TITE OMAnA DAILY TVEE: TUESDAY. FERRUAnY lfl. 1004. 10 I' ', 1 l! I SPECIAL NOTICES AiftrrllMmrnla for these rnlumna will lie taken unfit 12 m. for the r irnlm edition and until H p. m. for the mornlnn and Monday edition. Rate. 1 l-2c a word first Insertion, le a word thereafter. Nothing; taken tor less than Sitle ff.r the first Inner- Ion. These nd vertlsements mast be ran ennaeentl vely. Advertisers, r requesting; a am hered check, ran have "" -dressed to a anmbered letter In rare of The Hee. Amitrn mo addressed will lie delivered on presentation of the check only. MISCELLANEOUS. BOYLES COLLEGE NEW YORK LIFE BUILDING. OMAHA, business. Shorthand, Typewriting, English. DA AND Alii nr. Apply lor Catalogue. RMr3 OMAHA Safe and Iron works make a spe rlaliy ol tire escape. shutters, disirs and Bales. O. Andreen, prop., 1"2 S. loth st; R M50 May2o P. M. HAVERLY-EXPERT ACCOUNT ANY. 212 BKE ULUO. PHONO 29"4. r.ni n silver, nickei baling Co., 160 11 NICKEL Plating. Om. arney. lei. zo.. K 1 i nriCMiTU c. r. HELFIN, N. Tel. 974. R M188 F20 LUV 1 I'll I 11 iB ltith. CITY BA VINOS BANK pays 4 per cent. R (S.i frKCIAI. For ft limited time we will fit you with a guaranteed pair of spectacles for tl. Don't miss this chance. U. B. Op. tlclana, :m N. ltith St. R 736 X'ERFIELD Piano Co.. Bee Bldg. fctorey Ai Clark. Ludwlg, Schiller. Weber, R 737 J2AOLE lian office. Reliable, accommodat ing; all bualness confidential. 1301 Douglas. R 738 EXPRESSMEN'S Delivery Co.. moving and storage. 211 N. 16th. Tel. 1136. R-739 TRY THE CHICAGO LAUNDRY. If vou don't, we both lose. Good work. prompt attention. 214 N. 16th. Tel. 2"? R-711 GOLD crowns from $3; fillings from 25c; set of teeth. $2; teeth extracted free. Union Dental Co., 1522 Douglas, room 4. R 744 J. E. WALLACE. Taxidermist, 006 8. 13th. -745 iANTI-MONOPOLY GARBAGE CO., cleans cesspools, vaults, removes garbage, dead animals; reduced prices. 621 N. J6. Tel. J77!i. ' 74 T. MELCHOIR, machinist, 13th Howard. PUBLICITY DEBTONS-WHEATON. In the Bee Bldg. R-74S We rent Sewing machines. 7Re week. We repair and sell parts ' for every machine manufactured ' Becomi-hand machines ' from 15.00 to fin no. Nebraska Cycle Co.. Phone 1663. Corner 15th ana Harney. R-504 "FTRONGEST In the World." The Eoulta hle Life Assurance society. Its policies are sight draft at maturity. 11 D. Neelv, manager, Merchanis' National Bank Bldg., Omaha, Neb. R 749 BIGN pslntl.ig. S. H . Cole, 1302 Dotigls. R-751 1ALL kinds carpenter work, repairing. Srnmptly attended to. J. T. Ochiltree, ith c.id Lake. R-370 MOVING picture films and slides orders filled. R. machines, stereoptlcona. at bargain prices: mall C. Taylor, 8f 8. nth st. R M94S Fx IS 3. DAVI9, safe mover, heavy hauling. 111 Farnam. Tel. 303. R 152 M3 IVODTCKA A CO fine tailoring; nil kinds pressing, repairing. Krug theater bldg. Tel. 8182. R-753 BJORNSON & HAAS. Tinners and Mfgs. of sheet metal, cornices, smokestacks, gutters, skylights, ceilings, tanks, eto. Tel 2575. 214 N. 16th st. R-782 F15 Clothes pressed, . hotel tailor. altered. Yousen, Paxton R-208 TRACINGS: Blue prints working draw ings, dues st co., omana. J'lione R 237 Apr22x PERFIELD Piano Co., Bee Bldg; no Inter est, honeJt values, easy terms. R 737 C hirnnnH7et relief; corns removed. V-lllIUpUUyDr. Roy, r. 2-3, 1506 Farnam. R-740 HPNRY doesn't keP stationery whv? 1 11-11 1 I Tne hegt anBWM. before April 16th g-ts $5.00 cash. Bring the answer to HENRY. 1615 Farnam. Opp. N. Y. Life. R M566 15. BUSINESS CHANCES. .WANTED Parties to Join with me in or ganizing a new corporation: something .icw miiu a. wiiiuei. Auuress x.' a, nee. Y M747 20 I CAN quickly sell for cash without local publicity your real estate, business or partnership, no matter where located. Hend me full particulars, price, etc. Ad- oress i;nas. n, roweil. Is w. Mohawk St.. Buffalo, N. Y. Y-M712 MarlJ FOR BALE Cheap, three-chair barber shop, with bath room. N. Duncan. Ad ministrator, Pawnee City, Neb. Y-M150 lx eilOLES ' ARMSTRONG CO., business chances and exchanges; write us, 722 New York Life Bldg. Tel. 49. Y-764 10-Room Rooming House run of roomers In good brick; rent 836, 2 imockb iruni city nan, wu. owner leav ing city, loves tig ate at once. Address a 9i. ooe. X o4& TO GET in or out of business call on Wil liams, room 41L McCagua building. i Y-M971 BUSINESS FOR SALEDepartment store. win invoice t.oou; fc,uuo cash will take it If taken at once; stock is new, rent uel, sooa rarming country; biggest, oeai ana niori complete stock In town; no competition to speak of; light plant in building; sales, cash, average $1,300 a month said can be increased; a chalice for a Uvei man to get rich; reason for seiung. nave otner business. Address C 60 Dee. Omaha, Neb. Y M&79 19 WANTED, partner; I want a sober, ener- f etio man with $250. to manage business n Omaha; $1 per week wages and half Interest In business; permanent situation; this Is a good business chance; references required. Address H. WKLMER1NU, Peoria, III. Y-Mi7 23x .WILL) trade business property In eastern Neb. town for stork of shoes or a small general slock. Address C 66, Bee. Y 696 81.00 WILL start you right In the mercan tile business; thousands are making big money; be sure to send correct name and address with dollar to J. Stone & Co.. H3 State st.. Albany, N. Y. Y MM1 lx ITl'ATIONS WANTED. YOUNG girl, going to business college, wants place to work mornings and even ings for board. Address D 75, Bee. A-644 15x COACHMAN, with first-class recommenda tions, wants situation; expert with horses. Address D 90, bee. A 551 16x SITUATION wanted by Swedish woman ss cook in private lamuy; references Address D M, He. A 539 17x WANTED Position In grocery store by man with It ywara' experience; large ac quaintance la Omaha. Address D 7l Bea. A-447 lx SHOHTIIAXD ASD TYPEWRITING. A. C. VAN 8ANT 8 school, 717 N. Y. Life. Neb. Bus. ft Shorthand Col. Boyd theater. -S47 DRESSMAKING. IN families. Miss Sturdy, 809 N. 23d. -MJOs STANDARD Garment Cutting College. 2231 urban. -Mill 2u WANTED MALE IIF.I.P. BASE BALL TEAM of the OMAHA COMMERCIAL COLLEGE lith aim Iiouk.. Now organized. Mhh a numoer of players euginle or proiessionals. We nee,i two or Iiik'b mure expert amateur piaers. partic ularly one pluner. Inlucfmenu to the light men. XvniH at once. Soneduie nn m.nK. rew open oaten left. If you want to go to ("cliool and play hall wlih a fast team, Mere In your opportunity. telephone Address, ROMRBol.GIl BUuri., omatia, reor. MEN to learn barber trade; free railroad fare upon our failure to convince you of thlft being .1,6 BEST, largest and only reHame, uiOHt practical baruer college in this utlon. Write for catalogue today. Western Barbers' Institute, Omaha. Neb. B 759 WANTED For U. 8. army, able-bodied, unmarried men. Pet ween agea of -1 and 25, citizens of United States, of good charac ter and temperate habits, who can speak, read and write Knglish. For Information apply to recruiting officer. lth and Dodge Bis., Omaha, or Lincoln, Neb. B Mli4 MOIXR'g BARBER COLLEGE of Den ver. Colo., oilers advantages In teaching the barber trade that csnont be had else whore. Write today for our terms. B-M316 F2AX Westn Employ't Agy, R. 14-15, Crounse blk. B M4iif WANTED, ten experienced salesmen to travel with wagon and sell an old line of medicines and household articles on commission, with a guaranteed earning of $'.0.00 per month. Applications from ex perienced men only will be considered. Address, the Haller Proprl-tary Co., Blair. Neb. B-VS F20 WANTED California Is the place now la 'he time. There are good positions open for men of clerical ability, professional men nnd mechnnlca. Write Us what em ployment you desire and we will send by mall frequent lists of good openings in your line. Registration fee. $1, to be sent with application. No further charges. COMMERCIAL INFORMATION BUREAU, I". O. Box 698. Lob Angeles. California. B M169 M-4 WANTED Two men to work from our wagons; steady position and experience unnecessary. C. F. Adams Sc Co., 1619 Howard at. , B 7 WANTED Men to learn the barber trade; thoroughly practical training that saves yearn of apprenticeship; few weeks com pletes; tools given, wages Saturdays, dl nlonas arinted. positions furnished. Call or write Moler Barber College. 1302 Doug las St. B M517 lex AY Intelligent rerson may earn good In come corresponding for newspapers; ex- feilence unnecessary. Send for particu lars. Press Syndicate, Room 63, Lockport, N. T. B M530 18x MAN with references for commercial trav' eler to call on merchants and agents; ex ncrlenre not reoulred: salary $24 per week with expenses advanced. National, 330 Dearborn St., Chicago. B M568 19x WANTED, brla-ht solicitors for "War Be tween Russia and Japan. by Murat Halstend; endorsed by leading men of the nation; big book; enormous demand; 1.000 llustratlons; big profits; outfit free. The Dominion company. Dept. A, Chi cago. B M5S6 19x WANTED A candy maker Bee. for general work. Address D 2, B 692 lu GOOD opening for a carriage painter and letterer: lots of work: must be a rood man. Address J. W. Mayer. Beatrice, Neb. B 821 lbx WANTED, experienced bookkeeper on city ledgtr. must be quick ana accurate steadv nosltion for riBlit man: state for mer positions held and salary expected Address D 16, Bee. B M844 17 WANTED I want the name of every mnn In any way interested In Incubators or poultry raising. I have something for you. Write at once to M. M. Johnson, The Incubator Man, Clay Center. Neb. B-MS39 16x WANTED, two men of fair education, push and good appearance to work in ruenrasaa Kxoenses advanced: salary paid weekly; no fake. Address, with stamp. W. 8. Reeve. Chicago. M843 lfix WANTED Good coatmaker at once; steady lob for right man. For particular write Dan Domaah. Nelson, Neto. - B M862 22 BLACKSMITH wanted, good plow hand. A. Seldel. Deshler, Neb. B MS51 20x WASTED FEMALE HELP. WANTED Ladies to learn halrdreaslng, manicuring or electrical face treatment. Coll ur write for our special February oner. Few weeks completes by our method. Free clinic, expert Instructions, lectures, demonstrations. Moler College, 1302 Douglas street. C M516 16 WANTED A good plain cook; references required. Mrs. E. A. Cudahy, 37th and Dewey ave. C 592 15 WANTED Housekeeper, small family, 8. E. corner N. 18th and Manderson sts. C 590 15x ANYONE need of housekeeper, or man and wire, call Canadian omce, utn and Dodge. C M7'4 GIRL for general housework. Shepard 2004 Wirt. Mrs. C. a C-828-17X WANTED, good girl for general house work; no laundry work; good wages. 114 8. 31st at. C M842 19 FOR RENT FIRXISHED ROOMS. ROYAL HOTEL, European, ltith Chicago, E 7(3 DEWEY, European hotel, 13th and Farnnm. NICELY furnished rooms. Inquire Omaha Steam Laundry, 1760 Leavenworth. 'Phone A-1783. E-764 O. M. E. hauls trunks. Telephone 611. E-768 $1.25 PER WEEK, Doran House, 422 8. 18th. E 766 Vienna Hotel, 1011 Farnam; fins rooms; la dles' Cbfc; prlvU dining r. ; open nights. E xj6 NICE furnished rooms. 824 N. 16th. E 768 FURNISHED room with all modern con veniences. Private family, 2519 Jones St. E M866 FURNISHED rooms and 26th ave. Tel. L2718. board. 60 a. E M150 FURNISHED room, transients. 606 N. 16th. E 196 M4 FURNISHED rooms. The Dresher. 602 S E-17S M4 16th. TWO front, furnished rooms, heated, with with alcove, for gentleman. 16J3 Kurt E-M558 17X TWO nicely furnished rooms suitable for one or two people; very reasonable rites. 2221 California. E M'i20 16 SINGLE or double room very reasonable; walking distance; modern. 2013 Iiven worth. E M619 16 ELEGANTLY furnished parlors, south front, steam heat, kl'-.chen privilege, 2234 Farnam. 'Phone 2203. I M689 !6x LARGE. warm ave. room, steam heat. 1909 E M720 Capitol FURNISHED rooms, 16th St., 1st floor. transients. 712 So. E 808 16x LARGE front room suitable for two; walk ing distance. 714 So. 17th ave. Tel F-3.110. E M387 16x LETTER Duplicating Co. has rooms for tenants and tenants for rooms. List and see list. 1614 Farnam. E 691 FURNISHED 417 N. 19th. rooms for housekeeping. E I6x NICELY furnished rooms, e postofflce. 1610 Davenport. is block from E WtH lax THE FARNAM. lth and Farnam sta. References required. KMsua TWO nicely furnished rooms for light housekeeping; reasonable. 140S Jones. E M778 16x VERY nicely furnished single room. In quiot neighborhood, modern house, walk ing distance. 3uJ7 Harney. E M61$ It WELL furnished rooms for 1 or $ gentle men, walking diatance, only l w per week. U N. 17th. B MW lix SOUTH front room, modern house. U block from Jefferson sduara. rcaannanie. Mil Chicago a. S-WA lax DO YOU READ WANT ADS? IF YOU DO, SO DO THOUSANDS OF OTHERS. BETTER HAVE YOUR AD AMONG THEM. FOR REST FtRJIIsHKD ROOMS. NEWLY furnished rooms. very ch"p, on E M7M 16 car line. 4M)Z Cuming. MODERN furnished rooms and board; hoat and gas, L. A., Z2SZ. bin a. --"a si. E M777 lx FIRMSHFD ROOMS ASU BOARD. Furnished rooms, steam heat, with or with out board. Mldiana noiei, iom at F 169 LARGE well furnished front room, all mod ern, witn Doaro; aiso goou mum day or week. The Dresher, 6o2 8. lbth st. I 7,6 JTOPIA, steam heat, 1721 DavenpoH. ROCK AW AY, 1316 Douglas. Meals, 15c. F-771 NICE rooms; good board. 80S R. ?oth. F-225 Mar5 509 8. 25th ave. Tel. 117 U. F-M423 ROOM and board; gentleman desired. 516 F M561 17 N. 19th. ONE single, aouth room, with board; gen tleman prererrea. iis -ase. F Miw 18X GOOD table board, with 118 N. 18th st. tickets, at 3.50 F-M776 20 week, ONE large and small furnished room and board. 2013 Douglas. F M816 lftx FOR RESIT-t XFIR5IISIIED ROOMS. LARGE front room with .alcove, also one separate room; modern. 409 So. 2Sth ave. G MS8S lSx MODERN, 8 unfurnished for light house keeping; 3 furntahed rooms. 18u6 Chicago. 6 M7S2 16 FOR RENT STORKS AND OFFICES. FOR RENT, building suitable for whole sale purposes at 916 Farnam, 22x90, four stories and first-class cemented basement, elevator, fire and burglar proof vault, of fice counter and fixtures. For price and particulars Inquire C. C. Robewater, sec retary Bee Building Co., room lo. Bee Building. I Mj67 1 STORIES and basement 22x100; 1006 Far nam St. Inquire S14 First Nat l Bank bldg. I-7S2 FOR RENT, three upper stories in four story building at 916 Farnam St., two stories if preferred. Address C. C. Rose water, Sec y., Room 100, Bee bldg. 1 M9ai FOR RENT 4-story and basement build ing. 1516 Dodge St., now occupied by Omaha Carpet Co. Inquire on pit-mlses. I- 779 8-STORY and basement brick bldg.. x57. suitable for inanuiactunng. , J-story bldg.. with storeioom and rooms; hotel or boarding bouse. W. Farnam Smith & Co.. 1320 tarnamSt TWO-STORY building, 1512 and the second floor 1608-10 Howard. Wr. H. Bushman. 1 526 DENTIST wanted to share office with a physician with fine quarters In Bee bldg.. with well established practice. Address v. ... j,31 FOR RENT, desk room or half of office. 212 Bee Bldg. Telephone 2904. . I MS4i 16X FOR SALE MISCELLANEOIS. INDIAN goods and relics. 1119 Farnam. Q 776 2D-HAND safe cheap. Derlght, 1119 Farnam. Q 777 CHEAPEST OAK SLAT CORN CRIB BING. Long fir tlmueis. 901 Douglas. 14 778 100 KINDS of Mineral Water. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. Q n9 KIMBALL PIANO, slightly used; blR - rain. Call or write xioom i, p "'"5; -7S0 HARD coal stoves. $6 up I Chicago Furniture Co.. furniture cheap. 1410 Dodge. Q-781 SECOND-HAND billiard and pool tables; Millard tables repaired; large stock cheap bar fixtures, cigar counters. The Bruns-wlck-Balke Collender Co., 407-9 B. 10th; Q i ,a MAHOGANY 8te4'a Music Box. 30 sheets of music. Perfleld Piano Co.. Bee Bldg. Tel. 701. Easy terms, no Interest. Q 807 15 ISO WATCHES, 78 diamonds, left In pawn, cheap. Diamond Loan Office, 1401 Douglas. V STOCK YARDS SADDftERY CO., Headquarters for Whips artd Axle Grease. We make a special of the above and for that reason can give you any kind at nrlcea J. G. Blessing, 331 No. 2-th tl.. South Omaha, union shop. Q 774 SECOND-HAND TYPE WRITERS. These machines have all been thoroughly overhauiea snu money; Yost $10.00 12.00 20.00 25.00 40.00 45.00 Bo. 00 75.00 70 (XI 40.00 30.00 Callgraph No. 2 Remington.. No. 7 Bllc.kensderfer No. S Remington No. ( Remington No. Remington... No. Remington (practically new) No. 3 Oliver No. 2 Oliver No. 1 Smith Premier NEBRASKA CYCLE CO,, Cor. 16th and Harney. Q 594 15 FOR BALE Several scholarships in a flrst claas standard school in Omaha, compris ing complete course in bualness, short band and typewriting. Inquire at Bee office. VJ-fci BIG BARGAIN IN Government Clothes 85 woolen shirts, 150 pair trousers, 100 Mouses, 150 campaign hats 180 caps, 135 pair legglns. Call at 1023 Farnam St. J. KAVITZ, Proprietor Q-S13-17X BILLIARD at pool tables. 1407 Harney st. Q M848 MarlS LUMBER Sheatlng. $13.50. Cady Lum ber Co., 6th and Douglas. Q M819 Marl5 WANTED TO RENT. WANTED Board and room In private family by two young men, will be In Omaha only 3 months; references Ad dress D 70, Bee. K 645 15x RESPONSIBLE party will rent furnished house for the summer. Address D 97, Bee. K 550 2ux WANTED To hire mule team for heavy work, beginning renruary ana lasting until April 10. Address jj ft, Hee. K-541 17x MARRIED couple desires targe room or two rooms, adjoining, with board. In rirlvate family; no objection to distance f convenient to car line; references ex changed. Address C 63, Bee. K-615 lx WE have applicant for I to 7-room houe to rent, near Harney street car line; also others. List with us. Kenny R. E. and Inv. Co., 300 Bee bldg. Thone SJ K-M770 16 YOUNG lady, stranger In cjty. wants board and room in refined private family; will permanent; bvst of references D 91, Bee, K-&4 lSx FOR AI.E IIF'I, RSTATE. BARGAINS IN HOMES. 153,500. Southeast corner 30th and Dodge 8ts.. 6 rooms, bath room, largo reception hall, cemented cellar under entire house, fur ntice, gas and electric lights, porcelain bath, nlnk and drip boards, all exposed rlumblng the best nickel plated, yellow pine finish; lot 47xllu feet; house Just completed. $2,750. For fine 6-room cottage, all Improve ments, within two blocks of two car lines. Close In. $500. For a 6-room house, city water in kitchen, half lot, on car line. $1,600. For a nice 6-room cottage, modern ex cept furnace, on car line, half a lot. Westerfield & Hill, SIS First Nat'l Bank Building. RE-M738 16 SOME SPECIAL BARGAINS in the Alfalfa Country. 160 acres In the valley near North Platte, all under Irrigation, half native hay, half under cultivation; $?.Mt. 320 acres finely improved; splendid grove; half under irrigation; 80 acres alfalfa; worth $12.(K)0, only 19.010. Possession Apr. I. 1.440 acres splendid grazing land near North Platte, all In one body. Owner must sell; reduced price from &l to $2 per acre for quick sale. 228 acres perfectly level, fine alfalfa land, near Lexington. Owner must have cash; $18 per acre. The above selected from our large list of special bargains. Glad to send full par ticulars. Write us. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY, "The Alfalfa Men." Omaha, Neb. RE 553 18 CHOICE HOME The Judge Ives Residence. 132 N. 39th St.. choicest location In city. Just south fine Joslyn home; lot 50x156 eet, east front. 8 rooms, modern, well I u!lt frame house; good plumbing and heating plant; property all char and pre fer cash sale. SEE VS tjCICK. D. V. Sholes Company, Sole Agents. 722 N. Y. Lifa Bldg. Tel. 49. RE 500 10 Douglas County Farm Close to Omaha and Soutii Omaha, good farm for feeding or farming; land across the road recently sold for $200 per acre; good house of 8 rooms, barn, granary. We are going to sell this property. To do so it will he aacrlliccd at $lt5.00 per acre. W. FARNAM SMITH & CO., Sole Agents. RE-155 I FOR SALE Modern 6-room cottage, near High school, steam beat, large coiner lot, shade trees. Address D 1, Bee office. RE 597 C"EAS- Williamson Co., VBF8 RE 795 GLOVER. 1st floor N. Y. Life, erty, farms, ranches. Tel. 133. city prop KE 796 SEE R. H. LantJeVyou If you wish to buy or sell real estate, 442 Board of Trade. Tel. 2151. RE-569 IF YOlT want to buy, sell or rent a house or a farm; if you have a business for sale or want to buy, call on or write Kenny R. E. & Inv. Co., Thone 336. 300 Bee Bldg. RE MGi) WANTED To trade one of the best farms In Sarpy county for Omaha property. Bee us quick. HARRISON & MORTON, 912-913 N. Y. Life. Tel. 814. RE M737 16 WHEN buying or selling real estate be sure to get a Midland Guarantee and Trust company bonded abstract, 1614 Far nam street. N. P. Dodge, Jr., President. RE M153 WE write all kinds of Insurance. Kenny R. E. & Inv. Co.. 'Phone 336. 300 Bee Bldg. RE MCo4 $2,4002022 Decatur St., new, well built, 7 room house, modern, piped for furnace, oak floors downstairs. A. BARGAIN. D. V. Sholes Co., 722 N. Y. Life Bldg. Tel. 49. RE 603 $1,600 WILL BUY a neat cottage and full lot in Stewart Place. THOMAS BHENNAN, Room 1, New York Llfo Building. RE-606 SPECIAL atention given to property placed in our hands for rental. Kenny H. E. & Inv. Co.. Phone 336. 3u0 Bee Bldg. RE M636 QUARTER section of land, close to Coun cil HIUHS, Will Ben lor m.il ur uniic lui smaller tract near Omaha or Council Bluffs; price. 15 per acre. Address 204 Sap block. Council Bluffs, la. v RE-M544 18 ROSEBUD INDIAN RESERVATION maps showing In colors lands to be opened to settlement: also the Indian heirship land In Charles Mix county; price 5i,o. Grimes A Absher. Wagner. 8. Eg23M.M FOR Noon Luncheon try the KARBACH RESTAURANT, where you will llnd the best prepared meals In the city at reason able prices. 418 S. 15th; Joseph Straub, lrop. HE 820 M -14 SIX-ROOM COTTAGE. Lot 33x132. Near High school. $1,350. A bargain. R. C. Peters Moore's find Wallace's Subdivisions. Out of 17 lota but 5 left. H"0 to $400, cheap and choice, easy payments; will all bo unLI hv anrinir: GEORGE G. WALLACE. BROWN BLOCK. . J3.750 PR1CE-S468 RENT. Can you beat that for an investment? Always rented. Room for four more cot tages I .oLa 1:2x132. Five cottages. Near j r fl i mo 1 n r.KoRGE G. WALLACE, BROWN BLOCK. RE-8JO 16 fllKAP HOME. Ten-room house, modern, good barn, lot Mnli2 evervtliing in good repair, West Kriiam. Price reduced from $3.6oO to M5.V. See us oulck. THE ABHOTT- cnWAN CO.. 312. 314. 315 Brown Block. RE 831-17 DO YOU WANT TO SELL A FARM? If you went to sell a farm or ranch tell the farmeis and stork raisers about It. The best way to reach them is through THE TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER This agricultural weekly goes to fco.OOO homes ot farmers and slock miners, so ir you hase a good piece of land to sell at a reasonable price you will find a buer amonu them. The cost of an advertisement la smull 2 cents per word In smull t pe or $2.52 P"r Inch If set In large type. 1 HE TWfcNTIHTH CHNTURY FARMLR OMAHA, MB. RE l-$ FOR SALE REAL, ESTATE. IT DON'T COST A CENT For our Illustrated booklet with pointers on "Modern Homes;" call and got one. Phlmer 4 Chase, builders of modern houses, new office l Farnam. Tel. 2422. RE MS15 17 STEAM heated residence on 32d ave., short distance off Farnam St. car; complete In every respect; hard wood floors and fin ish. F. D. WEAD, 1524 DOUGLAS RE-823 16 WEST FARNAM DISTRICT. FINE 8-room, steam-heated, all modern residences, 32d near Dodge; owner going to leave town. A bargain for $7,000. Benson & Carmichael. 642 Paxton Block. RE-R2G 15 W11Y PAY RENT? When we can sell you lots on new car lines for lino to $2io each, near 24; h and Fort. 30th St.. south of Miller park, only $5 down and only $5 per mouth. Buy a lot or two, build a little home Hnd stop Pay ing Uh,.N 1. Jieinis, l'uxton Block. KK-i24 15 FOR it E.vr HOISTS. THE Omaha Van and Slcrage Co. pack, move and store 11. 11. goods. Storehouse, iijii-. n. itn. umcu, lull Vs Farnam. Tel 1559-Sa. D S39 FOR RENT 6-room house. 2563 Woolworth ave.; porcelain bath, gas, hot and cold water; newly painted and papered throughout $0. J. M. Shtrwcod, New York Life Bldg. D M667 UniTCF'ri all parts of the IlUUOWo.l'.baviiCo., 608 city. The Bee Bldg. D MU lini IQPQln all parts of the city. R. " 'x " ""C i'elcrs at Co., Bee Hide. D-41 6-ROOM cottage, with bath, stable, large T C VTlll UtUlliCll, Ull DIU II UlUl'tV v D M771 16x PAYNE-BOSTWICK & CO.. choice houses 601-603 New iork Life Bldg. 'Phone 1016. D-42 WE MOVE pianos, age Co., Tel. 1496. Maggard Van & Stor- Ortlce, 1713 Webster St, D-44 HOUSES, inburance. Rlngwalt, Barker blk D 846 2W6 Davenport, 10-room house with barn $35.00. 812 1'ark Ave. Nice "-room cottage. 4430 Farnam 8 rooms, newly painted and papered $20. 2615 Dodge 6-room cottage, gas and water !3. -room cottage, 19th St. Boulevard $13. 2T Farnam 6-room flat $20. W. Farnam Smith & Co., 1320 Farnam Rt. D 240 FOR RENT Large 11-room. colonial house thoroughly modern. 3177 Davenport St on tne southeast corner of 3Jd and Dav enport St Apply to H. J. Windsor, 1518 .Dodge St. D 996 GOOD flve-r. cottage, 2926 N. 25th St., $14. J J 216 FIVE-ROOM house. 816 8. 18th. D-E482 15 COTTAGE. 4 N. 2Sth St. rooms, water and gas. 2109 D 620 NEW P-room cottage; both gas and water: rent $17.50; 2906 Bo. 17th. Address roiS California. D M583 Houses for Rent. 1CK7 Park Ave., 10 rooms, modern $35. 3S06 N. 17th Sr., 7 rooms, modern $15. 110 Stanford Circle, 6 rooms, modem $15. H',19 N. 23d St., 6 rooms $13. 127 N. 37th St., 6 rooms, city water $10 3814 N. 1fth St., 4 rooms, city water $10. 647 8. 25th Ave., 7 rooms, modern $21.60. 977 N. 27th Ave, 7 rooms, city water $15. 2010 N. 27th St., 7 rooms, city water $13. 3136 Harney St.. 8 rooms, modern $26. The Bvron Reed Co., 212 S. 14th St. D M685 17 1615 N. 16th St. 6-room flat, modern except furnace $16.00 1113 Brlggs St. 3 rooms, well water 7.0) 2310 N. 26th St. 6-room cottage, c'ty water 10.01 1208 N. 25th St. 5 rooms, city water... 16.00 2212 Clark St. 6 rooms, city water, newly papered 12.50 2422 S. 16th St. 6-room flat, bath, closet, cltv water 12.69 2!18 S. 19th St. K-room house, city water, good condition 20.00 936 N. 24th St. 10 rooms, all modern during winter for 30.no 622 S. 40th St. 9 rooms, strictly mod ern 4o.y McCAGT'E INVESTMENT CO.. 1506 Dodge St. D-8T5 17 AGENTS "WANTED. WANTED, canvassing agents In every county to solicit eu inscriptions to jnr. TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER. Steady employment with assured good in come. Agents In the country with horse and buggy especially desired. Canvassers make easily n to $100 per month. Ad dress Century Farmer Solicitors' Bureau, Bee building, Omaha- J 213 WE want 10,000 agents for greatest house hold seller ever prixiucea, actually sens In e-ery house; Immense moneymaker for a cents: send 10c for complete sample and our large illustrated catalogue of agents' supplies. Southern Mercantile Co., Dept. B 107, Houston, Tex. J-M446 Api8 'BALTIMORE FIRE HORROR" Agents' harvest; big money selling my vivid and realistic combination picture of the disas trous and terrible Baltimore fire and hor rible Chicago Iroquois theater holocaust, with many other interesting features; most awful and dreadful disaster for years', over 600 lives and $200,11x1,000 of property lost: active workers wanted everywhere; he quick; everybody wants to buy; sample. 10c: 1 dot., $1; loo for $6: no free samples. James Lee, 1.12 Vail Buren St., Chicago. J MS40 16x AGENTS great opportunity; free trip to St. Iul exposition, ulso board, room and paid admissions. Authorized exposition history in Campbells Journal similar to r Prlre History of Chlcaxo and Paris Expositions: everybody wants it; muRn sine agenta average 25 orders daily; lartta commissions; special exisisltlon number: outfit and particulars sent free to working atrents for 16 cents postage. Address Ex position Department, Campbell s Journal, St. Loul, Mo. J-MK38 16x OSTEOPATHY. CHATTEL, salary and Jewelry loans. Foley Loan Co.. R. 8 Barker Block. X-8J9 Johnson Institute, 515 N. Y. Life bldg. T.lt',04 Dr. J. A. Meehaii, 615 N. Y. Life bldg. T.JS64. MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE. iiwi . The Hunt Infirmary. McCague bldg-i: ZAWx" Ba'nT tS! ZL. W 127 DR. GRACE DEEGAN. 832 N. Y. Life. Tel. PIUVATE moneyTsherwood. KTK.'Y''ut7. -tv6- iJ W Wl Fayette Cole, osteopath. 509 Paxton block. 4 TO 6 P C. money. Bemls, PaxtonblookT '91 W-833 Drs. Laird A Laird, 203 Karbach blk. TeIS09l pjuvATE money. F. D. Wead, 1520 Douglas 238 F-2 W 84 ,..,., WANTED, city loans and warrants. W. wl-"tAU Farnam Smlih & Co., 1.120 Farnam St. nlon Orchestra. St Tel. 29s7. M 450 F-28 THOS. J. KELLY, voice. Davldge block. Jt9 DAISY HIGGINB. voice, enworth. Tel. A-2741. piano. 2013 Ieav 892 Fl'i CH AS. H. KEEPER, piano. W. O. W. bldg l20 COSTl , Theatrical and masq. Lleben, 1018 Farnam. 7!J LEICHMAN. L-au. MASQ., 222 Farnam. Tel -Mlil Fi$ PF.n!OVl.. HIAWATHA and 50 other songs in one book, ft cents postpaid. Robert Feenan, 508 So. l.ttn. L' M5.16 M12x DON'T HEAD THIS Unless voir wear clean clothes. If yoti do pntn 24th ntronlie the Domestic laundry. 2418 N. Tel. B11S2. I -M121 M2 Accordion Pleating, cheapest, best, quickest. Mrs. A. C. Mark, 17tn and lougiua. U-976 LA BOOK, ladles' tailoring. 613 Harrison L' 803 blk. ANY poor girl in need of a friend can call or write to tne matron or ine pnivnuim Armv Home for Women, SS24 N. 24th at., Omaha. Neb. U M526 Maylx Stammering cured. J. Vaughn, Ramge Bid. ELITE parlors, 615 S. 16th, 2d floor. tT-8"8 MEET me at Meyer-Dlllons-the "yllow corner for quality" 16th and Farnari. U M912 F18 "VIAVI." way to health. $46 Bee building. U 808 M I f M r-T-l lro.lm.nf A ft baths. Mma. IMAUIXCI IVSn.i.h. 118 N. 15. 2 fir.. R. 2. C lUll jnciio WHAT'S nlier than accordion pleating? We do nothlna- but the finest. Ooldman Pleating Co., 200 Douglas block. U 801 WATER'S PRINTING CO., 1212 Douglas at. u pi" BEN ROT.T Why didn't you meet me at Columbia I'honoirrsnh company last nluht? I waited till half past 9. Say their free concerts are errand, and bought a dozen X. P. 50c records for I5o each. Peggy From Tarls. U M137 ARCHIBALD Must have vottr blcture be fore you leave. Ion t fall to meet me si f'roctor s, 16 S lHth, Sunday afternoon. We can get 15 beautiful cabinet photos for $.100. Elolse. IT 152 r-v i TT-.-t. Tel. 9'i3. rA K VlCle.mlng. Oyelng C M541 BILLY Am next to a good thing: meet me at Stoecker's cigar store this evening nnd we II smoke a 5o Monogram and 1 11 "tip" It off to you. Frank. U M136 Reorent r" Baths and Halrdresslng rs. Ramge Building. Tel. 20,9. Ladies only. U-M4 WANTED To know the whereabouts of John Grant, who left Peoria, 111., In Feb ruary, 1895; was in Omaha during expo. sltlon; Importon. Address James Crum, Disco. III. U 514 15x MASSAGE and manicuring, shampooing and bind beads treated. Mme. .a liore, 212 S. 17th st. U-6X9 19x IMPORTANT NOTICE Tf the children or grandchildren of John Prldeaux, who died In lsso. and believed to be buried at Potts vllle. Pa., will communicate with Henry Prldeaux. Truthall. Helston, Cornwall. England, they will hear of something to their benefit, other papers please copy. IT-833 17x THE geVtlf car at lRt eman who ant on a Farnam st, h st. and noticed an extremely neat and handsome brunette, who Kot on at same time, car going west about 6:30 n. m. Friday, if It could be possible to make her acquaintance will assure her of the greatest sincerity. Address u 14, Hee. U 834 17X WTLL 8. REED, formerly of Concord, N H.. Is wanted by his father of same place. Supposed to be or has been In Omaha. U-827-17X MEDICAL. MAGNET PILE At druggists, $1. KILLER. IT CURES 817 HOMEOPATHIC medicines, wholesale, re tail. Sherman & McConnell, Omaha. -811 PRIVATE Sanitarium for ladies before and during conlinenient. ur. ana airs, ueriacn, 355 California St. Terms reasonable. 813 GET your medicines at CONTE'B new drug store In WEST FARNAM DIS TRICT. 318T AND FARNAM STS. MS96 F16 DR. PRIES treats successfully all diseases and Irregularities or women rrom any cause: experienced and reliable. 1513 Dodge St., Arlington block, Omaha. 814 private hosnltal during confinement babies adopted. Mrs. Gardels, 2234 Lake, Tel. Red-1884. ia PRIVATE home during confinement; babies adopted. The t.ooo aamaritan nanuarmm 728 1st Ave., Council Bluffs, la. 1: PRIVATE hosnltal before and during con flnement. Mrs. Flsner. 2D10 o. 11. lei. ivj. 816 LADIES: Chichester's English Pennyroyal P Is are thn best. Safe, rename, laae no other. Send 4c stamps, for particulars Relief for Ladles." In letter, by return nail. Ask your druggist. Chichester Chemical Co., Philadelphia, Pa. MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. UAOX i.TGE. 1 -OAK Furniture loan. Quick service, Pluno loans, Kaay payments. Live Stock loans, Best terms Hnlarv loans. Any time. We charge nothing for making rapers nrl w never deduct Interest In advance. 119 Boara or iraue iiiuk. (Established lt92 3t6 S. 16th St. X528 THE STAR LOAN CO. 644 Paxton building. Is the recognlied ban of the rel able wage earner arm saian einnlove: largest busintss in uil weitern cities on account of our easy payments, low rat-s and lourtesles extended. X 825 MONEY LOANED ON FURNITURE, PIANOS, LIVE STOCK. SAURIES. ETC. Low raias and easy terms. Businesa confidential. Try us If you ant to s.tve money. PHOENIX CREDIT CO., 633 Paxton Block, lbth and farnam HH. A Sit WHEN YOU THINK OF MONEY, THINK OF RELIABLE CREDIT CO. FOR SALARY AND FURNITURE LOANS ROOMS 808 PAXTON BLK., 3D FLOOR. A A1JN MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE and olliers witn security: easy payments; largest business in 49 principal dlls. Tolman, room 440, Chamber of Commerce Bldg. X 820 MONEY loaned on plain note to salaried people; businesb confidential; lowest rates. 114 l'uxton block. The J. A. Hutton Co. X S27 MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, Jew elry, horses, cows, etc. C. F. Reed. 3i9 8. 13th. X-828 PRIVATE money to loan on furniture, eto. Easy rates. 215 Karbach Blk. Tel. B-29H4. X-995 WANTED, real estate loans snd warrants. It. C. Peters i- Co., Bee Bldg. W 832 I per cent farm loans. Farnam. C. Patterson. 1224 W-Rte I per cei t loans Garvin Bros., 10o4 Farnam. W-K4 MONEY TO LOAN Payne Investment Co. W- 837 PATENTS. H. J. COWGIIJ No fee unless successful. CIS 8. 15th St., Omuha. Til. 17Ji. 798 PATENTS guaranteed. Sues at Co . Omaha. . 692 A12x FOR SAI.R HflRP,, WAOON",' r.TC. fine depot wagons. 3 rookaways, 1 coupe, 2 traps. I wagonette, t drsvs. Drummo-nl Carriage Co.. 18th and Harney. P 1116 FOR PALE, slightly used. 3 carriages, 3 phaetons, 1 top buggies, a driving w -gons; cheap. Anderscn-Millard Co., lol6 Capitol e. P-714 FOR SALE. Id-hand, 4-passenger brotig ham, at bargain it taken at once. i:v.i Harnoy. P MI76 FROST doesn't shave men, repairs, 14th he shaves and l.tav- r-s.i spokes. Wagon enworth. 200-roUND horso, double set of harness, 1 milk union and 1 grocery wagon. Stu ben's livery stable, 715 So. 16th, rear. P 8.12 21 inPsPQ Ft ir bale, beavv and 10c- Still clliim welg ht rxoresser-. draft and chunk. Harney Street Stables. P-MS17 22x WANTED TO HIV, HoflU'C nought, sold. Antique Book Con cern. ivarnicn iiik. Tel. R.y4. N-7i.; 2D-H AND furniture; high prices. Tel. yo). N 757 . iiichko furniture Co. BEST PRICES for used stoves, furniture. t-nterprise Furn. Co., 102-4 8. 14th. Tel. 2296, N-378 Mar4 WANTED 100 cars of bones; will pav a 'rite me. 8. M. Hey, Kansas Cltv. Mo N-M242 E:.tx good cash price; ' 1400 Indiana ave.. WILL the business man who lives In som small Nenraska town and answered ad in Bee concerning Omaha property h has for siile, plea.e vrlto rcaln, clvln particulars: former letter misplaced ad dress. D 15. Be. N S36 18x WANTED 3 houses. 5 to 8 rooms, which can bp moved before April 1; spot cash. I 94. Roe. N SM lSx LAW AND COLLECTIONS. JI'DGK DICKINSON. f 16 N. X. Life Set speclalty. Telephone M'.i;;.' ii tlcments estates a K-2650. STILI'M AN ft PRICE, 410 1st Nat. bk. bhls 7v", THE pew Snow-Church Co., lnw collcc- tions, real estate, attorneys, collectors, brokers evei-ywhere. 1st floor N. Y. l.if . Tel. 133. -7M Wr F. WAPPICH. advice free. Crelahton Blk. 7S7-F29X FOR EXCHANGE, WTTL trade beautiful piano for horse. Schmoller & Mueller, 1313 Farnam st. Z-797 EASTERN Nebraska farms and all kinds property wanted In exchange for oranga groves, etc G. W. Dennis, Riverside, Cal. Z-M506 Six EIGHTY acres land In Burt county, Neb., for Omaha residence property, C. I. Dickinson, New York Life bldg. Z M762 CLAIRVOYANTS. BUSINESS MEDIUM. 718 N. 17th Bt. 8-110 GYLMER, palmist. 715 N. 23d. Tel. B-32-tu. 8111 , MRS. CARRIE SMITH, SOVEREIGN LADY yUEEN OK CLAIRVOYANTS; evervtliing told, past, present and future; satisfaction or no pay. S07 N. 18th. 8-MS4B 22 WANTED SALESMEN. WANTED Experienced salesman, with es tablished trade, for Nebraska; state ref erences, experience and suluxy expected. Singer Bros.. St. Louis, Mo. 9"Jt WANTED, experienced salesman, with es tablished trade, for Nebraska: slate ref erences, experience and salary expected. Singer Bros., St. Louis, Mo. 9u8 DANCING ACADEMY. MORAND'S spring term: Lessons for adult beginners, Tues. and Frl., 8 p. m.; private lessons daily; liberal reduction to puplli who Join now. Call 25th and Harney. ...... ... 093 M;ir12 TICKET BROKERS. CUT-RATE railroad tickets P. H. Philbln, 1505 Farnam. every wheH 'Phone 7-l. -TJt FLORISTS. HESS & tWOBODA, 1415 Farnam. 800 L. HENDERSON, florist, 1619 Farnam St. 801 DETECTIVES. Capt. Cormack, 517 Karbach blk. Tel. A-?s."2. IPHOI.STKRIJfi. Peterson & Lundberg, 11F. 8. 17th. Tel. L-23TA H lt9 When You Write to Advertisers remember it only takes an extra stroke or two of the pen to mention the fact that you saw the ad in The Bee. GOVERNMENT NOTICES. OFFICE CONSTRUCTING QUARTER master. Cheyenne, Wyo., Jan. 13, 1904 Sealed proposals. In triplicate, will be re ceived at this office until 2 o'clock p. m.. mountain time, February 13. 1901. and tip n opened In the presence of bidders, for lighting the post of Fort D. A. Russell, Wyo.. bv electricity. Including the wiring of buildings and grounds, furnishing and tuiiiiilllnit of fixtures, arc liKhls, etc., and furnishing the necessary electrical current. Bidders must state In thjur proposal the time In which '.hey will complete the work from date of commencement thereof. Each proposal must be accompanied by a anar intv signed by two lesponslble personi. each Justifying In a sum enual to 10 per cent of total amount of bid. Full informa tion blank forms, plans and pecllica!lons furnished on application to thla office; elso to the office of chief quartermaster. Chi cago. Deliver, Omaha. Philadelphia, St. Paul St. Louis snd the office of the Engi neering News. New York. United Stales reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids or any oart thereof. Envelopes containing bids should be endorsed ' Pro- fosal for electric lighting of Fort D. A. tussell, Wvo ." and addressed to Capt'iln W. S. Scott. Quartermaster. U. 8. A . Ill charge of construction. OFFICE CONSTRUCTING QIARTKR- master. Observatory ilh' ltllililll.lt. I'e Kfolna Town Feb. 11 i4 . -S. ale,! pro- iswmIs. In triplicate, will ) received here ...111 11 a m Mfimdar,! lime. Mnn h 16. ica r..r Filed He Liithtinu Svsiein at Fort lies Moines. Iowa. Information furnished mi ur.ollcHtlon. U. S. reserv-s rlKht to nr. cent or relect anv or all pro iposcls or anv -..... ,i..raf I..rivelooes should tie di'i.se.1 iTo'rwisals for Electric I.lhtlti' Kvsiem " addresi-ed to Major R. B. Turner. O. M. F16-17-18-19-MI4-1'. LEGAL NOTICES. NOTICE OF STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING Notice Is hereby given that the regular annual meeting of the stockholders of the South P'atte Land company will be held al the office of said company In Lincoln, Ne braska, at 11 o'clock u. m. on the 2d day ol M .rch. A. D. 1904. By order of the board of directors. C. II. MORRILL, President. A. B MINOR, Secretary. Lincoln, Neb.. Ian. So. 1304. F1d30xm liars for l.ss of Hand. Judge Q. T. Graves of Pender Is pre of Pender Is iresld- ing over Judge Sears session or illstrlet court, before which the rase of lluliler against Johnson M Lane Company is come up for trial This la an action for the par tial loss of a hand In which the negligence of the defendant la churg.tJ mi l the dam age aiked is $Hi.i. Juoge Ciavea Is hare In order that J'olK" Keins ma 11 y a case In his i-niirl at Pender. In winch the former is dls'iuallnvd from silting Pass Forty DoLars r.tr 1:, Samuel Atherton has lseii fined $40 and costs III police court for uitc.iuiiriiig the face of ti. A. Livingston. The romplalnlunt -.-p-a-ared against Ailierton who whs chuiRttiw with usMHiilt and battery. Livingston. It is slated, had business with another party when Atherton Intervened in a manner "contrary to law and order."