1J TITE OMATTA DAILY BEE: TnUHSDAY, FEBRUATIY. IP, 1004.' I PLAN TO SUPPLANT BARRY MoTeuent Said to Ee cn fsr New National Guard rgad Commander. C. E. ADAMS CHOICE OF GOVERNOR MICKEY Freseat Inrimbml Want Office Again, bat Do fvfrl Olhrra and Lively Gam is Anticipated. An Impending election of a brigade com- tnander for the Nebraska National guard la said to have become involved with state politics and among the local gunrdsmcn a treat deal of diaruu-Ion has resulted. The three-year term of General T. H. Barry of Oreeley Cener terminates at the end of February and he Is a candidate for re-election and has Just sent out letters to all the officers asking their support In the elctlon which will soon be called. Op position to the general has been developed. It la said that Governor Mickey Is ad vocating the candidacy of C. E. Adams of Superior, a colonel on his staff and well known as a Grand army man. There-are other candidates In the persons of the two regimenal commanders. Colonel Claris V. Talbot t of Broken Bow of tho First and Colonel J. W. McDonnell of Falrbury of the second. Colonel C. J. BMIs of Falrbury formerly brigadier general and commander 'of the First regiment during the Spanish American war and now inspector-general of the state, ia said to be In the lists, also. 1.aanrh Adams Room. Tn connection with Colonel Adams' can didacy, it Is asserted a recent order issued by Adjutant General Culver for an inspec tion of supplies and accounts by a "board of survey" Is nothing more or less than the launching of a political excursion to work up enthusiasm for the Superior man. It is to re accomplished tn connec tion with an Inspection of the guard by an officer of the. regular army and the board is composed of Majors Phelps, McLaughlin and Eberly. Major I'helps is assistant adjutant general in the pay of the state, while Major McLaughlin Is said to owe rapid promotion to the grace of General Culver. Three days ago notice was given that the Inspectors would arrive in Omaha Wednes day night. Local Officers say the time Is Insufficient to prepare for the Inquisition, aa a detailed accounting of supplies on hand, mkslng, etc., Is to be demanded. There are four Infantry companies, the Omaha Guards, Thurston Rifles and Mil lard Rifles In Omaha, and the cavalry troop In South Omaha, to be inspected, and none are ready and will not be for several days. Important Strategic Point. Inasmuch as fourteen out of the ninety or 100 officers of the State Guard are lo cated In Omaha and South Omaha, and only officers vote In the election for com mander, this city Is considered a strategic, point of much Importance. Hence the visit of the board of survey la awaited with con siderable Interest. Several officers of the local companies approached In regard to the matter de clared emphatically they did not believe General Culver or Governor Mickey would sanction any such method as that out lined, but admitted the "board of survey" Is a new departure; further, that General Barry evidently has found reason to fear for the success of his candidacy during the last few days, from his prompt dispatch of letters asking for help. The general, who Is a democrat and a scarred veteran of the civil war, was elected unanimously to the position he now holds, la vice-president of the National Guard Association of the United States, was adjutant gen eral for sir. years and hta friends say, aa brigadier general has kept politics out of the onranlaatlon. The chief Importance attaohed to this office la the fact that the brigade commander la a member of the Board of Control, tho other members be ing the adjutant general, two regimental commandari and Judge advocate general. 5al of Ladles' Slippers Friday U Wil VJ fit! I f'l I 'ilKl ft i If liZZt it in rii as tt ii ufitrTpBs, Ladles' Slippers Friday 1 .98 BINGHAM CONTEST NOT OVER Will Be Curled at Once to District Court for Trial at a Early Date. Recent development would Indicate that the ghost of the Blngham-Broadwell eleo tlon contest la far from laid, for an ap peal bond haa been filed and approved nd In the natural order of things the caae will come up and be thrashed over again In Judge Day's session of the district court. The ease was docketed for trial yesterday afternoon, which will bring It up again at this term of court. Some criticism haa been made by those inter ested In Mr. Bingham's side of the ques tion, who claim It to be a fact, that no - Inconsiderable part of the expense of the Contest la being borne by the county, in that regular employes of the clerk of the district court's office are devoting their entire time to watching the ballots and otherwise protecting Mr. Broadwell's Inter ests. The truth or falsity of these claims will doubtless be brought out at the new trial which Mr. Blngham'a attorneys are extremely anxious shall be had at onoe. World's Beat rile Care. Why endure torture from piles till you contract a fatal disease when Bucklen'a Arnica Salve curea or no pay, 25c. For ale by Xuhn d Co. Ladies' $6 &$8CIoaksat$I.50 Hundreds of Go Today's Warm Winter Cloaks Alust Price Will Clear Them Cloak prices go down to the last notch tomorrow. We have a tew good lots of winter cloaks left from our recent great cloak purchases. These cloaks when all assembled make a complete stock In them selves. We will clear them all away, sell ing them at an astonishing price today. ITKRR ARE GOOD WARM WINTER OAR MKNTS WELL MADK AND NICELY fitting In 19. 27, 30 nlid 42 In lengths some silk end satin lined, some with storm collars mad of mel tons, cheviot and kerseys, would sell regu larly at 6. 17 and is ea'ch tomorrow, at.... 0 DR. BRADBURY Painless Extraction Without das. Fillings 50c ud Qold Crowns, $2.50 up Bridge Work $2.50 up Lady, Attendant FREE TELEGRAPH SERVICE Postal Will Carry Relief Messages ta aad front Baltimore Gratis. C. O. Fuller, local manager for the Portal Telegraph company, aaya: "The Postal Telegraph-Cable company haa instructed Its local manager to extend free service to committees for the relief of the lialtlmore fire sufferers If requested to do so by such committees." A SNOW-STORM is always the fore runner of colds, grippe and pneumonia. When the snow is followed by severe cold the con ditions are still worse. We can say confidently that no other remedy so strengthens and fortifies the body against these attacks as Scott's Emulsion. Thirty years prove it), 3,000 Pieces of Fine Wash Laces Bought from New York Auction Normandy Vals, Clunys, French Vals, Net Top Orientals and Sevilla Torchons Bands, Insertings, Galloons and Edgings all widths and worth up to f.".dr '7. lc-2V2c-5c-10c Ladies' $1 Kid Gloves at 25c Thousands of pairs of Mended Gloves the little flas are so trifling that they cannot bo noticed all 6lzes worth up to $1 a pair at 25c Handkerchiefs at 21c and 5c Ladies' and men's white and fancy colored border saw Handkerchiefs, all widths of hems, worth up to s, 'eyC mZC 20c each, at Very Special Sale of Silverware Rogers 39c TEA SPOONS Win. ped tea spoons, set of six, at A. Rogers tin- 19c DESSERT SPOONS-S0 doten dessert SiKioim, sliver plated on pure nickel, at, each , 3c Women's How Suits, Skirls, Waists and Goats THOUSANDS OF THE NEW, NOBBY CREATIONS FOR SPRING WEAR AT 30 PER CENT I.ES3 THAN LATER SKAROV PHirrs -ui'V K-nw wu.Mt.N S NEW SUITS made of fine sur ges and fan cheviots, neat, dressy stilts, that will please you O Rfl early price l.OVI WOMEN'S SAMPLE SUITS the most beautiful line yet, great bargains at ndfB'..;?'.,x-0frT. .20.00 5 WOMEN'S RAINT-DAY SKIRTS oougnt to soli at 8.00 and 17.00 i nursaay WOMEN'S 115 AND $18.00 Coats- go j nursaay at . Children's coats- worth 14.00 each Women's wrappers, made of Sea Island percale, strap seam, extra wide In the ii TABLE SPOONS Wm, tablo spoons, set of six, at KNIVES AND FORK9-Wm. A. Rog- fl Mrm linrur.. tiiLU 1 . ... I . . ' knives and six forks, sell regularly at $3.50, tomorrow, at 2.19 2). Pvnntttia & &on ?. ?T. $rtst eft pone 1506 Parnam DENTIST. TEL. 1756. Fourteen Years Same Location We positively remove nerves from teeth with out the least particle of pain. Plates $2 up. Open Sundays 10 to 12 BRANDEIS HAVE HALF BLOCK Buy Hoibach Property and Lease Dnfrene Building on Douglas Street. WILL PUT UP MAMMOTH STRUCTURE To De I'sed In Connection with Y. M. C. A. Betiding for Home ot tbe Boston Depart ment Store. Thomas McC&gue haa announced that It. Brandela & Sons have purchased, through the McCaguo Investment company, the property at the southeast corner of Seventeenth and Douglas streets known as the Horbach property for $52,000. The lot Is 88x132 feet In size. TIUs, together with a flfty-lear lease which has just been se cured on the adjoining lot to the east, known as the Dufreno property, gives the Brandela people a complete halt block on which to erect their new store building. The Dufreno property la 44x132 feet In else. As soon as possible J. I Brandela & Sons will begin work upon a mammoth structure, which, together with the Young Men's Christian association building, which also waa recently acquired by them, will cover the entire half block. There will be three entrances to the building, one on Seventeenth street, one on Sixteenth and one on Douglas. The entrance on Seven teenth, being on grade, will be made the main entrance. The Qlencalrn hotel build ing, which now covera a portion of the property, will be torn down, and the new building to be erected will join up to the Toung Men's Christian association build ing on the went. The new building will be six or seven stories in height. The lower floors on the Seventeenth street side will be used by the Boston store and the upper floors will be rented for oflice purposes. All of the eaet half of the building will be used by the Boston store. The lease on the Dufrene property prac tically amounts to a purchase, but the price on which the lease Is based will not be given out by the lessees. These Prices Are Lower than any others quoted In Iowa or Ne braska! Some of these WOULD-BE cut price druggists In Omaha are BUTTINfJ IN, onoe In a while, and send to us and bU'; a few bottles of these goods and then havs a HALF HOUR'S SALE WHILE THEY I.AST. But why don't they quote their prices? WHY HIDE THEIR LIGHT UNDER A BASKETT $1 00 Pertina yes, sir Fe-ru-na 63o $1.00 Bwamp-Hoot Mc $1.00 Llsterlne .. &3o $1.00 Paw-Paw means one tn a customer at thla Drlre. $1.00 Sexlne Pills 67o $1.00 Nervlta , 60c SGHAEFER'S CUT PRICE DRUQ STORE THINKS PLEA WEAK AND THIN County Attorney F.ngllsh Ridicules Defense of Reed aa Offered by Hie Lawyer. For one entire day'a session of the criminal district court, C. R. Scott, counsel for the defense, argued the case of State against James J. Reed, charged with murder. At 11 yesterday morning he closed and the argument was at once taken up by County Attorney English for the state. Mr. English said that never in his ex perience had he seen a line of defense laid out quite like the one adopted in this case "First the plea of Insanity was advanced. which if proven, la of course entirely suf flolent," said Mr. English, "but fearing that thin was too thin to convince a jury of sensible and experienced men they claimed and offered some so-called proof to show that Glenna Hynee waa killed by Reed through Accident lu the struggle for the possession of a revolver In Reed's pockert. Thla looked haxy too, on the defendant's uncorroborated testimony and then they said he killed the women in self defense to keep her from robbing him." English resented In very emphatic terms, the scoring given the police of Omaha by the defendant a counsel and of the city's administrative officers, as well, and said that for all Reed'a counsel had consumed aa entire day of the court's time la E T. YATES. Prop. 16th and Chicago Sts., Omaha, 'Phones 747 and 797. 24lh and N Sts., South Omaha, 'l'hone No. 1. 6th Ave. and Main St., Council Bluffs. 'Phone S33. All goods de livered in inner city absolutely rree. the argument of his case he had said nothing bearing directly upon It that could not have been said In fifteen minutes. ORCHESTRA FOR THE Y. M. C. A w Organisation Formed of Which Dr. A. D. Laird Will Be the Leader. Through the efforts of Dr. A. D. Ijitrd and E. H. Packard, an orchestra, haa been organised by the Young Men's Christian association. The orchestra will play at the Sunday afternoon meetings of the asso ciation which have grown so popular of late. At the meeting held Tuesday night eleven members of the new organisation were present to engage In practice. Dr. Laird, who recently came to thla city from the east, where he has had extended experience In orchestras, will be the leader of the one Just organized here. Dr. Laird is a cornt'tlst of ability and la said to be an excellent leader. The young men who have joined are members of the Youn Men's Christian association and are all amateur musicians, but it Is said they have had sufficient experience so that they make a very creditable showing aa be ainnera. Trading Slump Free ilti am Far THU RKLIABLB STORK. Trading Stamps Free Our prior always the lowest of the low. Our stamp premiums always the best makes this THE place for economical buying TRADING STAMPS .WITH ALL CASH PURCHASES. SIX BIQ EXTRA TRADI.NGI STAMP SPECIALS. Cloak and Suit Department Women's Now Spring Suits at Early Prices flults Just like this cut, handsome, stylish garments, with all the swing and grace of outline desired by any woman those, suits were bought to sell at 4 T mm w mm H ' "l 'V& W2.50 our early price icll at $8.00 and $7.00 QQ .6.50 OTHER BARGAINS FOR THURSDAY. 79c WOMEN'S SUITS In etamlne and fancy mixtures, beautiful creations, bought to sell for lljyno j Q earlv price WOMEN'S NEW VOILE SKIRTS-hun-dreds of the prettiest creations It has been our pleasure to see, with U Q( silk drop special for Thursday Women's wlntcx coats at less than the price of the linings, regular $25 and $.Vi values go Q Qf Thiirsrlnv nt Z.J Women's $10 and $12 coata go Thursday, at ips, made exnresslv for our trade , Women's percale wrappers $1.25 quality each 1.50 75c 1.50 To Please the Boy Is an easy matter If you buy litm stylish up to date clothing. The boy feels much more manly ii a neat, well made, dressy SUIU OUR BOYS' SUITS. Will please both mother and boy, for they snow style, good quality ana worKman- hlp, and the price is exceptionally low. In order to make room for our new spring and summer stock, we have made sweeping reductions In BOYS' AND CHILDREN'S WINTER CIjOTHINO. BOYS' KNEE PANTS SUITS Norfolk and double breasted styles, in mixed and plain colors, well made garments, Kft worth S2M and 12. 7n at BOYS' KNEE PANTS SUITS made up In three piece and double hreasted styles, ages mostly 12 to 1 years. In grays, browns, mixed and plain colors, tailored )n first class manner none of these suits ivorth less than $4.50 QC Our clearing nrlce S.rt-F BOYS' KNEE PANTS SUITS made up In sailor blouse. Norfolk ifillor, Norfolk; double breasted, Russian blouse and thres Tlece styles, In serges worsteds, cheviots, and casslmeres, In black, blue, brown und gray mixtures none of these suitH worth less than $5.00 O ti( Bov?T reefers made with hlgti storm col lars, knee length. In vicunas and cnin fhltfns In hlnes snd oxford grays, ages 5 to 16 years just the clothing for the Another lot of those black mercerised un derskirts, regular $2.00 1 flfl quality each ,uv' boy who loves to be out doors worth up to $3.75 1 fiC our closing out price 42.50 ...SUA e domes- Hish Grade Wool Dress Goods-Specials for T hursday Priestley's voiles, in black, regrular 1 3 50 at , PriestleV's Jl98 fnd $2.50 goods." "W.llM W webb voiles worth tLtt Priestley's cravenettes, (rain proof). $2.9S , For popular priced dress goods Lupin J allk warp cnirion voues, worm no room. GROCERIES GROCERIES , .... TRADING STAMPS TRADING STAMPS s BTrt EXTRA SPECIALS FOR THURSDAY. 4 POUNDS MOCHA AND JAVA COFFEE FOR $100 AND $6.10 WORTH TRADING ST AMI'S. 1 SACK rest, HKiHr.ni favijurxr ai iisiM-.au x a tLuuii apijj .w wuttirt OF TRADING BTAMHJ MltB. 1-lb. R. F. Japan, Qplong, gunpowder or Emgllsh Breakfast tea at 60c And $5.09 worth of Trading Stamps free. S pkgs. Diamond H Pancake flour at. .'Joo And $2 worth of Trading Stamps free. 5-lba. evaporated Frujt, any kind you' wunt. And $3 worth of Trading Stamps free. 1-lb can of high grade baking powder.. 25o And $3 worth of Trading Stamps free. THIS IS THE GREATEST OFFER EVER YET MADE. HAVDEN BROS. Get The Bee's New Jtapajiese -Russian Waur Map. Shows the location of Russia, Japan, Corea, Manchuria, China, etc., also the principal cities, and sea ports in each along with the population of same. Shows the different seas and bodies of water upon which the sea fights will probably take place. Gives a complete list of all the vessels in both navies, showing their armament, speed and comparative strength in war. Also tells all about both armies, bow many men in each, the number of Russian soldiers now in the far east, eac. Sent by mail TOSTPAID if you will fill out the coupon and enclose 10c. Address, Map Department, Omaha Daily Bee, Omaha, Neb. FILL OIT THIS COVPO! Enclosed find 10c for which please end Japanese-Russian War Map to NAME .... ADDRESS TOWN .... STATE ... GABE RUNKLES LAID AT REST Vetera Printer Is Burled at Prosper Hill Vnder Aaaplcea of Ty po araphtral Valoa. The funeral of William A. Runkles, fo many years head proofreader on The Bee, and who died Monday morning, waa held ' yesterday afternoon from the family resi dence at 2729 Rlondo street. Father John Williams of St, Barnabas church conducted the services. The pall bearers were: K. 8. Fisher, Monte Collins, George Eddy, T. F. Btur gess and Patrick Boyle. The Interment was at Prospect Hill cemetery. A large number ot old friends of Mr Runkles were present at the services, which were held under the auspices of the Typographical union, of which he waa once president. Feel Your Pulse If It beats fast then slow skips beats, your heart U weak and should be treat ed at once. Dr. Miles' Heart Core la the best and safest remedy. Bold on cuur niM Rnrl for book n tn. heart- lil. kll.KH MKIHCA1. CO., fclshary 14, j I A Fire in The Bee Building has no terrors for its tenants. The fire which just oc curred burned one piece of furniture which stood near the wall. If this had been a wooden partition, it might have been serious. Moral: Better see about moving into a building where you won't be burned out. ' Ground Floor, Dee Building R. C. Peters & Co., Rental Agents, Men's Shirts, Worth 50c and 75c, To Be Sold Thursday for 19c We have gono through our shirts and selected HO dozen - men's fancy stiff bosom shirts, in stripes, spots and neat figures, shirts that sold all season for GOc and 75c your choice !9c 35c and 50c Ladies' Gloves for 19c Thursday your choice of 30 dozen misses,' children's and ladies' golf gloves that we wish to close out quickly. The prices we have cut them to will do it. They are' mercerized and cashmeres in very pretty colors Worth 35c and GOc Thursday, your choice. V JV1J A. 11 19c Boys' 50c Combination Suits for 12k 124c Fleece lined combination suits, in natural and white, sizes, 4 to 14; about 18 dozen in all. To close out quick 50c values for Wagons to South Omaha Every Day J 0 W A Succession of Stamp Sensation Sales and Greatest Qualities, Rock Bottom Prices Liberal Giving of Green Stickers. There's no letting up at Bennett's. A pleased customer Is our beat ad vertisement and a customer's good will la our supremest satisfaction. We congratulate you on your enthusiasm in collecting the little GREEN STICK ERS. Every page In your little grfen book Is Indelibly branded with com mon sense money saving and sustained satisfaction. Keep on collecting the LITTLE GREEN STICKERS they are the only little atlckors that slick. A great system, isn't It? Another Great Green Trading Stamp Sensation A IS OTHER GREAT ORASP.E g AI.E Sf'CH AS ONLY BEKHETT CAN CREATE. ONE CAR FANCY HIGHLAND NAVAL. A FRKIG1IT OAJl OP ORANGE CONTAINS WW CASES. IT'S 3Kl CASES WK ITT ON SALE THl'KSDAY MORNING AT TWENTY-FIVE CENTS PF.K DOZEN! AND TWO DOLLARS WORTH OF GREEN TRADING STAMPS WITH EACH DO 7, EM THAN HIGHLAND NAVAI-fl THERE'S NOTHTNd FINER THAT GROWS. These are GOOD SIZED ORANGI 8 and RUN TTNIFORM. They are such as you are paying Soc per doren for. Tho market Is advancing you may not get such an orange snap as thla again. 25c Thursday all day Fancy Highland ' Naval Oranges per dozen - AND TWO DOLLARS WORTH OF GREEN TRADING STAMPS WITH EACH DOZEN. (Limit, three dozen to a customer.) EXTRA SALESPEOPLE. IMPROVED FACILITIES FOR WAITING ON THE CROWDS. I Grocery! Grocery! We are the greatest retailers of groceries in the west. Our Immense saZes enable us to handle goods so quickly that everything is NEW, FRESH AND INVITING. ' To this Is added the extraordinary advantage of being alile to sell at the lowest prices. No prices are lower, on tho average. In the world fo the same qualities of goods than they are at BENNETT'S. Thursday Money Savers. Clam Chowder, 1-lb. can fo Corn Starch 1-lb. package Bo Jam assorted large Jar 10c Pure Jellies assorted glass 10o Cartiln Soap cake SHc Salmon 1-U. can lc California Prune-x per pound fc Table Syrup 2'4-lb. con lto Cleaned Currants per pound c Oil Sardines can J TEAS BEST VALVES EVER OF FERED. B. V. Japan per pound wc Imperial Japan per po nd Wc Tea Slftlwrs por pound , lio COT-FJ ES FRESH RCABTSD DAILY. Maracalbo Cuffee pr pstind 15c Bennett's Cfpltol Cn-pound. . liv? B"nnetfs Breakfast Cvf.ee 7-lb. can 4So BUTTER RECEIVED EVERY DAY FROM THE lEST DAIRIES. Fresh Country Butter per pound. 15c Wisconsin Cream Cheese pound. Hand Chooco each 2'o TAFFY SPECIAL Made apedally for this sale-a large quantity of the famous Angel Food Taffy made by D. J. O'Brien Co-strawberry molasses and vanilla flavors- gc a perfect confcctlon-speclal price for Thursday only-per pound CIGAR SPECIAL. Joe Wright Cigar a regular 10c alia and Quality-special for Thursday g, only for J&o each Thursday in the Dry Goods 100 pieces pretty, new Wool Dress floods, In all tbe new Spring colorings, special for Thursday, 39C per yard New Percales 100 pieces pretty new dark Tercales, special flC for Thursday, per yard New Heavy Waistings Very handsome lot of new Mercerized white and light evening shades in Waistings, very nobby Ifin 35c goods, Thursday, per yard IUS"' New Wash Goods 500 pieces elegant new Wash Goods, in Scotch Tweeds, Voiles, Suitings, Ducks, etc. Goods that look like 50c and $1.00 wool goods. WTash Goods 18 C Department, per yard Children's Underwear 100 dozen Children's Shirts and Vests, worth up to 73c each, on sale Thursday morning, 1QC per garment Ladies' Handkerchiefs 200 dozen ladies' Lace and Embroidered Handkerchiefs, worth up to 2"c each, special Thursday, '2LQ each ' fHlRnV IS EMBROIDERY DAT. DOrBI.E Oft EE TRADING TAIPS o" ALL EMBROIDER PVRtHAsK.9 ASU BIO REDUCTION H PHICKK. i Stationery Dept. "PIT" A new game, fun for everybody, regular price 50c, our special for 39C Thursday only 25 extra heavy grade of wore Envelopes, C special at 120 sheets extra Satin Wove Note Taper IOC for Council Bluffs Delivery Every Dxy ii. ar . f . i i