12 TFTn OMATTA' DAILY PEE: TUESDAY. FEBRUARY 10. 1004. LOOK FOR WAR ON ALL RATES Kailroad Mem Fear General Tight aa Keenlt of Grain Tariff Content LATTER NOW CUT DOWN TO THE MINIMUM Mllrraakre anil llnrllno;oii rrnmpllr Mt (ire.t Western', latest Rr d.etlon and Xorthwratrra is Esneeted To. The Mllwaukoe nnd Burlington have promptly met the Chlcnuo 5rcat Western's latent rut of grain rates and the North western Is exported to moot It. As these rate, are about as low as they ran he, It Is anticlpaterrnow that the war will bmnch out so as to Involve all the Omaha-Chicago roads over all classes of commodities. The last cut of grain rates Is one of 2 cents per hundred, making the rates from Omaha to Chicago H cents on wheat and 7 cents on corn. The rates from the Mis souri river to the Mississippi river are not affected by the last cut, and still stand at 5 cents on wheat and 4 cents on corn. The cut was promptly mot by both the Milwaukee and the liurllngton, and as J. A. Kuhn, assistant general freight and passenger agent of the Northwestern, was called toChlrugo Sunday evening by freight officials of his line It Is believed that the Northwestern axe Is In progress of sharpen ing to again take off a huge chunk from the through rates from Nebraska territory to the east. "You can look for trouble," said a well posted freight man. "The grain rates have now been nit to the very bottom, and If the war Is continued there is but one thing left to do, and that Is to begin taking olt the rates on other commodities. I be lieve that If the Northwestern gcxto below this last cut of the Chicago Great Western the latter road will retaliate by cutting the rat-. on packing house products, live stock or some other class of freight It looks to me now as though both tho Northwestern and Chicago Great Western are In the field to fight this battle to a finish. Orkney's Iasi Move. The last move of Mr. Btlckney In an nouncing a reduction In the rates to Chi cago without making a like reduction In the Mississippi river and Iowa rates shows that he Is about at the end of his string eo far as grain rates aro concerned, and if he proposes keeping up the fight, which he evidently Intends to do, he must, cast about for eome other kind of ammunition with which to carry on the war. "The through rates on grain to the At lantic seaboard are based on the rates be tween the rivers, so that Mr. Btlckney's cut In the Chicago rates Is of no benefit to export shippers of grain. He will con tinue to get his proportion of 7.9 cents on export business, the same as when the Chi cago rate on wheat was 10 cents. The cut In the Chicago rate Is of no practical benefit to local grain shippers, for tho rea son that very little grain Is going to the Chicago market .at present." The Rock Island announces that for the present no further reduction In Its grain rates will be made. "We will wait." said an official of that line, "and see how thla war Is going to terminate. I cannot see what advantage there la In cutting the rates when there Is very little grain to be hauled. We desire to get our rates lined up again, and If there Is' any more cutting to be done we will make a new start after we find out Just where we are In the matter. This action on our part will probably complicate mat ters, for when one of the roads stands aside It mixes up matters by making differ ent seta of rates over different lines." Ksr JO Shoes $1.39 See Window Ladies' Uppers $1.98 fo) Ju Thousands of Yards of Highest Class Embroideries on Sale at Rare Bargains . From Arnold B. Ilolne. Importer, of New York, wo sortiml nt miction n plKnntlc stock of tho very fluent Embroideries ever Imported from Swltzerlnnd. We have some of the very choicest lots from the stock of thin ureKt importer. The lvmbroiderioR nre the rliiest Swiss, nainsook and cambric ever shown nt an Omaha sale up to 18 Inches wide nnd actu ally worth as IiIku as .lOe a yard on bargain squares tomorrow at yard 3c Trading Stamps Free tub reliable: itore. Trading Stamps Free Our Own Stamps. Our Own Premiums The goodness of our goods, the lowness of our prices, the su periority of our premiums makes "Our Big Store" THE PLACE for economical buying. Thousands know this to be true. Inves tigation will prove the same to you. A Great Shoe Opportunity Wednesday n B 25c Drapery Swiss at 10c Yard 10c CIVIC LEAGUE PICKS LEADERS X.w Improvement Organisation Kl.ct. Full Corp. of Officials aid Committees. The officers of the Qlvlo Improvement League of Omaha met for the flrwt time yesterday In the Board of Trade building' nnd appointed the committees called for by the recently adopted constitution. In addition to President Slab, ugh. Treasurer Luther Ik KounUe and Secretary Miss McCartney, there are nine vice presidents, one from each ward.' These Monday selected the ex cutlva board of seven, which will be the real executive head of the organization. Those named were E. A. Benson, E. J, Cornish, A. A. Buchanan, W. II. Green, W. A. I'Uley, G. Y. Craig and S. P. Bost- ' Wick. The general committee of 100 will be the controlling body of the association and part of these were named Monday. The constitu tion provides for four standing committees and these chairmen have been appointed For ways and means, E. A. Benson; press, publications and public meetings, A. A. Buchanan; membership and organisation. W. II. Green; legislation, C. I. Saunders. Membership rendezvouses were named In various parts of the city, where member- Ship tickets may be obtained. Ampng these were O. P. Klpllnger, at Thirteenth and Farnam; N. P. Podge. Jr., on Farnam. and Schmidt's dn;g stoe. at Twenty-fourth and Cuming streets. Those named for the general committee were: K. A. Benson. A. A, Buchanan, S. I. Bostwlrk. Charles Williamson. K. J. Cor nish. R. B. Howell, C. K Saunders, Dr. O. L. Miller, Captain H. E. Palmer, W. IL Green, I I Kountie, Alfred Millard, Theo dore Johnson, T. J. Muhoney, N. P. PoilKe, Jr.. J. Y. Craig. W. 8. Poppleton. F. W, Filch. Pr. C. a Oifford, Pr. W. O. Henry, C. G. Pears, Gua Anderson, J. It. Butler, W. A. Tlxley. John W. Bobbins, W. F. Johnson, Major P. II. Wheeler. John Laten- aer. Rev. M. J. O'Connor, John F. Dal ley, Count John A- CreiKhton. T. J. Fits morris, C. 8. Loblngler, William Hayden, O. W. I.lnlnger, George W. Ban- oha, E. F. Morearty, O. A. Pope, W. O. t're, Henry W. Yates, C. C. Belden, J. E Baum, William Bushman, George A. Jos- is surely coming. Doti't wait for it. V If you are run down and thin and take cold easily, try SC0TTS EMULSION It will strengthen and fortify your system and keep you well. Sale of Laces atlc,2lc,5c,10c A spocltil pale of Laros for tomorrow Includes n great nrrny of fine Lnros that are tip to 5 inehos wide, They aro In Tint Vnls, Normandy Vnls nnd Torchons also some specially tine Net Top Orientals, suitable for sleeves worth as high as 35c a yard tomorrow at yard !c, 2c, 5c, -10c Silkoline at lc Yard 111 Mill Remnants We place on sale tomorrow 10,000 yards of Sllkollne In mill remnants this rMlkoIIno Is net ually worth up to flftiHn cents a yard tomorrow on bargain square at yard ' !c One big table of white and dotted Drapery Swiss, In long' mill lengths, generally sells at zoo a yard, yard at Ladies' Silk Petticoats $4.50 A beautiful assortment of the Bmartest and daintiest Silk Pet ticoats ever shown In all colors and black msido with accordion pleated ruffles, pleats and clusters of tucks on front bargain square at 4.50 Ladies' Embroidered Turnover Collars at 5 Cents Each. JJew Styles in Pillow Top Handkerchiefs at Hi Cents Each. Armour's Ex tract of Beef Demonstration 3v Menu 3 - I , Daily lyn, Guy C. Barton, Hugh McCaffrey, F. W. Judson, Thomas J. Kimball, F. A. Hen nlnger, Harry Lawrle. Mrs. F. II. Cole, Mrs. George Tllrten, Mrs. C. 8. Loblngler, Mrs. J. II. Dumont, Mrs. Philip Potter, Mrs. R. M. Stephenson, E. Rosewater, R. Metcalfe. Mel Uhl, Alfred Borenson, Clement Chase, S. F. Neble, Vaclav Furesh, Phillip Andres, T. P. Mahammit, K. S. Eradley, T. E. Anderson, A. li. Heath, J. II. Dvrmont Hundreds of pair of Men's and Women's Sample Shoes, bought from the best factories In Massachusetts, At 33', Per Cent Discount The verv best leathers in nil the finest tirades and made up in the very latest shapes for winter and soring- trade. The men s shoes Include the following well known ;nakes: M. A. Packard, t'pliam Bros., Harry & Co. In the women's shoes such makes ss i:. 11. Auorn Ac o.. iioas; Miiuuen, a. . .Minimis ot a, r. cmun anu many others On sule Wednesday a. m. Bee our IKtn street windows. All the 12.50, $3 no, $3 50 ladles' shoes In kid, patent colt and kanearoo rnlf. with hand turned and Goodyear welt soles.... All the $2.60, J3 00 and IT BO mn'B shoes in patent cHlr, vlcl kid and patent colt All the J3.50, $4.00 and $5.00 men's fine patent colt. Ideal kid, vlcl and enamel leather. All Shoes Are Fitted by Expert Shoe Hen The Laurel Silks For shirt wnlst suits are scoring1 a exeat success. They are the finest silks for shirt waist suits on the market and are sold BY 18 EXCLUSIVELY for Omaha. Call and see. $1.96 82,45 Specials for Tuesday Wash silks In black, white, and all colors, 86 In. wide, Tuesday, at Efln yard, only wOC Black silk grenadines very choice 20 styles to select from they sold for CO it $1.00, $L25 and $1.50. Our sale price. .U 30 10 pieces Foster's black silk lining, 45 In. wide, worth $1.50 rer yard, QRa salo price 906 Pure silk ponBe, very fine quality, "4 In. wide, worth $1.00 per yard, 7 Kit sale price 131 HEALTHY PLANTS neqnlre the Most Carefnl Att.nl.n as Well as Good Soil. . Dirt vou ever see a rosebush which despite' the most beneficent environment of ,,llof sunshine and of atmosphere seemed never to achieve a healthy g-owthT A ton of manure will not help a plant that has a ranker eating- out its heart. You must, destroy the causa before you can remove the effect. You cannot euro Dandruff and Baldness by rubblns; on hair lotions, and rubbing in vaseline, etc. You must look to the cause of the trouble It's a germ at the roots of your hair which causes it to fall out. Newbro's Herplclde destroys the germ. nd healthy hair is the sure result. Sold bv leading flrusralsts. Bend 10c In stamps for sample to The Herplclde Co., Detroit, Mich. Sherman & MoConnell Drug Co., special agents. WILL BE FINE FREIGHT HOUSE Kew Depot of Great Western Planaed to Be Oae of nest Structures la West. It Is said that the new freight depot to be built on the Groat Western terminals will be the finest structure of its kind In the west. Tho entire building will be con structed of brick and stone. A frost proof cellar will be constructed umlrr the building which will be coment-llned through out. All of the floors in the building will be convex, sloping from the center to the sides, so that in case of Are on one of the floors the water thrown in to quench the flames will run oft without damage to the goods which may be stored on the floors below. Each floor will be provided with troughs at the sides to carry off tho water. The building will be four stories in height. and electric-lighted throughout. There will be fifteen doors on each side of the building. and by running three lines of cars along side It will be possible to unload fifty freight cars at one time. On the side of the building opposite the tracks there will be space for fifteen teams to back up to the doors for loading and unloading purposea The driveway will be either brick or asphalt paved so that in muddy weather no difficulty will be experienced in handling heavily laden wagons. It is said that the improvements when com pleted will have cost $150,000. ' Marriage Llceases. I'p to noon. Fehruary 15, the following couplea had been licensed to wed; Name and Residence. Are. Charles McDowell. Omaha 5 Kyma Dlllt'hay, Orralia 2 Joseph W. Dalley. Omaha 27 Helen Clemen, Omaha 2S Andrew M. Olsen, South Omaha 23 Mary Gram, Couth Omaha 2U William Mayers, Missouri Valley, la 21 Heurlelta Harder, Missouri Valley, la.... 1& George A. Mulrlnxer, Omaha 23 Martha M. t 'uklser, Omaha i John H. Rlrli.irds, IJnooln JH Lillian McAUUler. Uinxilu tl 18 K. Wedding Rings, EUholrn, jeweler. SEVERAL MEN PLEAD GUILT! V s.a.Bssssasi FostmaUer Glasgow of South Auburn Pays P.ve Hundred Dollars Fine. HEADS THE LIST IN THE FEDERAL COURT Judge Manner Convenes Adjourned Term, at Which Rash Present. Ung List of Indictment, for Disposition. The adjourned term of the United State. district and circuit courts openod yesterday morning at the federal building. The Jury was not called until afternoon. Dep uty United States District Attorney Rush presented a long list of criminal Indict ments set for hearing and disposition was made of these: R. E. Dutton, Lincoln, Indicted on the charge of mailing unmailable matter. Cap tain L. W. Ullllngsley appeared for the defendant. A motion for the demurrer ha. been filed in the case and Captain Hillings ley stated that hi. client wa. ready for trial at once and that could the hearing proceed without further delay the demur rer would be withdrawn. The district at torney was not ready for Immediate trial, as witnesses had to be summoned from Georgia and other distant states. Judge Munger stated that as the case was noted for trial on this date he would give the district attorney until Saturday to sum mon his witnesses and the case went over to that date. The witnesses will be turn monod by telegraph. John Klllelea, South Omaha; Indicted for sending a threatening iiostal card through the malls. Klllelea pleaded guilty ai d was sentenced to pay a fine of $J5. Sherman Ennls and Fred Rorgman, Ban croft, Neb., charged with selling liquor to Indians. Bond declared forfeited, because of nonappearance of the accused. Get. Fine ot IOO. Theodore Stanlscul. of Omaha, Indicted for aendlng obscene matter through the malls. Pleaded guilty. Fined $100. Charles Green Rainbow and Lewis Trlest, Indicted for alleged selling of liquor to In dians, pleaded not guilty. The case is set for Tuesday, February 16. Edward Walker of Lincoln, Indicted on the charge of sending obscene matter through the malls. The recused Is now confined In the Hastings asylum aa lncura bly lusano and upon the recommendation of Postofflce Inspector Sinclair and the dis trict attorney the suit against the accused was nollled. former Postmaster Glasgow of South Auburn, Neb., indicted for neglecting to de posit government fundi with a designated government depository," pleaded guilty and was fined $500. The hearing of J. T. Walker of Raymond, Indicted for alleged embezzlement of a let ter, was aet for hearing Monday afternoon. February 15. The cases of James Smith. Sim Chidlcr, Samuel Thomas and Charle. Moose, In dicted on th. charge of selling liquor to Indians, was aet for Monday afternoon, February 15. , The cases against John Mitchell, postmas ter at Alma, and W. M. Erwln of Alma, indicted for the alleged sale of postage stamps and conspiracy for trying to in crease the revenues of the Alma postofflce, are set for Thursday. Klaed for Hough Haas. Mathew and Minnie Rodger, and Irene Irixter. arrt-sunl laat Haturday afternoon by Otttcers Crowe and Ja kim fur disturbing the peace at the Rodger home. Eleventh and i'apttcl avenuu, by fighting and drstrcylng furniture, were arraiKned in Hlk' court this morning. The Rodger. woman was nneu siu anu costs, tie evident, showing that slm was the angreor, while the ott.t-r two disturber wr diHriiui'Ked. Ilotli of the women buar abrasions of the cuticle a. re.ntnders of the ooasioii i rurmanuigs .ml window Uichta at the I house lwr vkdocc. u liavlug tlguxvd la a tuvugr iuua Optical Department Frnprf Fiftlno- Correct Frames jfM ' r ' " "J WW iW I amiocI Prime Free exfimlnatlon by experienced opticians. i Do You Own a Grip or Suit Case? Now Is your chance to own one at Just a fractional part of It. value. Sample Bags Sample Dress Suit Cases $3.50 and $4.95 Having purchased the sample lines of traveling bags and dress suit tasns from two of the largest manufacturers In the coun try at a great bargain, we will j lace them on sale Tuesday a. m., giving you the benefit of the low price. These goods would sell regularly at from $5.50 to $10.00 your choice QC mm! R fl of the two lots Tuesday, at allU WWlSU Groceries! RELIABLE LOW TRICES, BEST GOODS ON THE JLR KET AND TRADING STAMPS WITH EVERY PURCHASE, $2.00 worth free Tuesday to every purchaser of 5 pounds Dried Fruit Any kind you want. The b"st bulk laundry starch, per pkg Sc Egg-O-Hee, Vigor, Vim, Malta Vita, Neutrlta, per package 7Hc wool soap, tier oar sc Tho very best soda, oyster or butter crackers, per pound 6c Fresh Fruit! Fresh Fruit! Nothing more healthy to eat than our fancy Highland brand of fnjlt. Fancy Highland oranges, es-ch.. In Fancy Highland lemons, each lc Fancy California oooklng ns, per lb.. Tc Pure white clover honey, per rack 120 21 lbs. pure cane granulated sugar for. .$1.00 Large sacka corn meal ...Mtc Large sacks pure Graham flour 2T.c Large sacks pure buckwheat flour 3Sc 2-lb. package self rising pancake flour.. 7Vio lbs. na.no picsea navy Deans, rice, sago, tanloca. Farina or barley, for lrc S-lb. cans solid packed tomatoes Tiio 2- lb. cans wax or string Deans rc Oil or mustard- sardines, per can 4c Quart cans fancy golden table syrup.. 10c Quart cans fancyTeTinessee sorghum.. 10c 3- lh. cans pure sppie hi tter 7Hc lb. cans rancy Alaska saimnn vo Celluloid, F.lastlc.. Klectrlo or I. X. L starch, per package vtc Heals as by Maa-le. If a pain, sore, wound, burn, scald, cut or piles dlstrea. you, Bucklen'a Arnloa Salve will cure It, or no pay. 23c. For sal. by Kuhn & Co. Mortality Statistics. The follYfc.ng births and deaths have been reported to the Board of Health dur tr.g the forty-eight hours ending at noon Mondny: Hlrth. William Si-enoer, MJ North Twenty-third, boy; Hall, loil North Klgh teiith. biy ; Frank Podlaskewsky. 2321 South ' leuty-svuUi, girl; ttaiu UuganuaUt g-sAVDERS BROS. Triple War-News Service Full Associated Press Reports Exclusive New York Herald Cables Complete New York World Dispatches For Reliable War News Read The With three sources of news each covering the field completely The Bee will have it first and hsxve it right This triple arrangement gives The Bee absolutely the strongest war news service of any paper in the country stronger even than that of either the New York Herald or New York World The Bee has the com plete service of both; Don't believe it till you see it in The Bee. 1706 North Seventeenth, boy; Zimmer men, '.u7 Ludge, boy; 'Julius Alexander, D'-'Ol Charles, girl: J. Kpps. 4i'A Cuming, boy; Arthur J. Folsom, rlS Maple, boy; Join Zimmerman, 3715 8outh Twentieth avenue, girl; Charles McCartny, iMl bouth Fifth, boy. Death Paul Mancuss. 7"7 South Four teenth. 4; It. It. Hinder, T'S, Lake. 46; Ma.-y tUk.r, 1113 South Smth. tij; May lingers, county hospital, 29; (Joldie Iay. kJ4 North Eighteenth, 1; Pearl Bordtr. For Uia and J.Uutwui N. Edward, tiU Jwei-'a hospital, 63; Minnie C. Bpurgeon, tl South Twentieth, 2D. Don't be guided by sham prejudices. Order Champagne according to your own good taste then it'll be Cook'. Imperial. Auction! Auction! Auction! Unredeemed pledges at Adler's loan of fice, a, . Cur. aa4 Faroaia sta ll BBS An Unusual List of Special Values We Quote Here for Women. Women's Furnishing Goods at Half Price. We want to tell you rifiM on the start, in the Btronpest terms possible, that prices nre half and less than half on most all of our ladies' furnish ing goods. And, even then, you have but a slight inkling of the extraordinary values we nre offering. We do not want you to underestimate one word of this great saving newstake every sentence in its fullest meaning, nnd then when you come, you'll be bound to admit that -we've 'underestimated, rather than overrated the bargain importance. THIS list or SPECIALS OX SALE tufsday MOIiNINO, IN TUE WOMEN'S FUKNISIIINU fiOODS SECTION: 1 P Indies' fancy, striped and solid colored outing f.annel skirts X J W regular too value at 15o each. " IIeavJr ou'.lng flannel skirts, In fancy and plain colors, with good jH quality cambric yoke band, with oecp ruffle-tegular COc value mm W at 25c. Boys' and girls' heavy, Jersey ribbed combination Pults, in na X JL tural un, whltR rojru'.nr Bc values reduced to i:4o a ult a m 4 Fplendld garment for this season's wear. 1 Cf- Children', heavy flat and Jersey ribbed, fleece lined lindorweiu I JC blrts and drawers-in r.aturnl, ecru t.nd white nil s'teg, trom 3 to 12 worth originally up to 4."c reduced to 19c. Si "V E'K lot of ladles' Mack ests and tights, natural and white vests jJC an1 P;nt9 children's combination suits, ladle, comb.'-u tlon sultw, which regularly sold at 75c, J1.00 to $1.50 one price, 59c gT 0 doz,'n Jadles fine muslin long cloth and cambric corset covers, jjC te,,utlful styles in V, square and round necks, trimmed In fine laces and etnbrolderles-styles that sold at 30c, 60o and 75o-all go at one price 2oo. . H f Ladles' and children's fine imported golf, tr.ercerlzed cashmere nd .Ilk gloves and mittens all go at one price many pretty stripes and flgures-also black, tan, gray and white regular Ijo, 35c, 60a and 7Go values at 19c BENNETT'S CAPITOL GOODS - staples that are beacon lights in the grocery world, because of purity, freshness, honest weights and measures, neat clean packages; goods prepared especially to. our order, coniform ing especially to our demands, received direct from the fac tory and handed directly by us over to you no agents, com mission men or go-betweens, but fresh, ideal, fine goods, which the manufacturer knows will be subjected to the closest scrutiny by the livest consumers in the west Ben nett's customers. BENNETT'S CAPITOL BRANDS will be the next great GREEN TRADING STAMP sensation sale. Every housewife, housekeeper, every mother of a family in Omaha is asked to watch for this CAPITOL SENSATION. Grocery Grocery Tor the best and freshest table products at lowest pitces, cat Grocery Department U second to none. TUESDAY SNAPS. Navy Beans, per lb o Oil Sardines, can r Salmon, 1-lb. can California Prunes, per lb Bo Peas, 2-lb. can J Lemon Extract, bottle o UTTER. This Is received direct from the best dairies of the country. B-Rifjtr roiTNTRY BUTTER. 1 Wisconsin Crmm Cheese, per lb. .7lb . .7.....:..... I Medium Sour Pickle, pint Cleaned Currants, per rb...... Jam, assorted, large Jar Pure Jelly, assorted, glass.. Rolled Oats, 2-lb. pkg Wheat Hreakfa.rt Food, 1-lb. pkg, Castile Soap, cake Parlor Matches. 500 In box per lb. TEAS. R F Japan, Oolong, Gunpowder, Eng. Breakfast, good value, per lb.... Tea Sittings, per lb - , COFFEES. headquarters for the best values fresh roasted every day. Maracalbo Coffi'e, goo., per in no I Jinineii ureaaiaui unoo JUonnctt's Capitol Conee, per 10. ...So ,.1'k) ..10rt . .100 ..10c .2Ho ...to ..8Ro u.L'ic .20 a-lb. can 480 A Sensation in Dry Goods Section. HI JM. J.u Not till Wednesday a. m. VfCUnCSUay -we will place on sab EMBROIDERED AND HEMSTITCHED Swiss Scarfs, Shams, Commode and Stand Covers. This is a manufacturer's clean-up sale and is a" wonderful and valuable collection. Goods nre in all fjf ffil sizes and are worth up to 75c We will close Jf jig fj them out Wednesday, at, each L-fVM And Give $2.00 Worth of Green Trading Stamps With Each Sale. Green Trading Stamps in Ail Departments All the Time SKA) A Few Desirable Rooms at Reasonable Prices. There ar four, and only four, vacant room In tha whole bulldMnir Amort' them ara one or two exceptionally desirable medium vised rooms, a follows: Room 61- Th, ilu of this offlr it Hi 19. It h-i Urpft. burglar-proof ult and ha II i,t lh k'lvinliKti In th way ot tclng In a fire-proof building, aplrDdld Janitor and el valor at rvire, frr alert rtc light and watf-r. It ta coDvaulciitlr locatt-4 Mt both tha eitars In Jon and Foata.1 uraJn-b Ulirrajb offlits. Pni par month i ua. bulla 04: . tfxiO rlicht In front of tha el aior on l ha aiaiS floor; divide Into watting rtxm and private oific; fa-iea aoutb. Prlca Jw, Eoom tit: TbU offlea la 14x20 and ts loratal alsuoai In front of tua flevaior, on turn itni-1 floor. Ibia la ooa of Uia V w amallvr o trie a facing Itia aouth. ll la finiLt(l tu bard oou. iucludim tha floor. l'riva I-U.yy Room 4M: Ttila ofloa la 13xl and la vary ronvaiiittiit to th alt-valor, it. i-lriia b-U4 alaioat opoai to tha alfvtr,r iloor. It !-.. tlia wutb and la a vcrjr fmV rtaul offl a boih l au miliar auid wluter. r'rua I.i.' i THE BEE BUILDING. C. FETEHS & CO., Renlal Agents. Ground Flocr, Vie RullUlr.u 1