! i THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: THURSDAY, JANUARY 21. 1904. ! En i a TEBEAU IN WESTERN LEAGUE Day for But Ball Whtn Whit Wings Oeti Control Padducee second. Morning Star third. Time: Fifth rare, six furlongs. Billing: Over rain won. Annie Max second, Mayor nhnanii third. Time: 1:12V. Ith race. mll end flve-elgtitus. selling: I P,,,'., f ReUm.J avians Will Sarin In Major Manatr won, Stonewall second. Boas- ' tar third. Time: OMAHA HAS NOTHING TO FEAR IN DEAL ladlapeaslble tat tkt Becce.s of the Leegee, Whether Tehran Con trols Dfn or tha Whole Clrralt. I ohee William A. Rourke of (ha Omaha baaa all team says he la not greatly w HTled over George Teheau'a breaking In.o the Western league by scaring D. C. Packard out of hid holding at Denver. ' Rourke aays that Omaha Is Indlapena'ble to the success of bn.ee ball in Denver and Colorado Spring, and no matter whether the West ern league haa all cluba or eight or a doaen Rourke professes to fear nothing; more than a loaa of sleep Insofar' aa thla city and his own interests are concerned. "George Tebeau always hat been noted for his foxlness and Ma crafty maneuvers, and nothing- he can do will aurprlsa me much, for I know that Tebeau la not given to the love of his fellow creatures to any noticeable extent," said Pa Bill. Tebeau'e move at Denver Is the result of wen laid plans and a desire Tor revenge, for which he haa been thirsting for some moons, and the object of his hate la Pack ard. He haa dope nothing more than force Packard Into Opposing of his holdings at Denver. Tebeau wants to be a factor In Western league affairs and claims to have an Interest In the Kansas City franchise, He also set up the plalm that he had an In' terest tn the . Denver franchise, but the records of the Western league aecretary how that this Is merely a supposition on T beau's part. "You aee," aald Rourke, "these western towns cannot get along without Omaha. , They must have this town In order to make a success pf base hall further west, so there Is little ground for worry here except It be over the entrance of Tebeau Into Western league matters. lorry Day if Tebeaa Wlia, "Tebeau has enjoined us from meeting In an official capacity Until the courts decide whether he has a Tight to a voice In the deliberations of the Western league, and thla matter will be up for adjudication In the courts at Lincoln today. I have only this to say and that Is it will be a sorry for the Western league when Tebeau more gets his think tank Into opera' Hon, In connection with our affairs. "Relative to the six-club circuit, I cannot see that this question Is anything to worry over. Reports recently have been clrcu lated that Bloux City and Lincoln are about to back down and do not want membership In the Western league,' Nothing could be further "from the troth. Both towns have raised more money for base ball purposes than ever In their history, and the six club circuit If It Is to be such will be com posed of Omaha, Dee Moines, Bloux City, Lincoln, Denver and Colorado Springs. "Tea1, J have signed some new men a catcher, third baseman, shortstop and three pitchers but I do not care to announce their names at this time." Hitch la Tebeaa'a Plana. DENVER,- Jan. 20. Specta4 Telegram.) The officers of the Western league In Den Ter are In a muddled oondltloa and Oeorge Tebeau, who Worked so .ardently to gain oontrol from D. C Packard, may not be at the head of the aggregation that will rep resent thla oily this year. According to well authenticated rumors - Tebeau "angel," who Is aald to be no other than Ft O. Bono Is, declined at the last moment to hand over the requlJooWflltbr lucre, the reason being that Tebeau had mis represented matters to tilm during the ne gotiations with Packard. . It U aald that f 26,600 was Packard's figures, while Bon nie had banked on getting out of the deal for $30,000, . Tebeau denies that there baa been any ""hitch In the purchase, but he virtually admitted aa much today when he aaked Packard for an option of a day or two, assuring the latter that he would secure the necessary money within a day or two. WITH THE BOWLERS. In the Commercial league on the Lents Williams atleiM the Ulnrk KatH took two out of three games from the Oate Cltya. Bcore GATE C1TT. let. 2d. Cochran 2"1 Wamholt 12 Weymuller 1T7 Martin i' Hull 15 AFFAIRS AT SOUTH ,0MA11A Early p ingtima. !td. Total. 190 168 142 V.4 190 142 132 lit! 120 432 451 4fi BETTER COMMUNICATION WITH FT, CROOK Street Railway Company Decides to E.xtend Its Doable Tracks to Coaaty Ma and Aid la the Improvement. Totals tea BLACK'S KATB. 1st. 2d. Landon 1 Heft Button 11 Buah Bonine W m 791 2.483 Jd. Total. 175 17 1W 1M 4 164 lf.8 143 146 192 5i8 616 4S0 431 67 Total 20 8H8 802 2,510 mi v.ilnn.li uopeeiled In taking two games from the Armours, thus neming i make the race for the championship all the mora interesting. iiiti k ARMOl'IMJ. lat. lt 161 2d. 161 190 239 177 168 M. Total. IKS M 214 m 22.i 641 173 52 212 666 Oilchrest t'nttnf Rrunke n Hnhnolrier 1 ( Dxnman 175 Totals 860 26 1012 2787 NATIONALS, 1st. 2d. 8d. Total. Bprague w Ahmanson 1M 170 163 Jones m M Olerde 176 2 2"2 Chandler 24 182 190 6K7 4S7 MS 63 Totals 920 966 916 2S01 Laat night, on the Western alleys, ths following scores were made In the two- men tournament: lat. ta. in. tn. Tates m 148 167 168 McKelvey 168 168 186 190 Totals 380 Sl 342 858 1st. 2d. 8d. 4th. Bengele 171 148 167 187 Lehuiann 168 175 188 161 Bth.Total, 160 816 188 m 838 1714 6th. Total. 202 176 865 862 Totals 839 82! 340 348 377 1727 Iowa College Ball Games AMES, la.. Jan. 20. (Special.) The base ball management at Ames has reported the arrangement of schedules for the com- n iMHnn wirn tnt teams or. me lows Intercollegiate Base Ball league provi sionally and the datea arranged will prob- aDiy be accepted permanently, in, kh- ii i k mvm A rnntf aerie, oi noma Kan rs. Two games will be played with each of the three other members of the league. Orlnnell, Iowa and Cornell, one at Ames n r, nn h hfYilft The Iowa Btato university game ana m. Cornell tun, have been arrangeo. lo do nivi nn one trln. The schedule ss ar ranged Is as follows: May 7, Iowa at An,k- M.v is Amea at Orlnnell: May 20. Cornell at Ames; May 30, Amea at Iowa City; May 81, Amea at corneii; June a. Orlnnell at Ames. Billiard Toaraey, The billiard tourney at Byrnes' hall has mttan unrier wav. The contestants are playing 150 points each nignt at 18-lnch balk line. Last night Chambers beat wen son by 160 to 102. Chambers' average was as opposed to an average of 1V4 by Tu.inn The tournev will not be con cluded for two weeks. The winner Is to im known aa the Dossesaor of what Is to k- AmiimmtmA the chamolonshlD cue, hiw ! m remain hi. nrouerty until It la wrested from him in a tourney. Plana City Engineer Beal Is preparing plans and specifications for the grading, curbing and paving of Railroad awr.ue. The prepara tion of these notices for publication has been delayed for the reason that ths city officials did not know what the street rail way company proposed to do. Yesterday the city engineer was notified that the company proponed laying double tracks from Q street south to the county line. This will make considerable difference In the estimates, as the cost of paving to the city will be reduced about 114,000. The un derstanding la that the company will com mence laying Its double tracks before the paving Is begun. Grading and curbing will be done at the same time that the street railway company starts laying Ita double tracks. Work on this new line Is to be commenced Just as soon In the spring as the weather will permit There is a report current that the transportation line will soon extend the tracks as far as Fort Crook and open up a line of communication between the garri son and the city. It will cost the city of South Omaha about 300,000 to pave Railroad avenue, the balance of the expense being paid by the street railway company, Business men are In favor of thla work going ahead aa rapidly aa possible, aa It Is stated that the paving of thla roadway will add greatly to the receipts of mer chants here on account of giving Sarpy county farmers a good road Into the city Instead of compelling them to go to Other markets. All Want Office Democrats In South Omaha are hunting for a candidate for mayor. There waa meeting held last night and a number of names were suggested. Colonel C. M. Hunt Is being talked of,' but he Is not conoid ered to be popular enough to win .out. Dr. Elisor's friends came to the front and pushed the claims of this candidate, but those who were present did not look with favor on the doctor. Sam Shrtgley, the present city clerk, was suggested, but the caucus decided that Shrlgley was not ths man for mayor at this time. Then there was Dan Hannon. He wants to be mayor and Is willing to go Into the campaign with John McMl'.lan aa his political man. ager, but the crowd would not stand for Hannon In speaking of the meeting after It was all over one who waa present aald that It Is going to be a hard matter for the demo crats to And a man who can beat Frank Koutsky at the polls. While trying to ae lect a candidate for mayor those present at thie meeting talked over the selection of which Indicates why the bounds from Bea trice were unable to trace Miss Thomas or er abductors. v Testerday Mtaa Thomas was again called to the witnees stand for. the purpoae of re butting testimony of the proacutlon. Whenever she Is told that she testified at the preliminary hesring entirely different. wherein sho swore to asaaulta, giving place and time, and even went Into llttlo particu lars', she falls back on the statement she waa threatened by her mother and waa afraid of her mother and had to testify at that trial on account of her mother. After this trial John Blair and his hired mtan, L. Bice, will be tried, charged with concealing and Interfering 'with witness' appearance and obstruction to Justice. are being laid for 'a W"' ""l'! candidate for councllmen. but no conclu at Byrnes' and If this event can be ar- I ..... ranged some of the crack players of the slon waa reached. A number of namei east will visit this city and give exhlbl tlons of their work. Takes Child from Father. PLATTBMOUTH, Neb., Jan. 20. (Special.) About one year ago Mrs. Cora Blair re ceived a divorce from her husband, Louis Blair, and was also given the custody of her two ' daughters, who have since made their home with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Brobst, who are also par ent a of the plaintiff. Two weeks ago a sister of Blair, residing near Ashland, went to Loulivillo and' prevailed upon the grand- names were suggested, but as so many wanted po altlons it was declared that the question of selecting councllmen would have to be left to the primaries and the convention. Drives gleepera Into Jail. Night Jailor Turnqulst says that for week past from fifteen to twenty vagrants have been given accommodations. The po lice say that these sleepers, as they are called,, do not come back again. They assert that the vagrants who apply for floor room at the Jail are coming a from the rangea and from the Paclllo coast and are working their way eastward. Police parents to allow the older sister, who Is only years of age, to accompany her home I Judge King is easy with this class of peo- to spend the holidays, promising to return pie at this time of the year and when the child on the Monday after the New Tear's day. Thla she failed to do, but sent a letter stating that the father had decided to keep the girl and had been there and taken her away. Mr. Brobst went to Ashland and demanded the child. but being refused secured a writ from the eourt and In company with an officer re turned and got the child. r STATE ROOSEVELT LEAGUE Ora-aalsatloa Perfected and Delegate Coaveatloa to Be Held May IT. (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, Jan. 20.-(Speclal Telegram.) A state Roosevelt league was organised tonight, and these officers were elected: Norris Brown, Buffalo county, president; A. B. Allm, Johnson: W. B. Raker, Sarpy; C. B. Marr. Dodge; T. E. Sedgwick, York; W. O. Meyers. Harlan, 3. E. Evans, Lan caster, vice presidents; Frank McCartney, Otoe, treasurer; John H. McClay, Lancas ter, secretary. An executive meeting is to consist of one member from each club. A meeting will be hold on the evening of May 17 in Lincoln, delegates to be the presi dent, secretary, vice president and treas urer of each club, one delegate-at-large and one delegate for each twenty-five members of the auxiliary clubs. Governor Mickey presided at the meeting and a number made speeches. Children's Home Auxiliary. PL ATTS MOUTH, Neb.. Jan. 20. (Spe cial.) The work which is being done In this state by the Nebraska Children's Home society was presented In the Presby terian church by Mrs. Irma G. Allen of Omaha. A meeting of the advisory board was held In the evening at the home of Mrs. W. H. Bchlldknecht. Waya and means for looking after homeless, neg lected and dependent children were dis cussed and the following persons were elected officers of the local board: Presi dent, Prof. E. L. Rouse; vice president, Miss Alice Eaton; secretary, Mrs. M. How- land; treasurer, Mrs. Bchlldknecht; execu tive committee, C. 8. Polk, Rev. A. F. Plots, H. Zuckweller, G. L. Farley, Mrs. Kate Miner, Anna Qorder and W. L. Picket, Light Docket In Dodge. FREMONT, Neb., Jan. 20. (Special.) Judge Hollenbeck called the docket In the district court for the purpose of setting cases for trial In the equity courtroom this morning. There are only twelve civil cases for trial and but two or three criminal cases. The caso of Kropger against Schai lenberg appears on the docket, aa usual for the past twenty years, and Is up now on proceedings to set attide the Judgment rendered last summer for the plulutlffa, Kroeger and Monnlch, on the ground. among other things, of the mental Incom petency of Mrs. Anna Scuallenberg, the principal defendant. i Paplllloa Bars Frame Buildings. PAPILLION, Neb., Jan. 20. (Special.) An ordinance has just been put into effect by the town board prohibiting property owners from erecting - frame buildings within a prescribed district In the business portion of Papllllon. In tho future all buildings must be of brick or stone. Thla Is done with a - view of eliminating the danger of fire, besides having a tendency to give the town a betten appearance. EVENTS ON RUNNING TRACKS Fa Tart tee 1st Baa FraseUee Oo Dovra to Dataat aad New Orleaas Wlaset Dlaaallaed. BAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 20. All the favor t Itee went down to defeat at Oakland today and the twenty-eight bookmakers In line hud the better of the argument. The main attraction was the Owners' handicap at a mile, In which a trio of well known per formers met. Fossil was a 3 to 5 favorite and set the pace, with Claude close up. Three furlongs from the finish Claude as sumed command and won pulling up from Fossil. The ' muddy track prevented fast time In the handicap. Results: -yirat rane. seven furlonss: P'laneur won. Soptlmo second, Bugden third. Time: 1:304. Hecona race, tnree ana a nan lununsa. purse: Peggy O'Nell won. Henry Ach sec ond. Golden Idol third. Time: 0:42H- Third race, thlrteen-alxteenths of a mile, selling: Halnault won, M ureses seoond, Nervator third. Time: 1:22. Fourth raoe, one mile, handicap: Claude won, Fosall seoond, Colonbridge third. Time: l:41i. Fifth raoe, mile and a quarter, selling: Byronordale won. Chickadee second. Ex pedient third. Time: 2.11. Blxth race, seven furlongs, purse: For nasler won, Dungannon second. Military Vlan third. Time: 1;2V IX") 3 ANGELES. Jan. 3a Results: First race, three-quarters of a mile: Mao Ana won, Silver Fir seoond, Seaforth third. Time: 1:17. . Seoond race, thirteen-sixteenth of a mile, selling: Anlrad won, Iluapaia seoond. Strife third. Time: Ita. Third raoe, Blauaon course, selling: Colo nel Bogey won. Lauretta Phillips seoond. Judge Napton third. Time: 1:1214. Fourth raoe, mile and a sixteenth, handi cap: Princess Tulane won, Ooeaa Dream second. M. F. Tarpey third. Time: l:4tii. Fifth raoe, Blauson course, sailing: Dolly Welthoff won, Laocoon second, J. V. Klrby third. Time: 1:11V, Sixth raoe. mile and seventy yards, sell ing: Greenock won, Farmer Jim secoud, Martin Brady third. Time: 1:48. NEW ORLEANS, Jan. ta-Rssults: First raoe. . sis fund a half furlongs: Neither One won. Miss Hume second. Mtladt Love third. Time: 1:30. Banana Cream finished second, but waa disqualified for foullna. - Second raoe. three furlongs, 2-yesr-olds: All bilk won. Fair Calvpso second. Dancing Nun third. Time: Third race, six and a half furlongs: Ben Howard wna. Emigre second. Icicle third Time: 1:104. Fourth race, sis furlongs: Ascension won. the Chamberlain's Coagh Resaedy Very Best. "I have been using Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and want to say It is the best cough medicine I have every taken," says Geo. L. Chubb, a merchant at Harlan, Mich. There la no question about Its being the best, aa It will cure a cough or cold In leas time than any other treatment It should always be kept In the home ready for Instant use, for a cold can be cured In much less time when promptly treated. Bellevae Commencement Orators, BELLEVUE. Neb., Jan. 20. (Speclsl.) The faculty of Bellevue college has chosen three of the senior class to speak at com mencement time. The selection was not made on a basis of scholarship honors, but aa a fair representation of the clasa Those chosen are: Matthew If. Wilson of Seward, Perry McD. Wheeler of South Omaha and Eunice G. Nlcholl -of Bellevue. There are sixteen In the senior class.: - Sleet Does Mick Dasaaa-e. AUBURN. Neb., Jan. 20. (Special.)-A heavy rain fell here last night. The rain began about 11 p. m. and continued until 3 a. m., at which time It turned Into a sleet. Everything is weighed down with Ice. Great damage haa been done to tele phone wires, and to trees of every kind. A slow mist continues and the Ice on every thing Is gradually Increasing. Goes from Bad to Worse. Always true of constipation. It begins many maladies, but Dr. King's New Life Pills cure or no pay. Only 25c For sals by Kuhn Co. Maa aad Moaey Disappear, NEBRASKA CITT, Neb., Jan. 20. (Spe cial Telegram.) Willis Kelsey, who has been In the employ of I. Iverson, suddenly disappeared yesterday and no Information as to his whereabouts has yet been re ceived. He had In his possession some money collected for his employer, the amount Of which Mr. Iverson Is unable to state at present. Is to love children, and v home can be completely happy rithont them, yet the oraeai tnrougn wnicn tne ex pectant mother" must pass usually is so full of suffering, danger and fear that she looks forward to the critical hour with anorehension and dread, Mother's Friend, by its penetrating and soothing properties. allays nausea, nervousness, and all unpleasant feelings, and so prepares the system tot the ordeal that she passes through the event safely and with but little suffering, as numbers have testified and said, "it is . . .t- -I. i 1 1 it FT ?T valuable information mailed free. U U UNULl vLi lUt eaLiiLL0 EJLCUAIOI CO.. AUmU, . brought before him these vagrants are given a notice to leave the city immedi ately. As a general thing the order of the court Is complied with. Oatslda Construction Completed. Contractor WIese, who Is building the publlo library, said laat night that the out side work was practically completed and that he was waiting for the plumbers and electricians to get busy and do their part of the work. Aa soon as the wiring Is completed the contractor will proceed with the Inside finish. It la expected that the library will be completed by the end of May. Another draft on Mr. Carnegie Is to be made within a day of two In order that the plumbers and electricians may be paid for their work. Maa-le City Gossip. Dr. W. L. Curtis announced yesterday the birth of a son at his home. It Is reported that a meeting of the Board of Education will be held tonight. Dr. T. H. Ensor expects to leave on Sat. urday for El Paso, Tex., and old Mexico. As usual on cold days there waa verv little heat In the city hall building yester day. H. C. Bostwlck. vice president of the South Omaha National bank, left laat night for Denver to be gone a few duvs looking after busluess Interests. The Fire and Police board will not hold any meetings this week. A decision in regard to the legality of the board Is ex pected from the supreme court tonight. John Karacek died at his home. Nine teenth and Y streets, yesterday evening. The deceased was sick only four dava, pneumonia being the cause of death. The funeral win ue neia noay morning rrom the family residence. Interment at St. Mary's cemetery. BLAIR CASE DRAGGING ALONG People of York Coaaty Are Show las; Great laterest la tho . Trial. YORK. Neb., Jan. 20 (Speclal.)-There la continued Intefeat tn the John Blair case, wherein Blair Is charged with criminal as sault on Beulah Thomas. Over forty wit nesses have been summoned to appear and already a large number have been on ths stand and testified. All of these witnesses are from Arborvllle township and with the attendance of others from that locality the large court room is crowded at each day's session of court. Among the witnesses ex amined yesterday Miss Colby gave what seemed to be the most damaging evidence against Blair of the many witnesses ex amined. Miss Colby testified that she had asalated the Blatrs tn housework and that at the same time ahe waa employed there Beulah Thomas was' also employed. She testified that one evening she went to her room to retire, leaving Blair and Miss Thomss downstairs, and that after reach ing her room she returned to get a drink of water and through a door she saw Miss Thomas sitting on Blair's lap and Blair having hla arms "around her. She also tes tified that Mrs. Blair had retired for the night. Louis Bloe, the hired man, also gave tes timony that was damaging to Blair. Bice told about forking for Blair and that at Blair's reqhest he hitched up the team on thst cold November night, driving to Ar aorvllle, where he tied the team near the Thomas home, and there by appointment which he sold had been arranged by Blair he found Miss Thomas Just outside of her home at church time and took her to a family IHli.s weal uf Arborvllle by the name of Anderson, where she stayed a short tlms until Mra Anderson became sick, and then John Blair drove to the An dersons and brought Mies Thomas to ths Blair home. After taking Mlas Thomas he purchased red papper at Arborvtlle, and going over the trail from the buggy to the Thomas aocna and back ae threw pepper, Stricken In Coart Room. NEBRASKA CITY. Neb., Jan. 20.-(Spe- clal Telegram.) John Gear was suddenly attacked with heart failure In the county court tnts afternoon during the trial of a case In which he was Interested. Doctors were summoned and worked with him for some time before he regained conscious ness. The Jury in the case was dismissed until tomorrow. V A A a-H 1 14 Aid for Masonic Home. NEBRASKA CITY. Neb., Jan. 20.-(Spe- ciaL) The women of the Eastern Star last night gave an oys-er supper at the Ma sonic hall) the proceeds of which will go toward furnishing the new Masonlo home In Plattsmouth. One hundred and sixty- five tickets were sold for the supper and the net proceeds will be about 340. Roosevelt Club at Ploomlagtos. BLOOMINOTON, Neb., Jan. 20. (Special.) The republicans in this vicinity met Mon day night at the courthouse and organised a Roosevelt league. Great enthusiasm was displayed. Officers were elected and com mittees appointed. Hon. J. P. A. Black was elected delegate to attend the State Roosevelt league at Lincoln. Brings Hamas' Slayer to Omaha. AIN8 WORTH, Neb.. Jan. 20.-(Speclal Telegram.) A deputy United States mar shal arrived here this evening from Spring view with Dan Roby, whom he will take to 1 Omaha tomorrow for the killing of Jim Ramus, a quarter-breed Indian. Business Chance at Battle Creek. BATTLE CREEK. Neb., Jan. 20. (Bpe- L clal.) August Stgrfen of this place has bought the furniture and undertaking stock of C. W. Merts. He will continue the busi ness at the old stand. To Organise Roosevelt Clab. GENEVA, Neb.,' Jan. 20. (Special.) A Roosevelt club will be organised In Geneva on Saturday evening. DRtXK 01 ARISIXG HALF CLASS Til BATUMI LAXATIYE BATES. i 0ZJk O TO o mwrnssmrnHmBmrnmamsmmmmammamm miiiiihii iiiiinisnisrTtisrTiTT'mTTi i 1 1 i t QUR California excursions are popular for many reasons. One of them is the care and individual attention paid to our guests. Carefully selected men act as special conductors of these parties. They have a thorough knowledge all points of interest enroute, and know how, to do the best thing in the best way. They make traveling easy. These Personally Conducted Excursion parties run twice a week, via the Scenic Route of the World through Denver, the Rocky Mountains, Salt Lake City, etc. I shall be glad to send our California booklet to you free, and t will help you in planning your western trip. Write for It. to ... B. REYNOLDS CITY PASSENGER WENT , 1502 Farnam Street, Omaha.