Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 22, 1904, Page 4, Image 4

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Ilvnm Youn? Woman Gompla'.a ths Coura
aA tha High Schorl.
Dr. Ssttutalet llatler of Chlcaao TbI
teeelty Drlltm tatcTeatfosr Ad-drr-as
el torn Preaeat Day
Ideals of Edaealion.
Had ths graduating erJi the flrt mid
winter class to tha history of tha Cnns 1
Ktaffa High nehaoW-whlch received dlplo
Inu last night. imi prised sixty member
in. place of eleven, the audltnrlum eould not
have contained a larger or more enthusi
astic gathering than u assembled there
last night. The eleven members of the
class, t Tl yotrng women, termed a pleas
ing: cod pretty, and at the sdhh time an
vetom nlctsre. grorrced on the stare. The
qdUnrtam vu tastefully decorated In
the colors of the data gold and tnrquatse
Mr. The exercises were opened by Rev.
W. B. Clemmer of the First Christian
church with prarr and were closed with
the benediction pronounced by Rev. A. K.
Hurts, pastor of Trinity Methodist church.
Preceding and following the feature of
the program the lecture by Dr. Nathan
iel Butler of the Chicago university the
high school glee club and Miss Porterfleld I
rendered several pleasing selections, me
slngtng of the class song, composed by
Miss Jessie Phllbrlck, was also a pleas
ing number of the exercises.
The diplomas were presented by Presl-
B Peal 6t, Council Bluffs.
'Phone 17.
Ho such prices have ever been made before
Several small dealers have bought of us during this
sale, as our large business (4 big stores) enables us to pur
chase in such IMMENSE QUANTITIES, that we can sell
receive the benefit of the large discount we get and still a
greater during this sale.
You can see through it' all, then why not decide now
whjen pneesajre at Jow ebb? ... ..., . ....
The demand is created. You need a piano. Here are
prices that will "get you on our. side of the fence:''
All 1500.00 Pianos at 0338.00
$450.00 Pianos at S322.00
$400.00 Pianos at. $286.00
All $300.00 Pianos at 0218.00
- What . more could you ask except our 10 YEAR
$10.00 CASH AND $5.00 PER MONTn.
Notice the artistic and standard makes offered:
The Star
The least In price, best In quality,
them right.
Best granulated sugar,
U lbs
Best renovated butter,
, per lb
We have it lri prints.
and tubs. '
ths city,
. Beat creamery butter
per lb..'.,...
J-lb. can tomatoes (full
weight) I cans
t cans good
I cans good
1 cans best;
(One) 10c sack tabl.
.Mil. I
i It. for
1 t
packages 26o Postum
Cereal, . for.
pop cora,
S lbs
Navy beans,
lbs ,
I sacks corn
S'.ar brand buckwheat,
10-lb suck
bars White Russian
soap. .. 1
bars Diamond C
I bars Sunt Claus
I bara Lenox
bars Beat
'7 bars Getty's
The Star
dent J. P. Fie of the Board of Education,
the recipient being Km ma Burke. M.
Pearl Ones, Alice Cthelyne Hanson. Mary
J. C. Johnson, Mabel 1-ncy, Jessie V. Mc
Aneney, Jessie T. Phllbrlck, Margaret C
Pilling, Lulu E. flpetman. Winifred E. Sun
derland And RacbJiel M. Wesley.
"Some Present Day Ideals in Education"
was the subject taken by Dr. IJutler for
his address, who spoke In part as follows:
What ts F.d meat loaf
The notion that education Is a thing to be
definitely Included in a few of the earlier
years of life and then to be regarded as
forever over and done. Is a notion entirely
outgrown. We have come to regard edu
cation rather as a continual enrichment of
the resources of the individual. As such.
It Is lust as much the concern of the adult
as of the youth. Just so long as we oth.
In the world and possess Our faculties we
are adding to our resources and strengthen
ing our facultlna for the enrichment of life
and the improvement of eltisenship. In
reality therefore education Is never fin
ished, but is one of the great permanent
Interests of life, along with politics and
But when we talk of education on an
nccaslnn like this we do not mean Its long
lifelong Interest, but rather that part of
It which is accomplished In schools In dis
tinction from the part which is attended
to In life outside of schools; and even more
narrowly yet we mean that which a boy
or girl is doing In the high school or col
lego. In contrast to that which he Is doing
When he Is learning a trade or preparing
for a profession. In the high school or
college the conscious emphasis of our ef
fort la on the boy or the girl. In the trade
or the professional school the emphasis is
upon the vocation. To the former activity
we give the name education; to the latter,
technical instruction or training. .
If this attempt to realise the whole In
dividual to which attempt we give the
name education, is to be successful, parents
and teachers and the boys and girls must
together set themselves against three popu
lar mistakes about education. The first of
those, mistakes is that of the "short cut."
Many boys and girls feel that a large part
of the time spent In getting an education
is lost, and that their acquaintances who
leave school early and get a "Job" are
getting on In the world while those who
stay at their books are standing still. This
Is altogether a mistake. The business world
demands today the very best training, and
will give Its high salaries and responsible
positions, as a rule, only to the best
trained men and women. It will pay the
highest price for anything, whether It be
If the goods are not right wi make
25c package Gold Dust. 4
Best sorghum,
per gallon v...,
Tea sifting.
per lb
Balaton's pancake flour,
i packages...,,, ,
Best lard,
per lb
Dried peaches.
S lbs ....;
Ejtra fancy small prunes,
Dakota Jersey Cream V
flour, per sack
Blue Bell flour,
per sack
Peacock flour,
per sack
Lima beans, .
Very best California
hams, per lb ,
None Such mine meat,
I packages
X'needa Biscuit. S pack
ages, usual slse
(I packagea only to each
Ginger anaps, '
. per Jb
Extra fancy large prunes,
I lbs
Cracked hominy,
7 lbs
Extra large oranges,
per dozen
... 25c
.. 25c
. ...1.05
.. .1.15
i a foufruln pen. a sewing machine nr boy
nr girl, provided it Is sure of getting value
received. Careful preparation and training
beforehand eotmt .like In athletics and In
business and professloaal life.
The second error against which we must
set ourselves Is the mistaken notion about
the so-called "self-made man." By self
made man we mean, of oourse. one who
l. . - t,lr rtltftlnOTilsripvl flIIIVMfl Without
the aid of the schools and training: and. of
course, we ought to think and speak with
the utmost respect of self-made men. It
Is thev. almost entirely, who have made
this country what It l. But the point
is, not to be deceived by the self-made
man. In every ease where a man has
achieved greet success by bis own unaided
and untrained powers, he ha been a man
of unusual abilities, and has succeeded be
canse of those abilities. In splU of the lack
of other aid.
The third mistake against which we must
set ourselves In education Is thet of sup
posing that school Is not real life itself, but
only a preparation for life. On the con
trary, the life that boys and girls live day
by day In school la moat Intensely real and
lust ss truly and significantly actual life
as that which their fathers and mothers
are living In business and society; and
this for two reasons, first, because when,
after school days are over, they want
recommendation to some employment or
position of responsibility: and second, be
cause until the age of 25 everything that
the child does or does not do, leaves Its
actual record In him In the form of a habit
ure to p.rpetuat. Itself.
Question Now Goes Before People for
Vote at Special Election la
Mayor Morgan 'has attached his official
signature to the ordinance granting a fran
chise to the Council Bluffs, Tabor & South
ern Electric Railway company and a reso
lution providing for tha submission of tho
grant to the people of Council Bluffs at
a special election will be introduced at
the next meeting of the city council. This
will complete the preliminary formalities
and It will then est with ths people
whether the company shall be given such
a franchise as the ordinance In Its present
shape calls for.
Following the adoption of the resolution
providing for the submlssslon of the ordi
nance to the vote of th. people, tha ordi
nance, together with tha notice of the elec
tion', has to be published in the news
papers of ths city once each week for four
consecutive weeks.
President Dobbs of the Tabor line ex
pects Messrs. Greene and Banger, tha rep
resentatives of the eastern firm which
contemplates floating the bonds of tha com
pany, will b. In the city In a few days
when all details for the special election
will be arranged. As matter, now stand.
President Dobbs Is of the' opinion that the
special election will be called for some
day In tha latter part of February, as the
preliminaries cannot be completed before
that time. The regular spring city election
will occur In the last week of March, but
the promoters of the Interurban line are
anxious to have the ordinance submitted
to the people at a special election, as they
fear the proposition might get lost sight
of In ths excitement of the municipal elec
tion If It was presented to the voters at
that time.
While tha Insertion of a provision pro
hibiting the running of freight cars con
taining stock over the streets named In
subdivision one has eliminated soma of the !
objection to the ordinance, there Is still
considerable opposition manifest to the
company being permitted to occupy South
avsnua' wit. JU tracks-foe fwslght, pur
poses. .There Is no doubt thai, with this
right In the ordinance it will meet with
more or less opposition at the polls when
the proposition 14 brought before th. people.
Olsen Bros., plumbers, 700 B'wsy. Tel.
A 458.
Matters la District Coart.
Thomas J. Hatch began suit against the
Union Pacific railroad to recover 11,080 for
the killing of three head of horses and
the crippling of several others in a col
lision at Fremont, Neb., September 12 last.
The stock was being shipped from Chey
enne to South Omaha.
The suit brought by the Wabash Rail
road company to enjoin the 'Mason City
Fort Dodg. Railroad company from con
demning a portion of its property adjoining
Its freight house was dismissed In ths dis
trict court yesterday, the matter having
been amicably settled out of court between
the two railroad.
Th. 116.000 personal Injury damage suit
of Mrs. Margaret Cramer against th. city
of Council Bluff. 1. still occupying th.
attention of the district court
Miss Anna Hutchinson of this city,
against whom V. A. Larkln a f.w days ago
brought suit to replevin several sows and
ahoats, has retaliated by Instituting suit
against Larkln to recover 110,000 damage,
for alleged defamatory statement and
pedal OSer.
Until February 1st, special prlc. of 12 per
dosen on photos. Hansen Hav.ratock,
43-45 Main street Mention this ad when
you come.
. Light Osarsi Iaspectloa.
Th. Dodg. Light Ouard, Company L,
Fifty-fifth regiment, Iowa National Guard,
sustained its previous exoellact record at
its annual inspection last night While
th. rating .arned by th. company was not
given out last night by the Inspecting offi
cers they stated that th. company had
mad. an excellent showing and had nothing
but compliments to pay Captain Paul Van
Order and th. men under him.
Th. Inspection was mad. by Colonel John
R. Prime, Inspector general of th. Iowa
National Guard, and Major John T Hum.
assistant Inspector general.
During th. afternoon th. officers made an
Inspection of the equipment of th. com
pany, which was found In first-class order.
Following the inspection at night the non
commissioned officers were given an ex
amination In tactics.
Ogd.n Hot.i Room smh or wlthosjt
beard;; free bath; public par.
Until Preaeat Wade's Name.
"lOWA CITT. Ia.. Jan. 21. Speclal.)-The
Iowa delegation In the democratic national
convention will not be Instructed for any
one man for the presidency, but it will
favor Judge M. J. Wade for the vice presi
dency If the Iowa congressman can be In
duced to favor the use of his nam.. Th.
policy of sending the delegation to th. na
tional convention with It. hands tied by
Instruction. Is not usual with the Iowa
democrats, and prominent democrats from
ths Second district, after conferring with
others from different parts of th. state,
state that there la no danger that Mr.
i Hearst or any other candidate will receive
Iowa's vote In advance of ths convention.
Pluirblng and bee tins. Jtlxby at gos
Bmlm Day laeeeu.
MISSOURI VALLEY, la.. Jan. a. (Spe
cial.) The first of the farmers' aale and
exchange days, as arranged by the Mis
souri Valley Commercial club, was held
her. yesterday. Th. weaker wa. bad and
kept many away, but there were many
farmers In attendance and a great deal of
Interest was taken In th. Initial sale. All
the property, consisting of live stock and
farm Implements advertised was sold, and
farmers expressed themselves as betng we
pleased with the project. The CommercU
i..k fit nn if-Me tn make It
permanent affair and arrange for another
ale day within a month.
Accepts Call f M. Paal's.
The vestry of St. Paul's Episcopal church
has received word from Rer. H. W. Starr
of Monroe City. Mo., who occupied the pul
pit here last Bundey. that he will accept
the' call extended him by the congregation.
Rev. Btarr, In his letter of acceptance,
states that ha hoprs to arrive In Council
Bluffs In time to commence his duties Bun
day, February ZL When here last Bun
day Rev. Btarr created a most favorable
Impression and his acceptance of the call
extended him is most pleasing to the vestry
and congregation.
Usaabllna; Cases (is Higher.
Acting on the advice of County Attorney
Klllpack, Judge Carson yesterday tran
scribed to tho district court th. search
warrant cases against the places where
gambling was alleged to have been carried
on. The property alleged to have been
used for gambling which had been attached
by Acting Constable Baker, was under
direction of Judge Carson turned over to
the sheriff. Under the county attorney's
Interpretation of the law the paraphernalia
seised will be held for the action of the
district court at the next term.
Rent Estate Transfers.
These transfers were reported yesterday
to The Bee by the abstract, title and loan
office of Squire & Ahnls. 10l' Pearl street:
Rowland W. Bailey and wife to J. K.
Nelson, lot 28, block 4, Bteel
Woods addition, warranty deed...... I 100
George C. Hansen and wife to J. H.
Cox, lo 7. block 6. Jefferls' sub-
division, warranty deed 2,100
Alfred F. Howard and wife to Hiram
A. Tuttle. lot Ifi. block 16, . Ferry ad
dltlon, quit claim deed 1
Three transfers, .total .i $2,202
Marriage Licenses.
Licenses to wed were issued yesterday to
the following:
Name and residence. .. Age.
Txiren Edward Porter. Omaha 2J
Mary Ellen Pugh, Omaha ?S
W. B. Daniels, Omaha M
Fannie Hart. Omaha 25
Ernest Kllngel, Council Bluffs 2
Matilda Stucke, Council Bluffs 25
81. T. Plumbing Co, Tet. 250; night F m.
Davis sells drugs.
Leffert's glasses fit.
Btockert sells carpets.
A store for men "Beno's."
Peterson, gun and locksmith, 420 B y.
Diamond betrothal rings at Leffert's, 409
14-K and 18-K wedding rings at Leffert's,
409 Broadway.
Mrs. L. V. Howard has gone to Kahoka,
Mo., to visit relatives.
Twenty percent discount on picture mold
ings. Alexander & Co., 333 Broadway.
south front. - Address, X care Bee. Council
The Oakland Avenue Reading club will
meet this afternoon, at the home of Mrs.
Flnley Burks.
Mrs. S. L.' Arnett! of Wlnfleld, Kan., Is
visiting her aunt "Mrs. I. K. Albrook of
Washington avenue.
T1 ITIni, A Ual.lAH .... I -
the city yesterday enroute to Sac City, la.,
where he went to address a good roads
meeting today.
The Missionary union of the Council
BlulTs churches will meet this afternoon
at the residence of Mrs. C. O. Saunders,
, Oakland avunkWVT st 2:80' o'clock, , -
Justice OureA Aatformed the marriage
ceremony yesterday for Loren Edward
Porter and Mary" utlen Pugh and W. S.
Daniels and Fannie Hart, ail of Omaha.
The regular meeting of the Woman's
Christian Temperance union will be held
this afternoon at the residence of Mrs.
J. B. Sweet, 606 Mill street, at 3 o'clock.
Peter Burke, under Indictment on a
charge of stabbing Real Bummltt with
intent to murder, has Hied a motion in
the district court for a continuance of his
trial" until the next term of court. The
case has already gone over one term.
Jesse C. Markley, a farmer of Emerson,
Mills county, has tiled a voluntary peti
tion In bankruptcy in the United Slates
court here. His liabilities aggregate 7,
6.6.78, against which he has assets amount
ing to i.U0. but of this 14,000 represents
lite insurance exempt from attachment.
Fred Juhl, driver of a mall wagon, is laid
up as the result of an accident when his
wagon was run down and overturned by a
motor ear on the Fifth avenue line at South
Sixth street. Juhl was thrown out of the
wagon by the force of the collision and is
thought to have received Internal Injuries.
Motorman Browning asserts that he rang
his gong but could not stoo his car on sc.
count of the Icy rails. On the other hand!
Juhl states that before crossing the tracks?
no loosea out to see it a car was approach
ing and failed to see or hear one.
Haf.r sells lumber, catch ths Ideal
Des Molaes River Floods Miles of
Low Leads as Reaalt of
th lee Gorge.
KEOKUK. Ia., Jan. 21.-A repetition of
last summer's flood seems probable. A
gorge has formed at the mouth of the
Des Moines river and the water ha backed
up over miles of lowlands In the Missouri
and Towa bottoms. The Fox river has
overflowed Its banks. Indian Grave levee,
two mile, south of here on the Mississippi,
and the Iowa lake leve. brok. today, caus
ing heavy losses to farmers having land
In wheat. The Ice still holds In th. Mis
sissippi, but the water has risen two feet
In twenty-four hours.
De. Moines River Flood. .
KEOKUK, la., Jan. a.-Ice at th. mouth
of th. De. Moines river formed a gorge
today, flooding th. lowland, of Missouri.
Th. flood threaten the town of Alexandria.
Th. Mississippi river lc. held ta.t, causing
a rising of water, over the same territory
flooded last summer.
Know How to Get Well
Send Ht Moocy. Simply Aik for My l.slu
Leers of nr lunverr-kov te treat, net th. or
(d. th.mMltM, but lb. itnwtka tnll ivw.
that op.r.1. th.m. Lra ot my fl.r month's at mr n.k.
Not fro. tnMtm.nt, mind you, with nothing .tot
to ftj. Suck .a fler would bollttl. th. ptijrJjln
ths simd. It.
But I k.ll.T. la nick on. bonnet? hi. grstl
tuil.. That If a. la helood h. will par th. uat of
mr traaim.nt and iladlf. Win I (all, I (.k not
on. penny. But fallur. I. Hldum. Over (00,uu sick
nas h. .Mipt4 this oS.r.
"tend your I will amnio with, a
druggist uu you to lt you bays all bottlx
Dr. Shoop't Restorative.
Taka It s month st my rink. If It aucraoda.
kanlik eoota but UU. If It taila tha dniggiat will
bill tha aoat to aw."
tt out of M la tha pa hair, paid for tha swdl
eln. Would th.y pay If It ml lad r Forgot (or a
moMat thai thl. la a prlntad aanouae.aa.ut. Coa
.idar ma a. s phy.lclaa Is your own tnwa and that
I am saying to you "B. gl.d b w.ll; bo rid of
th. dark day.. I can b.lp. And ao aur. am t that
I aak ao (oa aoihlng until you ar. baaadtad.''
Would you would any on. rafua.?
Tru. I aannot wall coma to you. But you ran
ootua to mo by latt.r. can tall ma all about your
eaaa. I waata na tlma In driving aur wlih oKa
hours. Kry la .ffacllT.. 1 traat, proba
bly, a thousand caaaa whara moat pkyil.lan. traat a
btfudrtd. And (rom tbla aSuodanea of oapafianoa I
aava laaaad. For .xporlaaot more than all alaa-
taaehaa a phralcian haw to cur..
Will yoa wrtia ma todayt It's natural ta ealay.
To put a from day tody. To wait, parhapa whan
you ahould art. But whyf Isn't my ot broad
aaoughf Can yoa can anyone dsaira a fairar oflarT
Vow rtak absolutely nothing. I n.k all. Tat I sm
ready and wullag to kelp yon. Why waltt Why
wroag youre.ll by doubling by delay by prejudice,
Take up a pee d pencil , eyes and writ, ma s
postal today. Know how kw to get well.
Imply state which B" Dyspepsia,
piaiyiy evue wnwa $ ee ths II -art.
book roe want sad ad- Booh ( oa tha kidneys.
a as Dr' Bus Boa ' omeu.
r SB ur. saoaa, ntos boot g fuy Um jij
a57, aaclne. Wis, Book t oa fcaeumamm
hi lid ewea. sot ehrunl-. are ettea cared vllk see
as la. hvuice. Al rugiatA,
itAT-.!. A Vl
Let any person afflicted with indigestion, constipation, nervous prostration and a score of other ailments
keep the outlets of the body open by drinking freely of good spring water, proper exercise in the open
air,' regular habits, allowing nothing to interfere with a desire to relieve the bowels and partaking of
foods binding in their nature eating at least once a day of
and they will find relief from all these troubles. Try it and you wiU prove it not poetical, but
good, hard sense. Served hot or cold.
Palatable nutritious Easy of Digestion and Ready to Eat
Dr. Price, the creator of Dr. 'Price's Cream Baking Powder and. Delicious Flavoring Extracts.
A cook book containing 76 oxMlleat rooolpU for using tho Food mailed free to any address.
Prepared by PRICE CEREAL FOOD COMPANY, Chicarjo, Illinois.
Club Formulate. Bill and "Will Hare Lobby
to Pnih it at Lefislatur.
Stock Healers atad Shippers Hold Cod
rem float svnd Demand Better Rates
md Facilities for Haadllag
stork matd Rejtarsi Passes.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
DES MOINES, Ia., Jan. 21.-(Bpecial.)-A
meeting of the Stat. Marshal club was
held here today under the auspices of
A. C. v Rankin of Chicago, who has been
at work the past year organising clubs In
Iowa to forward a movement for th. adop
tion of a system of having state marshals
to look after tha enforcement of the pro
hibitory liquor laws. The meeting today
was to perfect th. draft of the bill which
was outlined at a meeting held last May
In Orlnnell, when the temporary organ
isation was effected. Th. bill as perfected
today was placed In the hands of a legis
lative committee to be pushed before the
general assembly provides for five mar
shal districts in th. state, each on. to
hav. a stat. marshal appointed by the
governor for four years, and each marshal
Is privileged to appoint deputies who may
be subject to transfer from on. district
to another. These marshals and deputies
will be paid a salary or per dtsm and ex
penses, out of the funds collected from
licenses, snd they sr. to hav. full and
exclusive charge of the enforcement of th.
laws relating to th. sale of liquors, with
power to prosecute direct and employ
counsel In th. prosecution of offender
where th. local authoritie. hav. failed to
act Th. druggist, who ar. authorised to
Mil liquor, shall report to these marshals
the same ss to th. county officials. The
marshals shall hsvs power to sssess mulct
taxes whers they find sale. hav. been
mad. and th. taxes not placed against
th. property. Th. club appointed a legis
lative committee to present this matter
to th. member, of th. assembly. The at
tendance at th. meeting was large, ther.
being nearly S0O present.
The club this afternoon elected perma
noul officer, as follows: President, Rev.
J. D. Wlllets, Oskaloosa; vie. president.
Rev. A. C. Douglas, Des Molnea ; secretary,
F. F. Heath, Newton; treasurer, J. 11.
Woodrow, Newton.
Th. legislative committee selected con
sists of H. C. Marshall. Bioux City; Jesse
Cola, Marshalltown; W. F. Ramsey, Clar
ion -r A. Wilson, Boon.; D. F. Bradley,
Orlnnell; Le. Nagls. Red Oak; J. 8.
Brough. Atlantic; A. Robinson, Wlnterset,
and with A. C. Rankin. Chicago, s. ad
viser. k
Th. Kepburn-Dalltver UU. which Is betng
pushed In coca r ass by th. antl-sajoon
league, was Indorsed, but th. club voted
Always fresh and crisp.
Most nourisriing for invalids.
Most sustaining for workers.
Most convenient for luncheons.
Most economical for every use.
W a-a-t -w a, a. vwa aa k-l.N A
sca - )f
to have nothing to do with the state anti
saloon league, which is opposed to tho
state marshal movement.
Falls to Make Nomination.
The democratic city convention was held
in De. Moines today, or rather organised
at the morning session, and then adjourn--nent
was taken until January 30, when It
. Intended that the ticket .hall be named.
The convention called Harry Evans to the
chair a presiding officer and he made en
address, which was the only feature of the
meeting, in which he everely denounced
the city administration and declared that
corporation Interests were back of the suc
cess at the primaries this week. A mo
tion was made to adjourn until the 30th of
this month and this was carried without
opposition. Efforts ware made to get some
one to come out and stand for the nomi
nation for mayor as a democrat, and thus
fore, three candidates In the field, but
adjournment was forced by those who favor
th. Indorsement of the candidacy of ex
Mayor MacVlrar, or leaving the place for
mayor vacant so as to assist
It Is expected now that a deal will be
perfected for the Indorsement of MacVlmr
and a fusion citizens' ticket all tha wy
Stock Dealers Pormslale Demisdi.
About ISO stock dealers and shippers of
Iowa organised her. the Iowa Corn Belt
Meat Producers' association, with B. F.
Btangler of Aurora as president And J. O.
Ityan of Fort Dodg. as secretary. Reso
lutions were adopted demanding reduction
of freight rate, because of greater time
taken In making shipments and because of
losses in handling stock, also a general re
vision of freight rates so as to admit of
establishment of packing houses at other
points. Demand was made for the restora
tion of return passes to stock shippers.
Th. directory board was directed to make
investigation of the feasibility of establish
ing an independent parking house at some
point in Iowa and to correspond with
parties promoting independent packing
houses elsewhere. The Iowa legislature
was memorialised to demand of congress
a bill to forbid discrimination on freight
rates on meat products. The meeting de
veloped much more Interest than "was an
ticipated. Coagressloaal Fight Consist; Oa.
The calling of the republican county cen
tral committee for next Saturday Is taken
to Indicate that the congressional primary
will be arranged for at a date In advance
of th. city election, so that while the
municipal campaign la In progress the con
gressional battle between Captain Hull
and Judge Prouty will be fought out. Th.
committee Is in the control of Judgs
Prouty. who Is already out In the county
making school house speeches and con
ducting a lively campaign. He desire, an
early primary and that It b. held pend
ing th. municipal campaign so that ha
will be abl. to take advantage of the situ
ation and force th. friends of his oppon
ent not to tight him, under penalty of
having their candidate for mayor defeated.
Both Hull and Prouty are confident of this
county and anticipate that a hard fight
will com. oa here.
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