Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 07, 1904, PART I, Page 6, Image 6

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Wok Jnit Oloid Was LiTely and Nxt
Fromitei ai Knob.
rreejr ef th Yoana; Folk OtTeeda
Weal! h- fnrle and Mar Divert
Legacy Another
A Toat.
You've each mad your toast
To the on you love mini;
Tou've tilled r your bumpers together.
You've rworn love anew
And you've vowed to be true
And merry In ail klnda of weather.
Hut I now take the floor-
To Bleriea Vou one more
Tou'll drlr
ii arm, it. 1 m aura, u no otner.
I hen nil up the (lava
1 drink to the health oi "my mother."
Bayard Bacon.
Tba Social Calendar.
HONDAT Miss Anna Coed entertains th
Vial ting Nuraea' sewing circle; Mrs.
Mather, th Monday club.
TL'EHUAY-Lnlty guild Uanc at Metropol
itan hall.
WKDNK8DAY Mrs. Frank Haller's tea
far th debutantes; the Mtaaea Sharp,
exd party; Mr. J. W. Bouquet, the Hia
watha Kensington tlub; the Weltsell-Ilar
THt'KBLAY The Misses Sharp, a card
Party; Thurston Rifles' dancing party;
l.t-A-Vlrp leap year party; Young Ladies'
Harmony club dancing party.
FRIDAY Mrs. George Fmchett and Miss
f rltchett, o'clock coffee.
ATfRDAY Mrs. C. F. Weller tand Mrs.
Fred Clarke, cards: Mrs. H. T. l.rmlKt,
a luncheon; Mrs. Charles Marsh, a recep
tion from I to I o'clock.
While there was nothing of sufficient
consequence last week to especially swell
th social chronicle, there was plenty go
ing on plenty for everybody. A usual
the visiting woman was largely re
sponsible for th round of affairs and
this week, though some of the out-of-town
guest will have departed, there will be
others to take their places and a round
, of afternoons and evening, theater, card
and luncheon parties have been planned
for them. Most notable of the affairs
planned for the week will be Mrs. Haller's
tea, for the debutantes. It will be given at
th1 Llnlnger home, and the young women
will all wear their coming-out gowns. And
than there will be the ocf.'ee party given
Friday evening by Mrs. Prl'che l and Miss
Prltchett for Mlsa Jean Morton and her
guests from Chloago, and Mrs. Charles
Marsh's reception Baturday afternoon that
are to be smart affairs and of Interest even
to those who are not Included In th gueet
There I a very persistent rumor afloat
that -one of the popular army officers who
recently left Omaha for a new station has
left Ms heart behind, but has taken with
Mm .an exchange with which he Is fully
The fad of preserving secrecy concerning
th Itinerary of the wedding trfp promises
to prove an expensive aecret to a certain
young couple who were married In Omaha
recently. He Is an out-of-town man and
nephew of a very rich and very eccen
tric old English bachelor, who 4iaa but
one other heir, the la a niece of a prom
Inent Council Bluffs family, and was at
one . time a teacher In the city schools.
The day of the wedding Inquiry was made
by the groom's aunt, an elderly- maiden
sister of the English uncle and the other
heir regarding the proposed'ltlnerary. She
was laughingly told that "they really did
not know where they were gblng." Again
ahe questioned them and asked especially
If they expected to Include. New Tork
city,- adding that she had a friend there
that she thought they would be glad to
meet and that she knew was anxious to
meet them, but, again she was told that
they did not know where they would go.
They left that evening and went direct to
New-Tork and upon their return to their
future home a fortnight later, were sur
prised to find nothing, not even a con
gratulatory letter, from the English uncle.
A written Inquiry of the elderly aunt as
to whether or not she had heard from him
v brought in response a note stating that an
Inclosed letter would doubtless make every
thing clear to them;, that she was Just
leaving for England and wished them every
happiness. The inclosel letter proved to
be from the uncle, written from Nw Tork
city to hla aister and stating that he had
come ovtr from England to meet the
young couple In New York, but aa they
were ao evidently Indifferent to her and
her Vfrlenda.'t he thought It eenrcrty worth
while watting for them and returned home
within a week.
tWeddlags sued Engagementa. .
Mrs. W, W. Lowe haa announced the
engagement ef her daughter, Mlaa Mercldea
Lowe, and Captain Benjamin Shaw of th
Thirtieth United Statea Infantry. a
Tha engagement Is announced this week
of Mlsa Isabella Yates, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs." Frank E. Tatea, to Dr. Grant' Au
gustine of Minden, la. The wedding la to
take plae curly in the aummer.
fcfr. and Mrs. P. K. Her have Issued
cards for the wedding of their daughter,
Mlsa May Her, and Mr. John Spurrier Welt
aell. which will be solemnised Wednesday,
February 10, at their horn on South Tenth
Scarcely have the wedding bells ceased
ringing for the last1 bride and groom before
a fresh hatch of announcements and invi
tations end gossip reminds society that
ita duty la not yet done to this year's list
Of Cupld'a victim.
' hat Social Chat.
Mrs. H. T. Lemlst will entertain at lunch
eon Saturday.
his, i '.or tense . inarice win entertain a
party of twelve at' supper this evening.
Mr. and Mr. A. B. Reed are receiving
congratulation upon the birth of a daugh
ter. Mrs. Mather will be hostess of the com
ing meeting of the Monday Night Card
club. ...
A recent letter from Mlsa Daisy Doan
give an account of a delightful trip up
the Nile.
Mra. Charlea Marsh haa Issued cards for
A healthy
An Invigorating Food. ,
A delightful leverage.
a reception Saturday, February 1J, from I
to I o'clock.
Mr. and Mrs. George Palmer and Mies
Kllpatrlrk expect to start soon on a trip
to Jamaica.
Mr. E. H.- Bcott and Mlas Catherine
Scott sailed from Mobile, Ala., Wednesday,
enroutn for FlorlJ. - '
The Thurston Rlflea have cards out for
a dancing party to be given at their ar
mory Monday evening, February 16.
The Mimes Sharp have Invitations out
for two card partlea to be given Wednes
day and Thursday afternoons of this week.
Mr. Stanley Rosewater, having entirely
recovered from his recent Illness, returned
to Ann Arbor Friday to resume hla study
General and Mrs. Manderspn, who are
now In the east, expect to go to Florida
for a few weeks before returning to
Most anticipated among the wek'e af
fair Is the tea to be given Wednesday aft
ernoon between 4 and 8 o'clock by Mrs.
Frank Haller for the debutantes.
Mrs. C. F. Weller end Mrs. Frederick
Clarke will entertain at cards Saturday
afternoon at the home of the former,
Twenty-flret and Wirt street.
Saturday evening, February 13, Mrs. a.
II. Workman and Mrs. T. t.. Combs will
entertain the Marchionette Kensington so
ciety at a St. Valentine dinner-party at the
home of the latter.
The officers of the Thirtieth Infantry have
recently organised a club, with Colonel
O'Connell president, Captain Ralph R.
Stogsdall secretary-treaaurer and Captalna
Frank A. Wilcox and Charlea W. Castle
and Lieutenant Charlea C. Allen executive
A host of Omaha frlneds will be glad to
learn of the decided Improvement In - th
health of Mr. Fred Nash 2d. Mr. and
Mrs. Nash went to New Tork about a
month ago, Mr. Nash having been under
the care of a specialist there ever' since.
and with results that promise their early
return to Omaha.
Come and Go Gossip.
Mrs. Marry Nott Is back from a month's
visit with friends In Chicago.
Mrs. Andrew McAusland has gone to
Portland, Ore., for a two weeks' visit.
Mr. Arthur Jerrema of Chicago spent a
part of last week among Omaha friends.
Mrs.NI. B. lladley of Cedar Rapids, Neb.,
Is visiting Mrs. A. P. Brink at the Sher
man. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Gulou went to Chi
cago Friday, expecting to be gone about
a week. - -
Mr. and Mrs. D. O. Clarke are expected
back today from their wedding trip through
the west.
Mrs. William - Thomas and daughter
Louise of Red Oak, la., are visiting Mrs.
J. E. Prltchard. .
Mr. Moster Colpetxer sailed from New
Tort last week for Europe, expecting to
be gone several month.
Mrs. R. T. Fleming and Mrs. T. McKua
ter of Scranton, Pa., are gueata of their
sister, Mrs. E. F. Riley.
Mra. Otis a-1 Mrs. Arthur Osborn of
New Tork arrl tJ Tuesday for a fortnight's
visit 'with Mr. 8. S. Curtis.
Mrs. M. J. Bywater of Denver la the
gueet of Mra. C. H. Seaman of 646 South
Twenty-sixth street for two weeks.
Mlaa Fredrlcka Weesella returned to her
home In Hannibal, Mo., Wednesday after
a fortnlght'a visit with friends here,
Mr. and Mrs. Deerlng of Portland, Me.,
who have been visiting Mr, and Mra. War
ren Rogers, left yesterday for tha east. -
Mlaa Caroline Johnson, who has been
the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Henry W. Tales,
has returned to her home In St. Joseph
Mrs. William Gyger. who has spent the
past two weeks tha guest ef Mrs. Charles
Gyger, expects to return to her . home In
Philadelphia Monday.
Mlaa Hamilton and Miss May Hamilton
went to Chicago Friday to spend about a
week and upon their return they will ac
company Mrs. Hamilton to California to re
main Utitll May,
Mr. and Mrs. Edward A. Leopoldt, who
have recently returned from a visit to Ha
vana and have been visiting their parents,
Mr. and Mrs. H. Splgle, of this city, left
Baturday afternoon for a trip to the Pacific
coast, j -
Mrs. W. a. .Gross who haa been visiting
Mrs. W. D. Fordyce for the past two weeks
returned to her home In San Francisco Fri
day. Mrs. Fordyce accompanied her aa far
aa Denver, where she will visit friends Tor
abeut a fortnight. ,
Mrs. Edward Rosewater returned Satur
day morning from Baltimore. Md.. where
he went to attend the wedding of Mr. Vic
tor Rosewater and Miss Kata. Mlas Blanche
Rosewater, who accompanied her, Is visit
ing relatives In Cleveland, O.
a ' - rieaanrea Iaet.
Tha X. T. C. club was pleasantly enter
tained Saturday afternoon by Mlsa Salena
Mrs. Walter Page entertained a party ef
young people at cards Baturday afternoon
for her daughter.
Mr. and Mr. J. B. Blanchard entertained
last evening meeting of the Poppleton
Avenue Card club.
Miss Edith Thomas entertained at supper
Sunday evening In oompllment to Mlsa Bass
Iler's guest1, Mlas Vnterklrcher.
The member of the Golden Rod dub
were entertained at the home of Mra.
Oeorge Strawn Friday afternoon. '
II. R, Wllaon. caahler of Midland Paint
company, entertained a email party of
friend at his home In She ley last night.
Mra. Herman Cohn entertained a dinner
Friday evening, the gueata of honor being
Miss Josephine Levy and Mr. Daniel Korn
of New Tork.
Mra. C. L. Rosa entertained tha Marchio
nette Kensington society Friday afternoon.
Those present were: Meadatnes Raynold.
Barnum, T. H. Fell, W. M. McKay, A. H.
Workman, T. L. Combs, C, L. Rosa, Orlffla
and Keller.
Mi. J. W. Thomas gave a aupper Friday
evening for the fire and police commission
er at hla home on Weat Farnam street, hla
guests being: Messrs. Frarik X. Moore. W,
J. Sroatch. Iee Spratlen, W. D. McHugh,
O. W. Wattles, S. A. McWhorter, Carl
Wright, Joseph Haydan and C. S. Mont
Mr. and Mra. F. G. Urlau gave a dinner
Sunday evening for Ira. Caiman of Boston,
who la tha guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. C.
Weeth. On Thursday evening Mr. and Mrs.
Urlau gave a dinner to twenty gueata In
celebration ef their wedding anniversary,
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Oetschrnann enter
tained Friday evening, February I, at their
home on South Tenth street. After a very
pleasant evening spent playing tilth Ave
the first prises were carried oft by Mrs.
George Wlnrthelm and Mr. Fred Blsasser,
the consolation prises by Mra. Henry Leh
msn and Mr. Cobb. The guests then ad
journed to the dining room, where the color
scheme was yellow and green. The guests
were: Mr. and Mrs. John Drexel, Mr. and
Mrs. Weath. Mr. and Mrs. Lehmaa, Mr.
and Mra. Elaaaser, Mr. and Mrs. Rosen
twelg. Mr. and Mra. Cobb, Mrs. Nagel, Mra.
Wlndhelm, Mlsa Getsschmann, Mis Nagel,
Mr. Belale.
A party was given at the home of Rob
ert Heywood, fci No. Twenty-sixth atreet,
Thursday evening. The gueata were en
tertained before and after the refresh
ments by the Continental quartet, com
posed ef Frost, A. Bmlth, C. Smith and
Shropshire. Messrs. Campbell,- Bommer,
Fensch, Craighead, McDougal, Nlchola,
Kelster, Moore, W. Orlffeth, O. Qrtffeth,
Hoist, Weltsel, Kelson, Cleveland, Marsh,
MacDaniel, Kendall, Smith and Heywood.
Misses Miller, Jamleson, Arrlngdale, Mao
Daniel, Fenn, Larimer, White, Edson, Wal
lace, Mamie Bradley, Kittle Bradley, Car
penter, Jessie Plerson, Grace Plerson, Ken
nedy and Heywood.
The local Freight Agents' Association
Card c'.ub met at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
W. W. Scott on Wednesday evening. The
prixe winners were Mrs. E. R. Woods and
Mr. William Rocheford, sr., "nd Mrs. W.
A. Case and Mr. W. A. Case. Delicate re
freshments were served. Those present
were:' Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Sherlock, Mr.
and Mrs. M. Loftua, Mr. and Mrs. J. A.
Cavers, Mr. and Mra. J. M. Tanner, Mr.
and Mrs. J. W, Dletrlck. Mr. and Mrs. W.
A. Case, Mr. and Mrs. Oeorge Strawn, Mr.
and Mra. E. R. Woods, Mr and Mrs. Wil
liam Rocheford, sr., Mlsa Burney, Miss
Smith, Mlsa Eads and Mr. A. C. Bcott. The
club- will be entertained at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Sherlock, 1219 South
Blxth street, on Wednesday, February 10.
The next regular meeting of the club will
be at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. J. W.
Dletrlck, J41 California atreet, on Tuesday,
February 11
Flndjng that I am greatly overstocked In
all aorta of materials, I will for the next
month make a great reduction on every
thing In etock making evening and dinner
gowns for less than cost, shirtwaist dresses
for ISO and hancsome lace gowns for
less than coat, cheviot walking skirts for
t23, mixed goods, $25. B. H. TERRILL.
Federated Gospel Meeting gaceeaaf.l
4 Will Contlnae Threes,
at This Week. x
Tha first week of tha federated gospel
meetings In the Hanscom park district
under the auspices of four churches have
brought forth some very encouraging re
sults and the meetings are to be continued
for the coming week with a different loca
tion. Th services last Sunday were largely
attended and Rev. Henry Ostrom, the evan
gelist, seemed to gain a good hold on
hla congregation. Monday the attendance
fell off, a natural thing In tha first day of
weekday revival meetings. Since then,
however, there haa been an Increase nightly
until the congregation the latter part of
the week occupied all the available aeata
of the auditorium.
The interest In the meetings has Increased
proportionately. Rev. Mr. Ostrom has a
way of his own of extending the gospel In
vitation. His sermons through the first
week were directed to those whose faith
has grown cold. At the same time they
apply to those who have never professed
conversion and he brings in many asides
which drive tba points home to the latter
class. At the close of tha - meeting he
glvea an invitation to thoa who "feel that
they have become distant from God." He
walta a few minute for response to this
and then throws the Invitation open to
all. Every night since the middle of the
week there have been many responses to
both Invitations. "'
Tha muslo also haa been a very helpful
feature of the first week. This haa been
In charge of John Hlllls, whd travels with
Mr. .OBtrora. Mr. Hlllls is a large, whole
souled man, with a sympathetic voice. Ha
leads a choir of about fifty voices. Mrs.
Andrews has presided at the pipe organ
and, a cornet and a violin have also aa-
alsled materially.
Beginning today the night meetings are
to be held in the St. Mary's Avenue Con
gregational church at Twenty-seventh
atreet and St. Mary'a avenue. The organ
and a choir also will assist In the muslo
there. The weekday afternoon meetings
are to be, held In the Westminster Presby-
terlan church at 1 oclocn. These meet
ings partake largely of the nature of Bible
studies and have proved very helpful in
the week that has passed. Ths Sunday
afternoon meeting at S o'clock la to ba
held In tha Hanacom Park Methodist
Crelgrhten lp.lver.lty Undent will
Present Their Annanl Dramatics
Pradactlon Next Weak.
The Comedy of Errors" will be tha play
and Monday evening, -February Is. at
o'clock. University hall, the time and place
of tha annual draraatle production of tha
atudenta of Creighton university. Th play
la given for the benefit of tha library. The
female characters of Shakespeare a pluy
have been omitted without much changing
the plot and the amateur actors have
reached In rehearsal an advanced atata of
erooothnesa and - mastery of their parts.
The university players have not tried i
comedy for several years. The cast follows
Bolt mi a, Duke of Ephesua John Kennedy
Anlfnlisilu. Twill -
of Ephesua Bona William Schall
of Syracuse Aegeon. .Thorns McGovern
or Epnesus
William Donahue
of Syracuse
.Edward Donnely
Adrian. Uncle of Antloholus of Kphesus
Joseph Sullivan
Aegean, Merchant of Syracuse r rank Jenal
Dr. Pinch, a conjurer D. J. Hurley
Abbot, once a servant of Aeaeon
Jamea Blattery
Balthasar. a merchant William Young
Angelo, a goldsmith AI Dermody
Cleon, merchant; mend to Amipnoius or
Syracuse William Yoitn
Aemellu T. O'Nel
Lords, guards, officers, etc
Marshal pear. all Aecompanlee tan H.
Marrla, Alleged Baabesaler,
te Fort Worth.
Cam H. Morris, wanted in Fort Worth
Tex., for alleged embeulement from tha
Weatern National bank of Hereford, waa
taken from thla city last night by Chief
Deputy United Statea Marshal Paarsall
Morris waa arrested In Omaha some dayi
ago and haa been held pending the arrival
of tnetrucllona front tha aouth.
Ckeatfcerlaja'e Cnack Remedy
Pleasant Take.
Tha finest quality of loaf augar la used In
th manufacture of Chamberlain' Cough
Remedy, and the roots used in this prepare
tlon give It a flavor simitar to maple ayrup,
making It quit pleasant to take. Children
like It, and aa It con ulna no opium or
other harmful substance It haa no Injurious
after affect. It alwaya eurea. In caaea of
aolda, croup and whooping cough It van be
given wun impum connaenoe. ii
equally valuable for aduite and children.
Upon Invitation of the Tecumseh City
Federation of Clubs, that will act aa
hostess, the ctubs of the first district of
the Nebraska Federation . will . meet In
convention Friday, February 19. Arrange
menta were completed at a recent commit
tee meeting and the conference will be
held in the new Baptist church of Tecum
seh. The first session will convene Friday
evening and will be followed by a reception.
The Saturday morning aeaston will clora at
noon, giving delegates ample time to reach
home by afternoon trains. The object of
the meeting I club extension and the fur
ther promotion of friendly co-operation by
the exchange of thought and Ideas. T.-e
officers of the state federation and the dis
trict vice presidents are expected to be in
attendance. The federated clubs of the
First district are requested to send their
presidents and one delegate each. Leadera
of club departments and the president and
one delegate from unfederated, nonsec
tarlan cluba of the district are also Invited
to attend. The sessions have been ar
ranged with reference to train service
which will enable delegatea from all polnta
to arrive Friday afternoon and return to
their homes Baturday afternoon. An espe
cially helpful program has been arranged
and a full attendance of club women II
hoped for.
The following announcement la made re
garding hotel accommodations for tha St.
Louis Biennial, May It to 25:
General headquarters, Hotel Jefferson
(European only). The committee thus far
has been able to secure but fifty rooms,
twenty-rive of each class, and it la there'
fore most Important that delegates want
ing accommodations at headquarters send
their application for rooms at once direct
to the hotel committee. Rates, 11 per d.iy
for rooms without bath, one or two person
occupying a room; 17 per day for rooms
with bath, one or two persons occupying
a room; 11.60 per day additional for any
number more than two persons occupying
one room.
One hundred rooms have been secured at
the Napoleon Bnnapnrte hotel, sltuited
about three blocks from the main entrance
of the World s fair grounds and about
thirty minutes' ride on transit lines from
the Odeon convention hRll. Rates range as
follows: American plan, one or two In roo-n
without bath, from $3.50 upward; with bath,
from 15.50 upward. European plan, one or
two In room without bath, from $2 upward;
with bath, $5 per dny and upward. An ad
vance payment of $2 Is required on all ap
pllcatlona for rooms at the Napoleon Bona
parte. All applications should be sent to Mrs.
Edward Tusslg, chairman. 621 Security
building or to Miss Cornelia Fisher, vlca
chairman. Hotel Berlin.
In order to avoid confusion and delay
the hotel committee urges that applica
tion sent dlreot to either of the above
named members. ,
The February Club Woman glvea the first
definite announcement of Biennial enter
tainment from the local biennial board of
St. Louis, and it provea well worth wait
Ing for. In aplte of strong competition, th
Odeon, 8t. Louis' splendid auditorium, haa
been secured for the sessions and in addi
tion to its exceptional accoustlo properties,
the building is especially well equipped for
convention uses. Tha Odeon la situated on
Grand avenue and Is ten minutes' ride from
th Hotel Jefferson, biennial headquartera.
and acceasible from all parts of th city,
owing to Ita location. The following de
scription Is given:
The auemblv hall Is on th ground floor
milth twelve exits Into BDacious alleys on
hnth .tries It is 150 feet back from the
.treat noise and confusion: the 'luesaay
club has its headquarters in tha building,
and the Wednesday club rooms are but
two blocKs away, ana me anaiy inxmuin
Alumna room In the new building are
within twenty minutes' ride through the
nlnatunlMt rmrt nf tha cltv.
- . .. . . . i . . . . . , O M . V.
Tne DUiiaing nas a wium ui no uj
190 feet depth. Tne parquet noor is nr-
rangea tor i.iu seais anu pace i mm
there will be mola room for people to sit
In comfort and still allow Others
to easily reach their seats In the same row.
cme 01 tne teaiures 01 me imnjuoi m
row of thirty boxes that entirely encloses
tha auditorium, l-.acn oox nas an amr
room in the rear for coats and hats open-
Inu immerllntelv into the lover oi tne nan.
These boxes Heat 1S4 people, having six
nti each A Kenerous aisle extends
around the front of the boxes, facilitating
conferences between the occupants, while
the entire audience can promenade in tne
foyer and reception rooms. The stuge is
fifty feet In depth, seventy-flva feet wide
nd forty reet to tne top oi proscenium
arch, and eluhtv feet to rliTKintf loft. It
la for concert ana lecture
each .Ida of the stare are waiting rooms
toilet rooms ana dressing rooms, adovd
the bnxaa and runnlnir around the entire
hall Is a gallery seating 648 people. The
roof t. alxtv feet above the Darauet noor.
The seats are upnoisterea in rea leniner
nd the floor is covered with red velvet
carpet. Accoustlcally, the Odeon s perfect
nd has been pronounced by great artists
who have sung all over thla country and
Europe to be better In this respect than any
other musical hall In the world. This, com
blned with the distance from tne noise or
the street, renders the Odeon especially
desirable for a woman's convention. Being
an entirely detached building, tne nan can
be emptied in a few seconds through the
numerous exits that render It one of the
safest auditoriums in the country.
One of the Important women' meetings
of the year, an executive session of tha
National Council of Women, was' held last
week In Indianapolis. Tha executive now
Includes, besides the five general officers
and three honorary presidents, the presi
dents of twenty-two national organisations
and of eleven local councila. The meeting
waa entertained by tha local council of In
dianapolis, one of the atrongest In tha
country, and by tha Commercial club.
Among tha matters attended to by the
council waa the election of one member on
th committee of arrangement for the
third quinquennial of the executive of the
International Council, to ba held In Berlin,
Germany, June I, 1904; also twej delegates
and two alternatea and one speaking repre
sentative, who will make an address at the
second public session, when every affiliated
national council will have an opportunity
of giving a brief outline of Its work and to
atate the International aspect of the same.
At the meeting of the executive held In
New Orleans last March a special commit
tee waa appointed to investigate the condi
tion of affairs at St. Louis and to decide
upon the beat porstble repreaentatlon of the
efforts of the council In Bt.Louls during
the months of the exposition, and the dis
cussion of such plans waa another Impor
tant part of th business.
Wednesday morning's meeting of tha ora
tory department will be devoted to a atudy
of 'the life and work of Alfred Tennyson. A
full attendance la asked.
Mra. E. M. Chard will address Thuraday
afternoon'a meeting of the aoclal science
department, which Is called at S o'clock In
th club rooms. Her subject will bat "Irri
gation and Ita Meaning to tha Weat." Mra.
Charde waa elected a delegate to the re
cent national Irrigation congress and is
especially prepared to apeak on th sub
ject. A general Invitation la extended to
all Intereated.
The department of current topica will
meet at 12A o'clock Tuesday afternoon.
The next open n.eeting of the Womaa'a
club will be a bualneta aeaalon. There will
also be an address by Rev. E. Cornble Smith
on "The Fly in the Ointment," and a vocal
solo by Mlsa Carrie Falrchlld.
teelasaatev la 111.
PITTfBTTRrj, Feb. 1-Henry W. Oliver,
the well known Iron and strelmaster. Is
rrltlc.lly 111 at hla home In Alieghrnv. He
Is suffering from an affection of the kid
ney a
Jame. K. Carey- Speaka,
i Jamea T. Oarer, a eoclallet aaitatar and
Iral.lator, will speak at Wa.hlngton hall
tonight. Carey began work In a shoe fac
tory In Haverhill when a bor and followed
that work until VsA, when he waa electod
n the state legislature In 1W5 Cnrey pre
sided over the convention In Hostnn. at
which three nntloml orgnnlxatlmia were
cpsollrtateil Into the National Knot and
Bhoa WnrkerV union, which organisation
ho represented at the Arnertran Federation i
of Labor convention at Boston In l'Ji.
For t Ivlc Improvement. 1
Mr. Rhutsahn. the field secretary of the '
International League for C'lxlc Improve
ment, will come to Omaha durlnK the first
week In March. A cltlsens meeting will tie
held Monday evening at rlty hull to nr- .
range details for his reception. All who I
are intqresien in civic improvement nave
been Infited to attend thla meeting. i
gives notice that on Mon
day and until every gar
ment is closed out he will
offer the .
Cloak t
ever offered anywhere
read the prices
10.00 and 612.00 Cloaks go at 63.75.
615.C0 and .f) Clonke go at $T.(0.
125.00 and t.0fl Cloaks go at $1.00.
itO.OO to V).00 Cloaks go at 615.U0.
Never waa there such a chance to
get a fine cloak so cheap.
Children' Cloaks
I to U years, choice of our stock
ranging aa hlh as 6-'0 each for 65.00.
This la the time to buy if you would
save money.
Eiderdown Robes, 17.50 sorts, $3.00.
Eiderdown Bacques. 63.00 sorts. 11.00.
Indies' 610.00 Dress hktrts, Monday
J36 00 Velvet Bklrta, Monday. 61600.
Waist bargains, petticoat bargalna
and wrapper bargains every day while
they lost. No bHrgulns like ours.
J IVrMiasuiTco.
iolO Louia. atraee.
people la
later life can do
without glasses.
Strength of vision
always falls with advan
cing yeara. .Nature must
have help.
By Using .
Proper Glasses
Perfect vision may be secured and
retained. Blurred vision eyeacho
headache these are Nature's warn
ings. Don't neglect tbem they are
Cone to us for examination. We
can give you glaseca if you need
them and tbey wiU be the rifht
glasses. .
The If. J. Penfold Co..
t40H Prnam St.
Goldman Pleating Co.
Pineapple and
Side Pleating.
107 South 1 6th Street
SOO Doaglaa Block. Second Floor.
Tlaa 1030,
Mrs. John R. Mustek,
Osteopathic Physician
Ottlco, Douglas Block.
Tel. S3.
a. arnk I J .aV
1 C'it fjrjr
i mi.-J'Vlsnfjef"!
THESE Swing Machine occupy our large store ai jom ana siarney irecm, ana,
many Machines must be disposed of in short order. All cltssea of buyers are
interested, J or there are Sewing Machines at all prices. J) '
A Wonderful Opportunity! miclV& 0 gIIL stlTdardavand
scores of others of well known make. No Reservations, Every Sewing Machine
Offered at Closing Out Figures. For the less known makes only nominal price
will be asked. Easy monthly payments will be granted. Visitors cordially welcomed-
The following are a few
DA VI 8 Five-drawer, golden oak, drop
bead, on trial a few weeks,, good as
new. regular $66:u0 I ft fifl
machine, for 19 UU
VICTORIA-Flnlshed In oak. Ave
drawers, drop head, used it ftft
on floor aa sample only I'tf'Ull
NKW HOME Five drawers, drop
head, very latest improved, Just like
new, regular price 109.00, j QQ
tlonal Sewing Machine Co.. golden
Wa aell any attachment or part
sewing machine manufactured.
NOTE This Sale
take place at Uth
and fiarucy 5t. ,
If. B. Buyers at a dtitance $hdd write at onrt - rejard to these bargain.
tion. Every protp&Uvt purchaser truUA olhj rniitM vj isrww ct kikhi
Women's Suits
Arriving Daxily
We are ready to give the good dressers a
peep of the new creations and correct
Ideas In Women's Suits that will be worn
this spring. 1
Our showing this season will be more ex
tensive than at any former time. You
never aaw auoh a variety of new style ef
fects so early In the season. Dress Suits,
Traveling and Runabout Suits. You cer
tainly will appreciate the stylea we ar
a h o w 1 n g. From day to
day many new things will ba
brought out. We Invite the
women to visit our third floor
department, where we will be
pleased to reveal tha new stylea
to you.
Extra Special for Monday.
Women's Waisis Worth $2, $3 and
$4 on Sale Monday Morning, 95c.
A clearing aale of high ajrade
here for Monday morn log. It will
.on and will Rive the women an
hlh ajrade wnl.ts, made of flannel
that sold for. $2, $3, f 4 choice Monday
fisfnr D
r. '! i? ;!! i;pj
a,""", w r-- -
Cambric Edges, narrow and wide, at about half regular price.
Cambric Insertion, at 3c a yard, .value 10c ...c
Handsome Nainsook and Swiss Embroideries, at about half
regular price.
It deserves cleaning, if you trust it. Per
haps a little skillful attention will put your
erratic timepiece in perfect order. Wo have ex
pert watchmakers constantly doing this work.
giving us a range of experience running up to the finewt
adjustment. We know how to doctor your watch, and
guarantee all our work. Our charges are always ieanon-ttble.
Valentine Novelties
peanut hearts. Fancy Ice Cream hearts- Fancy candy
nearts of all kinds, put up In fancy heart boxes of new
.mi beautiful designs in I, h and J pound sizes. .
M1 ' in mm JS-uaiuj
Of An Unusually Large Number of
Sewing Machines
At the Large Store, 15th & Harriey Sts.
All Makes of Modern Drop Head' Machines at PRICES LOWER
. .
of the bargain:
oak. five drawers, everything com-
CP..'"': ?.30.00
STANDARD OR AND Five drawers,
sample machine, woodwork slightly
scuffed, all attachments, FA
complete, reduced to ClaOw
BINQER Special Five drawera, fln
l.hed in oak, returned from a
branch office, wood oik slightly
tcralchrd. machine part good as
new, will be closed out
22 50
for only.
of any
Nebraska Cycle
and Harney Sts. Tel.
TTllllaalaWV f
Women's Wnlsta la scheduled
be the arrenteat aale of the its-
opportunity to buy
and An ve.tlna..
! EEJa S
Special Cut Price
CO.... ;
TT J--J. .
WHITE-Three White machines taken
in exchange for WheHi-r at Wilson's,
all In first -clans condition and guar
anteed, your choice for Q flrt
only 0 UU
TXlMESTIC Two Domestics. five
drawers eur-h, repaired and put In
splendid condition, a bar- it ft ft
gain, your choice only IU UU
Your choice of 2S Whites, bingeie.
butndaida. Domestics und N w
Homes, second-hand ma- C Aft
chine, for only IWU
Our gentlemanly
' alemen are
In charge.
Vorrtilc(x pit immiamn auen-
vi -ww. rw jm
ssrs M-,i