Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 31, 1904, PART I, Page 9, Image 9

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    .. "l.--
THE 0MAT7A PATLV 1KV.: RrXPAY. J A NT AH Y tt. 11)04.
Thirty-Two 0t'.M Will Prt oioU in Cn
tem of Bow'ir.g Onertu.
Cleveland Haa Largest Kinkir f
Trams, wttb Chicago a Close
Second, hlle Maar Piste)
cad bat Owe.
CLEVELAND, O.. Jan. 0.-The entries'
of five-men teams which are to participate
in the content! fur the Americas Bowling
congress, opening here Monday, February
t. Include representatives of thirty-two
cities between New York and Denver
Cleveiar.d ha twenty, Chicago twenty-one,
'Akron and Toledo five each, Milwaukee and
Wheeling four each, Detroit, Erie and
Buffalo three each. tit. Louis three, Syra
cuse, 8t. Paul, Col urn hue, Cincinnati, Pitta
burg, Hm Tork, Philadelphia. Washlng
ton. Indianapolis and Youngstown two
Single ten mil of five will strive to carry
off the honors for Louisville, Peoria, New
port, Minneapolis, Denver, Omaha. Can
ton, O . Dee Moines. Dole-Run Mo., Kansas
City, Warren, O., Barberton, Ci., and La
Crosse, Wis.
t those la the t'oateet.
Here are a total of 114 five-men team
ntrlts, it;4 two-men teams and &24 indi
vidual entries:
Captain and Team. Location.
Wiaiiian, Omaha Oman
tli. -ul
i- j
. . .Cleveland
. .luiivtue
.Peoria, l.i.
-I Va
i r. iveller. i. e-Hul
I. F., eHjus
Jeorge J. Bummer, Farmers.
T. Lt Owen, oweua
John Doernig. lihy
11 F. bilt-njiieier, Calumeu.
C L. Baatian, Crrsceni
Oeorge A. Metaa.-r, nt-istone.
etcr AntMir Newnori Kii.,rr k .
John Atthinkon, kucild Cleveland 1-tovvTKM. Iiovoress Chkago
W . J. Knnla, McKinue . . V heeling, W. a.
W. K. Hii unoom, iiirkkiuutle Akron, U.
J. J. Mariyn. Halt City Syracuse. N. y.
D. K. McNauttlit, Co-opeiaUv -Mliuie apolia
Julius Alchele. Leinocrallc Club Denver
louii K. Friuher. C. C. C..Bracue, N. Y.
William hoehn. Mckinley .Canton, U.
K. D. Pelfrr, Columbian Knights ..Chicago
D. B. Mctadlcy, Hopkins. ,Ds Miines, la.
John H. Uravia, But-Keyes Due Hun, Mo.
M. U. Lmprt. Iroquois TolcUv
John Locher, Toltdo
H. M. Koll, Hdird Cleve and
A. feel bach, Cuiumbus Club. .. -Columbus, O.
J b-U)Hh, Bond ColutnUu. O.
C. W. KBhl, Mill Springs it. Paul
jorepo LAXigo. Chic. Ueorge. .... .Cincinnati
F. B. Laaeiiby. 1 hrem Cauels 1 oiado
A' Howell, Timtt Toledo
J. 9. Daiy, Bel.evue Toletio
Fred Ma honey. O Leary Chicago
Jacob Klehle. Clifton Heirhta Cincinnati
Wm. Fette. Has Bcon. . . Wheeling. W. Va.
Frank Mskeplece. Mlaaourt Kansas City
Charles B.vriler. bachelor Akron. O.
O, G. Brownell. Grand ...Akron. O.
F H. Brill, Brilliant Chicago
Fred Hall, Hall Chicago
W li lam K. York. Gnaome Cleveland
A J. Fisher, AU-Piiiladeiphia. .Philadelphia
f 1. PIdUell, Spartan New York
O. B. Hervey, Carroll No. 2 Wheeling
L. W. oenran. arroll No. 1 Wheeling
Rowe. Cleveland Cleveland
Plefer, Columbia Knights Chicago
tKfrmaii. Jyler C eveland
3. W. Lyon, Capitol Bt. Paul
. T. Cox, Columbia No. 1 Washington
5 T. Cox, Columbia No. I Washington
Joseph guhmldt, Allmalt Chicago
H H. Broriaon, Philadelphia. ..Philadelphia
A. 1. McGlone, O Doanell... . .;. ..Chicago
Joseph Shaw, F.delwelaa .....Chicago
Anthony J. Smith. Herculean Detroit
D. A. Jones, Olympic Milwaukee
W. H. Terry, New England Milwaukee
W. H. Terry, Sentinels. .Mi'waukee
George Bangart. Levy Colts..., Chicago
R. H. Morgan. Leaders ...Cleveland
K F. Blase, WeMermann'a...,., ..Cleveland
Gecrre J. Frey. M. V. V Cleveland
George K. Kirk. Bennett's Colts. Cleveland
Ed. Plefer, Columbia Knights Chicago
August Slevers. Bex .Chicago
O. B. Jeonrd, Grands '..Chicago
K H. Ueorge, Dembach Chicago
VfllliaiB A. Barron, Peerless Akroa. O.
a. A4cooicacli, Al'-CclunsWa-ir . . .
W, L'lirr, Kea Ton Warren, O.
K. M. Wa. Plaas Chicago
M. T. Sullivan, offlca Youngstown, O.
Uus Stale, Tuxedo Chicago
Kd. Guston, iiiarus , ... Chicago
C F. Moll, Callahan K nights. .. .Milwaukee
Jchn O Floa. Floa palace Buffalo
J. H. Price. Iroquois Heavyweights. . Buffalo
A. I-. Goodwin, f eaaure nunaio
Hubert Msurrlnger, Star.., Detroit
Joseph Dausel. Rubber Necks Akron, O.
Kred Bsrut Hess Tigers A.Krie. Pa.
T. W. Taylor. Nonpareil Parberton. O.
Charles K. htarr, New York New York
W. G. Torry. Central Frle Pa.
Al Anann. Anson Chicago
A. C. Caldwell, Iroquois Indians. .Cleveland
Charles Knoll, Huburbsns Cleveland
1. MCormack. Te Linda Indians
Glenvllle, O.
ran Koster, Flue Bll.bon Erie. Pa.
F. W. B !, New Conter Cleveland
Jossph liubhard Idiewllda Cleveland
Albert II. Streamer, fiteinmeyera. .Cleveland
C. Herrlck, Iroquois Lightweights
F. I j. Paseloup. Derby Chlcage
F. i. Byrne. Markets (West End). Chicago
O Baumrister. Century Colta Cleveland
John Biankart, BlankaH Tetroit
(teoriss Merritk, Century sMars... .Cleveland
K M. Falkner. F-mpIre Yimngstown. O.
E. R. Thompson. Imperials. .Youngstown. O.
Andy Bomrners. Tlvotls Ceveland
Andrew Kramer Iron City plttehnr
iL J, Bryson, Msrlon No. I. ...Indianapolis
i(T 1. Brj'eon. Marlon No. t In-lxri 'm
Will Oil. I-a Cn.sf .1 Crosse
H C Masiars. Butlers' exchange. Cleveland
J.x Ciillina. I tlcas Cleveland
J S M, Nir. Cleveland Stone Co Cle'ld
F. Scheldt. Americans Cleveland
W. H. Wlgman Chahalcle St. Iuls
F. J Witter, I'nkm b la s 8t. Louis
Maitln Kein, St. Louis St. Iuls
Boa Band. Mantis' Diamonds Ceveland
U. B hwarter, Mshoolahs Cleveland
Following are, the cities represented by
Ik or more two-men teams:
Chicago, SI; Cleveland. V, Toledo, 10;
futkbttig and Allegheny, .
fc. K. Iwlfl Will Hepreseat lb l alver.
ally la Atblella Caalests
FraabliM Field.
IOWA CITY, la . Jan. m-(Speclsl V-Ths
Plata 1'nlvrrslty of lua will send C. K
Hwtft. the western champion In lh d sens
Ihroa. . to the Prnnalvania relay iae
nd athletic centrals, held on rark!inv
fijld. Ap' ll I ne mul.ey to mma V ap'S.n
tS t'.X, all) le rals.d by sjb'tlpUun among
the stuilelits f lbs lllllvtrait.'
Captain Halfl holds the rei' rd of Hi fe-.t
five Indies In the d'scus throw, ..d in
practlco has come trry nar tha world s
Thousands of people in Indiana cured in a few months. We haven't space for all 'their testimonials, hut if you will write us, they will be forwarded tp you. If the strong
testimonials we have received from home people are any evidence MILKS' EMULSION has cured more people in Indiana
of the above complaints in a few months than all the other remedies put together.
Tho only remedy ever placed before the people with A POSIT.VE GUARANTEE TO CURE. Your druggist is authorized to
refund your inensy if you are not satisfied with results of tho first package.
This great remedy has never before been advertised
Terre Haute, Evanstille and other Indiana towns have b
testimonials, for our home people arc glad to tell of the good
Tug Mi'.lcs' Emulsion Co., Terre Haute, lad.:
Gentlemen I first got a box of Mnks' Emulsion for my wife, who
had been troubled with constipation for years. It gave her immediate
relief. She had been bo bad that she couldn't eat half of the time and
nothing seemed to taste good to her, but since using Milks' Emulsion
she has do return of constipation and can eat three square meals a day.
We have adopted Milks' Emulsion as a family retredy for bad colds,
coughs, croup and any trouble among our children, ar.d I can truth
fully say that $S.OO would not buy the part of a box we have left it we
could not get another. Yours truly,
Chas. E. Jones, 447 S. Seventeenth St.,
October 15. 1902. Terre Haute, Ind.
The Milks' Emulsion Co., Terre Haute, Ind.:
Gentlemen For the last eight years I have been a constant sufferer
from constipation'. I tried all kinds of remedies without relief, until
,Hjy husband brought home a box of Milks' Emulsion, which gave me
Immediate relief.' I used three boxec and I am pleased to say that I
have not had any trouble from constipation 'since commencing the use
of Milks' Emulsion something over a year ago. Yours respectfully,
Mrs. T. O. Henkv, 48 S. Fourteenth St.,
October IS, 1902. Terre Haute, Ind.
It has simplv been sold to people who have heard of it throurn their friends and tho-isands of persons in Indianapolis,
een cured of the above complaints inside a few months. We do not find it necessary to go to Maine or California for
Milk.' Emulsion has done them and the person who commences using it is the best advertising medium we can employ.
The M'lks' Emulsion Co., Terre Haute, Ind.:
Gentlemen T have been constipated as long as I can remember
and I have tried hundreds of remedies, but up to the time I com
menced the use of Milks' Emulsion I have never found anything that
pave rae permanent relief. For something like a year I have been
using Milks' Emulsion, r.nd in that time have only taken about four
boxes, and it is with pleasure I say I am in perfect health. Have
pained over ten joundh, and have never had a return of my old
trouble. Do not lose any time in trying this wonderful remedy if you
ere troubled with constipation. Yours truly,
George M. Miller, 331 N. Vinth St.,
October IS, 1902. Terre Haute, Ind.
The Milks' Emulsion Co.. Terre Harte, Ind.: '
Gentlemeu For several years I have had stomach trouble and
constipation. Every time I ate anything I had a distressing pain and
had to take pills every day or I would suffer from constipation.
I could get nothing that would cure me, nntil Feb. 1st., 1 got a bottle
cf Milks' Emulsion. It gave me immediate relief and it has now been
two months since 1 have had to take any pills. My indigestion left be
fore I had taken half the first bottle, as well as my constipation. 1 can
recommend Milks' Emulsion very highly, as it is very pleasant to take
and has done me a wonderful lot of good. I will recommend it to my
lriends and neighbors. Very respectfully,
Mrs. Hs.ksiorfer, 312 So. Noble St.,
March 3, 1903. Indianapolis, Ind.
The Milks Emulsion Co., Terre Haute, Ind.:
Gentlemen For ten years I have suffered from constipation; hare
tried a great many remedies, but without any good result, until I got
a box of Milks' Emulsion, which has helped me from the start. I have
only taken one box, but so far it has given me more relief than all the
other medicines I have taken put together.
Very respectfully yours,
Mrs. U. G. Cassady, 1S22 E. Ohio St.,
December IS, 1902. Indianapolis, Ind.
The Milks' Emnlsion Co., Terre Haute, Ind.:
Gentlemen Some time ago I wrote yon for a box of Milks'
Emulsion, which I received, and I have found that it has given me
more relief than all the remedies I have tried put together. I suffered
from constipation for more than a year and a half and tried various
remedies recommended by physicians, .without any benefit. Milks'
Emulsion is all you claim for it and I cannot recommend it too highly.
Yours very truly, L. G. Jonas, 124 W. Ohio St.,
February 20, 1903. Indianapolis, Ind.
Especially Beneficial for the Ills of Children. Tour druggist will refund your money If you do not get results from the first bottle.
Price 50 Cents. MILKS'
EMULSION CO.. Terre Haute, Indiana.
raeerd. Iowa espeeta that h will b able
to taka this v-nt from the eastern entrits.
Th baaa ball prsciks bfan this w--k,
twmljr candidates turning out the first
day. A larger number will be out next
aerk. when th full arrangements for trw?
practice will b completed.
Manager 8pna;ler has nesrly completed
th schedule fa, the aprlng base ball
term. In the foot ball schedule, he haa
found It necessary to rail off negotiations
with Northwestern kartuM of objftloca
by Cosch Chalmers to the playing of th
Northwestern gam November S. when It
would cosne In between two of tha hardest
games on t li schedule.
Th probable dsta of th Minnesota-Iowa
foot ball gm appears to b Octnter S.
at Iowa field. Th Iowa management haa
been approached by Minnesota with propo
sition looking to transferring the game to
Minneapolis. Tut Iowa has been unahle to
consider this change, as th contract be
tween th two unlverattlea calls for the
gam to b played on Iowa field.
0r' aiMI,MM Add4 ( Wlaaiags f
Harses, lavladlasi 2A,UM fee
Aasrrleaa Darby.
For indigestion, Dys
pepsia. UeUhingJienrt
burn. Insomnia, Dizzi
ness and General
Debility we urge a trial of
lloatetUr Stomach Bit
ters, because we know it
will curt yon. It Usj a reo
orti of 50 years of such
"cure back of it, and you
can therefore rrly ou it.
For Sale by Druggists.
CHICAGO. Jsn. M.- -Th Washington Park
club announced today the stake for th
summer nm"ln, bvginnlns; June Ik and
enf liiK July U They co February SI.
Including the American Derby of
over will be sdried to tne winning
cf the horses wlilch imrry oil th stske
races. Tha otitlwok for th meeting, ac
cording to Secretary James Howard, la
brilliant and some cf tha finest racing dur
Ing th season will h seen at the Wash-liiKt-'it
I'ark track. Th stake ar as fol
lows: Th American Derby, 13.000 added. Th
prnapecla for this venl are said to ba the
btsl in tb h'tiory of the club. It Is ex
pected that i if cent of all th le at I-vasr-olds
In tha .west th last suaaon will
( tnred, and of ll colts from th at
that High Hail. Ior.lda, and lJulaus will
b amniK the cohteatanis
Tha fcnevlrUn stsks. M.flnn added. A
fratur al l b tha starting of many of the
boi:ea that run in in Derhv.
Th Englcwnod tkes. II.Onu added.
Th Diexel atnkea I.MMi added.
The Mldaay stakxa, !. added.
The Auburn stakes. I2.uim added-
Th Oukwond handicap added.
Th Oreat Western handicap, ft uu added.
Th Young handicap. f."..(Al added This
Sink will I contested hy the heat handi
cap horse In thx west, and It Is apectd
that th racu will b one uf tha "hottest"
of th wesson.
Th Whe.lcr handicap. added. A
large number of good onea from the eaat.
Arncanaer. jiernns Aavanc tiimra. ;r-
t'heMiey and possibly Water Bey,
comtcte alth western b'O'id
I he lakeside Slakes. i. ioon
Tha Kenwood slskes. $i.(in added.
Th Msywciod tt.ikes. 12 added
i Th :drwter stakes. added.
Th Oun katep slake. $i itu added.
, Ths Hd I'ark strkea. 7 out) added This
' rac will have on nf th largest field d ir-
Ing th meeting. Including a bunch of the
I k-el (-year-olils In lh country.
Th l-xkcuew handicap. : added
1 The Overnight handicap, fl.&tt and up.
' ward.
Ther will be no selling pttrs of less than
; fiXvj. and purses of 700 and upaard
i are offered
Omtht Pia Enathtn Prtpirinj to Kara
labruka IfeeU
Five Mrs Will Take Tart la tfcr Bl
Etrat f th Katloaal Toarn
sseat Which Takes Place
, Meat rfk.
A matter of mora than passing Interest
to local bowlers la contained In the an
Rouncement that a Nebraska state bowl
ing tournament will be held in this city
In March.' Neither the date nor the plans
have been determined upon, but the tour
ney haa been launched and all the neces
sary preparations will be made at otic
and detailed announcements will be made
at a :ater date. Howlers In Nebraska
number severs! hundred and from cor
respondence which haa been had with the
various clubs throughout the state this
winter the fact was elicited that there Is
a general demand for a state tourney and
this dctr.and will be met by having the
affair pulled off In this city.
I-ocal bowlers have announced their In
ten l Ion cf sending a team to th national
tourney of th American Bowling Congress
which convenes at Cleveland February SS.
Th team will b composed of Messrs.
Brunkry, Welty, Bartsch, Norton, Hunt
ington and Wlarman. It Is expected that
eom of th other western cities will be
represented and Omaha did not want to
be outdone In this respect and hus gotten
together a formidable btinrh of bowlers
to lepresunt this city at the tourney.
ft la expected that In point of attendance
nd Interest the Cleveland tourney will
outrlnas anything of the kind ever at
tempted In th I'nlted Ptnies. For this
the pins do. Tbey hit tb new affair with
all the force imparted by the big balls
and come buck with a greater rebound
than ever before. It la now not an un
common thing to see the No. 7 and 10
pins left up and the player get them both
because of the rebound, whereas previous
to the installation of this new affair, the
leaving cf these or other pins was re
garded as au Irremediable split.
The race In the Omaha league haa not
lost any of lis Interest during the lust
week, as three teams are now tied for first
place. The principal chjinge has been that
of the Omaha a. who have pulled up on the
leaders, until they are now on even terms.
It appears that the twice-champlons are
getting luti their stride once more, and
that they have determined to make a des
perate fight for the honors of the third
year. But the Armour. Waverleya and
CTarksotis are still In the race and do not
Intend to be courted out until the last balls
are rolled In the )at game of the schedule.
The standing of the Omaha league teams
up to last night is:
Waverleya .,
t'Urkaons ..,
Krue, Harks
St. Charles .
National ...
Played, Won. Lost. P. C.
of the Commercial league, including games
up to January JO, is;
Name. Games. Average.
Barker ,
V. G. Johnson ..
Hub Johnson ....
, J4
, IT
. IS
1S5 15-30
181 4-C
17 1-1
1,7 b-t
171 1S-30
170 gl-S3
170 lS-'ja
h i-:h
im ia-s
lfi la-tt
Tracv ...
Chrtftie .
Fowler ..
Hanks ...
Bcselln ..
Ernst SI
High scores for tbe week on the Gate
City alleys:
C. B. Brldenbecker 204. 314. 20S. 206; Ben
Hull, aoi :Ma, rii, ai. son. :". :i2; J. H.
Peterson, i'Kl. 2.3: N". Nelson. a. 113.
Drabos. MS. :(, ia. St: Henderson. M: K.
H. Seamnn. Chicaso. iX.': Joe Meehan. 211:
it s-3 I narlf s Thompson. .01; Heton. I.'-,; Grant
in u;tni Benson. :'4, 2ti7; W. T. W ilfv. ;4: H. Mur
15 -r7 ! j,hy. 231; Lucas, 219; 8clp!e. ilH; Hc mle. Zli;
1W -S4 1 WamUlt. ;ns; D. D. Norton. r;; C. 8. Se
16i l-;mn. 20.1. a2. r.'o.; C. Ptein. iOS. i'lR;
e-:-4i Joseph. 211, -J07; Holmes, ?o7. L'i; Jim Tshcr,
1M 1-24 i n. j,; Martin. 21S. 3. Mi Snyder, 303, 2;0;
14 Bonlne. a7. 2o4. 211.
1'1$ SO-27 Stanley Rote water wins priae at seven
i 10-15 up with fl
l"a 1 Johnson wins prla at cocked hat with 51.
10 i-t I
23 : .4H ;
fl 1 .f.4S .
a 19 .:4s !
22 .424
21 21
22 .47
1H 24 .429 I
1H 24 .iJS
High score for the week at the Sellick ft
Marble alleys:
Molymaux .
DavlRon ....
Champion ...
Tate ,
H. Lefhoiti
! Weymulier .
bulllven ....
Tonneman ..
Individual star.dtr.
Ing lecgue
.... K
.... i
.... IS
.... J
.... 2S
.... I
i a 2-ao
1S8 14-x! Thr9
1.6 V
v.& a-ss
i:-4 4-i
iss 21-a i
Favorites sal Trva Kcca4
Choice Win at Aeot urn llardle
Rare la a Feature.
selling: Handplnner won. Baronet sec
ond, t'omiw third. Time: :.'4.
First race, six furlongs: Genrge Berry
won, Lurtig second Kleinwood third. Time:
Second rsce, hslf mi'c, !-year-olds, purse:
Arlsbe won. Sea Air second, BUI Short
third. Time: 0:4M4.
Third race, futi.rity course, selling: B.
Wlnnlfreda won. Narra Ci. second, Glendt-n-ring
third. Time: 1
Fourth race, mile snd an eighth. Callfiv
ria oak: Cap snd Gown won, Anlrsd sec
ond Mis Bettv tnird. Ti-e: 1:1V
Fifth race, miie and a rlxteentu, handicap:
Horatio won Joe lesser ytconJ, Mendo.i
third. Time:" j ::.(.
Kebraaka rad the Gopher Meet
Xrthrw Field Octo
her SO,
T-TVOOL'S. 'jsn. Vt.i Sped a 1 V Nehra k a
and Minnesota will meet on the rrldtron
next ear. ManHger Burkmr "f the Ne-
Isafn PnrTval IBnri! ibis mnmillf
I from the Minncaota tnnngcr ssrrelna: to
i nlav on tn
n N-YTthron field - Octcbi r 1 The
LOS ANGKI.ES. Jan. S0.-Th- F.nglewool I ,r"11".,.n1''.n 1f ,n-H,Tn ""..".M'T ,e "
hanaicap at t nil and three-iuarte;. over I ' hld 1,1 l fl""1 )n ? llori tlmt-
Baldwin ....
Clarkson ...
1 Fncell
Sheldon .....
7-arp ...
Huntington .
Frltcher ...
Dennian . ..
McKelvey ..
Chandler ....
event fifteen t!w allt ys lmv been con- I J- :Vhm-ld r
structed and nt-t a single boll is to be ; vlliH.11
(rolled over them until the tnurrey com- iiiW
j mjnee Prists have been hurg up aggre- veiitho
gating nearly ('O. And now thst peaco 1,r,'"t "
I has bi-n made with the eastern contln- j .t Johnson ".
gent lt Is expected thst a good-natured GrlH ths
rivalry between the east and the west for j t.'f',"),
i humploiufhlp honors Will lie waged. There i Tncey
can no longer be any controversy which ' Vieman
had for Its purpnss the domination of lite j ''r
affairs of the Amerloan Bowling Congress! !ds'
by any on section of the country, as the ! "iivl
national organliation is Jurt recovering
from a bad mov along that line and noth
ing of that kind Is anticipated for the
No. 200. High
.... 7
i 14
..... 12
. .
Th manaa-era tit th local bowlinar alleva
th directors. The ,4y th t hoaling has pot been as profit
benjumln F. turn- .... , . . . ..
Country club has t'e t,'' winter as before. The newness
IVrittri tielf aaarlsla Ticket.
Th slat submitted by th nominating
coniialUo of th Western Gulf seoc;atlou
to 1 acird on MiMi 1 coniaiu tn i.diue
HI Hrtward U. Lcavitt of the tmiaha Coun
try - club for en of th director.
former Vic prrmdeat
miiucs or the- txuioor country riuo. imi i
been nominated a prealdcnt and Ms poic : of the gam haa wc-rr. off and th former
'? .n iy. iA11n cf yj'?,"0 &,,'f I devotee of th game sera to have dropped
club. VSItb ll. nii.utiociant of the Dmhw- . . "
iui iienrr nrtux. novo muuii was
Crat Introduced a few years ato lt was
all the rage and buwlers Innumerable sprang
up In every town, city and l.sjnlet where
thare was such a thlrg as a bowling alley.
Th l rc wnt bowling season has witnessed
rercarkabie innovation In the matter ,cf
coring Letter acurca hava bcea mad
U i winter, it la claimed, than ever be--for
in the history of the intr.e. And tha
cause for I Ms ar rot hard to fbd. It
ta due po!:- to the new ' ki.-k-L-k," The
kUk-l-ack U the Loird or yiciaing surfaca
which 4h bail ha sad from which it re
bounds after r.Uilrg th pins. Tb balls
4 o uak any aprwL'lljUi reboiiiid, but
mating rm.-nitiM there la a circular Inter
from the secretary of th aamcIjtlon a-felt
g that Cutis wishing to cont-est In lh
Marahall Field, tn upen and the amateur
rvniu, ni al l Hi atinna early and t hou
thrir drlrgSter, for th meeting.
Divlfon ..
torphy .,
Ttornell ..
Ptornrt.e .
Jones ....
Fritsrher ..
"2J4 Pn;rka
227 , Spragite ....
2S '' lty
:'4S ; Emery
2l'T Hunter
tn I Hodges
y7 ; Francisco ..
2i3 ' Encell
ti ; Chandler ...
273 i Schneider . ,
?1 I Marble
2; ' Wittmsn ....
.45 Mock-tt
?1 i Hur.tlnglon
tXi ' Conrad
'.41 Ir-nman ....
2T7 Potter
22t ; Baldwin
... i Zarp
rst Zimmerman
?1 ' Bonnell
i Norton
' Cierdu
;;7 Hughes
1-rl.lleof ...
P'-hnt-tder ..
Tfi1. i Crittilh
. ' eveu nurnieai, was tiie leature oi a good i
?r f J; i card at Ascot tonay. Cl.arawm.l won bv i 'Cre- a Wla from Kxeter.
XO ?" L""1" I'"!"!1",'.'!!.. "rJUl CRITTF. Neb. Jan. .-(SclalV-Tha
im t j rh' j0hB x(-v,:n ,lr"i r'Vn.i 'vrn?s k'- H,h hoi w,n tw tonc"
IS l.v 9-15 VUVI7L- eUn ro"e ,Ilrf ini'- Jain ,,),, bv defctlr.g the Kxeter bsskei
S 150 j 'Vlrst rac five turlonew- Pat Huleer won b,n u'"m ln ,h "" I'rMtlcU gam
Et;JlS,-UJlmT.kdIe?t1lV.ri,e,T::: 'ver sren he-e. The .,ffl. :-.l rc.-re ,, the
n In lh. Om.l,, rtnwl- F"m" M 31 1 S ante was fujn
gs in the Omaha Howl r Turner hall before a latpe auMfnce.
I w en-Mirrmn ! """j wh-ch v-rv impartlalv arp!il
Games. Pins. Average 1 ?:r-uWs: '"j '""c .. ron' 2 ood rial a Previous to the beginning f h
r-S" -IV, ,w "eo'ria.- urn Jtursi -niro. ": ;ft,;. u h!ih arhnel hnd enlsrialn! Iht
19 J3-42I . . i. . , .. , Icrcwd with vatlou sel-otloris. W hen the
I'" iJ rtr- "'l Rnd anJ,,,,!., ' selling: , ,j wn t-m nut ,nto ,r,, vM, led
I Platunius won. Mnor w-cond, I I'.rad innd. ; u ,', iL. .. in.nt ihi
it1! '
w !
. . t;
. . .42
.. .
.... 9
... 42 .
... Sn
7 m
. t.riii
4 M
2 r.i
7 71
4 .PM
V 2
4 r.w
7 fill
T Ml
7. .-,71
: 5Ti
1 -l
7 XV
C '91
t :i
I '50
6 144
1 "I
Time: l:52U
Fourth ihc. m.'le and tnree-fonrtl.s.
hurdle hsndiccr: Chsrawlnd won, '.or-
thelr no weknee" wuu their inability tit
lit th baskets. Tbey brHced well tn tha
tirsi pnrt of the second half, but th local
lands second. Martin Brady thinl. Time. I ,OVB wif, .nd nccurst wjtk alwava
;'..?:.. . . . i. ,i I mnnagrd to rnaln'.aln a god lead The
Fifth rsce, mile and elxte-ntli. han-ll- 1 , -. t
cap: Foilu'riirt"! won. M F. Tsriev se
ond. Paul Whaley third. Time: 1:47V
Blxlh vuce, thi ce-Urters mile i-eillr.g:
rifln Klt.g won. I'.eilan second. Tower of
Candles third Time: 1:14.
NEW OKI. FANS, Jan. 1 !tcu,ts:
Firt race. ven lurlongs, n l::n- H'ont
won. Fli-,l K second, Lc tnp-Kin third.
Time: l:2ij
Pcond race, five furlonrs: Rnlman n,
Tom Kllcv fecund. F.x clam a tlmt tt'lrd.
Time: 1 .iC'Vi.
Third r.:c Nlx f :i' lo',c : Fcn-fn won.
Ascension second, ln-e;.-t tl-,lrd. TIt;c:
1 :3 V
Fourth race, one re'lo. Veechsn'a hndl
Cp. W"C.laVe- "ispial" .-"ol'' oi.
Floral King at cond. Trll-.- Dili th rd. Tim -.
1:42 V
l-'lltli inre. mi'e snd flft ynr-ls: ITipiU
Across wor V'tihcr "inil. I "hurl, e
'T' "n'naon thb.l. Tltn. 1.-I7V,
I Sixth race, mile and three. sixteenth.
Crete PnMtlon. Fxeter.
"iid'rri trher 1st fo-ward Brown e )
Knill ic.l f l forward Nttni
Txlhelm center Ptiattou
OJera 1st guard BoiUrnt-
t"mpl-e: Luix
2 m'ntitea
Ciwialderlnp the linrt t'me the I Ich achool
lails hiive plsved the mtre. 'tu-v showed
vmrrkilln skill and tin ar row read v
to schedule same (th (pc l est Vigh Sch !
tramk In the state.
Bert well...
of Kneter
2d srnsrd.
tV,rli of Crete.
Time of hal'
nas lei 4 re TVIaaers.
nV.4WA.Tn. .lsn SO. Pt-etlal TelcsTtim
Tit inat lltth sc,' gi'l-' tiMket
bl len'TI i'efatd t'te pHlr'Kt'K RilllTa
a-t-N' tii"i l ,i litis efterro,n I v s
of lr? to 1?,.', e. M s Hroiih astsns;
umrlre, M'ko Mi-Nun ar. Oimwa.
. t
ftosag trlradld sha-wtla.
On of th moat remarksbl rxhlbtTl'ons of
hii:i rer seen at th Omaha tlun club
I frourvl tM-k piace virdy
V!r li. ti. KKtml Ml Uu.tati the njt
j lwei-tv-ix bird out vf tnt-eva with
the lrst 1 nrrel He was In a nati-h ah t
with Mr Met. Nr. F:rd Mats and I
air. ii:im tig-r uf 1 htladaupt.:. Tt
match ended Ic a tie and It neceovary
l slkut at 1 " birds befor It was drce-L
Mr. i)ar au4 4lt. . Met wn by
vu ba X
The rac n the Commercial league Is at
Interesting ont. but the fljfct for supremacy
Is r.etwren two teima, wltli the r
pretty well strung out hack of theii. Th
Black Kats sr. the Gate Cltys are lust
now tied for first place and each Is making
vigorous fforts to keep at the front of
th procesai.m. Other teams hsve not given
up the fight, but hope to snak matt ra
Interesting - for th big ones yet. Tha
standing of th teams up to la at right u:
Tub PUveJ. Won. Lost. PC
Placa Kats t 25-14 .611
Im City 75 14 .8il
w o. w ; 24 h ..;
Lrexels 21 14 .
'erts A Williams... K 1 .w-i
Wierns M It 21 .4 T
Sin. Lena V Smith... r n . ii
Browning, Kit:. i I . ; li
Tile lodivitlual standing cf tie n
If bpM
I i
y -
i, -
Greatest In the World
A imXIOV HA PPT AMF.SICJU CHTLDBKnl ar kept bVe.l-.fcy with CAPCA
EJoOavudy Ototbaxttc. Uood word spoken by tlieir msucaa for CAoCAKLXii to
- "sot;.ar piamu l ava rntule CAhCATd suocoaKrol until tbe . nosliotrr A
4 iiLL10MttiXaJ4AklaKTli. U ey aolStUfolkaLkal'A.ttCAKKTfc1 BecauiM) they
.-v y S at (wt, iaatbla, fcuatwot Ltti) tavblot Uht tfotxl,cc. good t.aver grip
f If ' !' 'r B'r:i t"-1 w"1 gwfc 7- ra'uraily, poei-Jrwly. aienitlr.e tbs-t a child, d'slik
I ' si' yX v i. I it r.i it t fKl. f ') !lOro an !vtf raw) M UJi tAbtAUETB, Itl
A S ;-. .- ." :t HCV.n U. ... U ,m for thetn ur.4 u kwpt Lraitty hiwaya Hi
I f R .-i.ei. I.,-, - fci m ' -1 M.IILK'4 S ' "J l. V bOV DITM OiO. AH
-.- 1
i . . , '' a. 1 t
V ! i bOLX Hi t-i-iC -U got-ulm UibiV tUvucpodl
!, t.
4 i-an-oc! Co- Cl.uavo or NttW Yoxlt tilt