0 TflE OMAITA DAILY REE: .MONDAY. FEBRUARY 8, 1904. SPECIAL NOTICES Adrtrtltrmflll for thru columns wilt Be Ukra nafll 12 m. for the evening- edition and natll , p. m. for the taoralnar aad Sunday edition. Rates, 1 l-2o a word Ant Insertion, la a word thereafter. Nothing taken for less than oe tor the flrat Inser tloa. These ads ertlermeats mill be ran consecutively. Advertisers, by requesting a nnm bered cheek, eaa have nastvers ad dreaaed to a nambered letter la eare f The Bee. Anawera ao addrraaad will ba delivered oa presentation of '.he eheek only. MISCELLANEOUS. NOW OPEN. MID-WINTER TKKM OP BOYLES COLLEGE Nut too laie io .nter. "lay una Nignt. CALL. WRITE OH 1 EifciF HONB FOB INFORMATION. Address: H. B. EOKLEd. President. New York Lit blue Dinahs. Neb. R-Mtirt D. M. HAVERLV EXI'KUT ACCOUNT ANT. 12 Bh.E bLDG. PHONK K!M. C.CW nS'LVEIl NICKEL I la.li.g. Urn. LUjiaUM t;u ijjj Harney, 'lei. 21.33. r nrwcMiTtic 11. iielfin. aos n. Tel. -974. R M188 F20 CITT SAVINGS BANK pays 4 per cent. R 1 34 JPECIAIFor a limited time we will fit roil with a guaranteed pair of spectacles or SI. Don't miss this chance. C. 8. Op- tiolana 30s N. 16th at. R 738 PERFIELD Piano Co., Bee Bldg.; Weber, Btoray & Clark. Ludwig, Schiller. R 737 , EAGLE Loan office. Reliable, accomodat- Ing; all business confidential. 13U1 Douglas. i R-738 EXPRESSMEN'S Delivery Co., moving and storage. 214 N. 16th. Tel. 1196 R 738 TRY THE CHICAGO LAUNDRY. It you don't, we both lose. Good work, prompt attention. 214 N. 16th. Tel. 2"6. , R-741 GOLD crowns from S3; fillings from 25c; net of teeth, 12; teeth extracted free. Union Dental Co., 1(22 Douglas, room 4. R 744 fiHOr-MADE SHOES Lang'i, 713 8. 16th. -395 F18 J. E. WALIACE. Taxldermiat, 006 8. 13th. 746 ANTI-MONOPOLY GARBAGE CO.. cleans cesspools, vaults, removes garbage, dead animals; reduced pi ices. 621 N. 16. Tel. 1779. -746 1'. MELCHOIR, machinist, 13th ft Howard. R-747 PUBLICITY DE.8IGNS WHEATON. in the Bee Bldg. R-74S TRONOEST in the World." The Equita ble Life Assurance society. Its policies are sight drafts at maturity. H. D. Neely, manager. Merchants' National Bank Bldg., Omaha. Neb. R 749 -ilGN painting. S. II. Cole, 1302 Douglas. R-7D1 .ILL kinds carpenter work, repairing, promptly attended to. J. T. Ochiltree, 20th and Lake. R 370 Henry :r doesn't keep stationery. He sells It at loio arnara street, nioA Alms and slides at bargain prices; mall orders filled. R. C. Taylor, 809 So. 19th st. R M94S F29x E. J. DAVIS, safe mover, heavy hauling. 1119 Farnam. Tel. 863. R 163 M3 VODICKA A- CO., fine tailoring; all kinds pressing, repairing. Krug theater bldg, Tel. 8182 .82. R-763 ''PEN EVENINGS, too busy making clothes to close. Suits 820 to $40; trousers ' 18 to S10- Dresner, lfilB Farnnm street. A R-M698 F13 JORNSON ft HAAS. Tinners and Mfgs. of sheet metal, cornices, smokestacks. . gutters, skylights, ceilings tanks, etc. v i Tel. 2675. 214 N. 15th St. R-782 F15 lothes pressed, altered. Tousen, Paxton hotel tailor. t R 208 RACINGS: Blue prints A1 working draw Ings. Sues & Co., Omaha. 'Phone M23. R-237 Apr22x "MOKE Pride of Hastings 6c clgnr. R-MS23 F25 FERFIELD Piano Co., Bee Bldg; no Inter est, honest values, easy terms. R737 f 'Viirrtnr-wrGot relief; corns removed. VIlirOpOUyur. Hoy. r. 2-3, 1606 Farnam. R-740 WANTED TO BUY. 1 ON'T give furniture and carpets away. J. Levins pays highest price. Tel. 771. N-75S ' Rnnlc bought, sold. Antique Book Con DUUK3 cm, 213 Karbach blk. lei. 1534. N-761 : D-HAND furniture; high prices. Tet. S020. Chicago Furnlturo Co. N 767 liEST PRICES for used stoves, furniture. Enterprise Furn. Co., 102-4 8. 14th. Tel. 2294. N-378 Marl WANTED 100 cars of bones; will psy a good cash price; write me. 8. M. Hey, 1400 Indiana ave., Kansas City, Mo. N-M242 F23x IF THE young lady with the brown suit on Dodge st. line last Wednesday evening. Solng north, will meet me at Bal!ey, the mist's, she will hear something of In terest to herself. The Man with the Silk Hat. N Z17 8 WANTED, a city map or atlas, new or sec- ona-nana. Aaaress c B4, Bee omce. N-M236 Sx WANTED Two fresh cows: give descrip tion aim pnuv. Auurrai I an. riee. N M4 8x WANTED, to buy, escond-hand furniture for 7-room house; must be chesp. Ad dress D 91, Bee. N-M40S 5x WANTED, to buy. a suburban grocery store; win pay cnan 11 location is eimania Address L vs. Bee. N M395 8x BI'SINESS CHANCES. FREE, 100 lott, to advertise Edgewater Park, suburb N. Y. First 10 sending stamp given 15x100 feet- Seaside Co.. 187 Broadway, w. X. X MJiO 8x FOR SALE, oniy bakery and confectionery In town, eastern Nebraska, of S.noO; ele gant soda fountain snd fixtures; full equipment; eeu cneap lor casn lr sold by March 1; Inveatlgate. Address C 47 Bee. T M429 8x 1M3 YOU want to buy, sell or exchange your business, real estate, or rent your house T Bee Templeton-Haverly Co , 212 Bee Bldg. X M9W' F29 SHOLES - ARMSTRONG CO., business chances snd exchsnges; write us, 7!2 New Yorfc Lite Bldg. Tel. 49. Y-754 10-Room Hooming House Full of roomers In good brick: rent M. S blocks from city hall. t6U0. Owntr l,v. Ing city. Investigate at once. Address 0 17, Bee. Y-54 FOR BALE Milk route, 40 cowa; one other route in town of 6.000. Box I:. North Platte. Neb. Y-M1C2 lox TO GET In or out of bualneae ra'.l ou Wil liams, room 411, McCague building. FLORISTS. HESS BWOBODA, 1415 Farnam. -U U HENDERSON, florist. 1519 Farnam St '01 WANTED AAI.E9MKN, WANTED, experienced salesman, with es tablished trade, for Nebraska: state ref erences, experience snd salary expec el. Blnger Pros., 6t. Ixiula, M o. ! &S UUTISlTllkk. CatL 4raaaoa. S17 Karbaoh blk. Tel. A-SMS, WANTED ALB HELP Base Ball Team For 1904. Our base bc.ll team Is now organising. We have over fifty applicants who deslrs to play. Out of this number the team will be made up. J. A. Savage was elected manager and Mr. Gallentlne captain. Tifls team Is open for dates. Write toe man agur. Omaha Commercial College, 17th and Douglas fits. WANTED, msn and wlfs to work on a ranch; io a month. Address t. f. Wil liams, Cheyenne, Wyo. B M2 tx MEN to learn barber trade; free railroad upon our laiiure to convince you 01 this being the Bh.tJT, largest ana only reliable, most practical barber collage In this section, Write for catalogue today. Westem Barbers'. Institute, Omaha, Neb. B 76 WANTED For U. B. army, able-bodied, unmarried men, between ages ot 21 anu m, cltltens of United Suites, of good charac ter and temperate haolls, who can speak, resd and write English. For Information apply to recruiting officer, ltlh and Dodge bis., Omaha, or Lincoln, Neb. B M164 MOLER'S BARBER COLLKGB of Den ver, Colo., utters advantagea in leacning the barber trade that cannot be had else where. Wilta today for our terms. B-MJ16 F24X WANTED 2 agents at ones; good salary, cay work, c r . Adams co., iui B 16O West n Employ't Ag'y, R. 14-1 Crotinsa blk. WANTED, ten oxperlenced salesmen to travel witn wagon ana sen an i of medicines and household articles on commission, with a guaranteed earning of 869.0U per month. Applications from ex perienced men only will be considered. Address, the lialler Proprietary Co., Blair, Neb. B 17S K20 ANT Intelligent person may earn good In come corresponding ror newepapeiai ex perience unnecessary. Bend lor particu lars. Press Syndicate, Lockport. N. T. B M14J 10X PERSONS to manage district oftlces for cnmnierclnl house; aalary. 2l, paid weekly; all expenses advanced. Colonial, Caxton, Chicago. B M167 Ux WANTED California Is the place now Is the time. There are good positions open for men of clerical ability, professional men and mechanics. Write us what em i.lnvmpnt vou dealrs and we will send by mall frequent lists of good openings 111 your line. Registration fee, SI. to be sent with application, rxo runner cnargea. COMMERCIAL INFORMATION BUREAU P. O. Box G98. Los Angeles, canrornia. U M169 M-4 EXPERIENCED soap salesman wanted; Eood chance for right party. Address 29, Bee. B M306 I WANTED Man to furnish and direct "Arl- sona," or soma other good military drama, Seo'y Co. M, Box 163, Bao City, Iowa. v B-218 MAN Under 86 to prepare for Gov't Po sition. Box 670, Cedar Rapids, la. P-M431 14x MEN to work at home; 112 weekly. Com bined Growers, 8 Beekman, N. Y. B M484 tx WASTED FEMALE HELP. WANTED Nurse girl. 8230 Boyd street C M167 Ox WANTED A good housekeeper: good se.1 srv: must be Catholic: highest references: elderly lady preferred; very little work only to keep house for priest. Address C il. uee. nil LADIES to do copying at home., good wages, material furnished, no canvassing; stamped envelope for particulars. Globs co uept. is, cnicago. mjh ux GOOD girl for general housework. 1024 Park avenue. C 224 Sx WANTED At the Head house, Jefferson, la., a neat r middle aged white woman cook that can do meat and pastry cook ing In a S3 a day hotel; state wages ex pected, where you have worked and when you could come; short hours, easy work; a good place; must come alone: no chil dren. Frank Crocker, Prop. C MJG0 9 EXPERIENCED girl cook; family of four; no washing; good wages; references re quired; apply at once. Mrs. J. E. Btura, 3646 Harney. C-M401 9x FOR RENT FURBISHED ROOMS. ROYAL HOTEL, European, 16th Chicago. K 763 DEWEY. European hotel, 18th And Farnnm. 763 NICELY furnished rooms. .Inquire Omaha Steam Daunary, lioo jeavenwo. in. rnons A-1783. E 764 O. M. E. hauls trunks. Telephone 61L E-768 81.25 PER WEEK Doran House. 422 fl. ISth. Vienna Hotel, lOlf Farram; fine rooms; la dles care; private dining r. ; open r ignis. B-106 . NICE furnished rooms. 824 N. 16th. E 7S8 THE FARNAM, 19th & Farnnm. Reference. E 621 , FURNI6HED room with all modern con veniences. Private family, 2619 Jones Bt. E M8M LARGE back parlor for two or three fientlemen; would allow light housekeep ng. 1422 Burt st. E M120 14 FURNISHED rooms and board. 609, Bo. 25th ave. Tel. L2718. E M150 MODERN furnished rooms, 16. lis N. E M160 Us 26th street. MfntlTM . BT7m atlfli I.K4 . modern conveniences, private family, 84 per montn. 1107 rso. Kin st. e M193 8x NICELY furnished large front room suit able for 8 or 4 gentlemen. 1906 Farnam. E M19J 6x FURNISHED room, transients, o8 N. 16th. B 195 M4 NICELY funlshed front room to discreet couple very reasons Die. 1617 Chicago. . E M 197 Sx FURNISHED rooma The Dresner, 60S aj 16th. E 178 M4 MODERN furnlahed rooms and hoard; gas, hath and heat, 83.60 M N. lth st E MZ18 8x ELEGANTLY furnished parlors: very rea- sonania; excellent neignnornooa; noui keeping privileges; modern; telephone. 43 a. 25th ave. E-HIi 9x LARGE south-front room, on parlor floor: modern; also board. Tel. A-2499. 2232 Farnam. . E M334 Sx Nice south room for gentleman; telephone. 2124 Burt st. E M801 8 NICE furnlahed rooma 107 N. 17th st. E M214 IS NICE furnished rooms, with heat 818. 170T Casa at. E M212 8x NICE furnished rooms, two blocks . from postoffice. 75c to J2.60 week. 819 N.' 17th. E-M211 8x FURNISHED rooms for light housekeep ing. 2011 Burt st E M200 t ELEGANTLY furnlahed parlors, south front, steam heat, kitchen privilege. 1234 Farnam. Phone 22 a B 223 Sx LARGE front room suitable for two; also board; S minutes from p. o. Soil Douglas. E-UXs x NE'LY furnished front room for mn tie man. H1 Cuming rt. E MS81 Sx NICELY furnlsheC roorrs, gss, bath heat and telepHoe. C.y B. 21st,. E M32 18 NTCELY fon-t-hed rooms, with heat from 81 up. 1623 Burt rt. E M&3 S FURNIPHKD rooms for one or tm-o e-ntle-men. 8418 Dodge st. E MSau Sx NICELY furnished room. 28 S. 17th sve. K-M432 lOx FOR EXCHANGE. WILL trnde beautiful piano for horse. BftJ.moller Mueller. lS:3 Farusm" Bt. V Z-.97 FOR BALE or trade far eastern Nebraska land, etoek of hardware and Implementa Addreas C 4a, care Omaha B. - 4-M42S Ss "Hidden FIRX1SHKD ROOMS AMU BOARD. Furnished rooms, steam heat, with or with out board. Midland hotel, 16th at Chicago. F 76a UTOPIA, steam heat, 1721 Davenport. F-720 ROCKAWAT, 1116 Douglas. Meals, 16c. F-771 LARGE well-furnished front room, all mod ern, with board; also good tuble board by day or week. The Drtsher, 62 S. 16th st. F-772 SINGLE room, south front; with young man or lauy prerered, modern, sun ia?s. F-M19"! 8x NICE rooms; good board. 808 S. 20th. F 2J6 Marfi 609 B. 26th ave. Tel. L-2718. F-M42S TUB ROSE, SOW Harney; nice, large room, suitable for twoi also single ropTni good ooard; rates reasonable. F M423 lsx FOR g ALE MISCELLANEOUS. STOCK TARDS SADDLERY CO., J. O. Blessing, prop.; wholesale and retail manufacturer of and dealer In harness ana saddles; whips a specialty; every thing hand-made; quality considered, the cheapest harness shop on earth. 831 N. Q-774 FOR SALE Several scholarships In a first class standard school In Omaha, compris ing complete course In business, short hand antf typewriting. Inquire at Hi-e office. q 8o2 INDIAN goods and rellos. 1119 Farnam. j 776 SD-HAND safe cheap. Derlght, 1119 Fsrnnm. Q 777 CHEAPEST OAK SLAT CORN CRIB BING. Long llr timbers, bol Douglas. y 778 100 KINDS of Mineral Water. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. Q 779 KIMBALX. PIANO, slightly used; big bar- gain, call or write Room 7, Bee UUlg. Q 780 HARD coal stoves, 15 up! furniture cheap. Chicago Furniture Co., 1410 Dodge. Q-781 SECOND-HAND billiard and pool tables; billiard tables repaired, large stock cheap bar fixtures, cigar counters. The Bruns-wlck-Balke Coliender Co., 407-9 B. 10th. Q 77R 160 WATCHES. 75 diamonds, left in pawn, cheap. Diamond Loan Otilce, 1401 Douglas. Q-M116 FOR RENT STORES AND OFFICES. FOR RENT, building suitable for whole sale purposes at 81u Farnam, 22x90, four stories and first-class cemented basement, elevator, firs and burglar proof vault, of fice counter wnd fixtures. For price and psrtlcularo Inquire C. C. Rosewater, sec retary Bee Building Co., room 100. Hee Building. . I M"')7 FOR RENT, storeroom and basement In good location, particularly adapted for a plumber show room snd work roort o - a rnannfacturer with s1 - - reouiremen'H: power furnished 1 required. R. C. Peter 1 1 tx to,, rental ageL,,n , o.a.u i.oor, H e bulldlna. I M7U4 S STORIES and basement 22x100; lOOu Far nam BU Inquire 314 First Nat'l Bank b,i-g ;'-(.. I 7 FOR RENT, (hr-e upper atorKa in four story bullutrit at 91(1 Fsrnam st., two stories If preferred. Address C. C. Rose water, Heo y., Room 100, Bee bldg. F-MSS8 RENT. 4-story and basement bul d lng, 1616 Dodge St., now occupied by Omaha Carpet Co. Inquire on premises. . 1-779 S-8TORY and basement brick bldg.. 2.x 7. suitable lor manufacturing. 2-story bldg., with s'oreroom and 22 - rooms: hotel or boaraing noune. W. Farnam Smith & Co., 1S20 Farnam St, 1241 TWO-STORY building, IRIS and ths seoond floor 1605-10 Howard. v, 11. ausnman. 1-626 2205 LEAVENWORTH ST.. 822.60. ill B. 16th St., steam beat. 170. Front ofMce, Frenser block. . JOHN P. 7RENZER, Opp. Old P. Oi . 1 M5S2 FOR RENT iJirge store room, with fix tures, at 1660 N. zotn St., 810 per montn. 'Apply to H. J. Windsor, 1618 Dodge St. 1997 DENTIST wanted to share office with physician with, fine quarters in nee Diag., with well-stsbllshed practice. Address C 21, Bee office. 1121 TWO store rooms. 20x90, 18th and Harney. Apply 412 B. ism. 1 isu 11 2806 LEAVENWORTH. 822.60. IttM, S. 15TH ST.; STEAM HEAT. 830. FRONT OFFICES FRENZER BLOCK. JOHN N. FRENZER. OPP. OLD P. O. I MS76 13 FOR BALE HORSES, WAGONS, ETC. I fin depot wagons, 2 rockaways, 1 coupe, f traps, 1 wagonette, 2 drays. Drummond Carriage Co., 18th and Harney. P 106 FOR BALE Slightly used. 2 carriages. S phaetons, 2 top buggies, 2 driving wagons: chtap. Andersen-Mlllard Co., 1518 Capitol ara F-7U vor HAT.K id -hand. 4-tassenger broug ham, at bargain If taken at ones. 1S09 Harney. ' P-M178 FROST doesn't shave men, he shaves spokes. Wagon repairs, 14th and Leav en worth. P 783 18 HORSES and mules for sale. Inquire Kemp Edwards, 21st ana Cuming sts, P-M3H7 S OSTEOPATHY. Johnson Institute. Bit N. T. Life bldg. T 1664. llr. J. A. aoeeiiaii, vmi a. . jtw uiur. ..jvji, loa The Hunt Infirmary. McCague bldg. T.2352. 1 DR. GRACE DEEGAN. 882 N. T. Ufa TeL 268s. rJ Fayetto Cole. Osteopath, 609 Paxton block. 124 Drs. Laird Laird. 203 Karbach blk. Tel 01. us Z i MrSICAI. - u ,. ro Bechtold's Union Orchestra, UrCIlCSlI a Ji9 South ISth Bt. Tel. 28W, MI50 F-23 THOS J. KELLY, voice. Davldge block 889 DAISY HIOOINS. voice, piano. 2018 Leav enworth. Tel. A-2741. -itfj F16 CHA8. H. KEEFER, piano. W, O. W, Idg si3.'i r :t CHAS. FXIOERSB, orchestra, 1911 Farnnm LAW ANU COLLECTIONS. SFdGE DICKINSON. 61 N, Y. Life. Set tlements estates a specially. Telephone Mbi! 16 TILLMAN PRICE. 410 1st Nat. bk. bldg 4&J THE Nsw Bnow-Church Co., law collec tions, real estate, attorneys, collectors. brokers eerynere. 1st poor K, x, UU. Ttl. 18a W. F. WAPPICH. advice fre. Creighlon Blk. ?L I'PUOLSTEHIHG, feieraea 4k LunAberg, US aV Ilia. Telsy v City" Contest This Week PRIZES FOR THE WISEST. FOIl SALE HEAL ESTATE. A SPECIAL BALE OF UNION PACIFIC LANDS IN NEBRASKA. We have thousands of acres of valuable farming and grazing lands In Nebraska, which we are now oilerlng at prices which ure about one-half their actual present value. Where you buy Nebraska lands today ou get the land, good crops and a good market all for the same price. These lands will raise corn, wheat, sugar beets, alfalfa or any other crop a furmer may want to raise. Western Nebraska has the most healthful climate In tU United States. Its an ideal home state. You didn't know there were good raw lands In Nebraska for sain. Just call at our office and let us show you. We have a money making pro position for the home seeker or the in vestor, can or write us toaay. Union Paolrln I .and Asency. 222 South 18th St.. Omaha, Nab RE-908 8 HOUSE of T rooms, modern, except fur- naoei rents for 818 1 price, Sl.W. In West Farnam location, 9 rooms, modern I price, 84,000. , Two cottages, 20th and Bancroft, paving, permanent walks; only 82,600. . . Fine cornor near Hanscom park; a bargain at 82,000. AV. FARNAM SMITH & CO. WE write all kinds of insurance. Kenny R. E. inv. Co.. 'Phone 336. M B- e Bldg. RE M6S4 82,4002622 Decatur St., new, well built, 7 room house, modern, piped for furnace, oak floors downslulrM. A BARGAIN. D. V. Sholes Co.. 722 N. Y. Life Bldg. Tel. 49. RE-603 NEBRASKA and South Dakota Land irpniv. rollnhlA 1nrnter: those Who de sire homesteads on the Rosebud Indian reservation and full Information how to procure this land, write us; send ,2c stamp, we will send you a complete man showing the entire county and Indian allotments; best of references. Address P. L. McFoy den, Boneeteel, B. D., or G. Allison, Ge noa, Xeb. nnrn iv WHEN buying or selling real estate ba sure to get a Midland Guarantee and Trust company bonded abstract, 1814 Far nam stret. IN. f. Lioage, jr., ,B1U"1; RANCH and farm lands for sale by the Union Pacific Railroad company, o. a McAllaster, land commissioner. Union PS' cine headquarters, Omaha, Neb. RE 794 81.600 WILL BUY a neat cottage and full I, it tn StwArt Plnre. THOMAS BRENNAN, Room 1. New York Life Building r-"u SPECIAL attention given to property placed in our nanos ror reniai. Kenny 11. E. lnv. Co.. Phone 339. MO Bee Bldg. RE M635 ENGLISH & CO., PAXTON BLOCK, FOR (Bargains in Omaha Property. RE 793 IDEAL LOCATION FOR A NICE HOME Lot 14, block 14, West End, worth 81,600. Will cinHlder reasonable offer. W. N. Nasn:, Eo'.e Agent, 440 Ree Building. RE M218 14 GLOVER, 1st floor 'N. Y Life, city prop rty, fara s. ranches. Tel. 133. RE 18a Douglas County Farm Close to Omaha and South Omaha, good farm for feeding or farming: land across the road recently sold for 8-W per acre; g-jod house of 8 rooms, barn, granary. We ore going to sell this property. Get price and particulars. Will be sacrificed. W. FARNAM SMITH & CO., Bole Agents. DQ YOU WANT TO SELL A EARM? Tf vnn want to aell a farm or ranch tell the farmers snd stock raisers about it. The best way to reach them la through THE TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER Thla errleullural weekly goes to 80.000 homes of farmers and stock raisers, so if you have a good piece of land to sell at a reasonable price you will find a buyer among thetny The cost of an advertisement Is small 2 cents per word In small type or 82.62 per Inch If set In large type. THE TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER OMAHA, NEB. RXS-329 CAB- Williamson Co.. & K 1 KB TO S-R. HOUSE and barn, ohloken house, city water, near Rlvervlew park, witn 2 acres or ground, 876.00. F. D. WEAD, 1524 DOUGLAS RE MS 91 9 BEE R, H. Landeryou tf you wish to buy or sell real estuta ti uoara 01 iraae, Tel. 2161. RE 669 lis toit want to huv. sell or rent a house or a farm: II you nave a tmsinnae iur sale or want to buy, call on or write Kenny R. E. & Inv. Co., 'Phone 889, 800 Bee Bldg. RE M633 SU ACRES GOOD LAND n west Ornver street. It mile ouislde of city limits; lies well on main roau. ror quicg saie. ssnu HARRISON MORTON, 819-18 N. Y. Life bldg. Tel. 814. RE 179 SITUATIONS WANTED. WANTED, situation as bookkeeper or gen eral offlce clerk; be?t references. Address C i2, tteo. a 9 TOStT10N as roarhmsni understand gard cnir.g; can give references. Aacnees u u. Bee. A-M142 lOx WANTED Copying, typewriter or hand rates reasonable. Addroso D 71, Bee A-M376 15 LOST. f-)9T A ladv's arold watch, between M'a aourt Paclrto freight depot and Ueorgla ave.. Sunday morning! reward If returned w'-a ri...ri.. boa Lokt M10 LOBT, ladles' turmiolae and diamond ring on Bo. Omaha oar, Return tn Hee offlce or U10 7th ave., Oounoli Bluffs, and get reward, iosi- nitj iu WANTED TO RENT. WANTED Board and room In private family by young niani wilt be perutansnt ir suited. A an rots t. a, nee, K-M404 U WANTED, to rent, half of store room) will pay good rent If can locate somewhere near business-center, Addreas t; l. Bee, K sx IIOHllltM) ANU TVPEWRIT1NU. A. C. VAN BANTS school, T17 N. Y. LI fa Neb. Bit. Shertkaa Cal, itay4 Uuater, FOR RENT HOUSES, THE Omaha Van and Storage Co. pack. move and store H. li. gooas. storehouse, 1 1 70-24 N. lath. Oltice, 1JUS Farnam. Tel. 1669-H63. D 639 FOR RENT 6-room house, 2563 Woolworth live.; porcelain bath, gas, hot ana corn water; newly painted and papered throughout 8-1). J. 11. Sherwood, New York Life bldg. D MJ67 Ufl ICPQ l' sit parts of the city. The llVJUOCO o, t iiavls Co., Ci Hee Bldg. D S40 HOUSES iu all parts of tlie city. It. C. Peters & Co., il.;e Bldg. D Ml PAYNE-BOBTWICK A CO., choice houses. 601-608 New York 1.1 ro Hiag. i nont iuiu. D 848 SEVERAL good houses, $10 to 818. Chris Boyer, em ana cuming. i-none una. D 843 WE MOVE pianos. Maggnrd Van & Stor age Co., Tel. 14!6 Offlce, 1718 Webster st. D-844 HOUSES, insurance. Rlngwalt, Barker Blk. V B4B 260$ Davenport, 13-room house with barn 835.00. 812 Park Ave. Nice 7-room cottage. 44!W Farnam 8 rooms, newly painted and papered 820. 2615 Dodge ti-room cottage, gas and water 1.1. 8-room cottage, 19th St. boulevard-813. 22J0 Farnam (.-room flat 820. W. Farnam Smith & Co., 1320 Farnam Ht D 24U FOR RENT, 6-room cottage, sous Illondo St., $9. Inquire at 607 N. IMh st. D M"i4 FOR RENT Large 11-room, colonial house, thoroughly modern, 3177 Davenport St. 011 the southeast corner of 81d mid Dav enport st.) Apply to H. J. Wimlsor, i;,18 Dodge st. D 996 FOR RENT, 8-room modern house. 2:0 North 17th street; steam heat. Apply H. J, Wlndsjr, Ibli Dodge Mtett. Tel. 1671. D-122 GOOD five-r. cottage, 2!U6 N. 25th st., 814. D-216 MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. moneTtoTan" EASY PAYMENT PLAN You enn psy us as you wish, in small weekly or monthly payments, and each favment so made reduces the cost of the oan. Our rates are ss low as any and a great deal lower than some. We loan on furniture, pianos, horses, wagons, etc., the property always remain ing in your possession. We also loan to BA1.ARIED PEOPLE upon their own agreement to repay. Our facilities are the best for QUICK service and our otilce motto Is "to please our patrons." OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO., 119 Board of Trade Bldg. Tel. 2295. (.Established 1S92.) . 306 8. 16th St. X 819 THE STAR LOAN CO. 644 Paxion building. Is the recognised bank or tne reuuuie u earner ana salariod employe; largest business In all western cities on kccount of our eusy payments, low rates and cout testes extended. X-R28 , MONEY LOANED ON FURNITURE. PIANOS LIVE STOCK. SAIAR1S, ETC. Low rates and easy terms. Busines3 confidential. Try us if you want to eave money. PHOENIX CREDIT CO.. 633 Paxion Block, 16th and Farnam Ets. WHEN YOU THINK OF MONEY, THINK OP RELIABLE CREDIT CO . FOR SALARY AND FURNITURE LOANS ROOM8 8J8 PAXTON BLK., SD FLOOR. X M346 MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE pud otners witn security; easy payments; largest business in 49 principal cities. Tolman, in, room u, inamDer 01 commerci ercs Bldg. X 820 MONEY loaned on plain nolo to snlarl d Beopie; dubiiicss totinuoniiai; lowest rates. .4 Paxton block, i'ho J. A. lluttnn Co. ! X-W MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, jew elry, norses, cows, etc. tj. v. jrteen. sin a. Utb. X-828 PRIVATE money to loan on furniture, etc. feasy ratea. rvaroncn via. in, 4. X-9S5 CHATTEL, salary ana Jewelry loans. Foley LOan to., n. a uaraer nioca. MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE. FARM and city loans, low rates. W. H. Thomas, ursi jnbi 1 uanx uiug. lei. iota. W 12i PRIVATE money. Sherwood. 907 N. Y. LI fa w Ml 4 TO 6 P. C money. Bemls, Paxton block. w 33 PRIVATE money. F. D. Wead, 1620 Douglas W Sil WANTED, city loans and warrants. W. varnam tsu.itn & to., ix.v arnam m. W-&S8 WANTED, real estate loans and warrants. R. C. Peters ft Co., Bee Bldg. w 83 I per cent farm loans. R. C. Patterson, 1224 Farnam. w 838 6 per cent loans. Garvin Bros., I604 Fnrnam. v t&i MONEY TO LOAN Payne Investment fa w eu PRIVATE money to lonn in smounts of 8M0. S7W and W. li. tiatea, (117 N. Y. Life. 'Phone lOOt W M210 8 DANCING ACADEMY. CHAMBERS' New Academy, 8424 Farnam. Adult beginners, Mondays ana Baturduys. 8 p. m ; assemblies. Wedensdays, 8:30 p. m. J children beginners, Wednesday. 4 p. m.: Saturdays, I p. m.; advanced Satur days only, 1 p. m. 'Phone, F-1871; res., A-1871. 778 If vou danee. attend Morand'a Wed. asset --. ri - . . . . . . , hiiea. ir vou aon 1 aanoe. 10m nut iumvist and Ftl. olasa 8 p. m. Special attention to beginners: lady aaustants; private lessens dally, t-ail lam ana naroey or tei. tou, M(r77-F-lf COSTIMES. Thaatrtoal and maaq. Lieben, 1618 Farnam. ;v LETCH MAN, MASQ.. 2SI2 Fsrnam. Tel. LOSS -JM121 m DRESSAIAKINO. IN families Miss Sturdy, 80S K. 284. -M308 STANDARD Oarroefit Cutting Cvltego. K31 Farnam. M 118 SO C1-A1RVOYANTS.. BUSINESS MEDIUM. T18 N. 17th St. 8-US QTLMER, palmUt, Tit N. 23d; TeL B-3243. 111 FA TEN la. H. J COWOILL No fee vateea auooeanfuU 818 tt, 1MB SI., outaasK ina. ( PATENTS guaranteed. Sues ft Oa, Omaha W- AUX TICKET BROKER. CUT-RATE railroad tickets everywhere. 1 H. Fhilbln, 16ut Faiaaw. I'kaas PRRSONAI.A. ' GYMNAPH'M. New classes for women will meet twice a week S p. m. during I,ent st Chambers academy. 8ocial rates. Ulrls' ilium p. m. Mondays and Thursdays, Apply to Mies Elsie Schwsrls. 911 South 2mh S. Telephone A22sl. U M3'2 1.1 DON'T READ THIS Unleas jou wear clt-an clotne. If viu do patronise the Domestic laundry. 21I8 N. itth. Tel. BU82. U-M121 M2 Accordion Pleating, cheapest, best, quickest. Mrs. A. C. Mark, 17ih and Doui igias. V-970 VALENTINE postal csrds of yourself for i.j per dosen; made in the wiiiiania studio, 1400 Farnam, opposite I Hxton hotel. U' M3'.i7 9X MASSAGE given at your home; treatment uy iaay ana to ladies only. Aaaresa 1 i, lies. U MJJu ttx LA BOOK, ladles' tailoring. 611 Kartxih blk. U-03 PAPA Hurry home. Mamma wants you to gt mt a pair of Huteeon's "Patent Blip Not" Rlmkss Eyeglasses. They're Just too swell. Can't shake off. SU B. 16th. Calltso. U-764 F14 ANY poor girl In need of a friend can call or writs to the matron of the Salvation Army Home fur Women. 3824 N. 24th St., Omaha, Neb. U M6Jb Maylx Stammering cuisd. J. Vaughn, Ramge Rid. 0 iuJ ELITE parlors, 615 B. 16th, 2d floor. U-S06 MEET Din at Meyer-Dlllon's-ths "yellow corner for qucllty" 16th and Fsrnam. U-M912 F16 "VIAVI," wy to health. 846 Bee building. U M AONPTIP treatment & bsths. Mine. HlrtJM C I IV-smtn nN N. ;, 0 fl... K. 2. U-M944 FSX WHAT S nicer than accordion pleating? We do nothing but the llnest Uoldninn Pleating Co., 200 Douglas block. L' tW9 WATER'S PRINTING CO., 1212 Douglas St. C-10 SAVE MONEY by buying from the manu facturers. U'.irklev Envelope Co., Omaha. U-;t F12X BEN BOLT Why didn't you meet me st Columbln Phonograph company last night? I w.ilted 'till hnlf puat . Say, their free concerts are grand, and I bought !i dozen X. P. too records for KiC each. Peggy From Purls. U M137 ARCHIBALD Must have your picture be fore you leave. Don't fnll to meet me at Proctor's, i;lii 8. Pith. Sunday afternoon. We can get 15 beautiful cabinet photo for 83 0ii. Klolse U 162 PANTORIUM?& U-MMl BILLY Am next to a good thing; meet inn st Stoecker's clgnr store thla evening nnd we'll smoko u 6c Monngrnm and I'll "tip" It off to you. Frank. U-Mli r- Baths nnd Mnlrdrosslng r-cp(Tirif parlors, 2'fi I'.imgf Building. tV- V-llt Tc I.uulcs only. V 804 ADA WISE Call for letter at postoffice. U M399 9x A WEALTHY ydiing lady of 20 from New York spending a few weeks In seclusion In Omahn desires the noqunlntunce of some refined young gentlninn; object, , companionship while here. Address H 17, Bee. U 435 9x WILL Charles M., who left Bro iklyn In Juno, 190J communicate wllh his family; Father Nicholas Is dnngerotiHly HI. L - MEDICAL. HOMEOPATHIC medicines, wholesale, re tall. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. 811 PRIVATE Sanitarium for ladles before and during confinement. Dr. and Mrs. Gerisch, 8626 California st. Terms reasonable. -813 GET your medicines at CONTE'S new drug store In WEST FARNAM DIS TRICT. 81ST AND FARNAM STS. M886 F16 DR. PRIES treats successfully all diseases and Irregularities of women from any cause; experienced and reliable. 1013 Dodge st., Arlington block, Omaha. -14 PRIVATE hospital during confinement; babies adopted. Mrs. Gardcls, 8234 Lake. Tel. Red-1884. 106 PRIVATE home durlng-conflnemeiit; babies adopted. The good Samaritan Sanitarium. 728 1st. ave.. Council Bluffs. Ia. 626 PRIVATE hospital before and during con finement. Mrs. Fisher, 2618 P. 11. Tel 1839. -816 MAGNET PILE KILLER. IT CURES. At druggists. SU 817 AGENTS WANTED. WANTED Canvassing agents In every county to solicit euDBcnpiions to inn. TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER. Steady employment with assured good In come. Agents In the country with horse and buggy especially desired. Canvassers make easily SflO to 8100 per month. Ad dress Century Farmer Solicitors flureau. Bee building. Omaha. J UJ DESK room, with telephone, on street floor. N. P. Doage e to., ion r m t FARMS FOR RENT. FORTY ACRES In So. Omaha, onemlle southwest 01 siocs. uitj. , & Co.. 1614 Farnam st. M414 9 KOH RENT UNFURNISHED ROOMS- FOUR large unfurnished rooms with bath. to fumlly Wlinout cnuaren. "kr,,1;""' list St. O XB44 tx a 1 rnni in READS HEED! 414-16 S. !2lh. 5UCCEED! TtL 1604 POSTOFFICE NOTICE. (Should be read D.ULT by all Interested, as changes may oocur at soy time). Foreign malls for the week ending Feb ruary 14, i!H, win nose irau.Mni.1 in an raes) Bt the General Postoffice as follows: PARCELS-POST MAILS close oils hour earlier tnun Closing tune snown peiow. l'urcela-post malls for Germany closs st 8 P. m. Monday, ir . a Kaiser Wm. der Uronse; and Wednesday, per s. s. Blucher. Regular and Supplementary malla close at k-arelun Station half hour later than clos ing time shown below (except that Sup plementary Mans ior Burope anu wvnirai America, via Colon, close one hour later at rurelgn (Station). Transatlantic Malla. TUESDAY At 1:80 a. m. for EUROPE, per a. a KsJser Wm. der Urosee, via Fly mouth. Cherbourg and Bremeni at 8:80 ?. m, ror ITAUl direct, per a a urunt mail must be directed "per a a Li- HW ! . . . W t J U t-S U A I A t w.iv m, m. lauppitHneat ary 11 a. for EUROPE, per a a Oceanic, via yueenstown. Tirr vinAY At 7 am. for FRANCE SWITZERLAND, ITALY. BPAIN, PORT UGAl TURKEY. EGYPT, GRERCB snd BRITISH INDIA, per a a La Irralna via Havre (mall f'r other parta of Europe must be dli-ectei "per a a La Lorraine-). BATURlAY At a. m. for EUROPE, per a a New York, via Plymouth and Cher bourg (mall fur Ireland must be directed "per a a New York1): at 8) a. so, for BELGIUM direct, per a a Vaderland (mull must ti- directed. tre a a Tsder- . ir,a l-ao a. m. for ITALY dlraot. tr a S. tiuhensollern (mall must be di rected Tor a. a Hoheruollern"; at S a. ta. for WXiTLANU direct, er a a Anehorta (mall iniiHt be directed Hr a a AnehoHat at 10 30 a. m. (suppleioentary 12 m.) for EUROPE, per a a Umbrla. via Queens town. After the tlosfng of the Bxrppreinentary Trausat'sntlc Matls uimed above, addi tional Supplementary Malts sr opeced on the piers v' the Asuerksanu Eimllsh. Fraoch and Oertnaa stvamera ami re tnaln open until wltbrn ten m(nut3 of the hour of Mailing ot steamer. Stalls teas gwetth mm f'aatsal Anaertca, West lneltaa, Ktes MONDAY At 12:80 p. m. for ANTTCH'A. MARTINIOUE and Gl'ADALOUI'E. per s. s. Cltta dl Meaaina (mail for Barbados. Trinidad. British. Initeb and French Oulana must be directed "per s. a Cltta dl Meaerna"). Tt.'kI'AY-At S a. ro tor ARGENTINE, titUOUAV and FARAUCAT. yer a a POSTOFFICK NOTICE. nifii'imnn; ni ni. inucvrriitrmnn 111 l.V ... I 'l-WTIl 1 I IML'Uli1 1.' A t . . m m, - .. A .... rv. 111. f ("i r t .iiia' w (ex.-. pt Costs Ul a snd SOUTH PAClTfl1 PoR'rS, per s. s. Yucatan, via Colon (mall for u:ionHla niuat be directed 'per s. s. Yucatan"), WEDNESDAY At 12 m. (supplementary 12.80 p. m ) for BAHAMAS, per s. 8. An tills (mall must be directed "per s. s Antllla"; at 12 m. for NORTHERN JtRA- 7.II., per s. s. llnsll, vis Para and Mnnsos. THl'RSDAY At 8 a. m. for CUBA. ier s. EsjHTanm imnll for Mexico, via Progreso, Campecho and Vera Crus must be directed "per s. s. Ij-peransa" ; st X a. m. for BERMUDA. r . S. Pretoria; at 12 m. for BAHAMAS per s. s. Niagara (mall for Mexico, via Timrlco, must be illrorted "per s. s. Niagara"). FRIDAY At 9:80 n. in (suiirlementsrv 10;3t a. m ) for 1NAOUA nnd I1A1T1. per s. s. Alene; at 1;S0 p. ni. for HHAZ1I.. per s. s. Eastern Prince, via Pernanibuco, Hlo Janeiro and Santos imslt for North ern llrasll, Argentine, Uruguay and Para- funy must be directed "per t. s. Eastern 'rliuo ". SATURDAY At 8:80 a. ni. (stipplemcrtnrv ' 11. m.) for CURACAO and VENE .I E LA. per s. s. Zulln (maJI for Kavn nllla snd Cnrtsgenu must be direetcd 'I-er a. s. Zulia',; at 9 a. m. for POUTt) ,er Cnnmo, via S:tn Juun; tit 9: h , tn. (supplementary 10:80 a. m ''r FORTUNE ISLAND. JAMAICA, PAV AMLU.V and CARTAGENA, per s. a earnln (mall for Costa Rica must ba di rected "per s. s. Hurnla"); at 10 a. m. for t U BA, per s. s. Mexico, via Havana. Malla Forwarded Overland. F.te., Ex cept Transpacific. Cl'BA-via I'ort Tampa, Florida, closes nt thla ofTlce dally, except Thursday, at lo'SO a. m (th ctnnectlng malls close, here on Mondays, Wednesdays and Sat urdays). MEXICO CITY-Overland. unless specially addressed foi despatch by steamer, closes at this office dully, except Btinday, at 1.3U p. m. and 10:30 p. in. Sundays at LOO p. m. snd lo:S0 p. tn. NEWFOUNDLAND Bv rail to North 8yd ney, and thence by steamer, clones at this offlce dally at 6:30 p. m (connecting malls close here every Monday, Wednes day and Saturday). JAMAICA By rail to Philadelphia nnd then'-e by steamer, closes at this otilce at 11:80 p. m. every Bundiiv. By rsll to Boston, and thence by steamer, closes at this omce at 6.30 p. m. very Friday. MIQUELON By rail to Boston, and thenc by steamer, closes at this otilce dally in 80 p. m. BELIZE, PUERTO CORTEZ and GUATE MALA By .-all to New Orleans, end thence ty stesmor. closes at this iftbe dally, except Sundny, at (1:30 p. m. 'id 110:30 p. in., Sundays at 1:() p. tn. ai d IIO SO p. in. (connecting mall closos heui Mondays at 10:8o p. in.) COSTA RICA By rail to New Orleans, nnd thence by steamer, closes at this office dally, except Sunday, at 1:30 p. 111 510:30 p. m., Sundays at 1:00 p. m. sn.l il0:SO p. m. (oonnectlng 11, all closes here Tuesday nt 10:Jt p. m.l BAHAMAS (except Parccls-rost Mnlls) Py rail to Miami. Flo... nnd thence bv steamer doses at 16:80 a. m.,, every Mon day, Wednesday nnd Saturda) Registered mall closes at 6:00 p. m. pre- vlous day. Transpacific Malls. HAWAII, JAPAN. CHINA and PHILIP PINE ISLANDS, via Ban Francisco, close here dally at 6:30 p. m. up to Febriirn J12th, Inclusive, for despatch per b. h. Hong Kong Moru. HAWAII, via Ban Francisco, close her dally at 0:30 p m. tip to February Slf.ih. Inclusive, lor despatch per s. s. Alamnl:i CHINA and JAPAN, via Vancouver and Victoria, B. C. close here dally at 6 ;-0 p. m. up to February lftth, Inclusive, for despatch per s. s. Empress of China (Mercnanaise ror 1 . o. i nsiai Agency at Shanghai cannot be Canadu.) CHINA end J A PAX here daily nt 6:30 p Irtth, Inclusive, for Kloiun M:iru forwarded via Seattle, close up to February' , .itch per s. s. HAWAII. JAPAN. CHINA and specially addressed mall for the Philippine Islands via Sen Francisco, close here daJly at 6-.S0 p. m. up to February 121st, Inclusive, for despatch per s. s. China. PHILIPPINE ISLANDS, via Ban Fran cisco, close liere dally at 6:30 p. m. up to February l?ith. Inclusive, for despatch per U. 8. Transport. NEW ZEALAND, AUBTRALIA (except West), NEW CALEDONIA, FIJI. SAMOA and HAWAII, via Ban Francisco, close here daily at :S0 p. m. up the Feb ruary 27th, Inclusive, for despatch per s s. Sierra, (If the Ounard steamer enrrying the British mall for New Zea land does not arrive In time to connect with this despatch, extra malls closing - nt R-tt) a. m.. 9:80 a. m. and 6:30 p. m .: Sundays at eao a m., s a n.. enn o:.ti p. m. will be made up and forward d until the arrival of the Cunard steamer.) AUSTRALIA 'except West). F.Jl 1SL- ANDS snd N KW uai.iuiiuniA specially addressed only), via Vanoouver and Vic toria, B. C. cloeo here dally st 6:80 p. m. up to February 97th. Inclusive, for des r.o f eh ner a. a Mlownra. TAHITI snd MARQUESAS ISIANTS, vis Ban Francisco, ciose n anuy i p m up to March 12th. tncliudve, for despatch per a a Mariposa. NOTE Unless otherwlne sddreewed. West Australia Is forwarded via Euroj; snd New Zealand and ltil'ppines via Pan Francisco the quickest routes. Fhlllp p'r.es specially addressed "via Canada" or ''via Europe must be fully prepaid at the foreign ratea Hawaii Is Torwsrded Can vrvnnelstvi exclusively. Transpacific, malls are fonratded to port or eat ing naiiy anu mo Ing Is arrange1 on the presumption of their uninterrupted overland transit. (jRegiu tared mull clot8 at 6:0 p. tn. pre v.ous day. OORNEIJ(;s V;N , prrrnneter. Powtoffice. New Tork, N. T.. FeUruary S, 1904. OCEAN ITEtMKIU. K0LLAHD-&S2ERICA LIKE. atav Twia-acrev EXxawni a( 1KX Twia CXW TOHK SUJI-TSKUAM. ta MOtUXiNB. Bailing Toeadsr. st It a Bk w Btaterflrk rtx. it ;Rotterum xr.-v, utnlui TtK aKa.rrd.ra Vr. 53 Kmmurfimm Mr 1 'ettitrfm ..'iu. ZZ " Htterage oniy. -rTtnrm riu. fiiJ J rtnA u iklCA UNB. Iwsrboni tt.. CZ' UL Harry Moerre. 11 nnaa .; gwawetor4. 1U3 rarnaia St.; J B. 1-MualJa. aV luua St. IXQiL NOl'ICES. NOTICE. The Board of Public lnds and rtullillrtga Of the state of Nebraska will receive pro Doeals at the offlce of swrerary of atjte until 12 o'clock noon, of the twenttvth d..iy of Februsry. 104. for the erection aad coro- f let km of an atotDtstratrmi building and bre oottages to be erectod st Norfolk. Ketiraaka. and a hospital building te be erwted al the Boldlera' and Sallrrs' Home at Mil ford. Nebraska; a No a cold storage building for tba FeebJe Minded tnstltcta at Beatr4cw aceabag to the plans and peel ftcUBe now on ale tn the land , eonmils sloner's office). ... Proposals wt!I be recefred fn whole for erectloa X btillBn and tnehwllng beetftta-. plumbing and wlrtosr. or fffjrtl. on treat ing, plumbtng end wMng. PropoeaU most comply with rjoiremerrfs of siec1ftetlorB regarding certllid heck. Certified check te be msdU payable to the state of Nebraska as guarantee of good faith on the part of the bidder to eatr ta tlTheWBoerd of PnWle I-ands arwf BrdTWrisw baa the rigbt to reject any scd all pro- Beeralary of Board FuNlo Ldn,5 Buildings. KOTTCE OF STOCKHOI XERS MEETIN"! Notice la hereby gtn that rhe regular annual meeting of the atckkolirs ef the South P'atte iJind rrnmpany will be held at the offlce of ald company tn Uru-oln. Ne braska, at II o'clock a u. an the 2d day of March. A I. t9o4. , , o. order of the board of (fir -tors. py C. H MORRILL, President. A B. MINOR. Secretary. Uncetn, Neb-. Jon. S. 1'. NOTICTC Seated bd win be reoetred st the oiflee of tb secratsry ef stare trri until 12 n'rlocii noon of 'he 11th day of FVbruary. f r one 8x Vrtplex powrr Fcce rump, als-j one Skinner eneloeed arlf-liibnca'fcn !' hnrse-power ecgtne. 80 pounds preeinire. from SCO to revojtotna per minute, for the peslteDttsrv. said pump and r-uitne to be Installed ready for operation. GW)L W. MAKSH. So-retar- f ?! ant J71il:ut-m uoUkKMitrrr nunt ira. C11IEF (JUARTEHM ASTER'S t'FF!CE. Ouiaba, NeU. February V l --ro.UJ breioula, to trlplicatw, aubjexrt te ihi .u.l coultttoiH. wttl m r.-erd here sod by the o,iarTUKiers i'ut Nlobiara. el-. until 1 a, Bt.. ceiitrl standard time. Msreti I, lo4, for j rovlding nine s ldiOoaa to j re sent tioop water clowrt. for bathing jjiir puses, and for loelililiig tubs, abowvrs. etc . therein at Fvrt Niobrara. Full Information. fjrnlx)id 011 applK-ttloit U this 011- where plana and 1-pacific iiaon may )e su, or to the nuartertnter. Fori XWT.r.i. proosHls to be uidiked "Prop.sila It Shower Baths." and addnaaned t J. al ftAWIKSL Cblef Uuarterntseter. 1