Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 15, 1904, Page 7, Image 7

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Higher rricej of Cmu Wkeit Hava Vital
Effect on f pdcnlti jn.
Later la the Da), un gelling Offer,
the Market Fades Ar aad
Plnallr Closes at
OMAHA. Saturday, Feb. 13. 1904.
T)e hlgner prlcea o casn wlieai nave
bad thoir effect on the speculative market
& Chicago opened up strong. May being
Wo better than the dure ot 'ihureuay ana
July equally active. Omaha opened up
at rung also m Jtlay, but not ao much bo In
July. There waa a strong demand earlier
In the day among the pli crowd for alay
wheat and It was bin up to tc. lc
above the opening, with small offering to
nUafy the uemana. Letter un selling oilers
the market faded away again to 0c, at
which figure It cloaed. Chicago showed a
fluctuation of over and Vo under the
opening figure. In July. Chicago closd
weaker than the opening, but Omaha closed
with a o advance.
May torn waa active In Omaha, but not
ao Interesting aa usual. It opened at Thurs
r.ay "?lo,"." "tfure, not showing the
Strength of Chicago, but later advanced
S No Interest waa manifested tn the
L Chicago oat situation.
The range in prlcea of Umaha grain for
future delivery and the cloae today and
Thursday waa aa follows;
wm. . .. &Pfn. High. low. T d y. T h a.
Wheat-May .. 711 So 79 80 7
r'i:: Vt., VS w 3
.... wi-.t 411
.... 41
41 40
Oals May
March ..
. it 1h
Local Cash Grain Market.
Wheat felt the effect of the continued
Buying of millers at top prices for con
tract grades and of the Very tlrm condi
tion of the Kansas City market, and aa
a result a large amount changed hands
on the floor at from lo to 2o advance over
prloea ruling Thursday. Recelpta were
cara In and out; a week ago, 6 cara.
Balea ot car lots by sample on track,
Hard Winter Wheat No. 3, 2 cars, 80c; 2S
care, 78c; No. 4. 1 car, (bin burnt), 6fic.
Corn also ruled firm, with an advance
averaging Ho-. No contract corn was In
alght and little No. i offered. Receipts
were 28 cara In and 64 out; one week ago.
19 cara.
Salea of carlofe by sample on track.
Mixed Corn-No. 4. S cara, 40c; I cars,
Ho; 2 cars, 3Bc.
xeuow Corn-No. s, 1 car, tic; . No. 4, 1
car, 41c,
Receipts of oata were better than foe aav.
aral days, being 10 cara la and 11 out; one
Week ago. 1 car. The rullnff nrlf waa tun
Is up. '
Bale Of ' carlota hv samnl on' ftnoV
Omaha: ' ' '
White Oata No. 8. 1 ear, SBHc; No. 4, 1
ar, 29c
Parley No. 4, S cars, 4SHe.
WHEAT No. 2 hard. MflgSc; No. 3 hard.
75tj82; No. 4, hard, MQlac; No. 2 spring,
KMJH7; No. 3 aprtng, 7uWc; No. 4 aprlng,
COKN-No. J. 42W42cf No. 3, 4ftff41c; No.
4. 9V8c: No. t yellow, 493c; No. 3 yellow,
41 f 42c; No. 3 white, 4243o; No. 3 white,
ilil 42c.
OATS-No. 2. S9-340c; No. 1 87tT39c: No. 4.
KVMc; No. 3 white, 4243c; No. 3 white,
334jc; No, 4 white. 39tf40c; atandard
Notes from the Euhangt Offlees.
CHmaha Inspections of grain were S3 eara.
. wc;a4 8 car" a"rded No. 3 hard whiter,
I car No. 4 and 1 car no grade. Of corn. 13
oars graded No. 3, 15 cars No. 4, 3 cara No.
' ?1Iow 1 c N'o. 8 white. 1 car No. 4
white, 2 cara no grade. Of oata, 3 cara
Graded No. 3 white and 6 cara No. 4 white.
C rye, 3 cars graded No. 3 and 1 car No. 4.
Grata Markets Elsewhere.
Closing prices, of grain at the markets
named Thursday and today Wer aa fol
Wheat Today. Thura.
81 7
J"' 78 7li
wy 4ss 4i4B
July 45 46?"
bt. vovia.
jiV - m
July w
Corn . , ' im
May 4M4 fO
July 491,; rK
U :::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::
Wheat- tULUTH.
My 94 tv&,
July hb ?2
Rate ol the Grala Trade.
Word ts received from Dallas. Tex., that
Oklahoma No. 3 red wheat sold there for
A Chicago telegram saya " 18,000 bushels
?,.ffo 1 northern wheat, which has been
held there In bins was aold today for
samples at 88c.
Chicago, receipts were 17 cara of wheat,
1 of which was contract; 194 cars of corn,
of which 1 car waa contract, and 129 cars
of oats, 3 cars being contract.
Arsjeatlae Shlpaaeata.
Wheat, thia week, 2,9X4,000 bu.; last week
2,8U,000 bu. ; last year l.&O.uuO bu. Corn, thla
week, 471,0110 bu.; liutt week. 694,000 bu.; lat
year, 224.0uu bu. Flax, thla week, l,362.0u0
du.; last wee a, i,tw.vw du.; last year, 1.192.-
heat. January 1 to date. 10.080.000 mi.!
year ago, 4,76l,iu bu. ; Increase, 6,318,000 bu.
Corn. 4.416,0110 bu., against &7,000 bu.; In
crease, 3.&6MO0 bu.
N t
Veatares at the Trading; as4 Closlas;
Prices oa Boar a of Trade.
CHICAGO, Feb. IS. Speculative trading In
the wheat pit here too ay was. a reflection
of the higher prices being paid for the oisli
article In all outalde grain markets. The
atrength abroad waa alao a bull factor. The
market clvsed firm with May wheat itfo
higher thin Thursday's final figures. May
corn was up VV while oata showed a
gain of mc I'rovlalona were easier, closing
txulOa lower.
The wheat lt was affected more per
hapa by the strong raxh situation reached
from all quarters than by any other fac
tor. The demand was principally for the
July delivery, the congested condition of
the May option offering small Inducements
to the majurtly of trader. Wheat prices
at Liverpool and Tarta were considerably
higher than yesterday and the fact that
these markets showed gains la the face of
Increased shlpmenta from Australia and
Argentine helped Instill confidence Into the
mluds of tfadrrs here. May opened V&Ho
to Sc higher at 9yt!ic. while July
waa up kti'o at 88io. There waa an
early advance to WyK!k for July on an
active general demand, but the May option
held steady during the first hour. The lead
ing long look advantage of the advance in
the price of July and aold out a considerable
line. Bmaller traders followed the lead and.
In consequence, a drop to 81,40 occurred
The downward trend of the July delivery
affected May, forcing the price down to
c. 8t. Uiuls hoimes covered a big line
of July during the latter part of the day.
The market responded to the Improved de
mand and prlcea aguln reached the top
figures. Borne of the advance was subse
quently lost on profit taking, but the close
was firm, with May Hic. July hd a
net advance of ljilc, closing at N4iV
t learaneea of wheat and flour were equal
to MSl.W bushels. Primary receipts were
3.vQ bushels, agalnx! 624.WJO bushels a year
ago. MlnneapolU. luluth and Chicago re
ported receipts of 4M cars, compared with
If cars last week aad 4.S care a year ago.
The corn market waa atrong. but the
volume of business waa small, owing to a
"k of offerings. The fact that the prin
cipal holder of wheat has tiiken a promi
nent position on the long side of the corn
market caused the local crowd to favor the
buying side. While there was considerable
long corn on the market at times, an ac
tive demand from several of the larger com
mission houses readily absorbed all offer
ing Much of the buying waa baaed on
the supposition thsl there Is very little
good corn la the country. An increased
shipping demsnd and strong foreign mar
kets were additional bull frt,r ti,.
opening or. May was lijy to aSo higher
iwvwni-, u, tter veiling between tHWc
and MVtM'ic. cloeed at Mc. July wss up
StlHc closing at frc Local receipts were
144 ears, one uf contract vrade.
The feature of trading in oats was the
"r vuvina oi win may ann juiy deliv
eries by the leading bull houses, offerings
were small throughout the dav and In 0..11
sequenc the market ruled strong. While
-M strength In other grains was an Influ
ence, the ereateet strenvfh m-aa .t ......a
from the fact that the prices early In the
week discouraged farm era from marketing
,i. reeiu are again light.
May waa unchanged at ,c higher at the
start, ppelng at 4ij-Uk,r. and after aelllng
V t ti6 closed at 440. July closed c
higher and 3!V after aelllng at 39N339'4iC.
Uicai receipts were m cars.
1 he piovmlun market was wesk early on
selling, due to liberal receipts of hogs and
a decline of loo In prices at th" yards. Hell
era covered: freely and on buying orders
from packers the market firmed up. There
was some liquidation, which cnued an un
easy reeling at the close. Mav pork opened
ft U.&iVu 14.60, and after selling up to
14 8-'Vi cio-ed 10c lower at 3l4.7i'Vi. May
lard cloed with a net loss of 74)0 at Kfii.
Kllia were off 6c at V 67'. Kstlmated re
ceipt for Monday: Wheat, io cara; corn,
6t cars; oats, i.U cars; hog, R2.0W head.
The leading futures ranged as follows:
Articles. I Open. lllgh.l Low. Close.l Tes y.
K 9SJ f4j
N I S 4A
Ml t4'.4j
Bl 64, '4
64 b."4
h2W, hi'
4414,: 44H
May July
May July
May July
3' 39Vi'iJSi
331l 33 33ra'e
14 R2H
14 bi
14 80
11 70
7 70
7 77V4
7 10
14 52V4 14 724,
14 55 14 62V!
14 72H
14 2Vi
7 05
7 S2H
7 72V
7 ffi4,f
7 S5
7 nw,
7 72H!
7 72V,
7 02V,
7 IS
7 OSVi 7 07H 7 07HB
7 15 I 7 17m 7 lfy,
7 22V4i
No. 2.
Cash quotations wore as follows:
r LOTH Steady ; winter patents.
I. J, 7, n-ivu spring patents,
14 Xui.b; straights, 3.!oa-4.10; bakers, li ft)
WIIEAT-No, 3. tZQ'.e: No. 2 red, 84
KV:,lS,vVo N"' 2 yellow, boc.
OAlf)-No. 2, 4l(j4JV.c; No. 3 white.
HTE No. 2. fi2r
BARLEV (?ood feedln
choice malflnu- idfff-jdr.
ng, 0i2c; fair to
BEEDB -No. 1 flax, ll.HH: No. 1 north
wentern, 31.18. Timothy, prime. 33.10. Clover,
contract grade, 110.75.
P14 82V4. Lard, per 100 if,.., $7.42V3'.45. Short
rlt.s sides (loose) $6 75'h7.ou; short clear
Idea (boxed, 37.12,(7.25.
Following are the receipts and shipments
Of flour and grain:
, ... Receipts. Shipments.
Flour bbls 6i;,6uO 45.400
Wheat, bu aou,,,
Corn, bu... 441.800 2770O
uats, bu 2H9.flOO 1SR.S0O
fy; bU 1,I 1400
Larley, bu 148,700 69,5O0
On the Produce exchange today the but
ter market was firm; creameries, l&fci26e:
dairies, i:t4?i22. KggH, weaker; at mark,
crises Included, 2Sjyaoo, cheese steady to
linn at loiovio.
hew tork general market.
notations of the Day on Various
9KNJSW.JORK' Fph W-FLOtJR-Recelpts,
26,500 bbla.; exports, 22,751 bbls.; market
nrrn; Minnesota patents, S4.85'()6.16; Minne
sota, bakers, 33.90ij4.26; winter patents, 34.60
41 . ; wi1tM" "tralghts, 34.40fu4.66; winter
eVlra"' W-2url3-60; winter low grades, 33.06'tl)
J 40. Rye flour, firm; fair to good, :l.50ip
J 76; choice to fancy, 33.75ji4.00. Buckwheat
flour, dull- 32.0U4T2.15.
9PRNM&AL Steady; yellow weatern,
WV?lvJ!ltl ,l-06i klln-drled. 32.90'E)3.00.
ItYE Firm; No. 2 western. 72c f. o. b.
afloat; state and Jersey, 45fl8e.
BARLEY Quiet; feeding. ?5c c. I. f. New
Tork; malting, 5o c. I. f. Buffalo.
WHEAT Receipts, 3,900 bu.; spot, firm;
No. 2 red, 97c elevator and 97Hc f. o. b.
afloat; No. 1 northern Duluth, tl.OC&i f. o.
b. aoflftt; No. 1 hard Manitoba, nominal, f.
o. b. afloat. Options opened strong on bet
ter cables, small Indian shipments, strength
In cash wheat and commission house buy
ing. The market closexl firm with prlcea
S'-'l'icnet higher; May, 97 9-lfl'iJ97"41c. closed,
96c; July, 9.V(jH3 9-16c, closed, 93c; Sep
tember, 86ml7c. closed, 8tic.
CORN Receipts. 90,300 bu.; exports, 5,178
bu.; spot, firm; No. 2, 60c elevator and 544c
f. o. b. afloat; No. 2 yellow, 68c; No. 2
white, 64Hc. Options opened strong and ad
vanced on firmer cnbles, commission house
buying west and buying here. The close
waa firm at Wtic net higher: May, 69H4
6!c, closed, 6Hc; July, closed 67c.
OATS Recetpta, 52.500 bu.; spot, firmer;
No. 2, 49c; standard white, 6t4c; No. i
white, 52c; No. 3 white, 61Uc; May, quiet.
RICE Steady; domestic fair to extra, 3
(fJSHc; Japan, nominal.
HOPS Firm; common to choice, 190S. 30CT
SSc: 1902 crop, 24fa2Rc; pacific coast, olds, 10
6I60; 1903 crop, 2716360; 1902 crop, 24'&"27c.
HIDKS Firm? flalventnn 50 tn J!
18c: California, 2l to 26 lbs., 19c; Texas dry,
34 to SO lbs., 14c.
TAULrfiw Dim: city, 6c;. country, txafjc.
LEATHER Steady; acid. 23326VV.
WOOL Firm; domestic fleece, 2S1i32c.
PROVISIONS Steady: family beef. 11000
11.00; mesa, 38 0OM9 00; beef hams, 120. mi
22.00; packet. J3.owfl0.00; city extra India
mess. 315. OOft 17.00. Cut meats, quiet: pickled I
tallies, 74'b8c; pickled shoulders, 6c: pickled
hams, JOT! lie. Lard, weak; western steamed,
37.90; refined, weak; continent. 17.90; South
America, 38 60; compound, C'iWc. Pork,
steady; family, 316.00: short clears, 314.50
16 26; mess. J15.6vfil.25.
BUTTER Firm; extra fresh creamery,
?8c: creamery common to choice. !5iS254c:
creamery, K'fjlSc; state dairy, ItWKc;. reno
vated, lKM7c; held creamery, 14 22c; fac
tory, l-tl 14HC.
CHEESE Steady; fate full cream fancy
small colored, Bepte:nher 12c; late made,
10Ho; small white, September, 12c; late
made. 104,c; large colored. September, 12c;
late made, lAc; large white, September,
12c; late made, 10c.
KfJGS Firm: state and Pennsylvania,
nearby average," firsts, 34c; state and Penn
sylvania, seconds to firsts, 324j32c; western
firsts, 82V40.
St. Inls Grala and Provisions.
ST. LOUIS. Feb. 13. WHEAT Higher:
No. 3 red, cash, elevator, 98Vc; track, 31.021$
104; May, 92u; July, 85V;; No. 2 hard,
CORN Higher: No. 2 cash. 4414c; track,
45vT4c; May, 49Hc; July, 49Tc.
OATS Higher: No. 2 cash, 42c; track,
43c; Mav, 43c; No. 2 white. 44c.
FLOUR Advancing prices limit business;
red winter patents. 34.9045.00; extra fancy
and straight, 34.60y4.&a; clear, 33.8O(-o4.00.
SEED Timothy, quiet, $2.50S2.S0.
CORN MEAL Steady, 32.40.
BRAN Firm; sacked eaat track. 875rS9o.
HAY Steady; timothy, 3& 00(813.00; prairie,
39.Ooiii9.60, for No. 1.
IitON COTTON TIES 31.05. '
BAOOINO 5n6fce.
llt'MF TWINE 6c.
PROVISIONS Pork, lower; Jobbing,
316.12V4: lard, lower, prime steam, 3690;
bacon, steady, boxed extra shorts, 37.87tt;
clear ribs, S.00; short clear, 38.12,.
POULTRY Steady ; chickens, 10c; springs,
10c; turkeys, 12Vic; ducks, 18c; geese, t'n'ia.
BUTTER Steady; creamery, 1826Vic;
dairy. 1'il9e.
ECklS Lower at 28c, case count.
Receipts. Shipments.
Flour, bbls U.ooO 21.000
Wheat, bu 154.000 lftouo
Corn, bu 163.000 25.0O0
Oats, bu 13.000 13,000
Kansas City Grala and Provisions.
riMiMSc; July, 77Vu78c; cash, No. 3 hard,
f6'ac; No. 3, 824) 85c; No. 3 red. 9831.00;
No. 3. 4ii97c.
CORN May, 45y345Sr; July. 46Hlff46iie;
cash, No. 2 mixed, 42ijj:4:V; NO. 2 white.
43S1T44c: No. 8, 43c.
OAT8 No. 3 white, 4243c; No. 2 mixed.
HAY Choice timothy, 19.6039.75; choice
prairie, 37 60.
RYE No. 2, 65o.
BUTTER Creamery, 20021c; dairy, fancy.
EGOS Lower; Missouri and Kansas
stock, caaee returned. 2i"4c; new No. 2
whitewood caaea Included. 21k-.
Recelpta Shlpmenta.
Wheat, bu 64.4H) 13S.0OO
Corn, bu 87.200 jfc.oed
OaU, bu 12.0U0 19,000
Mlaneaitolla Grain Market.
9iSc; July, 4c; September, MV'aM; on
track, No. 1 hard. 96c; No. 1 northern,
e; No. 2 northern, 93c; No. 3 northern.
FLOUR First patents. 34.86495: second
patents, 34.75; first clears, 33.65(I365; seo
ond clears. 32 56y2.6.
BRAN In bulk, i 16. 00815.26.
Mllnankee Grala Market.
No. 1 northern, 94'o86c;.No. 3 northern,
9i"U91c; May. 9i'.c '
R V E 1 c higher; No. 1. 68c.
HARLEY-Market steady; No. 2, 2S63c;
sample. 4i59c.
cornSo higher; Na 8. 44H646Hc; Ua
Duluth Grala Market.
DULUTH. Feb. 11 WHEAT la etore.
No. 1 hard, 96c; No. 1 northern, 944)C; No.
i northern. 9V; on traok. No. 1 hard. 9.e;
No. 1 northern. 94e; No. 2 northern. 9Jc;
May. Vtc; July. HV; September. WSc.
OATS Oil track and to arrive, 4oc.
TOLEDO. Feb IS.-SEEDS-Clover, cash
and Fehruary. K70; March. 36.75; April
$iti6: prime alslke, 86.20; prime timothy,
Peoria, Grala Market.
PEORIA. Feb. Il-CORN-Flrm ; new.
No. 3. 40,0; u, No. 1 JSVi No. 3. old.
Beef Eleori About Steady for the WeeV,
Cowi a Ljf.le Higher.
Sheen and Lambs of Good duality
safely Ten to Fifteen Cents Higher
for the Week, Feeders Alao
strong and Active.
SOUTH OMAHA, Feb. 13, 1904.
rRef'pl., we,e: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
EC 8 Monday 2.220 6,798 9,So0
Offlclal Tuesday s 64 8.611 7,1!9
Omclal Wednesday 3.223 10.171 6,818
f U'' tt! Thur'lay 1.644 .63 3,a70
."Jr H I rlday 573 9xi a,sw
omolal Saturday 74 7,uM 6c4
Six days thia week 11,380 60.876 29,191
Same days last week. .. .11,776 45.345 2,:M
Same days week before. .18.948 46.674 37,769
Same three weeks ago. ..14. 949 42.4..1 32,763
Same four weeks ago.. ..22,786 41.499 40,0.11
Same days last year 18.216 56,."j4 26.063
"... "owing tabre shows the recelp.g
? """ and aheeu at South Omah
tor the year to date, with with
"-,t,iyear: 1"4- 19,13 "! ec-
V.aUle 99.217 1U,?3 iA486
2,m 2M,6i 4,153
bneeD 211.230 147.342 63.888
rwi?.'''' Pr1'' I'aid for hot. at South
' ,si several uaya itu com
Pt- 1 104. 1393.190t.ll301.r.4).iW!.18SI.
Jan. II...
Jan. 16...
Jan. 17..
Jan. 18...
Jn. 19..,
Jan. 20...
Jan. 21...
Jan. 22...
Jan. a...
Jan. 24..,
Jan. vj...
Jan. 26..,
Jan. 27...
Jan. 28...
Jan. 29 .
Jan. So..
Jan. 31...
Feb. 1....
Feb. 2....
Fb. 8....
Feb. 4...
Feb. 6...,
?b. ....
F'b. 7....
'b. 8....
Feb. 9...,
Feb. 10...
Feb 11...
Feb. 13...
Feb. 13...
ti 6 26
4 161 S 20;
17 6 20
22 6 2S,
4 681
4 64
4 481
4 661
4 4
3 47
3 47
3 61
8 54
8 6
8 64
I 67
8 61
3 65
8 72
3 67
3 62
3 64
3 8".
3 64
8 Ki
3 52
8 49
4 63
3 51
3 64
( 68
a 27,
4 54
4 63
4 9
4 66
3 06
3 69
3 56
3 1
3 60;
4 7hH(
4 87H
6 16
5 25
6 72
I 08
6 12
6 141
a zi
6 12
4 SB,
( 12
6 95,
4 48
4 8i
4 80C
5 IS
4 (u
4 62
8 61
I 6a
6 7j
3 63
3 68
6 22
i 28,
4 TSVk
I 96
4 81ft.
6 061
0 Z.St
4 M,
4 65
4 67
4 68
3 70i
3 641
3 tn
6 371
5 97
5 17
4 72
6 93
6 22
4 84V,
4 81
4 76
4 ta
6 ll Vi
t 92
5 81
2 64
e 70
4 621
3 69 3 73
e 30
6 94
4 6d!
3 69
8 72
8 73
3 75
3 71
3 71
3 76
8 77
3 81
6 62
6 11
6 16
6 03
6 98
6 001
6 23
6 21
6 28
4 70
4 08
4 76,
4 84
4 80
4 79
4 82
3 60
3 66
6 29
8 66
6 71
6 75
5 25,
3 70
8 71
8 66
8 68
0 w
6 01
( 70'
6 01
6 04
S 82
6 80
6 3o
6 24
6 98
Indicates Sunday.
The official number of cars of stock
brought In by each road was:
C. H4 p..
Wabanh ."..'.'.".'.'..".' 2
Mo. Pac. Ry ,
Union Pacific System ' 20
C. & N. W. Ry I4
P.. K. & M. V. R. R 12
B. ft M. Ry 13
C. B. Sc Q Ry.. J " "
k. c. & st. j.. :::::: .. i
lI-,np-T,RJr-. enst- '
R; 'v, p- R W68t 1
Illinois Central
Chicago Ureat Western 111!
Total receipts 3 97 "l
The disposition of the day's recelpta wal
as follows, each buyer purchasing the
number of head indicated:
Buyer. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
Omaha Packing Co 7yi
Swift and Company 8: l,2t5 ....
Cudahy Packing Co 1.9oi 631
Armour & Co 1,'ibi ....
Armour, from Sioux City .... 1,870
Other buyers 4
Total 12 7,607 684
CATTLE There were Just a few off
bunches of cattle In the yards today and
practically no business was transacted.
For the week receipts are about the same
as for last week, but as compared with the
corresponding week of last year there Is a
decrease amounting to about 7,000 head.
There is also a decrease for the vene
date of about 11.000 head.
inia weeK opened with market on corn
fed steers quite active and a little higher
but the latter part of the week trallnt
slow, with prlcea lower. All of the advance
cf the nrst of the week haa been loet, which
leaves values practically in the same
notches they were at the cloae of last week.
xeeteroay recelpta were very linrht. but
while trading was more active there was
little or no Improvement In the prices paid.
The quality of the bulk of the offerings
haa been common all the week. There was
one bunch of extra choice cattle on sale,
however, from the Nebraska experiment
station at Lincoln, which sold for 35.60, but
tney were much Dctter than anything that
liHa h,,n ,ppn here In a lnnir time A I H
j from those tho top price for the week was
14. 8&. ooori to cnoice tattle can De quoted
rrom 84.40 to H.tfo. witn cnoice to fancy
from 35 to 3.V50. Fair to good grades sell
from 33.75 to 34.25 and common to fair from
33.26 to 33.75.
The cow market has held up In a little
better shape than steers, as the demand has
been In pretty good shape and closing prlcea
aro around a dime nigner ana in extreme
cases poswlblv 15c higher than the cloae of
last week. The Improvement, however, la
confined largely to the more desirable
frades. Good to cnoice grades are qtioianie
rom 33 to 33.76, fair to good from 32.40 to
32.90 and can tiers and cutters from 31,75 to
2J0- . . . -
Bulls nave neen ratner aiow snio mw 01
the week and are not much different from
the cloae of last week. Choice grades sell
mostly from 33 to 33 60, with something
prime a llt'le higher. The bulk of the me
dium grades, though, sell from 32.50 to 33.
Veal calves are a little higher for the week,
choice grades Belling as high as 35.75. The
bulk of them, though, sell from 34 to 38.25.
The supplv of Blockers and feeders has
been moderate this week and with a fairly
good demand the better grades have Im
proved a lltt'e. Quite a few warmed-up
cattle of good quality have sold for feeders
at more money than the killers would give.
The best grades sre quotable from 33.60 to
34 10, fair to good from 33 26 to 33.60 and
the commoner kinds from 33.25 down.
U. Av. Pr. No. Av. rr.
I ... tM I I IK t 10
1 110 I 00 ( iso 1 it
HOGS There waa a moderate run of
hogs here today for a Saturday, but other
markets were quoted alow and lower and
prlcea here epaed off In aympathy. Pack
era atarted out bidding fully a nickel lower
than yesterdays average. Lightweights
In soma cases were aa much aa fulOc lower.
.Salesmen did not i'.ke the Idea of taking
off mucn ana aa a reaun trading waa very
slow all day, and It .was late before a clear
ance waa made. Light stuff sold from 34 90
down, medium weights from 34 90 to 34.95.
good heavy hogs from 34.95 to 35.00 and
prima heavies from 36.00 up. There waa
nothing on sale to compare with the 35.224
load yesterday.
For the week receipts have been ltgbt for
the time of year, aa there la a decrease of
about 6.O0O had aa compared with the aama
week of laat year, but an Increase aa com
pared with last week of ubout 6.000 head.
Prices have reached the high point of the
year thla week, the average going aa high
as 35.01V As compared with the close of
last week, today's decline still leaves the
market about 15c higher.
The close of the market today was very
slow and weak, the late stiles being fully
611100 lower than yesterday a general mar
ket. Representatives sales:
aa. vt. No. at. Sk.
.. 4 10 17 M4 140
.. 4 M 41 t4
B0 4 M U 141 110
.. 4 M 00 lit 0
.. 4 an 74 H5
SO 4 Hit 14 If M
.. 4 14 17 2 144
.. 4 M 14 24
.. 4 m t r:i
.. 4 as n ff7 mo
.. 4 1714 4.1 tM 40
.. 4 4 104 1M
.. 4M 74 M
IM IN 46 144 40
44 4 00 t H7 UO
40 4 IT 140 ..
.. 4rf4 41 7-4
.. 4 US 7i IM ..
1M 4 o:4 14 IM)
.. 4 IIS 40 (74
120 4 t4 Tl ?0
. . 4 M 7! (TS !0
IM 4 M 44 till 40
IK ( 141
ISO N 104 00
.. 4 5 40 tt7
.. 4 Oft Id 170
40 4 15 10 J'4 ..
.. 4 04 CI M4
00 4 M 41 Ill 110
.. 4 05 30 ..
.. 4 074 00 IM
00 4 H 47 144 40
40 4 7U,
II ... .
M ...
70 ...
... m
.. 4
4 ri
4 07,
4 I7
I 00
I 00
I no
I uo
I 00
( on
1 00
t 00
I 00
I 00
t 00
I OtUj
i 021,
I w-
I 04
I '
I 04
I 06
I 04
I 06
I 07U,
I 10
SHEEP There were no fresh arrivala of
sueep and lambs this morning with which
to make a test of the market. For the
week there ts very little difference in the
receipts either as compared with last week
or with the aama week of last year. The
oemanu nas been a lime better this week
than fr-i seme time past, as a result the
market has been In better shape.
The first two dava of the meek nr!ra
eased of? considerably, but since thst time
trading has iieen quite sctlve on all desira
ble grades sad prices are sfly a u.uartsr
higher and In some rsso 35c higher thnn
at the lo.v time. As compared with the
tloe of lust week th advance amounts to
1'li lbc. There seems to lie a better undi r
tone to the trade than for some time pnst
and In fact the whole situation shows ton
sldernhle Improvement.
There Is a good demand for feeder lambs
and receipts are not lnrire enough to till
orders. Feeder sheep also Sell freely, but
very few are cnmlns:. As compared with
a week ago, It Is safe to quote anvthlng
decent In the way of feeders strong and
Quotations for corn-fed stock: Oood to
choice western lrtmhs, $Y.Vri'.W: f,(r to
good lamhs. 35.8Tifi6.60; good to choice year
llngs. 84.7.V!j.0; fair to good yearling. 34 50
M.i5; good to choice wethers. 34.0"1?.25;
fair to good wethers, 33.75'J4.00j good to
choice ewes. 3.r7.VfrM 00; flr to goo,) ewes,
3T504SS75; choice feeder Inmhs. 34 2,"ti5.0O;
fair to good. 13.504? 4 00; feeder vearllngs.
3.5Of;4.0O; feeder wethers, 83.7.VJ 4.00; fteder
ewes, 82.5o53.26; culls, 31.75'2.00. Repre
sentative sales:
No- - A v. P".
no western ewes no 3 50
0t4 western ewes lot 3 ?-,
300 feeder ewes 79 3 25
Receipts a how More Than the t'saal
Saturday Qnlet.
.PffCAOO. Feb. lS.-CATTLE-Recelpts.
2 01 Ml heiwl miclr.1 nn.lnnl. 1
, ".,,,,,,, ,,iuu io Time
s!efT"' 4 "tifi,i5; poor to medium. 31.1of3.00;
HO'l leeoers, K.a'iH It.; cows. 81 2U
4.00; heifers. 32.Oivir4.75; cRnners, 31.25ii2.60;
bulls. I2.Wi4.10; calves. 33.60.
HOGS Receipts 28.000 head; ostlmat"d
tomorrow. SO.OnO head; market mowtly 10c
lower; mixed and butchers, 34.90ff5.25; good
to choice heavy, 35.2tV!-5 30; rough heavv.
84$S?n: light, 34.05-ii6.06; bulk of sale's,
SHEEP AND LAMIlS-Recelpts. 1.000
hend; market steady; good to choice weth
ers. 4.ooy4.0G; fair to choice mixed, 3.1.507J
4 00; western sheep, lT5nv r: native lambs,
33.9rS6.16; western lambs, 35 ZVaO.10.
Kansas City Lire Stock Market.
ceipts. 4'0 head; no southerns; market un
changed; export and dressed beef steers, fair to good. 33.75Ti4.40; western
toA mtaawm tO 1 Oft . , 1 . M .
I2.75((f4.25; southern steers. 33.26(64.00; south-
r-i ii eows, 9.t;vy l native cows, 4l.iDo;t tiO;
native heifers, 32.4evff4.20: bulls. 32.25fl3.W;
calves. 32.756.50. Receipts for the week,
38.100 head.
HOUSRecclpts, 3,ri00 hend: market 510c
lower; top. 3T..10; bulk of sales. $4 70ii5.00;
heavy, 11.O0ig5.lO: packerw. 14.85(35.00; pigs
and Uphts, 240Og4.8O. Receipts for the
week 47.2HO hend.
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 400 heart;
market steady; native Inmhs. 25.00ff5.75;
western lambs, 84.9oi5.70; fed ewes, H.Vil
4.00; western fed vearllngs, M.504YS.OO; stoek
ers and feeders. 12.5O96.20. Receipts for the
week, 17,000 head.
St. I.onls Live Stock Market.
ST. LOUIS. Feb. 13-CATTLE-Recelpts,
400 head. Including 3M head Tcxrtns; market
active, steady to strong; native and ex
port steers. 34.5oy4.55, the top for strictly
fancy grades; dressed beef and butcher
steers S3.75H5.!Si; steers under l.otK) lhs.,
M WdS.OO: stockers and feeders, 32.5O1i4.00;
cows and heifers. 32.25;i4 60. the lop for
ftney corn fed heifers: otnners. 32.26Q2.50:
bulls, 32.404.00; calves, 33.057.00; Texas and
Indian steers, 32.753'4-2i; rows and heifers,
HOGS Roelpta, 3.EO0; market weak
end lower; pigs and lights, tl.75fi4.86; pack
ers. t4.805.26; butchers and best heavy,
SHEEP AND LAMnS-Rcelpts. none;
market entirely nominal: native muttons,
t3.6twj 4.7B; lamhs. cuus ana ducks,
82.0034.26; ato.'kera, t2.00S1.00.
Slonx City Live Stock Market.
SIOUX CITY. Feb, 13. (Special Tele
gram.) CATTLE Receipts, 250 head; mar
ket unchanged; beeves. $3.60l.6; cows,
bulls and mixed, 32.20irr3.50; siockers and
feeders. S2.7fS3.70: calves and- yearllnts.
HOGS Receipts. 6.700 head; market Be
lower, selling at 34.505.06; bulk, 34.8534.90.
St. Joseph Live Stock Market.
ceipts, 211 head; market steady.
HOC5S Receipts. 6.&5 neaa; .market 6c
lower; light, 34.70u.05; medium and heavy,
34.9075. 15.
SHEEP and lambs Receipts, none.
Stuck I
Following are the
n Slgjht.
receipts of llv stock
western cities yester-
for the six principal
.... 74
.... 4110
...v 211
.... 250
Hogs. Sheep.
South Omaha
3 500
1,0 k)
Kansas City
St. Louts
St. Joseph ,.
Sioux City
..4.32B 3,713 2.0S4
Cotton Market.
market cpened steady at a decline of 8
joints to an advance or it points, snowing
ncreaslng readiness as the cull nroKresved
In the absence of Important offerings. Buy
ing was encouraged by the bullish Interpre
tation of the week-end figures, bin on the
other hand the break In New Orients, while
the local market was closed vesterday, and
the fear of European complications In the
far east, had a tendency to Increase offer
ings, so that soon nfter the oall .he market
eased off with the active Wmths loslia
18 to 23 points. This was followed by i
recovery, aner wnicn toe market ruled
narrow and Irregular, with ir:illnt; largely
of the professional character, common to
tures quiet nnd steady. Februnrv 13 ?2c
bid; March. 13.42Q1S 43c; Anril, lS.OO'fjW.'tfe;
May. 13.fWul3.87c; June. liic:il(12c; July,
14.2S(fri4.?c: August. 13.60c. Snot, otitel:
sales, 4,6.7) bales. Ordlrmry, 11 7-1'ic; good or
dinary, 12ic; low middling, mc; middling,
13-,c; pood middling. 14c; middling, fair.
14nc. Receipts. 6,825 bales; stock. 41(1,512
limited demand: prices 20 points lower;
American middling fair, 7.12d: good mid
dling. 7.46d; middling, 7.1d; low middling,
7S0d; good ordlnnry, 7.20d; ordinary, 7d.
The Bales of the day were 3,000 balea. of
which 300 were for speculation nr.d export,
and Included American. Receipts,
12,000 bales, including 8.300 Americm. Fu
tures opened easy ana closed unstttlrd.
American middling, g. o. c, Februarv, 7 ?3d;
February-March. 7.73d; March-April, 7 25d;
Anrll-Msv. 7.2M: May-June. 7.30d: June-
July, 7.30d; July-August, 7 30d: AuKi'St-pep-
temner. 7 i4n: Beptemoer-uctooer, 6.5-d; October-November,
Foreign Flnanrlal.
IONDON, Feb. 11 Money was offered
more freely today. Operators on the Stock
exchange were ld'e and the trading was
strangely featureless. Argentine ralla were
buoyant. Consols were firm. 'Americans
opened quiet and ateady. There were a
few irregular movements and Union Pacific
waa In demand. At the close prices were
firm. Kaffirs were cheerful In anticipation
of an early settlement of the labor ques
tion In South Africa. The amount of bul
lion taken Into the Bank of Enarland on
bnlance today waa 15,0iO.
PARIS. Feb. 15. The tone on the bourse
today continued to make uteady Improve
ment. Prices opened firm, with Russians In
good demand. Later there was some Irreg
ularity and then stocks again became
strong and closed firm, with Russians show
ing a general advance, tjmer internation
als and Industrials showed Improvement.
Russian Imperiit! 4 closed at 94 10; Rio
Tlntos gained 13f. The private rate of die.
count fvas 211-16; three per cent rentea,
9f 20c for the account; exchange on Lon
don. 2Tf 20c for checks.
BERLIN. Feb. 13 -I'rlces at the opening
of tha bourse today had a better tone,
Russian bonds being higher, but evervthtng
became weaker later on reports that Russia
would forbid the exportation of grain. Ex
change on Imdon, am 61pfg for checks;
discount rates for short IdTls. 2 per cent;
for three months' bills, 24 per cent.
Clearing- Horn Averagrea.
NEW YORK, Feb. 13 The atatement of
averagea of the clearing house banks of
this city for the five days of this week
shows: Loans. IS" 509.900; Increase. 171100
Depoalta, 31,02)1.350.600: decrease 1790 000 Cir
culation, 31O 737 1H0: decrease, S772.3oO. Legal
tendera, 871 321 100; decrease. 31 343,900.
Specie, I2Jfi.427.54l; decrease. I319.4H) Re
serve. 827.9M.i)l: decrease. 81.663 8 4 Re
serve required. 33tf.fiM.375: decrease. 1199 750
Surplus. tJO. 279.2:5: decrease, tl 403 550. Ex
Unlted States deposlta, t-9,G7,92S; decrease.
Dank Clearings for the Week.
OMAHA. Feb. 13 Bank clearings for the
week, as compared with the corresponding
week laat year:
itm. 1908.
Monday 81.2fl.7-M 87 31 172 976 19
Tueeday"3.73 1.A&3 974.32
Wednesday 1.I94.3M. 56 1.055 4eo.V4
Thursday 1.139 727.14 1.214 43. 40
rnoay Mm.).? 1.175 370 32
Saturday 1.0H3ZU 92 1.013.(89.21
Increase as cnmpsrd with the correspond.
I(jg day last year. 8270,466.10.
Wool Market.
BT. LOUIS. Feb. 11 WOOT Nomln.l-
medium grades, combing and clothing. 17-it
1.. II-.-. A .. L a
ic, iirm mi, inoic; neavy nne, U'.'ui4',c:
tuti-washeri :j 0.
LONDON. FebV IS WOOL Arrivals for
the second series of auction sales amount
to 189,114 bales. Including tO.OuO forwarded
nirect to spinners. '1 he Imports of wool
this week war; Nw guuitt Wales, 14,0ut
bnles; Queensland, 8.154 bales; Victoria
1 1 m:i Kb,.- Knulh i,lal..lld 1,1 9l' K.
New Zealand. 4.W3 bales: Cane of tioix!
Hope and Natal, 23o bales; elsvwhere, l.JMl
V -
Condition of Trade and Quotations on
Staple and Fancy Prodnce.
KOGS Receipts, moderate; fresh stock,
LIVE POULTRY Hens, e; aprlng chick.
en, 8c; roosters, according to ge, oc; tur
keys, 1,1'riHo: ducks Ul- aeeae. kn.
DRESSED POULTRY Turkeys, 16ffl7c;
ducks, liaise; geese, locj chickens, 9W4
li UTTER Packing stock, 13e; choice to
itim-y a.iiry roils, i;Wii4c; separator, Z2c.
FRESH FISH Trout, 9(ilUc; pickerel, 64j
wv; piae, o; perch. 6cy1'C! bluetlslt, lnc;
whlteflsh, 8&8'4c; salmon, 11c; haddock. lOo;
codlish, 12c; redsnapfier, 11c; lobsters, boll.-d,
per lb., 30c; lobsters, rre-r., pr lb., 28c;
bullhead, He; catfish, 13Hi'14c; black hftB,
3"c; halibut. 13c: crnnnlps. 12c: herrlns. 4c:
white bass, l.V; blueflmi, 8c; smelts, Kiifllo.
vioiiLnij ,i,w lOTK V&UI11S, Jier villi,
43c; per gal., 32.00; extra select, per can,
lie; l"r gal tl.80; standard, per can. 37c;
rr gal., tlio.
BRAN Per ton. IIS fiO
HAY Prices quoted by Omaha Wholesale
I'esiers association: Choice No. 1 vpiana,
tt0; No. 2, 36.00; medium, 35.50; coarse,
35.00: rve straw IS on 'These irlres sre for
hay of good color and quality. T-emand fair
anu receipts llghr.
POTATOES Colorado, 31.10; Dakota, $er
bu. tl.Oti; natives, 9i
SWr-EET POTATOES-Illlnoia. r ob'-
NAVY BEANS Per bu., t2.2S.
CELERY Large California, 60c, 75o and
ONIONS Spanish, per crate, 31.75; Colo
rado yellow and red, per lb., 2e.
CARnAGE Wisconsin Holland, 8Vtc; new
Chllfornla, 3Hc
TURNIPS Canada rutabagas, per lb.,
lHc; white, per bu., 60c.
CARROTS Per bu., 85e.
PARSNIPS Per bu., 60C.
PERT S Per bu.,
CAULIFLOWER-Callfornla. per. crate,
"cUCUMnERS-Per dir.., t1.26ffrl.60.
TOMATOES-Florida, per G-basket crates,
RADISHES Per dor. bunches, 85c.
LETTUCE ircADS-Per doi. bunches. 90n
fTtl.00; per bbl., 37.00; leaf lettuce, per do.
bunches, 4r,c.
TURNIPS-Sotithern. per dos. 75c
BEETS Southern, pe. doz.. 76c.
CARROTS Southern, per doz., 7"c.
PARSLEY Southern, per doz.. tl OO.
APPLES California llellflowers, per box,
tl.05; New York export Greenings, Russets
and Baldwins, 13.75.
ORATES Imported Malagas, per keg,
CRANBERRIES Jersey, per bbl., 3700;
fiee box, 82 50; Wisconsin Bell and Bugle,
7.60: Hell mid Cherry. 3 50.
STRAWPURRIES-Florldn. per qt., 60c.
ORANGES Navels, all sixes, choice, 3200
2.25; fancy, all sizes. t2.25u2.&0.
LEMONS California, fancy, 300 to 360,
33.50: choice, 240 to 270 sizes, 33.00173.25.
FIGS California, per lo-lb. cartons, 85c;
Importi-U Smyrna, 8-crown, 14c; 6-crown,
10c; 7-crown, 16c.
BANANAS-Per medium sized bunch,
82.0Oe2.60; Jumbos. 32.75(93.25.
COCOANUTS-Per sack. 34 00; per dos.,
DATES Persian, per box of 30 pkgs..
82.00; per lb.. In 00-lb. boxes, 6c; Oriental
stuffed dates, per box, 32.40.
CHEESE Wisconsin twins, full cream,
12c; Wisconsin Young Americas, 13c; block
Swiss, lbc; Wisconsin trick, 13c; Wisconsin
llmburger, 12c.
HONEY Nebraska, per 24 frames, 33.05;
Utah and Colorado, per 24 frames, 33 25.
MAPLE SUGAR Ohio, per lb., 10c.
CIDER Per bbl., 35.50: per V4 bbl., 8.1.2E.
POPCORN Per lb., 2c; shelled, oiMHe.
HORSERADISH Per case cf 2 doz.,
packed. 80c.
HIDES No. 1 green, 6c; No. 2 green. 6c;
No. 1 salted. 7c; No. 2 salted, to: No. 1
veal calf, 8 to 12 lbs., 8Mic; No. 2 veK'- calf,
12 to 15 lbs., O'c; dry salted hides. jl2c;
sheep pelts, IS'ySc: horse hides, tl.?42 60.
NUTS Walnuts, No. 1 soft-shell, per lb.,
lf',4,c; hard-Hhell, per lb., 14c; No. 2 soft
shell, per lb., 1.1c; No. 2 hard-shell, per lb.,
12c; Brazils, per !b., lie; filberts, pet lb.,
11c; almonds, soft shell, per lb., ISc; hard
shell, per lb.,-13c; pecans, large, per lh.,
12c; small, per lb., 10c; peanuts, per lb., Cc;
roasted peanuts, per lb., 7V4c; Chill wal
nuts, 12fi.l3V4c; large hickory nuts, per bu.,
81 60; shell barks, per bu., 82.00; black wal
nuts, per bu., 31.2a.
Oils and Rosin.
OIL CITY. Feh. 13.-OIT Credit bal
ance, 3180; certificates, no hid; shipment, bbls.; average. 70.249 bills.; runs, ltn,
114 bbls.; average, 72,632 bbla.; shipments,
Lima, 131,070 bbl. ; average, 61,264 bbla.;
runs, Lima, 99.000 bbls.; average, 46,183 bbla.
SAVANNAH, Feb. 13 OILS Turpentine.
firm, 64c. Roeln, firm; A, B. C, D, 32.70; E.
32.75; F, t2 80; G. 32 85: H. t2.85; I. 3320; K,
H.25: M. 33.30: N. 33.35; W G. 83.46: W W.
33 75.
NEW YORK, Feb. 11 OILS Cottonseed,
quiet; prime crude, nominal; prime yellow,
3S(fi3Sc. Petroleum, easy; refined. New
York, W.9; Pennsylvania, ana Baltimore,
16.90: in bulk. 36. Rosin, firm: strained.
common to good, 32.9.')3.00. Turpentine,
dull, eifltfte.
Snsnr nnd Molaaaea.
NEW YORK, Feb. 13. SUGAR Raw,
steady: fnlr refining. 2 27-"2c; centrifugal.
96 test, 311-32c; molnsaea sugar, 2 19-32o; re
fined, steady No. 6. 4.e: No. 7. 4.0Oe: No.
8. 8.96c; No. 9, 3.90c; No. 10, 8R5o; No. 11.
3.80c; No. 12. 3.75c ; No. la, 8.70c: no. 14.
3.65c; confectioners A, 4.30c; mould A, 4 80c;
cut loaf, 6 iso; crusned, o.i&c; powuerea,
4.55c; granulated. 4.46c: cubes, 4.70c.
MOLASSES Firm; New Orleans, open
kettle, good to choice, 3Kf37o.
Quiet; open kettle, 2(o3 1-16c; open kettle,
centrifugal. 8(ii-3Ho; centrifugal whites, 4c;
yellows, smfifl 15-16f; seconds, 2Hfr14ie.
MOLASSES Nominal; open ke'tle, Jo
23c; centrifugal. 10ai6c; syrup, dull, 2225c.
Evaporated Apples and Dried Frnlts.
APPLES The market continues quiet In
the absence of important demand and the
feeling la rather easy. Common are quoted
at 4fjGc; prime, at RMfSo; choice, at
BVfcffjfie, and fancy at 6V7c. i
are firmer In-tone as a result of a better
demand and strong advices from the coast.
Quotations range from 8H(fiHc for all
grades. Apricots remain firm under light
offerings. Choice are nunted at 9(510c;
extra choice at 104?ri0c, and frtney at
12i&15o. Teaches are firm; choice are
quoted at 7fir7ic; extra choice at "KBc,
and fancy at 9S10o.
Dry Goods Market.
The week closed with considerably more
firmness on the part of sellers. Buyers,
while placing orders conservatively, are
Insisting upon early deliveries of pur
chases already made and the current busi
ness which Is In progress Is largely con
fined to spots or nearby deliveries, many
of which the Jobber flnda difficult In se
curing. Jobbers are experiencing a com
paratively free ordering from house trade,
which Is here In large numbers.
Metal Market.
markets today presented a quiet holiday
appearance and the business transacted
was of an urlmportant description. The
scarcity of spot supplies makes a s'rong
tin market, today's market holding Thurs
day's advance, with spot quoted 38 80 lid.
Copper was quiet and unchanged; lake
tl? 2MI12.60; electrolytic and casting. (12 13
4i12 37H. Lead quiet and steady at $4 4Vff
4 50. Spelter ateady. spot, 34.905.00. Iron
quiet and unchanged.
Imports and Exports at Hew York.
NEW YORK, Feb. IS Imports of tpecle
at New York for the week were 3212,918 gol 1
snd 357.099 sliver. Exports of specie from
New York during tne past wee were si,
M'i silver, and 8218.435 gold.
Imports of dry goods and general mer
chandise at New York for the week (five
days) were valued at 812.669.942.
Philadelphia Produce Market.
Firm: extra nearby prints. 29c.
EGGS Fresh nearby, fresh western and
freh southwestern, 3oo at mark; freeh
southern, 29c.
CH EHSESteady knd firm; New York
full creama, choice to fancy, Uffilc: Now
York full creoma, fair to good. lOVtifloluc.
Liverpool Grain Market.
LIVERPOOL, Feb. 13.,-WHEAT-Spot.
nominal. Futurea quiet; March, ts tiSd,
May, 6s 5Sd; July, nominal.
CORN Spot, steady; American mixed,
new, 4a lVjd; American mixed, old, 4a (V,d.
Futurea quiet; March. 4s 1; May, 4s S'iJ.
Coffct Market.
Rio, nominal; Not, 7, Invoice, nominal; mild,
steady; Cordova, 8Vil3l,c
Elgin and Waltham watches at your own
Adler's auction sale of unredeemed
8. . Cor. 12th and Fair nam sU.
Pranc tni Siam 81gn Treaty Delimiting
tha frontier.
Treaty geeores Franco Hnhatantlnl
Territorial Advantages and In
sures Commercial Freedom in
Slant lo All Nations.
PARIS. Feb. 14. The danger of a conflict
between Prance and Slam hna been dissi
pated by the signing this evening by For
eign Minister Drlcasse and the Siamese
minister to France of a treaty delimiting
the frontier between 91am and Cambodia,
a French protectorate In lndo-Chlna. This
treaty secures substantial territorial ad
vantages to France and an Increase, of Its
political Influence In tho country. One
article Insures freedom in Siam to the
trade of all nation.
Strained relations between France end
81am have existed for some time In conse
quence of the Inability of the countries to
agree on the boundary lino between Slam
and Cambodia.
Russian Stronghold Would De a
Difficult Place to Re
duce. (Copyright, 1904, by James Gordon Bennett.)
NEW YORK, Feb. 14.-(New York Herald-Omaha
Bee Special Telegram.) Russia
has patiently worked and haa expended
millions of rubles on the defenses of Vladi
vostok, the eastern terminal of the Trans
slberian railroad and the czar's Gibraltar
of the north. Vladivostok hardly will be
an early objert of Japanese attack, for the
reason It la remote from the reglhn In
Which the war must first be fought Corea
and Manchuria and should Vladivostok
ever be under siege It will take not only a
mighty fores by sea but an Immense nrmy
of Investment to reduce It. Tha harbor Is
admirably located, with narrow entrances,
bordered on alt sides by hills of ample
height, to give excellent elevation to bat
teries and to afford splendid gun positions.
All the channels from the sea are aujerbly
commanded by many batteries of modern
ordinance. Few of the guns are, however,
of greater calibre than ten inches. Within
the Inst two years many old guns have been
replaced with new ones.
The city of Vladivostok Is locnted almost
at the too of tha Muravey Amurskl penin
sula, on a harbor which affords excellent
anchorage for warships as well as mer-
cnantmen. There is located here a large
navy yard with adequate drv docks and
repair shop facilities.
In an admirably formed depression on the
Muravev promontory, across the harbor,
o-Jth of the city Is located a large battery
of powerful n-ortars. The entrance to the
harbor and the passages to the sea are
ruMded by heavy batteries, and these
channels In a time like the
heavily mined. Within the last two venrs
a special canal was built near the upper
end of ths Bapernul peninsula. The strate
gical value of this Is to permit torpedo
craft from the defences an opportunity to
sortie against an enemy bombardins- tha,
city from a distance without attemntin to !
run the batteries, all of which nr. I
neetea m the rear by sunken roads, which
permit the rapid transportation nf am
munition from one to another without dan
ger rrom the enemy's fire. From a land
attack, which Is possible nnlv from IK.
north, the city Is well protected by strings
or iana Datterles connected one with the
other by sunken roads, and which ore
equipped with the heaviest i
northern Asia.
One peculiarity of Vlndl vnsttlr t . V. a
prevalence of heavy fo in .h -i.,
Not long ago two British warships, coming
into i-eier tne ureat bay, below Vladivos
tok, were caught In a dense fog. They
uaed the lead, and when the mist -oij
the Russian officials were astounded to see
the British ships lying just off ths water
rrom. The English, unknown even to
$9to Oklahoma
$10.50 to Texas
Tuesday, Feb. 1G, via IJock Island System.
Lowest rate ever made.
It applies to all points in Oklahoma and Indian
Territory on the IIocl Island, Frisco and O. O. & O.
Ky., as also to principal points in Texas Fort Worth,
Dallas, Houston, Galveston and Austin.
This is the opportunity you have been waiting for.
Take advantage of it and visit the great nnd growing
Southwest. Descriptive literature furnished on re
quest. Remember the date Tuesday, Feb. 1G. And the
Route IJock Island.
Full information at this office.
will find a very desirable office on the fifth floor. The size of the
office is 14x19 feet. It has a lari;e, burglar-proof vault, and lam all
'vt the advantages In the way of being In a fire proof building, like
. The Bee Building,
gplendld janitor and elevator at-rvlce, free electric llxhtit and water.
It la conveniently located near botli tho Western Union and Fogtal
Telegraph offices. The rental price per month Is $18.00.
R. C. PETERS CO., Rental Agents. Ground Floor, Bee Building.
themselves, had slipped past nil the bat
teries. This movement save the Ruslnri
commander a fi vere hock nnd nn order
was straightway Issued thM thereafter not
more than two ships of any nationality
should bo allowed within the harbor at
the same time. The ostensible reason waa
that the harbor wns loo small. When tha
American Asl.itlc fleet visits Vladivostok
In the summer two of the ships go Into
the harbor at a time. American officers
are always most cordially treated by th
Russian officers there on duly.
Vladivostok Is not n city which ontl
easily be starved out. For tho last clgh
teen months tho shipment of live rinmestlo
animals from China and Corea to Vladivos
tok has been extremely heavy. They are)
put to pasture In the vicinity and arc per
mitted to breed against the d.iy when th
place will be besieged. The city Is sus
ceptible lo disastrous liombrirdmcnt by
warships If they lie off about 3,000 yard
to the west ward, but there Is llltle possi
bility of these ships doing much to dls.tbls
the batteries. ' They could only hope to
work havoc In t?-e city.
IS K. Wedding Rings, Edhoim. jeweler.
Charges Less Than all Others
treats nil lutuin of Diseases ot
MF.ftJ ONLf. years' experience
: fghteen years In Omati
The doctor s i tinai KaOlo succeM has)
t.ever been cuualeu. ills resources and
facilities for treating I his cmss u( Uuteauss
are unlimited and every iia Drtuga ojanjf, s
flattering reports of the good ue la doing,
er the rtllcf h hits given.
All Blood Poisons. No "bUttAKlXQ OUT'
an the skin or face and aji external signs,
of the disease disappear st once. A per
manent cuie for life uatnted.
ViDirnrriP Cu:ea guaranteed In
tKltiU'LLL KEIia XHAN j Dia,
FAD Ifl (Si (l at,'s euisd of Hydrocele,
IlLnrt JU,Ul U stricture, dies'., Nervosa
Debility, Loua .f Strength and Vitality
and all forms ol chronic disease!,
Treatment by mail. Calj or writs. Uom
IM. Ulrica 21S Soutn 14th ct Omaba, Mat
fMArM n..i.i... a . .i
uiaui, riuiisiunS tt dIOCXS.
Room 4. N. Y. Ufls Bide.
Tel. 13J0.
Operates IS Offices In This 6 lata
Established U97.
fti V- ' V.4WI Jt II 11 g Jf, 'ansa
We have over 160 vtTlcea.
References: 176 Btats and Nat'l Banks.
ovn iervice) ia the best..
Out of Town Bualnerjp Solicited. . ,
Omaha Branch 161 a Penan 5 Tei.4aT
TH0S. M. WADDICK, Correspondent '
Grain, Provisions 6t Stocks.
Members Omaha drain Exchange,
Chicago Board of Trade and other
Correspondents Bartlett, Ftasler di
218 Board el Trade Bls"g. Omaha.
1323 Ftrnam Street, OMiHJ.