Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 03, 1904, Page 5, Image 5

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Inttr-Sta'.a Trsa Touiotr Cpm in a Fierc
Fr-.hrr'7 Ga a.
Ood Urorri Impossible, bat Ileollr
Flae Work Don to Get the
Marks Set Doiri for
Moe Etri(a.
Two good-sized stoves and ths unlimited
amount of eathunkassa. tad good fcllowfh?!,
together with one or two InrM-ntals. servfd
to make taa first day of the Interstate
hooting tournament a decidedly warm oc
casion. In spite of the fact of a piercing
cold wind which kf the mercury hovr
lot; around the sero mark all day and the
participants In the tourney hopping; about
constantly upon their awn and each other's
feet to keep from frwstng.
And not only did the cold wind Interfere
with the bodily comfort of tb hooters,
but It was altogether reaponsibls for the
low sccrea that were the .rule. As the
traps and (rounds are arranged the wind
was dlrect:y In the faces and eyes of the
men, which mads the Bight of the birds
etremely erratic, so that wtuta the scores
are to erery Imrtsneo lower than the In
dividual might have made under more fa
vorable condition, they still brought cut
some better ahoottns than would have
otherwise been the case. The general at
tendanc of sportsmen Is a surprise to even
the moot sangvlne of the men having the
meet In chart, and while the number
here Is already larger than was antici
pated, still others are known to be com'
Ing to participate In the events of the last
of tha week.
Only Eveata Flalahed.
Owing to the difficulty In getting the
men Into line and away from the stove
only nine of the thirteen events planned
to be shot oS yesterday were finished. The
shooters were divided Into teams of Are
men e'ach and each man had a chance at
150 clays. All that many or the contest
ants got out of the events was experience
and a good appetite, for, as will he seen
by a peruaal of the score, almost half of
the birds sailed away Into space' without
being so much as dusted. But the gun
k tiers took their ralsae In good part and
. Indulged In much good-natured chaffing
MCh other's expense.
Among the mora notable of the shots
present waa Russell Kilns of Spirit Lake,
la., who Is one of tha best trap shooters
of his state, and who sustained his reputa
tlon yesterday by carrying oft the first
prists. William Veach of Falls City took
second money, while the relative standing
of the rest of the contestants Is shown
by the appended score,
The program for today consists of six
events In too forenoon, four at fifteen
tHckeyblrd targets and two at twenty,
Tha entrance fee hi the former Is $188 snd
In tha latter 2, with S10 added In each !n
stance. In the afternoon three events
will be shot and tha money win be divided
between the ftor highest guns. " In the
target team race each contestant la to
shoot at fifty targets for tho T. I Comba
trophy, a . beautiful fiver cup worth 150.
Only n-en living In Nebraska, Iowa, Mis
souri and Kansas will be allowed to shoot
for this trophy, and the winner will be
subject to a challenge by any Interstate
hooter who will put-up $& against the cup.
Tha chief Interest to the uninitiated Is In
the content booked for Friday, which will
be shot at live birds.
cores Made Taeaday,
Following ar Tuesday's scores:
of last vesr's American association: w II
llam A kern of Louisville snd Harry .
McNeeiry anil Oenrge Vllleman, with Colo
rado Springs iat year. Second baae. Frank
Miller, formerly with Milwaukee, and
Oeorce Kill of the Millionaire. Third bnee,
N. A. KahL formerly with Kanaaa City,
and A. C. Granville, formerly of the Mil
li'inalroe. Bliortstop. 'Buck'1 Francka of
the old team. Outfield, U O. J'oet if the
Illinois Inriepeneent league. K. J. Waldron
of Kansas City and Harry Swaclna, S li
Kam Consalion and Harry Lumley. all of
Colorado fiprlr.g-a.
Mr. HuriiH aio conflrma the sale of Cap
tain William Everitt, Harry Newmeyer End
Burt Joaes to the Denver club. The Mil
lionaires will report for practice on March
21. An arrangement hue been entered Into
with President Ibrt of the Oi1-no !
tional league for practice work here with
hla team, beginning on that date.
Favorites Plvlded the Iloaors , with
Onaldere Wliala Lost Three
Races oa the Card.
LOS AVOFLEB. Cal.. Feb. 1 Favorites
divided honors with outsiders at Ascot to
day, winning; tne lan inree races on in
card, old Rio C'hlco repented his victory
of yeatrtlay. at the oiida of 4 to 1 Results:
first race, nve-eignins oi a mile, vein ig:
Matrons won, Halite second, Ben
Hey wood third. Time: l:Ok;i.
Second race, seven-elr htha of a mile.
selling: Rio C'hlco won, Athel Rose second.
Ftivs third. Time: i:z.
Third race, one mile: Bala won. Golden
Mineral second, Columbia Olrl third. Time:
Fourth race, one mile art seventy yams,
selllns;: Best Man won. Oreenock second.
Loyal B. third. Time: !:.
Fifth race, one mile, selling: n.vawier
won. Blr Hugh second, Jim naie intra.
Time: 1:ZM.
club, Broohlvn. In twenty-six Innings, mak
ing an average of 11 14-H. The htar
man's play waa remarkably fast and ac
curate, hla beet run being In tlte third In
ning. From beginning to end t'onklln out-
S laved his npjioTient. who only scored
ouble figures in One Inning, the fifteenth,
when he msde 12. Results:
' C'onklln Total. 5"; high runs. T S4, V;
average, 11 14-3S. To wnsend Total. .3;
high run, 22; average, i 29-2V.
Gaaa Ralas Fever raajabnaeat on
Ward's Jaw aad Only Two
Rooada Are Boaa,ht. .
Tear and Half Old Child F ayi hi Tire and
Loses Li fa,
Mother Leave Hooae Few Miaotes
to Attract s Bnsloeaa Matter
ad the 4 Aerlteat
rFTROTT, Feb. '.-Jos Gana, the light
weight champion, tonight demonstrated bis
superiority over Mike Ward of Barma,
tnl . the lightweight champion o CsiihAa,
In so decided a manner that the
stopped the at the expiration of to
and one-half minutes of the tenth round.
Ward waa iiist able to stagger about the
ring and another of the punches f?ana hud
been raining on his Jnw would have put
him out. Ward was so badly oeaten that
It took his aeconds over an hour to thor
oughly revive him, after he waa led to
his corner. There were 3,0"0 persons In
Light Guard armory when tha bout was
Chief Thiaka Ke Serlewa Evlla Eatat
at Fire Eaciit Heee
5a. 1.
Acting Lieutenant Oliver Morrell of en
gine company No. L at Fourteenth and
Harney streets, asserts that drunkenness of
PAM FRANCISCO. Feb. I. Results at I pertain firemen and apparent Indifference pitiful baby fashion a few minutes before
During the short absence of Mrs. l
Baughman. HI North Twenty-fifth avenue.
about 1 o'clock yesterday afternoon, her
Utile daughter Lillian, 1 year and ( months
old, was fatally burned, and her son Vernon,
I years old, received slight burns about the
bead. Mrs. Bmighma n-'s left hand and arm
wr painfully burned trying to extinguish
the flames which enveloped her daughter.
Mrs. Baughman had stepped out to a
nearby telephone to Inquire about some
work she had to do, and after being gone
CHARGE I but a ,ew minutes returned to find her
Uirant daughter and son outside of the
bouse, the girl wrapped In flames and the
boy suffering from slight Injuries sustained
from contact with his sister. The mother
screamed, attracting the attention of a
neighbor, Mrs. Morton, who carried the
children Into her home and summoned
Dr. J. C. Davis. .The little girl lived four
hours, and asked for a drink of water In
First race, futurity course), purse: noi-
anus won, Gene Handlan second. Red Bird
third: Time: i:u.
Herond race, seven furlongs. selling:
Albemarl won. Otitlmo second. Lady Wads-
worth third. Time: 1:17.
Third race, one mile and seventy varos,
selling: O. W. Trahern won, Mr. Dingle
second. Can lea thira. Time: i:a.
Fourth race. . six furlongs. Handicap:
Araho won. Ken II worth second, Bchwalbe
third: Time: !:'.
Fifth race, three-quarters oi a miie:
Ebonv won. Floe. Manala second. Creole
Jim third. Time: 1:28.
Blxth race, one mile, selling: wiimo won.
Ada N. second, Chileno third. Time:
NEW ORLEANS, Feb. J. Keeuits:
First race, six furlongs: Puellst won.
Tvphonle second, Ralph Toung third.
Second ' race, one mile, selling: McWll
llnma won. Burning Glass second. Levia
than third. Time: i:4.
Third race, five furlongs:. Scorpio won,
Btdducee second. Roue third. Time: 1:U64.
Fourth race, nanoivap, ei iun", i"-
on the part of Captain Sullivan are respon
sible for his desire for an investigation.
The matter has been placed In tha hands
of Fire and Police Commissioners Mcllugh
and Thomas for investigation, as the
charges were filed direct with the boa rd.
Chief Salter says ha knew no such action
was going to be taken by Lieutenant Wor
rell and deems It Strang a that the com
plaint was not made to him first. As the
affair haa been carried over his hesd he In
tends to keep out of the embrogllo.
Morrell Is disinclined to talk about the
charges, saying ha prefers to reserve his
statements for the investigating commit
tee. For three years, he says, or since he
has been st station No. 1. considerable
drunkenness haa marred the discipline of
the house. He feels, also, that complaints
made by himself to Chief Salter have not
been given proper consideration.
Morrell has been with the department
she died, being conscious to the last. The
boy's Injuries are In no way serious, his
curly locks being burned to a crisp and
his cheeks slightly scarred. Mrs. Baugh
man's left hand and arm are In a aling and
give her considerable pain.
The little boy told hla mother when aha
returned home that hla sister had been
playing with the fire In a Jack stove and
had ignited some paper. As soon aa tha
girl was afire the boy grabbed his sister
and waa Just outside when the mother re
Mr. Baughman Is a motorman on the
Walnut Hill street car line. He and Mrs.
Baughman have been separated for some
time. The father was at the, home shortly
after the sad accident.
Tork won. Over Again second, Partlenns tweve years and for tha last several
thFifih TLceV ieUlng. one and five-eighths months has been acting as lieutenant for
miles: Compass won. F.llxa Dillon second, engine company No. 1.
Banta Teresa third. Time: 2:B2H. Chief Salter said: "I do not believe there
and would hear of any serious lack of dls-
LEAGUES REACH AGREEMENTS clpime because of Its public location. I
have the greatest confidence In Captain
Facile Coast People Promise to Be
a pert the Contracts of tha
Other Kraaraea.
SAN FRANCISCO, Feb. I A provisional
agreement has been reached between rep
resentatives of the Pacific Coast Base Ball
Sullivan. Lieutenant Morrell Is an excel
lent fire fighter, but I do not think he
knows how to handle men. He Is quick
tempered and Inclined to make a great deal
out of little things.'
Lieutenant Morrell went to Mayor Moores
with the cbsrges before he filed them with
the board, which he was Instructed to do
I.UU1 snd the two major leagues. A con
ference, participated in tet we-n Ban Jonn- y the mayor Tn8 utter 8ayg tnat poll- rather an heroic task
a Hart representing the National tics may have caused some lll-feellng "The secret of the Christian life la a vlc-
e. and F.dward Hanlon. representing l among the men at station No. 1. but does I tory over self.
Much laterrat Shovrn by Peblle la
Series of Colon Revival
Considerable Interest Is being mani
fested In the series of federated meetings
now In progress at the First Baptist
church. I p. m., and the Hanscom Park
Methodist Episcopal church, 7:46 p. m.
The third evening session was marked
by a large" attendance last evening. Rev.
Henry Ostrotn chose for his text, Matthew,
xvl, 14: ' "Then said Jesus unto Hla dis
ciples, if any man wtll come after me, let
him deny himself and take op his cross and
follow me."
"The denial of self la not easy, but
said the speaker.
8elf is, as Phillips Brooks
Overcome by undergoing." In all
son, representing
the minor leagues association, (Jt f not attribute this kind of a motive to Mor-
Foie Bert, representing the local league, rell In the filing of the present charges. It walks. In all spheres, the old self Is con-
on ine omer nue, ww - i wu rumuttu wwncu niicuum aw i roiBu (lnua-iix iiiraniDf , iiPciT, ft no. on limes,
"Sr-..Hi. ..f mCT.te- stated that no Ml but th, th "tenant denies. Just when we have gained the victory, our
nia,.r. who had made contracts with Pa-I I elfish nature comes to the surface. It
oxv.n LntmrmA a claim for Rube Wad-
dell, but It was shown that he had signed I notice tha Boys Waa Want t a Coaa-
with Connie Maca ana ao io-u 1
1: l.-a.-l.'S. . 7. 8. . Tot
Retl '. U U li U 11 18 14 14 16-131
Tlmberlaka ........ t 11 15 14 14 17 14 IS 17-124
Solvers 1115 17 I 11 17 15 14 14 18)
Anderson 14 12 14 14 17 U 11 15 125
l.lndcrmnn 7 17 W II U 10... 10ft
Vrankforter 11 11
Burmel.-ter 11 11 1 11 IS 10 17-112
Hinahaw 12 15 10 14 1 15 11 -11S
Kline 14 11 19 11 U 18 14 14 2(1-135
llurnsldis Jl 12 U 13 12 14 1 11 17-111
Saxton 7 7 14 14 14 17 U 11 la-lll
Lord I 11(1111 1 11 12 17-118
fcllro .....10 10 18 16 11 18 13 10 Jrv-127
Campbell ...14 It II 11 14 17 12 1.1 14-1M
Bumham It 10 14 16 14 1 14 10 14-1.
Bpats 1 15 11 13 17 11 13 90
Slarkey 13 9 17 12 U 16 11 10 17-118
Maxwell It 1 18 11 18 15 14 12 14-11
Wlnkflwltch 7 12 11 11 17 11 11 11 100
liolson 14 11 IS 11 11 14 10 .. 98
Cox 11 U 1 It 14 1 11 11 19-lW
MeWhaney 10 U 17 12 15 18 12 14 18127
Mann 13 IS 17 8 12 11 11 IS 14-115
I lauielson 12 14 I W 10 14 14 17 lot
( urcv 18 8 16 12 15 14 11 IS IS 1.1
P.ogers 11 It 14 12 IS It II It 1816
Towiiacnd 14 1! 14 11 11 14 13 11 ls-125
Carter 14 14 14 12 l' 14 U 14 1 1.
Ixiwns 11 12 18 11 13 II 80
HlUn I 12 18 U 15 10 11 U 1 117
Johnson 11 14 Jl It 17 71
C.oodwin 10 It 10 1 II 14 .. .: .. 65
Vetu h 12 II II 12 15 18 11 14 1-1M
Cunningham 12 12 14 13 11 li 15 ! 14-1 IS
Zim 114 18 li 14 12 11 18 1
lttt'cheller ......... 10 14 11 8 11 It 10 16 Kit
Stafford ......... ...11 II 11 14 14 17 It 14 18128
Waddinrton ..10 10 14 11 14 14 It 14 10-in m it it i us ii it ip-ku
Chroeder II 10 17 II 12 IS 11 1 18121
27 11 U 11 10 12 14 70
Goodrich 11 I U 10 10.. ., .. .. 48
Ford 14 13 17 I 11 11 11 11 18114
Peck 4 7 16 10 14 V 1 14 88
Arnold 10 17 14 It 17 14 li 17-124
Burney 12 f 17 11 11 14 14 IS 14-1 SO
Taylor 8 11 14 11 11 II tf IS 1-127
Crahaa 11 II 18 11 11 18 11 11 18122
Bills I 14 14 11 IS II .., .. . n
Tooser t 11 17 8 16 16 74
..II 11 14 10 12 15 M 1Q.13-11S
..12 10 M 88
..10 14 14 11 14 18 11 12 19 U
19 12 14 17 IS 14 .. M
.... wlS 10 14 U 55
13 19 23
; 17 11 14 42
11 t U 14 14 10 , 76
... .. ,. M .. ., 11 ,. 24
U 15 10- 44
11 .. 1ft- 20
clfte coast clubs for next season would be j X",yCJ pQf NAVAL ACADEMY " unpleasant thought to think that ws
may go inrnugn. lire Dovna io sen.
Rev. Ostrom urged his hearers to come
out of the bondage of self and enter the
broad fields of Christian service.
John P. Hlllls and the -choir furnished
Inspiring music. lendlnsT much to the ef
fectiveness of the service. '
An after meeting waa held, at which time
an opportunity was given for ( those who
wished to enter a better life to express
money from him rjerore rnnmnn h-b-tls
ted for his services. .
The 'Pacine coast magnates said they
would not think of accepting the terma of
the national sgreement unless their league
wss put In a elasa with tha two bg leagues.
The Pacific Coast league people agreed to
respect the contracts oi mnrr irnsura.
pete for Mr. Hitchcock's
Moon .......
Ptmpeoa ....
Thienks ...
lrlsbat-h .
M f rell ....
Brown .....
Milvraak, K as a aa a City aad Laala
vllle Drawn for ema
COIiORADO 8PR1NOU. Colo.. Feb. 1
(SpeelaJ TVleeTara.) President T. F. Burns
of the MllllonarieS today announced the
personnel of this team for the coming
season aa follows:
Cati'hrr. Tom M'asltt. last year with
Kansas City, ativt t,."iiila Baerwald. for
merly with I vr. Vllrhers, Parry Coons
w : v. . . , v, phipf eoncewdon made.
Before the anreement win oecotne nmu
It will have to be passed upon by ths Na
tional Base Ball association for its ratifi
cation. The board will not meet for two
weeks yet.
On Belleck's.slleys hurt evening the Clsrk-
sons won two out of three games played
with the Netlonais. The score:
1st. 2d. td. Totsl.
Fncll 214 215
Francisco 2:1 1W
Oarkson 151 ISO
Conrad 11 Zl
Marble 174 S4fi
OMAHA, Feb. t-To the Editor of The
Bee: Will you, sir, permit me through
the columns of The Bee to say to all the
ays Interested In the matter, that the
boys who have already received appoint-1 themselves and a service of special help
to those who expressed themselves aa de
sirous of such closed the session.
ments for the naval cadetahlp in the gift
of Senator Millard wilt not be allowed to
compete In the approaching examination
for the cadetshlp tn the gift of Mr. Hitch
cock. I do not know that the boys who
received the appointment of first and sec
ond alternates from Senator Millard lavs
any Intention at all of trying for the first
1 r n f m fn 4h MMinA AT 4TMr1
place' In the gift of Mr. Hitchcock. But COAL DEALERS MEET TODAY
evidently word has been sent to Mr. Hltcn- I i
A Wonderful Ckaaare.
Weak, sickly invalids srs soon changed
by Electric Bitters into healthy men and
women. They cure or ' no pay, 50c For
sale by Kuhn ac Co.
Totals 963
1st. 2d.
Trace? 21 :
Ahmneison 1TI
Gterda 194
Sprague is
CUaudUr 214
1.063 1,032 l.CHI
Aaaneiatlon Kmbraelasr Iowa mmd Se-
kraika Holda Aaasal Coaveatloa
t Crrlarhton Hall.
id. Total.
cock that they do Intend to compete. As
thla matter lies wholly In the determine
tlon of Mr. Hitchcock, It Is only fair to
all concerned, to announce' before ths day
comes, that only those boys will be al
lowed to compete who are wholly depend
ent upon merit for the winning of any
appointment. Those who are already in
line for admission to the, naval academy
through the personal influence of friends.
Mr. Hitchcock thinks, should stand upon
tha election they have made, aa the other
!( nlsht on the Western alleys the 1 boys of the district are obliged' to stand uiorlitlnn and It la dcalnxt. In f
Rliu-k Kats defeated the Stevens at Smith I ani.Lr mmn thalr marlia. It la not neoea- I the Important Issues which confront the
team three straight games. Score: I . t . u h.t . I coal dealers at the present time, that we
Totals 170 988 904 .85
Tonight the Omahar snd St. Charles meet
on the same aueys.
Ths mld-wlnter meeting of. the Iowa
and Nebraska Coal Dealers' association
begins today. The meetings will be held
In Crelghfon hall. The circular announc
ing the meeting states: .
It is deemed expedient to hold a mid
winter meeting of all coal dealers doing
business In the territory covered by this
aid In planning a campaign of earnest
Htft ...
Sutton .
tk'hmela ...
Hxmblet ..
Lefholts ..
Champion .
1st. 2d. Id. Total.
. 197 157 149 51
, 134 19 1H4 47
. V 22 t"3 (74
. If 175 lsl 514
.159 160 20 620
.'tot mtm aVt t.u
4k SMITH. '
1st. 3d. Sd. Total.
. r: isi 128 4is
. L 163 1M 4S0
. 164 17 127 442
. 142 119 172 . 434
. Ibi 1S1 ITS 614
Tri "?6o 7a ins
Id Total In1'6" ul1 n'rlor accord with tha effort to do away with the aggravating
149 &'i I position- taken by Mr. Hitchcock. -4 evil H "short weights," which Is destroy-
1H4 47 I JOHN WILLIAMS. I ,n posslhllltles of sucoess and render-
harkey Wlna Boat.
BOSTON. Ffb. 2. Tom Sharkey won la
the wreatllng bout with John Plening be
fore the Criterion Athletic club tonight.
The match waa for a percentage ana a
side wager of Sl,0(. Ptonlng contracted to
throw Sharkey three times within an
hour. Fteiilng got the first fall In sixteen
minutes snd the second In thirty-four min
utes, but failed to get the third. .
Play for Billiard CkaaaploBablp.
NEW YORK. Feb. 1 Two games of 20)
poll) fa each fourteen-lnch balkllne, for tha
amateur billiard rhamplonehlp of America,
waa played this afternoon and evening at
the Leidt rkrans club la New York. Coaries
F. Conklln if Chicago tuade a splendid
showing in the evening game, as he won
out from Arthur Townaend of the Hanover
Swollen glands, tumors, white aweUinp;, aorea, pustular
or scaly skin eruptions, flabby muscles, brittle bones, weak,
digestion, emaciated, illy-nouriahed bodies, are some of the
well-known earmarks of Scrofula. Scrofula is inherited.
Parents too closely related by the ties of blood, or tainted
with consumption or blood poison, may look for signs of
Scrofula in their children. The middle-aged often have it. .
but children are the chief sufferers. Scrofula breaks down
the Vital forces, end the blood Cleveland, Ohis, Angnat 11.190S.
becomes SO weak and poor that X Inharitod Scrofula from my paretta, and thla
. -.;ci, . ijv xoaana, of soars, weak, loui blood and a rua-
lt does not nounsa Ihe DOdy. oowi7,bUatieonditioaothesystin. Ibava
The remedy in all Scrofulous been under treatment of pkf aiuiana lor quit a
. a . . V -,-,., of nuri period a different times, but their treatment did
aSections must be one thai pun- ao m uie the good s. . s. oid last
fiea the diseased blood, builds winter when I took it. It promotes appetite and
Generally Fair for Nebraska, with
Cnntlaned Cold In Inwn aad
WASHINGTON, Feb. .Forecast:
For Nebraska Centrally fair Wednesday
and Thursday. .
For Iijva and Missouri Fab; continued
cold Wednesday. Thursday, fair.
For Indiana and Illinois Fair; continued
cold Wednesday. Thursday, fresh west to
porthwest winds.
For Colorado Fair Wednesday; colder In
northern portion. Thursday, fair.
For Wyoming Fair Wednesday; colder la
southeast port lop. Thursday, fair.
Loral Record.
OMAHA, Feb. 1. Official record of tem
perature and precipitation compared with
the correeponalng day of the last three
HOI. 19H3. IdOl 1901.
Maximum temperature.... ii 2 t Jl
Minimum tomieralure.... 108 21
Mean temperature... 19 19 24
r-reclpltatlon uu .00 .do T
Record of temperature and precipitation
at umaha for tnia day ami alnce March l,
Normal temperature 23 I
Deuclencr for the flay 4
Total excess alnce March 1 74 I
"Normal precipitation el inch
Lvftcleocy for the day .02 lock
rreulpli&Uon since Marcn 1 sz.M inches
Lw since March 1 1.9? Inches I nin Urfi... k .,.,.
rw,i..iu. . - iiri ,,.y. I DU" mevune has received a mesaags from
ien;tncy lor cor. penou, usa.... .( inches I - ic mi in
Ing the business absolutely unprofitable.
The opening session will be called jto
order promptly at 10:30. A banquet by
the Omaha coal dealers will be tendered
tha visitors tonight i
Sidney M. DeVries, financial representa
tive of the Denver A Northwestern Fuel
oompanjr of Denver, Is m the city In ths
Interest of thst. company, to attend the
meeting of the coal dealers. Mr. DeVries
Is especially enthusiastic over the outlook
for coal production in Routt county, Colo.
and predicts great things for It, He said
Wa are now operating tn twelve and
slxteen-lnch veins of a fine quality of
bituminous coal near the Denver aV North
western railway line, ths Moffat road that
will permit us to enter this territory in
competition with the Maitland and Rock
Springs, coals, to the advantage ,of con.,
sumers' In this section of ths country. Ws
have a Held there that la exhaustless and
which comprises six different veins. It
Is but U0 miles from Denver.
That Asrfal Colo,
And Its terrible cough can soon be cured
by Dr. King's New Discovery for Con
sumption. Try it. No euro, no pay. tVk,
11.00. For sals by Kuhn & Co.
arta. Bis Oldest Daachter, Dies at
Ipakaat front Appendicitis.
lLsMal. Jk.
i .. t . a -rw
: U- "V
t? , ... H
snsaosr-..ViJ. 4sWfW't'va rfsj naMissMa
" 4 ,ba4 i 4 kA i
You see them everywhere the signal of. en
joyment and satisfaction that shines brightly
from the face of every Cremo Smoker 5c
Largest Seller in the VJorld.
Th Hand is the Smoker's Protection.
Reports frosa Station at TP. M.
i ,C -li i;-.. sueoosa aa a remedy for avcrofula. it nii mora io
ergr and strength to U lil s -ttaafctttinXhavss.d.and withrisssura
forces, ria tueulCine can won I eemmena it. sKmCio. iaiuio vwAa.
up the weak diction, increases iillBvl
.the appetite atlT rive new en- to twin azoeunt blood puiiiW- it uAtin
; eommeui It.
so much fame as a blood purifier
as S. S. S., and its tonic effects npon the system art not equaled by any
outer remcay. li rasxes vne weak, taintea ukkki iku
and pure, and drives out of the circulation all tuber
cular deposits and morbid matter that cause) the gland
ular swelling, sores, abscesses, tumors and other horrible
symptoms that make Scrofula so dreaded and dangerous.
it 3 5
i 5 ; j s
t : : S t
: :? :
Omaha, clear
Valentine, clear
North fiatte. clear
Ctie)nne, cloudy
Rait Lke City, cloudy
Rapid city, clear
Huron, clear
UiUioti, cloudy
Chit-ago, clear
Pi. lx.ula, clsar... ...... ..........
St. Paul, ctaax
Davenport, clear
Kanaa City, clear.;
Havre, cloudy...
Helena., cloudy
hl.mmrrk. cloudy
Oaivostoa, part cloudy..........
ui .o
H -0"
4 .(O
) .00
14i .01
4 T
12 T
2 .to
2W T
4 .00 1
41 .
remains of than tatter's daughter. M
Charles VT. Thorpe, win pass through
Omaha at 1:10 Thursday .afternoon, and
that they will be buried at Rochester, Bun
day. Ths message Is dsted at Bherldan.
Mrs Charles tV. Thorpe, who died as ths
result of an operation for appendicitis n
a hospital at Spokane, was said to have
been ths favortts daughter of Buffalo BllL
Mrs. Thorpe was married In Denver on
New Tears day to Dr. Charles W. Thorp.
The ceremony was perormed at tha
residence of her aunt, ' Mrs. Mary Cody
SeoMe Ade's Idea .0
New YorK
nTHE first of a NbW series oi
for February
(now selling) contains
x 12 Short Stories
( air by noted writers.
80 Illustrations
by the best artista in America.
"Portfolio of Beauty
Eight Beautiful Reproductions given
free with a year's subscription at the reg
ular price of $1.50. Give your order to
any newsdealer or send direct to publisher.
A 3 .5 -cent Magazine for 15 cent
(D 51) r. h. RTjsssi.Lt ruBiispaa, 3 w. iqth sr., ir. t.
articles by George Ade to
appear in the Metropolitan during
1904. Other strong features in
the February issue are:
Mrs. TKistleton's Princess M
by Anthony Hop
Futuro of tHe Automobile "
by Arthur N. Jervfs
Confessions of a Wall Street -Private
Secretary" .
by Jane Wad t
ksl Etak, Eto.
U at
m 1
Bradford, 2914 I-aayette street. Rev.
J. H. Houghton ofnclatliiaT.
The weddins; waa kept so quiet that the
people realdlna; In the same house did not
know It bad occurred until about a week
afterward. Colonel Cody went to Denver
to attend tha ceremony and accompanied
the bridal party as far ss Cheyenne on the
weddins; trip to Spokane, where the
husband had .located a few months
previously to take up the practice of his
At the time of her marriage Mra. Thorpe
was the widow of C. C. Boa! of Chicago,
who died about two years ago. She was
a most bhautlful woman and la said to
have Loan a great favorite In society. She
waa about S3 years of age. Mrs. Thorpe
leaves ons daughter, who is attending
school at Wolfs Hall In Denver. ,
The mother of Mr. Boal died soon after
her son. As sha left no heir, her
son having been the only child, there wi.a
soma question as to whether Mrs. Thorpe
would Inherit her property or not, which
was quits valuable. An effort Will now be
mads to secure It for ths daughter, who
is now attending school.
"XJj" fir
tui 44 .W
For your own protection when buying
WAT ft iOM tt
Our Vacant List
There ere only sis rooms vacant In ths entire building, but It happens
that among them aye some of the most desirable, if you see what yuj
warn, can ngnt away or it may be rented before you get around
lu so
laiav-naht la from! of tka
vuw aa Dm uua Suor; tv.d4 luto vaitkug
rooai a4 srlTai isic; fe.-uib. h.
Sulla aul: Tula la a mmm. w oaVa as th UlrS
uot. It MM af a wattles ruorm. t pr.
ax a Wtatorr ar oi hm. aa4 ana
au a lars. Ira ruof null: Um auaifc, la
trnaoeS la karS mma4 wl k tiltuu
trum the bra4 oarrl4or anma4 tha tuu t
tru j w
Surta. TaM la alaa oa tha tbira . n.i
ouauia at a Ura wlg roast aaa a lar
lata lv
ka lrl
U baa
rlrats oBVa UiSta4 mi
tha sons kKU aa Kurk nti4 kr plllicUu
M intllKU Thla la tha soli hiu mi
kiiU fiuM. rvloa 44 m
B, C. PETEK8 A CO., Rental Agents. Ground Floor.' Res piiHding
Uoam tit: Tkla oHoa ts Hue aa4 la Ionia
aloMA la trool of th tvur, oa ih 1 bird 1 .
Soar. Taia la aaa of (ka f-w tiuiLrr ottic. ;
facing Ik south h la fiu Had la aari uua
U. lU'liaa iL Soar Pn t;u o-i -
kuorn 1: Tkla oaVaa li lsit axl k i,
coacaolatit to tka loU.r. II aatrsura ini
alavaa uaaoalta 10 tk. U-lor ur It (kir
Iba aoU ai. la a tarf e nOurlai,ki mM' tutk
la iiat al wiatar Pru '
Kooai Tku ofRra I ll,xU. n U m 2
mir la k buli4lk a.i,l fa,lu tin
euun Tha rueai alii ba naw i, eaoarat4; a. a
ruinHcs watar. Any ona arairli.g aa ufflca at
aMMiTai reut aruk all tka a4aau. of Niu, . '
la Iba Seat uSrt hulidiug la tlmaba. ak.
all at eoaa. ITIta t...t,i
Writ us fully about your case. Medical advice will cost yon nothing. '
. T Indicates trao of ix'ecipltatloa.
' lllvilCMlee beOW WT.
Ask for It by th full name.
, ' ; : i u . . i
1 A. VYaXfU, Forseaotar.