Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 31, 1904, EDITORIAL SHEET, Page 18, Image 18

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    ds s
i ting.
cheapest, beat,
kuik lith end
)i left ml Mr A.
IA BOOK, ladiM
blocn. tailoring, Ua Karbach
Batha and Halrdresslng
Parlors, itoe Ramga Wulkling,
XeL IKiS, Ladies only.
fAPA Hurry home. Mamma warns you to
get me a pair ol Huteson s "P atent ll
Not" Rimless Eyeglasses. They're Just too
a wall, can t snake OH. U Ml loth. Calltzo.
f ANT poor girl I need of a tnenA can call
V or writ to th matron of the Salvatiuu
Arm Home n-r Women, $824 N. 24th at,
Omaha, Neb. U ii- MajrU
a . - ii . '
fHKldJO, ANNIE! Tiiia la Joe. Will work
late; meet me at Colombia Phonugrapn
Co., lmi Karnam, at 7:W; wo It hear tne
free concert and buy some X. P. " rrc
orns lor Syr,, especially adopted to the
Kdlaon Phonograph. They manufacture
everything in m talking macnine line.
I V-Mia Js'ls
CI8TKRH IN DE8PAIR Speedy relief; ab
normal suppression, any cause; write tor
remedy; sale, ur Lr.' Marina Walker
Co., li State, Chicago. U 71U ix
V?OUR life reading-. Many typewritten
pages concerning oualneaa, love, health,
etc.. Free. Menu data oC blrtn, sex. Ao-
dress Aatropathlc Institute, Auditorium
.bldg., Cnlcago. Keaaon, your recummen-
dation wanted. V. 1 illi
J&EFINED gentleman, 45, with $6,000, would
marry respectable woman not over 3s WHO
, aqua amount of money. Address C VI,
IJee. U 966 lx
feStammering cured. J. Vaughn, Batnga Bid.
TB parlors. (It & Wth. U floor.
FEU tm; tbat'a the Gate City fUeam Dyt
IllC a nii I'lMnln W to MM H llkih at.
U Met;
UIEBT ma at Meyer-Dillon s the "yellow
corner lor quality lota ana r arnam.
"HONORABLE, discreet man, willing to
marry, can near of an exceptional oppor
tunity by addressing Wilson, lOe Central
a.. Minneapolis. V 6 ill
Tha famous physio at If 16 Douglas street,
instructions and demonstrations Sunday
t p. m. ; physical manlfealatlona Sunday,
Monday sjia Wednesday I p. m. Private
interview 10 a. m. to a p. m, UW8 51
lVIAVI' way to health.
Set Bee building,
U 14
JACK Coma early tonight; want you to
ao o tne etoecaer cigar co. who. me;
papa's blrtbdny; mamma wants to pre
sent him a box ot sUoecker's Monogram
bo cigars. MSinili.
via Fin
MAfiNPTir1 treatment baths. Mm:
Smith,,! flr. It 2.
U km (IX
SVHAT'S nicer than accordion pleating?
We do nothing but the Dnnii. Ooldman
Pleating Co.. 2u0 Douglas block, V 14
St. U I4f
fll VTn unvnv . 1 . .
4 iaoturers. Uurkley Envelope Co., Omaha.
1 ' U-4 F12x
'MASS A OB and manicure; bald heads
1 treated. 211 No. 17th at. Mme. KaDore.
4 U M944 Zx
tRCHIBALD Must have your picture be
fore you leave. Don't fall to meet me at
Proctor's, 814 S. 16th. Sunday afternoon.
Wa can get 16 beautiful cabinet photos
$ (or 13.00. Klolse. U 162
l- k hit rMitii Tel
Tel. 968.
Lr A1N 1 UKlUmCIe?nlng,pyelng
- " - - - wi bo. lotn.
aANT person knowing tha present address
oi i-ienry, William and l.lisle Struckmann
VrM Dleaae oommunlcata with thnlr
I brother, John Struckmann, 431 11th ave.,
luri. U cwa UX
fJtNT party leaving tha city Intending to
uore ineir piano can aiKTgvee or use of
the aame durtnr their abserice. Beet care
yill be taken of the Instrument Address
JB 67. Bea offlce. U 23
U- WOULD Ilka hand sewing at home; hem-
( stitching a specialty. Tenerlffe lace, In
lanU' garments. Address B 66. care Bee.
S IT 753 91,
i PEARLS Nose look better. Sample
I K-ri inn or nuq, znc Agents wanted.
I Twentieth Century Jewelry, 42 East th
f Street, Chicago. U 8ti6 Six
EMARR1AQR dtrsrtorv free to all. Vv
j when married. New plan, send no money
I 7r paruDuiarm, wiiinM a. a. rtorton,
I Dept. 27, Tekonaha, Mich. U 8u tlx
IUANDSOMB American lady, without kith
1 A, kin anil wmK tA iWk nr... i
ji.nioai nuinsna. Auurcw, ijowe, Z8I
ciinioa ut., Chicago. U 867 Six
;3IOW do you do, Mrs. Brown 1 Where did
you get inoea oeauurai teethr" Mrs.
iHrown: "Bailey, the Dentist. Pax ton
Dioca, mans tnem. only cost 5 90."
BUPERrLTJOUS hair, warts and moles
permanently removed by electricity: con
, sulfation free and confidential: all work
guaranteed. Miss Allender, 422 N. T. Ufa
no NT R.!Ar THIS
'fUNXJ8 you wear clean clothes. If rou
" puivniM mo i Kimeaua iaunary, mis
N. I4th. Tel. H UKi. U 966 SI
H. FRIES. German rraduata. renowned
lor nia skin ana experience in confine
ments; cures sterility, long standing dis
eases of uterus and ovaries, cures Gainful
profuse, retarded or auppresaed menstru
ation, rrom any cause, recent or of long
standing. Ladls who have suffered for
yoara, hopeless and dejeeted. can be cured
without operation or the hospital. If a
personal Interview Is Impossible state your
vMwm iuii 7. inciueo suunp ana answer and
advice will promptly be given. Address
H. r. Pries, la. Li- lill DodVa St.. nm,u
a - .
Piles Cured
Br W. C Maxwell. U. n..
Vaduatai of Bellstrue Hoapitai Medical Cal
i lega of Nw Turk City. '
f- Bes Building, Omaha, Neb. Tel. 1434.
CTivaxs Kscepuoo Hoom for Ladies.
rIE8: Chichester's English Pennyroyal
fills are tha bssL Baie, reliable. Take na
ther. Send 4c staoiDS. fur ciarticulara.
("Relief for Lsidles,'' in letter, by return
wnau. jlsx your aruggtsi. cuicnasuur
tcnemicai c.. rnuadeuibia. ra.
PMOEOPATH1C medlclnea, wholeaaia and
psuau bheruuaa 4e Mccoucall Drug Co-
.imsna, -daue.
W. IirTCHINSON. specialist of
msu and chUdran: St rears sractlce.
Of! z cusiins. naniaenc
dance tale phone.
IIVATH staltartvsa for ladles before sad
, urtng confinement. Dr. and Mrs. Oerisch,
us ktiuunua e- i eraia nuunuw.
. 1U
T your sneOJcraes at cont new
slurs is nuv rAuniti uii
XCT. SWT AJiU FAaaam ti VS.
MS yig
FRIES treats suooBSa full all diseases
.,11 iinfuiuiun oft vviu.ii irvui mnj
hum , expenencsa ana reiiaoie. la.
Jougs at-, Arlington block, Omaha
'DIES When In need send for fres trial
f our never failing remedy. Relief sure
'id quick.
is. Vis.
fans Chemical cu uuwiw
IVATE hospital during aannnement;
-bls adopted. Mrs. uaxaeia, xu l-ake,
St. ed-U4. i.
TV ATE home during esnflnameot; babies
loLtod. The ueM Samaritan smlinanurn.
f let a vs.. uouncu iiuna, is.
IV4 bt'pltai before and during con-
It I
i Ju 1 -$.
J. 4s SWOBODA. Ilia r a roam. St
KfcNDCftaON. flortst. m raxoani ti
WANTED Csn versing snts In every
county to solicit subfci ir'lons to THE
Sternly empluvtnent with aaaured good In
come. Ascnts In the country with horse
and bUKfrv especially desired. Canvassers
make eKllv lot to f 100 per month. Ad
dress Century Farmer Solicitors' Bureau,
Bee building. Omaha. J 213
WANTED A eood canvasser for a Cnth
ollo newpaper. Apply to "The True
Voice," Sol Bee bldg. J Mail
J Ml 40
WANTED, a good, hustling ngent In every
town; aino a traveling general agent;
great opportunity. nreR-on Myrtle Mfg.
Co.. SSS Yamhill St., Portland, Ore.
J-M596 5x
WE PAY H2 A WEEK to men with rig
to Introduce poultry compound; years
con t met. Imperial Mfg. Co., Dept. &4,
Parsons, Kan. J
AGENTS WANTED Sell our tl bottle of
snrsaparllla for 36 cents; best seller; 200
per cent profit. Write todny for terms
nnd territory. F. R. Ureene, 69 Dearborn
St., Chicago. J
OUR plan for starting beginners In profit
able mall-order buxlnees is very success
ful; some we started three months ago re
ceive 100 letters daily and are making big
money; you can do aa well; our new cata
logue. Just published. Is the best out; It's
a sura money brlnger; complete plan for
stamp. Central Supply Co., Kansas City,
mo. j
THE Oreat Chicago Iroquois Theater Dis
asterMost appalling calamity or tne
age; largest and only book containing full
and authentic account of Inquest, coro
ner's verdict, arrest of mayor and other
officials; splendidly Illustrated; only tl.SO;
per cent prollt to agents; extra pre
miums; credit given; freight paid; outni
free; Fend 10c for postage. Protestant
Bible House, Chicago. J 716 31x
STOP runaways; hitch horses solid In
stantly; carry in pocket; sight seller;
agents wanted. Pocket Hitching Post Co.,
Richmond, Indiana.
-715 Six
AGENTS 0 to $60 weekly easily made.
we prove tnis. numinous name plates,
numbers, signs reailuble darkest nights;
samples free. Right SuddIv Co.. Enaie-
wood. III. J 713 Six
rial; sise 16-20 Inches. Grand picture.
samples 26c, 20 for 12; per 100, S8. Circu
lars free to mall order houses. Kurs Art
Co.. 979 N. Clark St., Chicago, 111.
J 666 SIX
OUR men make IS to $10 a day fitting
glasses, our 24-page FREE EYE BOOK
tells nil about It. Write Jacksonlan Opti
cal College, College Place, Jackson, Mich.
J 065 Six
AGENTS, men or women, for our SANI
particulars free; sample prepaid 60 cents.
Wisconsin Manufacturing Company,
Manitowoc, Wis. J 664 Six
AGENTS, "Iroquois Theater Horror;" 600
Dead. Chicago's Mayor and Other High
Officials Arrested. Complete story told
by survivors. Illustrated from plioto-
fmphs. Over 400 pages, 7HxlO; price $1.60.
elllng like wildfire. Best terms. Credit
?1ven. Freight paid. Send 6 2-cent stamps
or outfit and Instructions. Act quick.
Kuhiman Company, Dept. 18, Chicago.
TRAVELING case free. We will start you
eeiung aiamonas. ino experience required.
Write for pocket outfit. Persian Diamond
CO., (Syracuse, . x . J 657 31 x
WANTED At once, twelve lady canvass
ers 10 sen tne pretty pnoto ran which I
sold hundreds of at the street carnival;
salary and commission. P. L. Fora-an.
306 N. 18th St. Call Monday afternoon, i
to 6 o clock. Sample by mall 30c.
J-M88S lx
WANTED, 10 men In each state to travel.
iacK signs ana aistnDute circulars and
samples of our goods; salary $60 per
monm, d per day ror expenses. Kuhi
man Co., Dept. E 12, Atlas Block. Chi
cago. , J-698 Six
ONE dosen assorted colored cards with
your name beautifully written In white
ink, 16c; 4 dos. 60c. Geo. J. Lucas. 00
Carr St., St. Louis, Mo. J 700 Six
aaiiy moor; iit to f&o weekly without In
vestment; not canvassing; clean, honest.
Kermanent; particulars free. Barrett, At
intlo Bldg., Washington, D. C.
J 691 Six
WANTED An agent to secure for us the
patronage ot the business and profes
sional men; steady and remunerative em
ployment; opportunity for promotion. In
ternational Law & Collection Co., Day
ton, O. J 711 Six
HAVE government papers to show I In
vented powder fire extinguisher on which
manufacturers have already made $100,
000; extinguishers retsil $3; cost to make
16c; will send receipt to make and original
testimonials for $10. A. Welgand, 182
Third St., Milwaukee.' J 702 31x
AGENTS make $26 weekly selling Trinols,
greatest stain removing nana soap; also
toilet soaps: exclusive territory. Davis
Soap Co., Chicago. , J 704 Six
WANTED Agents In Iowa; $76.00 weekly
ana expenses easily maae writing health
and accident Insurance; experience un
necessary. Royal Fraternal Union, St.
Louis, Mo. J 706 Six
WANTED Representatives everywhere for
leaning iMew York Importing bouse; latest
novelty; sells like hot cakes; great money
maker; territory and terms on applica
tion. Eagle Mfg. Co., 7 Barclay St.. New
York. 1-732 Six
WANTED Specialty agents, city or coun
try, to sen scales to mills, lactones,
stores, farmers; good side line; liberal
commissions. Osgood Scale Co., I Cen
tral St, Binghamton, N. Y.
J 731 Six
WANTED Agents to sell our reservoir
dustloss nruMhes in nrlvate nouses, stores.
schools, public buildings; reduces dust 97
per cent, actual scientific test; every
brush strictly guaranteed; a first-class
seller, with opportunity to build up per
manent trade; exclusive territory; no
competition. Milwaukee Dustless Brush
Co., Milwaukee. Wis. J 725 Six
WANTED Manager in every city, county.
to handle best paying business known;
legitimate; new; exclusive control. Phoe
nix Co., 16 W. 28th St., New York.
J-724 Six
AGENTS making big money selling new
automatic burglar alarm ror doors, win
dows, retails ooc; send 26c for outnt.
Ramon Co., 6010 Metropolitan Bldg., New
xork. j 13 six
FREE sample to agent. Practical ready
call device lor telephones; saves brain
work, hours 6f time, sells Itself; ons sale
sells dosens; seelng's believing. Send
stamp. .Telephone Appliance Co., 87 K,
isassau Bt.. ri. x. j
WE pav $33 a week and expenses to men
na... Q . .....v.uw.v . j j . iiuuil ' .
International Mfg. Co., Parsons. Kan.
J-853 Six
Mill: big pronts: mineral; proepeotus, uic
tures sent free. Sunset Gold Co., 60S
Mack. Denver, Colo. J 652 Six
AGENTS make 60s per cent profit selling
- novelty rtign cams;- merchants nuy iu
to 100 on sight; 900 varieties; catalogue
free. Sullivan Co., 1139 Maplewood ave.,
Chicago, in. j- om six
SEND dime for 100 formulea ot money
making articles, easy to put up and fast
sellers. Robert McOes, 1944 Stewart at..
ttanaaa city, nan. 4 a aix
WE START you selling diamonds. Don't
tall getting our liberal orrer; xo dally sure.
Carbon Ulamona Co., Syracuse. IS. I
Mention paper. J 671 Six
NATURAL diamonds are Irresistible. Re
markable, absolutely new proooaitlon
Drop everything. Write today. Chapman.
Tower Co., Oneida, N. Y. J 670 Six
AGENT8 on salary or commission. The
greatest arents' seller ever produced
every user of pen and Ink buys it on sight
SuO to 6"0 per rent profit: one agent's sales
amounted to $620 In six dsvs; another HJ
In two hours Monroe Mfg. Co . X 16,
l.a 1 niiM, wis. J 663 six
BRASS and aluminum casting, nickel plat
Ing and finishing. Specialty Mfg. Co., 41
in Main !m . . i rmrten rout
Petsrsoa 4k Lund berg, U& & nth. Tel. LeSKa
tf m
CAPT. T CORMACK. UT Karbach block.
1 &. S-S9U lBU
f A v i T C art roiiAuv . .. . . .
SALESMEN Automat lo Copying Books,
Business Records, Loose-leaf l.elgers and
many other specialties. Penning Mig.
Co., South Bend, lnd.
SALESMEN make big money selling staple
article; bought by merchants ever where;
excellent slue line; pocket sample; write
Immediately. K. W. Merck Co., IrJU Co.lls
St., HU Louis, Mo.
SALESMEN Wanted Well-rated manufac
turer wants' a half doien high-class spe
cialty salesmen whom 1U0 a week won't
give heart dlKease. Secy. Lander, 4"5 N.
th St., St. Louis. 721 Six
BALESMKN Wanted Something now and
good, especlaly for men visiting drug,
palnl, lead, oil, hardware, lumber and
general dealers; no samples or experience
necessary; staple of rignt quality, prices,
terms, etc.; liberal auvance daiinttn;.by
manfacturers with amplest faculties,
htocklng season Just opening and selling
force must be completed at once. Sec y
Foster, Equitable Bidg., St. Louis.
720 31 X
CIGAR Salesman Wanted Cigar salesman
In your locality for city and country
trade; experience unnecessary; $S per
month and expenses; inclose stamp for
ptirtirulurs. Pioneer Cigar Co., Dept. 74,
Toledo, O. 718 31 X
SALESMEN Side line. Small sample,
Standard article. Liberal commission.
Trojan Mfg. Co., Sta. V. South Bend. lnd.
881 Six
CAPABLE salesman to cover Nebraska
with staple line. High commissions with
advance of $100 monthly. Permanent po
sition to right man. Jess II. Smith Co.,
Detroit, Mich. UW Six
TRAVELING salesman for Nebraska. No
technical knowledge, but active, all-round
hustler. Established, well-rated house.
F. R. Jennings, Sales Mgr., Detroit,
Mich. 697 31 X
WANTED, experienced men to sell our
patent masque fans and other advertising
novelties. Prompt settlements, steady
work. United States Novelty Company,
Cincinnati, O. 696 31x
first-class specialty mnn for Nebraska ter
ritory; good pay and permanent. Drawer
"S," Chicago. 708 31 x
WANTED Salesmen selling harness mak
ers, take harness leather side line; big
money; send route. Write Hoffmann Tan
nery, Malta, Ohio. 706 Six
SALESMEN make 600 per cent commission
selling "Novelty Sign Cards;" merchants
buy 10 to 100 on sight: 800 varieties: cata
logue free. Sullivan, Co., 1139 Maplewood
ave., Chicago, 111. -689 31 x
SIX specialty salesmen of ability, good
address and energy; grocery and general
trade; modern methods; no fakes. R.
Wilson, Sales Mgr., W ashington, D. ('.
687 Six
SALESMEN Side line; can make $25 to $50
per week handling our up-to-date lino of
Advertising Fans; special and exclusive
designs; no one else can offer them; ram
pies ready, light and easy to carry; apply
at once. The Kemper-Thomas Co.. t'lnr
clnnati. O. 6S0 Six
at once for our complete sample outnt
of woolens. We make made-to-measure
clothing superior to any. Experience not
required; explicit Instructions. Our prices
lowest; your profits largest. An oppor
tunity to increase your Income. Exclu
sive territory given. Abundance of ad
vertising matter. All free not one cent
do you have to Invest. We start you In
a paying business. Don't miss this
chance. Write at once. Address, Lock
Box No. 882, Chicago, 111. 672 31 X
SALESMAN WANTED I am worth $150,-
000.00. Business established ror years. Am
well known throughout the United Staffs.
I have the best quick selling line of staple
merchandise on the market. To fill
vacancy In territory I will pay $250.00 per
month and expenses to one first-class,
competent, reliable, specialty salesman.
If you are such a man we can close a
bargain quick. If not, don't answer. Per
sonal Interview later. Address, B K. Cure
Bee. 676 Six
perienced traveling salesman at once to
fill vacancy; general mercantile trade;
high commission contract with $25 weekly
advanced while traveling. W. E. Hodgman
& Co., 90 Prospect St., Cleveland. ".
923-31 X
WANTED Experienced salesman, with es
tablished trade, ror MeDraMta; state ref
erences, experience and salary expected.
Singer Bros., St. Louis, Mo. 958 31
Would Exchange
$13.000-Well located 8. Dak flouring mill;
part casn, Daiance goou iana or mase.
:,4O0 240-a. Imp. farm. Frontier Co., for
land In Furnas, Harlan or Phelps Co.'s;
will assume difference.
$3,260 i3-a. Joining town In Seward Co.,
tne, xi.ixiu; trade equity ror west .Ne
braska l0-a, and $500 cash.
$2,000 In good horses, will trade for small
ranch or Bouthwest Neb. farm.
$2.600160-a. Adams Co., enc, $1,600; owner
will give equity and put in $2,000 cash for
a good building and mdse. stock.
(10,000 4.000-a. Colo, ranch; want clear In
come rental property, rielcher R. K. Co.,
Bes Bldg., Omaha. Z 923 31
WILL trade beautiful piano for horse.
benmouer a Mueiier, uu itarnam bt.
FOR EXCHANGE, fine piano for a new or
used typewriter. Bcnmoller & Mueller,
U1S Farnam street. Telephone 10i3.
TO TRADE for unincumbered farm or
ranch, good Interest-paying Beatrice busi
ness property, main street, valued six
thousand. Address RX, Beatrlct., Neb.
K-M409 31
property In best part of Georgetown,
Colo., the neat conducting of which is In
great demand; a fine opportunity for
some one. A. V. S. Saunders, Fort Mor
gan, Colo. Z 703 31 x
4 five-room, two-story dwellings, convenient
to car line, city water will take land or
New York Life Bldg.
Z-877 SI
$20 acres near Gretna, the very finest of
rarm iana; price, 6.0 per acre cash; first
class Improvements; would trade for good
row of flats. Writs or call for complete
312 Brown Block.
Z 867 31
See our display advertisement on page IS.
First Floor U. 8. Nat l Bank Bldg.
Z-894 31
7-ROOM modern house In South Omnha
well located, worth $2,000, renting for $22.00
per month, to exchange fer Omaha re si
dence. Address C 7. Bee. Z 901 SI
imini COO SECONDHAND. Closing out
sntlrs slock. 1018 Douglas bU P 41520
NEW snd 2d-hand vehicles for aale; re
pairs. It. Frost, 14th and Leavenworth.
P 17
TWO fins depot wagons. S rockaways, 1
coupe, S traps, 1 wagonette, 2 Uruya
Drummond Carriage Co., 18th and Har
ney. P 103
FOR SALE, aeveral good horses, a few
sets of 2d-hand double and single har
ness, aaticuor s sales Blames, oui ma,
P-MU3 Vi
FOR BALK, cheap slightly used: Two
carriages, S phaetons, 2 top buggies, S
driving wagons. Anaersen-Alillaid Co.,
1516-18 Capitol ava P 714
FOR SALE. 2d-hand four-nassenser car
rings (brougham) at a bargain If taken at
once, luuv name) at. p M176
FOR BALE Good second-hand hearse.
cheap. Adilress U J. Wilson, P. O. Box
I3t. Sliver (jrecK, eo. r-sizn
WAGONS, harness and horses of all kinds
at 1718 Cass. p M527 Six
FROST doesn't shave men, he shaves
spokes. Wagon repairs, 14th and Lesv-
snwortn. P ls7
CUT-RATE railroad tickets everywhere.
. M. PbUDin. uut jrsrnam. 'Phone 7M
IN families Miss Sturdy, SO N. 2Sd.
DON'T give your furniture and carpets
away. J. Levins paya tha highest cash
price. Tel. 771. N-KS3
Rnnb-c bought, sold. Antique Book Con
DOOKS cern, 21S Karbach blk. TeU 3604.
HIGH prices for Id-hand furniture. Tel. 202a
Chicago Furniture Co. N MiM
BEST PRICES for used stoves, furniture.
Knterprlse Furn. Co., 102-4 S. 14th. Tel. 2291
N-37S Mart
WANTED 100 cars of bones; will pay a
good cash price; write me. 8. M. Hey,
1400 Indiana Ave., Kansas City. MO;
N M242 F28x
See our display advertisement on page IS.
First Floor U. S. Nat 1 Bank Bldg.
N-893 SI
WANTED To, buy or rent. B or 10 acres,
with house preferred, near Florence or
Benson car line. Address C 12. -Pee.
N M922 lx
JUDGE DICKINSON, 516 N. Y. Life. Set
tlements estates a specialty. 'Phone
F-2666. M912 F16
6TILLMAN ft PRICE, 410 1st Nat. bk. bldg.
THE New Bnow-Churcbco.. law collee
tlons, real estate, attorneys, collectors and
brokers everywhere. First floor N. Y.
Life. Tel. 133. 155
W. F. WAPPICH, ADVICE free. Crelghton
block. M924
FOR pensions ses 8..
son block.
Moore, 12 Patter.
M675 F12
Johnson Institute. 615 N. Y. Life Bldg. T. 1664
The Hunt Infirmary, McCague bldg. T. 2361
DR. GRACE DEB IAN. 882 N. Y. Life. TeL
2686. 41
Fayetts Cole, Osteopath, 609 Paxton block.
DRf. LAIRD ft LAIRD 203 Karbach blk.
'Phone 8091. 238 F22
CHAMBERS New Academy, 2424 Farnam.'
Adult beginners, Mondays and Saturdays,
I p. m ; assemblies, Wednesdays, 8:30 p.
m.; children beginners, Wednesdays, 4 p.
m., Saturdays. 2 p. m.; advanced, Satur
day only, 4 p. m. 'Phone, F-1871; res.,
A-1871. 70s
If you dance, attend Morand's Wed. assem
blies. If you don't dance. Join his Tuesday
and Frl. class, 8 p. m. Special a ttentlon to
beginners; lady assistants; private lesshs
dally. Call 16th and Harney or Tel. 104L
M677 F-12
LOST Pocketbook. between Cass and
California, on 26th St. Return to 417
N. 26th. . Loet66181x
LADY'S gold hunting case Waltham, Ini
tials C. A. A. to E. A. Reward. 2119 Sew
ard. . Lost 940 31 X
COMPETENT young man stenographer,
will have a chance to learn a profession.
Must be a first-class stenographer. Ad
dress C 4. Bee. A-8S9 Six
EXPERIENCED lady stenographer, rapid
and accurate, wants responsible position.
Address C 10, Bee. A 29 Six
Theatrical and masq, Lleben, 101S Farnam
LETCHMAN. MASQ., 2S22 Farnam. TeL
IJ18S. M121 F1S
A. C. VAN SANT'S school. 717 N. T. Life.
NEB. Business ft Shorthand College. Boyd's
theater. lis
H J. COWOILL No fee unless successful.
Ill tc l&th st., Omaha, l al. 179s. 38
PATENTS guaranteed. Sues ft Co., Omaha.
Ktt A12
N.I. ROOT, Inc.
41416 S. 12th. f )
TeL 1604
3 Acres Fruit,
New Cottage,
Must Be Sold
Dy March I.
All bulldlnss new. near ear. .ru r.Hnr.l
bearing fruit (ten kinds) and roses thrown
In to make pretty. City water In house.
new cnicaen house, good neighbors. A
perieci nome. council BlufTs. Onlv 12,600.
Terms almost to suit. See It at once.
First Floor U. S. National Bank Building.
TVO'Tii"' IT Tn s"rsWro a r"
- ' - - vv -a, ItAV A CItUi
Sealed IllflM Will Its gAtirwf Ku eV.. .
w fianiuc in., lur irifs taret'Lion or An gio.
trio light plant. Plana and Pacification
giwe- uii iisu wii.n ine lown cierK.
T31 F7-H Clerk.
Sealed bids will. be received at the offlce
Of t hf Amtflrv nf mtm. .... ..nill
gsV j .7 ,l" " y R
a. vwss, , va llio all.Il UtaJT fJI PrOrUHry, IVUf, I(r
one Skinner enclosed self-lubrfcstlon 1j0-
iitiotrjwwrr CIIKHIV. BU DOUnUI pTeSSUre,
ww w revolutions per minute,
the penitentiary said pump and engine
niotaiiru rcttuy iur OUPretllOn.
GEO. W. MARSH. Secretary of Board.
J31 dlO-tm
Chicago, Rock lalaad Paelfle.
Leave. Arrive.
Chicago Daylight L't'd.t t:ES am
Chicago Duyliglit Loc'l.a 7:0U am
Chicago Express til :15 am
Dea Moines jxprees....a 4:30 pm
Chicago Fast iCxpresa. a ,.ao pra
.w ni
a :i6 pm
m. -
bll 'to an
a l :Si pni
Eocky Mountain L,'t'd..a MO am a T: pm
LJnculn. Colo. SDrlna-a. "m
Kenver, Pueblo and
West a 1:90 pm
Texas, California and
Oklahoma Flyer a 4:l4 pm
140 pm
aU:40 pm
Chicago A Noitawsstera.
Fast Ohlz-Bsn
Local Chicago "1"".!
Mall " .;
Local Sloua City...,
I'aylight St. Paul...
Iaylight C hicago ..
IJiniled Chicago ...
Faat Chicago Chicago
Faat St. Paul
Cl. Paul Express ..
Fast Mall
Ixiral Sioux City
Norfolk A KonHKiM.1
,.a 1:40 am
..all:H0 am
..a .1U pin
'.a 7:6o'arn
.a t oo am
.a t:i pit
.a i U pm
..a 4.26 pin
.a 0:16 piu
a :30 am
o i:4u pui
alO.uu pm
xll:a) pn
a :lf an
a l:4o pnt
a 7:06 iini
a 1:6 am
a 2:40 pm
a 0 am
,.b 4:00 pm
, s:tio am
vio.Jb am
blO.36 ,n
a 4 :10 pel
e l:lil pm
b 1:10 pm
a 4 iB pm
a t :l am
a I OS pm
a I .is i m
I.lnooln A Ixing Pine. .b :u am
uwawuoii, not Bprings
tt Lincoln a tM pm
Casper at Wyoming ICi.J I.M pm
Hastings, Superior ana
Albion b t:M pm
HUaesrl Facias.
St. tioula Express s1040 am
K. C. 4 St L Express.. al0:U pm
laioa Paclge.
Overland I.luilud a 1:40 am
The Fast Mall a :M am
California Kxpreas .....a 4 -JO pm
The Chicago "-Portland
Special Jt pm
The Chicago Portland
F.inlern Express
The Atlanua Eipreas
The Colorado Hpecial..all:SS pa
Chicago Speulal
Liasvln, Uealrlce ani
lis pu
li lt pia
a T:M an)
a I 40 am
1.40 am
r..M.a K J -ISA
e.i...k... t
n 1 ' fill
Local b 0:00 pm
bit 46 pm
b 1:36 am
ireat western.
St. Paul 4k Minneapolis
T:U am
a t:M pm
al0:M am
all:is pm
a 1:10 pm
a t:10 am
a 1:10 pm
St. Paul Minneapolis
Kx press a T:V am
Chicago Limited a :W pm
St. Paul, Minneapolis A
Chlcaso Express a K SO rm
Chicago Express s 4:30 in
rhlcaaro, Hllwaskee 4k gt. Pai
Chicago Payllght a 7:RS am
Chicago Fast Express. .a (: pm
Overland Limited a S.Z0 pm
Des Moines Express. ...a 7:66 am
St. Louis "Cannon
Ball" Ex oress a f 30 nm
i: am
al0:W pm
al0:35 pm
a 1:06 ant
b 10:88 pm
St. Louis Local. Coun
cil Bluffs a 1:16 am
Illinois Central.
Express a 7:50 pm
, Minneapolis 4V
ill Limited a T-Rn nm
rsx. -'.
,.b T:60 am
Chicago, Darlington A Qeiaey.
a 1:55 pm
a 7:46 am
all:uu pm
a 7:46 pm
.... -
Special ..a 7:00 am
Vestlbuled Ex. a 4:00 pm
Local a :1 am
T.lmtt . m .M
t. nica
.a 1:06 pm
Barllngtoa Jt sAaaoarl Rlrer,
Wymore, Beatrice and
Lincoln a :M am
bit 06 pm
a 7:46 pm
a 1:46 am
a I pm
a I SO pm
a 1.-04 am
b10:aV am
a 1:27 am
isebraska Express a 8:60 am
Denver Limited a 4:10 pm
Clack Hills snd Puget
Sound Express all:10 pm
Colorado Vestlbuled
Lincoln Fsst Mai' o 1.(7 pm
r on ctook sno r-iaiia-
mouth b 1:10 nm
Bellevue Paclno Jet. .a 7:66 pm
Bellevue Jt Pacific Jet.. a 1:30 am
Kansas City, ft. Joseph t
Kansss City Day Ex. ..A 9:15 am a I 06 pm
St. Louis Flyer a 6: pm al!:06 am
Kansas City Night Ex..al0;46 pm a ;30 am
Mlssonrl .Paelfle.
Nebraska IOcaJ, via
weeping water b 4:10 pra al0:3 am
Chleasto, St. Pant,
win . iiy rasenger..
Hiniiv I'M t Pbm.ii...
b 6:80 am b t:10 pra
a 1:00 pm all 30 am
Oakland Local
d :u pm D 1:10 am
Daily, b Dally except Sunday. 4 Dally
ept Saturday, e Dally except Monday.
The Shortest, Quickest end Beet
W. T. MELVILLE. N. W. P. A. Chkafo (iters
l. .
A L RUIAND, G. P. A., 27 Willi. St., N. V. City
Mas Tvls-Bcraw gtsaswrs at U.W0 Tana.
BalllDa TuaadiT. at It a. .
Rotteretm rk. 1 Amaterdam Mar. 1
Slotarark Kb. 14 Rotterdam k..Mar. I
Btataodam Feb. Ill Noordam Mar. It
sarma oaly. x might onlr.
HOLLAND-Ail ICR1CA LINE. 4 Dearborn gt., CI-
caro. iii.i Harry Moorva. lioi Farnam 8t. j C.
Haih.rfor4, itti Famani St.; J. B. Raynelda. lidt
faraam 8C .
Hidden City Contest
There are the
. i
eastern ana
in The Bee.
4th CASH....
6th One Year's
6th One Year s
7th One Year's
Mh One Year's
fith Dna Year's
loth New Books
11th New Books
irth New Booka
l.'.th New Books
14th New Books
15th New books
Cold Wethr of Lut Wk Btimnltted tbt
rsind for Wmttr Goodi
Ssgar Market Lower Than a Week
b"t Cotteee Show Another
Ad ran re Cotton Good) Alao
Moving I'nward.
Retailers In this section of the country
sold more goods last week than for some
time past. The cold weather was un
doubtedly responsible for the improve
ment In trade, as heavy weight goods were
an absolute necessity for anyone who had
to be out of doors. Retailers Who have
been In the city during the last few davs
say that their stocks of winter goods are
going to pieces at a rapid rate and that
they will now bo obliged to carry over
very little stock. That of course Is a
great benefit to both retailers and Jobbers
and puts merchants in a position to stock
up freely on spring and summer lines.
Wholesale -s had a rather quiet week
owing to the fact that cold weather had
a tendency to keep merchants at home and
to make - them hold back their orders for
spring lines. Jobbers however are not
complaining, as they would prefer that
merchants clean out their winter lines,
even though in so doing spring business
is delayed to some extent. Jobbers are
now more confident than ever that they
are going to do a record-breaking spring
business, as ail conditions seem to be
There have been about the usunl number
Of price changes during the week unJer
review. None of them, however, have been
at all radical, but simply Indicate a good,
strong, healthy market. Those who ought
to know say that It has been a long time
since values were on a more firm or stable
foundation than they are at the present
time and predictions are freely made that
a great many classes of goods will be sel
ling considerably higher in the near future
than they are at the present time.
Collections are In very satisfactory con
dition, hut it Is thought that the present
cold weather will have a tendency to
make merchants even more prompt than
they have been, owing to the faot that
they are disposing of their winter goods
very rapidly.
Sngjar Lower, Coffee Higher.
Wholesale grocers report the volume of
business for k't week as being of very
satisfactory proportions for the time of
year. The market is also In a good,
healthv condition. Sugar has eased off 5c
per hundred since Isst report. Beet sugar
.Dnar. hav. wIlhH.a vli fmm the mnrlc.t
j entirely, preferring not to let go of their
holdings at tne present low ngures. i ne
general understanding Is that there Is not
much beet sugar left In first hands, but
what the refiners are holding they evtde.nly
want more money for than the present
market would net tnem ana are going to
wait for higher prices.
The coffee market has been steadily
hardening, there being an advance almost
every day. As compared with a week ago
the total advance amounts to from 4o to
lo per pound. Those who are well Informed
are satisfied that .still higher prices will
rule In the future.
Owing to the cold weather of last week
the bean market has advanced 74ji'10c per
There were several Interesting develop
ments in the dried fruit situation last week,
which will tend to strengthen the market.
Word has been received that a number of
the Santa Clara associations have pooled
their Interests In prunes and fixed a limit
at which they will sell their goods. A
governing committee has been appointed
and each transaction must be approved of
by that committee before It becomes effec
tive. As these associations which have
banded together control a very large part
of the holdings In the Santa Clnra valley
the feeling Is that outsiders will soon he
cleaned up and the market become firmer,
If not hlaher. In the northwest the Wll-
llamette valley association has bought up.
a large share ot tne outside prunes and
are now holding for a rise amounting to
He above the lowest mark. Peaches nnd
apricots are so welb concentrated that they
will go out at fully present If not at higher
Another Important announcement In the
dried fruit market Is that outside holders
of raisins have Increased their prices from
40 to He per pound since the action of the
names of a number of cities both in the
r . i t r r . a w
western mnispfieres in
Prizes will be awarded to the per
sons making the largest and most
to the following conditions
Head the Conditions carefully.
Take a sheet of paper write your name and address
at the tojj cut out the ad paste it on the sheet un
derline the name of the city, and underneath the ad
write the name of the state or county in which it is
located. If the name of the city appears more than
once it is only necessary to put it down once. Do this
for one week, beginning Monday, February 1st, and
ending Sunday, February 7th. Do not mail your
answer until your list is complete, including the names
that appear in the want ads in the issue of Sunday,
February 7th, otherwise your answer won't be counted.
If you use more than one sheet, write your name and
address at the top of each sheet, mark the number of
cities found and underlined, at the top of each sheet.
The first prize will be given to the person making the
largest most correct list? the second to the next larg
est, and so on. In case of a "tie" the person sending
in answer first as shown by postmark on the envelope
will be given preference.
All answers must be sent by mail, and no answer
will be considered which is mailed later than Monday,
February 8th.
No one connected with The Bee Publishing Co., will
be allowed to compete for a prize.
...List of Prizes...
Metropolitan Magaslne..
Metropolitan Magaslne...
Metropolitan Magaslne...
Metropolitan Magaslne...
Metropolitan Magaslne..,
and Noveia.
and Novels,
and Novels,
and Novels,
snd Novels,
and Novels.
..... ...
Address all Replies to
"Want Ad" Department, Omaha
association In reference to eontlnulng their
old prires Indefinitely.
In the line of canned goods It Is SHld lhat
there Is considerable speculative buvlng of
tomatoes, caused by the feeling that pres
ent prices sre below the cost of production
and that quotations in the future must be
higher. T
Almost without exception It Is said that
Iowa packers are sold up on corn for fu
ture delivery.
The rice market Is" In a verv strong posi
tion, with Indications favorable for con
siderably higher prices on Junnn glades.
The demand for ilsh Is rapidlv Improving
and It looks now as though consumption
during the I-enten season would be un
usually heavy. The market for fnmllv
whlteflsh has advanced l!o per hnlf-bsrrel
slnre January 1, with everv prospect for
still hla-her rrlces. Holland herring is lUir
2Ho higher than It was a wrote ago. The
same as with whlteflsh higher prices are
looked for In the near future. All grades
of smoke fish are very firm, Cromartv
Itlosters showing a decided sdvsnce during
last week. Codllsh Is high nnd s Hrce, and
because of the scarcity still higher prices
are confidently expected so far as the
genuine cod Is concerned. No partlruhir
change is looked for on the Inferior grades.
Cotton Still Aavnarlng.
The cotton market Is apparently still on
the tip grade and no one seems to be In a
position to tell Just when the top will Ut
reached. This much Is certain, however,
that prices on the manufactured goods most
be higher In the future than they have bnen
and that they will not only be high, but
desirable lines will be hard to got. The
changes In ruling prices are almost too
numerous to mention and the whole situa
tion Is described by saying that everything
containing cotton Is very strong, with the
tendency of prices decidedly upward.
The cold weather of last week put a tem
porary stop to the trsde on spring linos.
Retailers were evidently too busy at home
selling winter goods to think much about
spring lines. As soon ns the weather mod
erates, however. Jobbers expect a nice house
business. Road business has been good ail
along. In th meantime the cold weather
Is enabling merchants to get rid of their
heavyweight goods and that Is the bet
thing that could possibly happen to tha
Steel Roofing a Little Lower.
Hardware men report business bs being
quite brisk for the time of year. The de
mand for spring lines, of course, Is not
quite ns heavy as It would be were the
weather not so cold, but still orders are
coming In quite freely and no romplRints
are heard. The outlook for a big business
throughout the coming season Is considered
most flattering.
There have been but few changes in the
market during the last few duvs. Steel
roofing and siding, however. Is off 10c tier
square. Wood wellbuckets trnve been
marked down 25c per doten. Owing to the
high price of cotton, tents, wagon covers
and nil that class of goods nre advancing
rapidly, with all indications for still higher
prices In the future. Other staple lines not
mentioned above are In about the same po
sition they .were a week ago, with the gen
eral market In a good, healthy condition.
Rubber goods mnn are of the opinion that
on Monday morning they wl'l receive the
new pnceitst. in mat event their sales
men will Immediately start out with their
samples) of heavy goods for next fall's de
livery. The present cold weather and snow
have done much toward clearing up the
supply of heavy goods In the hands of re
tailers, and ns a remilt Jobbers expect to
do a nice business from the start. As has
been previously mentioned the genernl Im-,
prrsslon is that the new prices will be
quite a little higher than the o'd ones, but
lust what the advance will amount to
local Jobbers are not In a position to say.
Tn the lln of leather goods there Is prac
tically nothing new to he said. Retailers
are enjoying a good business and are clean
ing out their stocks of heavy goods In very
satisfactory manner. Traveling men for
Orraha houses nre meeting with good suc
cess In landing spring orders and taking
the whole situation Into consideration there
seems to he little to complain of.
Prnlta nnd Vegetables.
The cold weather of last week made It
Impossible to ship very much perishable
stork, and as a result the demand for fruits
and vegetables was limited. Practically
nothing new arrived on the market and
prices are much the same aa they were a
week ago. Potatoes, however, are a little
higher, prices ranging from 75 to 96 oenta
Owing to the scarcity of eggs the market
has advanced considerably, but the demand
Is very limited at the advanced price, and
It would not take much of an Increase in
receipts to break the market considerably.
The week closed with the feeling on butter
a trifle better. Poultry showed very little
change all the week.
tne want si as
correct list
Bee Omaha.
.. ., $woo
II. w
tl M
II. oil
$1 X
$123 .
! V
I oo
- t
j (" 4