THE OMAHA DAILY PEE: FRIDAY. FEHIUTAKY 12, 1904. 2 Che Foo cables that In anticipation of the return of the enemy'a fleet the Russian at Fort Arthur are adopting extra defensive measure. Workmen and troops are tak ing flown MRh brick - buildings which, It u feared, would fall and cause laa of life In the -event -of a Japanese bombard ment. rlrmi previous Report. TOKIO. Wedneedsy, February 10. It la repjrted that two Russlsn battleships and one crulaer were destroyed during the tor pedo attack at Port Arthur Monday night. The Navy department does not confirm the report that the Japanese fleet la Mill off Tort Arthur. Advlrea of a general naval engagement are hourly eapected. The sue ceaa of the Japaneae On the sea would carry enormous advantage and practically decide the war. On psjtr the fleeta are almost equal, although the Japaneae are confident that their personnel lit superior. They say that a drawn battle would really be a Japanese victory on account of Rus sia's lack of facilities io dock and repair its larger craft. The existence of a state of war with Russia was formally announced today by n Imperial proclamation. War Formally Declared, The following- Is the text of the Imperial rescript declaring war against - Russia, which Was Issued In Japan yesterday: We, by the grace of heaven, emperor of Japan, seated on the throne occupied by the same dynasty since time Immemorial, Hereby make proclamation to all our loyal and brave subjects as foltows: We hereby declare war against Russia, and we command our armv and navv to carry on hostilities against it. In obedience 10 tneir fluty, witn all tneir strengtn, ana we also command all oar competent ail- thorrtles to mae every effort In pursuant of their duties to attain the national aim with all the means within the limits of the law of nations. . We have always deemed It essentlnl In International relations and hare made It our constant 1m.. to promote the pacific progress of our empire In civilization, to strengthen our friendly ties with other states and to establish a state of things which Would mnlntaln enduring peace In the tar east, and ensure the future security of our dominion- wtthont Injury to the rights or Interest of other powers. Our comDctent authorities have also performed their duties In obedience to our will, that our relations with all the powers had been steadily growing In cordiality. It was thus entirely against our expectation that we have unhappily come to open hostllltlea against Russia. The Integrity of Corea is a matter of the gravest concern to this emolre. not only or our traditional rela tions with that country, but because the separate-existence of Corea Is essential to the safety of our realm. Nevertheless, Russia, 'In disregard of her solemn treaty pledges to cnlna ana ner reportea assur ances to other powers, Is still In occupa tion of Manchuria, haa consolidated and strengthened her hold on those provinces and Is bent upon their final annexation. And, since the absorption of Manchuria by Russia would render It Impossible to maintain tha Integrity of China and would. In addition,; compel (he abandonment of bone nt rxiirfe In the far east, we were fletermlned In those circumstances to settle the ouestlon by negotiations and to secure thereby permanent peace. With that ob ject In view our competent authorities, by our order, made proposals to Russia and frequent 'conference were held during the Inst six mpntna, Russia, however, never met such proposals In a, spirit of con ciliation, but bv wanton delays nut off a settlement of the serious q-.iestlona. and hv ostensibly advocating peace on one hand, while n the other extending her haval and military preparations, sousht to accomplish ier own selfish design. We cannot In the least admit that Russia had from the first anv serious or genuine de sire for peace. She r1ected the pronosal of our government. The safety of Corea was In danger and the '"teres j of our e-n- rlre avero menaced. The guaranties for the future which we failed to secure by peaoeful negotiations can now only be nhtnlHA hv m n aftrtn1 to arms It Is one earnest wish thst bv me toy. slty and valor of our faithful sublects peee tnav soon be permanently restored and theglery of our empire preserved . ' ' ronnrm story of Fight. 'The; destruction of the Russian cruiser power, to the nearest port of Its own coun V.rla. and the gunboat Koret. at Che- L'lfdVr0'..?, mVo" be' S, g? mtilpo n Tuesday la wnciaiiy cmnrmea, buf aertW5TeviakHigf "Admiral" Urtk, 1 u,,cua, wmon 11 would De entitled le re commaMU. vlhe.a.panes, .quadron. sent no'narbe a cablegram, io the Navy department, say- 1 lnK.lhat.lhe .two Russian .vessels weighed anchor at noon, steamed down the bay and encountered the Jananese fleet while round- I lnr-n island nine miles from Chemulpo, have ben last Pgliel her within the wat It Is pot known who first opened Are. but woVprtve tno exchange tasted thirty-four minutes, piled, have entered a port of the govern- The-RUSfflatf 'Ships withdrew to cnemuipo. The Korets exploded about 4:30 o'clock. It Is not clear how the Varlag was ds- Itroyed. The loss of life and the effect of the shells on the Russians are unknown. i l rvr,lhl! that the Russian crew aided It Is possible-that tne Russian crews aia-oi ftn the destruction or tneir vessels to avoid 1 I Rapture and annihilation.. The Japanese did not lose .,' man and thalr ships were not .Injured. Tha names or tne Japanese snips are withheld for strategical reasons. The Russian crews, It Is reported, surrendered to the Jananese at ' Chemulpo. Japan Is elated by (U success In Its engagement. ? - ,, rreaeh Hi Damage is Blight. ( PARIS, Feb. it Advice received by the Foreign - offtoe ' ar to tha effect' that the ,amage. Ukraine by the Russian battle- amp. vxarviicn, oeacnea-at s-on Annur (m tha night of February I after being tor- " . K t-lfcv. - -J , pedoed by the Japanese, is not so serious a.nd that It will be able to resume active service shortly. -: The cutting bf the cables compels offi cial messages from Corea to come here by way of St.-Petersburg, causing a delay of '.twelve hours. Th ore fore no official con- ' - prmatlon haa been received of the report that the emperor of Corea had Bought . . ?LJ reruge in tne rrenca legation, nor haa the Foreign office bOn officially notified that the crews of the sunken Russian warships . Varleg and Korets took refuge on the French eruiser Pascal, after the engage- ' -. Btent at Ihemuipo. ' t OfflcfaT sentiment here is somewhat reas- -.,4 k- ivi.i ci.. . Zl IT ZT Vi ' " "'V """ to the power 4w tha subject of the neu- .trality - and '-iategrlty of China, United tatea Amhakssdoe Pnrtr hsvlnr nlnt-it ? . !f Amoas-aaor t-orter naving pointed ut that the powers have a common inter st In keeping China neutral. Foreign Minister Telcasse evinces the utmost de- February Sale . v "' OP Infants' Wear Ag. Exclusive Exhibit of InUnU' Dainty Apparel and Juvenile ,' Lingerie. The newest Ideas In find a shewing here. Infants' wear The Tnost approved patterns, the osinuest neeaiewora ana trimming, tne soiitet. nnest materia s and th lowest prices are characteristics of the display. Your Critical Inspection la Invited sll along the lines, whether un the Nainsook dresses with tucks and Insertions at h or perhaps on tne bcauiirui naud-made garmeuis. SNAPS . THIS WFEK IN BOYS' SUITS, OVERCOATS. CAPS. (1LOVK8. SHIRTS; GIRLS' CROATS. FURS. MlTTkNS AND UIXJVKd. i Most store round town have a smattering of Juvenile apparel, but the "Hoys' and Ulrla' Store's Is bead- quart era. Phope 1701. Write for Catalogue. .BENSON &TH0RNC5 4y.,-.. ' . "V sire to co-operate with the t'nlted States so long as nothing Inimical to Russia Is done. The friendly sentiments of the French government toward the t'nlted Stated art Indicated by the meaeage of both rresldent Jyoubet and M. Delcasse corncemlng the Baltimore disaster. gabatanee of Hay's Note. The Temps says It has received confir mation from official sources of the report from Port Arthur thst the Japanese at tempted to make a landing at the bay of Port Arthur and wsrs Immediately re pulsed. The Temps says the following Is the substance of Secretary Hay's note to the powers on the subject of the neutrality and integrity of China: Consult with the government to which you are accredited witn tne view or learning If. In order to avoid the possible outbreak of trouble In China and to limit the prejudice of war on neutral commerce. It will not be proper to respect the neutral ity of the admlnlatrative entity 01 (jnina. Mr. Hay's phrase "administrative entity" Is hot clear to the officials here, but they say he does not seem to mean th flnteg- rlty of China." The Journal des Debate, In a special dis patch from St. Petersburg, announces that a bombardment of Port Arthur occurred the day before yesterday and again yester day, and says that the Japanese fleet with drew after having suffered severe losses. Today, It Is added, all Is quiet off Port Arthur. The Foreign office receive a dispatch this morning, dated yesterday, reporting that 8.000 Japanese troops were encamped I near Sepul, Corea, some ot which have en- tared the town. It is added that quiet pre- vails there. No mention Is made In the dlsoatch of the presence of the Corean em. peror at the French legation, where he has been reported to have sought refuge, and therefore the authorities here place no credence In the report. Rgardlng the announcement that Russian allocs from the Varlag and Korlets, sunk by the Japanese oft Chemulpo, have sought .... k.v , t 1 .ini. are confirmed, the Foreign office says the French commander offered them an asylum only In the Interest of humanity, that no protest on the subject has been made by the Japanese government and that the refugees will be sent to Russia. They will probably be required to give their parole not to serve again during the war. MUST BE IMPARTIAL (Continued from First Page.) which mar have m-evlouslv onlt the same port, narpor, roadstead or waters. Rules lor Warships. No shin of war or nrlvstear of either hel. "erent snail oe aetainea in any poru nar- States more than twenty-four hours, by reason of the successive denartura from such port, harbor, roadstead or waters of more man one vessel or the otner belliger ent. But If there be several vessels of each or either of the two belligerents in the same port, harbor, roadstead or waters, the order of their d.-parture therefrom shall be so arranced as to afford the ooDortunltv ot leaving alternately to the "easels of the r&Bnanlli.u Kl II 1 A . - , I. ,,agt detention consistent with the object of tnis proclamation. No ship of war or privateer of either bel- llgcrent ahall be permitted, while in any fort, harbor, roadstead or waters within he jurisdiction of the United States to lane in any supplies except provisions and such other things as may be requisite lor the subsistence of Its crew, and excent so much ooa.1 only as may be sufficient to carry sucn vessel, if without any sail steam power, 'then with hlf the quantity ship of wai or privateer in the same or any fther port, harbor, roadstead or watera of ;," -" Vr" th." exp.rXn oPt" months from thn lima .hen annti xnai wim-u mnv ueiongs. Rights of Neatrala. And 1 further Aa1uia a ...T ...n:.uiM At. by the flrst article of the convention as l r'Kntl' of neutrals at sea which was c.onolVded bftween the United States of Amertca ftnd Ma majpgty, the emoeror of an the Russlas, on (he tlA day of Julv D., ISM, the following principles were Jw?: " perm,n!,lt anJ Immutable, First. That free Shins tnuka r. annHa- that la to say, that the effects or goods belonging to SUblectS or IHm-n nf a nnar and state at war are free from capture and confiscation when found on board of neutral vessels with the exception of arti cles of contraband ot war. Becond. That the property of neutrals on board an enemy's vessel Is not subject 10 i'uiiuBciion unless tne same do con traband or war. tWe ?tatuteshof thUn'lted StStw'and im law or nations alike reaulre that no person within the territory and Jurisdlc- nun vi ma 1 mieu oimrs snail tase part, ,.lrtiv , i,ii,.i i ,. . out snau remain at oeace with each of the said belligerents, and shall maintain a strict and Impartial neutrality, and that whatever privileges shall be accorded to one belligerent within the norta nf th United States shall be In like manner ac- '"I1 ui? otlhr- , . .... ... . " ' iit-iwwjt riijuui m 11 ina limu till- ns of the United States and all persons IE- 1 "Su a V 1,- . i . .if the I nlted Slates to observe the laws thereof and to commit no action contrary to tne provisions oi tne saia statutes or Ln.hrfllUon 0f the Uw f ,laUon ta that And I do hereby warn all cltlsens of the T'nlted States and all peraons residing or being within their territory or Jurisdiction th(lt wnlle lho fr and full expression of sympathies In publlo and prlate Is not re- stiicted by the laws of the I'nletd Btates. military forces In aid of each belligerent cannot lawfully be originated or organised within their Jurisdiction, snd while all per- I m7 iiui.j nnu wnnuui. i-air uon manufaoture and anil within the United States arms and munitions of war and other articles ordinarily known as "con traband of war," yet they cannot Carry such articles upon the high seas for the or service or eltner belligerent, nor can they transport soldiers and officers of either, or attempt to break any blockade ny l ollsl which may be lawfully eslaousneo and maintained during the war. without Incur ring the risk of hostile capture, and the penalties denounced by the law of nations In that behalf. And I do hereby direct thst cltlsens uf the United Btates wno may mis conduct themselves In the premise will do so at their peril, and taat tney can in no wise obtain any protection from the gov ernment of the United Btates against the consequences of their conduct. in 1 . n.-a wriprir. i nave nereunio ser my hand and cauaed the seal of the t'nlted Btates to be affixed. Dana at tha rltv of Washington this 11th day of February, In the year (seal) of our Lord one thousand nlns hundred and four, and of the Independence of the United i States the one hundred and twenty-eighth. By the president. . THEDORB ROOSEVELT. JOHN HAT. Secretary of State. Rod Hel from th On. Was the ball that caused horrible ulcers on G. B. Btoadman. Newark, Mich. Buck- ten's Arnica Balve soon cured him. - 2to For sal by Kuhn . Co. Yosmd Fir raaueaalea. We wish to announce that we have re ceived telegrams from all the fire Insur ance companies represented by us, and we arc pleased to state their stability Is In no way affected by the Baltimore conflagra tion. H. E. Palmer. Son Co-, Safe and sound Insurance. Tel. 9. Mer chants' Nstlonal bank building. Always . Rememeer tme fall Nfsse laxative tlromo Quiatna 1 1 vmrm mm mmm imy, wmm awjre a M A. hk SS. - on every 9U 9io NOTE NOT FULLY UNDERSTOOD Boiiian Frtii Bagardi Hay Uanlfeito an Attempt at Mediation. GREAT BRITAIN SHARES HAYASHPS VIEW GoTCraraeat at Washington Will Be Led lato N IHecasalen of Details t This Stage ol Negotia tions. ' ST. PETERSBURG Feb. 11. Secretary Hay's note to the powers has attracted much attention In diplomatic circles here. Any movfment having for Its purpose the limiting of the scene of hostilities Is re ceived with sympathy, but In certain quar ters the practicability of the action sug gested Is questioned. A prominent diplo mat expressed Surprise today that the preservation of Corea was not Included In the note. The wishes of the t'nlted States have been communicated to the Russian govern ment and presumably also to Japan. At the Foreign office the Associated Press learned this afternoon that ho responses had been made and It was considered ex tremely doubtful whether Russia felt It Self In a position to jnnke any declarations now, as these might hamper 'Its military operations. The question was said to be one for the military authorities to decide and the representations of the t'nlted States, which are understood to be couched in the most courteous terms, probably will be rererrea to viceroy Aiexien. Newspapers here do not fully understand the purport of the note and regard It as an attempt at mediation, the bare Bug gestion or wmcn, wnne me country is smarting under the sting of defeat, creates irrltatlcm. Tna veaomosti points out mat tne unnea nave inuiatea a joini action a nnigni ago 10 restrain japan ana . " 18 now ,ao u""er" u',. "-. after Its experience at Berlin, has had enough of International congresses. The following clause In Secretary Hay's note Is considered here to be Important : Proposing Joint representations to Rus- 10 circumscribe the war operations as far as possible with a View to preventing dis orders In China which might threaten in ternational trade and to the preserving of the Integrity of China. The prompt declaration of the neutrality of the t'nlted States, although expected as a matter of course, has madea good Im pression here. The bitterness against Great Britain, great during the negotia tions between Russia and Japan, is as suming most alarming proportions. The supposition that Great Britain evacuated Wel Hal Wei to give Japan a base whence to attack has called out the deepest Indig nation, whlqh has been still further In flamed by the publication In Great Britain of a blue book on Thibet, containing the offensive language of l,ord Lansdowne. Even In less stirring time this would have caused a public sensation. The irst authentlo news of the fighting at Chemulpo has been printed hei-a vaguely and without details. The admiralty has Issued spectflc orders that no telegrams from the far east, either for private persons, newspapers or news agencies will be transmitted. The ad miralty will give out official reports. Creates Favorable Impression. VIENNA, Feb. 11. The note of Secre tary lllay has created a favorable Impres sion In diplomatic circles here, and M Maklno, the Japanese minister, has ex pressed hla satisfaction with It bares Ilayashl'a Views, JiONDON, Feb. .11. With, regard to . Sec retary Hay's . note to the powers on the neutrality of China, the British' foreign office sees no reason why the proposition regarding China proper should not be Inlnoit In bv nil tha nowers. but the srov- ernment shares the views of Bafon Hay ashl, the Japanese . minister here. In re gard to Manchuria, as expressed In these dispatches yesterday. Maaebnrla Sot Mentioned. WASHINGTON, Feb. ll.-Regardlng the criticism of Baron Hayaahl on Secretary Hay's note to the powers. It can be stated that the word Manchuria Is not used In the note, nor has the State department authorised any Interpretation of the note so as to specifically Include that province, though the State department will not be led into a discussion of details at this stage of the negotiations. By a high offi cial It was said tonight that the powers agreed to preserve the Integrity nf China In 1900 and that It was not specified how much of China was Included In the gen eral term. Secretary Hay's note merely foUow th ,lnM of the prlm;,DU then enunciated. RUMOR OF ANOTHER FIGHT (Continued from First Page.) tralltv laws to American snipping ana also to the specification of articles that might I , . . .v.-., m , bs regarded as contraband or war, it was "c""' 1 1 tn -tinrnev general and the secretary of war for approval, WASHINGTON. Feb. 11. President Roosevelt signed the proclamation declar ing the neutrality of this government In the Russo-Japanese war at 1:68 o'clock this afternoon Aiexleff la Jtapreso Command. BT. PETERSBURG. Feb. U. It is offi cially announced that Admiral Aiexleff has been appointed to the supreme command of the Russian land and aea forces In the far east. The minister of finance has Issued a communication which warns the people against becoming panlcstrlcken and sacri ficing the securities they hold, as thereby they will only benefit the speculators. The ministry expects the people to remain calm and collected regarding events In the far east, which, while they may create tem porary difficulties, cannot shake Russia's economic power. It points out that stocks fell at the outbreak of the Russo-Turklsh war In 1977, but that within a fortnight quotations recovered. The experience. It says, Is now being repeated. V Th note of the finance ministry had a good effect. On the Bourse Russian bonds recovered t per cent and rentes and other securities Improved. Orders have been issued for the forma tlon of a third Siberian army corps and a transbalkan division of Cossacks. These will be Incorporated In the Manchurlan army. A dispatch from Irkutsk, Siberia, aays orders have been Issued to hsve the rail road acroas the ice-covered Lake Baikal completed by February Za. The contractors have been promised a bonus of $1,500 for each -day's earlier completion. It was announced February that as the passage of Lake Baikal by train across the Ice appeared too dangerous the Rus sian reinforcements would cross the Ice on foot, and the war material would be transported over a temporary Una, which Is probably the undertaking referred to In the dispatch from Irkutsk. Lake Baikal is frosen over from January to May. Rigid Press Ceasorsalsi. The rigid censorship still prevents the newspapers, this afternoon, from receiving war news either from Russian or foreign sources. No news has been received since Viceroy AlexleS's dispatch and the publlo consequently Is completely In the dark.. All manner of rumor are afloat. The govern' ment. however, has taken measures to counteract their publication, forbidding the retail sale of the principal offender, the St. Petersburg Oaaette. The government expressed great displeasure at the publica tion of the report of a Russlsn victory and J the raising of fslse hopes among the population. Nevertheless, the rumors circulated ver bally ate greedily swallowed. According to one report here the Russian armored cruiser Gromobol recently sailed out of Vladivostok, destroyed twenty Japanese transports off southern Corea and wal herself sunk by the Japanese cruisers. Another story claimed that four of the Vladivostok warships under Admiral Btackelberg had sunk four Japanese trans ports. The most circumstantial story current In St. Petersburg Is a report of the sinking of the Russian crulset Varlag off Chemulpo. Press is Less Bitter. Still another Is to the effect that the re cent Japanese attack on Port Arthur was a feint to protect tha passage of transport bound to Bhan Htl Kwan to land Japanese troops there and effect a conjunction With the forces of Yuan glial KaU the Chinese commander-in-chief, and attack the Rus sians In the rear. These are but samples of the reports cur rent In the Russlsn capital. All the Russian navigation companies having vessels In far eastern waters are anxious about their fate. The volunteer fleet Ij particularly .concerned regarding the Ekaterlnostav, which loft Vladivostok February 4, and the-VeroneJ, which left Shanghai, tea-ladeo, for Singapore, Feb ruary . No news of either vessel has reached here. All the naval officers In St. Petersburg this morning attended a Service at the Church of 8t. Nicholas. The tone of the press comment today Is less bitter against Japan, which Is perhaps significant. The report circulated here that the t'nlted States has offered Its good services Is corn- American Minister Reports. WASHINGTON, Feb. ll.-Two cablegrams were received at the State department to day from Mr. Allen at Seoul, dated Feb ruary 10, both referring to the naval en gagements off Chemulpo an February 8 and . The minister In his first dispatch reports the arrival of twenty-one Japanese naval vessels at Chemulpo on the afternoon of Fibruary 9. Two Russian naval vessels, the Varlag and Korets, were In Chemulpo harbor and attempted to prevent the land ing of Japanese forces, but with no success. The foreign naval 'vessels, the minister says, were -generally leaving the harbor. There was a report that the Japanese naval vessels had captured transports oft Mokpu on February t. The second dispatch says: A naval engagement took place In Chemulpo harbor, beginning about noon. Tho Varlag and the Korets again at tempted to escape, but failed. The Varlag was Injured. On their return the Japanese naval vessels announced offi cially that they would attack the p'ace ai. 4 o'clock p. m. At the latter hour the Ko rets blew up and sunk. It was a slow ves sel, which mode It difficult for It to escape. The Japanese navst vessels attacked th Varlag from the outside harbor until It sank. Twenty-five hundred Japanese troops are In Seoul. Repeating the charge that the Japanese attack on Port Arthur was made from Wtl Hal Wel, on the north coast of the Bhan Tung peninsula, the Novoe Vremya today bitterly assalts Great Britain. "In allowing Japan to use the harbor as a basis of operations," says the Novoe Vremya, "Great Britain violated the funda mental principles of neutrality. Wel Hal Wel must be regarded, henceforth as part of Japanese territory, and Great Britain has forfeited the right to: participate In any de liberations over the eventual fate of the harbor." The Novoe Vremya further holds that the case Is analagoua to that of the Alabama and says Russia Is entitled to demand com pensation frqmGrsjatBrltaln for the losses It has sustained. ..f, -. Organise Hospital Corps for Japan. JANESVILLB, WW.. Feb. lt.-CharleB F. W. Donnelley of Madison, Wis.', has been accepted as a member of the Japanese army hospital corps, now being organised by Dr. Nicholas Senn In Chicago, and has been ordered to report at once in Ban Francisco, where passports will be await ing him. French Hold Russian l'ostofflce. TIEN TSIN, Feb. it The Russian garri son was withdrawn yesterday to Shan Hal Kwan. The postoffice was transferred to tho Fiench authorities. . . . Yuan Shnl Kal, governor of Kal Tai pravlnce and commander-in-chief of the army, has, Issued, a proclamation forbid ding meetings of secret societies or sedi tious movements. The Japanese are flooding Peking gratis with newspapers containing reports of the Japanese successes against Russia. PORT BAID, Feb. ll.-The Russian trans port Smolensk and one torpedo boat have entered the Suet canal. Japanese Commissioner Jabllaat. ST. LOUIS, Feb. 11. The members of the Japanese World's ffclr commission now In Bt. Louis have sent a. cablegram to the mikado congratulating him on the victories won by his ships from Russia. "We will have victory after victory now," said one of the commissioners, as he laughed and bowed thanks for congratula tions. "In two week you will hear that our soldiers have crossed the Yalu and cut Russia's line of communications. Then what will the Russians doT With their sup plies gone, I guess they will have to sur render." Ships Harry to Far East. NEW YORK, Feb. Il.-The Chicago training ship. General Bequando, now cruising in Italian waters, has been ordered, says a Valparaiso dis patch to the Herald, to proceed to the far cast. The Italian ' cruiser Llgurla, with the duke of Abrusxl on board, will start dl recti y from Buenos Ayres, Argentine, to Japan, cables the Herald's correspondent at Valparaiso, Chile. It had been ex pected that the vessel would visit Chilean ports. Will Mak ton Feel (, Electric Bitters are a marvelous tonle and work wonders for a weak, run down system. Try them. Only G0o. Fdr sale by Kuhn Co. PUTS COMPANY OUT OF ACTION Horn Insnrnnc Company of New York Will Tak Over Baltimore IsMfsae Baslne-aa. NJ5W YORfc. Feb. ll.-Negotlatlons hsve been concluded whereby the Home Insur ance company of New York takes over the business of the Peabody Fire Insurance company 'of Baltimore, which will go out of business. The Peabody was one of the companies which suffered a heavy loss In Baltimore risks. HYMENEAL. Mraa-Bnrk. BANCROFT, Neb., Feb. U.-( Special. - Miss Maude Burke, daughter of Hon. D W. Burke of this place, and Ezra R. Mora of Tskamah were united In marriage yes terday afternoon at the home ot the bride' father in Bancroft. Rev. Henry Stewart of the First Presbyterian church conducted the ring ceremony. Mr. and Mrs. Moran will reside In Tekamah. A Caarnaed Car lor Piles. Itching. Blind. Bleeding or Protrudlnl PUaa- Your druggist will refund money II PAro OINTMENT falie I cur eu I t M days. . SENATOR H ANN A MINIMISE Fhy.'iciint Eff ard Hit Condition Preoariom and Are Conosroed. REALIZE PATIENT HAS LOST GROUND Stimulants Administered with Bene ficial Rffects and Extraordinary Precaatlona Observed to iecore Qalet. WASHINGTON. Feb. ll.-Senator Hen na's condition Is very serious, If not pre carious. His physicians realise this snd are watching tho case with the greatest concern. The senator Is considerably weaker today and as a result his pulse had run up nt t o'clock to 104 pulsations to the minute. The Increased weakness Is the direct result of th fever, as the official bulletin shows there are no com plications. The physicians hope that the fever has reached its worst stage, but whether or not It has .they declare they are unable to say. They are simply wait ing for developments and realise the pa tient has lost ground the last two days. Stimulants have been given the senator with beneficial results. He rested well during the afternoon and retained the nour ishment given him the last twenty-four hours. This latter feature of the case Is encouraging to the physicians. , Extraoidlnary precautions are being taken to Insure quiet In and around the hotel so that the senator may get all the natural sleep possible. The motormen of the street t-ara almost a block away have been requested not to ring their gongs, as their sudden clanging seemed to Irritate the senator. After the evening visit of the physicians the senator slept for an hour and a half, which considerably re freshed him. Dr. Carter remains at the hotel all the time. The following bulletin on Senator Han na' condition was Issued tonight: At ft p. m. Benator Hannn was resting guletly. Hla temperature when taken at o'clock was 102.2, pulse 104, respiration 28. There has been no change In his gen eral condition since the morning, bulletin was Issued. He retains all the nourishment flven him for the past twenty-four hours, here are no complications. RIXEY. CARTER. KANSAS CITY WOMAN BURNS Fatal Fire in Apartment Hons in Which Several Are Injured. KANSAS CITT, Feb. It One woman lost her life and four others were In jured, one perhaps fatally, in a fire today that destroyed a three-story brick apart ment house at Fifteenth and Harrison Streets, In the southeastern part of the residence district. There were several nar row escapes and many Jumped from the second and third story windows. The dead: MISS JESSIE AVE RILL, nged 30, burned to death. The Injured: Miss Ida Parish, badly burned and in jured Internally, perhaps fatally. Miss Lena Snelllng, fuce and hands burned, seriously. Miss Margaret Shaw, face and head burned, seriously. Miss Minnie Taylor, head and hands badly burned, arm broken. The fire was started by the explosion of gasoline stove in Miss Averlll's room. Bhe was burned to a crisp and her body fejl 'out of the window, through which she had apparently aough to escape. Miss Avertll was a clerk In a millinery store. Her parents live near Ottawa, Kan. MORE MONEY FOR THE FARMER enate Committee Adds Materially ' to the Appropriation Bl'l. (From a Staff Correspondent.) , WASHINGTON, Feb. 11. (Special Tele gramsThe senate committee on agricul ture haa decided to odd to tho house agri cultural appropriation bill en Item of SSO.OOO for establishing four cattle feeding experi ment stations, one to bo located In New England, one In the south, one In the mid dle west and one In the west. The western station will be nt Fort Collins, Colo. Tho committee also Added 15,000 to the bill for Irrigation Investigations, making the appropriation 170.000. Five thousand Is added for investigating poisonous plants In the west and $100,000 for the forestry bureau. The house today passed a bill providing that whenever It shall appear to the com missioner of the land office that an error has heretofore been made by officers of any local land office In receiving any ap plications, declaratory statement, entry or final proof under the homestead or other land lews, and there was no fraud prac ticed by the entrymen, and that there are no prior adverse ctalments to the land de scribed In tho. entry, and that there Is no other reason why title should not vest In the etitryman except that said application, declaratory statement, entry or proof Was not made wlthtn the land district In which the lands applied for are situated, such entry or proof shall he confirmed. ,' OPPOSES THE EIGHT-HOUR LAW Representative of Anil-Boycott Usise Appear Before Honae Csnnl. tec on Labor. WASHINGTON, Feh. H.-Opposltlon was entered against pending eight-hour legisla tion before the house committee on labor today by Daniel Davenport, an attorney of Bridgeport, Conn. Mr. Davenport said he was the general agent of the American Anti-Boycott association, composed of a large number of manufacturers, combined for enforcing the laws against boyfott of man, his business or product. Mr. Davenport's ground of opposition was that RIIEULlATISClSIIDULDERl If Stop tho Pain with an AflH(BOcE$! Capital and Suipla. J1M.0CO.0O. Idle Funds Have yon money Ijirj idle awaiting investment T n hy not let it earn 4 per cent interest in thil bank T It will be aksohitely aai and yield a handsome income without any worry or bother on your part. Thie i the oldest and strongest Saving bank In th State, and haa iever railed to . II! . I ., . 1 . . oD J bt a. meet ever oougauun promptly sido lis 1 Wa furnish little steel bank CITY SAVINGS HANK Brown Block, Sixteenth and Doaglaa Street nttlllt. SAFE AND SOUND FIRE INSURANCE Not one of the companies represented in our agency impaired In the BALTIMORE DISASTER McCAGUE INVESTMENT CO. IS06 Dodgre Street. B. E. McCAQUE, Mgr. Insurance Dept. eight-hour legislation was not wanted, either by the employer or employe. It was, he .said, socialistic legislation of the worst character. TRY TO BLOW ' UP BRIDGES Police Think It Work of Men Who Were Refnsed Fmploj. ment. , ANSONIA, Conn.. Feb. 11 An attempt was made last night to blow up the brl.lge being erected for the New Tork, New Haven & Hartford railroad tirro.a thi Naugatuck river here. Appurently the ob ject was to wreck one of the. abutments and also a big traveling crane which the contractors, th Boston Bridge company, have placed in position for handling gird ers. Little damage was done. The bridge watchman was In his shnnty, when he heard an etploslon and, looking out, raw four men running away. Later seven sticks of dynamite were found about the structure. The police are working on the theory that the attempt was connected In some way with the troubles which are al leged to have been threatened on the re fusal of the company to employ any union men on the bridge. Recently Joseph Clancy, a walking dele gate of the Bridge Workers' union, who came here from Bridgeport to look after union interests, was stabbed by unknown aseailants. SYRACUSE BANK IS CLOSED Small New York Bank Fall nnil Mo Statement is Given Ont. 8TRACT8E, N. Y., Feb. 11. The Amer ican Exchange National bark of this c ty was closed today by National Bank Ex aminer Berlah Van Rankin. No statement of the bank's condition has yet been given out. NEW YORK, Feb. 11. The American Ex change National bank of Syracuse had a paid up capital of t'.'OO.OOO. According to a recent statement the bank owed depositors 1500.000. WASHINGTON. Feb. U. The comptroller of the currency has been advised by Na tional Bank Examiner J. Van Vranken that the directors of the American Ex change National bank of Syracuse, N. Y., voted last night to close its doors and that It has not been opened for business today. The comptroller has appointed Examiner Van Vranken as receiver. The immediate cause of the failure is hot known. Accord ing to a statement of the bank's condi tion, dated January 23, its resources and liabilities were fv06,0il; capital, tXiO.OuO; de posits, 1237,062. SLUM WORKER IS STRANGLED Woman Who Married Chinaman Dies nd Arrested Hasband Is Released. CHICAGO, Feb. U.-Lee Chang, the Chinaman accused of strangling hi Amer ican wife to death with a quilt, was dls rhsrged today from custody. Evidence against the Chinaman was lacking. The woman's name previous to her marriage to Chang wa Lillian Russell. Eh Is said to have been a slum worker for a Baptist Sunday school in Pittsburg. SANTA FE MAKESAN0THER CUT Declares a Redaction of Two Cent on Grain to th Golf from Coantry Folata. KANSAS CITY, Feb. ll.-The Banta Fe railroad today declared a further reduction of 3 cents In the rate for wheat and corn from country points to tha gulf port. The Missouri rnclfie and Rock Iland roads have met the cut. The rates from terri tory west of the Mississippi to gulf port have been reduced two-thirds since the grain rate war started three weeks sgo. This painful trouble can be re lieved and cured by usinj an AUcock's Porous Plaster. Warm the plaster before ap plying if not relieved by beatime, piace a noi waier bag against the plaster on the shoulder. RIMIMSIR Tktst Blaster trv gaa 1r ait ssia as uehst. Tkay ka ka la aae lurt, kavo hm latliaic sioraikas enlcla ar aol, aa Ban mta mr rarea tBaS ear attar aiiarsal nmtiy. Caarssata sat waas tala acllaSoaaa, splsai r ay aaUea vaauvar. POROUS PIASTER organisation id ipo. to plac In th hoirw free. TV trn Tel. 415. ALEX Q. CHARLTON, Secy. CALL FOR JJNC0LN PARTY Issued by Kornier Mayor ot t'oonrll Blnffs to Consider Questions of the Civil War. BT. LOUIS, Feb. 11. A call haa been Issued for a natlonul nominating conven tion of the Lincoln republican party to be held In St. Louis on July 25. The call Invites the attendance of all persons, whit's jp' or colored, who favor pensioning former slaves; who believe In paying for property of southerners confiscated or destroyed during the civil war; who favor a national ox-slave school fundv Increased wage for mall carriers, and union labor. The call Is Issued by W. R. Vnughan of St. Louis, who was formerly mayor of Council Bluffs. When you set thick and "dopey" It's your liver getting lazy. Wrights Indian Vegetable Pills $50 . S50 All Goitres Can Be Cured. It affotds me great pleusure to announce to those suffering from Uoltre that I can positively cure them. I use the German treatment which haa never been known to fall. I will give fbu for every uncured oh sc. You can be cured at home. Consultation free. If you have Goitre write me for par ticulars. J. W. JENNET, M. V.. Box lit Saline, Kan. AMlsKMENT. ft CRCIQHTON , Mum, Telephone 1SS1. Every Night. Matinees Thursday,'' Satur day and Sunday. Modern Vaudeville Klvana and Wonderful Horse Lokl, Br-rew-Lancaster Co., Carlln Otto, IlenrV Humbert!. Lut Bros., Lowe-Hughes Dm and the Klnodrome. Prices, 10c, 2bo, 60c. Neat WeekThe Oreat Orphenm Show Seats Now On Sale. KR.UG THEATER 15 2550 75c Bargain Matinee Saturday Best Seats, Kc. TONIGHT AT (:U "A HOME-SPUN HEART" Sunday Matins IIAHK.MIUCK'S ANIMALS BOY D 8-Wood ward & Burgess. Mgr. tundar MitlnM and Night Mm. tor aatt S5e THB PINKIN HUDKER." Thurwlav Mat. Nlhl TUB SILVKH flLlPPBEt." Frl. A Sat. A Night "MRW. LANOTRT ' LEGAL KOTICUS. NOTICK FOR PROPOSALS TOWN OF CABPBR SANITARY BtiWKR 8V8TEM. OFFICJ3 OF THE TOWN L'LKHK AND RKCOItDJCR. CASPKU. Wvo.. Feb. 10. Sealed proposals for th furnishing of all material, sui plies, labor, etc., required for constructing In place sanitary snwers, their manholes and appurtenances In and for the town or cuer sanitary sewer svstem, in the state of Wyoming, In accordance with plans and eixvlncations adopted and pre scribed by the said town, wll! be received at the ottire of the town clerk and recorder in the town of Casper aforesaid until two (2) o dock p. m. Monday, r onruary IH, at which hour the bida will Lie publicly opened and read aloud. TO insure g'Ksi raj in on tne part oi tne bidder a certified or cashier's check In tho sum of i-'u on some approved national bank in the town or Casper must accompany each bid, payable to the town uf Caitper, and to be fwrfeltwd to the town of Casper aa liquidated damages In case the bid shall be accepted ana ine Diaaer snau fan tor ten days sfter notice of such acceptance, given nersonaJly or by mall to hla addret,, Mo erter into the contract awarded him. Printed cornea or this advertisement, n" tlce to bidders, siaU-ments of the work, specification, b'ank forms for propoasln, contract, bond, etc., may be seen and ob tained by known responsible purtt at the office of th town clerk ana recorder on and after February la 1IW, ana until in hour of opening bid. The uoceasrul binder will n require iu furnish a bond of three thousand dollar iu.o0u.noi. executed bv some surety com pany to be approved by the town of Casper The right Is reserved to reject any or all bias, snd tnereupon to eovcnisa it iui ther bids, or otherwise as the town msy dem bast. By order of the town of ( asper. Attest. W. S K I M BALL, Mayor. A. T. rHILLlPH. Town Clerk. Feb.l2-19M. I ARB BEST. 3 I Dr. IfeKanVs Elixir of Opium I H For Nroune and leeomnla. : D II , or sal hy all drncclsta. Jjj to NOTICE OF STOCK HOLDKK8 MEETlNt. Notlr is hereby given thst the regular annual meeting of the stoekholdp rs of th South Ptatt ljnd company will be heid'a. tha office of said company in Lincoln, Ne braska, at 11 o'clock a. m. on the SSd day c( Mar. h. A. U. DM. . . By order of the board of directors. C. H. MORRILL, President. A. B. MINOR. Secretary. Lincoln. Neb.. Jao. K. 104. yidUxan .