THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: THURSDAY, JANUARY 21, 190i. ' 9 CRA1N AND PRODUCE MARKET V. Whoti Cliabt 8iadilj to Fsllaf Market and Kttdt Ho Boppsr:. NEW HIGH RECORD MARK FOR MAY WHEAT Cor. an On Close Higher an Pro- visions Also Illsber the Re snlt of t n favorable Ont ld Report. steady; western chickens, LifuUc; turkey, IT-jISo. . 12mc; fowl, NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS OMAHA WHOLESALE MARKET Condition of Trad aad quotations oa faif DefTeO of Aclifity W th a fitful 8Uw of Strength. UPWARD TENDENCY OF PRICES RETARDED Inlea Parlfle Held Rack by Persistent Realising, Which Ha It Effect oa Other Stock, Including Soathern 1'aelac. 1! rT77PAflO Jan. 20. Wheat climbed steadily toward the dollar murk today. The pit wa almost bare of offerings and tho market did tot reuulre any support from the bull leader, aborts holding price up on themselves, professions! spiculators In New York and Bt. Ixmls are counted amon the principal 'shorts." A new high record mark wa made for May wheat, Uiwt'ic, a a-aJn of 2iic compared with yesterday. The clone wa practically at the top. Other grains were affected by the action of wheat. May corn cloning VdSc higher and oat So, I'rovlalon were 2V6o higher. The wheat market waa feverishly strong from start to finish. Toe advance today wa due largely to the oame cause as the rlae yesterday, the congested condition of the market,- an enormous line of wheat for May delivery being tieldtiy Armour inter- cat. Notwithstanding that aside from the Armour deal the situation seemed bearish opening price were Arm, May ranging from a snaue lower 10 wa")oc nigner at e:i'4o to 04c. An advance in the price of British consols Indicated a more optimistic feeling In regard to the war situation. Rains In the southwest, where tha winter wheat crop had been suffering from drouth, wa another bear Influence. No attention, how aver, was paid to matters like consols and rain. It wa a Question of too small supply for liberal demand. The leader of the bull showed no sign of parting with his hom ing and Itt conseauence Smaller holder were encouraged to maintain a firm grip on what went they held. Offerings Were on that account extremely light snd were eagerly sought for by belated short. Th demand wa lamely for the May delivery In efforts to caver shorts advanced price rapidly. Btop-lnas orders coming out on the rlee. accelerated the onward tendency. The market continued to gain In strength a the session advanced, and Within tho last Ave minute of trading May bad reached 921$ 24e, a rain of 224c. The close was at t2'o. Clearances of wheat and flour wer equal to 484,000 buahula. Primary receipt were 786.000 busheis, 642.900 bushel a year ago. Minneapolis. Duluth and Chi cago reported receipt of 430 cars, against 606 oar last week and 829 a year ago. Th corn market wa strong throughout the entire session. A new high record mark for May delivery waa also made In this pit. There was a large volume of trading, with the principal demand coming from shorts. Higher cable, unfavorable weather for the movement, combined .with the strength of wheat, were the bull fa a tor. There was considerahale realising at mes, out ottering were readily absorbed. fcy ooened a shade lower to a higher at 49o to 4f"4,o, and after selling up to DtiSo, closed at 6o-c. Local receipts were 17 cars, none of contract grade. Th strength In wheat and corn sustnlned oat and price made further gains. There wa little Inclination on the part of bear to sell owing to the fact that tha chief hull Interest showed no disposition to release his noia on rtis Dig line, continued light re ceipt and a good cash demand helped to advance prices. May opened a shade lower 10 a sriaa nigner at 41mi7o, advanced to 42o and closed at 42&42tto. Local re celpts were 117 car. Provisions were Arm In tha face of lower prices at the yards.' The strong grain 'markets were the principal source of strength. . Commission houses and shorts were good buyers of lard, while packers ' wer fair sellers of ribs. Pork was more or leas neglected, out closed firm, with May up 6o at 13 .28. May lard and rib were adh IVtO higher at $7.20 and $6.7. Esti mated receipts for tomorrow! Wheat, so cars; corn, 260 cars; oats, 126 car; hogs, 46,- Stapl aad Fancy Predare. EOGS-Recelnts. more liberal: roarl'.ot weak; fresh stock, 24'J26c. . LIVE Pot I.TKi" liens. 08Vo: spring chickens, 8Vac: roosters, according o fur.c; turkey, La 14c; ducks, 4tf9u; gtese, i (i sc. LiKkBiSKl) POI'I.TRT Turkeys. lMIlTc: old toms, 145 !f,c; ducks, Italic; goei, luo; chickens, IWulnV, BUTTER Parkins- stock. 12c: choics to fancy dairy rolls, l.Tfrlbe; separator, 22c. FKF.81I FISH Trout, 10c; pickerel. 6e; pike. He; perch, 7c; biueflsh, 15c; whlteflsh, 9c; salmon, lie; haddock, 10c; codfish, 12c; redsnanper. 11c; lobsters, boiled, per lb., $0c; lobsters, green, per lb., 28c; bullheads, 11c; catfish, 14c; black bass, 20'ijXc; halibut, 13c; cripples, K'c; herring, 6c; whit bass, 13c; blueHns, 8c. OYBTEHH New York counts, per can. 43o: per gal.. S'.'.OO; extra selects, per can, 36c; per gal., $1 So; standard, per can, 2c; per gal., $1 SO. khan-rer ton. m.hi. HAY Prices auottd by Omaha Whole sale Dealer' association. Choice No. 1 up land, $0.60; No. 2. 6.00: medium, $n.50; ouaree, $6 00. Bye straw, $o.00. These prices are for hay or good color ana quality. Demand fair and receipt light. . CORN 38c. OATS 37e. Ill E No. 2. e. VKGATABLKB. POTATOES Colorado. 86c: Dakota, per bu.. 7(''&75c; native, 66ft70c. SWEET POTATOES-Illlnol, per bbt., P.M- . J A V r uk;aib i"er du., i.o. CF.lery stnnii. per dos., ZMrasci iarg Callfornin, 4(Vd7f.c. ONIONS Soanlsh, per crats, 11.60: Colo rado yellow, per bu., II; red, per lb., 140. CABHAOB Wisconsin Holland, wi.tvc. TUKNIPd Canada rutabagas, per ID., ;i lHc: white, per bu., 60c. t CARROTS Per bu., 75c w: PARPNIPS-Per bu., 6(X 600, HKKT8 Per bu.. 60c. CAULIFLOWER California, per crats, r.,'s, . ' CUCUMBERS Per do., aizs. RADISH K8 Per dox. bunches,-S6c. LETTUCE HEAD Per dos. buncn etl.OO. ; per bbl., $7; leaf lettuce, per bunchee, 4fie. TCRNIPS Southern, per dos., 75a REETS Southern, ner dox.. 7oe. i'AHROTfl Southern, per dos.. Tod, t AKHiir, T noumern, imr aoi., i. ONIONS Southern, green, per dor, ' JPPr.rfl T'nlirnrnln Knl Iflowers. ner box. 11.80: Ha Id w ins and other varieties. 3.W); New Tork export Spies, Greenings, Russet no Hnmw n, ix tf. ORAPKS Pnnv Patnwhss. J0e: Imported MnlHf RR nr kAff- IA n04tft (Ifl. lkanbkkriks Jersey, per ddi., i.vj per box. 12.50; Wisconsin Pell and BUglt, .00fo.60; Hell snd Chern. IS- TROPICAL FRUITS. ORANGES Florida Brlzhts and Russets. all slses, $2.60; navfcis, all sixes, choice, $2.26 OMAUA LIVE STOCK MARKET B!f Blimp In Prioa of All E'ndi of Cattl aad Tradinf Vrj DnlL today continued quiet. Exchange on Lon don JOm 47pfg for checks. Discount rais, short bills, 2 '4 per cent; three months bills, tier rnt PARIS. Jan. 20 Under the influence of rather satisfactory far eastern new the bourse opened strong today, but Inter triers I waa a reaction and stocks closed feeble. Russian bond wer weak. Imperial 4s closed at 100 10. Rio Tlntoa lost I point. OPENED LOWER, CLOSED STRONG check. irlrn! 1, Wo dos. tOo. ti2.75: fancy. S3. lilmons California 860 Ajtlcles. Open. ltlgh.J Low. Closo.j T'st'jf, I' WVt-i May July Corn Jan. , May July Oat May July. Sept. tMa7 lrd Jan. May ' July Ribs . Jan. May July fancy. 00 to Sizes. It: choice. 240 to 270 sizes. 13 M. FIUS California. Der 101b. cartons. S60: Imported Smyrna, S-crown, J4c; 6-crown, lftc: 7-crown. lc. BANANAS Per medium-sized bunch. 12.00 ti.S0! Jumtm, 2.76ij3.26. wkjoamuts-Per sack, it: per aos., 000. 1 j'.n 1 t'ri an. urr uua ui whb., per lb.. In SO-lb. boxes, 6 He; Oriental stuffed dates, per box. 12.40. . M 18CELLANEOUB. CHEESE Wisconsin twins, full cream. 12c; Wisconsin Young Americas, 13c; block bwiss, ihc; Wisconsin b.lcK, uc; Wisconsin urnuurgcr, lzc HON KY Nebraska, per 24 frames, 13; Utah and Colorado, per 24 frames, 13.ZS, iMAl hluak imio. per ID.. 1UC. CIDER Per bbl., 15.75; per H bbl j tSK. POI'CORN Per lb.. 2c: shelled. (Ei3V4c. HOUHIORADJSH Per case of S doz.. packed, soc. NUTS Walnuts. No. 1 soft shell, cer lb. irV; hard shell, per lb.. 4c; No. t soft shall, per lb . 13c: No. Z hard ahsll. 1 12c; RraztUi, per lb., 11c; nberts, per lb., 11c; aimonos. sort snen. per id., 100: nara neu, per lb., 13c; pecans, large, , per II., 2u; small, ner lh'.. 10c: neanuta. cer lb.. 6c: roasted peanuts, per lb.. TV,c: Chill walnuts. l2ul3Wc: larao hickory nuts, per bu.. tl.&O: shell barka, per bu., $2; black walnuts, per DU.. 11.23. H1DKS 4flW oat iSTslKMIfHl 4M.WTS 44' am t 7H 3fTAi.W 13 m mm 95 11m 1 SO rrw 67H 18 27HI TOO T 25 7H m aA r mi 4H a 33ii It 96 U17 6 95 7 vt 7H 6 67U1 S-No. 1 rreen. c: No. 1 ereen. 6e No. 1 salted. 7c: No. 2 salted, ec: No. 1 veal B ... n IK. Ullni X7n ... r. 1 naif IV I.. 181bs., 6Hc; dry salted hides. 12o; sheep St? 1 Pe". aH itc; noi 77 6ot S3 83 12 95 13 25 7Hi 7 20 1 24 40 5 70 60 horse hide. 51.506 2.60. 4SV 89 37'Si 1J 95 13 20 61214 1"V4 7 U 5 7U 6 67H 6 72H steady. 2.20i&2.8E; Wheat, Corn, I T)ata, t By, bi Barley, No. 1 1 . Cash quotations wera as follows! - FLOUR Market firm: winter patents t4.1004..0; winter straights, 3."; spring paienw, i u"(ip.uj -BtraigBis, 4J.bU4iI.Dg; WHEAT No. t prln; 785c; No. I red. inrvrjTJ XT, a uv.. xr im OAT9 No. S. VWfa No, i white, BARLEY Oood feeding, 4042o; fair to cnoice mailing, i(0o. western, H 12H; prime timothy, $3.25; clover, voniraui graue, su.zo. PROVISIONS Mes pork per bbl. tlSOS 4J13.17H. Lard, per 100 lbs., 36 97U. Short rib, side (ldoo. $6.to4t.65. Short clear las idomoj, sa.tzftiga.76. Receipts. Shipment. Ftmr, bbla,.. 64.100 . x9X) Wheat, bu.' ... 99.I0 11,100 DU, .' 431,8110 H'S.miO bu. 363.4(10 'rl blO bu 14.304 4.0H0 bu 199.000 H.SiiO On the Produo exohahge toduy th butter market was .steady; creameries, 1621o: dairies, 13&'19i. Kggs steady at mark, cases snoiuaso, lovttp. cneese steady, lcnuiovio. NEW YORK OENBRAL MARKDT, St. Loala Grain and Provision, No.- 1 red. cash, elevator. 91 Tic: track. 93(3 wcrMay, gfjftc; July, kzoi no. 1 nara, two 'corn Higher: in o. rasn.- 43140; track. T17IV.-, ami, r.-, tfui, oath Higher; No. 2 caan, xc; track, 40c; May 41Hc; No. 3 White, 410. FliO I'll Higher; rel winter patent, 54 45; extra rancy ana siraigni, 44.1tK01.4u; clear, M na.o. SEEDS Timothy. prime nigner. I'tiKNMKAii-Bteaay. 12.40. x5kan eteaay to nrm; sacxea, east Uack, SK&K3C HAY bcarce hut steady: timothy. 17.60 13.i); pralrlo, 3.wijn.ti0. IRON COTTON T1KB 41.06. BAOOINO 66Hc. TWINE HemD. 60. PROVISIONS Pork, unchanged; lobbing. H3.36. Lard, weaker: prime steam. 38 66. Hacon, steady; ooxea extra snorts, .to; clear ribs. 17. uO: short clear, 376. POULTRY Steady! chickens, -gHc;' springs, gftc; turkeys, 12Q13c ducks, luc; aaaa Ai BUTTER Easy; creamery, 16923c; dairy. inc. Luua Bteaav. zsc. case count. Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbls. 84.000 23,000 Wheat, bu. 82,000 72,000 Corn. bu. 142.000 55.000 Oats. bu. 69,000 47,000 NEW YORK. Jan. 20. -There wa a fair degree of activity maintained In today 0 stock market anu some show 01 streugin, but the streugin was lilfui and t-potiy alia ln market v aJ viewed with some aegite of suspicion by a targe tlement ot tne tracers on the floor, ihe upward tendency ot prices met with some positive obsialoa nu the cnaracier ot some ot tne devlcts used to atimuiute an upward movement aroused scepticism and an unfavoiauie eflect on sentiment, contrary to their pur pose. In splie of the higner range ot pi ices rent over from London this morning and much mors cheenul view of the chance of peace from there concisely expressed In tha decline of war risks tor marina risks. there waa free London selling In New York, which proved troublesome to absorb. ihla seems to have been clue to a renewal of a war scare In London after our mantel opened. It affected wheat as well but did not Interrupt the process of new high rec ord making In the ootton market. After tne decisive reaction rrom tnis cause prices picked up again when It be came known that Northern Securities had been lifted over 3 points In the curb mar ket On the circulation of a confidential 'tip that the decision of the supreme court In the Northern Securities had al ready been made, that It was not altogether unfavorable to tne corporation, that It would be handed down next Monday and that there had been a "leak" by which this Important information had become known to the tlpeter. Northern Securities lost half Its gain and the total transactions In the stock In the narrow curb market did not exceed a few thousand shares, but the Incident had considerable Influence in the Stock exchange. Union 1'aolflc, which would bo most directly affected of any of tne stocks now prominently traded in. was held bock by the persistent realising tha kept a weight as well upon a number of other stocks recently active, but the Influx ence seemed to pans over to its subsidiary stock. Southern Pacific. There was no other explanation of the active speculation in that stock, which, carried it i p'.ints over last night. A previous buying move ment had carried Missouri Pacitlo a point over last night. The only other stock of first-rate Importance which gained a point was Bt. i-aui. In contrast with this was the persistent selling pressure on Rock Island and Amal gamated copper, which carried them a point under last night. Pennsylvania, union racinc. Aienison ana united mates Steel preferred, while not forced tar btlow last night, were withheld from any ad vance by the advance by ;hti tame per sistent selling. The Erles were albo sold on the supposition that there would be no buying to secure control following the dis solution of tha voting trust, as was at on time Deuevea. ine local tractions were re actionary when It became known that yes terday s advances were baaed on the trip of Inspection over the new subway line of an Invited party of Influential capita, 1st". United States Realty preferred was markei up on very large dealings 4 points, without explanation. 1 Me late movement in tloutn- ern Pacitlo had a hardening effect on tne market, but the closing waa Irregular and immow tne Dest. 1 The Northern Securities rumor affected the Burlington Joint 4s and tne Oiegon Short Line participating 4s. The UnLed States. Steel second preferred 6s and the Rock Island 4s largely overshadowed the whole bond market. One or two of the speculative Issues showed the effect of profit taking, but the tone generally was firm. Total sales, par value, 4.670,ouo. united States bonds ware unchanged on call. The following are tha Quotations on tha is aw I or mock exchange: nmes.Hign.Low.cioae. Atchison TVll.fM) 6 W 67 b7W 00 pro ,. . Baltimore & Ohio... do pfd Canadian Pacific .... Cen. Of N. J., ox-dlv. Chesapeake A Ohio. Chicago 4V Alton do pfd Chicago Oreat West. 3,400 do M Pfd CM. & N. w.: Chloago T. & T do Pfd C, C. C A Bt. L ... Colorado Southern.. do 1st pfd do 3d Dfd Delaware A Hudson.. 1.100 D., L. ft West luo D. ft R. Q 1,300 do pfd 20 Erie 11.500 do 1st pfd 6.BU0 do xa pro idw Great Northern pfd. Hocking Valley Rfw York Manor Market. NEW YORK, Jan. 20.-MONEY-On call. easy. lKfl2' per cent: closing bid and of. fered, 2 per cent. Time loans, easy: sixty days, Vui per cent; ninety days, i cent; six month, 4'ff4,4 per cent, mercsntlle nsoer. tUtift rfr cent. RTKKLINU EXCHANUE Firm, with actual business In bankers' bills at 54 8415 64.5620 for demand and at 34.8'S4 .MS5 for sixty-day bills. Posted rates, 4.KJyt 'a '-; commercial bills, 4.fcS. SILVER Bar, 56c; Mexican dollars, 44c, BONDS Government, steady; railroad. firm. The closing quotations on bonds are as rouows: ..fcvi L. ft N. nl. 4a . .If V Mtnhstun e. t ..! isri. contral keep Market Pv net leal ly Demoralised wltk Prices Thirty 4 Fifty Cents Leiwer Tkaa avt tbs Clos f Last Week. SOUTH OMAHA. Jan. 10. RecalDta werei Official Monday .... Official Tuesday ... Official Wednesday Cattle, dogs. Snaep. 3.414 3.403 4.6UO 6,6.0 8.2- k.os 4. too V. 8. rt. is, reg. 60 eoupon 4o Is, rt 4o coupon lo nw 4s, rrg . 4o eoiisen lo old , r... 4o coti-o(i 4 , ff 4o eoupon Atcsltnn fen. 4s.. do adj. Atlsntlo C. L. 4s. B. ft O. 4i do m Central of Oa. is. do lit Ino Chrs. ft 0. 4Vki... Chicago A. lt.. c, B. ft q. a. 4a ..1MH .. I3i4 ..107(4 ,.101Vi ..1014 ,..I014 .. v .. a .. 12 ..101 .. i ,.1U4 .. TO ..103 C. M. A 8. P. . 4k..l0HV C. N. W. (. 7a.... Hi C, R. I. A P., 4s... TJ4 do col. 5a. C.C.C. ft St. L. t. Chlcaso Tar. 4a.. on. TotMroe 4a.. Colo, ft 80. 4a.. A R. O. 4a... Erie prior lien 4a. rt. w. ft d. c. is.. 101 Hocking Vsl. 44s..l06 tftered. Bid. Boston Itnek tanotattsn. BOSTON, Jan. tO.-sJl loans, 3H4'4. per cent: time loans, 4Wii'5 per cent, omciai closing prices on stocks and bonds: Atchison 4a px. Central 4a... Atchison do pfd Ttoaton A Albany. Bnatnn A Maine... boaton Elevated . Y.. N. H. ft Fltchburs pfd .... nloa Pacino Ytt. Central mer. Sugar do pfd mer. T. ft T...1 Dominion I. A 8 General Elaetrlo . Man. Blectrlo .... do pfd 'nlted Trult .... united Copper .1 steel do pfd Wertlna. common Adventure Bid. V. Quotation tk Day o Commodities. - Various NEW YORK. Jan. tO.-FLOUR-Recelpts. 13.071 bbls.; exports, 14.140 bbls.; sales, li,7u0 puis.; mar km quiet, put strcnger; winter patents. 34.ii64j4.u6; winter atralMiils, 34.i 4 to; Minnesota patents, 84.76iti6.0o; winter extras. 433.60; Minnesota bakers, 36.90 iu; winter low grade, xa tiooi no. Rye flour, firm; fair to good. '$3 3M3.46; choice to fancy, sj.aog3.75. Buckwheat flour, dull, 32.10ia!.i5. CORN MEAT Firm: yellow western, $1.05; City, $1.05: kiln dried. 82.90ai00. RYE Firmer; No. I western, 47c, nomi nal t. O. n. lUlnat; atat and Jersey. 66-ii5Xo. BARLEY Steady; feeding, 47c, New York: malting. K'ifo. c. 1. f. Buffald. WHEAT Receipts, 4,875 bu. exports, T.490 PU. ; sales, bu. tuiures. ttpol, nrm; afloat; Nol 1 northern Dulutu. 31.U1H; No. i hard Manitoba, nominal, f. o. b.. afloat. Options opened Irregnilar, but at once turned strong on reports of lower consols and a sensational advance In C hlcaro. Later they sold up further on bullish Argentine news and strong bull support In Chicago, closing TVU'1? anove iupbohv; saiee inciuoea; iso. I red, Mav. 9! l-luiK3c. closed at KiHc; July. ii8ktt9a. closed at Wc CORN Hecelots, 27,9oO bu.; exports, 1.81$ pu.; sales, 106.000 bu. futures, spot, nrm; No. 1 while. Uui. . Outloiui. atr.iiiir un.l higher on the war near, firm cabiea, cover ing and leas favorable weather In the south- west, closing 4,0 net bin her: May, 664.W 54c. closed at 6g4c; July, friG45,o, closed a 6'c. OATS Receipts, -,6O0 bu.- Spot; firm: No, I. 4vc; standard while, 4uHc; No. 3. 43o; No. $ white, 47c; No. 3 white, 4oVt'; track white weaturn. 4iVm3o; track whit state. enuw upiions, nuininai. FEED Steady; apring bran. $30 20.85 middlinga. l-O tiOia oO; city. $J0 :l.(0. HAY yulet; shipping, dOiuTOo; good to cnoice, suiiwc. HOPS Firm: state common to choice. 19U3, 2bi37c; 190!. 23U270: olds, liyalic; 'Psol- flo coast, 1903, atxba4o; 19u2, ;2j.c; oM. 10 (J13C. HIDES Firm; California, n to 25 lbs.. 19c, RICE Steady; domestic, fair to sxtra. sj'U9"ftr: jaoan. nuiinoai. LEATHER Steady; acid, tSRf-e. TAI.LtlW Steady. PROVISIONS-Beef, quiet; family. $1800 Jiu.ou; mesa. n.xiv; peer nam a, Il-otOi 2.O0; psckrt. t9 0ul0.u0; city extra Ind a mesa, 516 wo 17.00. Cut meats, quiet; pickled Dfliies, at i 1. lit, im-itiru enouiuers, XO-v'.'tle 300; pickled hums. I7.;iu0. Lnrd. firm; woaieni sieemeu, ft.iej, January,, nom Inal; rrftnrd. fir a.: continent, $7.46: com pound. $4.604 76. P vrk. steady; family, $16 abort cleir, il3.fKi la. go; mw. $14 :".'ul.i.00. MUTTER Steady; creamery. 16lic:aiate fair v. m"i rjc. CHEESE Steady : Stat full cream, fnnov larK and small, coloreil and white Sep tember. I2r; lute made, 10H-. totis-rlrm; western, y31e. POULTRY Alive. Arm: w astern ht.ik us, lAi, fuwis, iio( luiiugs, it) diasod. Kansas City Grain and Provisions. KANSAS CITY. Jan. to. WHEAT May. T7V; July, 73H734e. Cash; No. hard, TIMfS7SVic; No. S, 74ii77c; No. 4, 68g,$c; re 1ected,l4i?f67Hc; No. $ red. 2H84o; No. 3. iltaMr. Receipts, 166 car. CORN May, 3o; juiy, 'o. uasn: no. I mixed, 41i4itac; No. 3 while, 42c; No. 3, 41641io. .'.... OAT a No. I white, 39c; iso. 1 mixed, wa t(VE-Nn. Z. 6Mi58c. EOOS Firm: Missouri and Kansas, cases returned. 20c; No. 2, whltewood cases In cluded, 22o. HAY choice timothy, is.oOSiv.To; cnoice prairie, $7.00il7.6O. DU x 1 Hitt vreaniery, ipvitaiv, ueitix lso. Receipts. Shipments. Wheat, bu. ..u.ouo Corn, bu. 84.0u0 Oat, bu. 23.000 800 . $.000 ..6.500 .39,100 28,100 46 139.200 108 8H0 17,000 Evaporated Apple and Dried Frnlts. NEW YORK. Jan. 20. EVAPORATED APPLES Market quiet under a light de mand, with the general undertone rather favoring buyers; common, 4&6c; prim, 6Vs ajnUc: choice 6A(frtic: tanov. o'VZia. . CALirvtiiNiA uni e.u rKUUB-mirei are rather eaay here, but tsoast advice In dicate firmness among primary holders and a tendency to sustain local quotations mat range from 3So to CHc, according to giade. Apricots are quiet; cnoice, v'avw; extra Choice, 9Sa,10',o; fancy, lVuloo. Peaches are steady, with chotoe held at 7Vif7c: extra choics, jioo; fancy, tKiiioc. do pfd Illinois Central, Iowa Central do pfd Kansas City South.. do Dfd Louis, ft Nash Manhattan L Metropolitan St. tty Minn, ft Bt. Louis. Missouri Pacific... M., K. ft T do pfd Nt. R. R. of M. Pfd Now York Central... Norfolk ft western. Ontario ft Western. Pennsylvania P.. C. C. ft Bt. L.. Reading do 1st prd An t nfd 100 Rock Island Co 32,400 do pfd 4.DUU St. L. ft 8. P. lt pfd. do 2d pfd Bt. L. Southwestern.. 8U0 do prd s,z"u Bt. Paul 17,600 do Dfd Southern Pacific.. Southern Railway.. do pfd Texas ft Pacific... T.. St. Lft West.. dO Dfd Union Paclflo do pfd Wabash do pfd W. ft Lake Erie... Wisconsin Central. do Dfd ............ Adams Express American express. UT. 8. Express Wells-Fargo Express. Amal Am. do Am. do Am. do Am. DUU SW KVtt r 6,800 80 79 soft 100 90ft 90 90 1,600 m 117 117 1,300 163 161 162 3.600 83 33 83ft 6,6110 38 87 87 2.4O0 . 84 83 84 17 17 17 b.vuu, Wft so 600 160 107 16f 700 11- 11 11 1,600 2a 34 24 loO 79 79 79 100 18 1 17 66 100 im. 2GM 2SU, 167 167 1 67 278 273 iri 22Ti 22 22 71 71 71 28 28 28 69 68 68 49 43 4M 170 800 74 74 74 100 84 84 84 .. 7,100 131, 131 131 'jno '46 '46 40 .. 600 20 20 20 .. 200 38 3S 38 .. 1,600 109 1W 109 .. 6,600 14.7 146 144 .. 700 123 122 122 .. 100 67 67 56 ....23.300 93 92 88 1,100 18 17 17 1,300 41 40 40 39 119 119 119 6h 67 68 22 22 22 120 119 120 62 24 63 46 SI Car ft Fdry.. pfd Linseed OH.. pfd Locomot Philadelphia Produe Mark. PHITADELPHIA. Jan. 20. B TITTER Steady, fair demand; western creamery, 23c; extra prints, 21c. -EOOS -Finn, good demand: fresh nearby. 82c. at the mark; fresh western. 82c, at th mark; freKh southwestern. 8132c, at tha mark: fresh southern, aximo, at the mark. CHEESE Steady; New ork full creams. choice to fancy. 11(uUV; New York full creams, fair to good, lira lie. Mllwanke Grain Market. MILWAUKEE. Wis.. Jan. 20. WHEAT Higher; No. 1 northern, 904j91o; No. I north ern, KrijMe; May, Wic. RYE Higher: No. 1 6(fi62c. BARLEY Firm; No. 3, 63c; sample. 38 coKM Higher: no. s, 2iac; siay, wt ajjC,o. Minneapolis Grain Market. MINNEAPOLIS. Jan. tO-WHBAT May. $0fy91c; July. 89e; September, 79c; on track, No. 1 hard, 92c; No. 1 northern, tiyic; no, 3 northern. 8c; no. 1 north ern. 3'iie6e. 1 t ,.11, 1 1 . U llriO GE, t' lA'L i ml UO. Ilin iwtaii,, n.onii.w, second patents. 4 jj4 75: first clears, 33.46 ljt ; second clears, 16 to. uuam in bulk, Ht.A motive..... pfd Smelt, ft Refln do Dfd , Am. Sugar Refining. 1.9J0 Anacon. Mln. Co Brook. Rap. Trans... 12,400 Colo. Fuel A. Iron Columb. ft Hock. Coal .... Consolidated ties 1,800 General Eleotrio 1"0 Inteanatlonat Paper.. do Dfd 2.700 International Pump do pfd.. ex-dlv National Biscuit... National Lead North American... Pacifia Mall People s Oas Pressed Bteol Car. do pfd Pull. Pal. Car , Republlo Steel 1"0 do pfd 7V Rubber Qoods 4.3"0 do Dfd Tenn. Coal ft Iron.'... 8 U. S. Leather 6"0 do Pfd TOO U. 8. Rubber l.K) do Dfd wo U. 8. Steel 7 do pfd 17.100 Western Union 600 23 24 62 63 67 45 44 4t 16 15 15 85 8f. '85 146 144 145 177 ..93,209 61 49 60 .. 4,9o0 21 21 11 .. 1.400 80 79 80 .. 2.900 26 26 2fi .. 1,000 28 26 $7 .. 6"0 89 3K 89 ..88,700 80 79 80 .. 80 9" t 80 .. 600 20 f) 20 .. $,200 88 88 88 .. 200 18 18 17 .. Z.frs) 21 21 21 .. i,o0 47 40 46 .. ... ... 220 .. .... 190 .. '1'3 Ii $7,800 60 49 60 8'JO 19 19 19 100 69 69 68 i66 'is '25 37 700 17 17 17 $00 77 T7 77 ... 4 $00 90 . 90 0 125 134 124 '60 't9 "i 28 14 194 198 19 174 174C 178 12 11 12 54 66 6 82 71 89 800 15 , 1.600 900 100 83 98 29 7 4$ 19 76 A 5? 49 n 68 KM 81 98 29 "7 42 1H 7& 88 77 18 4$ 11 67 . 15 87 8ivi 98 29 6 215 T 4i :9i 7 5 1 77 13 Total sales for the day, 579,200 shares. 49 11 67 7 Liverpool Grain Market. LIVERPOOL Jan. 80. WHEAT Soot. nominal; futures, steady; March, 6s6d; Mayt e 4d. . U ORN Spot, steady: American mixed. new. 4s3d; American mixed, old, 4&d. f utures, steady; jjarch, 4s id. Dalatk Grain Market. DULUTU. Minn.. Jan. 20 WHEAT In store. No. 1 bald, 8r63oc; No. $ northern. 86c; on travk. No. 1 bird, 89c; No. 1 northern, esc; no. 3 northern,. c May. s'-tc; juiv, oec. OATS On traxk apd to arrive, 38a Peoria Grain Market. PPflPl Jan. td-mRV-HliW! Nu, i, 4io; uew Ku. t, toe; No. I, 4m. Foreign Financial. seli-ps seedx$ vbg craf cmf cmf cm emfo LONDON. Jan. 30. Money was surer abundant and In quiet demand In the mar ket today. Discounts were easv. the In creased confidence In th far eastern situ tlon with the ease of money caused b'll: to r taken snore readily, bulness on th stock exchange waa quiet. 80ms depart ments snowed increased activity. Consol were fractionally harder, but subseuurntl reacted. Horn rails wer buoyant. Amer 1 leans opened Irregular, parity waa not malned on account of local profit taking. Erie waa an exception. This stock wa trengf honed by the Increased dlvtd snd fulr business. America! rinsed dull. Foreigners wer steady. Japan' were) weak. The close was all around sasler n continents! selling orders. Bullion amount Ing to 93.01) waa taken Into th bank of Enrlsnn today. WtULlN, Jan. 30. Trading on th bour 14 4a N4 ... 1W ... 6H4 ... tKH ... 7i . t4 .ltnuj 7U . IBS . ST do lit ino.. Minn. S: St. L. 4l M., K. ft T. 4a., do I N. R. R. of M. e. 4a. 74 N. Y. C. s. (Ma.... N. I. C. f. ta ISI14 No. Paclflo 4 1014 ao xa 71 N. A W. eon. 4a.... 97 O. 8. 1a 4s A par... M4 Penn. eonv. IHa K4 Reading sea. 4a H4 8. L. ft I. M. e 6a. 1114 -Ts. b t a. r. is ta ntt Bt. L. H. W. la 8ft eesDoara a. i as... h Three dava this week.. 11.479 23.943 37.294 Sam day last week. ...16.171 16,733 81. .73 Same week before 11.174 23.015 29.319 bam three week ago... 8,934 27,791 170 Same four week ago.... 6,116 21,14 ll.v&l Bame day last year 13.2u6 24.7c9 13.944 RECEIPTS FOR THE YEAR TO DATS. Th following labia shows lb receipt of cattle, hog and aheeo at SouU. Omaiia for lb year to dat and comparison with labi year, . 104. 1902. 1Q. Cattla h2.tu3 4i.m5 i.vti Hogs 1. ..Us.618 114,969 3,669 Sheep .113,24 51,013 61,363 Averaae nrirea naiit noes at South Omaha tor tho last setsral day with coirr pansona; 80. PacISs 4s.... So. Rallwar 4a Texas A P. la.... T., t. h. A W. I'ntna Pacini- 4a... At conv. 4a r, S. steel id (a. Wabanh la i deb. B W. ft L. Bi. 4s. "Wis. Central ta. Colo. F. ft I. la. ..111 ..lt4 tS Tl ..1MV. ..11SH .. 71 Cat. (1904. 19U3.102.1901.19JO.1K.1$:4). .244 .147 ....140 11.. nr. ....1M SO tf Allouea 4v Amalsamated .. 4fl Btnshara MS Cal. A Heels.., centennial Copper nan as . Dominion Coal .. U'4 ..114V, ..114 ..13.-. ... I ..171 .. 11 .. 80 .. 98 .. I ... 11 ... tf ... II Franklin Iala I'.o orals Mohawk Old Dominion ... naceola Parrot Qulnny Rants Fs Copper. Tamarack .... Trinity United States UUh Victoria Winona Wolverine ... Paly Weat ... 44 in "4 4 l'H 4f 4a 14 1 844 11H 04 II 45 . IV4 ....10 I li 71 844 Jan. an. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. I. .. 4... 6... ... 7.... 8... t... 10.. II. . 12.. 13.. 14.. 16.. 16.. 17.. 18.. 19.. 20.. 4 54 6 83 $ 32; 4 $b 4 21 J 8 4$ 4 v 4 311 1, 4 el 4 44 tj ' Sua is 4 Sal 4 2si 3 671 3 4$ 1 4 75l 1 t Ml 5 tui 4 2(1 8 41 1 3 44 I 4 64 'a 1 t r.S i I imi 4 371 8 471 8 34 s omi 34 Z4 ' t oo ao a 4 6t'' ki 091 6 06. f 8 431 8 40 4 0 5 4 4 031 6 M 4 341 1 tt 4 tkl 4 4lf lo 1 6 H 4 s 3 45 40, 4 631i 4 6l $ 46 4 70,! b 41 $ 001 Wt 14 0 10: 4 to ti 5 14 6 26 4 36 3 60 3 43 041 6 23( 4 41 3 bo, $ J I 5 III 1U 6 26 3 601 8 3 60 4 681 4 49! 4 63 3 47 8 49 3 49 3 41 4 Ml 4 41 4 lal 6 VIII 4 SCI 8 621 I 6 49 11 6 M 4 l 41 8 47 4 68! 6 22i 6 24 4 tor 3 61 1 3 61 4 72i 6 89 6 27 4 641 3 (V4 8 64 4 68 5 47 I 27 4 64 3 b6 $ 60 Stock Now York Mining Quotations. NEW YORK. Jan. 20. Th following ar the closing quotations on mining stocks: Indicates Sunday. The official number of cars of brought in today by each road waa: Road. Cattle. Hogs. Sh p.H rs. C, M. ft Bt. P. lly.... 8 Wabash n 8 Mo. Pac. R 8 Union Pacitlo System. 40 C. ft N. W. Ry 4 F., E. ft M. V. R. R. 36 C, St. P., M. ft O. Ry. 36 d. ft 3d., rty Jo C, ti. ft U. Ry 19 C, K. 1. ft P., east... U c, rv. 1 ex f., west.. Illinois Central 2 CuiutgJ Great West.. 6 Total receipts 195 The disposition of the day's receipts was as follows, each buyer purcoaslng ttie num ber 01 neau indicated; Buyers. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. 33 26 ' 10 31 'i !! 11 1 Id 1 6 1.. W 1 8 9 133 . 20 1 was downward. Th supply her was rot excessive, but prices enae.Loft In sympathy with the general decline. The market opened 8'U'lOc lower, and, while trading was not exactly brisk, still th hogs began mov ing toward the ecalcs at a resonaoly early hour and th bulk of the arrlvala was soon flleposed of. Light stuff sold largelv from $4.60 down, medium weights from $4.6.' to 84.70 and prim heavies largely from H i to $4 50. Toward th close of tha market It became vldent that there wer none too many hi g on sale to meet packera requirements and a a result the market closed strong and active, with the early decline largely re- alned. The provision market also opened Isher. which helped to strengthen the hog market. Owing to the active trading toward the close an early clearance wa mad. Representative sale: Mo. AT. in. Pr. Wo. At. th. Pr. 98 171 44 4 49 71 It4 .. 4 47 4 91 1(4 ... 4 44 44 S7 10 4 74 14 P 130 4 474 40 I I .. 4 79 77 174 .. 4 7v 47 tl 1J0 4 70 41 IU .. 4 47 40 14 SO 4 70 40 14 .. 4 44 18 t7 (0 4 70 40.. It 40 4 M 8.. 174 40 4 70 45 t .. 4 40 l tl SO 4 70 II tu 90 4 40 41 tit 4 70 71 14 .. 4 40 44 141 40 4 74 8 ID 40 4 40 48 t4 10 4 70 184 14 .. 4 40 70 tl .. 4 70 II 00 110 4 40 It 0 .. 4 70 It Ii4 40 4 414 II NO .. 4 70 1 134 344 4 : I 110 80 4 70 40 14 .. 4 If 14 10 140 4 70 71 Ill 40 4 !4 74 tl 120 4 70 74 ...Ml .. 4 44 40 110 M 4 70 II 141 .. 4 44 14 "8 40 4 70 41 Ul SO 4 44 70 131 110 4 70 47 121 10 4 41 14 141 140 4 70 1; 114 90 4 44 17 134 .. 4 74 74 904 10 4 44 44 !44 90 4 70 ' 71 "8 40 4 44 14 4 70 47 Ill 40 4 4 44 144 110 4 74 77 144 .. 4 44 90 IS! ..470 5 1st .. 4 4 44 t7 110 4 70 II 141 .. 4 44 7 .. 4 70 It t 40 4 IS II I4 40 4 70 41 134 40 4 44 M I4 ..4 10 14 984 140 4 41 40 464 M 4 70 44 Ill 40 4 411 41 144 '.. 4 70 44 "l M 411 :...-.... .141 140 4 70 14 Ill 44 4 47 171 100 4 70 47 .1.11 .. 4 7 44 40 4 714 41 it .. 4 47 44 1-t 110 4 72 71... lu .. 4 17 40 ...7 .. 4 71 71 Ill 110 4 47 41 tU IrS 4 71V4 IK Ill ,, 4 (7 09 Ml 180 4 71 K rri .. 4 17 fl 2l 80 4 71 81 414 .. 4 17 tt 8M 120 4 71 41 1 '.. 4 41 64 171 .. 4 7S 47 187 .. 4 17 44 821 40 4 14 41 144 110 4 47 18........ 84 . . 4 78 41 ...978 40 4 17 44 174 .. 4 74 74 HI 120 4 17 41 HI 120 4 74 84 S4 80 4 47 M 824 W II! 18 T? .. 4 41 18 ICS 40 4 7S 11 Ill .. 4 47 4S Ill ISO 4 71 48 1.10 .. 4 47 40 111 .. 4 77 224 .. 4 47 42. 90 HO 4 80 70 tM 140 4 II 4 814 40 4 80 14 147 .. 4 47 II 1st .. 4 M 83 1)4 .. 4 47 at $ t??S 90. Copper declined (M t 4TS7 Us for spot and A.7 7a 4d for future: lo cally copper wa unchanged: lake is quoted at 313.7.13 00, electroirtic at III 4C' 13 87 and csstlng at $ll6i4u 1276. I.esd waa 6 point higher locaHy at $4.004Jr4. snd un changed nt 11 16s 3d In London. Spelter was unchanged at 4.21 l"s in London and at $4 Min locally. Iron closed at 4s 9d in Ulasgow and at, 4is nt in Middle. borough; locally Iron was steady and nomi nally unchanged; No. 1 northern rounory IS 3 noted et 31S.0oi 18.00; No. 3 northern fcun ry is quoted nt llt.OtMi 15.00; No, 1 southern foundry and No. 1 soft outhern foundry at $13.75(514 2S. . . , , ST. lxU13. Jan. &V-METALS Iad, firm, $4.40. Spelter, steady, $4.70. . REAL ESTATE" TRANSFERS. Deed filed for rcord January So, as fur- nlslied by the Midland Ouarautee ami Trust company, bunded abstracter, 1514 Farnam street, for The Hee: David 11. M.-Kenale and wife to Ouy C. McKeusie, part ot the aw lie sec. 4-16-13 and other land $ Charles S. McKenxle and wile to Ouy C. McKenxle, same llllam F. McKenxle and wlf to Quy C. McKeuxie, sain.. Quy C. McKenxle to Colin A, Mo Kenxle, asms Ouy C. McKenxle to David H. Mc Kenxle, same Ouy C. McKenxle to Charlea S. Mo Kensle, same Ouy C. McKenxle to Rhoda E. Lear, same Mary A. I)er and husband to Mary Kibbs, s23 feet lot 4, block 3, E, V. -Smith's add...... 1,700 George W. Elbourne and wife to Nel lie Klrby, lot 8, 10, 11 and 12, block 8, Ames Place 8,900 Isaao W. Carpenter and wife to Delia Reed Relden, lot 6, block 4 Bemls Park add 8,000 Sylvester Bowers to Florence company, lots 1. 3 and 17, block 165, Florence.... 1 Florence company to Sylvester Rowers, lots 6, 8 and 9. block, 165, Florence.... 1 Patrick 8. McOuIre and wlf to Nora O. Johnson, lots 23 and 24, block 1. . addition lo Creighton Heights 600 Gilbert M. Hitchcock and wife to Luella Edith Bhrurn. e lot 11, block 4, Shlnn's add 1 Adams Con A I Ire Rreecs Brunswick Con .. Cotnatork Tunnal Con. Cal. St Va.. Horn RklTer Iron Silver Leadvllls Con ... . 10 . 17 . 10 . B . 8 .170 .104 .124 . 1 Little Chief Ontario Onhlr phoenix Potoel evase Sierra Neraila Small Hopea... Standard 4 ..n0 .AM .. 18 .. 25 .. 14 .. 74 .. 10 ..144 Bank Clearings. OMAHA. Jan. 20. Bank clearings for to day, $1,307,873.01. an Increase of $271,995.63 over the corresponding day last year. Cotton Market. NEW YORK. Jan. 20. COTTON The market opened firm at an advance of 124j'J3 point in response ta strong cauies, con tinued ugm receipts anu lunuer una ui the strong RDot situation In the South. Cable, which at the time of the local open ing, were about iu point over expectations, were attributed to buying In Liverpool by parties who. It waa said, were protecting ineir requirements ui open niarsvi, as a result of defaulted corttructs with shippers. This had a bullish effect on the local- ship ment, so that while outside demand was evidently slack and tha market with con siderable liquidation U. ruled generally firm until aDoui tne ena oi ttie nrst nour, wnen March was selling at.J4.4Sc, May at 14.56o and July at lt.ozo. A period of liquidation louoweo. iater, nowever. tne appearance In the. ring of a looul bull, who began bidding for 6,000 and 16,000 lots of May and July, rallied the market sharply to about the high level, itiis -demand apparently satisfied, the market again sagged off: and while finally steady was only 8 to 13 tolnts hlaher oh the active positions, while the new-orop months were two points lower. Sales were estimated at 600,000 bales. LIVERPOOL. Jan. 20. 4 D. tn. COTTON -Spot in increased demand: prices 18 points runner. American middling iair. e.uoa: good middling, 7.92d; middling, 7.42d; low middling, 7.76d; good ordinary, 7.601; ordl nary, 7.46d. The sale ot the day were 8.000 bales, of which 1.000 bales were for speculation and export, and Included 8.100 American. Receipts, none. Futures opened oulct and closed barely steady. American middling, g. o. c, January, 7.67S1.68d; Jan uary and renruard,'; reoruary ilu .inivi.. i.w,i.uiu. itivut-u u u . 7.62(S7.63d; April and May, $7.51; My and June, 7.49iS7.60d; June and July, 7.47d; July and Aueust. 7.44d: August and September. 7.24d: September and October, ts.6a4i9.64d. U'l' k l : l u laaan uii s 1 1 ill 8 x ru hi nn O A . J U1U nili w. A A. ft' is iiis c higher. Middling. 13c, Sale. 2.752 bale. Receipts, l.tmo bale; shipments, 61 bales: stock. 22.779 bales. NEW ORLEANS'. Jan. W.-CUTITIN-Tllt price for cotton futures today reached th highest point sine th war. The advances ever yesterday wore on favorable report from Manchuria and also, on a continuance of soot demand here. Liquidation wa heavy, but offerings were readily absorbed it is aeneraiiv considered tnat tne market Is as healthy as It has been at any time thl season. At the highest level of th day new record for the aeason and for the period sine war time were etab nsned. NEW ORLKANS. Jan. ZO. COTTON Firm: sales. 6.060 bales; ordinary. 1144c: good ordinary, u i-iw; low middling, 13 1-lSc: middling. 14 l-lc: good middling 14 5-16c; middling fair, 14 11-1:. Receipts, o,843 bales; stock, Aa,ai Dales. futures KaMl.. . , .. - 1 ..llDTl, 1J t.Wf.ll 11... VK. u a . j , .!..... j i ii. n.nv, . ' ligjUM.. Uari.h 11 Jln I nrll I J, ... . J4 11. . , . ' . .. ... . . . . v. , fii . , 14.4M3 14.46c; May.; juiy, M.M'tr 14.86c; July, l6.ooeru.oic; August, I4.zioi4.!Oc. Wool Market. IIADVAU T- A TIT fJ T , 1 . j, , dan. w. ii ww-mwaH iiui. call, steady. Foreign wools firm at good .(.,.. , ' . 1 r , nllntarlnn.. T...I I .a r w Idaho, fine, 16S16c; heavy fine, 13 if 14c; nn medium, imjire; . medium, 1718c; Wyoming, Que, liQlftc; heavy fine. 13an4c; nn . medium, I6iil(c; medium. 18'l?19o: Utah and Nevada, fine. lhaittc; heavy nne, j.i'uiac; nn medium, 16ui7c; Dakota nne, itc: nne medium. 16fel7o: medium, Wimc; Montana, nn choice, 19ff20c; fine medium choloe, 19020c; average, iowic; tapi, xeaKi iucujuui choice. lMiae. ST. LOUIS, Jan. to. WOOIJulet; crrades, combing and clothing, 17&lc; light nne, ltiaiic; heavy nn. ia'i4c; tuo waihed, 3u31o. aarnr and Molasses, NUiW IUHA, Jan. DL J.I .JlW. nominal: fair refining, 2c; rentiifugKl ii test, 2o; molaseea sugar, 2c. lUtined, dull; crushed' 6.06c; powdered, 4.65c; granu lated, 4.46o; No. 6, 4 n6c; No. 7, 4c; No. 8, 2.96c: No. 9 3.90c: No. 10. 3.86c: No. 11. 8.60c; No.. 12, 3.75c; No. IS, 8.70c; No. 14, 8.66c: confectioners' A, 4.30c; mould A, 4.70c; cut loaf, 6.06c; cubes, 4 iuo, MOLASSES Firm; New Orleans open kettle, good to cnoic. siiffjio. NEW ORLEANS. Jan. 80. SUGAR Quiet; open kettle, 2S2c; open kettle cen trifugal, 3g'3c; centrifugal white, 4c; yellow. 3iu34c: seconds, 2e. MOLASSES Steady; open kettle, 8023n centrifugal, dull, 7Uo- Syrup, dull, 23 23c Omana Packing Co.... Switt and Company Cudahy Packing Co Armour ft company Armour ft Co., boo City Vansunt ft co Carey ft Benton Looman ft co McCreary ft Clark W. I. Stephen Hill ft Huiitslnger Huston ft Co.... L. F. HUBS' Wolf & Murruun Hobblck ft B J. 1. Root .. y. P. I ew la Hagerty ft Co...... Other buyers .... 683 8.9 714 430 70 1 201 63 . 69 67 23 46 19 167 40 23 17 7 437 l,oo9 1.4J6 1,61 1,W 3,1.6 4.4 1,863 aoi 1.37 ft , ss "fdi SHEEP There wss not a heavy run of sheep In sight this morning, but the market was extremely dull and, In fnct. about ns near dead ns it often gets. The demoral ized condlt'on of the mutton market In the .. . 1 . 1. .... I... Mnra ofa nrk Anttt -n n nu,, nip Frniviij ,i ' o . n " . the principal reasons for the present slump in prices, commission men are an wimn their shippers to hold back their stock this week and give the market a chance to re cover. As compared with the close of last weak, ruling prices aro all the way from V to 60a lower, with trading? extremely dull at the decline. At a late hour today there were still a good many sheep and lambs In first nands. Feeders were scarce, but. In sympathy with the decline on fnt stuff, prices were lower, with trndlng very quiet Qtlotatlrns for corn red stock: Chnlc vlrn Intnl., tRVunRAO- fnlr tO good lambs. 85.OTHfifi.2R: good to choice yearlings. $4.5g-4J75; fnlr to good yearling, $4.2o'fM.oO: good an choice wether, 44.u"(nzn; iir good yefhers. x3.ni14r4.1w; goon 10 rnm'j wes, 3it.40Sj3.Br.; rsir to goon ewc, n...p 40: choice feeder lambs. $4 26f(f4..i"; reeiicr yearllnrrs. $3.75ff4.2S; feeder wethers. 13 sow 3 76; reeoer ewee, i:.xih;,id; cuus, e..ii-. Penrescntatlv sales No, Total , 4,081 8,908 4,992 riTTt.lftiinti of cattle at all points were liberal thl morning for the time of year and price took a big drop. In fact. the decline in price waa tne mini rn that ha taken place on any on day In a long time and tn niaraat tne quuwi ihat has been experienced In many weeks, 'ackers did not try to buy anything until about the middle of th forenoon, and when they did start out tneir oias, were 10iS2oo lower than yesterday and If they could not get the tock at their own fig ures they did not seem to want There wer quite a few cornfd oteers included In the offerings and the quality of som ot th cattle was good. Palt ers, though, wer very Indifferent, and the market on ail graoee cou.u ..icij u quoted 1015o lower than yesterday, and Irj a good many cases the decline amounted to a much a 20o. Trading-wa nat iipaiiv v,ru ftnll. nwinsr nartlv to the In- difference of buyer and partly to the fact that salesmen oouio not mase up t'""r minds to accept the prices offered. Ihe day was well advanced before even the bulk of the offerings was disposed of. - The cow market wa In much the sam condition th teer market. The decline COUld sareiy in pu i"i'" - treme case was even more, iraoing was dull at the decline, ana at a tain nour there were still a good many cows and heifers In first hands. Tha good stuff suf- A .11 am Hi. tnmmnrt kinds. Bulls, veal calves and stags wer all slow and lower In sympathy with th de cline on cows and steers. ' There wer aulte a lew siocaer anu nttarA and. owing to the break on fat stuff, and also to the unfavorable weather, which speculators figured wouio keep buyers at home, in margei ruiea very slow ana unevenly rawrr. 1, KaImI hnnrn.i were not over 10ffl5o lower, but other were safely 15200 lo"er. nepresentaiive mi; KELir eitcna 1 western ewe A western ewe 510 western ewe 10 western ewe 2?2 western lambs .... 1?7 cull ewes 48 feeder ewes 273 western ewes 101 feeder ewes 262 western ewe 69 western ewes 869 western ewe 39 western ewe 11 cull lamb 181 western yearlings.. 8 western yearlings.. 607 western yearlings.. 461 western-fed ewe . No. 1 4 It 7. II 14 10 I...... 4 II...... II 11 4 tl 19 1 I 4 10 4 9 1 -9 I 8 I 9 J:::::: 4 1 $ $ 10 n 4.. At. 140 1070 ...... 441 Ill IM I4 frU 94 , 1044 1046 tl 1071 1001 nu ... 744 18(4 ..... 81 1011 .....10M 774 101 460 101s 44 ' 1044 44 80 1180 1171 1071 .... 70 1114 1041 1014 1000 Ilu4 40 414 441 imt HI 1M7 1019 1014 Ft. I 40 I 40 I 44 8 40 8 44 I 40 I 40 8 10 li! 3 to 8 71 8 40 I 48 I 44 Wo. 4.... I.... 1..., II.... 19.... 41.... 19.... I.'... 31.... 40..,. 11.... 14.... 1.... 18.... It.... COWS. AT. ... 711 ...1130 ...1804 ...1044 ...1041 ...1114 ...1121 ...11(4 ...114 ...11.11 ...1211 ...1424 ...1907 ...llf.4 I. 14.. 4.. I . I.. 1 10 7 1 84 8 0 I 00 3 04 3 II I 14 I II I 31 I II t M I 44 I 10 9 40 I U 9 44 8 44 I 40 I 14 8 44 t 4 3 40 3 40 I 40 I 44 9 44 I 44 t 84 $48 HEIFERS 14 I 1 3 4 7 IS ) 10!!'.'.!'. 11 1 1 4 a 6 I 1::::;: 1 T .... Ml ....1114 .... IM .... 914 ....1111 .... 1314 ....loco .'...100 ....1204 .,..11(4 .... 4:14 ...Tloi .... 44 .... 144 ....101 ....1119 .'...1214 ....1081 ....1474 .... 180 ....1184 ....1110 .... 044 ...1111 ....1041 ....1004 ....1178 .....1120 ....1X4 Pr. I 94 4 00 I 04 4 04 4 04 4 II 4 14 4 40 4 40 4 4 4 40 4 44 4 90 4 44 4 IS) I 74 $ II 9 71 I 14 $ 71 $ 71 I II t 71 I II $ 73 in I 80 I 44 I 4 I 94 I 00 ' I 40 $ 0 I 04 8 14 9 11 I 44 I II I 38 $ 14 $ 44 $ 60 I 44 t4 471 4M 114 H4 424 440 414 717 744 .....1110 1600 1024 1480 1100 140 .1084 3 II I M I M I tt I 40 $ 44 I 44 I 40 I 4 t 44 I 71 1.. I.. 11.. I.. ... 4... 94.. It.. , 14.. I . ,9)4 . SM . 741 . 441 . IM . 711 . 4 8 .180 . 174 . 13 ITI I 71 I 71 8 44 $ 00 I 4 I 14 I 14 $ 44 $ 44 9 94 I 44 tU I 71 I 71 I 1 BULLS. 3.. 1.. 1.. 1.. 1:: $ 1810 I 84 $ 1411 I 14 1 10U0 I 04 CoBeo Market. NEW TORK, Jan. 80. COFFEE Th market for futures opened firm at un changed prices to an advance of 5 ilnta on market bull support following th continued llnht Drlmary movement. At first trading was quiet and during the forenoon th mar ket snowed a aomewnai reactionary ten dency under realising, but later wa stronger by good buying from Wall street and European house closing steady at a net advance of ltXulS point. Sales wer I113.OO11 bag. Including January at 7.36c; February, T.4c: Marcn. 7.4og&oc; April. 7 oc; May, 7 6591.uc; July, 7 Ih&8.ii6c; Au- 1. 1.. 144 1714 fc38 30c; October, 7 Invoice, tl-ltc; mild, a lead y. aust. 83oe: September. f.26c; December. .4oc Spot Rio, firm; No. Dry Good Market. NEW TORK, Jan. 30. DUT OOODS-Th operation of buyer of dry good showed no tendency to speculate In merchandise at present, put necesnliie make them elves apparent ouyecs ana are evidently now willing to pay asking prices for soot or nearby devices. Sellers contend that pres ent price ax too low, basd Uis cost o xoanuiaciuro. 11 400 t 88 BTOCKERS HO I 40 IM I 44 1 44 IH i 490 9 40 1 410 I 00 I Ill I 40 1 110 I 00 1 980 I 4 I Ml I 14 9 104 I M 1 4M I 14 44 8 14 17 IM I 10 tl HI t 84 I IM IU 8 44 I H 4 441 8 U s 94 a as 14 Ill IB I n 1 44 4. 8X I 44 4 444 9 44 3 40 1 i.. 1 UAL.V tO. M 19 1 100 4 00 I STOCK CALVES a.... 1.... t.... 94.7. 18 ... 14.... I ... .... I ... 14. a., ao. 11. 1. 97. T. II. ..1! ..1IK0 ..1410 ...1640 . .11U4 ..1440 ,..11M ...1910 ...1714 ..1(84 ,.18o4 ..1234 .. 114 .. lit ..1041 464 a a a 11 a 14 a to a 99 a 14 1 44 a tt a ts a ta a m a 4 a m a 0 a 14 a 44 a to 1 44 .1010 4 40 ...4. ...1011 ... 481 ... 14 ... 11 ... f4 ... la ... M 1084 . tut . 424 .1.44 . rrt . . 4P ,. 134 ,.1144 I II I 10 i 44 3 M a 44 a st IS a 10 a to a a a m a is 4 no 4 M 1 HOGS Tha combined receipts of hog at th principal market point today waa larg and a a result th tendency of prloe Av. . fO . 9S . 1"1 . S3 . 7S .. 94 .. 91 .. 89 .. 91 ..110 .. 8 ..104 .. 98 .. 51 .. 74 .. 77 ..108 . 106 Pr. 3 2S 8 30 1 40 4 no 6 15 2 66 2 S5 2 90 3 10 3 16 8 25 8 40 X 40 8 60 4 00 4 25 4 no 8 75 COE !IB' STOCKS AND BONDS GRAIN AND PROVISIONS Wo have evof 160 office.- . References: 175 Stat and Nat l Batiks, OCR IBRVICB IS TUB BBBT. Out of Town Business Solicited. On Branch! f lPr aai At Ta. 34417 TWOS. M. WADDICK. CorretptMnJent S. SLEUMAN Grain, Provisions & Stocks, Room 4, N. Y. Llf Bldf. Tel. 3380. Operates 15 Offices In This Stats. Establlrhed 1S97. RAILWAY TIME CARD. IMO.N STATION IOT II A.tO MARCT. Illinois Central. Leave, .a 7:60 pin ' Arrive. alo:36 pnt Chicago Express ..... Chicago, Minneapolis dc x St. Paul Limited.,.. ..a 7:50 pro. A 8:05 am Minneapolis & St. Paul Express b 7:60 am blf!:3t put ( hicuao 4& Northwestern. CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET. General Conditions glow, wltk Lower rrtces for Cattle. CHICAOO. Jan. 10 CATTLE Receipts. 80.000 head; market HKfJloo lower; good td prime steers, 6.oons.0; poor to medium, $3.604.60: stockers and feeders, $2.:6'r4.i'0; cows. $1.60'fl4.0l): heifers. $2.OtKn'4.60: canners. $1.6Oj2.40; bulls, $2.00i4.10; calves, $3.60cu6.60. iiOUH Receipts, 40,000 neau; estimated tomorrow, 86,000 head; mixed and butchers,1 $4.764.95; good to choice heavy, $4.9o'iiO.OO; rough heavy, $4 76u4.90; light, , $4.4b'a4-75; bulk of sales, $4.70&'4.90. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 25.000 WaiiXt as Irt ear t 4 eholnn xa'i-kt hors $4i00fr4.26; fair to choice mixed, $3.07Wit.OO; western Lheep, $3.604.25; native lumps, $4.6uij&.a6; western lambs, $4.2u5.S. KAnsas City Live stock Market. KANSAS CITY. Jan. 20. CATTLE Re ceipts, 10,600 head, Including 100 head of southerns; market strong to 10c lower; ex port and dressed beef steers, 44.u(fl'4.; fair to good, $3.75u'4.16; western fed steers, $3.60ir4.2o; stockers and feeders, $3,0044.10; soul hern steers, $3,004.00; southern cows. 20'a2.60: native cows. I2.iii3.&0; native heifers. $2.6O(u$.60: bulls. $2.26'u3.60: calves. 3Z75i(fi.00. - HOUS Receipts, 11,000 neaa mantel was steady to 6c lower; top, $4.92: bulk ot sales, $4.607T4.85; heavy. $4.77Hft4.92Mi: packers, $4 66tT4.75; pigs and light, $1.26 64.70. D11IS AINU UAB115 Xteceipts, a.uuu head; market weak to 100 lower; native Iambs, $1.6(Vfl6 80: western lambs, $4.60u6.70; fed ewes. H.WiiS.90: western fed yearlings, $1.0OJj6.26; stockers and feeders, 82.76tjj4.00. 1 1 1 Kow York Uri stock Market. NEW YORK. Jan. SO. BEEVES Re ceipts, 2,730 head; good steer, firm to lOo higher; medium and common, steady; bull and cows, steady and luc lower. Native steers, $3.763.10; bulls, $2.764794.361 cows. $1.60 uauie quoted live came sieauy at U&12C per lb., dressed weight: refrigerator Deer, 74Hrnto per lb, exports touay, vuu cattle. CALVES Receipts. 630 head: veals. 3460 fro.60: little calves. $3.6oS4.00: barny.ird and fed, $3.0ori4.00; city dressed veals, firm at if 16c per lb.: country dressed, ste HOGS Receipts. 7.9b7 head: market nom inally steady: no sales reporte J. kl 1 J L,' 1. ll a au iv x A a m 1 J m 1 Mm an 9-mm osm heep, $3.0Oy4.5o; cull, $2.5J. Lamlis, $6.50 4(j &j; yearlings, $5.00. Cable quoted sheep at uo per lt. ; iambs, uvtHW vr 10. ' it. Loots Live Stock Market. ST. LOUIS. Jan. 20.-CATTLE Receipts. 4,500 head, Including 1.200 head Texans; market slow, steady to lower; native snip ing and export steers, m.zu'; dressed eef and butcher steers. I4.0uu6.00: steers under 1,000 pounds, $3.3oU4.8Sj Blockers and feeder. $2.4o4itSo; rows and heifers, $2.26 (T4.26; canners. $2.25&2.60; bulla. $2.60!r3.6O; calve. 33.a0iu7.00: Texas snd Indian steers $2.6C(j4.30; cows snd heifers, $2.1('ti2.90. liOUtt Receipts, head; market was 1 . ... - .. 1 1 1 .. k i J T '. . , .'. K . . . .. $4 6i'u4.6i; butchers and best heavy, 4 ti6 (15.00. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipt, 2.500 head; market wa slow and lower; native mutton, $3.T0'S4 6o; lamb, $4.0't(S 65; culls and bucks, $2.2i(a4.00; stockers, $1.763.00. St. Joievk Llvo Stock Market. ST. JOSEPH. Jan. 20. CATTLE Re ceipts, 1,938 head: market steady to 10c lower; natives. $3.36fj6.15; cows and heifers, $17614 26: Btockers and feeders, $2.75'u'4.26. HOGS Receipts, 7.830 head; market 6c lower; light, $4.664.60; medium and heavy, 34.70fi4 90. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, J.641 head; market steady; lamb,; wethers, $4.60. Stock In Slgkt Following ar the receipt of live stock at th six principal western cities yesterday: L.attie. .. 4.000 30,000 Fast Chicago .... Local Chicago ... Mall jocbI Sioux city, layllciit St. l'aul daylight Chicago .imuc'i lii emu .... Fast Chicago Local Chicago Fast St. Paul St. Paul Express ... Fast Mall Loral Sioux City Norfolk A' Honestel. Incoln A Lone I'lneb 8M6am Dead wood. Hot Springs A Lincoln az:ovpm Casper & Wyoming Ex.d 2.60 pm Hastings, B-.perior ana Albion Inlou Paclflo. South Omaha Chicago Kansas city Bt. Louis .... St. Joseph .. Sioux City .. ..10.5(4) .. 4,600 .. 1,938 .. 800 Hogs. 6.8,0 40. 0 11,IXK 10.0J 7.87)0 4,000 Sheep. 40 4.0-0 2.600 1,641 Totals 61.338 78.709 87,941 Whisky Market. PEORIA. Jan. . WHISKY On basis of $1.27 for finished goods. ST. LOUIS, Jan. 20. WHISKY-Stoatly, at $1.8114.. CHICAOO, Jan. . WHISKY-8tedy, on basis or ii .37. CINCINNATI, Jan. 20 -WHISKY Quiet on basis of $1.27 for nnishM good. Toledo Seed Market. TOLEDO, Jan. 20. SEEDS Clover, cash and January, $e.87H; February, $A90; March, t.96. prima alslk. $530. Prim timothy, 81.40. Metal Market. NEW YORK. Jan. 20. METALS -8 pot tin was unchanged In London at 130 6a. but futures were 3s td lowar at A 130 16: locally tin was quiet, and about steady, closing a 7:55 am a $.30 am b 8:46 pm al0:00 pin all:20 pm a 9:15 an a 8:45 pm a V':bs' am 9:26 am a 2:40 pm a 9:20 am blO : 35 am bl0i35 ar, 6:10 pr.t 6:10 pm .b 2:60 pm b 6:10 pot ...a 8:40 am ...all:30 am ...a 8:10 pm ...a 7:60 am ...a 8:00 am ...a 8:26 pm ...a 6:50 pm ...a 4:26 pm ...a 8:16 pro ...b 4:00 pm ...a 8:05 am Overland Limited The Fast Mall ... California Express ..a 8:40 am ..a 8:60 am .a 4:20 pm a $ pm a 8:20 pm a 1:80 pm a 5:80 pm a 7 :30 am a $:40 am a 3:40 am bl3:45 pm b 8:85 am a 7:15 am 8:80 pm al0:30 am The Chlcaeo ..Portland epecini a o.w pin The Chicago Portland Spoclat 4. ...... Emtern Express The Atlantlo Express The Colorado Special.. all :85 pm Chicago Special ......... Lincoln, jieatrice ana Stromsburg Express. .D 4:w pm Columbus Local b 6:09 pm Chicago Oreat Western. St. Paul & Minneapolis Limited fit Paul A MlnnASnnlta Express 7:85 am Chicago Limited .......a 4:50 pm St. Paul. Minneapolis Chicago Express a 8.30 pm .......... Chicago Express a 4:30 am a 4 .-06 pm Chicago, Milwaukee A St, PanL Chicago Daylight a 7:65 am !: pm Chicago Fast Express. .a t:4S pm Overland Liir-lt .9 -20 pm De Moines x(Nt..t l.a w Wabaab. pt. . Loul "Cannon ' juau - txpress tn.wi m a.w am Bt. Lnuld Local, Coun- ell Biufis a f u ia aiu:w pm Missouri Pnt-li3e. St. Louis Express.... a. al0:00 am A 1:28 pm K. C. 4 St. L. Express.. al0:60 pm a 5:18 am Chlcagro, Rock Island AV PaclAo. EAST. Chicago Daylight L t d. a 8:65 am a 3:50 am Chicago Daylight Loo'l.a 7:00 am a 9:36 pm Chicago Express bll:15 am a 6:36 put Des Moines Express.. ..a 4:30 pm bll:6o am Chicago Fast Express. .a 6:30 pm a 1:25 pnt Rocky Mountain L't'd.. a 7:30 am a 7:25 pm Lincoln, Colo. Springs. Denver, f ueuio ana West a 1:30 pm Texas, California and , Oklahoma iyr , a :iu pm a 6:10 pro a 8:10 lA a 8:10 pnt a i:00 pm aU:40 pm Bl'RLIKUTON STATION ltrt k at MASON, Chicago, Barllnston AV Qalncy. Leave. - Arrive. Chicago Special a 7:00 am a 8:66 pm Chicago Vestlbuled Ex. a 4:00 pm a 7:46 am Chicago Locsl a 9:18 am all:00 pm Chicago Limited a $;06 pm a 7:4 pm r ast Aiaii it pm BarliuKton k Missouri River. Wymore, 13 ea trice and Lincoln a 8:60 am bl3:05 pn Nebraska Express a 8:60 am a 7.4 put Denver Limited a 4:10 pm a 4:4 am black Hills and Puget Hound Express aii:io pm a 130 tua Colorado Vestlbuled Flyer a 3 io m Lincoln Fast Mall. .....b 1:67 pm a 9:08 am Fort Crook ana riatts- mouth D:iopm Divas am Bellevus & Paclflo Jet. .a 7:60 pm k 8:37 ana Bellevu at 1'acino jct..a i.3u am Kansas City, St. Josspk ek Council Bluffs. Kansas City Day Ex. ...a 8:15 in a 6:08 pm Bt. Louis Flyer a 6:26 pm all:06 am Kansas City Night Ex..al0:46 pm a 4.30 am WEBSTER DEPOT IB tk aft WEBSTER, Miasonrt Paclflo. Leav. Arriva, Nebraska Local, via Weeping Wattr b 4:10 pm alO:tf am Chicago, SI. Pans, Minneapolis Ouaana. Twin City Passenger. ..b 8:80 am b 9:10 prsj Bloux City Passenger. .a 2.o9 pin all Jo an) Oakland Local b 8:46 pm b 8.10 am a Dally, b Dally except Sunday, d Dally xcept Saturday. Dally oaoept atoodaA OCEAN STUAMERS. HOLLAND-AMERICA LINE. New Tens-Screw stsanars et 13.40 Teua. XIW TURK MOTTkHUAM. via BOUIAMiNI. ailing TaaMUr. st 14 s. au RottarOam KaS. 1 1 AmatarOaak Mar. tUoterak yak. lIRoUeraaa) Mar. 4 BUlaudaoi yeb. ti KoorOaia Mat. 38 Staeraga ealy. x 9-relsbt oaly. HOUJtND-AJdtlUCA LINK, 4 bur Dora St., Cai . Ill : Harry Mooraa. 1401 yaraaa St. C. Ruiaartora. UU fames. B4. 1. B. AafS44a, IM t attoo) si.