THE 0MAI1A DAILY BEE: SUNDAY. JANUARY 24, ! Telephones 81S-M. WE CLOSE SATURDAYS AT P. M. V "Mothlng Is difficult to a willing mind." x This bein;? the last week of our grent January Linen Hale it will be n final ( -lea ranee of all soiletl and mugged Uvble linens these are all subject to sweeping red net ions. TABLE CLOTHS All our $2.25 minwed and willed Table Cloths, In thts sale 1150 each. All our $4.00 mussed uml soiled Table Cloths. In this sale $2.75 each. All our KnO mussed nnd soiled Table Clot lis, In this sale WW each. All our $S.M nni-sed nnd rolled Table Clot hit. In this sale K.M ich. All our mussed nnd nulled Table Clot be, In thin nale $5.89 each. All our $1210 mussed and soiled Table Cloths, In thlN sale $0.89 sach. NAPKINS All our VI. 75 muxaed and soiled napkins. In this sale TSc a dosen. 'All our S2.25 'mussed and soiled Napkins, In this aula II. M a do Jen. All our IU4 mussed and soiled Napkins, In thla wale 12.00 a doaen. All our 15.00 musxed and soiled Napkins, In this sale CM a dozen. All our $4.50 mussed and no I led Napkins, In thla sale I2K doten. All our 110.00 mtiHsed and soiled Napkins. In this sale 16.18 a doien. All our $8.50 mussed and soiled Napkins, In this sale $4 TO a doxen, TOWELS All our 60c muxsed and soiled Towels, In this anla 25o each. -All our Too mussed and soiled Towels, In this aale too each. All our 45c H. 8. Towels, In this tale, toe each. All our 25c II. 8. Towels, In thla sulo 19e each. All our 12c Turkish Towels, In this si!e Bo each. All our 35c Turkish Towels, In this sale 25o each. CRASHES All our Vc. Brown Linen Crash, In this a lie SHc per yard. All our Wc Bleached I.lnen Crash, In thla sale 12 He per yard. LUNCH CLOTHS All our TSc II. S. Lunch Cloths, In this sale 60c each. -mask All our 60c Damask Scarfs, In thla tale too each. All our 60c H. 1 Scarfs, In thla sain lio each. All ouf '75c H, 8. Scarfs, In this sale 40c each. . All our, 8Hc rub Cloths, In thla sale 5c each. . Special Sale on Comforters and Blanket : $150 Comfortera, reduced to Wc each. , tl.TS Comforters, reiucei to $1.1 each. , , $2.50 Comforters, reduced to $1.78 each. 1 $3.00 Comforters, reduced to $3.28 each. - $3.50 Comforter, reduced to $J.R each. DRESS GOODS SPECIAL FOR MONDAY ' All the remnants of colored and black dress Roods from the great January clearing aale will go on sale Monday morning at 8 o'clock all marked at next to nothing In . prices. Waist lengths, skirt lengths and many full dress patterns, In both colored and , black dress goods , MUSLINS AND SHEETINGS Only six more days that you will have a chance to save from 20 to 33 per cent on muslins and sheetings. Pillow caMngs, wide sheetings, ready made sheets and pillow cases. Do tiot fall to attend this aale. OS-. !Y. M. C. A. Building. Corner WORK ON MURDER MYSTERY Mm Belie-ed to Bo. Slayer of Miu 8hFr i ' it low TJnchr Armt REVENGE SUPPOSED TO PE THE MOTIVE IndteutUna that Pnaslbly a Rejected niter Is Responsible,. lor Killing; No Attempt Made to Rob ' . Victim. - BEDFORD, Ind., Jan. 23. The police and detectivea, together with Mayor Smith and Prosecutor Stephenson, are of the be.Uet they have the murderer of Miss Sarah chaffer In the person of a man arrested at Crotheravtlle. whose clothes are spotted with blood." Mia fuce bears numerous cratches and upon the back of his head are several wounds. In his pocket was a letter so old that it la hardly legible, but on the back la a picture resembling thoae published of Mlts SchalTor. The man gives his name as Fred Branham. He was ar rested after attempting to hold up a saloon keeper at Crothersvllle. Branham assert that his horn Is Columbus, lnd., but he has not been In Indianapolis for several years. Ho said when arrusted that be was on his way to Louisville to see his mother and that he had been on the road to CrothersvlIU for four weeks, 1 during which time he has never left the Pennsyl vania ? railroad tracks.' He says he had not been In Bedford for a number of years. The testimony of Albert D.eleh during the police Investigation has done niu"b to strengthen the opinion of the police that the murder was unpremeditated, and resulted from nn old quarrel. Delch says that ha saw Mlr.s Srhaffer about 7 o'clock In company wlti a strong man at the cor ner of Fourteenth and M streets, and that hot words were exchanged. Delch gave a perfect description of Miss Schaffer and hla description of the stranger tallies with that of the man now hold at Crothersvllle. The patents of the victim have arrive! here and will return to Elkhart with the body. Three courts of Inquiry are being held by Coronor Plummer. Justice Fletcher and Mayor Br'.th. Alrthe suspicious char acters of Bedford have been apprehended and examined as to their whereabouts on the night of the murder. It was testified that Miss Schaefer left her boarding house, at Mrs. Martha John ston's on L street, between Fourteenth and Fifteenth streets, at 8:30 p. m., to go to her DR. FED HiriiELF Fennd tne Food That laved Hla Life. : A good old family physician with a life time experience In saving people final. y found himself sick unto death. j . Medicine failed .and but let him tell hi own atory. "For the first time In my life of a years I am lmpel'.ed to publicly testify to the value of a largely advertised article and I certainly would not pen thtsj lines except that, what stem to nfj a direct act of Providence, saved my life anl I am impressed that it ! a buunden duty to make it known. "For I years 1 kept falling with stomach and liver disorders until 1 was reduced ',0 lbs. fromroy normal weight. When I got too low to treat myself, 3 of my associa.e physician advised me to 'put my house in order for I would be quickly going the way of all mankind. Just about that time I was put on a diet of Grape-Nuts, predlgts ed food. Curlouhly enough It quickly txgan to build mo up, appetite returned ard In It day I gained lbs. That started my re turn to health and really saved my life. "A physician is naturally prsjjd c:d gainst writing such a letter, but In this esse I am willing to declare It from the housetop that the multiplied v thouaands who are now Buffering a 1 did can find relief and health as easily and promp ly by Qrap-Nuts. If they only knew wrat to do. Sincerely and Fraternally yours." Name of this prominent physician fur nished by Postum Co.. Battle Creek. Mich. Look In each package fer a copy of " the famous little book, "The Road to WsUvuia." Be. Jan. 24. '04. January Linen Sale. SCARFS $2.50 Gray Blankets, reduced to $1.75 a pair. $2.75 dray or White Blankets, reduced to $1.98 a pair. $3.60 White Blankets, reduced to $2.50 a fair. $4.30 White BlankeU, reduced to U 28 a pair. Sixteenth and Douglui rotn at Thirteenth and M streets, two squares away. About half-way she passed the moutlt Of the alley where, she was at- tacked. Blood splashes found on the cab In the shed Indicate that Miss Schaefer was truck lu the shed and wa In a standing position when struck. W. J. Cook.' a rab- man. who rents the shed from Mr. Dunn, tostlfied to finding the body. Mrs. W. P. Elliott testified to hearing a scream at :80 o'clock.; . . .. i 1 1 ii i The condition of the body was such as to fustlfv the hellt-f that the Hrl lived for several hour after she received the blows, The police believe that -the wounda were not all caused by Mow -with' the-brlok. Blood stains were found on It, but no hair. No motive has been found for the crime. Miss Schaefer was not robbed. She was brutally beaten, but not otherwise mis treated. The accepted theory of the nollce la that the murderer Va known to his victim nd approached her without creating any au- piclon in her mind, and that he suddenly dealt a blow that rendered her uncon- ccloue before she could, call for help. The Dollce are worklna- nn some slight clews which they say point to the theory that the motive was revenge. Miss Schaefer' umbrella was found where It had been stated penalties the navigation of private thrown over a fenc at the mouth of the vwsela, fishing within specified areas and alley. If was still open.' The police be- tha worrying out of marine work whir lleve It was being held by lomi one be- git be Inimical to Japanese naval In side Miss Schaefer when thrown over the threats. The decree Is regarded as being fence. Miss Schaefer received many letters highly significant. all of which she destroyed after reading. The K&kumln Shlmmhun. In a 'warlike ,' . . . ed'tortnl. declares that the arrival or non- Receive. Letter Before Death. Brr,vs, of Ru.b!a.. rop1y doe, Bot 4(tect the A few day ago she received a letter con- situation, and say that even hope of e- tnlnlng thirty-five closely written pages and curing the legitimate demands of Japan this she read several time before she de- diplomatically lias been abandoned, and strayed It. 6o far a can be ascertained the gavernment. therefore. Is compelled to he talked to no one concerning this letter, take such steps and to reserve to Itself but while reading It appeared at times con- such freedom. of action as will ensure per- slderably exercised. , petual peace in the far east. The police have been told also that Miss Confirming hla dispatch of yesterday y- Schnfer Jokingly said to a friend that her Ing that the doweger empress of China has sweetheart was In town and that she had decided St ell rosts to flcht for the freedom "fired him. but he would not stand the of Manchuria from foreign control, the cor- flro." It has also been told to the polk-e respondent of the Olobe at Shanghai sava that on Thursday evening a tall man, wear- China has been given full reasqji to depend Ing a long overcoat and a slouch hat, was on the armed assistance of the nowers for seen walking past Miss Schafer'a rooms, and this man had a. mustache. THIEF HAS MANY DIAMONDS Minneapolis Folic Make Rich Hani la Person of James Walters. MINNEAPOLIS. Jan. 2$. -James Walters. alleged to be one of the most socressfnl dinmonii tkUL.. i. ii.. T'ni.. s.tu ,,. arrested here by detectivea an hour before he Intended to leave for Chicago. More than $12,0T0 worth of diamonds were found In his possession, while he confessed to having disposed of about $13,000 worth of stones In the past three weeks. The specific charre on which h hM i. that nf robbina Tlainn.m. n-ien. n..ik.ei. nf $,- of stone at the Colonial hotel In San Francisco three weeks ago. With Writer was William Kerry, a local man, who kept the diamonds for him while he was In the city and who was arrested while awaKln'n hl finmnfinlnn at I Tn lrh ats tlon. Walter, .rrlved In Minneapolis five day ago and registered at the National hotel as "R T at.nv.rA r .il. H was plentifully supplied with money and cut quite a figure while In the city. After being arrested he was subjected to a vigorous examination and finally ad mllied that a companion knew where the stones were The nfflcers found Kerry at the station. When Walters wa. confronted wlth k'm k. , i .... , . had stolen Ih. .rM wh.r. h. ha.l disposed of a number of them Wracoed unln m h.nWrrhl w fnund diamond lltard. etudded with about 150 stones, and estimated at a value of about $0.(00; a diamend tipped coronet pin. a pearl and diamond necklace. Dearl and diamond hrea.tnin . r.i rin ur. rounded with twentv.twa diamonds, and pair of diamond atudded cuff buttona com Bleled the collection, making about $12,000 worth of ton-. He ha disposed of several diamonds in MlnneaDolls. and within the oast thr weeks sold $1.000 worth of atone in Tannma. Inokani and Seattle. - When ih- th.rt .... i...., n Bin Francisco a general alarm was sent out throuah ths ..imir. anA tha nnllre of every city bve been on the outlook for the thief. . RUSSIA' PREPARES FOR WAR Deiri Pao flo Utterances Torcei in lait irn Aiii Art Being Aogmsntfd. NCREASE NAVAL AND MILITARY STORES Activity at Dlark Sea Porta Com--tlnaea oa. More Extensive Scale and Railways Are Crowded. PORT ARTHUR, Jan. -i.-Hlgh officials here say they believe war or peace will be decided upon today or tomorrow After a conference of the bends of all the dtpartments of the Manchurian admlnls trstlon orders were Issued that a list of every available army and navy reserve man In Manchuria be drawn up, hi well as a list of those Indispensable for the civil administration which It la Imporslblo to end to the front. It is claimed -(hat the reserve Is 80,000 men. The bulk of the Port Arthur fleet Is stationed just outside the mouth of the harbor Naval and military stores In unusual quantities are being bought on the condl tlon of Immediate delivery. The admiralty authorities, answering Inquiries on the part of ship owners, Cecllne to define the rights of neutral ships bound for Japan. Shipping rates have advanced 100 per cent during the Inst fortnight, otherwise the traffic of foreign ships, especially In Japan coal which was obtained by indirect pur chase, continues normal. The shipping companies, however, are preparing to with draw from hero The authorities are con sldertng the question of removing the mm combatants, for whose transportation ships are In readiness Owing to the disorder In the native city here among the coolies, because the gov ernment works have been stopped, a large force of guard occupy all the streets nightly. Japanese Takes Gloomy View. LONDON, Jan 23 There Is no conftrma tlon here of the reports that Japan has oc cupied MasamDho. Baron - Hayashl, the Japanese minister, not only discredited them, but said that the Japanese govern ment had previously decided not to take any half measures or any steps which could be constra.-d as being prejudicial to the negotiations so long as they are pro ceeding. "When Japan decides to take ac tlon," he added, "It will announce It frankly to Russia and the rest of the world." According to Baron . Hayashl, the situation- Is unchanged. Ho continues to take the gloomiest view of the situation, The Russian ambassador. Count Bencken dorlj, when questioned as to the truth of the rumor tnat me reply or rtussia to Japan was sent from St. Petersburg yes terday, said: 'It Is not true. I have -not yet received any Information as to what form -the reply will take or when it will besent." Count .Benckendorff significantly remarked that he believed the question of Japanese settlements, In Manchuria "to be the most Important outstanding question. "But this," he continued, "certainly does not seem worth going to wax about. As regards the Japanese demand for the In elusion of a Russian acknowledgment cf Chinese sovereignty over Manchuria In the Russo-Japanese treaty, that Is merely a matter of words, ar,d surely no war about words would be Justifiable; so l am noperui ol a peaceful outcome of the negotiation! The announcement of the Associated Press from St. Petersburg that peace Is desired In such a high quarter la most s'g- nlflcant, but before the royal wish ean be assured tne ruinument or several question must dc emeu, isone pt mem, nowever are worth tne terrible recourse or vixr. Count Benckendorff added that be be "evea to De, correct tne report ;nt . tne British government did not think the quea. "on r Japanese settlements in ssancnuna, on which he laid much stress, was suffi cient to cause .war. . j . ,' . The British cabinet met at noon today. The main business was the king's speech at the reassembling of Parliament, and the Program, which probably received lome r viewing of the far eaatern Uuatlon, though na Foreign office Is without any further Information on this subject A dispatch to the Central News from Toklo says that an extraordinary Qaxette ha been published, containing an imperial oravna nee approving tne various coast ae fnse regulations and forbidding under 1 fno nalntenanen of Mm Integrity of the empire, nulte Irrespective of any action on th port of Jsr-sn, , , Activity on Black let Increases. NEW TOHK, Jan. 2S.-Mliltary activity at the Black sea ports continue on a more extensive scale than ever, cable a Russian correspondent of the Timet. Men are arriving for shipment on trans- Prt for the far east. The railways are gorged with military stores. Private ""eight U aldetracked In order to expedite tho ahlpment of supplies. Five more trans- P0''"- 'n tn of crK n1 're n"mb'' troops, will be dlspstched ,oon P"lbl- The transports will uke un and mn't'"1". vhten are needed at Port Arthur. The Russian officers are wagering on the ehancea of this or that transport reaching It destination In advance of tb opening of boatUitlea. May Bar Inlied States. ST. PETERSBURG. Jan. IS. The neces- of n ch"e view, between Rus- la and the other rowers rnter,sud regasd- 'ne "Pi"""'" " "' churla. "so aa tu avoid possible misunder standings and harmonise the Interest of Russia and the other powers in that prov ince." Is emphasised In today's Rubs. This paper says it learns authorltativtly that the announcement that Ruse: a has reo Ognlsed the inviolability of the rights ac- nuired by foreign powers In Manchuria unaer existing vj.i.icvwuu Wn rauncnuoii " t,-u......Biv;mi I treaty DClWCen IUB iniiw maic. nnu China or the Chinese-Russian treaty. The "" nenm mat nu.wa n.s given us aasent to tne rauncauon oi mew in..., "because, as China la not a vassal state, U has perfect liberty to conclude any a I treaty.'' - "Nevertheless." adds the Russ. "foreign power must take Into account the Rusalan occupation of Manchuria, which, although It do not eliminate the authority of the 1 Chines government, place certain re I strictlons on the exercise of that authority I which cannot escape the notice of foreign I representative who wlrh to enter Into J relation wfth the Chinees administration 1 Of that province." I WASHINGTON. Jan. ta-UniteJ Swtes I Minister Urlacom ."porta to the State de- partment from Toklo that there ha been no change In the situation there relative to the Russian negotiations. SEOUL,' Jan. S3. The Coresii government has made a formal declaration of neutral ity In the event of war between Japan and Russia. DIVORCES A SCANDAL (Continued from First Page.) sustained the archbishop In his conflict and will defend his action In the Spanish Cor tes, before which the prelate will soon ap pear to explain his actions. After this the archbishop will send his resignation to Rome Hr.d will retire to a convent of hli order, probably In Rome, to end his days In peace. t'ansca Criticism at Rome. The recent enthronement of the new archbishop of Westminster, Mgr. Bourne, has been the subject of many caustic com menta In Vatican circles because of the character of the ceremonial, some of the features of which are absolutely reserved for the ceremony of the coronation of a pope. Canon Moyses of the London cathedral had absolute charge of the arrangements and It his Idea that the ceremony shoyld be conducted on pre-reformatlon lines by reintroducing some of the usages prevailing when the ancient archbishops of Canterbury took poeaesslon of their office. The'piinclpal part of the ceremonial dis cussed In Rome was the adoption of a white silk canopy embroidered with his armorial bearings, under which the new archbishop made his solemn entry Into the cathedral. The words pronounced by Provost Johnron, when he actually en throned the archbishop In the name and authority of Ood without any mention of the Holy See, fonn another point of dls russlon at the Vatican. The ceremony of Introducing the foretasting of the bread and wine, used at the solemn pontifical mass, Is commented upon because, accord ng to tradition. It la reserved exclusively for papal celebrities. As Archbishop Bourne's modesty Is well known In Rome, he la not blamed sa much as his master of ceremonies. Who, with the best of Intentions, has set a precedent of which the Vatican authorities can but disapprove. The stand token by the new archbishop regarding the school question and his an nouncement that by the establishment of middle class day schools for boys at St. Edmund's. college, where he hopes to ob tain some of the government money In sup port of his new diocesan seminary, has met with general approval In Rome, where much is hoped from the untiring .energy of the head of the English Catholic church. Plus X was strongly impressed on the re cent visit of the archbishop to Rome and did not hide his Intention to promote hhn soon to the cardlnalltlnl dignity. The new bishop of Southwark will soon be named. Three candidates have beep recommended In Rome, Mgr. Fenton, Canon Amlgo of Southwark and Canon St. John, dlocesean treasurer. The first one' Is strongly backed, but the last seems more acceptable to all parties concerned and will probably be elected. ' AMERICAN PORK IN FRANCE Govcrmmeats of I'altrd States aad Fraace May Get Together on TnrUfs. ' . PARIS. Jan. 23. The officials of the United States embassy and of the min istry o commerce express satisfaction over the dispatches from Washington Indicating a deposition to make a commercial agree ment between .Franc - and r the United Stale.' Negotlatlona to that end ' hive been In progress slnee last July, whan the French Parliament, without yarning, placed a practically prohibitive . rate on American pork and Halt meat. During the r.egotlatlons an official Intimation was given that If the prohibitive rates on Amer ican pork were continued President Roore velt might find it necessary to exercise hli authority under the reciprocity agreement of 1898, of suspending the reduced rates which the United States accords to French clarets and other still wines. The French authorities asked If the tow rates on American pork were restored, whether the United States would reduce the rate on French champagne. This was not conceded. During the discussion the state ment was made that If the United State reduced the rates on champagnes, France would reduce the rate on Porto Rico coffee. But the coffee reduction was not considered a fair equivalent for a reduction on cham pagnes. . Ths discussion has not reached definite results, a the question of further concessions Is dependent upon the bill now pending In Parliament, permitting the gov ernment to restore the low rate on pork and salt meata. The measure Is meeting with resistance from the agricultural ele ment on the ground that the American products threaten the French Industry, but there are Indication that the government Influence will secure its passuge. The rate thereafter will be reduced from 60 franca per 100 kilos to 20 francs, which Is suf ficient to renew the trade interrupted since lust July. Owing to the friendly attitude of the French authorities through the nego tiations it Is expected that the readmU- slon of American pork may lead to a fur ther greernent on other articles discussed. Will Oppose Standard Oil . Company. BERLIN, Ja.i. 23 The financial paper regard the capital of $5,000,000 with- which the German Petroleum company was or ganised to compete with the Standard Oil company as a "lllliputlan trifle," compared with the paid up cnpltal of the Rockefeller concern. The foundera are Deutsch bank the Vienna Bank Vereln, the Mitteldeutsche Kredlt tank, the National bank, Jacob Stem of Frankfort-on-t he-Main, and the Handel and Industrie banks. Railway otes nnd Personals. J. Francis, general passenger and ticket agent of the o. & M., is noine irom Bt. Louis. H. C. Chevnev. aenerol sgent of the Northwestern, has returned from a trip out In the state Vice Preiilrient Cornish of the Union Paclflo left fur hla home In New York Friday evening. a a Hutchinson, formerly connected with the I'nlon VnciHa here, but HOW la. cated In Chicago, is in me city. General Manager Geortie If. Uldwell of the Nebraska and Wyoming division of the Northwestern, has retui'iwa irom cnicago, Three cars of soldiers c.sme In from St. 1.0U1M over the Wabash yetserday morning. They left via the Northwestern for Fort Bturgls. . U.. in tne anernuun. General Manager W. H. Bancroft of the I'nlon Pucilie left Friday evening for Ken ana City, where he goes to confer wllh the superintendent of the Kansas lines o the system. Tha annual birthday party of Andrew Truvnnr. ffenernl LanHBSO agent Of tile Union Paclrtc. will be given at his home February . None but employes of the railroad are Invited to attend. The head auarters of Mr. Traynor ure lit Council Bluffs, but he Uvea In this city. LOCAL BREVITIES Frank Rooney of South Omaha ha been arrested on a charaa of larceny as bailee. Smoke Issuing from a defective furnace at tne miame uuuruinf ... .... ... lire department out last evening. n r v tMeree. sol South Twenty-sev enth street, H being held at the police station charged with embtaslemsni. The Central Park Improvement club will bold Its regular meeting aionoay evsnin st tha Onnirreiratinnal church. FOT t -"t'COll and Rural,, a ilrMtl. All m em ban. hav Lxn raaueitted to be prevent as Important matters will come up fur coualderatlau., NO FINANCIAL LEGISLATION ssannamnasanB Praoticallt Determined t) Tike Ho Action at Thii 8eu on of Oonrrtu. PROHIBITION OF MEXICAN COIN OPPOSED Foreigners Resist Introduction ! Xew gllver Standard Decease They tan Make Large Prog Is Oet of Cheap Dollars. WASHINGTON. Jan. S3. It has been de termined practically definitely that no financial legislation will be enacted at this sesslun of congress. Several measure are pending in both branches of congress besr- Ing upon tho question. One, at least, of tnem. It Is ssld, has strength enough be hind It to Insure Its passngo by bne branch of congress. Speaker Cannon Is of the opinion that no radical legislation of a financial or any other comprehensive character should be entered upon during the present session. At a later time flr.anrlnl legislation may be considered, but even to such a proposi tion It is understood Speaker Cannon Is not committed. Bankers After the Profit. Recent Manila advices to the War de partment throw light on the present agita tion on tho Philippines over the proposed expulsion cf the Mexican dollar from cir culation. The banks, conducted for the most part by foreigners, are strenuous In their 'opposition to the proposed abandon ment of the Mexican silver piece, because of the large opportunities Its use afford for making profit In exchange. Before the war the Spanish authorities In Manila had prohibited the Importation of Mexican dollars. The Spanish authori ties even went so far as to Import the I Mexican money on their own account and recoin It into pesos at a profit of about 10 per cett. J The pesos were not popular and General Merrltt ordered the suspension of the de cree prohibiting, the Importation of Mexi can dollar and they soon began to pour Into the Islands from China In great volume. The banks of Manila had been making a handsome profit out of the Phil ippine peso and Just a they now resist tha change to the American peso they re sisted Oeneral Merrltt' order allowing the Importation of Mexicans. But an Ameri can peso having been provided for by con gress the other silver money of the Islands must go. Collectors Are Slow, The report of the committee contain a statement by Assistant Secretary Arm strong of the treasury on the subject of deficiency for collecting the revenue and a provision authorising the president to redlstrlct the country. The secretary stated that It Is not the Intention to abol ish collection poets, but that many could be consolidated with economy. He calls attention to the fact that there were some thing like fifty dUtrleU In which It costs $600 to collect a single dollar. The committee desires in no spirit of ctp tlou criticism to call attention to the evil that has grown for many years past of submitting estimates to congress In a desul tory manner for appropriations gnd defic iencies. The annual estimates, when sub mitted at the beginning of each regular session of congress are supposed to Indi cate the sum total of requisitions to be granted from the treasury the ensuing fiscal year. Yet, every day of the present session the house has received one or more executive communications submitting addi tional supplemental estimates. In the case of one of the large and Important bill. the supplemental estimate, exceed the' for mal estimate. SeTcrnl Army Promotion. This was a red-letter day in army history for retirements and promotions In the army. Three general officers retired today. Gen eral George L. Ollllsple, who has been fer several years chief of engineers, became a major general and chief assistant to Lieu. tenant General Chaffee, chief of staff. Colo nel Alexander MacKensle became a brlga dler general and also assumed the duty of chief of engineers. Francis 8. Dodge be came paymaster general, vice Bates, re tired. Colonel W. E. Daugherty becomes brigadier general and retires Sunday, giving place to Colonel William McCaa- key. Colonel John Story assumed the duties of chief of artillery, with the rank of brigadier general. BRAKEMEN'S BALL A WINNER Fonrtecnth Annual Dane of the Brotherhood of Railroad' Train., men a Success. The Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen gave II fourteenth annual ball on Tues day evening, January It, at Crelghton hall, wjilch wa largely attended and was g success in every way. Credit Is due tq the following committees: Master of ceremonies, H. P. Graham, assistants J. H. McCandles and George W. Ellis; arrangement. C. H. Ostrom, G. M. Palmer, F. L. Furnace, D. L. Richardson and F P. Ferryman. i Several visiting member were present Including the general grievance committee of the Order of Railroad Conductor am) Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen, and the following named from Boone, la., who cam over In a special car In the evening and returned next morning: Bert Master- son, Con Peters. Hank Peters, Ed Carter, Bert Blanchard, Art Beatty,' Scott Canf- bell. Lou Briley, Rome McKennon, Thomas Bolltho. Fred Tlllett.' J. V. Eppel. Dick Lloyd. Ed Lloyd, Alf Barker, Lee Warner, J. D. Drlscol. Thomas Hoffman; Misses Mabel Held, France Held, Nettle McVea, Flossy Kelley, Luclle Sawyer, Flo Saddler Pearl McKennon. Grace Eppel. Carrie Lloyd, Mabel Westrop, Agnes Fleming, Edna Maaterson. Jeanette Shaw, Ethel Stanfleld, Llsxls Deagan. a. i: 4M-4I6 V . KILLED BY A LOCOMOTIVE William P'aleeaer mt Valley llles from Inlnrlea After Taken ! Hospital. William Falconer of Valley died at St. Joseph hospital yesterday at 4 p. m. from Injuries sustained' by being run over by a Union Pactflo locomotive at Valley. HI leg was rruwhed, and Dr. Jonas of the Union Pacific performed, an operation In an effort of saving the man' life. Fslcorer was underneath the locomotive when the fatal accident occurred. The en gine was to take out the local on the Beat rice branch of the Union Pacific. It had steamed up and was standing on a cinder pit, when some flaw was discovered In Its operation, and Falconer went under the locomotive to adtust the difficulty. The en glne was set In motion and Falconer's right leg was terribly crushed between the thigh and knee. Engineer Jenson and Fireman Shepardson declai i they did not know Falconer was under the engine or It should never have started until he was out. J. J. McCoy was the conductor In charge of the train, which always Is made up at Valley. Falconer had been foreman of the house for eight or nine years. He leaves a wife and six children, ths eldest of whom I 11 years and the youngest 2 weeks old. He carried a $2,000 life Insurance policy with the Royal' Highlanders and Is believed to have had an aouldent policy of $1,500 with the Aetna. DANGER HAS PASSED (Continued from First Page.) Inches, showing a fall of almost a foot since the crest of the freshet was reported during the night. The local weather ob server considers the danger past for the time, a the cold snap proved sufficiently severe, and- changed the rain Into snow during the after part of the night. The levee still hold firm and no damage has occurred except where old breaks had not been repaired. DAYTON, O., Jan. 23. The cold weather which set In last night checked the thaw and the Miami river Is falling. Indication are favorable for a recession of the flood In this valley without further damage. . COSHOCTON. O.. Jan. 2. The Tus carawas river I higher than ever before. A man clinging to a tree trunk floated down mid-stream calling for help. It Is feared that many live have been loat in the Tus carawas valley. The situation In the most critical since 188. . . TOLEDO, fan. E3. The Ice In the Maumer river ha caused more damage than this city ha experienced from that cause since the flood of 1883. The gorge that formed yesterday at the city limit, . broke thla afternoon and the great mass of moving Ice did considerable damage to shipping. The total damage In this city will foot up several hundred thousand dollars. Schnylklll River Ratting. PHILADELPHIA. Jan. a. What prom laea to be the most disastrous flood this city has experienced sine 1892 la now rag ing In the Schuylkill river.' In an hour tha river rose seven feet. This sudden rush was due to the breaking up of the Ice, and as a consequence sixteen big mills In Manayunk, a suburb, were forced to shut down. Large ' cakes of Ice are crashing against the mills, and It Is feared several of the properties will be seriously damaged. There Is a big Ice gorge opposite the Penroyd Iron works and the water is rapidly back' Ing )ipon thla plant. .... ' In West Manayunk the river road drive. way Is four, feet, under the water and an Italian settlement In this section is .also submerged. . All of the occupants of tha houses had to be removed In boats. Rail road trscks are ' under ' two td three feet of water and twenty-seven piers along the east bank of the river, opposite Falrmount park, have been washed away. Water Fnmln 1 Flood. HARRISBURO, Pa., Jan. 28. Th simul taneous breaking of two of the thirty-Inch mains which feed the reservoir and supply water to the network of pipes throughout Harrlsburg has caused the worst water famine ever known In this city. Houses, hotels, railroads, mills and factories hav been cut off from water. Thla state of affair Is one of the most serious known In years and Is mads worse by the flood In Paxton creek, which, retards the work of repair. " , ' Five, Persona Drown. BHARON, Pa., Jan. SB. Four men and a woman who attempted, to ford a swollen stream near -here today were swept sway and it Is reported all were drowned. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. A. Q. Smith of Beatrice Is an Omaha vis itor. Frank E. Ballard of North Platte and H. E. Carrlg of Columbus art t the Hen shaw. Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Kllpatrlck -of Beatrice are Omaha visitors, guests at ths Paxton. Mr. and Mrs. C. Hlllenlect of Fremont, J. I.. Brush of Greeley. Colo., Colonel W. F Brown of Los Apgelea and Pat Ryan of 8alt Lake are at the Paxton. . T. T. Lapps. F. E. Lutx of Hastings, W. C. Campbell of Kearney. J. H. Little of Fullertou, W. H. Thompson and H. Q. Spencer of Kansas City are at the Murray. Luther Freeman of Douglas, Wyo., George T. Odell of Salt Lake, R. E. Hamilton of Creighton. J. F. Lobdell of Ogden. C. K . Buckman of Casper, H. E. Ensley and r. W. Herbert of Denver are at the ller Grand. Riley A. McLaughlin Is preparing for his departure to Oaleaburg, 111., where he has been tendered the management of the Elec tric Light, Btreet Railway and Gas company of that city. Mr. McLaughlin was for aev enteen years connected with the Omaha Electric Lighting company and lias gained nmny friends while here. Mr and Mrs. Chailea Thorpe of Geneva, Neb., W. 8. Baker of Gretna, E L. Carter, g. E. Morrison of Lincoln. W. K. Perkins of Goldsboro, N. C, J. B. Taylor of Battle Creek. Charle Wagele of Claremonl. Wyo., D. Donovan of Stanton. T. H. John son of Seward. A. G. Hamilton of Spring field. E. Zook of Nebraska City. C. E. Wal leck and Mrs. K. Hubbard of Denver are at the Merchants. Said the boss: "I'm in hurry for this.' Said the office boy: right, sir. ' Have Root print ROOT, Incorporated TELEPHONE 1604 SOUTH TWELFTH STREET, OMAHA. NEB. .. i ' CONSIDER THE ARMY B1LJ. Ejnn Detotei Entire Day to Ootiideratioo "of Appropriation!. SPIRITED DISCUSSION PRECIPITATED Mr. Hemenway Thinks llepartmcat Mbrnrlrs ire nil of "Yellow" Novels nnd Books nf So Vnlnr. WASHINGTON. Jan. 2.1.-The house de voted the entire day to consideration of the army appropriation bill In' committee r the wheJe. Mr. Robinson, dem. dnd.i. took occasion to criticise the war depsrt- mcnt for the expenditures made by the bureau of ordnance and fortifications In connection . with the Langloy airship, de claring that such expenditures were with out the sanction of congress and the air ship was without utility. Only twelve of the forty-one page of th bill had been read for amendment when the house ad journed. The provisions In the bill for the construction of a submarine cable from Sitka to Port IJsoomb, Alaska, went out on a point of order. A spirited discussion was precipitated by Mr. Hemenway. chairman of the appro priations committee, who proposed a lim itation on the purchase of books and peri odicals for the army. The Dreyfus cane, French novels and the character of hooks In the department library jvere amohs. Ilia subjects discussed. " An amendment rlnally prevailed for the purchase of technical and professional works only. Mr. Hemenway made the general state ment that the department libraries were full of "yellow" novels and books of no value, aa well as good novels. . Mr. Williams (Mias.) suggested that the house committee on agriculture had found thla same abuse In the library. Mr. Robinson (Ind.) said that the ap propriation bill should be specific ami limit th use to which the sums appro- w prlated may be put. He took occasion to criticise the expenditure of money by the war department In the Langley airship experiments. He declared that the expendi ture for that purpose lucked the sanction of congress and characterised the airship as lacking In utility. "The head of the War department has permitted an expenditure for scientific pusr poses of over $200,000 In a vain attempt to breathe life Into an airship project which collapsed and which was known, It seems to me, had no utility about It.'" Concluding ha said: "I take It that nobody upon that aide of tha house or this would expend, even where the law has sanctioned It, this money that was sunk In the bottom of the Potomac river by this aerial navigation, the .Don Quixote scheme of Prof. Langley." Mr. Hitchcock (Nob.) asked Mr. Hull why It was that tha United States army requires a greater annual appropriation than any other nation. "Because the United States pays more money to Its soldier than any other na tion," ssld Mr. Hull. He said that when the American troops went to China they were the best paid, best clothed, best fed of any of th troops that assembled on China's shore. 'a.rllwi ,.P.L afton Co. IVem onf N e fcr ft - Sherman & McConnell i Rely Upon Hyomei Cares ' Colds, Coughs. Catarrh and Grip. . Jnst Breathe It. Hyomei la nature's own method for curing catarrh, colds, coughs and disease of th respiratory organs. It I the only natural treatment for the oure of these troubles. Breathed through the neat pocket In haler that comes with every outfit, the air that passes Into the throat and lungs. Identical with that on the mountains, where It Is laden with healing and health-giving Lbalsam. . It searches out and kills disease germ in th most remote and minute air cells of the head, throar and lungs. It soothes gnd heals all Irritation of. the mucous membrane. Hyomei Is prescribed by physicians gen erally. Many of them use It themselves to break up a cold and prevent pneumonia. The complete Hyomei outfit consists of a neat Inhaler, that Is so small and con- ' venlent that It can be carried In the pocket or purse, a medicine dropper and a bottle of Hyomei. This cvsts but $1, and It will cure any ordinary case of catarrh. In chronic and deep seated conditions, longer use Is necessary and extra bottles of Hyo mei .can be obtained for f0c, making It a most economical treatment for this disease. Sherman A McConnell Drug Co., corner 18th and Dodge streets, Omaha, have so much confidence In the power of Hyomei to cure catarrh and other disease of the throat , and lungs that they soli It under their personal guarantee to refund the money to the purchaser In case It fails to give satisfaction. They take al! the risk tbemselve, and Hyomei costs you abso lutely nothing unless It does you good. ibig ."All it.' " P 1 i I JJlL