THE OMAHA DAILY DEE: 8ATUKDAY, .TAXITAKY SO. 1004. 0 Tim Omaiia Daily Bee. ' E.'fcbfEWATEn. EDITOR. rUBLJSHED EVERT MOBNINO. TERMS OP SmsCRIPTION. F'ally Iv CWltSotit "mndayl. On Tear..v slly Mee and Sunday. On .ear J w Illustrated Hee. One Year 8'indnv Bee. One Yesr. Twentieth Ontury Farmer, One Tear., l.w DELIVERED BY CAKHitn. Dally Re (Without Runday), per PPT" , Dally Hee (without -Sunday), per weli...iw Dally Ren (Including Hunday). per weeK.liu Sunday Pee. per cop ''llLVy Evening Bee (without Sunday). Prvw" " Evening Bee (Inducting Sunday). Prln; Com pi a i n't's ' of ' ' irregii'l sVtty "in hould be addressed to City Circulation De partment. OFFICES. OmahaThe Hee Building. South Omnha-Cltv Hall Building, Twen ty -fifth and M atreet. Council Bluffs 10 Pearl Street. Chlraao 164it fnltv PulldlnB. New Torh-232 Park Row Building. Washington W1 Fourteenth Street. CORRESPONDENCE. Communications relating to new "A d'' fortal tnHtter ahnuld be addressed: Oman Bee, Editorial Department. REMITTANCES Remit hy draft, express or postal order payable to The Bee Publishing Company. f)nly l-rent stamps reoeivM In payment or wall account. Personal etiecks, except on Omaha or eastern exchangee, not acceprea. THE BEE PUBL.ISHINO COM PAW T. STATEMENT OP CIRCULATION. Utat of Nebraska. Douglas County, w.t Oeorr R. Txschuck. secretary of The nee Publishing Compsny. being duly sworn. ' mmvm th k r.nai number of 1U1I ana nl... . Tk. DallV. MorTlIng, Fnlrnr anil Sunday Bee printed during tha month of December, 1903, wa as tol 10 WHlTHtK ARK WM VBIFTISGT fg wthlnd yet on the municipal statute campaign wa not yet In eight. Now. In the OTHER LAKHS THAI Ot RS. - . ... . .. . i. i. ....i i.i..- . mir nnn or in mi bmi ii on, wnn m i ine rHHILf) Of INt'ltrHaK!! tre rOTirTfmi"! I """a nuiinriniuii .iri, irMiiiiina I j.u i.i. r-...r .r that i , ..i. a. ... t.i. .., ..I.- l..tpl.n nf till am. T " ' " v . iy b wnous irumriu mm mom vr in.-., i v. . j r.. ........ v . nl8 ,ietve n, grown o greatT tlf-alt with. When the sistonts. 1 .. .-8 - I Melancholy Waste )t Tower. and bravely p'reit: stnte constitution was ndopfpil In 1870 the state debt wa compara tively trivial .and the .frnuirrs of the constitution, BmuiiliTO.Jtic! Brooklyn Eagle. In a BiMHv-h In tint house of represent- I Scientist have estimated that If tha atlve a few .lava Biro Sir. Williams, the P"" which la expended in taut toui a The. enormoua poeslhllltlrs of cotton cul ture In the Srudan re not being lost sight of In England. What la required before great developments can take, place la the completion of the railway from Berber to Suakln, ao that when the cotton Is grown It can be marketed at a reasonable cost. An Influential association la urging the British THERE IS KO SUBSTITUTE FOX fl 1 1 n r h M M I Y M Or PX- I I ran I r inr.Met.4 ailnn tha lath traVaRHtice, expreattly llmititl the state " """r n-uuer n-y um. .... cana, would ,n WQrkng ordpf by en, TP a CromVr has a iffo vvini . .. nf free silver quertlon nmJ to that extent july. quickly as possible. Ird Cromer has debt to 1 100,000. WHhln.a quarter ol i.t i promised his active co-operation and sup- a century after the conatltutlon was Pt himself on re,rd In opinion to i Flow,r. Port. The association Is also urging the adopted the state debt had gradually in- f " democracy It BZ atoJZil overmn.nt to erect a dam acroe, the . ,,.ww-. now very eenera y recognised thae ot. iouis uione-uemocrat. Baraka -at Tokar, by which the area avail crease,! from less than 1.KMK to more ' strongest men carnation worn on McKlnley day able for cultlvatlony would be gr,.tly ,n. than 1,00(1,000. At the end of 1WJ the nam" onf r 8r",f. wl a tribute to gentle manllnes. and creH Kvfn unpf , conalU(n, state debt eveedod $l,rKK),0()0, November 30, 1003, the state debt ag gregated f2,2G.V"?-21. ' In the discussion of the growth of the state debt pilous comparisons, crimina tion and recrimination between repub lican administrations and demo-pop ad ministrations, and !etween repnbllcan I 1,1. ...1I,I. .1111,. ( WIHtT .... .. "."V ...I 1 "' r'vrn unarr prewni 0 ... ...o FU.., ... .B. a xoaen mai oniy me progresa I being made. An extract from a to me ueruanu or air. uryan tiiai iue oi ine jusi amen sweet ana Diosiom in m i jter from Suakln say: "The ground I silver plank of the last two democratic I duBt " r cultivated by Arabs, who know very little i about cotton growing, but It Is ao rich that I'lteaav l.lea tha Head. 1 u in t . . , . . . I - ' etftu.. ivuua i .i. mi. a niurs limn a.. i . r will undoubtedly exert much Influence. chir. B-oi..rM. I nrn, h. . .i-v. . He la In company with a number of Report from Servla Indicate that King tar (a cantar being about MM pounds). Last prominent democrats In this position, 1 Peter excites about as much enthualaam I year 13,000 feddana were planted, and thla some of them formerly ardent advocates I n'n he appear In the treet of the cap-1 -ear the are 1 Increased to 23,000, and w ratio 1 urH?mnn wuum iii a x- aro ui me nMn.iin umi nexi yenr win sea m least xvav leaaana unuer cuii.ivai.on. Best Egyptian seeds are used. So far we Let the Dead Rest. Sdo not know that the government Intends to Philadelphia Record (dem.) dam the Khor Barak a, at any rate for the legislatures and fusion legislatures, af- l" ol l . c picnic. ford very little comfort to the Nebraska 10 to 1. Among these la m,. taxpayer. Bnfflceth to say that the state Iubt.l. of Idaho who Is quoted debt has been Increased at the rate of " uld l'c toK '.T innnnrt ..e .n.,m .n,i ti,or 1. m in.- aiurm the free silver planus or tne piat 1..' .. t ,i..rD. forma of 1800 and 1000. He declared, It did not need any Doll of democratic I present, but If thla were done It I estl- repreaentatlve In conaress and state leg!- mated that from Tokar to Kasala 1. ., lature or of leadlna- democratic new- roughly-2,000,000 feddan would be cultl- as reported, that the free silver issue papers and dtHens to demonstrate the vatable." In the hall of the Vatican called the Bala .10,220 .80,200 .8O.0T0 .80,685 .aoioo IT 1S il to n. .m,Bso ,8O,T0 .81.03O .87,020 .IM.STO B ..8O.TT0 a 80,9)90 14 81.SOO J5 81, BOO M 81JH0 17 80.SOO M.... 8d,TSO tt .80, tWO SO 83,010 11 83,400 ...4, 80,010 t...... S0.340 1 80,000 ai.iio to soi.'m 11 80,400 12......... 80,400 1 ,...8T,010 14 8M)00 16 80,700 U 81.10O . Total 471 Lts unsold and returned copies..., 10,481 Ket total sales 036,84 Net average sale...., 8080 QBOROa B. TZ8CHUCK. .' Subscribed In my presence and sworn to before m this list day of December, A. D 1801. il. B. H UNGATE,. . (SeaV.) Notary Publlo. ' matAetfillr iinloaa itoctnlvA ' flctlun is ot . ,olf ta cn.wi iiruin Incnrrlno- nd cannot be revived. He ex- unwillingness of the party to have anything taken and a halt is called upon Incurring tu a 4. further to do with Brvanlsm as set forth debt beyond the revenues available to 1"'" url " "k, w" ""T In the Kansas city platform. Mr. Bryan" Matilda there has tor years been an ac- iiauuuni oiuvvi.uuu ... wi b. tt..u own fcntlcs ,now tnat- he understands the cumuIaUon of tha present offered to Pop Mr. Bryan'8 ideas. Senator Teller con-1 situation. Me la "going It" accordingly In I Loo XIII., some of great value. Many of . .. s i t 1 .. . an ani1.iiln.iB . , . . . a waam I inem. howevftr rm.din a ineea unit nrllclAa 1 . h a k. euro wuu IUB view ui kuduh, ao uuvo - .n.puic.w w 1 " - ' r . ' . " . w 'r:. . : Ul Senntnr Newlnnda. Tho latter li ' " Pub"o xe. vision of the revenuo laws, nag ao-1 - - -. liberately made it impossible for the QTOlM W- euver wm wn.,? Or.l Throash small Hola. administration to make ends meet for an ,n the In mP'n na Pittsburg Dispatch. Tim vnrlona nrmronrla- 18 unnecessary ,xo urag u juio iue imv- .ust about the time that the austere sen Aboolutcl Puro IT IS A MATTER OF HEALTHS meet current' expenses. While the" last legislature lias endear POLITICAL. pRIFT. of leather, for Instance, have been much damaged by dust and rats. It la said that ,77t ,lla .1 Z. Z.I . Qotham a yet, and there la a,sneaklng ance of those artlclea, and at first a great . , ' 4. , . ', ,,, The lid does not appear to be off of form that will b framed by the 8t I ate ha decided that there was no con- not In har-1 BtrucUve recess between 11:60 p. m. and several years. tlnna voted bv the lust leidslnture by ... ... .t I Trillin convention. I am rar exceea me estimatea income oi xne - - ...,, Mm,m noon of December 7, 1803, the house has state for thenrttt two years. On the mony wlth Mr- Bryan Meaof reaffirm- beforo u an mgmtA' 6eteW, bin which ton nf thla rnld.unon the nermanent ing all of the platform of 1000, nor do I Includes-an Item of $163,000 to pay the mem- school fund, into which the Irrodeem- thlnk- wl be do1"" A canvas of bars coiutrueUjre mileage wi.lch : . democratic sentiment in congress led In that Imperceptible space ante state warrants are uumycu. tu nr " . There are .usplCon. that the senate may legislature called for a constitutional - " " ? " agree to the Item, in -lew of the clear convention that will In volve. an outlay to teafflnnlng the silver declaration or I understanding that there will b nothing suspicion abroad that there la some dlsap polntment among the righteous that It Is till closed. A new Richmond has appeared upon the of at least $300,000. Where thla enor mous sum is to come from and wly tho Chicago-Kansas City platforms, But how is it with the rank and file inch a burden- should hate been a ot the democracy, to which Mr. Bryan ' I . rtM. I I at .1 V I aiimori- at thla tiih is. inexnlleable. ' Pt-''f i "pmiu.m ui m-mm-reia .u ir rw without aavintf thnt a ' con- congress are not necessarily decisive, International lottery wa thought of. As however, lotteries are illegal In some1 coun tries the choice fell upon on Immense ba- ar. of whtnh the nroceoria ahull, hv ordofa of his hollnew be devoted to the varloua tieia or aemocratlc national pontic, jio . Banal charities Tha It la stated. Edwin Warfleld, elected November S gov- m w . Min.. .ith ik. rrnor of Maryland by a plurality of 12.SGS. they trav- . .,.,,. ,. ,.,, .. Oovernor Warfleld'a friends ay that he congress n that Imperceptible space of time. flfUoth annvcr.arv. of the nmmula-atlon of will without doubt be presented to the dem- the dogma of the Immaculate conception, ocratlo national convention at bi. jouis aa when large numbera of foreigners may be I presidential candidate. expected to visit the "teternal City. It la, I The salary of the president of Mexico however, supposed that the presents of I and ef the governor general or the Uomin- soverelgna to Leo XIII., wHlch are numer- Ion of Canada la IbO.OOO a year, the same ous and costly, will not be included tn the I as that of the president of the United ale, but will be placed In one of the Vati. State. Tha population of Mexico I .',500, A very large eum will. It la 000. that of Canada B.tnO.OOO, and of the United State (including our Insular pus constructive about the money paid. A Grotesque Falsehood. Lincoln .Star. - Nothing could be more grotesquely false can museums. Lest we forget to mention It, . the. (round hog is expected, to put la his appearance next Tuesday. . Governor Van Hant'a assurance, that 11 Minnesota Is for Iloosevelt doe not include J. J. Hill of Pauleapolla. Ip to date the democratic attempt to get a campaign issue out of the Iloose velt Fanama correspondence hus not been successful. and nrenoat ernila than tn mllnnntA Chan.'l vnnetd ha renllxel hv -ha hntmr tlnnnnen nf tho nollcv mirsuod bv the u raaiier oi ihcx luey uave inr icnu oenae Andrew a repreaentlng Abraham . tsslQns) nearly 10,000,000. -.ei.,a a,T,(nloteation onl wioln t utva innueiice man is commoniy supposcu. mncuin a -ine Door.- ine cnanceuor The working or the Irish lana act nasi united States Senator William J. Stone I ' ' I A. 1- A all A M IL... I tiaVHr AA AnVthltlV fit thfl atrtrt fill vmrVtinsV I r.snallak11w AAaaa TV.rt tana ntm sMVlOrflllv I M la. - -.a. .... 4 1 Vithth the past eight year means ah " 18 lue "l V" mnr n, 'uW" "Z tnorewse of the stnte debt to more than ana representauves wno win aictateme . . ... .... i . man ... - - -- - - ... . .! :;.". .u " " $3,000,000 within the next five years, "election or aeicgates to tne nauonai w( the martyred president wa painfully that It Is from 25 to M per cent more than rational convention, and that If his right Such financiering Is a disgrace to any convention ana witnout Knowing tne i conscious or the "indecorous ways" which I the fair market value of the holdings,, and to this honor la contested he will demand v.mmntrnitb Koliraata l"nnf tt the feeling of these democratic oonstltuen- of,en wa ourc of anxiety to those near I In confirmation cf their claim they point a recognition on the ground lhat he needs ma, ' Mnm a WMltht ataraa m ciea no definite Judgment can be formed I' "Ti . nl warmeet sup- to the prices at which landlords .old to . public vindication since the recent dla- v,,., .., ... . nnu mere ib evidence about 80.000 tenants under tne oia purcnaae closure concerning him anneared In tr.e . . . i in mmt i w w nn win t.d it inn rr mu iiu . i. .... a i tho M as SB DPI valler. There IB no " tnai Lincoln keenly felt the lack Of educa- law. when the land court, on behalf newananera. I I eMnnail Ann rAn 4-1 am . T la K tin niAAna I ... 4...4 I , 1 - ...... ... ... . .. I ra id reason Why this state Should in "- "" -. ' wnai me or the public, oetermineo tne "rair price. - gome of the democratic national commit- times of pence and with no extraordl- impossible that between now and July cnanceuor alluded to. n u alleged that a great majority of the teemen are opposed to any convention at I m I eaaaBsBMBBaaaBBBBaBaBBaasBBBSBBSBs I Ih. naanwaa n aA aanlr Inir fnw Vta MBlmltm I . . M a , . n..rv ilnnomla iinnn It cnntlnno to nllniin Mr- ryan, II 06 Bliau prosecute nisi ... .anu .mu.. ... ....... Bt. jouis oi a aoiegate irom f-orto Hico. nury demands upon It ConUnue to pile up v platform " ,T' 'h Dtl rice in the prMent ,aw' and ths These democrat, who are gam.t a Porto On enormOUS State debt. " IOr 1 " "J piuuorai fi pau. p.onee p tenants, under the advice Of their leaders, Rlonn lvnreentatlva of .lemonrarv recall Tho problem that Confronts the peo- w,tn tne v'Kr and geal to be expectea Governor Dockpry never cut much of a r declare St would be fpollsh on their part that It wa Prince David of Hawaii who "Pha sing like a bird," we whisper tn our comixiiiloii, a fair young thing who naa ao companlud u to the recital given by a rival bene. "She ought to." replied the gentle dam sel. Bhe talks like a parrot; e very lxl y snys she Is a gouin, and She I pigeon toed." littsburg Dispatch. famous old woman who lived In a shoe And had so many children she didn t know whHt to do, Attended, lung with quite a few other Similarly troubled, a Congress of Mothers, And heard such a number of paper there read, That when she got home her children Were dead. Brooklyn Life. pie of Nebraska should be linet at the of hlm w111 ablG t0 to himself figure In the suppression of the disorders 1 to agree to term that would land them Bt KanSa City In 1900 cast the deciding a inw, j yai o. . ..o . vote ia tne national committee xor tne which 1 the advisory gpedflo declaration In the platform of lfl Manila fear, a ShorUgO Of Coal. Im- BCVClW - fnvnrnMa ht rlerhsnd for fn-. VlZeXCeVt CJ"?n tho badg. of the body of the United Irish ,eague at it. to t. airlii-how vou oonld lauirh at the coal I " s" I ... I" ; , "v ... i ,"""- Tne New yorK eraia Washington Cf "I-W. V. 81 . 2 - . J"""- J The moment It appeared that the the situation minutely, and resolved that bul,au hBi cornered 101 democrat. In con- im.uu. nuc uiu lunuivuicKr lie ci i .. . ... , .. i rh almost hvaterlefll anneals which I sinning carriage crivers In Bt. Louis were I the landlords had "createa a situation oi reaches the frost lino, . . .J . .... ... . .w. . . ' rum iiiWHirfu Mh. reorgimlzers are mak- "keL.t0 r,peat tna "wcltle. p.rpetrated great gravity." and that an amending act B that the chlcgo and Kansa. City There are people, in this country who , h. Chicago, by Interfering with funeral., of Parliament wa. absolutely aeceesary DUltform. muit be affirmed bn the Bt. K Kansas City gets the aame rate as are apprehensive that, in the event of TV" " v.. he promptT made " known that th "hole to relieve the deadlock. Mr T. w. Russell. LoutI conv.ntlon. only four democrai in Omaha to Mlnneanoli. n wheat thla Mr. Chamberlain winning in bla fight 1 ' ..." : " " V" !r " "f "l .no u,.po,aI. or M:.".,eaaer. OI ? A I .T. 3! congrea .tand with Mr. Bryan on these -----t i ..inuence ana geeniy apprenensive mat wi o. ponce .o prevent mien mte witn tne naiionaimi ma. iw diu mu.i d , Mnt-RBrneiitatlvHi John P. flhaf rif iru l,nnU with a V nnnxcUn fl)F II ChfinflTA in Ilrltlflh flsCftl DOlIfV itt.- . . I .v.. . . j, .w.. 4.t.... . 1 lwu Fim-iwpraHiiuvw oun . win grea to ask whether they agree with Mr. oo tha aame cowmodltyrto the gulf. Would, have a serious effect upon "our trade, while operating to the advatk-.l roth of Colorado, Gilbert M. Hitchcock of .Tfom reports Trom Seoul It would ap-ltage ol! Canada. Ihey urge, therefore ' pear that the Coreans are fit subjects that our government should as soon aa v or .benevolent assimilation on the part passible enter Into negotiations with of any power which will respect treaty the Dominion for closer trade relations, riglits, I believing that If such an arrangement1 could beeffected It would Derhana nut anna Bk n f tlu. V a A i I ti A a,! tksr wil'Vimtr Aa. mav a trn In ma mhal in tila unriort a I -"- wbhuu iiu iicmiuncT in l rmuicBiiy wuruuDu, n. w w wv --i mnioritv of th nartv T1k New York "f"1" n,m ro,r armea ?prce. .That's lay. He wants eompueory aae a a i.r N,braakBi Charles K. Cochran of Missouri -r: .:. " ' Z a sort or executive action that count In price 0ed by-pubne autnonty. no rays, ud xjacgr W. Ollleeple. of Texas. A'nt tiu(w wiasci, " I preserving jne aignny or law. - - . "There ought to ne no more iana uy w ,r ixty-four members of cbn- -W ash- is going on over here long enough.' ington Blur. "Bring me a scrambled, egg." An far. atrt Yes. sir. Hut 'you'll hav to loave a d.poelt at the cos a. sir." Cleve land. Plain liealer; 'Tinn." nlned little Willie. - whloh Is it better to be a big toad In a little puddU or a little toad In a big puildleT" "If better to be a big toad In r; uddle," answered the amblUuu fai HHrolt tT i'ress. a big ther. daring, that his "power f0r"nl8chlef In creases with every passing day," but such papers carry little weight with tho rank and file of the democracy. There Is no doubt that at thla time a ma Jority.of the democratic lenders are not WHERE BASICS ARB ROT WANTED, mind that the policy of conciliation has had its day and rhar his landlord menas have wrecked It." Parliament alone can relax th present unfortunate tension. consent' Mr. Wyndham may make up hlslgTel,tI while thirty-three are noncommittal. Deereaalagt Ratio of Christenings ta Omaha'. Fashionable Charehea. Chicago Tribune, .kow that president Harper baa given a quletu, upon the chamberlain move- J " 'TsTT T; Bableg aiw--tw.ntaa in the home, of Umbartn intere.u m out bl. ideal of the college professor. meDt Ju8t at present, however, there W fM WltB N,,ryan' T III' rih th TJnlt9d Btte- This 1.1 and Sakhalin and of 8o muoh ha been heard of Buaala'a Manchuria, Siberia the effort of the POINTED nUMAHKS. . Fclitical Katager Do you think we can 6epend on Bqulgglns' honesty und fldelltyT W ard Heeler I am sure of nlm. The other tel'.ows offered him only halt what we're ttylng tira. Chicago -Tribune. me tacuity anouia do given the floor to l8 gtd to bo a aeneral feettna' of In- -aa. - " "" companies on the Taiu rtver to enter into .-V "How ot'' '"it termfnted tell wLt they consider the ideal college J" l TcaSa In reTrd to doser to the nat,onaI connt,on nd " ,8 fJZ'" EPi8C' v,th tha ,umbr " tha tH& ' ffliyr"?' r.H TmXWnt W.B'lfln difference in Lttnaaa in regara to Closer meazll. certain that the BO-called lead- church,' " aroused a torm of critl- pBclne coast, that esceclal interest will was so chilly that one of the combatants president,. traAa MlaHnn, with thla.-mnntr. ao Dicani renaiu uiai uib iaiieu redu cism from one end of the countrv o h. " .1 - ' . .... h caught cold and died three, week later of ., .. . . th trhon tho ttrna fnr I . . . . I attacn 10 a rryui i - ,m,,i. r..t a. . 1 Aa. 1 . . a I v ..... .vm.. V. " " .v. a UII1TC. IL tlflR. TOfl nmilaTfir nil. ..... T. Ot. ... I - ...wB" v' - . ' ... i mai ir tue mauer biiouiu u iiroposeu ny I I . .. : ' - " i Henry u. .iwnier, uju.u mavo. . trvery reuuuuc can start into lire t iL - - seiecuon comes. puipit observers who declare the bl.hop Is x, it l. evident that con- "Whv didn't vou aro to Eurooe and aet Thoranaman- r.T"'" " " "T? "i 1 ... . STm h already been mad. lani ajbow greater wisdom With fewer "" V, 7 1BU,""U'- "ui" " no wtt. come and that whlle the pine being handled at bum-..j do.t dar Uka my eye. oft whit heroes and statesmen than-anv other I oreo nrrauKeuitJui roum i ei- nave rouuaiy conaemnea tne Board oi ".--..oui,n., iTt.Dy.enan, con- Port Arthur Is not equal to tne Oregon i .e a... ,J ' fected wltlyit the approval af tlie Brlt- Education for not having nrovlded 1''''"""""' ' THE GHOST OP A DREAM.. James Darton Adams In Denver Post. 6, fair was the picture he painted! She listened, Her heart toward him seemed to lovingly reach. Her eyes with affection's light sparkled and glistened, As soft on her ears fell his velvety arach. Their lives would flow smoothly as calm, peaceful river; That never wa stirred by the br4h Of a storm; Her dar heart should never feel even a , quiver Of pain, but should ever pt.ltate with th warm Keflec-.ton of love that in torrents would :oll Toward her from, out if his Jove-'lumlned ooul. She coolngly vowed till by death Separated Bhe d cling to her love a th vln to th tree? Bhe knew 'twaa by heaven's own hand they were mated; Her love would be deep as th fathomless ea. Close, close to his heart In his strong arms he greased; Wltn n.any a kia sealed, the vow they had made. And said he could scarcely believe he po sesed her. , The dream wa too lovely! He feared It - might lane! ' And uho reassured blm In dove-ooolng ton That 'twa a re.!lty; he wa hi own. A year and u day,' and again we behold them; Afc I fate, wiat a flimsy loye-wh. you can weave I They've found that the rtorles the dicky bird told them .Were fairy tale spun with Intent to de ceive. No luaven-born .ovellght within their eye flash",- . ' ' Thtlr heart are not teeming with thrill a of old, . . - . The fire of affection ha burned to dead ashe . , That He on tne sjtar unsightly and cold. No love god within their once tender eye sport . ' As they sit there and glr at each other . . In court! . self-grenilng people. r.lnnatton for not having nrntl ''"'nni mai oisnop jrancis nrnduc!t. It 1. rood enough for the common " . . . v- " " '.'a I" " ' "- ...a val.naf V ... . . a ' . .... . I lab government and it :1a improbable buildings of greater comfort and safety tathTonrof.". market". T. i. -J 3 I .1 . av.,1. ......1 l. A .. I . .. ... ... I -.. " r I ror mosi puriwra. The South African native may not be p""- " lul ror tne soutu ena acnoois. xne jnaig- aomn mat nis statement is true. They now drlven 0r rafted down the Talu and very long on diplomacy, and the public ln ""ons. i uonainiy.. uie :nnuence nant south alders might bave good oy. luxury, idleness for brought thence in Chines junks. The ia in no doubt as to when he U ready to Pr lDe DHCal retormera-in . ungiana ground for their wrath, but the ques- ' '"" Russian sawmill at tne moum oi I " .7.. .7? LnM h thrown a,lnt . it and thla m T,' , "f? criticise husbands a W,U the third largeat In the world. uwwre wnr' u'urunium ana .pearl ,.7";' 7 " -v- wivea xney admit extenuating are also being made from Vladlvotolt to Port Arthur, uainy tta- 777777 o arrive simultaneously. might prove sufficient ta defeat nego- t Ion to get, the tnoney unless it lnaugu- stances, but do not deny the assertion. 9 tiatlons. I a.A a-a-v- am awoAm rx4 A-An iKm am -. , IttLCI a VJ OICUI VV ICUCUVUUJCUt It IHl 'Douglas County Democracy and the I Meanwhile, what of he Chamberlain economy? Jackaonlang can seldom get together, but campaign for fiscal reform? A tew 't 1 . ... . . . ' . . ' . I in.!.. 1 ... a. I .... ...... V .. ......... mA ffoui Dreaent aiiDearances they are strlv-1 weea. ago 11 geeuieu to De making rapid 1 u""lc" u " lag to the same end that of tho extinc- progress. The able champlonof re- K" explosions in tnis city mignt not tlon of the boy orator of the riatta. form appeared to be gathering under1 have been averted by official Inspection bis leadership all classes and gradu-. ana tests, out mat, raci aoeir not justiry Liberia Las elected a new president ally disheartening and" , deitjorallzing th ladifferettce exhibited by the city Liberia was America's first colony, but 1116 opposition. In several by-electlomi council t the Tepeateq suggestions for although the Llberlan experiment can n,a caUBe waB trlurapbaht and where- the enactment, of an ordinance that will hardly be called a failure,' It fell far eyer Mr' Chamberlain appeared he wo provide ror omciai inspection, or ex ahort t producing the result desired. greeted tvlth enthusiastic popular aci plosives and supervision of their storage claim. There bave recently been lndl- and transportation witbin . the city Confession by tho doctors that medl- cations unfavorable to the proposed re- limits. . . cine. Ooea no good In case, of pneumonia form. By-election. In .hthl8 was ' nrnnnsItlftn hpfor4, thtt Tnw. i.. was not intended by.theui aa an Invlta- h '8SUe suowea gains ror tho oppon- aonronrlate $100000 to con tlonMo the dlsdpleaof " Mrs. Eddy to ti-of reform. Mr. Chamberlain Is It Kn'nxvii 71 conllne their treatment to that dlJaso. Pro.ecuting bi. campaign with taa- Jhbu 7?, !l bated vigor, but from appeorancoa .be , , 7 7 uiuiu, into a tiuiiiai iue lueunaies is suggestive. Many people in "Iowa and some people outside" of Iowa have in sisted that intemperauce had been eradicated In the IJawkeye 8 tat by prohibition laws. a......-. IV lauuvpni - un tne otner hand, there are clergymen I tmt. ,i viuuhwana-. Mr. Miller of all denomination who assert that Bishop ,, of opnon that Rusala Intend, to " " " in aia. cnargee. 1 vid. (or all the requirement, of lumter Roma naatnpfli mbm . A .nl . . v I . . . a Bom pastor even declare that th In dlana bishop ha trenched upon th sensa tional arm that he I an extremist. They urge that church statistic are not relia ble. They point out that parent are not always sealou in having their children baptised, and that children are left to form their own religious conviction, later In life. But n spite of all explanations,'' pallia tions, and 'evasions, the fact remains that a large number of clergymen whose view If a Chancellor Andrews had not gone.'" not making". any headway, 11' Indeed beak Tn 18 to 1 free coinage he mluht he 18 ,,ot lo,,lna ground. The chief dir. hav solicited a million-dollar contrlbu- nculty "lth h,m tLt m of his tlon from Kockefeller, the ogre, without statements In regard to conditions are offending the sensibilities o the Ouiaba not accurate and the exposure of this Dryaulte organ. ? " I "J his opionenta has somewhat weak ened utm. 1 lie HritiHU people want the "I Nebraska a mendicant," 'exclaims I facts preseuted to them to be trust- the '.Omaha hyphenated In one of it I worthy and they do not readily excuse hysterical Balsatlon Army . editorials, failure In this direction. The cham- No, Nebraska la not a beggan but Ne- Pou of A01 reform has been shown braska's state debt has been Increasing to have been careless respecting facts at the rate of $100,000 a year and has and has thus played Into the bands of already lapped over the 2,100,000 mark. tne opposition. He will hardly be abla to remedy the effect of this. The aggregation of political patriots I At all events the battle for fiscal re- ' knovn aa "the Douglas County Democ- j for far f" liiiir won aud the racy'J has declared for that Prince of outlook for victory appears leas favor-1 . The ahtl-Tbompsoa politicians of Lau caster county are said to be mortally afraid that the republican state 'central committee "burdened the party with a mill stone of generous dimensions'' when the resolution was adopted to nominate a United States senator in the coming state convention. Possibly Mr. Thomp son may take the same view. While the Board of Public Works Is wrestling with the paring contractors. Yellow Journalism, William Randolph able, than a month ago.-There II noJH,a mavne .n.l m..n..i should devise . Hearst, as It. choice for the position aoubt, however, that It will be vigor- wavf .ua foP the purchase of an as chief magistrate of the great Ameri- oualy Prosecuted aud will remain the , halt pavlng. piont that would enable can republic. Mr. Hearst la expected chier issue in lirimn politic, perhaps thB to do its own street renalrlna promptly to reciprocate with a princely years to come. Parliament will wlthoiJt the consent of any contractor and without runnlug the gauntlet of In Junctions and mandamuses. Colorado Is rapidly approaching the status of Turkey. The troops used in one of its nuuiecpus insurrections seized tipou state property at Pueblo, and the .a....... 1 contribution to the buffet of the Deuglai t(Ma mevl auu " wl" uot he surprising if democracy. ... . I ne niiuwtry suau do overtnrowu and a general election oniered In which tbev Many member of th Iiankh nobility I people would be given opportunity to are said to be among the leaders of the I pass upon the Chamberlain proposals. Danlvb Atlantic I slutid asaociatlon, that has reivutly -been orgaulaed to prevent I Under an existing ordlnuiue cousum- tha annexation of the Danish West In-1 em of gas have a right to requitv the governor promised to' pay them if they ,niea to th united Htatea., we doutt I city gas inspector to make a meter test would let the armory alone. . very much whether anytMMly in the I without charge, but It seems the patrons I nlted States 1 scrl.iuMly considering I of the gaa company are either ignorant I A rrir n. the annexation of the Danish West rn- of that fact or have not seen tit to avail ' Kan City Time. Aim t'n. la. v. ria.. iawt I . i...Ua.i ra. f thoiv nrlvUira Tt aa. I Not long go Mr. Bryan declared lhat hi - . -. B-V.v , .... ... ... I . ... . tn. a. 1. .J1... j I V ...V. .U. . CBOll-a ICTT " ' " " lauiiiy vl awiuve. ivvuca. uivwiues ana l Oiuer. imng. nowrrr, u uw v"" ,h BrM)1..npv wae a "dark herae." - Tee lacklef U large tmouaii already. lot tha alec trie light couipan. There I terday I. said th" vlul Uu of th coming In Manchuria and Siberia, with a possi bility of entering the Chinese fnarket. Th Prussian railway ministry contem plate shortly making a series or experi ment!, with a view to running express from Frankfurt to Hamburg, via Marbure. Cassel. Oottlngen and Hanover, at the rate of slxy-elght miles an hour, thus beating the record of .the fastest trains In th world. All needful prepara tions on this line, which Is 140 mile long. o 7 7 7 7 7 7 O & 0 9 hav beeir sought by the Tribune unheslta- ha v. .lre,,iy been quietly effected. Thu tmgiy agree mat msnop iTancl spoke th , ,.v been substituted for truth when he declared that "bable are "hoae ot wood, and the undetlylng bed ... ... .....1 ui .ui ... K.t, -nmnosed of broken stone ana lion tnese aay. rravl whll teel rail hav taken the Omaha' wealthy and fashionable church " ' - ron Trial trips were recently congregations seem to prove the truth of d the nne thus strengthened be- w..Bi xnop rrnncie nai earn. Most or . ...d Frankfurt with ordl- . . . I l w cru ' nary engines and a .peea or nrty-nve jnlles an hour was easily attained. At present special engines with four cylinders are being proi-lded, which will. It Is an ticipated, Increase the velocity to alxty two or sixty-eight mile an hour. Thre of thee engine have already been con structed In Caeeel. and experiment hav also been made with them, which expert deem highly attsfactory. A aoon as cer tain alight modifications have been Intro duced ten or twelve heavy carriages, with eight or twelve wheels, also specially built for the purpose, will be used for a series ot decislv trial trip between Oot tlngen and Hanover. Mraisrlsg th Cora Crop. Four Track New. Were th corn of even corn state loaded on waaona. forty bushel to the load, and n'.l . .. a , . .... I. w.,tlt lonable churche. of thla city could not fur-T P'cea "Z" "'D ' '., . K.. ..... ..' I come luat to the resr endboard of the pre- but the truth would not be affected on that dlnK wagon, and It were Poaslbla for this account. It happens that In my diocese 'n of march to cover th. land . ' aa. -II lttA nnaa In Ih- aWCriKB VOfir ITUW - " - tnvrti mrw an ... uuuiva ui . .i.v a.-.i th. w..lthy that can b expected. Un- arowlng .tat, would mak. a Me Ml thla condition doea not dmv.II wmoni a ." th churche show a gradual growth In membership, but a decreasing ratio of christenings. St. Mary' Avenue Congrega tional church, with an average annual membership of 400 since 1894, show a teady decrease la Infant baptisms sine ISM ' In that year the number was 22. In IMS the number was 7. - All Saints' Episcopal church had 347 members In 1994 snd 19. christening. In 1901 the members numbered 460, with only 11 christenings. The statistics of the First Preebytartan church show a gain of mem bership since 1899. Th number of Infant baptism in 1899 wa 11. In 1902 th num ber was. t. In 19QS there was not one. Here are soma of the view expressed by leading clergymen: 1 Bishop William of Trinity cathedral. ElSlscopah "Bishop Francis' statement that bable are not wanted In th finest home cannot be questioned. Possibly th fash happily. everywhere." Rev, Hubert C. Herring, Flrt Congrega tional church: "Older and experienced men In the ministry will agree quickly with Bishop Francis that the birth rate In home of the finest famllle I diminish ing and race suicide 1 threatened." Rev.'T. 1. Mackay. All Saint. Epis copal church: ''Observing minister know that what .Bishop Francis said about the disinclination of th wealthy to hav many children In their home I true. The ex planation U to be found In advancing clrlll.utlon. What ia the first question rental agents of the fashionable apartment house ask ot prospective tenant? ''Have you children r, And If the answer la .'Ye.' he shake hi head la th negative. Tou must leek laawhere (or a tome." Place the crop of 1901 In car holding WO bushel each, and allow forty feet for car and coupling, and we would have a contin uous freight train tt.irs mile long. After considering these figures, on read ily believe that In. the lla of cereal corn tand first In point of acreage, yield and ttlu. WaallaaT Preeloa Tlsaav Baltlmor American. Tit person or persona who are nursing any sort of theory by which the law of natur ar to b circumvented and th losers mad to enjoy equal right with those who won in open fight ar doomed to defeat. . It 1 th very rankest sort of rainbow chasing, and deserve a place with perpetual motion and alchemy. 7 7 7 7 7 ? 7 ? ? ? A PERTINENT , QUESTION The. beginning of the year is an appropriate timo to nek yourself the question "Are you carrying enough Life Assurance? ' ; f' Your house and other property is assured for its full about your life? Is it assured for anything like its real value to your down quietly and figure it out op write for the leaflet, "What Is Your Life Worth?" It will probably .give you food for thought- The Equitable Life Assurance Company Stronjrest In tli World. H. D. NEELY, Manager Merchant National Bonk Bldf. ?????????? 11 111 mil Cleft.tliArdcoAl,finefQrcooIiinfj Vidpr.Vhite !603FiW.tunJLTdl2y . 0