Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 11, 1904, Page 3, Image 3

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    . ;
ijrtlr Ixi-ra-c Cc-E?iiy Ojtca ti J
F1-.2- Oaia Citj Tix.
Oaaska Hn4 wjea tkf Prlarl.
pal Bidder tar rsllretiaa af
liwnkttUf Army
' FT" -n a Ba.T
MN'. LN. f, ;
rTnj i.w ar..
trls t:-v It
:.t il Life
U"ks :t thr" S. th
rr-:p' . ir '
-?; ui i-Th r.w
r right i-n it kir-'j
the N-rthwetm
r :n; try hich st-
ci'y tf "rr ihi ar.d
iV treas-.r-r. A U't H Hrr.:-
The c tiry fd aril th r-;-r-rr.e
c-.m n a ;-:;-.'- : ?ni tv- tax letied
a;rt r. ! .- r jr.: 'i il $ -rpfe n t
'Tr-.t t-d fa arrvss irtrj-n r
:" r-:d in the city cf Omaha he an-i'i.?-J
ar I s-t a;2. asil that Herr.i-ss
a- 1 Is r jocese- ra be f .rever r joint d
;rm t tryir i-. r.Mt r-s-n tax ;
T I'-'.-.H-r. r-ri: that y th trr-. ff i
ty r.' ii.w it ' r-ri-Jir5 cf rery J;f
.raacr tnr.ny to lr.t th
.r-aury a! tv; time f the f.:!r cf ft
:attr rt. J -r cct of lj r"" -r-;tt
'C'tH ir. tSr nat !-:- rr-f r-t!'-5
r. Th r--. fjrth'r rr--
:l n. -!! te r!tkiv In the law or So
v cc":'. rioB pw;:e f'-r a.-.j fyTrT
tx or. tV rurrmiuirj rerttrt4 It tft in-
Araaj- atarra Ga far a -aa.
Captain . D. I -ao- of yt vr -"-
.-.. ,..y mar n.! w to trs- r: -A Ro.-reit c3ul aa orrn:4 U;
as tackr. ar,i a r-t tb- ! m.M anil, a trN-r-M-. of Th r.-
ff tha tfr-Trrt c-o-r..i by tb i c-n,, 1o the
roTrr..T.T.t r ti tr fc ht Hdltr r.umN-r to nIt bi.,,-. Former Ota
,n4 li",1'r- a ttJrro-y .v. r:r-!ocr4JS iri3 ,m(:.r lt- j.
.rrrmrrt a bara-ain. . Ui t- .nrc.rti. Of h 1 aam a-rurl
. -r, i m-ri rar-.iK!,. .-w.
J'-t of iv. -or were tM.fbt In o be
t'tiaha deara One cf thea
t--jred IT.: -at for ti. 13 pair 'f '-ftf-f
arnt f'r tV' CTeroorata eevin:ated to be
wor-h 13 we put tip and ore ""t; r.a
trc dealer rnvV a, li-1 of tl for the .ot
rptat3 Iv. ref.jed to ccr.f.icr U:e Ui
F'Tty-aix trouaern.aBd Kity-STe Mouse
t r-':tt :. g!itr-nine eav forty-eiaht
1 'cjaea aid f rrty -aeyen trcmaera tmc.rt
n . Orr.iha r refvaed to t:d m, re
than 3 tert and he bid that rjm on ererr
r-.k-" put cp.
otwiaaaer War (ire wa Flere-e.
TSa f g-ht between the Ur.ln ni'y Star
and the "tare Journal for newspaper i
prmacy In IJrjcoTn h reti;ted in the
FtvKbe(Ww cf the Ftar decidir.g to Ira-tall
a J6 priniirir p!nt. The t:aholder J
toe Star met y- Jar aftmcK- and ln--rea-l
the car::l a:ock cf the to
and the paM-u? rt-k wu IncremMrl
frr-ta 5 to r. f'. Tbeae old cf3cer
were re-e-td: D. E. Thcn!pon. preat-e-.t;
K- B. Ptepherjc, vice pre-,dect. ani
C. D. Mul'.en. eecretary and treararer.
IHaeajaa Ikar Qaeetlaa.
A meet ire of the literary ard atrial chsha
w-ui be beM at tba eoliece artTleiner.t oa
Th'jrad-; Ir ArWthsot of the
State unirereitr w-!' give a lerture and
' v nv-mbera mill dianaaa trade nnk-nKn
It. Arbuthnot appeared before the Crttral
Jabcr ursn TuewUr ewj-g and exter.ded
a reourat to all labor union men to attend
"erlea of lecture oq jjr.lor.t?m chkk he
wjll dUrer at the colVa-e arttHisent dr
ij the txt two rar:th. Arrange meet
for tfcte aeriea of ta.ka. which will be siren
weeay. arijl tw made at Thureiay ere: tnx a
t-j ,. Mare Traeltea Urlial laa. -
The IJnraln Traction company has fiW
a attotioD akin Irare to offer aa amend
report. It aka th court foe an arder
directing- tba rbertff to amend hia report of
a-o it mar conform to the facta oo
eating at the aa and abov the bid cf
tba Lincoln Traction raiwtr. T,t. i.
prebmlrry to ak!ng the court to direct
that the proprrtr be aoj lo j, at ts
Mleker eeade yaaaauky.
'""fw Mx-key th! aftortioon eact a
,''K'n cf tiaitiilay to the mayor ef
Ralttmora becatae of the recent f.ra la
tkat city. The tekgram foUowa:
Mayor of Kaititnore. FiaMnoce. Mi' -C
of Xebrka extend their profouod
eja-pathv to t.'e citraene cf the affiled
et'y of Ha tim-re If we can aa.iat yoa.
IittM u.
JoliX H. MICKET. Governor.
The Stat Medical Ex ami.-g board met
In the c5t of the rtate aupenatendent to
car and bad before It Harold Douglas Singer
anl C- E. Caliard. The forrcar u from
London. Erg. and the Utter ia from Uon
oon. Ont. Both men want to practice medi.
cir-e in Neora ka.
The gtate Board of Stirrer of the National
'fw cegtn Monday rotuwlinat ca tlba
orea of the rariooa cotEpaaies to aee what
lb stata owna and la what con&Ooa It ia.
Tar Sew Baaka.
Ro!and. in Adam county, and Stock.
ham. la Haailtoo county, are eacb to bar
Wfll ; Voa Help a Sick Friend ?
Get My Book for Him Now.
P I aa Piajn. a.
I aa laa lxa.n.
a t aaaera
b ak te Waaaa
i-a i tae a laa'ifl.
IM .a ---iw.nM
a4 a a wteT.
O-lT Vl a .-, kaak ar4
3 'r' aaea .. .s, ..
ae a.O-r u W tw
... y " ' w" t a!a T' .
taa- li
I t i taet itm rt-v u
... ... . w . . lee Ihn
a .
.t ia iu arrvac
e r . aii nt
tvi aM a nnaiut Taa ti
T ,,i.hh lks-aaieana ttt ify
a 4 - aa Ta
t-e. I a , ta ka ae
rrt ?:,. k.v.Tit
! " 1 - cae raw aaM'a
w -
T v" ta a- iku
S.- ki.jf.-jn' T. , .,, ,;,. ,,.
TO" a ie a "I l aa
"f ' A le I m ara ea . i
I a fe-jkV
to a aer a TV-
a a
a ea mi M Ti'.Laar
- of--- a.
a kfe-teat re rti
- 1 a ..; let ra
e aj a ; -
W taaea ... ' . . i .
it m ; at v rt a
- w " av .f e- m a , . ..j.
- - .1 -- ' w , -
r ' a :. TY-. k. . w i, ,
' -K.U 'II M WI W t iu, , rM...
t ! llllne P. , M1!
V- j u c a.
e.a a . l-
' - T- , r auaj ml a I
v - ra-'tf k. o vf
a.-, i - - i r- Y
i aa ta . if o - at i t .
' ' . . i av a - - V- If
ta.-r ' ?a a) a. i x
Sir. . 'aaAea-
tc a a ta a C
't-aef ! i-wa
M e.ra - '
e-- at taa Vjt:a.
a a
aa I aTI te1
-a - - - rf
Dr. Sheep's Restorative
1 t mil. asr 4 fa- Waaaa
--- -.- l r, Hi. . m. 4
a . . i - v. Kt r b aa ktoa. aaa.
At tt5 Doc'j Risk
bftav. iH.,1, i to,; : egram v-The annaaj Johnson Covcty Farm-
' " i " institute ronrced in this city today.
H s- 1Z T . .It-TT but aa th roads are almost imnaasiV. the
. . I
har.k It th f t-tt town tb rs
--r--n-a'or are c. A Pt-.Tip and E. Hill
a"J th pai'ip rp;.i t K '. the a jthor-U-d
tapfal htrg I3,'r It 5b- latter
,r,,n A D Hrti g. c. HriM ard
. if. inTi.un r tr ir.o-rpnara tor rd la
the Tir narrva-a, thy are rtrsHer.t vVe
r'rt and se-rrrtarr. The capital stock
is K
Pim sa Water Rtsbte.
Se-ra:ry roton cf the Sttte Board cf
Irrtsva :'t r.t cut this riotr tj
rrti- i-.-er-sted:
T-j - -rTy r"ti,ed that r. offVer rt
he Stat B-tfd cf Irratioaj will be it
te jr.k -.! ia K;-' i. Nb . F-r-rury
. ;., i ..... . j ;- Mr.
Ail yr--f cf rT r"pit: n; aki- fcirt
pn t t t-.;-ctcn f ry arvj U
-r.t . f rtM Mid Tf t
fir. oil ;.-. to ery :trr,nt in mH
ir'-f Kt r ! 1 to t- lrtTi
Wfc.n tr jyvw-f cf a;r-XM,tKO kir
ir'.-i M rf,r:. -a it- ri cr-ti-
a-i l tw t---.L
Kla Talka mt Raa4.
Aa rti-j.nrr r 6 tr.tlrf At t;4
t tt rMit cf nc-j:or Aa aidr
an -:ivt-l tr Mr. D Ward K'r. of
M.i-!ir.i Mo Hj rabjct aa -Jlikj-f.
R.-.j aithMit Mv- tr.d a " r.
, cnvJ Vtr K;rc aa Ir.:rli.-1 by Prof.
; K A. Burr:tu tnf lm miuittK,!
t kJ b3 ff-ik,r to ramxr' lrj-.J-!
thnt-gbctt Xtrafk.a.
at with Taraaer Paaallrta Tkey
Jala tae Raaelt CI a a at
BraVea Saw.
PP.OKEV WT9T. feb . Feb. HI '.recUl
twenty-thrra cf tbera are fonaer demo-
crats and pop.lita Senator Fries wag
present and made a rpeech. The exeruuv
potritnlttee propnae to ec.courage the or
gaiuaauon of RcoeeveJt clubs tn ere-y
ccmmurjty of the cocnty. The officer
elected are: Preaiieru J. R Locgoreen;
vl-e president. L OxforJ; secretary. J D.
Wilson; treasurer. John Der.ker; executlv
committee. V. w. Cowlea. Jcn Ree. L
H. Jwtt. A. R. Humfhrey D. M.
BEATRICE. Neb. Feb- 1 'Special Teie
frim The Beatrve Roosevelt cl'jb was
c-rganiaed tonight at aa enthusiastic meet
irg. attended by ctuxena The following
officers were ected: Prajidt. W. S TI.
ton; vice president. Grant Ford: secretary.
C. M. R:gg: treaa-urer. W. W. Duncan.
Resolutions were unanimously adopted
pledging the club to asKSt In the aorrJna
tion cf PresTdent Rooaeve!t and favorlr.g
the ir-strtxiioa of defecates to the national
repub:ican cocventifn for him. and Indors
ing E. J. KpatrVk for derate Addreases
were made by a number of leading rep;b-l-ans
Another organixatlon. the B-atrk e
p.onseveit leag-e. was formed an me tim
ajTJ and Indorsed C. R Dempster for na
tional delegate from this ccr.gressxmal dis
trict. Wife Maa Had Faaaah.
COWMBV8. Neb, Feb. aerial )
Mrs. Aura-ta Flatt. wife of a weaJthy
farmer who lives In Humphry township,
has filed an action in the district court
aj-ki-g for a decree of divorce from her
basband. J- hn Flatt She alleges extreme
cruelty and abuse. She rays they arera
married ehteea rar ago In ?3ss4a. anal
eight children have been b-jra ta -bem.
four of wbota are still iivlr.g. tba youcgeat
but S years .old. She has worked tn the
Ceids and performed other maxual labor
and helped to accumulate property valued
at Ct-W. She sa Piatt la Inatanely jeal
ou and will not permit ber to visit snth
nearest sevgrDors, ana not parmit
cer to tttend church, baa struck bar and
j otherwise airreated ber. P'.att owns
acres of good land and ia otherwise we-3
to do.
totra-a Caaleaata Jadgaaeat.
NEBRASKA CTTT. Neb, Feb. Ml tPp.
clali Ia tba district cojrt today E. R.
H- aa granted a dirorr trom Ms wife.
Bertha J. Haas. Plait tiff is given the
custody of the ciixS-en and is to pay de
fendant tlM llimory; Mrs. Zobeda Ginder
w" f ra n .ed a divorce from her husband.
Joseph Ginder. On motion of the defend
ant in the leorated Catron divorce case
tfca judge today granted prayer to bare
plaintiff make certain portions of petition
more definite and certain. It Is t ported
that this case wi'l be set for trial next
s both rides seem anxious to bar
the matter com to trial. M J". Catron,
tba plaintiff, has been confessing Judg
ments ia favor of creditors during the
last few days to the amount of several
thousand doi:ars.
rvraerted Bride at Ftfte-ea.
COU MBI S, Neb.. Feb. I. , Special -C.
Prank Mackey. who 1 charged by LuluLa
GaiMsath. a 1-year-old girl with a stata
"T ofTense. bad his preliminary examina
tion before Justice of lb Peace Curtis
last evenbc and was held to the district
court ta the sum of :. Betrg inabst to
furnish bail he waa remanded to JaiL The
rr m age was proven by ber sister and
brother. Kh wa bora Juae li UHa, and
was anarrWd last October at Dixon. Til.
Sb doe not know where ber hue band is
An effort will be mad after th trial of
the cause in th d'.trlct court to bav
th girt admitted to some orphan's kotre
or BrbooL Her mother baa been dead for
several years.
ad Ratii Keep Parmer at Heaae.
attendarc waa t..4 as Urge as it would
otherwise bav been. The principal thing
cn the program todty ir-ciuded aa address
on nmproved Farnurg - by Cbionel H p.
MiTer of Ck: a laTk oa Corn J-jdgir.g."
by T. L. L-yon of the state aniversity. Lln
cln. and a paper on ""Spayi:. by A
L. Rusaell of this county. The eahittts at
the corn sbow are good. A good program
remains for the other three days of tb
meetirg at.4 it is believed th attendance
will lDtprove.
Dtatrtet Toart la Merrtek Caaaty.
CENTRAL, CITT. Neb, - Feb. J -.Special.
Dtttort court is ia aeasion with
Jadge Reder oa the broth. TLete
are several important casea. Or wlier
John Meryius s-s th city for damages
for gtti;jp lrjred by g-otr-g through a
t-riaige a iih a trr:aa engine, the jorj
awardir.g a verdict of K.5w. Tt city d habtiity and will appeal to the ftu-p.'ea-.e
co jri Anouier case to b tried Is
HJtff ara iMt the Burlington & Misaouii
railway. Huber s 11 -year -old boy bad a
leg cut off by the cars.
I -a ad lalaea larra-aaa.
PAP1LLJOX. Neb. Feb. Ml .Special
T. value of Sarpy ce-juily Vaivd as steadily
Iccreaalijx. A deal was - nuniH ye.
trday wherrby J-b ja Shroed-.r moid has
i-arrt farm la RuhLand sarectart for l-L-I.e
Th buyer was Henry Rt,ft Mr.
Shrewder recently bought a farm ia Al
berta. Canada, and wiil local there
atteade Caaatra' taavrallaa.
i; Neb.. Feb. 14 'Special Jaaves
H Gatdavrr. sraaadeat aad raasf stock
ta.der cf tb Edgar Caar.irgj cxasajpaay.
rft ft Cft;nib". O.. TtM-4ar
to artr4 tSr axsoal mt'' c tv Itr
"' Carrara- ajworlatMn Mr. Gr4xr t
1f 'otcpucl-! hfm arx ifr a f
Ujf n-.t :th f-!ri Et-oV O. Mr.
Gardner aiH -r-1 tt JrkT Fla.
rr h t to ail t istrrrrM Is
t eral c-rara of - v j 'd.
HaaVal4t Gr4a t( a rata a.
HrVBOLPT. N't-. Ftb, 1 tSprU. w.
onrtaM W C crati a rm or
t!" wr-.!r trajn anth Rrr. J. Ft
Mrtn. k rWnH t atrut C" from
t'. air,a mn and rtiir:t f Thi p a
a fw toor.tht af-v on aa !n-jrBjr iWL
Tlnlr th- Caw ctwr.tT rot-'
tr.h a-;-h Manton. bo ba br-n ?rr
Irf a Jail rtnr for -;rr.ilir cff-r.a-a.
and th tncaJ FP' rxt:5d and tart
i-"-T h:ai. H a1ll haT a - rei:mlna.-r
tarsr.f ttraorrow.
fter It Faad.
CT-LtMBrS. Xb. Feb I SpealU-M-
J. C. Frre;!e Ka ne4 the a'.j cf
Cc!'jiBtrj ac 4 . in Ihe rja
cf for Ir.JurSea whVrh e a.l- he
ustalr.4 by ttl'.u.t oa a tiefelve rt-ie-
walk UM Norerober. In
that he tr ;-c-2 cn
her petition the
a rr-jawsnir cla.-k
!ik?i nt vo
efere it,--jrie.
at cr erd and receive!
rem the -eSect of vhKb
for a Icrf tiat cr c".Dd
to her
lee In Are nary.
harvard. Nb. Feb. w .Sc-ciai v-
For aeveral day the tnrjry baa been
Wf aero rloae te-eto, la: tht
reaj-hirn four blow. vn-.n the air ha
been --J cf lifM ancaiiliei rejen cf the
time, no mew tt fallen eacept etjocj-h to
wtiten the rrr. Thia ooralr.a- the tun
ia thlsitf ar.d l-e ir.a are Lar py and buay
"If tbetr !- boufa for thetr nzmr
Haaara far vfra. Stateal
PLATT5M OtTH. Neb. Fe. K5pe.
-ai vTbe many f-l-r.ds of Mra. Fe M.
Sot.borwigh wTl be pieasad to learn that
she has receetlr been aawented be w
t D-riaon of Near Tork. who is re-a-dent of
the National Federation of Toni s Clubs,
to art on the committee of rules and re-u-latlona
at the St. Lx-ua arord"s exposition.
'vital aervleet at Laia City.
LOrP CITT. Neb.. Feb. 1 Special
Fa-ang-list E. A. Jores Is kasiiunf Rev.
Jhn Madely of the Methodist ch-irh
during the past two weeks In holding re
vlval serre-es. and tbe!r efforts bare been
crowned with spietvild triceee. as the con
verts now number forty-two. and only
about ten days' r-rr have been he'd so
far. This is a cew record for Lojp city
re -rivals
Watke Is Baiaa) Over.
IXUP CTTT. Neb. Feb 1. t Special.)
At tbe preliminary trial of Robert Watke
cf Ashton. ctarged with atteaptlrg to
turn the eievator cf E. G. Tay.or at
Scha-irp Si'.irg cn the -rjght of January
k!d l?fore Judge Anrr yesterday,
the was bound over to the dis
til t court and his bend was fixed at .
altaa Gets tvleelrl Ligkta.
ni-TTON. Neb. Feb. V ?rr-al -The
f.ty council today granted a frarrchise to
the S-Jttor. recrric and Power ccrapabv
o light the city. The francMee ruris f.f
een years, but can be arj ifred by tfc.
city at Its option at the erd cf five yeirs.
The lights are to be la plac Inside of six
lev VJeta lapretr OppsrtBlt y.
tDGAR. Neb, Feb. 3 iraertaL) Tber
ui been a steaiy r-in of coii weather tyr
the last three weeks and the Ice packers
tar been Improving It very rndustrionsly
for the past two weeks. Several hundred
tors are now safely stored In the 're
houses and as much more win bo pat in
Thieves at ttbra.ka City.
ctaL a Thieves entered the reEar of Mrs.
Maggie McCormlck on North Seventeenth
street and removed all of the contents.
Includ:r.g about sixty cans of fruit and the
winter's supply of vegetable. No do has
yet been obtained to the robtrs.
lailataa Ckaag at Edgar.
TDGAR. Neb, Feb. 1 i Special. V M. J.
Regan, of the firm of Evans A Regan,
clothtr.g mere bants cf this city has ao!d
his icwrrest to the senior partner. A. H.
Evans, and will give pemstsaton aa once.
Mr. Evans will conduct tb besineaa along
the (UM line as heretofor.
Mack akkaeat at Kdgar.
XTGAR. Neb.. Feb. ?peial V-gick-ness
from la gi Ippe among tb older das
of people ber has been very prevalent
and n-ute severe, trot as yet core of the
cases has resulted fatally.
Perfe-et O at d - aee In Ckaaaberlaia's
I'aagk Iteaaed y.
Wcer there used to be a feeling of urv and worry in tb household wbea
a child showed symptoms of erotro. there is
now perfect coendene. This Is owing to
th uniform t-jceeas of Chamberlains
Cough Remedy in th t-eatment of tkat
disease. Mra M. I. Basford cf PoolenlUe. !
Md, la speaking of ber experience In ta
us of that remedy says: "I have a world
of troendene In Chamberlain's
Remedy for I hare used It with perfect
sur-ceas. My child Garland as sub)ect to
sever attacks of croup and it always gives
Ura prompt reHef."
lark and On
laaeagvalls Dl ky
NEW TORK. Feb. -In th rulr.s cf
t. Er.'k!-r. Chair company's factor-,
ahlch t-unvod yesterday, three bodies a ere
foaad today, making fovr dead.
f par ic during a Ire at a roomicg boos j
bT today Mrs. Mary Rathyeana was prob
ably fatally irjured and six others bnrned.
Many people think of
Scott's Emulsion as merely
a flesh builder, but its flesh
building is only an outwrd
sign of the new life-bufldmg
process within the vital
parts of the body.
It builds up the blood
ceils, the nerves and life
tissues before the added
flesh begins to appear.
Its unseen work b more
important than the seen.
H. lUv:i ud Ebtn fixilk Girt Tksn
Cataa'a Ctartltart aa Deaatr Qaall.
ea Pllaa far PtsmUi aad
aaltk la ltH ky rrleada
ta Raa.
Hen. G -ft I. Fo?rar. c 5roraakKTjf r of
puKic lajvla ji tw.Od;r. ard IL M.
F-at mi. tt dej-utj. wre In Omaha yerr
iay on private bjrre. Whi here Mr
Eton ajJmittt-5 that be would b- a c-"i!-iate
fc-r ta aucceed Mr. Fc-I-ar.
Ve aerxod terra cf 5t x-:ra
in January. IfX- In apeajar.f oc hia c aj-. -tUdacr
Mr. Raton mhJ.
I an ry?w ttaiitis a cpa:rn f ;r tv
Bora' nation t Kxxerd Mr. Fclixer. b-it rot
j ajsa-rearira cArr. iirT. a -:t-j: asy cne. I
I be5Te in a fair Said and no favor bi rt
i tl wcverUcr. I reel nMr.t that I wn
j l"-r 2e tnJividd r.pjwt cf the rer.t-
I -coa of DocTge county, my home, arvd the!
1 sr.iid deleaxalion fr oca tbfrre in the cv-nver.-1
"J"1- xo.u u iiajmmoni-svr.nciia'r an
Rxharls factions will ruppart cse. and my
cad?dacy win go far leward harm :r txir.g
the d.Sreare that ttow exist at Fr-tnont
far as I knew th - is not thesi-gbt.
est foundatic for the repr-rt that the state
nous offi-ias hav made a combine to
dtcjsat tb conreEtice In fact. I krtow
that no sjch cToMnaiio-i exists. I want
to be cominated solely on nty merits, and
bei i eve that I can be ea-t-d. I under
stand tb btiajnera The office Is a grt
rraJ ewate ofrV-e. and the marager must
b a maa familiar with It in all ls details-
I bare traveled all over Nebraska
dviiing my terra of sertice as deputy to Mr.
Ff Inver. and know where th state la ad
tie and all abovt It and am therefor
well earslpped to properly manage the busi
ness of ta state's land departmerit.-aVeo-t
Paittk'a Rewaoaa.
Roert Smith cf Omaha. wbrse came was
uo.nourd on day this week la cor.cec
tlon with the naortlnatlon for .v. Cre cf
iixi'tor of rtase. says be d-s ot wish to
b pnt la th light of aa habitual cO-
seeker, but that te bas good reason for
go'rg after the nom! Sij-s Mr.
ec-itn: i
"As ray name is now be.rg c"T.stiere-i tr.
connection with the cf!".oe cf state a-jvii'.-e '
I sisb those who are Interested to kr. -w ,
i-f napparr. to oe aga:n a car.illate for
o!T.ce even before the smoke of my i- jc-reaae-jl
attempt to cart ire the rmir-atioa
f-T cierk cf the district cotirt has falr!y
clfare-3 away.
"I have r-o desire to be a sraa-iir.g card!
date for offoe. I do rot be'.Ieve acv rcan
has the rg.t to ask for rvg-r.itkn at tb
bands cf hia Tarty e-. err time a tapJitical
electi n affords the opportj-nity. I really
do rot believe thai 'he republican party
J !rdebted to me. or that I co-j'd v-ith r.y
how of -esason demand cor rrd'-ratVctt at
bis tirn.
'"Last week a committee of rpreentat;ve
republican wa'ted on roe a- i to my - -
prise made the proposal I
candidat for state aodltcr. assunrr me
:hat la -.heir J jda-ment there wouVJ be ro
OFpositioo In laouglas county to my notni-
nation. I took the matter under eocs',3-1
ratVon and aftar taTkir.g the situation ovrr
w'th aa many repjb3can as I coold rea-h
said to the comm?ttee that If the repb-
Ucn '- tinty saw fit to presert
my name to the stata. convention I shocld
feel booorevl. but that 1 wonld not be put
In the position of thnartttig myseif upoa
:b people.
"The oTSoe of state atidftor b second ocly
hi importsnce to that of govern it and I
want to tak this ogport unity cf expresslr.g
my appreciation of th cor.ldeTc in my
ability and Integrity shown by tha who
propoa my ram for this pUc of trust
and reapocsibility."
Maf Stan Saaaetklaar.
The tiMHnwramt of J. B. Dinsmore as
a candidal for the republican nomisativn
for goaaaitor has stirred cp things down at
Uccoin as they hare not beea stirred up
for some time. Friends of GcieiTiOr Mickey
bar bee-n ender the impression that k
would bav no opposition for th p-lc. and
this bebef was strecg-thered when the state
committee decided to hold ocly ore con
vection. Tb eattrarce of Dir.smore Into the
ater-a therefore means there win be a Cgfct
and -:ke!r It will b a hard one. borne cf
the staanch supporters of the governor ay
they belier that Dir.sraor wl'.l not stay
1n th fighting, while tbr are others who
say that h is m to wit.
That Dinsmor has not got la the fsht
without strong backir.g there Is eo doubt,
for he must reaiiae that a maa rtrrnin: .o
a second term has precedent in his fvtr.
I Soma seem to think that the fight II l
a repetition of tb last convntioi r n-1 'lat
Black and Robertson wi:i both tvr, sir-h
their booms. Goimor Mickey's triecds !
express he belief that b Is strongtr than I
any of the men who bav been earned In I
coatvsctioa with the offic for th simple ,
reason tkat be Is a candidate f'r renomira- j
coanectioa with
ridden high upon tb Roosevelt tide. Betr.g
s'rong ax th start, be never, some say wa!
net ui. aanrily b to h'-s advartage. be
cause naturaily all other candidate will
unit agSkmst htm.
Rail fasaly Has Caadldate.
GRAND ISLAND. Neb . Feb. -4BYrial
Teletrrain. i Tb Independent tornorrow tail!
say: "Ever auc lb reputlican of Kail
county hav enjoyed th xoe-ler.t re pre
ss, tation in tb last lnrtalatire aeasion.
both tn th aeoat and bouae, there Lav
!been many expreasions on the part of re- I
publican of Hall and Howard oonnues 1
particularly, and on th part of repob- i
. hearts over th state generally, favorable '
I to tb presentation cf the name of Sena- !
; iot v. . n. iuitwi tor gov err or. True
to in people aca txe party r e repre-
I snte4 ta every reelect and In view of the
high execctiv ability a demonstrated they
ha- been anxious for aa opportutlty to so
present his nana- j
"The new from Linccm yesterday to th
effect tkat tber wfH be several candidate '
for th nomination, and ih iadicaiior
being for a fr for-: I coctest. an oppcr
tunny ta afforded theae frier-ds of the m r.a
tor wklck they lieartily welcome
T! matter has been presented to Sena
tor Harrtson by a number ef hit friends
a " J ih is-oa-va-ccem nas tne aarur
anc of th senator that if the reputli'arj
ef Hall county desire it b will corer.t to
mak th race. Of thetr anxiety, as indi
cated ah-ov. there la of course, r.o oues-tican-
The senator Jed th ticket In this
ccanty two years ago by a majority cf
kvar 7S. That m Itself is an Indication of
hi high standtrg and of tr corndecc his
boss peopl repoa la him.-
fay air la a of iaatsa save state Over
"ear Ha ad red Tksaaaad rl-
lar la Poar Teara. i
BOSTON. Feb Mr-Dr. fsamuel Abbott !
of the state board of beahth annourced l'
day that by snaaufacturtr-g its own acti
toxin th commonwealth baa saved the
people iaal as tn four year.
Tb actual xpena dincf that tima.
when li bottle of sntj-toxin were dis
tributed fre. was d,ial These statis
tic bav bees forwarded to Chicago, w ber
tt is atasoaei to adopt th aa ktstitts
tdaa iutead of purenasirig map plies
All these Famous Pugilists and Athletes Tell of their Cure by
Swamp-Root the Great Kidney, Liver and Bladder Remedy,
and Say that it Added to their Great Strength.
Jme$ J. Ccrbctt. the farmer j Chamrnon ol the WorlJ Jtflries D- I George Brx a :h CWrbrted B
Ctvampion Tells How He Was I
CureJ by Simp-Rwt j
Ir. Kiln or & iv.. Binsljattvtt. N. V.
lornV-nn: -AU-i;t ta- jer t:. ri
extreri-jT .,t ..!y a !..:.
iTT tJ-Mt ?"ir:-'h'i:e w. vrr mitb it'
M.t un.! r:i.-..r ir.'--.? r-:a. t- a f-;rc
of I vt ar.r.--ri .-,- r-j;;. rt
ht'!a..-h'. t.i.-s (! .;-;: cf U.iiints.
an-1 i!i4al of rr.T ua-sia! c"oJ ppoi;te
f'Uitl harC:y f.o-e ava-elf to e-t a ir.?s'.
Two i'bvs;.ian wt--m I r.nti!txl I
hn.1 malaria. fm :fc-ir prf!--rii.;o-!S j j
n.? no goal A tvirv (r.e -a-t-jij I cn-
u!ted tol me rr.y ki-laeys w. p out of I
c-rier abd Jv;s-.J n,e jo t-ike StiaLip-i
R.-ot. I
I cot ha.:f a i'r-n 1-j-.V- tnJ o k! I I
I S6- .'
f-J the tfSctt t-foTV 1 ba-1 r-- ll.e;i., ,v j i
f rt or,--. Br t.u i Lr.i tikrrj kw'P twa in k d order, and It
K'tt: I f. ,t 1 .-'Wr-V My i: does tbe husinf&s pvtt limo
nan -o:i," t j.-ic t; I..'.,a.tche I s ' .1
ap;acj.t.xL sol I f t a tt a the dir !
! f.'-t
' tt N--t t"rV-ati
p.eiKtr.t ard yv,y rr.!y ttJ
i hur-e
: try
'r-h bnci:
to KaiCeD-l Swn..-R t to c
! fhi'-Pds. vtrj- tlliy.
Almost every one. from personal experience,
known that the effects of any kind of severe
physical train are felt, first of all, in the small
j of the back in other words, in
! iran. the Kidnevs. This is as Tnie
the very powerful man as it is with one of lesj
strength, and it is especially true whenever the
kidneys are weak.
Weak and unhealthy kidnuvs are responsible
for more sickness and sufft-riii than any other
disease, therefoie, when thmugh neglect or
To Proe hat Swamp-Root will Do for YOU. .oa may hae a sample bottle :ent Free by Mail.
EDITORIAL NOTICE So snofir1 Is Swamp Rot In r rouiH.y raring even the root d'st-asinj- - of kklner
liver fr Mallr trv.l.i-s. ihst to rrvve its worKlerful tiirriL yon may have a tta-DpV boCUe arxl a boo of Taluil.'ie
I::f:arrnatkrt. loth rt nWiuteiy fr by taail. The Usk xta!ns tn-py of the tbocaKls upon thousands of tosiiavv
a;l l.i.r rov!Vfs frcn. n n and women ciir-L Tb va!u and suofess of Swamn-Ront Is to well known that our
reader -re adried to s-r.i for a sanir. faoni'. In' wriniiif to Ivr. Kilmer & Co, Pinghamton. X. T- b snr to mt
:hat yoa nwl ivprr.t? offpr in The O'caha Imily 1W. The propnetora ot zki paper frusrantee the rridariies
of this ?rr. Tfce Wondr-rful K-ti;dy. Swini;t-KH. is pleasant to take and la for s at all Drug. Store everrw hc-re
la rV.;tW of Two S:ze and Two I"r;.yo.-j--ifty C!t and One Iollar. Ioa"t tnaks any tnistake. but rrmettNrr thti
name. SwamrvRooi. Ir. s Sw amp not. and the a.i.lre, B'.nj-tarrton, X. V, on every bottle
fJV0t Eoiscebm! CmiTa Cor.toit:e Ha
.r . L, . . ,
(.aeatlaa mt t aaaalldallaa the West,
era and Eastern Pakllsklag
Baaaea Will BVe Sabssitted ta
tke General Conference.
CINCINNATI. Feb. Ik-Tb book com
mute of th Methodist EjisC'-j: church
began aa lmp-f!kal meed-g hre iody.
whi. h wi'l or.tinue for aeverai daya Its
province is to auprr-.e 'he btji p.olh
Ing as U aa the inter-st cf
ti, d.j.rch.
Ot of the imp,; riant matttrs
to dermlned
this cotu.'i it a re
sort upon th tx, cf uritir tb two
I A Disease that Leads to Terrible Consequences
I Besides Being Horribly Agonizing.
I lav ta a. rrac-1 raa. sad raaJi-s ft to deat ta foad vtirtj
tea cajtd a any c . . it catca. It yurJxi ta tiood, so thai wiara
fe; r l r it4C of j tL loxd U one dr-aied tit cerraaarv rar-n-y
lis. kat a EctK-' atarru for rebail n the tsvlr a n rraaii.s aial
vaior. iisKrwi u .
Wrnrrt tiai cjaur -a.'y
rereiierraiat ta:s
oacTfx.i pt(ra-t-
a of at.1T U-ai !-.
tae so aai jaan to
ilerr it nt, com
ma- from Mr. H. Ii.
kcr-da-.. Loose art-a
1 a A'u
' For tea years ftev-soa to taker vosr Dr.
Kai's h-ajaijr. 1 bai crtja-paa ia n
worst f ai. Prusaoest J i. ' a-rawx. ueaaec
BM bat fa oJ Ij ti." . At uu I aon.4
a-"rr acb n lea ) that I sot bta-
IM weigtt of a y t L-.-t. (rVtt I was so
bal tkat 1 aaa rctned lu at bed. 7 he belt
uxjf tat I bai ever Ukta tat bat rues
sat mlatf i I'r. Kay'i EcikHjc. whark taa.
for aoe. cSactol a peravanct.1 ret. 1 bat
a kai sa aixack a-tor taag n, it years
avro. I raa sow cat aanutx I 6rt-i a xa-
aat aa drreaav." I
Mr attaaaaur astaatdaar y toaes aa ta !
graaa -- ta lAa uarortiai tat- j
clarc that Swamp-Root is a
Wonderful RerneJj.
II"tt-l I H ia v..n.
Nt-w Vi-rk C"ity. Nov. 10,
Dr. Kihnor V Co..
Iiiubauiti'D. X. Y.
fient't inen: Yoiir prrat reiii
edv, Samp'l!oit, was rvcom-
nit-ntittl to nie bv Iau
of ;he
!man. Sj.nia Editor
CLii-aso Inter-Offan.
I ii
in my training to
nit- kidnevs. and
n :.nd I wouldn't be with -
OGt It.
Yours trulr.
'tr.fa- Tom 0"Rark.
a . iw -.- i
-- ' '
Swamp - Root Gives Strength
thof? Vital Or
in the ras. of
book p-ib!ishir.g p'.ar.t kr.own as the Wcai-e-n
Methodist Bk Conrerr. and th New
York K-wl Cc-ncem. K-aled in New Tork
City. This repect has been ordered to b
i-braitted to the g-r.erl cc.aferenoe at Its
tr.eetir-g at Lea Arjti. Cal-. la May aext.
F.e-.-. W. F WhUVk cf Delaaare. O, is
;cU:raii;. aid Rev. Dr. W. L DoweU of
Phil4.t.hla i secretarj. The committe
u ormi.'d cf twcr.ty roembera.
At t jC a teion a report was praaected
thc-airg th n' f th years b-nosa.
ts ! uoal
The crr.tHid sas of the two book con
cerr.s f r the year waa traraC Of thla
a-moutt th Wtwtern Book Concern at Cln
cinnati made f:.rr.:eia; the New Tork
Bxk Concern ia-213 Th prtfjt for th
j year amounted In th aggregai to id:..
KM. d!idd aa foiiows: Western Rook
Concert. rTtXtTr: New Tork Book Con
cern, tiir-cr.
Th ch.-r h par-Ts all reported a wbde
sortte errwh TV ' - , a ...
,- (o-w., . .a .
of The Sunday avhoc! ptibllcaUoKa
hav maJ the greatest growth.
w aj tans ot ua svalrai. Mi
. wl. it is oorag ttai goad worx. a rti
' P aU ta cxWr v-.ial orraua of u bed
aad extcj tLrct -r & tb aarsrai Tttirar a tait
Pa-oboas aecrruaxa liavt ar g aarsir io
kcatk aadtk.
If yoa tcficr from eysnveais. or aay ml ta
aXtatir l. -I tkat a: Xitt Minora of tu paiafat
maady. try sav Dr. kay bcaorator. Ask
yoar cr-jt It it. If be Coca ao kers a,
wr4i to tot sad 1 -! seed tb isan as yoa b
a- '- V tu i ra-fr. rf oa . I aij pa.
orb for -oa ly na i wisboct ciarr"ar yoa
a ocLt, tkat r.uc voa lbs baurtrt ca air
a-aay ytsrs of prur-a..T,a. txpxnrav-c. Sack
a- " is ofus ta.t,ai.e lo rrsaamu, tar tat
at aw! aire Uii- via, cast 1 fiad t frroarsbv
aasocaaary u prtc."U s-irivt aaotLAcaiiraaa is
tac asaal faria of trtstoac.! wuu LJ 1 an
valor a-'Xat li Sard.
Ar.r oarrccaoaaf aidreaasd to Dr. B. X.
Kay. c-o las Vt- b. J. kar kUdaml Cs.
a Ciav fcu. a.-ata-a bpnua. N. Y
n ka aay promt aad raarfml itvau.
aaxi U
la naraaarirq my aa aa tratijia
Ball Player Of the National
League Writes NMiat He Thinks
of 5 amp-Root.
ilotfl Kuipiro.
Now York Citv. Oct. VKi.
Ir. Xilmtr Co..
l?inchaintn. X. Y.
fientlt-iii?n: After finihin2
' ' asV v a" mm . . z w rrrm-9
:f ,v tir:;?-f'--v-'--;
l-v.- . ,(. - r ri.-v7 - ; -
. s ....... 1. .......
Jx-.tlm.r 1 1 A- ..v H'--Jrs-.-
the coaching of the Col am bit
College Rae? Rail Team, lat
sprinp. I wa not in frond txndi-
tin for the opening of the Xa
Itional Iapue. I btarted using
! and it put me in
rODUlllOn TOrV QUK'K. 1 am
' aJ . 1 w
: Katisfi1 amp-Knot U a won
itierrui remedy, anti tine, every
V j a a
thing that you claim for it.
Ycnrs trulv.
9i . 01
Nesr Tork Nations. Ijpairoe Club..
other causes, kidney trouble is permitted to con
tinue fatal results are sure to fellow.
S warn Root Strengthrns the Kidneys
and through them helps all the other organs.
When this Wonderful Discovery can put the
human body into condition to stand the hard,
training and the tremendous strain of the prize
ritg. it is easy to understand how it has curat
thousands in the more ordinary and letss stren
uous walks of life.
A Fin tloetric B4t grvon away fro
to all men avrtosviil aend their ram
arvd address to trta Heide4tri Mtst
cal I n st n kite, St- Paul, Minn.
fa aa wbaa Mas Fiat
tllCT0-CMLM C SEIT an rsaisra aaa u Seas
sa aa n ,i. aj araat b sder ra aaa at aaa;
a aaats aM tar a Ian ata - ss a ti 1 1 10-ftAT.
tlTC rOt IT la-MT. H a yom for tae aa.
lag itaoat oat ccat oaf toai to yoa. Tkaa as
a real got sar adrrrraatsg awrpoaca. Wear
'"sat to gre it fm at it wiil b W sa y bns
ta yoa- Thv. ta no -thirty day trial araa.
or l-krai of say krad. Vow aisipiT arwd as
ponr aaaa aad w arad yoa tb aatctrat Ml
t a yoar to kers iorrvcr. aad w a-vSrr so
crmautaawBea sak for or accept aa y mosey
orn.atkTMs eraj tat wttit. Tkaa as a
aaata.ataipi.aartre atatrwvrat of fac-a. t
gaaraatattt to b the III! lUCTIX ltt
aaiVf aaprrior to ail otaarra. It is arises
away abaolateiy free ty ta hi asm Sprcaafaat
t aS ta readers of tkia papal who aaM tac
rreat cwracrr agest, Elcrtrarrty. A ktw
saiaBtea' trial anil pre to yoa its power, a
weanag anil reetar yoar strrsg-.b
aad maaiy aigor that aioa make kat worth
knag, aa forms of
sajgravr- Ssaoal. Urinary,---,
tae. aak
aVoat Agrialtsst Wsskly.
" laasaaaaa. as.
M.MraSaMuaiaaaraSatas. aataatra
aaaa aaaaary raa.iai aa eaa. aaaar aa sarin aaanZ
haaaasaaaasaaasaa-Ma .. a.
giaaaaaj aa.f i.aaM aaaaaa a laaaa aatav a as
aaaa aaaa taaa yaatf miaal-a a a aaat aa aaa. 7.2
" 'aa aa. as a. ai. aa aa a araaa. trial,., ,A