TI7E OMATTA DAILY HEE: FRIDAY, FERRTTAIiY 12. 1004. if 5ee Our Cooking; Oemonstra tlons Chaflrtf Dish Cookery Today TODAY IS BARGAIN FRIDAY Extraordinary Remnant Sale IN THE BASEMENT Nearly carload of all new. fresh remnants In aale for the first time. One big table of many grades of fine white f li ' cambric, worth 15c yard, at 3 One table various grades bleached muslin, 2VoC worth up to 10c yard, go at One table of all kinds of double fold linings, percales, satins, rustle linings, etc., worih up to 15c yard, Ael 2C sro at The Entire Sirattorv Bankrupt Stock OF Fmcj Silks Worth up to $1, on Sale Friday it 58c mm uiuis s TUB nKI.IAIII.U STORE. 25c, 35c and 50c Silks, cnSali Friday at 18c PIANOS New xa Inch wide T Fine check nslnsoek. 1 Psnty figured mer- f A a y ft ro e !S5?S-.0c Ta..,6ic 'gr.81c w-ss,?"- Ic "JM'SSw 6ic 6ic worth loc yard. at.. mw at New Knickerbocker suitings, the 25c kind, 2VoP mill lengths, go at, yard Table Linen Remnants 15c )$th8, Table Linen Remnants Pleached, half blenched and colored Table ramaek, In 14 to 3-yard lengths, at less than the manufacturers cosi o rasne. Special lot of one yard pieces, worth 40c while they last-yard Remnants of Dress Goods Floor 15c 25c 25c Was bought by Schmoller & Mueller, the full amount paid to F. W. Lohr, the Receiver, for which we hold receipts. remarkable In many ways, the large num- ocr or pianos soio auring a pnon ni trpme rolrl wenfhpr ham larirelv exceeded all previous records. The balance have oeen marked aown too. Double Cut Price rrtu... . i. .a i A no Ii nvy Hro iiminfu in sjimu imnim taKS, and our famous easy terms make ; litem uuuuiy Easy to Buy New Upright Pianos USED UPRIGHT PIAN05 Chicago makes, parlor sizes In choice of woods sold ty Biraiton ior .:-a in j..-. reduced to sell out $122 Van. VnrLr maltH. rAblnet firandi In fancy genuine mahogany or walnuts, titration a price IJOO to JiX) iwonn n ioo, nn mm f'rnce ..5iy to5io. 4n and $rO0 standard makes with names which are laminar to Aniorrm; bargains, If you please, with prices pushed down to $292 P1Z" $238 dJ0vn $192 On our famous eaay monthly payments of $4 00 and la.UO a month. Used Pianos and Organs ..$210 158 188 For All Wool Dress SOc Qoods, in light shades and double width j.100 Davis & Co., nearly dark culors for street wear-three to eight yard ploces-go at kefing" 15 cents. f reduced to c. in w.i i.:arh Cloth and Wool Dress Goods or every a e- 4W Kmerson, a aanay sclptlon and color, regardless of former prices-lengths up to eight .Titei'i, 'targe ' 122 I aim For All Wool Plftv-Cent Albatross, h3?J:rbe 164 Cashmere, Batiste, etc., and pretty cloths for waists and tm singer,' 'fancy 152 J I naf ...a party aresses. r--- fAA ' U. ..... M-W-W 132 z:....92 )94, S6, 175, Bis- offering of fine dress goods in remnants from costume and suit manufacturer two lots. Mohairs Melrose, ArmurB Melrose and Cheviots, Unfln- IQr.AQn It s w vw - iBhed Worsteds, Tweeds, Kerseys, etc., at, yard Specials in Hih CIqlss Silks 39c Boulevard Velvet and Corduroy WnlstlnKS, fine lot, mostly in waist lengths, light, medium and dark colorings, worth up to $1.50 a . yard, at yard mahogany. $275 Schuman. oaK i78 Hale, And other uprights for $118, 8(uare plunoa and second hand organs at your own price. Payment $2 00 to $4.00 a month. 1.500 yards Black Peau de Bole, Taffetas, etc., mill ends, IVi to 10 yards, at about one-half value. Short Pieces Silk and Fancy Velvet, all .ue.0..1.0. .2c-5c-J0c-J9c REMNANTS OF LACES A fine assortment of Torchons, Vals and Cluny Bands, all widths, white, cream and ecru, at, lC2,C"5c Wash Dress Buttons at, dozen . . aSuellER 21c Pearl Buttons on fancy cards at, dozen lie Odds and ends of women's and In Basement Shoe Dept. 1). . ?ranri & pent T &tntti & children's Slippers basement aJ VyC at (INCORPORATED) MANUFACTURE-WHOLESALE-RETAIL F I M O S MAIN HOUSC AND OFflCE: 1313 FAWN AM hctbiiv: !3i rniii" TCLCPHONC 1SS3 OMAHA LINCOLN, NEB iaa a. hth t. Tit. T ' HIDDEN CITIES IN WANT ADS Over Eight Hundred Located in The Bee'i Contest Last Week. RS. 1 L CHRISTY WINS FIRST PRIZE t Early Postmark Oat ! ev Job This Time, Skill, jCBOwld d Plllaenc Alone Ieter ulalnc the Result. rhs world's record in archaeology was left In the deepest shade of obsccrUy last weok by the little army of diligent search ers of The Bee want ad columns, whose labors resulted In the discovery of no less than 800 hidden cities, the majority of them under the disguise of plain, Unas Burning, common words of th English language used In the want ada. The ma Jorlty of readers would have passed hun dreds of them by without suspecting their double character, but words, like other folks, are apt to lead a double life and the detective must often be resorted to In order to expose them. The honors of the contest belong to Mrs. J. tS. Christy, 1920 Emmet street, who found S44 olUes, entitling her to the first prise, $10 in cash. The second prise was won by E. L. Hoag of 330 North Thirty sixth avenue. Ties were not the fashion In this con teat; In fact, they were conspicuously ab sent and the time of postmark was not even Hooked at by the examiners. Bo the J- o'clock-ln-the-morning lark this time ran his legs oft and shivered in the cold in rain. The list of winners Is as follows) FIRBT FIUZE-410.00 CASH. Mrs. J. E. Christy, 1920 Emmet street, imiana, km cities. SBCOND PR1ZE-12.60 CASH. E. 1.. Hoag. 830 North Thirty-sixth ave nue, umaua, iJl cities. THIRD AND FOURTH PRIZE8-$1.25 Ethel A. Iynn, Sill Davenport street Omaha. cities. IC. 8. 1'rosaer. 152S North Twenty-third ireei, uouin umint, km) cities. FIFTH TO NINTH PKIZK8 ONE TEAR OF METROPOLITAN MAGAZINE. Oraee Lillian Owen. 110$ North Fortieth Street, Omaha, 6iS cities. P. A. Sharpe, Friend. Neb.. 461 cities. Mrs. A. Alnsworth. 2411 South Thirteenth si reel, imnna. 4TO cities. O. Potter. 121 North Twenty-sixth street, South Omaha. 378 cities. II. B. Mann. 17 Commercial National name, omana, 3S0 cities. TENTH TO FIFTEENTH PRIZES $125 J. O. Jacobson, !( North Twenty-first ireei, umnna, iw cities. Frank B. Warren, 2973 Dorcas street Omaha, 317 cities. Fred Hansen, 2211 South Eleventh street, omana, sis cities. John F. 8 hul', 204 Tenth avenue, Coun ell Bluffs la.. 2!xi cltien. David T. Reed, 42i& Lake street, Omaha Ziv cities. II. C. King, Renson, Neb., 24 cities. charge of bastardy against Johnson. a hear ing of which charge has been set for the I same court March 7. The girl Is 17 and jonnson is a years oi age. OMAHA MEN WANT A CHANCE Ballders Exchange Asks for prlTlleae to Bid oa Tbren State Jobs. The members of the Omaha Builders' ex change wish to make estimates for bids on three state Jobs, the asylum at Norfolk and the work at Beatrice and at Mil ford, but have been unable to rot the plana sent here for examination. Secretary J. H. Tate has received two letters, one from the land commissioner's office directing him to Inquire of the state architect for information and the second from James Tyler, Jr., state architect, saying the plana are on file with the land commissioner. "Mr. Tyler was here," said Mr. Tata, and explained that the maintenance fund I was not enough for duplicate sets of plans to be made, but that If we wished to pay for it we could get additional sets. We think the Douglas county builders should I receive some consideration. The exchange I has a large membership and It would be I Impossible for them to go to Lincoln to see the plans. A new set would cost us at least $50. We only want the plans for a short time In order to make estimates. It has been the custom of the federal and state governments to send us the plana In this way. The bids must be In by Febru ary 30 and the amount Involved for the three buildings will be about $200,000. Case Goes to Benson. A statutory offense, preferred by Mamie " uuarai aguinsi james Julinson, was dls rnnrgeo. in ponce court lor want of juris dtcllun, as the girl stated the alleged trims uciurrva oeiween Florence and Men son, outside of the Omaha city limits. The rase has been transferred to Judge Eastman's court and a hearing set for March 14. Miss Williams also has filed a WILL CASH CITY WARRANTS Hennlngs Isaacs Jlotlce for Redemp ttoa of Credits Aggregating? g 100,000. City Treasurer Hennlngs has Issued no tice that he will cash city warrants aggre gating $100,000 on and after February 15, when they will cease to draw interest. Money from delinquent tax collections and that received from the county for property sold for taxes has placed the large amount of cash necessary for liquidation of the script In tb hands of the treasurer. The warrants called In are numbered as follows, inclusive: General. 2.068-2.&S5; Judg ment. 143-153; fire, 1.633-1,748; police, 1,560 1.(79; sewer maintaining, 221-259; park, 396- 571; health, 164-202; street cleaning and sweeping, 12&3220; curb, guttering and pav ing, 57668. New York Boston and The East Six trains a day from Omaha over the North-Western Line, the only double-track railway from the Missouri River to Chicago.connects at that point with all lines, for ail points East. These fast trains on the North-Western Line are most conveniently equip ped for the safety and comfort of patrons. Buffet smoking and library cars Superb a la carte dining car service. Drawing-room and private compart ment sleeping cars, free reclining chair cars and standard day coaches. Leave Omaha dally for Chicago at 3:40 a. m., 8:00 a. m., 11:30 a m., 4:23 p.m., 5:50 p.m. and 8:25 p.m. Tickets and full Information on application TICKET OFFICES: 14OI-I40J Panum Street, Omaha Uhwito JLM in Norfolk, sailor blouse, sailor Norfolk, double breasted. Rusalan blouse and three piece styles. In blue serge, black clay worsteds, cheviots, cas.slmcres, worsteds and Scotch cheviots. In blues, blacks. browns and gray mixtures none of these suits worth less than $5.00 O rn our special sale Diice AmmJJ BOYS' REEFERS made with high storm collars, knee length. In vicunas and chin. chlllas, blues and oxford grays, a bp $ to 16 years, worth $3.75 f QC our closlne eut price afJ THE rnirv.s mike vnrt vrtinAY artc at.wavs nw.T.Rmnrna ttin TTtrH FRIDAY IS NO EXCEPTION To THE RULE. HEAD THESE PRICES THEN COME AND EXAMINE THE GOODS WE KNOW YOU WILL BE SATISFIED. TRADING BTAMPS FREE WITH EVERY PURCHASE. Great Clearing Sale of Boys' and Chil dren s Winter Suits. In order to male room for nnr enormoua atoMr nf anrlnv anf nimi... ninth. Ing which Is arriving dally, we have cut the price of all the heavy clothing In two. BOYS' KNEE PANTS StTITS-made up in unti uounie nreasiea siyie, in area from 6 to lfi vearn. In mltn and plain colors, all well made service able garments Rll our sale tirlrn LOU BOYS' KNEE PANTS SUITS-made up in jvorioiK, onuiile nreaaten anrt tnree Plece styles, axes mostly 12 to 16 years, In grays, browns, mixed and plain col ors, tailored In flrt clnas manner none of these suits worth less than 4 $4.50 our clearing nrlne i Z?J BOYS' KNEE PANTS SUITS made up I our closing eut price RADICAL REDUCTIONS ON MEN'S ODD PANTS. We have about 650 pairs men's heavy weight odd pants, In chevlotg, rasslmeres. tinu many mner laonrB, in an snaaes ana colors, stripes, plains, checks, mixtures and plain colors, made to weir and fit perfectly, tailored In the best pos- sinie manner any or them worth $4 60 and $5.00 o e a Our Closing Out Price SS.OU Half Price Embroidery Sale The firm of Kauher, Howe A Co.. of Broadway, New York, have recently moved to their new quarters. Before moving they closed out their entire line of sample sets and slightly soiled embroideries and lnsertlngs to us for 60 CENTS ON THE DOLLAR. THE SALE BEGINS FRIDAY MORNING. and we must close out every niece of this lot at onrA tn mok rnnm tnr nn nni.. summer line. This firm carried nothing except tho verv finest (roods. No seconds no riamnged goods nor any low end or cheaply made goods. Only the very best of materials and finest of work. REMEMBER, this entire lot comes in complete sets, one and two widths of inserting, and two to six widths of edges. PRICES ON THESE GOODS FRIDAY. er yard for goods worth 10c per yard for aoods worth 20c 124c and 13c yard for goods worth ,...2fic 17c per yard for goods worth 3."o 20o per yard for goods worth 40c 25c per yard for goods worth 5uc 3So per yard for goods worth 75c 60c per yard Inr goods worth $1.00 56c per yardflor goods worth $1.25 Ail over embroideries, worth 600 to 7oc per yard will be sold during 1Cir this sale at OVC Great Special Sale in the Great Do mestic Room Friday. The Audrey suitings, the new heavy Scotch suitings. In all the new spring colorings, strictly fast colors, full pieces, worth 20c only tfin on sale Friday, at. vard IvC Short lengths of light and dark colored percales, Amosaeag seersucker ginghams, black satlne, mercerized linings, and all our best flannelettes, worth up 71 to 19c on sale Friday, yard s Short lengths of new, heavy dimity cords, yard wide madrasses and percales, extra heavy seersucker ginghams, fancy waist- ings, r rencn nannelettes and Scotch plaid ginghams, worth up to 12Hc on sale Fridav. vard Short lengths of our all wool dress goods, worth up to $1.98 yard AOc on sale Fridav. vard Short lengths of our all wool dress goods, worth up to 9Sc yard Or on sale Friday, yard nJ CO. BLUFFS, IA 602 inOkDW' TEL. ess . China Department Specials Crystal sauce dishes, all fire polished , Crystal water Ditchers. 2-ot alzs. Mh..i oo uecoratea cuspiuors 9c Fine French china cups and saucers, as Decorated bowls so thin as egg shell, each 44o All colors, fancy lace edge shell paper Crystal Ind. salt cellars lo 10 yards for 24o The Reliable Grocery Dept Trading Stamps With Every Purchase. $2 FREE. $2 FREE. $2 FREE To every purchaser of one sack of our Dura buckwheat flour, wo will rtv in nn . . . mn . r.Mi am a , t i d i 1 1 r . tt. - o wurui in inAuinur o.Ajarn rnca, READ THESE CUT PRICES, I 21-lbs pure cane granulated sugar for $1.00 Lrfirge sacK granuiatna cornmeai ufta 6-lbs. navy beans, rice, tapioca, barley, sago or rarina ior io Qt. cans fancy golden table syrup lOo Ot cans fancy Tennessee sorghum ....10c 1 1-lb. pkg Imported macaroni Dc 1-lb. pkg corn stamn ftc RELf ABLE DRIED FRUIT Large Italian prunes, it so Fancy California peaches, lb o English cleaned currants, lb 8MiO Fancy Moor Park apricots, lb 12Vso Fancy Bartlett pears, lb Ho i-ancy California grapes, lb 7toc Virginia blackberries, lb 8Ho ORANGES AND LEMONS The market la still flooded and prices are now at tneir lowest take your choice of either kind, per dosen lOo TRADING STAMPS FREE. A BIG BUTTER SPECIAL We have Just received one of the largest shipments tnis season, or rancy, rresh, sweet country roll butter, which we will place on sale Friday choice, lb 14a HAYDEM BROS. If you W8Lit reliable news of .he Charges Lest Than all Others Chasaberlaln'a Ceagh Remedy Is a medicine of great worth and merit Try It when you have a cough or cold and you are certain to be pleased with the quick relief which It affords. It Is pleasant to take and can always be depended upon. Age. Z.1 Marriage Licenses. Up to noon February 11 the following ooupiea were licensed 10 wea: Name and Residence. Charles Pollack. Omaha Theresa Watchler, Omaha Alfred M. Sonnelund. Har'an, la... Josephine Togul, Harlan, la William E. Moore, Omaha Lillian K. Viney, Omaha Leopold J. Dixtelhorst, Omaha Lisxle Stacy, Omaha Angelo Carrado, South Omaha Kate Smith, South Omaha between Russia, and Japan subscribe for The B U K. Wedding Rings. Ed holm, jeweler. MRS. J. BENSON, NEW ETCHINGS Among the new tootl. coming la we are showing a full line of the new stales in ruchings, fop neckwear ami , sleeves, white colors ami Persian. , We art making snerial cut prices in EMBEOIDEIUES. DR. McCREW, SPECIALIST rreets all turn, of Diseases Twenty-eight years experience tighteen jears In Omati Th rfnrtor remarkable succass has never been euualetl. Hla resources aad facilities for treating this ciaas -A diseases are unlimited anl every amy unu ukui flattering reports of the good he is doing. r the rcllvf be has given. HOT SPRINGS TREATMENT TOR Ail Blood PUaous- No "BREAKING OUT' tn the akin or face and ait eaieraai aigos ef the disease disappear at unce. A per manent cure for lit guaraaleed. 1HDirnrFIF Cures guaranteed la lAKIlUliLLL LESS THAN $ DAY. VFaD 111 nnflcse- Hydrocl, IM-AM JUUUU Stricture, Gleet. Nervosa Debility, Loss of Strength and VilaUlK and ail forma 01 chronio diseases, Treatment by mail. Call or suU. Boa Us. Office 2U Sou La Ut at Osaaha. Nes For Menstrual Suppression aaes itault a a. i 1 a -a. l -s - w a SJ tas: I Sum. M. NUuOwkitrlUmu MnMasil Or We. SUU t stas Sims, tiae nmW New York Merald Cable Service will be furnished to readers of The Bee from now on. This will be the very best news service concerning the war. Friday Specials Ladies and children's furnishing goods, un derwear, gloves, flannel skirts every article quoted below has been reduced in price SO per cent to effect a quick clearance. Shrewd shoppers will snap them up quickly. Read every word of this ad, carefully listen "i ETft Ladles' fancy, striped and solid colored outing flannel skirts X kJ W regular 40c value at 15o each. pf Heavy outing flannel skirts. In fancy snd plain colors, with good jf quality cambrlo yoke band, with deep rufflo-regular too val " ue at 25c. 441 Boys' and girls' heavy, Jersey ribbed combination suits. In na I f tural and' white regular 60c values reduced to 12o a suit a 2 splendid garment for this season's wear. 4 Children's heavy flat and Jersey ribbed, flVece lined underwear I vjf shirts and drawers In natural, ecru and white all glies, from 3 to 12 worth originally up to 4&o reduced to lc. Big lot of ladles' black vests snd tights, natural and white vests and pants children's combination suits, lRdles' comblna V tlon suits, which regularly sold at 75c, $1 to $1.50 one price, 63c. f 40 dor.en ladles' fine muslin, long cloth and cambric! corset covers, J, C. beautiful styles In V, square snd round necks, trimmed In fine laces nnd embruideiies styles that sold at 35c, 60c and 75c all go at one price 25c. -v Ladles' and children's fine Imported golf, mercerized enshmrre I J and silk gloves and mittens all go at one price many pretty Stripes and figures also black, tan, gray and white regular Sic, 85c, 60c and 75c values at 19c. mm l is r? r I is) 15 usl n rn bl IT? How's Your Stamp Book Coming? Have you inspected these peer less premiums in premium par lor, second floor? They are easily the greatest premium values that modern arts and crafts have yet devised. They cover every idea and suggestion for home 'urnishing or adornment. Whole factories are kept going turning these peerless premiums out. The GREEN TRADING STAMP SYSTEM has revo lutionized American merchandising How is Your Stamp Book Coming? 9c Friday Will Certainly Be Bargain Day in Our DRY GOODS DEPT. Sales With Great Bargains Every Hour From 8 to 9 a. rn. Mercerized waistings and kimoua flannels, all wool diallies, pretty lawns, Berkley and Lonsdale cambrics, plaid dress goods, apron ginghams, some come in long lengths, some remnants, goods in this lot worth to 50c per yard, 8 to 9 a. m., ' J? only. Der yard , J From 9 to 10 a. m. Children's wool hoie, odd sizes, worth to 25c per pair, only, per pair From 10 to 11 a. m. 72-in". extra heavy cream and bleached table damask, worth to $1.25, Q only, per yard Uet From 11 to 12 a. m. 50o dozen fine French Val laces, put up 1 dozen on a card, worth 35c f Q a dozen, only, per dozen From 1 to 2 p. m.lOO dozen Bleached table nankins, cood 75c doz. aualitv. onlv. Der doz. .ee-IC X o m. er m. From 2 to 3 p. m. 500 yards fine embroidery in narrow edges, worth to 10c yd. only per yd. From 3 to 4 p. rh. Red comforts, worth C , $1,00, only, each, , J7C From 4 to 5 p. tn. An all iteel filled straight front gored corset, drabs and whites, actual $1.00 L,ff values, only, per pair UL From 5 to 6 p. m. Plain hemstitched handker- chiefs, worth 5c and 10c, only, each. IC ic Carpet Specials We will place on sale Saturday 60 pieces of high grade hJrussels carpets. Some patterns with B-8 borders to match in oriental and floral effects, suitable de signs for carpets or rugs. Carpets f worth up to 90c yd., all go at yd-"f( Bring your measurement. VJrV Best groceries for the low est prices, that ia the whole story in a nutshell. Bennett's for Groceries. Groceries a Fifty cents worth Green Trading Stamps Free with each can O Beauty Asparagus this offer Friday only -can IOC ee aesee Rollod Oats, -pound package Wheat. 2-pound package Castile Boa p. take Cleaned Currant, rt.T DOUftd .......... .. Table Syrup, 2H-Punl can Pineapple, $-pound can Oil Sardines. can Balmon, 1 pound can linked Heans. 3-pound can Iniin Kxtract, bottle , Tiil'le Halt, per tmi'k California I'runes, per pound 10c 10c 2ic ..8c 10c 10c ,.5c 10c ,!0c ..5c 4c 5c Coffee Roasted Kvery Ur, Heat Values. Mararalbo Coffee, ItZr per pound . . I J t Hcnnett's ( upltol Coffee, Ofin per pound Ov Bennett's Capitol 1'eppcr, strictly Op pure, k-pound can, pur can .... $w 'lr, Ouly the Ileal Uualltlra Sold. 25c 15c Imperial Japan, per pound ... Tea Hidings, per pound ... Ilullrr ilreelved Kvery Day From the Ileal llalrlee. Fresh Country Ii utter, IC n.r nounri I iJ Wisconsin Cream Cheeae, per pound Candy. Special Offer. One dollar's worth Oreon Trading ritampa free with each dinner Sfir pall tilled with candy s-w 12ic It's eye Urain; your eye need attention, our eipert optician U the man. Do your eyes trouble you? Have a headache? Don't believe ii till you see it in The Bee Bee For all the News