J 20 TIT13 OMAHA' DAILY DEE: SUNDAY, JANUARY SI, 1004. H(K K ILAKD STBTEM. Tblrtyf)ve-ny Toar of Mexico). A personally conducted 85-day tour of Old Mexico In a private car la now being ar ranged by the Rook Inland system. Car will leave Des Moines Tuesday, Feb ruary IS, but you can Join It at Kansas City next morning If that la mora con venient. The Itinera ry Includes Fort Worth. Ban Antonio, Monterey, Tamplco, Fan Luis Po toel, Aguns Callentes, a week In Mexico City, aide trips to Cordova, Santa Ana, I'ueblo and Cuernavaca. On the homeward trip stops will be made at Guadalajara, Escatecas and Chihuahua, Total expense, $2'0 from Dea Moines, $M0 from Dubuque, $265 from Chicago, Bt. Taul or Mlnneapolla; $250 from Omaha, $246 from Bt. Louis or Kansas City. This covers transportation, sleeping car berth, meals, hotel In Mexico City, transfers, carriages, guides and Interpreters. No pleaaanter mld-wlnter ho!lday trip could be planned. Details at this office. F. P. RUTHERFORD, 132 Famam St., Omaha, Neb. Omaha's !ew Grocery. The new grocery and market of 15. T. Smith A Co. was opened yesterday at the old location of the Omaha Tea and Coffee Co., 1407 Douglas street, and the entire roroe or cents waa Hrnt dusv an dav long Smith, has made a wonderful transfor- rtnn In fhA nM tnrArnnm njiw flvtiirpa a m. mHBnaiair mi'.it'ii ptock nnvinir iwpn :imiou A icaiuiB vi uvaunpi una Diuie that the Sperry St Hutchinson trading truthful and open business dealings with customers. Locations for Baslneaa. If you are seeking a location for any mer cantile business, for the practice of a pro fession or for the manufacture of any article, first communicate with the under signed, who will Inform you In regard to opportunities on the line of the Chicago Great Western Railway Co., the most pro gressive railway traversing the moat fer tile section of the United States. Maps and Maple Leaflets mailed and more specific ' information given as requested. W. J. Reed, Industrial Agent, 04 Endlcott Bldg., BU Paul, Minn. Rotneaeekers and Colonists. On the first and third Tuesday of each month the Missouri Paclflo Railway will el both one-way and round-trip tickets at very low rates to certain points In Kansas, Arkansas, southwest Missouri, Oklahoma, Texas, etc. On the round trips stopovers will be allowed on the going Journey, with final limit of 21 days to make the trip. For pamphlets, time tables, rates, etc, write or call on any agent of the company or Thoai F. Godfrey, Paasi & Ticket Agent, B. B. corner 14th and Douglas Bti., Omaha, Neb. Have Root print It. S31.CO to New Orleans, La., and return. 130.86 to Mobile, Ala,, and return Feb. Bth-14th. ' Long limits and stop-overs. AU Information at Wabash city office, 1601 Farnam st ' or address Harry E. Moorea, O. A. P. D.. Omaha, Neb. W. W. Blabaugh, att'y at law, 604 Mer. Nat Bk. Watches and diamonds. Tour credit Is good. A. Mandelberg, Jewelor. 1522 Faro am. GOLDEN 8TATB LIMITED. I A "mart" Train for "mart' People. In service dally, December to to April 14, Chicago and Kansas City to Los Angeles, Banta Barbara, and Ban Francisco. southern route through a land where winter Is unknown. No high altitudes. Finest equipment on wheels. Shortest line and quickest time between Missouri river and Southern California, Reserve berths NOW. F. P. RUTHERFORD, 1323 Farnam St., Omaha, Neb. Honday We'll Have o gal la Oar Sales room oi Second Floon Knee pants suits, 75a, 86o and $1 48. Man's extra heavy corduroy pants, $1.39. Boys' blue ohlnchiUa reefers marked down to too. A few boys long pants suits at $10, Fur overcoats from 16.90 up. Blanket lined duck coats with large corduroy col lars, 48o and 76c Extra strong everyday man's pants, black and fancy, TGo a pair. Astrakhan and chinchilla coats and vest with storm collars, called "Pea Jackets," ale price. $5.80. Although wo sold stacks of overcoats there are tffl a good many choice ones left as there was an enormous lot of them In this stock. Hero are a few prices that will make a big hole In the plies. Men's heavy blue beaver overcoats reduced to n.M. Men's drab colored, air wool spring overcoats, with silk faolng, taes 83 to 87, sals pries, $3 .90. For same prloe we have heavy black and grey ulsters and many other good bargains. For $4 90 we offer an enormous assortment of valu able coats. Including rough chinchilla, tapis all wool kersey, also long stylish gray ooats. Sheep lined ulsters, $4.98. The values that are offered from this stock In men's suits must be seen to be appreciated. For 13.90 we give you choice of about 400 suits, all colors and all sixes, all wool fanoy cheviot and mixed goods. For 14.90 you still find black double breasted and also military out At tf.90 you get choice of all wool grey worsteds and all sorts of fancy pat terns. The cloth alone would cost mors than we ask for these well made suits. Guarantee, Clothing Co. 161M631 DOUGLAS BTREET. t2K Oold Crowns. Oold Fillings Sliver FlMugs..... Full Set Teeth $5.00 Best Set $7.50 W us. , nu up. JO up. BAILEY, THE DENTIST. (EstablUhed ICS) trd FLOOK. PAJtTON BLOCK. ..An RELIABLE DENTISTRY FREE This offer good until February IS. fTESSet of Teeth , $2.00 Crews, ay froaa SXOO rilliuse. froaa t BOe BrtSa Work, as froaa SsOO Work guaranteed ten years. No students TKETH KXTKACTED WITHOUT PAIN by the use of our patented palnleas methods Work done free. Bmall charges for material. UNION DENTAL COMPANY 1022 DOUGLAS STREET, ROOM 4 DISASTER AND DESOLATION Death Holds High Carnival la the News Columns of American Journals, and an EPIDEMIC OF CATASTROPHES Oa Land, On ra. On Railways, la Fire, la Flood, la Mines Prevails. Rarely, If ever, has a new year' In Amer ica been ushered In with so much frightful misfortunes and such awful fatalltjes to human beings as this goodly year of our Ird 1904. Opening the ghastly carnival was the fearful holocaust In the Iroquois theatre, Chicago. FrompUy following came the Ions of half a hundred, or more, sea going passengers In the strait of San Juan de Fuca. Before we had our breath re covered news flashed throughout the land that a hundred human beings were lost In railway wrecks. Typhoid fever In a Penn sylvania village called home fifty or sixty. A Pennsylvania mine disaster closes the recitation of horrors with SOU MASOI.ED BODIES ' slowly being recovered from the depths of the black earth. In addition to these great accidents of Are, collision and ex plosion came the reports from day to day of flood disasters along the Ohio river, and the Isolated incidents along the highway of life where murder, suicide, street car, misplaced switch, and other forms of mis hap have claimed victims until If one were to permit pessimistic reflection, he would be discouraged over the conditions sur rounding existence. In the presence, of death, disaster, desolation and the un certainty of Individual exlstenco we nat urally turn our thoughts to the wives, children and other dependents and to the BACKERS ItESGRVB I JFK and other life Insurance organizations as the only safe form of protection for those bereft by disaster and desolated by death. Fortunately a hundred years of experience has established a law of average as to humanity's death rate, and based upon this ascertained experience the life Insur ance company meets the liabilities brought upon It ty disease, disaster and death and amply as well as promptly drives the wolf of poverty from the door of desola tion and Indemlfles the bereaved so far as Indemnity is possible. D. H. ROBISO. PRESIDENT of the Bankers Reserve Life Is pushing this young, vigorous, safe and growing company into all the western states. Its business grows with each passing day. Everywhere the commercial agents of its Increasing field corps meet a cordial re ception. No other western company can compare with It In the salient features of low death loss, selected risks, forms of policy contracts or steady increase In busi ness. Its Oold Bond Policy Is nowhere excelled In modern features either as pro tection or Investment. Write to the home office, McCague Building, Omaha, for par ticulars, giving your age. i - ' - , . .; , , Mme. Yale's HaJr Tonic FOR CHILDREN AND ADULTS ANTISEPTIC AND HYGIENIC A Hair Invlforator, Just what Its name Implies. It supplies nourishment, the elements of growth, which, when absorbed by the hair, strengthens and beautifies It In the same way that sap glorifies the foliage of a tree. Even when the follicles are seemingly dead, if the scalp Is massaged daily with Mme. Yale's Hair Tonic a vigorous growth will be produced. It has hon estly earned its title of "the great hair grower." It stimulates the most stunt ed growth and makes the hair mag nificently healthy and beautiful, Mme. Yale's Hair Tonic is prized equally by men and women, particularly when the hair begins to weaken or fade. Cures baldness, grayness, splitting of the hair, dandruff and all diseases of the hair, scalp and beard. One applica tion stops hair falling. A nursery req uisite; no mother should neglect to use It for her boys and girls; when the hair is made strong in childhood it remains proof against disease and retains its vigor and youthfulneas throughout life. Mme. Yale's Hair Tonic is a colorless fragrant, delightful hair dressing; neither sticky, gritty nor greasy; makes the hair soft, fluffy and glossy. Con tains no artificial coloring; would not soil the whitest hair; restores original color by invigorating the scalp and re establishing natural circulation and proper distribution of the live coloring matter. Beautiful hair redeems the plainest countenance, and anyone can secure It by using Mme. Yale's Hair Tonic. Now in three slaes our prices, 25c, 45c and 80c rims Yale's Hair Tonic Is Sold by Drug Dept., Boston Store FOUR BIG BARGAINS For Monday And you'll find this depart ment now on the main floor next to the Drug Department Don't make tae mistake by go ing down in the basement, for we've moved on the first floor. 25 Sticks Candy to Pure Cream Assorted Caramels. Tic Chocolate Drops 1 -........Ho Italian Chocolates So 2 h4 honor of your prtstnee i requested at an Initial Showing of Model Suits and Skirts for Spring Beginning Monday, February , J 904 And continuing one wteh The most ertittio modelt from , A New York Tailoring Company Will be displayed and measurements taken for special orders. J. L. Brandeis & Sons, DR. BRADBURY Painless Extraction Without uaa. Fillings 50c up Oold Crowns, $2.50 up Brldgs Work $2.50 up Lady Attendant 1506 Farnam DENTIST. Fourteen Years Same Location We positively remove nerves from teeth with out the least particle of pain. open Sundays 10 to 1 2. VIA aaM44 AND LOW HATES Homeseekers' Excursions TP J February 2d and 16th 1ff A I uesdays, j;sMf:."l, 1904 Iron Mountain lH niiro ,r ILLXJ lis To Certain Points In the WEST AND SOUTHWEST AT ONE FARE FOR TII und trip Final Limit of Tickets, 21 Days. Stopovers will b allowed within transit limit of 18 days going after reaching first homeseeker's point en route. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION or land pamphlets, folders, maps, eto., address any agent of the company, or T. P. QODFREY, Passenger and Ticket Agent. Ton HUGHES, Trav eling Passenger Agent, OflAHA, NEB. H. C. TOWN SEND, denl. Passegner and Ticket Agent, St Loula, Ho. AN EXTRACT FROM HER LETTER "If you could only be here this winter morning and see for yourself, you would no longer doubt me. Rosea are blooming In our front yard, and all nature is as far advanced in this lovely Amer ican Bummer-land as it will be in your Eastern home by June. , . We made the Journey from Omaha to the Golden Gate via the Union Paciflo and Southern Paoiflo to avoid the circuitous routes an important Item in the winter. A trip to California is made dellahtful by the perfect service and luxurious accommo dation of the Overland Limited' which is perhapa the most finely equipped train in the world." Bl tUIII YOUR TIOKITS MAD OVKR UNION PACIFIC CTQtnna ST riTT TICKET OFTIOB, 1824 Fvnun St. 'Fboao 819. fhene 818. I fill! ..MONDAY.. When Drexel advertises a cut In price, everyone knows It Is a gen uine cut We have a good reason for selling these shoes at these prices and will give It to you when you come to the store. Four lines of women's shoes aU slaes and widths. In turn and welts regular (4 to 3 g t:k. 1.50 Two lines of women's one-strap slippers for house wear narrow tot-s, regular $1.50 g p to $2.50 values, OC Two lots misses' shoes in broken sizes regular $1.50 sf f to $2.50 values. 1 P special price, at Three lots women's sizes In spring heels eery size and width, regu lar $2 and $2.50 S)A avt" Lou Men's patent calf, heavy winter shoes, dquble sole, Ca EST., .31) DREXEL SHOE GO., 1419 rarnara Strcjt. Ossaha'a Up-t e-Dsts ShesHoass' f Sfig Best of Everything The Only Double TracK Railway ,to Chicago The Omaha Chicago Train Pmr Excellence 1 No. e a $olid trin mat tip n OmaAa daily ON TIUE mt 6:60 p. rn , arris- ing Chicmy 7:30 next morn tng. Library, liujftt C'sr, ZtrUr, nets btandrd Sleep , (.' irCurs Ktrythinj. City Office i- -a' 1401-1403 FARNAM ST. OMAHA TEL. 824-681 rtsrHhed I8T8. Antiquarian Book Concern 822 N. Y. LIFE BLDG. S, SHONFELD, Prop Importer of Rare and Choice Miscellaneous Books 'T'lIE following telertiont from my Hare Book De partment, which I offer at very reasonable prices, mwt be ctn to be appreciated. rieasc call or drop me a pos tal and I will give fulX de tcription. The Brltloh Ksaavlwts 45 "TA A A vols. fuU onlf, portraits. Ill II 1 1 London, 1S1. w,ww Plutarch's Uveo, with NotPS Histor ies! and Critical 8 vols, in fi full CHlf, with 60 fine old I II k)l engraving. Dublin. 173D. VV Thiers' History of the French Revolu tion 6 vols., Rvo., calf, S pn eteol portraits and other 1 Til illustrations. London, 1M8 w Percy's Anecdotes, original p AA and select. In 20 vols., I 1 II 1 1 cloth, portraits aw Chesterfield's Letters, 4 vols. PA full calf. J Til London, 17S7 Macaulay'a History of Eng- p AA land 6 vols , 8vo., calf, I 1 1 1 1 1 London, 1853 .', WW Hudlbrns, by 8. Butler, with Grey's Annotations 3 vols., gvo., S f f steel plates. Ill lll London, 1819 The Works of Samuel Johnson 1 vols., 8vo., full morocco, f portrait. ZU.UlJ London. 1792 a V. W Memoirs of Prince Metternlch, 1773 1815, steel portrait, S vols., A AA London. 1SS0 lU.UW Mysteries of the Courts of London, by Geo. W. M. Heynolds 12 vols., 8vo., original edition, unex- C fif purg-ated, with 624 lllus- J J II U tratlons, very scarce w v ZIBRAB1ES and small panels of books purchased at their fullest CAS II value. Any book in print or out-of-print procured at the shortest notice, and at the most reason able prices. Telephone 3036 Checkmated at Every Game!. That's what wa have done to the Omaha drug trust. We are not bragging about this, but simply demonstrating to them as well as everyone else, that we are run ning OUK BUSINESS our wayl They the local druggists, had us shut off. That didn't keep uh from getting goods so they hired P1NKERTON DETECTIVES and they got gay and we had 'em run Inl NOW WE ARE READY FOR THE NEXT MOVE, and In the meantime are selling $1.00 Peruna for 49o $1.00 Bromo Reltzer for 53a 1.00 VInol for 8T.O $1.00 Orrlne for 67o $1.00 NKRVAN TABLETS for 67c $3.60 "Marvel Spray" Syringes for $2.25 2oo Laxative Bromo Quinine 7o Remember "Our word Is good" and we guarantee to sell everything we handle, AT LEAST 2C LOWER THAN any price quoted by any druggist in Omaha, South Omaha or Council Bluffs, in any dally Jiaper of these cities. 2.00 Chester's Genuine Pennyroyal Pills $1.00 Articles marked only one to a customer. CUT PRICB BRUa STORE R T. YATES, Prop. 16th and Chicago Sts., Omaha. 'Phones 747 and 797. 24th and N Sts., South Omaha. Phone No. 1. 6th Ave. and Main St., Council Bluffs. 'Phone 83S. All goods de livered In either city absolutely free. SCHAEFER'S Shoe Bargains This Week Ws shall continue this week the splendid bargains in high grade shoes that we offered at yesterday's big sale. Don't fall to see them. They're great. Johnston & Murphy's and Boy den's enamel calf and box calf, double sole, winter weight, late style $6 shoe, you can A (If) got this wek for only... A lot of mnn's $3.60 shoes. In patent colt, heavy soles, Potay and London lasts, O fif) bow Women's $5 French calf shoes, made by Laird. Hchober St Co., with winter weight '1 Cf soles, now KJ.kJVJ Wright Peters' women's W Ideal patent kid. welt soles and kid lined, a splendid winter shoe, stylish and cor- A f)0 rect, now Women's kid and box calf $? 60 and $2.76 welt f Q( shoes now Misses- $2 and $2B0 box calf laxre and button f R(l Shoes now a.- Child's $1.50 and $1 button and lace, narrow widths, ROC go for CO. FRYSnOt ite-DOIGlAOi Vissss. nun. 13 Kills' 1 TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER Writ aw Cey. Line of Jewels In this or sny other city at prices In reach of all, from 6o a doseo to 10c a piece. All colors and styles. Indian Beads in all Its variety. Bead looms, 10c; by mall, 16c Remember ws make stockings Ilk mother used to make. JOS. F. BILZ, 322 So. 16th St. OMAHA, - NEB Trading Stamps Free 111 THH REXIABLH STOHR. 7 T Trading btamps Free Throe Extra Trading Stamp Specials Honda Cloaks Cloaks Cloaks THE OPPORTUNITY TOU'VH BEEN LONOINO FOR. Tnt!",1?1,?3 AT KH PKR CENT DISCOUNT FROM REGULAR TRICES-I MIDI VIVt 4.90 Women's $15.00 and $30.00 coats st Manufacturers' stock of women's coats, In lenRths and long stylos $J6 in An and Ua quality go at lUsUU Manufacturers' stock of women's suits- regular $?0 and $12.60 valuer Q Q Otin biir tnhln nt ainninn'. wnlt. ... vets, veilnjrK. flannels and other" 104 materials, n-guhir $5.00 quality liU iManutnoTiirers siock or women s Q O $S and $10 quality go at d9 Tho New Voile Skirt THET ARE HERE THE NEW PPniNQ STYLES. TO SAT THEY ART BEAU TI8 DOK8 NOT EXPRESS IT. PRICKS, $J6.00, $15.00, $U.60 and $10.00. COMIJ 11 AND SEE THEM. NEW SPRING SUITS 1504. We have Just received by express 60 women's suits. The new, nobby, noon eiun vneuui inr spring wenr, at .to, la ana..... Children's ooats, ages I to S regular $4.00 quality i . 12 50 98c Extra Special FROM 1:30 TO 11 A. M. Wa will sell women's black mercerised underskirts worth Cfts $1.26-at, each 0 U Women's flannelette wrappers, 15-lnch flounce lnpnl over shoulders $1.25 quality at One big lot women's waists at, each ..... Women's breakfast shawls at , 50 .50 ..15 Groat Clearing Sale of Men's Fine Suits and Overcoats Men's fine all wool suits, In worsteds, cas slmerea, . Scotch cheviots, fancy cheviots and serges. In blue, black, brown and gray mixtures, fancy mixtures and plain, colors, all hand-tailored with hand-padded shoulders, hair cloth fronts and cut In the very latest styles, noat, stylish, dressy garments, worth from $15.00 to $18.00 our clearing I ft sale price only Uli Mon's tine all wool overcoats, In beaverai kerseys, vicunas, cheviots and man! other fabrics, In any shade you wlsh-T filaln or mixed colors, cut In medium amf ong lengths, all hand-tailored through out worth rrom $18 to $18 in f our clearing sale price only lUtU Optical Department Gold filled frames, 10 year guar antee $3.00 value Careful Fittin g, Correct Frames. Close Pricen IRQ 1 AJuminold spectacles or eys glasses, Afli Ua l with line imported lenses, worth. $$9U( Silk Prices Still Go Down MONDAY, THE CLIMAX OF ALL BARGAIN NITY OF A LIFETIME. SALES. THH SILK OPPORTU- PLAIN AND BROCADE) SILKS black, white and all colors Q. Monday at, yard - IQU Beautiful coraed silks and many Sfl. other handsome styles, on sale, at... 0f HUNDREDS OF PIECES of both plain and fanoy silks will be sold at, yard CHOICE- SILKS, over 100 pieces In all worth twice the pries asked per yard .254 n alii .494 Ws are showing a beautiful new line of chiffon Foulard silks, crepe de chines, silks xor smi i waist suns, pnamunx pongee ana nauuiia wasn siiks. WINSLOW TAFFETAS, BEABON iMi ARB NOW IN. Drug Department Specials Castorla M ....... 21 o Pinkham's Compound ...... 69c Colgate Violet Talcum ;lfo Toilet Soap, 1 boxes for 15o Little Liver Pills Mennen's Talcum Powder ... Rubber Complexion Brush Beef, Iron and Wine Wash Goods in Great Domestic Room 82-Inch wide mercerised ginghams, 82-Inch wide sephyr ginghams, in plain stripes and checks, fleece lined pique, assorted colors, Just the thing for early spring wear heavy pique waiatlngs. Venetian watst Ings and flannelettes, worth in,, up to 19c Monday, at, yard IUU Scotch madrasses, 32-lnch and 86-lnoh wide, light and dark percales, black sateens and mercerized linings, sephyr waist lngs and flannelettes, worth up Tin to $16-Monday, at, yard I 'if r Piaue walstlngs. silver gray. Scotcll and seersucker ginghams, y&rd wldj caies, medium ana light colors, gret riety or dark nannelettea, worth up to 12Ho Monday, pr yard , SMU standard prints, In dark blues, an grays, black and whits and fancy colors, worth 6 Via M J Monday, per yard AiC Short lengths In all wool dress goods, grca( assortment oi colors worm n up to Wc Monday at C i Linen and Domostic Dept. SPECIALS FOR MONDAY a yards heavy L. L. muslin I fin worth 6Vjo yard for 21 yards IiUU 10 yards bleached seemless sheet- I QC ing, worth 25o yard for I 9 12 yards fine snow whits cambric, I flfl worth 12o yard, lor s- w 1 yards silver bleached all linen German damask, worth 69o Otit yard, for 2 yards SO" 2 yards homespun Austrian table damask, worth 40c yard, Atlo Monday for i yards rfl1' 15 yards soft finished bleached muslin worth 8 l-3o a yard I AA for 15 yards I' UU 13 vards No. SO Ann imin Enellsh Ion cloth. worth l&o 4 yard, I n&- Monday, for 12 yards liUc. iA . . MA . T n .1 1 . a. ' .V 7Mun linn punni ,11111. i.i.vii, , worth 16o yard, for 10 yards liU t yards extra heavy fall bleached Irl table nnen, worm vso yard, for 2 varda 12 silver bleached all linen napkins, poi dot patterns, worth $1.86 doxen, Ql iuunuay, per uuseu 12 Flannel Department lOo best grade outing flannel at, yard lOo cream domet flannel at, yard 40o all wool eiderdown at, yard 49c fancy strips Scotch flannel at, yard ., BEDDING $1.00 extra large, slxe 11-4, tan cotton bed blankets at pair $6.00 11-4 tan and gray wool bed blankets at, pair ...Be 61c .... 25c 25c and gray, ... '75 ...3 50 $2.76 10-4 gray wool bed blankets I IC at, pair - f 3 $2.60 home-mads bed comforts rs, size 72xs. s4, weight 7 pounds I Pf each lUW"v $1.00 white honeycomb bed spreads, CfJ. 1 handsome Marseilles patterns, eaoh. $2.00 white fringe bed spreads, Marseilles patterns, heavy knotted fringe, extra large slse. and no better I QB value each M $2.60 genuine Marseilles spreads. extra large acn 175 Extra Special Shoe Salo CLOSING OUT ALL WINTER GOODS AT LESS THAN COST. 69c 98c China Department Women's foxed balls worth $1.16 at All our women's $1.25 and $1.50 warm slippers at ...... .... .. Children's and misses' all .t. aii -i;, .......... ........ I lien's and women's $3.60, $3 snd $3.60 fintt. snoes, new styles ana an learners W S7 SIIU UK' II II tTv WP3 HAVK JUST RECEIVED A SHIP MENT OF ENGLISH rTWW Burro UNDEROIAZED DECORATIONS, 100 1'IEC'KS TO TlUi SET FOUR DIFFERENT As we are the only' Omaha retailers on the classified wholesaler list, wa n them at retail at what other dealers would PAY wholesale, as we BUT ALL OUR. , CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE DIRECT FROM THE MANUFACTURERS. We will put these dinner sets on sale Monday for, per set , Decorated Holland Bowls each , 3 98 3c Decorated oups and saucers 41. each. ... sb ...5c Large slsed vegetable dish each , Large slsed platters eacn ... Water tumblers per set of ...... ... Wins gla per set of f....M ..Oo ...5o sjssssrM Hardware, Stoves and llousefurnishings. A deep cut In all heating stoves this week, before removing them to warehouse. FVKRY stove on our SAMPLE FLOOR MUST BE) SOLD, and ws will MAKE Tlii3 PRICE. SPECIAL TRADING STAMP OFFER FOR MONDAY. $6.00 IN TRADING STAMPS given with every combination of a tl 49 wood fram wringer, a ; oo luioing iroiung poara, a set oi best nickel plated roui Irons, $1.10 A.L.U tun to.fs. $10 Free $10 Frea $10 Fres Groceries Groceries Groceries TWO TRADING STAMP BPWIAI.8 MONDAY. To every purchaser of one sacK of our highest patent Minnesota Health Flour, will give $5.00 worth of trading stamps free. Alsu to every purchaser of $ pouudn of our highest grade Arabian Mocha and Mandellng Java coffee for $1.00 we will give $5 UU worth of trading stamps free. THIS OFFER IS FOR MONDAY ONLY. OTHfc.it GROCERY BARGAINS 21-lbs. pure cans granulated sugar for. $1.00 Iarge sack pure, buckwheat flour for... $100 Large sack white or yellow oornmeal.LiViO t-liis. hand-picked navy buans I Ho 6-lba. Umi beans ISo k-lls. fancy pearl tapioca, sago, barley, or Farina 19c 5- lbs. good Japan rice for lite 6- lha. fancy Make or pearl hominy (or... lic S-lbs, breakfast rolled oats llto I-lt. pkg. belf-rlalng pancake flour 7Uo Condensed mincemeat, pkg La (-lb. cans solid packed tomatoes ?c z-lh. cans Early June peas Tty. l ib. cans wax, Llm or string beans.. 7,. t-lh. cans table, egg or greengage plunia, f",r Lij Tt m are oeauquariera ior wax candles. DRIED FRUIT SPECIALS. Choice California Prunes, per pound t Fancy Mulr Peaches, per pound. 7'Ao. EngliHh (.leaned Currants, per pound, ' fancy iuuornia uaruett 1'eara, pound, 124o. Vi Fancy Moor Park Apricots, par lb., Uiia, HAYDEW BROS.