THE OMAHA" DAILY SATURDAY. FEBRUARY 13. I'.'iM. NEWS OF INTEREST FROM IOWA. COUNCIL MIIOR MKSTIO. Davis sr-lls 1niR. Laffprt's pIhcfcs fit. Htnok'rt sells carpets. The FaUKt cljrar. B rents. A store for mon "Bono's." rrterson, Run and lorksmlth, 420 B'wsy. Dlsroiint sale on mwiMlnp nnd framed pictures. Alexander's. 333 Broadway. Born. to Judge and Mrs. J. R. Reed, a daughter. li'irn. to Mr. ami Mrs. J. Marcus, 611 V. achlr.Rton nvenue, a son. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Pcregoy of First avenue, a daughter. Fret man Ite d, elerk of tlie district court. Is In Chlr.-ign on business. Miss Nellie Pnll.-v of Hortnn. Kan., Is rlslttng htr aunt, Mrs. V. A. Groneweg on Frank street. Iinn't fiimet the a rami lill tonlRht nt the O. A. K liall. Oimmonwealth lodge. Fllty rents fer couple. The hearing In the Thomas Carter habeas corpus cane was continued yesterday by Jui'.Kh Thonii-ll until Monday. Mr. and Mrs t". U Knlglit have been called to Unenln, Neb., by the serious 111 net's of Mr. Knight's moltier. County Treasurer C'onslgny yesterday turned over to City Treasurer True IT.SiD.M, being the munli ipallty s proportion of the January tax collection. rUntl Wtlklns. who conducts a poolroom at oil West Broadway, was ta"ken Into cus tni!y inst evening 'n complaint of hi? wife, wi n charged him with heitlng and choking her. A meeting of the committee of the whole I of the city council has la-en "ailed for 0."0 o'clock this morning to investigate the proposed change i,f gra.Uu on North .J ootid Jtreec, The plaintiff in the dlvrrce suit of Belle dimming, against Wlllliini t'umm'nga yes terday tiled in district court nil application for $ii a month maintenance, uutltig the p.ndincy of the case. A marriape lie.-nsn was Issued .vrstcrd'iy to Bernard A. Purlin of Leavenworth, Knn., aged "4, and Svlvla HrailUy of Brady Island, Nel., aged 20. They were married by Justice Carson. Tho case against Barney McSorley, oharged with the theft of $12 from Albert Wells, was dismissed in Justice Carson's court yeBterrlay, as the prosecuting witness failed to appear, and tho costs wero taxed up against him. The nrimnxv and "cradle roll" depart ments of the First Baptist church Sunday school will bo given a Valentine party this afternoon in th Sunday school rooms at J i parent of the children ! 2:30 o clock. The pare are inviiea to "u. j front Bnd ,,nck t juncton of Bhoulder and -n il'SJln.. bruises and cuts on varlou. parts of charged wttn oetng implicated in me men. of beduuilts from the 1'eariman store on Vfuln Htrect. for which William iHinn and J. W. Miller were sent to the county Jail to serve out fines of SlUO and costs each. Word has been received here of the death in Seattle, Wash., of F.dward Deal, a for mer resident of this city. Mr. Deal was a veteran of the civil war ami a member of I'nlon Veteran legion of this city. He served on the police force during the ad ministration of Mayor Carson. He removed to Scutllo about two years ago. Cgden Hotel Rooms, with or without board; (team heat; free bath; public par lor. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC DAY & HESS hold thee secure t Some of the Fire Insurance Com iiiinlcs not hurt in the "Baltimore Flro" are those represented by DAY & HESS, who tuke this opportunity to assure their - patrons nnd the public In general thnt their com panies with ' $."0,000,0X) assets will continue to do business "at the old stand," No. 30 Pearl street, and will pay all losses in the future Just as promptly as heretofore. On the strength of this we solicit your business. LEWIS CUTLER MORTICIAN. B pari Bt, Council Bluffs. 'Ftaona IT. NOTICE! 17 pounds best Leaf for. . . $1,001 We have also received for our NAVEL ORANGES, each KO DEALERS HIPPLIED. Watch Our Ads for Low Prices. CENTRAL GROCERY & MEAT MARKET 'PHONE 24. CALL AT DeLONG'S TODAY and you will see where the VALEITIIES ARE SOLD A Rarhelor Oirl vote with every cent's worth. Touight's ballot will be priutetl in The Sunday Hee. HARVEY A. DeLONG Printer and Stationer. 307 Broadway. BLUFFS. MYSTERY IN DUNCAN'S DEATH Doctors Do Not Think He Could Have Been Killed in Manner Stated BODY IS CRUSHED AND BONES BROKEN Men Who Wrrt with Him Insist, llowtrrr, that He Was Killed " by Fall from Kalne Tender. After making a post-mortem examina tion yesterday morning on the body of Archie Dungnn, the Rock Island engine hostler, whose death was said to have been caused by a fall from an engine ten der early Thursday morning, Coroner Trey? nor decided to hold an Inquest. lungan's Injuries were found to be of such a character as to preclude any pos- J nihility of his death being caused solely by a fall from the engine tender, me post-mortem examination showed every In dication that Dungan had been crushed beneath a wheel of the engine or tender, I despite the assertion of the two men who were working with Dungan at the time he met his death thnt the engine was standing still when lie fell. The testimony of Dr. M. A. Ttnley, who assisted at the post-mortem examination, was to the effect that the dead man's In juries were the result of some pronounced crushing force and could not have been sustained by a fall from the tender of an et'Rino nor hardly possible that they could have been sustained by the man being struck by the apron of the eonl chute. He gave it as his -opinion that the engine or a car ran over him. The injuries received by Dungan, as enumerated by Dr. Tlnley, were: Dislocated and broken vetterbra, pectoral muscles torn and crushed, ribs from two to six Inclusive broken, punc tured wound in chest, muscles attached to ribs torn loose, left Jsw fractured, right shoulder fractured, serious contusions on the head and face. The only other witnesses 'were Charles Heath, a hostler helper, .and Roy Reeves, a fireman, who were with Dungan when the accldtnt resulting In his death occurred. Their testimony was substantially the same and to the effect thnt Dungan was stand ing on the tender and was In the act of pulling down the coal chute apron when ho stumbled and fell off the tender, striking on his head. When Heath and Reeves reached him' he was dead. Both testified that the engine was standing still when Dungnn fell and that therefore he could not have been struck by the chute apron and knocked off the tender. He fell, they sold, between the chute and the rails, his hody being at least one foot from the .rails and his head next the chute. The Jury, consisting of Ovlde Vlen, Charles W. Watts and I.. E. Brldensteln, brought In a verdict to the effect that Dungan came to his death In the yards of the Rock Island railroad by being crushed but In what manner they were unable to ascertain. N. T. Plumbing Co. Tel. W; night, F T. nnrke Gets Year and a Half. After overruling the motion for a new trial Judge Thornell yesterday In district court sentenced Peter D.-Burke, the black smith convicted of assaulting Reed Sum mitt with Intent to commit manslaughter, to eighteen months In the penitentiary at Fort Madison. The appeal bond was fixed at $1,500, but later reduced on application of Burke to 11,200. When Burke Was brought Into court and asked why sentence should not be pro nounced he replied to Judge Thornell that on the night of the trouble at the Summltt home he was fast asleep and remembered nothing of the circumstances of the stab bing. "If I were to be hung for It, I could not, to save myself, tell what happened that night," he said. Eleven of the twelve members of the Jury before which Burke was tried were examined during the hearing of the motion for a new trial, and they denied positively the allegations of misconduct as made by the prisoner's attorneys. James M. Faith, who contracted a biga mous marriage with Mrs. May Welsh, and James Welsh, the husband ot the woman. OWIXG TO TUB FACT THAT A GREAT MANY OK Ol H tl STOMKHS WERK DIS APPOIVrKD IN i ETTI K Q LEAF LARD LAST 8 ATI H DAY as oar sales far ex ceeded what ere expected WE WILL I'OVriM K TO SELL IT AT THE SAME RATE. Boiling Beef, at, pound . . . 2c trade, 250 boxes 8c 6D0-6O2 BROADWAY. who aided and alwttod the couple In getting married, entered pleas of gulltv and were by agreement each sentenced to eighteen months In the penitentiary. Mrs. Welsh Is at present In the hospital and the case against her will probably be carried over until the next term. Judge Thornell adjourned court until Monday and left last evening to spend over Bunday with his family at Sidney. The trial of W. C. Rogers, charged with the murder of Saloon Keeper Bert Forney, will be begun Monday. Wants Property Rfronvejfil, Mrs. Augusta A. Keellne, wife of Wil liam C. Keeline, brought suit In the dis trict court yesterday against A. A. Clark to quiet her title to twenty-seven acres of which she claimed to be the absolute owner previous to September 24, 1!W1. On that date Mrs. Keellne asserts she was i compelled by threats of violence on the part of her husband to sign a deed to the property, although at the time she was under the Impression she was simply at taching her signature to a mortgage. She say she never received any consideration for the property and says she would have brought suit two or more years ago had she not been afraid of violence at the hands of her husband, had she done eo. The domestic troubles of Mrs Keellne were freely aired In the police Justice and district court a few years ago, but In her petition she eaye that the white winged dove of peace has now settled over their home. Take Revenue on Bon la p. Council Bluffs bowlers turned the tables last night on their opponents from Dunlap, la., and revenged their defeat of last Mon day In their opponent's home town. Mon day the Bluffs bowlers were defeated by a score of J.30T to 2,047, but last night they won a victory with a score of 2.172 to 2.327. The deciding game of the series will bo bowled In the near future, probably at Dunlap. The score follows: COVNC11. ULl'FFS. 1st. !.". 2.1. 3d. 10) 173 It. 5 1H5 134 ' lrt 175 3 3 154 162 7.S8 9(A P. 2d. 3d. H i:.n 145 170 130 14S 14 125 131 1SS 739 . 787 Frush .. Liggett Meyer . 4!7 5 500 5C3 ; 4l'l i , 201 J45 Dudley Norene 133 Totals 7S Dl'NLAP. 1st. 3.1. Tot-I. i Reedy .'.210 Thomas 1 2r Jennings 152 Thomas 14H 515 ! 440 ; 430 ', I 4: Balrd 166 485 2,327 Totals 801 Hafer sells lumber. Catch the Idea? Facts for I rarlslH t ora. The Council Bluffs Commercial club hns Issued a handsome Illustrated pamphlet addressed to the members of the state leg islature, setting forth a concise statement of material facts and figures relutlve to the Towa School for the Deif. The pamph let contains numerous handsome halftone pictures of the buildings nnd grounds of the Institution. The reading matter sets forth the position of the city relative to the proposition to remove the Institution to another part of the state. Irrespective of the purpose for which It Is issued the pamphlef Is a real work of art and makes a handsome souvenir of one of the state's chief Institutions. Plumbing and heating. Bixby & Son. Injured by Fall from Motor. Miss Bertha May Curl, living at 5434 Third avenue, was seriously Injured last evening while t lighting from a notor at Avenue -A and Fifteenth street. ,Jt is said that the car was started while Miss Curl was In the act if stepping from the car and she waa thrown heavily to the ground, striking her head. The force of the fall rendered her unconscious for a while and she was taken to a nearby house and a physician summoned. She was later re moved to the Woman's Christian Associa tion hospital, where It was found there was no concussion of the brain, as at first feared. f.lsen Bros., plumbing, 700 B'way. Tel. A 474. Detective Murphy Sinking;. The condition of City Detective J. M. Murphy was last night critical In the ex treme and It was doubtful If he would survive the night. He Is wholly paralyzed and unable to move. At the hospital late last night it was stated he was sinking fast Real Estate Transfers. Those transfers were reported yesterday to The Be by the abstract, title and loan office of Squire & Annls, 101 Pearl street:, Robert F. Walker and wife to B. B. Marsh, lota 6 and 7, block 1, Gates' add., Oakland, w. d t RoO Henry Rishton and wife to Amv C. Reed, lots 10. 11 and 12. block 4. Street's add., w. d 1,200 Heirs of Smith Saunders to Harry Karl Fulmer, lot 6. block S, Curtis & Ramsey's add., w. d 1,750 John D. Hannnn and wife to William Tatro, lot 9, block 1, Judson'a 3d add.. Neola, w. d P50 Wllllnm Tatro and wife to August C Heradt. 364 acres In se"4 nw 18- , 77-41. w. d 4,017 Sonhls Waldman snd husband to M. W. Demosey. lot 7. block E. Perry's 2d add., w. d 200 J. N. K. MacAllster and wife to C. P. Bowman, lot 1 and e4 lot 2. block 20. Bryant & ClarkTs add., w. d 800 M. W. Dempsey and wife to same. same, q. c. d 1 Eight transfers, total t 8.TGS Recover Missing; Horse. GLENWOOD, la., Feb. 12 (Special.) The driving horse and buggy of Tommy Smouse, supposed to have been stolen from the Congregatlonallst sheds at 11 o'clock last night, and regarding which telephone mes sages were sent In every direction, was re covered east of town this morning, un injured. No clue. Brakemaa Fatally Injnrrd. CEDAR RAPIDS. In.. Feb. 12 .(Special Telegram.) C. E. Curtis, a brakemnn on the Rock Island, was fatally Injured last night at Manly Junction. He was thrown against an open stock chute nnd his skull so badly fractured that he will die. Fsnrrlde Fnnnd Onllty. DES MOINES. Feb. 1! -William E. Sll fer was found guilty of murder in the first degree by a Jury at Grundy Center today. Sllfer was sccused of murdering his wife. They were members of a Dunkard community. Fire Venra OT-ENWOOD. la., for Assault. Feb. 12.-(8peelal )- Will Myers, the tailor who shot Ben Taylor here three months ago, plead guilty and was sentenced to five years. Chamberlain's C.atk Remedy Is a medicine of crest worth snd merit. Try It when you have a cough or cold and you are certain to be pleased wltr; th quick relief which It affords. It Is pleasant to take and can always be. depended upon. Reeover Stolen Sheen. THERMOPOL.IS. Wyo.. Feb. .-(Spe- clal.) Thieves drove off a band of sheep from a ranch on Musk rat creek. The own ers' trailed the stolen flock to Batesman's ranch near Deranch In Fremont county and recovered the animals. The thieves Bed when the owners appeared. GIVE TIME TO COMMITTEES Legislature Takes a R?cess Untl Tuesday to Allow Visit- to Institutions. HOLDING CHECK ON APPROPRIATIONS Move to Keep All Other Bills Back I lit II Necessary Klenea of the State Have Been Pro vided For. (From a Staff Correspondent.) DES MOINES. Feb. 12.-(Speclal ) Both houses of the legislature adjourned today until next Tuesday afternoon In order to give time for the subcommittees of the two appropriations committees to visit the state educational, charitable and penal Institu tions, which will be done tomorrow. A committee of three will go to each one of the Institutions and spend one or two day and be prepared to report In detail on the merit of the different suggestions made In tho various reports and bills relating to theso Institutions. Aside from this the legislature could have continued along In Its work, but all Is now awaiting the ap propriation measures. Tho state senate this morning passed a concurrent resolution In which congress, is asked to make an appropriation for the improvement of the Des Molne river. The j resolution was originally presented by Sena . tor Hogue and carried the memorializing i of congress for aid In. Improving the Mls ! sourl river, but before it waa acted upon : Senator Elerlck gained consent for the ad dition of the Des Moines river to the word I Ing of the document. It Is understood this I action Is taken nt the request of Con gressman. Hull and is Intended to he a i spur for tho bill he has recently Intro j duced In congress to appropriate $300,000 for the Improvement of the Des Moines river to prevent further damages by floods. Closure on Appropriations. Resolved. That we take up for passage no more bills carry In arwoi.riatlons until we I have provided for ovr state schools, char--4' : itable Institutions, the Statu capltol and the xxuiMiana exhibit. Representative Oeneva of Keokuk county, dem., -undertook to put a 'stop to tho trans- action of business with reference to ap- proprlations In. the house by the above ; resolution, Introduced with a whereas of reference to the fact thnt the governor . naa caiieu aitenuon to tne necessity rnr in creased appropriations for the state col leges and the state capltol repairs must be provided for. The resolution wae on the point of receiving consideration when Mr. Buckingham objected and It went over till next week. Messrs. English, Kennedy nnd Langan were nnined a commlee to prepare me morial resolutions on the lnte Hoyt Sher man, and Messrs. Carden, Teachout and Springer a committee on similar resolu tions relative to the late Governor 3, G. Newbold. Legislative mils. House Bills Buckingham, bill for nil In. spectlon; Lundt. giving county clerks I per iuiict umk rouu taxes; ivowry, pro- vni.nB iur couriering uenenciary societies t.onn, providing that counties must huv ! Sjretv bnnrllt f,r nnnv ran .,.... ,i ! Interest Is taken on funds; Bealer, giving Dooiii-in luemrcnce in puonc works. I Senate Bill) Saunders, relative to oertln I catea for the practice of medicine; Glllil- l innu, repealing statutes relating to prac I tlces In supreme court -and emu-ting amend ' ments: .Jackson, on rftitffK una r,im,.auu t'on of county offlipi; Tinner, preventing tuiuuciaiiuii oi iiiiMta ana naxseea oil; Wlnne, substitute bill, amending code rela tive to inspection of petroleum products;- i-ren. proviuing ior ciaastncatlon teach era' certiticaten and limiting the number. Home Savings Case Decided. The supreme court decided against E. C. Spinney and his associates In the Home Savings and Trust company litigation of some years ago in Des Moines. The court held that the action of President Spinney In attempting to throw the company Into voluntary liquidation was Illegal from the fact that he did not hold the proxies he claimed to have, and therefore the proposi tion was never legally adopted by the stocK .oi i -. The lower court was, there fore, Justified In making the order for ap pointment of a receiver. The court's decisions were: A. E. Bailey, annellnnt mmlnat r,..i. Blrkhofer; Pottawattamie county, Judge Wheeler; affirmed by Deemer. Henry I,oesche, appellant, against Frank Goerdt; Delaware county, Judge Remley: affirmed by Sherwin. I. r,. Hrown, appel nnt. against Tama county; Tama county. Judge Burnham: af firmed by Weaver. German Savings Rnnk. Rnnpllnnt omlnat Des- Moines National Bank: Polk count v. Judge Prouty; affirmed by I.artd. W. A. McKee ajcalnat Home Savlno-a and Trust Company; polk county, Judge Mc Vey; affirmed by McClaln. Letter to Insurance Companies. State Auditor Carroll today mailed to the various Are Insurance companies authorised to do business In Iowa a letter asking that each one furnlRh his Insurance department with a sworn statement of the amount of losses sustained In tho Baltimore (Ire, also a statement as to what provision has been made for the payment of such losses. The companies must all make a showing pre vious to March 1 as to their soundness In order to receive certificates to continue business In the state. While the state In surance department has no Information leading to a belief that any of the com panlra doing business in Iowa will fail be cause of the Are, yet this Information is de manded as a basis for whatever action may be deemed necessary. Sent Hack to Omaha Governor Cummins today Issued a renulsl- tion j'V tne sending to Nebraska of Thomas Carter. The record shows he entered the store cf Goldenberg & Hornsteln In Omaha February- . held up Mr. Goldenberg and robbed him of $2on. He Is now in Jail In Council Bluffs snd the requisition went to the Bluffs today. The articles of Incorporation of the Telfer Carpet company of Des Molnea, with 115.000 capital, were filed with the seerMsrv state today. Hardware Dealers Flee. The state convention of hardware deal ers came to a conclusion this afternoon. i nn iiMBocuiTion adopted a revised con stitution and bylaws to bring It Into closer relations with the natlonsl association, and elected S. 1 Mllea of Mason City presl lent, mlth H. Vincent of Fort Dodge vice president. These are members of the ex cutive committee, with the following: 1 nomas A. Nichols, Burlington; it. A. Stouffer. Iowa City; W. B. Baumgartner, nunuoue; j n. Johnson. Tama; F. W. Rltter. Hedrlek; Thomns Gadd, Des Moines IV A. lloy, corydon; Charles Bwnln. Coun cil Bluffs; W. H. Millard. Cherokee. lath District Caacas. The members of the legislature from the Ninth congressional district will hold a caucus st the state house on the after noon of February 17 for the purpose of selecting a candidate for member of the Board of Regents of the State university. Detsarraa Case Decided. Much Interest has been manifested In the case against the Great Western and other railroads at Waterloo, In which they were Indicted for conspiracy. Judge Piatt has Just held that the Indictments weru not competent under the law, sine there was no cue commodity especially aX fected by the agreement among the rail roads with regard to demurrage charges; but It Is expected thnt the case will be Immediately appealed and the state su preme court will be asked to pass on the case. Tho effort was made to defeat de murrage charges for holding cars at freight centers by an Indictment. MIS IIOSA MeAHA OF, BITTE. How After Tim Tears . She Found Remedy for Dandruff. Miss Rosa McAhan of 211 West Quarts stret, Butte, Mont., says: "Herplclde has thoroughly cleansed my scalp of dandruff, with which It was entirely covered; and It has stopped my falling hair. I have tried many different preparations In the past two years, but none took effect except Newbro's Herplclde." Dandruff is a germ disease and Herplclde is an Infallible de stroyer of the germ. "Destroy the cause, you remove the effect." Kill the dandruff germ. Ask your druggist for Herplclde. It la a delightful dressing; nllays Itching; makes the hair soft as silk. Sold by leading druggists. Send 10c In stamps for sample to The Herplclde Co., Detroit, Mich. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co., special agents. GREAT NORTHERN HAS WRECK Two Passengers on Freight Train Are KJIIed by Collision In Minnesota. BT. PAfU Minn., Feb. 12. A report was received at the Great Northern railway headquarters here today saying that the westbound passenger train backed Into the rear of a freight train at Fennock last nlghf. Edward Ileffner and a Mr. Han some of Minneapolis were killed. William Hill of Minneapolis had his leg crushed and A. J. Boutheney, believed also to be from Minneapolis, was seriously bruised. All were passengers In the caboose. The caboose and the rear sleepef of the pas senger burned. None of tho other passen gers are reported Injured. William Hill later died from the effects of his Injuries. CAMPAIGN IS GETTING WARM Month Dakota Politicians 1'p tn Flgtit- Ina; Potnt and Land In Police Conrt. HI'RON. S. P., Feb. 12 (Special Tele gram.) Postmnster Charles N. Cooper was arrested by the chief of police today for drunkeness, disorderly conduct and assault. Cooper took offense nt nn article published In a local paper, signed by Walter Hub bard, secretary for Coe I. Crawford, can didate for governor. In which Hubbard de nied certain statements made In nn article In another paper and reflecting upon Cooper, who excitedly entered the office of th" Richards Trust company nd assaulted Hubbard with a chair nnd using offensive and Indecent lnngunge. Cooper w:i hustled to the city prison, when later friends gave bonds' for his appearance In police court tomorrow morning, because of the prom inence of the parties the affair has caused much comment. Burlington Anent Short. HOT SPRINGS. 8. D., Feb. 12.-(Speclal.) R. D. West, who has been the Burling ton agent of this place for the past seven years, has been placed under arrest, charged with the embezzlement of $3,215.50 of the company's funds. His friends 'put up a J900 cash bond for him and he still has his liberty. It was first thought that West was L1.000 short and his friends de cided to make up the shortage, providing the company would a'low him to remain at tho station at this place. The company r.t first consented to do this, but when the shortage was found to exceed that amount, the young man's friends becked down and tho company refused to retain him. Will Consider Irrigation. CHEYENNE. Wyo., Feb. 12.-(Speclal.) State Engineer Johnston and Chief Mead of the irrigation investigations have In augurated a movement for a meeting of the engineers of the arid and semi-arid west ern states, at which some fixed policy for the adjudication of Interstate waters rights will be agreed upon. An effort will also be made looking to co-operation In secur- ng needed legislation In accordance with this policy. i Captnres Texas Fugitive. ABERDEEN. S. D., Feb. 12.-(Speclal.)- Several months ago two young men of rvifl UVUaK. The World's Greatest Skin. Humour. Affects Every Age and Condition. The Only Sure Cure is Cuticura. If there were not another external kin disease known, eciems would be s sufficient infliction on mankind. It per vades ail classes, snd descends Impar tially through generations. While soma are constantly enveloped In it, others bsve it confined to smell patches in the ears, on the scalp, on the breast, on the palms of the bands, on the limbs, etc, but everywhere It distinctive feature Is S small watery blister, which discbarges sa acrid fluid, causing best. Inflamma tion, snd Intense Itching, scaling snd crusting. The Cnticarm treatment Is at ones agreeable, speedy, eoanomlcal and com prehensive. Bathe the affected part freely with hot water sod Cutlcnrs Bosp, to. cleans the snrfsce of crusts and scale, and soften the thickened eotlcle. Dry, without bard rubblug, and apply Cuticura Ointment to allay Itching, Irritation and Inflammation, and soothe and heal, and, lastly, take Cutlcnrs Resolvent, or Pllla, to cool snd cleanse the blood. This treatment af fords Instant relief, permits rest snd sleep In the severest forms of eczema sod other Itching, burning and scaly bu moors, and points to a speedy, per manent and economical cars of tor taring, disfiguring humours, eczemaa, rashes snd talammatlons, from Infancy to age. when all other remedies and the best phytlclsns fall. SM thrawfcaat tlM wart. CaSrM otV SM. n t:m W riMeoUM Cmut Puis, im p l of an, M. lHM , Lo.4.. 0 t'harta i i J u Fall An PuMar Lraf . Ctaa.. Car... aaa I ssrs.i a. " a Amarlllo. Tex., forged a note and secured 12.200. One of them was arrested, but the other fled to escape the penalty of his crime. The sheriff of Amarlllo took up the trail and finally ovet hauled his man a few days into at Brltton. S. D. His arrest quickly followed end he Is by this time, no doubt, safely behind the bura of a Texas Jail. Klnnetnnn la Promoted, R A WIjINS, Wyo.. Feb. 12. (Special. )-D. C. Klnneman, superintendent of wster sys tems on the I'nlon Faclllc, has lern pro moted to the position of superintendent of bridges and buildings on the Kansns divi sion. His headquarters will be at Cheyenne Wells. ZINC SMELTER DESTROYED One of Mine Plants In Cherokee Canyon Hoes I p In Kmnke nt Loss of MtMMMKt. IOIA, Kan.. Feb. 12. One of the nine r.lnc. smelting works of the Cherokee canyon here was destroyed today by lire. lss, Jiin.Oiiii. The plant hud a ciipuelty of forty tons a day and employed 30 men. Proud Mothers Proud indeed are those mothers whose happy children laugh and crow in perfect health. Motherhood is woman's chief Joy and greatest trial. Frepare for this wonderful event by taking a course of Dr. Greene's Nervura the world's greatest tonic and female regulator. Both before and after baby's coming Dr. Greene's Nervura is invaluable. Mrs. Jennie S. Randall, of Bloom ingdale St., Chelsea, Mass., says : " Four years ago, after tlie birth of my baby girl, I was left with nervous . prostration. I was very bad indeed. I so weak and miserable I could not walk across my l.itcl en. I tried a gTeat many remedies and doctored with many doctors, but grew worse all the time. "One day some kind friend told my husband to get a U tile ii Dr. Greene's Nervura. Before I had t?ken the first bottle, I bepan lo feel better. I could sleep better rnd that awful, blue, de pressed feeling was less. I continued Its use until I had taken seven bottles and I was a well woman. "Nothing tires me now, and I W2ke in the morning from a most refreshing sleep and with a ferftttly rtsteif tiling. Dr. Greene's Nervura curts, and the best part of it is you remain cured." Consult Dr. Greene free of charge. Write at once or call at his office, ioi Fifth Ave., New York City. 5. THE FAST TRAINS ARK VIA THE UNION PACIFIC If you want a quick and pleasant trip, select the Union Pacific, its trains from Omaha reaching the Pacific Coast : l i I : : : : : 16 Hours Quicker THAN ANY OTHER LINE. NO CHANGE OF ROADS NO CHANGE OF CARS NO DETOURS "The Overland Route" all the way. Bt sure your TickU reads Ortr the IWO AT PACIFIC. Full information cheerfully f uruirlieti ou application to CITY TICKET OFFICB 1324 Faruaiu Streak -t-n 311 MEN AND WOMEN. I'm Bi for aan.iara. dii-ta.ra.,lol.Dim.tiuaa1 IrritatluDt or ulcrattoa. of biuoob. a.mbrabai P.ialm, ..a But aatrlay faot or aolao.oua. tolal by Braggtela, or a. at la pl.ia raapa lr .raaa. .ra.ald. fa SI M . 1 bMtl-. l . Ctx.aUr ... a (waaal BB. CMICMtaiSR'S) INftLISM PEHHYnoyV,?ILL3 nr ri a v cvn a bit r. .uar la kfr.l S4 (Xil MI1UJ to KM M4tat4 itk rum DMot 1 isk tllr. Umfmmm mmgmrmmm lltliMa mm4 imif Ums. h-j luU" iimt Ut ('rtltiUrt, Tfjvtlisi!! mm 'K.Hcf fUrl.41tHmisMr, hi r tmrm MmiL !. I iaU tl ky It brfaM t htakiKat tm ! Caw X J la I ta aaj.3 J Oaaiaawaa U f a f mi ta Mrlaura. P rmaaliMtaa IfTi Hi Evans CmmctiCs. - CIHCISKill.0 tT"A Wf V- -mm Dr.G.Y.PAHGLE The Cood Samaritan. 30 YEARS' EXPERIENCE. Reader of Diseases of Men and Women. P aprtatar .1 tha Wurli'l H.rb.l ..nary .f Ma.l.ln. i II Tell What I You Without Asking a Question I CURC-fn.s rrh nf Hcii'l, Thront. snil Lunr; I .Ik-hncv of Kyc an.t Kar; FIls snd Ap'llc?i Meart, Liver ami KUlm-v liscascs; PliilN'tcs, l.rlKht'n l)isfaso. St. 'Vitus' lMneo, Khcumu, Scrofula. lmisv cured witlK i.t tapping. 11 Chronic, Nervous anil Private lilsoua.-s. ALL DISEASES OF WOMEN. Cn.umptlon cured, (loll re. Rupture. Hydro C.I., Varicocele, IMIea, riatula. Cancer, all Malignant Urovth and Appendicitis cured without th. knlte. I tasrsnte. to cure all caea of I u.t Manhood 5yphills and Private Dlaea.e. Those st a distance nend for ijut'lion blank No. I for men; No. 2 for women. All correspondence strictly ronnilnH .nl. Med icine sent by express.--Address all letters to C. W. PAN CLE, M. D. 728 FIRST AVE., Council Bluffs, la. tf Send 2-cent stump for reply. The Only Double Track Railway between the Missouri Rivor and Chicago. DAILY TRAINS w OMAHA TO CHICAGO 8.25 fm THE OVERLAND LIMITED MftccniflcAnt ootid daily trln to CMcnao. Oompnrt mwnt Bnrl drttwinff-rrxim nlfmpltiR cur, library, htiffnt, br.riwr.hnth, tlfihona. rilntnn cnr and otwerat.on earn. Electric livntil throughout. 8.00 am THE ATLANTIC EXPRESS I'lillm.n tourifft tlMtplng can anil coaches. Dluta ran aaat from Clinton. 5.50 PM THE EASTERN EXPRESS Pullman itrnwln. room anil touriat alnautnil rr, frw raclinin. chair oar., buflat library and aiuofciim era. Dining enra. 3 OTHER DAILY TRAINS 0 0 PaUmandrwlnB-roomlp1nirfnra,huTTM al U1I AM jnv.ktnat rnd nnrary cara ana ire rerun- jrff chair car to Chicawo. DiniitR cara. 1 1.30 AM Throuah Omaha to Chirrtun N'rt-h-Vtiirnrn atiinJard day cnacliea and free chair cam. inning oar. 4iP ma r'ree chair care to rMrnsn i it rm leaping i ar liom Amw to Chi g 1 m lnKCaraerrintf br.aHfaet. Pullman Chicago. l.n 2 DAILY TRAINS OMAHA TO ST. PAUL-MINNEAPOLIS 7C n III Ohasnratlon cat. ca ., tiarlor car. and ,uU Am coachea. 81 t DU Pullman aloanlna nra. buflat library 13 IM ear. ad fra BLACK EiBLLS 0 CO VU ToFrmnnt.I.lnoln,iVahoo David City, aCevU m York, Haitinftn. H- nrl, tiener, Khw. rTor, Norfolk, Iconic Pine, -naper, Hot Spruit JHadwodd and Lead. Ihrounh reo lining chut cam; 'tillman leeplng car .rvi-.-e. SnC III lo Fremont, l.fnooln. Wohoo, k Uj MM IwOiiK fMae, Verdure. Boueateel an-, to K- aebud Indian HftAerration count,. CITY TICKET OFFICE, 1401 and 1403 Farnam Street. Charges Less Than all Others DR. McCREW, SPECIALIST Trcata U forma ot DUeaasa l HER OHX. Twenty-eight years' experience tlghtecn years In Omah Tha ctor's icnisrKaiblo baa ever been ejuall- T"l.' laclUUea for treating this ciusa -Jf dlaeai are unlimited and every U urt-ii. iuaiv flattering reports of the ood Its s doloa. or the relief ha ha Riven. tiOT SPRINGS IREATMENT f 0 R All Uiooil folaons. No bltiCAltlNQ OUT" n the ikin or faca and at aateiaal sigus tf ilia ulaeuse diaapijea tit one A lr iranent cuts for life guaranteed. VARICOCELE tIOTTJatI: UF aI) 'til i'nrl of Hydrocele. NLAK Jll.UUU fciricture, Gleet. Nervoas i'-ebliity, uoss of Htrcngth ami Vitality and all forma ol rhroniu iila-aa. T't'nent by mail. Call or write. Boa U& Hlce 216 Sou in 14LD at. Omasa. Nat. 5 BRa"X ra serleus, i 'iTEiaa a a ass Banna 1 II nYl ion, aaaa ' I " aJr tuii dlaakllltr. 1 PVIIDTnUP . star 6a I tl mrirflO Itcaingandrtlag. lag, toaa uaia pain. aoraiia. aud i bieadina. Tumon ina, aulars., I I protrnda, aal if aeflarU'd. nioerata, betuni la. ?T-rtiaua palolui. Toormtaam ,u 'palalaatij uaa EJECTION MALYD01 Icrtant llef. rnres la several dra Uaut arlth avrlnKa. Ior nn Sbeniun & h-i-ror'l Omaha, Neb. M.lydor M:i. t'3., o Dr.Searles&Searles SPECIALISTS Curo all Ki'filal DISEASES OF MEN BLOOD POISON, WEAK, NERVOUS MEN, KIDNEY AND BLADDER DISEASES Mrdlflnr $5.00 PER MONTH Kxariiinuilfina and Hdvice fraie at ollicti 01 by mail. S ritteu cunlratla ativnti In all turabla iliataata. or refund limn y I'uia fur trealnieiil. 'i'realniofit by mall. 14 years CorVlalh mm Doanlae, OMAHA. REB. For Menstrual Suppression from rr.rS PEN-TAN-GOT M a aaai t koaaa, I. S.U la Oaiaaa tr Sharaua VMaMUMU Dras ta, aaUaa tUM. IM, tUMita .!! Sti aaWVaWata-'.:ilflalaill.ll I Irratmrnt and I