12 LIVELY SESSION IN VIEW Ttrm of Federal Court Opening Monday Frcmitei Mticb Actitiij. COLBY CASE WILL BE ONE OF THE STARS OT rvin Trading Stamps Free Trading Stamps Free 111 & BWuHfcw n MM LOif J"' ", 1 1 ' ' ' "if! THE ItKI.IAIILBI TORE. Mtiif Catdrmrn to Com t'p, bnt Bartlett Rlrbarda and ,Aihoc1jh Are Kot Yet Called I pon. The erpronohlng nrlon of th United Statoe rtlKtrl'-t court which twgins nxt Mon day, lv?s every promise of being an active and Interentlng amolon. The several deputy United States marshals are now out serving carilown. summonses and suhpoenaea, for principals and witnesses. The most conspicuous of thess cases for trial will he the case, against General L. W. Colby, former adjutant general of Nebraska, for alleged misappropriation of funds belonging to the government. Ths land, fencing cases also are to be heard at this session, especlallly those of the King brothers, Slmonson brothers, and the Krause family, fnther and sons, who gave bonds for their appearance here Thursday. An effort was made to have these cases go over until June In order that the cattlemen might look after their cattle during the winter, but District At tomey Bummers was averse to continuing the cases to that time. Capiases have been Issued for a number of other cattlemen in the Chadron, Valentine and Crawford sections of the state and deputy marshals are to be sent out to serve these documents. It Is Intimated about the federal building that the Bartlett Richards case and those of the Standard Cattle company may not be beard at all at this term of court, or at least not until the last of the term. Among other coses to be heard will be the ' Indictments against W. M. Erwln and Post master John Mitchell of Alma and Elliott Iowe of Alma. The former two cases for alleged conspiracy In the Illegal sale of postage stamps to Increase the revenues of the Alma postofflce and the latter aa an al leged co-conspirator with Senator Dietrich In some of the postoffice 'scandal cases In that section. GREATER. BARGAIN SATURDAY. IU Bail ( ofihuqgSSoe BOUGHT OF I. D. RIPIN. ASSIGNEE, U2 NASSAU ST., N. Y. m mmmm. a -..T",-v ir V,.e. ; i m PRISONER IS EASILY EXCITED Reed Gets nervous mm Trial for His Mfe Progresses Witnesses Tes tify to Insanity- The fifth day of the trial of James A. Reed for the murder of Olonna Hynes opened In criminal district court yesterday morning with E. 8. Jester, the last witness of Thursday afternoon, on the stand. The prisoner's excitable and nervous tempera ment is getting the better of him as the trial progresses and the strain becomes more Intense and haa to be constantly kept In check by his counsel. E. S. Jester, who worked side by side with Reed In the machine shop, said he had observed that the man always acted "queer" In that he frequently talked to himself, made curious motions of face and body and had a peculiarly wild expression of the eyes. Witness believed he was in sane when he shot Glenna Hynes and that Reed did not know the difference between right and wrong at that time. Cross-ex amined, he said that Heed's habit of talk ing to himself and the expression of his eyes, together with the other peculiarities he had testified to, were his sole ground for thinking him Insane. Oliver Cowing, file clerk In the district court, boarded with Reed at the Oooa hotel for several months previous to the crime with which he Is charged, lie had noted the same peculiarities of manner and ex pression sworn to by the previous witness and had known him to come from work and fk.'-.rv.'-.'-'tM Jf COTTWCST aaay u M1 ' ii t c mm 1 ."1 In spite Of the great talcs that stwh an amazing buying chance naturally bring, our great bankrupt clothing tUk from New York still offers great bargains to Omaha men. An cnor mous slock of splendid winter suits and overcoats, ready for your choice At Less Than Cost to Manufacture. These suits and overcoats were mndo for high class trade In style and workmanship that are superior to the garments that usually sell for $10.00, 112.50 and l5.00 Seize the Opportunity Tomorrow Worth nil lt bJW. laiEjr Men's Pants, l- Thesi are the fine pants from the great bankrupt stock. They are worth $3.50 and $5. pair, your choice Saturday at H. 111 jr 3 $1.65 To make. Saturday one of the greatest clothing bar gain days In our entire history, we have gathered all the fine overcoats from our recent purchases In all the excellent styles and materials of the season good worm, sensible coats that you would be glad to buy for $7.60 and $10 earlier in the season, and priced them In one lotr-your free choice at Never such an overcoat bargain as this. Wafch our windows EBS9BBSBS9EB&2&9BBtBlBBBBn3SnnB' Watch our windows. 10c HIGHLAND 10c Doz Javel Oranges D" HIGH PRICE. IN QUALITY, BUT LOW IN All varieties of fruit cultivated on high land naturally possess certain attributes of change his clothes three times during one perfection which are perceptibly lacking . I In products raisea in ine lowianus. rnun- l.AISJJ. caiuornia, aerrves us name irora evening. On cross-examination witness ad rnl t ted that r.one of the acts done by Reed were other than what he had seen done by persona whom he had known to be perfectly sane. At the same time Reeds acts as testified to were all that he had on which to base his Judgment as to his sanity. He did not believe be was responsible at the time he killed the Hynes woman, Peter Goos said Reed had boarded with the natural nofiitlon It occunlea beauti fully situated, overlooking picturesque val leys, amiaal tne most tamous ana exten sive orange groves In the world. It Is conceded that HIGHLAND NAVEL ORANQKS surpass all others. They are sweeter. Juicer and better flavored. Bat- tiraay we sen me stc una oi iiigniuna Navel Oranges for 10c dozen. Highland Tangerines IIIC r ' ' .............................. - - - I . , ,i . -i ... i . a .. mm him for a period ot several months and that "" OUC he considered his mind was unbalanced during1 that time. He testified to the acts and manner already mentioned by pre vious witnesses. When asked If Reed was insane he said he thought he was at least weak-minded. B. B. Bmalley, another ma chinist employed with Reed, based his Judg ment that the man was insane on his ob servation of other insane people more than from Reed's own actions. J. H. Haggerty, another workman Who had been associated with Reed, testified on the same general Una $ 2-pound packages Atlas Oats lor Full Weight Table Syrup " er can Strictly Fresh Egg- CKCic 25c 9c BADLY BRUISED ON THE HEAD VnloB Parifle (! Foreman g at tains Cats from Fall Against witch Hand. J. H. Mccandlesa, engine foreman or a switching crew in the Union Pacific yards, was quite severely injured about the head by falling against a switch stand when Jumping oft a car Thursday. He was riding on the side of a car and Jumped down to turn the switch, when his foot slipped on the icjr ground and he fell, strtk Ing the left side of his head, sustaining bad bruises and cuts. The injured man was removed to his home at 1601 Kyner avenue In a carriage. No serious results are looked for. The accident occurred In the east end of the yards and was due to the fact that the switch stand clears the side of trains by a very narrow space. per dozen Saratoga Flakes ' .C two packages for J Choice Country Buttei- pouna Pork Loins per pound Spare Ribs per pound ...... Hamburger per pound ...................... . Boiling Beef per pound Corned Beef per pound M , Cholce'Turkeys . per pound , Choice Geese per pound FHESH Ml 8H ROOMS box . FLORIDA STRAWBERRIES quart 14c-20c 7c 61c 6c 3c .4c . 19c 11c 45c 40c Somttier Bros. Exponents of Good Living. 28th and Farnam Sts. Grocery Tela. 1329-1331. . Market Tel. 736. GRAIN EXCHANGE IS Observes Anniversary of President Lincoln's Birthday by Trams acting. 5o Business. Lincoln's birthday was observed by the Omaha Grain exchange, which did not open Its doors. Notification was received Wednesday from Chicago that the Board ot Trade there would observe the holiday, so the Omaha exchange, having no quotations to govern its dealings, closed. All of the grain, provision and produce exchanges In the country, with the exception of the New Orleans Cotton exchange, honored the mem ory of Lincoln by a day of rest. Omaha schools did not specially observe , the da. Yea Take Hlsk In using Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colda It cures all lung troubles or no pay. 60c, $1.00. For sale by Kuhn Co. House, N. M. Howard, William Fleming, C. W. Pollard, Snow and Maples. A lected quartet sang "Asleep In Jesus," Lead Kindly Light" and "Sleep Thy Last Sleep." The Interment was at Forest Lawn PI nFn nl m charge of Undertaker II. K. Burket with floral tributes, many being of gener ous design. ' ' Resolutions of respect and condolence on the duath of Mr. Morton, who was one of the Omaha pioneer hardware dealers, have been passed by the Nebraska Retail Hard ware Dealers' asociatlon, of which he was an honored member.- FUNERAL 0FJAMES MORTON Service, at Borne Attended by Many Old ntlseas and Friends of Deceased Pioneer. The funeral services of the late James Morton were held at the residence, 1710 Chicago street, Friday afternoon. The house was well filled with relatives and friends. , many old clilsens cal'lng to pay their last respecta Rev. H. C. Herring, pastor of the First Congregational church, offered words of eulogy for the departed and of comfort for the bereaved. The paUbearera were: Messrs. J. E, Marriage Licenses. Up to rioen. February 12. the following couples weie llcciibea to wed: Name. Age Jimn w. Hundrant, Omaha Margaret Adams, Omaha Clarence A. McClellan. Oniaha.. Mabel Prlnglo 19 William II. Huffman. Omaha Bessie M. Bluett. Omaha IS Hugh Kennedy. South Omaha Margaret ravis, South Omaha Joneph Pavlik. South Omaha Aiilonia Yonrk, South Omaha Anton Sramek. South Omaha... iies.ie llyntk, couth Omaha J Everett A. Fry, Council Hluffs 33 Maggie MUner, Council 111 u it. 11 1$ K. Wedding Kings. Kdtioim. Jeweler. Small Hunt (or Defendant. The Jury In Judice Sear's session of the dls trlct court yesterday returned a verdict oi $5.44 In favor of the defendant. In the case of the New Orleana Coffee company ugaliiHt Henry F. Cady of this city. This was an action to recover the sum of $170.50 fr a con inn merit of coffee . shipped the de fendant. Through ht counsel he put In a claim In offset of $l7t 94 and hence the verdict In his favor. The case of the city of South Omaha against the O. U. & T. T. Co.. was then taken up. an action for damages fur the cloning or obstructing of vverai streets and slleya . - Oa.ea;a Oil for Mkenniutlaa. Prlee lOe. Costs so little you can afford to try It. 32 A Shoe Opportunity Special Shoe Bales are going on In Omaha every day the year round such as they are, but the people seldom have a chance to buy the genuine bar gains In high grade, up-to-date shoes that we offer tomorrow Saturday. ' v 6.00"".!... 4.00 6. 00 tlomoa'B '.4.00 5.00 SrromeB 'ho?T. 3.50 3.50 "h. 2.50 2.50 romen " "h.. 1.90 2.50 rr.'..'..'.'.. i.5o 50c, 75c and 95c for misses' and children's shoes on our bargain tables, because they're out of style or narrow widths; former price $1.W to $3 00. Economical buyers will find this Saturday shoe sale worth while. I M. Si LI A JT. jtrn peoiai yuercoai timer Choice of all Our $7.50 and $10 Overcoats,, at $3.98 FRYSflOE CQ m TB It! That a boy Is an expensive proposition at best, but this expense can be greatly reduced by buying your boys' suits here. Thoir style will please the boy, their Qual ity will please the mother and their price Is sure to please the father. OUR WINTER SUITS MUST GO to make room for the Immense stock of spring and summer goods arriving daily. Boys' snd Children's Suits at Half Price Exceptional Money-Savin Opportun y $4.50 HOYS' KNEE TANTS SUITS. $1v-Three-plece, double brensted and Norfolk stylos, ages from 12 to 16 years, well tail ored, dressy suits, worth $4.50 I QC I'ilV 1.50 $2.75 ROTS' KNEE PANTS SUITS, $l.fin Double breasted and Norfolk styles, ages from 6 to 111 years, well made, scrvlcenn.e suits worth fi'.uo and at $5. ROYS' KNEE PANTS SUITS, $2.50- RtiRHlan blou.se, sailor, Norfolk and blouse, Norfolk, double breasted and 3 jilece styles. In worsteds, cheviots, serges, casslmeres and many other fabric, any color you may desire. Natty serviceable stilts with plenty of style, worth 4 Cfl our sale price $3.75 BOYS' REEFERS, $1 S&-Theee reefers are made with high storm collars In knee lengths, just the thing a boy wants for out door wear warm, neat looking serv iceable garments, worth up to I QC $i.00-our sale price n.UWI i. our sale price $5.00 Free $5.00 Free $5.00 Free AS AN EXTRA INDUCEMENT WK WILL OIVE $5.00 WORTH OP TRADING STAMPS FREE WITH EVERY $2.W COY KNEE PANTS SUIT SATURDAY. New Sample Suits. A Remarkable Offering 300 women's sample suits at a little over HALF PRICE. OUR SELECTIONS ARE MADE AND THE SAMPLES ARE FOR SALE Sam ples from tho best Now York manufacturers. They are alt new spring suits and our Instructions from these housee are to sell all you can In THREE DAYS, and what Is left send to-another city. NOW IS YOUR CHANCE. WOMEN'S $16 AND $17 NEW SriUNO SUITS In all the new materials, silk lined jackets with lace cuffs a I A ff wonderrui nargain, at, oniy iw ww WOMEN'S HIGH CLASS SAMPLE SUIT8 worth double what we ask Qfl nrl go at $20. $25 and WW WW WOMEN'S SAMPLE SUITS Made of voile. etamlnes, serges, cheviots and broad clothperfect In stylo, rich In appearance -they are worth trom a 10 m u ri unmatchable at It vll V.IjMEN'S COATS Attend the great clearing sale- of winter garments, iry one for next year you never saw such C fl1 values l& coata, go at w v WOMEN'S LONG COATS Satin lined throughout regular $25.00 in nil values, at IW WW Children's Coats Buy a child's coat now fit your own price. CHILDREN'S COATS 800 cf them wrnth up to $6.00, ages 2 to 8 years, qq CHILDREN'S COATS Regular $6 O QC and $7 values, go at - a, l M CHILDREN'S COATS worth $10 4 QQ and $12, at T W CHILDREN'S AND MI8SE3' COATS worth $20.00 7 50 New Voile and Etamine Skirts WOMEN'S BEAUTIFUL VOILE SKIRTS In the new spring styles, silk iO Cfl drop skirt they are worth $20, at. 9U Extra Specials FROM 8 A. M. TO 12 M. Women's $1.50 black mercerised underskirts in our cloak department, 79C Women's $1.25 Flannel Wrappers, for I. Women Rainy Day Skirts, trimmed with several rows ot stitching, "7 O for I9C ALL DAY. Women's Black Peau de Sole Waists, regular $6 quality Women's Heavy Vesting Waists, worth up to $3.50, at Women's Walking and Dress Skirts, 1 Q Q one big table, worth $5.00, at SO 79c 2 98 100 a Sensational Shoe Sale Values like these have never before been offered In the city. The entire floor stock from C. W. Newhall & Co. Boys' and youth's shoes. Tne ceiebratea xnumpn make of misses' and children's shoes, and the sample shoes and surplus stock from A. F. Smith, makers of ladles' fine shoes in Lynn, Mass. 169 ,59 .196 The Celebrated $2.00 Apex shoes A very fine $2,00 vici kid lace shoe Extra special women's $2.25 vicl kid shoes Goodyear welt shoes, for Men'a patent colt, vicl kid and kangaroo $2.50 and $3 lace shoes (I Child's fine $1.00 hand turned shoes Little men's $1.00 satin calf lace shoes Misses' and child's $1 Don- gola lace shoes Boys' and youth's $1.50 satin calf lace shoes Mtnses' and child's $1.50 fine vicl kid lace shoes ........... Women's fine kid $1.60 lace oi hntton snoes Sole agents in Omaha for the Stetson and Crossett Shoes for men ana we ultra and Drover Shoes for women. None belt er maae. nferesfing Reus to Ellen ;69c 98c MEN'S FLEECED SHIRTS worth up to 75c, go at MEN'S LAUNDERED SHIRTS Stiff and " . i a) 1 nn . 1 1 n 1 1 1 ir mm nfft soft Dosomr regumr .i.w nu. go at MRN'S TF.CK AND FOOK-lJN-tlAi u go at 35c 10c MEN'S WOOL SHIRTS AND DRAWERS worth $1.50 and $1.25, gQg PAiRS MEN'S' SUSPENDERS' ' to go Saturday at 15c a pair, Vhft or two pairs for fcWW two ixrrs men s cotton and mer ino HALF HOSE extra values. in at 120 and I WW Men's Sample Hats Worth up to $3.00 at 60c kve purchased from one of the largest hat manufacturers In the coun . of SAMPLE HATS. With these we have put many of our t lots and priced them without consideration of cost A"0"""", Vi nakeVaa the famous HAWES HATS, so extensively advertised at $3 ShlTfln. makes too numerous to mention. Your choice of entire lot 8. Ladies' Underwear Specials Saturday... gowns, -r. ivn .1 m nnwNS AND DRAWERS, 60c Ladies' night gowns In low and hlgn neck, embroidery and lace trlmmod, A wa wAa with W Ida umbrella ruffles ot lace and embroidery, corset covers, trim hurli with lace and Inner tlon vArth 75o to $1.00 our 5Qc ladiesfin'e ' cambric' 'skir't-fu11 umbrella ruffles of fine lace, lnser QOc and embroidery, worth $1.50, at 3UU We have a full Une of LADIES' FIVE- . PIBRTOAb 5' corset covers, drawers, cnemise ana sain. v. 60c CORSET COVERS AND DRAWERS. 25c Ladles corsei cover. V drawers, trimmen wnn mi ir"" ruffles and hemstitched, 9hC worth 60c, at W $1 60 to $2.00 GOWNS AT 8c Toadies' fine . . 1 . l 1mmnH with natnsooK gown, iu. JA swls. emhrolderw and valenclennus QQr lace, worth $1.60 to $2. at vW Visit Our Optical Department Correct fitting. , Special atten tion to repairs. Lowest priCCS. i Pusic Special Your Medicines Naturally you want to feel aura that they are pure and reliable; that they are exactly In accordance with vour doctor's winh.es; that they are mixed carefully and accurately. We can UHxure you .lint ir your prescriptions are brought to us they will be cared fur properly in the full est scnae of the word. Here are some siwlal Saturday bargains In our drug department. . 25c Pear's Scented Soap lie Xtc Pear's I'ncenteU boap lie .ao coap ....l.c "c Cutlcura Soap $1.00 Kwamp-Ruot 6c 2!c Menthol's pencils 9o $1.00 Hu-Can Hair .Tonlo "5c 25c Graves Tooth Powder lie 600 3-quart Fountain Syringes, Satur day, only one to a customer, worth 75c 39e Port Wine, uuart bottle C9c Tomorrow we will place on sale 8.000 copies of "UP IN THE COCOANUTTREE', both the song and two-step. This is one of the nest ".nx p. -"""-1 Everybody that likes a bright, catchy song or two-step should purchase a copy ot this while on sale, regular 60c selection, our price tomorrow, only 19c; by mall o. We will also include some other nice popular pieces in mis sm.. Dance, very popular. Hyacinth Intermexio, very new. docii "-'- " Waltzes. Oypsy ITophet. new iwo-step. run; l 7 , Beard." Rambling Moee and Sammy, two-stepa Only a Bunch of V lolets. very pretty new ballad. The Same Old Crowd, cnynjiiy s. .irmmY" V' Com'. retty. Tho Beer That siaoe . LV. ' m v, in -The Hllllonalre." Two Sweet Ouecn. t.y iw A:'" "" S ." . "11 u-.l v J-mle. The Vrn .VhZ;uanrn-oSam.w; wUlplaJe on Sale t only. lie Per copy by pre My Old to above are mail, Due. Meats Meats Heats We don't care what others do In qual-1 Veal Stew, rer pound SHc Ity and price. They can t beat us. Veal Roast, per pound 6He mmab Koll Ileef. uer Douud Pot Roast, per pound Porterhouse Steak, per pound Prime Rib Roast, 10c and .... Mutton Stew, per pound Mutiou leg. per pound Multun Roust, per pound ' 5c i Veal Btah- JT pound i!!l(c! Pork Chops. S pounds for ... . . . tic ! Spare Rlhs, per pound ... Sc I No. 1 Hams, any brand .... . .84:0 I Mir own make of sauxage . .. tic; 12 pounds Leaf Lard fur ... 10c 26c .ic HVic 7c $100 Groceries Groceries Groceries Set of Teeth Another Trading Stamp Special, for Saturday tli) $5.00 W CJr?.flV-P 21 pound. Pure Cane Granulated Sugar $1.00 Jon I.OI.D FILLINGS-! P ........ ......... i.j0 M Cornineal , 1-Vs Th Our work is of high sUndard and prices ,bJ Jlllnd picked Navy Beans. Rice. Tap-! n t'.Jvm - loca. WagJ, Barleyor Farina for . ..lStcl t per pound l?Hc Coffee, per pound. lto EXTRACTING VITALIZED AIR .. SILVER FILLINGS ...2T .& .I'M TAFT'S DENTAL ROOHS, 1517 Douglas St Charles F. Krellc TIN, bHELT IRON AND FURNACE WORK, ETC. All Kinds of Furnace and Stove Castings on Hand. IO . 13th St. . Telephone 3411 12 00 WORTH OF TRADING HIAUra mtEi 10 evj cunumrr ui furnanca ui our renown Diamond H Pancake Flour for '3 Cta LETTING DOWN OTHER GROCERY i holes Tea Blftlngs. per PRWFa 1 r ancy uoiaen Hantos e maiket Is still flon.lt., 1 and nrlcoa -. now at their lowent take your choice of eilher kind r..r ii..ui. iu Malta 11a. vigor, y mi o . XKADI NG STAMPS FREE. , P.aC.;V M,c.;oni V.' DRIED FRUIT i-.t cans Fancy Golden Table Syrup.. ..Me b"" V.a,.l.1nJP.r.un5"l 'b .v Ho l-Zi. cans Fancy Tennewe grhura....)i ' lT ' "V ixacnes, id y J 5r 5"f LtfJ n n Mlea 100 E nglish cleaned curranu. lb 8J 1-lb can Fancy Alaska Salmon c Fancy Moor Park apricots, lb m,o lib: can Solid Pa' k.-d I Tomatoes Vrha ANOTHER BCTTKR SPECIAL Fancy t-lb. can Wax or String lieans ic 1-lb. can Egg or Greengage Plums loo Iowa reamery Butter, per pound TRADING STAMPS FREE. .Ho HAVDEN BROS. Men's $3 Pants, $2 For i?at unlay, we oftVr you choice of four hundred pairs of pants that are worth three dollars, for the small sum of $2.00. This pant sale surpasses any of our former sales. Huoh a pick has never been yours. . We have cut the prices on these pants and (jive you the quality and styles that has formed this season's regular stock, at prices that have been reduced a thinl. KEDUCTIOXS IN HOYS' KNKK PANTS Hoys' Knee Pants worth 33c to aOc minced to 250 lioys' Knee Pants worth o7e to 7.V minced to 45c Boys' Knee Pants worth $1.00 to $1.2." reduced to....75c Shoes for Men, Women, Boys These Particularly Strong Values for Saturday 1 Men's Shoes worth $3.50 and $3.00 ot $2.50 Made of box, velour and enamel calf, also vici kid, goodyear welt lace shoes, with good, heavy, substantial soles, all made on foot-form lasts, all the newest styles of toes shoes positively WOIJTII $1.50 AND $3.00 at $2.50. "Indestructible Shoes" for Eoys and Youths This wear-resisting shoe for boys, is made of casco calf good, plump soles, with win? quilting on bottom of sole we guarantee them to be tho best shoe on the market for boys. Sizes 13 J to 2 at $1.50 Sizes 2 J to 5 J at $1.65 Extra Special. Ladies' Shoes Worth $2.50, $3 and $3.50, on Sale Saturday at 75c. These reductions on shoes are' marvelous and seem hardly credible. If you did not know us you might be skeptical, for such values you never had before. They are broken sizes of our discontinued lines and coine only in the following sizes: 3 to GJ widths AA, A and li. i They are strictly high grade shoes, in hand turns and Igoodyear welts. Worth $2.50, $3.00, $3.50 7 J while they last, Saturday i J If you waLit reliable news of the WAR between Russia, and Japan subscribe for The B New York Herald Cable Service will be furnished to readers of The Bee from now on. This will be the very best news service concerning the war. Don't believe it till you see it in The Bee War Maps, 15c HENRY He Sells Stationery. 1615 Farnam St. Opp. N. Y. Life L5ld nr