Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 31, 1904, PART I, Page 2, Image 2

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Telephone flS-m
'In aclencs read tha
newest works;
In literature,
tbJ oldest."
only we will hold the greatest nale ever attempted. in Omaha
on this class of merchandise. Almost two thousand pillows and
several hundred pounds of feathers will be Bold at less than
wholesale prices.
Hotel, Lodging House & Housekeepers
will have an opportunity to exercise economy during this three
day sale never before equallpd. We do not remember of a sale
of this kind ever having been held In. Omaha before and cannot
urge upon you too strongly to take advantage of the special prices
we will make February 1st, 2d and 3d.
Bed Pillows
Our W.CO Bed Pillow weight I pounds at T6o per pair.
' Our 11.40 Bed Pillows weight 8 pound at 11.00 per pair.
Our 11.76 Bed Pillow weight 7 pounds at $115 per pair.
. Our ll.M Bed Pillow weight 7 pounds at 11.20 per pair.
Our 12.00 Bed Pillow weight I pounds at II .40 per pair.
, Our 42.25 Bed Pillow weight 7 pounds at 11.55 per pair.
Our $2.60 Bed Illlow weight 7 pounds at $1.M per pair.
Our $4.00 Bed Pillows weight 4 pounds at $2 W per pair. -Our
$4.26 Bed Pillow weight 6 pounds at $2J0 per pair.
Our $4.75 Bed Pillows weight pounds at W.10 per patr.
Our $000 Bed Pillows weight 6 pounds at $3.86 per pair.'
Our $fi.60 Bed Pillows weight pound at $3.66 per pair.
Our I5.TG Bed Pillow weight 6 pounds at $3.86 per pair.
Our $6.00 Bed Pillow weight 6 pound at $4.00 per pair.
Our $1.00 grada of Bed Feather
Our Wc grade ot Bed Feather
Our Soc grade of Bed Feathers
Our Co grade of Bed Feathers
Our 76c grade of- Bed Feather
Our 70c grade of Bed Feathers
Our G6c grade of Bed Feathers
Our 60c grade of . Bed Feathers
Y. M. C. A. Building. Corner
For Fint Time in Teari No Go'd Coin ii
on Hand.
Vaa Francisco and Philadelphia Or.
tiered to Hopply Demand for
Doable Kagle. n Fast
a Possible. 1 '
WASHINGTON, -Jan. 81.-For tha first
time In many year the treasury find lt-
aelf without any gold coin In it vaulta.
It 1 explained that this condition 1 th- I
reault of an unprecedented demand t,
gold certificate during the time when th
mints have been fully employed In coining
Philippine silver and aubsldlary silver for
tha United fltatea.
The increased demand for gold certificate
whloh.only may b isiued for gold coin. In
th treasury cams about through tha need
of th larger banking Institution In th
great commercial center which had large
amounts of note of small denomination
on hand which they wished to exchange
for gold certificate of larger denomina
tion. The secretary has given Instruc
tions for tha mlnta at Philadelphia and Ban
Francisco to begin th coinage of double
eagles on February and to work over
time until a sufficient supply has been
coined to meet all demands.
Iterances Have Decreased.
Tha forthcoming . monthly statement of
tha government recelpta and expenditures
will show a decided falling eft of revenues
and an Increase In expenditures a com
pared with the corresponding monlh of
last year. The principal decrease appear
In custom receipts, which will bo hown
to be about $2,600,000 for th month and a de
crease ot about $j00,0OO from Internal rev
enue source. The statement also will ohow
that during tha preaent month the expendi
ture will amount to approximately $4$,
600,000, or nearly 17,000,000 mora than tor
January, 1901. During that month tha re
ceipt exceeded the expenditure by about
Oood Work of Thompson.
Without the sacrifice of a single duty on
product a entering the United State and
In fact without consideration at all. Minis
ter Thompson has secured - pieferentlal
rates on several lines of stapli Amerloan
products imported to Brasll. The details ot
th arrangement - mad public today r
that Brasll gives preferential ratei to th
following producta ot the United States:
To flour In barrels, S3 per cent; to flour In
aacks, manufactures of rubber, at 11 wl .ai,
paints, varnishes, condensed milk, Uo.ks
and watchea, 10 per cent. Minister Thomp
son say that with the exception of flour
Bon of then artlclea Is being Imported
Into Brasll from tha Un-ted States in an?
quantity at th preaent time. As for flour,
the Imports, formerly l.SO),00) ta. rels per
annum, about lx. or seven years ago, have
fallen oft to about 600,000 barrsla per an
but Ann pnEPAr.ED'To enow
Girl's Coats
New Arrival
Boys' and Girls' l ut; and Caps
Girls' njx SMf.i
New Departure
Youny Mn's Suits
Age U to 19 year.
Dressy apparel for th young men
who are revond the pale of boyhco I
and who should have rlo.he different
from thote worn by rren.
Our V ount rUn'a Ciothei
are different and tor the young mm
up to to years they're better thin
anything ever shown liereatoji.
Prices. 10.(M to 117 W. .
. :-pHQNB ITU. . '. . . '
WR CLOflE SAtURDATS AT f p". M "' Bee'.'Jan. '3iri!K4.
Great Special Sale of
f Bed Pillows
and Feathers
at 65c per pound.
at 62Hc Per pound.
at 60c per pound.
at 67c per pound.
at 56c per pound.
at. Me per pound.
at 46c per pound.
at 37Hc per pound.
Sixteenth and Douglas Sts.
num owing to the Mcesslve duty, which
the present agreement will diminish..
So the minister say that if the Ameri
can exporter, manufacturer and farmer
are ready to take advantage of thl op
portunity there Is a boundless market open
to them In Braxll. Mr. Thompson enters
the most energetic protest against the
stories that have been widely circulated in
Amerloa in the past few years regarding
the extension of German Influence In Bra
xll. lie say the German Immigration into
Braxll Is very much in character Ilk :hat
which flows into the United States. W.tur
al!y, this large Inflqx of Teutonic . blood
make Itself felt among the Braslllanf) but,
says Mr. Thompson, just as they do In
America, the Germane In Brasll, without
forgetting their fatherland, become abso
lutely local Braalllana end constitute one
of the best prop of tha republic
Democrats Do Not Decide.
Th democratic senatora were In con
ference for three hours today on the
Bacon resolution Instructing "the 'president
to effect an adjustment of 'the' claim of
Colombia against tha United State- on ac
count of the Panama revolt.. A number' of
speeches -were made, but bo decision .ws
reached. Another meeting will be ..held
next week.
Qaledy Released from Her Ung Con,
laemtat leveral Days
LONDON, Jan. 51 I.oyd'a weekly new.
paper says this morning that Mrs. Florence
Muybrtrk, the American woman who was
serving a life sentence for having poisoned
her husband, wa released from the Ayles
bury femal convict prison at 6:46 o'clock
nt the morning of January 2$ on a special
The departure of the prlaoner waa carried
out very quietly. Mr. Maybrick, accom
panied by one of the prison matrons, en
tered a closed carriage and drove to Aylea
bury station, where she took a train for
London, Mrs. Maybrick, the paper con
cludes, during tho last few months In prison
was employed In the lightest work as a re
ward for good conduct.
The Associated Press has ss yet been
unable to confirm the reported release of
Mrs. Maybrick.
Florence C. Maybrick, the daughter of
the late W. G, Chandler, a banker of Mo
bile, Ala., wa convicted at Liverpool In
1883 of having poisoned her husband, James
Maybrick. a cotton broker, and waa aen
fenced to death. Thl sentence, however,
wa later commuted to life Imprisonment.
Many effort have been made during Mr.
Maybrick' Imprisonment to have her par
doned and It waa announced on March 2$,
1803, on authority of th home office, that
he would be reloased In 1304.
Fnaeral ml Dr. Holly M. Mill.
OBCEOLA. Neb.. Jan. 80.-Spclal.)-Th
funeral of Dr. Holly M. Mill wu hold thl
morning from tha Flrit Methodist Epis
copal church of Osceola, Rev. J. W. Km
bree. th paator, officiating. Service wer
held under the auspice of tha Masonic
lodge, of which the doctor was a -charter
member. Th doctor wa born In Wayn
county. New York. Hi father. Dr. Caleb
Mill, wa a loldltr in th war of 1811, and
til grandfather a soldier In the war of tho
revolution. The family cf wife nnd eleven
children moved from New York to Michi
gan In the eaxjy Jay, and on the breaking
out of th civil war the doctor enlisted a a
private In Company H. Eleverub Michigan
Infantry, and was soon promoted a gen
eral field hcaplta! stewcrd, and served a
uch until the clore cf the war, when he
returned home and finished Ms education.
graduating at the Cincinnati Eclectic coU
lege. He cm to Polk county In 1870 and
took n horreetrad In what I now known a
Island precinct, and In 1S7J he moved to
Osceola, where h hn redded contin
uously. He we th first resident practising
physician of Polk county.
Mr. C. S. Traasler.
PLATT8MOVTII. Neb.. Jan. -(9ra-clal.)
Mra. E. 8. Truajl.- of thl city died
t th horn of htr dtughter at Rock
I'lind, 111., last Sunday, agad year. Shi
leave five children, C. E. Wlthrow, oiltur
ot th Pacific Junction New; W. L.
Wlthrow, publisher of th Trlbun of thl
city; Mr. J. A. Stewart, Edgemont, . D. ;
Miss Mabl Truler of I hi city and Mra
Y A. Boyr, Rock Island, 111.
William g. Dlller.
rAIRBCRT. Neb., Jan. 30.-Speclal Tele
gram. William a. Dlller. county , clork of
Jsfferaon county, died this, morning after
two week Illness. He wa serving his
third term, having been appointed to ftll
a vacancy and re-elected twice. The fu
neral Bervtot win be held her tomorrow
a4 he remain taken to Dlller for Inter
net, .
. , - ..'
Session of Ftrlimeot Fronts to B 0n
tf Grsat Impoi'.s:cs,
Dnlfonr Following and Chamberlain
Party Mill Fare Hitter Opponents
When Flacnl and Tariff .ra
tion Are Kalsed,
LONDON, Jan. lu. King Edward will
open in full state on Feoruary 24 what'
promises to be one of the moat Interesting
and' Important sessions . In the history of
the British Parliament. Every nation in
the world is materially concerned In the
division that will shortly occur In tha
House of Commons, and upon Its request
the future policy of the British empire
must largely depend. No government of
recent time has ever faced a legislature
under such altered conditions.
Since Parliament adjourned Irt June last,
not only has the cabinet been entirely re
constructed, but the party lines have been
completely broken. Seven distinct factions
will take seats In the House of Commons
Tuesday. They are the followers of Pre
mier Balfour, who favor a policy of tariff
retaliation, but who object to protection;
the Chamberlain party, which Insists that
protection Is necessary to the unity of the
empire; the out and out free traders, who
are opposed to any tinkering with the fis
cal system. The foregoing were all for
merly known as unionists.
The liberals, though they were almost to
a man free traders, are split Into two defi
nite factions, one following 81r Henry
Campbell-Bannermao and Insisting on home
rule, and the other regarding Lord Rose
berry as their logical leader and refusing
to make home rule a plank of their plat
form. The labor party completes the triple
division of the free trade ranks. John Red
mond, the Irish party leader, makes the
seventh faction.
In view of this complex state of affairs,
largely due to events since Parliament last
met, the most astute politicians fervently
confess themselves to. be at sea. So many
cabinet- members, Including Chamberlain,
Charles K. Rlchia and Lord George Ham
ilton, will be absent from their accustomed
places on the front bench on Tuesday, that
the oldest parliamentary hands will
scarcely be able to distinguish between the
supporters and the opponents of th gov
ernment on the fiscal question.
The duke of Devonshire, Lord Avebury,
Mr. Ooschen, Sir John Gorst, Lord George
Hamilton, Lord Hugh Cecil. Winston
Spencer Churchill and many others Identi
fied with the present party In power will
be ; Mr. Balfour's most bitter opponent
the moment the fiscal question Is raised.
That will come quickly, for John Morley
intends Introducing an amendment to the
king's speech on this point. It Is possible,
though hardly probable, that Mr. Morley
may turn out the government. The de
bate la likely to take up several days.
Strenuous efforts' are now muklng to get
the free trade unionist members not only
to abstain from voting, but to openly Join
the liberal forces In the opposition lobby.
(Continued from First Page.)
which Japan can send to the powers, as a
Justification for declaring war;) " ;'
1. ' ' ..
. Mow American Got Facta.
LONDON, Jan. SO. According to the Jap
anese Jgat!o,Tkj-.herai. Irujrfey , Grisccyri
cable menaage from the' State
department at'vVash1ngtoh, saying, on 'th
authority 01 th British ambassador at
St. . Petersburg, .telegraphed to -tne Pritlsh
legation at Toklo, hat the Russian reply to
Japan would be satisfactory, was based on
tha following fact: ' ( -.. .
On January 26 the. British ambaasador at
St. Petersburg telegraphed to. Foreign Sec
retary Lansdowne at London that he had
Interviewed the Russian foreign minister,
Count Lamsdorff, that morning and that
Count Lamsdorff aaid' the Russian reply
would be dispatched the same evening, and
that he (Count Lamsdorff) believed It woull
be satisfactory to Japan. Theae facts wer
re-telegraphe to the British minister to
Japan, 81r Claude MacDonald, and also
were communicated to the' diplomats who
attended Lord Lansdowpe's reception, Janu
ary 27, . Count Lamsdorff Intentions, how
ever,, evidently mlscarrledIf for the. Foreign
office and the Japanese, legation both con
firm the statement, made In the Associated
Press dispatches on the subject frpm ,8t.
Petersburg and Toklo yesterday that , no
reply has yet been sent and that there -I
nothing to Indicate what it real nature
will be, except what must ha,ve been an
almost obvious utterance on tl part of
Count Lamsdorff. . . ;
The Dally Graphic, which todqy reasserts
that the Russian reply was communicated
to Japan January 27,. was probably, misled
by a partial knowledge. of the contents of
the telegram received here from th. British
ambassador at St. Petersburg, January 2
last, which aubsequcnt event proved to be
Incorrect. Baron Hayasfli, the Japanese
minister to Great Britain, made minute in
quiries at the Foreign office yesterday
evening and was Informed that the British
government had not received any further
tnfotmatlon. Baron Hayashl declares the
situation, therefore, I quite unchanged and
presume that Minister Orlacom in some
way attributed to the British ambassador
t 8t, Petersburg what really emanated
from Count Lamsdorff.
The Foreign office confirming the tate
ment of the Japanese legation In- regard to
the receipt of and the re-telegraphing of
the telegram ot January t. adds:
Th British ambaes'tdnr at St. Petersburg
did not express an opinion as to whether
or pot the Russian reply would be satis
fuctury to Jupan.
A dispatch to Keuter's Telegram company
from St. Petersburg says th transportation
of merchandise ovur the Trans-Slberlun
railroad will be atupped after February 2,
In order to leave the line open for the can-
yeyance of troopa and stores. Th dis
patch adds that War Minister Kuropatkln
will be appointed to command the Russian
land forces in the event of war with Japan.
A Washlngrtou Hear Matter.
WASHINGTON, Jn. M.-Vulted State
Minuter Allen, at Seoul, cablea that - a
Cbrean official - recently returned from '
Russian government appear to desire the
neutralisation of Corea. 1 ' ,
In transmitting to the State department
the report that he had received fn th
Japanese minister at' Toklo, stating that
the Russian reply was being framed and
that It would be satisfactory to Japan,
Minister Giiscom did not give. Count Latns
dorff as authority for the declaration that
the reply waa satisfactory. Indeed. Count
Lamsdorft's name waa not mentioned ' In
th dispatch.
Fear Deseeat of Japaaese. . .
PORT ARTIIVR. Jan. 80:-Arprehenslon
that there will be war la still expressed
In official quarters here, where It 1 alao
said that a Japanese descent la expected
at any moment. At the aama time 4h.e
authorities declare that with the exception
of strategical prtcautlun taken btweep
Llao Yang end th Yalu liver. tielr plana
have not been formed, f.nd that it will
b Impossible to complete the arrangements
until the Japanese make more definite
demonstratives of thttr intention
UBuatlea and -Aeld troopa are .oty aad
- . . f t : 1- ..;
between 'Llao Tang" and "the Siberian bor
der the ratlroatt IS evtrfaxed In trahHrwrt
Ing'fToop' and replacing the regiments dls
patched at 'trie Yalu river. In contrast
wltfi -the "afnnr eapressed In official circles,-
the--merchant are "optimistic. Al
though the si'rjpl'ri ha been burdened with
high Insurance the 'kuply' of ship's 'Is ade
quate, notwl'Js,thaing the withdrawal ofJ
the ' Jnparesevesiwls. . One of the lattar,
after a fortnight' detention in Japan, I
nww on the-' way 'to Chenrulpo. Corea; and
Che Foo, China, with a cargo. The Rus
slon commissariat officers say 'hey have
found unlimited suprllea of hay and oat in
the Interior of Manchuria. These hitherto
had been greatly deficient.
The authorities Pofitfnue to charge the
t'hltea States' with lack of tact arid Cour
tesy 'and express atinoyarine ' at ' the ap
pointment' of - United States consuls at
Mnkdcn. Port bamy and AntungV No de
cision. It Is said, has' yet been reached by
trie 'administration Hi regard to "tlte recog
nition of the' consuls or the relations to be
made with them. ' "
(Continued from First Page.).
the treasures existing in the churches of
the country.
A pious woman, ..member of the highest
Italian aristocracy, . was received recently
in private audience -by Pius X and -presented
to him a ifiagttlflcefit "silken uC
chetto. which she had embroidered With her
own hands, requesting' that he accept It In
exchange for tir one he was tften wearing.
The pope smiled,, but . taking the xuc
chetto fiom hi head, he pointed out that
being winter, he wore a -thjek woolen one
'and said: ''If you can bring me one Just
like It. I am perfectly willing to TOnke the
exchange." The lady eamlnedfh pope's
xucchetto closely . and promised that she
would soon bring hlra . one Ilka It..
Defeats Lincoln Association Team at
Basket Ball -in Pretty ,.. .
. - Came...
' The basket ball plrtyers "of the Yourig
Men's Christian MssnclHthin were lrtitni
In the encounter with their .Lincoln . con
trtmporarles' In the association gynnasium
last evening. Score, 17 to .13.
The local' players did the best work In
the Inst half, when their splendid phvslcnl
condition enabled them to execute brilliant
plnys without number. The Lincoln men
had been In a hard contest the night before
and were stiff and easily tired. The- score
in the first half was 15 to 9. Notwithstand
ing the lopsided score the game wsa full of
Interest. The Omahans put ginger In their
playing 'and did faster work at the-finish
.than they did at .the outset,
Of the local men. Ben Cherrlngton, Wll
lard nnd Hanscom Old the shnwleat playing.
Cherrlngton negotiated some very pretty
? cm Is and Wlllard and Hanscom much ef
ertlve blocking. ''
The ' Lincoln enme was one scheduled. In
the place of .the contest with Kahsns. after
the .layhawkers' declined to keep their bas
ket" bhtl ebtrfiReirifrit. The attendance was
linnsually large, about 200 spectators being
on the floor and half as many In the gal
leries. The enthusiasm of the Lincoln root-
Pra was a feature. Line up: .
mn)ia Position Lincoln.
Hansen (captain).. .Center Walsh
T'lxton ..Left foiward Or.tlnger
Krellv Cherrlngton. .Rlirht forward. .Hammll
WHIard (G.)... Lfft guard JMntson
Anderson KUxht guard Burress
Referee: A. C. Jones of Omaha, I'mplre:
Hewitt of Lincoln. Timekeeper: Nelson' of
Omaha.-'Scorer: Kste of Omahi. ,.. .'
Morris Wood of Brooklyn Win Three
National Errsti a the Ice '
, -'.., . afA V.aroj Laka..,,, fv(
! VERONA LiAKK, 1. J-t .Jan. 0.-Over a
sfjt'-ltt -the mile-course on VeUm lake
to- MorUa,JVajpl pf,J?rrpjayrv.wo three
BAf WklinT . w nPa-l aib-ti I ( m tr rti ri-inlrr-iatilt-idl '
wlilrh were1 Vperf id art amateurs -ahd "tindelt
t n auspice or. t m a tiemnl - Ama aur SkK -Ing
aswoclatlun of t he 1'uiu?d eta's. Fol.-.
lowing are the luramarins:
One-half mile cbaniplohshlp; AVnn ny
Mbrrls Wood' of rWklyri; W. Hi Merrftt.
Verona Lake Skating rlub second; G. Beller
futile, Winnipeg. Can., third. Time: p:2IH,
One mile, championship: Won by Morris
Wood. W. H. Merrltt second. K. A. Taylor
Of Hrooklyn third. Time; :01.
Fve mile. champlonsh.Ip: Won bv Mor
ris Wood. C. riellofulll second, W. II. Mer
rltt third. Time: 16:61.
Rnaslan Win First Fall from Turk
and Fata Arm Ont of Joint
. . . t . J- tn I.nndaa. k . w .
v ' ' v. a. .''
tONDON, Jaw 80. Irf a Oraeco-Roman
wrestling' match at.. the OJympla tonight
for the championship or the worm a purse
of $10,000 and a side bet of '$500, GeOrg
Hnckenschmldt, a Russian, won the first
fall within .-one minute from .Ahamed
Madrall, a Turk. Madrali's arm waa dis
located at the elbow bv the fall and Hack
enschmldt was declared the winner. The
fMympla was crowded hy thousand of Lon
doners, whose Interest had been n roused
by reports concerning the preparations of
the men for the match, which had been
going on tor several weeks. .,
. - '
. Sooth Omaha the Winner, ,
The .color , of tha.. Omaha 4Ugh- cbool
basket ball team were trailed In tfie dust
lest eVnlng at 'the South 'omalla Young
Men'a Christian association- by trie South
Omalu HlKh school teajp.. The game wis
exciting and fiercely contested from start
to finish. Grant Catigliey was' the star for
South Omaha, 'making fourteen of' "the
twntv-three points. Letter and Menefce
also did creditable ,wnrk. Meyer. Potter
and Copner did -excellent work for the
Omaha High school. The-first half ended
15 to 11 In favor of South -.Omaha.. ,In the
last half Omahs took a braco, tlelng the
rcore, but Crtughey's fsst - worlt won 'the
game for'Sotith Omaha two .mlnute'before
time was; called. Score: - South . Omaha
High school,, ii; Omaha Hlgl), school, II..
' Jay ' Andrews to Manatte Team. '
SIOT'X CITt. la.. Jap, 80.-'(Speclsl Tele
gram. W. B. Nation, owner of the Sioux
City haw? ball franchise-'in 1ha Western
league, has announoed that Jay. Andrewa
who played with Portland. Ore., last year,
will manage and play third base with
Sioux City. -v ..
s'tldents Go to Holy l.aad.
POSTON, Jan. ,80. A party of . twenty
students rom Jbf! . I'nlverslty of .CJilQagp
sailed toilav on tn stenmshlu Canopfc on
a 'pilgt'imljite to the Holy Land."
Said the
a t
- i. t I,-, . ,4: - ."..
Vttci Uianiunuilj Agaii t. Ctcond Fj
ment toMmmof (JoDfrtti-..
- i-:t. ,. .' ;' .v ' -.
' . . .. . v I
Discussion f -the Measare .Again-
1 Tarns' Attention to tW Qavatrnsl r.
nf ' Whether There Has
t 1
. Been Two Sessions,
WASHINGTON, 'Jan. i.-Tlie house to
day voted unanimous! o strike from 'the'
urgent deflcteno bill the provialonl tor
the second payment of mltiag
is' td the ?h I
ator and representatives" of this coi'igresst
and Iherf passed the 'urgent? defit'teik'y' hp.'
proprlatlon bill. - This
ctlon was the'c.:i
isIon of Hhe "nille-1
erday, 'fim'on the
... I
max to ah exciting discussion
IZ0 nrublem Thi-a-tfn 'VMripritil
pp'nt wf order raised ngrtlnirt the pro-vlston
b vtr. Madtlox, (Oo.) and 1rfen bh a motron-
to strike: out made today by 'Mr.--Under.
-wood, .(Ala.).'. - '-.t '..
Argument, -on tire ooint of orrti-r that thai
amendment-..wae -not -Mutherlxvd 'by-'lawt
turned on the- quwation. -whether this' was,-,
the second session of congress or .-merely
continuation of the session convened; Nu
vemt?r ,, on, the eaU. of -tlie president.
Wassrs. Fuller, (111.) and Co"pT. , (Wis.)
coatended that there bad beon two.- scs
elona, . while Mr, Parker. (V.. J.) insisted
the .Anion wht,. , h. i,ifi tl o.l .
. , - - ...-
Uous was, not altered. . J . . I
Mr Llttlefiejd supplem.n,t'ed his argil j
ment of.j-esterdy by .reafjirmiog that
had been no interregnum Detween,,the, two J
sessions. Mr. Tawney, (Minn), as chair-
man of the coinmlttge o the, whole, lp a
carefully 'prepared opinion overrufed the '
point of order against, the appropriation, r ''jjuin cln' tn''a' sad swojjtaf .
saying the parliamentary v'quetlon' as 'to j rj" nVuCD nHIIV TDIIWC
whether the existing laws alithorlfeed tlieji U I ULn UftlLl ,1 ItAlilO
nnvmont of mllaoca ra th, nnlnt n k, I rl A . . . Pnllraitn dra-itnff-rnotii nlHnt nffrnnl. buffet
" - "- -
decided by him, and the question as to
whether the mllraite should be received
was forPfh.e committee to decide. I
An amendment' by Mr. Grosvenor provld-j
Ing for the- return ' of the mileage tc; the i
ireaeury was agr-eea 10. Mr. i naerwooa I ,
motion (tf 'strike out the' provision for ,
mileage then was adopted w,lt'rjout a dis
senting1 vote. ' The result ' wa ' loudly
shown by the absentees. -,- - ' I
The 'blll paKsedMlie liouse Just a It i
came from th committee of the whole at '
:47 o'clock.
The house ' adjourned until
Understood to Irave Coomlilana
, - .Tauld Land Oatalde ('anal Zone
'iV in Panama. '
WASHINGTON, Jan. SO.-It ii,sta,tel at.
the State dep-artmcnt that General Reyes
must have misunderstood prwltlun of
the athorltle her If he, afe reported' from
Bogota, Informed the . Columbian, .govern
ment that the" United Bttlte limited it
objection to the landing of Colombian trbbps
in Panama to (he canal xone Itself. The
department has not in any sense changed
its position , since. It was outlined; -in , the
note of.. Secretary Hay. of November 11 . to
Minister, Bunau-V'arllla, .when ,U- waa exi
pressly stated that no. troops with hostll
intent wpuld be landed-In Panama. . . f
. SUxce hat dute, a,, treaty has-be'eh: negov
tlaUnl between, the, United -.tatoa and -Part
nme,::byi -which; .the former, truaravnrefs 'Wi-'
tntcgrrty the: iattertand that srnatr 'rtiJ
paw .beforUhe:a(Mi8ici In ttiprar(en'ate
till S."
-i ' Lv. - 1 ' ' ,v.
V If iMsf W B ib
Dull the Mind, Weaken the Body, Destroy the
Sexual Strength ad Change the Man Are . Vnr
healthy and should Be.
When' you" are" first -aware "of :"i9 '
private disease, weaknesses or dpotns-.
upon your vitality, then it-Is that. you ( ,
, should decide an important luestfui).'
' one that means much to ydur TutuYiJ"
. health, and happiness. . If you proture
the. proper medical advtqe ,wUli0t4 ,de .
. lay' you, will secure to. yourself that,'.
health, success and enjoyment of life
-t which Is every manSt" lot, whose bright'
and steady eyes, clear and healtuy ,
skin, active brain and congenial make
up and physical devflgpment show
that no contaminating ' Influences of
system. , That 'ho menial, mo) or
' physical weakness are depleting Tils
' mintioun, ma no Hwrei -araitia uson vjir--hla
vitality are robbing him of hi t J35-. JritTt,
subs t a nee and making his life a mlB;rr
-able failure.
, Otherwiae, lr you delay too long 'srjs-j'AX
proper . treatment, or. ajlow ymn.seif
' to
deceived by misleading state
ments or Incomrjetent doitors 'or tie.
clalists, tnen you will
many unfortunates, w
. be one. f - the yVsisi fijf.t
ho have . Jon . 5. 1
d their first lit
ly; who. after ' l .-.
regretted that they held
Me ailment too- cheaul:
year -of suffering aiKt dosing with
cheap preparations, , free, treatment
and quick cure fallacies, came" to the
stltute to be cured. ' They fully reallE'
In not consulting theae -great. specialists
take, or will you get the best fli:aLT ct
examined by the best soeciallsts in the
without any"treatmeht, but' advice' rbat wJU.nnt oi4y .saa, you jjiucb time and
av htt, aaua wam. nuntal Almwmim' I until rnnrtitton refi tl f rf.' f f. t men t .
you will be Jreated. tvonrstly and fklUully ;and be restored -tb perfeet tleulth In'
the shortest possible time arid at' th lcaat.'poaalbht .expehae.:-." v a.i': :-. .,
"' WE CtltE'Ul K-Kf.t,'; fiFBtV- AaU 'l'lOHOA Os.t..- ,
Stricture, VarfcoceleX Emissions, Nervo-Sextral'DebHitTr
Impotency, Blood Poisortisypniiisi, Rertar' 1
-K dnevand
' and diseases- and-weak rtesess due' ro Inheritance, ev,ll. habits' el(-abuse, finesses
or the result of speoillo r- itrtvute dUesseS.
mNKI'l T ATlfW TDFPI' yu cannot rail write f-r symptom blank.
t L.yi?yLI A I lUil ,rKtC4rs , m. ta p. in. 8undays. 10 to I
308tFarn3mk St, 0U- I3t! and. tV.Sts;, Prrih, TJeb.
banhxJ V V." Better send; this'
to' Chrcagbri-rm" 'mighty, ...
particular -about this piece-v
of work," .: ; ' 'r..
Said the teller i: Do, just
' ' welt 'here- Have
Root print it
I. RQ6T; iNGi
414-416 South 12th St.
-at W r . .'.. V : I' :4 '
-s -f.'.'ff v.i 1' f re vry j
i'-4. It) r, -7.- 'r'X-U i J
.-.' r " f '. r"" .: :f ;.
fisV 1heYcf re actfulreU 'ari" rW!te' right"
tfi-' t?il ' ptbt'ef tthn' of . the" lnft-d "States.
Colombian atta'cVs' wfiuld "W' rcgnrdtAl by
tMe 'K)verflrtnt hf ttie fntfed States' as nn
tintrlendly act. ' MYilter TtiTii'M-Vsrllla had
a i'ln'g'tAlk 'tod.r.l"w1tri'' ActVig Secretary
L'ooVnK n rf ft refArteiV trln t ' tfi ' newt' ion
stiUMiofi wVAild T?e completed In (I 'day or
.":' : -. ....
Fafr for 'elhrasksV anAltnln or ison
.'in , Portions of' iqytm nnd '
t WApiyNOJON, Jan. . 80.-Forecast : .
or Nebroifta-FalrVSutiaai'': . with colAer
n,ytt;h. portions; Monday, fair.
1 rur. 'Vd , loa-Vi'ldt;r Bundav,
WHU .fair, lnwest, and rain or sno. fpl-
loV?f r In .V PfUpn; ' .Monday,
'ajfk . .. . , ... '...',.. . "... . ..
Cpla,do. and Wrtlng;-Fali Bun-
flu v Mo,, fin v' tn l ' '
3a13f;.Mqnlay fair. , .
The Only .Ooubl
between the
Missouri River""
and ChTcihgo.'" '
' Mstwlfiosnt "lld tnln to 0,tcca rv.rnr.jrt- f
innt Slid drawth.-rootu mwlin. tri,.rionir7,ri,ni, .
nsHsir. ttH. llphon, dining isrs n4 otiHmtlol
t i',0'r'0 Iln1 tnroohout. v ' . :
1nlrtti Mwrint ileesta usi.nd cotchet., Ulnln ,
"Mrt,-''''-m .-.w.
ib.bu pm 1 lit mtm -mm-
' . ' rullmsn ArAwlnii-rMra snd taurUt Rlspttie csr.
4 hi gu:.LT.T. : ...i ui.r. rrMr...iin.
VTW Br"tni ci,ir Mr to Chlcsica. Dining osr.
1 ,1 i IA ... ThmnarM-MtvIlM' fkfllflhA to (HlirflBTO
1 I kjLJ AM North.MtArn stitudArd Amy cookis
iid troo chair cars. Dinlu oara.
I'ir ,,. 1N ehsir OhicaKo.j Piillia
4.stD " f t,rVifa'n.l i? t- "'
.7Cn y'OumsUea.eafe
rm so-, ...
am, parlur can sad
A I h PU ;
llraan alMnln. ran. buffst llbrarT
oara and frea racliulnf fchalrtrm.
fll AOff UBI 8 c;
I kll DU Torremont, Lisrom.nanno.i
fM!Z?WlrKV.- !!'
era. Hui.
m-twood and" Iad.-Through Molioln aiiajr carat :
imaaaiaaplDS caXMrvioa. .. .
IU ?' framont, I.lnpnln. Walioo(, NnYfol.
Mm Loire Plna. Vardwra, Boaaavaol aad U
1 40 1 AP. J403 Farnam Street
iiitl iwt u m Ml
A -mA hod that cures ti yosr
own home without th ue of
r'KAtOS Vltiii, Belt or th
.taking ot .medicine Into th
'stomach. Any man suffering
with loM enercr. Knlaraed Pros
tate (liana, stricture, varico
cele." Urethral er any Dladiler
F' '''.' '.'Is V iliseates, io will write rne la
fl f 'v tb aext few days, I will aerui
"'"V-'U, Ww.'abaolSlal? FRK of sfj
Ji: J :tA eiWnse, enourVof my Ztti
Ttawr. a- oiliocare. ThlslenoC. Q. M
fraessmpl ordenntM schema, but a bona-fldeoffBr.
AH I k, Is, s,fter belnr cured, (o speak In a con
fidentlai Vay 'rr'yor elEicted oTotucra.- Address,
IOIO Wesley Are
CI.Vl'ItXATI, r.
-rs Losses.-uroins
and Private
"piseases .
( ' '?r;V '
r "i?fcWl
, Z&T'
ftpealaUts of lhjraate:'KJeotro-Madcal,In-
thc.jireat mistake, that Ihey have made,
first. WllT you mAke the ame;mis-
not be satlnfled unttl
countrt" ' You mayt be i
trou- -have be'en
' Yctjmayibe aeat iaway appy
l urinary, uifjeasea, ; . , ;.
Office '
"H1 "1 1 ' 1 ill a a"BI1f FWfUSffi
ai r : '
-. . ',rt jt"i ' ;' ' ' '
- s
r i 'i v. . .1 - .
' T ' e. IF ? -
' TALL s
A StftrtUna Discovery
thnt Will Revolutionize
the Physical Con
dition of Mnnkinde
Why Remain Short and Stunted
When You May Learn Tret the
Secret of How to Grow Tall? .
No Mattrr How, Short You Art or
What Your Age You Can
' Increase Your Height.
No new discovery han attracted more
attention in the adenine world than that
made by. K. Leo Mlnges, of Rochester,
N, T, -Mr. Mlnges Is to abort men (imt
women what tho great wttard, Edison,' Is
lo electricity. He has gathered more In
formation relative . to bone, muscle iind
sinew than any one else In existence. Mak
ing jieople grow tall has been a hobby with
Mr. M'nges for years, and the results, he
has accomplished are startling to a High'
degree. Hy his method every man or wor
man not over (0 years of age can be made
to grow, from two to five Inches In height,
and any one older than that may lnrro ise
his height perceptibly. His method has the
Indorsement of leading physicians, and several-prominent
educational institutions
have adopted It for th better physical
development of their pupils. If you would
tike to- Increase your height you should read
the -boqk which tells how this remarkable
discovery- was made, ond reveals- to you
the secrets of how to grow tall. It Is frea.
You. are. not asked to spend a single cent,
and If you desire It we will send you the
statements .of hundreds who have grown
from two to five Inrhes in height by fol
lowing this method, The results are quick
ly wcoumpllshed. Many have grown a much
In -three Inches In two monthhs. There
Is no Inconvenience, no drugs or medicines,
no operation. Merely the application of a
scientific principle In a perfectly hygienic
and- harmless way. Your mot Intimate
friends need not know what you are doing.
All. communications will be sent In plain
nvelopes. .The book, "The Secrets of How
to 'tirow Trill," c&ntalna illustrations that
will Interest' and' Instruct any one. One'
thousand of these books will be given away
bsft!ilWy''Tree,'''piBtBge prepaid,' While the
fcreSt'ertt vifhtlon Yuan.' If you-want t grow -
41rrrt''rriTe1toaay,,tl sftet eoriudonb. for"
k HvM Wpy. Afldre, ' Tn Cartilage Co.,
peptV? A.J Hocbeeter,' N. Uv S. A,. .
Cures Without
Stomach Dosiiig
Hyomei Cures Catarrh by Slmpla
breathing;. Shermap & HcConneH
Drug Co., Cor. 16th and Dodge Sts.,
Omaha, Refund Money If It Falls To
Cure, V -
' A long stride toward solving the mytery
Of curing catarrh wa taken with the die-'
cdvety 6f Hyomei.' In fact, th percentage
of cures by thl treatment prove It equal
to the 'filial' testa.
Th folly of taking medicine Into the
Stomach to cure catarrh of the nose, throat
and lungs, ha been realised by physicians, '
but not until Hyomei waa known, had they
a practical method tha would obviate
stomach drugging.
A complete Hyomei outfit cost but, fl,
and copslsta'of a neat pocket inhaler t!"-v
hcan be used anywhere wltnout attracting
attention, a irfedlclne dropper and a bottle
of Hyomei. ' ;'
Breathing Ity'dmel- through the' Inhaler,
every particle of air that enters the nose,
throat And lungs, Is charged with a healing
balaam that soothes and allay all irrita
tion, kill the catarrhal germ and nrlche
th blopd wltb. Additional pione.
Sherman & McConnell Drug Co., Cor. lth
and Dodge''St., Omaha, have so much faith
In the.tpower of Hyomei to cure -catarrh.
that they ar selling it under thtlr per
sonal guarantee to refund th money If It
does not glv positive relief.
20, Per Cent. Discount on
Hot Wixter Bottles I
To clean up' a few odds and nds' In
our Rubber Goods department we offer
thl week only the following Water
Uottles at 2f per cent discount, ' which
mean a ,per cent loss to ua. EVERY
2U per cent off. Value. Bifle I'rlce.
?-at. Continental t .80 I .'1
l-qt. Continental 1 00
4-qt. ' Continental. . .
i-qt. , Homestead...,
-t. Honitstuad
t-qt. Ilallard
2-qt. I'alm
l-qt. Pulm
1 15.
-qt. I'alm.
Add 16c postage If to be sent by mall.
. I u
Howell Drug Co.,
,14 1 h and Capi'o', Avenue. - .
1 EVSi
"Jfevrat J oatOois . eo- ,
1 tuai dusbllity. '
CVIIQTnilO . Thtr assy 6
I mr I U.nO i lU'l.gandstlug- 1
Ing, tliaa sxaia paUi. airsaeas and i
bluelii.. 1 uraora ftrni. arilarsa. I
prstraae, mad U Beaksrlea, uicvraM, benuqi-
luf avryawtouaaud paialul
qtuakiy and jalolass y ua
paiuluL. Sooural
.,1a. taut rsttat Onras ta acrerai day, ,
aaui ariua syringe, lor Sf.OU
Sbernpu & AUCooodt Omaua. Nb.
",Wlif ji( Iswil Cmw