Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 03, 1904, Image 1

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    The Omaha Daily Bee.
OPENED BY THE KLNGl' m'e huwbert
i i . . .
Eiia DttwIm ix d Hart Iba Apptansot ef
tit 07 al Prmesioa.
rei-i,erf, It vela ui Enelt Colon Coat-art
with Lobst cf Ltjidktcrb
Trkn t pee A Mkma QtntlM. Par
tuirri MluiU aad Allaire
Army i: e i. hat Avoid
Ailaslea te lrelaad.
I.OXDOX, Feb. 1 Kirjt Edward lma
Faruatrrent today with an tb cvreToor.lal
tht fen been ia vogue sine hi twwocn
to O.e throe. None of tb familiar out
door features were lacking, but tbe weather
cc)itxtui, however, mere too awlng
to permit of so i rtiUuiiuB. Euly In
the day occurred the tliwe-bcnered search-t.-g
cf the vault cf P.ciK of Partia
rr.nt for conspirator, and later came the
crcvr4. .rJer a feret cf umbrella, al
ways mjit for anything is th way of
pageantry, but tbetr rack were thlaned
by tb tr c".e-cnt weather. Ia tbe passage
cf the royal prooeetd.m tirade tb tnxp
l;r root Imrj Buckingham palace to St.
et.hi. there was ae iiejeelry tetredueed,
r4 the fffrt u sadly marred by tbe
drenched appearance cf tbe cortege. Half
a doeea rtat carriage with tbe autre.
preceded the ornate coach of state, drawn
by eirht c-e-i m colored Hanoverian horses.
ard tenrlnf tbe kir.g and raeL The
proceasieei ws surreunoed by tbe usual
ilnue of N-jerle. outriders. 3 eonsen ef
the guard, exercising their ancient rtjht
to be in close attendance ttpn tbe aover-e'-gn.
sd an escort of household cavalry.
Tbe prince arid princess of Wales bad a
small rrrtioii ot tbir crvo from Marl-
Kill Edward Beada Pp.
After enlerlTiB the Hcum of Lorfla br
th. royal rte beneath tbe Victoria ter.
tbrJr mairtle irtre rtb-a acl. preceded
hy tbe mate retraita. ml In procfafUua
to tbe rhaa.bT w he-re t be lorle bad aa--sitiled
to bear the klrc' eerh.
Many perirtwuea were preaent and tbHr
f fathers. Jewels and bright dreaa. arfh the
Tan-colored robe of the lesrlMators of tbe
crrer banse. and the brCnact d.'pknnatSr
vrJforasa. combined ta saake ap aa ef
fective, aceee.
Ambaasadnr Cboate waa confined V Us
bouse by a alight cold aad was unable
te attend, so tbe CaJ'.ed Sis tea e jraesy
waa represented by Secretary White aad
Senond Secretary Carter.
Oa tbe arrhra ef the members af the
Hous ef Coanmons Kins; Edward rrad tbe
aneecli froca the throne.
TombL'ur aa the Alaska dertajoa. the'
fclnar'a . speech &aid that oa sme neirts
the eerCkt was fat-cratl. to the Rr!tJh
etaims and ee otbera It ad been adrerm.
Bora aa tVm last dmunatance waa ta be
deplored, tt most uetei tbleaa. be a matter
for conaxatulatloa that tbe miaueVrstacd.
Inge, In which atxleat boondasy treatlea.
made la lpncrit.oe cf rencraphlcal facta,
are so fertile, have ta this case been
finally removed from tbe field ef
coatj oieisy.
Crisis la Par Caat.
The criels ta the far east is toocred apoa.
brlrfty. lo the king's speech, as felloes:
J have aratched with coacem tbe courea
of the eK-rftlatkeis between tb gave u
reeris of Jikii ard Rnarla regard
1 their reejectlve tntereets Iw Ctilna tori
Ccvea. ard a dteturhartce of the peace In
throe rowtoc could net hnt have der-'irahle
r4fqwtirea ACT etance which rT
P'reraeM can useftil'y render trwarf
the pr--aar.rinn of a pacific salutica a 111
be sr'edir afforded
Another point of tatereet te t he t'aited
Stitee was a referencs ta cotton as fol
ic ws:
The rns-ufB-Hetw-y of the supply ef raw
. itrtil. upnn Sikh tba treat oortoa In
tiirT of tht uctrv dopeede. baa In
et.)id ae with ep coaoera. I trnst the
erTrta bt-ina acarie in rartnua part of mv
eenctire to InrreiAve the area of cuittvation
vnr b artcsded with a aarce measare of
apeera asakee the atsual reference te
the satisfactory character of foreiga rela
tions, toactdrg aa tbe ccej cloa of Aag
Preoch arbitraxian agra. sat ats being; a
hppy rtustratka of tbe frVodty feelirig
af tbe tare countries. aad refers to tbe
"nainand erprdlttoa ard ta tbe kfare
orialiB reforma. rapreamt-g tbe bope that
the -prectlca! meajqire f-r tbe ameliora
tien, ae sorely needed of these unhappy
regtna." will be carried out daring the
prefect ret p't la the dlsrarbanoea. .
lrelaad mt Meattaaed.
!? aaeatimed the "politlral aolarlaa which
with the wurrenr 't the Cbtneea roe
cntaaent ka entered Thltvtaa territory ta
eeder lo aw-ure due ebafrvanca t coovan
tk'na. )1r. tbal a Cilneae oVlal bad
sea WH-oicbed rrora Fir.g te meat tbe
puwion. and e;reet4ng trust thai aa ar
ea ngem-M would he rc-acbed to poaoefully
remote the constant source of friction.
The speech ouorludce with the warming
that . although fa artrmsna have area
framed srlth ta atmnet deal re for srvaoair,
tbe burdca impoeed by tbe ncmasiilia f
iiaval and military defenas Is aaoutedly
aervHjs.'" aad he mentions soaae of the aro
!rd daarei4tc ieaisiauaa. as all may fvre-
caated la tbear dispatches. !Ca
ef legielatioa cnncmusi lrelaad waa
twined la the king's speech.
At (be coacloaioa f the ceeesnnay ia the
lif-ae of Irri their majeilea returned te
the talate and the membra cf tba Ileus
.f OeiHxau ref.t.ired ta their eaa house
and aiij,.nid at t o'clock.
w be-a the H(n4e ef Ceauneta aatembed
later for bueineaa tba house was crowded
aul I here au great axilszatlna. ta stnkiitg
.trast with the luDewuiv geaeraXy
rtarsx-a-rlrlrg the ieulng ef a seasioa.
J er CfcamherlalB was arscJy chewed
kf tne bulk of tbe cwajveraaUvas as he en
tered and toi i seat Ixie ue gaagway.
Tbe etbr rllimtiur) Vsadcrs were ao
ndrd bearty rror;tiuns by their feileers.
The aecretary ef state for bona affairs.
Vli Akrrs-lKt;claaa. ta the ataeaca af Fre
tjmt balfour, leaatecarUy aaajawd tbe da
txs cf leader uf the knue.
Tbe scuver axl aecococr cf the address
lb rep'y to tb sixeck frvaa tae tarone. re
fvred 1ih aaustaction ta ths aeUlemeat
ef tS) Alaska dispute x4 pad tribute te
th way a&e anrd a as reoaited by Canada
"Laureace Heot-ferd toer.arrvadvei. a be
asevad tbe address ai.'ueed ta. said that
nar was tfcreeiei.lsa' a i-aat area af Ute
far east." and that he would trust the
r- iti goreromeat to oe its atmat te
.litaia peace.
f r Henry "jtia ytr!l-B nurau. the lib-
tCi ' Is ot a gkflccst Psfne
i -ne
- 4
rUaatiltrf ( frU
Bean ry f Krta
Feamale rraaa,
k FeK t Tbe appearanre
- "bereaa Huxabert before tb
tbe rvr-
lii V tmreiewcin appnicted to fcrea
ticfc V nihrrt affair care another op
portt. din ly of ber tbeatriral
taknt. eed ber treltmoey by de-t-iarinir
eot aa adi-er.tureaa, but
hced Ll .nmiwiriB to bebera that ate
waa only an urfortcnate woman.
Maw. Humbert maJe "acie tnstnuattrma
araJnrt cuiriejrova official, eayinif
tba Uter ahe woald prodooe donanerta
to aupport ber rhara- and derlared that
a-'tne t f ber ttxmt teiportaxt papera d.a
apjeared while tbey were tn tbe enrtody
cf U minister of JurJce, M. TaDe. notably
a paper bearing tbe name of X. VaTle
Th waa the only paper bearlad bla cam
and aba omild not replace It.
Kaaa. Hutnbert will be arahl birnrht
ta ber pron at a later date and will
be permitted to preaent tbe papera -
he claims will aubnaatlate ber aHta
Brltlak Cereraaeit laaaea Ctrralar
Ot-rlmg Hlatary Cae laralr.
laa; Aaaerlraa Tvrrltary.
LNTXi-V. Feb. I. A white fa per Oln
the facta rerpectir.f the Alarkaa boundary.
teririslnc with the lata Lord 6alibury"i
propoaal. July 1. isa. to robmlt tbe
queetk.n. torether wlti tbe award of tbe
tribunal and tbe reaaooa f tt yiegnetit
of tbe tvmi a il aioiwra. waa pnhliabed today.
The content are alre&dy h let cry. Tbe
paper c4oaea with a letter from Clifford
Fiftem. Canadian minlFter of the Interior,
wbo waa aat of Great Brmaa tn the
Alaakaa bpandary qoertloa. to Lord
tawadowne, dated October a. IHBi. -preeslnc
appreclatjon of tbe work of all
tkoaa wbo were aaoclated with him tn
preaertJr the BrttJah cam. to which Lord
laimlrjwne replied October M. erprearics
the kinj'e approrai of tbe abfUty and seal
wtta which the British tstereata bad been
Geraaar aad Bra all Delr ta Have
Blkr terleslutir Aawatated
ay Pape.
ROME. Feb. 2. It aeeina nt and more
likely that tbe poi a "111 meet the wishes
cf tbe Braxlllan rorernsiect by rreatb
the arcLttixhop of Rio Jaseira a cardinal.
the poctllT remarklt ta thia eonsjectjoa
that Brarll oootalas orer TVJK,a catboHca.
It is further asaerted that Emperor WTll
lam of Qcrmasy baa also expressed a
deire to have aaotber German cardinal,
aa Germany now only kaa twa. Cardlaals
Fischer and Kopp. while tbe empire con
tains Xt.xa catholics, or Ons ram
thaa Spain, which has five cardlnala.
Mlaiatry af Aarrtenltnra at Tiesss
Pats Trspywfy "Trent felt tea ss
Strata trasa Arareaitaa.
VIENNA, Feb. I-Tbe Viaistry ef Ag
rlmlture today tassed aa order Breblblttng
tbe importation of beef from Argentine
and tbe forty carloads of Argentine beef
expected here tomorrow must be re
turned to the shippers- Tbe government
vs aadtary reasons aa tbe causa far
thia action. Tbe prohibition Is aaid to te
ciUy temporary, pending aa Investigation
of tba condltloB under srhki tbe aatiat nas
exported from Argentine.
Parts Aatkeritle Cable Sew Tark
Paltee ta Waleh far Preaek
Waaaasi Wke Dtsapawwred.
PARIS. Pen. t Tbe (oiice authcriues
here kavs cabled Ute police authorities af
Xew fork requiring them to watch the
steamers arrivlnc there tee a warns a named
Latsarus. a broker rc Jewels. For years
past Mane. Lavtaarua baa traded la Jewels
wrth the Paradaa dealers, bat she disap
peared a few days ago. leering, tt is
tbongnt. for tbe United States aad It ta
new alleged that aha awea MO.; here.
I ta T areata
erhk Tacrasrr
Beateace af Sis Meats.
TORONTO. Ott Fen. I William Brown,
abas A. E. Stewart, who aa Prince AJthro.
baM Btmrl Cv-modrna married Ccj"eut!
RuseeiP ef Ltocdcai asd was aj-rrarted bare
oa charge of tafranf)'. waa today Ben
tenoed to eta monttsa tn Jail. Tb ti.arr
ef theft was dreppad.
BBaaortaT Sews tram Camssaader at
the Geraaaa Gaaktai ta fteelkweet
Afrtce Beatardlasj Blerei
FERIJ-V Feb. t A cablearram baa beea
recetied nera from the coaunaaeer ef the
Germe-a gunboat Habkist. Ust reported at
Swakopmucd. German Southwest Africa.
sa-ir the Hereroa trlbeamen have abaa
doned tb siege of OOamhtngwe.
Aaserteaus Artillery Cornea It
aAKTlAOO. Cuba. Feb. t-The raited
Siataa transport aVuxaner sailed from bare
today with tbe Seventeenth and Nine
teenth aarterVe cf artillery. A battery of
Cahaa artillery, trained by Asaericaa on
cers at Haiaia. arrived her Sunday from
Punt Gieda X eeremoay attended tb
transfer ef aatkartty. altkough the Cahaa
offtrtalB had prepared aa elaborate func-Uv-a.
ra Ceadtttea Pneerekle.
UOXrON. Feb. 1-Preaaier Balfour's at
tack af laSuensa is folios tag Its normal
eaurse. Bs will be onah.e I attend tb
reassomblirg of ParliaaBeat A kUleUa Is
sued by hi physician aay Mr. Balfoar
risl a fair night, that bla temperature ia
lower and that tber are a eompbeatfon.
w ill net L-t OBeer Bteelsra.
PEKING. Fee. 1 Aa imperial edict
sawued today refuses to great tbe request
mart by ant Kal for lernuasion to resign
his position oa the amy hoard aad order
him to eoBlinu bis eSsrta to Bscrsas tbe
eaV4ency of ta army, with the ee-ojere-Ooa
of Prince Cnlng.
Earsseaa aaadraa Car w e4.
COXSTANTy.'OPLE, Pen. I-Tfee Vnited
Staua E jropejaa aaadraa kft Bsyivot ts-
lot yk Wast listen .
Wi3 Tak Drwia Kearcnt Aaixrt CcrUia
of lit Pre at.
HlaUler af Jaetkre Caared wtta tbe
rreaaratlaa af a Beware ta
faaiah Critic, af taa ba.'
FAB1&. Feib. PrmW rnnbia aj
bounoed at a aseetins of tbe council of '
na&lrtera today tie Intention ol taaiac
dracUc in aa rare atalnat certain prelatea
f jr addreaaiiut tbreaietiita- lettera to Frwa
dect Loubet. crltlciKinc tbe propoeed law
farther reetrlctmc uachlnc by aarmbers
cf tae reiisioua bodiea.
Altbonfh m namea were neotlocked. it la
well nndemofd that tba prelate referred
to are Cardinal Ricbard. arcbbiabtp of
Parle: Cardinal Lasrecieux. art hW ah op of
Rbwmt, and Cardinal CoulUe. arcbhtabop
of Lyons, as they recently addreaeed- let
ters of V v est ard erltidirm ta kt Lovbet-
K. Combes also laformed Ms coIlea-ae
of tie Intention to r.fer tbe letters to tba
council cf mate, aad made knowa tbe fact
that tbe BilciPtr of Justice bad been
charred with the preparatloii of a law
ffiaklr.e; the code applicable ta
prelstes wbo puMlcly protert acarnrt or
erttk-iee the acta af tbe rwmiMTt
Reverted tkat Treeps Are ta Paaamn
Territory oa tat Bias feast
an the letkiaea.
PAX11IA. Pen. I. A repeat baa reaefced
the Irthrnn that tbe Colombian troops are
fighting with the Indian on tbe Ran Blsa
coast, wttlrh is tn Panamalaa territory. It
Is tmpowible to obtain reliable confirma
tion of thla
Tbe Bancroft was to have sailed today
from Colon to Boras del Torn, bat tbe
orders were countermanded at tbe last
moment because of the report of fightlng,
A letter was received here errae time are
from Captlan Torres, commanding tbe
Pax.amar.ian tionps st Chebo (on tbe south
side of the isihxnur and directly south of
the San Plas country) saving be bad de
rided to cross over to ibe Atlantic aide
There Is a possibility that tbs Indians are
fiafctlr.g with. Captiaa Torres' commtrd.
mistaking tbem for Colombians.
Jrw Come to A erica-
8T. PETERSBTTK5. Feb. I A spatcb
froea Gomel, gpvemaent of M.-arfclliev says
Jewish ejinigTatlon to America la steadily
lncreejAEig. Artisaa as weil aa wealthy
Hebrew beusehekders are learinaj. Three
hundred bar Just dec-arted.
raer Revokes Prfrlaaaattea :
larlaaT Marttal Law ta Cripple
Creek District.
CRIPPLE CREEK. Cxdo, Pen. t-Gov-caer
Peabedy today revoked cia erdcr ct
Decembar S. Ust. preclaitatr saarttal saw
tn Tejcr evuaty. itiiitary etiwuBtrSer
Cerdatkbexr iaeaed a proclamation sa
noenctng that "peace ard goad order is
bring fully restored and It fas been shown
that the clrC authorities are aki and
willing to control the eltustioo, to perfom.
their legal runctlorjs and to enforce tbe
Is atnonnced that a detachment of
tbe National Guard will remain here for
a time, but "will act la support of and
in Mbord!ta.toi to tbe legally constituted
civil sutbfjriuea.
All lbs priaaoera tn tb bull -pen were
delivered to tbe civil authorities today.
John at. Glover, former congressman from
Missouri, was arraigned ia tbe district
court on a charge of having attempted to
kill Sergeants tUttemore and' Smith oa
December 3 last. He pleaded not y
and waa released under a aae bond.
Sherman Parker, a leader c tbe Western
Federation of Miners, wbo has been re
peatedly rearrested by tb military after
furnitbing bonda (n tbe various charges
fled against him. waa also teloaaed on
bonds. Parker and several otbera of the
leaders, wbo are stl ia Jail, were charred
by tb anQtary with having caused tbe
Vindicator mine explosion, by which two
men were killed, aad with having ptottsl
to wreck a train on the Florence A Crl;!
Creek railroad.
Tbe misdemeanor cases against Adjutant
General Sherman M. ReU. Brigadier Gen
eral John Chase, Colonel Edward Terdeck.
berg and MiK ' Thomas TL MoClellaad.
charged with f alee imprisonment, were set
for trial oa Tueaday next.
!' Kealaeky Ul er Is Killed ky
Jeslsai H safes ad at Las.
wDle Hotel.
IVmSVILLE. Ky, Feb. 1-Jaase K.
Shrader, a ivminent yoang lawyer wbo
bad Just ootr.pleted a term a assistant
commonwealth attorney, died today at the
bwpital from the effects of a bullet wound
InCined by W. E. Neai of Onenstor.
Ky. The trouble arose. It Is said, ever
a ns!4cion which Neai entertained as ot
P header's relations with Mrs. Neai.
Tbe shooting eriirred tn tbe Capitol hotel,
a here Neai found Sbrader talking te the
bartender. Neei. it Is said, wrthevt speak
ing a word t Ehrader. drew a revolver
and opened fir. Shrader started to run
wben he saw th ptstoL Tb first sbc.j
aoissed Slander and i.asatd close to several
gneata of tbe hotel wbo were sdrtrng at a
table writing. The seounJ shot s track
NeaTs victim ta the arm aad tb third en
tered bis back. Shrader fell bekiad tbs
desk tn the office and several bystanders
attempted to disarm Neai aa he waa prepar
ing te Ere again. He was throe a against
the glass parritiaa la the bar room, break
ing the glass and severely cutting his hand.
H tor himself free and daabed out at tb
door, only to rua Into tb arms of aa ofo
onr. NaaXs father is a wealthy farmer
and waa at an tim a state aenatur.
Sc. teals aan kaarta Salt Bar Maaey
Previa rd ta Brtfee Cane,
tT. LOITS. Fek. X. Taa suit were tl
In tba circuit court today by Heu-y Nlce
laua. a St. Lot-is capttallsi. through artor
aeys, t secur tbe return of the now
famous CJw aubuxtiaa fund that has
beea held tor sosw Cm by Circuit Attor
acy Polk aa cvldenc against certaia Baasa
bera of the St. Usuis muntcisal aaaemUy
who were rha-ged with batd-lr? la
tioa with francbias leriaiatlua desired by
tb Sphere a Euertrir Street Raiieay rots
paay. It w staled that tbe anoaey ami
tna lly teeart ta tea arhant fund.
Reaart taa Bwll leader ta fa t3a aa
Taeatiaa fMwrta Break, la that
NEW TORK. Feb. I What was heBeved
to be tbe long-predicted culmtnatipa of th
recent bull sprcolail'w In ootton came tn
today's market, which aftr epenirg pa-er.
a rentarkahly 3d4en snd violent, drop ia
1 rices came ia tbe afterrxoTi. The scene
or the Htnr cf the excSavnre were tbe wild
est seen In yearn and al values melled
away the brokers seemed frantic to sell.
Just before th derllae a report was cir
culated that Itaaiel J. Sully had cabled hi
Liverpool ccvrwrprnfienla that be bad swd
oat his holdings and was gc4ng away oc a
vacation. This report waa received with
oredetioe owlag to tb large settlements
said to have been made vita bis firm last
evecii.ig by several bear bouse.
Mr. Sully said today. -It h true I am
going away on a vacation fee' two weeks.
I think I have earned a reel.'"
As tb new spread that CferJel Sully had
decided to take a vacation every man wbo
owned a contract for denrery cf cotton
seemed desirous to eeil. In less than aa
hour Ui May opdoa fen a cent and a quar
ter a pound.
Tb fall was cherked an hour after ft
began by leueaed bull support. Tbeee pur
chases caused a Quick rally cf from
points, and tber th snarket steadied after
probably tbe most exciting hour's trading
tbe New York Cotton exchange had ever
known. The market rinsed steady with the
active month about 'ST3 points up from
tbe bottom. The day's sales were estimated
at :..( bales. .
NEW ORI-EANS. Feb. I The repeated
warnings and proxheaiea cf traders came
true today and tb cotton market sbowd
a eeri'S of rharp breaks, the last and most
sever of which lowered prke almost 1W
points, or a cent under the (losing prlc
of yesterday.
X'clik tb two other memorable breaks
cf tbs see son. tbe rroxnp waa unatttnded
with moch excitement A moderate vol
ume of trade had been ah own all day with
the largest antonnt i't business coming
from room trackra and outride scalper.
All of a sudden the entire ring was flooded
with selling oidexs and price commenced
a mad chase downward. Tbey dropped i
and 1( points at a time, under th press are.
What neak longs there were In the market
quickly let go and added to tLe volume
cf selling orders.
Some few stop loss orders were reported
and thrown upon tbe market, but almost
a quickly as it waa applied tiie pressure
was removed and prke shewed a qukk
recovery of buying orders. Early fa the
day It was the belief that tbe market would
be manipulated far a wide break before
tbe day was over and many broker cdnaed
consumers to keep out of the market.
Nearly all brokers asked Sit a bale mar
gin, a bile some asked tU. At all times th
market appeared ta be tn full control of
tbe lor.g side.
Leaders Gather ta Talk Oter the
Area a as as its tee tke la.
ttenal Ceaeeatlen.
ST. LOtli Feb. . -Pursuant to call tb
committee on arranaf ata tnr the democ
ratte astlreiil eartrsuoB, eonsistieg ef
members of the democratie national con
Ttntlon. met faar at the Southern hotel
today, with ail Ibe membera preeent ex
cept John R. McLean of Ohio. Those In
aaesdanos ar Semaior Jamea K. Jocea.
Arkaasaa.' charrman. ex-officio; William J.
Stone, Missouri, vice chairman, ex-offkio;
J. M. Gufley. Peunrylvanla; IX J. Ca-npau.
Michigan: Norman K. Mack, New York;
J. G. Johnson. Kansas: J. M. Head. Ten
neaeee; John P. Osbume, Wyommg, and C,
A. Walsh of Iowa.
The committee will probably be In seawaa
two days, perfecting arrangemecta for the
cccver.tlon. looking over th plans of the
local committees and providing for tbe
allotment of rickets. A visit to tbs Cuhs
eum. where th convention la to be held.
al3 be made today.
A committee from the Basinrs Men's
leag-oe. composed of Charles IL HutUg.
Charles M. Knapp. John Schroers and Wil
liam P. Saunders, met with the committee
aad explained the preparations that had
been made, especially in regard to hotel
rates. The assnranoe was given that there
would be u advance in the rates now tn
The committee, under tbe eaoort of th
gesiUesnen from tbe Business Men's league,
devoted tb nest of the afternoon to a
close personal inspection of in Coliseam.
acquainting themstJve fully with the ar
rangement of the building and tbe plaxs
for preparing It for the convention.
The committee unanimously adopted a
resuluUoa expressing satiFfactlon with th
arrangements made by the lai ooaoraittes
relative te hotel axcmunodatine and tb
rates to be charged.
The reeoturion, which waa offered by
Senator Stone, f"ltoc:
Resolved, That the propnsjtion submitted
by Mr. C. W. Knapp- chairman ef tbe
1'icai betel cnacmlttee. relative lo rates and
dktee, la considered reefiBKlile awnd is en
t.relr saaffactcev to tfcw ownmltlee and. 1n
its ooluion. will be satisfactory to the
Laarajeet Day's Sales la History af Sew
Tark: K aches are Pealare af
Yesterday' Baslaess. .
NEW YORK. Feb. t-Becord breaking
artlvlty. oouaed with onRlderatle excite
ment developed in tbe ooffee market today.
After oprnlag at an advance of it points
to a decline of It points the market was
hammered down by th persistent selling
of tmparurrs ur.til stop crdec were rose bed
Th selling augmented by th liquidation
of a long interest had apparently becosn
somewhat erer-extended during the ad
vance of P oeat tn the last few months.
The market closed steady at a net decline
of from a) t S points (about a cent a
pound), with sales reported of Ke.M bag,
this lepreaenting th largest day's baslneas
ia tbe hirtcry of tbe exchange.
llllaets Blsa aa Trial r Baralag
Blare ta see eve Heavy la-
PEOR1A, m, Feb. t-Carter and Ben
jamin Jacobs, iiropneter of a clothing
store here, ar on trial la th circuit court
her charged with constracy te defraud
the Insurance compar.lea After opening
sp ber they aacund a stock alleged t be
worth a ua only, oa which they took out
1.1. insurance. Tbey had beea opened
but a month wheat tbe store burned, late
at right. The men aer arrested Imme
diately Ther Is alas aa indictment for ersoa
against thesa. Not a Juror has tea
i aiv,l eccoia Kaa beta
sLcCtrtij't kaidci Efort ia Eouas Eaasa
07 Ekid ci Trfararj.
RIPS IT COURT or claiks DEasioi
emater MHUrd latradaee a Bill
Prevldlaa far a .ttaeadam Bead
tram Pwrt Creek ta
tPYora a Staff CorrtiTi-rit)
WASHINGTON. Feb. r tPperial Tele-gram-e
Rej.reeevU-e McCarthy tdy
killed a WI1 that has been trooping through
the halls of corrreer many year. Mr Mc
Carthy had so tntrran whatsoever in the
bill. His attention nas called to It through
a circular letter sent to all representative
tn corurress and signed by a former dftn
ocratic sergeant -at -arms of the renate. Mr.
McCarthy tboaght It but right to 1-xik into
the Mil for th relief cf tbe oor.tract-ir
or his lexral representatives for tb con
stroctioa of the Lght draft monitor EUah.
Mr. Payne, chairman of th committet
oa ways aad mean, requested Mr MrCar
thy to examine the law p'tfnt connected
with this bill, wbkh tbe corigTesejnaa d.d,
to such satisfaction to th leader of tbe
bouse and others looking to boDert laclsla
tion that the MU failed of passage be
fore Mr. McCarthy's attack. He showed
that tbe measure bad been vetoed twioe,
once by Mr. Cleveland and once by Mr.
Harrison. That tbe supreme ccnirt had
also been In opposition to its allowance.
But particularly be showed that tbe re
ceipt fnr the conrtrartion of tbe EUah had
beea grrea by its constructors way back
la tb Forty-eighth cor free. Tbe 1411
was sent to tbe cotrt of claims and Bpon
th finding of facts as appropriation was
aked amounting to nearly t. je.Ole to re
compTiK the constructors. Mr. McCarthy
attacked the findings of the court of
claims and so suocessful was he In his
presentation of tbe law points that the
bouse stood with bins when th vote was
taken. Representative McCarthy waa mas
ter of himself and his subject in his
Initial appearance before the house and
was accorded dose attention by tbuee ehose
commendation Is worth having. The bill
was introduoed by Mr. Berth old of Mis
souri. Macadam Bead ta Fart Creak.
Senator Millard nas been closely watch
ing legislation particularly with a view of
brtr-ging about closer relation srlth Fort
Crook and Omaha. He has had a number
of ideas In his mind that would bring th
fort nearer la metropolis of Nebraska, but
whenever he woald endeavor to get th
government Interested In doing its share of
tbe work In making a great highway be
tween Fort Crook and tb county line he
always met with objection. Recently a Hil
vas passed tn the senate ivthorizing a
macadam road Ave miles long between Pen-
sacola and the national cemetery tn Florida-
It was Senator Millard's opportunity. A
precedeci- had been ertab'iahed and today
the senator introduced a hffl providing for
an appropriation ef PB. w ta macadamise
a Bxteea-loot roadway from Port Crook
to tbe limit of South Omaha at a point
directly epposit th sec them terminus af
Thirteenth street tn Omaha. In this coa
necrjQS tt may not he out of place to say
that unless Port Crook ta brought nearer
to Omaha that both officers, and men lo
cated there wfl protest against Port Crook
as a military assignment. Officers who
come t Washington are not enamored
with the plaoe. Tbey say that the railroad
facilities' ar wholly Inadequate t meet the
desire cf officers and men. and that unless
closer communication Is brought about
through aut railway service cr conces
sions made by tbe railroads that Pesrt
Crook win broom one ef the least deeir
abl assignments In tbe country.
Senator Millard oday .ntrfjdoced a bfll
providing for as appropriation cf l3.(W for
a public building at Wayne, Neb.
Bepresentativ Kinkaid today reeoan
mended the appointment of C. P. Hick te
be postmaster at Wellsfleet, la place of R.
Blckxell. resigned.
Two additional rural route were t rdered
established March 1 at Wyoming. Jones
county. Ia.: routes embrace sn area of
forty-one square miles, containing a pop
ulation of HI.
E J. SuUivao aad wife of Omaha are at
tbe Raleigh.
Governor Charles X. Herried and wtf
ef South Dakota are at New Wniard.
Pelk'a Apelleatlea far SaeetaJ Vraire
ta Try Alleged Brlker
ta Overrated.
FULTON. Ms. Feb. 1 When Ju3r
Grave convened court today the work of
securing a Jury to' try Cekjre! Edward
Butler ef St. Loul on a rhjerr that be
paid H7d brihe. sneney to nineteen Ben-
hr of the house ef dVlesrates to aecurs
the passage of a dty hcrntlng bill la le,
waa hes-oa.
The BDOUoa of Circuit Attorney Polk for
a spe-Tlal verire having ta overruled, tbe
regular panel Is being drawn on. As en
yeelerday the court room was crcsided
with a curious crcwd.
Tfce selection ef tb Jtrry tvei but a
short time, the twetv men cboses from
amoaa: tb twenty-four veniremen beir-g
mostry farmer Circuit Attorney Polk
read tbe Indictment and then brief r stated
tbe state's aase, calling attention to th
existence of a combine tn the St. Luis
bouse of deieeratrs for tlS purpose .f
dicta ting and eentrelllrx legislation, of
the efforts scade to see a re the passage
cf tb city lighting bin ef 1S and ef
tb allered negotiations between Ibe de
fendants and John K. Marre-n. chairman cf
the he-use combine.
Mr. Folk staled that he thought al the
lesthnory tor the state Wbtild te la te
for tomorrow veeJr:g. The defne will
reguire not mar than a day. It la be
lieved, sad the case win go te lbs Jury
some time Thursday dgfet or pridsy morn
ing. Edward 8 Jeffries, deputy clerk ia the
St. Louit circuit court cf St. LmuIs was
tbs first witness. Hs certified ta th a'eo
lion of th members erf the house ef dele
rates oa April U. I. City Registrar
P. R. FlttglbboiiS testified regarding th
official oaths taken by, t he member four
ars ago.
Mate i iety af law aad ladastry
Adeet Beeelatteaa at ll Aaaaal
" hleettaat ta Teseaa.
TOPEKA. Kml, Feb. I The State So
ciety of Labor and Industry at lta ara-ial
sneetlng today adopted a reeoiutioa oon-
aemnlng D. M Parry, preaidesit of the
National Maaufactnrers and Eref4cyers' association-
Aa effort aa made ta hav the
rvsolutloo include the member of the as
soctatloa, bat after muck d.scatsdja the was vwcsd acwa.
Oeaesally air w edaesday aad 1 hs radar.
Team ae rat are at Omaka lesterdayt
Hear. Dev. Hear. Peg.
K a. w a i p. a "
a. as 7 Sa. ss I
Ta. sa B las It
S a. m 4 4 a. sa IS
a. ss -t hp. sa 14
! a. a A da. mm IS
11 a, aa fa. ss IS
IS sa. T s.m 13
P- ss 1
Texas f eeeera Headed ky Jeha It.
Klrky Gees t Wall. Carrylag
Oil Ceaspaar.
HOrSTON. Tex.. Feb. Z-R F. Bocser.
the personal representative ef John H.
Kirby. and N. W. McLend cf St. Iovis
have beec appotnted ttanperary receavera cf
tbe Kirty L-umbtr ctmpcy. one ef the
larrest corporations of the kind la the
southwest. F. A lueicbardt. cashier cf the
Flantrrs and Merchants' National bank of
this city, of which John H, Ktrbr is presi
deot ax,d Thocnas H. Frsnkhn cf Sea An
tctJo have been appointed temporary re
otiifr of the Houston Oil company.
Judge Btt: of the federal court for ths
so-lbem district of Texas will bead aa ap
plication on February IT to make these ap
ptrfntmente permanent.
Shortly before noon today a small run
was rtaned cn fhe Planters aad Merchants'
National bank. Cerhier Rekhardt with his
assistant told all check of depositor wbo
demanded their money.
Palat Werfcer Avoid Trewfele la ChU
esusa ky LeitlaaT Ew pie fees
Fix Waare.
CHICAGO. Feb. I Elimination of busi
ness ajrertts and other union officer in
deliberations between employer and employe
for readjustment of wage. It claimedT ha
averted a genera strike and lockout of
Il20 member of th Paint Workers' union
in Chicago. Instead of dealing with tb
labor leaders tbe fropAeters ef the paint
factories of the city member of the Na
tional Palat Manufacturer' association
submitted their case ts Juries cf twelve
actual working rien from each rhop. A
tentative agreement practically tatlefac
lory t both tade ha been submitted to
the' Manufacturers' ssscv-iatlon by tbe
anion, based upon reports made by the
various shop committees. The agreement,
with a few rr.Inor change. It is aaid. will
be accepted by the employer, to whom It
leave the "open shop" and th question
of settling the wag scale.
Blaekaaatler Make beats ad for Tea
Tkaasaad Dallar rraaa tk
aehik Valley Beote.
HAEL.ETON. Pa, Peh. 1-Oetalls of an
alleged dynasnlt i4ot aiotig th Lehigh
Talley railroad, twenty mile north f
Whit Haven, cam ts light totrlght
T. K r-rsdt-1 ef Willi nsbarrs, aanerintabd
ent af the Wymorlag divisiaa aC th Le
higfa Valley read, last week received a a
aaanymous letter saying If tie.aSA waa not
deposited at Lake Station oa tbe WUkra
barre snouctain between 1 a- m. Saturday
and tbe same hour Sunday tnorning that
section of the Una would be tkiwn up.
Sheriff ATbert Jacobs was Botled and he,
with a iosse. petroled tbe tracks twenty
four boura, tut no artempt was made to
carry cut the threat. A guard ts stfS main
tained by the rai'road company ret sen
Fan-view and I.ake Statioa.
Hesurlaat at A I eg ed Berry Slarderers
Begias at 3ertaa rater a .
C kaa se af Veaae.
NORTON. Kan, Feb. t The trial of
the three, Dewej raachmen. charged with
muroerir.g three oember of the Berry
family en the BwHns-Cheycna counties'
border on June t. 15HS. was held today tn
th eounty district curt. Tb case was
brought here on a charge, of venue from St
Prancia. The defendasts, Cbatmcey t.wey,
W. J. Me Bride and Oyde WHstm. tnr de
lit ered by their bouflstmrn last night. E0
has had bia liberty under a bond of CAant
f jrnlshed by C. P. Pesey of Chicago. John
R Molrane and Jacob Mulvane of Topeke.
The Deweys are mUllanairea. McBrldc and
Wilann ar cowboy a'
Beearat rraaa ladiaa Ceagresa Which
ftraaded la Paris aad Bar
Beaah Passase.
NEW TORK. Fek. 1 Tele ream
After a stormy passage the steamship
LsvChampaarnc arrited In p rt today from
Havre. Prom January S M S west and
south-eat gale, eilii very rough Beea.
were eooountered and one day tb steamer
made only twenty knots Id the steers
arrived Ernest Efter. the xoanager of an
Indian orw.greB which went to piece ia
Paria With r.lta cans Albert Heosley. aa
Indian, with hi aquw and two chi.dre-n.
Prar.k Thunder and his sqaaw. Roy
Thunder and hi 4-year-dd a "V. 1 ew-y
Thunder. Th party .was a sad tookli.g
tot They were ahtperd through to Ne
After Eaamtalag Wttaeae Ther la
aeaaee Sa flee ta Aeaens
BECPORD. Ind.. Feb. S Miss Eva Lowe,
roosnmat ef Sarah Srhaefer, was eues
tluned today by detective, hut nothing cf
value was iaarnrd. Miss Lxivs has tjcan
fa fc aosn dya fonj tb reaction result
ing fruxa tb excitement ef Ue murder.
HAftta eahaurted'what they had h p4
WTuld b a source of som laf ormatlon. th
detective new admit they are w holly at
niieel Blsa Pats Q a let as t
Started ky Prteada ta
CHICAOO, PVk. J-JuflfV Georr W.
Browa has teturnat ta Chiraga from Iowa
and put a acietisi an hla boom for th re
Buttilcaua nosainatlaa for roveracw fey de-
1 earing ha Is not la ths raaa. The an.
j Bd'oarreMct tnads by J. E. Ingram that th
yudge left th circuit bench la outer th
J g race waa diacouated hy th
siaieanent. "No an had any aathertty te
I f ug gen,
Bbcui n?t at TiadiTrsrtori raEy
EqtirpeJ fat Quick 6rric
M awaasBaaawaa
Inprmira titt if Treble Ctcm it sTHl
Con Qicklj.
nft Ccnlrtj of Tour Eteel Crsircri aad a
Pxpe-rted Eveat will Move Rapidly
take Kete 1 ft lastly
Bevelled If S Is Set
fattsfaelery. v
ST. i-niERSECRG. rb- i. A dispatch
from ilcivia'.ct, dated today ua true-J
here ly a secui-cfhcial agrncy, a)s the
Russian at Vshdivcstock has beea
fully eu.aliped tor Imsnediat sertrire aau
IJiared lor sea. All the wood fittings cf
U. &4 were removed Teeterday. Th
harbwr i being kept cjen ty Ite brsakera.
The feet ccists of four cruisers, tie
Cn.m'.boi. cf -Jt ton; the Bossla. ef 11
1 u-ti. tbe Bcigatj-r. of LTai tons, aad the
I Rurtk. cf Jt.f3 t jc.s, and a uansport, th
Jaana ttaletly walttag.
TOKIO. Feb. 1 The Russian not to sti'l
undelivered and tbe gtverntnent and people
of Japan do not posse any deSnlt In
formation cncemlrt th tim of It I ar
rival or its cBteeta. Russia a delay.
coup)d with the announcement of con
tinued movement cf reinforrements Into
Manchuria, increases th strain of the tea.
sum. while It dlslElehes the already alight
profpw't for peace. The government baa
been urged to dispatch a peremptory not
to St. Petersburg, threatening to deciar
war tf refused Immediate satlsfacUoB la
the way of a reply to Its prevtoua note,
but s'lll the government is patleat wait
lr.g, although it is manifest If the L delay
is ra b more i-rclonred it win act ener
getically. Events will move rapidly wbea the not
is tnally received. If it la not at ttsfac
tory. and tbe proFpect far additional ae
gotiatton is alight, a-tbough propably Japaa
will clspatch aa sutizoarem before atrlklnc
rhe Jspanese show a remarkable outward
calm and no Borne similar to those tn
America and England before recent wars
were w it a eased- Ther wer eccasiona!
demonrtrationa and ontcropntnga of popu
lar feeling, but tb usual lis! tor to tk
larger cities eaa see nothixvg out of the
ordinary la th. disposition aad behavior of
ih people, 1 here is. however, aa under
current of desperate determination ranninc
tse t.- tion'a length and breadth, snore taa
7 ricg la many way thaa a demonstration
would be. Tba people i av cot.: ed the
cost and made final p- ap- tloca, so tiu t tf
forced t fight they ar oa par's ot agteg
aad soatsmlac war Am. a asaaaer that will
rurpiise tb"WT1d. ,
Tklak re re WUI Prevail.
NEW TORK. Feb. 1 Ia tbe best In
formed poU ileal circles hers th coaditioB
is evpreeaed that a i- ceful solution of
the Kurao-Japanes affair ia assured, ca
bles Che Paris correspondent of the Tunea.
A dJp-omatic ariwax-aaaeat has been reached,
the dirpatch icn tnuca. between the PrancA
c it -rr cf fi . -ca afUXw aad th British
mbansador here, by virtue ot which It a
szreed Lhat both the Frenck and British'
f cvernmenta will bring avons pressar ta
bear -jm Japan to indaoa tt to accept Lb
term f the new Ruaaiaa not. .
The ax in which th not Is to be
couched has been awbmittad, th eorr
aondent avwra. to both th French and
riiiah foreiam offirers and Is recognised ts
be most conciliatory la effect,
f vnlil Japan ot rleid ta th Frenck
and British, repr eat liU sea, other European
powers will add th t-atgrht af their per
suasions te the came and. sad then if Japan
continue recalcitrant, all th rasper. at hliity
for war and its ctmseaentes will last with
It and Europe will wash lta hand, af tk
Tbs recent entente eoral b I Q
Prance and Great BrTtaia Laa chlety
helped la permr.tlng rhia andarru k'Srtig be
tween the French and Brtrleh dlniotnaia
as to tbe Ruaso-Japiniaa cnastlan te be
trought about.
No lewer thaa four king's csa wingers
hav been dispatched from this country ta
St. Peteratrorg wlihis the Ikat four days,
aa aiex4utelj- repreredwuted raowrd. tart
a Herald vlypatch from London. This may
be taken as endcoe ef V3e in9-joea that
are bcl-AT brought rto J lay to xrrrcx.t
j bctf tiUties In the far east.
D'Ble rreh ttery.
IXNTCX. Feb t Fifrrlng to a p-b-Utried
it.mrtit that Gnat arltala and
F.ence were brir.glng prraeur ts tear oa
Japan In crder to Induce it te tKpt tb
term of the new RSKlaa aote, th
Japanese minister. Paron Ilayaahi, aaid
today th British government waa not
exercising any pre.ur on Japaa and he
i tbooght It extremely unlikely that Franc
would attempt any sack step.
PARIS. Feb. r Th Hev" 4resry ha
circulated a dispatch t th tffect lhat
Russia's rrpif ta Japan, th ef rtanc of
which baa been mads known to it chan
cellor, taa iaad aa tmreeasioa that war
wfl b avcadod.
Tlewe hav teen txcharged let ween th
United State. Franc ard Greet Britain
on th aubjact. Tb eworasians therein
g beyond aeneral expertatiea and Uue
rate ths sentiments ef equity and loralry
actuating th esar.
'If. ta aplt of th very large aarlffac
TJoa ."apaa wfl TeoeTve, th !ssf of th
crisla should be war. Japan win Incur tb
whol responaiUljrjr and find Itself tncwally
isolated,' conolsdes the reply, which only
awaits It final draughting, aid which will
he presented Febrcary C
M Motono. th Japaeuis minister, ta tb
course cf an pjtvrvlew published tn th today, is eoned as saying f
Tbev know nothing at Tokl ceexerair.g
the ccwtertts of tbe Kusaiaa answer, ar.3
Karoo Komurs, tb Japanese feegn rrir ls
tee will Its ere tents ciy a r.
Las th itself bef'-r lilra. For th
pwet w are in a slat of exprclexxy
and uncertainty.
It is sail that th PuBfian net has a
most cjcuiau.ry tone. 1 heartily fcepe
tal ia so.
A Washh-.gtoa dispatch printed ker
today saying Lb Catted S'ates, France and
Great Isrltaia were likely t tak actiaa
aavtng th effect of Isalatlng Japan tf ah
aeralstsd tn being tntranalgsat attracted
mook attentioa and ooansnent. Some ef lb
rrenlxd' papera gave It sensational t'TWtn
Inenre. saytr.g prac wreuld tacoaas certain
tf Great Britaia aid th United State ab
stiJeed from seek support cf Japs. Tt
cfrciais hr say Prare- kaa aot ct been
eonaiutod rtiatlv to sach a zoavemti.t, knat