Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 05, 1904, Page 4, Image 4

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Leffert's glae (It.
Davi sells drugs.
Htockert ell carpets.
The Faust cigar, ( cents.
A store for men "Beno'a."
Peterson, gun and locksmith, 4J) By.
Diamond betrothal rings at Lefferfs. 4
14-K and ls-K wedding ring at Lefferfs
it Broadway.
John LunkW of Ottiimwa. la., la visiting
his brother, Chsrtes Lunkley.
Twenty per pent discount on picture mold
ings. Alexander Co., 333 Broadway.
There will be a special meeting this even
lng of Kxcelflnr Masonic lodge for work In
the second degree.
Ths regular meeting of Unity KV!',iJ?f
Grace Episcopal church will be held this
afternoon at the rectory.
The regular meeting of the '.Woman's
Christian Temperance union will be held
this afternoon at the residence of Mrs. E.
Chapman, 1X16 High street.
The district court Jury In the .".0"i0 dam
age suit of George O'Brien against he
motor company brought In a verdict last
evening for the defendant company.
Hhertff Canning took John Peterson, sen
tenced to two years In the penitentiary, to
Fort Madison yesterday. He will bring
back with him the negroes, Burke and
Zimmerman, whose trial Is set for next
Judge Wheeler of the district court, who
committed William Saar to two years' con
finement at the Mount Pleasant Hospital
for Dipsomaniacs, has Issued an order for
a rehearing In the case and for the trans
fer of Baar from Mount Pleasant to St.
Bernard s hospital In this city.. This order
was Issued on the showing made by Otto
and F,1 ward Saar. the guardians, that Wil
liam Saar Is Insane. .
Judge Green, who Is holding court at
Glenwood. has Issued an order directing
the sheriff to produce J. M. Faith, who Is
In Jail here awaiting trial for contracting
a bigamous marriage, in court there on
February H. Faith, since his arrest, has
brought suit against Richard Bada. bis
former landlord, to recover certain prop
erty which Bada attached on an alleged
claim for rent. The trial of this stilt
necessitates Faith's attendance at the
' Glenwood court.
Ogden Hotel Rooms with or Without
board; steam heat; free bath; public par
lor. Hafer sells lumber. Catch the Idea?
Guardian for Robert Taylor.
William Taylor was yesterday appointed
temporary guurdlan of his father, Robert
Taylor, who is 80 years of age, and although
suffering from the Inflrmltle of old age
and wounds received during the civil war
so that he Is almost as helpless as a baby,
being unable to drew himself and requiring
the constant care of some member of the
family. It Is alleged Is planning to take
unto himself another wife.
In his petition to the district court to
ha appointed guardian of his father, the
son recited that the old gentleman had
recently sent $75 to a woman In Des Moines
to enable her to secure a divorce and had
told her he Intended marrying her as soon
as she was divorced. It was1 shown further
tn the petition that Taylor had recently dis
posed of property In Red Oak valued at
$5,000 for $1,650. These things being put to
gether, the son Informed the court, showed
that the old gentleman needed someone to
take care of his business affairs and as
the court greeted the petition It la pre
sumed he was of the same opinion as the
K. T. Plumbing Co. Tel. 250; night, F 67.
Real Kstata Traasfers.
These transfer were" reported to- The
Bee-February 4 by the abstract, title and
loan office of Squire -Annls, 101 Pearl
John Mackey and wife to XV. R. Mc
Dowell, lot 2, Auditor's subdivlxion,
sw,se4. sec 2-74-38. w w $ 9&0
John McKec.blne and wife to John
Mackey. eH. nwi see. 7-74-38, w d... ,400
. First National bank. Council Bluffs,
to August Anderson, lot 12, block
18.. Ferry addition, w d 100
R. A. Armstrong to George D. Arm
strong, lot 4. block 2S, Bayllas' Sd
addition, w d - 1
rrancls R. Tlhblts to Carrie B. Nu
gent, lot . block B. McMahon, Cas
per JefTetis addition, w d 700
Annie 1 Mley to Edward J. Ryan,
lot L block 12. Cochran's addition,
w d 100
Maria Plagmann to Chris Johnson,
art lot 26. Avnca. Land and Loan
company's subdivision, w d 75
Sheriff to Day at Hess, lots 1 and 4
and sH Z3 and 24, Mcuee s suuaivi
slon, a d
Eight transfers, total..
Oteen Bros., plumbers, TOO B'way. Tel AIM.
' Marriage Licensee.
Licenses to wed were Issued yesterday
to the following:
Name and Residence). m
Charles MoOoy, Council Bluffs..
I .sua. White, council inures
Roscoe Bockner, Union, Neb.....
Ada Albln. Union, Neb
Give us your attention . while you read
these prices, and then 'phone us your
grocery order. The goods are the best and
the price the lowest.
1 dos. extra fine naval OKn
Oranges: vw
t cans
I pkgs. Vneda
,7 ibe..
t cans fine
Navy Beans
I bars
Santa Claus Soap..
I bars
Lenox Soap...,.
1 gal.
4 Iba.
Lima Bean
I pkg. Urge else
Gold Dust
1 Pkg.
lea Blf tings
I h. extra fancy
7 Iba. small
, Prunes
1 sack
Peacock riour..
. ..25c
Telephone 56T
C, Council BiufXa. "Pbooe 17.
$S rsal
Star B
Library Board Decides in Favor of Von
Ground for Building.
Revised Plans of Willow Aveaae
Front Show an Ornate Entrance
Faring Bayllsa Park Flat
Roof Adopted.
At the meeting of the Library board last
night It was decided to purchase the Plnney
property as additional ground for the Carne
gie library builrjlng site. The price asked
by Mrs. Plnney for the property, which
adjoins the Pusey lots on the south. Is
$5,200, which Includes the brick buildings
on It. The president and secretary were
aiithorlsed to romplete the purchase after'
the abstract had been referred to the city
attorney and the title approved by him.
Member Stewart alone1 voted against the
proposition, on the grounds that the price
asked was excessive.
The meeting laat night was a most har
monious one and the members appeared to
be of one mind on every matter that came
up after the purchase of the Pinney prop
erty had been decided upon. The rais"d
roof on the new building which was decided
upon at the last meeting did not meet with
the ideas of the members since the draw
ings of the building had been received
from the Chicago architects. The former
action was reconsidered and the library
building will have a flat roof or one that
wilt- not be seen over the balustrade which
will encircle the building. - Several of the
members expressed themselves as favoring
eopper for the roof, and bids on this as well
as other materials will be asked for.
KeW Entrance Is. Artistic.
At the request of the board, Architect
Miller has provided a much more ornate
entrance for the Willow avenue front of
the building, and while it 4s not aa Imposing
as the Main street entrance, it is, If any
thing, more artistic. In order to Include
the columns, the entrance on Willow ave
nue wlll -have a "swell'V front. The board
expressed itself much pleased with the de
sign" and approved the plans submitted by
the architects. '''."
President Roll re r urged that the building.
be provided with' a vault and the archltecta
were directed to Include one In the build
ing. If possible, the vault Is to be on the
main floor, but If this is found too costly
It Is to be placed in the basement.
Dr. F. W. Dean, acting as a committee
from the , Council BlufTs Medical society,
asked that space be afforded in the new
building' for a medical reference library,
and the board acceded to the request. Dr.
.Dean explained that the members of the
various medical societies, of thje city were
planning to form an organisation for the
purpose ' of securing a medical reference
library. The members would be charged-a
small fee, which would be used to defray
the expenses of binding and preserving the
various medical Journals which would be
kept In the library under the charge of
the librarian, and thus In time a valuable
reference library would be obtained.
The disposition of the buildings on the
Pusey and Plnney properties was discussed
but nothing ' definite . decided upon, as it
was thought It would be sufficient time to
deal with this matter when the plans and
specifications are In the hands of the bid
ders. It la probable, however,, that the
board will advertise for bids for the tto
residence buildings.
Although It was not the regular meeting
night the routine business which would
come up at the monthly session next
Monday night was disposed of. The re
port of the librarian showed that 'during
January 6,8)4 books were given out to pa
trons, of which 3,445 were adults and 2.'.9
children. Up to date $532.62 has been paid
out for such books as are rented to the
patrons of the library .and $542.73 has been
received, thus showing a balance of $10.10
on the right side of the, ledger. .
Rackrr Objects tn Jail Fare.
The troubles of Howard Li Rucker. the
debonnalr real estate, dealer, are multl-l
Rucker has the reputation of being con
siderable of a bon vtvant and a man who
ia accustomed to enjoy . the. good things
of this world. The."blll-of:fare offered by
County Jailer Gallup Is, not such as to
stilt the epicurean! palate of Mr. Rucker
and yesterday he mude a vigorous pro
test to Sheriff Canning, at being forced to
eat the meiiis provided by the Jailer. ;
This protest was filed after Rucker had
failed to secure his release on a bond fur
nished by A. P. Wlckler of Mills county.
This bond was filed In the case oh "which
Rucker was arrested In Omaha and brought
to this side of the river on requisition
papers. The bond was accepted, as it had
been certified to. by the clerk, of the dis
trict court of Mills county, but It did not
suffice tot get Rucker out of Jail. ,
Anticipating the 'filing of the $1,000 bond
and the possible release of Rucker from the
county jail, T. J. Gearheart, who claims
to have purchased some of the mythical
lots In Oklahoma, filed an information In
Justice Ouren's court charging Rucker
with cheating by false pretenses. " The
court decided that Rucker would have
to furnish another $1,000 bond In this case
and as he was not prepared to do so, was
compelled to remain at the county Jail.
There is also an Indictment returned by
the recent grand jury hanging over
Rucker'a head.' the bond In which was
placed by Judge Thomell at $. Thus
Rucker, before he can secure his liberty.
will have to furnish additional bonds In
the aggregate amount of SI.Rou.
Fnnernl nf Fire Victims. .
The funeral service over Mrs. Peter
Christlanson and her five children, vic
tims of the fire which destroyed their
home Monday .night, held at the Scandi
navian Baptist church yesterday after
noon, were attended by over 1,000 persons,
who by their presence desired to thus ex
press thejr sympathy for the - bereaved
husband and the family of the deceased.
The church waa unable to hold the crowd
and hundred stood outside during the
The pastor. Rev. Jlenry A. Reichenbach
conducted the services. The two caskets.
one containing the remains of ths mother
and her babe, and the other the bodies of
the other four ckjldren, were almost hid
den by ths numerous floral tributes.' Among
the floral tribute wre offerings from ths
children of, ths Twentieth Avenue school
where to older of th( Christlanson chll
dren attended, and from the Danish
societies. Burial was In Walnut 11111 eeme
At the adjourned meeting of tha Roosa-
j velt Republican club of Pottawattamie
j county laat night .W. F. Bapp wss elected
I president; W. W. Wallace, vKe presidents
O. 8. Bla'nchard, secretary, and C C. ntf
ton, treasurer. These officers and W. J.
Leverett and Glen Deyo will comprise the
executive committee. The secretary . was
Instructed to secure a suitable button or
badge to be worn by the members. The
next meeting will be Thursday night, Feb
ruary 11, at which time a constitution and
by-laws will be adopted.
Prospect that More Will Follow Salt
When Mnlet Taa Payasent
Is Dne.
That the enforcement of the mulct law
will drive a number of saloons out of busi
ness is already apparent. Since the first
of the month, when It was announced that
County Attorney Klllpack had decided to
take a hand In the saloon fight and see
to It that the mulct law provisions were
oicomplied with, seven saloons have closed
their doors and gone out of business.
That this number will be Increased on
March 1 there seems little doubt, as since
the saloons began running according to
the mulct law their receipts have fallen off
over 50 per cent, while their expenses hsve
not depressed. It Is believed that at least
One-third of the saloons now open will
cloee their doors on April 1, at which time
the second quarter of the county tax has
to be paid.
Saloons In Council Bluffs are taxed $A25
In addition to the tsx they pay the gov
ernment. The county tax, amounting to
IflOO per annum, Is paid In four quarterly
installments of $150 each, while the city
tax In payable at the rate of $27.10 monthly.
Nearly all of the saloons had paid the
first quarter of the county tax when
County Attorney Klllpack announced he
Intended to see that the mulct law was
enforced, and this therefore accounts for
the small number which have so far closed
their doors. Thoee which closed had not
paid the county tax.
The outlook In admitted by city officers
to be a gloomy one for the municipality, as
a large portion of the general fund from
which Is paid the expenses of the police
and fire departments, Is derived from the
saloon licenses. With this source of reve
nue materially curtailed, as It will un
doubtedly be, the city will be forced to
reduce the expense of the two most Im
portant departments upon which the cltl
sens rely for protection.
Plumbing and heating. Blxby & Bon.
Walker Wins Again.
IOWA CITY, la.. Feb. 4. (Special Tele
gram.) Henry G. Walker of Iowa City won
the preliminary to the Northern Oratorical
league contest, which was held In Iowa
City last night. His oration, entitled
"Alexander Hamilton," has already won
him fame this' year. With It he won the
right to represent the 8tate University of
Iowa In the Hamilton club contest held In
Chicago In January. He did so, winning
third place. His victory tonight gives him
the right io contest at Ann. Arbor, Mich.,
when the final contest Is held there. He Is
a member of the Irving Literary society.
& R. Johnson if Iowa City won the sec
ond place with an oration entitled. "Tri
umphs of American Diplomacy." Mr.
Johnson Is a senior in the College of Lib
eral . Arts and a member of the Irving
Literary society. J. O. Johnson of Cedar
Falls, a member of the Zellgathlan society,
w,on third, place with "Hamilton; the Con
structive Statesman."
Tammany Gets His Job.
IOWA CITY., la.. Feb. 4.-(8pecial.)-Tammany
hall does not desire the services
of Prof. Patterson aa badly, as does the
State University of Iowa. Prof. Patterson
went to New York with the first aays of
the Low administration to accept an office
Ifl the tenement house commission. Dur
ing this period he has been drawing a
alary of $3,000 per year, but the office Is
now desired for one of Captain Murphey s
camp followers, and though he Is protected
by the civil service, it is understood that
he will resign in September. , .
Asrrlraltnrnl Society to Meet.
MISSOURI VALLEY. Ia.. Feb. 4.-Spe.
clal.) E. F. James, president of the Har
rison County Agricultural society, has
called a meeting of the directors of the
-society to meet at Missouri Valley Monday.
February IS. for the purpose of naming the
date for the next county fair and making
arrangements for same.
Bnrllnrton Road Damaged by Sleet.
CRE8TON. la.. Feb. . 4.-(Speclal.)-The
Burlington road has been having a hard
time to get communication between Cres-
ton and Ottumwa,. due to the. wrecking of
wires and telephone poles by a heavy sleet
storm. The 'damage to the'
to telephone .companies' will amount to
many thousand dollars.
Farmer Haaga Himself. ..
HARLAN, la., Feb. 4 -(Special Tele
gram.) The-dead body of Peter Nelson
Was found hanging in his barn this morn
ing. He hsd committed suicide. He lived on
his farm in Polk township, fihelhy county.
twelve miles northeast of Harlan. He
was married and about 46 years old. No
known explanation for deed.
The Smith Premier Typewriter company
wishes, to state that since their calendar
distribution was somewhat delayed, the
sale which waa scheduled for January 29
will occur February t. If In tha distribu
tion of these calendars any typewriter
user has been overlooked, one may be had
on making application to the office.
COMPANY. 162i Farnam street.
New Orleans, La., and return.
$30 X ,
' Mobile, Ala., and return '
Feb. th-14th.
I-ong limits and atop-over.
AH information at Wabash
v ' city office, 1601 Farnam at.,
or address .
Harry E. Moores. O. A. P. P..
Omaha, Neb.
Coke Ovens Start l.
CONNEI.LSVILLE. Ps.. Feb. 4. -Three
hundred- idle coke ovens were Disced In
blast and the tonnage Increased Z6.K) tons
durlnc the laat week. The January produc
tion of the field was .0J0 tons, compared
with'47,tUB lor DecemDcr.
Call fnr ProklfcHUnlsts.
CHICAGO. Feb. . The official call of
the prohibition national convention, which
is to convene in Tomllnon hall at Indian
apolis at 10 o clock oti June Z, ,was issued
tonight by Oliver W. Stewart, chairman
of the national committee.
Yo ottn mtfoimtmly rmty mgton
rW km m
Legislature to Inveitiate Adfhabilitj of
Eemoral from Bluffs,
One Rill Refore I.ralslatare Seeks to
Eliminate Abnses In the Exam
inations of lnsnrance
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
DISS MOINES, Feb. 4-(8pci ial.)-The
legislature today took a step In the direc
tion of determining whether there should
be any effort made at removal of the State
School for the Deaf from Council Bluffs.
The senate adopted a resolution directing
the State Board of Control to report
whether there Is any reason for desiring n
location other than the one near Council
Bluffs and as to the advisability of re
moval to a location more nearly at the
center of the state.- or whether It would
be necessary or wise to establish another
school for the deaf in the eastern part of
the state. A number of petitions have been
presented to the legislature looking (to a re
moval of the school from Its present place,
either to another near Council Bluffs or
near some city In the central part of the
state. No bill has been prepared as yet.
fcvt t lembers are considering the matter
seriously. The Board of Control Is on rec
ord ss favoring a better location than at
present, but not necessarily far from Coun
cil Bluffs.
The amendment to the constitution pro
viding for the Increase In the number of
members of the, house of representatives
from 100 to 10S, offered by M. L. Temple of
Clarke county, was called up and passed
In the house. The resolution submits to
the voters the proposition to so amend the
constitution, the purpose being to provide
at least one member for each county of the
state and to permit of nine of the larger
counties having two members each. The
resolution passed two years ago. and was
adopted today, W to 2. A similar amend
ment, hut providing for 112 members, was
defeated a few years ngo before the people
by a small majority.
Chan are Rule on Wills.
Two bills were adopted by the senate
today, after being favorably recommended
by the committee on Judiciary. One which
was considered of much importance amends
the statutes so as to provide for the up
holding of the contents of a will when a
child Is born after tho execution of the
will. Senators Dunham and Courtrlght
favored the bill In speeches showing the
Injustice of the present state law on that
Senator Crawford attempted to have
called up his bill doing away with the pro
vision of the statute against the drawing
as Jurors of taxpayers where counties,
towns or cities where they resld are In
terested parties. After debato his motion
was laid on the table.'
Senators "Erlcsori, Crawford and Lyons
were named a committee to draft a series
or. resolutions in memory oi tjoionei oonn
Scott, formerly lieutenant governor of the
state and a member of the Eighth general
assembly. ':
' Drainage Bills In Demand...
,,Tha house today.prdered 1.000 extra, copies
of two of the drainage bills which have
been introduced-These are bills that have
been prepared for the purpose of making
entire new laws on the subject of drainage
and there Is great demand for them, hence
the extra copies were ordered.
An Important measure was Introduced In
the house for the creation ''of the , Iowa
Humane society and recognition of the
work being done by the humane societies In
protecting children and animals from. un
necessary cruelty. Three legalising acU
were passed by the house
Bills Introdnred
Senate Bills Brooks, appropriating $47,000
ror the building of a fireproof structure on
tne state lair grounds ror use or agrictil
tural. horticultural and dairy departments
Whlonle. for examination of Insurance
companies, also for consolidation of Insur
ance companies and reinsurance; Stuok-
slager, payment of costs of sureties on offl
rial bonds; Hughes, making approprlatior
for permanent camp ground fur Iowa Na
tional guard; Powell, legalising acts of thi
Independent school district of West Des
Moines: Crawford, amending code relative
to bonds of administrators and executors,
also as to tire escapes.
House Bills Teachout, to create state
humane society; Bealer, authorising rav.
ings Dank deposits In other states: Oiasscll
appropriating $47,000 for new building at
state fair grounds, also making uniform
the salaries of county auditors and depu
ties; Oeneva, for taxation of mortgages,
also certain exemptions: English, two In
surance Dills; Harris, reducing size or
cities requiring registration from 5.000 to
$.500; McClurkln. legalising holidays in
public schools; Christlanson, motor vehicle
Snpreme Conrt Derisions.
The following - are ' the decisions of the
supreme court today:
W. R. Imcpv as&lnst John F! rvla ap
pellant; Mahaska county. Judge Dewey;
Mil,, , mmiuu.
Kert & Plater nsralnat W. A Brink
arIeTlant: Ceriur counlv Juris-. TmioKUr!
affirmed by MeClaln.
James It. Kilktr AnncllHnt Duln. Xjl'll.
Ham C. Prltchard; Ida county. Judge El
wood: affirmed by Sherwln.
Julia C'rago against City of Cedar Rapids,
appellant; Unn county, Judge Remley; re
versed by Ijidd. .
Edith Dlckev. anrwllniit. irnlml r1fViovt
Barnstable; Franklin county. Judge Whlta-
er; revcrsea ny ijeemer.
n. a. veaaer -against Jonn lJeianev. ap
pellant; Plymouth county, Judge Oliver;
. . . . ... v. w.j nwvri,
To gave Prairie Cklckens.
State Game Warden Lincoln appeared be
fore the committees pn fish and game to
day and made a plea for a closed season
for two or three years for prairie chickens
In Iowa. This is becsuse the past two
seasons have been wet and It has been
Impossible for hen io raise any broods
and as a consequence prairie chickens are
almost extinct in this state. He believes
It would be wise to forbid all killing of
prairie chickens for two years in order
that they shall breed again.
4 ,
Two Insurance Mensnrrs.
Representative English, chairman of the
committee 'oh Insurance, today introduced
two Important bills relating to Insurance.
One provides for the examination of Inaur
ance companies doing business In the state
not ofleiter than once In two years, by an
actuary employed by the state at a salary
of $-.000 a year. He shall have two as
sistants receiving a per diem)- The com
panics shall pay expenses of examination,
but this shall all go direct lntothe treas
ury of the state. The matter of examlna
tlofts Is carefully guarded and - hedged
about to prevent abuses. The other bill
relates to consolidation of Insurance com
panies. In the case of mutuala consollda
tion would be possible only after having
the question submitted to all the members
mimrnm mm
at 19c
at 19c
at 19c
at 23c
at 23c
at 33c
ralr extra heavy men's wool
half hose, regular 2Ac.
Pair men's extra fine cash
mere liosc, regulur Jue.
Fair ladies' all wool cashmere
hose, regular price 2.1c and 35c.
Misses' and children's union
suits, value 3oc.
Men's heavy fleeced under
wear, value 36c.
Men's extra heavy wool flercel
shirts, silver strips, value 60c.
Men's extra fleered shirts,
double front and back.
Men's cnniel hair Underwear,
regular $1.25 value.
Pound Flelshera knitting
yarn, regular price $1.00.
MiNSlV Scotch onl Tam
at 49c
at 85c
at 796
at 35c
7oc to $l.u0.
at 25c
O'Shanteis, all colors, value
and 3c knit slocking caps, all
shades and colors.
Full Line of Dry Goods, Skirls, Millinery,
Trunks and Valises at 33 Per Cent Off.
Novelty Bargain Store,
17 and 19 Main
of both companies. A commission con
sisting of the governorattorney general
and auditor shall have power to permit or
refuse consolidations. These bills are both
In line with the recommendation of the
state auditor In his biennial report and
the governor In his message.
Blase at Fairfax, S. D.
NORFOLK, Neb., Feb. 4. (Special Tele
gram.) Four buildings burned at Fairfax,
S. D., early this morning. The loss was,
$7,000; Insurance, $1,200. The blase started
In the meat market of K. Aosta and burned
Stannard's saloon, the office of M. Stagel
and the office of S. E. Atkinson.
The Merchants hotel and a livery barn
caught, but were extinguished. A bursted
water main prevented effective work. The
market was destroyed before the fire was
discovered, as there was no night watch
man on duty.
Residence In w York.
NEW YORK, Feb. 4.-FIre today dam
aged the residence of Hyman Bonn to the
amount of nearly $50,00r. Valuable fur
nishings and many choice paintings were
ruined. The family and servants escaped
in ,lhlr night clothinK. ,.,..
"Watchman Fatally Horned.
PHILADELPHIA. Feb.' 4.-The plant of
the Prints Dt greasing company was dam
aged to. the extent of $60,000 by fire today.
TJie night watchman waa fatally burned.
, Garrett-Day.
BEATRICE, Neb., Feb. 4.-(SpeclaJ.) The
marriage of Bert Garrett of Erie, Kan., and
MIbs Llxzle Day of Paola, Kan., occurred
In the county court yesterday, i County
Judge Bourne officiating. The bride and
groom are cousins, and under' the laws of
Kansas they were obliged to come to Ne
braska to have the nuptial knot tied.
Don't l-oe a Meal
Throuuli dvsDeDsia and Indigestion. Take
Klertrlc Bitters." They cure stomach troubles
or no pay. Only 60c. For sale by Kuhn &
Open Ip Colorado Lands.
DENVER. Feb. 4. More than SOO.000 acres
In Routt and Grand counties were thrown
onen for settlement today by the state
land board, Including coal, agricultural and I
mineral lands.
flie Pop
pooucr or tnc cmoisist sera
T. LOVM4 , U.S. At
,.P. Larson Co.
Fremon't Ncbi
The Board of Public Lands snd Buildings
of the state of Nebrsska will receive pro
posals at the office of secretary of state
. ..... . ii . 1 t i, ........ , 1 ah. Iw.ntlnlh (lav
Until 1 U l "A v. - - -
of February, 1H04, for the eriMMIon and com
pletion of sn administration ouuuing aim
three cottages to be erected at Norfolk,
Nebraska and a hospital building to be
erected at the Soldiers' and Sailors Home
at Mllford. Nebraka; also a cold storage
building for the Feeble Minded institute at
Heatiice. according to the plana and aped
ncatlons now on nle in the land commis
sioner's office. ... , ,
Proposals will &e received in wnoie ror
erection of buildings snd Including heating,
plumbing snd wiring, or Separate on heat
ing, plumbing and airing.
Proposals must comply with requirements
of siwilicHllons regarding certified check.
Certified check to be made payable to the
state of Nebraska aa guarantee of good
faith on 'the part t the bidder to enter In
the contract. ,
Ths Board of Public I -ends and Bullldngs
has the right to reject any and all pro
posals If In their Judgment to do so.
tr. W. MAHBH,
Secretary of Board Public Lanrte and
Bdliduigs. -FodlOtM
vtwv r, M
It 1
t aj s i
1 ZJ
I CC Men's velvet embroidered slip
II 03 C pers. value $1.00.
1 JA Men's leather slippers, Imlta-
91 96 tion alligator, black, brown
and wine color, value $1.00.
1 MQm nnd Hoc ladies' felt slippers,
91 IC trimmed with fur, color
black, red and brown, values 75c to Il.oo.
a.1 1Cn Ladles' felt shoes, leather
II I3C faced, value $1.00 to $1.70.
I AOm ladles' felt slippers, all sixes.
II 6 value 5c.
I 4C LMies
felt lined shoes.
lifcU light
size, value $1.75.
or heavy soles, all
fil 7Rl 'nl,' flt Juliets, trimmed
l I OB with fur, black snd colors,
value $1..
at AHf I'O'ent tips, sixes B to ft.
Oil taW Chllds' shoes, spring heel,
I QHl yhlln'ren's shoes, made of
I 3Ul dongola, v, kid and kan
garoo calf, value up to $1.W.
at I 9K I-I'tle gents' shoes of vicl
Oil- lit? kid, sixes 9 to IX value 11 .'.
110 US
irandon & Flominj
Dry Goods j Furnishing Goods
740 Broadway.
Before then all winter goods must go. You
save from one-fourth to one-half on all season
able goods.
As a cathartic
Safe Speedy Sure,
Wright's Indian
Vegetable Pills
are unequalled.
A pure herb remedy.
Roman Eye Balsam
For Weak or Sore Eyes
(Should be read DAILY by all Interested,
as changes may occur at any time).
Foreign malls ror tne ween ending Feb
ruary . IK, will close (PKOMPTL in all
cases) at the General Poetofflca as follow:
PAKCELS-POST MAILS close one hour
earlier than closing time shown below.
Parcels-poxt msils tor Uermany close at 6
p. m. Monday, per s. s. Frankfurt.
Regular and Supplementary malls close at
Foreign Station half hour later than clos
ing time shown below texct-pt that bup- i
plemenlary Mails for Europe and Central I
America, via Colon, close one hour latsr '
at Foreign Station). j
Trnns-Atlantlo Mails.
SATURDAY At 6:80 a. m. for IRELAND,
fer s. s. Etrurla. via (jucenstuwu (mall
or other parts of Kurope must be di
rected "per s. s. Ktrurla"i; at a. m. for
KLKOPK. per s. s. St. Loulx. via
Plymouth and Cherbourg; at Hf a. ni.
for BkLdlCM direct, per s. s. Finland
(mail must be directed "per s. s. t'ni
Isnd"); at 11 a. m. for Hh.NI.UKK di
rect, per s. , Norge (.mail must be di
rected "per s. s. Norge J.
After the closing of tne Supplemental)'
Transatlantic Mails named above, addi
tional Supplementary Malls sr opened
on the uurx of tlio American, Knalisti,
French and Oerman steamers ana re
main open until within ten inlnuus of
ths bour of sailing ot sli-uiner.
Mails (sr Boatn and Central America,
West Indies, Kt.
FRIDAY At S a. m. for BRAZIL, per s. s.
TuiMon Via P;rnambuco, Bah la, Hlo
taneiro and Santos (mall for Northern
Irasil, Argentine, Uruguay and Para
guay mutt be directed ' per s. s. Tenny
son"); at 10 a. tn. for HAITI, per s. S.
Prins Wiliem I (mall for (.'ape Haiti, Port
de Paix, Curacao. Veneauela. Trinidad.
British and Dutch (Jul ana must be di
rector "per s. s. Prins Wiliem 1"); at It
m. (supplementary U.'M p. m.) for NAS
SAU, per a s. Orlsaba (mall for San
tiago must be directed "per s. s. Ori
zaba"). SATURDAY At : a. m. (supplementary
:& a. ni.) for POKTo Kico,
a s. Caracas (mall for Sav
anllla and Cartagena must be directed
'par s. s. Csnuas "; at t:W a. m (sup
plementary lo:ia a. m.) for KOHTl'fc K
i. Altai (mall for Costa Rica
must be directed "per s. s. Altai' i;
t a. m. (supplementary 10:30 a. m ) for
DUTCH and FRENCH OUIANA, per a. s.
Fontabelle; at 10 a. ru. for CUBA, per s. s.
Morro Caatls. via Havana; at U Jo p. m.
.. cirui nr a a riiitida. via Matan
sas mall must be directed "per. s. s.
r,iir.rf"- at 12:30 n. m. for ANTIGUA,
s. a. Citta dl Metutbta (mail for Barba
dos, Trinidad, British, Dutch and French
1 IOC I "dies' shoes, made of rton
91 ItfcO gola. p.iti'nt tip, value $l.o0.
at 1.49
at 1.98
Men's solid leather shoes,
formerly sold at $2.23.
Men's high ton shoes, dou
ble solos, a shoe thnt will
give HHtlxtHcilon In every respect, teg
ular price $J.().
at I OR Men's fine drexs shoes, made
91 l.fO of vicl kid, veluur and box
calf, tegular prices $.1.00.
1 AA. Indies' heavy shoes, made of
91 f OC kangaroo calf, value $l.o0.
at 1.98 French
shoes, made of
kid and box calf.
man) styles to select from. Goodvear
welt, plain or patent tips, regular price
$.100 to ttbo. This shoe Is sbeolutely
giiai Hfiicea.
I I AQ Indies box ,cnlf shoes.
strong snd durable, value
Q&a Men's henvv cotton pants, all
91 90C sixes, value $1.50. .
I I RQ Mol extra heavy pants.
Of liU9 made of Maryland all wool
Dicky Kersey, value
Council Bluffs
Oulana must be directed "per a. s. Cltta
dl Messina").
Malls Forwarded Overland, Etc., Ei-
rept Trans-Fnclflc.
CUBA Via Port Tampa. Florida, closes at
this office dally, except Thursday, at
16:30 a. m. (tha connecting malls ilrum
here on Mondays, Wednesdays and Sat
urdays). MEXICO CITY Overland, unless specially
addressed for despatch by stesmer, closes
at this office daily, except Sunday, at 1:M
p. m. and 11. 3') p. m. Sundays at 1:00 p.
m. and 11 .30 p. m.
NEWFOUNDLAND By rail to North Syd
ney, and thence by steamer, closes at
this office dally at :. p. m (connecting
mails cloae here every Monday, Wednes
day and Saturday.
JAMAICA By rail to Philadelphia and
, thence by steamer, closes at this office
at 11:30 p. m. every Sunday.
By rail to Bosiou. and thence by
steamer, closes at this office at t:2u p. nt
every Friday.
MIyUELON By rail to Boston, and thenc
iiy steamer, closes at inia omce aany ar
s 30 p. m. ,
MALA By .-all to New Orleans, ud
thenca Iv atemner. clones at this OfTi
dally, except Sunday, at II :M0 p. m. and
111 SO r. rn.. Su.idavs at 11:00 P. m. snd
111:80 p. m. (connecting mail closes hero
Mondays at (11:30 p. m.)
COSTA RICA By rail to New Orleans,
and thenct by steamer, closes at this
office daily, except Sunday, at 1:S0 p. ni
and 111:30 p. m., Sundays at il:0u p. ra. and
111:30 p. ni. (connecting mall closes here
Tuesdays si 111.30 p. m.)
BAHAMAS (except Parctls-Post Msils)
By rail to Miami, Fla., and thence by
steamer closes at 5:3t a. in., every Mon
dty, Wednesday and Saturday.
IKeglntered mall clone at ti.00 p. m. pre
vious day. ,
Traas-Pnclno Malls.
CHINA and JAPAN, via T acorns, clos
hers dally st :30 p. in. up to January
' :Um. inclusive, for despatch per a. x.
CHINA and JAPAN via Seattle, cloee
here dally : p. Tn. up to February 3d,
liKltiHlve despatch per s. s. Kn Maru.
PINE ISLANDS, via Bau rrancisco.
close hero daily at :30 p. m. up to
February loth, inclusive, for dcxpuleh
per s. s. Gaelic.
San Francisco, close bere dally at t:3
p. m. up to February I'ith. Inclusive, for
despatch per s s. Manposd.
SAMOA and HAWAII, via Ssn Francisco,
close here dally at :30 P m. up th i Feb
ruary pith, IncliiHlve, tor despatch per
s s Ventura. (If the Cunard steamer
carrying the British mall for New Zea
land does not arrive In time to connect
with this dHspat h. extra malls closing
at 5 i a- m., : a. m. and 10 u. ni.;
Hundays at 4 30 a. m a. m and .J
p m will be made up and forwarded
until the arrival of the Cunard steamer.
PINE ISLANDS, via San Francisco,
here dally al 6:30 p. m. up to February
112th, Inclusive, tor despatch per s. s.
Hong Kong Maru. V
HAWAII via San Francisco, close hers
dally at :30 p. m. up to February liih,
inclusive, tor dempatch per s. s. Alameda
CHINA and JAPAN, via Vancouver and
Victoria, B. C close here dally at S ::0
p tn up to February 17th. Inclusive, for
despatch per s. s. Emprees of China.
(Merchandise for V. 8. Postal Agency st
Shaniihat cannot be forwarded v'
PhIlH'PINB ISLANDS, via San Fran
cIkco. close here dally at :30 p. m. up to
February 2Bth, Inclusive, for despatch
per U. 8. Transport.
AUSTRALIA (except West). FMI ISL
AN 1)8 and NEW CALEDONIA, via Van
couvar and Victoria B. C. clo here
dally at 6 30 p. m. up to February IJth,
Inclusive, for despatch per s. s. Mlowera.
NOTE Unless otherwise sddressed. Vet
Australia la forwarded via Europe; snd
New fcealsnd snd Philippines via San
via OH II r riH-iw
Trans-l'aclflc malls are forwsrded to port
of selling dally and the schedule of clon
ing Is arranged on the praaiiinrtloe, nf
their uninterrupted overland trsntV
Registered mall closes at 40 p. m. pre- "
vlous dsy. CORNELU;8 VAN COTT,
Fostnffjce, New York, X. T January ?.
Francisco tne ouicsesi mum. rranp
pines specially sdd. sed "via Canada'' or
'via Europe'1 must be fully prepaid at
..i.n rata, Hawaii la forwardari
; 1