THE 0MAT1A DAILY HEE: MONDAY. FEnRTTARY 8. 1004. GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET s. Tint Beactioo is Prici 8i;r th. Exchange Opcofld lu Doarj. EAOKERS FEAR GIANTS AND WAR RUMORS Trade la rititn Laraelr la May Cora ul Jalr Cora a ad WkMl Gel Few Bayer, OMAHA. Feb. . 1904. Today nw the nrst reaction on the Dma ha exchange. Business waa dull. The condition of the msrhet la such, with vary ing possibilities of war and no much grain In the hands of the giants, that the brokers feared to go over Sunday either long or short. 80 there waa a painstaking effort cm their part to get even. The Chicago and Omaha markets opened U about the closing quotations, though oomewhat weaker, from the opening there i a steady decline In all grains on the Chicago and the Omaha markets and the dosing prices were not far from the lowest tif the day. The break averaged nearly t cents. Omaha transaction In futures were largely confined to May corn. The Chi cago market opened at 4Sc. c up from the closing figure, and Omaha opened up with a show of strength with feS" kid. The market declined to 44e, and then rallied to o and fiddled about on the eighth, following the Chicago market. It declined toward the close to 44Hc offered and few willing to buy. Chicago broke ic. a Quarter mora than Umihm. Julv corn opened weak and there was nothing suing rmre. wnne 111 Chicago the bears pulled the market down c. There was no Omaha business In May wheat, but In July the market opened up on the dosing price of Friday, and after tireaklnr to ifc rallied to 7Uc. May oats fell off Jc In Chicago, hut no local brokers ventured on this market. The ranee In nrlr-na nf ttmilii s-mln foe future delivery and the close today and r riuay were as roiiows: Close V heat- Open. High. Low. Today. Frl v Mar ...7 74 74 7WV 78 78 794 July July Oats May March T4W 4SH 414 74 44 44 41 884 744B 74to 4SB 4fiH 44B 46 41 41 U HVaB ISH ..411 ...414 Loral Cash Orala Markets. Offerings wens light and not sufficient to fill the demands which brokers had In nana, riecelpts of wheat were 8 cars; Frl oay, 0. Bales of car lots by sample on tracks, Omaha: Hard wheat. No. I. 10 cars, 754,5. Receipts of corn were U cars; Friday, 19. Sales of car lots by sample on track, Omaha: Mixed corn. Nv 1 K ara 1Un TCn A I cars. SSVfcc; no grade, 1 car, 38c, neceipis 01 oats were k cars: Friday. 1 car. Sales of car lots: White oats, No. 4, 1 car, 39c; 3 cars, 38Hc; 7 cars, JMic; I cars, SkAc. Rye. No. I I cars, Kc. N HEAT No. t hard. No. 3 hard. 70&7bc; No. 4 hard, tHfisik:; No. t spring, 7SfWc; No. 1 spring. TOIse; No. 4 spring. No. 4. I7ti44c; No. 1 yellow, 42V8o; No. I yellow. 4vfj42o; No. i whit. 42Vff43a; No. I white. 41fji.'0. OATU-No. 8. WHflSHc; No. 3. 8744f3SHe: No. 4. 88J7c; No. 1 white. Vj2j41o; No. i white, b'nJ40c; standard. 3Hc Nates from the Ksehaaare Ofllees. Applications for membership have been made by H. O. Leavltt and by Floyd J. Campbell. Transactions In grain for future delivery. Friday amounted to 344,0X1 bushels, Thurs day to 80,000. Omaha Inspections of grain were twenty seven cars; wheat, 1 car graded No. 3 hard corn. It cars graded No. 3; 4 cars, No- i ca No. 3; white; oats. 1 cars graded No. 4 white; barley, 1 car, graded -No. a. Grata Markets Elsewhere. Closing prices of grain at the markets nsmed rrldsy and todav were as follows: . KAN b AS CITV. . Fri day. 16 4i H4 83HB b U S6 Wheat-May juiy 74i lorn-May 45- July x, , BT. LOUIS. WheatMay July . Corn May July ' NEW YORK. Wheat-May July Corn May 88 .. 88V, 41H, ai Chicago receipts were: Wht 17 ,.ur.. corn, list cars; oats, V cars. ' NEW YORK GENERAL MARKET. (tiotstlant of the Day oa Tarloaa Commodities. iifLT011 Fob- -"LOURRecelrts. 11.6(11 bbls.; exports, 36,683 bbls:; market quiet but steady, at last night prices: Minnesota patents. Ktaui; Minnesota bakers, 3J9(84.i6; winter patents, I4.6uu4.86: r;lS,I-."tr1,bu; winter extras. 33.26u,I.U; winter low grades, S3.4Wi3.6u. Rye flour, fair to good, 3.40(i3.S0; choice to fancy, $3.6W(fl96. ttuckwheal flour, dull, CORNMBAL-Steady; yellow western, ll?jJ?ltXl 11 06: klln drl"i- wo3.oa RYE Hrm, No, 2 western, 7H,c, nominal 5-. fltj. ,tats nd Jersey, tWrate. BARLEY Dull ; feeding, 63c c. 1. f. New YV,r,,fjJi,:JtHi' w0 . I. f. Buffalo. WUEAT-Reoelpu, 13,660 bu.; market for JT." aaaler: No. I red,. Wkj elevator and 97Tc f. o. b. afloat; No. I northern xuiutn. il.Oi r. o. b. afloat: No. 1 hard anitoba. nominal f. a. h. aflna opened stronger on the war news, but ex perienced a rush of rroltt taking sales which broke prices about a cent a bushel In the first hour, helped by predictions of large world's shipments on Monday. Near the close the market rallied on a war rumor and closed firm at S3 He net lower. May, 6Bir7Hc, closed. WSc; July. 90c to Wff91o, closed, 98Hc; September closed CORN Receipts, K&2S bu.; exports, ti, 016 bu.; market for spot waa dull; No- : toe elevator and 64o f. o. b. afloat: No. yellow. 68c; No. 1 white, 66c. Options mar ket waa quiet, but ateadler here after the opening on room covering. Close waa staady and unchanged. May, oa0Hc. closed. UOSc: July, ilc. OATS Receipts 60,000 bu.; exports, 22, (40 bu.: market for spot was firm; No. 2, 47c; standard whlta. Sc; No. 3 white. He; Nn. I whit. oo. RICE ateady; domestic, fair to extra. SStitc: Japan, nominal. HAT Quiet; shipping. (0370c; good to choice. 6a6e. HOPS Firm: common to choice, 1903, 334o; I9ut, 4isa8o: id. 10316c; racltto coast, 1, re 56c; 1901. 3d23c. HIDES Firm: Galveston, 20 to 36 ba.', 13c; California. XI to 26 Iba., 19c; Texas dry, 24 to 30 lbs., 19n. LEATHER Steers, Jge. TALLOW Quiet; city t2c on pkgs), 6c; country (Packaat free). 6"ii4c. PROViaiONSBeef. Steady; family $lfto srii.uu; mens, ss.uuus.uu; oeer nams, xju.Wi li.00; city extra mesa, Jl5Cn17 0ft. Cut meats, quiet; pickled bellies. (7 KVfM flrt; pickled shoulders, 15.7Mr6.lK); pickled hams, 4 6Siaoa. Lard, steady: western stesmel, 37 76; refined, steady; continent. 37 76; South America. U 36;- compound, hi Pork, steady; family, tl5 0nti5 6u; short Clear. iuaalii0l: mess, 14.7Mt)S9. BUTTER Receipts, 360 pkgs.: extra creamery, 26c; common to choice. 15f234o; imiTaiiun creamery, iisc; sisie oaJry !44ic: renovated, l-W'Hc; held cream. rv. i4pic: factory, lul4o. CHKESE-Steady: state full cream. fancy, small, colored, September, 12c; late made, lic: small white September. 12c; lute made. 10c: larc colored. September. Ho; 1st made, 10c; large whll. Septem ber. He; late made. 10c. EOGS Lower and unsettled: state and Pennsylvania and nearby average, flneat. 31a; seconds to firsta. 2y63uc; western Srsta, 30r. POULTRY Alive and dressed, firm and unchanged. t. Loala erala aad Provlslens. ST. LOUI8. Feb. 1-WIIEAT-Iower; No. 1 red elevator. S3c; track, nfi$l .00; May. h;c, July, &2c; No. 3 hard. Uii CORV Lower 1 No. I cash. 4tc; track. lim; fair, wc; uiy, w. CVAT Lower 1 No. 3 cash. 42c; track, 4JWtiHtc: May. 42Vc; No. 3 white. 4c. FLOUR Dull; rod winter patents, 34 5M t.aa; extra fancy ana iraignt, 6t.2tkU4.6i; Clear. i.3ixju . fcKEl-Hinothv. steadr. 3-60rl8S. CORNMEAI-teady. 13.41. RICAN Steady. Itrm; arnked. east track. HAY-Dull; timothy. r.i'.tflJW; prairie. e'o du. ik7n oormv ties woi H A(HllN(-f., '16-, HFMP TWINr-5c POULTRY Dull: chk-kena . sr.rli.ffa to: turkeys, JJc: ducks, Uc; geH. 6f7c. Rl TTV H-Steady; crwsmary. 17ijI4c; delrv. J"fiUc. PROVISIONS Pork. lower; Jobbing! tU-W. Laxd, uncbauged; vrlm steamed, M 6. Bacon, steady: extra rhoris. f??4: clear ribs, 17 75; short clear, T 87V4 iiius-uiwer at toe, c.e couni Kee-lp's. Shipments. Flour, bbl i'io u,i Wheat, bu 71,i00 n.Q Corn, bu 110 lion) Oats, bu 45,V 74.0X1 CHICAGO ORAM A Mi PROVISIONS. Features of the Trad I eg and Closing Prices oa Board of Trade. CII1CAOO. Feb. .-A storm of liquidation broke over the grain pits to.lav In spile of the critical situation In the Orient. The market was unable to rally and closing prices were near the low point. May wheat being off le from last nlKht's clooe. May Corn closed lc lower, while oats were down 2lj2Hc. Provisions wera practically unchanged. Strength and activity marked Initial trad. Ing In wheat. That the war outlook was of a most serious nature was evidenced by a decline In the price of English con sols. Shorts were active buyers at the start and bid up the price of the May op tion above yesterday's close, the opening quotations being at P5Vfi95o. July waa a shade to H'UV higher at MuSft'tc. Put these prices lasted only a moment. There waa such a quantity of wheat for site, both May and July deliveries, thst within five minutes the price of May had fallen to 94Sc and July to tic. The sell. Ing era 1 was soon partly exhausted. On support from the leading long the market quickly recovered part of the nsrly loss. May rallying to 94Tr, and July to Mc. Trading was" comparatively quiet during the remainder of the day until within the last half hour. Commission houses con tinued to sell on all slight nllles, while small holders seised evtry opportunity to secure profits. In the face of fresh war news the pit wss deluged with selling orders late In the day. There was not enough demand to absorb the offerings and In consequence May broke to 9ac, while the price of July was carried down to Wc. The close was extremely weak with May at 4o, a net 1S4 for the day of lc July was from le to lvc lower at Misc. Clearances of wheat nnd flour were equal to 2M.MO bu. Primary re ceipts were B77,6i'0 bu., against Cau.MO bu. a year ago. Minneapolis, Duluth and Chi cago reported receipts of 16 cars, com pared with 23 cars last week and 434 cars a year ago. About the same cnnditlons surrounded trading In the corn pit as were witnessel In the wheat market. Prices were strong at the start Influenced by the war situa tion but weakness developed early In the day on heavy liquidation of May by one of the largest holders. While there waa a fair demand for the July delivery the market failed to rally and closing price were at the bottom. May opened Vo lower to Vic higher at SC-liHc, and closed at the bottom at 64c. a net loss for the day of ISc. July closed mSlHc lower, at KIiijoZHo. Local receipts were 136 cars, none nf contract vrarie. The feature In trading In oats was the weakness of the May delivery and the comparative strength of the July option. With the sharp brenk In prices In wheat and corn early In the day, May oats were offered freely, resulting In a considerable loss. Commission houses were fair buyers on the decline, but profit taking continued on aufflr-lentlv larva scale to keep the prle down. Part of the weakness In ths Mav option wus due to the fact that stocks showed some increase. The orenlng on M-y was unchanged to V lower, at 45'BW,c:. while the close was 2(B2l-c lower at 44,'54414c, after the price had touched 44Ue. Local receipts were 131 cars. Provisions were strong early In sympathy with higher prices for hogs at the yards and on war news. After the first hour, however, prices begun to decline under the Influence of the break in the grain market. At the close, nil of the gain was lost, Maf .,v hoimr ff iu.iv nt 113 S7V4. May Wrd was slso down SVc. at 17.524. but ribs were up 2Hc at $ 60. Estimated receipts for to morrow: Wheat. 40 cars: corn, o cars, oats. 380 cars; hoga. 44,iO head. The leading futures ranged as follows. Articles. Open. High. I Low. CloseYes'y. Wheat May July Sept. Corn Feb. May July Oats Feb. May Julv Sept. Pork May Lard May July Ribs May July 9S 95V MS 80V 90 V1 MVi 79V El 64V 62 94 96 84T, SSTi'f' .97 61 ! 64 52 5W 611 634 637 f 41Hf 4J1 - 44V44fy -46'4 S9 3?V !V 33 33V V 3941 4ftiHi ft V 13 68 7 V 7 70 13 75 13 i'W IS 67 13 60 7 67H! 7 50 7 65 77 90. 7 6?H 7 62Mi 7 BS 7 60 7 70 PS 1 97V C art 77H 92 6 921 No. 2. ' ... .. v. nl,n,.,Un wr as follows: FLOUR Firm; winter patents, 34.169 4.30; winter straights. $3 10; spring pat ents. 4 hm ni: spring siniinu, o.,'rU.w, bskers. VUVqSAO. . WHEAT fo. a spring, wutc; i-o. i . Ami... . . CORN-NO. Z. WlSie; NO. I yjunw, "V? OATS No. 2, 4l,i&V; No. 2 white. 4$9 46c. BARLEY-Good feeding, 39fl0c; fair to I-JVarMn S fl I wi. choice malting. ibKe. SEED No. 1 flax. 11 11: No. 1 north western, 31.18; prime timothy, 33.16; clover, . .. . . . -v. . PROVI8IONB Mess pora. rer noi IS 62. Lard, per 100 ins., wi.w&i. n. enon TIPS Sines uoosei. "4tj. to. ouui v im- Ides tboxed). ifl.ift'iio.B. Following are the receipts and shipments of flour and gram: npcv rin. DniDnirius. Flour, bbls zi 50 as j w Wheat bu 62.7m 29 jn Corn? 'bn...: lW.hA V4 Oata bu im.nw Vive bu nw R?l'ev bu M 6o on tne rroouc rinmnpr "i m--ter market waa firm; creameries. 161j24o; dairies, lawujw. r.i,, wnw, , cjaes Included, 27C-J9C Cheese, steady, 9 10c Kansas City Grain nnd Provisions v ivaifl riTV Fehr. a. WHEAT May, Vo July. 74a74Sc: c .0' na!i jeeted. 6Mij70c; No. 2 red, 9S95c; No. . 3. KQ-. ...... w CORN May, 4-wc; juiy. -ss No. 3 mixed, 4J'8-i;c; no. wiine, OATS rro. I White, ;c; rso. m, w C41c. h v t Nn z ft r" HAY-Choice timothy, $9.0589.75; choloa rnis i.nwr: Missouri and Kansas stock, rastw returned, 25c; nsw No, 2, white- wood canea Included, avjc. Keceipte. onipmenie. Wheat, bu 145.6HO 80.500 Corn, bu K0.MO 87. Oata. bu 7.009 . 10,000 Philadelphia Prodnee Market PHILADElPHIA. Feb. (. BUTTER Vlrm: extra nearby nrlnts. 2c ECK'IS Weak and So lower: frrsh nesrby, Oo. at mark: fresh western. Soc. at mark: fresh southwestern. Sue, at mark; freab. southern. 2Sc. at mark. C'HEKSU eteadv. nuiat: iew York run creams, cnoice to rancy. iwi'jc; new York ful creams, fair to good, lu-d 101o. - Minneapolis Oral Market. MINNKAPOMS. Feb. K WHEAT May, afsc: July, 91Tc; September. Tt'Tsc; on track, Nik 1 hard, IMxc; o. 1 norih'rn. 8Jic; No. 3 nortnern, c; rc. i northern, iU6t S7n. FlAJUR First patents, I4.7wr4.s&; second patents, 34.MJ4 7S; nrst Clears. M WU4.60 second Clears. II svfli w. BRAN IN bulk, higner. i.oo-is.35. Mllwankeo Grain Market. MILWAUKEE. Feb. (.-WHEAT lo lower; No. 1 northern, 9lc; ro. j northern. WuMlc; May. te. n I r-r ii ui i . v. , . w TJ A UI XT VtSnll K. 4 ire' 3. Cc; aamplas. 3 6Sic CORN-le hlcher: No. 3. 440450; May, M:c. Pia. Liverpool Grain Market. LIVERPOOX Frb. (.WHEAT Spot nominal; futures, quiet: ftiarcn. as a Mav. UKa; July, nominal. CXRN Soot American mixed. ne steady at 4s2d: Amsrlcan mixnd, old, firm at uii Futures, quit; Marcn, 4au Dnlath Grain Market. DULUTH. Feb. (.WHEAT In at v , v. .. A., . x' i v. . u'Ixm. k; 3 northern, 9jVc; to arrive. No. 1 hard. rfac; o. i nortnern. sc: no. z normern, "c; May, 92c; July. SI So; September, 50C. OATS On track and to arrive, tvo. Wool Market. ST. LOUIS. Feb. C WOOL Nominal: medium grades, combing and clothing. 17 -'le; light fin. Iil7c; heavy fine. 12J 14c: tub washed, 8'fjic. LONDON, Feb. (. WtiOL The, arrivals for the secord series of auction rata amount to l.'1.u37 bales. Including (O.uuO bales forwarded direct to spinner. Peoria Grata hrarhet. PEORIA. Feb. (. CORN-Flrtn; atw No. 3. 4va4ic; iitw No. 4. . OMADA LIVE STOCK MARKET Both Eeef EUe-iand Cowi Eell'rg at Low Point of Year. HOGS ABOUT STEADY WITH A WEEK AGO Best flrades of Sheep and Lambs Sot Mseh Different from the Close of Last Week, hat Common Kinds Are Considerably Lower. SOUTH OMAHA, Feb. , 19M. Receipts were: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. .. LM 3,4 lU.ftM Official Mondsy utnclal 1 uesuay .... Official Wednesday , Official Thursday ... (.916 6.2-t 8.430 2.'i"4 7.8fl 6,22 8,621 666 Official Friday Official Saturday ... Six days this week. ...11. 178 45.445 31.578 Same davs last week 1H tK 4ii.B;4 H7.7' Same days week before. .14. !H9 43.4S1 32. 7.4 Ham three weeks ago..23.7v6 41.414 4O.031 Same dayo last year.... 17, Ski 3. 9 2ti,;'M RECEIPTS FOR THE YEAR TO DATEJ I he following table show the recelpia of cattle, hogs and sheep at South Oman for the year to date, with comparisjna with last year; itsu lutti. Inc. Dec. Cattle X9.9 94.163 4.563 Hons I3.20J r.".44rt 2.757 Sheep 188.763 124.2U4 4.54U Avers nricea ttirt tnt tmas mi South Omaha tor lh laat sevtral days with cum parisoiiSi Data. 1 1904. Iian. 1902. 11901. Uu.llSt4.U3. Jan. II... 4 (8 ( 41 I 22 I 2(1 4 6t 3 47 4 4 4 161 6 Ul 4 kM 3 &i ( 4 131 6 4 4, I 4ji I 47 4 68 ( a 6 4 561 3 51 1 3 51 4 7, (39, J 6 271 4 64 3 64 8 64 4 US'4i ( 47 I 27! I 4 64 3 M 3 6v 4 , 8 68, 6 16 t 261 I 3 69i 3 64 But.! ( 63) ( 02 t Ul 4 3 I 57 4 8.4i 6i w, 6 14, 4 6k! I Ki U6 ( () 6 21 4 oo 3 61 3 62 4 fHl ( 14 6 U 4 4 3 0U 3 tit an. u... Jan. 17... Jan. IS Jan. 19... Jan. 20... Jan. 21... Jan. 22... Jan. U... Jan. 24.. Jan. 26... Jan. Jan. 27... Jan. m... Jan. 3... Ri I s 161 4 aot 01 4 i ( 6 ( 12 I 4 62) 8 3; t 8 7 I 04 4 ill', 6 64 3 96 6 22) I 2 OS, 6 981 6 Jfcl 4 62 4 791 64! n. 3u... 4 HlTa, 6 lai ti jq. n t t U, o i 4 H 3 I'M i 97 17 4 651 8 64 3 ti i kit 6 22 4 67 3 Wi 8 t4 Jan. (1... Feb. 1.... 72 4 73'-., 6 Feb. 2 ... 6 l!bi 4 6b 8 64 9 bj i 4 62, 3 6 2 73 6 31, i 2 69, 3 72 6 23) 4 66i I 3 72 31 4 70 8 66 Feb. 8.... Feb. 4.... Feb. Feb 4 4, ( 70i S 92 1 4 61 I )( 6 H 7S f ii 11 4 80 ( 76) ( 16, 'Indicates Sunday. I'hS official niuAhF et era nf stock brought In today by each road was: noaa. catue. t-togs. air p. il ses. .. M. at St P. Rv.. I 16 4 15 1 8 h I 24 1 1 6 15 .. 1 i .. .; 7 1 X t 119 3 & Wabash .. P. system C tk N. W. Ry F.. ii A M. V. R. R. .. C. St. P., M. 4 O. Ry 1 . i. Ky 8 C.,- B. & Q. Ry. iv. c s Dt, j R. 1. A P.. east.. 1 C. R. 1. & P.. west.. .. Illinois Central cnl. Ureat Western.. ., Total receipts .... ( The disposition of the day's receipts waa as follows, each buyer uurchuainic ilia number of head Indicated: Buyer. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Omana Packing Co. , ewltt and Company Cudahy Packing Co. Armour A Co ii 1,739 2. 087 2.1 Mi l.ioo 64 250 Armour Co., 8. C lu6 81 9 Hoi uegan ttaggeiiy At Co Totals , 180 8,757 218 CA'l"! LE There was practically no trad Ing in the cattle division this morning, so that a test of values was not made. Fur the week receipts show quite a decrease both aa compared wltn last week and with the correepunulng woek of laet year. At some other markets, however, supplies have Deen quite libera:, ao that tne number oi cattle on aale has been ample to meet the requirements of th trade, and in fact there has been a surplus of the condition ot the market, which may be considered' as an Inoex of the true situation. Corn-fed steers cold a little stronger th first part of the week, but the latter part the market was in very bad shape and closing price are tully as low as they were at the close ot last week. In other words. tho market Is at the low point of the year to date, and in fact at the low point of the season. The bulk of the cattle- now coming forward have been fed from 100 to 120 days and are selling at about the same prices that were paid for much shorter tod cattle during the slump before the holidays. As has been pointed out tnrougn these columns from day to day the present demoralized condition of the market ia largely due lo the severe storms in many sections or tne country, whloh have tied up the railroads and mad a shortage of refrigerator cars. Until railroad traffic one mora becomes normal there Is amsll chanc of much im provement in the market. Good to. choice cattle are now quotable from 34. 40 to 34.75, fair to good from 34 to 34.40, medium graaea from 33 75 to 34 and common kinds from 33.26 to 33.(0. It now takes a pretty good bunch of cattle to sell much over 84. The cow market is also tuny Dae to where It was at the c'oae of last week, or to the low point of the year. The latter part of the week trading has been very dull, particularly on the commoner kinds. Oood to choice cattle sell from 33.25 to 33.65, fair to good from 32.76 to 33. is. medium srrades from 33.40 to 33.60 and cannerg and etittera from 11.50 to 32.26. Bulla have suffered tne same as steers and cows. Oood to choice graded eell from 1.1.2S to 38.71. fslr' to good front I2.7S to 33.25 and bologna grades from 3125 to 32 50. Veal calves nave Deen in smau supply an h woek and nrlces have held steady. Choicest grades are now selling from Ij.uO to 36.50. The stocker and feeder market has been dull all the week, with the tendency of prleea downward, except on something very cnolce. wnicn IS not a nr.i aeni lower. Tha nommoner kinds, however, are 15r25c lower for the week. The good to choice trades sell largely from 13.40 to 13.76. -with something prime a little higher. Fair to aood trades go from 18.00 to 33 40 and com rrlon Kinds irom .iu gown, representa T . . I . . tive sales: tJEKF STEERS. A. Tr. N. ...ISO I IX) W 8. ...11 3 M . M ...1175 I 70 ('.... ..., . ..10M 3 74 BULLS. ...uao it i CALVES. Ms. 1... I::. it..., i... Av. .. HI t M .. U l ..111 3 K I US I 00 t UI I 16 HOGS There waa a fairly liberal run of hogs here this morning for a Saturday, but with a good demand the market opened generally 6c higher. Trading was fairly active and tha moat of th early arrivals were disposed of in good season. Toward tn cioa of tne market, nowever, buyers were not so anxious for supplies and aa a result the close was slow and wesk, with th advance of the morning practically ail lost. The bulk of the sale wtnt from It 76 to 34.N&. Lignt stun; aom irom H . down, medium weights went from 34.75 to 34 30, good heavy hogs from 34.60 to 34 85 and prime heavlea from 34.85 to 34.90. In spite of the fact that the close waa alow and weak, practically everything waa sold bo fore noon. For the week receipts show a slight de crease as compared with last week, but an increase of about 6,000 head as com na red with the same week of last year. Prices have held steaoy most or tne week, the fluctuations from day to day being of small Importance. Closing prices are practically the same as at ths close of last week, th difference amounting to only about 1 cent representative aaies No. ' av. a, fr. 14 u. U... 44.... 14..., TI..., 1... 10... Tt... TI... T4... 7... 17... 41... t... 41... 46... TI... 44 .. U... ... 44... II... 14... 44... U .. av. nu rv. M W ItiU M4 ... 4 144 ... 4 Ut MS 4 4 US .U4 ... 4 .191 40 4 U 124 140 4 !- Ill ... 4I2S 44 ... 4 11 44... W... 71... t... M ,. Xf .. 11.. 4.. M . IU. 7.. li.. ).. !.. 71 ... ,..141 .,141 ..111 ,..144 4 t I 84 4 49 ., 4 4 ,.. 4 5 ... 4 70 ... 4 7 4 4 70 40 4 714 . . . 4 71 at 4 7i ... 8 7 ..144 ...171 ...It ...ttl ...111 ...111 ...111 K4 M 4 11 .141 ..lit ..HI 4 i 4 4 421 ..111 1S 4 TI .14 44 4 71 101 1 4 111 lai 140 till, lti 117 tt in .. 4 71 M. n. M M. 6. tu. li. M. 41. M. 14. 14. n. 44 as. ... 111 . 111 IM III 140 120 I VI W lti 131 ... IK 44 4 4 It Ml 40 4 H 144 110 4 M I'JO 4 71 141 til .1M Ii4 .1:4 .144 4 1 .. 4 71 .. 4 71 .. 4 n 4 T 44 4 75 .. 4 TTH 10 4 77i 4 77 .. 4 Hi .. 4 V .. 4 TT (ft 4 T7! . . 4 Vi 4 77W, 4 4 77 . 4 M ... 4 M IS H 1 H 4 4 10 4 k) tn tl n N I IS .. 4 46 .. 4 J .. 4 H .. 4 M R IS 40 4 II 4 U 40 I M .. 4 M a i u ., 4 St ... 4 44 4 4 av M 10. II. If 1 UI Ul .... IM m tu yi 141 ti.i ....144 U4 71... 111 17.. 7... U.. ... 47 . 74.. 44 . 17.. 45.. 44.. I!.. 74 . 41 Ill 77. 70... ... 0 ... 41 ... 71 ... M ... 7... 7f... 71 ... .. ..IN .117 ..lit .11 .134 4 im 4 m, t-i 40 i rr4 .111 11 140 4 14 -1.1 ... 4 M .114 ... IS .144 44 4 M .ITlt t 4 M) .III 4 4 44 li ... 4 M ... 111 40 4 lu ....; s 4 m U 1M 4 N ...174 M Ot II.. 1.. M M IN U 34 4 H i r M IN ti ITT ... 4 S U Ml 1W 4 f 2J4 U 4 i :4 ... 4 :- li I.i 44 4 Mv, eiifcr.t- There er only a few bunches here this morning and they sold at aea- eraiiy tteauy pi ices as c-oniarvu un esteriiay. for ine weea rt-ceipis inow a loss as compared with last wees, amounting tinut u,iA"i tieaa, itii a.s compaieu wiin the same week ct iHst er Uicre u hut little change. The uemaiia has ntcrwti by b en rather limited owh,g lu the bad con dition of the market in tne east caus d by he heavy storms, which nave delated r.ul- rosd traiflc and created a shortage of re- ilgeratur cars in the wtt. As a result he tendency of prices has ben down ward, panic ularly on the cumrauner kinds. 1 ne market at the close of. tne we, K. however. Is Ully !ui5c higher than It was at the low lime the mlduie of the week. This advance leaves the better grades of heep and also choice lambs neatly back o where they were at tne close of last week. The commoner kinds, howevt r. are tin slow sale and unevenly lower than a week aao. some kinds being as much as 15(ji6c lower. The quality ot thu offerings has not been very good, ho that In ralliy good stuff has been scarce, while the sip ply of the common stuff has bevn excessive. feeders nave been so scarce alt tne we 'K hat a fair test of the market has not heen made. Desirable grades may not be much different for the week, but common kind are undoubtedly lower. Uuotatlons for corn-fed stock: uood to choice western limbs, (-Vo n5.75: fair to good lambs, 35.25rt5 60; good to choice year lings, 4 6oM.tsJ; lair to good yeailings, h.js 4 uo; goou to dunce wethers. l4.iuH4.ii: air to gMd wethers. 3.'!.75U4.U0: cood to choice ewes, 33.60(3.76; fair to good 'S, 3:1 JtiuS.oo; choice feeder lambs. M.0ct4.75: fair to good. 33.5j4 0u; feeder yearl.ngs, 8X5og4.00; feeder wethers, O.iliS-'u; ewes, X2.wn.iui; cutis, i. .oHjl.uo. Kepre- sentative sales: Po. Av. P-. s no 8 60 3 O 4 00 4 00 4 00 4 00 4 4 60 6 r 6 13 1 western gnat l'V) 6 western ewes l'fl !1 western ewes lnl 6 western wethers M 7 western wethers SI 136 western yearling wethers.... 71 8 western lambs M 3 western lambs 60 43 western yearlUig wethers ... M) p.i western lamns 1 western lamb CHICAGO LIVK STOCK MARKET. Light Shipment Strengthen Market, with Price Higher. CHICAGO. Feb. 6, CATTLF Reoelnts. 3no head; market nominal; giHxl tu prime steers, H.iy(ii6.50; ioor to medium. $4 2o'i 4.m; stockers and feedars, 32 24.15: cow, 11 50fi4.2ii; heifers, 3-' O""ii4.5o; canners, 11.50 &2.40: bulls, 82.0iV4.0: calves, 33.Oirii7.25. HOGS Kwe Dts. 15.010 head: est mated Monday, 25.000; market strong; mixed and butchers,; good to choice heavy, 35.00''(i5.12H; rough heavy, 84.NO'ii5.00; light. 84.3un4.S5; bulk of sales. 34.SO?to.OO. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 2,000 head; market steady: good to choice weth ers, 84.0Off4.60: fair to choice mixed. 33.75'S 4.00; western sheep, 33.7&K6.26; native lambs, 34.uoQa.tia; western iambs, xo.ue.Hi- Kansas City Lira Stork Market. KANSAS CITT. Feb. 6 -CATTLE Re ceipts, 300 head, including 60 Texan ; mar ket unchanged: export and dressed beef steers, 84.3nff5.00; fair to good. 33 . 75174 . 26 : western-fed steers, 83.5nre4.30; stockers snd feeders. 32.M4T4.flO: southern stpori. 3.i.ff'(f 4.10; southern cows. $2.25'2-90t, native cows, tl. 75(03.50: native heifers. 32.5ofti3."S: bulls, t2.25i3.SO; calves, 3?75tf8.2i; receipts for the weeg, 3.4w. HOGS Receints, 2.500 head: market 5c higher; top. 35: bulk of sales. M.''a4.90: heavv. 34.85T(6.iiO: packers, (4.75fM.90: pigs and lights, tt al.TSrecelpts for th weekt SHEEP AND LAMR3 No receipts; mar ket steady: lambs. 34. 5" "ff 5. 6.1; western nmhs. 14. 5055. 60: fell ewes. W.40'l3.X6: west ern-fed yearlings. 4.0ir4.75; stockers and feodera, 32.76iiB-l.10; receipts for the week. 16.600. St. I.onts Live Stock Market ST. LOUIS. Feb. (.CATTLE Receipts, 500 head, including 150 Texans; market steady; native shipping and export steers. 34.25fii6.50. tha tou for strictly fancy: dressed ueer ana Duicner pteern, Din-m under 1.000 lbs.. 33.50i5.25: stockers and feeders. I2.154.rt): cows and heifers, t2.2.y 1 fio ihn tnn for fnnrv' corn-fed: canners S2.25(ge.50: bulls, 32.4'54.0O: calves, t3.ona 7.00; Texas and Indian steers, 32.77S4M.30, the top for fed; cows and heifers. t2.OrKff3.O0. HOGS Receipts, 3.0"0 head; market was stronger; pigs and tights, 34.40ffi4.65; pack ers. 14. 4oti4. 80; OUtcners anu oesi neuv.v. SHEEP AND T'.AMnS-Recelpts, 1 m head; market firm; native muttons w-j'rw 4.75; lambs. t4.50fr6.RS: culls and bucks, t2.00 2.25; stockers, 32.0g3.oo.. New York Live Stock Market. KP.W TORK. Feb. 6. BEEVF7S No re- eint no aalea renorted: dressed beef, tuHvpliv ilnutml native Sides, Ififv.c; reported exports for today, 750 beeves, 6,650 quartej-s of Deer. tALY l'- riecerpia, I nmu; neunjr un western on sale; no trading except 7 veals at 3 50; city dresaen veals, S'ai3c. IKKJS Receipts, 3,1.0 neaa; no eaies re. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 1.937 hcuil: sheen rated steady to firm; good to Lprlme lambs, fairly active ana ik nigner; n nf craoen. nmei ana hihiui menu. Biirru, I4 a rew neaa ai . iteoonen naies of lambs at Sc: dressed mutton, 7fckHc per lb.; dressed lamps, nc. Sloox City Live Stock Market. Sini'X CITY. Ia.. Feb. (.(Special Tele gram.) CATTLE Receipts, 200 head; mar ket steady; beeves. 33 5i.vu4.70; cows, bulls and mixed 3.nij3.w: stocKers ana reeaeis, t-'.7,V?i3 70; calves and yearlings, 12 &V&.3.60. HOGS Receipts. 6.000 head: market 60 higher at 34.40&4 86; bulk, t4.70t34.80. St. Joseph Live Stock Market. SIX .TrVttTPti:. Fh. g CATTLE Receints. 22 head; market nominal. HOGS Receipts. 4.H91 head: market steady to 60 higher: light, t4.60$4.'S5; medium and heavy. 4. wjm.w. SHEEP AND LAM no ISO receipts. Stock la Sight. Following are the receipts of live stock for the alx principal western cities yester day: tame. nogs, nneep. South Omaha 228 am 8.621 656 Chicago 18.000 2.5O0 8,i ' 4.PX1 6,000 t.OUO i'.aoo Kansas city . St. Louis St. Joseph .... 300 toO 22 2o0 Sioux City .... Total...... .1.550 3,01t 4,356 Foreign Financial. LONDON, Feb. Th market was sur feited' with money today. Discount rate strengthened on the political uncertainty. Business on th Stock exchange continued to suffer from the far eastern tension, trading being restricted to the narrowest limits. Consols were lWi t. closing a fraction above the lowest of the day. Americans opened depressed on New York's decline, I nited States Steel being exceptionally fairly steady, but inactive, and closed dull. Foreigners were gloomy, especially Japa nese and Russian securities. The amount of bullion taken Into the Bank of England today waa HO.OuO. and 126,000 was with drawn for shipment to South America. PARIS. Fsh. 6. Trading on the bourse today showed depression, owing to the uncertainty regarding the result of the Russian answer. The Russian Imperials Improved slightly. Imperial 4s closing at 87 96. Russian Industrials wsr heavily of fered and closed very feeble. Other inter nationals were somewhat Impressive and Indefinite. Industrials were heavy. The private rate of discount was it-It per cent. BERLIN. Feb. 6. Kxchange on London, 2om 4Mfcpfgs for checks. The discount rate for short bills was 3 per rent and for three month' bills 2S per cent. Trading on the bourse today was atsgnant. Baltimore & Ohio wag weaker upon New York advices. Clearing; Hoaaa Average. NEW YORK, Fb. 8-The statement of average of th clearing house banks of this city for th week shows: Loan. t9.- frot'.soij; Increase, 4.:.7'jo. Deposits, tl,o:'7. 156 5oo; Increase, 13.212.700. Circulation 341. fcuS 4uo; decrease, tl.225 6u0. Legal tenders, t2 t5.CiA); decrease. S2.l72,5iiO. Species, 16.. SkuS.KUO; increase. IIMXX Reserve, t278.631. o: decrease, I2.4ti3.100. Reserve required t-MThS.l; increase, f8,175. Surplus. t'Jl," 842.775; decrease. 83.2H6.27&. Ex-United State deposit.. il,Uoi.lOu; decreas. 84,287.7u0. Bank Clearing for Woek. 1 OMAHA. Feb. . Bank clearing for th week aa compared with th corrtspuidlng wk laat year: 1H. 1903 Monday tl,U i.M) 63 tl.StS.OM 84 Tuesday 87 L2sO,3U.2 neaiwsaay l.isa.ioi 4 l.u2t, Thursday 1.345.1'.2a l.u65.j4 5; Friday 1.24.7i4).5i X.iHe.WJl.ll 1 Muraay i.iUo.si5.14 l.i;s,7i.kt Increase of 85&3.643.W over th oorrtapjnd ing week last year. Kesr York losnorl and Export. NKW YORK, Feb. t.-Export of dry goods and merchandise st New York for the week Were valued at tl2.7I7.773, Kxports of money for th meek were Ci -til. Import of rpecle at New York thi week were 844.U8 gold and t36,223 sliver. British I aaports nnd Exports. LONDON. Feb. t Th January stato B4tut of -tU ttvMtrd itt Trad gbowa d. A til 1M IS rressos of tl.1'4.600 In Import and t4.101.t00 In export. OMAHA WHOLESALE MARKET. Condition of Trade and Qnotatlon on tanlo and Fancy Prodaee. EGGS Recelma. moderate: fresh atnrk. f7c LIVR POULTRY Hens. SvtSc: snrlns chickens. mi9c; roosters, according to sg, 4o5c; turkeys, 13 j lie; ducks. 9ul0c; geese. Ml 9r. DRESSED POrt.TP Y Turk eva IIMTISc! dtn.ks, lliillc; geese, loc; chickens, 8SjtD Hl'TTER Pscklng stock. 13c: choice to fancy dairy rolls. lH(il4c; separstor. 22c. per lb.. 30c: lobsttrs. ren. tier lb.. Lc bullheads. 11c; catfish. 13(f) 14c; black bsss, 2"c; halibut. 13c; crapples. 12c; herring, 4c; white bass. 13c; bluehns, Sc; smelts. lOullc. 01 s 1 ck insw York counts, per can. 4J-; per gal., (2; extra select, per can, 35c; sat. i.bu; sianunra, per can, uc: per gal, 11.50. HHAN Per ton. 11 3 60 HAY Prices ouoted hv Omaha U'IiaImbI Dealers' association: Choice No. 1 upland. K50: No. 3, l: medium, 35.60: coarse, I".; rye straw. 35. These Drlces are for hav of s-oori color and quality. Demand fair' and re ceipts light. HIE-.NO. 2, 5O0. VEGETABLES. TOTATOra f'nlm-arir, II r m. bu., natives. 8ic. SWEET POTATnr.'Stninni. v.u $3 50. r" -NAVY BEANS Per hu . S LELEHV-Small, p.T dm., 2ifi35c; large California, t'Cc, and fOi-. ONIONS Spanish, tier crate. 81. 7S: Colo- rado yellow and red. per lb.. IV--. ...Aijtiviic wisconaln Holland, 3Hc; nsw CiillfornlH. 3Vtc. TL PS-Canada " rutabagas, per lb., IHjC; white, per bu.. 00c. 1 ahhu'i s-i'er bu., 7ic. I'ARSNirS i'er bu., 00c. MEETS-Per bu.. 00c. . rAli.lfl.llW.Hl'lifn,nl. nr r. , 12 75. - I CI MBERS Per dox., tl JTifJl SO. TOMATOES California. ner 4-hasket crates, 3. , K-VLlsHES Per dox. bunches, 35c lettuce nr:.4r ier rt, 1,1,1., Jijl w: p,r bbl., 17; leaf lettuce, per do. Tl'RNlPH Southern, per dox.. 75c. BEETS Southern, per dox., 75c. CARROTS -Southern, per oos., 7"c. PARdLEV Southern, per dox.. 31. FRUITS. APPLES California Hellflowera. r..r Im; New York export Greenings, Kusseti and Baldwins, 33.76. GRAPES Imported Malagas, per keg. tow. CRANBERRIE.S Jersey, tier bbl.. tTCfl: per box. t3.o: Wisconsin P.cll and Husle. r-50; Bell and Cherry, 36.50. 01 .a w iiKKiti i. r lorid.i. per qt.. c. TROPICAL FRUITS. ORANGES Florida Blights and Russets, all sixes, I.' 25; navals all sixes, choice. t.'.2u2.50; fancy, alt sizes. 12.75. LEMONS California fancy, 300 to 390, l-'tW; choice, 240 to 370 sixes, t'..'i5. FIGS California, per lt-lb. cartons, Mc; Imported Smyrna, 3-crown, 14c; 5-crowu, 16c; 7-crown, 16c. BANANAS Per medium sited bunch, I2.0i.j'2.5o; Jumlios, 32.75453.26. COCOANUTS-Pcr sack, 34 00; per dox., 60c. DATES Persian, per box of SO pkgs., 32.00; per lb., in 60-lb. boxes, 5c; Oriental stuffed dates, per box, 32.40) MISCELLANEOUS. CHEESE Wisconsin twins, full cream. 12c; Wisconsin Young Americas, l.lo; block Swiss, 16c; Wisconsin brick, 13c; Wisconsin Umburgt-r, 12c. HONEY Nebraska, per 24 frames, t.?.00; Utah and Colorado, per 24 frames, tS.2j. MAPLE SUGAR-Ohlo, per lb 10c. CIDER Per bbl., 35.50; per H bbl., t3 21. POPCORN-Per lb., 2Hc: shelled, 3ti3'4c. HORSERADISH Per case of 1 doi., packed, S0c. HIDES No. 1 green, 6c; No. 3 green. 5c; No. .1 salted, "c; No. 2 salted, 6c; No. 3. veal calf, 8 to 12 lbs., ge; No. 2 veal calf! 12 to 15 lbs.. b4c; dry salted hides, IS1912C; heep pelts. 25if75c; horse hides. Il.50-u2.60, NUTS Walnuts, No. 1 soft-shell, per lb., 15Hc; hard-shell, per lb., 14c: No. 2 soft shell, per lb., 13c; No. 2 hard-sholl, per lb., 12c; Braslls, per lb., 11c; filberts, per lb.. 11c; Almonds, soft-shell, per lb., 15c; hard FRESH FISH Trout filoc; Pickerel. tH fi'lc; Pike, 9c; perch. S'nOV; bluetlsh, 15c; W'hl'eflsh, 3i'4c; salmon. 11c: haddock. HV; roiltish. 12c: rednriArner. 11c- lnhttpra ho1ld Another Week.!... OF THE T1IEHE are the names of a number of towns and cities both in the eastern and western hemi spheres in the Want Ads in The Bee. Prizes will be awarded to the persons making the largest and most correct list according to the following conditions. Read the Conditions I shell, per Ih.. 13c; pecans, large, per lb , 12c; small, per lb., I'k-; peanuts, er lb , 6c; roasted peanuts, per lb., 7'jo; Chili wal nuts, lMiiac; large hlrkorv nuts, per bu.. tl.M; shell luttks. er bu., t2.0t; black wal nuts, per bu., 31.25. CotTee Market. NEW TORK. Feb (,-CtlFKEE- Spot Rio. steady- 'o. 7 Invoice. 7 15-1-. Mild, mo, steaoy- jso. 7 Invoice. T 1S-1-. tiiii, steady, Cnrilova. HN'ill1 Futures opene I steady at an anvance of & points on July and 6fi.'n points on other positions on moderate buvlng. Inspired by firmer French cobles and fighter primary recelvt', partic ularly at 8antos. i here wat continued llnulnatlon by cotton exchange houe, however, asd later the market eaed off, soon losing all the Initial gains. Bel. Ing 1 rsme particularly active Just before th( cloe. partly as a result of the further re duction In package coffee and In symi'athy with th continued breaks In cotton, which seems to be unsettling confidences in the coffee market as well, snd the cloe wns stesdy at a decline of iffl'i points. Sales were reported nf l:7.rl bags, includlna; March at (.15f!i"1.45c: April, atv-; May, 6 ( (75c; .Tune. 9mc; July, 6 70g7.(W; August. 9"c; September. 6 IifiTT 25c: October, i o5u 7.15c: November, 7.15c; December, 7 2flf7 6c; January, 7.(0o. Cotton Market. ' NEW TORK. Feb. ( -CPTTON-Tlio buy- ! Ing of cotton yesterday, supposed to be for j a bull pool In order to resaln control of i tne marker, came to naught when n sen sational break In Liverpool, threatening news from the far east, heavy estimated receipts and a bearish visible supply state ment rendered the local bears more con fident than ever. Closing price were rr -tlcslly the lowest with Julv quoted nt 13 93c. Sales were estlmsted at biles. NEW ORLEANS. Feb. 6 COTTON Fu tures steady; Febrnarv. He bid: March. 1JSnTlS2ic: April. 1S.jl3.3fa: May. 13li 13(2c: June. 18.78tfM.75c: July. 13.sT.4j1J.S7c; August. U.iotrn 15c: September, 12.3ul2.40r; October, 11.3Dt11.4:c. . Sugar nnd Molasses. NEW YORK. Feb. ( SUGAR Raw, steadv; fair refining. 2 27-82u'V; centrif ugal 99 test, S ll-S2'u-1c; molasnes ug..r, J T'.l-.rtrHc. Refined steadv; No. (, 4 u5o: No. 7. 4c: No. H. 8.95c; No. 9. 3.90c; No. 10, 8.K6e: No. 11. S.M'c; No. 12. 3.7ic; No. 13. S.7cV No. 14. 35c; confectioners' A. t.S'-c; mould A. 4 V; cul loaf. 6.15c; crushed. 3.15c; pow dered 4.55c; granulated. 4.55c: cube'", 4.i('C. NEW ORLEANS. Keb. 6 SUGAR yulet; open kettle, 2Vg-'l 3-16c; open kettle c?ntrlf tiiral. 3f53l1-16c; centrifugal whites, 4c; yel lows. S'3 15-lic: seconds, 2!(:e. MOLASSES Nominal; nnen kettle 2CfT 2e; centrifugal, ltil5c. Syrup, dull, 22 Clc. Evapornted Apples anil Dried Frnlts. NEW YORK, Feb. (.-EVAPORATED APPLES The market continues quiet; common are quoted at 416c; prime, 6ViJ &iic: choice. B'4fi6c: fancv. r.'.i7c. CALIFORNIA DRIED FRUITS Prunes ; nre In moderate demand, but slendy, with I quotations rsnglng from 34c to He. Aprl- ! cots are In fair demand snd firm; choice: ere quoted at 9ViH'Vfcc: extra choice at : 9jno'4c; fancy ot 11 v 15c. Peaches, firm; choice, 7,ki'7c; fancj-, 9(9 10c. extra choice. ""iSc; Dry tiouila Market. NEW YORK. Feb. (.-DRY GOODS Buying Is more or less nt a standstill. Buyers are awaiting developments and are not Inclined to operate unli ss absolutely compelled to by the exigencies of the oc casion. Yet. there is no weakening on the part of seller. They see no reason In the present flurry to change their prices, which are bv no msans based on tho high prices of cotton, and It Is believed It will take a good many more perpendicular drops to affect the stat of piece gooda prices. Metal Market. NEW YORK. Feb. 6 -METALS Ths markets today were generally steady, but wlih th ustisl Saturday's dullness. Tin held firm at 827.k52S.2o for snot. Copper was dull, with lake at n2.37Ufll2.62H. elec trolvtlc at 3112B4T12.50 and casting at I12 124 rl2.374V Spelter was quiet at 34.8iVri5.iiO. Lead, 31 47(74.50. Iron was dull and nominally- unchanged. ST. lOUl9, Feb. (. MFTALS Lead, weak, 84 .25. Spelter, dull. 34.65. : Toledo Seed Market. TOLEDO. Feb. SETCD8 Clover, cash sntl February. t92S: March. l6.87: April. K75; prime alslke. tlx 20; prime timothy, tl.S7. Hidden City Contest... carefully. rnvM nmnNS V V A w JLA Jk M. w A tUtl Tike a abeet of papr write yonr name and address at the top mt out the ad paste It an sheet underline the name of the town or city, and underneath the ad write the noma of the state or country In which It la located. If the name of the town or city appeara'niore than one It is only necessary to put it down once. Do this for one week, beginning Monday, February 8th, and end ing Sunday, February 14th. Do not mall your answer until your list Is complete. Including the names that appear In the want ads In the Issue of Sunday, February 14th, otherwise your answer won't be counted. If you use more than one sheet, write your name and address at the top of each sheet, mark the number ot towns or cities found and underlined at the top of each sheet The first prize win be glyen to the person making the largoet most correct list the second to the next largest, and so on. In case of a "tie" the person sending In answer first as shown by postmark on the envelope will be given preference. All answers must be sent by mall, and no answer will be eon gUVred which Is mailed later than Monday, February 15th. No one connected with The Bee Publishing Co., to compete for a prise. List of 1st CAPn...... 2nd CASH,... 8rd CASH 4th CASH .......... 6th One Year's 6th One Year's 7th-One Year's 8th One Year's 9th One Year's 10th New Books lltb New Books 12th-Xew Books 13tb New Books 14th New Book 15th New Books Subscription Subscription Subscription Subscription Subscription and Novels and Novels and Novels and Novels and Novels and Novels to to to to to Address All Replies wfllXi Ad" Department Omaha Bee. Omaha. TAKE SATURDAY RECEIPTS Two Hnldnn Men Tnrn Profltahlo Trick at (Joldenbera: Horn teln liroeerr. The grocery store of Ooldenberg Horn stein, 2701 Cuming street, was entered last evening by two masked men. who took 8.1'0 from the cash register and 70 cents from a customer who was In the store. The Saturday evening's business waa quieting down. Morris Ooldenberg waa ex amining some accounts pear the cash register. The clerk. Joe Cohen, waa at work In another rart of the store, and a customer was looking at some good, when two nun, partially masked and with re volvers drawn, entered and proceeded with the business in hand without much cere mony. Ooldenberg made an outcry, when tha t:ien announced their Intentions, hoping thus to attract the attention of some passerby, but his noise wsa soon stilled. After lining up the Inmate of the atom with revolvers and words mora eraphatlo than elegant the Intruders then removed tho contents of the register, taking about l-TO from that source, and then turned thelf attentions to the lone, trembling customer, who contributed 79 cents to thdr cause. With a parting admonition to let tha visitors depart In pence the strangers went their way rejoicing and opulent, The men are described as being well dressed. One was of small stature and tha other much taller. Whether they are tha original "tall and short" men who kept tha local authorities guessing several years ago is mere conjecture. Tho matter waa referred to tha polled station and detective Immediately put on the case. Max Cohen, a messenger boy employed by the Nebraska Clothing company, waa held up by two men on West Farnam street last evening and robbed of 331. Th boy was making deliveries and the money taken was part of Ma collections. .He had topped to enquire th way of the two men who relieved lilm of tha money befora giving hurt the desired Information. COE Wa STOCKS AND BONDS GRAIN AND PROVISIONS W havs over 1(0 arTleoa. Reference: ITS Stat and Nat l Baaan, IH 8ERY1CK If THIS BEST. Oat of Town Buslneos Solicited. Oiasaa nraacbt Ut8Pr St Tel.47 TH0S. M. WADDICK. Correspondent S. SLEUMAN Drain, Provisions & Stacks. Room 4. N. T. Life Bldg. Tel. 8330. Operate 16 Ofllce In This State. Established 167. GEO. A. ADAMS GRAIN CO. (Brain. Provisions At Stocks. Members Omaha Grain Exchange, Chicago Board of Trade exchanges. Correspondents Bartlett, and other Frailer Carrlngton. 2 1 S Board of Trsde Bld'g, Omaha. It will be allowed Prizes.. $10. oo M) i: 25 50 Mi 50 no The Metropolitan The Metropolitan The Metropolitan Tho Metropolitan The Metropolitan Magazine Magnalne, Magazine Magazine Magazine .Si .50 .25 23 25 25 25 1 I j