO. Buckwheat flour, weak, lU.Oo CORNMEAL Firm; yellow western, $1.10: city,; kiln dried. i.43.0Q. RYE quiet; No. 2 western. 724c, f . o. b . float: state and Jersey, U5itMc. ' BARLEY Quiet and steady; feeding, 76c, Buffalo NCW iork; ,naJll. 6"c. c. I. f., WH EAT Receipts, 4.875 bu.; exports, J,450 bu. ; spot firm; No. 2 red, ll.uo; elevator f,ai JM' t- - b- fl't; No. 1 northe.rn. 11.00. f. o. b., afloat; No. 1 hard M-mlioba, nominal, f. o; b., afloat. Ontlona opened steady on higher cables, further war com plications, lower consols and good specu lative buying Later, prices declined on Armour selling and general profit taking Rteaditid later on shorts coverlnr n.l wed firm, at bes prices, net ifrtbn higher. Mav. Wi-4itl in nin.o.i . fi ..T. Till., U 11.1iU.ML . .' . . .. wu.j, rw io-ivn-.u'u, cupneu at WiP. eeDtcm ber, 7-16o, closed at t"S,c ("ORN-Recelpts. SS.475 bu. ; exports. SA WS bu; sales, 10,000 futures, 24.0OO bu. spot Hpot firm. No. f, Mo, elevator, and fl5V4o f. a. b., afloat; No. 2 yellow. Use; No. 8 white, 8Uc. Option market was quiet but steady on higher cables and good bull support. Trading was light and closing prices were net unchanged. May, 6Vil U-ISc, closed at W) 0-liic; July, closed at b!4e. OATH Receipts, 19,500 bu. ; exports. ISO ph.; spot firm: No. t. 61c; standard white, bio; No. 2 white, Mic; No. S white. Mc HAY Firm; shipping, KWoc; gixid to choice.- WH'fctl.Ofi. RICE Quiet; domestlo fair to extra, 54c: Japin, nominal. HOPS Vlrm; common to choice, 1903. SfW? lo: ln crop, 24'r;sc: Paclrtc coast, olds. 10 JSC- m crop. J735c; im2 crop, ZibXc. HIPEtt Firm; Galveston, 20 to 6 lhs li ri.',,,."r"1?- 21 o 26 lbs.. 19o; Texas dry", 24 to lbs.. He. TALIyOW Steady; cltv ($! per pkg ) 6V4c Country (nkgs. fre-l. 5VufVe. ' l.KATHKR-flteady; acid, i'tf?25Uc T'ROVI8ION8-neef, firm: family, ' $11 w 1160; mess. IS nnU M: packet, fio.onu in so city extra India mess, $iaiii7ro Cut meats, quiet: pickled tallies, $7 2iV(i 7 75 flckled shoulders. Id; pickled hams, tinnu l.W. Lard, firm; western steamed. $7 r contlnenr. tTSo; Smith America, tx fm- com Pound, SSti;c. fork steady; family, short clears. SIK.OimI 17.00; mess. Iltdm 50 Hl'TTKK Firm : fresh creamery, liKUJSi'- tats dxlry, Wine. ' CHKKSK Steady; state full cream, fiinov mall and large, colore) and whilu B' litem ber 12c; state late made, Wic. KilJIS-Harely steady; western firsts. Mc l'OI-l.TRY-Allve, steady; wextem chCkl " JlSel fowls, l:io; turkevs. 1Sc. nreimed weak: western chickens, 12'Jimc; fowls' i;t4l3c; turkeys. 174,19c. "' Iowl- SMICAC.O UHAIK Al lROVISIOM. lVatarea of the Tradlaaj anil Closlaa; Prices ti Board of Trade. r..''tTm00, J"t ."-Millers here today pa d 11.07 a bushel for N. t red wheat Jheat f.a- May delivery sold at Uc a 'rh.''- f."'"' "n J'' 'nm the low point of the day. Other dellverlei mere correpoiidlngly strong Scarcity of wheat unable for milling purposes waa the Im portant factor In causing the advance. The close was almost at the top. Mav being 1'4 fclSo above yeaterday a Hual figures. July was 1V.C higher. May corn i-IimuM at a gain r"; r,"' uv iroviB1ns Jwi to j, Wo higher. . V,!ir"w"l,'"Hl PT" on tron Liverpool cables. Msy snd July both being up at u4o and s',is:v. rwtwiivpiv tin the theory that the projects of war com plications In Europe befin considerably exaguersled trailers with bearish proclivi ties thought wheal should te so'd on that account. Snow In the southwest also brought out selling orders. Iuriug the first rislf hour the market exhibited a moderate flegreo of weakness and May declined to r:V. while July sold off to ftxo. rn the decline. hiwevr. the demand hrcsnie so urgent that the market readily advanced Aid prices were soon ahwe the opening rtgl ures. Buying after the early decline was of a general character, nearly all of the Unra houses taking that aide cf the mar- tkomeetln news waa of an extremely bul Ua datura. Scarcit of aeod mlUloc wheat was a feature. Private dispatches stated that mIMi rs nt Ir.trrinr points rf ICnnrna snd Oklahoma were paving fancy prices for hard winter varieties, putting ttmt (trade of wheat beyond the reach f if exporters. Northwestern advices were of a similar tenor. Mlnneirpolls reporting that black, smutty samples sold for K.c snd 7c a bushel. The seahoard reported the foreign situation even stronger than yesterday. With such a state of affnlr prlree encoun tered little opposition In the upward course. Irfite In the day May sold to within '4c of the dollar mark, touching 99V twice dur ing the last fee-niltur'cs of trading. The chwe was strong, with M ty at HUMi 'Mr July closed ivc higher at fc. nfter selling St 9h'1k Clearances of wheat anil flour were e'jtial to l.:.oii lmhels. Primary re ceipts were filjtum bushels, compared with 3x9. 5mi bnsheis a year ago. Minneapolis, Puluth and Chlcnco reported receipts of E9 cars, against 41 cars last week and 177 a year ago. Crrn had about the same experience as wheat, fluctuations being shnrp and sud den, with the sjwculatlve feeling n nervous ono on account of -the foreign situation. There was a good deal of corn for sale early by commission houses, and not much waa wanted, but later on offerings became rather limited and ninnv of the early sel lers had considerable difficulty In supplying needs when prices started upward. Shorts were fair buyers throughout the. day and there was an urgent demand from export ers. Aside from war the chief hull factor s the scarcity of good corn. The strength of wheat, however, helped to support corn prices. The opening on May was ic lower to H" higher at 6uVii.V)c. After declining to blWa U'tC tho price rallied to Wc, but reacted on proflt-t.iklng. The close was fltm nt foSn. July closed n. shade higher at b.V iftfV,c Local receipts were 212 cars, 6 of contract grade. Oata were nervous and Influenced largely by thn action of wheat and corn. Scalpers hnd things about their own way. but they were inclined to trade on conservative lines owing to the uncertainty of the foreign sit uation. After opening a shade to ijfi c. higher at 43i44c, May declined to 43sc, but milled again and closed at the top at 44c. July was unchanged at 397c. Ixx-al re ceipts wero 129 cars. Buying for Interior account snd covering by shorts, especially In May pork, caused firmness In provisions. There was a fnir amount of liquidation In progress the entire day and at times tho market showed a tendency to wwi-ken. but active siipport on the soft spots resulted In rallies. The clone was firm, with- Mav pork up 17He at tlfi.lfi. May lard was higher at 27.77V4 and ribs were 5c higher at $7.25. Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat. 10 cars; corn, 195 cars; oats, 80 cars; hogs, 31.0"0 head. The board will be closed Monday Wash ington's birthday). The. leading futures ranged as follows: Article. I Open. Hlgh. Low. Close. Yes'y Wheat May tJuly fJuly tSept.. Corn Feb. May July Oats Feb. May July Sent. Pork ' May July Lard May July Rtlw May Jul I I ' I I WiSf 9H 974-99SffV4 9o N 91 91 86H 85 86H 52'4 52H R2H ftt 53ViU 53H 63 41H 43ff44 44 43H 44 ! 3l'T4i ' 40 39H 397f,t 34VtH 34H 84? HH 15 10 15 17H II S5 15 15 14 85 14 97Vx 14 85 14 97H T 75 7 77h' 7 70 ' 7 774 785 790 7 77H790 7 JSH 7 25 7 17V4 7 25 7 35 7 8S I 7 27V4 7 35 854 52 55H 53V 41 !43i4 14S7H 14 85 7 75 7 82H 7 ?0 7 32H No. 2. told. New. Cash quotations were as follows: FLOCK Firm; winter patents, 4.4n3 4 50; straights, 14.1041 1.30; spring patents. t.204.60; straights, 3.8rvfJ4.l6; bakers, 12.60 ?! . . WHEAT No. s, wuvici iso. z rea, wc'u1 CORN No. i. OATS No. 2, 43'Ac. 51ic: No. 2 yellow. 52c. 41Vift2c; No. S white, 42i RYE No. 2, 73c. BARLEY Good feeding, 4041c; fair to eholi-e malting, 4Kf(58c. 6REDS-Flax, No. 1, till: No. 1 north western, fl. IT. Prime timothy. $3.X. Clover, corltrftct grade, $11. PROVISIONS Mess pork, per bbl.. $14.8714 01BOO. Lard, per JOO lbs., $7 557.574. Short ribs sides (loose), $!.71yu?7.12Vi. Short clear Side (boxed). $7.26(57.374. WHISKY Basis of high wines, $1.27. Following are the receipts and shipments of flour and grain: Receipts, Shipments. Flour, bbls 24,200 Wheat, bu 37.100 Corn, bu 1W,S"0 Oats, bu 196.9O0 Rye, bu 8.400 BaAey. bu M.EoO Jl.ino 9.1(io 2f;3,EOO 171. ai 8.70O 2C.500 Oh the Produce exchange today th but ter market was Arm; creameries, 15254c: dairies, 13H22c. Eggs, firir, at mark, cases Included, 27(i as'ic. Cboese, steady, 10Slo4c t. Lonls Grata and Provisions. 8T. LOUIS, Feb. 18. WHEAT Higher; No. 8 red, cash, elevator, $1.01H; track, $l.O4ai.06H: May, ttSHc; July, 8iti!V4c; No. 2 hard, 904980. CORN Higher; No. 2 cash. 46Hc; track, 4Wi46"c; May, 5090; July, - OATS Higher: No. 2 ?ash, 42c; track, 42V(43c: May, 42c; No. 2 while, 44Hc FIX)L'R Steady; red winter patents, $4.90415.00; extra fancy and straight, $4.ftX(f 4.85; clear. $3.8itr4.00. SEE1 Timothy, steady, $2.5032.80. CORNMEAL Steady. $2 50. BRAN Strong and higher; racked, east track. 8740910. HAY Steady; timothy, $8.50g,13.00; prairie, $9.0iKii9 50 for No. 1. IRON COTTON TIES $1.08. HAOGINO 5.i!TCt,c. HEMP TWINE Be. PROVISIONS Pork, higher; Jobbing, $15.53. Lard, higher; prime steamed. $rt.974. Bacon, steadv; boxed extra shorts, $8.00; clear ribs. $S.124: short clear, 18 25. POULTRY Firm: chickens, ltv; springs, 104c; iurkeys, 13'4c; ducks, 13c; geese, 6-?i7c. PUTTER Firm; creamery, 204J27c; dairy, 15fi?oc. EGOS Lower at 27c, case count. Recelnts. Shipments Flour, bbls .' s.'W 15.0iV) Wheat, bu 120crt0 !48.flo0 Corn, bu 104.000 ls.iro Oats, bu 69.000 59,000 Kansas C ity Grain snd Provisions. KANSAS CITY, Feb. 18. WHEAT May, KiVaHoiic; July. 8oc; cash. No. 3 hard, SSfimc; .No. 8, 85&s8c; No. 2 red, $1.03; No. S, $1.01. CORN May. 4Tie; .Tuly, 464c; cash. No. 2 mixed. 41c; No. 2 white, 4r-c; No. 3. 44c. OATS No. 2 white, 43c; No. 2 mixed, 41 42c. H AY Choice timothy, $9.60419.75; choice prairie, $7.50. RYK No. 5ifc5Te. BUTTER Creamery, 215wc; dairy, fancy, ISc. . EGGR Firm; Missouri and Kansas, caaes returned. 244c: new No. S, white wood cases included, 25c. Recelnts. Shipments. Wheat, bu 8t.ii 13 noo Corn, bu W ov) 40.811O Oats, bu 13,000 130 - Minneapolis Grain Market. MINNEAPOLIS Feb. 18. WHEAT May. !"c; July, 79fr794-; September, fc7i,e; on track. No. I hard, !Wic; No. 1 northern, 9'.4e: No. 2 northern. 9.'4c; No. 3 northern, 90l!14c. FLOUR First patents, $1 9Ti5.00: second patents, $4 m 1 4 90; tirat clears,; second clears. $2.60fii2 .70. BRAN In bulk. $15. OO'iJ 15 25. Mllnankee Grain Market. MILWAUKEE Feh. IS WHEAT Firm ; No. 1 northern. 99c; No. 2 northern, 94(u96.!; Julv. 91nlt(-. aske1. RYE Higher: No. 1. 75c. BARLEY lull; No. 2, 63c; wimple, 404; Boc. CORN Steady; No. S, 4-r4c; July, 53'i feM-iC. I.lrerpool Grain Market. LIVERPOOL. Feb. 18-WHEAT-8pot. nominal; futures, steadv; March, 6a74d; Mav. fin64d; Julv. 6a 4I. CORN Spot, firm; American rolxl, rew, 4s 3d; American mixed, old. 4s 4d Fu tures, quiet; March. 4s$d; May, 4s 4S1. Oatnth Grain Market. ni'LITII, Feb 18.-WHEAT-Tn store. No. 1 hard. 9l'e; No. 1 northern. 97"4c; No. 2 northern. Wc; to arrive. No. 1 hard. 94c; No. 1 northern. 97Sc; No. 2 northern, 94V,c: May. 7V,c; July. 97c; September. !i7Vc. OATS On track and to arrive, wc. Peoria Grain Market. PEORIA. Feb. 18 CORK Firm; new No. 3, 41c: new No. 4. 39c; old No. 3. 4U4e. WHISKY On the Lulls of $117 for fin ished goods. Whisky Market. FEORI A. Feh. 18. WHISKY On baI of 41 27 for rtnl.-hed goods. ST. IM.1S, Feb. 18. WHISK Y-Steady at tl 314. CHICAGO Feb. 18. WHISK Y Steady, on busls of tl 27. CINCINNATI Feh. 18 WHISK Y-QuieL on basis of $1.27 for finished goods. Toledo teed Marke'. TOLEDO. Feb 14-8EET) Clover cash and Fehruary, $26; Match. $i!.7V: April, $hK?4; irlin Uik. f.tu; yrlina Umotty, NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS Tew tod Timid Tra4ri Add to Im motility of S ow MarkoU ONLY OCCASIONAL SPURT OF ACTIVITY Opening; gales Gave Xnane.t Ion of npport of n Potential Character, bat the Movement Intimi dates the Rear Element. NEW IORK, Feb. lS.-The stock market dropped Into stagnation in the course of today. The unwillingness pf the profes sional, traders to follow the selling move ment of yenterday was a striking evidence ot the rigid limitations upon me movement of the current market. Even the traders are few and timid and this fact Is accepted ,he common explanation of the Immo bility of the market. It Is somewhat re mirkable, however, that even an occa sional spurt of activity or the execution of orders for some heavy blocks of stocks eeefu equally without effect upon prices. The possibility is thus suggested that the professionals' share In the market may lie reinforced by some more active and power ful forces wltn a purpose to keep the mar ket in stable equilibrium In sending the working out fo other purposes in the finan cial world.. Certainly there was notlrlng In today's news to change sentiment over the outlook for stocks. The cessation of the selling was evidence, hoever, that the traders wer timid about following a de cline in prices, as they showed themselves to be towards the advance on Mondav. The way In which some very large offer ings of Baltimore & Ohio and of Pennsyl vania were absorbed at the opening ga've a suggestion of support of a potential char acter that may hiive Intimidated the bear element. This selling wan prompted by the accurate knowledge that a d. Unite ad vance towards a settlement tit the Oould I'ennsylvania conflict had miscarried. Wa bash preferred was also a sufferer. An other snowstorm gave warning or further Impairment of railroad earnings of a kind which the Baltimore & Ohio January state ment was a discouraging example, with Its decrease in net earnings of $ from the preceding January. The southwestern railroads have suffered less than other railroads from this cause, although light snows were reiortcd in that region today, but this affords a snow protection for wheat, which has been much needed. This may have accounted for relative firmness in some of the southwestern grangers. United States Steel preferred also showed the benefit of the more confident tone of trado authorities over the outlook. Amal gamated Copper suffered from the renewal of the copper litigation In the New York courts. A rally In the cotton market mav have relieved fenrs of money troubles from spec ulative losses by the violent decline In cot ton. Foreign Influences for foreign account were on an Insignificant scale The ap proach of the time for reconvening the supreme court at Washington and the pos sibility of an early decision In the Northern Securities case Is a possible repressive in fluence upon the market. A slight recovery lute In the day wns prftctlcallv all lost and the closing was stagnant at about the low est. Bonds were dull nnd heavy. Total sales par value. $1.175.0"0. United State bonds were unchanged on call.. Following were the quotations on the New York Stock exchange: . . Snies.H1gh.Low. Close. Atchison 10,700 6; Hi do pfd loo M14 8HV4 S!4 Ballmore ft Ohio ....26,400 76'. do pfd .'. .... 87 Canadian PaclflO 2,900 116 21&i- 1104 Central of N. J Chesapeake & Ohio... 1,200 314 8l' 11 U Chicago & Alton ;ai,. do pfd tj'4 Chicago at. Western. 60O 15t lBVi 15" Chicago & n. vT. K,: Chicago. Mil. & St. P.ll,6u0 139r)i 1394 13!4 do pfd i;o Chicago Ter. & T 914 c?. 4 Bui:::::: Is Colo. Southern 100 111 :6 ' 1G do 1st pfd ..' 300 63 b2 62i do 2d pfd 200 22 22 22V Tel. & Hudson 60O 1694 169 1,"i lel.. Lack. A West 260 Lenver & R. 0 200 20 20 20 V pfd Erie 11.100 24H 244 2ai do 1st pfd 2.fKiO 63 03 63- do 2d pfd 2.400 414 40Vi 41 Hocking Valley 73 do ptd K14 Illinois Central 400 27'4 . 1274 127 Iowa Central -200 17 17 174 do pfd - 200 36 SB 35 K. C. Southern- is do pfd . 34 Louisville & Nash.... 700 1 03 1034 10314 Manhattan L 1,800 112 142 11 "sj Met. Securities 3u0 8S4 87 ' 8!4 Metropolitan St. Ry... 4oO 117 117'4 117 Minn. St. Louis.... 100 til 61 58 M., St. P. & 8. S. M.. 700 . 63 , 61 . 6U, .do pfd us Missouri Paclflo 4,300 8914 884 8874 M.. K. & T 400 164 I 154 do pfd 800 3"t 35 85 Nat of Mex.. pfd ..... :;it New York Central... 1,100 1144 1184 1144 Norfolk & Western.. 1,500 6074' 66 6tl do pfd 88 Ontario & Western 20 Pennsylvania 2.9C0 114 118 114 Pitts., C. C. & St. L .. ... 60 Reading 8,800 414 41 41 do 1st pfd 100 80 80 7H4 do 2d pfd 61:4 Rock Island Co 2,000 22 21 21 do pfd 100 60 60 f,1 St. L. & S. F.2d pfd 4' St. L. Southwestern.. 100 14 14 :4 do pfd 100 32 3;n4 s?4 Southern Paclflo 6,900 40 4ri 4.17 Southern Rullway ... 2,ooo 19 ii iq.j, do pfd ..... S0O 804 S01J Rn Texas & Pacific 500 22 224 ?4 Toledo. St. L. & W 234 do pfd 200 34 at 3:14 Union Pacific 14,8fO TTH 76; 77 do pfd 100 R94 Rf4 Rwii Wabash ino IR14 IR1.4 isi; do pfd 1,700 35 . 84 4 34 Wheeling 4- T.nke E . ' 114 Wisconsin Central .. 100 is iriJ do pfd 100 41 41 41 Adams Express !?o Amer. Express 100 U. S. Express ins Wells-Fargo Express 210 Amal. Copper 26,8.10 484 474 47 Amer. Car & F'dry.. ?i0 194 19 11H do pfd Amer. Crtton Oil do rfd 88 American Ice Sou 8 si; ru SOU n Ri; Siv si J04 300 94 4 2.900 224 214' ' ioil ni " ii ' ' S.5f1 1244 1214 do pfd Amer. Linseed Oil ... di pfd v 7 Amer. Locomotive ... do pfd Amer. Smelt. A R d.l pfd mer. Rug. Tterg... Anaconda Mining 64 "rooKlvri It I R.ReO 4"l', 4tVt 4 Colo. Fuel A Iron.... 1 ion ao4 30 son; Consolldat d Oas 2.'0 vmt. i'i, itiiij Corn Products .. 200 lr"U 1S4 18 no nrii Plstlllers' Pec Ceneral Electric International Taper.. do rfd Interns Monal Pump.. do pfd National Lead Tor American Psclfle Mill Peoldes' Oa I''Mi.ei4 Steel Car... 70 fit,; 800 11W4 ins ins 114 81 100 S fit! :::: :::: :::: 81 400 "7 -ri !1I uiin iki ns ?10 S 2S no prn yullmon Polnce Csr.. . 4 1n KenunTo rtteei Robber floods 7 100 414 ' 444 101 H" Cost ' Iron.'.! oo 8t 8:i! T it teathar 1IV1 "li ?li T 100 do pM ., 1' fl W.nlty ... do p'd I" . Wubber .. 4)c0 7t; 8tU 11". T'nltad States Bteei.'. 4 no 1114 ii" nu A. w.A tl 1M K. Kr r-. 1A0 yen tA 15" ,,"ete-n Twlon ... v. a 1 100 874 87 ". ST'-'. Trtnl sales for the day. ?"4.?nn shares I.ondoa Block Market. LONDON. Feb. 18-Closlng: Conaola, sioney do account . . . Anscomls Ati-hlann do pfd Baltimore A O.. Canadian Pacific ( he., ft Ohio .. Chlraso Ot. W . C . M A St. P. PeiWra I). A H O...... do td rn do lat pfd ... do td ptd ... Loula. A Kaah.. Ii . K. A T M l it N. T. Central ... Mi Norfolk & w ... WI do pfd .1174 .... A" .... a 21 4 5S V, .... 2H, .... 4U ! .... 4714 .... 7 .... ill. .... Ilk. .... SH, .... It M of dis tills is ... 4a Ontario A W. . tl (Pcnnaylvaiiis . Tl Hand Mines .... .11 Rradins . I!W do lat pfd . 14 do 1,1 pfd 14JW, 80 Railway ... . 1V do pfd . Oi So Pi-nc . TO ll'nloo Faclflo ... .IS I do ptd . 4',llV I. Steel . 4.'i,! do pfd Wabah . MS do, pfd SILVER-Bar. X! 1-lSd per ounce. MONEY-IViS per cent; the rate cojnt In the open market for short 3',i'i. per cetit; (or thre mouths blUs. SIU'i4 per cent. Row York Moaey Market. NEW TORff, Feb. 18-MONET-On call, steady at 1V1 per cent; closing bid 14 t4r ceutj ar4. al 1 per ceuU Xlta loans, steady; sixty and ninety div, $4g 4 per rent; six months, 4i44 per cent. PRIME MERCANTILE PAPER-If 54 per cent. HTERI.INO E X ("HA NO E Steadv, with nrtual liiislness In bankers' hills at $1 S5v,i 45 fur demand snd at $ tAJMnfc 4 :.sft for sixty days' lulls; ported rates. 181 and $4,:4: commer -lal bills, $4.82 4'u'4.sJS. SILVER liar. ti'-,c; Mexican dollars, 46'4c. I'ONIvS Oovernment, steady; railroad, heavy. The closing quotations cn bonds are at fallows: t . ruf. tn. res....1n4 it,. A N unt. 4 M fln rnu n 1"4 Mmihsltiin r. 4a. .10114 "I . T' ....lH Mr. fnlrl 4i (44 an roiipon l an lut tnr iii in nrw 4. res Hi'i Vlnr St. 1,. 4s... M do rniiinn 1.11 I M . K. ft T 4 P7S dn old 4. r li7 I ilo : 77 do coupon M7 N H R of M. c. 4. 74 Alchltnn gen. 41 9.N Y I' S , 74 do S.IJ. 4s J ' I tr Atlantic r. L. 4... J No. rirtr.c 4 loj B. A . 4a Inl do 3 7iv no N. W. e. 4s UTS tfntrml of OS. ( los v 8. U 4a Sr rr... 91S do 1st tnr 7" Ti-nn. rnnr. 3ia I. rl""i Ohio na4lng gn. 4a H ( in, 0 ft a. aj... isl, pt i,. i v. p. s .u?s S.v li f y 2 L. s r. iK. 4s. m ('. MAS P. m. 4a lfiu St I. a w i. t, w C N. W lri" Sahord A. 1 4a... i-.So. ra,-tn.7 4a '4, C, R. I. A r. 4a do ml. Ra . sn. Ha war na Ill .11'. ft St. U g. 4. i7' Trut & P la , & P la 11 i iiu-aso i cr. a. . Ton. Tnbarco 4.. 'olo. A Bo. 4a... P. A R. (1. 4a... Erl prior Urn 4a do lOMi. 4i P. W A 1) C. la llmklnx Val. 4i Oft i? red. 73 'T . St. L. & W. 4a.. M4Vnlna I'-llr 4a 1".'S K-'Hl do conr. 4a r, I'SltV S Steel Id .... 7H, !7 iWabaati la Iisv no urn. n I4 iW. A U E. 4a.. MS IWIa. Central 4a. Ml B4 Roston 9 HOSTON, Feb. cent ; time lra is, closing prices, on Atrhlann tdj. 4 do 4a At, hlsnn tlo Did 'ocV Quotations. 1'. Call loans, 4'&'44 per 4Wi4 per cent. Official stocks and bonds: , BlifAdventure . M .Mlmiei . 6H'i Amalgamatei .. , 8S Amer. Zlnu .... 2 Atlantic 1 Hlnnham 127 Herl., .136 I'entennial . 10 I'opper Hangs , .1" Kaljr Writ .... . 7S Poinlntoil Ctal , 77 Franklin . nVGrainy , 74 jiele Rovale .... . 4 N.. Mining .. 125 Ml.hlaan mVMohnwk .120. Montana C. ft , lOld Iiomlnlon ., "VOarenla . Parrot Ma Qiilnir li 'Shannon 14 Tamarack , M iTrlnlty , i9Hv 8. Mining ., I ' 47T, 7 1B 4M !Ti 40 14 34 6 '4 7 3-4 5 6 4 3.... z 10 57 "4 '4 M a ion 4 iH 33 R 70 Pout ns Alhanr lloptoo A Maine. , .. lUiaion Rlevatrd ... Fltc'nb'jrg pfd Mex. Tentral N. V., N. H. & IVrp Marquette .... I'nlon Parlflo Amer. Arxe. Cham.. do ptd Amer. Pneu. Tube.. Sllrar Amer, do pfd Amer. T S T Woolen Amer. do nfrt Dominion I. A P. .. F.dlann Eli-c. Ilium, (leneral Elertrlo .... Maaa. Electric do pfd Wnaa. Oaa t:nlted FTult I'nlted Shoe Marh... do pfd IT. 8. Stfiel do pfd Vertlnu. common ... Bid. e 1 . H. 1111 47 2 t'tah Vlrf net. 11 6V, it Winona Wolverine New York Mlnlnsr Qnotntlnna. .hNEJV ,YOnK- Fp- 18 -The following are the closing quotations on mining stocks; Adama Cnn it Little Chief Alka Breca Orunawlek Coa . Comatock ........ Con. fa I. ft Vs. Horn surer .... Iron silver Leadtllla Con .. .. 7 ..454) ...460 .. 8 .. 14 ... 49 .. SO .. 20 ...260 26 .... 10 .... i 165 115 160 .... 1 Ontario Ophlr Phoenix Hotnal Savage Sierra Kav.rf. Small Hopea .. Hianaara ForelKD Financial. LONDON. Peb. lS.-Money waa fairly abundant In the market today, though reve. nuo col.eutiotis affected supplies, which will ctmtinUH until the end oi the llscal yen" Discounts were .Inner. Business on tho BtiKk exchange was Inanimate and price atoppeu. foreigners were affected by the lialkan tioublea, in consequence of which Turkish unified and Bulgarian were weak rini1SWT''end,'p,,''L' Americans opened dull and declined further to below parity, the slackness In New York checking any .endency to activity. They closed weak. Karilrs eased In spite of the favorable re sult of the debate In Parliament on the question of Introducing Chinese labor Into !uth Africa. Chartered declined on a new Issue of capital. Japanese and Russian se curities were slightly lower. The amount of bullion taken into the Bank of England on hnlance today, 229,000. The weekly statement Of the Bank of lCngland shows the following changes: Total reserve, In creased 54:1.011); circulation. decreased 22o.oi0; bullion, Increased 3.14.147; other securities, Increased 5n3.000; other deposits, decreased 1,613.000; public deposits. In creased 2.6X7,000; notes reserve, Increased !i24,flw; government securities, unchanged. The proportion 6f the bank's reserve to lia bility this week is 49.08 per cent, compared with 48.98 per cent last week. PARIS, Feb. lS.-The bourse her today had another bad. day with market feeble ness and depression. Prices opened weak, with many offers. , Later there was a period of calm, but the denrcaalon was resumed Toward tho close interHatlonn!s were strong in reaction, lnatistrmis were especially bad. Russian Imtierlal 4s closed at 91.75; Ria Tlntos lost loilf. The prlvnte rate of discount was 2 9-16 pCi cent. Tho weekly statement of the Bank' of France shows the following changes: Notes In circulation, decreased 8.173,0io francs treasury accounts current, decreased 14.15.000 francs; gold in hand. Increased 2.500.000 francs; bills dis counted, decreased 4.42.'5.0flO franca: silver In hand, Increased 2.52.",OnO francs. Three per cent rentes, 95f 274c for the acotint. RKRLIN, Feh. 18. Business on the bourse today was depressed. Kxchange on London, 20m &0V;pfg for checks; discount rates for short bills, 2 per cent; three months' bills, 34 per cent. Cotton Market. NEW YORK, Feb. 18 COTTON The markets opened at an advance of f'i(7 points on the old crop months, while the new crop options were unchanged to 12 points higher. The highest prices of tho tiny were reached In the late trading. There was heavy buying here, believed to bo for the account of the leader In laat summer's bull campaign, and the local bull leader also bought heavily of May and July, while a prominent Philadelphia spot Interest bought May against sales of July. The market presented a very llrm appear ance, with March Helling up to 13.15c, Muy and July 13.83c. a net advance of 41 Ji 47 points. Just before the close realiz ing euswl tho in:irket off sllhtly. but the final tone was steady, with old crop months net 37015.3 points higher and the new crop rregular at an advance of 6 points to a decline of 12 points. Sales were estimated at 7il. 000 hales. LIVERPOOL. Feb. 18. COTTON Spot. In limited demand, prlets Id points higher; American middling fair, 7.50l; good mid dling, 7.:4l; middling, 7.24d; lw middling, 71Sd; good ordinary. 7.oxd; ordinary. 6.ftd. The sales of the day were 5.0(0 holes, of which Buo hales were fur speculation and export, and Included 4.8K) bales ot Ame--Icnn: receipts. 12,4t hales, Including 1 1 TO bales of American. Futures opened steady and closed steady; American middling, g. n. c., February. 9 9l; February-March, 89fid; March-April. 6!d; April-May, 6!d; May-June, 7d ; June-July. 7d : July-August, 7d; August-ReptemlM'f, 8.84d; September October. 2fld. HT. IOI'IH. Feb. IS.-COTTON-Steady; middling. ",4c Piles, ?"o hales; receipts, il bales; shipment, 350 hales; stock, 19 428 bales. NKW ORLKANS. Feb. is. COTTON Steady; sales. 3,ni0 bales; ordinary, 118 Id-; goixl ordinary. 124c; low middling. 134e; mlddlincr. 13Uc: good middling, 13,c; mid dling filr. 144c. Pecelpts, 2.5M bn'es; stock. S!W10 boles. Futures, steady; Feh rnsrv. 13 25c: M irch. 13 Sfifil3 3Sc; April 13.54ff13.R7c: Mav. 13.72'iT13.73c: June, 18MH 13 97c; July. 14.1214 13.-: August. 13 i"tt 13 45c: September, ll.Mt'ull 90c; Oetolier. 11 18 Ci 11.19c. Vetal Market. NKW YORK. Feh. IS.-MICTALK-Spot tin advanced 15s in London to 12i!5s and futures there were 17s ikl higher nt 12il loa. Hero tin eased offain spite of the foreign gains, closing quiet at 128.45 bid for spot. Copper was steady in the local market Jfl'h lake quoted at tlX.6244fl3.oO abd elec trolytlu und casting at ii5.S74''(J12.t;24. In London copper was 5s loacr at jii 15s for spot ind 7s d lower at 50 fur futures. 1-end was steady snd unchanged here at t4.5feii4.iiU, but declined Is Sd to 11 Is 3d In London. Spelter was unchanged at h 10 in the local market and at 2112s8d In Ixmdon. Iron cliwd at 60s 9d In Glasgow and at 42s 9d In Middlehborongh. Locally Irmi waa ulet and unchanged: No. 1 foun dry northern is quoted t t'5 Wd Hi. 00; No. 2 foundry northern, 814 oo'.ds in; No. 1 foun dry southern and No. 1 foundry southern S"ft at tl3.7Mil4.2fi. HT. IOl IS. Feb. IS -M FT ALS-Lead, firm, 14.374. Kpelter. strong, $480. Pry tiooda Market. . NKW YORK. Feb 18-DP.Y OOOD8 The market mas strengthened in sympathy with Hie higher level of raw cotton and manu facturers are less Inclined to make enncea sli.ns than at any time. Buyers are un doubtedly In need of goods and are paving asking prices fur what U wanted Imme diately. Considerable di'lay Is being ex perienced in the shipment of merchandise, owing to the blockadod condition of rail roads. Saaar and Molasses. NEW YORK. Feb. 18-flIiaAR-Raw, firm; fHir retining. 2 lS-lftc; centrifugal. 96 test, t U-32c; molasses sugar, 3 9-18c. Re fined, steady; crushed, 6.16c; powdered, 4.56c; granulated. 4 45c. NKW ORLKANS. Feb.' 18. SUGAR Bteadv; open kettle, 21ifl 1 16c; open kettle centrifugal, tV; centrifugal whites, 4j 4e; yellow. 3'o4c; seconds. 24r3 i-16c. M0LA8HK8 Nominal; open kettle. Vr So. tXMtUrlXucal, tftjlta, ayrup, dull, ZraZiX OilAUA LIVE SIOCR MARKET CaUle RecelpU Very L'ght and Trading Aotive, with Tro-i Bttady. HOGS SOLD GENERALLY STEAOY Moderate Receipts of Sheep and nlth an Active Demand the Market Was "trosg to a Dime Higher on All Desirable Grades. SOUTH OMAHA. Feb. IS, 1904. Receipts were: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Oltli lal Monday 3.4,11 4..1 l.l.otU Otttclal Tuesday b.lxs 10.4W 11,721 Official Wednesday 4.M9 ll.lHj t.t Oillcial Thursday 3,4tio l,vjo D.4iJ Four days this week.. 18,848 ;,200 M,18ti Same days last week. .. .10.733 8o.;r2 ,127 Same days week before. 9,6;7 2s.hM ','iOJ Same three weeks ago..lo,Wo 8l.!sJ.N 34.99J Same four weeks ago. ...14,079 Su.461 i9,36J Same days last yeur... .15.6.1 87.1i8 25.405 RKCE1PT8 FOR THE? YEAR TO DATE. The following table shows the receipts of cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha for 'he year to date, with comparisons with last yeur, 19u4. 1S. Inc. Dec. "ttle lltj.075 125.520 9.443 J,1' 317,lo 317.9,.i .91 Bheep 244.41(1 17i.HU! 71.507 .... Average prices paid tor lings ut South Omaha for the last several days with comparisons- Oat. 1 1101. imoa.i90i. iitoi.'4i. Keb. 1.. Keb. 2.. Feb. 3.. Feb. 4.. Feb. 8.. 'b. 6.. Keb 7.. Feb. ... Feb. 9.. Feb. 10. Feb 11. Feb. 12. Feb. id. Feb. 14. Feb. 15. Feb. IS. Feb. 17. Feb. 18. 4 7241 I t U i 221 4 67 i 251 4 Mi I I 621 6 31, I 6 23 4 6! t 211 4 70 t 2s 4 68 64 3 U4 3 64: ,1 W ' 101 4 8441 OS 6 70 S 9: w v.. 8 69 8 59, 3 8 66 8 'n, 8 701 8 711 3 65! 3 73 91 4 76 6 3i.i I 6 V4, 3 72 3 73 8 73 3 ii 3 Tl s ; 3 77 I 81 S2 11 76 6 10 74 6 03 f Wit 4 88S1 4 S 6 014; 8 Ou 6 01 4 Uo4 4 99 5 03 I 6 Hi 6 044 6 Ul i 2. 4 6 71 1 Ii 75 1 e 26 3 32 4 8I 4.80, 4 79 6 O0 6 7o 6 01 t) 72 6 04 6 8j 5 ! 6 30, 6 ?4 4 y 3 88 8 t, 3 c3 1 -s 3 l 8 58 8 89 3 5X1 3 M 3 52 3 87 6 6 5 92 I 6 81; 721 I 7 031 5 781 6 97 1 6 78 6 301 8 2i! 10: 8 73' 6 27 4 S3 6 221 I Indicates Sunday. The official number of cars brought In by each road was: of stock Hr'a. . Cattle. Hogs. C. M. & St. P. Ry.... 6 26 Wabash 2 1 Mo. I'ac. Ry 2 U. f. System 11 24 C. & N. W. Ry 4 7 V. K. AV M V W t 91 h Bh'p. 8 10 'i 'i C. St. P. M. & O. Ry. 13 9 80 6 2 6 ij. ai. Kjr C. B. & Q. Ry W t A HI c. n 1. p vtV'i'.'.i 9 :. J C. R. I. & P. Ry, west .. C Lr. V 1 Total receipts 99 154 26 8 The disposition of the iay's receipts was as follows, each buyer purchasing the uumoer ui neaa inaiccieu liuver. Omaha Packing Co.. Cuttle. Hogs. Sheep. 82 I,. 2a iH6 swift and Company. 563 837 749 2,976 2,834 1,938 1.154 3,(27 7ieS 803 Cudahy Pocking Co.... Armour & Co Armour & Co. S. C... Vanaont & Co 69 McCreary & Clark 8 W. I. Stephen 85 Hill & Huntzlnger 2 1ewia & Underwood 4 Huston & Co 4 H. F. Hamilton 85 Hobbick & R 1 Sol Degan 6 J. L. Root 18 Hagurty & Co 88 Other buyers l!w 648 Total 2,6458 10,630 6,160 CATTLE There was a much smaller run of catUe here this morning than was gen erally anticipated and, as other markets were quoted about steady, trtding at this point was active, with prices fully a Rood as yesterday. Everything at all cexirable was soon disposed or. The market on corn-fed steers could best be described by calling It active and fully steady. Some of the cattle that Just suited buyers may have been a trine stronger, but aa a general thing there was not much change from yesterday, with the exception of a little more activity. Common and In ferior grades did not change hands aa readily as the good stuff, but still the prices paia were ruuy 11s gooa as yesteroay. The cow market was also active and could be quoted steady to strong. The strength, though, was largely confined to the more desirable grades, which were picked up first. The general run of " cowa sold In about the same notches they did yesterdfcy. As supplies were limited, - everything changed hands In good season. Bulls brougnt fully as good -pr-tccs as they did yesterday and veal calves were fully steady. There were over fifty loads of stocksra snd feeders shipped to the country yester day, which went a long way toward clean ing up the supply that speculators had on hand. As a result they were all anxious for fresh supplies this morning and the more desirable bunches were active and steady to strong, with others generally steady. Quite a few warmed-up cattle of good quality sold to speculators at better prices than the killers would give. Repre sentative sales: BEEF STEERS. No. V.'." I.... 80.... 1.... .... .... .... T.... 1.... 8.... r .... S3.... r, !.... t... 4.... it.... B... 10.... U.... 1.... 1.... 15.... 11.... IS.... 42.... Av. Pr. No. !r. I 83 I 83 8 8S 3 HO I 10 I 80 I 00 i o I 8ft I tfi I 95 4 M 4 no 4 00 -4 04 4 OS 4 10 4 14 4 10 4 18 4 18 4 tfl 4 tS 4 tft 4 8ft 4 40 4 80 4 M ... too ...1040 ... SM ... 773 ... "SO ... 1T ... 7" ... .. .1W4 ... 7 ...1111 ...ltM H ... nt ...loe4 .... Tfif! 7S .17 ... " ...m . . .1 12s ...ins ... 70 ... 040 ... 7M ...1170 ...HM . . . mi t M 20 t 2ft 40 9 4ft I 6ft I M M I 0 t M I M I TO TO I 70 t 7ft I 70 I Tft t 7ft t IS i DO 8 0 t ft I no I o I Ml I Ml I ft ) 15 4. tft ?9 14 49 4 tft 1 11 ?0 M 1 I t IS 84 fft JO 19 I !4 St 83 ! 1 1 KM! Iftfil , U'90 1135 1171 10411 1IW1 lftTt 11T1 lffflt 10m 112 1264 lias 1124 1M9 IfXt 1201 1111 14T 111S 1307 lt" 1404 14 1130 1410 24 930 I 4B 10 1(134 1 70 9 923 t SO 14 1014 70 to 900 8 SO 8 10M i 7S IS 104 8 IW 1 1044 t 80 STEERS AND COWS. 1 1198 4 00 COWS. t 734 I 00 9 8 00 t 9S0 1 00 11 909 9 00 t 9?S 1 00 1 dm 1 no 1 9f,0 I Oft 1 10K0 9 00 7 M7 8 10 1 9. 1074 9 00 1 970 9 10 15 10f, 9 o 1 ' 40 9 It 97T 9 OS 9 rft 9 IS tS ift?4 8 m 18 T9 9 tft 19 Ml tm 8 815 I 80 t 1128 I OS 1 20 I tS 1 inso 9 10 1 SnO 9 9S t 1010 8 10 1 1140 9 ?J 19 RM 9 10 1 820 9 95 1 1120 9 10 ( SfS 9 3ft 1 mo 4 10 IS 9S4 9 85 1 1270 9 10 17 1034 9 81 1 18O0 9 10 1 1270 9 8S 85 lift 4 i 4. 10OO 9 4S 4 1148 4 IS 9 M 9 SO S 1184 1 is 7 S0 9 SO 14 loss 9 It 9 10O0 8 SO 10 774 1 1( 1 1000 9 50 34 1047 9 15 1 1H0 I 0 IT 1189 9 l 1 1170 9 s. 11 mm 1 , t 8TS 9 S 1 loco 9 8S 9 IK" 9 S 9 ll5 f ,4 1 907 9 Tft 1 170 ts 4 108! 4 7ft 1 1310 9 K 1 1000 J TS 98 884 9 ?S 1 P70 4 75 1 nil) 9 9ft 9 11" 9 7ft t nr,5 9 9ft 10 1118 9 TS 14 lft4 8 10 9 1034 8 78 4 944 9 8ft 1 1?0 9 TS 1 1JM, 4 t soft 9 75 It 1IM 8 10 4 90S J TS 4 10KI 4 n 2 925 9 3 1 nn4 4 a 1 11t 9 90 9 K24 8 83 8 1010 9 90 1 nnfl 9 35 S 104 I 90 4 814 4 4n 8 975 9 00 8 11SS 9 SO 1034 9 00 1 140 9 5A 1 8S0 9 00 9 1275 9 SO t 1130 9 00 49 1121 4 ts COWS AND HEIFERS It 1044 8 00 13 454 I t HEIFERH. 9 133 1 tfl t 900 9 18 18 SIT 9 00 15 1 ono 1 9 T18 9 85 1 mo 8 25 8 818 9 40 4 91 9 8 5 4 77S 9 45 91 liwt 9 4S 55 Hit 8 00 1 12W 1 74 IS TI.9 9 04 4 tn 4 SJ 4 410 I 10 4 1074 4 44 HULLS. 1 too 8 00 1 ino 1 oa 1 sto 9 is ).,,, 1 m 4 1570 9 40 1 If 10 I 04 1 1840 9 0 9 1170 I (I) 1 1200 1 l l20 I in 1 1470 9 TO 1 1440 I 14 1 9 TS 1 H al 4 ,ft 1 isoo 9 T4 1 irro 9 9s t Hit 9 as 1 1410 1 to 1 1190 9 as 1 1M0 t 90 4 mt 4 to 1 mao t xt 1 1"10 9 00 t ln 4 40 9 1480 4 00 t 1600 8 40 1 1U0 8 CM CALVES. 11 127 f 44) 9 414 I 28 I4 IM 4 131 t 14 8 ... 444 4 04 t 930 I Ul BTOCKERS AND FEEDERS. I . is in 4 H4 IH tvo 4 00 8 111 In 4 IM 4. 124 I ISO 8 tS I 70 I 40 1 710 9 2S 19 t.'l 3 :. I 8 35 t. 8 '5 8 5 IS 99 3 40 11 1 i 1 '9 I 45 8 3 t5 973 4 45 IS t' I 45 1 1"'0 14. 9 4f t 9 70 1 47 9 45 4 li I 70 1 1i"1 9 45 t 774 8 75 91 I So 4 ! 1 ; 9 . . 1 840 4 sn 1 pari j ;s 9 145 I in 4 ;-,) I so 1 900 3 So 4 li04 3 lS Tl-4 I SO 18 IM 3 90 IS 499 4 til I lot4 4 00 110i: Tl,.. waa a l..,..P..l - t ft...a here tills morning and Mint seemed to make packers ruthcr learili. I hey tried to Uuv their supplies lower all day. but tailed, hi salesmen would not cut loose until Ihy got steady prices. That being the ra, t Hiding was not exactly hrik, but still the bulk of the early arrivals was disposed of In g'ni season. Some late triilns de layed the close until rather a Into hour. The quality of the offerings was a little better than of late and sumo of the prune bunches sold at prices that looked a trille stronger, as high as .Y2ii being paid for a load which averaged .11. pounds. On Mm other hand, some of the light weights hud to sell a little wcukVr. The general mar ket, though, could not be quoted am thing but steady. The light stuff sold l'nrgely from 34.95 down. The bulk of the medium Weights went from li.oii to ,i.0i and ptlmo heavies from 35.10 to .".2i. Representative sales: No. At. ih. r. Mo. at. Sh. fr lit 81 ... 4 00 SI fi; to 4 05 14 10J ... 4 25 70 233 ... ( 06 48 114 ... 4(5 4 T ... lot M H.3 ... 4 70 47 If 40 I 05 88 171 ... 4 90 78 237 40 4 06 61 204 ... 4 95 1 221 ... t 0ft 82 lt ... 4 45 ii 2M ... 4 i S 18 40 4 95 40 118 ... S 06 44 193 ... 4 91 74 231 ... 4 04 tft-.i 18 ... 4 96 43 s; to I 05 94 164 40 4 90 54 24.-, ... I i ' 130 40 4 45 78 234 40 4 05 75 194 ... 4 96 41 J.IO ... I 06 10 174 80 4 95 71 Z.-.S 40 6 05 89 14 ... 4 95 tl 214 ... h 05 '0 US ... 4 9314 77 tut ... 5 06 4 193 40 4 74j 71 219 ... 5 i '7 t"3 ... 4 974 M 2.33 40 6 05 71 224 ... S 00 9 134 ... 4 0714, 67 215 40 I 00 77 247 ... 5 074 H 21 ... 6 00 71 Ift 40 6 071, 53 199 80 6 00 7 2t 140 6 07', 37 225 120 6 00 75 240 ... ( 07' j '4. 199 ... 6 00 6.1 t.32 ... 4 07 1, ' tKS ... I 00 84 235 40 6 07',. 3 214 ... 4 00 74 24a ... otu t' 209 120 8 00 SI ion 6 0714, T9 195 40 I 00 n S1 40 4 071, 75 191 ... 6 00 t2 241 ... 8 071. 71 200 40 6 00 75 jjj ... 40714, 48 221. ... I 00 57 379 90 0 07 34 S04 120 t 00 43 19 SO 6 onj 5 198 80 6 02'i ts '44 100 5 o7'J S6 21T ... 8 02', H :'an 80 S 10 1 234 40 4 02', S3 S03 120 5 10 70 208 80 I 0214 58 2S1 . . 8 10 94 971 . 90 .5 on, r,8 ?35 120 10 "2 238 ... I Olttj f,a 174 1J0 ft 9. 3U 40 6 l'2i 73 21 ... 8 10 83 10S 40 6 0214 4 2M ... ( 10 79 ,.20 ... 4 2j 70 28 ... 6)0 81 210 ... 6 02V, e 274 . . J 10 ' 71 220 80 6 02', 3 231 12(1 6 10 Ut J40 ... 6 05 6(1 ?0 160 6 10 41 235 80 6 05 r,s Jfia ... 5 10 to 22T ... 6 05 44 239 ... t 10 71 138 ... I 08 It 9S ... 6 10 ....-... .914 ... 6 05 t 25t ... 6 10 7 113 ... 6 05 74 978 40 5 10 M 244 40 6 05 tl 2B0 120 8 10 221 40 6 05 43 273 120 t 10 228 40 1 05 fS 971 120 6 10 247 ... 9 0S 59 t 40 6 144 t 248 80 4 06 40 10 ... 6 1214 85 260 40 6 05 42 308 ... 8 1214 74 134 ... I 05 t 800 ... 6 IB 20 ... I 04 71 270 ... 6 16 83. ...... .233 4 0 5 06 0 278 ... 6 16 '4 231 ... 6 05 tO 918 ... 6 15 '3 258 ... 6 05 65 294 ... 6 15 12 238 80 1 05 48 318 ... 6 20 45... 223 ltd S OS a, i a ,a 14 229 120 6 06 CHEEP There were more sheep here to day than yesterday, tut still recclpiu were moderate and the, demand continued brisk. The market could safely be quoted stro ig to a dime higher than yesterday, or 15i6o higher than Monoay. Trading waa active from atart to finish and everything was sold In good season, except a lew cats that came In late, and they changed hands as fast as offered If the quality was at all food. Western yearlings sold aa hlh us ew, Alio tvmiBun ew urmiKl'l ai.uo to day, the same stuff selling yesterday ut e.w nnu mr t.c on juonu&y. seiners' that brought 34.10 on Monday so'.d for 14.30 today. Common stuff was a little slow, but still prices looked a little stronger. Quotations for corn-fed stock: Good to phnlea VnalAPn 1av,Ka . . . . , . .. - ' .. .... . . 1 mining el MlVU , 111,1 IV good lambs, 35.256 50; good to choice year lings, 3o.OO05.t5; fair to good yearli 'gs, 34.16 III' .... .a nLnlAA a. . . . - . .... vv.w, B"'" 111 vi.uiro nniiiTB, luno; fuie tn C7.. 1 ,,1'.Aaa . K . . choice ewes, 33.S5ifP4.lB; fair to good ewes, 33.tWfe3.8o; choice feeder lambs, 34.2500.00; fair to good. $3.5044. ui; feeder yearlngs, I? 50iS4.0f; feeder wethers, 3,1.7f(T4.00j teeder ewes, 32.504jS.S6; culls. 3l.7542.lO. Repre sentative ales: No. Av. Pr. 8 western ewes 70 s 50 8 western ewes 7U 3 50 t western ewes 75 3 50 2D0 westtm ewes So" 3 r,o 400 Tvestern ewes In2 8 tTl 1 western ewe 100 s 75 111 western ewes 115 8 m M western ewes ss 4 00 60 western cull lambs 4H 4 oil 27 western ewes and wethers. . . 79 4 00 3u6 western ewes 120 4 t 117 western ewes ig 4 rift 113 Mexican wethers 80 4 20 30 Mexican wethers 95 4 20 343 Mexican wethers and year- "nK"; 161 4 SI 117 western Iambs 50 4 75 198 western lambs hi 4 7.7 177 western lambs g 4 -; 172 western yenrllngs 94 4 75 130 Mexican yearlings 77 5 00 M Mexican yearlings Sfi 5 a 225 Mexican yearlings 85 6 20 ! western ewes 1119 2 71? 309 western ewes 94 3 M 101 western ewes jib 3 j; 219 western ewes fis 3 7s Tfi western ewes 1)4 3 75 1"9 western ewes M 3 75 116 western ewes fV, 3 r$ 346 western ewes 107 3 wi 195 western wethers in 4 on 4S western lamhs j 4 ofj 57 western yearlings 78 4 R0 237 western yearlings 78 4 50 Mock In fight. Following are the receipts of live stock for the six principal western cities yester day: A. Cattle. Ifogs. Sheen. South Omaha 2,4'0 9 8n0 5 4no Chicago lo.ono ss.flnt) lo'fmo Kansas City 4.500 g,5n0 J.F.10 Pt. Txnils 8 510 fi owi 3 twi Pt. Joseph 1.111 5.fto '759 Sioux City 600 4.500 Totals 22.001 67,701 51. 159 CHICAGO MARKET FOR LIVE STOCK. Market Steady to Ten Cents Lower for Cattle. CHICAOO. Feb. 18. CATTLli Receipts, lO.Oifl head; steady to 10c lower; good to prime steers, 34.9uoj6.75; poor to medium. t3.5vf4.i; stockers and feeders. 33.5nOiX.15; cows. $'.6'JH0o; heifers. 8Z.UOti4.75; cannerx, 312.80; bulls, 32.tife4.10; calves, fJ.biXip 7.25. HOGS Receipts, 33.000 head: estimated tomorrow, 26.0W; strong to 6c higher; mlxd and butchers. 5.0t4lti.8; goisl to choice heavy, 36.304(6. 45; rough heavy, 5.flini5.26; light, H 5oya 10- bulk of sales, 35.0tW.25. SHEEP AND IAMRH-Receltits, 10.000 head; market steady to firm; goo1 to choice wethers 34.0fra4.60; fair to choice mixed, f3.5ii4.25; western sheep, 34.2"fti.l'i; native lambs, 3l.004j10; western lambs. 35.2i!.io. Kansas City Live Stork Msrket. KANSAS CITY. Feb. 18. CATTLK Re ceipts, 4,y) head, Including 100 southerns; market 6n0c higher; exnort and dressed beef steers, 10c higher, 4 6047Y35; fair to good, luc higher, 4 At4.W; western fed steers. 10c bTgher, $3 tKt( 4.50; stia'kers and feeders, strong. 31(i( southern steers, steady, 33.3534.26; soullietn cowa, 2.35ii3i; native cows, strong, 31 7Mi3.75; native helf ena, 33.0uU3.tO; bulla, 2.2&'(j3.s0; calves, 32.7j'u7 ii(XiB Receipts. 8.510 head; market rc higher; tup. 15.80; bulk of sales, 34.93 5 1,s; heavy, 15.1'KftS 3o; packets, I5.0irifa.i3; plps and lights, $t. BHEKP ANf lAMHS Receipts, 1S0O head; market MlOe lilgher; native lamiis $6. 1t"43 ; western lamiis. 5.0ivi.R5; fed ewes, 33.764 16; weatern fed yearlings $4 75 66.26; stockers and feeders, 3i.5et(4.1o. ' St. Loa Is Live Stock Market. BT. LOI.'IH, Feh. 18 CATTIJO-Recetpts, S,5ij head, including 1,500 Texuns; steady to firm; native shipping and exixirt ste x, 4.2f.6.35; dressed beif and butcher steer-i 34.umu.i6; steers under l,iai lbs., 3:1 754j 1 75 -to'kers and feeders. 2Hii to; cows and heifers, 32.25'rf4.5o; canners, $l.754f2 in; bul's l2.504j3JiO; calves. 33 5VH7.W; Texas and In dian steei-H, 3.s5j4.3f; cows and heifers 82.20fitl 26. Him 1ft Receipts, 3.O0O head; mnrket steady to strong, higher: lags and llgliis. $4.7511 610; itau-kers 8i.i56.2&; butchers and best heavy, 34 96(1(6.30. BHEK1' 11 LAMHS-Recelpts. 3 500 head; market steady; native muttons $3 7r, 4 75: lambs. $4 1',;,", ,r,: culls and buck's $J 75 44.25; stockers, $2.otX'( 3 00. . Sen York Stoek Market. NKW YORK, Feh. 18-RKKVR8-He-celpts. 5 cars; market steady; a few com mon cows sold St $2fr-fi2 50; bulls. $3.6rfi4ii Crossed beef steady at 7tjh,e. fables quoetd live refrigerator beef selling at h 34jc. F.xports today, 15 head cattle and 10 head sheep. CALVKS Receipts, 43 head; market 2T, 5ne lower; common to prima veals, $4 5oi 8 76; barnyard, $3; common western, $.'75; city dres.ed veals, lower, S-iTlSc. with some sales of choice given up to lsvtc. BHEKP AND LA Mil 9 Receipts, 217 head; market for sheep, steady: lambs steady, with under grades slow: sheep sold at U 5""j4 if; culls. $3; sheep and yearlings IuIkkI lo.te; Uiiibs, t6.(ttiM; culls, $0.4; dressed mutton at 77t9c; dressed lambs. J lu'lrc. I It Mist-Receipts. 0.478 head: market loo lower; generil top f..r prime slate, 35.50; a few outsiilo shUi exceeded quotations. t. Joseph l.lir Stork Market. FT. JOSIM'll. Mo., Feb, K CATTI.I-V-Re. eclj'ts. l.i:il head; steady to strung; natives, $.t f'oo .'5; cows und heifers, $1.6'W(f4.25; stm ker. and feeders, 9J.7rii4,5. llotlS Receipts. 5:ii head; steadv to So higher: llglit, $4.75 1 5. 10; medium and' heavy. iiwiSJl, ' PliKKT AN'll TMIW-Recelpts. 796 head; niaiket net i e. strong to lec hlglier; lambs, $-i:,'; ewos, $4 10. Slont City PItH X CITY. Live Stork Market. Is . Feb 18 IRneelal Tala sriim l-CATTl.l : Receipts, tio head. Mar tockers. slow; N-eves. $3 & ki t 10c hlitlur: s 4 70; cows, bull s and mixed. $; v,ij.60; ders. $25t3M): calves anil stockers and fei yeiuliniis. $;V5nli 3 50. HO" IS - Receipt s. 4,500 hend. Msrket steady, ipinlltv bulk, $4A4i5.t)U. poor, selling at It 60 11 6 16; '11IH WHULESALt. MARKET. rondltlon of Trade and Qaotatlons on Staple anil Fancy Product, Fc.t.JSH-ci,ts. mors liberal; martlet weikeis fresh slock, 2Tc, i.lVK POULTRY Hens, tV; spring chick ens, 9c; roosters, according ;o Hge, ocj tur kejs. l;4i 1 4c; ducks, 9t; geese, sc. 1'HKSSKD l'UC LTRY Turkeys, 16Ifl7e; ducks, HUU'e; gecso, .tl-; chickens, lti'tf t HL'TTKR racking st.a-k, K'VuUc; 'hole to fancy dairy rolls, 13iHc: Separator, SJo. FRKSIt l'ISU-Trout '4il0c; pickerel, 64 C)S-; pike, 9c; perch, tuti'ic; bluehsh, loc; 3hlteiish, 4i9c; salmon, 11c; haddock. 10c; coilllsli. IJc; reilstiapper, 11c; i)bstrs Ool-d, per h,, J.'c; lobsters, green, ir 11)., ;Jo; baillieails, lie; iiitilsli, labile; biacg tiass, lie; liiillluit, luc; crappies, 1:; Herring, to; White bass, i3e; blue.'. ns, be; smelts, Italic, tiYSTKlta New York Counts, per can, 43o; i-er ;al., $..00; extra select, per csn, 3jc; per gal., $l.i'; standard, per cun, 17c: I'er gal.. $1.50. lilt AN 1'er ton, $1550. 11AY lrlc-s quoted by Omaha Wholtsals I'ealers' association: c.'iolce No. 1 upland. $'50; No. 2, JG.tiO; medlutn, $3.50; coarse, 35.00; rye straw, $0.00. These prices are for hay cf good cnlir and quality. Dcm.Mid fall' and receipts light. ViCUETARLES. roTATOKS-Coiorado. Llu; Dakota, if oil. $1,011; natives, ".Mc. 8WKt;T I'UTATUKS-llllnols. per bbl.. NAVY RKANS-rer bu., $2.23. ClSHiRY Lurge Cullfornla, 60c, 75o and 60c. ONIONS-Kpanlsh, per crate, tl.M; Colo rado yellow and red, per lb., i''4c. CAIiRAUK-wiHconaln Holland. 9a; new California. 3'c. TURNIPS Cnnnda rutabagas, per lb.. ic; wniio, per uu., 60c. CARROTS Per bu.. 85c. PAKSNIl'S-Per bu . 60c. HE KTS Per bu . CAUUFIX.1WER California, per eratg, $2.75. CI'CtrilKRS per dog.. $1 Km.M. TOMATOES-Florida, per 6-baket crates, $4 50. HADiaifRS I'er ,1o. t!rehrs, 35o. LETTUCE I TK ADS Per t'os. bunches. 90a 71 00; per bbl., $7.00; leaf lettuce, per dos. bunches, 4Bc. TfRNIPS-Houthern. per dos. 75o. REET8 Southern, per dos.. 75c. CARROTS-Pouthern, yier rtoi., 75c. rARSLEY-Southern, per doi $1.09. FRt'ITS. Al'l'LES Cnllforula Relinowers. per box, $l.tM, New York export Ureeiiings, Rusaeta and Raid wins, $175. O RA PES Imported Malagas, per keg, ",.00. CRANHKRRIES Jersey, per bbl.. $7.00; per box. $2.50: Wisconsin Rell nd Bugle, $7.50; Hell and Cherry, $0.50. BTRAWREHRIES FIcrlda, per qt., SOa TROPICAL Fi.UlTS. OHANUKS-Navels, e.i Slavs, choice, 13.00 Hi Jo; rancy, all sixes, HW.bO. LEMONS California, larcy, 300 to 300, 32.50; choice, 40 to 270 tiles, $) 0t4j3.25. FIGd -Cnllfornla, jier :-Ib. enrtens, 86cj Imported Hmyrna, 3-crown. 14c; f-crown, IGc; 7 crowi . Jtic. liA NANA3 Pur medium sized bunch, $2.fHir(j!50; Jun.bus, $2.76(ij3.20. COCOANUTS-l'er oack, $4 00; pr dos., 00c. HATES Persian, per box of S3 pkgs.. $-0n; per lb.. In OO-fli. boxes, 5c: Crleutal stuffed dates, rer box. $2.40. Mlts ; ELLANEOUS. CH13HSR W,ex r.sln twins, full cream, 12c; Wisconsin s oung Americas, 13o; block Kwlss, luc; Wlsccnvlu brick, 13c; Wisconsin llmbitrger. l?c. HONEY Nebraska, per 4 frames, 33.00; Utah and Colorado, per 24 frames, 33. MAPLE SL'OAR Ohio, per lb., 100. CIDER Per bbl.. $5.60; per ,, bbl.. $3 . mvt'oHN-Per !b.. 2V,c; shelled, 3i,SH& HORSERADISH Per case of 2 dos.. parked. HOc. HIDES No. 1 green, 6c; No. 2 green, Sol No. 1 salted, tr-; No. 3 safted so: No. 1 veal calf. 8 to 13 lbs,, 8c: No. 5 vesl calf, 12 to 15 lbs., t(,c: dry salted hides, mi2c; sheen pelts; 2tVr76e: horse hides, $1.60350. NUTS-'-Wa.lnuts, No. 1 soft-shell, per lb., lEcj hard-shell, per lb., 14o; No. 2 soft shell, per Hi., 13c; No. 2 hard-shell, per lb., 12c; Uraslts, per lb.," 11c: filberts, per lb., 11c; almonds, soft-shell, per lb., 15c; hard shell, per lb., 13c; pecans, large, per 11,., 12c; small per lb., 10c; peanuts, per lb., c; roasted peanuts, per lb., 8c; Chill wal nuts, KiffW-e; largo hickory nuts, per bu., $1 50; shell barks, "per bu., 2.(H; black wal nuts, per bu.. 31.28. - Coffee Market. NEW YORK, Feh. 18.-COFFEE Th market for futures opened steady at an advance of 104jl5 points on a scattering ds mand, attracted by smaller primary re ceipts and firmer European markets. Mar ket developed a declining tendency that re sulted In Its closing steady and unchanged on December and January to 6 points higher on the other positions. Pales wers reported of 147,000 bags, Including: Feh ruary, 6.75c; March.1 6.764iB.Rfic: May. 5.958 6.10c; June, 6.10c; July. 6.2iV7r0.3Sc! Septem ber. fi.4.Vu4j.60c; November, 6.7oe; December, 6.70oj6.95o. Philadelphia Produce- Market. PHILADELPHIA, Feb. 'lS.-RUTTKR Fair demand; western creamery, liOHc; extra nearby prints, -29c. EJOS Steady, fair demand; fresh nearby and fresh western, 83c. at the mark; fresh southwestern. 32'0 33c; fresh southern, 81c. CHEESE Steady, fair demand; New York full creams choice to fancy, lKffUVic; fair to good, UWltMic- REAL F.STATE TRANSFERS. Deeds filed for racord February 18. 1904, as furnished by the Midland Guarantee and TruHt company, bonded abstracter, 1014 Faruam street, to The Hee: William I). Owen -t 1 to llenrv A. Lane, lots 15 to 20, 22, 23 and 24, in 1st add to Lake View, and other land 1 1 Alvin Metzler et si to Mabel M. Btuht, part of lot 4, block 240. city I Charles R. Smith and wife to Ida Rico Hlnx, lot 9. block 2, 1 lal y con Heights 1,400 Charles 11. Smith and wife to Lena Hlnx. lot 10, block 2, Halcyon Heights B0 Clen. intlne Urown to Marie Vv. Earn est, lot 29. block 2, Forest Hill 1.500 Huntington & Wall, executors to John R. Rtisbln, lot 18, block 145, Florence 41 John R. Hrlsbln to Florence company, lot Pi, block Ul. Florence 1 Aetna Trust company to Florence company, lot 16, bhs k 92. same 1 William N. Randolph and wife to Florence coni$any, lot 10, block 133, same 1 E. D. Samson and wife to John F. Flnck, lot 8. block 144. Florence 1 Isnhel T7. Rohblns and husband to Thomas H. Rowen, lots 1 to IN, blis-k 1. and othsr land. Morse, Ilrunner s (U) STOCKS AND BONDS GRAIN AND PROVISIONS We have ever U0 tafnosa. RefsrSTvessi in Stats and Nat l llauska, OIH IBRVII I IS TUB HR3JT. Ont of Town Buatnses Boliclted. Osssks Brsncki IlllPar At. Tl. t41 TH0S. M. WADDICK. Correspondent OLO. A. ADAMS GRAIN CO. Grain, Provisions & Stocks. Members Omaha drain Exchange, Chicago Hoard of Trade ami giber 4-Xl llallgts. Correspondents Haitlett, Frailer 4k Curilrgtun. 213 Beard of Trsdc Bld'g. OmSht. S. SLEUMAN Grain, Provisions & Stoeii, Room 1 N. T. Life Bide TL 1310. Operates U onioass la This Bksis, UbUstke4 im. 1