TITE OMAITA DAILY I1EE. THURSDAY, JANUARY 28, 1004. r" n t it i tin m i 1 1 r ti n n ir i titTT Speculator G.tb Up Mb- Wheat and Tim - Atuntien to July. HAY CORN AND OATS REMAIN UNCHANGED Provisions jtr flosse-what Lower, bat lapoort from CcmalHlaa Hoesee Resolts la a' MUM Bally, Prices Closing Easier. CHICAGO, Jan. 17. -Apparently In dread of being burned tip In contact with May wheat, traders today turned attention to the July delivery. Aa a reult May ruled weak, closing with a loss of '40 from yes terday's final figures. July was relatively firm, only a fractional Via being registered at the ttnlah. May corn and oats were practically unchanged but provisions were Mi;V lower. The future In trading In the wheat pit whs the unusual activity and rotnuaratlva strenath of the July delivery. Way exhibited considerable nervouaneas and waa easily Influenced by any little trade either way. Quietness waa noticeable at the tart, thTe being few orders on the market. The opening dullness Was the result of a conviction in tne minas 01 me pn crowa that so long as one firm stood ready to buy all that was for sale on May delivery it waa useless to attempt trading. Eaaler cables caused a slight loss on Initial sales, May being a shade to H'ti'io lower at K)tt Wbc Light offerings with a fair scattered demand soon reused an advance to 9uc. There Was fairly good commission house selling on the upturn and the market soon reacted. The July delivery, retained con' slderable of the early strength, the suppo sitlon being that- It was less under the control of the leading long operator. The extreme cold weather throughout the winter wheat belt brouarht out a arood de mand for this option; -with outsiders buy ing freely from 81fett81Vo to 81c, at the opening, the Drlce advanced to MWVZ'iC. Liquidation of May, however, affected the more distant months, and prices declined late In the day. The clone on May waa weak ahd He lower, at 89V'.(8Vc. after the price had tallen to 8914c. July waa only a shade lower at 81MM7.c. Clearances of wheat and Aniir were, etinal to 717.630 bu". Primary receipts were 607,000 bu., compared wn.n mk,uu uu,, a year ssu. miunmjuuii, Imluth and Chicago reported receipts of 222 cars, against 4au cars, last week, and 318 oars a year ago. - There, was good buying of corn early by leading commission houses due partly to the strength in wheat and partly to the atrons? tone of cables. The demand from .this source carried prices higher, and the advance was well maintained until late In the day when a reaction occurred on sell Ing by local bears: Receipts were A little larger than the estimate but the move' ment waa not larse and the demand con' tlnued good. The close was steady. May opened Ho lower to a shade higher, at 4t tH9UC sold tip to WHO, reacting later tn The p. ose was at Ktwtl (!. 1,0 can rf('elptg were 223 cars, one of contract Oats wore firm the greater part of the day on a fair commission house demand but the late weakness In wheat caused a reaction, and the clone was about steady A feature of the trading was the scarcity of offerings and the Brood shinning de mand. May opened He higher, atMJfcc: sold between 4H;Hc, closing at 2c. Local Liquidation by small holders and selling by packers .caused aome weakness in pro visions. ' There was some suntxirt from commission houses on the decline which re sulted in- a slight rally. The close was easier, wit a -May pork 7VeO lower, at 1.32V. May lard and ribs were each 5'a7Hc lower, at I7.47H and $6.72Vi6.75. Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat, to cars; corn, loo cars; oats, 100 cars; hogs, 44, phi head. . '. The' leading future ranged as follows: Artloles. Open. Hlgh. Low. Close.l T'sfy. Wh't r - "- - lr j May mi9 WHI' fBHIWSTH t91W July . MVp' 82'tf 81ta4 KIVttTs "T4 Sept-v- -I-77H l . 7H 7'Htf Is , 77V, Corn 1 1 ., Jan. .. . 4KH : 4H ' ; May, ttHft . 60H 4H 4H4i . 4iH July . 44 , WWm 47HH 4,i 48 Outs , -j Jan. S9H ..H . 88 89 .. S!H May 4JH 42 42 424J42H 42H July -87 38 S7H 37V, . S7) Sept. H 83 34, t 33 Pork ,. . , , . - ..Jail mn .sslrsv. ..... It DA 13 26 . ' May k ii 7H 13 40 13 90 13 3,'Vk 13 40 JanT ........ H TH2H May 7 62H 7 66 7 45 7 47H 7 66 July t 62H 7 62H 7 47 H 7 47H 7 U Kil.s - Jan. . 6 60 6 60 6 47H 47H 60 May : 77H 80 t 72H 75 80 July 4 86 87H -H 82H I B0 raft! auotatlnn were as follows: TPITIH k I r I. , mam Mull an ...... winter patents, $4.204 40; straights, $4.0(5 64.20; spring patents, l.l(ya4.WJ; straights, 13 HixTtt HO: bakers. 82. 4fVfiS.S0. WHEAT-No. I, 7&4i8oc; No. 2, red, 88H W4)C. ,. CORN No. 2. 4na4o: No. 2. yellow. 48c. OATS No. 2, 3m41HC; No. S, white, 89 RYE No.. 2. W.C. B A RL E Y Good feeding, 88 39c; fair to Choice maitmg, wuo(o. SEEDSNo. 1 flax. $1.10: No. 1 north western, $1.11; prime -timothy, 83.26; clover, contract grade, n.a. PROVISIONS Mess pork. per bbl.. 8l3.204il3.40; lard per 100 lbs., 87.27H; short ribs, sides (loose), $o4f;4.70; short clean Ides (boxed). S.H.Hu7.1.'H. Kitllnwlng are the receipts and shipments ot nour sou grain: , ., . Receipts. Shipments, Flour, bbls. 40.3"0 40.DH0 Wheat, bu. 63.500 8o,700 Corn, ba..... Ti.('0 246,900 Oats, bu., 1,800 187. 4o0 Rye. bu.... 8,600 8,100 ey, bu 141, wu i5,uo na produce exenange tooay tne nut tor market was firm: creamery, 1I(OL'1V,c dairy, 13iil9o. Eggs, firm; at mark, cases included, 3utli Jl Ho. Cheese, steady; lOGlOHo. . SEW YORK OBIHICRAL MARKET. Qaotatlea . at the Day oa Varloas Cessanedltles. NEW YORK. Jan. 27. FLOUR-Recelots. iKlii bbls ; exports, 63 bbls.; market stead ier, but without activity; Minnesota patents, $4-7044.8; winter patents. $4.35U4.6; winter Stralrrhts. $4 20j'4 86; Minnesota pstenis, 4.75u600: winter extras, $3.203 3 60; Minnesota bakers, 3 setM u; low grades. xiowua.w. Hye nour. nrmeri sales, loo bbls. fair to good, $3.4tij3.46; choice to fancy, (IW'ffa rHickwneat flour, dull, 8I.Uorgl.ls. CORN MEAI Quiet; yellow western, Sl.On: city. $1.06: kiln dried. $2 80tri00. RTE Firm; No. 3 western, aHc, noml- 3ial r. o. d., anoat; state and jersey, BAKLUT uuu; reeaing, 47c c. 1. f, Ne' York; malting. fyll)c. c. I. f. Buffalo. WHEAT rteceipis, none; exports, none. Spot market easy: No. 2 red, sac In elevator and 84o f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 northern, Du luth, WHo f. o. b. afloat. Options opened steady and for a time advanced on strong Chicago support, reacting toward noon un dar reports of larger Argentine ofTerlng . and pressure. Later tba market was dull and unsettled, closing essy at H4rHc net decline. May, ttSKMl-He. closing at 81 He; . . . m - . I - . Bl .1 a . C, . , juiy mi v-ioc, ciiwiiie: 1 ri c, c-piviuovr, U a.1Atii)7Uc. closed st Doc. CORN Receipts, 48,225 bu.: exports, 8,610 bu. Spot steady; No. 2, 6oc In elevator and tto f. o. h. atloat: No.' 3 yellow. 64c: No. 8 white. 84c. Option market was gener ally flrro and fairly active on a good spot demand and poor grading at the weat, but Anally dropped off with wheat, closing net unchanged. May, VjGiVo, closing at 65Hc; Julv clotted at 64Hc. OATS Receipts. 31.0 bu.; exports, 11.000 trn. Bitot steadv: No. 1. 4tio: No. I Whits, 47Ho; No. 3 white, 4ic; track white, 46 60c. options nominal. FEE!) Firm : anHng bran. t ;ip"!ft.85 middlings. IZn 504J 23.00: city, $20.6021.00. HAY Steady; shlpiilng, good to choice, 86 aSVOc. HOPS Firm: stste common to choice, I903. tHi37e; l03. 23a27c: olds, lottlfro: Paci fic coasl. 1S0S, M4i34c; 1902, ZHUr.Gi olds, 10 jl5c. RICK-Steady. 1EATH kh stesdy; acid. ISCJSHo. TAI.I.OW-Steady. UIIklTVl l-'lrm: llHlveainn III In H IK. ta. California 21 to 26 lbs., 18c; Texas dry. ii ta SO lbs.. 14.' - PROVISIONS-Beef. steady; family. $10 00 tili uu; mesa, sn niviai; oeer nama. jai w'ti 21 uu; packnt. irt.OivtlaOO; city extra India meas, Uvujl7.00 Cut meat, steady; plck- ele1 bellies. I7.15w7 .6; pickled shoulders. 85.6to.UO: picketed hams ISVurt'.OM, I.ard alea.dy; western sleamec!, $7.70; January, 87.70; nominal refined, steajy; continent. 87 00: compound. 8t 6.4 76. Pork, firm: family, 8u; short i-lt-nr. $L3 7fll0u; mess, $14 b'lrfiO laj. BUTTE H Dull; creamery, 15tjiic; state Oatry, liaise CHRE8K Steady at lOfiiSc. KGiila Firm; western, tvoisic. 1H11LTKT-Alive, Irregular; western chickens. llHe: fowls, 14c; turkeys, 14c artiaateu. auiei anr uiicnanseo. b .. nn.al.J ..1.1 BBi Wmimmm - I . - NEW YORK. Js. n EVAPORATED APl'I-FS Tlio market to quiet, but a I trac tive. iTult ig steadily bald. Cutuiuuo are .. demand, though trade generslly Is light. ranging rrom g'4jc to Hc, according to grade Apricots are Arm rn a fair de mand: choice are auoted st K'i'&SVic: extra rholc. VfilnUo; fancy, llfilfic. Peaches are quiet, but steady, with choice held st 7HfT7c; extra choice. 74Hc; fancy, 9i310o. OMAHA WHOLESALE MARKET, Coadltlen of Trade sal Qaotatloas oa Staple aad Faary Prodaee, EQOS rtrcelnta mrwterHte: fresh stock. c. IIVE POt-t.TRY Hens. So: SDrlrl chickens, 8H''ilK-; roosters, according to age. vnor.; luraeys, i3aioc; ducks, yiuc; geese, OHE88KD POtLTRT Turkeys. 18lRc; ducks, lwsllc; geese, 10c; chickens, W& niiTTKH-Packing stock, lie; choice to lancy oniry rolls, utiMc; separstor, rjc. FKEPH FISH Trout. IWiluc: pickerel. 6H Jtc; pike, fc; perch, miv4p; niuensn, isc; K hi l.tl .1. LI LI. . . . lm..n til." (i..l.wlf 1 1 codlish, lie; remnapper, lc; lobsters billed', pvr io., iwc; lobsters, gre?n, per id., ic; bullheads, 11c; cattish, 13'nl4c; blnrk bass. c; halibut, 13c; crapples, 12c; herring, 4c; wnite nssn, 13c; niuetins, c; smeus, i(y iio. OYSTERS New York counts, per can. 43c: ter anl.. 12.00: extra select, per csn. ik-o; per gal., $1.80; standard, per can, 27c; per gal.. i.oo. Hit A IS t er ton. I16.UO. HAY Prices auoted by Omaha whole sale Dealers' association: Choice No. 1 up land, fi.6o: No. 2, 16,00: medium, $5.60; coarse, lo.uO; rye straw, ,00. These prices are ior nay oi goon coior ana quality, ue mand fair and receipts light. OATS-37C ' IlYE No. 2, 50c. VKdRTARLRS. POTATOES Cnlnriitn H&n Ma lent a ne BWEET POTATOES Illinois, tier bhl.. NAVY MEANS Per bu. I2.2B. CELERY Small, ner rios . 2S7Tto: lnrsa California. &jc. 75o and 0e. ONlONS-Bnanleh. rr erata. 11.60: Coliw rado yellrw and red, per lb., 2c, k.AiiHAnt, wiHrdjuiin Holland, ho. TL'KNIPS CannriA ruliLharua. tier IK. lc: white, per bu., 60c. iakkii rv fer bu., T5c. i-AHMNii'B-per bu., BOc. HEETS Per bu., 6fte. CAtJLIFIXlWK.R California nee erof. $2.75. ' CUCUMBERS Per dos., Il.25iffl.60. niiNB(ir,B rrr aos. nuncnes, wc. LflTTl.'CE HEAD Per ilm. bunches. Ban il.oi; per bbl.. 17.00; leaf lettuce, per do. bunches, 4Jc. TI RNIPS Southern, per dox.. 76c. HEETS Southern, per dos., 75c. CARFIOTS Southern, per doi., 75e, raKBLui-fiouincrn. per aos., l. FRUITS. APPLES Callfnmla. nellflnwera. nee inx $1.86; New York export Greenings, Russets ana itsinwins, 13.76. , GRAPES Pony Catawbss, 20c; Imported Malagas, per keg, JS.OOifl'd.OO. CRANBERRIES Jersey, per bbl., $7 00; per box, J2.50; Wisconsin Bell and Bugle, l8.0OtjS.50; Pell and Cherry, W. TROPICAL FRUITS. ORANGES Florida Brlehts and Russets. all sixes, $2.26; navels, all sixes, choice, t2.25i2.2&; fancy, all sixes, $2.75. LEMONS California fancy. 8nn to mo sixes, 14; choice, 240 to 270 sixes, $.1.50. FIOS California, ner 10-lb. cartons. R6c: Imported Smyrna, l-crown, 14c; 5-crown, lfio; 7-crown, Hie. BANANAS Per medium slsed bunch. I2.00fi2.60; Jumbo, $2.75u3.26. COCUANUTS Per sack, 4, P" nox., wc. DATES Persian, per box of 30 pkga., $2; per lb.. In 60-ln. boxes, 6Hc; Oriental stuffed dates, per box. R 4U. miscei.IjAim r;u. CHEESE Wisconsin twins, full cream, 12c; Wisconsin Young Americas, 13c; block Swiss, 16c; Wisconsin brick, 130! Wisconsin llmburger, 12c. HON liY Nenraska, per z irames. fj, Utah and Colorado, per 24 frames. $3.26. MAPLE SUGAR Ohio, per lb., too. CIDEH Per bhl., $8.75; per H W--POPCORN Per lb.. 2Ho; shelled, StiHC HORSERADISH Per case of 2 doi., packed, HOe. NUTS Walnuts, No. 1 soft shell, per lb., 1KH". hard shell, per lb., 14c: No. 2 soft shell, per lb., 13c; No. I hard shell, per lb., 12c; Braxlls. per lb., 11c; filberts, per lb., 11c; almonds, soft shell, per lb., 16c; hard shell, per lb., 13c; pecans, large, per lb 12c; small, per lb., lOc; peanuts,. per lb, o: roaster peanuts, per lb., iH; Chill walnuts. 12W134C: large nicsory ijuu, iv bu.. $1.50; shell barks, per bu., U; DiacK walnuts, per bu.. $1.25. HIDES NO. 1 green, w: rtn. i Krcrn. uv. No. 1 salted. 7c; No. I .salted, sc; no. i veal.aif,. 8 to 12. lbs., 8Hc; No. 5 veal calf." 12 to 15 lbs.. 6H"! dry sauea n aee, 8fj12c: sheep pelts, 25r76c; horse hides, $1,604(2.50. St. Loals Orala aa rrovlsloas. dti TntTia Jan XI. WHEAT uOWPr: No. S red cash, elevator. K'c; track. W9 96c; May, 84,884Hc; juiy 78c; No. Z bard, track. 44c; Mav, 404c; July, 46Hc. .... OATS Higher; NO. I casn, aaytv, navo. a Cl Z.IL. fixiuk steady; rea winter pawm, n 4.60; extra fancy and straight, 4.l&B-t-vi cloar, U4n&3.. m ,., TIMOTHY Blt-fcU meaay i 4.ovtu.ou. . CORN MEAL Steady at $2.40. BRAN Dull; sacked, euii trarn, ooin(u. HAY Quiet; timothy, $7.60tgl2.C0; pralria, $8 OOry9.00. IRON Cti rruiN I in.3 ti.va. BAGGING 6tfM6Ho. 1JL-MU TWINIi! hn. PROVISIONS Pork, lower; Jobbing, $18.65. Lard lowers prime stesm. xe.sa. Bacon, steaoy; oiru, bu i.mtiui, w. clear ribs. $7.60: short clear, ai.io. POl IiTRI-r irm: cnicaens, w, eiim ia.i ii.- ntii'ka. lie: aeese. oo. Bt TTER yuiet; creamery, ouo, ua.tj, L'L . aa Recelnte. Shipments. Flour, bbls Wheat, bu .... 6.000 11.0110 ....18.000 62.000 ,....t7.tJ 61,VK ..... 8.00J 34,000 Corn, bu Oats, bu Kaasas City Orala and Provlsloas, KANSAS CITTJsn. CT.-WHEAT-Msy, 74Uti74'Ae: July. TlHci casn. jno. i nam, 744f7c; No. 3. TltfTSo; No. 4. 63: rejected, aihi.tin. n -j rtsr kwrtuw r. a. pit. m.. CORN May, 4ic; rfuiy. ai-si tt-s-, No. 3 mixed. 40c; No. 3 wnite, tiltc; ro. . 40W'?- - a OATS NO. I wniie, ssusw, a miu, auH ' . . . . . . a Ei. mVIaa mat cnnica umoiDT. aa.uuiua.au. ui. prairie, $7 25. BUTTER Creamery, 13tfUo; dairy, fancy. i8c. . . pdnQ HtknAv VflBHOiiri and Kansaa. eases returned, 26Hcj new, No. t whitewood cases Inciuaea, zic Vvt,.. tin. 1.800 105 001 Corn. iu su m n.ti bu 19.000 130.0V4J Pklladelithla Predaee Market. PHILADELPHIA. Jan. 27. BUTTER Steadv. fair demand; extra western cream . rv oo- extra nearbv nrtnts. 27c. lr.ruiH Mrm. 20 nianer: iresn nearur, fuV. st mark; fresh western, 36c: Iresn iithwHtrn. S7c! fresh western. 24c. CHEKBK Bteaay: wcw lorg run creams. choice to fancy, .HHVUHc; full creams, fair to good, loo. f Mlaaeapolla Orala Market. MINNEAPOLIS. Jan. 27. WHEAT May, 8V4; July. 87W7Hc: September, 16c, On track: No. 1 nam. wc, no. 1 norm ern. tHc: No. 1 nonnern, eoc; no. northern (UfrXfto. FLOUR First pgienia, sawBi.tri; secona patenta, MKiMWt; nrai clears, n.ejys.au second clears. $2 bixrz 00 BRAN In bulk, $l.ni.w. Mllwaakee Orala Market. MILWAUKEE. Jan. H. WHEAT Steady; No. 1 northern. 8tt4TH?; No. northern, (tnne; way. kc uki. RYK Firm: No. 1. 6Jfic. BARLEY Dull: No. 2. 3o; sample, Sa Ale. CORN-Steadv: Ko. 3. 424343c: May. 4M.0 asked. ; Liverpool Orala aad Prevlatosva, LIVERPOOL. Jan. V. WHEAT-Spot nominal; futures, steady; March, es 3'd Mav. ss ?avd : Julv. nominal. CORN opot, American mixed, new. s ia American mixed, old. firm at 4s Hd futures, steady: January, nominal; March, 4s 10, Dalatk Grala Market. DULUTH. Jsn. 27 -WHEAT Closed In store: No. 1 hard. 87Hc; No. 1 northern, sOc: No. 3 northern. faWc. On track: No. hard. 87': No. 1 northern. tk: No. 2 aorta trn. MV; May, tw; July, WijO. OA TB On track and to arrive, 5SH ' Toledo Soed Market. TOLEDO. Jan. 27 SEEDS Clover closed Cash and January. 8s.su: February. 8o.ti2t4 March, $&7; prims Alslks. W.3U. Timothy, pume, 4. vi. Peoria Oral Market. PEORIA. Jan. 27.-CORN Firm; new tjo. W1USKY-$1. ? tinted at 4.7 5c; prime, BHtijHc; choice, so; anry. tH'TiTc. CALIFORNIA MllED FRtrIT8-Prunos sre said to be attracting some speculative NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS Laiiitnds in Trading Btoftasi lion in Efldinc oo Wall Street FAVORABLE WAR NEWS HAS LITTLE EFFECT peralatlve Party Bases Hope at Ad- vaare la Prices on Confldeaee la the Rxpeeted Rock la laa Road Issae. ,rW TOflK, Jan. Z7.-The lassitude Which began to make Itself felt in yes terday s trading In stocks was more In evidence today. The dealings fell at times to rather Insignificant proportions and the movement of prices was narrow. The more favorable turn to the war news today did not avail to sustain the market any more than the depression In the foreign mar kets yesterday served to hold hack prices In the operations of . the dominant specu lative party. That party was rather qui escent today, or restricted in the field of Its operations. In view of the cessation of the upward movement It wss argued that the light pressure of selling offerings was In favor of the market, but It waa sug gested on the other hand that the light re alising on the turn went to demonstrate a very small speculative feeling for the organised speculation which set about lifting rrlces as an Invitation to the out side public to oome Into ths market and secure the benefit of rising prices. The rising points were attributed to operations by the bull party to sustain prices, for lack of other explanation. The Pennsylvania group was conspicuous and the advancing tendency of the Goulds was called sympathetic on the assumption that the Gould-Cassatt harmonlsation was In volved. Coalers were firm at the same time on rather favorable trade reports. The speculative party bases some of its ope of advancing prices on a confidence In the co-operation of the Rock Island arty to further Its bond Issue. The Rock glands shared In the day's strength so far as It went. Gains In some of the specialties were entirely without explana tion beyond the oenly circulated, tips that tney would advance. United States Steel preferred and Amal gamated Copper were heavy. The former was anectea Dy ratner less encouraging reports of trade prospects and by the re ported failure of the southern Iron In terests to come to an agreement as to prices or output. The conspicuous lack of confirmation of any of the numerous rumors of railroad combination among minor systems which accompanied the early upward movement In those stocks Is the subject of some comment among the party which Is skeptical of the present dvance. The late rise of 17 in Baltimore & Ohio was not very efficacious In help ing the market, even for stocks in Its own group, and while the closing was Arm, it wns below the best. The firmer tone of the time money mar ket was again conspicuously In evidence today and a renewal of the subtreasury trunifurt to New Orleans attracts at tention in view of the customary stack on the reserves In New York, which shows Itself about the end of January. The firm ness In time money here, wltn tne easier tone of money in foreign markets conduced to the decline In exenange raies. iw iwi' Intf la pnln thai he nertod of SbhOr- mally essy money la not to be prolonged nd that better rates tor ume imui ' rule for the future. , Tjrwi- .At .tun anfl rat h pr irrekruiar. Tntnl sales, par value, $3,415,000. unitea States bonds were unchanged on call. Tna followtna- are the quotations on tns New York Stock exchange: Hales. iign.ijow.iu" AfMitaon 26.200 7H Si 70 do pfd , "2 i 4 84U 91 Baltimore A Ohio 67, X) R5' do nfd i"0 mv 91 VJ 11914 I'll 35H '84H 1674 v. 119' lin 86' Canadian Pacific 4,200 119. entral of N. J 310 nil Chesapeake A Ohio... 6.700 857 Chlcsgo & Alton. 874 8414 l'i'4 804 do pfd 200 844 17 Chicago Ot. Western.. 1,200 oa u pra Chicago N. W Chicago Term. T,.. 500 1B7 12 Z&tt SO s 277, ll 744 28 484 86 184V4 11 24 80 38 68 2774 168 "a" 73 it4 6H 48 'm". RS 134 11V4 2414 do ofd C. C. C. ft St. L 100 7914 18V4 Colo. Southern 1.4i0 do 1st pfd do 2d nfd 400 Mi 27H Delaware Hudson.. 200 1R7 Del.. Lack. Went 27274 22;4 Denver Ac Rio Grande 1,000 do pfd ooo 73 Erie 1.400 co 1st pfd 4,20 do 2d pfd .... ........ 800 69H Gt. Northern pfd 170 Hocking Valley aw 7fii4 K1V4 do pfd iio Illinois Central ....... 1,700 i;t4 Iowa Central , K114 do nfd K. C. Southern 10 do pfd Louisville Nashville 1.700 insH 1461,4 12274 MR 1444 12214 1IT8 146 JOO 64 Manhattan L 700, Metropolitan St. Ry.. 1,200 Minn. & St. Louis Missouri Pacific ,12,800 Mo. Kan. & Tex 4nn 95H 4j 9474 18 41 do pfd l.o ai 8074 121 . 62 '2414 64 47H 41 N. R. R. of Mex. pfd. 100 3974 121 61 12214 t,4 4174 f-874 N. Y. Centrnl iai4 62'Ti Norfolk & Western... 18.W0 do pfd 87 24 Ontario & Weatern.... 31.000 Pennsylvania 72.7O0 12274 C. C tc St. K 64 Reading 13,300 47 "4 do 1st prd r do 2d pfd SO 61 ft'. Rock Island Co .82.100 2fi4 674 do Pfd 4.5U0 St. L. & H. F. 1st pfd. BO do 2d Dfd 1,600 49 48 St.. Louts 8. W do ufd St. Paul 12.400 14574 14574 do pfd Southern Paclflo ,. Southern Railway do trd ...1 Texas A Pacific ... T., St. Li. W do Dfd Union Paclflo do nfd Wabash do nfd Wheellne- A L. E.. Wisconsin Central do pfd Adams Ex American Ex If. 8. Bx 150 Wells-Farsro Ex... Amal. Conner .27.200 Am. Car Foundry.. 2.2HO do Dfd 1.4U0 Am. 1 .In seed Oil do Dfd Am. locomotive 18.400 99ll do Dfd 2.0HO 79 Am. Smelt, ft Refng.. 8.0"0 do Dfd 8.0(10 Am. Bugar Refng 26.200 Anaconda M. Co , Rrooklvn R. T S.TtO Colo. Fuel Iron 4.00 Columbus v H. Coal.. 3.700 164 1 Consolidated Oaa 1,000 Oenentl Klectrlo International paper... 600 14 66 00 pra ski International Pump ao prd National Rincuit 'too National La?ad 100 North American 800 Paclflo Mall t People's Oas 4.90 Pressed Steel Car t,7ii0 do pfd 9 Republic Steel .'. 1.1i0 do pfd 7tl Rubber Goods 6 ) do Dfd Ten a. Coal & Iron.... 3.9i) V. 8. leather l.fKKl do Dfd 3.100 U. S. Rubber $.24) do Dfd I.6110 V. 8. Steel .4"0 do Dfd 12.4nfl Western I'nlon 2nfl Total sales for the day, 694,600 shares. Foreign Financial. LONDON, Jan. 27. The supplies of money In the market today were Increased by the repayment or iu laju.uuu or treasury Dills. Hualneaa on the Stock exchanca waa nuler The rumors current during the morning of mediation In ths far east helped to im prove the tone. Consols were a little liarder. Home rails were fairly cheerful. Americana opened Arm, later advanced to a fraction above parity, became moderately active and closed Arm. Foreigners were neglected. . Japaneao and Russian securities wavereu. PARI8. Jan. 17. Trading on the bourse today showed an improved tone, owing to the rumored reduction of war risks on the pari or tne insurance companies, which added to the improvement In Russian Im perials and Industrials, which had an nr.. ward tendency and caused other securities to share In the movement. Russian Im perial 4s closed at 89.6uf. Rio Tintoa gained in. i ns pnvaie rsie ot aiacount wss 3 U-ls per cent. Three per cent rentes. 87f nc r4r tne account, txcoauge on London, mVl I 'I I I ItTl oiiu.1", Jan. a- t-ncea were firm oa the tmurso today Exchange on London, w York Money Market. NEW YORK, Jan. 27. MONBY-On call. easy at 1VU3 per cent; closing bid. 14 per caul; offered, at I 11- ocat. Tune loaus; M JHtttH IX"' " nays, 3TT4 per cent: months. 4' rer cent ntns. ' PRIME MERCANTILE 1'Al'BK-tWt per rent. 8TERLINO KXCHANGE F.asler, with actual business In bankers' bills at MWil 4.KM6 for demand and at M.KW4W10 for sixty-day bills; posted rates $4 83Hi4.H4 and $4Hf.H: commercial bills, W4. SILVER Bar, 56"e; Mexican dollars, 42Hc. HOND8 Government, steady ; railroad. Irregular. The closing quotations on bonds are as fellows l s. rf. . rs.. 6l fnupon So la, rg An rntipnn do fttw reg... S compos oo old 4. rss.... so coupon is l. rf. ....... so coupon Atrhlonn xoa. 4s... do 1J. 4s AtHntlo C. L. 4l.. B. O. 4a do IWt Contrnl of Oa. la. do Jat tne fhra. A Ohio 44a.. Manhattan s. t- 4a.. 1,. N. uni. 4a Mix. Ontrnl 4a do lat Inr Mtnn. ft St. t. 4a... M.. K. ft T. 4s da tK H. R. R. of M. r. 4a. N. T. C. X. Sia ,.H4 ,.in ..107 ..14 ..107V4 ..lots ..1H4 ..101H ..ion .. HOVa .. u ..101 .. H' ..lotta aai, 704 N. J. r. x. Ha No. Parlllc 4a do I N. ft W. c. 4a.... o. s. L. 4a ft ar. Tenn. rone. IH- ..1JI ,.Pt4 .. 7J .. 7S Raadtnt sen. 4a .. 70V, 8t L. ft 1. M. a. a..llt4 ..ltdi .. 7T XL L. ft 8. P. t. 4a. 1W Chlr.fo A. ta St. L,. S W. la.. c.. B. a q. n. 4a. Saaonard A. L 4a C. V. A 8. P. s. 4a.. inn So. Pacific 4a...., So. Railway Ra... O. A N. W. e. Ta....lll4 C, R. I. P. 4a.... 1i llv Tataa ft P. la. . do COl. M Rl T.. St. U A W. 4a.. 7m Union Paclnc 4 W do ennv. 4a 97 r. 8. Stael Id 6a..... U Wahaah la 11SV do dab. R... f?4 W. ft Is. K. 4 " Wla. Central 4a N'i Colo. F. (It. ta... TlUj C.C.C. A St. L. s. 4a. tl fh Ira art Tar. 4a ! Con. Tobaoco 4s envi Colo, ft So. 4a mi II P.. O. 4a Erla prior Ilea la ... t' so sen. 4a aav T. W. A Tl. C. 1a....tn4H Horklnf Val. 4,i...l( Offered. BOSTON, Jan. SI. Call loans, 34H per cent; time loans, 4Hfro per cent. Otncial closing prices on stocks and bonds: Atrhlaon 4a , ItViAllouaa . 4H . 44 Mai. Central 4a... . 1 Amalaamated .... . 70 'filnsham . tltajcal. ft Hecla J44 Centennial ,.1M ICnpper Raniia ... .14 Pomlnlnn Coal .. Atrhlaon do prd ,46ft . It . 4ft Boaton ft Albany., rloatoa A alalue. Boaton Elatatad N. Y., N. H. ft K, . 1ST. H Franklin . aH ntchburs pfd 1M4 fola Royala tTnlon PacIHo . a.1'4 . UK .ISO .1144 .13844 . Mchawk . 37 i. Max. Central Old Dominion . in Amir. Pugaf oacaola , Parrot . cut do pra Amor. T. ft T Quiac? 6 romlnlon I. 8 Hanta Fa Copper t General Electric . 171 tat ,...7. U1 US Tamarack .106 . 4 '4 Maaa. Rlectlia Tiinlta do pfd vntiea states . t'tah VtrrorU Wlnana 1., Wolaertna Dalr Weat ITnlted Fro It I U. S. Steel . 8H ,. a . 7!"i do pfd Weattna. common . It iS Ail ventura . aa Bld. London Stork Market. LONDON, Jsn. 27. Closing: rnnaola, money ... si M. T. Central 1Z4 do account . 8 . t . 11 . 4H . .1124 Nortolk ft Weat 4JH do prd to Ontario ft W 14 Si Pennaflranla St Rand Mines H Haadlnt US do 1st pfd 41 do id pfd I1U So. Railway 2344 Anaconda Atrhlaon do prd , .. Baltimore ft Ohio. Canadian Pacifist, l he. ft Ohio, If!. Chicago Ot. W .... Ti 41 c, M. ft Bt. r.t.... DaReera D. ft R. O Ilia . 2"'kl do era 7 . tltt Ho. Paclfle tt4 . 74 Union Paclflo SI . 2tS io prd , (SS . 71 '4 V. 8. Steal 124 . KO do pld 04 ,1J Wabaah C .114 do Bf4 4m do pfd .......... Brie do lat pM do Id Dfd Illlnola Central .... I.ou'a A Naab tl.. K. ft T . Ml steady. 2874d ner ounce. SILVER Bar, MONEY i rver cent- ' the rata nf dis count In the open market for short bills Is 2ffS per cent; for three months' bills, 8 per cent Ran York Mlnlns annotations. , NEW YORK. Jan. 27.-The following are the closing; quotations on mining stocks: Adams Con 10 Little chief . Ontario Orhlr Phoenix Potoal ......... .. 4 ..400 ,.4C .. II .. tl .. .. 7 .. 10 ..140 Alloa . IT . 10 . I . I .170 Breecs Vrvnewtck Con . Comatock Tunnel Con. Cal. ft Vs Baraga Horn Sllrar ,.. lot 12a I sierra Nereds Bmall Hopeo... Standard Iron Btlver .... Leadrllle Cos . Offered. Bank Clearings. OMAHA, Jan. 37. Bank clearings for to day, . $1,112,631.12, an Increase of $110,570.11 ovr the corresponding day last year. Cotton Market. NEW YORK. Jan. ,87.-COTTON-The market opened . easy and Irregular at an advance of 3 points to a decline of 6 points ana ior tne nrst lew rmnstes snowea a ae cltnlng tendency as a result nf liquidation and selling on a reaction encouraged ny cables that were a shade below expecta tions and the absence of aggressive bull support. After a decline, of 8iyjl0 points on the three active positions the market began to improve in tone, wnai naa Deen ratner quiet became active. Heavy . bullish die f tatches werecoming In as to the conditions n the southern spot markets and New Or leans cent very bullish messages as to speculative conditions In that market. New Orleans bull Interests became heavy buyers shortly bofore midday. As prices worked un the ocal bull leader bought aggressively ilso, and shortly arter noon prices were 84ri38 points up from the low point. The close was at practically the best and firm at a net advance or v.us points, uaies es timated at looo.ow bales. LIVERPOOL Jan. X!. COI-IUIX BPOC, market nominal; prices 4 points lower; American miriitunar. s.43o: gooa miaaiing a 9.1.1 mirlrillna-. HAM: low middling. S.lOd: ir'nod ordinary. 8.10d: ordinary. 7.80d. The ..1.. wr 70 am hales, of which 600 were for speculation end export and Included 8 700 American. Receipts. 18.000 bales, In cluding 8.900 American. Futures opened nt c'mwil firm: American middling g o. c, January, s.vzu; January bhu r i-u-ruary. 8 07d; February and March, 7.9gi soorlf March and Anrll. 7.99d; April. 7d; u. .r Tune 1 ifjal 97d : June and July 7 94d; July and Auirust, 7.91d; August and September, 7.73d : September and October, 7.15d; October and November. 690d. ST. LOUI9. Jan. 27.-COTTON-FIrm ; o higher; middling, 14'tic; saiee, .i raws, re ceipts, 700 bales; shipmenia, NEW ORI.EANS, Jan. 27.-COTTON-Flrm- sales 4.3t0 balea; ordinary. 12Ho; good KkrtliMAc; low middling, MlWje; middling, loa-ioc; ajwu "".""""ri- , ' m dd nc air. 1513-1c; receipts. 8,270 bales; stock. 4.781 bales. Futures, m. r uiurra, in in, ... ..'., , 15.12c- February. 15.87c: Marcn. ia.s4Wio.oiro lJ.i!.c., rerf; uns1IIIUc Jims June, iaiU9c: July. l 84i 16.36c; August. 15.46 15.60c; Beptemoer, iiaooum . , .r Wool Market. Ti-u-iikT t t7 wooTj The offerings wi auction sales today numbered nnik.lM mainly fine merinos. Some su- i..:,i,. Victoria end New South Wales animated COmuetltlon. SoUth ADS tfallan and West Australian were In strong demand ior ins no mo 1 p j" Germany, osin wuoia "r; .nr American buyers securea several lots of superior merinos and fine fia New South Walea-2.300 hales; scoured, la 3d fels9d; greasy, eotoisiu. Wtieensianu aw w . A VlctorlSc Z. I'W oaiea, i-vuiru, v.v.. South Australia-800 bales; greasy. ,, a West Australia i.iuu iicoji 10t1. i . . . riia New zeaiana i.ww nnn-o, m' Ar.nua Tin hales: srreasv. 6t4taKC. o-r TntTia Jan. 27. WOOLr-Nominal .i'm .r.ia combing and clothing, 17(f tic; light nne. lc; neavy line, iuu washed, 30U3Oc. CoS Market niB-w YORK. Jan. 27. COFFEE The mark. tnr futures oiiened firm at an so m,mr, ... n in Tmints. ruled very active, with a good demand from practically all sources thst promptly absorbed offerings for long account, ana some biuuh y curuvwn hmiiu asraJnat rjurchssea abroad. The aa vsnce was enoouraged by the higher firm offers from Brasil and continued reports of a fair demand for spot conee. Aner rang ing at about the opening figures during al most the entire session, the market wss a littles lower in tne late iraaing, um was Anally steady at a net advance of fxvilO points. December sold at 9 (6c, this being the first tlms in four yesrs thst any option has sold to the 9c mark. Bales were re- rnrted of 269.000 baga. Including: January, 75c; February, 7.atti7.io: March, 8'(j.0Gc; May, 3.9118 80c: July. 8 60(Q8 65c; August. 8 Hoc; September, s owi aoc; wioner. 8 tec; November, 8 90; December. 8.959 f-';, Spot Rio. firm: No. 7 Invoice, 774c. Mlid, steady; coraova. itiao. agar aad Molassea. ' NEW YORK. Jan. 17. 8ITOAR Raw, nominal; fair refining, 274c; centrifugal, M test. 9 6-321 ll-32o; molasses sugar. 3 9-lt4 2Sc ReMned. dull; raushed. (.10c; pow dered. 4.50c; granulated, 4.40c. Molasses, firm. NEW ORLEANS. Jan. 27. SUGAR Quiet: open kettle. 2i&3l-16c; open kettle, rentrlfugal. $ S-lfic; centrifugal whites, 4c; yellows. SV.tja'ic; seconrrs. 2viri'3c. Mo. lasses, nominal; open ksttle, 22j23o; cen trifugal, 17; 18c. Wklskg Market. PEORIA. Jan. 27. WHISKY On basis of $1 27 for finished goods. BT. 1XJU1B. Jan. zi. whisky Steady at 11 81. OUC AGO, Jan. o7.-WHISKY-Bteady on baela of 11 27. .. . CINCINNATI, Jan. l7.-WHIBKY-Julet, oa iMutia I 11-37. for finished, good. da vs OMAHA L1YE STOCK MARKET Beef S'.tert Sold to a Litth Lowtr, Whil Cows Htld BtefttTj. HOG MARKET CASED OFF A TRIFLE Skeesj aad Lambs Bold at Aboat ftteady Prices as Compared wltk Taesday's Weak Close, bat Market tor Week Tea to Twenty Lower. SOUTH OMAHA, Jan. 27. RerelDtS warn Cattle. Hon. SherD. i.'niciBi Monoav j.tcj 4 5. ta8 .8-'3 6. UIM OftlclHl Tuesday 3,817 7,6; umciai Wednesday 4.HW 6,700 Three davs this week 10.71b 19 .M 19 .908 Same days last week. ...11. ft Kl.ti'tS 2K.6.14 Bme week before 16.173 16.733 Sl.Ti Rnmn three weeks ago. .11.170 iS.Ulo 83 $19 Same four weeks ago.... 8.9W 87,791 17.9 Same days last year 13,86 2u,Klaa 1909 RECEIPTS t'OH THE YEAR TO DATE. The following table shows the receipts at cauls, hogs and sheep at boutt. Omaha lor tbe year to data and comparisons with last yean 1904. 1903. Inc. Dec f1.,,!. ......... .... .-, i,e -"iv eo.o os.iis A.aw .... H" 16l,o l4,li0 ....... 0,7.1 "iieep 137,tJ I,4U 0U,U9 Aarae prices p-uu lot iiuats duuta Omaha ior the last several nays with com parlsons: Dats. 11801. 1833.1902.U01.190O.lKI.189t. Jsn, Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan, Jau. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. 1.... 3.... a.... 4.... ... .... 9.... 10... a... 13... 13... 14... Is... lt... 17... 18... 19... 0... 111... 22... a... 24... 26... M... ... I fH'Al I 3 33 M 811 I $ 41 a 11 u U U 1 J 1 bl I ill I tl I 4 T5 a 1 (, U4 4 l 8 41 8 44 IWVl I II - I M lil I l t 4 bbt.: S S4I 8 fai I 4 M 3 4l 3 89 4 ShUi i 1 in, I li. a $ 41 8 44 6u(m 148 W 0b 4 84 1 41 t euxi a 401 lo k 14 4 i I i f 40 14 t !5 4 36 $ Wl 3 41 4 $3 V4I t 4 41 3 b6 9 4a 4 slVfel 4b t 17 4 4f ! 3 w I 41 4 7di k 4, 1 t 00 4 Ul 3 56 8 49 4 74. 8 14 1 1 3 80 8 49 4 UVsl 4l M J 4 6&I 3 4i 4 ti ii t lo awl 4 o;t 3 52 I 4 4 lit S ji 4 4i J 4a 8 47 4 69'i a 3 2 6 2ti 4 561 9 61 3 bl 4 12, t 39) ; 6 87 4 841 3 Ml 3 M 4 Wl 8 47 ( 27 I M 3 6 8 tat 'tl v 00 8 lol 9 aol I I w 4 8i', W 0i 6 U 4 63 4 ei 0 oi 0 o.4 t 14 4 6I 3 6ti I b 4 0S 6 21 4 fco 8 1 4 S8 a D 14, 5 iu 4 48 i b 4 W-njI C 721 I 181 4 66 3 61! I 66 6 12 I 4 0i 3 63 3 M I 4 V a 3 83 8 oi 3 72 3t.- Indicates Sunday. The official number of cars ot Stock broiikht la today by each road was Koatl. Cat Ue. lioKS. rill' D.H'sea. t.i M. A Bl. i'. ay H Missouri faililc ity 3 1 24 84 1 10 1 19 4 10 1 1 17 18 10 .. s 1 6 3 .. "l28 68 3 Liuion I'acltlo system.... 36 C. N. W. Ry W K. A M. V . R. R 63 C, bU 1'., Ai. & O, Ry.. 41 ti. it M. Ry til C, B. oc W- Ry 11 K. C. at St. J 1 C, R. 1. at f. Ry., east. 8 C, H. I. & f. Ry., west 3 iiunuls Central 11 Chicago Ot. Western.... 3 Total receipts 244 The disposition of the day's receipts was as fulluws, each buyer purcnaslng ths num- Der or Head inuioatea: iiuyers. Cattle. Hobs. Sheeo. Omana Packing Co 781 1,7 922 uwirt and company l,i:ia l 3,ui9 Cudahy acklnit Co 1,141 2.673 8Jd Armour t Co 1,818 'i,Ji 2,6tiU Hwitt and Co.. K. C 34 Armour it Co., Hloux City .... 1,143 ansant oi co. 77 46 106 31 10 1 26 Do 23 20 79- 27 407 Carey ti benton Mccreary Clark.... W. 1. Stephen Lewis at underwood. Huston & Co L. F. Husi Hobblck B Sain Wertnelmer bul Dcgan 1. Root Megan y & Co otuer buyers Totals .6.274 9,206 7.307 CATTLE There was a liberal tun of cat tie reported this morning, but the trains were again very slow in arriving,, so that ths market was more or less delayeu. Packers, though, took hold quite . lreeiy and most of the early arrivals were u la posed of In fairly fcooii season. corn-iea steers couia be quoted steady to little lower. There seemed to be some unevenness in the prices paid, some sales men calling the market steady, while others ngurea that buyers were trying to get their supplies 6tj10c lower. The more desirabtj grades In most cases, however, did not sell much lower than yesterday, but the interior ainas were aiow ana unuoupteaiy a little lower. There waa a good demand for butcher stock and cows, and hellers could be quoted fairly active and generally steady with yesterday. 'The buyers started out in good season and the cattle soon began moving toward the scales. The demand w si lor an kinds, tnougn, or course, the better grades were the moxt sought after. There was very little change In the prices paiu ior uuus, veat canres ana siagj. Not many stockers and feeders arrived this morning, so that, although the demand was) not particularly large, the better Srades sold in about tns same notches they id yesterday. The demand from the coun try so far this week bus been limited, but speculators think tUat with more moderate weather there will be considerable Inquiry for the good heavy-weight cattle. Common kinds, tnougn, are neglected, the same as has been the case all the season, and the f rices paid today for, that class were cer alnly no more than steady. Representa tive sates: BEEF Pr. STEERS. No. A. .No. At. Pr. 4 4 90 4 10 4 10 4 IV 4 10 4 to 4 24 4 4 10 4 10 4 IS 4 40 4 40 4 40 4 4 4 10 4 60 4 10 4 40 4 0 4 44 4 45 4 TO 4 78 I... 1... 9... I... fit 460 Ill HI 874 M let 10 1041 064 1010 lOkO lilt Ml llll 1440 10614 1000 1264 us .......foal liMl IOS0 104T 121S I 00 I 00 I 40 I 70 3 10 I 71 I to to I to o I 0 I M I 48 4 00 i 00 I oe 4 00 4 00 4 00 4 08 4 10 4 14 4 It 4 II 15.... 14 77.... It.... 17.... 17...., II.... I. .. I. ... 8.... II.... !.... 10.... II.... M.... 4.... .... t.. 1.... 14.... II.... 40.... II. ... II. ... ....12M ... .12.11 ....lit ....110 ....1130 ....1040 ....1044 ....103T ....1140 ....1010 ,...1210 ....lilt ....111! ....1244 ....1221 ....llll ....128 ....1224 ....1177 ....11O0 ....1441 ....1141 ....1401 ....1411 ....1444 10... 4... 14... 11... ... (... 11... 4... II... 17... 14... 1... 47... 1 I 48 M 10. II t 11 I I f) ...lid, a le a .wui STEERS AND HEIFERS. . .1132 4 It 4. 12(il 4 SO 411 I 40 10 I M 11. ,..l'KI I 49 4 40 4 44) I IB I 14 I 20 I to I to I to 8 M ...1014 ... W0 ...100 ... M ... 12a ...V40 ...1110 ... ; ... ii ... t ... 170 ... 14 ... too .... 434 ..1K ,...1010 ,.,.1147 ,...1040 ,...1140 ,...1040 ,...110 ,,..1070 ....1060 ....UM ....1410 ...111 ...1249 ...lot ... 2 ...1200 ...1141 ...1121 ...MVS ...1060 ,...111 ,...1120 ,...10li7 14 17.. COWS. 1 1. ...... 11 1 1 I I 4 11 t I 1 1 4 14 I 11 I 4 1 1 1 I 1 I 00 I 0 1 1 I., it I 8 I 80 1 I II 1 to 13 I 4 1 I It N 1. ... 1 11 I 17 101.... II.... I. ... 14 ... 11.... 1.... I.... II. ... 17.... 1.... II.... I II I 10 I to I M I IS I M I 24 I I I 10 I 40 I 40 I 44 I 44 I 41 I W I 10 I 71 I 74 I 71 I 24 ! X I to I 10 ...1164 ..HIT. I 10 ..1140 I H I 25 I 14 I 4 I 40 I 40 I 4 I 40 1 a I 44 I 41 I 40 I 10 I 10 I 44 I 44 I 44 I 40 I 40 I 40 I 40 $ 10 I 71 4 4 .112 .lit 1214 1"2 1140 1144 mi 17 f 1170 USO lit 1044 w.1044 llll 114 1147 Ill 1140 ..... .1400 loal 1101 , 1AM 1M! 117. I 7 to I K I W I M I 00 I 00 I 00 I 00 I 00 I 0 I 00 1107 o 1200 into 10. 11M 117 M4 14 4I 7M 1130 it!!!!.'! m !.'.'.'.', II.!.'.'.! 11 it 1 1 1 1 I 10 1 1 1"44 1 1464 COWS AND HEIFERS. ...ldtt I 40 COWS "AND BnLLS. ,..1U I 4 HEIFERS. 1 11 I W I II I to I 0 11.. . 74 . 174 . lf,0 .ior.4 .100 I 15 I to I 4 I 40 4 0 T... 4... 11 .. 1... , M0 T74 it!!!!!! i. . . . 1. ..... 1 H4 I 10 BULLS. f n I 10 I tm 1.. ..1100 .140 ..110 .. 410 ..1474 ..ISM ..ltM ..I4M ..16TJ ..1440 I 24 s: I M I 40 I 44) I 40 I 4 I $ If . .1M0 ..lia .. I10 ..i;j . .lta . .lew . .1.104 ..144 1 o I 00 loo I OS I ee I 11 I u I I ..124 ..141 .. Ml .. IbO CALVES. I to 1 00 1 I 84 t 40 1 ... 1M 140 10 140 4 Tl I 24 I M I 14) .. II .. 170 ST AOS. r m STOCKERS AND FEEDERS. 610 14 1 too in 1M II I M IS 94 $ tl Ill I 44 I tl I ?n I H Si 11. I. 14., 10. .... Ill .... 7yt .... "J .... las I 00 I .. I as I u HOtlS There waa a moderate number of boss on sale this morning at this point. but advices from esotern markets acre un favorable to the selling Interests and as a result local packers wrre bearish. The arket opened about a nickel lower on the beet heavy hog and 64flo lower on the light welghte. There were a gd many light weights on sale, which accounts for I ackers pounding thnt kind more than the leav.ler loads. Trading was not very aci l"e, as sslesmen were not willing to tke off more than a nickel. The light weights sold largely from $4.75 down, meitlum weights from $4 ( to $4.W, good heavy hoss from 84.W to 84 so and prime iieaviee largely from $4.90 to $4.r. An extra rhoice load sold as high ss l.i. The Isst end of ths market was very slow and weak, as packers seemed to have thi'lr mors urgent orders filled, snd It wss late before a clearance was made. Representa tive sales: No, 27.. Av. Sh. Pr. I 80 4 00 4 $0 4 60 4 70 4 70 4 72 4 76 4 76 4 75 4 76 4 76 4 75 4 76 4 76 4 76 4 76 4 77 4 77 No. 61... 11... A v. .254 iif.. tn , 41 , 'J . un , t Sh. Tr. 200 4 80 .. 4 82 80 4 .' 80 4 S2 80 4 82H 90 4 ML, 80 4 82i .. 4 8214 80 4 8'-' .. 4 824 130 4 ftj 100 4 85 80 4 85 .. 4 85 80 4 86 80 4 85 80 4 8.'i 120 4 86 120 4 85 .. 4 NT, .. 4 85 .. 4 85 60 4 85 120 4 85 .. 4 85 80 4 85 120 4 T 120 4 87 .. 4 87 160 4 87 . . 4 87 280 4 90 .. 4 90 120 4 90 .. 4 90 .. 4 90 160 4 90 .. 4 96 40 4 95 80 4 9 40 4 97 .. 8 00 .. 6 00 liberal run .... 93 ....108 ....160 ....178 ....181 ....178 ....187 ....223 ....210 ....2"3 ....902 ....110 ....30 ....178 ....212 ....'! 66. 85. 22. H. 88. 80., 60. 10. 70. 81. 80. 46. 69. 74. 73.. 68.. 2H.. 69., 61.. 66.. 68.. K.. 69.. 68.. 72.. 66.. ...240 ...231 ...244 ...28 ...141 ...271 ...3o9 ...273 ...fro ,..229 ...2M ...805 180 17... 68... 66... 72... 80. .2S7 .2 37 1H 80 199 ...234 ...296 ...2S3 ...236 ...265 ...2f4 ...242 ..'.244 ...237 ...274 7S.r....l98 9 213 S3... 40 4 77V, . 28 .A.24 1 H If til 4 77 4 77 4 77 80 .... .... ....198 ...2S7 ....22 ....187 ....7 ....277 ....222 ....213 ....246 61t... 28.... 69.... 71.... 66.... 60.. A 4 80 4 80 120 4 80 ... 4 80 ... 4 80 ..i 4 80 .. 4 80 .26 24 69 274 63., 41., 44. .271 80 180 4 80 4 80 4 80 4 80 4 80 4 0 4 80 4 80 4 80 4 80 4 89 ..812 ..313 ..Sn ..346 226 62... 18..., 62... 43 M7 60 246 0 243 .801 40 80 40 80 80 73 279 29... ,248 62 862 30.... 76.... 24.... 69.... .2S9 ,.281 .164 .o4 80. 26., 62.. 15., 42.. ..ft "6 ...371 ...335 ...878 ...338 23.. .211 40 4 I SHEEP Thers was fairly nf sheen and lambs renorted this morning, but thnra waa not much change in the market as compared with yesterday's weak close. For the week, however, prices are all ot 10(320a lower, the lowest decline being on the common to medium klnda. 1'acsers seemed to be quite anxious tor good stuff this morning and everything answering to that description was soon olspo.aed of. Trains, though, were late in arilving, so that the day was well advanced before a clearance was made. Boms Colorado Mex ican lambs sold as high aa $5.75, but thoy were not strictly choice. Ewes sold as high as $3.90 and some wethers that sold early yesterday morning for $4.40 bad to sell today for $4r25. There is nothing new to be said of feed ers, as receipts continue very light and prices practically unchanged. (juotatlcna lor cornfeu stock: Choice western lambs, $5.5oi5.75; fulr to good lambs, $5.0iKS5.50; fcood to choice yearlings, $4 50(?J6.00; fair to good yearlings. $4.3604.50; good to choice wethers, $4.0u&4.2o; fair to good wethers, , $3,6014.00; good to choice ewes, $3.6(ii4.00; fair to good ewes, 3X2649 3.40; choice feeder lambs. $4.50fl5.00: fair to mrA . . , A nc, AA.nM .....tin.. e4 ?tt,W 1 Oft feeder wethers, $3.50fl4 00; feeder ewes. t2.5o 26; culls. $1,752(2.60. Representative sales: No. Av. r. 124 cull ewes . 82 . 94 .. 84' . lOi '. luti . 106 ,. K6 ,. 108 ,. Ill ,. 63 120 1 36 2 40 t 40 3 90 8 00 a 35 8 60 3 75 8 80 1 90 4 26 4 35 4 60 4 75 4 76 4 76 4 80 - 5 00 6 00 r ( 7s t 40 4 10 6 00 6 t 2 00. 3 40 63 cull ewes 7 cull ewes 113 western ewes 103 western ewes 70 western ewea 12 western ewes 2 western ewes 632 western ewes .... 427 western ewss .... 68 cull lambs 195 western wethers . 117 western yearlings HO western lambs 7 western lambs 1 western lamb 67 80 6 80 $78 western lambs and yearlings l western .yearling 10 western yearlings 76 ..71 623 Colorado Mexican lambs 278 (Polorado Mexican lambs .... 69 3a) western ewes 95 199 western wethers..... , 119 Colorado Mexican yearlings. 68 Colorado Mexican lambs.... 73 40 western awes 104 177, western ewes.... ,...U4 CHICAGO LIVES 8 TO IK. MARKET. Market Closes Lower on Common nnd Medlnm Grades. CHICAGO. Jan. 27. CATTLE Rerelntn. 19,000 head; market opened strong to 10a higher, but closed lower on common and medium; good to prime steers, $4 95g6.76; poor to medium, $4.004.75; stockers and r...,. t A.mi. ia. ........ ai r., ... , - l.i,-m $2.004.75; canners $1.6042.40; bulls, $2.00 t.so; caives, 4 WHi.izvv HOGS Receipts, today, 40.000 head; esti mated tomorrow, 30,0u0 head; mixed and butchers, $4.85i6.10; good to choice heavy $5.or)i8.20; rough heavy, $4j5.06; light, MWIiew; DUik oi sains. s4.i"lo.ub. rJiih.ii.i- A ry u lamds- Receipts, xo.ooo head; market strong to lOo higher;' good canners. Mzorre.oO; fair to choice mixed $3.8664.20: western sheep, $4.00i6.10; native lambs, $4.60(B6.10 western lambs, 34.r6uo.16. Hew York LIo Stock Market. NEW YORK. Jan. 27. CATTLE Beeves. recelDts. 2.781 head. The market for steers was slow, oommon a shade lower; bulls steady to 10a lower: medium cows easy good fat cows strong; thin cows steady to strong. Steers. e3.&Ofi6.46: oxen. I3.60fr4.00 bulls, $2.86(i4.00; cows, $1.663.66. Cables quoted live cattle weak; sheep and lambs steady. Refrigerator beer, 84WHo per lb, Shlnmsnts today. 3.12S auarters of beef: es tlmated tomorrow, 122 cattle and 115 sheep. ca L.V xUo xtecei pta. ksz tieaa. Market was Strong: veals. $o.00tfi9.60: tittle calves. 14.00' s.Bo; oarnyara stock, w.uwm.uo; city aressea veais, wane per id.: country aresaea. luiio. moub receipts, 3.M nesa. The market was steady: stste and Pennsylvania hogs. ao.4tTO6.so: common western, 4.io. SHEEP AND LAU BH KecelntS. 400 head. The market for feeding stuff was firm, but ssles "very limited: sheen. 33.60a t.ou; no cnoice soia; tamoa, o.uira(.ou. I ' Kansaa City Live Stock Market. KANSAS CITY. Jan. 27. CATTLE Re ceipts, 9,500 bead; no southerns; market steady to 15c lower. Export and dressed beef steers, steady at $4 455.16; fair to good, 10fc17e lower at $3.60t(i4.40; western fed steers, steady to ioc lower at ia oovh.Ki: Stockers and feeders $.1.00tS4.15; southern steers. 4a.1wp4.10: southern cows, xi.wa'iw. native cows. $20Qf3.75: native heifers. $2.60 ti3.o: nuns, 82.4O(iii.70; calves, steady at $2.7MM25. HOUS Receipts. 8.500 head: market weak to 6c lower; top. $6.10; bulk of sales. $4 80 $609; heavy, $4.53u.l0: packers, $1.90 4.97H: pigs and light. W 3.vtre.tio. SHEEP AND liAMBS- Receipts. 8 000 head: market 106!6c lower: native lambs ewes. 13.6o?iJ.OO: western fed venrlings. $4.00 4yo.ia; Blockers and feeders, 33.7biipt.oo. Bt. Lewis Live, Stock Market. BT. LOTUS. Jsn. .-CATTLERecelpts, 6,000 head, Including 3.000 Texana; market stesdy to strong; native snipping ana ex port steers. $4.25(35.70; top, strictly fmrv, dressed beef and butcher steers. 34.003 26 steers under 1.000 bound. 33 oOeKS.fjO: stock era snd feeders. 32.8tMfi3.76: cows and helf ers. I2.254f4.86: canners. $2 2Va2.50; bulls 12 40tfi4 00: calves. 14 oas.oo: Texas and In dlnn steers. $14064.36; cows and heifers, IS lOtfWI 00. HOGS Receipts. 7.000 head- market 6fr10o lower: nlars and lights. 84.b7KH4.75: packer" 14 63.06; butchers and best heavy, $4 90 8 IX SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 1.000 bead: market steady to strong: native mut tons. $3 4fvrT 80: lambs. $4.76i 60: rolls and bucks, $2.26S3.S0; stockers, $20001.75. It. Jesepk Live Stock Market. 8T. JOSEPH. Jan. 27. CATTLE Re ceipts. I.12S hesrt: market steady to lo natives. $3. 6fltf6 26; cows snd heifers, $2.0of 4 36: stockers snd feeders. 83 00434.80. HOGS Receipts. 8.650 head: market 6iQ1Ac lower: light, 84.7536.00; medium and heavy Si 6ttfMC IK SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 1,123 bead; market steadv; lambs, $5.85; year lings, $6.00; ewes, $4 .00. lock la light. stock for the sis principal western cities yester day: Cattle. Hogs. Sheen. South Omaha 4.6m .7.i ft.Aoft Chicago 19.0"0 40.000 jri.ftO Kansas City 9.600 I ftoO f4,v) St. Iiuls 8 i"0 7 "0 tM St. Joseoh .mm....-1.123 $.660 1,12$ Sioux City 900 4.800 Totals 41.823 75,660 35123 Oils mm Koala. NEW YORK. Jan. 27. OILS Cottonseed fir an- nrtmv crude, nominal: Drima vallow fcaTCTo. Petroleum, steady; refined. New York. $ 1; Philadelphia' and pllmnr. 19 "f; Philadelphia ami ltsltlmore In bulk, $ii 15. Turpentine, nominal, WifHUc. j KUHim rMcatiy; strained, common -to good. $2.Wtl2.90. tIL CITY. Jsn 27.-01!,"-Credit bsl uni'fis $1.86; certificates, no bid. Shipments, i'J.ra7 bbls., average u i49 tbls. ; runs, an, 027 bbls., average 4TI.S12 ltbls. Shipments ,lma. 72"1t bbls.. average 7.2- bbls.; runs. Limn, 4A.948 bills., average 47.791 bbls. SAVANNAH. Jan. 27. OILS Turpentine. stead v. It iSIN Ptendv: A. 14. C. D. K. F. $2 60: O. H, K, $.130; N, $4.20; W. Q., $ 85; W. V ., $4.75. Dry Goods Market. NEW YORK. Jan. 27.-DRY OOODft The market Is In a very excited condition ns a result of the feverish condition In rsw cotton. Advances are being constantly made and no prices are guaranteed. Tha advances of the day Include ip for Frultg snd Iinsdales and other bleached goods, ns well as other fancy prints. No predlc tlena are being made about the future. REAL K.8TATK THAXftFEftS. DEEDS filed for record January 27, as furnished by the Mlrlland Guarantee snd Trust company, bonded abstracter, 1614 Farnam street, for The Hee: Ed V. Haydrn and wife to Joseph Slmond, lot 15, block 4, Thornburg. . .$ 80 Mary Horn, et Ml. to Amelia Ander son, lot 16, block 128, South Omaha. SCO T'ted H. HefTilnger and wife to Wll- Ham tlerhardt et al., parts of lots 9 nd 10, block 8, South Omaha Park add 800 J. H. Patterson and wife to Theodore Moroceoskl. lot 15, block 3. Patter son's 1st add. to South Omaha 160 The Fidelity Savings association to A. Ij. Patrick, parts nf lots 1 snd 3, block 16, West End add 1,000 James O. Megeath to Louisa C. Hoct, lot 109. Windsor Place 1,000 Bertha U. Hells Francis and husband to John Relies, part lot 9, block 4. Shlnn's add. to Onisha 600 William Kreef and wife to William Wallen, lot 8. block 13, South Omaha Helen M. Ferris and husband to Cor- . ncllus Jnnnen, trustee, lot 1, block 213. city IBOO Cornelius Jannen, trustee, to Henry Boh I et al., lot i, block 213. city COE C C3Uf!ISS!0H STOCKS AND BONDS GRAIN AND PROVISIONS Ws bar ever 169 aOcee. Rfsrvmoesi 178 Stau and Nat'l Banks. Ol'H BBHYICB 19 TUB II EST, Oat of Town Basineaa Bollcltsd. Onisha Braacht 1419 Par.iasa. Ah Tsl.e4T7 THOS. M. WADDICK. Corntpttdtat S. SLEUMAN Brain, Provisions & Stocks. Room 1 N. T. Life Bldg. ' Tel. 3330. Operates -IS Offices in This Btatn, Established 1697. A1LWAY TIMES CARD. Dl'RLlNGTOX STATION lOth Jt MASON. Chicago, Darlington at dalney. Leave. Arrive. Chicago Special a 7:00 am Chicago Vestlbuled Ex. a 4:00 pm a 3:65 pm a 7:46 km all :oo pm a 7:4 pm Chlcsgo Local a 9:18 am Chicago Limited a 8:06 pm K wail . ......... Burlington tc MIssoarl nivee. Wymore. Beatrice and j:4 pm Lincoln a 8:50 am bll OS Dm Nebraska Express a 8:60 am Denver Limned a 4.10 pu a 7.46 pm a .-4t am tfiacK tiius ana rugei Bound express au:io pm 1:30 pm Colorado Vestibule Fiver a I. SO nm Lincoln Fast MaU o 8:67 pm IM am Fort Crook and Platts- mouth ......b 1:10 pm blO:JS m Bellevue A Paolflo Jot.. a 7:60 pm a. 6.27 am Uellevu 4 Paclflo Jot.. a 1:80 am Kansas City, St. .Joseph ex Connell Blnffs. Kansas City Day Ex.. ..a 1:15 am a 6:0( pm St. Ixmls Flyer a 6:26 pm all:06 am Kansas City Night Ex..al0.46 pin a 4 :30 am UBJIOS STATION-IOTH AND MAItCY. Union Paclde. LeAva. Arrive. .A 9:40 am a 3:05 pm .a 8:60 am ' a 3:20 pm Overland Limited . The Past Mail .... California ExDress a .4U piu The Chicago --Portland Special ... 1:20 pm The C hicago Portland epeciai Eastern Express The Atlantic Express A 8:80 pm a 6:M pnt a 7:80 am a 3:40 am a 1:40 am bl2:46 pm b 1:36 ant The Colorado Special. ,all:3fi pm Chicago Special Lincoln, Meairice ana Stromsburg Express. .b 4:00 pm Columbus Local b 6:00 pm Chicago at Northwestern. Fast Chicago a 3:40 am Local Chicago all;39 am Mall a 8:10 pm a 7:65 am a' 8:80 am b 3:4S pm al0:oo pin U1:10 pm a 9:15 am a 1:46 pnt local Hloux City Daylight St. Paul a 7:60 am Iayllght Chicago a 8:00 am Limited Chlcsgu .......a 1:36 pit Kaat Chicago a (:60 pnt Local Chlcuaro a 4:26 11m East St. Paul a 1.16 pm a 7:06 am St. Paul Express a 1:36 am Fast Mall 'vii P Local Sioux City b 4:00 pm a 9t20 am Norfolk & Bonesteel....a 1:06 am 1-10:86 am Lincoln. Long rins..o :ua am aui4 4tl Leadwood, Hot Springs & Lincoln a t:60 pm a 5:10 pm Casper At Wyoming Ex.d 1:60 pm a (:19 pnt Hastings, DUjierior aum Albion o o in d s:iu pm Chicago, Rock Island at PnelBo. EAST. Chicago Daylight L t d. 1:6 am Chicago Daylight Leo I. a 7:00 am a 1:60 m a 1:36 pm a C:83 pm bll:60 am a 1:2 pm Chicago HiXpreas uu.11 am TJes Moines aSxprsss....a 4:30 pm Chicago last txprss..a 6.30 pm WEST. Rocky Mountain It'd .a 7:30 am tt 1:28 pm Lincoln, Colo. Spring. t Lenvr, i-uBDio Wast a I SO pm a t:09 pm Texas. California and Oklahoma r lysr a 4:10 pm 13:4 pm Chlcagio Great Western. Bt. Paul at Minneapolis Limited St. Paul V Minneapolis Express T:S am Chicago Limited a :60 pm a7:lat. a $:) pm al0:30 am St. Paul, Minneapous et Chicago Express a 8:30 pm Chicago Express a 4:80 am a 4:08 pm Chicago. Mllwaakee Jt St. Fael. Chicago Daylight a 7:65 am all:18 pm Shlcago trast express. .a s:e pm verland Limited ..a 8:30 pm a 3:10 pra a 8:10 am a 8.10 pm Des Moines Express... .a T.i am Wabash. St." Louis "Cannon Ball" Express. .a $ 30 pm a 3:20 am Bt. Louis Local. Coun cil Bluffs ..a 1:19 am a 10 .89 pm Illlnola CentraL - tt al0:33 pm a 1:06 ant Chicago Express a 7:60 pm rhli'itirit MlnnesDOlls A l. . ,..! 1 l.ll.t m O.RA rtt L. I BUI Uimi . . . r,w - V Mlnneapolig it St. Paul Express o 1 av sin oio:s pwi MIssoarl Paclfle. Et.' Louis Express al0:n9 am a :2S pm K. C. 4k, St. I txpress. al0.60 pm a i.li am WGBITGB DEPOT loth sh WEBSTER. MIssoarl Pnelfle. Leave. Arrive. Nebraska Local, via Weeping Water b 4:10 pm a 10:31 am Chicago, St. Panl, Minneapolis at Omaha. Twin City Sioux City Passenger.. .b 1:30 am b 9 19 pta Passenger. ..a l.uO pm all:3o am Oakland Local. ....b 8:46 pm t 1.10 am a Dally, b Dally except Sunday, d Dally except Saturday, e Dally except Monday. Jam OCEAH ST ERS. HOUAND-IUEMCA LINE. Mas Teis-gcrew 8taasers sT 13, Ka) Tom KBW TOkk HUTTKHLIAM, U bOULOoN SallUif Tseatlar, al 10 a. OL. Rotterdam rah. 1 1 Ametertlaia Mar. 1 Sloterdrk reu. 14 KoUerUa. ha. ilalaulUia r.b. 44 Kuordam lw, U Hnrses only, s fright ealr. HOLLANt-ala.KlCA LIMB, a Leeroors St.. C::- raao. III.; Hrrt ktoene. 141 Karu.al Si. C. Baiaerluril, lut laioaa) It-t . A MassoU, tanutat B4