THE OMAHA DAILY REE: SATURDAY, JANUARY 23. 1004. Sells in China Sells in Russia Sells ir. France seosm Mexico 1 Sells in Australia scih b Germany seiis in South Africa Sells in Great Britain Sells the World Over end has a Icrger sale in the United States than the combined sates of all other cold end grip cares. j axative Rromo fanning the first and original cold tablet, which has won a world-wide reputation to CURE A COLD DM ONE DAY. It has proven the best known remedy for grip. Call for the foil name Laxative Rromo gfrmnW Sm Oat fb bos bears fhfe ergaatur FINDS JOHN BLAIR GUILTY Jnrj Eeiohei a Verdiot After Short Stay In Coniultatian Boom. BEULAH THOMAS CHANGES HER STORY to Oovreot He Ntrf-hn Biol ' Aaaaaltod He and Kopt flea Vaaoe Hypo41o SpolL TOn it. Nab,, loa, (BpocJ&l Trirpui.) i-ln tha cetebratao1 John Blair oaoa tha jury thought in Tardlot ttua morning finding Blair KiA'-ty of arlmlnai assault on tha par. oon of Pooiah Thomas, a minor, Blalra attorsveye have made motion for a, new trial, Tha aenteoea ' Judao Evans pro. fiounoea ), H la believed, ba tha BhortMt tlnta, which la thrao years la tho panl tan Wary, Thar la eonatdorabW armpalhy for Blair- family, which nasal at a a wlU, who U frail and baa stood hy bin throuchoat this (rial, and t tiros roan- children, Blair has ac aaulty la a ssaail farm near Arborrtlla And la reported, not to ba In tha beat dr. cuiuataneea. auo phuui laanmony in toe trial waa aTiven today by Mas Thomas, wherein ha testified ontlraly different than aha did Monday this week, whan aha testified to Shield John Blair, Tha testimony last pjght waa all fn and tha attorneys had worrTlhea.tJw)Sa,'helr plaail to the Jury whan Mlea Thorns telephoned Judge Evans that In tha Interests of Justice and troth aha wished to change her testimony and eorract testimony already siren, Judas ana at onos cava his consent and this mmmi niuinaa WM UI on in. Wlt- pesa stand and told that aha had been tinder tha hypnotlo Influenoa of John Blair and that whan aha waa In his preaenoa aba was not atrlotly accountable for all that aha did or said, admitting that ha had gr enter Influenoa oyer her than any other person and that aha could not prevent herself eft Mm fmm v.i M i - . , " . - ... wntymmy within his power, are aha Was Hypnotised. Whan questioned why aba now testified different and what caused her to telephone Judge tH-ana asking for the privilege of testifying again aha replied that Bherlff Brott had told her that attorneys for Mr. Blair had severely arraigned and denounced her father and mother and that aha 'then realised tha unenviable position In which aha waa placing her parents and this was tha reason why aha requeated tha Judgi to allow her to testify again, Bha told Ok name aiory an aha told whan on the wit Baaa aland In County Judge Taylor's court at tho preliminary trial, going Into par ticulars, giving tha same dates and time and places wherein tha assault oocurred. Stating that Blair had that Influenoa over liar and whan with hire alone aha waa hypnotised and powerless to resist him. County Judge Taylor said that when she waa sworn In his court Miss Thomas hsd mads tha request that ah would ba seated po that she could not aea John Blair, be cause when he caught bar eye the spell would com over her so that aha would act and asy what he wanted her to. and tha judge aeoommodated her by placing the witness chair so that ah, waa not In tha view of Blair, la rebuttal John Blair was again placed on tli witness stand and denied every MUNSEY'S OUT TODAY also following: Century. Strand, Success, Scrlbner's, Ladies' World, Met ropolitan, Leslie's Monthly. lie sells stationery. 1615 Fa mam St., Opp. N. Y. L. Building: Once More, Three On Saturday, January January 25, we will well three oaken (put up in a box) of "California Violet" Foap for 9c n box. It in a Ture, delicate tcilet foap, made exprensly for uk, and nells ordinarilv for 25e a box. " See them la our Window Display. statement that Miss Thomas had made. At 8:30 p. m. the case was given to the jury, who arrived at a verdict by 12 o'clock, but owing to the judge not being present, they brought In a verdict thla morning of guilty(as charged. Blair will probably be tried at the next term of court for aiding, hiding and se creting Beulah Thomas, the prosecuting witness. Oil Compaay Capital Stock. BEATRICE. Neb., Jan. 22. (Speclal.) The annual meeting of tha stockholders of the Globe OH company was held In this city last nlpht, and It was decided to In crense the capital stock of tho company frorri 1500.000. to tl.000,000. The annual re port of the treasurer showed thi business of the company to b In excellent shape. The following officers were elected for the coming year: R. H. Yale, president; C. M. Hemler, vie president; F. H. Kline, aecretary; A. W. King, treasurer; W. Z. Warner, general manager; Jf.. M. Bmethers. superintendent of field work. The property of the company is located" at Fossil, Wyo.. and the officers and stockholders ara nearly all residents of Beatrice. For Central Nebraska Chaataaeaa. FUIX.ERTON. Neb.. Jan. S2. (Special.) Tha .Central Nebraska Chautauqua ' as sembly will hold its fifth annual aesslon at Fuller-ton from August 18 to 28 Inclusive. Tha citlsens of Fullerton ere awake to the Importance of this assembly and hare taken the Ih'tlatlve In the matter by sub scribing a guaiantee fund of 11,000. A mass meeting of the e'.tisens will be held. Satur day evening, at which time the reorganisa tion will be perfected. A. varied and In structive program, with the beet of talent, la guaranteed. It Is the aim of the man agement to make the Central Nebraska Chautauqua a permanent affair. Bntldln- Activity at Ord. . ORD, Neb.. Jan. 21 (Special.) Something like fifty new residences were completed in Ord In 1903 and yet there is a dearth of houses. It Is Impossible to find a vacant house In town and present Indications are that there will be much building here the coming season. There are a dozen dwell ings in course of construction at the pres ent time. Among the buildings projected for the coming season are a number of brick blocks on the square. There is a demanofor all the building done and Ord Is experiencing a healthy growth. The boom element so often- in evidence la en tirely lacking. Gage Coaaty Sopervisora Act. BEATRICE, Neb., Jan. 22. (Speclal.) t the meeting of the County Board of Supervisors yesterday the list of deputy assessors for Gage county, aa aubmltted by County Assessor W. W. Scott, was ap proved by the board. Each township re ceives one. Beatrice elsht and Wvmnr. ,two. Hon. A. B. McNlckle of Cortland "a. weciea a memDer or tne Soldiers Re lief commission and W. R. Jonea appointed superintendent of the Gage county poor farm. " Goes Trkamah One Better. OAKLAND. Neb.. Jan. 22. (8peclaJ.) J. A. Longford, Jr.. carrier on rural route No. a, from this city, made the trip on his route Thursday by team In two hours and fifty-eight minutes, driving twenty-four and a half miles and aervlng sixty-two boxes. The team used was one of those which has been driven on the route for the last two years. , Cakes, for 9cfe!.jl 23, ami Monday MILLERS JOIN' FEDERATION Diictui Adrantagcs af Becoming Fart of tha Rational Organic I'Joa. SUPREME COURT HAS BUSY SESSION Ja'ment for Loss of root Cot Dtin frosa, Twrlrc to Sloe Tkoiwit Dollar la Caee from Mer rick C'oaatr. (From a Buff Correspondent) LINCOLN, Jan. 3.-8peclal.) The Ne braska Millers' association this afternoon dlscursed plans to grt Into the National Federation of Millers. In a speech de livered by IL 8. Kennedy, secretary of the federation, he pointed out to the Ne braskans the advantages of being in the federation. H. O. Bradley, secretary of the North Kansas Association of Millers, talked along the same lines. The chicken show will end tonight and owners will begin to cart away their be longings. The show has been unusually well atended and much Interest has been manifested from the start Today the auditorium was crowded from the open ing hour, special ratea having been made to school children. The judges have not yet concluded the list of prises and aa they are so numerous this will take some time. Preparing Teachers', Program. The executive committee of the State Teachers' association met this evening st the Llndell hotel for the purpose of dis cussing the program for next year's meet ing. The members of this committee are: E. J. Bodwell, Omaha; William Kern. Co lumbus; D. C. O'Connor, Norfolk, and J. E. Dalzell, Lexington. Two Days with Editors. The Nebraska Press association will hold Its thirty-second annual meeting in this city January 28 and 27. The first regular session will be held Tuesday afternoon and In the evening of that day there will be a reception to the editors and their wives, tendered by the Lincoln iodge of the P. E. O. There will be business sessions Wednesday forenoon and afternoon and In the evening the visitors will be the guests of the local newspaper men. Nine Thousand for a Foot. The supreme court has decreed that the Burlington Railroad company must pay to Leo Krayenbuhl of Merrick county W.OOO for the loss of a foot A Jury in Merrick county first fixed the damages at 118,000. but the district court" cut this down to $12,000 and ;.esterday the supreme court cut out 13,000 more. The plaintiff had his foot cut of! while on a turntable which an' employe of the railroad had failed to lock. Krayenbuhl Is 4 years of age and was playing on the turntable with some other children. An Abase of Discretion. Because the Antelope district court was guilty of an abuse of discretion In grant ing Mrs. Julia J. McKnlght a separation from bed and board when she proved she was entitled to an absolute decree of divorce, the supreme court awards her that kind of a decree and says McKnlght must also pay her $160 alimony. The decision is a lengthy one, and la an Interesting discus sion of the divorce problem. McKnlght was married in 1867. and after living with his wife for twenty-two years. conceived the notion of leaving. The only excuse he gave was that he wanted to travel. He remained away over two years, came back and resumed his relations with her, but within six months Severed them. Before he left the first time he gave her half of his possessions, but left her an in valid with several children on her hands. Her only support waa an adult daughter, who taught school. After his final desertion she brought suit, but when the court decreed that the pre vious settlement was a bar to any more alimony and that she was entitled only to a separation from bed and board ah ap pealed to tho aupreme court. Rood Losea Oat Again. John Reed gets nothing from his two ap peals to the supreme court from Douglas county. Reed began a suit some years sgo against his wife for divorce, alleging adultery and asking that the title to the property In her possession be transferred to him as the real owner. His wife filed counter charges of Infidelity and claimed the property waa bought with her own mr-ney. The court denied a divorce to either party and refused to pass on the property question. Reed r.ppealed, but the case was reversed, the lower court's denial of a divorce being, upheld, but It was or dered to Inquire Into the property matter. On retrial Reed threshed over the old questions, and was again. denied a divorce, the court holding In a separate , case that the property belonged to the wife. Reed again appealed, but the derision Is af firmed In each case. The court says the lower court wss right when It held that an action to determine property rights not growing out of the marriage relation could not be joined In a divorce rase, and thst a husband was not a competent witness In a suit to declare a trust In his favor In prop erty in which she wss in possession. No Gallty Knowledge. The spectacular failure of Spooner R. Howell, once a western lumber king, la recalled In the-decIsionNf Orandin agalnet the First National Bank of Chicago, an appeal from Douglas county. In 1S91 Howell became Involved for tl.SOO.000. He owed the First National bank of Chicago 1700.000 and cancelled 1150.000 of the notes it held by deeding to It property In Omaha worth that sum. Other creditors attached when after ward Howell went to the wall, the rlaim being made that the president of the bank had guilty knowledge of Howell's intentions to defraud other creditors. The case laid dormant In the district court for years, but finally rearhed a determination. The supreme court holds that while Howell's Intentions to defraud his creditors were made clear by the evidence, there Is nothing to connect the bank with the fraud and it acted within Its legal rights. ' Seat Back for Retrial. A curiously complicated case Is that of Mary J. Sharp against ths Cltlsena bank of Stanton, which the court sends back for a retrial. W. T. Sharp was county treas urer of Stanton from 1XS4 to 1890, and after he went out of office his books disclosed a shortage of between (2,000 and 13.000, which waa afterward compromised for 11.200. In July, ISM. Sharp was drowned In a stream! and administration waa had upon his es tate. Claims amounting to M.0OO were filed, but as It was Insolvent, these were never paid. Nina year, later his family dlacovered that there waa a balance In the bank to his credit of fJSllO, the existence of which was unknown to them. The widow began suit igalnst the bank to secure the money. Two of Sharp's sureties on the bond In tervened and aiked for the money, while several special creditors, who had paid notes at the bank that they had signed Anti-Pain Pills Dr. Mile') prevent as wall as euro headache, ths commonest affliction of mankind. Carry In your pocket. No opiates. Non-laxatlva. There are wo eub siuutaa. Bold and guaranteed by all Srag glata. S dooas S oenia. Never sold La bulk. Pit, kuXU MJEDICAI. COk. filahart, tad, with Sharp, and his generst creditors Joined In the scramble. The bank pleaded the statute of limitations and refused to pay the money to anybody. The district court gave Judgment for the sureties on the offi ctsl bond and cut out all of the others. The supreme court says thst the bank's claim of the statute of limitations is not good, that this ststute doe not begin to run until demand Is made for payment by the depositor or his asolgnee; thst aa be tween the bank and a depositor there Is no promise to pay until demand la made. It holds that the family cannot recover because before they can sue in their In dividual capacity they must show that the estate has been administered and the debts all paid. It holds against the sure ties on the bond because the evidence did not show they had paid ' after the shortage had been scertalned. It finds that claims filed against am estate do not become dormant within five years because there is no method of securing execution in an attempt to collect Proceedings af Supreme Coart. Admitted to the court and sworn In ns attorneys: Joseph P. Baldwin and I. N: Fllcklnker.. 8uppreme court proceedlniss: Farnham against Lincoln; continued as per stipula tion. Horst against Lewis; continued. 8haw against Equitable Mutual Accident Asso ciation; continued. Penn against Throm pen; . continued. Osst-nkop against 8hea; dismissed. Oordon against Omaha; con tinued. Halsh against Dillon; continued; order re briefs. Pet-r against Peter; con tinued. Perrlne against Knights of the Maccabees Association ; continued: ordt-r re briers. Oeneral Assembly A. K. against Kremenchuck ; sfnrmed. Pappe against Pappe; objections to Jurisdiction overruled; leave to appellant to file costs Instanter: application for suit money Massed. Ookfn against Dalluge; motion tor leave to nl ad ditional transcript allowed: order re brlets. Stemm against Camp: affirmed. Commer cial National Bank against Grant; con tinued. .Nelson against Mets Kroe. Brew ing Company; affirmed. Wells against Hawser; affirmed. UafTey against North western Mutual Life Insurance Company; continued. Dubois against Martin; con tinued. Martin against Abbott: continued Union Pacific Railway Company atcainst Smith; leave to plaintiff to tile briefs In stanter at Its own cost anO on payment oi iu attorney ree to the defendant. Kitchen Bros.' Hotel Company against inxon; continuea. noimes against I onim bia National Bank; continued. Baldrtge agRinst iorrman; continued, swan against t raig; motion overruled. Prltschau atrainst Rice Bros, of Nixon; continued. Singhause against uammell; leave given Anderson to enter appearance; leave given to file aaamonai transcript. fclge against Edge; leave given to flic briefs instanter at plain t'ff's cost and on payment to defendant of 110 attorney fee. Natidaln against Ful lenwleder; motion Fustalned. Chicago Cot tage Organ Company against Standen; motion denied. Chicago Cottage Organ Company against Standen; motion denied. Blakeman ' against Wiseman; motion sus tained; action dismissed. Colfax against Linton; motion sustained. Moores against Dunn; motion sustained. Flala against Ainswnrth; motion for rehearing denied. Gillette against Sweeney; order re rehear ing briefs. Pritchau against Sornberger; leave to docket granted. Woodruff against Douglas County; leave to docket granted. Lombard Investment Company against Hamer; motion to correct Judgment over ruled and mandate to Issue instanter. The following opThlons will be reported: Grandln against First National Bank of Chicago; affirmed; Sedgwick. J. Klabunde agHlnst Byron Reed Company; reversed and remanded; Holcomb, C. J. Vogt against Dally; reversed, with directions; Klrkpat rlck. C. Albln against Parmelee; Judg ment; Ames. C. Van Anthrop against Lathrnp; affirmed; Hastings. C. Hull against Kansas City Omaha Rallwav Company: affirmed; Oldham. C. Reed against Reed; affirmed; Barnes, C Repd against Reed; affirmed; Barnes, C. Brum baugh against Jones; affirmed; Barnes, C. Banking House of Castetter against Stew art; affirmed; Letton, C. State Savings and Loan Association against Johnson; af firmed; Hastings, C. Sharp against Citl sens' Bank; reversed and remanded: Old ham. C. Cady against Conkllng; affirmed; Duffle, C. Farmers' and Merchants' In surance Company against Warner; af firmed; Duffle. C. Chicago. Burlington Qulncy Railway Company against Krayen buhl; remlttur of 13.000 or reversed; Old hsm, C. Vradenburg against Johnson; af firmed; Barnes, J. Nebraska Land and Feeding Company against Trauerraan; re versed and remanded; Barnes, J. Unreported opinion-' Bauer against Tay lor; reversed sjid reWmnded; Klrkpatrlck, C. Lackner against Sawyer; affirmed; Klrkpatrlck, C. McKnlght against Mc Knlght; Judgment: Klrkpatrlck. C. Mc Murtry against Engelhardt: affirmed; Let ton. C. Powell against Burroughs: ap peal dismissed; Ames, C. Sharp against New York Life Insurance Company; af firmed; Barnes, C. ' Orders on motion of rehearing: Glason against Pruhs: motion for rehearing de nied. Farm Land Company against St. Rsynor; rehearing denied. Lamb against Wilson; rehearing denied. FATHER TRIES TO KILL SON Thomas 3eck of Garfield Coaaty Maat Serve Two Yeara la Pealteatlary. Bt'RWDLL. Neb.. Jan. J3. (Special.) Thomas J. L. Peck, an old resident of -Garfield county, was taken to the penitentiary at Lincoln yesterday, to serve a two years' sentence for attempting to murder his son William. Peck was tried and convicted at the October term of district court, but has been out since on bond pending the decision of the court on his motion for a new trial. The case was argued to the court all day yesterday, the court overruling the motion and sentenced him for two years. The crime for which he is punished oc curred last June. It was disclosed by the evidence that there haa been trouble In the family for yeara and that tho father had attempted to keep the son from traveling a certain road, and on the day of the trou ble went out with hia revolver to atop ths boy. A fight ensued, in which wrenches and cluba were used, and finally the boy started to run and the father ahot him in the back. Inflicting a serious but not fatal wound. There seems to be but little sym pathy for the convicted man, but many think the boy ought to go also. Kansas City Baak Loses. TECTUMS EH. Neb.. Jan. 21 (Special. ) The county court here yesterday was en gaged In hearing the case of the First Na tional Bank of Commerce of Kansas City against Samuel F. Hays. The plaintiff sought to recover the amount of 11(0 which If claimed was due upon a promissory note the defendant gave the failed Chamber lain bank of this city. The evidence elicited the following facts: Mr, Hays did give the note to the failed band, but a few days before its doors were closed he called upon Cashier C. M. Chamberlain and expressed his desire to pay the note. Mr. Chamber Iain Informed him the note was In the hands of the Kansas City parties, but said that he could pay the amount and take a receipt for It and the note would be sent for. This was done. The Jury found for the defendant Mr. Hays. Sead Woman to Asylom. PLATTSMOUTH. Neb., Jan. 21 (Special.) Th Caas County Board of Insanity ex amined Mrs. J. W. Richards, who reaidea two mile west of South Bend, yesterday and ordered thst ah be taken to the State hoapltal at Lincoln for treatment. Sheriff J. D. McBrlde and hia wife accompanied her to that institution In the afternoon. Mrs. Richards haa been growing worse for some time. She haa two children, aged about 7 and I y Ceataeioaa Dlaeaeea la Sarpy. PAP1LLION. Neb.. Jan. 22.-(8peclat.)-A caae of smallpox haa been reported In the home of Wllilant Selkotter, ten miles weal of Papllllon. The dtseaae la of mild form. The mump have been epidemic In tha weatern and southwestern part of the county for several month and some cases of scarlet fever In tha vicinity of Springfield have caused the country schools to be low In attendance. - laaalrlag Aeeat rkamk.rlala. TECUMSEH. Neb., Jan. 22. (Special.) A number of letters have been received by dif ferent Tecumaeh parties within the laat fw days which coma from a prominent citlaaa of Havana, Cuba. TV tetters aakj whether or not there Is a reward for th return of Cha-les M.' Chamberlain, the ab. sconding cashier t the failed Chamberlain bank of this city, sod If so the party de sires particulars. There Is a reward of 11.2i0 for the conviction of Mr. Chamber lain and It Is presumed that his return to this city means a conviction. The Havana party Intlmatea that he is possessed of the knowledge of Mr. Chamberlain's where abouts. Baoer Welcomed Home. NEBRASKA CITY, Neb., Jan. 22.-(8pe-clal. Mike Bauer, the newly elected chief of the Nebraska Volunteer Fireman's asso ciation, was welcomed home by the citlsens here today. Mr. P.uuer has been -chief of the locsl fire department for twenty-six years and during that time) there hns never been a man fatally hurt while under his direction. The citlsens turned out to welcome home Mike Bauer this evening. The fire depart ment and Loeb'a concert band headed the procession. After the parade the speech of welcome was delivered at the armory by Mayor Bartllng and other addresses were made by many other prominent citlsens. Strike Coal at Nebraska City. NEBRASKA CITY. Neb., Jan. H.-(Spe-clal.) Frank Loveland and a few other men have struck an elghteen-lnch vein of soft coal In the bluffs south of the city on land leased of B. D. The vein Is of fair quality and is gradually getting thicker as they get farther Into the bluff and of a better grado. They expect to commence active mining operatiors as soon as the necessary material can be secured. I.lahtalng Kills Stock. BEATRICE. Neb.. Jan. 22-(Speclal Tel egram.) Word reached here tonight that during the storm which prevailed In this locality Wednesday night Emmett Nuctcr, a farmer residing near Steele City, south west of here, lost three head of mules, three head of horses and thirty head of hogs, all killed by one stroke of lightning. It was sleeting and snowing when the bolt came. First Toaeh of Winter. EDGAR, Neb.. Jan. 22 (Special )-Edgar Is having Its first touch of real winter. The weather has been remarkably fine for more than two months, but last Tuesday a change came and the weather has kept steadily cold ever since. A little snow fell on Wednesday. Just enough to whiten the ground and complete the appearance of winter. Sarpy Coaaty Teachers. PAPILI ION. Neb.. Jan. 22-(Spoclal.) A meeting of the Sarpy County Teachers' association will be held In Papllllon Feb ruary R. Arrangements are being made for an elaborate program. Deputy. State Su perintendent McBrien will be present and address the meeting, while several other prominent people will be In attendance. Mortgage Record la Sarpy. PA PILLION. Neb.. Jan. 22 (Special.) The following Is a list of the mortgagee filed and released In Sarpy county during the year 1903: Farm mortgages filed. 113. l.99i; released. Sfl. 1218.0P.50. Town mortgages filed, 76. 127.611.76: relessed. 42, 115.119. Chattel mortgages filed. 264, 1101, S14.70; released. 114. 104.669 SI. Frnltmea Are Frightened. HUMBOLDT Neb.. Jan. 22. (Special.) The sleet which hns for the past three davs covered everything to the depth of a hslf Inch or more. Is said by fruit men 'to have destroyed all the prospects for a fruit crop another year, as far aa this section is concerned. Sentences Cklekea Thief. NEBRASKA CITY. Neb., Jan. 2J.-(Bpe- clal.) Frank Robinson, who was recently arrested for stealing chickens, pleaded guilty to petit larceny and was given a sentence of fifteen days. He was caught selling atolen chickens to the local cold storage plant. Tou may trust Plan's Cure to stop coughs and relieve sore spots In the lungs. 25c. B.taras from Navy Yard. EAVELOCK, Neb., Jan. 22. (Bpe.-ial.r-Charles F. Langstcn returned home yes terday from the Brooklyn navy yards after a year'a absence. Bedridden 10 Months with Kidney Disease. . ...: tSt"-' -J Mr. C. B. Rlehter, of Wilmington, DeL, 70 Yeara of Age, Given I'p to Die of Kldaey Troable, Saya He Waa Completely Cored by Warner's Safe Cure "I am now 70 years o'.d and In perfect physical condition, all of which I o to your grand medicine, and 1 want to tell you about my case. "I waa taken ill In March, 1&94, and the doctor told me I had a serious case of kid ney disease. He treated me seven months but 1 kept getting worse until I took to my bed. 1 was bedridden for about ten mouths, snd was reduced to a mere skeleton. 1 was advised to prepare for death at any minute. "Friends told me Bafe Cure had cured them and urged me to try it so I stopped the doctor's medicine and took nothing but Safe Cure. 1, began to improve within a fow days, and nine bottle restored me to perfect health and strength, and 1 have not bad a touch of kidney trouble since." HAS. B. RIOHTER. We have thousands of Jut such letters from men and women who have been cured of kidney disease by Safe Cure. Thousands of leading doctors and hos pitals have been using Bafe Cure for years aa the only positive cure for all dlseaxea of kldneye. ,b'adder, liver and blood the one remedy that cures and leave, no bad after effect. Sold bv druggists, or dlreet, 50 cents snd II a bottle. Be sure you get WARNER'S BAFE CURE there are dangerou Imita tions. Medical booklet with testimonials and doctor' advice free for writing. War ners Hafe Cure Co.. Rochester, N. Y. SAFE PILLS move the bowels gently and aid a speedy cure. THE PERFECT PURITY of HAND SAPOLIO makes it a very desirable toilet article; it contains no animal fats, but is made from the most healthful of the vegetable oils. It is truly the "Dainty Woman's Friend. " Its use is a fine habit. ii i al .a hii Correct Dress STUPENDOUS SALE OF HI TROUSERS Former ffi.OO and $5.00 mines po for $3.00 Former $3.50 nmi $.'UH) values po for 1.50 Thousands of new colors, best materials, highest char acter makes, unmatehable values, prices cut beyend recognition. MggguaM Overcoat Reductions Long overcoats, medium length overcoats, belt back overcoats, bell fchaped overcoats, tourist overcoats, auto mobile overcoats. Former $35.00 overcoats go for .... $25.00 Former $25.00 cvereoats go for 18.00 Former ?22.50 overcoats go for 15.00 Former $15.00 overcoats go for 11.00 Former ?10 and ?12 overcoats go for .... 7.00 Pre-Inventory Clearance of Winter Middle Weight Suits Inventory, Feb. 1st. Everything sacrificed to clear up broken lots. Finest hand-tailored, high character clothing. Former $25.00 suits go for , .. . .$20.00 Former S20.00 suits go for 14.00 Former $15.00 suits go for 11.00 Former $12.00 suits go for .8.00 Unequalled Sale Broken Lois Men's Fine Underwear. Pre-Inventory Clearance of all odds and ends of men's un derwear at ONE-HALF PRICE. Former $1.50 fine wool underwear . '. . .'. . ,75c Former $1.00 merino and camel's hair underwear. . .'.50c Former 75c fleece lined underwear 45c Former 50c fleece lined underwear- 35c Mens Fine Shirts Greatly Reduced. Former $2.00 and $2.50 qualities go for . .$1.35 Former $1.50 qualities go for 95c Former $1.00 qualities go for (5c All Neckwear, All Mufflers, AH Fancy Suspenders ONE-HALF. PRICE. These Goods Now on Display in Our Show Windows. ft New Orleans La. $31.50 OmaJvaL to New Orleans and February Ldli For further information and copy of Mardl Oraa Booklet eall at Illinois Central City Ticket Office. No. 140t Farnaia 8 treat, Omaha, or writs. W. II. BRILL. District Paueofer Af eat CHICHftTfR'S IKCLlly rrtriunnuAi mi 1 1 LIKi I RUTH. rILLa sl a riUCHtATKK'a F-M.iaea Umrm ll mXL. - T1 , aM M MuU, fa a- ft it- i w for Men and Doya. Back 9th-14th. tat J "iVV,f Win knu WUMLil. UUil t'MlMf tikf anutni to I ab auckari.,iaBiaii Utmimmmmt U irrltaUua T alcral M M HJUMM- mi B.SS ! ' ruiUH, . au4 as leuCe. wi r snunsis IT -f aanw aiswti i ee at la aUis or r I J fwi, snaa 'J af at. m a mu u t r pa CliwUaf ate t inttiMaibauiicuuj. i iiBCUMun,t rs. LiDeraistopovers en Route Allowed