to THE 0f AITA DAILY BEE: TUESDAY. JANUARY C, 1904. SALE JIQ1IS) r- FIKE THIRTY-TWO HORSES KILLED Pinna io Fiticti that Lioi Ui Dillraooa Livery Etablei. ANOTHER ANIMAL SHOT FOR BAD INJURIES Im Women Beea Kara pins from BilMla Hht Complete Destroe . tlon la Attrlbated to la readier? tenses. Fire, relieved to be from incendiary orl tln, destroyed the Bt. Mary's avenue liv ery stables, of which Nathan E. Dtllrance waa proprietor, between i and t o'clock Monday morning. Thirty-two horses wera burned to a crisp and another waa ao badly burned that It had to be shot. The total loan la estimated at $3,000, the ater part of which waa sustained by Cr. Dlllrance, aa the building:, a frame Structure, owned by William Krug of the Xrug- Brewing company, waa estimated to be worth not to exceed $1,000. Mr. plllrance carried $1,000 Insurance. There waa no In surance on the building. It waa an old one and had been condemned by the build ing Inspector. HI muu Oppenhelmer, 704 South Eighteenth street, a cook at the Schllta cafe, waa going from lila home to hU work about 4 o'clock a. m. and says that aa he passed the Dlllrance stables he saw two women come from the ronr of the building and disappear In the darkness. Almost simultaneously with their appearance the notae of an explosion waa heard and flames flashed up from the building. Within a Very abort space of time the Are department had reached the scene and waa playing Upon the fire, which rapidly gained head Way. Mr. Oppenhelmer waa simply paasing and of course had no way of identifying the women, aa they were lost from view WltMu a few seconds. ' ' Fire Spreads Rapidly. The fire originated in the northwest end1 Of the barn, in a small buggy shed, and rapidly spread to the main atructure. Mounting to the hayloft, the fiamea were aoon burning for the entire length of the long loft and rapidly the supports were burned away, letting large quantities of burning hay fall down upon the helpless ; and frsntlc horses tied In the stalls below. An heroic effort waa made by the firemen to get the animals out, but proved futile, only one being saved and that with much difficulty. This horse waa taken to the Hen net t stable, across the street. It waa ' ordered shot to prevent its suffering longer. Mr. Dlllrance is of the opinion that the Are was of incendiary origin, but aays he does not know whom to suspect. "We are at a loss to say just how the Ore started," he said. "We simply don't know. There was nothing In the buggy had of ati Inflammable character and I cannot understand how a Are could start there unless someone set It. Seventeen of the horsos belonged to me and the other fourteen to people for whom I boarded ' them. We got out some of the rigs, a few being slightly scorched." Charles White, the stable man, was sleep lr. the office when the firemen ar rived and was carried out bodily. Me said be had no Idea how the Are started. Large Crowds View Fire. ' Despite the Intense cold and the early hour a large crowd of people flocked to tha fire. The firemen' fought under great difficulties, the extreme cold making It necessary to be very careful In handling the hose .lines to keep them from freeslng up. A residence just north of the barh and occupied by a Ma. Anderson and family was In danger of being Ignited for a few momenta and tha bouaehold goods were partly removed. The realdence waa saved by prompt attention from the fire men. Officer William T. Dstetwoso. who was In tha Vicinity of the Bra when the) alarm was turned In, claims to- have heard a sound as If an explosion bad occurred Just before the alarm sounded. Tha officer states he heard the sound distinctly and that it came from the direction of the . barn. Chief Btlter said: I would not be surprised If It finally develops that the barn was set on fire." Practically nothing of the superstructure Is left. The charred and crisp carcasses of the horses are lying where they fell fas their stalls. The bolldlng was old and sea soned and burned like so much tinder. Albert Krug was seen by a reporter tor Tha Bee and stated that his brother car Mad no insurance on the building. "He had been several times notified to tear the building down, and I believe la tended having It removed as soon aa the weather would permit Ha Intends erect ing a new building on the lot, but for what purpose ha did not advise me." Cares Colds tha World Over LAXATIVE BROMO QUININE. To get tha genuine, call for the full name. tS cents. Robert Cuacaden'a concert tonight. First Congregational church. 0 Mnsonle. Nebraska lodge No. 1, A. F. A. M.. will hold apeclal meeting Tuesday evening, Jan uary 28. for work In M. M. degree. Breth ren Invited. GEO. A. DAT, W. M. W. C. M'LEAN, Beo'y. Wachee and dlumonds. Your credit la good. A. Mandelberg, jeweler, 1623 Farnam. DR. MANN DENIES"b"0AST1NG Disclaim a Amy Iateatloa of Mors Tha Modestly Stating Bis Claims. OMAHA. Jan. SR. To tha Editor of Tha Bee: A clipping- from tha Boston Globe In yesterday's Bee eensures "aa Omaha min ister" for boasting that ha was tha first preacher to espousa the doctrine of volu tion. Tha charge Is based, I suppose, on The Bee's report of my lecture on "Evolu tion In Its Religious Beau-lngg" gtven two Weeks ago and whloh did put ma In some each light. I despise boasting In a minister as baartiiy as can tha Boston editor, and to at me right In this matter I aak you to print all I did say of a personal nature In a discourse whloh oooupled nearly aa ' hour, staving occasion to refer to the tardiness of preachers In coming to the ftcoeptano of evolution, I Incidentally said: How reoent was the buglnnlng of this Euvrment of thought In the churches guy i Inferred frum the fact that I waa my- Clf. aa far aa I know, the first niUUuar i this country, and so probably lu the world, to avow belief in the doctrine of evolution, and I an not so very old now, nor was I by any means a "kid" then. Tills distortion become rather creditable toy friend. Ir. Fsvase of New York, enma years iluce disputed as against every other Dr. Lyon's PERFECT Tooth Powder AN ELEGANT TOILET LUXURY Used by paople of refinement tor over a quarter of a century PBrPAKLD BY I If ULalU LIKENS ULsr&u - OUR GREAT Ladies' Winter -or t of rii 1 Fur Scarf at $4.98 Single and I Fine Isabella and sable fox scarfs double fox scarfs, nutria, QQ I worth as high f QO squirrel lined fox, etc, lit, JO as $12.50 iJO at I a U Sale Ladies' Hose Supporters ; 5c 10c Ladies', misses' and children's side supporters, silk elastic, in all colors also ladies' "hook on" supporters, handsomely made with frilled silk elastic, fancy buckles, rubber tipped clasps, etc, in all pretty colors, actually worth up to 25c pair, at, pair. GOLD BEADS ot 59c The latest New York fad Gold beads strung on chains, unbreakable and warranted to, without changing color, worth II at v...; , 75c and 85c New Spring Foulard Silks at 29c All strictly new Bilks for spring 1904 dress ?fcr foulards,' in naVys, rose, browns, champagne, gun metal, etc, at, per yard J SILKS WORTH IP TO $2, AT 59c YD. Imported glace, Louisenes, Sapho silks, chiffon satins, armure glace, smavjl seeded shirt waist silks, Lyons satins for linings, crepe Linette, etc the silks 1sO that have been shown in the window on bargain a. w W square, at. WATCH JCX Windows LUrJli U heavy well will MEN'S and latest minister, with the "possible" exception of mysulf. Were the Dolnt who tlrst "cut there" more Important to clfer up, I might s Impoi what i uuuw mm wiimi a. mw vcr wuuiu o&u aua mark "exhibit A" In the cas. my son. Mr. Herbert Bpencer Mann, of this olty, born and nfuned In May, 1H67. However, this Is a matter of no publlo Interest; the only point of consequence In this connection la that the change of sentiment In the church on this question has come about within forty years, most of It In the last twenty. That la the whole of It. and I don't be lieve even a politician will call it boasting. Anyhow, I stand by It NEWTON MANN. CSEFlli DISCOVERIES Arej Hot Always Startllaa, Neither Do They Create the Moat Talk. It Is not always the greatest, most start ling discoveries of science that are most Useful to tha human race. Comparatively few people were directly interested In HerscheTs finding of the new planet Uranus, but many thousands have beea benefited by yrot. Unns'a experiments, which proved beyond a question that dan druff and baldness are the results of the luroads of a panultlo germ which Invades the roots of the hair. Tha discovery of the true cause of bald ness made Newbro's Harph-lde pwdble, Ilerplcide effectually kills this germ. De stroy the cauMe, you remove tha effect. Sold by leading drugglsla. Hend loo In stamps for earn pie to The Herplclde Co.. Detroit. Jllch. Slier man 4b McConueU Drug Oo.. apeclal agents. GOLUILJI U ATM LIMITED. A 4Sar Tralw (or "Smart" roele. la servlcs daily. Iecmbex St to April 11. Chicago and Kansas City to Los Angelas, Santa Rarbara and Ban Francisco. Southern route through a land where winter Is unknown. No high altitudes. Finest equipment oa wheels. ShorOBt line and quickest time between Hlaaourt river and Southern California., Reserve berths NOW. K. P. RCTHEHrORD, 1S3 Farnam St-, Omaha. Neb. Will Karat Sew L The orgiu.iutloa of a "central improve ment luague" will be oaajuaenialro at the l aawl ftl A .'47 f?: ' ' r f, MENS yL&roH 2fJZMC .rv t)U.J Redactions i SALE OF Cloaks at $5 J . . r-. iiunareas 01 warm winter cio&kr, made of heavy winter cloths, and every one a fashionable and thoroughly reliable coat. They were made to sell this season at $15. (18 and 20 (T all swell styles p and long and short effects aa well as new military shapes lined throughout and prettily trimmed a great bare ai a at Our $25 and $35 Cloaks at $9.98 These are the very finest fw Oft cloaks from a recent purchase ''J all very fashionable winter Jr weight cloags, choice, at Fur Scarf at $2 98 Near seal and y Q Q brook mink scarfs with long- tails, atw0 5-I0c 59c WATCH MID izazne" nun . wr - w w 8CX3S8S33S& ECBBESEX I El EJ39 TaF-w Men's Overcoat Sale. - Here's a chance to buy a warm, snug overcoat or ulster at very little money. Winter Is not half over yet and a good overcoat Is necessary If you would enjoy any comfort ' MEN'S $8.80 AND $10 WINTER OVER COATS AND ULSTERS Made of warm cloths, stylish and fitting- In every wajr- last this season and - ij3 kK!!V next winter, if neooseary, your choice, at $18 AND $20 OVERCOATS 8 w el handsomely made u li overcoats and ulsters I in very styles your choice. , Your choloe of ail our , very finest, swellost overcoats Including' all Rogers, Peet A Co. Over casts worth up to 140, to morrow, st , ber In the city hall this evening This leuinia la Minronf tmm fh. ! eruilun of Improvement Clubs, and all clti- s-ns Interested lu the Improvement of the olty are eligible to membership, and all such are Invited to be present at this even ing a meeting to assist in the organization. 31AO I ta i New Orleans, La., and return. . to Mobile, Ala., and return Feb. tth-Hth. Long limits and stop-overs. All information at 'Wabash city office, 1601 Farnam St., or address Harry B. Mooraa, O. A. P. D., Omaha, Neb.- Fast Express Tralas ChleaTO to Xew York Run over both routes of Pennsylvania lines the standard furs Fort Wayne, and the lower fare Pan-Handle. No. 20, the Keystone Express, Is a favorite on the Pun-Handle, traversing the natural gas blt and the oil fields of Indiana and Ohio. Leaves Chicago dally 10:0 a. m., arriving New York I o'clock p. in. No change for sleeps: car or ooach passengers. Sre C. Ij. Kimball. Jl. O. P. Agent. No. I Sherman street, Chicago, for particulars. Marriage Unri, Vp to noon Monday the county Judge had ISHued licenaus to wed to the following couUles: Name and Address. Henry C Murphy, Houth Omaha.. Kathryn OK:fl, South Omaha.. Albert F. Meyer, South Omaha.... Dora Weber. South Omaha John llrjljmk. South Omaha. Aiuia Krusac. CQnaha As- ... ... S ... n ... 43 ... n ... 18 Martin J. Kroner.' Omaha IT Elisabeth Schans. Cincinnati, O S3 ls-K. Wedulna lUas, ahom. Jeweler. I Can't Go tr such a terrible headaches" ntA nerea be said spalo- Dr. all lea1 Anti Fain Pills quickly cure awl aoamrery prerent headaahe and all bodily aein. K opiates, non-laxative, narer sold la hulk. Guaran'eed. ill Snurrlaia. S doeae B seeiial Stamps UUsLrnA II llL!iIi20 Stamps aaBaBaasaBSBBBBBBBBBBBBw TUB RF.UABLB ST RE. , mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm 'T'HOUSANDS Are Startinjr Their IrafJirrr Stamp Collections. The low prices asked for goods and the valuable premiums offered make this a proposition yon cannot resist if yon will inreatigate our plan. Trading Stamps Free With Every Cash Purchase- 2 Extra Trading Stamp Specials Tuesday Big Linen and Domestic Dept. TIE LIST WEEK OF OUR J0(lY LINEN AND SHEETIKS SHE. EXTRA TRADING STAMP SPECIAL For Tuesday we will place on sale 1TB Tapestry Table Corers two yards A In squar all the new patterns worth $3.W at s(tJ And $5 Worth of Trading Stamps Go With Each Cover 6c ready-to-use blenched linen fin- AT if shed sheets, size 81x90. at rflu 86o ready-to-ipe Pcrperell Bleached TLtr sheets, else 81x90, go at 3UU EHc rendy-to-use bleachod Vtlca IC Mills Pillow Cases, size 46x36, at 13 75c quality silver bleached pure linen 1Q. Table Damask, at yard 49 Clearing Sale of White Silks Tuesday About 60 pieces of White and Cream Bilks some pure silk, some half silk both rlsln and brocaded suitable for wnlst trimming or Unlnir these beautiful silks have attracted much attention In our window for the past few days they IdC are worth up to 60o on sale, commencing- at 9 o'clock iWw Gaps Gaps Our stock of men's, boys' and Men's, boys' and children's Caps worth up to 60c go at Men's and boys' 60c Caps at Men's $1.60 Cups at 2ic 25c 98c Do Not while in the store to visit our Carpet and D rapery Department. Carpets, Rugs, Drap eries and Curtains, all kinds and descrlpt lone, at prices that will please your pocket-book. Cold Weather Necessities in Our Flannel Dopt. 75c extra heavy Cotton Blankets AOn at-palr ."tl 11.26 extra heavy twilled Cotton 89c Blankets, 11x4 size, at pair... $1.60 gray Cotton Blankets 12x4 size, at pair ...y...., 98c Our Loss is Your Gain. To Every Customer Tuesday We Will Giyc $10.00 Worth of Trading Stamps $10.00 Free Free with 3 pounds of our highest grade Mocha and Java Coffee at One Dollar. This coffee is oomposed of the best grade ot Arabian Mocha and Mandeltna; Java that grows. We buy all our coffee direct from the Importers, in their natural stats, which we roast and blend ourselves. We are therefore, in a position to give you better quality and fresher roasted coffee than any other house tn Omaha Regular pries of this blend 400 per pound Tuesday only, 3 Pounds for Sl.00 v'HAYDERTBROS. Only Six Days Left That you can save 20 per cent on your purchases tn our store. This means a saving to you of Just one-tlfth and It's on everything excepting Oorham silver and Water nan fountain pens you know we always do as we Bay we will. Look for the name. S. W. LINDSAY, The Jeweler, 161 DouaTlas Strwsrt. Omaha. Rock Springs CoeJ S7.15 Per Ton. Central Coal Phones 1221-1695. 20 Discount I Suit ON ALL tTratelln? A iuasss Omaha Trunk Factory 1 inaa. a. UK AT rreprietsr X Terrtiooe I05S 1J0 Faraun Street A sUn qBscrufy i a fomxm R.T. FELIX ttOURAUITS 0BIEXTAL UEAM. OX MAIiiCAL UtAlIUHEl infra Tu, rtaia yrwklM, tuU huts, hub sue Skis ! mmrf fty-ehi rra. m m Mtfaka uf u la armtrXw eM a. Muunui ec Ur bum. Dr. 1 A. srr aul U a IMS ac u. Iw a amtaat): "As ra USU. tv vlll as. taw. I kimhU mt all ta. imHm pnVKratiaML Vw ail. kr all eieavats a4 mtatm gaiai iaks ss ta. UslM4 riutu. t. bopkius. . W SMBteSM St, JL B. Save iKe ' TeeiK Delay means decay and dcay ineaui pula and inoonvenlaaoe. Quick autloa removes chscces of sufferinaV FUllaw . X Twrt Cvorsraa . TBs wa . .S&.00 at!555s III f.'.'lAl UM. H4 H' S . h It i ' aa. iM ta. UM S 1 IV . TAFT'S DENTAL ROOMS, 13X7 Douglas Strsiet. . I2ic 65 No. 800 Knallsh Lone; Cloth, yard I (lO wide, regular 15c quality, 12 yards... I II O $1.00 quRllty extra heavy Scotch (I tie Table Linen, 72 in. wide, at yard.... Oil f Gaps Caps children's Caps must go Children's Tarn 0"Snanters and Skat- I Q lnsr Caps, worth up to 76c. go at......lf Men's H.00 Caps at 50c AM broken lines of men's Kats, Cflrt worth up to lido, at 98c and.....M...OU Neglect $3.60 all wool gray Bed Blankets 1 TC at. pair Ci 10 $4.60 all wool tan and gray Blankets Q Cfl at, pair Ui3U $6.60 all wool gray, white and fanoy M Q Q plaid Blankets at, pair $10.00 Free aid Coke Co., 15th txnd Harney. 16c ready-to-use linen finished I'illow Caes, size 42x38, go at 9Pe ready-to-usn Utlca Mills Bleached sheets, size Mx90. at... TELEPHONE 431 l.fiHoaGsaB'1 111 KAItNAM .ST. ock Springs f 7.15 per ton, delivered -Prompt delivery. NEBRASKA FUEL CO., 1414 Farnam St. The Nerve of Some Druggists is astounding! Now what do you think O.NK OF THEM 1H CLAIMING TO liH THE OH K JIN AT, CUT I'KICU l)RUi SToRH OK CXJUNC1L. WL.UFK8i .NOW 18 NOT THAT NEHVK? WUf Dili THE! WAIT TILL WD CAME! Other druggists in Council Fluffs are claiming that our store in that city la only there for a short time and that Council Ulurs people, who leave them to trade lth us alii have to oome vry soon. Now La answer to this knock Just ask Mr. Kearney, the owner of the building we occupy In Council Uluffa) to see the tea (10) year lease we have signed with biio. Oh yea, they will out prions la all three cities, OmaJia, Scuta Ouiaha aad Council Bluffs, but whyt JI ST TAKH CVY FltOV THE PRICK Of ANT PATENT aLKDICINB OK ANYTHING .la quoted by uy druggist ia either of these S eitlesv and you hav. our priua. Take from lit to Ut per otnt off on prescriptions and rn have our prioe and and YOU CAN IUVB YOCK OWJI ra- acnptioa oaca. aa prooi Bee: SGIIAEFER'S CUT PB1CH DRLia TOJU3 E. T. TATES. Prep. Ififh and Chieage eHa, Omaha. 'PaoMS lfl and 7Z Ml. mJit ' Bta, aVli OnuM. 'Phou. Ne. L &th Ave. and Mala Bu. Cunca biuCTs. 'Phase Ne. T vA.ll giMdS iwtn4 ta attasr ty ahswhitati frsa. R Specials in Men's Caps and Gloves. Men's Caps worth 45c ....25c Men's caps worth DOc ' 35c Men's ca.8 worth Coc 45c Men's caps worth $1.00 75c All onr Real and fur caps 40 per cent. Men's Mittens and Gloves. Sp?Jy CO dozen men's heavy yarn gloves, double knit and long wrists, regular 25 and 35c values...... 19c 24 dozen men's extra heavy mitts, with heavy fnr back, with horsehide palm, knit wrist, Men's underwear, sell'ig values selling for 4 Wagons Every Day to flREEN TRADING STAMPS, the only stamps that "stick." ,The sticker that earns specially manufac1 tured premiums. Money couldn't buy the premiums that are offered or Green Trading Stamps. Whole factories aro kept going turning them out, and there is no merchandise more critically supervised and manufactured than these splendid premiums that- go to Green Trading Stamp col lectors. These articles challenge any competition that ever come down the "pike." They are exclusive in being spe cially prepared. Call at the Premium Parlors, second floor, and see them. Wednesday is GREEN TRADING STAMP RED LET TER DAY for January. You get f 1 worth of Green Trad ing Stamps for nothing (don't even need to make a pur chase) all you do is to bring your book to Premium Tartar second floor, and get a dollar's worth of stamps free. This will be a regular monthly free gift last Wednes day' every month. Must bring your book, though! GROCERY! GROCERY! Busy as we can be all the tints ta the BIO VhMSiKPV OROCERT aeUing the best goods for the lowest price. It's Bennett's for groceries. TUESDAY SPECIAL ON CLEANED CUB RANTS. We have several hundred pound packages of the finest CLEANED CURRANTS, Tuesday, only TUESDAY Jams, assorted, largo Jars Neutritn. with spoon, package 10c .... ,.8c Be Oil Sardines, can ............... Castile Boap, 2iC Breakfast Cocoa, V lb tic can , w Pancake Flour, 1 lb 1 Iflc package Buckwheat, I lb package Navy Beans, per lb 5c Table Syrup, S lb IOC can California Prunes, per gg 1U Lemon Extract, bottle Cherries for Pies, 8 lb can Asparagus, can TEAS. Imperial Japan Tea, per lb v 5c Zl5c ..I2ic 25c Tea Sifting, per lb 15c Special Waion Delivery Wednesday to Fort Crook and Bellevue Five Shoe Specials A special uie of odd line- that we ar going to close out ai priors that will make It an object for yon to buy now tar falxix wear. We have a special reason for selling 1he shoes at iixm prices and cm give jou our reasons to your entire satisfaction when yon Four lines of women's 6hoes, all sizes and widths, in turns and welts; regular $i;00 to $5.00 values Two lines of women's 1-strap slippers for house wear; narrow toes; regular $1.50 to $2.50 values Three lines of boys' and youths coin toe shoes, narrow widths; most of tliem $3.00 values, some $2.50, at Two lots misses' shoes in broken sizes; regular $1.50 to $2.50 values; special price Three lots women's sizes in spring heels; every size and width; regular $2.00 and $2.50 values DREXEL SHOE COMPANY 1419 FARNAJY1 STREET have been reduced in price regnlar 75c value ..50c at greatly reduced prices 75c Benson and Walnut 8c SPECIALS COFFEES ROASTED DAH.T. Santos Co'CTee, par 13c Bennett's Breakfast Coffee, iQr I lb can OW Bennett's Gapttol Black Pepper, fin est Quality, lb 12C BCTTEBJ FOR. ETEKTBODT, Reeerveel Daisy frwm the Beat Dairies. Fresh Country Butter, tfic per lb 1WW Bennett's Capitol Creamery, 2f5C peg lb.......... ... ...... .... ... Wisconsin Cream Cheese, 121c per id SCOTCH OAT VEAL. The real thing. Good aa imported. Makes Ideal, delicious Scotch oat cakes, and then the "Halesoms par ritch (porridge) chief o' Scotia's food" of which Burns sings, can only be made by this perfect meat- go per poui-d see tne sboe. $1.50 98c i 50c 75c $1.50 i