THE OMAHA DAILY I.EE: SATURDAY, JANUARY 23. 10U. r3 in J On SaJe aturda.y Emm On Sale Saturday IL n n7 7& x IMlf mi ii i J La L' mm (70 A IV 1 EDS, r5' 5 Sale of High $25 & $35 5th Ave. Pattern Hats at $5 1,200 beautiful pattern hats, chiffon, foliage and flower wear, carriage, calling and street wear, trimmed with ostrich tip?, plnmts, flowers and real lace a. All but recently Im ported on sale in our pattern rooms, so and floor, at. $15 and $20 5th Avenue Pattern Hats Newest mid-winter ideas. Se lect velvet hats, fur felt, black and all colors, elabo rately trimmed with laces, ornaments, feathen. Originally priced at $15 and 20, at. $5 and $7 trimmed hats, including latest ideas, in basement, at $2, $3 and $4 ready to wear basement, at, each'. . . . , FORAKER REPORTS ON OHIO ttnator Tells Prs'iideot Built of Hit Visit to the State. HOPE TO KEEP DOWN BITTER CONTEST Effort Being Made to Bring tbe Two .to- Irons the - State. Into ' : Aeeerd Regarding Dele . gattea. WASHINGTON. Jan. ' 12. A conference which, though brief, was pregnant with lgnlftcance, was held at the White House today between the president and Senator Foraker, The senator returned yesterday from a sojourn of several days In Ohio, where he conferred with many of his friends regarding the political situation. It- was to Inform the president of the re sult of his observations that he called on Mm. ' It seems Improbable at this time that Senator Foraker will precipitate ! a con test In Ohio over the selection of dele gates to the Chicago convention. It is known that many close friends of the president believe that nothing would i gained by such a contest, whatever the result of It might be. Efforts are being snade now to bring Senators Hanna and Fwtraker together In the selection of Ohio's national delegates. It Is known that be tween Senator Henna's close friends there Is a disposition to attempt to relegate Ben- ator Foraker to the rear if he desires to go to the Chicago convention as a delegate-at-large, provided that no content which knight Imperil the Integrity of the repub lican organisation In the state Is made. Today's conference lasted only a short time, but the situation was discussed In Its aallent features. It ' Is understood that the president will not permit himself to te drawn into any factional trouble, either In Ohio or In any other state. Senator Foraker understands the presi Bent's position In this regard. The confer- nee today was not prolonged, because the enator had an engagement for a com tnltteo meeting which he was obliged to keep, but It Is likely that a further and fuller discussion of the matter will be liad at a later time. Coaaeel Withdraws Remarks. V. In the postal trial today several witnesses irere led through a tedious line of question ing ty the asslntant district attorney, most of which, as counsel explained, was for the purpose of showing a pemonul Interest en the part of Machen regarding the Intro duction of the Oroff fastener. The govern snent announced that It was nsarlng the completion of Its case. After counsel for the defense briefly hsd Headache Cured fend prevented by Dr. Miles' Anti-Pars, Pllle, nneqnaled for neuralgia, tootbi ache, backacha etc. No oplatea. Noni lasaUv. Never sold In bulk Bend for free book on the cure of headache. doeea ti oenta. Bold and guaranteed by all drug Ur."UILI8 MEDICAL, CO, Elkhart. lnX IT'S TEN CENTS What.ToEat S&toKffif Bend for copy. IS eeots or fl.W a year. Koli&ble Health Articles. Table Jeeta, Foams. Clever Toasts. A good friend to brighten your leisure mo menta. Full of novel suggestions for entertaining. Tt Iowa Hata Btalletis j-'0r knw WMiS eetltktar eas kpir it th biiaia prni twi mi tfcls vartjkv " ' WHAT TO BAT (Meirthly MaisiKt. Weikiuate L aad tuim Avm tkk.-t MOST EXTRAORDINARY MARKET CONDITIONS ALONE MAKE THIS SALE POSSIBLE CLOAK factories throughout the east are seeking quick relief from the burden of a tremendous overstock. Demand for cloaks has been stopped by the unusually mild winter and big concerns are in a trying condition. Crowded factories must be cleared and manufacturers will accept almost any price. We bought entire factory stocks of several manufac turers who were glad to get even one-fourth value. The great shipment is nowhere and being unpacked l,20O new and highly fashionable cloaks. It will be a sale to shatter every bargain record in Omaha. Today You Caiv Buy Sl High Class $20 Cloak for $5 New long and short co ats, three-quarter length coats, the new and smart mili tary styles, half fitted sleeves, new leaf capes, metal and brass buttons, backs, etc., with heavy silk and guaranteed satin linings, at Class Pattern including maline, hats for evening LA IO $ hats, in touched on the statement made at the close of yesterday's session by Mr. Con rad that Machen on a palary of $3,500 a year had managed to make 0,000 a year, Mr. Conrad secured permission to withdraw his remark, saying that he would not con vict the defendant on any statement that- fell unguardedly from his lips. The disputed transcript of Mac'hen's ac count with the Union National bank, West minster, Md., was then admitted on the express understanding that only such Items as were shown to relate to Machen In the transactions between him and the other de fendants should be considered. Justice Prltchard discharged the rule is sued yesterday against Postofflce Inspectors Mayer and Gregory, charged by the de fense with coaching witnesses, being sat isfied with their answers us contained In affidavits presented by them. An adjourn ment until Monday was taken. Colorado Woman Reappolated. The president today sent to the senate the nomination of Miss Martha C. Brown as receiver of public moneys at Ounnlson Colo. Miss Brown Is renom inated, having been originally appointed In April, 1898. She la stated to be the second woman ever appointed to the office of re ceiver of publlo moneys, the other cans betrtg that of Miss Minnie Williams, who held that office in Lander, Wyo. Senator llaiu Is Better. Senator Hanna, who has had another al- tack of grip, Is reported much better today. Awards Lsmkcr Contract. The secretary of the Interior has awarded bids for 95 per cent of the merchantable pine timber of 9,707 acres Included In the first section of the Minnesota national for est reserve In the Cass iake region. Th) ag gregate of the bids Is 11,218,132. and the timber, which Is located on 815 sections, consists of 193,786.000 feet, of which 121,441 good feet Is Norway pine and the remain der whits pine. (oilrrai Nominations. The senate today In executive session con firmed the following nominations: W. H. Brown, register of the land office at urana Korku, N. U. Postmasters: Nebraska: Henry E. Pnlmer, Omaha Iowa: Thomas J. iKIilltree, Morning Sun: Charles U. Warner. Central City. Kanxas: F.lon G. Liew.y, Mullne; Ed war J i tun, nurr Oak; f rank W. Carroll, juronio. , UlMxiurl: Mills T. ChaMain, Marshall; Florence M. Low. Hamilton: Frank A, Hardin, Cubool; William Ueisner, Lock wood. France May Increase Dalles. A movement Is making for an agreement between the governmenta of the United States and France In lieu of the projected reciprocity treaty, which has not received the approval of the senate and consequently has failed through the expiration of the lerlod of time allowance for ratification and exchange The French government has let it oe Known mat it. contemplates a con. sidcrable Increase of dutlts on Imported meats. An effort on the part of Ambassa dor Porter to secure the minimum rates for American goods disclosed the fact that some concession must be made In return by the United States. A recourse has been had to section t of the Dlngley tariff act and if this projected arrangement should take effect the outcome would be one of the commercial agreements which mill re quire bo action on the part of the United States senate. Representatives of other natlona than France are keenly Interested In the success of this undertaking. Barbanaa Will Retara. Confirmation is had at the State depart ment of the report that Mr. Buchanan, American minister to Panama, is about to Tempi to th United States, starting Iq a few cays from Colon. hniKirtant prlvtiie busi ness is ass'o'ui'tl us a itujuu tuc I La minis E.00 at S2.50. & 25c. -.-1 backs, etc., new gun belted Every Coat in the Lot at $5 Extra r mi ' n Hats I Splendid Fur Scarfs mad a of fine brook mink and Canadian marten, also lynx and Russian bear, with long tail trimming:, at Ladles' Golf Skirts at $2.98 Made in the latest and best styles of the new mannish cloths, very nobbv, ut I.. 4Swell little eiderdown, kersey; and broadcloth ; coats, beautifully trjmmeworth as high' as $3. 50 each, at ter's action. Mr. Buchanan consented to assume the Panama mission only upon an understanding that his appointment must be temporary, and It Is possible he will con sider that he has carried out his full Un dertaking when he returns to Washington. FIRE RECORD. Children Barn Barn. HUMBOLDT, 'Neb., Jan. 22.-(SpecIal.)- T. F. Kmtgh, a farmer living about ten miles southeast of the city, lost his barn by lire, the flames also consuming three head of horses and a quantity of grain and harnees. The blase was started by chil dren playing with matches. Fifty Thoaaaad Loss. CLINTON, Is-, Jan. 22. (Special Tele gram.) Fire at Lost Nation, a small town In this county, late yesterday afternoon de stroyed property valued at $50,000. Mc- Meel's drug store burned, also Wlllard's general store, the Henderson office building and the I-ost Nation hotel. FORECAST OF THE WEATHER Fair and Colder Weather for Parts of Nebraska and Cold Wave, with Frost, for Several Statea. WASHINGTON, Jan. 22. Forecast: For Nebraska and South Dakota Fair Saturday and Sunday. Colder Sunday Iti west and central portions. For Iowa Fair1 Saturday, except snow flurrle in western portion. For Illinois Fulr Saturday, except snow flurries and colder In northern portion; Sun duy fair, fresh west to northwet winds. For Wyoming Snow and colder Satur day; Sunday fair. Special forecast: Cold wave warnings have been ordered for Western Minnesota, Southeast Wisconsin snd Northern Illinois, and froBt warnings have been tssuod on the Louisiana and Texas coast. Loral Record. OFFICE OF THE WEATHER BUREAU. OMAHA. Jan. 22. Official record of tem perature ana precipitation comparea wlin; ine corresponding uay or me last inreo years: 1904. 190.1. 19(C. H01. Maximum temperature... 20 87 81 45 Minimum teuieruture. . . V 17 20 2d Mean temperature 14 27 2S 3t Precipitation T T .00 .00 Reoord of temperature and precipitation at Omaha for this day since March 1. 19U3: Normal temperature 19 Dericlenry for the day 5 Total excess since March 1, 1903 234 Normal precipitation 02 inch deficiency for the day 02 inch Total precip. slues March 1 32.55 Inchei Excess since March 1, 1903 1.S3 Inches Deficiency for cor. period 1"8... l.4 Inches Dertclency for cor. period 19t2... . 30 inches Hrporta Irons Stations at T P. M. -art 3 g ' c : t e n : c : a : ? ; 5 CONDITION OF THE WEATHER : Omaha, clear Valentine, clear North Platte, clear Cheyenne, partly cloudy Salt Lake City, cloudy ., Rapid City, snowing .... Huron, cleur Williston, cloudy Chicago, snowing Ht. Louis, i loudly , St. PjiuI. clear Davenport, snowing .... Kansas City, cloudy Havre, partly cloudy .... Helena, cloudy Hlornsrck, cUar Ualveston, clear 1! In 341 22 o' 1 24 i X, 1 Jul iv T Mi .00 3b! .0 2 .04 84; .M Ss .02 i .00 2i .01 ) T .0i 1M .01 24 i T 24 T 221 .00 8o Ml 1! o .oo to I .00 601 "T" Indicates trace of precipitation lui'lcatea gero. ' L. A. WELSH. Local yorscaittr. "I ii Raw v -ML . ff ci. Wmm I Sa,e Specials for Saturday Children's Pretty Cloaks at $1.50 IN OUR CHILDREN'S DEPARTMENT. .Inn; INCREASES THE PENSION LIST House Paiset 209 Bills and Bssolntioa Seeking Information. BILL REMOVING DUTY FROM- EXHIBITS Articles Donated at tit. Loals Exposi tion to Religious, scientific and Fdnratlonal Institutions Will Escape I'snal Tax. WASHINGTON, Jan. 22. The house to day passed 209 pension (.Ills and also reso lutions calling on the secretary of war and the attorney general for Information as to the number of horses and carriage maintained at government expense. A bill permitting the withdrawal duty free from the St. Louis exposition of articles do nated to religious,' R'.ientlflc, educational or literary institutions also passed. A resolution submitted by Mr. Jenkins (Wis.) from the committee on Judiciary, calling on the attorney general forlnforma tlon as to the number of carriages main tained at the expense of the government for use of tbe officials of the Department of Justice was passed. A bill to allow the free entry of any arti cle not specifically Imposed by incorporated Institutions established Tor religious, philo sophical, educational scientific or literary purposes, or by any state or municipal corporation when Imported for exhibit at the St. Louis exposition and ihen donated to such Institution was passed. . At 8:30 o'clock the house adjourned until tomorrow. DEBATE GORMAN RESOLUTION Senate Also Takes 1 u Qoeslloa of He. cess Appointments Following Kitra Session of Congress. WASHINGTON, Jan. 22.-The senute to day adopted the resolution of Inquiry con cerning affairs In Panama, Introduced on the 5th Inst, by Mr. Gorman, and listened to a speech on the Panama quest lou by Mr. Dolllver, and another on the subject of recess appointments. Following Is the text of the (Jorman reso lutions: Resolved, That the president be requexted if nut, In his JudKment, Incompatible with puiillc interest to inform the senate: Ulrst. The date when and the circum stances under which the United States, for the tlrst time and each succeeding time, used a military force in tli Internal af fairs of New Uranada, or Colombia, under the treaty of 1Mb; whether such use of military force was on the initiative of the United States or hy the request of New Oranada or Colombia, or In consequence of any official representation of either, and also to transmit to the senate copies of the letters, or notes. In the department of state, and of the orders l the navy department relating to such use of military force. Second. Also to Inform the senate whether or not the I nlted State I. as been asked by New Granada or Colombia, or any of ficial represf utatlve of either, to execute by armed fort, either the guaranty of the neutrality of the isthmus or of the sov ereignty of New Granada or Colombia over the name: and If the t'nited States has been so asked, then the dates and circum stsnces thereof; and to send to the srnats copies of the letters or notes In esch case conveying the application and what was uoue tnereuinier ! tlu I mtea states. Third. Ami also to inform the senate In which. If any, of the disturbances on the isthmus of Panama referred to by the uresldent in his last annual message to the senate the United States used a military force solely en his own initiative and un invited by the government owning the isthmus, and also to Inform the senate of the circumstances In esch esse which re quired such use of military force, and trsnsmlt copies of the orders isxued by tne nsvy aeparimont for sucn purpose. Fourth. And also that he will Info! the senate of the (tales when snd circum- stances uudcr which the United tilatna baa Every cloak is fresh and brand new, of the most stylish cloths and colors, they are exactly the coats you have seen priced at $15, $15, $20 and $25, your choice of the entire Saturday 3.98-4.98 2.98 .50 employed military force In the Internal af fairs of New Granada or Colombia on uc count of any revolt or rebellion or dis turbance of the people therein. Mr. Tillman quoted a letter from Secre tary Shaw concerning the appointment of Collector Crum, taking the position that there had been a constructive recess be tween the time of the adjournment of the late extra session of congress and the be ginning of the present regular session. This, Mr. Tillman contended, was In vio lation of the constitution. Mr. Tillman quoted a number of prece dents In support of his position, citing ut terances of Charles Sumner and John Sherman, both of whom the senator lauded, Mr. Spooner rose. "I don't suppose," said Mr. Tillman, "that the senator from Wisconsin objects to my eulogising members of his party?'' "No," replied Mr. Spooner, "but I can't understand why he should wait until they ore dead." ' " . Without disposing of the Tillman resolu tion the senate, at 2 o'clock, resumed con sideration of the Gorman Panama tesolu tlon, and Mr. Dolllver addressed the senate. Mr. Dolllver said that since our Interven tion In the Cuban war the canal question had Increased vastly In Importance and he predicted that some of the democratic sen ators who were opposing the canal treaty would find It to be a "burning question." He deprecated criticism of the president In connection with the Panama revolt, refer ring to him as ,a ' Godfearing, patriotic man." As a precedent for the president's rec ognition of Panama, Mr. Dolllver showed that President Pierce had recognised five revolutionary governments within four months. Mr. Patterson (Colo.) Interrupted to stats that those recognitions were In accordance with International law; that It was a rec ognition of de facto governments and In no case one of secession. Will the senator say why twenty na tions of Europe have recognised Panama?" queried Mr; Dolllver. Because the United States set the pace," replied Mr. Patterson. 'Does International law in Europe con sist of following the blunders and crimes committed by the United States?" retorted Mr. Dolllver. Continuing, Mr. Dolllver de clared vehemently that the I'anama rev olution had been going on for twenty years. Talk to me," said Mr. Dolllver. "ubout the United States, interfering to aid the Insurrection, of Panama; the United States could not have stopped the Insurrection if It had desired to do so." Mr. Dolllver declared that all that had been done by the United States In Panama, "was done In obedience to the requirements of our treaties." When Mr. Dolllver concluded ha was loudly applauded from the galleries. Mr. Teller declared that the treaty of 1446 was a canal treaty and gave the United States any sovereignty In the canal strip which was In conflict with the authorities all the time. At 4:30 the senate went Into executive session and at 4:38 adjourned until Monday. FIND REMAINS OF TEACHER Indiana Woman Asnaaltrd aad Mir. dered by 1'nldeatlned Party, Mho Escapes. BEDFORD, Ind , Jan. 22. The body of Miss Sarah Schaefer, teacher of Latin In ths Bedford high school, was found In a carriage house today. She had been as saulted and the body mutilated. The appearance of the shed Indicated a struggle with her assailant. Miss Schaefer came here from Elkhart, Ind.. a year agj and was much admired. There is much excitement over the case and blottlboundi will bs given the scauU ( "CSS1 7 ft. 1 ?J) p7 stock at Our Great Sale of Muslin Underwear During the past week our sales of muslin underwear have been enormous such remarkable bargains naturally met with quick roipomo. In sp.te of great sales we still have as great a variety of underm Jslins as evor and our bargains are even greater. Ladies $2.50 and $3 downs, ekirts and skirt chemises, beauti fully trimmed with line laces and embroid eries, all full size, at. each .... Ladies' $2 Utidermuslitis at 98c Etra fine gowns, skirts, drawers and skirt chemises, dainty lace and embroidery trimming, rut'- Gowns, Skirts, Drawers, Chemises at 59c Trimmed with neat embroideries and laces, worth up to $1.50 each, at.... Corset Covers and Drawers at 25c Corset covers prettily lace drawers with clusters of Ladies1 Kid Gloves, 59c New lots of fine kid gloves, kid gloves, 59c all the correct colors, many real kid. worth up to 91.50 a ptir, at, pair REVIVE OLD ANIMOSITIES Frtnch Chamber of Depntisi ths Seen of Mnoh Exoitsmenu GROWS OUT OF PRIEST'S' EXPULSION Old Woands Dating Bark, to the Franeo-Prnsslnn War Are Re opened and Noisy Demon stratlons Follow. PARIS. Jan., 22,-The Chamber of Dep tles was the scene of much excitement today, in connection with the case of Fa ther Delsor, the Alsatian priest, who was expelled from France recently on the ground that he was a foreigner seeking to foment' agitation against the government. His expulsion nas revived the animosities growing out of the Franco-Prussian war, a considerable element of the press and public asserting that the txpulslon of Del sor as a lorelgner marked the flnul aban donment of Alsace to Germany. Owing to the chamber taking up the question today extra military and police precautions were taken inside and out side the Iiourbon palace, as wsll as to protect the Strasburg statue, on the Place de la Concorde, where a popular manifes tation was announced to take place, and for the suppression of disorder In the neighborhood of the German embassy. Yfter a iong and heated discussion, some blaming and ome approving the govern ment. Premier Combes intimated tnat he would accept a motion made by M. Sarrien, with the understanding that this should be taken to Imply approval of the gov ernment's action. The discussion resulted In a ministerial victory, the vote being 258 to 243. During the sitting of the chamber there was a noisy pro-Alsatian demonstration In the Place ds Concorde, which resulted in the arrest of about sixty persons. Lutcr the persons arrested were released. CLEVELAND BANKCLOSES DOOR Cashier of Produce Exchange Busk Said to Bo Defaulter In Large Amount. CLEVELAND, Jan. 22-The Produce Ex change bank, corner Broadway and Cen tral avenue, closed Its doors today. Thu Insolvency court has appointed the Cleve land Trust company as receiver. The as sets and liabilities of the bank are each placed at tl.&oO.OuO. Attorney Andrew Squire, on behalf of 'the bank, maae the following statement this afternoon: There Is a defalcation of tnfl.GjO, which is more than the paid In capital and sur- I'lus combined. The original capital was .110,000. but only .'0 per share was paid In. The depositors will be protected fully. The stockholders will have to pay in IlOO.uuti more on their capliHl stock and 820u,xio in stockholders' liability. The directors woiricd all day trying to mske up ths deficiency hut the hurden was too heavy, and they decided to close the bank. I For many years nose nss oeen spee- .... 1- .11.1 .. ...... I 11- . UlSlins; III 1 - IIH niai,i. lie ,-..-, -u ma peculations by manipulating the bank's loan accounts. He voluntarily confessed yester dsy. He will be taken Into cuxtody this afternoon. The directors know where he Is. It is announced that branches of the Produce Exchange bank of Defiance, Hud son and Bedford, O., will be closed at once as a result of the fuilure. . Balls, Sores aad Feloae Find prompt, sure cure In Burkten's Arnica Sal vs. also ecsema. salt rheum, burns, bruises and pllns, or no pay. ic. For sals by Kuhn A Co. lifl ESBSKBSBSI Underrausliiis at $1.50 1 1 ItUU 1-so 98c to, at 59c ,25 c trimmed and tucks, ladles' wootfinlf Gloves warm all wool golf gloves just the thing Tfh lor winter, oil sizes J O r for la iea nd misse? r- ORIENTAL TRADE VALUELESS Snrh Is Opinion of Company Which Will Wind Ip Its Affairs. 8A.N FRANCISCO, Jan. J2. -The Exam iner says that the Chinese American Com mercial company, organised e'rhteen months ego with a capital of 11,500 Owl, la now rapidly settling up Its affair (u d will surrender its charier in the near future. The prospects for business in tho Orient did not, !t Is raid, warrant continuation, so :t has een decided to settle the afalrn r:f the company as soon as possible mid close no. , HYMENEAL. Doable Wedding; at Beatrice. BSSATK1CK, Neb., Jan. 22.-t8peclal.)-A dol le wedding was rolemuized yesterday morning at 10:30 c'clock at the home of A. L. Stanhope at Filley, when aMss Hths fctanhope was married to Mr. Hobert J. Flaws of Weill ter C'ty, ?a., snd b'laa Ruth Stanhope tsst her lot Mr. Fr-hnglsr A. Brugh tf Rockford, this county. Ilev. J. W. Merrill of this city officiated, the cere mony being witnessed by about f.fty friends of the contracting parties. Iloaarlanri-Ouerly. HUMBOLDT, T eh., Jan. 22. 'Special.) Rev. Lehrer of the Dry branch church last evening officiated fit tre riotrrlage of Miss Lena C'berly to Mr. Archie R. Houglaml. which ix-curted at the homo of the bride's father, John Cdni ly, . veral miles south of this city Turkf r rlsg. NKHBASKA CITY, 'eb., Jan. 22 (Spe cial.) Winifred Tucker and .Visa ida Sprigs, both of this city, were married tsterday by Judge Timblln. CO IRE Blck Headteha snd rellere (II On troubles laaV cent to s bilious ttate of ' b system, such as Die S'ness, Ksum-s, Drowsiness, Dutrrss sftnr sstutg, Palo in tbe Aide, Ac. While tbstr saost ressars bl eucttM Ins been ihowo la caring Bidsrhe.yrt Csrter'aLlttls Liver Pillisrsnaaslly iinbl in Coudipatloa, curiae sad praatisf tins Mooring, none they also cermjl all disorders of tue slomtrh, stioiulste to liver and tcgulal the bowels. Xvcn U tiu-y only cure! Aehft they would be.nioi prirrlrM to these Whs tuff.-r from this ditireM ng complaint; but fortu i.aisly their goodness do not cud bers, see those hoooceuy tbeu will Snd these milt pills vsla. 1 1 is in so many way that they will not be wuliag to db without ibem. ilu after all tick bead AGIKIE It ths bane of so susny Urea tr st her is where we mast eur giesi UaM. Our cue U wbiia ntbrrs do not. T Caxtsr't Little Uvar PHI are very vmaO sag , eery assy to take. Ob or two pihs make s duS. Tt'jr art alnrllr tegetablt anil do aol gripe ct urgt, sat by tn'lr gentle aciain plr-aae all whe lastbam. In visit st 25 emia: a for ftL 8uM by oraggistt every wbws, or asut by ma 1. f! UTU MEDICI KE CO., NW York Clt CARTERS r?IVER 4