Tnn oatta1 daily iiee: ratukd'ay, January 23. mot. 10 SPECIAL NOTICES Advertlsemeats for thee roUmm will be Hkf antll 13 m. for the veal; edition and ntll ) p. ma. for the nnralac and Bandar edition. lUlfi, 1 l-ltc a word flrat Insertion, 1 a word thereafter. Nothlac takea for leaa thaa 2c for the flrat laaer tloa. Thrae adrertlaenaeata snaist he ran consecutively. Advertisers, hr reqaeatlaa; a nana dreaaed to naanhered letter la ear f The flee. Answers ao addrtaaed will be delivered oa presentation of the rheek only MISCELLANEOl'S. now open, mtd-w inter term of BOYLES COLLEGE NOT TOO ATE TO ENTER. TJay and Night. CALL, WRITE OK TELEPHONE FOR INFORMATION. Addreaa: H. it. BO 1 LES, President. New York Life Bldg. Omaha, Neb. R M4o2 . . , . D. M. HAVERLY EXPERT ACCOUNT ANT. 212 BEE BLDG. 'PHONE 2904. fiOI p SILVER. NICKEL Plating. Om. UULU putlng Co., IM Harney. Tel. 136. R 370 ! nrii'CMITW C R. HELFIN. 309 N. buuiwnu tii 16th. Tel. 2974. R M18S-F-20 RAMSER KERR, hatter, make old hat new. 207 N. 17th. send nata vy man. M179 31 CITY" SAVINGS BANK pay 4 per cent. ft (01 SPECIAL For a limited time we will fit you with a guaranteed pair of spectacles for II. Don't miss this chance, v. p. -D- ticians, 9n n. loin su n. ivi TERFIELD Piano Co.. Bee Bldg.j Weber, Btorey 4 Clark, Ludwlg, Schiller. K EAGLE Loan office. Reliable, accommodat ing; all bualnees confidential. 1301 Douglaa. Z TO I EXPRESSMEN'S Delivery Co., moving and Storage. 214 N. 16th. Tel. 119S. xt w tUimnnArrt relief; coma removed. VnirOpOUyur. Roy, r. 2-4, 1506 Farnam. XV PIW TRY THH CHTOAOO LAUNDRY. If you don't, we both lose. Good work. prompt attention, 214 N. 16th. Tel. 25. R-971 READ! H E E D 1 SUCCEED! ) H7 f ' ) 414-16 HAVE ROOT PRINT IT. I. ROOT. Inc. 8. 12th. Tel. 1604. R-9,8 Rrooi Strictly home made; potato yeast. DICdU Delicatessen. 1S06 Farnam Street. ft Vi GOLD crowns from 3; fillings from 25c; aet of teeth. 2; teeth extracted free. Unlnn Dental Co., 1S2! Douglas, room 4. R-975 SHOP-MADE SHOES Lang's, 718 8. 16th St. -J93 F1J J. K. WALLACE. TAXIDERMIST, 605 8. , utn. 151 ANTI-MONOPOLY GARBAGE CO., cleans cesspoois and vaults, removes garbage nna nena animnia at reaucea prices. 6Z1 N. IBth. Tel. 1779. 1E0 ACCORDION pleating, quickest. Mr. A. C. Douglas. V.M rmm hut Mark, 17th and R 876 P. MELCHOIR, machinist, 13th ikHoward. R 977 fUBLiriTY DESIGNS WH EATON, In ins oh uiag. H M394 "STRONGEST In the World." The Equita ble Life Assurance society. Its policies are sight drafts at maturity. H.' D. Neely, manager, Merchant' National nana niag., umint. Men. R 978 I puLTK i SUPPLIES Ullery Co.. lflll nowiro. iei. mil. R 879 SIGN. painting. S. H. Cole, 1302 Dotigla. R-9I ALL kinds of carpenter work and repairing t i j i i wcnntree, win aitu inno aim. It Henry He doesn't keep stationery. H sells It at iDio rarnain street. R 241 inn" i' ' "aI ""OveT, heavy hauling. m uaiu. i ei. aoo. l e 1 1 r 4 VODICKA & CO.. flna tallnrlnv all Ll.. J' Pressing and repairing. Krug theater "iwi- "i. xoa R 419 A BOTTLE of Phillips' Face Lotion will fix iaoe so you will like It. R Mtol F8 VfKN EVENINGS, too busy making clothe to clobe. Suit 120 to 40; trousers w iii iu. unaner, loin f arnam street. R Mb98 Fll SJORNSON A HAAS, Tinner and Mfg. "lri iiieiai, cornices, smokestacks, ft- ! ?-- "ry"fnlB' ceilings, tanks, eta ii. loin at. ti 782 Flo CLOTHES made, pressed, altered. Yousea, Paxton hotel tailor. R 409 BUSINESS CHAJTCES. W URV Vntl Wttm, n K,... ..11 . ' T,r. C7.-Y .T "xenange f r. r. f ut ..y 01 lie.. UU1CK. J. H q... 1 HUU.U.AKM8TKONO CO.. business v,w 1 i uT?u n;.""!..wr,w u,i 722 New -" emi. ici. w. x M3b4 0-HOR8E-POWER boiler. 80 engine, swing " "i;iiiiifl, planer, shafting, pulley, belts, etc.; If you want - Y-99S DECIDING to leave city, we sell small av. miwtj mm invoice. 1 Xi pj, jsa. , Y-Ul fOR BALE. Clean atnrk nf 4n ..- shoes and groceries at Pocahontas, la 7; no old goods: a bargain; terma cash. J. - uublov, Aiaranaiiiown, la . Y M143 26 rjn oaj-c restaurant In prosperous county seat town of 2.0u0 nonulatinn- -.a inoney cleared every month; wife's poor ii. d v selling, o. A. Woods, K. 1 MU, I-IQU. J Mill ZOX .WE will pay you $10 per week rash to writ leiiera; stationery and Instruction free. r. d. nunon .o., crescent bldg.. Ne Orleans. La. Y-M169 24x FOR SALE Livery ham and two W.- BnnA location for a livery and feed atab'.e; prlc right. lnveetigate.W. H. Groeecloee, 8t (xlward, Nebraska. Y-209 23x FOR SALE, cheap, bowling alley and pool iinn i-uiiiiicn., if.-irti in urana laiand, Ni-b.; doing good business; cause for sell ing, poor helth. Addree M. J. Munlev B.a..u, . . i m i4X BARBER SHOP and lot; two new rooms new revolving chair; no opposition; splen did opportunity; next to VsnV Address navey nana, uavey, jeo. I M.'IK Z4x LAW ASfD COLLECTIONS. JUDGE DICKINSON. S16 N. Y. Ufa. Set tlements estates a specialty. 'Plione r M93J F16 BTILLMAN & PRICE, 410 1st Nat bk. bldg -li"' -154 THE New Snow-Church Co.. law rnllen. Hons, real estate brokera, attorneys an 1 . brokers everywnere. r list noor N. Y. 1.1 fe. lei. iu. 156 V, F. WAPP1CII, ADVICE fre Crelnhton block. M!4 FOR tension see 8. F. Moore. 23 Patter son block. aiu.a tu SEARI.K & ADAMS. Ijiw and Collections. r.l l.lll Omaha Nat l bank. Tel. -2n.l M146 Xx' C L AIM V O V A N TS. BL'SINESS MEDIUM. 711 N. 17th st. B-116 CVI.MER. palmist. 716 N. 23d; 'phone B- nm ROF. HARRY removed to 11 Dodr C WAmn-it,E help. Busiest Place in Omaha. ' The bunleet place now In Omaha la at the Omaha, Commercial College, 17th and iMtiglaa St. Nearly tudent are working like beavera In the various de partments. The Board of Trade meeting are eitltlnr His lecture course ha begun. the gymnasium la crowded and actual busi ness booming. Verily, It la a beehive of Industry. It would Interest you to peep In. ROHRBOUGH BROS., Prop. , MEN to learn barber trade; free railroad fare upon our taiiure to convince you or thia being the BEST, largest and only reliable, moat practical barber college In thia aectlon ot the country; write for catalogue today. Weatern Barbera' Instl- lute, umalia. Neb. " WANTED For V. S. army, able-bodied. unmarried men, between agea ot il ana so, cltisens of United States, of good charac ter and temperate habita, who can apeak, read and write Knailsh. For Information apply to recruiting officer, 16th and Dodge a In.. Omaha, or Lincoln, Neb. B M164 WE NEED COMPETENT MEN To All positions as managers, accountant. advertising men, salesmen ana oooas-rev-era; also technical and executive men. Iilgn grade exclusively, we nave omuea In twelve cltlee. NVrite for plan and booklet. HAPGOOD8 (Incorporated), 1(16 Chemical building, St. Louis. B WANTED Two agent at once; good aal- ary, city work. c. jr. Aaama v.o ii Howard st ' WANTED Saleemen to handle a line of ladles neckwear on commission, in con Junction with kindred line. Addree Storch Kat. 16-21 W. at-, Bal timore, Md. B-MW7 S WESTERN EMPLOYMENT AGENCY, B M482 Kooma 14-U Crounae Blk. WANTED, ten experienced salesmen to travel with wagon ana sen an oia line of medicines and houaehold articles on commission, with a guaranteed earning of JtiOoo per month. Applications irom ex- perlencea men only will D conaiaerea. Address, The Haller Proprietary Co., Blair, Neb. B 178 F20 WANTED, an experienced lumber and coal salesman, acquainted witn traae in Ne braska and eastern lows. Actress a m. Bee. ; . B 17 27 WANTED Man willing to work hard for gooa salary ana prospects oi prommiun. Must show clear record and be able to furnish S0 cash aecurlty If necessary. Address Manager, box ZH3. Minneapolis, Minn. ii mho . NON-UNION railroad machinists and helpers at once. Addreaa B2L Bee of' flee. B M194 22x WANTED Experienced butcher. Apply at nam Bamberg s, 1014 Facinc. , l aaio a WANTED I want the name of every man In any way Interested In Incubators or poultry raising. 1 have something for you. write at once to At. m. jonnson, The incubator Man, Clay center, iNeo. B 310 ZZX WANTED, everywhere, hustlers to tack signs, distribute circulars, samples, etc.; no canvasslns; good pay. Sun Advertla- Ing Bureau. Chicago. B-MH 22x WANTED, men everywhere; good pay; to distribute circulars, adv. matter, tacx signs, etc.; no canvassing. National Adv Bureau, Chicago. u-Miii z WANTEP, by manufacturing house, trusty assistant lor Drancn omce; is paiu weekly; position permanent; no capital rnulrd: nrevloua eXDerlenc not essen tial. Address Branch Superintendent 324 Dearborn, Chicago. B aizia UjX WANTEDFEMALE HELP. WANTED, a second girl; apply at one. 1M1 S. 30U1 av. i aai WANTED, servant girl, family of three. Mrs. Blmeral, V7tt North Z81H av. WANTED, a rood cook: beat references required. Airs. airneia, izv ai. srr a av. w-auu la WANTED, airl for nnaral houaework; plenty of work; HDerai wagea. Appiy 4i27 Grant at. C 144 lix .WINTKn Two ladtea for the road, pleas ant work, rood Day. ExDensea aavancea Must rurnisn reierences. no soliciting. Addreaa Columbia, - 306 Insurance fcx change building, Minneapolis, Minn. oai'JO mil GOOD, .strong girl for general housework gooa wagea. K.4 a. zum si. v-ai at FOR RENT FtR-MSHED ROOMS. ROYAL HOTEL, European, 16th & Chicago. Ed IKWf DEWEY European hotel, 13th and Farnam. NICELY furnished rooms. Inquire Omaha Steam Laundry, 1760 Leavenworth, rtiom A-1783. E 891 O. M. E. haul trunks. Telephone 611. mvm ELEGANT front room; team heat. 1901 Capitol ave. E M191 NICE south room, modern. 306 8. 26th. Tel. A-1871. 11.28 PER WEEK Do ran Houae, 422 S. 18 th. XL. nm VIENNA European Hotel, 1011-16 Farnam St. Fin rooms; ladies' caie; privet dining room. Open all night. E 606 SOUTH front alcove room; modem. 2580 Harney. hi mil aw NICE furnished room. S24 N. 16th. KM607 BmTi nlcelv furnished south room . "LT..- " i i oiio -. a u mouemi piivutw laiuiijr, wi. E M8C7 ELEGANT front room on 2nd floor, Mer- riam Hotel, zbtn ana uoage. E M 110 FINE rooms, hot water heat, new brick. 1618 Webater. nioa si I HAVE a suit of t or rooms in good nelghbornooa, close ro wwn; wouia rem very reasonable. Address B 24. Bee office. E M202 24x ROOMS FOR IJght housekeeping, 41T E M199 24x North Nineteentn. LARGE front room for light housekeeping. 18. 312 N. atn. Js-Jfl 4FURNI8HED room, modern, suitable for t gentlemen; private iamny. sin n. net n. B M221 24x MODERN furnished room. 1806 Chicago at. E M221 26 FURNISHED room for rent by dsy or wnek: 20 room; centrally located; 602 So. 13th. E M229 25x FfRNISHED ROOMS AKD BOARD.' I Furnished roomi, team heat, with er wlth- out board. Midland hotel. 16th & Chicago. r 4 UTOPIA, steam heart, 1721 Davenport. r wra ROCKAWAYj 181 Douglas. Meals, ISe x f LARGE well-furnished front room, all mod ern, with noaro: aiso gooa is nie noara py day or week, i n Dresner, as b. imn si F 443 ONE large couth room with board. 2418 caaa. s mi is Z4 FURNISHED rooms and board In prlvat family. 2613 Davenport. F M174 27 I MODERN room and board. 1811 Chicago. F-187 17X FOR RENT I Fl FINISHED ROOMS. HOl'SEKEEPING rooms with heat; rea sonable. bSJ So. 2Sth St. Tel. A-2fi9S. G M173 24 X WASTED SITVATIOJI. POSITION of bookkeper or bfflee man ager oy one wno naa naa several years eerlence tn bank and wholesale work: beat references. Addreaa U 17, Bee office. A 106 Z4X TWO young men desire place to work for vmru untie going lO BCnOOI. Tel 1S84. D'jyiea college. A M159 23 V WASTED TO KENT. . WAITED Large building, suitable for Job- ' iraoe, witn trackage. Addreaa H 13, fwm. I 4L iss a If You Have a Room to Rent or want to rent a room yon can win a cash prize by using The Bee Want AU Columns. SEE ADVERTISEMENT ON FAGE 7. rOH BALE MlSCKLlaHKOtS, 2D HAND SEWING MACHINES New home sewing inuciiiiie, uiop iiaau.Ju.tJ Dinger a. M., drop lieaa -w Wiicox uibba. drop neaU, trom ) to : 4o.w White, drop head 16.00 StanUara, urop Head 'iu.w Singer Snoemaer machine 0.UU laiioring maclilnes, Binger aim w neeier Wlison, from tia to jo.w These mtu hlnen are all modern, complete With attachment and guaranteed. Box top machines, all makes, trom 6 to iio.oo W repair and sell Darts for any machine manufactured. Vve lent machines, 6c per week; i per month. NUBKAbKA L'lLbB t-U., Phone ltM. . Cor. irllteentu and Harney. STOCK YARDS SADDLERY CO., . G. Blessing, prop., wholesale and retail manufacturer of and dealer in harness and saddles; whip a specialty; every thing baud made; quality considered, the cheapest harness shop en earth. &U N, 2th st., Bo. Omaha. Union shop. Q-M417 FOR SALE, several scholai slilpa in a Hist- viass Hinuuura scnooi in uinaoa, coiiiyna Ing complete course in uut-lness, snort band and. typewtiilug. luquir at Be efflce. y 4J SECOND-HAND billiard and pool tables; uiiuaru tables repaired; a large stock oi cneap bar clsar counters, etc. The Brunswick-Balk k-oilender Co., 4 '7-9 a 10th fit. Q-loo INDIAN good and ralloa. 1119 Farnam. y mi 2D-HAND safe cheap. Derlght, 1119 Farnam. CHEAPEST OAK SLAT CORN CRIB BING. Long flr timber. 9vl Dougus. 101 FOR BALE Empty Ink barrels. Apply at xee press room. '4 MANTLES, gas fixtures. Incandescent sup plies, low price j-'ranzen, ton l. loin su U 916 J28 100 KINDS of Mineral Water. Sherman St jucconnell Drug Co., Omaha. W MM KIMBALL PIANO, slightly used; big bar gain. cu or writ luoni I, uue HARD cos! stove. 15 up; furniture cheap. .incago r urnitur Co., 1410 uoage. y-403 FOR SALE cheap, almost new box front aeaisain jacket. Auianaugn tn currier, 606 Karbach block. Q-781 FOR SALE Second-hand 2-cyllnder Toledo louring car; a bargain ir sold before February 6. 4M 8. 12th st. Q-Mlo FOR 8ALF One first-class scholarship In BUfllneHS college. Address room 14, Bachelors- Hotel, Omaha, y 205 22x FOR RENT STORES AKD OFFICK FOR RENT Building suitable for whole sal purposes at 9u Farnam, 22x90, four tone ana nrsi-ciass cemented basement elevator. Are and burglar nroof vault, of- tl2 counter and fixtures. For price and particulars inquire C. C. Rosewater. sec retary Be Building Co., room 100, Be Building. 1 M567 FOR RENT, storeroom and basement In good location, particularly adapted for a plumber ahow room and work room or a manufacturer with similar requirements; cower furnished if required. R. C. Peters ic Co., rental agents, ground floor. Be building. . I M794 I STORIES and bnsement 22x100; 1006 Far nam St. Inquire 314 Flrat Nat l Bank bldg. three utiper stories in four story bulldin tiar at 916 Farnam St. two stories If preferred. Address C. C. Rose- water. Sec'y., Room 100. Be bid 986 FOR RENT, 4-tory and basement build ing, 1515 Dodge t., now occupied by Omaha Carpet Co. Inquire on premise. For Rent At a Bargain The large double store In Be Building, formerly- occupied by MacCarthy Tailoring Co. 46 feet plate glas front, the only on of Its kind In Omaha Excellent location for men furnishing store, shoe store, jeweler, milliner, etc. Every tenant of the immense Bee Build ing, City Hall. Court House and New York Lite Building a pos- .. Ible patron. For further particulars, aa MacCarthy Tailoring Company 304-306 So. 16th St. FOR SALE HORSES, WAGONS, ETC, NEW and 2d-hand vehiclea for sale; r- ualr. xt. c rost, inn ana heaven worm. P 167 TWO fin depot wagons, 1 rockaways, 1 rmin. z ir&DS. l waaoneue. s urajri Drummond Carriage Co., 18th and Har ney. . r 100 FOR SALE, several good horses, a fw sets of Zd-nana aoume ana single nar- ness. Melcher s Sales stables, wi a. into P-M113 F FOR SALE, rhesp slightly used: ' Two carriages. I pnaetona, z top ouggies, driving wagons. Andersen-Mtllaid Co., 1516-18 Capitol av. fa lrnR RALE. 2d-hand four-nasaenger car rlage (brnme) at a Dargam n iancn ai once. 1300 Harney st. P Ml. 9 AGEHTS WASTTED. WANTED Canvassing agents In every county to solicit sunsci tpiions io inr. twkVTIETH CENTURY FARMER. Steady employment with assured good in come. Agents In the country with horse and buggy especially desired. Canvass-rs mlM ruallv 800 to Hoi) iter month. Ad dress Century Farmer Solicitor' Bureau, Bee building, umana. jm WANTED A good canvasser for a Cith olic newspaper. Apply The True Voice," 506 Bee bldg. J M578 SOLICITORS WANTED. 108 N. IRth St. J Ml 40 WANTED TO liUY. J DON'T gl away. J. v your furniture ana carpets Levin pay the nigbeat iau price. Tel. 77L tiiia Pnrtl-c bought. old. Antique Book Con- liwoj ceru, zu xLarDacn oik. Tel. N-6i HIGH price for Sd-band furniture. Tel. 2020. . . . .... . i . . . . . vr . i.- yimP 1 UIIUIUI. .V. 1. IUU.I BV9T PRICES for uaed stoves, furniture. Eaterprls FurnHCo.. 102-4 8. 14th. Ttl.ri r im Aiuri LOST. LADIES GOLD watch, between Poppleton und Parlno on I'ark avenue, or between sixteenth and Twelfth on Hoard. or on West Side car. miliars " i M. u. en graved on rase. Uln-ral reward if re turned to 1143 Park avenue. Lost-M200 23X LOST August last, a cameo pin, head of Mercury and a flower cluster pin with diamond and ruby setting. Reward if returned to 2) Continental bldg., or tele phone 3o3 Lost Uilt 26 FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. WHEN buying or selling real estate be sure to get a muiihiki uuaraniPB -?"u Trust company bonded abstract. 1614 Far nam street. N. P. Dodge, Jr., President. RE Mlo3 Tukey & Son ACRE PROPERTY, FRONTING COUNTRY CLUB We offer 3 tract of ground, 100 feet by 300 reel, rrontlng west on iouniry i-mu firounds, for I7S0 each. This is very flne ylng ground, the west half being high and on grade and the east half sloping to the east, making it very desirable for fruit or garden purposes. There 1 con siderable shade on the ground. A. P. TUKEY & SON. 444-445 Board of Trade bldg. RE-145 22 ENGLISH & CO., PAXTON BLOCK, FOR Bargains in Omaha Property. KB S0 FOR SALE Twelve-acre fruit farm at Braldentown, Floilda; water iront, young crange and banana grove, and good hou-'. Address Lock Box bo, Glitner, Neb. RE 196 RANCH and farm lands for sale by the Union Pacific Railroad company. B. A. McAUaster, land commissioner, Lnlo.n Pa cl;.c Uoadquarters, Oinaliu, Neb. P.E-410 CH3- Williamson Co., &k?,Xgl SEE R. H. Landeryou If you wish to buy or tell real estate. 442 Board of Trade. Tel. 2161. RE-&0 GLOVER, 1st floor N. Y. Life, city prop, erty, farms, ranches. Tel. 133. KB 95i BE8T bargain In rarms and ranches. Write Willis Caldwell, l'.rok"n Bow, Neb., for list and illustrated pamphlet. RE M731 J23 A BARGAIN. GOOD 7-room house, lot 60x00. on 26th str near Burdette, 11,250.00. O. C. Olsen, 1704 Farnam str. RE M113 12 7-ROOM modern house direct from owner leaving city; bargain. 2622 Dodge. RE MU2 2Sx . 2,100 Buy magnificent looking dwelling, little northwest of Mr. Joslyn's residence. It has furnace, gus, bath and observatory; barn. F. D. WEAD, 1524 Douglas. RE-151 22 FOn SALE or trade. 640 acres of school laira and wild hav: will trade for live stock or a stock of hirdware. W. C. Wll. limns, DIUHIIHj, ntiij. lti OllJl 20X FRUIT FARM 12 acre In bearing fruit of all kinds; 6- room nouse in first-class repair; good barn and sheds, chicken house; every thing on nlace in fir-Nt-cla condition. Net income f Horn property this season will noi oe uss man fi.MO; win pay lor ltseiz n four years;, well located; IS minute' walk from oar line. BensOn & Carmichael, 642 AXTON BLOCK. .. ,i! r RE M170 12X MORE FINE HOMES are being built in BKMIS PARK than any looatlon In the city. Let us show you and prove It. One of the best lots only i'j-M; Just the place for a fine home. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY, First Floor. N. Y. Life Bldg. Tel. 17S1. RE M157 23x IMPROVED ACREAGE $2,500 Three acres, excellent 7-room house, good barn and outbuildings, trees, fruit, all fenced, choice suburban home, suit able for chicken raising, dairying or small fruit. GEORGB G. WALLACE, BROWN BLOCK. tux 1K1 23 DO YOU WANT TO SELL A FARM? If vou want to sell a farm or ranch tell the farmers and stock raisers about It. The best way to reach them Is through ... THE TWENTIETH CENTURY . FARMER Thia airrlciill oral .Qblu n 1A frYl homea of farmera and atock raisers, so if you have a rood piece of land to sell at a reasonable nilce vou will find a buver among them. The cost of an advertisement is small x cents per word In small type or 12.50 per inch if set In large type. THE TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER OMAHA, NEB. RJB-328 . . 11.250. 5-room cottage with city water and sewer connections on Burt near 25th; lot 83x135, soutn irom, nice anaue trees, ii,2)0. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY, First Floor N. Y. Life Bldg. Tel. 1781. RE 207 24 PUBLIC SALE POSTPONED. The sale of the southwest quarter (8. W, ) section five (6), township sixteen 08), range nine (SI. in Douglas county. Ne. braaka. has been adjourned until 11 o'clock a. m. Thursday, January 28, 1904, when It will be held at the east door of the court house In the city of Omaha. Th sal will remain open at least one nour. JULIA IxlUMAs. Administratrix of the Estate of John X. '1 ti omas. RE-211 27 LOT 14, block 14, West End; ideal location for nice home. Price, 11,500. Competent judges say It's worth more, but I must sell. A reasonable offer. If nulck. will take It.' W. N. Nason, sol agent, 446 Be bldg. Hli-Mai Zi BIO SNAP. 14-aere fruit farm, nicely improved, 11.700. binall rrult rurm well improved, stock Im nlements. 11. mho. 1 acre of ground and S-room house, 8. 15th st., umana, s.cui. If taken at once. List your property to sell or rent with US THE SAUTTER- MARKS CO.. Cor. 20lh and Pierce Sts. RE M21S 24s DAKCINO ACADEMY. CHAMBERS' New Academy. 2424 Farna Adult beginners, Momluya and Saturday, 1 n m anaemlilies. W edresdays. :M) D m.; children beginners, Wednesdays, 4 p. m.. Saturdays. 2 n. m l advanced, Satur days only, 4 p. m. 'Phon. F-W71; re.. A-1871. U If vou danne. attend Mnrand'a Wed. aasem hllea If vou don't dance. Join his Tuesday and Frl. clasa, I p. m. Special attentitHi to beginners; lady assistants; private lessons daily. Call 15th and liarney or i-ei. loti. OSTEOPATHY. Johnson Institute. 615 N. Y. Lit Bldg. I. 1(44 HA Th Hunt Infirmary. McCagua bldg. T. 2351 -4oi DR. GRACE DEE IAN, 832 N. Y. Lit. TL SIM. 4 Fayette Cole, Osteopath. 609 Paxton block. -iu TICKET IHOkEKI, CUT-RATE railroad ticket everywhere. P. H. Philbm, Iwa Faruam. 'Paen 7M FOR HKST HOISES. THE Omaha Van and Storage Co. pa:k move and ator H. H. guoda. Storehouse, 1120-24 N. 19th. Oince, IMA Farnam. Tel. 1669-W3. D-M449 FOR RENT 6-room houae, 2563 Woolworth ave.; porcelain bath, gas, hot and cold water; newly painted and i papered throughout-ia). J. H. Sherwood, New York Life Bldg. D M667 2818 S. 19th St., (-room house 120.00. 1925 S. ISth St., 6 room house, well 110.00. 319 N 17th St., 6 rooms upstairs 112.00. M CAGL'E INVESTMENT COj 1506 Dodge St. D 1 HHI IQPC In all parts of the city. Th nUUOCJ O. F. Davis Co., 608 Bee Bldg. D 113 HOUSES In all part of the city. R. C. Peter dc Co., Bee Bldg. D 114 PAYNE-BOSTW1CK & CO., choice house. 601-606 New York L1X Bldg. 'Phone 1016. T D-U6 SEVERAL good housea. $10 to $18. ChrlS Boyer, 22d and Cuming. 'Phone KlW S-room mndArn hrlrk. close In. lust comDleted. Flat. Z306 ieavenworiu, e rooms. $17. JOHN N. FRENZER, Opp. Old P. O. D M94$ NEW modern 6 rooms. 1317 S. 6th St., 118. D 673 ZX WE MOVE pianos. Mnggard Van Stor age Co., Tel. 1496. Office. 1713 Webster st. D 118 HOUSES, insurance. Ringwalt. Barker Big. D-111 HOUSES FOR. RENT. 120.003556 N. 27th St.. 9 rooms, modern. 120.00 1S22 S. 27th St., 6 rooms, modern. W m N. 43l st., s rooms, modern. 112.00 34L0 Jackson St., 6 rooms. $12.iio34l;t Jackson st., 6 rooms. $10.00 3Kt7 Decatur st, 7 rooms. I 8.0O 3314 8. 20th St., E rooms. N. P. DODGE & CO., 1614 FARNAM BT. D MltiS 23 7-ROOM cottare, all on one floor, new por celain bath, nlckle plumbtng. new pousnea floors, beautifully finished throughout, on car line, S. WILLIAM K. POTTER, 303 BROWN BLK. D 206 NEW APARTMENT HOUSE The most elerant apartment house in Omaha, the Chatham, lust completed. 110 S. loth at., opposite the Millard. The nine Hats are offored separately or together for Kentlemen only. Every luxury of bath. heut, smoking room, etc. Adjacent to the banks and wholesale district. Best refer ences required. Apply to H. J. Windsor, luis Dodge st. D M.-zf ia FOR RENT, fine new modern 7-room houa at 20th and Ohio sts. D M224 24x FOR RENT In BEMI8 PARK, an 8 room house, ELEGANTLY FURNISHED, hot water neat, porcelain bath, etc., gas and electric llrht mantel, speaking tubes. In fact RIGHT UP TO DATE IN EVERY RE8PECT. For further particulars In quire of Payne Investment Co., Main Floor N. Y. Life bldg. D-M214 24 FOR RENT, alx-room modern house! new Weat Farnam car line, 'in o. r Davis Co., 608 Bee building. D M230 Fl MONEY TO LO AH CHATTELS. MONEY TO 'LOAN EASY PAYMENT PLAN You can Day u as you wish, in small weekly or monthly payments, and each payment so made reduces the cost of th loan. Our rates are as low as any and a great deal lower than some. We loan on furniture, pianos, horses, wagons, etc., the property alwsys remain ing in your possession. V also loan to SALARIED PEOPLE upon their own agreement to repay. Our facilities are the best for QUICK service and our office motto Is "to pleas our patrons. OMAIIA MORTGAGE LOAN CO . 11 Board of Trails Bldg. Tel. 2296. icmauiiBiira hum. ve a. 18th St. X M82S YOUR CREDIT IS GOOD HERE FOR MONEY If you hold a PERMANENT SALARIED rooi l luw. on vour el.l N motl' WITHOUT MORTGAGE, 1NDORSER or WE ALSO LOAN ON HOUSEHoLu'FUR- XI IT I D tl Til A Vt-n i v KiiuwR'otifl or rrifntiH nnn mr invar a a V- Avxii, tr iAUfl, CIC. AXWe8C fAteta. quick service, conrtdential treatiuont v-ttii. wiiitj ur mieyitune, lei. HJl. AMERICAN LOAN CO. Room 1W7-J0S 'Paxton Block, third Iloor, cor. x- mi uuiu auu iuin bis, Kntranc lttltl be X-MM4 MONET LOANED ON FURNIT UKK, PIajsos, L1VU STOCK, SAIARIES, ETC. Low rales and eaay term. Buslneda confiaeiitlal. Try us it you want to save money. PHOENIX LRKOIT t-;!? ' 3l Paxton Bluck, 16.U and Farnam Sti MUNNEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLIil w uiuci wiiu ecmiiy easy payments; Ingest business in 9 r:lnpii,.l mm.. Toilnan, loom 440, Chamber of commerce " X 122 MONEY loaned oa plain not to salaried peouis; uusiness connaenuai; lowest rat. us niiun uiuca. ine j. a. uutton Co. I , X-LJ MONEY loaned on piano, furniture i. iai ciry, nori , cow a, etc. C. F. Reed, SIS 8. U. X 124 CHATTEL, salary and jewelry loans. Foley T ...... .... T3 tt 131am 1 I , v . - Ml.ll WW. A. V. AJMKOI OlULa. 1 Jit THE STAR LOAN CO. 644 Paxton building, 1 the recognised bank or um reuauis wage earner and salaried employe; largest business In all weatern cities on account of our easy payments. ivw iiwi miu vuuiicBm extenaea. X-M204 MOSKX TO LOA.1-KKAL ESTATE. FARM and city loans, low rati a. w u Thomas, First Nal'i Bank Bldg. T1.16. W U PRIVATE money. eberwood, 37 N. Y. Life. nUt 4 TO I P. C. money, Bemla, Paxton block. w u PRIVATE money. F. D. Wead, 1520 Douglaa. w 11 WANTED City loan and warrant. W. K aruaiu Diiiiin si v iuti r amain, au W-Ui FIVE per cent loan. Farnam. Garvin Bros., 1604 w Ui WANTED Real estate loans and warrants. K. c. Peters u CO.. Be iiiag. w lil MONEY TO LOAN Fayn Investment Co. W 14 1 farm loan R. C. nam. Patterson, 1224 Far w iao WASTED I4LESMEH. WANTED Four sDeclaltv men to sell com putlng scales; must hav good references and oa men capHOie or earning o I'.nJ per month. Moneyweight Scale Co bis Fourth ave.. Cedar Rapios, la. MI23 24 .SHORTHAND AD TYPEWRITING. A. C. VAN BANT 8 school. 717 N. Y. Life. lis KEB. Business A Shorthand College. Boyd a I thaataf -if PKKSOKALS. PSYCHOLOGIST. PROr. AHBOi I, THE FAMUie felt MOlAlGlST. Instructor and rienioiiHtrutur oi me In fluence of colors In your personal magnet Ism. Know your power uy nature a true law; how to maiuie )our inanesl and best gifts by a syvtem ot culorn arranged lor concentration. I raotlcal, and a benetli to all. Instruction private anil In cluss. Hours lo to Li, X to t, ut Mi Douglas street. Room of lata Dr. Werts. U M197 23x LA BOOK, ladies' tailoring, 611 KnrltHco block. . U j0 p . Bath and llairdresslng htpfTpnt Parlors, it Ramge Building vx-fa,-,,fc Tel. 2WJ9. Ladies only. PAPA llurrj nome. Mamma wants you to get ma a pan of Huieson a "rateni oup Not" Rimless Everlases. They're just loo swell. Ian l snake oil. 13 S. lbili. Calitio. L iM F-14 ANY poor girl In need of a frlpnd can call or write to the matron oi me oaiuuu Army Hume Icr Women, 24 N. 4lh St., Omaiia, Neb. U Mi- Maylx Stammering cured. J. Vaughn, Ramg Bid. ELITE parlors. 61S a 16th. 2d floor. TEL. 3265; that tho Gat City Steam Dye ing ana cleaning Work. US b. ion HEI.IX), ANNIE! This Is Joe. Will work ate; meet me at Colombia Phonugrupu Co., ltd Farnam, at 7:Jo; we'll hear tne fre concert and buy some X. P. owe rec ords tor l!5c, especially adopted H the Edison Phonograph. They manufacture everything in the talking machine line. la MEET me at Meyer-Dillon's ths "yellow coiner lor quality luth and Farnam. V MU r-16 VIAVI" way to health. 346 Be building, Omaha. u 14J JACK Come ea.'.y tonight; want you to go io me Pu ecKer cigar Co. wun me; papa's birthday, mamma wants to piv sent him a box el Scuecker's Monogram bo cigars. MAItih. VUH F18 WHAT'S nicer than altcordlon pleating? wo uo noining nut tne nnest. uoiunmn Pleating Co., 2u0 Douglas block. U 14 WATER'S PRINTING CO., 1212 Louglal U 146 OMAHA DYE WORKS, 1616 HOWARD. maiuunaois cleaners; dresses, suits, cloaka, draperies, rugs, la'je curtains; w dye carpet. U M7;f7 J23 ' MAnNFTIP treatment baths. Mm. 1UAVJ1X C I IV- Bmlth, 118 N. lfc, 2 fir. il 1 MS44 FSX SAVE MONEY-By buying from the manu facturer, juurkley Lnvelope Co., Omaha. U-4S0 FUx ARCHIBALD Must have your picture be- lore you leave. Don't rail to meet me at Proctor's, 616 S. 16th. Sunday afternoon. We can get 15 beautiful cabinet pliotos for 13.00. Elolse. . U 152 MASSAGE and manicure: bald heads 17th St. Mma. ZaDore. U M201 24X treated. 2tf No. FRESH EGGS If you want them and live southwest, address Brookllne Poultry Yards, Station B, Omaha Rural Delivery. U M222 24X MEDICAL. HOMOEOPATHIC medicines, wholesale and retail. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. -M184. COLONCO CURES CATARRH. M3M PRIVATE Sanitarium for ladles hefor and aunng confinement. Dr. and Mrs. Gerlscn, VMM bM.UHIll 1HU1I IHlUIIHUIVi -143 utr your medicines at t'ONTB S new arug star in wu-bi' J AKNAM DIB TK1CT. SUIT A-ND FAKWAM STS. . Matt Fl DR. PRIES treats successfully all disesses anu irregularities ot women rrom any cause; experienced and reliable, l&li joage su, Arlington oiock, umana. 144 PRIVATE- hospital during confinement; Daoiea adopted. Mr. Uardels, 2234 Lake. Tei. Red-1M4. 146 PRIVATE home during confinement; babies aaouieu. i ne uooa earns man Banllai lura. 723 1st av.. Council Bluffs, la. u2 PRIVATE hospital befor and during con- iiueiiieni. air, i. t inner, 2010 b. utn. Tel. 189. 147 MAGNET PILE KILLER. IT CURES. AT aruggisu, l. Kg FOR EXCHANGE. WILL trad beautiful piano for horse. Bchmoller 4k Mueller, 1313 Farnam St. Z-96C FOR EXCHANGE, fine piano for a new or uaea typewrit, aenmouer Mueller, 1313 Farnam street. Telephone K26. Z-MH9 FOR EXCHANGE $4,000 vacant business property. South umana, to trade for improved rental property, Omaha. Will assume mortgage or nay cash difference. GEORGE G. WALLACE, BROWN BLOCK. FOR SALE or trade, for a good pool table a Kegina music machine, mahagony wood work, 16 different pieces of music. Ad dress B 28, Bee. Z M219 2&x COSTCMKs. Theatrical and masq. Lisbon. 1018 Farnam. 1b2 COSTUMES for rent Back, till 8. 20th st M744 JJ4X LEIOHMAN. MASQ., 2821 Farnam. Tel. LZ1S3. MIZIFIS DETECTIVES. CAPT. T. CORMACK. 517 Karbach block. Tel. A-xsk. 11 THE BEBOUT DETECTIVE AGENCY, 70s N. Y. LIFE. "ELEPHONE 1540. Itt MUSICAL. THOS. J. KELLY, rolo. Davldge block. -36 DAISY HIGGINS. voice and piano, 201J Leavenworth. Tel. A-2741. 8X2 F16 DRESSMAKING. MRS. CABB, dressmaking. 1910 Dodge at Mu6 J 2s IN famine. Miss Sturdy, 309 N. 23d. M-30S Fl PATENTS. II J. COWOILL No fe unless successful, til a 16th at. Omaha. Tel. lis. PATENTS GUARANTEED Sue A Co., Omaha. Neb. 92 All FLORISTS. HESS A 8WOBODA. 1416 Farnam. Lk HENDERSON, florist, 1419 Farnam St FVRNITI'HB riCKIHO. Peterson Lund berg, lit B. 17th. Tel. L-M&. MM' POS I OFFICE NOTICE. (Should be read DAILY by all Interested, as cttanges may uttur i "W. Forelau malls for th week ending Jan. uary 23. 1904. will close (PROMPTLY In all ra af M t H.I Uie General Poatotflca as follow: PAKCElS-POST MAILS close one hour earlier then closing urn suown neiow. Mnulir and buuniemeiitary malls close at Forslgn Station half hour later than clos ing time shown below (except that Sup plementary uaiis lor curupe anu ienirai America, via Colon, close one hour later at Foreign Station). Trai tla Malls. SATURDAY At 6:3 n. m. for SCOTLAND, J HT. 1 - Pliu , I'ci m. m. Iicanla, via Queenstuwn (mull for other parts of Great Britain and Europe must Le directed "per a. a. Lucanla' ; at 6 a. m. for EUROPE, per a. a. St. Paul, via Plymouth und Cherbourg: at 6:30 a. m. for BELGIUM direct, per s. a. Kroon- una i in ii 1 1 in i u.iw iwi i KroonlaaU"); at 1.30 a. m. for ITALY roSTOFKICK NOTICB. direct, per a. s. Princess Irene (mall muni le directed "per a. a. Princess Irene "i " After the dosing of the 8upik.:irufTii-y Tiansatlnnllc Malls named above, knal llonnl Supplementary Mails are oercil on the pirra of the American,, I.'i.Ia ,, Frelich and German steamers, a-.d re main open until within ten minutes ef the hour of sailing ot steamer. Malls for Joath and Central America, Weat Indie. Etc. SATURDAY At Van a. m isnpp'emontnry I 30 a. m ) for PORTO P. I CO, CURACAO and VENEKI'KU. per a. a. Phlladelph'a (mall for Savsnilla and Cartagena must be directed "per s. s. Ph'ladclphla"); at l a m. for PoKTti HICO (ordinary mail on!yV per a. s. Pnthf.nder, via Maysgues; at :20 a. m. (Siinpleincntary 10 SO a. m I Tor ST. THOMAS, ST. CROIX. I.EK VAR1 and WINDWARD ISLANDS BRITISH, DUTCH nd FRENCH GUI-" riioiria imnii ror tosia itica must ho di rected "per a. . iblrla"); ht t:3n a m (supplementary PV;!0 a. tn.) for lNAtilTA HAITI and SANTA MARTA. per a Adirondack; at 1" a. m. for CUB 4, per a. a. Morro Crstle, via Havana; nt'l-,i p. m. for CUBA, per a. s. Curltyba. via Havana. Malta Forwarded Overlaaa. V eept TraaapaelBe . Jr1""" ror despatch by steamer, clora " omce oally, except Hunday at Ulio p. m. and 11:30 p. tn. Sunday at 1:00 p, in. and n m Newfoundland! By rail to North pyunev, and thence ny steamer, eloaea at this office dslly at 6:30 p. m. (connecting malls close here everv Monday, Wednes day and Hnluritmi JAMAICA. By r.n! ' to Philadelphia and tnetic Dy steamer, closes at this office at 31:30 p. m. every Kumlav. By rail to Boston, and thence by steamer. F id"" ' thl" 'llce fc' '-30 P- every MIQUELOf. By rail to Boston, and t Hence by steamer, closes at this offlc daily at fi:SO n. m BELIZE, PUERTO CORTEZ and GUATE- Kinun. uy ran 10 isw Urlenin, and thence by steamer, closss at this office dally, except Sunday, at 11:30 p. m. and 11:30 p. m., Sundays at l:00 p. m. and 111:30 p. m. (connecting mall closes here Mondays at 111 :i n. n. v COSTA RICA. By rail to New Orleans. anu inenc Dy steamer, closes at thia office dully, except Sunlay, at 1:30 p. m. and 11:30 p. m., Sundays at l:0o p. m. ond ill:3o p. m. (connecting mall closes her Tuesdays at 111:30 p. m.l. BAHAMAS (Except Parcels-Post Malls). By rail to Miami. Fl... and thence by steamer, closes at 111:30 p. m. every Tues day and Saturday. IReglstered mall close at 6:00 p. m. prt vlous day. Tranapaclflo Mail. CHJNA nd JAPAN, via Tacom (specially "lr oniyj. close her dally at :iy p. m. up to January 17th, lnoluivfc3r desnatrh nar . jr" CV,fA,and JAPAN. la Vancouver and Victoria. B. C, close her dally at 6:30 P. m. up to January 19th. Inclusive, for despatch per a. a. . Lmpresa ot Japan. (Merchandise for U. 8. Postal Agency at Shanghai cannot be forwarded vU Canada.) HAWAII JAPAN. CHINA and PHILIP PINE ISLANDS, via San Francisco, close here daily at :au p. m. up to Janu ary L'0ih, inclusive, for despatch per s. s. America Moru. CHINA and JAPAN, via Seattle, close here daily at 6:30 p. m. up to January 1-MtM, Inclusive, for despatch per a. a. Xosa Msru. AUSTRALIA (except WesO, FIJI ISL ANDS and NEW CALEDONIA, via Van couver and Victoria, B. C, olose her dally nt 6:30 p. in. up to January J23d, inclusive, for despatch per a. s. Moano. HAWAII, via San Francisco, close her dally at 6:30 p. m. up to January t'.'utli. Inclusive, for despatch per . s. Alameda. PHILIPPINE ISLANDS, via San Fran cisco, close here dally at 6:30 p. m. tip to January 127th, Inclusive, for despatch per U. 8. TransDorl. HAWAII, JAPAN, CHINA and PHILIP PINE ISLANDS, via San Francisco, close hers dally at 6:30 p. m. up to January izsth. Inclusive, for despatch per s. . Cores.. TAHITI and MARQUESAS ISLAND, via San Francisco, close hre dally m i::!0 p. m up to February Jfith, Inclusive, tor despatch per s. Mariposa. NEW ZEALAND. AUSTRALIA (except West). NEW CALEDONIA. FIJI. SA MOA' and HAWAII, via San Francisco, close here dally at 6:30 p. m. up to Feb ruary Jfith, Inclusive, for despatch per . . Ventura. (If the Cunard ateamer car rying the British mail for New Zealand dors not arrive In time to connect with this despatch, extra malls closing at 6:30 a. m., 9:30 a. m. and 6:30 p. m.; Sundays at 4:?0 a. m., 9:00 a. m. and6:S0p. m. will be made up and forwarded until the nrrlvnl of the Cunard steamer.) NOTE. Unless otherwise sddressed. West Australia is rorwarnen via j,ui"pe; ana New Zealand and Philippines via Can Francisco the quickest routes. Philip, pines specially addressed "via Canada" or 'via F'lrope'' must be fully prepaid st the fo Ign rstea. Hawaii Is forwarded via Phi, Francisco exclusively. Transpacific malla are forwarded to port or sailing oany ana tne acneauie or clos ing Is arranged on the presumption of their uninterrupted overland transit. Registered mull closes at 6:0 p. m. pre vious day. CORNELIUS VAN COTT, Postmaaler. Postofflos, New York, N. Y., January IS. 1904. LEGAL KOT1CES. NOTICE FOR BIDS FOR STATE PRINT ING. Bids will be received bv th Stat Print ing Board at the office of the Secretary of btat at unco in, rxenrassa,- on or oeiore 2:30 o'clock p. m. Friday, January 29, l&"t. lor printing LOW copies iweuin annum re port department of banking, 1,000 copies corporation laws, 2,i0 cople Insarance summary, ana miscellaneous aiauoirewv printing, blank booka and binding for th xoiiowing iuin iiibuiuuuii. ail ments: Soldiers' and Sailors' home at Grand Island and MUford. home for tho tr end ess at Lincoln, tnstituts lor teenie- mlnded youth at Beatrice, Insane hos pitals at IJno.oln and Hastings, attorney general, board of charities and correc tions, game and fish commission, bureau of labor, Irrigation department, commis sioner of public lands and buildings, ad jutant general, ststs veterinarian, secre tary of atate, auperintendent of publlo In struction, treasurer, supreme court, depart ment of banking. Insurance department and auditor. . Specifications ror same can oe rouna on fll in the offlc of th Secretary of State. All bids must be accompanied by a bond equal In amount to the probable cost of the work bid upon. The Board rwrarves ths right to reject sny and r.ll bids. Lincoln, renrasKa, January is, osi. Vf-ATE PRINTINO BOARD. By LOU W. FRAZIER. Secretary to the Roard. J21-d5tM FOR PURE MOUNTAIN WATER PI a a of Eaglaeer Itasewater to Sopply City Nearly Ready to Sabmlr. City Engineer Roaewater ha announce that ha will be prepared In a few day t. disclose th detail of hi plan for supply ing the city with water. The scheme has been devised for ths purpose of destroying th contention of the water uompany con cerning the strategic value of th pumping station at Florence because of It situation, to. "My scheme contemplates supplying Omaha with pur mountain water, tuken from the Piatt river nd forced through a pip Hn some fifty miles long, h? isv ural pressure. Th plan 1 fossil-' very particular, th rupply Ineihi 'i. b and the quality of th water gunra.t purer than that now furnished. J c'.i to safeguard against Injury to the ,,, line, several Immense reservoirs will be necessary near Omaha, but th topogr;;ij of th country I uch that they can b constructed with ma'.l cost. They w:l! b large enough to store many days" s .p, ply. Th cot for the entire plar', cm nected with th present pip wymn of Omaha, would be less than !,.!. w about half what will b ked for t Florence plant No pump need be u.-l except a small on In th city ir. l big annual cost for . pumping, ; uq th original Investment for machinery, will be dispensed with. Th capacity can t a high os 30,000.000 to tO.OOO.OuO gallons per day. That we r not dependent tipOirs.v present plant of th Omaha Water colif-i pany for supply la certain. Thl plan may knock off many thousand of dollar from th appraisement Cgurs." ir r. . nanus; il :.) a. m. isup rlementury 10 30 n. m l for FORTT'N W I f-LA N I . JAMAICA. HAVANMuJv. CAH TAGKNA and GREVTOWN i.r . I rA!J.,A--,a rort Tamra. Florida. Vloaes at . this office dally, except Thursday' t fi'S . . in. 'the connecting malls close l.ei 'in ii ,,,!,ys. Wednesdays snd Saturdays). Ml.. . ii i CITY. Overland, unless specially