Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 14, 1904, PART I, Page 4, Image 4

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. - i
Conicil Ad pts Hit Pian. Ffj-n Jug Th is
o. Lo' eck . n I With! ell.
Declares Them Kunlty anil t'nflt for
Its and 1'avlna; Specifications of
lloitnatrr Are Approved.
Ity Engineer Ru.ewater wnr. a signal vic
tory before the council, meeting at a com
mlttee yesteidny afternoon. Hpt cificatlon
for paving adopted I y the Board of Pu!l!c
Work ai against his own, were rejected
by the council and ordered placed on file.
On th other hand the city engineer waa
directed to make certain legal corrections
In hla work submit It to City Attorney
Wright and the beard, which "w as Instructed
to approve such specifications and forward
them to the council for confirmation.
"These i-peMcatlons before you," said
City Attorney Wright, "never were pre
pared by aft engineer. To say the least,
they were thrown together very carelessly.
They arc lr such shape ns to enable con
tractor to work the rankest frauds upon
this city. They have not been drawn In
conformity with the law In a number, of
respecta. They provide that the Board of
Public Works designate material to be
used, whercaa ruch rights lie with thy
property owners. This la merely one ol
many defects. For Instance, bidders are
required to furnish blank checks, to be
filled out When the contract Is accepted,
and It la actually specified that the man
who gets the contract forfeits his check.
These are glirlng errors upon their face and
I am not attempting to go Into technical de
tails ao far as the work la concerned."
Tarn Down Majority Plana.
After this there waa no disposition on the
part of the council to approve the specifi
cations submitted hy the majority member
of the board and which, It had been charged
openly, were prepared by Interested con
tractor!. An attempt had been started to
compare the two seta of specifications sec
tion by section, but the council got no fur
ther than the third section. At Ih.'s point
.the city engineer addressed the members
directly and to th point, foregoing per
sonalities. He appeared to have convinced
the council that he was right, but the re
marks of City Attorney Wright cllncl.jd
the matter.
Comptroller Lobeck, representing the ma
jority of the board, attempted a defense,
but got little further than a few personali
ties. The council committee room waa crowded
with city officers, paving contractors and
luwyers. The meeting was r.pen, being In
marked contrast to the sessions concerning
the same subject last summer, when the
floors were barred and the proceedings kept
ecret. Influences brought to bear by In
terested contractors who could not get
what they wanted because Engineer Rose
water stood In the way, had prevented the
adoption of specifications last year and the
long drawn out fiasco then had wearied
some of the counrl'men and made them
anxious fur the application of fair play.
Explodes Washington Tlieory.
It has been the argument of the majority
members of the Board of Tublic Worka all
along that their asphalt specifications fol
lowed those In use In Washington, D. C.
City Attorney Wright said he had talked
over the matter with Water Works 'Ap
praiser Alvord, who is regarded as a pav
ing expert, and he had stated that the
Washington testa for asphalt are useless
In Omaha because of the difference In ell
mate. Further Mr. Wright pointed out that
the specifications before the council called
for testa for which there is absolutely no
provision or any possibility of provision
nd lira therefore worse than absurd.
In rep'.y to the accusations that In deniz
ing to have charge of the technical super
vision of the work Mr. Rosewater waa
attempting to usurp the powers and privi
leges of the other members of the board,
the rlty engineer showed cnnclualvely that
he had no such purpose. His statement
that even the Washington ipeclflcatlons
left all technical matters with the engineer
waa only one of the few points made tn
his argument. '
Councilman O'Brien, In attempting to
take him to task for not having required
ch nilcal tests of asphalt before, was un
horsed by the assertion of the engineer that
for years he had been trying to have such
testa made, but that the contractors had
prevented It through Influence with the
Simple Matters of Record.
These thlnga are matters of record."
said Mr. Ronewater "I can prove what I
pay. It Is only by following out the plan
thRt I have proposed that the city can Im
prove It asphalt paving and utilise the
lessons 'earned each year."
He charged that In the past much paving
has cone down minus It most valuable
properties because of the lack of laboratory
facilities or council appropriations for
unalysls of the material.
The council expressed a desire to have
he engineer's specifications ready for ap
proval Tuesday night and this was agreed
to. '
Veterans Discussing; Candidates for
Commander and Other Depart
ment Affair. '
Grand Army matter are livening up In
this locality and the question of who shall
bo tho next department commander Is In
teresting some of the Omaha members of
the Grand Army It la possible that Omaha
will present a candidate In the person of
W. H. Green, who was a candidate for that
office last year. Lincoln la also In the field
with a candidate. Past Department Chap
lain Harmon Brosa, while York will pre
sent the name of John Lett, the present
senior vice commander of the department.
The fact that the Grand Army state re
union will he held In Omaha next fall give
some stimulus to the candidacy of Mr.
Green, but the matter will be decided at th
department encampment, wbjch convenes at
Kearney In May. There will also be ft lively
contest for delegates to the national en
campment, which meet at Boston In Sep
tember next, and several Omaha veteran
are ambitious to be choeen a delegate to
that encampment.
The matter of the Grand Army of the
Republic reunion to be held here next fall
Is rlready being taken up, and the three
Graad Army posts of Omaha will soon un
dertake a canvass of the city tn order to
Insure the uccess of the reunion. The
dates of the reunion have not yet been
fixed, but will be by the department en
campment In May next. A this will prob
ably be the last reunion to be held In the
state under the direct auspices of the Ne
braska Grand Army of the Republic de
partment It la Intended to make It a notable
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy
Is a medicine of great worth and merit.
Try It when you have a cough or cold and
you are certain to be pleased with the quick
relief which It affords. It I pleasant to
take and ran r.lwaya be depended upon.
Italian Crolser Has Refugees of Battle
and Does Not Know What
Do with Men.
ROME, Feb. 13. -The government has re
ceived a note from the commander of the
Italian cruiser Elbe, which Is ' at Che
mulpo, Corea, saying, that several Russian
sailor from the warships sunk there by
the Japanese in the recent engagement
took refuge aboard the Elbe, where they
wer kindly received. The commander
ay further that he cannot deliver these
men to the Japanese because they would
be made prisoner and that he cannot re
turn them to Russia, a this action mrght
be interpreted a a breach of neutrality.
Eepnbican Prima-ie ?tn Off Without
Ino'dsnt or Acrid nt. ,
Convention Will Meet t Workman
Temple This Afternoon to Same
the Ticket for Coming
City Election.
The republican primaries held yesterday
passed off quietly. In all the wards the
voting was light. As there was no contest
at the primaries Mule Interest was taken
In the selection of delegates. These dele
gate wers chosen:
First Ward-L. C. Olbson, E. R. Leigh.
T. B. Scott, Ueorg- Curtis, F. E. Bnndwalt.
Second Ward Frank Dvorak, Charles L.
Hoovor, J. Burke, 1.. J. Dally, J. W. Mein
ser. I
Third Ward W. C. Hchmldt, John Kubat,
J. C. Bocrly, Edward Kroeger, Thomas
Fourth Ward-Wllllam McCralth, P. J.
Tralnor, T. Erwln, Peter Olsen, J. A. Nel
son. Fifth Ward George Meslck, John Kau
lek, Thomas Kozinle, Thomas Peterson,
Jrhn I.iory.
Sixth 1ard L. B Walmer. S. R. Cox. E.
T. Milled, Frank Plvonka. Jay Williams.
The city convention will be held at Work
man temple. Twenty-fifth and M streets, at
2 o'clock this afternoon.
Xew Role gnaa-ested.
At a meeting of the South Omaha IJve
Stock exchange-held yesterday afternoon a
change In the solicitors' rule was suggested.
This new rule permits members of the ex
change to go Into the country and solicit
business for six days each month. Another
meeting of the exchange will be held on
Monday afternoon, when It Is expected that
the rule will be passed. This new rule
will do away with the declaration of the
exchange In re'.atlon to the solicitors.
It wa reported here after the meeting
yesterday that other exchanges were per
mitting mmbers of firms to travel for a
certain number of day each month. An
old timer at the exchange said last night
that It would be only a short time when
the exchange here would go back to the
old pystem, as that la considered best. No
material change waa made In the rule regu
lating the sending of prepaid telegrams, and
telephone messages to customers.
Members of the exchange here want to
get all of the ouslness possible, and they
do pot, like the Idea of being handicapped
by a rule which prevents them from going
into the country and hunting up trade.
When the rule prohibiting solicitors waa
first suggested at the Fort Worth conven
tion the Impression prevailed that the stock
yards companlea wou'.d take the matter of
solicitors In hand and send men out. In
thla the exchange members were disap
pointed, as none of the yard companies In
creased the number of solicitors. When It
became evident that the yard companies
would not shoulder the expense the ex
change thought It better to make some
new rules. Couth Omaha la the only ex
change which passed an tron-clad rule
against the employment of solicitors. The
plan was given a thorough trial and found
to be defective, hence the motion now to
alter the rule.
Committee Meets Tonight.
This evening a committee of twelve dem
ocrats will meet for the purpose of decid
ing whether D. 8. Parkhurst or C. M. Hunt
hall withdraw from the race for mayor.
This committee of a doxen Is evenly di
vided, halt being friends of Parkhurst and
the balance admirers of Hunt.
Bo far the democrat have Ave candidates
for mayor. There la Dr. Enaor, Thomas
Hoctor, 8. O. Shrlgley, C. M. Hunt and
D. & Parkhurst
Hoctor put tn the most of the afternoon
yesterday going about denying the report
that Ed Johnson la to manage his cam
paign. He asserted openly that If nomi
nated he will run hla own campaign, and
that Johnson will have nothing to do with
the deal. Should either Hunt or Parkhurst
withdraw there will Hill be four candidates
In the field. Dr. Ensor Is In the south
Just now, but he writes friends that he
expects to be home In time to take an ac
tive part In the primaries.
Soles of the V. M. C. A.
The annual valentine masquerade of the
boys' department of the Tbung Men's
Christian association will be held Saturday
night at the rooms. Members of the de
partment jt re requested to mnsk, those so
doing will be admitted free", all other
members and the general public lelng
being charged 10 cents admlsFlon. A parade
of the maskers, a musical program and a
basket ball game will be furnlrhed, after
which light refreshments will be served.
All are cordially Invited.
Sunday the fifth "war talk" to boys will
be given by Rev. A. Renwick, topic, "Gen
eral V. 8. Grant." All boys over 14 are
Invited, whether members of the associa
tion or not.
Sunday afternoon at 4 o'clock the five
delegates to the state convention will have
charge of the men's meeting. Th!s was th
strongest convention ever held In the state
of Nebraska and lessons from It will be
the subject of the speakers.
Arrangement are being made by the
cnmmltteo of management to reorganise
and place the association on a permanent
business Iftisis. Ever since Its organiza
tion It has been a brunch of the Omaha
association In name only. In the recon
struction the work will be Incorporated as
an Independent association. This will be
completed In about sixty days.
Police Hoard Meets.
A special session of the Fire and Police
board was held lust night. Charles Thlede,
who lives at 2fil6 P street, was appointed
In the place of Andrew Davidson, resigned.
It wa expected that another man would
bo named to take the place of William
McCralth, who has a two months' vacation,
but the board thought best not to make an
appointment last night. The police force
Is Mill a couple of men short, but the
board .Is giving up to Its Income, and bo
will get along the best way It can for th'i
time being.
Magic City Gossip.
A son ha been born to Mr. and Mrs. S.
Anderson, Fifteenth and Q streets.
Mrs. John Bulllvan, Sixteenth and M
streets. Is reported to be quite sick.
William McCralth. a member of tho po
lice force, has secured a two months'
leave of absence.
Miss Louise 8chlndel gave a valentine
social at her home, Twenty-second and K
streets, last evening.
Flags on the school buildings were dis
played yesterday in honor of Lincoln's
A crosswalk la badly needed at Twenty
third and F streets and the council will
be petitioned to have thla walk laid at
Frank Thompson, Twenty-fourth and H
streets, who recently underwent an oper
ation at the South Omaha hospital, Is able
to be out.
A. V. Miller announced Inst night that
under no circumstance would he consent
to become a candidate for member of the
Board of Education on the republican
Elgin and Wallham watchea'at your own
Adler's auction aale of unredeemed
8. E. Cor. 12th and Farnam its.
Kxpected Amonnt Available for Work
la It. Petersburg Will Reach.
fS.COU.OOO Within a Week.
AT. PETERSBURG, Feb. :s.--Count von
Ontaoffdaehkoff, one of the closest friend
of Emperor Alexander III, will heed the Red
Cross work under the empress dowager.
The Red Cross ha received an appropria
tion of $2,600,000 from tbe city of St. Peters
burg and the merchants of the city have
promised to give $760,000 more. The city
of Moscow and the merchant there have
contributed $900,000. and It la expected' that
the amount available for Red Croe work
will reach $5,000,000 within a week.
All the officers In the ministries have
promised to contribute from I to 10 per
cent of their salaries. Four thousand1 hos
pital beds are ready for shipment nd 4,000
more will go forward within a fortnight.
....Book 1 on Dyspepsia
....Book 2 on the Heart
. ....Book S on the Kidney
...Book 4 for Women
....Book 6 for Men (sealed)
....Book I on Rheumatism
Bend me the book checked above.
Ilia hers
To Dr. (hoop. Bos T.' Raclaa. Wis. "
i .- iff
:-'.;-Vr -
Gut This Out and
Know How to
Get Well
That is all. Send -no -money. Simply sign above. Tell me the book
you need, I will arrange with a druggist near you for six bottles of
Dr. Shoop's Restorative
Take it a month at my risk. If it succeeds the cost to you is $5".50. If it
fails the druggist will bill the cost to me. Arid I leave the decision to you
Don't Walt Unt!l You Are Wors
Taken In time, tho suffering of this little on would
have ben prevented. Her mother writes me:
' Tw jrran .ft bit mil. g rl irk for .
month.. . tri 4 m.njr aMtor.. and th.f fl.d. ytt It look
only two brt I. of your im dy n cu . h r. aod ifc. hi. re cund. Yus can trll "ih ra of th . eitr. If y u o d r."
MKS. C. H. A.EitV. kockai, N. .
'Tie a pity tl did r.ot first write mo.' before the
Case wa dirgcrour.
Th wlfi of Oratr Andrus of Bayou Chicot, La., had
been :ek for 2. years. For year could do prao
tlcally no wcrl. He writes:
Wh h' frm
wlVa I u c.
da .11 hr k u.-ir '
Twenty "Uik " ye in might have been "bright"
Biii!ngc:ey Thotnasvlllo. Ga., for
year has bun crippled with Ulseise. Now
well. He write--: I
"1 awt for otu.r mtdlrlnr 4 th. IJ.M I ban
apaat v.u you a . (o m. aiori good Ibis all tl r at."
Both men y and si Muring tnlfchi have been saved.
And t-e are three from over i.C00 similar
eases. Ihs e It iters dozens of them com every diy
4o me. .
How nvj'h sirlous illness the Bostoratlve has pre
vntd. 1 h i no means knowing, for the slightly
111 and the ItidWi oatd simply get a bottle or two ol
the'r drj-g at. are cured, tud 1 never hejr Irora them.
But cf ttu CU sick one reriojsly sick, mind you
who, tk for my BUrante K out of each 40 hav
jvald. Paid because they got well. .
It can succeed In cuaa like the fall but oo
srid tilt s Ih. R.itoratlr. ah. barely
low in. wiuc 1U. aud I. abt. aa.liy to
he Is
Why Tho Restorative Succeeds
tint In 40, In d's;ases deap-seated and enroute
isn't It o.r.aln I can always cure th slightly 111?
You may oil and rub, adjust and repair a weak
engine. It will never be stronger nor do Its work
better, without steam. M ore poweiwoiort steam,
la necessary. ?
And so with the ltal organs. Doctor them a
you wl'.l. That's mere repairing. Permanent cures
never come save through treating the nerve that
operate those organs.
And that my Restorative doca.
After almost a lifetime of labor of study at
bed sides and r-eirch In hopltals I made this
flscovery. 1 found a way to treat, not the or
gans themselves but the nerve the Inside nerve
that operate these erg in and give them power
and atrength and health. That discovery has
shown in the way to cur. .
It makes my offer possible.
. I know the remedy. I never forget the, study,
all tbe research, the trills and testa that perfect
ed It. I have watched Its action year after year
In cases difficult, discouraging. Time after time
I have seen 1 bring back health to those pour
ones whom hope had almost deserted, t know
what It will do.
My only probnsns la to convince you.
.And so I make my offer. And the bare fact that
I make such an offer ought of Itself to convince
you that I know how to cure. t'leaaa read It
again. It means exactly what I aay. No catch-
Bt misleading phrase In It. Biraply this .you take
All You Need To Do .
the medicine and I will take the risk
And you not I decide If you are to pay.
Simply sign the abovat that is all. Atk for the
book you need. The offer I make is broad is
liberal. Tbe way is easy I simple. The Restora
tive 1 certain.
But do not misunderstand me.
This la not free treatment, with nothing ever to
pay. Such an offer would be misleading would
belittle the physician who made it. But I believe
In a sick one honesty his gratitude. That whan
he la cured, he will pay the cost of the treatment
and gladly.'
I make this offer so that those who might
doubt, may. learn at my risk.
Tell of It, please, to a friend who is sick. Or
send me his name. That but a trifle to ask
minute's time a postal. He Is your friend. You
can help him. My way may be his only way to
get well. ,
I. a stranger, ofler to do all this. Won't you,
his friend, his neighbor, simply write?
He will learn from my book a way to get well.
Perhaps, aa I say, the only way for him. Hi
caae may be serious ho pelesa , almost. Other
physicians other sped lists, may have failed. Th
matter I urgent, then.
Write me a postal or sign, above today.
Addru Vt. aVWp,. Bog 1675, Racine, Wt
Alien Brothers ny Kj Eg roan En Idiog and
Kingmani Take Amel Pnpertj.
Arrangement Deemed Ad vantnueuun
by Each Party and Kstenslve Im
provements Planned for
Early Execution.
Allen nros bavo bought the Kinsman
Implement company' building at Tenth
and Farnam streets, and the Implement
jobbers have leased for five years the Ames
estate property now occupied by the gro
cery firm. Roth parties will make rather
extensive alterations. The prlte paid for
the Kingman building Is, by Hgreement.
not made public. The implement handlers
will begin this morr.lng moving part of
their atnek into the vacant Ames building
at Tenth anu Jonc street, formerly oc
cupied by tho Pnclflc Storage company,
but since the fire vacant. This will be
used ns a temporary storehouse until the
building nt the opposite end of the block
line been vacated and renovated. Allen
Hros. have the privilege of beginning al
terations on the Kingman building nnd of
moving In goods as space Is made after
M.T-ch 1. The Klngmnn company will at
once begin 'tho Improvements In the Allen
building. The moving Is to bo completed
nnd possession given In each case March
"Wo now have a fine location and a fine
building." said Mr. Allen. "We will make
extensive alterntions in this building, so a
to make It In every way an up-to-dnte gro
cery house. We will have to extend 'the
office and do other things. In addition, we
will put up a new building on the lot east
of this building, each lot being 0t!xlS2 feet.
We have not yet derided whether to make
It four or six stories, but It will conform'
In material and outside appearance to the
present structure. It will be divided by a
fire wall and one-half made Into a com
plete coffee roasting plant. John Latenaer
Is working on the plans."
W. H. Taylor of Peoria, vice president of
tho Kingman Tlow company and a director
of the Kingman Implement company, has
been hero assisting Manager E. A. Hatfield
In making the transfer.
Plana of Kinsman Company.
"We will move a full line Into the west
of the Jonea street bulldlnfcs." said Mr.
Hatfield, "so that we can attend to our
customers during the time we are moving
over to the Allen building. Tha new loca
tion will be In every way as good a one aa
the present. It has the same ground area
and Is only ono story less In height. We
will make extensive Improvements a new
ample floor, with new flooring and a
finishing of the walls: also wiping for elec
tric lights, new plumbing and heating fix
ture and new offices. Large electric ele
vators will be Installed. The implements
will have to be moved In cars, and seventy
five at least will be necessary. While we
have leased for five years we have the
privilege of releasing or subleasing to other
parties, and may build before that time. I
think that this Is probable, because It has
always been the Ktngman policy to own
the buildings used. The change will In no
way Interfere with our business."
The Kingman building waa put up and
occupied early In 1900. It la six stories and
occupies the west half of lots 1S2 feet
square. Tho Implement company for
merly cccupled a six-story building near
the Burlington depot, but this being de
stroyed by fire . temporary quarter were
found and the Farnam street block put up-
Unredeemed Pledges
Diamonds, Elgin and Waltham
Watches, Trunks, Valises and
Suit Gases.
e r.esene.
Everything must go by
mm first
(Til A n fffi p3 0 (P
S. E. Gor. 12th and Farnam,
THOMAS R. REID, Auctioneer.
Omaha View Clqb Again Decides that
It. Will Xot Kalnrge Its
The proposition to enlarge the boundaries
of the territory of the Omaha View Im
provement club district was again knocked
out last night and the decision has now
been definitely reached that Omaha View
will have all It can do to look after Its
present territory In the way of Improve
ments, and there is ample scope In that
territory for the exercise of alt of the club's
spare energies.
Park matters -were discussed last night,
and the park committee waa Instructed to
keep an eye Blngle on that proposition and
let nothipg In the park or boulevard line
get away from the club that properly be
longs to It.
An amendment was proposed to the con
stitution which provides that the execu
tive board shall be replaced by a board of
trustees which have charge of all financial
and business affairs of the club, especially
those pertaining tq the proposed new build
ing to be erected fur 'club purpose, and
that the board of trustee shall be bonded
and that the expense of such bonds shall
be pld by th club. Vh amendment will
come up for' final disposition at th next
meeting of the club.
Tha membership commutes was directed
to get a hustle onto It and labor for In
creasing both the membership and revenues
of th club.
Th light committee was Instructed to
make an effort to secure more lights' for
tha district and to see the council In that
A motion prevslled, that City Engineer
Rosewater be Invited to be present at the
next meeting of the club, and the secretary
was instructed to send Mr. Rosewater ah
Invitation to that effect.
Jobs t. Vaaaertwlck Becomes Owner
of Joseph Vilas, Sr., Interests,
Valued at 923,000,000.
KAUKAUNA. Wis., Feb. 11 -The biggest
deal which has taken place here for many
years Is that by which John 8. Vanner-
twick, president of the Green Bay A Mis- 4
sisslppl Canal company, becomes the owner
of the undivided Interest of Joseph Vilas,
sr., in the Kaukauna water power company
and the whole of the Badger Paper com
pany's properties. The deal Involves stock
to the total of K3.0u0.000. The payments
have been made, entirely closing tbe trans
action. .
Lark of Kiwi Cites Blat to th Bas
plclon that Eveats Are Trans,
plrlagf la Far Cast.
LONDON, Feb. 11 Complete silence haa
fallen -over the far east. Not a word of
news Is to be had here except the report
given out at the Japanese legation of the
shelling of two Japanese, merchant vessels
by four Russian warships and the report
from Viceroy Alexieff of the blowing up of
the Russian torpedo transport Yenlsi.
The long silence has given rise to the be
lief that Important events are transpiring.
Hews Is Telegraphed from Chinese
Town Opposite Port
TIEN T!N. Feb. U.-It I reported from
Chlng Wang Tao, about ISO miles northwest
of Tien Tsln, that heavy firing has been
i heard at sea and It is Inferred that aAOtber
engagement has taken place.
At All Drug Stores, 15 cts 25 cts. 3" cts.
Richardson Drug Ce.
Omaha, Neb.
I The Men's
tm - i'wIeiiiijHL
Tine Specialists
Wfll snake a thorough and scientific examination of . your ailment.- an
examination tint will Ulxrlnre your true iiIivhIchI condition, without a knowl
edge of whlrh you ure groping in the dark. All men. who me not what they
should be, who are weak, nervous ami K-lilltlulnl from any iiiue, Or who
have rontrat'ted uny private dltM! or e;-rei habit of unv kind or who may
at present be suffering from any poisonous lia'liai gru, will lind It well worth
their time to come to the Htate Medical lustltuie, afor consultation and ex
amination which haa been establlHlitul for the phrpone of ruritiK the terrible dis
eases and weaknt-"- that dvHtroy men's mental ami tilivhli ul power, making
the duties and social obliKatlons of life a hardship km! the enjoyment of life
and martial happiness impossible.
mm mm mmgm pm aj Many of you ure silently suffer). ig from physical weakness
1 J I.lB ami los of amual vigor, your nervous tiystem ts being
ItlH ll I depleted and your inlifd weakened and impaired. Life Is
I VI MM VJ not what it should be. IexHndency and slonmy fore
boding haa taktMi the place of Lrtgnt prospects and happy ambition. Too
no longer enjoy your dally labors or duties, your night's urn restless and un
refretdilng and each morning you nwakfii again to the herlen reall
salion cf your physical lmp?diin:its and weaknesses, and you have neither the
ambition nor the power lo maiiituLn jour position among your fellow men,,
and drag throiiKti a miserable ex xteue. often wlxhing fur death to end your
troubles. In many ruses st -If-abuse. night Iohh and day drains are the causa
of your condition, while in cithers it Ih some secret disease, (iunorrhoea or
fiyphllltlc Blood 1'oslun, or frequently the result cf neglected or improperly
treated private dUeakex. which cauae Stricture, Varicocele, prostatic Kldnev
and Klauder diseases. These disejs-H (or symptoms of dlxcuse) cannot be cured
until first their cause Is removed and cured which lies lit the deep nervous and
physical centers. MN. IwN'T l)Kl,AV Kui t slve up If others have failed
you. t'ome toUay to the MEN 8 TKl'K SI'Kl'l AI.1STS and 'learn your true
.condition. Uet the right treatment and be curd quickly, safely and thoroughly.
mUCHI TITiny FRCC I Office hours, t a. m. to S p. m. Sundays, 10 to 1 only
LUrl JUL I a! IUH intL jf you rapnot rull write for symptom blank.
I J08 Farnam St.. Bet. Uth and 14th St.. Omaha. Net).
The Bee For all the Neys