THE OMAHA' DAILY BEE. SATpRITAY, .TAXUAHY 30. 1904. 11 QRilN AND PRODCCE MARKET Wti fitmoia from Far Cut Cm Alranca is Whtat. CORH AND OATSOTH CLOSE WITH GMK Pmrl.lniii ! ' Rol Rnvoll with ' brains aad Close at Abost Imm ansa Fig ares af Day Preceding. : CHICAGO, Jan. .-War rumors caused an advance of H to l"So In thf price of wheal today. Part of the advsnc wss Inst profit-taking, but the close wa nrm. with May "MtV" higher thnn yesterday's final figures. Corn closed with ft gain of StoSfr for May. Oate are up c. Pro Vision ara unchsnged. A sharp bulge occurred In wheat at the OMC'rig, dua to report that tha crisis In the iV cnst wan not far distant. Thee renorts were given emphasis by higher prices In foreign grain msrket. Opening quotation here showed May Slo higher at w'awic, wniv, juiy ipivc mgner at 82T'8,i3c. Buying ordera came largely from hort. For a time there wan little wheat on the market. Tk leader of the long, however, took the selling aide toward the end of tha first half-hour and waa joined ry smaller noiaers, witn me remut mat price declined about He from the high energy ruled comparatively dull the remainder of the day. Iong wheat continued to come out on all email upturn, but the demand waa eauallv good on every reaction. The market waa helped by Argentine trike new, amall receipt and an Improve ment in csan a em ana in the nortnweet. May closed at yt,floo, after It had sold down to WJSo. July flnUhed at HS'iiXlVic. Clesrances of wheat and flour were equal to 602,100 buihela. Primary receipt were i..wu nusnels, sgalnst 6H2,4O0 bushels yer ago. Exports for the week, accord Ing - to Bradstreet's. of wheat and flour Duluth and Chicago reported receipt of 2u3 rare, against 166 oar laet week and 80$ cora a year aco. The aame Influence which governed the wneat market were factor In tne corn pit There wa a good demand from commission niiunffl ana snons at tne sian, oue io me reported eriou turn of affair In war circles, and opening price showed fair gains. ' On - the advance there waa quite nnerai liquidation ny email nntaer. re sulting In a reaction. A renewed demand from commission hnttaea late In the day causea an upturn ana tne ciora Wa nrm, After opening higher at ofi60ie Mav sold between 6eo and BoHe, closing at tOHSOSc. Local receipts were Z15 cars, none of contract grade. Oat were atrotig throughout the entire day. Trading waa not large, but thl waa due more'to the scarcity of offering thnn anything else. There wa a fair demand tfnM .hn.t. flu .l..l.t.J U.. . - vSjJlileh feeling ever tha foreign situation a ' Pr'alled In other pits, and scalpers were tha principal sellers. Toward the end of tne aeaaion a general demand developed wnicn carnea prices still higher, and dog Ing figures were at the top. May opened L 4irr higher st 42H0 42e-. sold between 42 w.t,i; ana wo, closing at lira, L,ocai re- oeipts were 7 ears. 1 facKers were moderate sellers of nrn. visions and there was further liquidation of lard by bull houses. In aplte of thl aelllng and In the face of lower prices at the yards 1 maraei yieiaea very little. Closing prso tlcallyat yesterday's Anal prloe. Buying- eirengin er grains wss tha main atmnnrt, Ing feature. May pork and lard closed un changed at ana. 7.42. Ribs were anaae lower at Jl.ou. intimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat. 13 rara: oorn. wu pArti. nmtm ft no rr. fv-. -i ' . w h uvula, Tha leading; futures ranged follows: Artlolss. Open. H1b.( Low.l Close. T'fy. OMAHA WHOI.pSALB MARKET, j ! mm Kaacy Praiire, EHUfi fleneinia mmlvriln: freah stack. 27fc io. LiVK rOVLTRT-Hen. re: spring chlrkeD. H'4r; rooeter. acortrolng to age, 4tr-o; turkey, UQltiCi ducks, ft'aluu; geene. UKESSKO rOlLTRY Turkey, vaiv; duoka. lMallc: aeese. IO01 chickens, tWU lvL;TTER Packing stock. IHOIIHc; choice to fancy dairy roll, lie; separator, 22c.. FHUhll flSIl I rout. 9hvc; pliant, t !; pike, io; perch. tHifir; hiut'tixh, 15c; WhltetlHi. IWSWc: e.ilmon. 11c: haddock. l c; coUllah, Uc; reuanapptr, lie; lobster, boiled, IT lb., jc; lohater. gteen, per lb., Kic: bullhead, lie: cattlah. 13fl-14c; blai'k basa, loc; hHlihut, lSc; crnpple, Uc; herlng, 4o; white hHss, V.c; blueitna, c; imeita. iu'4110. OV8Tl?.R( New lotk count, per can, ISc: Der sal.. 20ft: extra aelect, per can. oc; per gal.,; standard, per can, lie; per giu.. i.6o. HHA1S I'er ton, fis.w. , 11 AY Prices quoted by Omaha Whole- rale Uenlers' aaaoctatlon: Chol e No. 1 up land, $6.5o; No. 2, MOO; medium, $5.&d; coarae, $r,.00; rve straw, 15.00.- Theee price are for hay of good color and quality. Le- nixiia luir ana receipts ngni. i:uits-c, OATS 17c. IIYU No. 2. POC. . VFOKTAIJLB8. POTATOES-Colorado. Mk: Dakota, per bu., 8tc; natives, 75c. iOiA'loE8 Illinois, per bbl., tZ.bO. 1 AVY HEA.N8 rer BU., Z.Z5. CELERY Small, per lo.. '41 35c: large California. (1'ic. 75o and 80c. onions Bpanlah, per crate, 11.66; Colo- . . . . . . - . . . . " 1 I V ' i V ' .-1 1 " 1 1 1 1 . an n . . nuiiiiB im uu u ru u iu ? ,, . . . . , .a; 'ppi,. ., , S I rauo yeiiow ana reu, per ip., "c. 1 California cabbage, SHc. Tl hNlFg ( anaua rutabagas, per lb., lci whito, per bu., 60c. (.AKKUir I'vr DU.( ilC. rAnnrtl rft rPr DU., SUC. RKET8 Per bu, 60c. ' ' CAL'LlFLiOWER California, ner crate. It. 7. Cl'CCMBERB Per doa., ll.gVSl.BO. KAI)ISHKB-Pff do, hunchea. lfrf. LKTTl'CE HEAD Per do, hunchea. WV. wi.w; ier ooi., ai.w; icat Kiiiuce, per aoi bunches, 4rc. Tl'RNIPB Southern, per dog , 75c tifjfj i a boutnern, per do., 75c. CARROTS Southern, per dos., 750. PARSLEY Southern, per dot., fl. FRUITS. APPLES California Hellflnwera. ner how. $1.05; New York export Oreenlnga, Rusaeta ana naiawinn, M.10. ' GRAPES Pnnv Cntawhiui. 20c: Imnnrted Malaga, per keg, $.O0. CKAJSUKKRIE8 Jersey, per bbl., $7.00; per box. $2.60: Wisconsin Bell and Bugle, $7.60; Bell and Cherry, $8 SO. TKOFICAL FRUITS. ORANOKS Florida BriaMa and Ruets. ell slses. $2.25; .navels, sll Rises, choice, ti.2M2.Mi; fancyi all slses. $2.75. L.KMONH California fancy, son to 360 sixes, $4; choice, 240 to 270 elses, $3.50. KIGB-CRfornla, per 10-lb. cartons; 860 J Imported Smyrna, 1-orown, 14c; 6-crown, lec; 7-crowi,, 16c. BANANAS Per medium aimed bunch. $2.0"J2.0: Jumbo. $J.764 J.2B. CO:OANlITS Per sack. $4; Pr a"., 60c per lb.. 'in 0-lb. boxes. 6Vtc: Oriental stuffed dares, per box. $2 40. Al I M(J tiLilAIN KUl! a. CHFESB5 Wisconsin twin, full cream. 12o: Wlaconaln Young America, 13c; block Swiss. 16c: Wliconaln brlck.v 13c: Wisconsin llmburger, lie. HONKY-Nebraska. ner 24 frames. 13: Utah and Colorado, per 24 frames, $3.25. MAPLE Sl'OAR Ohio, per lb.. 10c. CIDER Per bbl., $6.50; per H bbl., $3.25. POPCORN-Per lb.. 2Hc; shelled, iT3c, HORSERADISH Per case of 2 dog- packed. vHnc. nuts walnuts, ivo. 1 sort sneu, per in., UHo, bard shell, per lb., 14o; No. 2 soft shell, per lb., 13c; No. I hard shell, per lb., lie; Brsxtl. per lb., lloi filberts, per lb., lie; slmonds, soft shell, per lb., 15c; hard shell, per lb 13o; pecans, large, per lb., 12ci small, per lb., lOo; peajiute, per lb., c: roaster peanuts, per lb 7Hc; Chill walnuts. 12ifri3Hc: large hickory nuts, per bu., $1.50: shell, bark, per bu.. $2; black walnut, per bu., $1.25. tllUblr-10. I arvvii, .-.v. m hiwii, w, No. 1 salted, 7c; No. 2 Salted, .6c; No. 1 veal calf. 8 to 12 lbs.. 8H; No. 1 veal calf. t to IK lbs.. 6Uc:' drr salted ' hid 8ffl2ci sheep pelts, 25g75c; horsa hides, $1.50ff2.60. St. Lnls Oralsi and Provtaloaa. ST. LOUIS. Jan. 29.WHKAT Higher; No. I red. cah, elevator. ooj track, 96Ho; May. 86V5'4o: July. No. S hard, 83Hs.- . . : ' : CORN Hlgner: NO. 2 cssn. saso; xracaw 44Uo; May, 47c; July. 4fic. OATH Higher: No. 1 tMh. 40c: track,. 41C1 May, ii'v; mo- 1 wnite, c. i-uu et: red winte extra fnncy and straight. Wh't May . July 8epL , Con! , Jan. May July Oats Jan. May July Sept. . Pork Jan. May. Lard- -Jan. May July Riba Jan. May July 01e-l4 47 60HTH 4v-sH5i S9U 51: II 28 lies 140 T42H1 71 inSt 4li 47 H 40 4J 83 33 11 mt with UlZVi 1I82H I t40 T4t1t ,1 T 42 . T 46 i '71! 3 13 it 28 UI7 1 25 T 4Vf I I2 82 KIU 82 77. 8 87 62 is tm 13 32 T25 f 25 T 4i I 45 I 72 I 12 ult; red winter patents, $4 45'9 No. I Cash auotatlons war as follows! FLOUR Market-steady: winter natents. 14 $04.40jM straights. feOO04.tot spring pat rnia, ri.iuiji.ou; su-aigcia, ts.suist.wi bakers, l2.4trBI.$0. WfuEAT-No. &, 78oi No. 2 red, 89 IMVO. (V 10 v vr. m .wi., xrn 1 ii. 1. u. mt ,i71V . . t m f culm, vitiu, OATS No. I, 4viU40o( No. I white, 40 0. v ' n YET No. 1. C7a UARLKiY Oood feeding;, tS09c fair to cholne malting, iMjdlaX - . SEKDS-No. i flax, H.10; No, 1 northwest ern, li.l.H; prime tlmotny, 3.15 clover, oon- iraoc graoe, PROVISIONS Pork, mess wia.aiis. iara, per iuu. iua,, f(. wel l. so. rjnort ribs sides (loosed, M r7'XW.8l. bhort clear sides (boxed), ilgTHatfuO. Following ara tha receipts and shipments 01 nour aaa graoa; Racelpts. Ehlpmenta. Flour, bbls.... 15.0"0 lxi Wheat, bit tS.tuw 22,500 Corn..: VU . 170.100 197. 4o fmia V. I , Ail A. A C . 1 ""IJL WW-. ...a ..... w.w (A-HyS, bu. Ift.loO 1 400 Barley, bu 28,800 13.&U0 On tha Produce axohang today the but ter market waa firm; oreameties, 15Q4i2c! dairies, I31Sq. Eggs, weaker; at mark, oases included, KJto, Cheese, steady at 1I0C y. iHcf FLOUR 4.60: extra clear, $3.40(tti.aB. ' SEED Timothy, steady at xz.suijjxtai. f'ORNMEAf .Steady at $2.40. T.RAN Firm: aacked. east track. R5SR7o. HAY Dull: timothy. $7.6O13.00; prairie, $8.009.00. IKON COTTON Tl K. 41.VB, BAOOINn6'40. HF.MP TWINB So PROVISIONS Pork, easier; Jobbing, $13.52. Lard, weaker; prime steam, $6.82. Bacon, firm; boxed extra shorts, $7.62; clone rlh 17.75: short clear. 27.87V4. POULTRY Lower; chicken, loc; springs. 1iv. tnrVrsva. lc; ducks. He: a-eeae. be BUTTER Fair oemana; creamery, ivti 23c: dairy, 12B17c. EQUB Lower, asc, case count. xteceipis. Duipmenia, .... 7,lW ....65.000 .... 89.01 0 ....62,000 NEWYORRSTOCKS AND BONDS OouTi'ct'oi f Gtrnintd Coiditio in Far Eui Prglj$'$ 8pf0ulatioo. MOVEMENT OF STOCKS WAS UNCERTAIN laite gfates Steel Proves at Drag; Market, AKbosak ke Telaaas of Its ActUlty Is Mark Less. NEW YORK, Jan. .-toc-ks had an uncertain movement today that had hardly deserved the fluctuations. The undertone wss heavy, however, and the slight ad vance st one time attained were Indif ferently held. Probably the conviction that some sort of crisis was near at hand In the strained situation In the far east helped to , paralyse speculative activity. Even the commodity markets reflected some dis position to await the definite outcome of the Rusxtan reply to the Japanese pro posal. News reports of the rush of food shipments across the continent to All Russian army orders were of some signi ficance as to the effect of war upon do mestio business here. The money situation, also, It Is pointed out. of the $2,148,000- which the subtreasury ha contributed to the New York banks this week, more than three-fourths Is on account of Japanee gold deposited In San Francisco. This gold is generally assumed to represent payment for army provisions rather than a regular exchange operation. The usual preliminary estimates of the Interior movement Indicate a gain by Now York of over $6,000.0"0 In spite of some movement in shipments from New York to Interior points during the week on ao count of the cotton movement. The gain fro-n tha subtreasury Is likely to be wiped out by today's credit balance of that In stitution st the clearing house of $1142,112 due to the taking up of a Central Pacific note for about .800,000. The extreme ease of call money today did not Indicate any notable weakening of the condition of the bankn, although a considerable loan ex pansion la expected In tomorrow's state- mpnt United States Steel continued to be a drag on tne market, although the volume of Its activity was much less today. Trad reviews oontlnued to add to the weight of opinion acainst Improving prospects In Jhe trade. There Is even a tone of repro bation of the attempts wnicn nave previ ously been made to claim Improvement with the Idea, apparently mistaken, that it would enoourage buyers to come Into the market. The Union Pacific's favor able net earnings for December offered a contrast pleasing to Investors, with the uniform tendency toward decrease for that month and which was exemplified In the return for the Wabash. lhlgh Valley and Canadian Paoiflo made today. The average decrease In net earning for uecemoer in MHt MnrMMtMl. nrvioli to today. Al ready runs as limn as n per cent. u Union Pacific showing Is attributed to a Araatie reduction in the extraordinary ex ncndltures for Improvements which have nnmr lui.n In rtmareas on Its allied system. . .. . 1 ll 1.. 1 1 . . tne Boutnern racinc. ii ia "-unii tha Union PaclHo interests are credited with- the most determined resistance to the present prlca for steel rails, even to the point or refraining from .filling urgent requirements. This stock got as much as a ooint over last night, but fell back with tvim, lata Mnrnnn in ina nurui. - i ho i-iub- Ing was dull and easy, with prices back to the low level. Pennsylvania ran Mrtnna were auu ana wno intimou .w hut a row advances gave an ir resriilnr tone, rotni saies, par vaiuc, Mirannn United States bonds were un- V, . . i ... nn null Tim Vntlowlna- are the Quotations on the V. V.rl. Mt,Mlc AlrhltlBA! ' v " ... i . i-i i . . bales, iiign.iow.wiua". Atchison do pfd VWJ " 'ly liHitlniore A Ohio. ...30.400 Mi. kil. M do Dfd - sou si si Canaalan Paclflo 2,400 ll 111 Central of N. J Chesapeake Ohio.. 1.8U0 8 , M Chicago d Alton u0 87 87 uo pia Chi. ureat Western.. 100 do B Pld Chicago 4k N. W 400 168 Chicago T. A T........ 6u0 10 ao pia m C. C. C. A St L... 800. '8 CollorAdo Southern... luo do lt pia do 2d pfd : 100 Delaware dc Hudson Delaware, U a W Ixty days, J! per centj ninety days. 4; six rnnnths. V'i- I'RIM R MKHCANTI1.B PAPF.R 4)f.4 per cent: sterling exchange weak, with ctual nusines in panser kiii st wtt lev for demand and at $4..'9'ff4.M for Ixtr dnv bills: posted rs(e. $4.64 and $4 8;ff4 "7; commercial bill. $4 82. niL,v.K Bsr, bbc! Mexican aouaxs. 42u,c. HO.Mis Jovernment. steaayi raiirona, Irregular. The closing Quotations on bonds are as fellows: '. 8. ret. 8. reg. do coupon So , res An cnitpon do new 4a, re.. I confio So aid '4. reg... do coupon ...... do . eas lo eoupoa Atr-htaon frn. 4a. do -lJ. 4s Atlantic r. 1. 4s. Bl. A Ohio 4s... do l4s Central of . as. do 1st Inr ...lot ...lot ...l"4 ...l"T ...I'JH ...inr, ...ia7(t ...101 ... '" ... ... nit ... Ms ...lilt ... 7014 Chs. Ohio 4H....lain Clilrago A A. 71V, B. A (4. n. 4a.... t.'lv, M. 8. P. a 4s.. 1 C. M. W. c. 7s... .111 , R. I. A P. 4a.... Tl do ool. is It C.C.C. m St. L. g. 4a t7u rtalcaso Ter. 4s 71V. Con. f obaoca 4a 4 Colo. A Bo. 4a IH K. O. 4a trim prior llao 4s.... do sea. 4s KV . W. D. C. is.. ..lot Hocking VL 4V4I...1U4 Offered. 17 17 167 10 , 22 7 18 .16 26 Flour, bbls. Wheat, bu.. Corn, bu.... Oats, bu 7.000 M0O0 64,000 33,000 "SIXM fcbl., $13.25 i., ri.zuai.xu. snort Kansas City Crala aad Provisions. ItANSAS CITY, Jan. 29. WHEAT May, 78c; July, 7S'g'73c: cash. No. 2 hard, 7p" fa'7Se; No. 8. 72if75c: NO. 4. ayzc; reiecieu. 62n'c; No. 2 red, wiaw&c: no. . kkovso. , CORN Mav. 43: July. 48: cash. No. t mixed. 41c: No. 2 whits, 42c; No. I, 41 c. RYK No. i wmic ' OATS No. 1 white. $Ml39ci No. I mixed. xTfi-axc. BUTTER Creamery, iwtrnc; aairy, rancy, 18c. ... .. exk steady: Missouri ana Kansas. cases returned, 26c: new, No.. 8 whltewood Z7C. timothy. 8.ouf.06; choice 11ti ver A. R. O.. do pfd mo Erie ll.euO do let pfd au do id Bid ............ 700 Great Northern pfd.t Hockintr vauey do pid Illinois Central - Iowa Central do Pfd K. C. Southern do nfd Louisville & N Manhattan L Metropolitan S. R... Minneapolis & St. L. Missouri Paclflo M., K. A T do pfd ., N. R. R. of M. pfd... N. x. v-enirai Norfolk A Western. rtn t.f,l Ontario & Western.. 8,200 23 Pennsylvania 46,200 xa. v.. c. v. at sc. lm Reading 12,400 do 1st pia iuu do 2d pfd Rock Island 13. WK) do pfd Loo St. L, a 8. t . lstpfd do 2d Pfd St. L. Southwestern. do pfd .. 200 I.6U0 100 410 1.400 800 8,1X0 600 1,800 400 2u0 1.400 .72 27 47 84 133 36' 107 144 121 4 17 3 11 61 5 100 4o0 8utl ..11.800 46 80 47 15 84 144 Pacific . Railway . KHW YORK GENERAL MARKET. 4.aotatlaa at tk Day VarU.s Cassltlaa. NEW TORX. Jan. S8.-FLOUR-Recetpta. 10,187 bbls.: exports, 1,822 bbls.; market oulet. but nrm; Mlnneeota patents. $4.7ua4.80; winter patents. 84.stHa4.6s; winter straignts, .p.o.3; Aiinnasoia patents, 4.7oo.OO; winter extras, $3.2UUS.M; Ulnn.w,f. VaVM H4rf,i4l- Inu U . 1 1 . . VI w, VW.VvyV.M., 1U 8l.004r3.80. Rye flour, firm: fair to aood $J.4u4.4e; choice to fancy, U.tuvu8.86. Buck- wnaut uour, weaa, 4a.uuyx.1s. CoR-NMKAL Klrrn; yellow western, $1.06; City, U.: kiln dried. $i.8tht.0O. HIB-ITrna; No. 3 western. 88o, nomi nal f. o. b., afloatj 6tate and Jtrsey, Seu'SSoj BARLEY Dull: feeding. 4T0 c. 1. f. New York: malUng. s02)o. c I. f. Buffalo. W1IHAT llaoellits. 1.860 bu. Uuot market firm; -No. I red. 3c. elevator; No. 3 red, 840, r. o. anosi; nu. 1 nonnem uuiuin. si. T. o. o., aooai, no. 1 nara Manitoba, nora inal, r. o. o., ano&(. upuons Avveioped a strong ton and aotialderable advanoe today . on a war acare, coupled with much higher cablaa. There was a moderate speculative trade, but 110 excitement, ss bulls did not aet aggressively. Laait prices showed &c net advance. Mar, 82 13-16 u93Sc, closed at Xc: July. 87Wunaa cIumJ at 87c CORN Recalpta. 10,750 bu.; exports. 111000 dm. bpot. nrm; No. J. Mc, elevator, and 8JV, f- o. b afloat; No. 3 yellow. 84c: No. I white, 84 So. Options Were quiet, but showed rod advantage on tha upturn In wheat a J war news, closing c net higher; May &niiwo, closed at fic( July closed at 4VhC. OAT ft Receipts, 13 800 bu.; -exports, $.145 bu. Spot, flrtnar: No. 1 46c; standard t white. 47va'34i1m: No. 8. 44Uc: No. 3 white. 47 V'ii'8c; Nov I whits, 474l:c; Uack whJta, 8 Ki?D JTirmj aprlnr bran. $ 54J2a.8S mMdiings. $JU.iofi200; city, $20. tota 21.10. - HAY UUlet; Shipping, goad tu chulca. K 6Jsai. MOPS Tlrm? state common to choice. 10$, iixi37o: 12. tr.ilc: olds, 10Hj15c; Jaol rw coast, liot, ICvfllac; Isxi, Iic; olds, 18 tilnc. RICK Steady. f JSATHk H-Stesdy; aold, 23ac. TAI.IXlW-Staady. " fllUEs-rrmj Galveston 20 to 25 lb. 1S" California 21 to 3e lbs., lie; Texas dry. 24 to 8 lb.. 14o. " PROVISION! Reef, quiet: family, $Pln tjll 00; maaw, 8S-0iii beef bama, fx) 210; packet, 8-1 uua 10.00; city extra IndU mesa. $!A0o617X "ut meats, firm: pick elt bellies. $7 2ff7 7S; pi, k led shoul lers ti. j-VJAlio; nickeled ha ma, l&jiovv Lir-1 weak; western steamed. $7 85: January. 7.';0; ran n ad dull: ronilnext. 87 nil: Smith A mer le, 88.2E; compound, 8n.f4q4.7S. Pa'k. steady; famlJv, 8U;. short clear, IU.75Q.8.00; mees, BI1TKR Steady 1 creamery, 17tJ22H; Stat dnlry, !4ilo. . .. . , CI I E l-Vi 1 .W' atata tn nMam . aV-sTe and small colored snd white, Sepieia ber. Ucr late mad. liA4c KOiS Unsettled: western. 28fir. POULTRY Akv. firm; western chicken, 14e; fowls. 14c; turkeys. 14c; draased. Arm; western rWrkaa, 12iUlCi fosls, UfllJc; luraavr i-48o. Receipts. Bhlproenta 65,A 7.rt 86 (HW 45,60) 6,000 8.000 cases Included, HAY Cholo prairie, $7.25. Wheat, bu Corn, bu Oats, bu.. ...... Philadelphia Prod nee Market. PHILADELPHIA. Jan. 20. BUTTER Market steady and In fair demand; extra western creamery, 23c; extra nearby prints. x7c. EGGS-steady and In fair oemana; rrenn nearby. 8c at mark: iresn western. 3c; (ITmi i""ij HI t in 11, iwv , iicii mi u . ii.-i i , u-v . CHKESU steady but Quiet; New xorg full creams, choice to fancy, ll9Uc; New York full creaina, fair to good, loa ioo. Mllwaakee Grain Market. MILWAUKEE, Jan. 29 WHEAT Firm; No. 1 northern, pirauic; no. 2 northern, see; Mav. wo Dia. HlB-nnu NO. 1. c BARLEY bull; No. 2, $3c; sample, 863 6lc. CORN Steady ; No. 8. 4140430: May, 8080oo askea. Mlnnanpalls Grain Market. MINNEAPOLIS, Jan. 29. WHEAT May, IIS'.c: July. svvc: neptember. nci on track. No. 1 hard. yc; no. 1 nortnern, rvc: no. 2 northern. 87Hc; No. 8 northern. 84(&$54c FLOUR Fl rat patent. $4 64m4.70; second pstsnts, 84. 6&4. 65: first clear, $3.4wir3 60; second clear, 32 nui.". BRAN In bulk. 814.25gl5.00. Dalmth prala Market. BULUTH. Jan. M.-WHEAT-ln ators. No. 1 hard. BlUc: No. 1 northern. 88c: No. 2 northern. 87o: on track. No. 1 hard. Vi,c; No. 1 northern. 8ve; No. 2 northern 87o; May. Rvei July. Sbvic; BeptenriDer. 7a"c, OATS On track and, to arrive. 8Sc 18.200 2,000- l,JO 100 100 , 2rJoo 1.800 200 !,7i0 100 80O 800 81 50 22 I 22 84 83 26 2H men an"!. 81 8 81 80 20 20 3K 88 18 U 20 4 46 46 106 m" 100 110 110 90.800 ' 49 48 l.GO 20 li 400 7b 68 . 4,800 . S0 . 1,700 .1L800 . r l.4"0 . 0 . 18U) . 1,100 , 400 . 44 21 80 60 Si 128" ' 73 an4 Prevlilsaa M W H K AT Snot. steady; March.. 8a2d; Liverpool Oral LIVERPOOL. Jan nominal; futures, st Mav Sa S.d. V CORN Soot American mixed new, quiet at ial.l: American mlaed . old. firm at 4 6i. Futures, quiet; January, nominal; March, 4s ra. Toledo feed Market. TOLElX). O., Jan. 29. SEEDS Clover, cash and January. $4.75: Fel'j uary, 64 78; March. 86.80; April. $4 80. 1lme alaike. 88.30. ITlme timothy, $L37. St. Paul do Dfd Southern Southern do Dfd .- Texas & Paclflo . T.. BU U W... do Did Union Paclflo do pfd Wabash do pfd W. 4V U K Wisconsin Central ... do pfd Adama Exprea American Express.... U. 8. ExDrsss Wells-Fargo Express. Amal. Copier American C. sV F... do pfd Amir. Linseed Oil... do pfd Amer. Locomotive... do pfd Amer. S. R do pfd '. Amer. Sugar R Anaconda H. 10 Brooklyn R. T. Colorado F. It I C. H. Coal Consolidated Oas ... General Electric ..... International Paper, do pfd International Pump, do pfd National Biscuit .... National Lead , North American , Pacific Mall Peoples Gas Pressed Steel Car... do . Dfd Pullman P. C Republic Steel an nri Rubber Ooods do Dfd Tenn. C. I V. 8. leather do pfd II. S. Rubber do pfd l.K V. a Steel 2.9"0 do Dfd 44.6W Western Union Northers Securities Total sales lor tne, day, vx.vm 72 27 47 84 133 86 107 143 121 '83 17 89 38 11 61 '2S" 120 '46 80 24 63 j7 24 144 207, 7V 60 127"' 72 48 81 118 liS 24 ml 83 16 28 167 10 22 77 18 M tts w V1 21 it, .SS 110 76 84 133 20 106 1 121 60 17a 28 si 119 81 88 S3 120 64 45T 7BT' 60 24 64 66 47 18 84 144 176 60 u 88 U6 27 3HU 80 81. 20 88 18 20 220 n v 206 4S 19v 6s 10 21 79i 50 82 127--4 72 4S 4a. t- .. .l"Jv4 KAN. nl. Manhattan ye. Ontral do IX Inr 1K4 Winn. A 6t. U 4a... 87 M., K. A T. 4 -H do la t" N. R. R. of M. e. 4s T T. C, i iv........ N. 1 V. . 8 Il No. ParlAo 4a.... I"1 do I n N. A W. r. 4s Mv, O. 8. 1.. 4a A par... renn. ronr. IVyii MVL fteadlna (an. 4 W1 St. I a I. M. r. H.AU St. 1.. A S. r. IS. 4s. t. U 8. W. la S'4 SoatKiaM A. U. 4a.... V fo. Partflo 4a " Pn. ttallaBf 8a Ill Taa P. la lt'4j T.. It L. 8 W. 4.. 71 Inloa Paclftn 4a...v..ll do ronv. 4a W V. 8. "teal 84 8s T Wabash la Ill do tch. R 44 v A T.. K 4s 0 Win. Central 4a M mo. r. I. . 8a.. 7avi REPORTS OF THIS CLBARIMO HOISH. Daring lbs Past Week. NEW YORK. I Jan. 28. The following table, complied by Bradstreets, shows tha bank clearings at the principal cities lor the week enoed January 2S, with the per centage of increase and decreasa as com- parca witn tue corresponcuiig . weaa iwi year: CITIES. Clearings. I no. Deo, New York TChlcago Boston Philadelphia Ht. Louis Pittsburg Han 1 ranclsco Baltimore Cincinnati ............ Kanwa City Cleveland tMlnneapoIls (New Orleans ....... Detroit ........ tlxiulnville- ........... OMAHA Milwaukee Tl'rovldence .., tBuffalo fSt. Paul . Indianapolis Los Angeles tSt. Joseph Denver Richmond Columbus Seattle Washington t Savannah Memphis Albany Salt Lake City tPortland, Ore, i Toledo ort Worth Peoria . . . . , Hartford Rochester Atlanta Des Moines ....t.... New Haven ..1...... Nashville .., Spokane, Wash...... Orand Rapids Sioux city Springfield, Mass.... Norfolk Dayton Worcester Augusta. Oa Portland, Me Scran ton Topeka Syracuse Evansvllle Wilmington, Dela.., Birmingham Davenport Fall River ; .'. Little Rock .: Knoxville 1 Macon , Wllkeabarr ......... Akron Springfield, 111 $1,310,471.2041 1W,W2.ooS.. 122,u7.81tf.. Il6.373.486i.. 63.8r4.479i 11.3 8e,836,261 26, 9oS,t)66 21.646.80ii 2o,873.8tJ 21,232,02 i 12,476,012! 14,172,936 U,84,0t4i ' 8.482,242 11,(60,121 . 6,838. 4 7.6i.t)84 1,To6,oo ' 8.761,361 6,264, 0a 6,86n,'i41 6.676,107 4.232,3: 4.W8.931 6.774,731 8,868, 800 3,2f4,162 8,a52,881 4.212.244: - 7.043,6731 2,121,423 "' 3.824.421 , 8,' 167.2631 8.407.416 - 3,7ti,46 2.520.7W5I 2.181,777 8.499.066 2,780.6631 1.494.698 ' 2,6Su.043i 1.832.2891 1.168,710 1.197.074 1.417.SK5 " 1,890.660 1,624.306 2.067,031 5,047,4K3 6,0K1.713 . 1,223,328 .1,717.099 .3fi6,4 1.0X0,067 9,124,703 ' 5.041.443 ' 'l,8?6.o3W. 879.421 1981,9281 1.109.001 tl.18C.067 : . .'.D93.0OO1 r "'i6.7 9 498.400 4X0.087 ' 7.4, 'ib'.i si. i .6 14.7J 8.2 16.81 "i'.i 67.3 2.2 167.6 6.6 14.1 16.2 15.7 U.7 n'.i 16.6 18.1 3.1 1.7 .... 1.4 .1 4.4 1.1 "o" 1.1 '"i.i 1 4.7 8 5 1.7 7.1 11.1 l.t 17.6 80.0 68 1.5 16.4 29.6 27.1 OKAUA LIVE STOCK MARKET CaUltBecgiptaL bTTkl and Tniing Da l at E4dnrd Prices, nsmsBnsBnxn HOGS GENERALLY FIVE C.NTS LOWER Light Ran ol Nhero and 4nallty Tory Inferior and the Market Coald o Qaoted Blow and Lower All Aronnd. SOUTH Recelnis r. OfllcluL Mmiila Official. Tuesday OftlclHl Wednesday Official Thursday Official Friday OMAHA. Jan. . 28. Cattle. ,. 2.3:9 .. 1.817 .. 6 4vJ .. 4. 37 .. 2.6u0 Hogs. Sharp. 4.990 7,6.1 9.140 10.0.6 9.100 6.'2 U.6U 1.01.4 2,400 Five dava thla anvk . i Ms 1I nts 87 841 Same days last week....K7H $ti,3M 312-1 Same week before 2-2,697 34,160 89,4"2 Same three weeks agn.. 17.671 37.24 8o.7t Same four weeks ago.... 11. 8:7 40.973 24.624 Sams days last year 18,631 43.209 24.693 RECK1PTS FOR TUB 1KAR TO DAlki. The following table ahowa the receipts Of Cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha for the year lodat and comparisons with lsst fear: ly4. 1903. lno. Dec. tattle 74.618 76.167 618 Hogs , 178.962 182.875 3,423 Bheep 165,118 86.771 6447 Average prices paid tor nogs si Bout a Omaha for ths last sevtral days with cu- psrlsons: - Oats. 11804. U0.19; !18-. 'an. 1....I Jan. $.... Jan. Jan. 4.... Jan. I ... Jan. .... Jan. .... Jan. ..... Jan. 8.... Jan. 10... Jan. 11... Jan. II... Jan. U... Jan. 14. . Jan. It... Jan. 1.,. Jan. 17... Jan. 16... Jan. 19... Jan. to... Jan. 21... Jan. 22... Jan. 23... Jan. 24... Jan. 26... Jan. 20... Jan. 27... Jan. 28... Jan. 29... I 6 2 ,1 4 75 SB t Zt 4 8 84, 4 66 40 4 60. 4 84'i.l g 331 321 M 4 311 4 J 4 . 6 iii, 4 81 4 H 3 6 S 19 ( 281 08 a $ 04 I 241 ' 08 I (i 09 I 8u 6 16 6 14 141 I 26, 6 4 4 63 4 i 4 li-lai 6 88 48i 40! 6 40 46 6 4 4 72 6 34 t 14 I 16 4 $ 4 41! 6 23 1 In 221 8 at 4 291 I 67, 4 2.1 6 41 4 an 1 47 4 861 8 48 4 4 84 a nai 3 45i 4 36 $ 80l I 41 3 81 8 I 43 I 41 I 44 I 38 I u 4 41 4 48 4,681 4 18 $ 801 3 6oi 3 48 I 8.40 4 2 6 48 4 16 t 80! 4 M I 62 4 681,, 4 J2 4 I6 4 8,' a 4 SH 4 86, 80 4 Sl. 4 791 6 49, a 8 29; ! 47' 1 681 t 68 6 li 22 .'27' f 15 02 6 69 6 03 ve i I 86 6 72 66 64 64 6 27 I 25 6 121 6 14 6 21 I 12 4 48 I I 49 4 661 8 61 4 64 147 3 48 3 47 a i bi 4 64 a 4 63 4 69 4 66 t 181 4 66 4 82 3 64 8 64 3 6 3 6v I 091 I 01 I I 67 8 66 I $ 61 3 62 a vu 3 72 3 67 4 48 8 601 I al 3 63 4&2 8 68 $ 62 I 64 'Indicates Sunday. Th official number of cars ' of stock brought In todsy by each road was: Cattle. Hogs. Shsep, C, M. & St, P. Ry... 7 8 Wabash I 2 Missouri Paclflo Ry 1 Union Paclflo system 18 22 C. & N. W. Ry 1 8 v - tn je m v w n oji fi,, St". P., M. ds O. Ry 14 17 15. at in., xty xa C, U. & W. Ry 4 8 K. C. & Bt. J , 2 . .. C, R. I. & P. Ry., east 8 6 C, R. 1. ot P. Ry., west 1 2 Illinois Central 1 Chicago Oreat Western 2 6 128 13 Total receints .' 121 v The disposition of the day's receipts was as follow, each Duyer purchasing tne number of head indicated: Cattle. 11. 9.6 26.1 "i.i 2 6 12.5 1.1 6.1 26.1 17.2 Helena .....i. Lexington M , Chattanooga'... I x) well New Bedford Kalamazoo , Fargo, N. D Canton, O , Jacksonville, Fla.... Greenaburg. Pa Rockford. Ill Springfield. O Blngliamton Chester, Pa Illoomlngton, 111 Qulncy. Ill Sioux Fall. S. D.... Mansfield. O , Jacksonville. Ill Fremont, Neb....;.. Decatur, III (Houston fOalveMon Cedar Rapids outhna Charleston Totals. T- B ' Outside N. T 2 It 48 22 22 81 16 16 in 94 193 1934 1 rm ) -xi 194 178 13 600 40 4 1.7i 2K 8 . 100 10 , 1.M0 , 1,9 3 , 400 173 13 19 87 8rt inot 100 30 71 217 172 13 67 33 11 40 15 1"04 ) 71 71 117 US 7 7 , T 46 44 44 21 21 Tl 75 600 88 88 3H 8"0 7 7 7 Hti 7k 7 v; THv, 40 18 lSk 1.1U 63 62 6? 11 11 1! S 66 6 , F8 s'ha res. II Boston Itosk sgnoiattons. BOSTON, Jan. 28. Call loans. 334 per cept: time loans, Wrt'r cent. Official closing prices on stocks and bonds: Atehlsoa 4s Mi. Oaatral 4a... Atrhlaaa da vld Ruatoa A Alaaay. Pitoa a Malae w .. sv .. iva .1 Peoria flraln Market. PEORIA. Jan. 28 -CORN Easyi No. 3, 40 ',c; new No. 4. fe39c; No. 3 oil, 4c Huataa IIXIU4 .... H. V . K. H. A H..l aogar anal Molassea. NEW YORK. Jan. , SCQAR Raw ouiet:- fair refirjng. 2 U-l6c; centrifugal, test,- 8 6-16c; molasses sugar, 2 816r; re fined, quiet; crushed, J9c; powdered. 4.60c; granulatr.l. A4oc. ' KIOI.ASSFP Firm. NEW ORLEANS. Jan. 2.-iraAR-Qulet; open kettle, tfiS 8-16c; open kettle centrifugal. Vc: centrifugal white, 4c; yellow, vrS IS-I60; seoonds. IH'Tiv-o. WOLAbsK Nominal; centrifugal. 1(V3 20c. smrp-rruri. jfl-ac. PHILADKI.RHIA, Jan. H-Sl'dAA-Bo-ftned, unchaiiged. ntrkkur aid t'nlea raoiac ... U.S. Cantral .... Anar. Suar da pf Aar. T. ft T .. D.tmlnloa t A I Omeral Clactrts , Mas, glacula .., da ptd t ailed rrvn .... V. . Slaal. do ptt . . Watlas- eat Advaatar Bid, ..lstvi A 1 lone, 414 Amalgamated ' niHgnun si Cal. A Hull 464 Oaataoalal u Coppar Range 44V. uotaiuioa cual ...... tl Fraaklla ( Ula K.iral Mohawk MA .i : iwuiBlOB ........ la l0ola l, . , :rnn sa .jyl iViulnef fcj . V4's..u Fa Coppar..., 1 .171 'laaianU'C ... . SV Trlnlly . 7 . t altad SUlaa N I tak 11 IVlrtoria ... afis 'laoaa ..... .... U .Wo4artae 314 1 ' 4W .ES m Jew York lfonoy Market. NEW YORK, Jan. 28.-MONEY On call. steady at lTit per cent; rlosing bid and snared, 1; Urns loans, dull and steady I 698,0f)4( H18 ' 1,147.1 70. 676.6(5l 14.1 -.488.172 15.81 620,494 16.6 ,-7M8.135 80.1 ..... " I 843.4W) 23.1 '64f9 87.6...... m 320 20.6 .44.2!U 31.8 KW.0O0 92.6 , . 821.304 121.8 ; 376.664 11.3 446.396 14.1 ...... . . 376.0M 7.4 8 '4 4"0 2.8 . . 420,327 12.3 . 248.66S 21.1 272.1811...,. 4.1 . 184,1721 1.6 IHO.ftxfil 14.3 ,.160.7?6l 2.4 -., 158.l 17.1 212.94SI .9 17.824.1941 15.8 10,7i ,Wr 2.2 801. 4H ' 752.1701 1,258.1121 $2,116 412.281 805,940.079 1.21. 1.7 CANADA. Montreal ... Toronto .... Winnipeg ., Halifax .... Ottawa Vancouver, Quebec Hamilton ., St. John. T. Victoria, B. London .., B. C. B.. C 16.998.8981.,. ... 10. t W.lWI.9R0r.:..-..1 16.1 4,202.7531 1.81 1.821.6611 15 3 1.602.8631 T.J 1.0'5.41l 1S.I 1.136.7811 8 '' 866. 1' 1 15.1 797.77l 20.2 '42T826' V.I C80.864! 2.4 Omaha Packing Co..., Swift and Company .. Cuduhy Packing Co.. Armour & Co Armour, Sioux City... Carey A Benton Huston Ac Co 11. F. Hamilton Hobbick & B Lee Rothschild Sol Degan F. B. kewls ... J. I. Root Haggerty Other buyers Total 63 707 466 748 48 72 13 24 24 29 100 63 34 7 444 Hogs.Sheep. 111 4 ... II) II JM ... 4 an 41 ' lie I n W....... H0 po I to is to4. 4o 4 an i ;n ... 4 m so t"i s in 71 rm 40 4 1 ii ... 4 tv4 11 ts x 4 o K 17 . . 4 74 ' 47 to 4 m 71. 1st 4 7 Tl 141 ... 4 an It IM ... 4 70 44 - vt ... 4 Kt 17 II 40 4 70 TO ...rM I'-O 40 II 14 ... 4 70 47 tl4 tail. 4 M tt IH 80 4 70 t I7 1M IU P HI ... I 70 14 IN 4 SO M.. ...... i:l ... 4 7 II IM ... 4 44 ! ... 4 71 M it N IN 7 111 s in tt 1-1 ... 1 M 1 n, ... 1 71 m fM 10 1 no 1 1H ...4 71 C f' ... IN II ill ... I 75 47 MO ... I as It Ill 40 4 TS 14 Ml IK) 4 I 71 IM ... I 71 44 :l IM 4 MS 71. ill. N ITS U ! 110 4 IV, 71 Ill ... I 7! til ... I 13V, 71 10 ... I 71 4', 317 an 4 M' 4 l:l 4 4 75 45 t77 M 4 Stvi II 1W 0 4 7J tl ls ... I 3'4 M. ...... .14 40 4 7i n n .f 4 if 44. .i HI 7.'. 7 40 4 ?' 71 Ml ... 4 77' 51 S7I ... 4 iv 71 lit 0 4 77V, m !t ... 4 U .114 40 4 77j II 140 ... 4 Uv, 1"0 40 4 TTUj 47 t"4 14 4 Ill ... 4 71" 41 4 40 I I'S 71 MS 140 4 T7' Tt Ill ... 4 Uv 14 r?l 40 4 77V, so jfin in 4 r. 70 8J0 ... I In 51 f4 SO 4 M 0 HT ... 4 n 54 170 ... I 4 T4 Ir ... 4 an ss. rr ... 4 14 Ill M 4 In 51 M 10 4 55 41 144 ... 4 5 44 171 10 4 " 0 IM t0 4 M u Ill ... 4 55 14 Ml ... 4 so Tl ! M 4 at II 141 ... 4 M M ?5 n 4 M 7 ISO 40 4 0 Tl 11 170 4 5 45 144 140 4 50 54. 1ST 140 4 57H 7 157 ... 4 50 al l 170 I 4T4j 15 ITf ... (n 55 !l 4 57 V, 71 Ill an 41 84 4 4 o 7 135 ISO 4 50 55 !40 15 4 50 11 ;u ... 4 o 55 t ... 4 o I.... ,...117 40 4 Ml 51 mi too 4 0 71. 174 ... 4 n St 134 ... 4 50 77 157 IM I 50 ' 41 to 80 4 0 51 131 ... I M ' SHEEP There waa a small run of Pheep and lamb In sight this morning and the quality was very common. In fact there wa nothing on sale that could ne caneo choice. As a result a test of the market on that r ns was not made, nut the gen eral opinion was that good stuff would have soia st not rar rrom steany prices s com pared with yesterday's close. The common kind, though, were very dull and lower. Fackers did not seem to be at all analous for the Inferior grade and the day was well advanced before much business was transacted. A compared with Monrtny the general market can be quoted 2io2'40c lower, the greatest decline being In the common and half-fat kind. Reports from the eaxt still show that the mutton mar ket Is not In as good condition as It might be and that no doubt has much to do witn the break In tha nrlce of fat stuff. There were not enough feeders here to day to make a market, but In view of tha decline on killers it would be safe to quota feeders a little lower also. Quotations for cornred stock: Choirs western lamb. $fi.60fj5.7R: fair o good lambs. $K.00ijr8.50: good to choice yearling, 84.605.00: fair to irnod vearllno:. $4.26fr4.50: good to choice wethers. $4.0034.25; fslr to a-Ond wethera 1-1 K(Hi4 00: arood to choice ewes. $3.6ip4.00J f!r to' good ewe. $.VK 140; choice feeder lambs. $4.50(fr5.00; fair to good. 83.(0414.25: feeder vearllnss. 83.76W "0; feeder wether, $3.507f4.lO; feeder ewes, 82.6O0I is: cull. ti.76D2.60. Representative ea-. No. 1 ewe ' 14 ewes 209 ewes 42 cull lambs 10 cull swes 24 cull ewe , 811 cull ewes :.i 162 western ewes .' 82 western ewes 263 western yearlings and awes 66 western lambs' Av. 101 .94 96 62 77 77 M 85 107 78 41 Pr. 3 00 3 00 3 00 4 00 1 25 2 00 2 40 3 25 I 60 4 15 4 60 2,142 2,671 2,141 80S 1,661 20 268 CHICAGO. LIVE. STOCK MARKET. Shipments Were Blow and Cattle Mar ket was Steady, with Sheep Lower. CHICAGO. Jan. 29 CATTLE Receipts. 6,000 head; market very dull; good to prime Steers, $4.76ift5.60; poor to medium, $3.75 4.50: stockers and feeders. $2.264.00: cows, $1.6034.00; heifers, $1.764.60; canners, $1.60 z.:i: tin! I. 11.7ntM.1u: calves. Jb.Mttrf.dU. HOGS Receipts. 32,000 head; estimated to morrow, 20,000 nendr mixed and butchers, J,10C llirK IJ CllAi Uf V., ,11. n 1 It'll i,, ill, -a. wx, -.. . imin w, ,,' r.. $4.8(Vff5.00; good to choice heavy, $i.0offf ny,: rough heavy. $4.76i4.86: light. $4.60Hj 90. SHEEP ANTJf LAMBS Recelnts. 6.000 head; market mostly 10c lower; Inmlel mostly 10c lower; good to choice wethera, $4.2065.SO: fair to choice mixed. 83.6O4j4.00: western- sheep, 4.0Cvh5.25: native iambs, $4.25 sjo.wu; western lamDS, ti.outQO.90. v 193 a u.i fi"Q a ion jiuiai (. . . " " CATTLE Therg was a Uberal run ot catr tie this morning at all the principal mar ket points ana pripes suiisrcu uijiuw slump. One of Uie principal reason; iw the present demoralised condition of the market Is the shortage of refrigerator oars. The heavy storms in the east, together 1th the present cold snap in mis section of the country, has tied the cars up in bad shape and makes it almost unpoaaioi tor packers to till their orders. It was considerably after 10 o'clock this morning before buyers started out, and their bids on corn-fed steers were safely lofclSo lower than yesterday's weak clotie. a u ..nmnareu w in v uu iienuti-Y wia nini Is right around 23H0c lower, the greatest loss being oa the common and part-fat kinds. Trading waa very slow, as salesmen could not make up their minds to sell out as such prices, and at noon there ware ctlll a Kood many cattle In first hand. - Th cow market was Iii no better condi tion than th trade on steers. Buyers Were very Indifferent and salesmen had a hard time to dispose of what thev had at any nrie comDared with Monday prices ara 25i?40c lower. The choicest grades show the least loss and the medium kinds tha vrwtat Bulls, veal calves and stags were all lower In avmnathy with the decline on steers and cows, trading being very alow on all grade Thera were very few stockers and feel. rs on sale, but, the same as Is generally the case on a Friday, the demand was limited. Prices were a little lower and un less the quality was very good It was hard to make a sale at any figure. Repre sentative ssies: BTEERB, 8a A. Kssisi City Live Block Market. KANSAS CITY. Jan. 28 CATTLE Ro. celots. 2.600 head, including 60 head south ern; market already to luo higher; export ana aresaea Deer steers, steaav to luc higher, $4.4txff5 .16; fair, to good, steady, $.1 .50 414.311; western tea steers,; stpek ers and feeders. U.OOfi 4.10: southern steers. $3.O0fi4.0O: southern cows, $2.002.75; native cows, tz.unei.ot; native neifers. I2.btnj3.80; buns. i2.40'u3 6o: ca ves. as.aniio.x. HOOS Receipt s4 6.000 hesd; market steady to 7oUoweV top, $7.07; bulk of sales, $4,701 85 heavy. 84.8O4j6.07tt; packers. 84.754t4.90: rs and lights. $4.26i4 80. SHEEP .AND- LAMBS Recelnts. 1500 neaa; marxet steady, closed weak; native lamps, H-bOvnoo; western lambs, 34.60'i5.60; fed ewes, $3.60 4. 0o western fed yearlings, aa.vmua.xu; siucaers ana teeaers, Bt. Lbals Live Stock Market. BT. LOUIS. Jan. 28.-OATTLE Recelnts. 000 head. Inoludlna- 2.300 head Teann.- market slow, tteady to lower: native shin ing and ixport steers, $4.26SQ 26: dressed oeer and butcher steers. 84.006.00: ateera under 1,000 lbs., $3.76iu4.86; stockers snd leaders, vi.iwutw. cows and heifers. 11 :1a AOS; canners, $2.261.50; bulls. $2.503.76; calves. 4.004i7.60: Texas and Indian atnera 14.81x4716, tne top tor fed; cows and heifers. HOGS Receipts.. 8.600 head! market icauy to a snaas tower: diss ana nurhta. $4.364.60; packers, t4.t' .it.Sl. butchers and pest neavy, 14 "'(i.oo. r 1 (mtb.1" aim;, MMu-Receipts, 1,600 head; market steady to easy: native mut ton. $3.70i&4.50: lambs. 'uS. 70: pulls and pucks,; stoc,Kers, $2.00i$.vu. ToUls. Canada.. .11 41.28S.204! 10.6 tBalances paid In cash. (Not Included In totals because containing other Items than clearings. Not Included in totals because of no compsrlson for last year. ' - Loadea Steek Market, LONDON. Jan. 2.-Cloeanr: ' Console money ....!l!3 i 144 Itvt H 88 41 It ::::: Kg i 1114 4744 31V, V4 SILVER Bar. firm, 26d per ounce. MONEY 2H43 per cent; the rat of dis count In the ouen market for short bills is 23 per cent; for three months' bills, 8 per cent . Mew Tork Mlolag 4)Bolatlaaa. NEW YORK, Jan. 29. -The following are the closing quotations on mining stocks: do account Anaconda , Atchiaoa 1..., do pfd , Biltlmor A O , rasadlaa PaclAc .., t-has. A Okla , Chlcssa Ot. W C.. M. A at. P DeBasr P H. O so sia grla da Irt pfd do 14 ptd. Illinois Central .... l.oula- A Naah..;... 14.. x. at T. !. Y. Central... Norfolk A W,. do I ofd Oatarto A W..., PeoasTlvaala ... Rand Mlaaa .... Rradlnt do lit pf4..., do td pfd..., 80. kallvar .... de pfd , 8a. Pactfla , Voloa Facia .. do pfd ...... V. 8. Steal 4a pd Wabash , 4 pfd Ma I 8 8 I 84 T 8 t 1 - IS , 1 II , II 1 , 8..... 10 3 1 1., 6. A. .. ..IIIM ... TM ... 47 ... tu ...1044 ...1J00 ...1110 ...1077 ...1031 ...1110 ...1010 .1011 .1090 BEET n. 8-0 8 10 8 85 3 45 8 45 t M 3 10 I 10 6 0 I 40 8 It 8 5 I IS I 74 8 70 4... 11. .1018 1011 11 1051 4 : 1041 ..IK , 1131 , .....1111 ... 11M , ltut 1011 .1114 10. ...1 1071 4 lit l.. 1140 10 1341 STEERS AND HEIFERS. .... lei a 10 8..., U .... tn. 1 SO STEERS AND-COWS. Ir. I Tl 3 Tl 8 71 6 71 I to I 84 I or 4 04 4 05 4 04 4 01 4 I 4 I 1 4 85 4 li 3 18, .1114 3 00 ... 75 ... 500 ,..1010 ...1071 11M 11 T 1111 s 00 3 00 a 10 1 to 8 80 Adams Cos Allca Braaos Branswlrk Ca Cematork Tunnal . Con. CsL A Va... Har SllTsr , Iroo Silvar LaalTUla Cos .... Offered. - it 17 11 .. 1 .. 8 ,..n ,..15 ..1st ,.. 3 Mttl CHIef Ontario Opblr Pkoaals Patoal avS ' 6tarra Ksvada Small Wopa. lataadant .. ..lo ..4(0 .. 11 .. n .. t .. 75 ..'rs ..its Korelga FloanclsL LONDON. Jon. 28. Money wss scarcer In ths markot today, owing to month-end arrangements. Discounts, - consequently, were harder. The sum of 3.160,014) In gold from Bombay wss landed at Plymouth today. Business on the Btock exchange was dull, due to the stiffness of ths rstes for money snd unfavorable far eastern re ports, ejonaols fell a quarter, but closed a fraction better. Japanese and Rusalsn se curities were depressed. Home rails weak ened slightly. Americana opened weak, but Improved. Atchison, Topeka 4k Santa Fe Chesspeake A Ohio were the featurao. They Steele.) later snd closed slightly firmer, lulllon to the amount of 190.000 wss taken nto the Bank of England Uiay aitd 4,0ftu PARIS. Jan. 28 Trading on th bourse todsv opened calm, but later Slocks ba rs ir a depressed on rumors that th Rus sian government Intended to atop the ex portation of cereals snd owing to adverss reports from the St. Petersburg bourse. A gtmeraj decline followed, particularly B Russians, and at tha close prices were feeble. Russisn Imperial da rload at 98.60. Rio Tlntoo lost llf. The private rate of discount was 8 13-14 per cent. Rentes, 8 per oaot, 872 8no fur the account. . L-&chang oa London, AVf lbfeo fur thanks. , 1.. tt!.'! !'.! it'.'.'. 11..'. it... 11... 1... 1... 81... 1... 1... 8... 1... I... 1... 6... ... .. .104 Ill low lost 1157 T70 101 1050 40 ,...055 IIM 1100 1170 I0K0 loT , 2I 1011 1IU , l'll 8t 850 T70 TM 116 a V 75 Ill lltO , 1471 1J41 14J4 141 COWS. I.... 10.... 14.,.. 8 85 8 18 8 15 8 IS 8 0 3 4 8 5 a to a it I 5 a 70 a 75 a Tt a 7t a m a o a to a a so a o a 50 HEIFERS. a 10 a a 54 4 a io a BULLS. a 5 1 75 1 0 I a I 00 8 10 8 t 8 1 a 11 TOO 5.11 I0H 11:5 1111 .....Uo4 ...ay.1010 101 102T , 171 , 10U Ill , 1111 , loo ...... .117 , tf , 1041 ...,,..1101 , 1141 IMI , 1156 lOal im . IDl .Hut 3 M a to a t a 00 . 3 00 3 0 I 00 8 00 8 ot I 04 I 04 3 00 3 0 a k a ot a 0 4 05 ! 11 I II 8 II a m a ti 3 85 I 15 8 55 1. .. T1 .. TIT .. 876 ..lit ..lno ..1UK) ..117 ..17 ..1440 ..IIM ..1140 ..114 a ti a io 3 84 a 11 a 10 a a a a m , ! a 40 8 M 3 43 1... 1... 1... I... I .. 1... 1 1V1 IH I tO CALVES. 4 8 I.... 4 Tl STOCKERS AND FEEDERS. 10 1 ta II li 8 M 131 I 71 . I tst I 4 , UN I 00 t Til I 40 17 8 (I - II 541 $44 ...... 510 8 0 tt.: TM I 50 , M IW t TM I 54 II Ill 1 11 XI. 104T I SO HOGS There waa a fairly liberal run of hogs for a trinity at an points ana as 1 result the tendency of prices was down ward. The market here opened a lit.), ainar and fully a nickel lower. Some of th buyers, In fact, were bidding 6(10o lower. Must of the early sales, however, were made on the baels of about a nickel de cline. Light stuff sold Isrgsly fmm $4.70 down. mlsd loads from 84 70 to 84 7j, goad heavy hogs from $4.76 to 84 86 and prim heavies from 34.86 to 84-80. Trading waa not varv brisk and the morning was well ad vanced before ths bulk of tha arrival was dlanesed of. Tha later market If anything was a llttl, better than ths cuenlng. as packers seemed to bo anxious for supplies and trading was more active, noma ot tne later sales 01 not look to bo mora than lvc lower tha yesterday's average. Although trading was Slow at the opening, a fairly good clear ance wss made by tha mvrldlo of the fore noon. Kepreaentauvo sale !. . SS. TT 0m. U U4 ... 4 8 tl A. S. .til m 4 8 wiling on rroflts snd with the prlmnry port receipts larger than last yenr, shlie th French maraet showe.1 a rem tionary ten dency, topping advance was lost Muring the S4elon and final prices wer sli'aUy, un rhangvd to i points net lower, Riiica mi ratlmated at 219,W bags litcliuling Krb ruary nt 7.urj March, i.Sois tan ;' April, 8tbc; May, 8.2l58.3.ic; July, 8..u.t"c; "'l temlier, 8,;j4i8 9t; tH tolH-r, 8.8oc; NovcmUjrr, 8.8.; December, 8.t'4j91oc. bpot Rio, htm, 8 1-16c; mild, steady. Coitoa Market. NEW YORK. Jan. ja-cnTTOlt-Tha market opened easy with October 3 and tha other months from 15 to 23 points higher. 1 he advance was in keeping with, slignily higher cables and continued light receipt In connection with further hull support, but almost Iicicr the call was completed prices had sold off acvcral points under heavy lliiuidatiun promoted, . jerhat, In some measure by the less peaceful outlook In f the far eaat, until after ome Irregularity the market steadied again to. about the ' opening figures, with March the beet selling at 16.27c; May, 16 40c; July, ltilrir, those i ing the highest price of ths season. March went down to 1j.6.'c, May to lo s.k- and July to 15.89c, a net decline on the positions named of from 36 to 37 points snd -a decline from the best point of the morning of from 67 to 66 points. The elimination of -theae stop ordors, however, aeemed to give the market a healthier ouMook. New Orleans bulls -again came to the support of the market, which was slxo helped by the bull ish Interpretation put on the week err fig ures, and there was a recovery of sevetsl points, after which the market ruled rather narrow, but very until near the close. In the last forty-five minutes tha local bull leader rushed Into the ring snd begsn bidding for July, taking everything In alctit ami feftvanclna" that foSttlon IO lO.ISc, within 16 points of last night's final. w title the other Old crop monins wern i.u 17 rnlnts lower. September loot 3S points and October 10 as compared with last night. Sales were estimated st i,A."w naicn. NEW ORLEANS. Jan. n JUl ltr Market Irregular; sales, 1.150 bales; (ordi nary, 13'e; . good ordinary, 141-lrtc; low middling. 15 3-16C-, middling. 15 9-16c: good middling, lo 1.1-lftc; middling fair, 14 3-lhc; receipts. 6,045 bales; stock. 428.716 bflles. Fu tures, barelv steady; February! l..81dfla.ficl March, 15. (.ova 16.87c; April. l.tV" '"-; -"T. 18 8f.'Sri6.36c; June, 16 47(ffl6.48o; July, I6.0.1B 16 Wc; August, 15. 7! .1115. 77c. , , ST. 1X1L1S, Jan. 29. COTTON Firm and unchanged: middling. 16Hc: no sales; re ceipts, pio Doles; snipmcnts, 4 uaiw, a. 22.W3 bales. . LIVERPOOL Jan. s.-4.vriu.'i--nin, light demand; prices 3 points nigner, American middling fair. 7.87d; good mid dling. 8 62d; tnUldllng, 8.63d; low iniauiina. 8 46d; good ordinary, 8!Wd; ordinary, 8.I0I. The sales wore unifn, m were for speculation and export and In cluded 2,400 American.. Receipts. 30,000 bales. Including is.too American, r uiuri-a vw-." firm and closed purely " "".Ji.a.'ri.. middling, g o ,c. January 1.36.37d. Jan uary and February, K.8t?tiA.3.d; . Vebnury and March. 8.37ff SWI; March nd April, 8$n8.37d; Arfl nn May, 8.8ifti.s.o: May and June. 8.3tW8.37d; June and July. 8 84! 8 8Sd; July and Auguat, 8.32J8;M; Xugust . m . v a si.- XI 1 J A . L1a n I asm hnf 88111 and Biepiomoer, a. i.mj.jtu. . October, 7.40d; October and November, I.KI. J Metal Market. NEW YORK. Jan. 29. METAT8 Tin -. about 6s-lower In Iindon, closing nt tin ; 6d for spot and 127 for future Looa lly tin was in loir tieniana una nun with spot quoted at $28.054128 3u. Copiier also lower 111 London, with spot quoted at 66 7s (d and rulures i mi as. copper was uncnangeq. '' " ''V'"'.'; . St $12.62i, 12.87..- ElectnJytlc at, I12.60J! 12. and casting at 312.3712 de clined Is 5d in London to 11 8a M. and lost about HP locally,. WHO. ine cuw" i"'vr4J '"; glng from M.4S4H 50. Spelter vnS'J,11!ll(J to 21 17s 6d, but wa easier hers, decUnlng about 6 points to MJHfi OO Iron cloaed nt 49s 9d in Uiasgow ana v aa ... . v,- borough. Locally Iron wa ' u"0."?" 1 foundry northern qtiotd at 16. 16.00, Vo 2 foundry norrnern i n.ii. No' 1 foundry southern and No. 1 foundry southern soft at $lS.75S'14.a5. Oils and Roaln. NEW YORK, Jan. 29 OILS-Cottonseeo, , firm; prime crude, nominal: P"' yellow. 87c. Turpentine, quiet at 7H Petroleum, steady; refined New York, 32..0, Philadelphia, $9.05. Hi im N isieaay : siraineu, OIL cilY. Pa.. Jan. 29 OILS-Credlt bal ances, $1.86; certificates. 110 bid; shipments, 91,739 bbls.; average, 73,024 bbls.; runs 84.297 bbl.; average, 65,443 bbl ,, Shipment L ma, 69.226 bbls.; average. l run JJma, 47.52f)bbl-,: average, 4,,337. bbhl T SAVANNAH, ua., Jan. wj.u tine, arm at 61c. , , ROBIN nrm; a. n. y. f. -" IX.-! T. $2.86; O. $2 ; H. $3.15: I. s w: a.. . M, $3.80; N, 13.85; W O, $4.10; W W. 14.40., to - Dry Good Matket. .. ... js-Tir vnnk' Jan. 29. DRY OOODS Tha market haa not shown the excited feeling ... ...h in avMnnce yesterday, rut tha firmness then such a feature has not dimin ished In the sllgntesi. ine msjor.ijr not anxious to do business for any ex tended time, confining their operations for 1. . n.ri tn wnnAm on hand and to such quantities aa their manufacturers will allow to sell. . , Whisky Market. PEORIA, Jan. 29. WHISKY-On basis Of $1.27 for finished good. ' , ' ' ; ST. I-OUIa, Jan. a.-vvnioivi ""i CHICAGO, Jan. 29.-WmsKY-Steady on cfvcivVATt. Jan. r.-lwHISKT-4,ulet. bn basis of $1.27 for finished gods. Bank Clearing. OMAHA, Jan. 29 Bank clearing- for to day, $1,031,568.98. a decrease or 6X7.eJO.ivi iroin the oorresponoing pay mi yeai. REAL ksTATK TRANSFERS. -4- Joaepk Live Stock Market. JOSEPH, Jan. 29. CATTLE Re- 1.100 iiead: market weak to inn natives,; cowa and heifers. t. ST. celpta. $1.760400; stockers and feeders, I2.75i2i4.00. HOUS Receluts. 8.400 head: rnirk.1 and 10c lower; light, $4.oi486; medium and henvv. 14 SnifiSIWU. HMtfii- Aft u LAMBH- Receipts, 1,062 neaa; msrsei sissoy 10 1UC lower: lamha. atf.ou. Sloag Cty live ftock Market. OmCV PITT T . n 00 1 , (v. gram.) CATTLE Receipts, 400 head. Mar ket slow: beeves, $3.5"4.80; cows, bulls and mixed, 32.20S2.eO; stockers and feeders, $2.75 (flj (u; caives ana yearlings, t-'.CH-'iM.OO. MUdit-Keceipts, s.soo neaa. Market weak. selling 51; puis, aa.ivfii.ou. Itoek ta light. Fallowing are the receipts of live stock for the six principal western cities yester day: South Omaha Chicago Kansas city .. Bt. Louis St. Joseph .... Sioux City Totals Cattle. .. 2.560 .. 6.O1O .. 2.6O0 .. 4.0UO .. 1,100 .. 400 ..16.560 Hogs. Bheep. 9. luo 2.400 32.0110 6.000 6.O1O 2.500 8,000 1.614) 8,4ii 1,062 8,600 67,000 12,462 Deeds filed for' record Friday, January . as furnished by tno Miuiana uunnui and Trust company, bonded abstracter, 1614 Farnam atreet, for The Bee:. D. V, Sholoa company to Lydla A. . h Burnett, pan io 1 auu a, iuv . um.i.u No. 1.: $1,500 Anna Pickett and husband' to Lewi 8. Moore, pail lot , oioca 1, ira pjQ ,,, , ,owv Wtllia Slull and write to E-mtly Wood, part lot 9, block B, Lowes odd.....;.. $' Cltlsens' State bank, of Council Bluffa , to First NationaP bank of Council Bluffs, guo lot W in secuon m-ia-Lo.... a Wlnnett W McChalme to r. fanor ai, Hamilton, lot w, 0109a o, iau 1 ..w Annie E. and George F. unmore 10 Eleanor M. Jiamiiion, iuia 00, am 40. block 6, Kilby Place 1.600 Jaoob JL. Morgan and wire to juioo Kelley, lot li, uiooa ai, nBimuu. Jainea'A. Rayno'.d, widower, to JOfcpn . Feters, im. is, uiova. 1, Cobb's Zd aaa Charles II. Anderson ana who io Rachel A- vnaiey, ioi 1, ui-a "1 . bright! Annex 'yrtw Bengt. Peteraon to oaenerg, pari ii 10. block 3, Campbell's add -8W Augustus F. Kllker and wife to inter- Wool Markot. LONDON. Jan. -29. WOOI-The offering at the wool auction aalea today constated of uuerlor selection, amounting to 13.842 bales. Good scoured war In, strong d maud and advanced "thi per cent on German buvlntr. crossbreds were active ana very firm and several lots were taken by Amer icans. Cape of Good Hope and Natal prices wsre maintained. Following ara the sales In detsll: . v New south waiea, i."i Dates; scoured, is lad'Ti'lB SUd: arreaav. 6Mdils. uueensiana. i.iw Daie;-courea, is lavis liu: greasy, a'Hsa. , Victoria. 4.0UO bale: scoured. 1 imwi wi South Australia. 1 4( bales; scoured. Is 3d tjls 4d; greasy. 46d. West Australia. 2.ou0 bales; scoured, la 6d (fin 7d; greasy, 64)lld. New .eaiana, I vuo oaies; scourea, tvxiiia; Cape of Good Hone and Natal, 2.200 bales; acoureo, is gonu aa; greasy, ostji.vvi Buenos Ayres, 100 bales; greasy, 7(i7d. BOSTON. Jsn. 29. WOOL The Com mercial bulletin win say: Wool has had tlvs business well distributed throughout the trade. The large mills, Including the American Woolen company, have been op erating liberally In territory and medium unwashed fleeoes. A great many small mills have been buying' slao. The demand la wholly for consumption. The mnrkoi i very firm. Choice three-eighths acid this week In a limited way at 26c, an advance of Ho. Moat auotatlons, whlls strong, are unchanged. There are plenty of sellers still at -old price. Forelarn markets con tinue active and firm. Tbe shipments of wool from Boston to dste from December 41 are 13.886.834 lbs., against 23 210.236 lbs st the saroo lime, last year. The receipts to data are 8.878.29. lbs, agslnst. 10.235.124 lbs for the same partial last year. ST. LOViS. Jan. 29. WOOL Nominal : medium grades combing and clothing, 17 23c; light fine. 1MI7"c; heavy fine, 12o14Vc; tub washed, r3tAo. CosTeo Market NEW YORK. Jan.1 2.-Or)FFET5-Tha market for futures opened steady at un changed prices to an advance of I points on continued buying by leading bu'l Inter ests and cotton exchango houses. The de mands were promptly mot, however, by state Investment Trust, limited, part ( of lota 10 and 11, block 7, Kountxe 4k Rutha add....... Edgar A. balrd, trustee, to Margarei, Oalllgan, lot 10, uioos. . P'.ace 250 700 Land Bargains Million of acre la th aeml-arld Welt.antu recently considered worthies, are sow being successfully cultivated through ScUnilflo Agricultural Methods the diversification of crops, and th growing ot w gralas and graaaaa. introduoed by the U.S. Department of Agrlcoltsre aad Stat Agricultural College experiment atation. We offer luch lands at low price and on easy term to Investor or settler. Writs for fact, figure and map. Mention thl paper. LeW Bast. (Jala Pacltk tallrsad Ca., Osaska. fa. coEcasB?" STOCKS AND BONDS GRAIN AND PROVISIONS Wa ksv ever 160 offleoa. Reference : 17V Btsvu and Nat l Baak, OIR 8ERVIC8B It TUB BEIT. Out of Town Bustaosa Soilcitad, OaasksBrsacbl 1413 Par. sas At, TsLJ44tf THOS. M WADDICK. Corrtspndt nt T" " ' ''g'"iwaaiwiii"gi S. SLEUMAN Grain, Provisions & Stocks. Room 4. N. T. Ufa Bldg.1 . TL (110. , Operates U Ofhoes to This SlaU. , EsUbluOiwd 1881 v-