I 10 THE OMAHA DAILY PEE: WEDNESDAY. JANHAItY 27, 1004. 0 ss- JO b t li Honey In Our Bsnk -.1 L'l VI w sr a LT A SALE OF MEN'S PANTS Fortunate Purchase from a dreat Eastern Pants Factory. $2 and $2.50 Men s Pants at $1 Hundreds of strong, well made Pants, in all sizes from 32 to 42, work pants and pants for business wear, in Union cassl meres. worsted fronts, hair : 1 1 lines, pin etc.. every pair made to stand good hard wear, a special ., bar gain tomorrow, worth $2.00 ioJ $2.50 a Specials for Knit Fascinators 75c quality Knit Fas cinators, in black, white and all colors, bargain square at, each ......... Wool Gloves at 25c 75o and fl wool Oolf Gloves, Just the thing for winter, all nixes for ladies and children, plain and fancy colors-pair Silks at 59c Yard Silks that are actu ally worth up to $2 a yard. Imported glace, Loulsenes, 8apho silks, chiffon satins, armnre glnce, Lyons' satins for linings, etc, on bargain square at yard LINEN SALE Extraordinary Table Damask narjraln Hero Is all linen silver bleached German Table Iamask the genuine round finish embossed som e In a little wet and other pieces are slightly mussed actually worth up to 11.00 a yard for, per yard 2.60 quality silver bleached Napkins 24-lnoh, all ' pure linen, embossed round thread dozen Ttte Hack Towels each ,.3ic 19c 39c 85c IMllow Shams and Scarfs at each 75c Pillow Shams and Scarfs at each Watch Our Windows GOLDEN GATE LIMITED, A "Smart" Trala for "Smart" People. In service dally, December 39 to April U, Chicago and Kansas City to Los Angeles, Banta Barbara and Ban Francisco. Southern routs through a land where Winter Is unknown. No high altitudes. Finest equipment on wheels. Shortest line and quickest time between Missouri river and Southern California. Reserve berths NOW. F. P. RUTHERFORD, 1323 Farnam St., Omaha, Neb. 1 Bargain Matlaee at Boyd's Today. Ines Forman and John Dillon In a grand production of "East Lynne." Any seat In the house, 26c. Telegrams aad Letters for Berths to Muaele 1 On sleeping car leaving Chicago 9 o'clock p. m. dally over Pennsylvania Bhort Lines should be addressed to C. L, Kimball, A. O. P. Agt., No. 2 Sherman street. Chicago. Through car arrives Muncle 6:30 a. m. and may be occupied until 7 o'clock a. m. Re turning, sleeping car Is ready for occu pancy at Muncle at I o'clock p. m., leaves there at 11-46 p. m., arrives Chicago 7:36 a. m. Aaaoaaeemeats of the Theaters. Harry Thomson, styled "Mayor of the Bowery," is scoring a big hit with his character imitations and funny stories at the Orpheum. At each performance he Is compelled to respond to several encores. The program Includes seven other varied features and is proving a big drawing card. The regular mid-week matinee will be given Thursday. This afternoon at a matinee and this evening Ines Forman and her company will repeat "East Lynne" at the Boyd. On Friday evening at the Boyd Howard Kyle comes for a single performance of "Rosemary." Mr. Kyle, who will be re membered in Omaha for his presentation of "Nathan- Hale" and other similar parts. Is said to be unusually strong In the role of Sir Jasper Thormlyke. His company la also reported to be competent, so that the pretty little romance la given a most satis factory Interpretation. , Card of Thaaks. We wish to express) our sincere thanks to the many kind frler.ds for their assist ance and sympathy and for the many floral offerings during the sickness and death of our beloved mother, Mrs. Caroline Waller. , FRED WALLER. MRS. KATE GOU NOTTE. Marriage Lleeases. ' Up to noon Tuesday the county judge had issued this marriage license: Name. Age. Arthur B. Tlyorts. Lincoln n Mary A. Caldwell. Omaha $0 ! ll-K.. Wedding Rings, tfdholra. Jeweler. Mrs. : J. Benson 4 Per Cent Interest lUJ lis MZStT fc;. ;7-"J- rata on Paid on -DOSTgJ-gQy Depos.t. H checks, pair, at I 1 Wednesday 29c 25c :59c BARGAINS 50c 1.50 $1.50 plain and hem stitched Lunch Cloths at.. $2 hemstitched 10-4 linen pattern Tablecloths at... 69c 1.25 25c nuck and Fringe 1 C Towela at IjC Watch Our Windows ROCK ISLAND SYSTEM. Thirty-Are-Day Toar of Mexteo. A personally conducted S5-3ay tour of Old Mexico In a private car is now being ar ranged by the Rock Island system. Car will leave Dee Moines Tuesday, Feb ruary is, but you can Join It at Kansas City next morning It that la more con venient. The Itinerary Includes Fort Worth. Ba Antonio, Monterey, Tamplco, Ban Luis Po toal, Aguaa Callentes, a week In Mexico City, side trips to Cordova, Santa Ana. Pueblo and Cuernavaca. On the homeward trip stops will be made at Guadalajara, Escatecas and Chihuahua., Total expense, $250 from Das Moines, $260 from Dubuque, J265 from Chicago, St. Paul or Minneapolis; $250 from Omaha, $246 from St Louis or Kansas City. This covers transportation, sleeping car berth, meals, hotel In Mexico City, transfers, carriages, guides and Interpreters. No pleaaanter mid-winter holiday trip could be planned. Details at this office. F. P. RUTHERFORD. 1323 Farnam Bt., Omaha, Neb. S31.00 te New Orleans, La., and return. $30.36 to loblle, Ala., and return Feb. 9th-14th. Long limits and stop-overs. All Information at Wabash city office, 1601 Farnam St., or address Harry E. Moores, O. A. P. D., Omaha, Neb. Florida Travel Via Chicago Over Peaasylvaala Short Lines Through Louisville or Cincinnati, with through-train connections at those gate ways for winter resorts In Florida and the South. Tourist tickets to many Southern points via Chicago and Pennsylvania Short Lines are on sate at ticket offices of con necting railways In the west and north west. C. L. Kimball, A. Q. P. Agt., No. 1 Sherman street, Chicago, will arrange all details upon application. Waches and diamonds. Tour credit Is gocd. A. Mandelberg, Jeweler, 1622 Farnam. DIED. HENKEL Cristlna K., January M, 1904. aged 33 years, 11 mouths, beloved wife of tfnorge Henkel. Funeral Thursday, January 28, 1904, at I p. m., from family residence, 2868 Taylor street. Deceased was a daughter of Mrs. Mary Woods and sister of Andrew and J. C. Daubel and Mrs. James Llddell and Mrs. J. E. Shaffer of Omaha, and Mrs. John M. C. Nichols and Mrs. Joe Redman, ir., of Salt Lake City. Interment Laurel 1111. Friends Invited. CAREW Thomas, aged 46 years, at his late residence, 1144 North Eighteenth street. Funeral Thursday morning at t:30 from residence to Holy Trinity Family church, at o'clock a. m. Interment at Holy Bep-ulcher. I New Spring Dress Trimmings. , Persian Rands, Persian AppHque Trtm mlags. with and without the new gold combination, Bulgarian and ether new styles on taffeta and linen backgrounds. Elegant Jeweled Trimmings, A-50 a yard. Late style tn SHOPPING. AUTOMO BILE and CARRIAGE BAUB Just In,- AU our made np SOFA riLLOWS we will sell at one-Ualf sjaJ. one-fourtii oS refulr price. How's the St&jnp L2KbJ A. WEDNESDAY GREEN TRADING STAMP RED LETTER DAY. tanatc! You get one dollar's worth o( Green Trad ing Stamps for nothing. Don't need to make a purchase to get them. HOW TO GET THEN Bring your Stamp Book to Premium Parlor, second floor, and let the lady attendant add one dollar's' worth of stamps that cost you nothing. See the handsome premiums any one of which Is yours just for collecting Green Trading Stamps. Dry Goods Dept. Warm Prices for Cold Weather Children's and Women's Cloaks and Jackets; our entire stock, no reserve, at one-half the marked prices. 14.93 Coats st 2.48 3.25 Costs I Coats at Women's Fur Coats and Capes We have only 48 garments unsold; they are all perfect in material and work, selling at one-third off marked prices. WOMEN'S WINTER WAISTS Our entire stock on four bargain tablw: :,":,.!.! 59c : 98c 1.95 :t,M..4 2.75 Women's Cravenette Coats just come from the factory worth $12.50, at 8.95 Women's Eiderdown Sacks and Kimonas every garment sold at $1.25, $1.45, $1.69, $1.75, all on sale at 98c Alteration Sale of Good Table Linens A big table full of real Irish Table Linens; they are manufacturer's remnants in bleached and unbleached, 2 yards wide, worth 1.10 and 1.2S. fiQc While they last, only, per yard ZizL Special price on pretty white good for dresses and walnts In pretty ilflc satin figures and small designs, special sale, per yard, oo and ww Alteration Sale of Comforts Extra fine sllkollne Bed Comforts, made lng and covering, worth $1.26 and $1.50 BLANKETS We have a few pairs left of wool blankets, for Special Sale of New Nainsook, Hamburg, Swiss and Cambric, yard.. A big table full at, per yard 26c Grocery Still busy In the grocery business, products at lowest prices Everything STAMPS with 8.11 purchases. Bennetts for groceries,, Special Offer. Diamond "B" Brand of Fruits, p .up in heavy syrups. In 8-pound 25C cans, per can Apricots, Peaches, O. O. Plums, Egg Plums, Pears, uiaca vuernon, J-c White Cherries, can This offer for Wednesday only. Bext Laundry Soap, Z5c 8 bars ZL.6c 8c Baking Soda, 1-pound package ... Cleaned Currants, per pound Mi nee Meat, ...7c package Plum Pudding, can . . ........ 9c Salmon, one-pound tOc can w Imported Sardines, tfr can Ml, Pepper Sauce, '7- bottle Chill Sauce. . ffr bottle W Tomatoes, 1-pound "7r can SI Green Trading BARGAINS While we are not advertising sales on an cooda at actual cut rate prices. Convince Diamonds. Rings, Watches, Fancy clocks a prices and tellable goods our motto. P. E. FL0DMAN & CO., The Balance of the Week Our January sale of 20 pep cent discount will be continued for this week. Why not take advantage of of thin sale the discount is on everything txi-eptlrig Clorham silver and Waterman fountain peu. You know hit sale is Just what we represent LOOK FOR THE NAME. S. W. LINDSAY. The Jeweler. I9le Douglas Street. Omaha. . It'a lust effective to not roil at all as to go off the alley. We might better never make a nult for you than fall to nt you with the first suit you buy of us. That's further reason why, though this Fall Stock Reducing Sale has dropped prices, it hasn't lowered quality. Though It Is selling $13.00 and SjO.UO Suits and Overcoats for $35. $11.00 and $15.00 Trou sers for $10. fil.OO and $23.00 Suits and Orercoats for . $20. $&00 and $7.00 Trousers for $8. It Isnt "selling" any customers. MacCarthy Tailoring Company, Nsil door te STabasa TUk Offios , Dook Coming? I annuel : tEay ..t 3.98 gSt 4.95 Costs at "-'"' Coats at of the very best quality In fill- 'JtStc while they last, each thoBe very tine $8.00 all A Q.Bi Embroideries in extra wide, worth to 45c iRc and auw T Calling- Card al 39c one hundred for selling the best and freehest table guaranteed. ,t9REEN TRADING Cherries, white or black, S-lb Corn 2-pound can 9c Golden Syrup, 3-pound 1f)c can .svfw Coffee Roasted Dally Santos Coffee, good, per pound Bennett's Capitol Coffee, per pound Bennett's lireakfast Coffee, 2-pound cuu , Beat Values In Tea B. P. Japan, Oolong, Gunpow der, Eng. Breakfast, per lb. Tea Sittings, per pound Imperial Japan, per pound 38c 15c 25c A Full Lfn of Pure Spices Bennett's Capitol Black Pepper, 12c 4-pound can e.w Butter Received every day from best dairies. Fresh Country Butter, tr per pound scW Stamps for Nothing y one article. We are every day selling yourself by getting our prices on cut glas. nd other staple and Fancy Jewelry. Low Jewelers, 15,4 TCea,.p,,t5074Ave ' A Man from Gbntvood, Iowa, Went into a drug store in Council Bluffs last Saturday and In answer to an Inquiry as to where "Schafer's Council Bluffs store was" he was UUlt'KhY told by the PRO PRIETOR that '8CHAKFEKS WA8 THAT SCAB STORK 1XJWN ON G Til AVK. AND MAIN 8T8." Our understand ing of the word "SCAB" AS Al'PLlKU TO BUSINESS means against or forninst the laboring class and In favnr of the TRl'STS OR MONOPOLIES! -WHERE IS THERE A DKUO STORE In all the west ern country which has done as much AGAINST TRUST COMBINATIONS and has worked as hard AGAINST HUMPING THE LABORING CLASS WITH TRUST PRICES as has "SCHAEFER'S." THE ORIGINAL CUT PRICE, TRUST BREAK ING DRUG STORE of NEBRASKA AND IOWAT These druggists who are working so hard to keep us from buying gnodx now, will be working equally as hard to get away finm the grand Jury verv soon, or we mls our guess! THIS IS AMERICA. YOU KNOW, AND A FREE COUNTRY SEE! SCIIAEFER'S CUT PRICB DRU STOKE E. T. YATES. Prop. ISth and Chlrago St., Omaha. Vhones 747 and 797. 24th and N Bts., South Omaha. 'Phone No. 1. 6th Ave. fend Main St., Council Bluffs. 'Phone S33. All goods de livered In either city arwolutely free. RELIABLE DENTISTRY FREE This offer good until February 1&. ?TWt S e t o f Te e f h . gZ.UU 13c 1 28c i 48c H r-raa. y Iron -i.OO rnilasre. fress..........,..... Briaat WMk, if tnas ) Work guaranteed tn years. No students TEETH f.XTRACTED WITHOUT PAIN by the use of our patented painless methods. Work dons free, bmali charges fur maierUL UNION DENTAL COMPANY, 1&22 DOUGLAS STREET, ROOM A tit-. imijt AikU giyaxus. i The Sioux City, la. Stratton Bank rupt Stock of Fine PIANOS Present Opportunities Not Duplicated in a Decade. Notwithstanding the severe wrathcr we sold more Instruments yesterday and today thut any two January days since our house whs pstabllBhed. The public have learned that Bchmoller fk Mueller's ads mean what they say and when we advertise a particular price or Instrument, that It wna actually In stock when advertised and every instrument As Represented 19 Instruments sold between Monday morning and Tuesday noon shows straight business with no competition. We aro not trying to ruin the piano business, we simply Sell as We Buy We bought this stock from the receiver at 4ito on the dollar and make a profit when we sell one of these pianos at one-half the original cost. YOU SAVE THE OTHER HALF A Few Hot Ones Over half of these brand new some are shopworn or slightly usnd, but all first-class, stunning bargains: UPRIGHTS KM0 Schubert. tl l New York Makes. 11 Sou ChJckerlng im LT5 Horace Waters . . . M Iii5 Martins 110 itfiti Uramera.... ............ 1!8 K Melsler li $.100 Baus 190 $:Q Wegraan . .... K4 400 Emerson. 1W On payments averglng only 10c to 20c a day, and nearly ltHJ mure to select from. No deviation from the price of the tags will be accepted Instruments received In exchange will be taken only at their cash value we advise out-of-town customers to make per sonal aeleotlon, If possible, otherwise we will give you our best judgment tn selection and ship on approval, subject to exchange, If not entirely sallntactorjr.. (l NCOS) PO RAT CD) MANUFACTURE-WHOLESALE-RETAIL PIANO S MAIN HOUSC UNO OFFICCI rW tacto-y: I1 FA"" TELEPHONE 12B OMAHA I LINCOLN, NEB CO. BLUFFS, V taa . TH t. TCL. TSS BOS BMOAOWAv TIL. Health Protectors A good pair of shoes is one of the best health protectors during such weather as this. At either of the above prices we have a fine assortment of shoes that are especially adapted for cold weather woar. They are shaped for comfort and built for warmth. The soles re extra, heavy and the uppers are thick, but soft and fine. They will keep out the cold, they will keep out the wet. They are the most stylish and the best wearing shoes In the city at $2.50 and $3.50 nnrciiOE-ca ito-DOIIGLAsClJi ...RUBBER... goods listed below are all new, fresh from the factory and guaranteed. We Invoice February 1. These prices are good all this week: 2-qt. Hot Water Bottle 4Gc S-qt. Hot Water Bottle &5o 4-qt. Hot Water Bottle fc"c 2- qt. Fountain Syringe Am 3- qt. Fountain Syringe toe 4- qt. Fountain Syringe wc. Gold Spray Reflow Attachment, finest made for ladlea, tits any eyrlnge, 1.25 Rubber Sponges, 4oo to t400 11.00 Bnlb Syringe Good Throat Atomiser 2aa 5"tc Rubber Complexion Brush fc ffte Lleblg Beef Extract 14c Anti-Grip Capsules 2io A n t l-Chappln .ic $1.00 Samson's Tonic for catarrh. ...iac Howell Drug Co., lith and Capitol Avenue. sfinSKESSSESBSKB Full Set Teeth $5.00 Best Set 57.50 SK Gold Crowns.. Gold rulings 8 Liver t thing I... .4XSS up. L&0 ep. .JUB US. BAILEY, THE DENTIST. (EstsblUhed IMS.) Brd FLOclH. fAXTOJf BLOCK. TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER ff $2.50 II $3.50 I) SHOES BJ 11 tin Trading Stamps Free 111! M TUB HKMAPLK STORK. I,V!T.,I.AI','CaM rURCHASKS IN AI T, PETARTMENTfl OF OUR STORE. HAVE lOU STARTED VU'll COLLECTION YET? DO NOT KAIL TO DO SO T ONCE. FOUR EXTRA TRADING STAMP SPECIALS, WEDNESDAY. Special Sale Flannelettes in the Great Domestic Room Wednesday. $2 Freo Trading Stamps, Free, $2 With each puttrrn of nine yards of our MUlliHiisi'n, Floconne, Vicuna, Avondale, Auditorium and Oeronn flannelette. Thes are the best quality of serge and double faced flannelettes In the market, and sold up to aSc per yard, 1Ur Wednesday, yard IVfc. Sold onlv to consumers. 25o Ramsiiy tweeds, the new spring wash Wednesday, per yard .1" v Ladies' Underwear Dept. 11.00 quality ladles' gowns, corset covers. short skirts and rirnwers, handsomely trimmed with flno Valenciennes and tor chon luce and embroidery, Cfi worth 11.00 at OUC ladles' flannelette gnwns. In all colors. lancy trimmed and extra quality, ntln worth tl.50 and t at ..vOC BOo quality ladles' fancy lace ami embrol- oery irimmea corset covers, r.iaue of fine cambric, perfect fitting, OBL. worth 60c-at AOW Great Clearance Sale of Men's Pants. Man's pants In stripes, plaids, fancy mlx- vu,t-, ir-Fii'ii miAiurvn huh piitin in worsteds, serge, clay worsteds, chev iot, CHSHlmeres, homespuns anil fancy worsteds, all well tailored, perfect llt tlng, garments worth $3.50 to Jj.00 to ho closed out at O en $3.60 and Extra Trading MEN'S STLK AND CASHMERE MUFFLERS AND $2.00 WORTH OF TRADING STAMPS FOR Wednesday morning we will place on salo a beautiful line of mens fine silk nnd cashmere mufflers, regular 75o quality nt Cftc oach and $-'.00 worth of TRADING yth, STAMPS FREE, with each purchase. NOW IS YOUR CHANCE) TO START VOIUT BOOK. r Hardware. Stoves. Ho jfurnishinss. Special Rotary washers Willow clothes baskets .... $2.00 Ironing boards 10-quart granite dish pans Fine turkey dusters Kitchen meat saw Hand saw Copper nickel tea kettle .. Steel frame wringer .$1.75 ...45c ...Mc ...Site ...1H! ...19c ...c ...7c ...95c SPE)CIAL ON HEATING BTOVES $ O0 TN TRADING STAMPS WITH EVERY DOLLAR INVESTED IN A HEATING STOVE THIS WEEK. S2.00 S2.00 S2.00 Trading Stamps Free to Everybody Wednes day in Our Grocery Dept. To every purchaser of a one-pound can of our high grade baking powder bt 5c. We will give $2.00 worth of trading stamps FREE. OTHER GROCERY SPECIALS Large sacks white or yellow cornmeal.lZHo Large sacks buckwheat flour &c Large sacks pure Graham flour 25c 2-lb. pkg. self-rising pancaks ..our for..7Hc 8 pkgs. breakfast rolled oats for 10c Oil or mustard sardinee, can ....4V4c The best imported macaroni, pkg loo HAYDEW BROS. TP FOUR Rock Springs , $7.15 Colorado (micheii) $6.50 OUR FULL WEIGHTS COUNT GOAL HILL GOAL CO. CALDWELL & BROWN 209 SOUTH I6TH IT Wedding and W Rvn II J EVERY DAY IN THE YEAR 11 Utah Oregon A I California Wash!ngton If SowvVS AND ALL PRINCIPAL WESTERN POINTS II II Liavt Omaha Daily 3:20 p. m. and 4:20 p. m, II DOUBLE BERTH $5.73 11 'sfl farenstttfss turtiihli tn tpplUmllom Im J . X C1TT TICKET OFFIC K, ISA Car a am St. 'I'houe Bl 11. JJPjr S Thone 318. We de our own engraving and priming employ ekill.-d artists uae Hie bit stock and Uiiolc- the lowest prt W. would be plea.ed to s'iow you fciliille ;,n,i (iuute price.. Tr ruling Stamps Free MEM l.Vi French flannelettes, yard wide per cales, dark colors black sntlnes, mercer ized linings and Scotch madraascs, worth up t,) ir.c Tlr" Wednesday, per yard v 12Ho seersucker and Scotch plaid ging hams, 82-Inch percales, extra guelltv, Pacltlo and Royal walstlngs, worth up to lliic e Z, Wednesday, per yard ........ ,OC ll.fiO quality ladies' skirts, trimmed with .ace and embroidery und full tucked ruf. fles. worth 11 1 .60-o at yOC lrc quality ladles' rlaln eorset covers, made of fine ramluic, In all riles, flr from 82 to 41, worth i!.' at SOc quality ladles' umhrella drawers, mn.le of tine cambric, with extra wide rultles of fine tucks and lietnKtltchtd, worth 89c at 25o ASK TO BEE OUR I.'NB OF y J A RT, SCHAFFNER A. MARX' 1IAND-TAIU)R-ED CLOTHING NOTHING BETTER MANUFACTURED. THEY ARK STRICT LY GOOD WEARING CLOTHES FUR GOOD CLOTHF.8 WEARERS. Stamp Special 50c Mid-week bargains Galvanized boilers fta 4 sivtlon clothes rack Set Pott's Irons 7o Large granite chamber ...... fo No. 1 kindling hatchet i Ruin donr lixk "4 50-lb. flour can Un $1.60 shoe sMnlng set . T!ki Universal food chopper yt-h. cans breakfast cocoa - ...... 10a Fancy hand-picked navy beans, lb 4o Large western prunes, pound 4a Fancy Muir peaches, pound 8a Choice saedea raisins, pkg ....9a Qt. chjis fancy Golden tr.Ue syrup ..,.8'a Fancy large navel orance, each la Large jjjlny lemons, es.cn la ANOTHER BIG BUTTER SALE Very beet separator creamery butter lb.ilo Fancy Elgin creamery butter, lb lfo Fresh country butter, lb 12Ho 2Z BARGAINS . Hanna Nut'. , $6,65 Coal Hill Nut . $5,00 871 Society Stationery ct.in 10 , V a t t 1, . i i 2