Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 25, 1904, Page 7, Image 7

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Athitj on the Prt of Blurt Selleri Cantst
Advanoj Id Wktat.
Majr Corn and Omi Ala Shaw Oalna
ad rrotlaloas Close at A
red Flaeres af the Day
CHICAGO. Jan. tt.-AnxIrty by short
sellers to cover their trade before the Bun
day holiday was the cauae of an advance
of 14 today In the price ot May wheat.
The upturn waa aided by an active demand
from the bull crowd. The rlne waa strona-.
with May falc higher. May corn grained
rwc, and oata Provisions cloaed at
veaterrin v'h fltml Miruraa.
Wheat holdlna-n appeared to be more
strongly concentrated In a few hands today
tlian before the heavy liquidation of the
la at forty-plaht ho lira. In addition foreign
markets did not reapond to the break here
yesterday. Aa a consequence opening quo-
tatlona on May were unchanged to Sc
higher, at toomTtr. An effort on tne part
rtf Bhnrta tn rnver rcHlinerl In an earlv
advance to 01H4j9'V.'. Considerable long
wheat came out on the bulge and the price
went back to Dir. During the remainder
of the session there were frequent rallies
and declines, the leading long adding ma
terially to his line on earn reaction, ine
close waa strong, with prices well up to
the high point, nnal figures on May being
at VlN'qfll'40. The July di-llvery advanced
In sympathy with May and closed KftlVfeC
runner, at Kuwmyic. Clearances 01 wneai
and flour were equal to K87,(MjO buahels.
1'rlmary receipts were (39.000 bushels,
against 6SI,20f bushele a year ago, Minne
apolis, Iiuluth and Chicago reported re
ceipts of 873 cars, against 41 cars last week
and 444 cara a year ago. -.
The corn market was Influenced more or
less by the tone In wheat.. There was con
Iderable liquidation by local holders going
on. Toward the middle of the session the
market became aoilve on demand from com
mission bouses and an attending rise In
values resulted. The good shipping demand
was a minor nun factor, wnue more iavnr
ahle weather had 'an opposite effect. The
close was strong, with May at 4iiHc, after
opening a shade to higher at 4:t"Hfl4tfVc
and selling between 49Vq4!lc. Ixical re
ceipts were 276 cars, four of contract
The feature In trading In oata was mod
erate buying bv a prominent commission
house. There were not muny oata on the
market and prices were firm at a amall
advance. After opening unchanged to ',tc
higher, May ranged between 4iiiilc and
4'i&42'c. closing at 42Vc. LiOcal receipt!
were 1M cars.
Provisions were firm early In sympathy
with a stronger hog market. Pit traders
and commission houses were, the best buy
ers, with Kngllsh houses supplying the de
mand. The small advance was lost late
In the day on outside liquidation and the
close was steady, with Mav pork and lard
- unchanged at tit. 3214 and $7.25. Ribs were
shader lower at l8.7rWfiG.75. Estimated re-
cths for Monday: Wheat, 46 cars: corn,
jo carsr oais, im cars; nogs, neaa
The leading futures ranged aa follows:
Articles. Open 1 Hlgh. Low. Close. Y'sfy.
v , May
May I
. Tork
Jan. May
. Itlbs
Jan. May
77 V4
49' 4Hff 'i
4. v 4i?MH,
41 '
13 15
13 12H
13 t:
IS 60 1
13 S7H
13 80
13 32l
7 IB I
7 87H
7 40
7 13H1
7 15
7 S3
7 40
6 45
7 M1
7 85
2 3
T 40
6 45
7 37V4
6 85
6 77Hf
8 7L'
87V4I . 6 871 82Vil ( 85
NO. 1 .
Cash quotations were aa follows:
FIX3UR Market was quiet and steady;
winter patents. 14.204. 40; straights, II.OO
f4 20: spring patents. t-t.HV54.60; straights,
$'VfM.nO; bakera, t2.4(Vu3.80. .
WHEAT No. 3, 75S7c; No. S rfd. S9H
2Sc. '
CORN No. I. VMc". No.- S yellow, 4Rc.
OATS No. 2.. S943ftci No. S white,
-No." I. B4V4o.
BARLEY Good feeding, 880390 ; fair to
Choice malting, 4Vfr&8o.
8KKD8 No. 1 flax, tl.M; No. 1 north
western, $1.14: prime timothy, $3.26; clover,
contract grade, $11.25.
PROVISIONS Mess pork, per bbl., $13.25
(T13.35; lard, per 100 lbs.. $7.15; short ribs
Idea (loose), trt 37U.Q4.S2Vs', short clear aide
(boxed). 6.62&.75.
Following are the receipt and shipments
cf flour and grain: -,.,..
Receipts. Shipments.
Flour, bbls.... , 8.8flO 17.500
Wheat, bu 38.900 20.100
Corn, bu 3Cy.o0 Sl.2no
Oata. bu... 21n0 174.8O0
live, bu 10.900 . 6.100
IJariey. bu 85,300 14.80
On the Produea exchange today the but
ter market was steady; creamery, 15fj21o;
dairy, 13ai9c Eggs, strong at mark: casea
Included, 2iitf2Sc. Cheese, steady; VXS0So.
Qaotatloas ot taa Day aas Yarloas
wtr.W YORK. Jan. 23. FLOUR Receipts.
19.0U) bbls.: exports, 22,t!6 bbls.; sales 7,300
packages. B teddy with good business; win
ter patents, $4.3UQ'4.6S; winter straights,
ti ViiK: Mlnnesdta rmtenta. U.S 00: win
ter extras, $3.20W3.50; Minnesota bakers, iS.t-)
C4 30; Jow grades, jj.iAxyn.w.- nye pour nrm;
..I., a 10 bbls : fair to good. $3.40tn3.4&:
chnl--e to fancy, $3.604fS.8a. . Buckwheat
afr, dull: t3.10i25.
CORNMEAL Hteady; yellow western,
11.08; city, $l.U6; kiln anea, hiubjuj,
nvev-FIrm: No. t western. 67e. nomi
nal f o. b., afloat; state and Jersey. Mir'Sc;
BARLEY Uulet; feeding 47c, c. I. f. Naif
York; malting. fionutUe. c. . f. BufTa'.o.
WHEAT Receipts, V).Wi bu.; Spot firm;
. - - r. , , . Va ..4 KM 0 h
b.. afloat: No. 1 northern Duluth, $1.00 f.
n K afloat: No. 1 hard. Manitoba, f. o.
b., afloat. Options were considerably
frnnnr today and more active on a scare
of shorts, due to a colds wave west, after
the rain. Chicago bull leaders also sup
ported prlres, and there was some sppi-e-henslon
over affairs In the far east. The
close was firm at Ho et advance. Bales
Included No. f red. Mav, 92?mo; closed,
Wsic; JulY. 8637,,.; closed, 87HC.
CORN Receipts 36.550 bu : exports, ISW
sales 775.000 bu. futures. 1st, MO bu. siwt
Bpot steady. No. I, Wc elevator and RS4c. f.
n h.. afloat: No. 1 yellow. 55c: No. 1 white.
5 Ho Option market opened dull and barely
steady on tne coia weaiuer. oui isier rai
)i. ,t with wheat. The market cloed
rather strong st tAo sdvance: May MTi-a
K'aic: closed 56H; July closed, 53Hc
OATS Receipts. 84.500 bu. : exports. T.njn
bu. Spot market ouiet; jo. i. 4e: standard
white, 4J4c; ro. s. nn. s wnue, anc
No. t, 4c; western. 45V4WOc: track white
gtate. CayWOo. Options nominal.
FKKD fclewi: orng bran tnfro.S6
mldd'llnga. 20.5O!S.O0: city. $?fl 5)T?1 ffl.
HAY Dull; shipping, good to choice, 85
HOPf4 Firm: state common to choice.
190. ffS7e: 190 fs27c: olds Wffi&e: Paci
fic coast. 1903, 26 34c; 1901. 23 27c; olds, 10
WIPES Firm: Oalveeton to 25 lha. l$c
California 21 to 25 lbs.. ISo; Texas dry. 24
to S lbs . 14c.
T.WATU FR Rtesdv: acid. 13ffr5V4e.
PROVISIONS-Meef. steadv; falmly $1 Ot
(fll.00; mess, $S Oiiei 00; beef hama. $20 (01)
2S0O: packet. lt.0"hlO.M: city extra India,
mess. $1S.WU o. cut meats irregular; pick
eled bellies $7 2Vt7 76: pickled shoulders
S.irtS't.OO: plckeled bsma.- M.fiiktriO 6 I,r1
firm; western steamed, $7 t; Januarv, $7.F0.
nominal: renned. nrm; continent, $7 ; coti
pound, $H5-i.7K. ,-k. rrtt; h". IB
Short clear. iij.7STn.0O: mess. $14 fWB.OO
TALLOW-Steady; city 6c; country. B9
P ICRSteady; domestic, fair to extra.
141' TTER Irregular: extra creamery, rfc
creamerv. common la choice, l""!; stats
drv. us. Held creamery, 14'tfl4c.
CHFE8R Quiet at IMiIJc.
FGilS Very strong: wtern. 24!TSlc.
POI'LTRY Al've. eteadv: weatern chick
e"s. 14c; fowls 14c: dressed oide, western
chickens, I2itfi4c; low is, lzjiic; turkeys,
i.Ue. -
t. Laals Orala ad Prevlsleas.
ST. LOUIS. Jan 23 WHEAT Higher
No. !l red. cash, elevator, lc; track. V-ft
9c; May, 8c; July, 7c; No. 1 hard. t2Q
CORN-Hlgher; No. 1 cash. 43Hc; track
44vc: msv. vc; jury. wc.
OATtJ Dull; No t rash. V: track. 40c
Mav. 4"c
HI OI K Steady; red winter patents. $4 45
SM.iiO; eaies fancy and rtrsight, $4.157i4.40
cleer. W 4f3 5.
. r i ei iimoinv. nnmnsriy uncharged
RN :Mrl8iesdv: $ o.
HR AN Firm: sacked. eat track. rtwUNs
PHOVISlONft-Pork. h'gher: Jobbing,
lii.Mi i-ara, nrm; prime steam, $a.n. Bacon,
tdv'. boxsd extra shorts and clear ribs."; nhnrt rloar. I7.7S.
MAT-Bteaay; timothy,; prairie,
W 'H 'uS 00.
POULTRY Firm: chickens. t4o: sprlnits,
tc; turkey. 12V13Hc; ducks, lc;
PUTTFR Steady j creamery, lWff23c;
dairy, Mfiisp.
tUUS-Firm, 26HO, c count.
ReeelDt. ShlDinrnt".
Flour. bbls '. 7.00 11000
Wheat, bu ? im 71 on)
Corn, bu 107 (ft S3.0D0
Oata, bu f 39,000 7.0u0
Coadltlaa at Trad and Quotations aa
Staple aad Fancy Prodoce,
EGGS Receipts, moderate; fresh stock,
tWlLC. '
LIVE POTTI.TRTHens. ftM4c: rprlng.
chickens, ftfjHc; roosters, accoruing to aa1,
aq-c; lufaeys, lsiai&e; auexs, geerr.
HREBHKD POl LTRY Turkeys, uraiac;
ducks, lCKfillc; geese, 10c; chickens, 1l)jt3
n L'TTER Packing stock, lo4jtfiie; cnoice
10 lancv dairy rolls, lzunr; scparaior, i.e.
FRKfili FISH Trout. 10c; pickerel.
Pike. 9c: rierch. 7c: bhieflsh. 15c: whltefiah.
9c; salmon, 11c; haddock, 10c: codllsh, 12c;
redsnapper. 11c; lobsters, boiled, per lh.,
c; lobaters, green, per lb., 2"c: bullheads.
11c; catfish, 14c; black bass, 20W2nc; liallbut,
13c; era poles, 12c; herring, 6c; white bass,
13c; blucflns, 8c.
OYSTERS New York counts, per can,
Sc: per gal.. $2.00; extra selects, per can
35c; per sal . $1.80; standard, per can, 27c;
HIIAN Per ton. 1114.50.
HAV Prices quoted by Omaha Whole
sale pealers' association: Choice No. 1 up
land. $460; No. t. $4.00; medium, $5.50;
coarse, $5.00; rye straw, $6.00. These prices
are for hay ofood color and quality. De
mand fair and receipts light.
OATS 37o.
KYE No. t. BOc.
. POTATOES Colorado, hie; Dakota, per
bu. 7' m 75c;. native, flfi'570c.
. SWEET I'OTATOES-IUInols, per bbl.,
NAVY BEANS Per bu., $2.25.
CELERY Rmall, per dox., 26(ff35c; large
California. (We, 75o and 9Ijc
ONIpNS Spanish, per crate, tl.50; Colo
rado yellow, per bu., $1.00; red, per lb., lHc.
CAnHAOF-WlsconsIn Holland, 8U3V4c.
TI.'RNIPS 4'anada rutabagas, per lb.,
l4c; white, per bu., 60c.
CARROTB Per bu.. 75c.
PARPNIPS-Per bu., 0c.
KKKT8 lr bu., 60c.
CAULIFLOWER-Callfornla, per, crate,
CUCUMBERS Per dot., $1.28.
RADISHES Per dox. bunches, 83c.
LETTUCE HEAD Per dos hunches, 90c
C$1. 00; per bbl., $7.00; leaf lettuce, per &jk.
bunches, 4Bc. .
TURNIPS Southern, per dos., 75c,
BEETS Southern, per dos., 76c.
CARROTH-Southern, per doi., 5e.
PARSLEY Southern, per dos., $1..
ONIONS Southern, green, per dox., 609
APPLES California, Beflflowers, per box,
$1.60; Baldwins and other varieties, $3.60;
New York export Greenings,- Russets and
I'.aldwJns, $3 75.
GRAPES Pony " Catawbas, 20c; Imported
Malagas, per keg, $6.0016.00.
CRANBERRIES Jeraey, per bbl.. $7.00
per box, $.'.60; Wisconsin Bell and Bugle,
8.0ftU8.60; Hell end Cherry; $S.
ORANGES Florida Brlghts and Russets,
oil slsas. $2.26; naVels, all sixes, choice, $2.25
482.36; fancy, all sixes, $2.75.
- LEMONS California fancy, 800 to 860
sizes. $4; choice, 240 to 270 sixes, $3.50.'
FIGS California, per 10-lb. cartons, 85c;
Imported Smyrna, 8-crown, 14c; 6-crown,
Pic; 7-crown, 18c.
BANANAS Per medlum-slxed bunch, $2.00
$2.60; Jumbo, $2.75r(3.26.
COCO A NUTS Per sack, $4; per dos., 0e.
DATESPerslan. per box of 30 pkgs., 2i
per lb., In 60-lb. boxes, 6V4o; Oriental stuffed
dates, per box, $2,40.
CHEESE Wisconsin twins, full cream,
12c; Wisconsin- Young Americas, 13c; block
Swiss, 16c; Wisconsin brick, 13c; Wisconsin
umnurger, jzc.
HONEY Nebraska, per 24 frames, $3;
Utah and Colorado, per 24 frames, $3.25.
MAPLE SUGAR Ohio, per lb., 10c.
CIDER Per bbl., $5.75; per H bhl., $3 25.
POPCORN-Per lb., pV4c; shelled, 83V4c.
HORSERADISH Per case of 2 dos.,
packed. Sflc.
NUTS Walnuts, No. 1 soft shell, per lb.,
16o; hard shell, per lb., 14c; No. 2 ioft
. v. . 1 1 ... IK for, kanl K nl I ro,1 1H
12c; Braxlls.'per l'b., lie; filberts, per lb., llo
aimonus, sort men, per iu., xou, iisru siicu,
per lb., 13c; pecans, large, per lb., 12o;
small, per lb., 10c peanuts, per lb.. ' 6c;
roasted peanuts, per lb 7c; Chill walnuts,
1213Uo; large hickory nuts, per bu., $1.50;
shejl barks, per bu., 2; black walnuts, per
bu.. $125.
HIDES No. 1 green, bc; jno. z green, oe
calf, 8 to 12 lbs., 8Hc; No. 2 veal calf, 11 to
IS lbs., RHc; dry salted hides, stiuc: sneep
pelts. 76c; norsB niaes. i.oaj.ou.
-v -
Kansas City Grain and Provisions,!,r.: Julv. 72'u';2'4c: cash. No. 2 hard.
76078c; No. 8, 717ic; No. 4, 6Gi72c; relected.
tUoic; jno. s rea, vx; no. s, 31 ; re
oelnts 1M ears.
lUflIN May, .'ii'niic; juiy, aTt, turn,
No, mixed, 3Vtti No. 2 white, 41o; No.
OAl"8 No. I white, 88r39c; No. 1 mixed.
j-l A. x cnoice ximoiny, ma.wu-t uiiuic
BJIktlIlX7 Btl . . VV4
BUTTER Creamery, 19Q-21C; fancy dairy,
irnnfl Firm: Missouri and Kansas, cases
returned. 2340 ; new No. 1 whltewood cases
Included, 24o.
Wheat, bu.
Corn, bu...
Gats,, bu...
llG.m 101.600
77.6U0 . 66 800
, 10.0U0 ' 15,000
Philadelphia ProdnCa Market.
Steady, fair demand; extra, swestern, 23c;
extra nearoy,. me.
EGGS Steady, rair oemano; ireen near
hv. 11.1 at the mark: fresh western. 80c at
the mark; fresh southern, 29&30o at the
mark. ....... ,.. .
C1IEE.BE UUiet, put steaay; mew iotk
full creams, choice to fancy, HHflllc;
New York full creams, fair to good, lv
Mllwaake Grata Market.
No. 1 northern, t'uWc; No. 2 northern, f
kjk mrm: no. 1. uwqq r.
BARLKY Dull; No. 2, . C3c; sample, 36
CORN Tlrm; No. t, 4243c; May.
49o bid.
Minneapolis Grata Market.
Close: May, l-c; July, TSUc; September.
nc. on iraua: r o. 1 nara. tac; no.
northern. S9Vc: no. I northern. Hli81le.
FLOUR First patents, t4.704i4.60; second
patents, $4.40u70: first clears, 3.46nj3.
second clears, $?6C(i2!i. T
BRAN In bulk. 12.76ru16.00.
Liverpool Grata aad Provisions.
stocks exhausted; futures, quiet; March.
1 Ai.A KfuU 4t, Tnlv ItAlnln.l
CORN Spot. American mixed, steady at
4 ssfco ; American mixeo, OKI, nrm at 4s 3d,
Futures, quiet; January, nominal: March.
Dalath Grata Market.
DULUTH. Mini.. Jan. 2S.-WHEATIn
store: no. 1 nara. sec; no. 1 northern. 864o;
no. x norinern, c. iv arrive: no. 1 Hard,
K8c; No. 1 northern, ttivjc; No, 2 northern,
we. ftiav, uc; juiy, sic.
OAT4-On track and to arrive, Ka.
Toledo od Market. ,
TOLEDO. Jan. 23 -SEEDS-Clover. rash
and January, $6.86: February, 1.874: March.
$69-t. AUike Prime, tti.30. tlmothy-
I nmt, li eu. -
Oils and Rosla.
OIL CITY. ,Jan. tt. OII-8-Credlt bal
ances, lSa. CertificaVee, no bid. Shipments,
66.626 bbls.; average, 73.6ti6 bbls.; runs, 74..
678 bbls.; average, 64.523 bbls. Shipments
Uma, 72 610 bbls; average, 67 titl bbls.; runs,
Lima. 87. 4.4 bhls; averaK, 60,350 bbls.
SAVANNAH Jan. 23. tJli3 Turpentine
dull, 66c. Rnaln. firm: quoted at: C and D,
. zo; rj, J so; r yi t; u. IMS); it, I2.9IS; I
$3 15: K, $3.36; M. $116; N, $4.20; WO, $135
W V, M.T5.
NEW YORK, Jan. .-OIL8-Cottonseed
steaoy; prime cruue. nominal; prime crud
yellow. 36HSS64c; turpentine, easy, tTTWi
r,., riniicum. ioiv. re n nea rsew xork
S.tu. niiiBtieiinitt, sv.UD.
KtiBim nteady ; strained, common to
goou, f ou.
Evaporated Apples aad Dried Fralt.
APPLES The niarket shows no change
ii.iin int. i-oiiaiiions recently noted, t'om
mon are quoted at 4u6c; prims. 64itoVc
choice JViu": fancy. ',a7c.
continue sumewnat unsettled, with quota
tlons still ranging from 3o to 6H0 for all
grauf-n. npn'-mi are nrm: choice are
quoted at 'Ht,'c; extra choice. 9-Vttl0'c
fancv. IlcfilM, 4'es.rhes irt In f.lw M..,.,ot
choice) Quoted at 7V7e extra choice,'
iauL-y, rviw.
All Kindt of Cattlt Ooniiderablt Lower
Thai t Wcai Ago
hee Receipts Liberal at All Points
and with a Limited Demand
rrlees Ara Lower Thaa av
Week Ago oa All Grades.
Receipts wer.: Cattle, llog.a. shen.
Offlclal Monday I t.4 1 570 It.tS't
Official Tuesday ...
Official Wednesday
Offlclal Thursday ..
Official Friday
Official Baturday ..
.. 1.44
.. 4 4-
.. 2,tm
.. 195
2.62 i
Week ending Jan. 23... 14 7 42 326 82,752
Week ending Jan. 16... 22. 76 41.4!9 4'.031
W'eek ending Jan. ....17.7fS 42.614 40.600
Week ending Jan. 2.... 12.226 46.740 25,213
Week ending Dec. 26.. 7,1" 32.RRI 14,S:
Same week last year...U54S 47.742 26,124
The following table shows the receipts of
tattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha
for the year to date and comparisons with
last year:
, 1904. 1903. Inc. Dee.
66.140 57.918 1,778
L'"-8 137.9 139,90 2.IJ01
6heP 117.722 73,004 44.718 ....
A vera MS nrtnea nIH 4,n r flmith
Omaha for the last several days with com
parisons: ,
Pta. I19M. lt33.1902.lBTjl.lI00.189l.18J.
4 4 t 331 t 231 4 6I 4 III 1 I 43
4 90: 4 33 2 57
4 l 4 29 t 67i t 48
I 02 4 271 8 411 8 44
1 4 75 t
f Mv S K7
i 041 4 371 1 471 I 7
4 6H! 6 311 t ?4i J 4 251 2 481 3 3
4 StiVI 6 X.1I 091 ft AK,' i 421 2 40
4 601,1 4 4S 6 091 5 06 4 34 t 48
4 60 B 401 S 16 6 14 4 3H 3 451
401 6 14 5 261 4 351 3 601 3 43
t 141
4 63V.
6 231 4 41 3 561 3 43
4 n
t 45
6 17 4 49' 3 60 13 47
6 4
e oo
t 14
6 22
4 631
3 Ml 8 49
3 Ml 8 49
4 72,! t 36i
6 K
4 68
a 47
8 621
t 4H 8 47
6 491
4 161
201 4 62,
6 1
6 )
6 l
4 48
4 6SH
4 72HI
4 6S'n;
4 85"
6 22,
4 551 3 61 8 01
t 39
6 27
6 25
4 641 8 64! 3 54
6 47
6 5S
6 15
6 02
4 64
4 63
3 66! 8 60
3 69 3 64
8 67
A 63
6 12
6 14
4 69
Indicates Sunday.
The Official numhur nf ears nt stork
brought In today by each road was:
Road. Cattle.Hogs.Sh'p.H'scs.
C.. M. St. P. Rv 17
Wabaah 1 .
Missouri Pacific Ry 2 1 .. 1
nion raciitp system 9 1 1
:. A N. W. Ry 1
V.. E. & M. V. R. R 22 1
C, St. P., M. St O. Ry.. .. 2
B M. Ry 2 10 t
C, B. & Q. Ry .. $ .,
K. C. k St. J 1 1
C, ft 1. A P, Ry., east.. .. t
C, H. I. & V. Hy west. 1 .. ..
Illinois Central t .. .,
Chicago Ot. Western.... . 1
Total receipts 6 89 11 6
The disposition of the day's receipts was
s follows, each buver mirchastne' the num
ber of head Indicated:
Buyers. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
Omaha Packing Co
Swift and Company
, w 1.2S9
. l.Snl
. 1 1,077
luaany I'acaing uo
Armour & Co
Armour ft Co., Sioux City
Sol Degan
8. A S. Co
Other buyers
Totals 136 6.632
CATTLE There were not enough rattle
on sale this morning to make a market
For the week offerings have been rathor
limited, the decrease as compared with last
week amounting ,to about 8,000 head and .n
compared with the, corresponding wepk of
last year there la a falling off of about
6,000 head. In spite of that fact, however.
the general market has been slow moat of
the week with prices considerably lower.
The proportion of corn-fed steers Included
In the receipts haa been no more than nor
mal. The quality has hardly been un to the
Usual standard owing to the fact that moat
of the offerings were short-fed and could
not oe classed above fair to good. Occa
sionally a choice bdnch would arrive and
as high as 15 was paid thla week. The mar.
ket moved steadily downward until Thure-
aay, wnen there was a slight reaction, and
on Friday prices were If anything a trifle
stronger. Even at that the market is all
of 104.15C lower than a week ago. The re
port Is that the beef market In the east Is
in rather Dad shape and as a result the de
mand from packers as well as ahlnnera la
rather limited. , Short-fed and common cat-
lie are selling irom flown, fair to
good grades from $4.25 to $4.50 and good to
choice from t4.60 to $6.
The cow market has also been In rather
bad shape, the course of prices being much
tne same aa roiea aoovs tor steers.
Wednesday was the low day of the Week,
but even with Thursday's and Friday's Im
provement the market Is right around
15c lower for the week, except possibly In
the case of something that Just suited .buy
ers. Canners and cutters ara selling largely
from $1.50 to $2.25, fair to good grades from
$2.40 to $2.-90 and good to choice from $3 to
$3.60, with something prims from that up
ta $3.75.
Bulls have eased off snout lMrZ5e. the
greatest loss being on the better grades:
Bologna bulls are now selling from $2 to
$2.50, fair to good from $2.60 to $3.26 and
good to choice from $8.25 to $3.76. Veal
calves have not shown much change, the
better grades selling largely from $5 to
$5.26, With a top at $5.50.
There has been a -fairly liberal run cf
stockers and feeders here this week, and as
the demand from the country has been
aomew hat limited the tendency of prices
has been downward. The good heavy cattle
are perhapa not over 10ftl6c lower, but aside
... . . M . . i r i--. , -
Pom tnose Vie general innrmn in i n
lower than a week ago. The common cattle
an from 13.25 down, fair to good from
$3.25 to $3.50 and good to choice from $3.00
to $4 .26. itepresenisriv.. ssies;
I in,ir
Ms. Av. tt ho. av. rr.
1 1140 I
ant a u
HOUB-Keceipis mis morning were noi
teavy, and as the demand was In fairly.
food shape tne marsei uucneu icuvi auu
uliv nickel hlaher. This judvance car
ried the market to the highest point reached
in some time paau . nauiag. was quite
active at lha advance, so that all' the early
arrivals were soon oinposea ot. uignt siurr
sold largely from $4.M) down, light mixed
from $4.80 to $4 90, good heavy hogs from
$4 9v to $4.96 and as high as $6. 00 was paid.
About the middle of the forenoon a train
arrived with several cars of hogs and
buyers then seemed to have their more
urgent -orders tilled and the market closed
slow ana weag, wun iu advance prac
ttfAllv all lost.
For the wtk receipts have been a trine
heavier than for last weeg but there la a
slight decrease as compared with the same
week of last year. The demand has been
In good shape and the tendency of prices
upward. On Monday and Wednesday there
was a reaction, but the week closed with a
net sal n over the close ot last week
amounting to 16o to 26c. Representative
A V. SB. rr.
. Sh. rr.
..121 .. I tttt
..111 14 4 7tt
..114 .. i 17
..Ml IN tN
..til SO 4 10
..Ut lit 4 10
..144 ..40
..t4 ..4 40
..111 .. 4 0
. K0 110 4 0
..!:' 140 4 to
..lit W 4 10
M. . . .
11 ...
...164 44 4 4
...1(1 .. 4T
M 4 M
...U4 IN IH
...mi ..IS
...1M .. 4 M
...lie .. 4 M
...121 H 4 .. 4 U4j
...M .. iil't
...Ml 4 4 M
...l .. 4 U
..15 , N
...141 110 4 U
...2.1 U) tU
.. Ul M IU
il .
IS. .
..141 ..40
..n too 4 titt
.21 110
4 2tt
4 I2tt
I at 124 4 W
...1X1 M I ItW
...174, 1M 4 !'
...HA .. 4 ltt
...161 SO 4 Mtt
...IM 40 4 2tt
...271 120 4 I2W
...lut ISO I 16
...Ml 1M K
...177 .. 4S6
...S'10 110 4 W
...M4 ..4 44
..III .
.. IU
.. 4 SJ
.. 4 4
40 4 I7Uj
40 4 l"4
0 4 I74i
40 4 17
144 4 17 tt
10 I 17V.
m ito 4 "tt
in .. 4 ritt
.114 t .. I7tt
.111 ' .. 4 Mtt
.III .. 4 Htt
2VI 10 4 tl
TO 12 4 M
14 ..IN
,.10 .. 4 t7tt
.SIT SO 4 47 S
114 10 I R4
811KEP There were several cars of sheen
on sale this morning, but moat of them
were sold to arrive. For the week, receipts
are about 8.000 head short of last week, but
as compared with the same week of last
year there la sn Increase of over f.Oco
The market the first half of the week
was In rattier bad shape and prices reached
the low point on Wednesday. HI nee that
time tha general tone to the trade has been
decidedly better and the tendency or prices
upward, so that about half of the loss,
whli h amounted to 25c to 40c, has been re
gained. The part fat and common kind
have been neglected and hard to sell at
any price. L'ommuutlon men are advising
their, patrons to make their sheep and
lambs fat bfore dlsDonina of them.
Feeders have been scarce all thla week, so
that la spite or the drop in tbe price ot
Jan. 8.,.. I
Jan. 8 ...
Jan. 4....
Jan.. t ...
Jan. 6....
Jan. 7....
Jan. 8.,..
Jan. ....
Jan. 10...
Jan. 11...
Jan, 12...
Jan. 13...
Jan. 14...
Jan. 16...
Jan. 16...
Jan. 17...
Jan. 18...
Jan. 19...
Jan. 20...
Jan. 2....
Jalt. 22...
Jan. 23...
killers there has not been much change on
feeU rs. Prices, however, ara a Mule lower,
particularly tin the commoner kinds.
ijtiotntit ns ror cornred stock: Choirs
Western Ismbs, $R50j5.76; fair to good
lambs, $5.0"'(45 60; good to choice yearlings,
$4.5"i6.00; fair to good yearlings. $4.2n1i4..i0;
good to choice welhers, $4.0i"i4.25; fair to
good wethers. M S"n4 (iu: good to choice
ewes. $3.6"-n4 ti tulr to good -ewes, $3.2f,t
6M weatern ewes
I 66
t 65
141 WeHtern ewes
4"3 western ewes
100 western ewes ....
3ri.1 western ewes .....
3;9 westei n ewes
10 wealern yearlings
t western wethers .
10O western lamhs ...
t western lambs ...
3 65
I 66
4 73
3 75
4 00
4 00
6 23
t 23
Cattle Receipts Show. Falling Off and
Steady Prices Are the Rnle.
CHICAGO. Jan. 23. CATTLE Reoetnts.
too head; market nominal; good to prime
titcers, 3 Or 4 4.26; stockers and feeders. $2.00
04.00; cews, $1.504r4o0; heifers. $1.75'a4.00;
bulla. 32.O0W4.0O; calves. $3.00!4.10.
HOGS Recelnta. 17.0i bead: estimated
Monday, 35.OH0 head: market steady to
strong; mixed and butchers, $t.90fc5.1u; good
to t notce ncavy, x5.nvus.2u; rough heavy.
1.8Mi5.or: light. $4.60ii5.00: bulk of sales.
H Mi 5. 05.
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 1000
head; market steady;, lambs. $7: rood to
choice wethers, $3.1(iiff4.50; fair to choice
mixea, .z.vo4.(io: western Sheep $3.MKa4 25;
native lambs, $4.00i.ou; western, lambs, $4.15
Kansaai City Live Stock Market
ceipts, 2,500 head; no southerns; market
steady; export and dressed beef steers,
$4.3ii4io.OO; f.ilr to good, $3,754(4.26; western
fed steers, t3.5ojj4.2o: stoekrs and feeders,
$3 O0J)410; southern steers, $.1.00 n 4.00 ; south
ern cows, 2.00U2 75r native cows, t2.0nfj3.Ki);
iinnvfl neiit-ra. onus. i.iijnu
calves. $2.7516.00. Receipts for the week,
,500 head.
HOGS Receipts. 2.000 head: market fic
higher; top, $6.10; bulk of sales, $4.856.05;
heavy, 5.uoifj6.10; packers, $4.86(&6.05; pigs
and lights, $4 40ijj4.9o. Receipts for, the
week, 6.700 head.
SHEEP AND LAMBS No receipts; mar
ket nominally steady; native lambs, $4.6of
6.80; western lambs, $4.&O'li5.70; fed ewes,
f3.6nfi4.00: western fed yesrllniis. $4.0005.26:
stockers and feeders, $2.7&4.00. Receipts
lor tne ween, in.av neaa. .
St. Inls Itvc Stock Market.
ST. LOUIS. Jan. 23 CATTLE Recelnta.
400 head, including 60 head Tcxans; market
quiet and about steady ; native shipping
and export steers., the top paid
ior ainciiy jancy wnen omainaoie; aresseu
beef and butcher steers. I4.Oikm6.36: steers
under 1,000 lbs.. $3.5iW5.00; stockers and
feeders. 82..WI4.00: enws and heifers. $2.2Stff
4 50, the top for corn fed heifers; canners,
.'.a(U2.tio; nuns. 1z.40rq4.OJ; calves, r;i.5oii7.oo;
Texas and Indian steers, $2.30fr4.10, with
fed worth tin to $4.30: cows and heifers.
hogs Receipts. 3,000 head; market strong
end higher: pigs and lights, $1.5n'(,4.80; pack
ers. ?t. 76015110: butchers And best haavv.
t4.85ti5.15. '
biieki' AND LAMBS No receipts; mar
ket nominal; native muttons. t3.50fJ4.50;
lambs, t4.25fl5.75; bulls and bucks, $2.00(0
4.25; stockers, $2.002.75.
New York Live Stock Market.
NEW YORK. ' Jan. 23 -BEEVES-Re-
celpts, 61 head; market steady all around;
native saJcs. t4.62V&6.16; a few heifers at
t3.75; bulls. $3.7.Vn43n; dressed beef, steady;
city dressed native sides. 7!!i9e. Cables
quote American steers, general sales, UW
12c, dressed welRht; refrigerator beer. Soffit
khc. KeportJd exports ror today, 1,460 head
beeves, fi.rtno quarters of beef.
CALVES Kecetpta, 48 head: no trading
of much consequence: city dressed veala.
SiilSo per lb.
MOHH Receipts, 3,784 head.
SHEEP AND LA M BS Receipt s. 8.831
head; sheep rated quiet and steady: lambs,
slow, about 10c lower;' sheep, $:i.75(frt.37V;
one deck at $4.75: lambs. t5.75fi6.40: dreBsed
mutton, 74jSHc; dreoaed lambs, 9lul0c.
St. Joseph Live Stoek Market.
relnts. 110 head: market stendv: natives.
$3.26i.fl0; cows and heifers, il.5tKuM.86; stack
ers ana ieeaers, ,
HOGS Receipts, 4.132 -i head; market
steady; lights, t4.70-ij5.00; medium and
neavy, I4.IKW&.10.
SHKKf Aisu LAMBa Receipts. 100 head:
market steady. . t.
Sloas City Live. Stock Market.
BIOUX CITY la.. Jan. 21 (Special Tele
gram.) CATTLE Receipts. 100 head; mar
ket unchanged; beeve. $3.604.86; cows.
bulls and mixed, $2.25Tj3.60; stockers and
feeders. $2.75tf3.75; calves and yearlings,
HOGS Receipts, 4.500 .head; market
steady, selling at tl.66jpi4.90; bulk, $4,754.S6.
. Stock In Slurht.
Following are the recelDts of live stock'
at the six principal western cities yester
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
South Omaha 196 6.8",o 13.86
Chicago 300 17.000
Kansas City
St. Louts ....
St. Joseph ...
Sioux City ..
.. 4n0
.. 110
.. 100
8.006 87,62 15,986
Cotton Market.
. NEW TOBK. Jan. 23.-COTTON-The
market opened easy at a decline et Mil
points under liquidation following cables
that were lower than expected and reports
that the latest advances had Interrupted
spot demand in the south. The bullishness
of the week-end, and the light receipts
wun ins estimate ior next weex s in sight,
placing it at 220,000, against 2G1.000 bales I
last year, served, in connection with the
bullish attitude of the market leaders 40
restrict offerings, and after tha opening
the market ruled steady to firm, although
narrow and Irregular. Futures closed firm.
Futures. Arm; January, 14.67c bid; Febru
ary. 14.7tVftl4.72c; March, 14.8h14,9o; April,
15.13016.16c; May, 16.Si 'fl5.S4c; June, 16.45M
16.47c; July, 15.61rl5.62c; August, 14. 66
14.6c; September, 13.z&o asked. Bpot, firm;
ealus, t.860 bales; ordinary, 124c; good or
dinary, 13t-lGc; low middling, 14 8-16c; mid
dling, It -ltk; good middling, J.4 l-16o; mid
dling fair, 16 1-ltk?; receipts, 4,880 bales;
stock, 4U.153 bales.
BT. LOC4S, Jan. 23.-COTTON-Flrm and
unchanged; middling, 14ttc; sales, bales;
receipts. 500 bales; shipments, i bales;
stock, 22,5'. bales.
little done, prices 10 points lower; Ameri
can fair, good middling, 8d; middling, 7 H0d;
low middling, 7.84d; good ordinary, 7.74d;
ordinary, 7.54d. The sales of the day were
t.ouo bales, of which 300 were tor specula
tion and export, and Included 2,300 Ameri
can; receipts, none. Futures opened quiet
and closed easy; American middling, g. o.
c, January, 7.70d; January and February,
7 .64i7.67d; February and March, T.6&37.66d:
March and April, T.64'37 6&d; April and
May, 7. 67. 83d; May and June, 7.tild; June
and July, 7.67(Q7.68d; July and August,
7.64d; August and September, 7.36d; bep
tember and October, iVttid; October and
November, 6.54d.
Coffee Market.
market tor coffee futures opened steady at
unchanged prices, with considerable liqui
dation In progress. There were very bull
ish private cables from the French market,
while advices from Brazil indicated the ap
proach of interior exhaustion with present
receipts running very light. This stimu
lated the demand. Europe was an espe
cially sctive buyer, and while profit tak
ing continued the market waa finally
steady, net unchanged to o points higher.
Bales were reported of 145,000 bags, includ
ing February. 7.70c; March. 7.8("ti 7H5c: April.
7ty7 fcc; May, 1.10c; July, 8.33ti.40c; Aug.
ust, 4bc; Beptemoer, t.wya boc; October,
I u6c; November, 8.80c; Docember, t 86gl 8dc.
Bpot Rio. firm; No. 7 invoice, 7'c; mild,
firm; Cordova, 84 lie.
aaar and Molasses.
NEW TORK. Jan. 23-SUGAR-Raw.
nominal; fair refining. 2 7-lrtc; centrifugal,
76 test. 8 6c: raolasaes sugar, t t-Sc. -Refined,
dull; No. C. 4.06c: No. 7, 4 0uc; No. 8,
I K; No. . 3 90c: No. 10. t KSc; No. 11, 8 70c;
No. 12, I75e: No. IS, -70c; No. 14. 1.66c;
confectioners , 4 Snc; mould. 4.3uc; cut loaf.
605c; crushed, t.U&c; powdered, 4.55c; gran
ulated, 4 45c; cubes. 4.70.
MOLABSF.S Firm; New Orleans open
kettle, good to choice. 2Kiil7c.
Quiet: open kettle, 2&3 1-lfie; open kettle
centrirugai, stijc; centrifugal white and
yellow. 3l-.'(i3'c: seconaa, Z''u3I4ic.
MOLABSF.S Nominal; pen kettle. 20
coc; ceniriiugai. iisc. ayrup, auu, 22c.
Wool Market.
BT. LOII8. Jan. t3.-WOOL-Nomlna1 :
medium grades, combing and clothing, 17
fc'-'lo; lisrh t fine. JfV'i ITSvc; heavy fine. 12ft
14V; tub washed, 2iij31c.
I.ONDON. Jan. 23.-WOOL Tbe arrivals
for the second series of suction sales
amount to 6l.3uO bales. Including SI. 000 bales
iorwaro"i o rfn 10 stunners, tx ports this
week: New South Wales. 115 bales; Queens
land. t.5ug bales; Victoria. t.OeO bales; South
Australia, U7I bales; Cape, of Good Hope
.... VI, .,c V--.T..- .,.. -ti, i today was (Inactive, The market was
feeder ill fjl.f h depressed by unfavorable London
K eJl. Ii --)? 4'Si.frT-n.JWv!,il? advices relative to the Russo-Japanese slt-
J.25, culls, Representative sales. ua,ion. but at thfl cloe WR, cm, Ru,.
V.V. ' 'iV; einn imperial 4s closed at 100 60. Russian
sk .. " fa i in Ihdustrltils were lower. Rio Tlntos lost t
IS S "I! ilr. I francs. Three per cent rentes, 97 franc
1 cliimed' Vw'.,' Li i nn !nd centimes for account. Exchange on
ic IKS III :::::::::::::::::::: & SS 'rnn d w wnum t
nd Natal, 4.ST9 bales; elsewhere, 71 bales.
The wool auction sales scheduled for to
day were postponed on account of fog.
Forelaa Financial.
INDON, Jan. 23 The amount of bul
lion taken Into the Bank of England today
waa ,g,tn). The sum of 1 60. Mat waa with
drawn for shipment to South America,
1 a ma, Jan. ;. Hiislncas on the oourse
BERLIN, Jan. 23. Trading on the boerse
toxlHy was light. , Exchange on London,
20 marks 48U for checks.
Clearing; llonse Averages,
NEW YORK. Jan. 23 The statement of
averages of the clearing house banks ot
this city for the week snows: Loans $966,.
064.900. increase Km.669.3oO; deposits $'.86.3i,
300, Increase $45,034,700; circulation $43,141,
2t," decrease; $6.t6,fcO; legal tenders 977,4l40.
60, Increase $W,800; specie, $l!.2O7.!a0, In
cronse $13,&.!8.xoo; reserve $2i!,648,6oo, in
crease $14,149,600; reserve required $-'46,576,-825,
lncreaso $11,268,676; surplus t26.072.87S,
increase $2,890,926; ex-United States deposits
$35,289,260, Increase $2,886,226.
Bank Clearings for Week.
OMAHA. Jan. 23.-Bank clearings for the
week comuMired with the corresponding
week last year:
. 1,181,712.85
. 1,307.873.01
. 1.316.154 6t
. 1.160,330.27
. 1.008.489.72
1,0.377 t
1 U7.' 63.73
Monday ..........
An Increase over tha corresDond na week
last year of t4ou,001.35.
Metal Market.'
local markets were dull today at generally
unchanged quotations. The copper market
ruled about steady; lake, $12.7f,fil3.00: elec
trolytic, $12.02Vial2.87V4; casting. $12 jixff
12 75. Tin waa barely steady, with spot
$28.001 28.50. Spelter, quiet, 4.9CB6. The
feeling In the Iron market Is unsettled.
though prices remain nominally unchanged.
ST LOUIB, Jan. 13 M ETA LS Lead,
held at $4.50. Spelter, steady, $4.70.
Imports and Exports at New York.
NEW YORK. Jan. 23 Imports of dry
goods and general merchandise at the port
or iew ioik ior tne jeeg were vaiueo at
:i3.ia.3. imports oi specie at iew jorg
or the last week were tin. 331 gold and
$11,215 silver. Exports of specie from this
port for the week were $1,100,277 silver and
$-8,83 gold.
London Stock Market.
LONDON. Jan. 23. Today is a holiday on
the Stock exchange. '
bilvkk Bar, timet, per os.
MONEY 2V4ii2V4 per cent. Discount rates:
Short bills, 8'-4 per cent; three months' bills,
3Vs33H per cent.
Dry Goods Market.
ween closes with buyers taaing a rair
amount of goods and sellers asking higher
prices. Jobbers report a better feeling in
staple Bonds and anticipate a more active
aemana wun tne coming weeK.
Imperial Ukase Monopolises Attention
at St. rrtersbnra; and Will Meet
Modern Requirements.
ST. PETERSBURG, Jan. 24. The Imperial
ukase ordering the assembling of govern'
merit conferences under the presidency of
governors of various provinces where the
rural authorities hold office, and in the
governments of Kleff, Volhynia and Pqdo-
Ha, In order to elaborate the new peasant
laws, monopolises attention here, relegating
the far eastern crisis to secondary place,
The press enthusiastically halls the pro
posed reforms, which are baaed on the
manifesto of March 11, 1903, the newspapers
reiterating .that this Is the greatest step
for the betterment of the conditions of th
peasantry since tha emancipation of the
Rent a room and win a prize at the same timet
Beginning Sunday, January 24th, The Bee will give prizes
to those who rent rooms as a result of an advertisement in
The Bee. Read the conditions carefully
The prizes will be awarded either to the party letting the room or to the roomer; re
Bpectively, as designated in the prize list. ' '
Trizes will be awarded in tbe order named to the party letting or'to.the party who
rents a room according to the day and hour rented, as the result of a Want Ad appearing
In The Bee on Sunday, January 24th,, or during the days following.
Each candidate for a prize must have both the certificates which appear below, filled
out, one by the party letting the room and the other by the roomer, -attesting the genuine
"ness of the transaction and the exact time t hat the bargain was made.
It makes no difference whether the advertisement appears under the heading of "Fur .
nished Kooms," "Furnished Rooms and Board" or "Unfurnished Kooms." r
1 . ' Value.
1st Novel (to the party letting the room).... 11.23
2nd "Mother Goose Paint Book" (to the party
letting the. room) ,. 1-23
3d "Great Plctureg by Great Painterg" (to
tbe roomer) 1.W
4th State Map (to the roomer) 1.00
5th Cash (to tbe party letting the room) 5.00
6th Novel (to tbe roomer) 1-25
7th Norel (to the party letting tbe room).... 1.23
8th SUte Map (to tbe roomer). . . . , 1.00
0th fLlfe of Napoleon," three volume, (to
the roomer) . COO
10th-0ae 4 2-Piece Dinner Set (to the party
letting the room) ...10.00
llth-s'oTel ( to the roomer) 1.23
12th "Living Animals of the World" (to the
party letting the room) 0.00
13th Art Pictures (to the roomer) .SO
14th Art Pictures (to the party letting the '
room) -SO
15th Cash (to the roomer).. 0.OO
Address all replies to
"Want AdM
serfs. The ukase Is welcomed by the lib
erals, although the Novosl remarks that It
Is a "pity that the peasants themselves are
not empowered specifically to send dele
gates." Following are some of thAalms of
the proposed refotme:
First To hermonlr.e the existing peasant
legislation with modern requirements.
Second To rorganls the courts In order
to expedite the settlement of village dis
putes. Third To define Individual rights regard
ing communal lands.
Foiirth-rTo discover means for stimula
ting Individual enterprise and the adoption
of modern rrethHls.
Fifth To settle disputes between the
peasants and neighboring landowners.
Sixth To Instil In tbe peasants reapect
for thn laws and rights of property.
The new laws will only be applicable to
the provinces of European Russia, where
reliable statistics and data are available,
and without which the drafting commutes
declines to undertake the task.
First "Ward Improvement Clabs Hold
Animated Joint Sessloa at
1 Lincoln Hall.
The Grsnd.Vlew Improvement club, to
gether with the South Side Improvement
club and the Gibson Improvement club, the
three comprising the Improvement clubs ot
the First Ward, held a meeting at Lincoln
hall, Sixth and Pierce streets, Isst night,
with Clyde Bundblad presiding.
The chief matter to" be biought up was
the extension of the street car line from
Sixth and Pierce to Sixth and Bancroft
Streets, though the recent ordinance pro
vidlhg a city dump In that district received
a good deal of attentlbn. Councllmen Hoye,
Huntington, Evans and Back were pres
ent and promised to help the club In any
Improvements which they thought neces
sary and Were quite willing to serve on
committees If chosen.
Councilman Hoye, speaking as a member
of the South Side Improvement club of the
Second ward, wanted the Grand View im
provers to help in obtaining some struc
tures tn Rlvervlew park for shelter In case
of rain. Councilman Back spoke strongly
on the subject of the car line extension,
and also vigorously denounced the ordi
nance which provided for a city dump in
his ward.
The following committee was ordered to
see the directors' of the street railway
company pertaining to the extension of Its
line: Messrs Carr, Back, J. Sautter, Hut
ton, Hansen, .Le Meulx, Power, Guggenmos,
Dobylns, Bundblad and Ellson.
Mrs. Reenters Children Still Under
Indictment, bat Attorney Hopes
to Clear Up Mystery.
ALLENTOWN, Pa., Jan. 24.-Mrs. Cath
erine Bechtel, the aged mother of Mabel
Bechtel, who waa found murdered last
October, has been acquitted of the charge
of being an accessory to the murder after
the fact. The gray-haired defendant wns
Immediately released and went to her home,
accompanied by her children, Martha, her
youngest daughter, and her sons John and
Charles are under Indictment, but their
trials have been postponed. Former Mnyor
Schaadt, counsel for Mrs. Bechtel, says
he has instituted an investigation by which
he hopes to clear up the mystery surroumV
Ing the murder of the young woman.
Don't Cough All Night.
Restful sleep follows use of Dr. King's
New Discovery, the best lung cure In the
world. No cure, no pay. 60c, $1.00. For
sals by Kuhn ft Co.
Others Won Prizes
. . .
Last Week.
Why Not You This
Bee Publithing Co., Omaha.
advertised as
(Paste here
1W4, vxm
Xamt .. .
good faith
J.1 UIIW ty.......
Department. Omaha
"K.lght Hells" fil
The brothers Pyrin! .. ... t!,elr company f
comedians and acrobats nmuaeil two large
audiences at the Boyd theater yesterday
with "Eight Bells" In a new tune. While
the basis of the entertainment Is the same
as ever, many of the tricks ere new and
all the specialties are up-to-date. One of
the features of the performance Is the
singing of Miss Ettte Mitchell, a little girl
with a tremendous big voice, who gives
some "coon" songs with good effect. "Eight
Bells" will be given at a matinee again
Hitchcock, Crelghton and F.d Smith
Are Seagested by President of
Jackaoalaa Clan.
Frank L. Weaver, president of the Jack
sonlan club that club which expelled from
Its membership in 1896 those democrats who
did not support W. J. Brysn and recently
recanted and offered to reFtore these ex
iles wants to suggest the names of threo
Bryan men as delegates to the democratic
national convention.
"After a painstaking canvass, extending
over several weeks, I find that the consen
sus of opinion among members of the Jnck
sonian club and others. Is that the democ
racy of Nebraska should send Congress
man Gilbert M. Hitchcock, Count Crvlgh
ton and Ed P. Smith to the national con
vention," said Mr. Weaver last evening to
a reporter for .The Bee. .
"This conies directly from mo," contlncil
Mr. Weaver, "and Is not to be construed.'
as an action of the club. The men I hava
mentioned are recognised Bryan men. I
would have Congressmen Hitchcock for
dolegate-at-large and Count Crclghton and
Mr. Smith as our dlatrlct delegates." -
The club held an adjourned meeting Inst
night and besides routine business, con
sidered the advisability of chartering &
special train from Omaha to St. Inuia, the
national convention city, whero the demo
crats meet July 6. 1
These committees have been named by
President Weaver:
Executive Committee C. G. Cunningham,
A, H, -Hippie, J. J. O'Conner, Robert
AtcbUon, T. II. Cnxgrove.
Membership H. Williams, T. H. Caupte,
P. H. Tobln. Daft Gellus, John 7,ellus.
Campaign C. J Smyth, C. Parker. W.
O. Gilbert, V. Broadwell, John Power.
Ways and Means John Murphy, T. II.
Cosa-rove Robert Atchison. E. P. Berrv-
man, F. L. Weaver.
We have over 150 offices.
References: 175 State andMat I Banks.
Out of Town Business Solicited.
Omaha Branch! ltllFar'ia At. Tcl.J467
TH0S. M. WADDICK. Correspondent. S
Grain, Provisions & Stocks.
Room 4, N. T. Ufa Bldg.
Tel. 8380.
Operates IB Offices In This Stats. '
Established 1S87.
OMAHA, Jan. mt.
VeniUmen: This ti to certify that tht room
copy of ad clipped from papar.)
in Tht Omaha Jiu beginning January tith, 1
rented from mt in good faith on j
, 190k, at o'clock.
OMAHA, January ..
W. I
Jki Publishing Co., Omaha.
Gentlemen: Thti ti U certify that tht room
advtriimd at abovt in The Omaha Bet begin
ning January U, 1904, vat rented by mt in
on Jan luui, at
Prctent addrut , jJ
Bee, Omaha.