Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 14, 1904, EDITORIAL SHEET, Page 14, Image 16

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Tim Omaha Sunday Bee
IHHy He (without Sandfly). One Year4 no
Jally Brm and Bund. One ear
Illustrated He Urn- ar -
Pundny Hen. Ons Ynr J.W
Psturdsv B, One Year W
Twentieth Ontury Farmer, One Year.. 1W
Tafly Bee twlthrmt flundsyi, per copy.. 2c
Islly Bee (without SundHyl. per week...l'Jo
Dally Bee (Including Sunday), per
Bunds y Bee, per ropy c
Kvenlnn Bee (Without Sunday), per week 6c
Evenln Bee (including Sunday), Pr
week '"
Complnlnts of Irregularity In delivery
should be addressed to City Circulation De
partment. OFFICES.
Omaha The Bee Building.
South Omaha City Hall Building. Twenty-fifth
and M streets.
Council BlufTa 10 Fearl Street.
Chicago 1S40 rnlty Building.
New York 232 I'ark Row Building.
Washington toi Fourteenth street.
Cnmmiinteatlnna relfttlnff to neWS and edi
torial matter should be addressed: Omaha
Bee, Editorial Department.
Remit hy draft, express or postal order
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Only 2-eent stamns received In payment or.
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SeA rit V.hp.abo T Will irl nJI CfMintY. SS
Oeorre B. Tischuck. secretary of Tho Bee
Publishing Company, being duly BWorni
ova that tka artnal number of full ana
rnnnUii rnr.loa nt The Dally. MornlrlR,
Fvenlng and Sunday Bee printed during
the month of January. 1904. was as follows:
1 M.ZOO 17 S4MOO
The United Rates prides Itself on the
high rank It has taken among the civ
ilized nations of the world In rducntion
and popular intelligence. It is amazing.
however, that the United States Is way
behind nearly nil the civilized nations
In Its postal facilities. Among the
sixty-three nations that comprise the
International poHtal union the United
States of America Is one of only about
a dozen that does not operate postal
telegraph, parcels post and postal sav
ings systems In conjunction with its pos
tal service.
It is an open secret that the greatest
obstacles to the progress and enlarge
ment of its postal systems have been the
telegraph, telephone and express compa
nies and tho savings banks. Kvery effort
to induce congress to give to the Amer
ican reople the benefit of postal tele
graph has been thwarted by the whole
sale distribution of telegraph franks and
the dissemination of "misinformation con
cerning the practical workings of postal
telegraphs In other countries.
Hie latest and most brazen attempt
to hoodwink congress and the American
people Is made by ex-Congressman Loud,
formerly chairman of the house commit
tee on postofflceg and post roads. Mr.
them bare been put into practical effect,
not with entire success. C'o-operatlon
has been quite freely tried, and while
there have been a few instances of suc
cess, It has not generally been found to
work satisfactorily. As to the monopo
listic tendency of lalmr unions and asso
ciations of employers. It Is doubtful If
it Is quite so serious as President Eliot
thinks, but in any event It Is question
able whether government interference,
which he appears to favor, would Im
prove the situation. It would make of
tho labor question n political rather
than an economic and social Issue and
It Is hardly possible that this would be
conducive to a satisfactory solution of
the perplexing problem.
said will eventually make from 125,110
to 150,000 acres available for agriculture.
This will give homes for upwards of
3.0 agricultural families, giving new
life to western Nevada and starting a
movement which will not stop until all
the available water is utilized. The pro
cess of redeeming that state, which nt
present is about the least Important, from
the practical point of view, of any in the
union, will bo regarded with some In
terest, especially on the Taclflc coast
That It Is a promising field for Irrigation
work there appears to be no doubt.
There are more ways than one to whip
the devil around the stump. Under the
neutrality proclamation of President
Roosevelt American citizens have no
right to make contributions to the war
fund or give any assistance to either
A London dispatch saya the Japanese
declare that the numbers of the Kusslan of the belligerents, but the Japanese
troops In Kastern Asia are greatly over-1 consul general In New York proposes to
stated. It appears that this Is also the raise $.",000,ooo In this country for the
view of American military men who are Japanese Red Cross fund. AVhen the
familiar with Russia's military re- heathen Japanese carries n red cross In
sources. Estimates of the army In Man- one bund and a repeating rifle In the
churia have ranged from 250,000 to other he probably will pass for a good Uoy themselves.
lassoes Drawn from the Death f
Mllllam r. Wnltaey.
Philadelphia Press.
Two years ago the late William C. Whit
ney, a man of most unusual ability and
success, retired from "active work," pro
posing to "enjoy himself" for the rest of
hla life. In twenty-four months, at Bi,
with every sign of a strong constitution,
full vigor and bodily strength, he was dead.
Probably every man of a wide acquaint
ance and observation has seen the like In
men as eminent and prominent ' aa Mr.
Whitney or In lesser men. Nothing Is so
dangerous to a man who has worked hard
for forty years or so, as had Mr. Whitney,
as to stop work. Nothing so keeps men
In steady working capacity as steady
work. The man who thinks his barns are
full and tells his soul to sit down and enjoy
Itself Is extremely apt to find that he has
Invited Ms end by Inviting rest.
Few men can amuse themselves without
Injuring themselves. Unless a man has
early given himself to some active field
sport and let nothing Interfere with his
devotion to It he may after 45 or BO find
himself with something to do which he
enjoys and does not harm. Few men In
this country have this. If they try, hav
ing won their share of life's stakes, to "en
the paths they take are
Yos. Emily Is to have rlcht brides.
"Why so many?"
"She wanted to Include all the lrls In
hom the bridegroom hiis at various tlrrns
been engaged. "--Cleveland I'luln Dt nlcr.
nearly double that number. The mill- Christian by the time he strikes the
tary authorities at Washington, it Is Russian army.
said, are advised from reliable sources
that there are actually less than 150,000 General Alnsworth, chief 'of the pen-
of the czar's armed men in that terrl- sion office of the War department, tec
s' aawt
1 8T.140
i 80,110
1 2,TOO
39 .BIO
T 3,T4(
I HM.10
10 M.TOS
11 2ft,OTO
11 20,020
11 - WMBO
14 Bfi.OOO
15 B0.810
It S0,1TO
Total 8B,15B
Less unsold and returned copies.... ,84T
18 2H.TWO
i ,...H,8ro
- 2,40O
21 2M.T30
3 2K.TT0
23 2,BO
24 222B
28..... 2M.8T0
...-...... ...2.0
i7 JW.4BO
28 2B.1TO
29 2H.T00
SO 20,010
81 ......20,208
Loud pretends to have Just made a i tory. This is of course a formidable oramenda the establishment of an
thorough and impurtlal investigation of force, but if Japan should succeed in academy for the instruction of persons
the postal telegraph systems of Europe destroying the Russian sea power fn for civil employment modeled on the
and has the hardihood to assert that the the far east and also in cutting Russian plan of the military and naval acade-
telegraph service of Great Britain, communications bo as to prevent rein- miea. Why not call things by their right perennial desire at any age.
Nat total sale KM.t .!
Net average rales 2M.493
Subscribed In my presence and sworn to
before me this Sd day of February, A. D.
(Seal.) Notary Public.
Reports from Port Arthur show that
it la a wise ship that knows its own
France, Germany and other European forcements going into Manchuria, she name? Why not call it a college for life
countries Is Inferior and more expensive will be able to cope with the land forces employment of office seekers?
than that enjoyed by the people of the now there, if they do not exceed 150,000,
United States, and Is, moreover, a con- which is very likely the case. Japan Representative Norris has introduced a
slant source of treasury deficits to the can put a well disciplined army of 275,- Dni in the lower house of congress pro-
various rations that own and operate 000 in the field and they are conceded vldtng that the federal circuit and dls
telegraph lines in connection with their to be quite equal In fighting nbillty to trict courts be held in Grand Island
postal service. the Russians. beginning with the second Monday In
The investigation conducted by Mr. It is believed also that the naval April in each year. Why not put the
Loud is absolutely worthless from any strength of Russia in Asiatic waters is federal circuit and district courts on
point of view. Mr. Loud is not a teleg- not so great as baa been reported, the wheels and let It pass around in an end-
rapher and is no more competent to I fact being that no two accounts have iC89 chain circuit?
make a report on the practical workings agreed in regard to it There was a
of the postal telegraph than he would good deal of demonstration made by The French evidently desire to have
be on the comparative merit of the Russia in her war preparations and it la jrr. Schwab feel at home. No sooner
world's warships. Expert telegraphers by no means improbable that these will ne Btart for Torls than the cables
who have made a thorough investiga- be found to have been on a less exten- announced that Investors In Shipbuilding
tlon of the postal telegraphs of Europe give scale than represented.
do not hesitate to admit their superiority
Those Honduras revolutionists may
imply be playing for annexation to
Joseph Chamberlain is not the first
man to contract brain fatigue through
studying the tariff question-
Turkey baa promised the kaiser that
It will be good. Aa this promise does
not require the payment of money it
may be kept
As Mr." Cruzen has not yet reached
Nebraska he may be having difficulty In
getting his boom for senator through
tho customs house.
China cannot be accused of showing
the dragon's teeth, for the teeth of its
pet dragon were pulled by one of the
parties to the war, '" '' ' "
Governor Mickey's greatest danger Is
not from competitors .in the race, but
from the spontaneous support of tho
Omaha Bryanite organ.
State Treasurer Mortensen has de
clared war against the Peruvians and
the State Normal school reserves have
been called out to repel the invader.
The Dominican. are evidently ready to
have their couniy pass into history.
In no other way can their destruction
of American property be accounted for.
The bond companies may succeed in
making the county treasurers collect
dellquent taxes, but if they do they will
have accomplished the hitherto lm
The politeness of the French is prover
blal. Now they are objecting because
Japan did not ask permission of Russia
before sending the torpedoes into Por
Arthur harbor.
pretty sure to be paths watered by cham
pagne, planted with good dinners and sown
with aa many ailments as ailments. For
a man simply to "amuse himself" Is not
always safe for the young, strong and
Idle. For the man who has been busy, Is
Idle and ha become old. It Is sown with
perils. Nor does a knowledge of these
perils lessen their danger any more than lessen appetites associated In Action
with hot youth, and, In fact, existing with
They, too,
Percy Ptavlate Do you believe In dream
Miss Euphemla?
Miss Euphemla No, Indeed. Mr. Stnv-
ate. Why, only last nlnht 1 dreamed that
mi came to call and went home at 9
In the ensuing fragile silence father
hook down the furntue and wound the
lock The Criterion.
"There are as good fish In the sea as
ver were caucht. ouotfd her denrtst.
friend consolingly.
But I m afraid of the water." eomnlnlned
the heartbroken girl. Chicago Post.
Mrs. Ommnrrv Does she oblect to her
uslmnd's drinking?
nirs. f'ark ot at an. Kne savs tne oniv
time he Is aereeable Is when he Is nut him
self. Town Topics.
That pity Is nkln to love
Is verv mi rk v nrnvert.
For when engagements are announced
ero by that feeling moved.
Poor boy! What could he see In herT"
His friends will mutter rrlm
While hers will groan: "A shame to throw
Herself away on him!"
Tirooklyn Life.
securities had decided to make him de
fendant in a law suit
The text of the note of Secretary
Hay to the powers in regard to the
recognition of China's neutrality and In-
within reach of the mnsses, while the tegrlty, Is made public and it will be
lines are operated solely witn a view to seen to be or a nature tnat none or. me term. Steel will melt If the fire is hot
earning stock dividends for their owners. 1 powers not contemplating getting some I enough.
in many respects to the American tele
graph system. Postal telegraphs every
where are organized and operated with
the sole view of placing the telegraph
A Relative Term.
Chicago Chronicle.
Those who are Inclined to criticise fire
proof construction In buildings should re
member that "fireproof Is only a relative
Every proposition to Introduce the I territorial advantage in China as the re
parcels post in the United States as part suit of the war should object to. The
of the postal system has met with stren- suggestion of our government is so plain
uous opposition from the express coin- and frco from ambiguity that it would
panics that now enjoy a practical mo- seem Impossible to misunderstand it
nopoly of carrying packages weighing while the motive is perfectly obvious,
more than four pounds. Of late the ex- It alms to secure an agreement from the
press companies have been reinforced by belligerents that they will localize their
retail merchants who imagine that their military operations as much as possible
prosperity is menaced by the proposed and that the neutrality of China and
additional conveniences in . the postal also her administrative entity shall be
service that are enjoyed even by the restricted.
semi-barbarous people of Egypt Turkey I This is believed by our government
and Tersia. The same people are very I to be necessary to prevent undue excite-
much opposed to the rural delivery serv- ment and disturbance among the people
ice and for the same reason. In this re- of China, whlcb is already being manl-
spect they do not differ materially from fested and may easily become general
the worklngmen who oppose the Intro- and extremely serious. Our minister nt
ductlon of labor-saving machinery. For- Peking Is reported to be exerting his
Don't Borrow Trouble.
Kansas City Times.
Governor Mickey of Nebraska says 'he
would rather have his son be poor all his
life than win 11.000,000 by gambling. How
ever, the prospect of winning 1, 000,000 at
the gaming table la not such as to warrant
Mr. Mickey In losing sleep.
lie In wait for the man who stops work to
"enjoy himself."
work is the oris great prophylactlo
against the years. The man who atops
his work runs a good chance of stopping
his life.. Men are less likely to die in har
ness than out of It. A steady Job means a
steady life, and a steady life means
long one.
A man who does not enjoy himself at his
work will not long enjoy himself at any-
thing. No man can violently change the
course and current of his life after GO
without the gravest rlpk. The only enjoy
ment which can last is the enjoyment
wnicn is had Incidental to the daily task
A man who secures this for himself, who
not only enjoys his work, hut has enJov.
menta which run parallel to his work, will
be able always to work and always to
enjoy himself.' Such a man has cultivated
Doth hfs appetite for work and for enjoy
ment ana can maintain both to the end.
The Ignoble end of personal enjovmen
defeats Itself. Nature Is not built that
way. Men are not made to minister to
their own wants. They are made to help
each other. The men who live longest
after they "retire" are the men who throw
themselves Into some broad plan for heln
Ing their fellow men. The Peter Coopers
and Carnegies do not die two years after
tney retire.
STCClXAn SHOTS AT the pclpit.
IjOBIo aa la Logic.
Chicago Record-Herald.
The Jury that refused to convict the St.
Louis millionaire who was charged with
bribery explained that tha evidence against
htm was given by men whom he had
bribed, for which reason they were not
to be believed. When it comes to loglo
a Missouri Jury Is worth considering with
great care.
Economising Energy.
Chicago Chronicle.
Tt Is said that hash Is likely to be recog-
tuuately the car of progress cannot be Influence to Induce the Chinese court nizei by our government. Already commla-
stopped. It may be delayed. J to remain at the capital. Should the sary officers in different parts of the coun-
American suggestion respecting the nr have made experiments on tne troops
TH PMRKlltiUL PROBLMU. neutrality and integrity of China not be V? ...V:, "T"
- - i is claimed ay mo m ua Baunmi;wi j
The labor and capital problem is ever accepted by the powers, there is every t0 themselves. One advantage of it will
nresent Derslstently appealing to the I reason to believe that the emDress dow- I be that It will not require the thirty-two
best wisdom of the country to find a ,ger would leave Peking and it is not te h,ch Mr- Galstn Inserted should at the tost moment, and she hung back
Kansas City Journal: A Massaehusett
minister Is said to have made "the finest
prayer ever addressed to a Boston audi
ence." This sounds amusing; but Is it not
true that ministers often address the!
prayers to the audience?
Louisville Courier Journal: The minister
who opened the lower house of the legisla
ture with prayer yesterday thanked the
lord that the capltol bill had passed, bu
deplored the defeat of the local option bill
w ny go to the trouble of electing a genera!
assembly and the expense of paying It If
we can have our legislating done by
New York Evening Post: There was
big congregation In tha church, and the
pastor naa Deen "warming" them up to
tne needs or a charity that needed a con
siderable amount of money. To make the
hearts of the givers more susceptible the
minister had Induced some of the youn
women of the congregation to act as col
lectors, and at a given signal they were to
nave passed down the various aisles of the
church; but one girl's courage failed her
I ' She hxs hern Jumping nt every chance She
i saw for fifteen yrars."- Judge.
1 m Tl , II T . . , -
.hi. i iiiiiiini - i -n puniinw ynnr oauKi - ..... . . . v ,
r has told you the-er-ol,eet of tnv.-r- ,nr . .': ".'V " ,Z,t
Ml to you-rr-thls evening? i i 'u wonirtri ttninK s 11 ' ,,.'!.
Her Father-Tea. young man. and phe 'V""".'' ",r "s-s- -
in it oetier man you seem hle to. rhll- " . .....
delphla Press.
"I eiinnnsn Lizzie nietlmnr ! nl,l l I.
lean year?1' said the Knft-snnken llololse.
I don't suppose It makes much difference
her." replied the mellow-voiced Irene.
N. n. Turner In Youth s Companion.
The city's tumult surges high
Here In thin noisy, struggling Street;
With ftelful Xnlce nnil hurried feet
Tho rcstlro morning march goes by,
A thousand sounds are born to die.
Hut one, Hint will not Tiinr nor fall,
Keeps up Us slow monotony
An old Mrvrt organ's plttinttve wall.
A bi-Kgar, tremulous and bllnfl.
Is plaving dreary airs that must
Kern from tho world a daily crust
As long km weary hands i grind:
Hut scant the wages that they And,
For nowhere In the Jostling throng
Are lives with leisure left to heed.
The i rudu petition ut a song.
Clatter and rnh and dust and grime
And Hie hot. tired morning done.
Hnt not a listener had they won
Tlie faulty tune, the halting time:
When with the sudden noonday chime
From out the Jingling medley come.
IIke words of comfort healing pain,
Tho tender notes of "Home, Bweet Horns. "
"There la no place like home," he says.
The old. forsaken, homeless man.
With soul too worn and warped to spas
The pathos of the thing he plays
And somewhere In the crowded ways
Men hear old, silent voices sing.
And. spite the current's onward sweep,
Falter awhile, remembering.
"No place, no place like home" the word
Orows faint and fainter down the street.
And somewhat slower pass the feet.
And somewhere sudden tears are stirred.
And dim, far whispering are heard
In hearts that deemed them surely dead;
And one petitioner has rained
The penny for his dally bread.
Orchard & Wilhelm
Carpet Company
Mrtaie Nets
We are in receipt of an advance shipiuent of Curtain
Net Goods that were intended for our regular stock some
very high class Imported English Nets, hard, three-thread
goods. They will stand more sun and washing than any
other net made. We are placing them on special sale for
one week, beginning Monday.
64-lneh White, Net, very heavy single
thread, the kind that will be aold
at toe regular Introduc
tory price per yard.
solution and to devise a practicable plan to be doubted that her withdrawal from
for securing; Industrial peace. Among the capital would be the signal for an
those who have given much considers- uprising against foreigners that might
tlon to this commanding question never have the most calamitous consequences,
more urgent in Its demand upon atten- On the other hand the acceptance of the
tlon than now is President Eliot of American note would reassure the
be given to every mouthful of food before I Others with her were demoralised, too, and
swallowing It.
Ob the Morning; After.
Milwaukee Sentinel.
There Is a feeling much akin to disgust
in the breast of poor, weak man when he
rises late In the morning with dark clouds
the result was that the people sitting on
one side of the gallery had no opportunity
to give of their means, however much the
minister's stirring words might have
melted their hearts. The pastor was quick
to note the failure of some of his collec
tors, and he called to the usher on that
Harvard, a scholar ana minner or tne Chinese imperial antnonues ana ieaa hanging over the once rosetintea sky or aide of the gallery: "Mr. Blank, have no
highest standing, who has shown a them to take whatever measures should hia existence and hears not the twittering collectors passed through that side of the
deep interest in matters economic and be deemed necessary for the protection S'2?V"ll!Jtro 'V7 1 In his
social and contributed largely to their pf foreigners and to hold the people to 1 TJc ffi. touS Tblr?
When the Oer man emperor looks at
the growing strength of the social
democrats he may hesitate long before
taking an active part in favor of Russia
in the present hostilities.
discussion. la proper regard for the requirements of I falling on the sarcophagus that hems him
A week ago President Eliot delivered neutrality. Unless this is done it is not in with lu cold, restraining sides; when
an address before the Boston Labor to be doubted that an additional compll- &&?ZZ
union, in which he said that a remarka- cation of the gravest character will be oommtte1 serves as a stinging scorpion to
ble change bus recently been witnessed Introduced into the far eastern situation, lash his very being to the verge of lnsan
in the conflict between labor and capital, opening the way to a conflict of mighty lty.
due to the increase in the effective power I proportions and almost inconceivable
of large bodies of men. Referring to the I disaster.
organization of employers for the pur-1 The suggestion that hostilities be lo-
pose of combating organized labor, I calized and mitigated as much as pos
subdued snicker on the part of those who
at once saw the "patness" of the answer,
which grew Into an honest laugh as the
wnoie congregation realized the Joke.
Accordlug to Dun & Co.'s hindcast,
war, fire and cotton were the adverse
factors in commercial circle last week,
but "God reigns and the government at
Washington still lives." '
In the light of the probable heat that
will be engendered the announcement
that the St. Louis coliseum, where the
democratic convention Is to be held, is
practically fireproof is timely.
Lcnarthenlnar ef Life.
Harper's Weekly.
It Is established beyond doubt that during
the nineteenth century there was In alt
he characterized both as being monopo- sible is conformable to the dictates of the civilised nations of the world an lm-
llstlc and asked what limit there is to humanity. It 1. manifestly wise to re- d thrXTmprom.nt 7. especial
the successful exercise of the power strain China from plunging into war and characteristic of the last half of the cen-
ai.nk a AAmlil nlsn ntiinnAl tan Vv A til HamAnf tKa t til A sirl mint atrfl tlvfl V I. Un Vi a tha tmnrnvs.
possesses. He expressed the belief that entity shall be respected I. merely ask- ment is limited almost e,t summer. On. U sumcl.'nt-e e,S
the limit is only to be found at the limit Ing the belligerents to ooserve me B 0j ,BUBt mortaUty
of the consuming power fit the popula- avowals they hare repeatedly made and a larg9 decrease of the rate of mortality
tlon, saying: iteceni k&yeneuce auu i wnicn nave utvu viiv-urreu iu vj an i among children ana youtn, ana, on ira
the ordinary working of universal human the leading powers. whole and in general, an increase in tne
motives assure us that these combined As yet only Germany has acquiesced inortamy or aavancea .... ,. .-u-
efforts of two monopolies may be dl- in the American suggestion. England, it J aU theas inflUence8 while saving life, tend
Insurance companies of Hartford be
lieve that the Bultlmore fire will not be
' an unmitigated evil, as it will reduce
competition by driving a number of
weaker companies out of business.
The returning Croatlau emigrant who
carried dynamite In his truuk evidently
took his goods to the wrong market
He could have readily disposed of his
dynamite in Japan, Corea or Manchuria.
No wonder tho St. Louis fair officials
are happy. They got a loan of 4.tJOO,000
and did uot even huve to give a personal
note. There are others who would be
happy under the sume circumstances.
. Great Britain seems to fear that Sec
. retary Hay's note on China bus some
rucHntng which will apply to Thibet. As
long as Greet Britain thinks It can grab
the most land it will never favor a plan
to stop land grabbing.
Judge Kohlsuat of the federal court
of Chicago has ruled that a horse is not
raw material for the . manufacture of
oleomargarine, illegal or otherwise. If
this decision is sustained by the supreme
court of the United States there will be
rise la the price of horse flesh.
The ground hog knew what he was about
when he ducked, two weeks age.
Admiral Alexleff appeared aa Admiral
Awayoff when the Japs dashed Into Port
The maligned and despised Jones Falls
of Baltimore, though badly scorched, eared
its face and got a reputation.
Various causes are advanced to justify
the money.
The "land of the morning calm," as
Corea is poetically called, will get enough
excitement out of the scrap to compensate
for funeral expenses.
Bicycle manufacturers are determined to
revive popularity In "the silent steed'
B4-lnch White and Arabian Net; extra
heavy English Net, three-thread
we call your attention to the quality
of this It Is positively the best
net we "nave been able to buy while
worth D0; regular special 1r
one week only .'.,--,'
Arabian, worth f7V4c regular'
special, one week only, yard,
108-lnch White and Arabian Net
same quality as the E4-liuh Im-
rorted English Net white worth
1.00 regular special, one 7Hr
week only per yard
Arabian, worth ll.lfi regular ROc
special, one wek only, yard....0"'
Point d'Esjrlt, 64-Inch, good Quality
English Point d'Esprlt, very stylish
for bed room drapes, dresser aonrfs,
etc.. our regular price 50c ilKr"
special for one week only, yd.
64-lnrh extra fine Point d'Esprlt, new
Importation there Is no better made
outside of the silk our regular price
Tfic snecial for one 50C
Colored Curtsln Net 27-lnch Bash
Net with red and black applique
border for halls, dining rooms end
libraries special per 2QC
We have nfty styles to show at I7VsQ,
45c, 60c, B5c up to $3.00 per yard.
Curtain Swiss New shipment Sn-lneh
Swiss, bought before the advaire In
cotton, all styles, worth Jbc,
80c Embroidered Swiss. 27 and Sfi Inches
wide see our special designs you
will save money by buying Ijir
them at per yard "a
Odd Lace Curtains See our bargain
counter for odd Lace Curtains. You
will find some very interesting prices
on close-outs.
way to defend itself."
President Eliot thought that the pres
ent tendencies of labor unions and asso-
are strong, and thus In the end must
lower the vitality of the great mass of the
rected and Will be directed to raising I appears, desiring a more definite State-1 egpeclally to save lives which are feeble I next spring. Remember the time and pre-
the prices of necessaries of life. From ment of the purpose and scope of the In a greater proportion than those which pare to hump and pump,
such dangers society must And a euro I note, while France will take no position
in the mutter untU she learns the atti
tude of Russia. The opinion of the other
European governments is comparatively
clatlons of employers suggest strongly unimportant Our government has
the expediency of establishing over them shown the way to avert greater trouble
governmental inspection and control, in the far east. It has done this with
but he pointed out that the action of the highest and best of motives. It Is
legislative or Judicial remedies must not easy to believe that the powers will
necessarily be slow and superficial. As refuse to Join in so meritorious an effort,
means to the promotion of industrial
peace the Harvard president suggested! rbdbkmmu a Statm.
steadiness of employment, a condition of A new era is promised for the state
labor which permits the laborer to have I of Nevada tbrcugh irrigation. Accord
a settled place of abode, giving work-1 Ing to the last census there were 2,184
uieu in manufacturing inaustries a kk-uhto lanui iu uwi i-uuiiniuK lown
voice in the discipline of the works, I only 1,100 acres. Most of these "farms" The high livers do not reach the heights
especially as to dealing with complaints, are along the courses of the streams of life-
and a direct rcuniary Interest besides whose ordinary flow is all. or nearly all. BO" wou,a
wages in the proceeds of the combined sppropriated and utilized. The vast flood H, wh the worl(1 m0-t jm.ay.
application of the capital aud the labor of water that comes down from the find he owes it moat.
to the steady production of salable mountains is spread over alkaline sinks The world needs broad sympathy more
goods. Such mutual confidence and co- and evaporates, while hundreds of thou- ln" Droa senumenis.
.. ..Ij - . . , ... I There Is more health In happiness than
operation, he thought, would result lu sands of acres of the richest land lie thAr happlne ,n hemith.
the improvement of industrial methods, wholly unusea except ror sucn lorage as He who works for the human race has a
He also urged as in the interest of In- they will produce wltH few inches of good show in the heavenly race.
dustrlal peace a rising wage with years winter rain. There la no virtue " hearing two , ser-
Faint heart Is famished heart.
Promptitude is the life of praise.
Love never boasts of Its sacrifice.
He who waits on fate wins failure.
Spiritual growth Is never spasmodic.
The truth that hits Is the truth we hate.
Faith U never developed by finding fault.
The best kind of love la love of our kind.
There Is no service where there Is servil
ity. There are no rights without responsibilities.
lien who are downcast are easily east
1 I 1 I n ! J .. . I ITk. fi.n IM H.,luAA nkMnlAl.
ilia (iKritiire iuu a priiTOii ut ituuU - VJl"v""-": i when money can secure your cotnplals-
allowance at disability. I that under the national Irrigation act I tnce with wrong more money win secure
Bo far as remedies for labor troubles I it is proposed to impound all the storm I your co-operation.
are concerned. President Eliot suggested waters of the state and fertilise the dry
nothing new. They have Dot only been lands as far as it will go. The Truckee
recommended by others, but some of Carson project now under contract it is
The gat of heaven may be narrow, but
many will find that It take more than
narrowness to enter there Chlrage Tiib-
Minnesota critics no longer point the
finger of scorn at Missouri. The hyper
borean commonwealth has a few techni
calities iu stock for boodlers.
A semi-official denial of the scandalous
report that "King Edward never wears
the same suit of clothes twice," has been
given. Now let the old world wag as It
will, we'll be gay and happy still.
While people with more time than money
on their hands are trying to solve her age.
Empress An of China has added an auto
mobile to her treasure. Just now sh needs
a swift machine to keep out of the son
of fire.
If current pictures of the emperor of
Japan are correct representation of his
face on can readily understand why many
people believe the Japs will win. With
that face at the front even the Cossacks
would hunt for cover.
People Interested in war new will do
well to keep their ear attuned for th songs
of th Shanghai rooster Th famous war
bler of Mole Bt. Nicholas la located there.
fully equipped for business. Th Shanghai
data (in Is reliable assurance of Shanghai
Reports from Russian commanders
slightly chang th famous formula copy'
righted by British generals In South At
rlca. Instead of "I regret to report," th
Russian leader whisper, "I humbly beg
leave to report." Th context I the
St Valentin troubadours. If they sre as
wis as their forebears, will keep In mind
and ready for action the modern adapta
tion of a knightly song:
Hark' Father's footsteps on the stalrl
Willie io ine ouier sir
nigbt, my love:
It's Wl
Big Sale Sideboards
We purchased the entire stock of a prominent manufacturer who
discontinued making sideboards. These sideboards are all strictly high
grade, made of best figured, quarter-sawed golden oak, handsomely pol
ished. They are nicely but neatly ornamented with hand carving, all of
the very latest design. We have them conveniently arranged on main
floor and priced about one-third less than, regular for quick selling.
There are only ten patterns in all. Some of the designs we have but a
few of, others a liberal quantity, but at the prices we are offering them
the lot will not last long Monday. If you contcmplste the purchase of
a sideboard in the near future, we might suggest that you take advan
tage of these liberal offerings.
Reap the benefit of these splendid values on sale Monday morning at
close-to-cost prices.
The prices $27.50, 1 20.50, f30.75, $31.50. $33.00, $34.50, $35.50 and
$37.50. A saving to you of fully one-third, if you buy during this sale.
yj I . S
Solid Gold Glasses
213 S. 16th St
Huteson Optical Co.
Factory on tbe Premiic
Novorputoff till tomorrow what you can
do todayis a protty good rule, but it does
not include saying; unkind things, winding
oight day clocks and ordering
Nut $6-FIne for Cooking. Lump SG.50 for Heitirs
VICTOR WHITE COAL CO., 1605 Farntm. Til. 127