TI1E OMAI1A DAILY -nEE: TITFRPPAY, FEBRUARY 4. 1904. 10 SPECIAL NOTICES AdtrrlUrmriti for these flmi Will be Ukra antll 12 m. for the errBfnar edition and anlll ) p. an. for the moraine and Nnndar edltloa. Rates, 1 l-2e a word llrat laaertlon. le a vrord thereafter. Nothla takea for leaa thaa Stoe for the aTrat laaer. tlon. Theae advertlaemeata b raa eoaaeeatrvely. Advertisers, by reqaeatlnsr a aaa bered cjierk, raa hare aaawera ad- dressed to a numbered letter la rare af The Bee. Aaawera ao addreaaed will be delivered oa preaeatatloa ( the eherk only. MISCELLANEOUS, NOW OPEN. MID-WINTER TERM OP" BOYLES COLLEGE fcOi. AOO LA '111. 1J Si.M'EK, ' Iibv u.ia NlKIlt. CALL, WRITE OH TEKPHONE FOR INFORMATION. Aauress: H. li. BOYLbl), President,' New York Liis Blug. Omaha. Neb. P. M. HAVKRLY-KXPERT ACCOUNT ANT. 212 BrJE BLUO. PMOIne. nr nSILVER NICKEL. Plating. Om. UULUHailng Co., lioa Hartley, 'lei. 36- R 734 ' nicntiTuc: R. H ELFIN, 309 N. iwtromi 1 1 1 i6th. Tel. i74 K-M188 F20 C1TT SAVINGS BANK pay 4 per cent. BPECIAL Fof a limited time we will fit you with a guaranteed pair of spectacles for tl. Don't miss this chance. U. S. Op ticians, 308 N. ltith St. R 73 I'ERFIELD Piano Co., Bee Bldg.; Weber, Storey A Clark, l.uawig, wniner. niai KAOLE loan office. Reliable, accomodat ing; all business confidential. 1301 Douglas. t ) 'IU IV IIW EXPRESSMEN'S Delivery Co.. moving and storage. 214 rw. lstn. lei. liw n r"l-.iri-r-irOet relief; corns removed. vi ill ULuuyur. Roy, r. 2-3, 1506 Farnam. R-74U. TRY TWE CHlCAOrt LAUNDRY. Jf you don't, we both lose. Good work. prompt attention. 214 N. 16UU Tel. . R-741 KJOLD crowns from S3; fillings from Sc; set or teeth, iz; teetn extracted Tree, union Dental Co., 1622 Douglas, room 4. R 744 B1IOP-MADE SHOES Lang's, 713 B. 18th. -396 F13 3. E. WALLACE, Taxidermist, 606 B. Uth. 740 A NTI-MONOPOLY GARBAGE CO., cleans cesspools, vaults, removes garbage, dead animals; reduced prices. &zi N. in Tel. m. 746 J". MELCHOIR, machinist, 18th Howard. R 747 PUBLICITY DESIGNS WHEATON, In the Bee Bldg. R 748 STRONGEST In tka World." The Equita ble. Life Assurance society. Its policies are ala-ht drafts at maturftv. H. D. Neely, manager. Merchants' National Bank Bldg.. Omaha, Neb. R 749 SIGN painting. B. H. Cole, 1302 Douglas. . R 761 iAT.L klnda carpenter work, repairing. , promptly attended to. J. TV Ochiltree, vna ana luxa. iv-nu Henry He doesn't keep stationery. Ha sella It at ltila jrarnam atreeu it wi piuiii.u inviuia iic.. 1 1 iin, air. v ..VJvrii a. films and slides at bargain prices; malt nces, man i order, filled. B, C, Taylor, 80. So. 19th st. HnUitfrai I T Yria -mm.m V .. w kn..lln I Ill Farnam. TeL 8623. R-874 F4 . . . ..3. m. 11 1 ii , ci . a. vw . r unuiuiR, (VODICKA A CO., fin tallortnai; all kinds pressing, repairing, Krjg theater bldg. Tai. situ. tiita . 1A BOTTLE of Phillips' that face so you will Face Lotion will fix like It. R M457 F8 OPEN EVENINGS, too busy making clothes to close. Suits $30 to $40; trousers $ to $10. uresner, 1516 arnam street. - R M698 F13 3JORNSON A HAAS, Tinners and Mfgs. of akeet mSaf coiciS; " smokestaka! gutters. Mkyllghts, ceilings tanks, etc I Tel. 2575. .214 N. lfith St. R 782 F16 Clothes pressed, altered. hotel tailor. - Yousen, Pax ton K JUH tTRACINGB: Blue prints A working draw- I inga. Dues st .o., umana. f none K3. " R 237 Apr22s SMOKE) Prids of Hastings 6c clear. , R-M62S F2B Butts pressed, cleaned reasonable. 271 llwth. R M666 F27 Bl'SINESS CHANCES. . DO YOU want to buy. sell or exchange ,.!. M U .... I I . . i house T Bee Templeton-Haveriy Co., 21J e,e uiag. x M946 F BHOLEa - ARMSTRONG CO., business chances and exchanges; writs us, 722 New lorx un uiag. Tel. w. Y 764 10-Room Rooming House wTull of roomers In good brick; rent $36, t blocks from city hall. $500. Owner leav ing city. Investigate at ones. Address a di, dm. y 645 SOUVENIR P1TRPORFH We are prepared to arrange with some re sponsible parties for the exclusive aula nt our transparent handle knives as eouve- nlrs during the World's fair, St. Louis; an - Investment from $6,000 to $16,000 will be re- quired. For particulars bduIv to Novel t . .... I . t, .rv. . A " Y-M580 4X TO GET In or out of buslneaa call on WU- llama, room 411, McCague buildia M971 BMALL, general stock of merchandise; must ds som rruruiry a, iwh. u. r . Rose, uenoa, MeD. . Y M143 6x t GOOD location for a Address C 24. Bee. Methodist doctor. 1 M149 6x - FOR SALE Bakery and cigar store; good location, In country town. Address X 32, XMMJ. J uui tx WASTED TO Bl'Y. DOVT give furniture and carpets away. J.I levins pays nigneai price, leu 771. N-755 I3i-1,c bought, sold. Antique Bonk Corr IJUUKS cm. J13 Karbach blk. Tel :fj4 Tel. 3534. N-7i ID-HAND furniture; high prices. Chicago Furniture Co. Tel. 5X)0. N-757 BEST. PRJCEi for used stoves, furniture. Enterprlatt Furn. Co., 102-4 8. 14th. Tel. ZSA. -N ia Mar4 ,WAPi rr;ii-B ears or vonea; will pay a , g) u pnoe; writs me. B. at. Hey, iwv inoiana v . , vBnaa v 1 1 j . mo. N-M2U F23x . IWANTRO To buy a first-clams slightly used Brunswick bowling alley comulete: state lowest price. Address Rorabatigh & etiaoier, ruipia t.-ity, d. v. w M142 4x WANTED, horse, weight shout 1.300 lb to work on oil wagon; can t pay over ts. Address V x JS 673 Cx WANTED. Washburn guitar, concert sise; give lowest price. Aauresa J J. Bee N 173 WANTED to bur. 40 acres Improved land near Omaha; stats terms. Addreea c 78, ties. is lbs x WANTED to buy, a 7 or 8-room bouae and lot In llanscom park district. Addresa C M. Bee. N 17 4x WILL buy a large second-hand roll top aesa ii price is rixnu Aaoress i fx. nee. M 174 x SHORTHAND AND TYPE WRITING. A. t. VAN BANT school, 717 N. Y. LI fa. Kit, But- 4k Shorthand, CuL Boj theater. 4U VARTED-MALE HELP Base Ball Team For 1904. Our baae tin 11 learn Id now riraanlxlng. We have over fifty applicants who desire ti play. Out of thia number the team will he made up. J. A. Ravage waa electee: manager and Mr. Oallenttne cspteln. Thia team la open for dates. Write the man ager. Omaha Commercial College, 17th and Douglas Bts. WANTED 1klen to learn barber trade. Ouf mrthod SHvea years of apprenticeship. Free work, ei.rt instructions: dlulonias and positions given. Inducements to dis tant applicants, tun eurr. expenses. In vestigate. Moler Barber College, 1302 Douglas- St. B-Mfl MEN to learn barber trade; free railroad fare upon our failure to convince you 01 this belna- the HhJHT. largest and only reliable, most practical barber college In this section. W rite for catalogue today. Western Barbers' Institute, Omaha. Neb. i ta WANTED For I", 8. army, able-bodlea, unmMrrlpH men. between ases Of 21 sua -, citizens of United States, of good charac- ter and temperate habits, who can speak, read and write English. For Information apply to recruiting officer, lsth end Dodge bis., umah i, or Lincoln, neD. d a unatTlnM lfl nPFN Do you know where It Is? We do. we have openings for high grade men oi an Ifin.ta a.Mitlv technical and clerical raying from 1.000 to $10,000 a year. Write for Plan and booklet. Offices In twelv cities HAT'iioiiDH Incornoratea, si Chemical building, St. Louis. B um m a Rtnuir.n fn.l.RGE of Den ver, Colo., ofTers advantages in leacmua the barber trade that cannot be had else where. Write today lor our terms. U M31S fill WANTED 2 agents at once; good salary, city work. C. . Adams CO., win y iw West n Employ't Ag'y, R. 14-18 Crounsa blk. travel with wagon atid n n oiu of medicines and household articles on commission, lth a guaranted srnlng or tWOO per month. Applications, irorn r r...nn. m.n nniv win he considered. Address, the Haller Proprietary Co., Blair, Neb. c-'""" ANY Intelligent person may -earn gooa in come corresonaing ior ntwi perlence unnecessary; send for particu lars. Press Syndicate, Lockrort,jN. Y. WANTED A good, active young man 10 sell advertising novemea in "j - . . v. .....ii.u vnr nertlnulars ad- jk - a..,rlr..l Knveltv Co.. DeS UlrPB Alio K3U,.c.n..w -' Moines, Iowa. 1.1 YOUNG MAN. good physique, to nt ior rovernment position. I. VJ. i wjr nii- Ids. la. B-M970. WANTED, Immediately, 100 first-class ma- rh ntra nn nil nrr n&rnrinn mnn.o. Apply by letter to commanding officer, Rock isiana arsenai, jtoca umn WANTED Experienced salesmen; none but m n rnwn una warn nrau bultij' "v Cagua bldg. -' WANTRfj I want the name of every man In any way interested in incuraiom w nnnltrv raisin. I have something for you Write at once to m. m. nsuii, The Incubator Man, Clay center, neo. XJ l 1 l 1 ANY Intelligent person may earn good In- ..nm rnmumonn nr ior newspapers, m- perlonce unnecessary. Bend for particu lars. Press Syndicate, Liockport, r. x. j m in iu. WANTED rEMALB HELP. ixnr trTj rviT.T.lRfJE. tan Douglas St.. wants ladies to learn nairoreasms, muncuinia n fnclJ musu by new method: few weeks -completes; graduates piacea ni top wages; splendid cnance. can or wtilh. 1 I GOOD girl for general1 housework, 1024 Park v.nlw. IJ CULM OX I .Park avenue. - 1 n .llAm a , ViAma1 I ? i.iiu,,n m iiin.n ,uia uiiiuno . uv.i.v, MtV $18 weekly; material furnished. Call or address, wun aiauip. - , Omaha, Neb. . C-M134-4X FOR BALE, several good Hcycles, different I makes, and second-hand , typewriters at I a haraain. Nebraska Cycie Co . 7Wh and Harney. C-M103 7X FOR bVENT-FI'RNISHED ROOMS. ROYAXi HOTEL, European, 16th & Chicago. AT IIW DEWEY. European hotel. 3th and Fmam. K-763 NICELY furnished room Inquire Omaha o..m tundrv. 1750 Leavenworth. Phonal A-1783. E 764 O. M. E. hauls trunks Telenhona 61L E 765 ELEOANT front room; steam beat. 1901 Capitol aye. la mwi $1-25 PER WEEK Doran House, 423 S. 18th. C IOO Vienna Hotel, loll Farnam; fine rooms; la dles caxe; private aimng r. ; open nignts. NICE) furnished rooms. 324 N, lith. E 78 FOR RENT Large front room, furnished. with batn; ror gentlemen; nest ' re ter- ences. 1621 Wlrt sU E MC82 4 FURNISHED rooms with board. 1811 Chi cago. 10-Mtil3 61 FURNISHED room. 60S N. 16th. Tele- phone smb. . E 622 6 THE FARNAM, 19th A Farnam. Reference. is 2l FURNISHED room with all modern con veniences. Private lamlly, 2U9 Jones St. E M866 SOUTH FRONT, with other rooms; mod ern, am llarney. 10950.7 ELEOANTLY furnished parlors for house- 1 V, ....1 m.i.la.n AiA B 9,1. a hs- 4x 1 LAlWB back Parlor for two or three fieiitlMfien: would allow light housekeep ng. lO Burt at. E M120 14 LARGE south front room, ground floor. and ooarG. 2Z rarnam. . E-M122 Ex FURNISHED rooms for gentleman; gas, bath and heat. t. vxa Burt. B M13-x FURNISHED rooms with heat. $10. 1613 Burt street. is M13B FURNISHED rooms and board. 609 So. 26th ave. Tel. LZ718. E M150 FIRKISHED ROOMS AND BOARD. Furnished rooms, steam heat, with or with. out board. Midland note), lstn Chicaao. t 769 UTOPIA, steam heat. 1721 Davenport. r 720 ROCKAWAY. 1318 Douglas. Meals. 16c. r in LA ROE well-furnlshed front room, all mod ern, with board: also good table board by day or .week, i ne ureaner, sua B. itn st. F-771 NICE south room with board. 2418 Cass st. F 551 MODERN rooms and board. 112 Chics go. f -M977 7x "FOR REST VNFl RKISHF.D ROOIMSr FOR RENT 4 nice rooms. 1st story; city water: per monui. m. nacnmann, UD-Al. 1 unun DltK'K. o i18 TWO. with kitchen, to small, quiet family. itr.i n. zist. i M118 sx CLAIRVOYANTS. READINGS 50 CENTS THIS WEEK PON El HIO Clairvoyant. Palmist and As trologer Reveals all questions of Ufa pertaining to Marriage, Sicknesa. Death, Changes, Travels. Divorces, Separations. 1-awsuua, Musineaa rranaactiona. Deala, Wort sages, st or Absent Friends, Min ing vnturea, etc. READINGS BY MAIL Send data of birth. 10 Questions. $1 and I two-cent stamps to pay postage. R. E. Ponelblo. Hours, I to I daily. 1611 Dodge st. 8 M381 4s I EL'SlftS MEDIUM. T1S N. 17th St. aV-411 I OILUER, palmist, lit N. Sd; TL B-S246. I ar J-Ul "Hidden FOR SA LE MISCELLANEOUS. STOCK YARDS. SADDLERY CO.. ' J. O. Blessing, prop.: wholesale and retail manufacturer of and dealer In harness and saddles: whips a specialty; every thing hand-made; quality considered, the cheapest harness shon on earth. 331 N. 26th ml.. So. Omuha. Vnlon shop. y hi FOR SALE Several scholarships In a flrst- ciass standard school In Omaha, compris ing complete course In business, stiort hnnd and typewriting. Inquire at Ree office. Q 862 INDIAN goods and relics. 1119 Farnam. VI iia 2D - HAND safe cheap. Deright, 1119 Farnnm. CHEAPEST OAK SLAT CORN CRIB BING. Long fir timbers. 9ul Douglss. y lis 8MAIL frame house, to be removed. In quire 712 N. Y. Ufa Bldg. Q M883 8 100 KINDS of Mineral Water. Shermun & McConnell Drug Co.. Omaha, Q 779 KIMBALL PIANO, slightly used; big bar- aniu. iau or write nuoni I, tee mag. HARD coal, stoves, to up: furniture cheap. .nicago i-urnitura Co., 1410 Dodge. y 7Hi FOR BALE Second-hand Cylinder Toledo touring car; a bargain If sold before Feb. . . ... i . . . . . . li y o. 414 S. 12th st. Q M158 SECOND-HAND billiard and pool tables: ciiuara taraes repaired; large stock cheap par nxiures, cigar counters. The BrunS' wicK-tiaiae conender Co., 407-9 8. loth. y us FOR BALE CHEAP, fine carriage team. o-i years old, l4 hands; weight, l.lnfl; color, brown; city broke. J. E. Carter. Iler Grand. Q 101 4x HOUSEHOLD furniture for sale two re frigerators, oak stove, W. & W. sewing machine (new from factory), Stella piano, tone almost new; private sale. 1022 N. 3t. Q M117 Sx 150 WATCHES. 75 diamonds, left In pawn, , inc). warauna u)n umce, it'll uoiiRias. y Muti FOR SALE Horse, harness and delivery wagon; a bargain If taken by Monday, Address C 73, Bee. 'Q M2Q8 7x FOR SALE, second-hand bed room suit. refrigerator and nil stnve nil in condition; also encyclopedia Brltannlca. Address C 99, Bee. y M158 7x FOR REM STORES AND OFFICES. FOR RENT, building suitable for whole sale purposes at Dili Farnam, 22 x90, four stories and first-class cemented basement. .iui , mo iiu uurKinr prooE vault, or- " luumcr iiiu nxiures. for price and particulars Inquire C. C. Rosewater. sec retary Bee Building Co., room 100. Bee Building. 1-M567 FOR RENT, storeroom and basement In ooa location, particularly adapted for a plumber show room and work room or, a manufacturer with sltniin- requirements' power furnished U required. ' R. C. Peterj A Co., rental agemb. .o.ind floot. Hre buildina.. 1 M794 onvMuva , k. . M- - .'s Inou lK . . 1-782 t-n tt t. i . . . , . . " "r.uii rr-"J""? i? jtore. preferred. Address C. C. Rose- water. Bec'y.. Room 100. Bee bid. . OR I-M986 RENT. 4-storv and basement hnllrl. Ing, 1516 Dodge St., now occupied by Omaha Carpet Co. Inquire on premises. 1-779 3-STORY and basement brick bldg., 2'jx57, suitable fur ubnufacturlng. 2-story bldg., with storeroom and 22 rooms; hotel or boarding house. W. Farnam Smith & c0., 1320 Farnam St. ' ' 1-241 TWC-STORY bulMlng. 151 2 and the second floor 1-10 Howard. W. H. Bushman. 1-626 2306 LEAVENWORTH ST., $22.50. . in d. lotn et.. steam heat. 37a Front office, Frenxer block. JOHN P. JTRENZER, Opp. Old J O. I-M532 FOR RENT Large store room, with fix tures, at 1660 N. zoth St., $10 per month. Apply to H. J. Windsor, 1618 Dodge St. 1997 DENTIST wanted to share office with a phyaiclan with fine quarters In Bee bldg.. with well-established practice. Address C 21, Bee office. , 1131 FOR SALE HORSES, WAGOKS, ETC. H A RNPQQ OVER 100 SET NEW AND JlrtlMILJJ SECONDHAND. Closing out entire stock. 1018 Douglas St. P M520 I fine depot wagons, t rockaways, 1 coupe, z traps, i wagonette, a a rays, urummona Carriage Co., 18th and Harney. P 105 FOR SALE Several good horses, a few sets of 2d-hand double and single harness, Melcher's Sales Stables, 601 8. 19th. - P-M413 F6 FOR SALE Slightly used, ! carriages, 8 phaetons, 2 top buggies, 2 driving wagons cheap. Andersen-Millard Co., 1516 Caplto ave. P-714 FOR SALE d-hand. 4-passenger broug ham, at bargain If taken at once. 1309 Harney. p mii 1 1 FOR SALE Good second-hand hearse. cheap. Address L. J. Wilson, P. O. Box 1S8. Silver Creek. Neb. P M246 FR08T doesn't shave men, he shaves spokes. Wagon repairs, 14tn and Leav enworth. P 783 FOR BALE Two set double and one set slnrle harness. Slightly used cheap Ad dress C 49, Bee. P M15? 7x S1TCATIONS WANTED. WANTED.-situation as bookkeeper or gen eral omca clerk; best rertrencea. Address C 23, Bee. A la 9 POSITION WANTED By young man of 23, si tale: past two years have been assist ing cashier In bank;Vl references as to character or ability. Addrets c 23. Bee. A M146 4x GIRL going to chool desires a place to work mornings and evenings for room and board. Address C 90, Bee. A 178 6x WANTED Situation as second girl; good references. Address C 91, Bee. A-M1S3 5x MAN ana wire wants place, to work 011 farm In eastern rvrriraifra; good wages required. Aaoress u M. Bee. A M179 6 WANTED Position as clerk In cigar store by experienced young maa wno can fur nish best of references. Address C 70, Bee. ' A M161 6x ' AGENTS WANTED. WANTED Canvassing agents In every countv to solH'it subscriptions to THE TWENTIETH CENTURY FARM EH. Steady employment with assured good In come. Agents In the country with horse and buggy especially desired. Canvassers make easily $u0 to $100 per month. Ad dress Century Farmer Solicitors' Bureau, Bee building. Omaha. J 213 WANTED, a good, hustling agent In every town; also a traveling general agent; great opportunity. Oregon Myrtle Mfg. Co., 286 Yamhill St., Portlund. Ore. '-MM 5 FOR EXCHANGE. WILL trade beautiful piano for horse. Bchruoller Mueller, uii rsroam St. Z-.97 I FOR EXCHANGE, fine piano for a new or used typewriter, -ncnmoner at. Mueller, UU Faruata auest Taleuhone IK. -M6 City1 Contest This Week PRIZES FOR THE WISEST. FOR KALE REAL ESTATE, ENGLISH & CO., v PAXTON BLOCK, FOR Bargains in Omaha Property. RE 79 J HOUSE of 7 rooms, modern, except fur nace; rents for $18; price. ll.fW. In West Farnam location, 9 rooms, modern; price, $4,000. Two cottages, 2rth and Bancroft, paving, permanent walks; only $2.5u0. Fine corner near llanscom park; a bargain at $2,oo. W. FARNAM SMITH & CO. RE Mfi08 WE write all kinds of Insurance. Kenny R. E. & Inv. Co., 'Phone 336. 3o0 Bee Bldg. RE Mb34 FOR SALE, $1,000 first mortgage, 3 years, 6 per cent Interest bemi-annually ; $2,tkJj first, mortgage,' i years, at 6 per cent interest, semi-annually; theso mortgages are both secured on tlrst-close Omaha property worth mora than three times the amount of mortgage. W. R. HUMAN, 1617 FARNAM ST. RE 572 S $2,4002622 Decatur St., new, well built, 7 room house, modern, piped for furnace, ouk floors downstairs. A BARGAIN. D. V. Sholea Co., 722 N. Y. Ufe Bldg. Tel. 49. , RE 603 WHEN buying or selling real estate be sure to get a Midland Gaarantee and Trust company bonded abstract, 1614 Far nam stret. N. P. Dodge, Jr., Prewldont. RE M153 RANCH ahd farm lands for sale by the Union Pacific Railroad company. B. A. McAllaster. land commissioner, Union Pa ' cillo headquarters, Omaha, Neb. RE 794 IF YOU want to buy, sell or rent a house or a farm; If you have a business for sale or want td buy, call on or write Kenny B, E. Inv. Co., 'Phone 336. 300 Bee Bldg. RE M6S3 Williamson Co., BTttn8k K RE 795 SEE R. H. Landeryou If you wish to buy or sell real estate. 442 Board of Trade. Tel. 2151. RE 669. $1,500 WILL BUY a neat cottage and full lot In Stewart Place. THOMAS BRENNAN, Room 1, New York Life Building ' RE 506 5-R. COTTAGE and barn, 26th and Chicago; good repair, on grade, walking distance High school, $1,750. R. C. Peters & Co., Ground floor Bee Bldg. RE 981 3 FOR BALE. 200 acres Merrick county, Nebraska, good soil, smooth, fair improvements, seven miles to two R. R. stations, owned by non resident, very heap; terms easy; $27.50 per acre. . , IGu acres, same county: smooth, very fair Improvements, one mile to station; good soil; all cultivated; terms easy; owner In debt; jo per acie. many oiner inrnisioi sale In Nebraska and other states. Six branch offices. Write for particulars and i'ats. United Btates Land and LoanCo., Grand Island, Neb. , RE 977 4 SPECIAL attention given to jroperty placed In our hands Tor rental. , Kenny R. E. & Inv. Co.. Fhone 336. Bee Bldg. RE M635 26th and Burt 6-room cottage, with city water aid sewer connections, lot 83x135, south front, nice shade trees. Price, $1,250; easy terms. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO. lBt Floor N. Y. LHe Bldg, Tel. 178L RE M993 4 TT.XF.CUTOR'S BALE. To close an estate the executor is pushing us to sell the a-room nousa ana itu, txii. on Davenport St., xnear lBth. splendid place for livery stable, utorage ware houses, flats or anything you can think cf. Price la less than value of vacant ground and anv reasonable offer will be accepted. This Is a genuine snap. N. P. DODGE .A CO., 1614 FARNAM ST. mt. cam d 6-ROOM house and barn, city and cistern water, fine property norm or Vinton; owner, who lives on ranch, needs money: says get me $1,600. F. D. Wead, 1624 RE M124 4 Douglas. 20-ROOM DOUBLE BRICK, 100 feet ground rrontage, near 20th and Douglas; almost opposite Omaha club; rental value, $1,200; v can be doubled. Price, $12,000. t Former price $18,000. Eastern mortgage owner SAYS SELL. Ring up 814. Do It today, i Harrison A Morton, Real Estate, Omaha, v RE 102 FOR SALE AN INVESTMENT Two new t-room houses, finished In hard oil, with modern open plumbing, porcelain baths and sinks, water, gas and sewer connec tions; large lot; within easy walking dis tance. They rent for $480 per year; can be sold cheap; would take soma trade. W. G. Ure. 6u6 Bee bldg. RE 106 4 . GLOVER, 1st floor N. T. Life, city prop erty, farms, ranches. Tel. 133. RE 790 IF YOU want to sell your property adver tise in the Western Real Estate Journal; it goes all over the United States and will find a buyer for your property; rates of sdvertlsements, 60 cents per Inch or r.bout 60 words, or 10 cents a line Send In your advertisement, the journal will do the rest. 416 W. 4th street. Dee Moines, la, RE M140 4 DO YOU WANT TO - SELL A EARM? If vou want to sell a farm or taoch tell the farmera and atock raisers about it. The best way to reach them Is through THE TWENTIETH CENTURY , FARMER This agricultural weekly goes to ro.000 homes of farmers snd stock raisers, so If you have a good piece of land to sell at a reasonable price you will find a buyer anions- them. The cost of an advertisement Is small 3 cents per word In email type or $2.52 per Inch If set In large type. THE TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER OMAHA.NEB. RE 329 . When You Write to Advertisers remember It only takts an extra stroke or two of the pen to mention the fact that you saw the no In The Bee. PATENTS. If. 3. COWGILL No fee unless successful. 618 8. 15th St.. Omaha. Tel. 1798. 798 PATENTS guaranteed. Sues A Co.. Oman 692 AUx TICKET BROKERS. CUT-RATE railroad tickets everywhere. P. H. Phllbln. 15ut Farnam. 'Phons 74. -7M DRESSMAKING m families. Miaa Sturdy, 808 N. Z8d. -Mm FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. BUY WHILE PROPERTY 19 CHEAP. 2112 Grant St., 8 rooms, good order, modern, Il.tiOO. 2M Decatur, good cottage, 6 rooms, tl.OiO. U N. 26th St., cottage, 6 rooms, full lot, $1,250. . 2907 Chsrles St., S rooms, good location, $W0. 917 South 2fith St., 8 rooms, modern, near town, $1,650. 217 South Stith St., 7 rooms, modern, $3,350. 2801 Woolworth ave., 8 rooms, modern, cor nel, $2,500. 22C3 Miami st , 7 rooms, full lot, no furnace, $2,750 Cottage dear 26th and Lake sts., bath closet, etc., rerts fM per month; price this week, $1,250. 2S18 Miami St., 6 rooms, $R50. W. T. GRAHAM, BEE BUILDING. RE-133 S FARM AND RANCH LANDS IN NE BRASKA. Remarkably low prices, ten years' time and onlv one-tenth cash. Land will raise big crops of wheat, alfalfa or anything !n farming land. Ready market and good prlcea for everything raised. For full particulars call on or address Union Pa cific Land Agendy, 222 S. 13th St., Omaha, Neb. RE Lib t SPECIAL bargain In cottage near 26th and Lake sts.; bath, closet, water, gas; rent for $20 per mo. Must sell at once for $1,250. W. T. Graham, Bep bldg. RE 129 6 IN HANSCOM PARK DISTRICT at 1018 S. 28th St., a 7-roem house, has gas and electric light, bath and furnace, in fact all modern conveniences; price, $3,6 9 You'll never find a better bargain. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., 1st Floor N. Y. Life bldg. Tel. 1781. RE 127 S WASTED TRACKAGE. WE HAVE customers who want to lease S.Ono to 8.000 square feet of trackage wart) house space with power if possible, Payne Investment Co., N. Y. Life. 978 3 FOR RENT HOISES. THE Omaha Van and Storage Co. pack. move and store H. II. goods, storehouse, ' 1120-24 N. 19th. Office, IbllMs Farnam. Tel. 1569-863. D 839 FOR RENT 6-room house, 2563 Woolworth ave.; porcelain bath, gas, hot and coid water; newly painted and papered throughout $20. J. II. Sherwood. New York Life bldg. D M667 UnllCCC In all parts of the city. Th tlUUCCJ o. F. Davis Co., 608 Bee Rl.ig D 840 UnilCCC In all parts of the city. R. nUUOCO c. Peters & Cd., Bee Bldg. D 841 Regent Baths and Hairdresslng Parlors, 205 Ramge Building. Tel. 2079. Ladies only. U 804 PAYNE-BOSTWICK A CO., choice houses, 601-603 New York Lite Bldg. 'Phone 1016. D-842 SEVERAL good houses. $10 to $18. Chris Boyer, 22d and Cuming. 'Phone 2049. D 843 WE MOVE Pianos. Maxsard Van A 8tor age Co., Tel. 1496 Office, 1713 Webster st. D 814 HOUSES, Insurance. Rlngwslt, Barker Blk. JD 846 2606 Davenport, lC-room house with barn KO.UU. ' 12 Park Ave. Nice 7-room cottage. 4439 Farm m 8 rooms, newly painted and papered $20. 2616 Dodge 6-room cottage, gas and water 6-room cottage, lflth St. boulevard $13. 2210 Farnam 6-room flat $30. W. Farnam Spilth & Co., 1320 Farnam St. D 240 FOR RENT, 6-room cottage, 2608 Blondo St., $9. inquire at 607 N. 19th St. D M974 FOR RENT. $20, S526 N. 27th St., 9 rooms, all modern. $20. 1222 8. 27th St., 6 rooms, modern ex cept furnace. $10, 3837 Decatur St., 7 rooms. $8. 3314 8. 20th St., 6 rooms. $20, 819 N. 43d St., 8 or 9 rooms. $16, 2504 Burdette St., 7 rooms, modern. $12, 8420 Jackson St., 6 rooms. $12, 3413 Jackson St., S rooms. . $12, 3424 Jackson St., 6 rooms. N. P. Dodge A Co., 1614 Farnam st. D M983 4 FOR RENT 6-r. house and 6 acres of I ground, convenient to packing houses, H $12.00 per month. The Byron Reed Co. FOR RENT Large H-room, colonial house. thoroughly modern, nu uavenport st. on the southeast corner of 82d end Dav enport st.) Apply to H. J. Windsor, 1518 Dodge st D 996 FOR RENT, 8-room modern house. 220 North 17th street; steam heat. Apply II. J. Windsor, 1618 Dodge street. Tel. 1571. D 132 WANTED TO RENT. WANTED to rent, delivery wagon for short time; will buy if cheap enough. Ad dress C 77, Bee. K 168 6x YOUNG man wants board and room with family who have a barn where can keep horse and buggy. Address C 74, Bee. K 167 6x WANTED, room and board In strictly pri vate family, close to car; state price. Ad dress C 71. Bes. K 163 6x WANTED, room and board, man, wife and child; prefer south part of city. Address C 86, Bee. K 166 6x WANTED, a furnished house, not over 7 rooms, modern; no children. Address C 82, Bee. K 162 6x MUSICAL. Ori-rtactM Bechtold's Union Orchestra. VJlCneMl d 819 South 13th St. Tel. 997. M 150 F-iU THOS. J. KELLY, voles. Davldge block. 369 DAISY HIOGINS. voice, piano, epworth. Tel. A-2741. 2013 Leav 892 F16 CHA8. H. HEEFER, piano. W. O. W. bdg. M624 F-25 FRANCIS POTTER, teacher mandolin and guitar; mandolin orchestra. Kamge Bldg. Pel. B-3264. -471 3x LAW AND COLLECTIONS. JUDGE DICKINSON. 616 N. Y. Life. Bet- tlements estates a specialty, leiepnone F-2661 M932 14 8TILLMAN A PRICE, 410 1st Nat. bk. bldg. 78 THE New Snow-Church Co., law collec tions, real estate, attorneys, collectors, broksra everywhere, lat floor N. Y. L'fe. Tel. 133. 786 W. F. Rlk. WAPPICH. advice free. Creighton 787 Johnson Institute. 616 N. Y. Life bldg. T IH64. WHEN YOU THINK OF MONEY. Dr. J. A. Meehsn. 615 N. Y. Ufa bldg. T 14. REL1 A BI.K tt EDIT CO., , ; FOR SALARY AND FURNITURE LOANg The, Hunt Infirmary. McCague bldg. T W52. ROOMS 8o7-3i8 PAXTON BLK.. 3d FLOOR. 7S X MM rR GRACE DEEGAN 832 N Y Life Tel MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE sLa. v " ' -twT and othera with aecurity; easy paymenta; , largest bualness In 49 principal cltlea. Fayette Cole. Osteopath. 6o Paxton blo k. Tolman, room 440. Chamber of Commerce 7yl Bldg. X eJD Drs. Laird A Laird. 308 Karbach blk. Tel 801. MONEY loaned on plain note to salaried 238 K-J people; bualness confidential; lowest rates. - 614 Paxton block. The J. A. Hutton. o. X-827 DETECTIVES. , Capt Cormack, 617 Karbach blk. TeL A-zrat. ltW PERSONALS. DON'T READ THIS Unless you wear clean clothes. If you do patronise the Domestic laundry. 241 N. 24th. Tel. HI Hi U-M121 MJ OH, MAREL! Tell your mamma to rent a sewing machine from the Nebraska Cycle company. 15th and Harney. We have a tine one and they onlv charge 75c a week. Clara. U M135 6x Accordion Pleating, cheapest, best, quickest. Mrs. A. C. Mark, 17th and Douglss. U-978 LA BOOK, ladles' tailoring. 513 Katbirh blk. U-803 PAPA Hurry home. Mamma wants you to get m a pair of Huteson s "Patent Blip Not" Rlml) ss Eveglssses. They're Just too swell. Can't shake off. 213 8. lth. Calltsn. U-754 F14 ANY poor girl In need of a friend can call or write to tne matron or me ounimin Army Home for Women. 8824 N. 24th st Omaha; Neb.' U M526 Maylx HKI.LO. ANNIE! This Is Joe. Will work late; meet i.ie at Colombia Phonograpn Co., 1K21 Farnam nt 7:30; we'll bear the free concert and buv some X. P. 60c rec ords tor 2fc, especially adapted to ths Edison Phonograph! They manufacture everything in the talking, machine line. U-M121 F18 Stammering cured. J. Vaughn, Ramge Bid. U 805 ELITE parlors, 61S B. 16th, I'd floor. -806 MEET me at Meyer-Dillon's the "yellow sorner ror quality 16th and l ornam. U-M9U F16 "VIAVI,' way to health. 346 Bee building. U 808 JACK Come early tonight; want you to go to tne Bioecker cigar Co. with me: papas birthday, mamma wants to present nlm a bix of Sioecker's Monogram 5c cigars. MARIE. U-129 F18 MAr,lMPTir,r,mt A baths. Mme. I'lttVJ 1'CI l-Smlth, 118 N. 16. 2 fir.. R. 2. U-M944 FX WHAT'S nicer than accordion pleating? We do nothing but the finest, (loldmun Pleating Co., 200 Douglas block. U 809 WATER'S PRINTING CO., 1212 Douglas St. U-810 BAVE MONEY by buying from the manu facturers'. Burkley Envelope Co., Omaha. U-690 F12X BEJ BOLT Why didn't you meet me at Columbia Phonograph company last night? I waited 'till half past 9. Buy, their free concerts are grand, and I bought a doien X. P. 60c records for Ifks each. Peggy From Paris. U M137 ARCHIBALD Must have your xrure be fore you leave. Don't fail to : r me at Proctor's, 616 8. 16th. Sunday Ltitmoon. We can get 15 beautiful cabins', uhotos for $3 00. KIoIbb. U 163 pantokiumc-s; lVI. 9fi3. Dyeing 15th. U-M541 ANY party leaving the city Intending to store their piano can dispose of use of the same during their absence. Best care will be taken of the Instrument Address ' B 67, Bee office. U 623 INFORMATION wanted concerning Elea nora Cotterlll, whether alive or dead, who lit I'lKe county, pa.. September, 1889, and went to Toronto, 'Canada: compensation. John J. Halllgan, 815 West 61th St.. New York City. , U-9S7 3x JACK 13th, 19th received, land. Send help. Write. Nothing Ash HELEN. U-M109 6x WIDOWER (39). two children, and $SO.O00 seeks wife and good mother. C 73. Bee U MHO 6x BILLY Am next to a good thing; meet me st Stoecker's cigar store this evening and we'll smoke a 6o Monogram and I'll "Olp" it off to you. Frank. U M136 TO deliver property of value, information is desired of the relatives and heirs of Ro mulus Norwood, who formerly lived on Staten Island and died In Boston In 1902. - Address 91. Bee. U Mill 6x HELLO! SUSTE! You just ought to try Bally the Dentist next time 7011 want dentistry. He is Just fine and don't hurt a bit U 130 t YOUNG widower, In moderate circum stances, would correspond with view to matrimony; must be good housekeeper, refined and fairly well educated. Address C 68, Bee office. U-M243 7x WRITE me a letter and re'leve the wearl ress of a lone bachelor tnd stranger In . town who would like the acquaintance of tm educated lady of refinement. D 70, Bee office. U-M244 7x MEDICAL. LADIES: Chichester's English Pennyroyal Pills are the best Bafe, reliable. Take no other. Send 4c, stamps, for particulars. "Relief for Ladles," in letter, by return mall. Ask our druggist. Chlchestsr Chemical Co.. Philadelphia. Pa. HOMEOPATHIC modlclues. wholesale, re tell. Sherman A McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. 811 CO LONCO CURES CATARRH. -812 PRIVATE Sanitarium for ladles before and during confinement. Dr. and Mrs. Oerisck,' 3:25 California st. Terms reasonable. -813 GET your medicines at CONTE'S new drug store In WEST FARNAM DIS TRICT. 31ST AND FARNAM STB. -M896 Fl DR. PRIES treats successfully all diseases and irregularities of women from any cause; experienced and reliable. J 513 Dodge St., Arlington block, Cmaha. -814 PRIVATE hospital during confinement; babies adopted. Mrs. Gardois, 2231 Ijike. Tel. Red-1884. 4U5 PRIVATE home diirlng-conflnement; babies adopted. The Bood Samaritan Sanitarium. 728 1st. ave., Council Bluffs, la. 626 PRIVATE hospital before and during flnement. Mrs. Fisher, 2616 8. 11. Tel. oon 1889. 816 MAGNET PILE At druggists, $1. KILLER. IT CURES. 817 MONEY TO L6AN-CHATTELS. MONEY TO LOAN EASY PAYMENT PLAN Ycu can pay us as you wish. In small weekly or monthly paymanla, and each 1-uyment so made reduces the cost of the ton. Our rates are as low as any and a gieat oeal lower than some. We loan on furniture, ' pianos, hor.es, wagons, etc., the property always remain ing In your possession. We also ioau to " SALARIED PEOPLE upon their own agreement to lepay." Our facilities are the iest for Wlr'lCK service and our office motto la ' to please our 'TlMAHA MORTGAGE 119 Board of Trade Bldg. Established 18i.) LOAN CO., "Sel. 2296. 808 8. 16th St. X-818 THE STAR LOAN CO. $44 Paxton building, Is the lecognlsed bank of the reliable wage earner and salaried employe; largest business in all western cities on account of our easy payments, low rates and courtesies extended. X 826 MONEY LOANED ON -FURNITURE. PIANOS. LIVE STOCK, SALARIES, ETC. Low rates and easy terms. Business confidential. Try us If you want to save money. PHOENIX CREDIT CO., 633 Paxton Block, 16th and Farnam Rts. MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, jew elry, horass, tows., sic C. F. Reed. $19 S. Uta. X-S MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS, CHATTEIi. sslary and Jewelry loans. Folr, I,oan Co.. R. 8. Barker Block. . PRIVATE money to loan on furniture. rt Enry rates. 215 Karbach Blk Tel H- 4 FOR BALK, shoemaker's outfit; will tnlt half cash, balance one year's tl"r Ad dress X 39. Hre. 'xMl!4,ifT MONEY TO LOAN-REAL ESTATE. FARM and city loans, low rstes. W. H. Thomas, First Nat l Bank Bldg. TM ;r.!S.. W-Kri PRIVATE money. Bherwood, 7 N. Y. I.l'e. W-31 4 TO 6 P. C. money. Bemls, Paxton block W-8:'3 PRIVATE money. F. D. Wead, 153) Douglas V Ml WANTED, city loans and warrants. V. Farnam Smith A Co., 1320 Farnam Ft. W-8 ,"i 5 per cent loans. Garvin Bros., 1604 Furnnm. W !6 WANTED, real estate loans and warrants. R. C. -Peters A Co., Bee Bldg. W-83S MONEY TO LOAN-Payne Investment Co. W-8.t7 S per rent farm loans. R. C. Farnam. Patterson, 1224 When You Write to Advertisers remember it only takes an extra stroke or two of tne pen to mention the fact that you saw the sd in The Bee. LOST. LOfAT, a blue R. R. credential book, 04RS3; name on Blips. "Harvey Myers." Kindly return to Bee office. Iist-M114 6x LOST Coasting 26th and Dwev t-ventie Tuesday night, Isabel fox loa; reward if returned to 212 South 25.h street. Tel. 8138. L-j3t-.M146 4x LOST Bata fraternity stlrk pin with set tings. Suitable reward If returned to 1105 Park ave. Lost M144 5x DANCING ACADEMY. CHAMBERS' New Academy. 2424 Farnam. Adult begiDners, Mondays and Saturdays. 8 p. m ; assemblies. Wedensdays, 8:30 p. m. ; children beginners, Wednesday. 4 p. m.; Saturdays, i p. m.; advanced. Satur days only, 4 p. mi 'Phone, F-1871; res., A-1871. 773 If you dance! attend Morand's Wed. assem- I n m It d.,n't ilamv 1 1 1 i M h TiiAlai and Frl. class, 8 p. m. Bpeclnl attention to -beginners; lady assistants; private lessons dally. Call 16th and Harney or Tel. 1041. MH77-F-K' WANTED TO BORROW. WANTED TO BORROW. $5,000 on 3,700 acres of farming and timber lands In southern Missouri; all within four miles of new railroad, will pay good interest. In return for privileges rf paying off part of principal every six months. Borrower owns 8.0110 rtcres of similar land which is selling for from $5 to $10 per acre. Address C JO Bee. -MHS4 4 COSTIMES. Theatrical and masq. Llebcn, 1018 FarnHm. -799. LEICHMAN. L21S3. MASQ., 2822 Fan am. Td. M121 F1S FLORISTS. HESS A 8WOBODA, 1416 Farnam. 800 L. HENDERSON, florist 1619 Farnam 8U m VPHOLSTERING. Peterson A Lundberg, nt 8- 17th. Tel. L-2A38, H--t read! 0T 'ne HEED! 4IM6 S. Uth. SUCCEED! TeL 1604 GOVERNMENT NOTICES. OFFICE CONSTRUCTING QUARTER moster, Cheyenne, Wyo., Feb. 3. 194 - 8ealed proposals, In triplicate, subject to the usual, conditions, will be received at this office until 2 o'clock, p. m., March 3, 1904, and then opened in the presence of bidders, for the construction of about 16,600 feet of 8-Inch sewer The said sewer to run jom Fort D. A. R jr. sell, Wyo., to anil connect with the sewer yst-in in the city of heyenne, Wyo. Fu.l li.fvr-natiou, blank firms, plans a.d ete: men tions furnished on application to this office; also to the office of the chief quartermaster. Chicago, Lcnver, Omaha, sni the office of t.e Engineering News, New York City. Ur.lted States reserves the right to accept or reject any or all blcli or any part thereof, a'nvekpes containing bids should be endowed ''Proposal for sewer at Fort D. Rustel', Wyo.," and addressed ts Captain W. S. Scott, Quar termatter, V. S. A., in charge of construc tion, Cheyenne, Wyo. F3 4-5-6-M1-2 m FORT RILEY, Kan., Feb. 3, 1904,-Sealed proposals in triplicate will he received here until 11 a. m. March 3, 1904, for con struction of one Guardhouse, rne Band Barracks, one Farrier's Shop, one Ordnance Storehouse, one Swimming Pool, alterations In five Artillery Stables and conetructlon of Locaers for Artillery L'rxs. Ia format Ion furnished on rpllca"on bere, also at ofllces of Depot Quartermaster, Chicago. III., St. Louis, Mo., Omaha, eb. and Denver, Colo. U. 8. reaerves the figs-, to reject any or all bide or any part thereof. Envelopes to be endorsed: " Pro posals for eonstructlon and alteration of PuS.'lo MullJ.-r.gs." and addressed Captain O. O. CrotJ, f onstnictlng Quartermaster. F3 4 6 6 Ml snd ?M IF.GAL NOTICES. ' NOTICE. Sealed bids will be received t the office of the secretary of state up until 12 o'clock noon "f the ::th day of February. 1904, for one 5x8 Triplex Power Force pump, also one Skinner enclosed self-luhrlcHtfon 1"0-horse-power engine, R0 pounds vessure. from feo to 8tX revolutions per mln.itf, for the penitentiary, said pump and engine to be installed ready for operation. GEO. W. MARSH. Secretary of Board. . .I31i)lt-m NOTICE OF STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING Notice Is hereby Riven that the regular annual meeting of the stockholders of thn South Platte Iand company will be held nt the office of said company In Lincoln. Ne braska, at 11 o'clock 3. in. on the 2d day of March, A. D. 1904. By order of the board of directors. C. H. MORRILL, President. ' A. B. MINOR, Secretary. Lincoln. Neb.. Jan. 30. 1904. FldlOxm OCEAN STEAMERS. .KOLUND-AMERICA LINE. I.w Tvia-Iorsw Stxaiws ( :t0 Tans. MEW YUHk HOrTSKLiAM. l BUU LOONS. lUUlUf Twdiy. mt It . Si. tlatardrU rib. DjKoltsriUm Vir. a Slatudtsi fb. B Nooldw Mar. 21 Aawtrritiia Mar I'Sutsndam ......Mr. U Steerage only. 'Freight only. HOLLAND-AMEklCA LIN1. at Drarbora St., Cf cmo III.; Harry Moor. 1M1 trarnaia St.; e. Ratfcariari. UM rsraaa k J. . a.jtnolili. tut WOMAN RESISTS ROBBERS Cashier la Chleags Saves Greater Part at Mosrr by Pres. eaea ( Mlad. CHICAGO, Feb. $ -While a doien terri fied waitresses In a woman's remain ai.t at 163 Michigan avenue, shircked snd fled from the leveled revolvers of two holdup men. Miss N. E. Sumner, the cashier, resisted the efforts of a third thief tc open the cash register. Only when she hsd been struck several times snd a revolver pressed against her head did the cashier givs up. The delay caused by her struHffU frightened the trio end the? fled sftel seising only the money In the register, amounting to about $90. Over $300 in bllli had been placed on the desk nearby, but had been swept to the floor by Miss Sumner, where It was found after the robbery. Sr Miss Sumner notified ths police of II. robbery by telephons and when thsy arrived she was assisting In caring for several of ths girls who were hysterical from fright. . lip