Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 14, 1904, PART I, Page 9, Image 9

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The Prices Quoted Below Will Be Found
the Lowest Obtainable in the West,
We HAVE Every Article We Advertise.
penta Water, small: 10c
o Allcoc k a roroua Flaaters, all you
want fon. i ... ..... loo
I. 00 Acer's Hair Vigor 69c
II. K Baker's ltorW- Mt W hisker,
pirtit and knl, for. . '. . . i . . . .TBe
(Pw doien, .(.) '
(1.09 Bff, -Iron and Wine for.... gno
M.OO Uurnham i Sarsaparilla for fine
Sc Imixwtcd Hitler Wa(r for..,..,.... Ihc
11.00 Botanic Ulmwl Halm Sc
- tAll vou ant at these price.)
To Brandcth'a rills for.... 39c
o Hromo-Qulnlrie for Ho
Sc Carter's I.lttle Liver Fills for 12c
c Chamberlain s CoukU Byrup for.... lici
H.OO Chrystal Tonic for C9c I
(Help yntiraelf at these prices.) I
e Oeniiltiq Castofla for. 7 21c ;
SRo Cutlcura Soap for , 17c !
fit Ir.urn 1mIv 1n t' 'Ktn
SlXMi Fare Canadian Malt Whlikrf tt-te
(Per dozen, 17.50.) '
Coleman- Carbolatefl Ointment, for
horses, cattle and other animals, tor.. 60c
90c Cudahy a Extract of Beef for c
. , '
These, ara Ihrrnaa M McConncH'a
t r -
Sl.OO D Miracle Hair Jiiwfr for ftto
1.00 ttulty n. Malt,. Whlakey for 68c
l. D. O. Ecaema.Cure, warrants th '
f (fcnulne. always $1.00
Itfto F.aale Condensed Milk, ran . . . . li!o
2le Rilkrmol Tooth Paate, lobe.. 12c
tl.00 Elker Hoff Consumption Cure for 80o
(By mall, toe);
2Re Hop Waatera lRo
11.60 Fellow's Hypophoephates for 95c
6oc Foley'a Honey and Tar for , 40c
loo Oardeld Tea for 5c
60c Oossom's Kidney Cure for c
ftoe Hay's Hair Health for StWc
60c Hind's Honey and Almond Cream.. 2SJ0
60c iloarhound and Ttilu Coufrli Byrup
- for Sla
Ific Hydrosen Peroxide for '&)o
JHo Ilnrtlnu Kuan foe. .....-.,.. 14c
25o Humphrey's for .. 19o
1.00 Hall's Hair Kenewer for .!
7Dc Hall's Catarrh Cure for ; Ha
11.00 Hoatetter's Hitters for (c
II HO Kinney's Hulr Tonic for two
l.(K Kirk's Handrail Care (the ten
l days' dandruff cure)..... Tito
25o Lambert's Llsterlne for J5o
11.00 Lambert's Llsterlne for tha
i 13.50 Marrel Whirling Spray Syringe
I for t.$M5
Miles' Nervine - IMIlea',- salad
yon). . . . .V. ( . . i . . . V.fl.OO
28c Mennen'a Talcum Powder for 11c
,fc Aift Mnnyon's l'aw-Pawi ...... .lo
-,- Malted Ml)k 34c and 67o
JtRc Mistletoe Cream lOo
60o Neal's Dyspepsia Tablet for 40c
(All you want no limit.)
10c Mexican Amole Soap for. ..i.i. 5o
. tl (in nzomulslon (all you want) 69c
60o Palmo Tablets for. ........ i.. o
'" Paruna 6io
1.00 Pierce's Mellclnea Tor wo
25c Plso'a Consumption Cure for". 16o
11.00 .pmkham a Vetjetabla Compound
fo..v. r.... Mc
26o Packer's Tar Soap, we anil 15c aonlnh'a aaraanarllla for.... Toe
r.OO Bwlft a Bpeclflc for..... 69c
$1.75 Swift's Specinc for...." '....$1.09
80c Bvrup of Jr la-a. arenulne, for 32c
tOC-'BtMKMIl ByValft, laJntB,l.!r..VA M0
11.00 Btuart'a rtyspepsla. Tablfta.. -89c
50c Boolete HVKlejilque Soap for 29c
2Bo Stitch Back Plaster for I 15c
$1.50 Vln Mariana for 89o
I These are .Sherman Jt .McCoanell'a
prleea. ' ,
Vlnol, ajennlne, alwara. . , . . . l.QO
(Purehasara of Vlnol should not accept
Gome to Headquarters Whan You Want Drugs.
Sherman & McDonnell Drug Co;
Wholesale and Retail Druggists.
1 Cor ICth and Dodge,
Makes Men Vigorous
Valaable Prescription by Which Any
Mas Can Make Mia Own . Itemed r
I to Cnre Himself at Home Seat
Free to All. Write for It.
LFor the return of tjiat youthful feeling; of
an hood a prominent Detroit physician and
avant U in poaaeasion of a receipt which
f Amerlca'a Greatest Speclnllat.
he' haa hlmaelf uaad in his own extensive
private rractlce with the most fftartling
aucceaa. Though the yeaia have itftwied I Li
euual liaa hever been found and with It
, thouaands of weak men have hrouglit about
the ourea they ao much lotiRed for. Th.
I doctor wllUnKiy s nd the formula entirely
free 10 toy: timn who write him for ll.' and
lthey,4Jl nnd It a nift of ItistlnK value,
lit la cood for aexual weakness, lott man-
hood., nervousness, weak back, eintiMlona.
varloiicele. lac k of force, prostatic truublei
night sweatH, inability and the many other
i embarrasalna; rondltiona that befall the
eexually lmirfect man. It creatra an
1mma1late aoclal feellnn. warmth itnd grood.
tiature, forces active blood to the mucular
tissue, tunea the nervous syatem and
arouses bodily confidence. It makes the
man of 66 aa Hood aa at 35, and the young
man again eager for aociety and fit or
marriage and parenthood. Satisfactory
reautts are produced in e. day's use and
trfct cure In a few weeks reeardlesa of
ago or the cauite of your condition.
If au need auch a remedy send your
name and sddreax todav to the Tr. Knapp
Med. Co.. 26 Hull Bldg.. Detroit, Mich.,
gnd in an unmarked envelope the doctor
will at onca Bend you the receipt, aa prom
teed, explaining In detail what Ingrcdienta
jo ua aid hiM ttyvmn pound hem ao that
any weak man can cure himself in .hla n
borne without ltu' under ob'igiiUona to
anyone. It coata you nothing and the
aooner you write the sooner, you wil be
cured. " ' .' '" t: : '
Full Set
Best Set
t22K Go'.d Crowns.........
Go4d rtllinga. ,
' Blivar r 11 luga
....! 58 up.
io up.
6ue up.
i . tEetabllthed 1KS ) -.
, . rial's ' .r
17. - O1' fJ
same If the wrapper or label Is mutilated
or torn.)
Vletwr'a Tonic l.otlon Iheaf remedy
for blackheads, pimples, barker,',
Iteh and all skin tronbiea),' per'",
bottle ' ROc
50o Warner's Sodium Phosphate, effer
vescent 3fc
$1,110 Wine of Cardul (all you want) for Sue
a I. Of) White HIIbon,aor Cure..l1c
Mail orders tilled at above prltwa; box
and cartapa free.
$160 ftEMEDTEB i. $1.14
All $1.00 Prcparatlona for...'. 59c
All 60c Preparations for 34C '
All 28c Preparations for 14o ,
Thraio Syringes shown aboye, each
adapted to different uses, euoh
' . It., ..! Qi
Plant Spray shown above. .50c, 75c and $1.00
Electric Belts as phown above, prlc'e
each from U.w to iu.uu
Breast Pumpa a ahQwn above, in beat
quality i 8ao
(By mail, 40c.)
- OH Ail A, NEB.
X3he Best of
The Only Double
Track Railway
o Chicago
The Omaha
'Citcago Train
Pr Excellence
,-Jf-Jfa. 6,oii( train maJ
nt) In Oniih daily OA'
i:21ME t 0:50 fk-fn,, grric." '
ing (Jhicug 7:30 next morn-
;' ng. Library, HufftC Cur,
Hmrbtr, ntt Standard Sleep
trs, L'UuirVartlimrytUinj.
a. City OffiCes
14011403 FAR NAM
TCU 624-681
"Ourf'H!tlni(.r loasea are only $200,000
abeut ohe-twenty-flfth of our annual in
come, and wllla be paid aa promptly aa
though we were involved for one-tenth the
"l'henlx Insurance Co., of Brooklyn.'
"We have no agency In Baltimore, and
our loss will not be exceaalve.
"New York Fire. Ina. Co."
"Our lose of $750,UOO will be promptly met
on presentation of proofs, by remittance
rom 'ihe .London office., aa $o leave tht
junojj in the U. 8. Intact.
"Northern Aa.tura.nce Co., of England."
'"U will jiot cauaa a f Ipple or disturb the
oompany'a methoda of underwriting ln the
atienteat degree. -
"MUwaukee Mechapica Jnaurance Co-."..
I repreaent the fallowing eomDanlea: .
! Phenhx.vof. Brooklyn;'''
Northern Aaja irance, of 'England. ' ' . "
f American,' vt Boathn', ... '
jew xjcrg r ire, of . New .York, ,-.-Mllwatike
Mectianloa, of Wisconsin,
Nor Jc4il. rkniiof BnglabtJ."' r" .
Thesf coropanlea have auataJned aiTeatl
mattd'.loaa of over n.'fi.n(i in
more ,,.'Ttiuir cotnbinud, aaeeta -are 'ovr
.xioo.too-iand all loasee will be paid wliui
i due. . or b'-jfbr.e., adiuatera now, being. t
work.. Ttila la anothar li-aaon thai It paya
iu uujr n .jrance mat Insure :y - t
: JOKING. LUND, Agent. !
Telephone L-8852. uj Karbjtul, UuilUic.
National Tonmament CUiei with finals in
. Ind.T dual Games.
Bovrlers from Omaha Ron Ip Scorn,
bnt Do Not Get Them High
Knoagh to Flaure la the
CLEVELAND, Feb. IX (Special Tele
ram.) The following; scores were made
by Omaha bowlers at the tournament yes
terday." 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Totals.
Bartach 1st - m 202 .. '679
TV'. Huntington 1S8 , las , 2"4 B.7
P. 1. Norton 172 146 2"3 621
W. H. Wig-man 134 1S luj 46(i
The annual tournament 'of the National
Bowling; Congress wa ended' tonight with
the finals In the Individual games. The
following are the first ten, their scores
and the amount of money eftch received: '
Martin Kern. St. Ixmls ..'.:... 647 ' $ln0
Herman Ktehl. Cleveland; M0 95
A. W. Llppo, Chicago 634 90
3. Dumas. New ' York. (i-9 Ho
Hohrt Doerlng. Peoria..., M....829
Charles Knoll, Cleveland fil!7 ' 75
Frank Woodbury. Chicago. ...i ftM 70
W. U. Owen Lou.lvlllp. 622 tifi
E. Meyer Chicago , H-2 Wl
A. L. Moeller, Cleveland ,...612 ' 66
Mnrtin Kern of St. Louis holds the high
record In the individual scores: Kern this
afternoon rolled 47 points. Among the best
Individual pi-ores are the followlhg:
Martin Kern. 8t. Louis .'; '.......:. 617
A. Werth. Denver .....610
Pit Wolf, 8L Louia rW
Claade Makes nig;- Winning; at Inarle
alde and Oarsman Makes Remark
able Record at, Ascot Park.
BAN FRANCISCO, Feb. lS.-Clatide. the
heavily plHyed favorite, won the Palace
hotel handicap at Inglealde today from n
good field. Lord Melbourne wast second
and Kenllworth third: The winner's share
;wh $1,228. Ingleslde reaulta:
Flret race. Futurity course, selllng;Hren
nus won. Standard second, Polinus third.
Time: .1:14V4.
Swoud nice, thre and a half furlonps,
purse: My Order won, lliili Kian second,
Edgecliff third. Time: 0:45. .
Third race, six furlongs, aelllnrf:' Hal
natilt Won. Celebrant second, - Fair Ladv
Anna third. Time: 1:17 ...
Fourth race, one mile and an eighth.
Palace hotel handicap: Claude wnh, Lord.
Melbourne seoond,- Kenllworth third. Time:
l:r.7U. .. . .
Firth race, one mile and a quarter, sell
ing;: Hyronerdale won.' Mr. Dingle aecond,
Expedient- third. Time: 2:12Vi.
Sixth race, one mile and seventy yards,.
Kellltig: Hill Masale won. Axmlnstcr sec
ond. "Morton third. Time: 1:W.
NBW ORLEANS, Feb. 13 Results')
First rqie. live and n half fiirlongs. sell
ing: Our Nugget won, Four-Leaf C pepond,
Josette third. Time: !;(.
Second race; tlve furlongs: Dallas won,
To San second. Leila third. T,lme: 1:02.
Third race, one mile: Fort Plan won.
Lee' Doriev second. Saint Tammany third.
Time: 1:41.
Fourth race, six furlongs. De Soto handi
cap: Rite won. Scorpio second, New" York
third. Time: 1:14V,.
Fifth race, handicap, one mllewtnd a six
teenth: Tribes Hill won, Ethics second,
Huccas third. Time: 1:50.
Sixth race, one mile and a .quarter,- aelN
Ing: Thornevcroft won, Tanered aecond,
MUs West third. Time: 2:10. :
I)S ANGELES. Feb. 13 Ascot resulta:
First race. Slauson course, selling: Little
Margaret won. Celebration aecond, Gehelm
nloB third. Time: Ml'
Second race, five furlnngsi ptlrse: i Bill
urtls won, Dick Turnlri aecond, . Felipe
uego third. Time: 1:00.
Third race; one mile, selling: ' Ehlfmee
won, Jlngler aecond, Phyi third. Timer
1:44. " ' '
Fourth race, one mile and a ,-juarter.
Atcot "handicap: Oaraman won. Nitrate
aefVmrl. Havtlnnd thlr.'- Time: 2:07.
Fifyi race, six furlongB. handicap: vOInn
Nevis won. Glorioso aecond. Rag Tag third.
Time: i:U:
Sixth race; one mile: 'Jim Hale wn, VI
truda aecond, Rio Chioo. third.i Time: 1:42.
Weelea-an 1'nlveral'ty Jonlora Win a
Closely Conieeted Game Away
from Home. ,
PRF.TR. Neb.. -Fell. 13. (St)eelal. The
Wesleynn unlveralty Junior basket ball
team defeated the Crete High school boys
Ir. a very close and exciting game played. in
Soltol hall Inst evenlne. the. visitors scoring
22 to 18 on the local lad. A large crowd of
Wesleyan students carae down from Lincoln
In a special car to witness the game. Both
teams were backed bvflne records and ex
citement over the probable result of tho
imrn. ran liloh Tn I h. f'ir-at. blltf the Vlsl-
t.-ira At thn Kst VL-nrlr fhc score Its cloSi
standing 14 to In their favor, 'jne local
team took a splendid hrnee in Ike second
half, the playing being done very. largely
near their own goal, but luck deserted
them and twice field goals," which were
thrown Just as the rcferee'e whistle blew,
could not be allowed. The anore of tho aec
ond half, then stood 9 to I In favor of the
Crete hoya and the game went to the visit
ing team; The grim determination or eacn
team to w"ln made the playing at times
rather rough. rTha line-up was as follows:
White , ' .r-IF........ :v.. Kno"
Halo ........',....:... ..V. I F..:. ......... Rsdmi.'hfr
McCaudlMa '..F I C . Tathelro
f'raio CIO. OJen
I.mon 0.1 O s,... Dertweli
Fuller O.I l
Subs'.ltulea For Wesleyan, 'McCandlaes,
Fordyce;. for Crete, Johnson, Chrlstenson,
Porter. Referee Lemon. . Fmpire Welch.
Timekeepers Knoll and P.lakemore. . Time
of halves. 20 minutes. Final acore: Wea
leyan 22, Crete 18.
Black Kats and. date Cltya Tied for
Klrat Place In the' tomiuer- ".' '
:'. x clal l.eagpoe.
Following lare the high scores 'on' the
Weatern alleya: William Heft Is high sin
gle game weekly prlxe with J; S. L. Mvl.iort
l Jjlgh three successive gamea weekly
prize .with 5!t, 217, 212,, J7o-,total iW); William
y-ty tH.- 211; 2J7; F.' J
?!.. -H, t&; R. C.rubh; 9H. 2.1. 21 . 207.
2ti3, 204; Uuy Ind(i,' 0ii.-20ft 21?, 2'4. ap ft
E. Mc Kelvy.. .220; T.- Folev, 215, '. 2(9 "10:
S. L. Rriaon. 312. 217. 2:n,' 207; ;'P9. 201). ' 201,
ro9:.-Burt Htnythc 2l, 2(r, -207, 3oi; R E
Rush. 2(9. 211. :u3, 291 ; A. Meston. 2T2; Seara.
2'i. imCJ. Parrv, 2hi; F. R. Biddell. 203 . 218,
232: O. Hemhood, 211. 200.
Team su.iding of the Commercial league:
Team. ; PlayectWon. LVigt. lct.
Rlai k Kats 49 :0 13 .cstl
Gate City 46 80 15 a;;
Drexels 45 ?s 17 tf
W. O. W.. 45 25 20 .hC:,
Intx & WilUnma ...42 21 .. 21 .fijfi
Wenterns ' '......... .'..'.42 18 24 4 i
Stephens A Smipl -....45 14 31 .311
Browning, King & Co 45 H 34 .244
High School Basket Ball. j
Thla year the baaket ball team Of "the
Omaha Hlh achooi ha a rnadt a record ,
breaking that of any preceding one t-y de
feating thirteen out pf fourteen tr-ama it
haa, plsyed. These were all acheduled
game, played either Friday ur Saturday of
each week. - i ,
The high achooi lada practice three times 1
regularly every week. Tueaday evening
ThardayftcTnooo. and Saturday evening i
On Tueaday and Saturday thev. practice 1
with the llrst Young Mrn'a CbrlatUn aaso- '
elation team, while on Thursday afternoon
thev obtain about three hours' , practice '
More. The "rst Imitl Is l1rr cti-elv.,1 .v
Mr. Nathan Bernstein. InMrueto- of physics
at the high school. Mr. Bernaf In !a an old
hand at tli game, he having been a men.
her of hla caliege team. Ha 1 assisted fcv I
Hen Chet Tin ton. last year's captain. One
advantage tha team has thla year Is the '
fact that most of the old men are out for 1
practice. Adolph Meyer, who haa been 1
Pliylng center for the paat two yeara. has
left the lleh ohoo ard gone to the T'nl
verslly of Nebraska. Tt ls Is a blow to te
team, as Mever waa the best center the
hlifh sehool h"a ever h"d. Coper, rlgt"
forward, and Durkee. left guard are hoih
nsiK'ng for that position now Cooper has
a li'tl the sdvMntnae ao far, having playeJ
eut tlH'" to Mever.
Next Friday the boya go to Crele. Neb : i
February 2 they go to Sioux City; March
jonnson, jh, .-uy; n. flay, 218. -210, 211.
2". ?(; H. W. Lehman., 210, 227 239. 203
21S. 2H- Karl 6ttje.s, 210, 2o3; WUliam Heft,
i'4. S4A; W. H. StHDenhorst. 210. 02 ai.
KengBlei 207. f22..201.
4 to Lincoln, and March 11 to Council
The management la atlll In correspond
ence with several of the towna of Iowa and
Nebraska. Resides this challenge from two
utilvers itlea have been received but ha-a
been declined, on account of the High
School Athletic association being short of
The line-up for the Crete game next Fri
day is as follows: Cherrlngton, right
forward; Clark or Mackavlu, left forward;
Cooper, renter; liurkce, right guard;
Walsh (C). left guard.
PoaTB-enbnrn; Wlna Out on Tie.
NEW YORK. Feb. 18. J. Ferdinand Pcg
genburg of the Llederkram . club won the
amateur championship billiard honors In
the final match of the tournament, which
began two weeks ago, and finished today at
the Llederkrana clubhouse. He won out In
the play ofT of a tie for first honors with
Dr. i. L Mlal of this city arid outplayed
the latter by a score of 3X) to l1.
Th local clubman was In excellent form
and pi lyod a consistently strong game from
start lo finish. In addition to winning the
championship emblem he also won a hand
some vase, clock and a candelabra and a
cut glass set, four prlres in all. He and
Dr. Mial had tied for hiphest run, 73, but
the tie for the highest Individual run was
decided In the final game with a score of 41.
LT. Mlal won second prlxe, Edward Gard-nc-
of Tassalc. N. J., won third honors and
Charles F. Conklln of Chicago took fourth
rlace. The following are the scores of the
final match:
Pogftenburg Total. "300; high runB. 41,. 33,
30. 3s; average, 9 21-31. - .
Mini Total. 16: high runs, 31, 24. 10, 14;
average, 5 30-31.
, ThnrBtona Lose In lovra.
SHENANDOAH. la., Feb. 13. (Special
Telegram.) In a hotly contested game of
fisket bull in the armory tonight the
Phennndonh team defeated the Thurston
Utiles of Omaha by the good score of 2X to
EO. The game wis replete with brilliant
plavs. but Shenandoah was faster. First
half 12 to R: second half. 16 to 12. , .
Continued from Tage Eight.
ettee, though the Simpson college people
were preparing to make a protest on the
same ground. , The Coe col lego people are
out with a statement that It is not a case
of plagarlam and are defending their orator,
so that It, will be necessary to fight It out
in .the association. .
Court Deolslona.
The court decisions today were:
'Naomi Slmpklns, appellant, against John
Hales;. Van fturen county, Judge Roberts;
amrmed by Ladd.
Joseph 8. Dunkln against Caroline Selfert,
appellant; Monroe cownty, Judge Roberts;
attlrmed by Weaver.
W. J. Henlev. appellant, against H. R.
Patterson; Polk "county, Judge. Mcllenfy;
affirmed by Deemer.
Michael Hlankenhorn against Alfred
Lenox, appellant; Louisa county, Judge
Smvthe; atllrmed by McCialn.
M. J. Dankwart, appellant, against Prus
sian" National. Insurance Company: Des
Moines county. Judge Smvthe; affirmed by
S1R.r,j!nileath agalnat Charles E.- Albrook,
appellant: Hardin county, Judge Kenyon;
utllrmed by Bishop.
- . Supreme t'onrt Progrreaa.
The Iowa supreme court has Juet com
pleted the aecond period ut the first term
of tho court under the new rulee. The
court heard oral arguments on five daya
of the present week and took under d
vuiement the cases from the districts in
the eastern and central-port of the etate.
There will be no other cases submitted until
March 8, and then there will be the final
hearings in April.1 The court "has 'no
gone half way . through the docket for the
January term. The system In reported to
be, eminently satisfactory to the court and
lawyers aa far as' they have gone.- The
plan la to have, fhree tefrhs each year With
three or four periods in ach, tlrtia dis
tributing the1 casea evenly through tha year. ,
Already the court has delivered declaiona
ln quite a number of cases that were ar
gued to the court the second week of
January. After the syatem gets into good
working order It la expected-that the court
will be able to decide within four- weeks
after submission all the caaea presented
save those-about which the court is in
doubt or on which there Is av division -of
ophilofl"lri' the'eburt. ''" '
Tyler, Wants a Rehearing.
An application for rehearing In the caae
of Chesttr Tyler, from Jaaper county, has
been filed by hla-attorneya. One ground la
that owing to .his poverty he was unable
to employ counsel and the right to have
counsel appear for him and orally, argue
the case at state expense was denied., A
really, important, question la Involved In
the case that.of the county attorney call
ing an assistant to take charge of the
grand Jury, while investigating the case,
and In thla instance the lawyer having
been, according, to the statements of the
defense, actively employed for some time
In prosecuting the case against defendant.
Tyler is serving a life sentence, for . the
murder of Dr. Fallor at Newton, his pur
pose being robbery, and Dr. Failor'a watch
was recovered from a colored woman ln
Des Molnea lo whom Tyler had given t
soon after the murder.
Buyi Out Hla Partner.
WEBSTER CITY. Ia., Feb. 13.-(SpeciaI
Telegram.) C. D. Hellen thla afternoon pur.
chared the holdings of Furman Tuttle ln
the Journal and now owna the whole of that
paper. In the deal Mr. Hellen turned his
Freeman-Tribune stock over to Ideal capi
talists. This business change clears the
newspaper atmosphere ln this city and will
restore a feeling of friendliness between the
two dailies.
Harrison County Grand Jury Adjouraa
LOGAN. Ia., Feb. 18. (Special.) Yester
day the grand Jury of tha Harrison county
dlatrlct court adjourned. Twelve Indict
ments have been returned, but warrants
for arrest will be made only on the order
of the county attorney. The following were
discharged: W. C. Houts, Banta Brown,
Allle Swbngo, Villlam Mullany, Robert
Rlchey, ar., and Robert Richey, Jr.
' Creamery Officers Elected.
LOGAN, Ia., Feb. .13. (Special.) The an
nual meeting of the directora of the Mag
nolia Creamery association resulted ln the
election of the following otflcera: Frank
Hill, manager; Henry' Cadwell, secretary;
John fjnrner, treasurer. H. D. Wendt holda
the position of buUermaker, with Ray Har
ilngton as assistant.
Invalids who are just
recovering from some se
vere illriesa or who are com
pletely broken down, will
find the Bittera the ideal
medicine to build up their
strength and restore them
to robust health. It also
cures Dyspepsia, Indigestion,
Headache, Constipation and
Malaria, Try a bottle.
Beech Berry Trlli of Bhcotin in Which
Another Wa,i Killed.
Saye that t hanncrr Dewey and Wll
, Ham McBrlde Did the Shooting;,
the Latter Killing; Bar
chard Ilerry.
KANSAS CITY, Feb. IS. -A special to
the Star from Norton, Kan., says that In
the trial today of Chauncey Dewey, the
millionaire ranchman, and 'his cowboys,
William J. McUrlda and Clyde Wilson, for
the murder of Hurchard Hurry, damaging
testimony, principally against McBrlde,
was brought out by the state.
lieech berry testllled that on the day
of the killing at the Berry farm he saw
McBrlde. from behind the water tank rise
up and shoot Burchaxd Berry. He also
stated that it was Dewey who had shot
Roy Berry ln the Jaw.
Beech Berry told of going with Roy and
Burchard on the fatal day to the home
of Alpheus Berry, another relative, where
tho shooting took place.
"My father . and Alpheus," said he,
"were near the water tank when we
arrived, talking to three men. We rode Into
the yard and tied our horses, then started
toward my father and Alpheus. We had
taken a few steps when Chauncey Dewey
rose from behind a sod wall and shot Roy,
who was ln the lead. I was next and
Burchard followed. Aa we started toward
the yard McBrlde Jumped behind the tank
nnd shot Burchard Berry, while Wilson
shot at me from .behind the, wall and
missed. The three shot was not over a
seoond apart. I ran behind the barn with
all throe shooting at me.. After I got be
hind the barn they kept shooting at the
barn. I then ran to the house. One shot
struck me In the leg."
"Did any of you draw a revolver?"
"No. After I got to the barn. I drew
my revolver and as I ran toward the house
I fired. I did not fire at any one In
particular. But Just ln the direction of the
three. . .
"Roy started to' crawl toward the houpe.
They fired a couple of shots at him. Botri
went through the rim of his hat. He
dropped as if dead. They then quiet shoot
ing at him and rode away."
Berry declared that Dewey and his men
had 1 commenced firing on them without
warning and without a word having been
spoken between them. Upon cross-exam-Inatlpn,
Berry admitted that there had been
111 feeling befween the Berrys and the
Deweys dating back to 1901 and that nil
of the Berrys owned rifles and revolvers.
Court adjourned until Monday with
Beach Berry still on the stand being cross
examined. People having no false pride, serve Cook's
Imperial Champagne at club and home
banquets, entirely through preference.
Indiana Strikes Ont riedge of Rooae-
velt Support Ovrlna; to Senator
llanna'a Possible Candidacy.
ANSVILL,E. Ind.. ' Feb. . 13.-At the
meeting of the Indiana Lincoln league here
today, a lively discussion followed the In
troduction of a resolution, providing that a
telegram be sept to President Roosevelt
commending his administration and pledg
ing the league's support in the national
convention. , , . ' . '
The telegram was. .sent, after being
amended by striking out the pledge of sup
port. The reasons for this action set forth
by ther opposition were that the Indiana
Lincoln- league should not pledge itself to
one candidate when the state had such ex
cellent presidential timber and that Sena
tor lfunna might yet be a presidential factor.-
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