TITR OMAITA DAILY nKE: RATTTRDAT, JANTATIY 23. 1004. NEWS OF INTEREST FROM IOWA. COUNCIL MIOR .MENTION. Davis Mill drugs. Leffert's glaes fit Stockert sella carpets. A store for men '"Beno's." Peterson, gun and locknmlth. an B'y. Diamond betrothal rlngi at LefTert a. 40 Broadway. 14-K and 1-K wedding rings at Lelterfa, 409 Broadway. Born, to Dr. and Mrs. Henry C. Deetken or ireynor, a ion. Special to February l oval cabinet photos at $1.60 per dosen Williams. Twenty percent dlsoount on Dlcture mold ings. Alexander (k Co., 333 Broadway. furnished room for rent, heat, gas. bath, south front. Addreaa, X. car Bee. Council Bluffs. Rer. Henry DeLong went to JIarel Dell yesterday to assist Kev. Dietrich in a revival-meeting. Mra. O. W. Hefner and Mrs. W. W. Hef ner of Fullerton. Neb., are ruesta of Mrs. J. P. Oreenshlelds of Oakland avenue. Another big candy snle at Brown's randy kitchen, frM Broadway, today (Saturday). All fresh and home-made candles. In order to stir business up a little we will give one full pound for 10 cents. Frank Keenan of Omnha complained to the police last ' night that while he was visiting In a resort In the northwest part of the city some one stole his overcoat and hat, leaving In tlu-lr place an overcoat and specimen of headgear, both of an ancient vintage and much the worse for wear. Major J. A. Olmstend, U. 8. A., retired, who was unable to be present at the In spection of the Dodge Light Guards Thurs day evening, will make an Inspection of the company at some later date. Major Ulmatead Is the officer detailed to make the Inspection of the Iowa National Guard on behalf of the government. Jamns Stewart, colored, commonly known as "CufT Johnson," will have a hearing thla morning before Justice Carson on a charge of assaulting Thomas Laws, also colored. The two are said to have had a quarrel In a Broadway saloon, which ter minated in Stewart administering a beat ing to Uwt. Woodward Bros., architects of this city, have been awarded the third prise In the competition for plans for a new high school building at Carthage, 111. The Board of Education of that city offered three prizes, the first the adoption of the plans of the winner. the second 1300 In cash and the third $aX). The winning plans have not yet been accepted and may sot be Anally, owing to some technicality, and In that event Woodward Bros, will receive the second prise. The county authorities are experiencing considerable trouble In securing H. V. Itucker, the Omaha real estate man in dicted by the recent grand jury, here on a uhargs of cheating by false pretenses. In connection with the sale of lots in Okla homa. Rucker has secured his release on bonds aoross the river and the hearing on the charge that he was a fugitive from iustlce was continued yesterday In Judge Jay's court until next Wednesday. Plumbing and heating. Blxby 4s 8os library Plans Progressing;. Grant C. Miller, the Chicago architect, has written Woodward Bros., local archi tects of the Carnegie library, that the plans and specifications for the new building are progressing favorably and that they will be ready to submit to the biddors about the middle of February. He states that hs Is having prepared a handsome waiter color drawing showing the exterior of the library building in profile, which will soon be In the hands of the Board of .Library Trustees. Woodward Bros, have completed the plat for the site on which the library Is to be erected, showing the location of adjoining buildings, street car tracks, sewer, gas and water, tpans, ..and other ... Incidental data. ThJ .surveys', for", tfie plat" were mads by City Engineer Etnyre and blue prints of It were sent to Chicago yesterday. The work of taking soundings to deter mine the character of the substratum of earth upon which the foundation of the new building will rest will not be begun before the - frost is out , of the ' ground. Upon this Investigation will depend the necessity of using piling for the founda tions. Kafar sells lumber. Catch the Ideal Tries Electric Filing; Machine. Freeman I Reed, clerk of the district court, was experimenting yesterday with an electric" filing stamp machine. The machine, which Is run In connection with an automatic clock by dry batteries, stamps the day, hour and minute on the instrument filed. Heretofore papers filed with the clerk of the court were only stamped with the date filed and not the hour - of the day. Recently a dispute arose . In court over the question when a certain paper was filed and Judge Thornell ordered that in future all papers when filed shall show not only the date, but the hour of day when filed. This the machine now on trial In Clerk Reed's office does to the very minute. Clerk Reed will suggest to the Board of County Supervisors that one of these machines be purchased for his office, but has soms doubts whether the board will not consider It too costly. Qa . Plumbing Co, Teu 30; sight T Ml. Boosts Hick School Enrollment. ' With ths close of the first semester of the school year yesterday eighty-three pu pils from the Washington avenue school were promoted to the high school. This addition to the high school makes the en rollment there 640, and this. It Is expected, will bo augmented to 6711, as a number Of new pupils from out of town are ex pected. The total enrollment of the high school last year was K3, and the present enrollment la the highest In Its history. Bachelor Girt Contest. There ' are twenty-eight entries in De Ixmg's Bachelor Girl Voting Contest To night's ballot will be printed In all the Sunday newspapers. Ogden Hotel Rooms with or without board; steam heat; free bath; publle par tar. Special Prices Meats way have advanced at Pork Loins. per' pound Porterhouse Steak, pounds Sirloin Steak, $ pounds Round Steak, 8c 25c 25c ...7c ,25c ...5c 4c .3U 6c per pound.. v. Good Steak, t pounds Po Roast. per pound Boiling Beef, per pound, $0 and. Mutton Btew, per pound Mutton Roast par pound CIIICKENS-:OYSTERS"EGGS..CELERY i tsoetal rotes to Hotels an Reetaarnnts. THI I -ORVIS Tel. 46.' BLUFFS. MAIL BOX THIEVES ACTIVE Tirt Letttr Ro?ptaole ifa 801th Ftrt of the City Art Broken Open. NO MEANS OF KNOWING WHAT IS SECURED Federal and Police Authorities Work Ins; OB Case, bat t P to Date Have Seenrea No time to the Perpetrators. Letter carriers, on making their, first rounds yesterdsy morning, discovered that five mall boxes In the south part of the city herd been broken open during the night. In each case the door by which th carrier takes out the mail was found to have been pried open, evidently by a jimmy or steel chisel. What the thief or thieves secured Is merely a matter of con jecture, but Indications are that a number of letters were carried away. The mall boxes broken open are located at Tenth avenue and Main street. Thir teenth avenue and Third street, Sixteenth avenue and Third street. Seventeenth avenue and High street and Twenty-first avenue and Tenth street. The federal authorities and police are working on the case, but It Is said that up to last night no clew had been obtained as to the guilty parties. PACKING PLANT PROPOSAL Mass Meeting; Called to Dlavass the Offer of the Kansas City Promoters. The executalve committee of the commer cial club has decided to call a mase meeting In ths city hall next Wednesday night at which time Charles) IS. Sweeney of Kansas City, one of the promoters of the American uressea Beer company which . seeks to establish a plant In this city provided a sufficient Inducement In the shape of a bonus Is offered, will present the advan tages to be obtained by Council Bluffs by inducing his company to come here. This mass meeting has been called by the committee at the suggestion of W. B. Reed, secretary of the executive committee of the Commercial club. Mr. need made a visit to Kansas City to Investigate the standing of the company which offered to establish a packing plant In this city. His Investiga tion disclosed the fact that the American Dressed Beef company was as yet only on paper. The company Is organised under the laws of Oklahoma but Is said to have plans In negotiation for establishing; plants In Leavenworth, Kan.; Dallas, Tex., and Council Bluffs. Mr. Reed was assured that ths company while composed of young men had ample financial backing and that McSwseney, one of the promoters, who will present the proposition to the mass meeting here, has for a number of year been connected with one- of the packing houses In Kansas City. According to the statements made to Mr. Reed the company proposes to expend at least 1390,000 4n bMlldlnpn 4ere trevlded a site ef twenty acres ia gtven ft. In addl tlon (to the site the company asks that local capitalists Invest about $60,000 In ths stock, and further asks a bonus of 8 cents a head for cattle killed up to the number of 500,000, or In other words. a bonus of $125, 000 when the company's plant here reaches a business of 600,000 head of cattle a year. Mr. Reed was informed by the promoters that the company anticipated employing about 800 men In Council Bluffs and that the annual distributive sales of the plant would amount to not less than $16,000,000, In fact, according to the Information re ceived by Secretary Reed the. company ex pects to do a business equalling if not ex ceeding that of the large packing houses In South Omaha. Olaen Bros., plumbers, 700 B'way. Tel. Atsa. Real Estate Transfers. These transfers were reported to The Bee January 22, by the .abstract title and loan firm of Squire & Annls, 101 Tearl street: White River Savings bank to Eliza beth Schoup, lot 6, block 4, Sackett's add. w. d t 409 Chris Petersen and wife to Samuel D. Welser, lot 8, block S, Fisher's 1st add to Underwood, w. d 1JS Samuel D. Welser and wife to Chris Petersen, 3 acres in ne corner wH 18- 7-42, W. d 1.000 W. B. Currle and wife to Christ Drlckmeyer, lot 9, block 6, Under wood, w. d 626 Ohio Knox and wife to John Beno,' lots 9 and 14, block 86, Railroad add, . q. c. d 1 Archibald A. Walker to Emmet Tin ley, lots 1 and I. block 1. and lots 12. 13 and 14. block 6, and lot 1. block S, Park add; lot 12. block 10, Williams' 1st add; lots 11 and 12. block U, Ferry's 1st add; unrtlv E-S6 of e part . ne'i 1-74-44, and 10.68 acres In w part ' nv4 G-74-43. w. d 1.500 Total, six transfers $3,661 Matters In District Conrt. The motion for a further .continuance of the case In which Peter Burke, a black smith. Is charged, with stabbing Real Bum mitt, with Intent to murder- him, was par tially heard la the district court yesterday by Judge Thornell. The trial of Burke has already been continued over one term and the county attorney is determined to try It at this term If possible. On the part of the defendant It t claimed that a certain wit ness whose testimony Is Important for the defense cannot be here st the trial, which has been set for Monday next.' In order to avoid a further postponement of the for Saturday other Markets, bnt not hero. 13 pounds Leaf Lard, for Spare Ribs, per pound , Pork Roast. per pound , Veal Roast. per pound... Veal Stew. per pound Cornea Beef, per pound Pickled Pork. per pound... Best Lard, per pound Hums, for , Butter, for..., $1.00 ....'.61c 7c - 6c 5c 5c 8c 10c 7c 20c MARKET 537 Broadway. -J) , trial the county attorney will admit as evi dence on behalf of the defendant the testi mony which this witness is supposed to offer. Following the Burke case the .trial of the cases against W. W. Koller of Omaha and Mrs. R. Cohen, Indicted by the recent grand Jury on a charge of unlawful cohabitation, will be taken up, a change In the criminal assignment having been made yesterday by Judge Thornell In order to bring these two cases to an early trial, as desired by the de fendants. The trial of the $16,000 personal Injury damage suit of Mrs. Margaret Cramer against the City of Council Bluffs continues to occupy the attention of Judge ThornoT. and a Jury in the district court, and It is doubtful if It will be completed today. Leonard Bloedel of East Omaha, whose wife Tlllle, secured a divorce from him in the district court here lnet September and was awarded the custody of their minor child, a little girl, yesterday filed a motion for ft modification of the decree and for an order transferring the ruetody of the child to him. In support of this motion Bloedel alleges that his former wife Is not a fit person to have charge of the little girl. Special Offer. Until February 1st. special price of $2 per dosen on photos. Hansen A Haverstock, 43-45 Main street. Mention this ad when you come. Harrison for Wright. George 8. Wright received assurances yesterday that he would receive the sup port of Harrison county In his candidacy for delegate to the republican national convention from tho Ninth district, un less there should happen to be a candidate from that county, which It was said would not be likely. Several leading republicans of Harrison county, since learning of Mr. Wright's candidacy, have assured him of their unqualified support MRS. BLYDENBERG UNHAPPY Erldeace In Harder Trial Shows She Wanted to Leave Her Hnsbnnd. ELDORA, la., Jan. 22. But little prog ress was made today In the tlal of Eben B. Blydenburg, on trial for the alleged poisoning of his third wife. Witnesses t i tlfled to the sale of arsenic and to dissatis faction expressed by . Mrs. Blydenburg prior to her death and to her having de termined to leave her husband. Blyden burg, who was a Sunday school teacher and deacon In the church and a philan thropist, was arrested in October last. Ev idence has since developed tending to snow that two other wives also died violent deaths. Emily Hawkins, Blydenburgs first wife, died mysteriously at Btoneybrook, L. I., five years ago. FIND BODY OF A DEAD CHILD Bapposed to Have Bern Dropped from Some of the Northwestern Trains. MISSOURI VALLEY, la.,' Jan. 22. (Spe cial.) The deed body of a child, probably less than a week old, was found this morn ing by the slda of the Northwestern rail road track near California Junction. The child Is believed to have been dropped from an early morning passenger train. Coroner A, JB, . Haabraok went to .CaUfornla Junc tion; to investigate the. -matter. -: -- - . . Effect of Storm at Iowa City. IOWA CITY. Ia.. Jan. 22. (Special. )-Ten thousand dollars has been lost directly, with a prospect of a consequent loss of greater magnitude, by the telephone- and electric light companies of Iowa City as a result of the eleet storm of the last' two days. The Johnson County Telephone com pany, capitalised at $100,000. lies powerless ss a result of the storm. The cessation of Its telephone service for a month and the Installation of wire cables Instead of single wires Is necessitated. Rock Island Makes Improvements. , CEDAR RAPIDS, la.. Jan. 22. (Special.) The Rock Island road Is doing great things for Cedar Rapids. It has put $20,000 In repairs and Improvements Into- Its large shops here, and this week has added forty men to the already large force employed. This means an addition of $3,000 to the monthly payroll of the company. It Is also said that the number will be Increased by 100 before the year la out and that more extensive additions will be made to the shops. Goes to Chtcaaro Hospital. AVOCA. Ia.. Jan. . (Special.) George Maler, one of Avoca's pioneer and prom inent business men, having come here In the early '70s, left Thursday evening for Chicago, acting upon the advice of his phy sician, where It Is expected he will undergo an operation for cancer of the stomach. Mrs. Maier accompanied him. Their jewel ery store will be closed until their return. FRANK SIEGEL IS NOW FREE Proseeatlns; Attorney Dismisses ' All I'ntrled Cases Aacalnst Kansas City Commission Man.' KANSAS CITY, Jan. 22. All cases against Frank Siege!, once president of the de funct Slegel-Sanders Live Stock Commis sion company, who was charged with em bezzlement, on seven Indictments, were dismissed by the prosecuting attorney here 1 today. The prosecutor stated that as one of ths cases against Blegel had resulted In acquittal there was no chance of convict ing him on the others. The chargea were instigated by Frank Rockefeller, a brother of John D. Rocke feller, who loat nearly $250,000 In the failure of the firm two years ago. FIND SEVERAL INDICTMENTS Federal Grand Jnry Investigations Into Elkhart Bank Pallor to Bo Followed hy . Arrests. INDIANAPOLIS. Ind.. Jan. 22.-The fed eral grand Jury which has been Investi gating th Elkhart bank failure has made Its report. It Is known that more than one Indictment has .been returned, but the names will' not be announced till the per sons Indicted are under arrest. DEADLOCK IN MARYLAND ifa Material Change in tho Ballot for 'a Calted States Senator to Sne eocd MeComna. ANNAPOLIS, Md., Jan. 2. There was no' material ehango In the ballot today for United States senator to succeed Mr. lie Comas. LEWIS CUTLER MORTICIAN, peal C Council Bluffs. 'Phone ST. FINISH UP THE PRMA.ilES Special Ilfctbn Held in Preoioot When Ballots Had Bees Stolon. GOVERNOR CUMMINS ALSO STANDS PAT Indicates He Is Sot Look Ins; for Any Compromise In the Matter of Del egate to National Repub lican Convention.' (From a Staff Correspondent.) DBS MOINES. Jan. 22. (Special.) Ths political situation 'got another turn today in this city. When the republican city primary of last week was rounded up with a sensational scene of ballot stealing and shooting at the thieves snd a pretense of trying to ferret out the thieves. It left some of the positions decidedly In the air. Ths failure to get the vote counted In -the one precinct where the theft took place was the occasion for calling a spe cial primary In that precinct and It was held today. Three positions were at stake city assessor, aldcrman-at-large and ward alderman. There was very little doubt as to how the precinct went on each of these, but the city committee decided on a second primary and this concentrated the fight In one day on one precinct hav ing the power to decide the whole matter, , The election was conducted peaceably and quietly and there was no shooting and no theft. As a result of the balloting, A.C. Mor rison gets the delegation for assessor, which will nominate him over George Schramm, the present assessor. Morrison is pledged to make further reductions in the assessment and thus had back of him the large corporate Interests. For alderman-at-large B. F. Whitney was the victor and for alderman of the ward, Emll Schaub. Commlns Also Stands Pnt. A local paper publishes a dispatch from Washington stating that before leaving Washington last night Governor Cummins, in an Interview, saldt "The Iowa con vention should select four delegates-at-large who are In sympathy with a ma jority of the convention. Instruct them for President Roosevelt, adopt a ringing platform including the 'Iowa Idea' and ad journ. The district convention should do likewise. "There should be no attempt at division of the delegation, and so far as I am con cerned there will be none. "The effort to convince the people that what I am doing and saying will Injure the president is not In good faith and can not succeed. I am In full sympathy with what he has done and Is doing. I am for him unreservedly, first and last and all the time. I think I can be trusted as his friend, as confident at least as those whose leaders bear so close a relation to the Northern Securities company." Fights Holdup Mea. , Charles Sewlsler, '-.a conductor on the Great Western, was held up by three un identified men within a block of the union depot about o'clock tonight. He resisted and was knocked down. He seised one of the men and tried to hold him, and made such' an outcry that the two other ran away. The man he grappled with shot at him, - inflicting aaavara scalp wound, and then' ran- a way, 1'm got this' watch (, . Cosirt-Dcclalons. The following are the decisions filed by the supreme court today: Roxana Hult, appellant, against William Hult; Mahaska county, Judge Dewey; af firmed by McClaln. Katharine VVissler against City of At lantic, appellant 1 Cass county. Judge Thor nell; affirmed by Biahop. 1 W. M. Rhoadee. appellant, against Ed Cook; Jasper county, Judge Scott; reversed by Deemer. A. T. Cooper, appellant, against Emma Maurer; Cedar Rapids superior court Judge Rothrock; reversed by Weaver. Maria L. Wilson against City of Cedar Rapids, appellant; Linn county. Judge Thompson; affirmed by Ladd. N. .A. Impson, appellant against Sac county; Sac county, Judge Elwood; af firmed by the court. 1 D. M. Osborne & Co., appellant, against Rlngland fe Co.; Boone county, Judge Ken yon; afllrmed by Deemer. Ilawkeye Insurance Company, appellant against Frederick W. Llsker; Poweshiek county. Judge 8uott; affirmed by Sherwln, Town Legislation Desired. A meeting of the legislative committee of the Iowa League of Municipalities has been called for Des Moines January 27 and the committee will have sessions with the appropriate committees of the senate and house in relation to some needed legisla tion for the betterment of conditions in the cities of the state. One of the first and most Important things to be ssked Is a law for a uniform system of accounting in the cities and towns of the state. They want a law to Improve the manner of gathering vital statistics of the state and for report ing vital statistics.' They may also ask that there be some general law relating to gathering statistics regarding all munic ipal matters,, such as paving, sewering, garbage, water works snd engineering. House Chamber Nearly Ready. Work on the temporary Improvement of the house chamber In the state capltol for the use of the legislature has progressed In a satisfactory way the past week and the chamber will be ready for use 'when the legislators return. The chamber has been lined above and at the ends with white duck grecefully looped up and dec orated with blue bunting, and the portions of the sides of the hall that were burnt have bten temporarily restored In the same manner.' The effect Is excellent and the house will meet under a great white tent that will in every way be as comfortable as the hall was before the fire. The car pets have been put down and the dek and furniture fully restored. The old sys tem of heating was found to be all right and temporary lights have been put In. The rooms for the speaker and clerk and nearly all the committee rooms will' be available for use. . WIGGFALL PLEADS GUILTY Assailant of Laramie Girl Is Sen tenced to Fonrteen Years In Prison. w LARAMIE. Wyo.. Jan. 22. (Special.) -Frank Wlggfall, the colored man who at tempted criminal assault upon U-year-o d Helen Kruppa Tuesday night, was brought into court at noon yestetday, pleaded guilty and waa sentenced to fourteen years In the penitentiary. He was first taken be fore a justice and bound over to the dis trict court, immediately taken before Judge Carpenter and given the limit The specific charge was asault , with Intent to commit a felony. ' Wlggfall's crime .was committed at T:$( Tuesday night and at 7:90 tonight he will be In the penitentiary, a record for quick justice In the state courts. Feel Your Pulse If It beat fast thB slow skips beats, your heart 1 weak and should be treat ed at one. Dr. Miles' Heart Curs la the best and safest remedy. Sold on guar antes. Send for book on tne heart. , 1H. MU-kA MfcJ'JCal. CvX. JUkaart, laA FLOCKMASTERS ARE INDIGNANT Alien; that Some of Their linker Are Vlolntlnar Law Regarding; Disease. LARAMIE. Wyo., Jan. 22. (Special.) Flockmasters In this county owning clean sheep and who spent considerable ' money In eradicating scabies and bringing the bureau of animal Industry and the State Board of Sheep commissioners to recog nise the county as clean and permit he passage of clean sheep for any purpose from the cout'ty, are Indignant as a re sult of several flngrant violations of the state law by local owners. It Is charged that E. J. Bell and three other owners have recently shipped Into the county bands of sheep affected with scabies and that the bringing In of these diseased sheep may cause to be Infected Jhe flocks of the entire county. The Bell sheep are now in quarantine and the other bands will also he restricted to a limited range and Isolated from other sheep snd If no more scabby sheep are permitted to enter the county the flock masters will continue to enjoy the privileges accorded to clean counties. 4 The State Board of Sheep commissioners Is Investlaatlng the reported violations of the rules In bringing sheep Into the state without first notifying the board and prose cutions may result, for the practice must be stopped, as In no other way can the disease be handled and the clean flocks be Insured against Infection. NEWCASTLE. Wyo., Jan. 22.-(Speclal.) Weston flockmasters report that owners of two bands of Crook county sheep re cently violated the laws In driving their ahocp across the line Into Weston county, which a clean section. Crook county Is In quarantine and Its flocks cannot legally enter Weston or other clean counties. The local owners have applied to the state board for copies of Its rulings and are preparing to prosecute the Intruders. PUBLISHERS ELECT OFFICERS Co-operotlre Insurance Company of Booth Dakota In Prosperous Condition. HURON, 8. I).. Jan. 22.-(Speclal.)-At a meeting of the stockholders of the Publish ers' Mutual Insurance company, these offi cers were elected: Levi D. Walt of Ar mour, president; John Long-staff of Huron, vice president; Clate Tlnan of Kimball, treasurer. The directors are the offlners elect and . J. H. Reeves of Pro ton, J. P. Halllday of Iroquois, H. C. Shober of Highmore, Glenn Parley of Madison, W. M. Farmer and E 8. Dan forth of Vermilion. Among the Items of business discussed was the cut in rates made by the old line companies and It was decided even at the "cut rate" the Publishers' Mutual had yet a clear advan tage and would continue to do business on the plan originally proposed, which Is fully CO per cent below the regular line rates. . Examination of the business of the company disclosed the fact that a much larger volume of business Is being trans acted than expected, $366,000 worth of risks now being In force. Program of Dakota Breeders. MITCHELL, S. D., Jan. 22. (Special.) The following Is the program for the an nual convention of the South Dakota Im proved Live Stock Breeders' association. The convention will a'ssemble In this city on Tuesday, February I, and continue until February 4: Address of welcome by Mayor George A. Sllsby. Response on behalf of ths association, Mr. Edward Spurllng, Brookings. President's address, J, M. Erlon of Mltcneii.:' . t . ..'' "Advantages' 1n South, DaKOta fof stalsv ing f-ure-nreu Morses, j. a. uavy, Koy. "Winter Care of the Breeding Ewe." J. C. Hallof Ordway. "My Experience with Registered Cattu In South Dakota," J. W. Reedy of Beres ford. "Benefit of Artesian Water to the Live Stock Industry," John H. King of Huron. "What Is a Hogr: P. W. Peterson of Vermilion. "What the Government Is Doing for the Live Stock Industry," Hon. J. H. Brig ham, assistant secretary of agriculture, of Washlngtnn, D. C. "The Breeding and Care of Pure-Bred Cattle," George McEathron of Huron. ' Profits In Poultry," A. J. Keith of Sioux Falls. "Economic Production of Mutton Sheep on Dakota Farms," M. F. Greeley, Gary. "Best Kind of Poultry for the Farmer to Keep." T. T. White of Mitchell. "Value of the Live Stock Journal,' N. E. Carnlne of Aberdeen. "The Horse for the Farm," J. M. Dun mlre of Scotland. "The Industry," Prof. James W. Wilson, of Brookings Agricultural college. 'Aids Dakota University. MITCHELL, 8. D.. Jan. 22. (Special.) Dakota university has just bad another pkce of good fortune. A month ago the Institution received $1,000 In cash from the estate of Rev. Mr. Smith of Platte, and yesterday the entire library of . Rev. Frank Brush, D. D., of Oitumwa, Is., was given to the college. Rev. Brush has been In poor health for a number of years and although he has tried several climates he has not been benefited. Finally his phy sician ordered him to California and to go on a farm and retire, permanently from the ministry. This he. wlU do, and to make a better use of his library he pre sented the 900 volumes to the university In memory of his father, Rev. William Brush, D. D., who years sgo was the backbone of the college, being president and was mainly Instrumental In raising the funds for its reconstruction after' the fire of 1888. A portion of the library In the college building will be set apart for this collection and It will be known as the William Brush Memorial alcove. Facta Abont the llomestnke. LEAD. S. Jan. 22. (Special.) A paper delivered before the January meeting of the Black Hills Mining Men's association at Lead by Bruce C. Yates of the Home stake engineering corps on "Some of ths Features of Mining Operations In ths Homestake Mine." Mr. Tatea presented facts and data that are of exceeding value to the mining Intereets, particularly of the Rlfflit In Front of the Elevator 3d Floor A Buite ft two rooms south front the most desirable location in THE BEE BUILDING ' - The room directly in front of ths elevator Is ftdO feet the adjolnlaa room IsttxJt feet. Hard wood floors and finish throuahout. A wan will almost tumble In this office when hs cats out of the elevator. Tbe lljht is splendid. There Isn't a better office suite tn Tbe Bee Bulldms, which means that it's ths bast office la Omaha. If this Interests you, you would better call before the other man, snaps It up. R. C. PETERS & CO., Rental Agents. B'eclC Hills. His paper covered the num ber and names of various properties In cluded In the Hnmest.ike group, the acre age, dip and trend of the ore veins and other facts that have been much sought by the mining men. It was one of the most Important papers ever present! Ix-fore the association. Moses Manuel, who with his brother Fred discovered the Homestake mine In is?, had prepared Ma autobiography and If was read before this meeting of the association and proved of much Interest. Veterans Like Stoddard. LEAD, S. D., Jan. 22 (Special. )-Fol'ow-Ing a meeting of th Board of Commission ers of the South Dakota Soldiers' home, Dr. T. M. Shanafelt of Huron, president of the board, vlxlted Lead and Deadwood. Dr. Bhanafclt Is suiierintendcnt of Baptist mis sions for South Dakota and was visiting various charges In this end of the Black Hills. At the recent meeting of the Sol diers' Home board only thv routine business was transacted. Colonel Stoddard, the new commandant at the home, is said By Dr. Shanafelt to be the most satisfactory head the home has ever known. The old soldiers at the home are deeply attached to both the commandant and his wife, Mrs. Stod dard being the matron and proving a ma tron in fact. Both Colonel Stoddard and his wife are doing everything In their power to make the home comfortable and pleas ant for the old soldiers and are succeeding admirably. Chamberlain's Comtb. Remedy tho Very Best. "I have been using Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and want to say It Is the best cough medicine I have every taken," sayi Geo. L. Chubb, a merchant at Harlan, Mich. There is no question about Its being the best, as It will cure a cough or cold In less time than any other treatment. It should always be kept In the home ready for Instant use, for a cold can be cured In much less time when promptly treated. Sore Aid to Uni Life. Electric Bitters give an active liver, per fect digestion, healthy kidneys, regular bowels, fine appetite, or no pay, SOo. For sale by Kuhn Co. Dismisses Murder Charge. DEADWOOD, S. D., Jan. 23. (Specials After spending several weeks In the Law rence county jail under the charge of hav ing murdered Matt M. Laltala, Jacob Juntl of Roubalx, a Finlander, has been dis missed. The state's attorney moved for the dismissal of the case against him owing to SOREJAK Itching, Burning Palms, Painful Finger Ends, Shapeless Hails. SORE FEET Inflamed, Itching, Burning, Sore, Tender and - Perspiring v ONE NIGHT TREATMENT. Soak tbe handi on retiring ia a strong, hot, creamy lather of Cutlcor Soap. Dry and anoint freely with Catlcnra Ointment, the great skin core and purest of emollients. , Wear, daring the night, old, loose kid gloves, or bandage lightly In old, soft cotton or linen. For red, rough and chapped hands, dry, flaanred. Itching, feverish palms, with brittle, shapeless nails and painful finger ends, this treatment Is simply wonderful, fre- qnently coring In a single application. Complete local and constitutional treatment for every hnmonr of the skin, scalp and blood, with loss of hair, may now be had for one dollar. Bathe with hot water and Catlcnra Soap, to cleanse the surface of crusts and scales, and soften the thickened catlcle. Dry, without hard rubbing, id apply Cntl cora Ointment free!;, to allay Itching, . Irritation and Inflammation, and soothe and beal, and lastly, take the Cutlcora ' Resolvent Pills to cool and cleanse the blood. This treatment affords Instant relief, permits rest and sleep in the severest forms of Eczema and other Itching, burning and scaly homonrs, and points to a speedy, permanent and economical care of torturing, dlsflgnr Ing hamoars, from pimples to scrofala, . from Infancy to age, when all other remedies and the best physicians fall. SoU thmartioattKl worM. Cilffii RmoItotI. OS. (la Ik. Ski. m vial m Sav Oakt- ma CkoaotM CtUri Nta, SM. Mttat. wt., S-MS. SM. t'l P,H 1 iMMiaus. Sf Cm tfq 1 Pvli.ltiKkltlliii Soai-o, in Cdwkat rutin Drue a L'ta. Crp.. Sola rraprWton. as-SraS tar B to Can Svny Hum.' PARKER'S Hair n Balsam fruiuoies the growth of the hair and gives ltthelusire and saltiness of youth. When the hair la fray or faded It BRINGS BACK THE YOUTHFUL COLOR. It prevents Dandruff and batr 'ailing and keena thik ar-jilp clean and hr-aithr. VaS)i ,aai j Ground Floor Bee Building. the insufficiency of the rvMenew. I.sllala evMenvw. I.sllala uniiltlnn near Rmi- -rf sted on the cYinrMf a..,,,wt II,- r...Ti was found In a dying cn baix and Junfl was arrow of nnving iimined ino woumt mat ran Ms death. The evidence asHlnxt Juntl, however, wns only clrcurnst:intl;il. T.al tala's death occi.rred on or about Decem ber 2T of last yenr. ASTHMA Medlrnl at thnrttlc now enm-ede Ihnt tinder the rvlem of trentinetit introduced by Dr. Frank WbcUel of Chicago, ASTHMA CAN BE CURED. Dr.L. D. 1'nott, Lebanon, Ky.; Dr. Pi F". Brown, ITI-. crisr, Iowa; Dr. J. C.l'urryer, St. Paul, Mfnn-I Dr. M. I.. CrnHev, St. Louis, Mo.: Dr. C. F. Menrd. So. Kramlns hsni, Man., "ear witness to the efficacy of his treatment snd the prrmnnency of the cure In their rwn rnaes. Dr. Whetrer new nit hnd Is a radical departure from 1 the oid 'uhlonrd smoke powders, sprays, ' mil-' , ..I K... . ' .. . I TREE TEST TREATMENT prepared for any one clvlnir a short des cription of the ense, sntl r ending names of two other Bxthmstlc sufferers. Ak for Icooklet of experiences of these Cured. 1 CRANK lurT7fi aa n ..IT b I LblU. 111. l- . lopt . Amertoan Li.v.ss Bldo, Chler.no. hssBajnassssnvnawm a -.namMwovsM -ltitKV'narM Pore.Soft.wfcueSUiB ti-; vVv tad Beiotlfal Complexion, f ft - Jm - i torm Kosms and Tttr. Ab r J"'r snlnlHjr suit rsrsianenllr & ""V remoTi-i niv'Vhenifo. Frfo- L ' jf V V ! kl, Piinplrs hJa-, Situ- 3 Vl'l- n I t.H. vw.-. .1111 j ikm tt It.--1 -1 Selt) hf On ji'.cti, a may b ordirto tilnxit. nermn-Royole. tl nerhoUIe. irf i paid. Derasa-Boyale Heap, li cents, ly matt. Both tn 0010 aeknre &1.SS. expert paid, VHE DEKM A-ROY ALE CO.. Cincinnati. O. SCHAEFER'S CUT PRICE TRUtt STORE Omaha, Nebr., and South f ma ha. Nebr. The Only Double Track Railway between the Missouri River and Chicago. AILY TRAINS OMAHA TO CHICAGO 8.25 PM THE OVERLAND LIMITED"' MacBlflcwtitawlid (.ally trnin to Chicago. Oomrt lTnt tnri A wlnt-nxim l-pln mrs, horary, iffet, brbr. bath. UUnhontj. lntim otira and obMrvtjl.oa or. EltxHrlo l.'f. td ihroiitfhnitt. 8.00 AM THE ATI ANTIC EXPRESS ?alIno tovrtft ilMptnc oar and waehea, Ulcftint cua Mat from Clinton. 5.50 PM THE EASTERN EXPRESS Pullman dr wing-room anil toniiRt alAflpins fr. fraa nolmlns ohiur ran, bullet librur snd uK&iug an. LHutujl oars. ' 3 OTHER DAILY TRAINS 3 i( ail Pullrandrtna-roomlplnB-r.lITt .ftU AM moklns n l llhr.rj run ml fr Mfln, ing chair MM U Chlwmo. Ulnlng cerr. II OH .11 Thmnirh rlffe Omnha tn 'hliviti 41C (III rVaa ohalr c.r. to Chloato. PnUtmn i3 rU lMplna onr tram AiPft. to CbicAga. iJiu- S.W m (n, cr wring brkf.. 2 DAILY TRAINS OMAHA TO ST. PAUL-MINNEAPOLIS 7 50 AM 0bMt,l m' m parlor etr.nl 81 C B Pnllm.i iMptrg ran, nnfM llbrarf IU If, eara and fra raelin Ing chair cura. BLACK HILLS 2CJ1 DU Torrfnnt,riao1n,Whoo,rafidrity1 sUU m York. HaattngB, Howard. -Janava, Unix. . ttor. Kdrttk, Jjaa ., tint -HJo-aatfy rial , i4iiiaVuf,w laadircod antf Laad. Thrcmf h raollnfuK hair omi Pullmaft alaapiiM oar aarrica. . , To Framont. TnootnWaiioo, Norfolk, Lona Pin. Tardiara. Bouaateal and tba tad Ind.au Raaarratlon country. CITY TICKET OFFICE, 1401 and 1403 Farnam Street. Chsrges Less Th2n all Oihe DR. McCREW, SPECIALIST Treats all forma of l' area of MEN CNI.1. Twenty-eight years' experience tlghkfii jears in Orcah The doctor's 1-ex-ni.ble njecesa L&a never been equaled, ilia r.rc and facilities for treating hi. oaaa of t:iataea are unlimited and every fay oring. oiany flattering report of the good be ia doing, or the relief he haa given. HOI SPRINGS! RUTUtNT fOil AU Blood Pnlaona. No 'DlUCAlil.Na CUt" n the ikln or face and au calMosl llgus of the dlaeaaa dlxapoear at enca. A rt r inanent, cure for Ue guarant.sd. I'd Rli nrn If Curra KUiu-antaed a TAHIlULLL LESS THAN I DAVH. VFlD "ifi nnO caw cured of Hydiocelc, ULnif JUUUU Strlcturu, Gleet. Nervous leblllty, loaa if Htrength and Vlt'illi and all forma ol rhro.tlu tlisoaaea. Traatrnant by malL Call or wnte. Boa :6. Olflce m South Mtn at.. Omaha. Nan. an asrloo... iTU out uuufa 1 VY peia and dla- -va eowiori, aaa ' F f aumetliiie. ae- , 'W , .l Al Kill.. I liohlng andatJof lo(, then tnii pain, aoreneM and MMdljuf. Tumor, form. eiilaii!i). proU-Qda, and 1nrclertad, ulcerate, benora laa rarrsariou.aDa painful. Tecuntheai I quickly, and palolan.17 ua INJECTION MALYBflR. Inrtant relief. Ourua in several day. 7L tieut wlin ayrinte, for $.Oi V dnerman & Mcumucll, Cmalia, Neb. Milr.ur Co . LniaUr. C. Ta.k V. r-unvr-vai : noi .luirii: Uuurc: n.i.g.-'-t. tfiu.t olMl.1.41. curl lallnrej lu a lrr ; t."K l niieraiun U Mct'onm;!! Prug Co., Omaha. Dr.Soarles&Soarles SPECIELIST5 Ours All Special DISEASES OF VIES 21033 P0IS0 WEAK, (iERVOUS MEN KIOHEY AND BLADDER DISEASES li.-nlmvnl and l-tice 25.03 PER HOHTH r.ia.TiH.i.'. i nd Mlvir free at ofQoe or ,v lnan v. linen .-onir.icm s"n ;a w cirable dla.rtc m rcfurJ money paid to treatment- TreatBu.-nt l" mall- 1 In Omaha. . tr. nil. ua Uo .. Ottilia, BBV 6 .i-Mri'li 'SWT 4 '.o V