Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 05, 1904, Page 5, Image 5

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EottfJ Wankst Uw k'Mf. tprcta'ors U
thi fbrctirp Grousd
4. H. rifirrMi ef Wlr, Vrk,
Wise Betk ! la tht-4)M
ef Tic tfce Target
The third Gay of the Interstate aboot at
I'ouRlas perk ai about what tbe doctor
ordered. o far a tbe dc-taJ of tbe pro
gram tarried out vu concerned. And
even U.S weather, which lot tba trt two
da; a vu old aa to preclude 111 com
fort a well aa hih scores fur tbe shooters,
rot around to be decent by noun. Tbe re
sult wbb that a jxd-ia"d crowd of on
lookers waa present to aea tb extolult of
marksmanship and li was t In tb Joat
dlaappoided. In apite of tbe fart tbat
a macr people ronerlentioual deplore tbe
cruelty of shooting live Visions tkwre la
attlll do question that the fart that tbe
ltrds being tbe real thin lm3 aa added
eat to the (una. not only from tbe sporte
man's point of view, but from that of tbe
onlookers aa wed The lira bird match
yesterday waa erne of tbe larfeet that baa
ver been held tn this part of tbe west
and certainly larewr than baa erer been
field tn Omaha. There were forty-seven
Miles," each man putting op an entrance
fee of t-'O, which Included tbe price of the
twenty-fire bird be rfhot at. Thla total of
W was divided between the fonr hlfrh
runs, H per rent emlng to the first, SO to
tbe next, SO to the third and IS to the fourth
man. Henry Anderarm of Ballna, Kan., and
Harry Tipton f Kansas City each killed
lie twenty-Ore btrdi without nUBRlnc a
hot. . Four men missed one apiece and
erea got all but two. In hardly ao In
stance were three miesed, ao far ai tba
pi.u. 4 i . . - w . , Wat ...
atayed In tbe clr lor.g enough after being
Shot to fall beyond tbe boundary. I
felTtnea Gets Cava. I
Tbe tie of Wednesday betweea O. K.
Ford of Central City. la., and i H. Selv
eraon of Wlanar, when aaeh man broke
forty-seven ont of a possible fifty clays.
was abet wit In th forenoon and anraaed
much lwterert amoog the hooters. Each
mu bad twenty-Are birds and at tbe end
T were again tied and bad to aboot a
like cumber enoa more ta decide wha waa
the better tnan la thla match Betreraon
"killed twenty-three, while Ford Beared but
twenty-). Tins Befearson won tbe beau
tiful and valuable Corn be trophy cup. He
eUso bad a U match to aboot off with WD
ilua Townaend for tbe Oltkey target cup.
Thla cup Betverson alao won by a score of
wenty-fiv without a miss, while Townaend
got twacty-twa v '
Tba tourney will oloee today with an In
tarstats team race at twenty-five lire blrda
ler man. Thla win be an optional Indi
vidual aweop, fo entrance and much In
terest attaches to the event. Following is
the puaunarr for Tbureday:
Antiee-son 00) ..Eta t?Z12 Ilia EM tSSS
j ipton j 1222 lid iJSS L3 1
rum. sides cjij ..mis Lnu erjs ma unso
Xiine kd raa csa te a tziztti
Jioime (10) nzii tjzii tsra turn liaa-M
Fogg ) ra aa raj cm r-?4
Cuan'gham (SU.KJ tZS'S 121'2 K'Xi ZD
Jawe ).. ..:0 2Ja2S fm iuia-:3
V.raberleke (2I 13Z 12211 lail 11211 2S
J ah neon 2K) ...."ir! tVlTi SSS22 12"ia 21
Ivork ( ....KZ2 12 S222I K22I rJ21-n
-R J7 K) ir?0t 12222 22222 r;KS trjiXt 3
'lnd-rman fUj..S2221 J22fK) 12222 12221 1222 a
Ulnhw flO) .K!10 12211 n2J 1KL1 122212!
.P'-nroerter (18) ..12S 122 "i f!t 12011 12222 H
J"rrd BJ) K2;!l 122a !2i nl l-!a
O-Brten f51) ....SIMS 8ST1 2S-21 I221 l2:?as H
Stafford f) ....ITMll? 0021J 11121 II;? 82
each ( r.i an fid iii i?2S-ti
Tryd ( 1S3 OS.' a 82221 ITHl 1V2S2 HI
Townaend (SO) ..m32CT STX VTAK fc711 88
Kngere ?( ir 88228 JflCSO IT?! E222 K
Solvere feci lmil 2TU 1222nri2(iS 21
-rnhld (W) 123d 82m 82225 1?1W WAZi
TorryWry OS gisw Ha WiO K'228 (".rt
rinn ( 22210 12211 SmflO 1211222'1 20
Norton S0 M2H t!?o l"l tr.n or
Burweiater (8K) 82121 12?( K-m 11111 1210S
FminhaU (SU) .'2I T-M28 12m 13121 1203 Sfl
Santon O) tl r11 r 'P0
t-rk () If (HI tr,,4 822S ..
OoodHrh (7S . . '"Ta l"rl 82"? ..
Arnold. E. (?T! 12228 2!n 1 ..
rywkwtll (mi!?l sru W211 Ofi ..
rvtlieb () . . .TW. 2'.'fl fwa ..
adriinr"n (3i'tM" f1" t1"!
Runtl ?m 81 It? ..
T.iniU ( !?? M221 ..
w-hmi f. (wi) r;i r2r t?m ..
Tvri,Hf h f. .02227 (i2ii 2TiJ2 831 1.... ..
X) mrifmo ..
fTooaer OS) Oil S mi 110 ..
Cf-kflln .02111 1)28 18180 ..
No chance for priae money and dropped
eut of match.
Ottawa lat winder Tlnoe went tbe other
bl in 1.17 and 1 11
At Ma reaaeler Hwreee Hire a
iaddy Traek atala Adda
tie tbe t aplewaaataeea.
BAS FRAXC19CO. Feb. 4 -The horeea
ran over a murtdy track at Irvarleeide twlsr
and ram fell rnrwt of tne time. Farorlte
and we'l .Bved horece were aucctiful.
C. C. WcCatlprty will egatn l allowed te
utrl bta b-n. Ttie uible waa autirled
o-lng in t-e tnconeiMfint ninntn- of Chick
aoee and Golden Ldgnt Bulia!
Firet race. aev-n turlonga. exiling : Cn
atellator wuti. El Flloto eecond. Optima
third Time: 1:2.
Reoond rar. eern-!i teen the mile. J-year-olda:
iiill Bhore wm. Prwaker Fon
tana iwnir.l. E-fiuarrto third Time: :44.
Third rac. one mile and fifty yarda. eU
lng: Hill Mur won. Pierce i aecond,
G W. Trahem tli'rd. Time: 1 4f-V
Fcurth rce. thlrteen-eiateeni ha mile,
handi'-ap: For Mmner wrm. Judge aeefmd.
eVilanua third. Time: 1:81.
Fifth mce. five and one-half furlong,
eolltt.g: fcrennue won. Flyer eewnd. Gud
d"ee t lilrht third. Time: l.'V
Flxth race, on mile, eeUlng: Bombardier
won. Creole Jim aectnul. Bcurneao third.
Time: 1 H . .
NEW CKLEANS. Feb R arte:
Firnt race. 11m mile, eelllng: Profit a won.
datchel aecond. Benral third. Time: 1 :iS-
feind race, ala furlonire: Travera won;
Pn Howard eecond. Bid. Sllrer third.
Time: 1:14.
Third race, 1 furlonca: F. Fain wen,
ail'lucee aecond, Joe Gom third. Time:
fourth race. ie mile and aerenty yarda
bandican: Lre CHireey a cm. Escianialkua
ectind. Ilondage third. Time: 1 iS
Fifth r. fire end one-half furlonge:
Harmakla won, McCaSerty eecond. Redman
tlii'd Time: 1:S.
Btith race, mile and The Mea-
eTirer won. Veloe aeoond, Gravina third.
Time: 1:47 V
IX S ANGELEB, Feb. 4 Renult:
First race, one mile, aelllr.g: Flmirlah
won. LAncoon awoond. Dr. Bernara third.
Time: 1:4.
Second race, tbree-auartera of mile:
Ptwmwmder won. Americatio eecond. The
Foe- trrtrd. Time: 1 :1S.
Third race, erven el? lithe of mile, aelling:
Ben Key wood won. Huapala eecond. Fol
Luke third. Time: 1:2k
Fourth race, one mile, eelllng: Kl Foneo
won. Iraa eecond. Mainvpring third. Time:
Fifth race, mile and one-elrMh. efllltic:
Chuh won. Forttmatue eecond. Flatonlua
third. Time: 1:66.
Sixth race, three-ouartera mile, aelllng:
Ocyrohe wan. I)r!)T Hayman aeoond, Retian
third. Time: 1:1a.
On SellMk'a alley lart erening tbe Colta
took three garoea from tbe Krug raraa.
. let. 8d. H. Total.
NBie in 214 n r.n
nrrenleaf .1M 141 21 Ml
Hua-hea 11 14 ITS S
lic.i.rmJ ITS 1T1 1S1 S
Veltr 141 81 188 M7
Totals 12 W C4 tSSl
Id. M. Toul
1 8ti7 STB
lfl 12 r.n
irj iei rs
i:i K4 Kll
m ITt) ST8
Clar !
French 13
Benrele 1M
Hunter If 6
HB 4S 1.
Totala m
In the Commercial league lart night, cm
the Western allera. Lents A "William team
won two gamea from tbe Browning. King
ft Co. team, fcx-cre:
let. Sd. 3d. Total.
Km at ...........It'i
Baker 1HS
Z.itxman MS
Bartacb HO
Totala SB
ii.n.m. .144
W. Hoffman
Heaton ......
A Hoffman
Ueebaa .....
14T 147 44
IRS 1T4 hit
lnl 147
U7 1M tl'4
&; w Kl
"in? "Kl IBM
a co.
Id. Id. Total.
11; a
1M llw 478
1 I4
in 156
in im 471
"ia "S lie:
Q r. 133 igt of Janh ntu loomed tj
rriendi u Candidf
e Treat Matter aa Jake Hebraaka
Ivaaabep Dealers Begla Cearea
tlea far a 1wDr
Buket Ball DatmHar.
The feature of the athletic meet Batnrday
nVbt at the Young Men Chrlettan aa
soclatkm gysanaaiuta will be a game of
tiaaket bail between the teama of tbe
auoux City and Omaha high schools.
Hilar 4iaaaea at X ear Terk.
NEW YORK. Feb. 4. Char1c F. Onklln
of Chicago and Ir. L. L. Mlal of thla city
were the wlnfvere of the ranm pUyed to
day In tbe national amateur billiard eham
plunahlp tournament, whkh ie la progreea
at tha Xiednrkrans club. Conklin won the
afternona game from 3 leUun Bmlth of
m, UVUJm VM a mim '1 v rm. mu 1 at 1 a n r
rai:le tn tha third and thlrty-nfth la-
ra, exmntig mu ana rwfwuvt-i. ,
me wnn n ! mwq to pt ninmiiwi it vm
In tbe erenlng Arthur Towneend of
Frtioklvn held a rnd lead nver rr. l. T
Mial of this rlty from tba thirteenth te tbe
th1rtr-4hird Innlne when toe doctor imit
s beautiful run of flftr-twn, winning cut by
the entire of If to 261 ia bis thirty-ninth
Following are the reeults:
Afternoin game: Ponfc tin. total. ; blrh
rtina. 41. at. SX; average. I f W. Bmith. total.
tn.- hla-h runa. M. tw. 1 averaee. 4
Evtt.'nr game: Tr. kflal. ttal, : Hrh
runs. CI li. 12: ar-re. 7 17-31. Towaend.
total 2(3. blgti runa, 40, fc. 51'; avrrnge.
Hserlerk Base faalliets Alrrsu
HAVFtXK-K. Neb.. Feb. 4 (Hoeclal '
Tli Hve!nrk Base Ball aaaeeiaUoa held
a meeting last evening and tt was decided
to five a hesar about March 1. Haeatook
will have a fast team and again te
wis the pennart from the Unooln rlty
Irague The fullewing wore ai'txuotrd a
coiimirt te rules funds for tbe team:
H K I-rant a W. K. Jolinsoa. H. W. BtahL
li. W. Hedges, U. a Gtimas, A. A. tlyera
Iw TrwrtlaaT atear Be.
Ol-KNB FAliJt. N T., Feb. 4 A new
trotting world's record of 1 14 wss amb
Hebed oa the ice on Lake Georae todr In
the freo-far-all race, wnaa Vinca, owned
tv J.. i n 2 Cunninrtiam of bandr H:'l.
brake Grauers reoord of 1:1 6H. mads at
Slaa rem
Fwrnafl at Isea Wk
Case Agalast tha
Deere ya.
KANSAS CTTT. Feb. 4 A aneclal to the
Bxar from Norton. Kan., says that op ts
noon today not a single Juryman bad been
secured to try Cbaunoey Dewey, tbe mil
lionaire ranchman, and ,hls two cowboys
charged with the murder of tbe Berry fam
ily, and the belief la expressed tbat It win
be impossible te secure twelve men In this
Dewey's line of defense, according to a
bint dropped today In tbe examination of
veniremen, win "be that the Berrys were
killed In a general fight, and tbe defense
will 11 ssi rt tbat it is uncertain who fired
tbe fatal ahota
Realdeaew la nilaals Is Daanaa-e aad
(hrart aerieaely lajaresl by
Acrtdewt. ' . . .
BLOOMINOTON. IU.. Fete. 4 A fine read.
dence was partially wrecked and the occv
nt. C G. BreUverton, o of tbe leading
cittsens of Guthrie, was possibly fataMy In
ured br a remarkabla cxploaloa of hot
water pipes at tbat place tociar.
It la preeumed Utal tbe seater in tbe pipes
raa lew an4 steam generating brought
about tba explosion.
Atf rattea Elka.
Tou are especially requested te be
present at regular lodge meeting Friday,
February a. . as matters .at eonalderabla
tmportanoe are te be considered at this
meeting. Be sore and be tbena Fraternally.
FRANK A- FU RAT. Reuretary
Hew Tark Caases TVealera.
NEW TORK. Feb. 1-Mayor McClrllan
today erdered the slosicg of the Grand
tl"-s Ihijm:. ataaistm square theater.
lriiicea theater Vaudeville tliaater.
Hurtli,s; sV (Kwmens and tlie theater i-art
of Hutter s nvmn tiatil certain a . tcr
ationa lur salt!) ars made t Ua houses
A disease bo painful and far-rrariirg- ia its eCecti cpon
. tht human syttem as atbeumatista mngt bare a deep an!
well-laid foundatioR. It originate aad develops ia the
V,ln I V. r.tV . licm rJ tne L1vj1 ia frennentlw
iabentrd. Tbe poiaonoca acids with which the hleod ia (
charted cirrulate thromsh the grstem. breAkiof down the
heajih, irritaUm the nerrea, Colambua, Kay BO, loa.
settling ia joint aad isaacles, j bad a severe attack of Inflammatory Rbeama
and cansicr the aharp, cuttixir tta. r lui la beilof tia sia, aa4 tna
. . cv .. . aoeora I bad cid ms as good. I bey banged saesV-
paina pertUiar to Khenmatltai- every weak, and uotaiag tber Bieone4
UaleaS the Llood it parified. aa4MkelB. Finally X left o tbeir asadi.
WBicaa wLJtT. eae aad begaa tbe aa Will. My kaa aad
joints B9d mUSClca become COat- aibow )uu war a swaUaa and nainfal tbat I
ed with th acrid matt Cl and are eeald not elaoe Uia wbsa opened. 1 was fetuag
rendered atifi and tan. aad the tThliJI.
cervea are completely wrecked, we ii ..a. CHAFatAJf
Rheumatism iZ a coastitR- Tara Ara. R. B- CHAFmAJJ.
tional blood disease, requires intern id treatment. Liniments, plasters aad such
thicg as are applied outward! y, rive only temporary relief. S. S. S. is the
recog-aized greatest of all tuooa punsers ana icmies. as a
ia no disease does tt act so promptly and beneLciaDy as
RhraTaabsm. neatraliziBw the acids aad restoring the
Llood to a pare, healthy condition and invigorating and
toning is the nerves and all parts of the system. It is
rnarasteed strictly vegetable, containing no Potath'or other harmful drafrs.
Write as should yon desire rnecic advice or other iaiarnatioBVwhich will
txist joa nothing. rrr gtSVT &CinQ CO A TLAJfTA, CA.
A republican gubernatorial candidate
ha been developed at tbe fourth annual
convention of tbe Kebraaka Lumber
Dealers' association, which began in Omaha
renerday morning. C F. Id ding of North
Flatte la the man, though be it aald in
Justice to Mr. Iddlnga. he pleads not guilty.
At leant be Is aa accessory neither JmI ore
nor after the fact.
Mr. Iddlnga is a young and popular
business man of North Flatte and It seems
thst soros of bis ardent admirers have
taken tbia occanine f manifesting their
friendship for blm In the bope that a
gubernatorial boomlet St thla time may
not be considered out of place by those
Who are deeper in politics than Mr. Iddlngs
and who are not as wen acquainted with
biro aa are tbe men who barn sprung this
little affair. Mr. Iddlngs was a presi
dential elector four years ago. bat has
not dabbled extensively la politics.
Mr. Iddlnga. bimseif. Is vary much averse
to speaking of tbe movement la bin behalf
and said when tbe matter was broached te
htm, thst be could not think tbe affair
was ctber than a oks which some ot hi
friends were trying to play oa htm. But
fcls friends talk differently.
So fat as Is known the association, as
a body, has part in promoting
the candidacy or rumors of the candidacy
of Mr. ladings and It is not known tbat
It Is to tbia, rnter politics.
Laursrewt Canveattea Held.
The convention Is tbe largest yet held
under the auspices ef the association.
About 40 members are in attendance from
an parts of the stats, and tba headquarters
of the association at the Millard bote
present a very lively and animated scene.
Tbe officers of tbe association are: E. 8.
Clarke of Gretna, president; Q. O. Snyder
of O'Nsin, rice president; William Fried
of Fremont, treasurer; Bird Crltchfield of
Lincoln, secretary; Elmer Hall of Syra
cuse, G. T. Field of North Flatte, William
Kroner of Stuart, J. W. Kerns of Auburn,
T. TT. Whlffen of Dealt t. and M. L. Fires
ef Arcadia, board of directors.
Tbe local committee of arrangements has
provided the visitors with a handsome pur
ple silk badge and the wearer of such
deooratlon Is by common consent presumed
to have the free run of the city today
and tomorrow.
The formal convention was called to or-
fler In Washington hall at 1P: by Presi
dent E. S. Clarke, who delivered a abort
and Interesting address. Hs congratulated
the association upon tha fact that the
membership had very largely Increased
during the year, and that tbe Nebraska
association waa now one of the largest
and most influential asaociatlons in tha
country. Tbe affairs of tbe aaeociatlon
were ah own to be in a highly prosperous
state In all of its departments.
Ceadltiaas Ara C ratify tag.
Secretary Bird Crttchfleld then read his
annual report, which was a gratifying ex
position of the affairs of tbe association
for tha past year, with an equally bright
outlook for tha future. Reference was made
to the beneficial legislation is the Interests
of tba lumbar trade that had been secured
through tba offices of the association at
tbe lent snyiion of, the Nebraska , leglsla
rare In reference te credits and taxation.
Tba matter ' of mutual tnsuranoe was
dwelt upon, snowing tbat of tba sitt mem
bers ot the association in tha stats OS ars
Insured ia tha mutual association, which
was deemed as most highly commendable.
Tbe report of William Fried, treasurer,
was then read. The total amount oa hand
and received during tbe year was Sl.ltt.lfl.
Of this there bad been expended CiBS H,
tearing a balance of H, 900.71.
Tbe chair then announced tbe following
committees: Oa tbs reports of the secre
tary and treasurer, M. A. Phelps of Waboo,
A. A. Tanner ef Humboldt and 8. IL Mar
tin of Ashland.
Resolution & W. Ayres of Central City
E. W. Ughtner ot Lynch and J. C New.
combe of Friend.
Memorial Resolutions on Deceased Mem
bers C O. Roans of Lincoln, C. p. Cum
mins ot Omaha and T. U. Whiff on pt De-
Address aad Tkebate.
The principal features of the afternoon
seasioB were aa address by John W. Barry
and aa address by Harry Gorsuch on "Why
Should AH Retailers Be Active Members?"
Then followed a general discussion upon
the subjects of demurrage, abort weights.
Insurance, taxation, membership, etc
Secretary Bird Crltefafleld ef Lincoln then
gars a short talk upon the real object ef
tbe meetings ot these asaoclatlona Ha
aid: "
"We gather here simply to consult with
the wholesalers and Jobbers and to InslKt
noon our ' being treated (airly by them
and ts take suflh measures as will ins ars
ur protection a gainst wholesalers Invading
retail territory and selling material ta our
euetomere and ts us at tba sum time
Secretary Ciitchfield announced that the
Thayer county local Lumber Dealers asso
ciation would meet at tba Iler Grand hotel
this morning and tbat tba Bine Valley as
sociation would aneet at tZU thla naoraing
at tbe Millard hotel.
Last evening tbe visiting lumbermen were
the guests of tbe Omaha lumber dealers
at a theater party at the Orpbeom.
The program for today's eesaiua. be
ginning at 10 o'clock, will compriae the re
port of tbe delegate te Secretaries' Bureau
of Information, which was held at Chicago
December 15 last, by William K rotter.
Executive session will begin promptly at p. m., st which only members of rhs
association and affiSatlr.g associations will
be admitted. Tbe meeting will close with
tbe election of officers f er tbe ensuing year.
This evening tbs Concatenated Order
of Hoo-Hoo vul bold a ooncateea-
tton at Wasrtnrton ball. A class of fifty
or more members will be initiated. The
affair IB going ts be a success, for Lew
Wsntworth of Omaha, and Bird Crltrhfleld,
v. a., of llneoln. haws promised that H
snail be so and aa further guaranty aaad
be required. -
Tbe Bla-aal , ,,
Whites of eyes and sktn yellow show liver
trouble and Jaundice. Dr. King's New Life
Fills cure or no pay. Only Stc. For sals
by Kuha Ca
t to boob Thursday the county Judge
1 ucvuBsa iw wea o ine louowing
Name and Hesideiioe. in
m.1 nv, ... . , ra
' y v wrping vj aier, 9rb
M inula Holiday. Weeping Water.. ...
Fratk A. Augbe. Omaha .
Marie Dental, omaba
If K. Weddingr Rings, Edholsa, jewels.
Card aC Tfaaaka.
Wo dustra ta express our heartfelt thanks
to I a diss of tbs Manna h ana mam
friends and neighbors far their r"'Ter
and attention bestowed upon us daring
our aad hems earnest, tba death of ov
wits aad soother.
wciai 11 cLi'i m imm
Tbs reootnmendaUoa of Oovernor Bates
that municipal suffrage be granted to tbe
women of Maseachuaetts and unprece
dented crowns that included some ef the
foremost men and women of the state,
attended tbe opea bearing last week of
the petition of Mrs Lucia Ames Mead. '
president of tbe Massachuaett Woman
Suffrage association. Even the members
of the Society Opposed to the Extension
ef Suffrage to Women Were present to.
supplement the efforts of their paid at
torney who usually represents them, some
of them being among the speakera Amor.g
th others present and sympathisers were:
Mrs. Julia Ward Howe, ex -Oovernor John
D. Long. Henry B. Blackwell. Alios Fiona
Blackwell, Mrs. Lucia Ames Mead, Mrs.
Watson-Lister of Australia. Prof. Gard
ner of Boston university, and Amy Acton,
who. as an atnrney, presented the case
for the petltlonera Miss Acton read tbe
governor's recommendation and letters
favoring such legislation from Senator
Hoar, ex -Oovernor Boutell and Congress
man Samuel W. McCall.
Commenting on the occasion, the Bos-
tos Transcript says:
But. after all. when all had been said.
and well said, on both aides, tbe whole
thing waa back at the starting point of
T,y notr
Feople often Torget in atscusalon that
prophecy Is rot argument tbat to pre
dict evil does not jirove it a fact. The
greatest compliment paid women Is the
panic caused by the suggestion of the bal
lot lor them. More trtan ones st tne near
Inr yesterday the Kiting of the ballot to
women was spoken of aa "a great and
momentous chsnge, ana tne Gangers ana
horrors of pelltlcs dwelt upon and used
as a bugaboo. Argument must be from
a basis of facta. Fersonal convictions are
not proofs. If present conditions In poli
tics ana municipal maitera are aa unsatis
factory and desperate aa paJntea there is
no proof that women's voting would add
to the complications. Neither, of course,
is there any proof that women's vote
would unsnarl the tangled akein. The only
thing positive is thst women would do no
worse, with the chances ten to one she
might make reforms.. Hallr.g and order,
erstem and accomplishment are some of
the chief characteristics of women. Thst
thev are not deliberate trouble-makers is
proved by the fact stated yesterday, that
where school matters were progressing
favorably without their vote their rote
waa not cast because not seeded.
During this month tbe Sunday afternoon
meetings of the Toung Woman's Christian
association will be devoted to Bible study.
Mrs. Emma F. Byera, general secretary of
tbs association, will give four lessons on
Paul's letter to tbs Epbelana. The subject
for next Sunday will be "Ancient Ephesians
and the Apostle Paul." Miss Alice Fawrett
will sing. The meeting opens at 4 :S0 o creek
and aa invitation IB extended to all women.
Tbe fourth cumber of the entertainment
course of the Toung Woman's Christian
association will be a lecture on Lowell,
given by Rev. Newton Mann on Monday
evening st 1:1B o'clock. A number of
especially attractive social feature have
been provided the association members of
lats and tbe membership committee is
planning a colonial party for Washington's
birthday. Last Monday evening the gym
nasium committee provided a supper for
fifty of the "gym" girls. The tables were
arranged in tbe form of a wheel. In tbe big
dining room, and were trimmed with red
candies and carnations. There were toasts
and several readings given by Miss Spenoer,
after which a game of basket ball was en-
Joyed. Thursday. February 11, Mrs. H. C.
Herring will deliver aa address st South
Branch on "Training the Children hi the
Home." Tbe meeting will be held at 1
o'clock in tha afternoon and is designed
for the mother. All of the women of the
neighborhood having been Invited, regard
a of memtierahlp. 'At 7:4a Thursday
evening Mra W. H, Hanebett will address
the Margaret Fuller literary and will speak
to the girls again tbe following Thursday.
At Monday's meeting of tbs Lincoln
Woman's club $fio was voted toward tbe
university temple fund. This action was
taken at the close of tbe regular meeting.
which waa addressed by Chaaoelor An
drewa Mra A. W, Field made the motion
thst each of ths SaO members contribute
U cents to the fund and that the remainder
of the S500 be made up from the club treas
ury. Latter tnia motion was amenoea to
provide that each woman should contribute
what she could.
Dorothy Q. chapter, Daughters of the
Revolution, Brookllne, Mass, is endeavor.
log to buy tbe old Qulncy borne st Qulncy.
where Dorothy spent her girlhood. There
baa beam talk of deetro)1ng tbe old house
and ths chapters of tbs state have been
Interested for its preservation.
One of tho most important topics to oome
up for tbs consideration of tbs Bt. Louis
ynii.) will be "Forres try." Clubs all
over tha country have taken an active in
terest in tbe subject during the last two
years, which baa been warranted by the
increase of ths lumber Industry.
The manual training department of the
San Antonio public schools bsa recently
furnished material for a basar that realised
a substantial sum. which la to be devoted
to extending the equipment of the indus
trial section. Tbe department has beea
under tbe eepedal care of tbe Woman's
club, which conducted the sale. The vari
ous things made In ths manual training
department were sold, while the refresh
ment were supplied from ths domestic
science section.
raaaaieBlee-r Arrives.
NEW TOKK, Feb. 4. Theodore Lewald
German commissioner to ths Bt. Louis ex.
position, arrived tooay on the steamer
Kaiser Wilhelia der Orosse from Bremen,
Oarel Hasv. Kltl
Catra ga, of Oatarrh of
Hon. Kltt Oould, Chicago. Representative
of tha Third banaturuU Ijiainct, and for
four years tba attorney fur U.e iitate Hoard
of Pharmacy of Lunula, says: "1 ban
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oumputtely utt my nervous syoteaa Mus
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ireeamg ailments and baa restored all n.j
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