ITT TITE OAITA DAILY DEE: TITUKSDAT, JANUARY 21. 1904. W J. HERDMAN SCORES BRYAN Omaha Jiolwti Ian DtnounoM th Penleii Iitadir u OttiD'n Demiftgi. DISGUSTED AT SPEECH IN LINCOLN K fro La re Aaflres Mot "Caalnlr fCarrt la CHlform Cfcrrtert" Be Mere IMay 1o the ( i !l Galleries. The tneanlns; of the Aryan dinner which Was not "cunningly carved In cunlform charaotera" hu two Interpretation, One ha. been fluna to the breeses upon yard of print paper, while the other resounds In the law growls and muttering of a band f disgusted Jacksonlan who claim Omaha as their home. Had Mr. Bryan been a mind reader hs Would have qualified hia remarks when he aid, as quoted, "I am proud of these Ne braska "tooya." There was a goodly num ber. It seems, who clapped their hands In a, boUow fashion when Mr. Bryan arose aad when Mr. Bryan eat down, but who war glad, for the take of peaen that their mental processes were not aa a printed Assistant City Attorney W. H. Herdman )ia thta to aay. Aa he was not talking tor publication. It la Inferred he meant What he said: 1 have returned," said Mr. Herdman. "convinced that William Jennings Bryan la a demagogue and an oratorical trickster that he la a profound egotist, and that he haa atooped at last. If not before, to mere grandstand playa. In order to more firmly entrench his position as the only real thing In democratlo politics. Deaenacea His Opponent. "Mr. Bryan In the course of hla remarks Intimated In an extremely plausible and roundabout way, that all who disagree with him on a number of political Ques tion are Utfle better than thlevea, liars and are reprehensible generally. Ue put up straw men aid knoclted them down all for the sake of the plaudits of the people. He did not talk of the conditions aa they exist In the party, but conjured them up aa best suited hla style of de livery and hla chain of argument." "la tny opinion he made a big political mistake. It looked to ma like a man run ning out In the middle of the road and try ing to cheek the course of a huge automo bile at full apeed by waving hia hat. He talked of reorganisation and said democrat could not desert the policy of tariff reform, when he knew not a democrat in the coun try wants to do anything of the kind. He poke likewise about the truata and Im perialism, when he knew there Is no dis sension on tha stand that the party must take' on these questions, and finally ha got to the milk In the cocoanut and declared that' the silver plank must be reaffirmed. Jest to Forget It. "Everybody knowa that the party at large doea not want to repudiate the Kan sas City platform or repudiate the blmetal Ism plank, but merely desires to drop and forget the latter, and yet he Intimated that there waa a plan to "repudiate' the Kansas City platform. "Instead of meeting his Issues squarely and talking to the point on logical lines Mr. Bryan truckled and made his appeal by an ingenloua presentation of Imaginary wrongs. "Many democrats who attended felt much the same as I did about this speech. Whether to try to defeat Mr. Bryan In the state or to let him suffer the humiliation of being turned down In the national con vention. Is a question much discussed at .Unco In. ' I think that even In Nebraska democrats who do not agree with him are sufficient to defeat him, but the gen eral opinion seems to be that It would be better political ethics to let tha national convention do the work. ''But those who differ from Mr. Bryan on the money and other questions do not Ilka to be called corruptlonlsta, plunderers and moral outcasts." HANDSOME NEW ASfBlXAHCE. Beaatlful White Car for Kmersreney Calls Mow at the Palace Stables. A magnificent new ambulance haa Just been added to C. 11. Crelghton's Palace stables, Seventeenth and Davenport streets, It was made by tha Cunningham company and Is of the latest pattern, being Jlghted by electricity and heated by storage bat, terlea, The ' cot la suspended by springs and' three cane seated chairs are attached to the aide of the car for use of the at tendants. The ambulance la at the service of the public. Just as a carriage, and can be had upon calling at the stables or tele- ' phone ?T. It Is thoroughly antiseptic and so arranged that the Interior can be kept at an even temperature. , . Aaaaaveeaaeato ( tha Tbeateva. ' Lewis Morrison' wftl present his famous characterisation of Mephlsto for the last time here tonight, Friday and Saturday at the Krug In his elaborate scenlo production Df "Faust." For twenty seasons he ha played this part, until the names of Faust and Morrison are almost synonymous, so . alosely has ha adhered to hla own drama' . Used version of Goethe's story of Faust and Marguorite. It may be said that In , all It long career Mr. Morrison' "Faust" baa never been surpassed In the number and quality of the company, the bril liancy . of the electrical effects, or the beauty of the scenery. The only available entertainment at the theaters this afternoon will he the matinee at the Orpheum. The vaudeville bill la a 'Varied one and Includes a number of ' features that are calculated for women ' and children. ' l This evening Omaha people will have a chance to review at the Boyd a musical comedy that has made much atlr In the east during the last two seasons and has ,, been much talked about In the west since the beginning of the present tour. "Dolly ' arden" tella a story of a girl from the i asamtry who came tip tft London during the time of Qeorge I, and gives a series . of pictures of society costumes and man- i aers of tha period. Tha book Is by Stan - Islaus Stange and the muslo by Julian -Edwards, a strong recommendation for the worth of the piece, and the title role . is taken by Lulu Olaser, who has been an Immense hit In the part. She Is supported by a carefully selected company of vocal , 1st aad comedians, an even hundred peo ple being used In the production. Ap propriate scenery end costumes add to tha riches of the libretto and score, mak tog the- whole an uncommonly attractive . . entertainment The engagement la for two slight only. On Saturday afternoon at a bargain matinee and In the evening the Brother , Byrne in "Eight Bella" will be at the Boyd. . FIFTEENTH ANNUAL BURNS celebra- tina rniMrt and balL Washington halL ' . Monday evening. January IB. Tickets, too each. Undet auspices Can Gordon. Don't Scold T,H(f la a serreni affection. UllVt'"f - - Sta.n4k ttn nttrvea with Dr. Miles' Nervine. Bl-p better, eat better, work better, feel better, and be better. Sold am 4M. aUt APICAL, W. I&hab ai win ai, aiiMsTsMWih'iiuLii Miwi JijnaKMsxaaauAaia. 7n mwmotm A Big Silk Event for Thursday as ai 59c Yarfl We purchased from a great manufacturer of alike his entire excess mock of fine laitetas. This stock includes over 4,000 yards In all the newest spring shades, at well as white and cream. This is a most unusual offering:. As Ions; as they last on bargain square at, a yard 1 Cm Ti Ladies $7.50 Coats at $3.98 .3.98 . Hundreds of Jaunty Military Coats, In late colors and cloths, made with Hat collar, brans button trimmings, the new leaf capes, pleated front and back, with pood satin lining should be a regular seven dollar and a half value Thursday at ', $5 and $6.50 Walking Skirts at $2.98 Stylish, well tailored Skirts, made of meltons, novelty cloth, golf cloths, etc. very new and pretty ideas worth up to six dollars and a half at 2.98 A Splendid Cravenette Coat at $6.98 Very stylish and serviceable Cravenettes, with belted backs, double and triple capes, all the new water proof and cravenette materials, worth f 12.5(V-nt 638 TWO EXTRA SPECIALS IN FURS r A large double fur French Coney rw-an wun eigni tails worth four dollars at each...... ui:u v.unpy 1.98 Imitation black lynx double full Rcarf, wun adjustable cords and tails worth seven dollars and a half at io Hill ncari, 3.98 Last Day of the Great Millinery Sale $25 Pattern Mats $212 All of Madam Marguerite s finest Pattern Hats, including black hats with ostrich plumes, white ostrich 1 j) trimmed hats, etc. your yfij choice of entire assortment 50 Watch Our J Windows jj iJDE'S- Watch Our JtoUS Windows P BS You Receive the Benefit of the 20 per cent discount should you purchase from our TltiXi WLDot'elect our ood" nw i LOOK FOR THE NAME. S. VV. LINDSAY, The Jeweler. I5I Douarlaa Street. Omaha. Overcoats. Amongst that stock now on sale on our second floor are an enormous lot of Over coats. The extreme low prices which we marked these Overcoats are moving them rapidly. It now pays any man to Invest In an Overcoat, whether he needs one or not. There are a few Overcoats which we have marked aa low aa $1.60. Of course they are not much of an Overcoat, and, therefore, we want to set rid of them quick. Next we marked some Gray Ulsters $2.98. We have sties 86, 86 and 37 left. At $3.90 we can show you an Immense line, consisting of Frieze Ulsters, with Casslmere lining and storm collar, as well as Beaver Sack Overcoats, also Included In this lot are a few Spring Overcoats. As $4.90 we show a splendid Oray Coat, trimmed extra well, also 'heavy Blue Kersey Overcoats. .At $6.90 we show an enormous assortment of Coats, including many novelties. Just such Overcoats as you are accustomed to pay $12.60 for. Now, for those who wish the finest thing that high art tailors can pro duoe In Overcoats, we offer on our main floor unrestricted choice out of all our own best Overcoats for $1S, marked down from $20. $22.M and $26.00. There are hundreds of other articles in the Hen's and Boys, wear Una that we can do you a world of good on at present. If you let us. Look for the big sign, "BALE." 1619-1521 Douglas street. Tha Guarantee Clothing Co., P. B. We Just reduced all our fancy vests, formerly $8.00 and $3.50, now your unrestricted choice, $190. Thursday Clearance Sale Specials liil THE RELIABLE! STOHfC. Thursday Clearance Sale Specials Optical Department. EYES TESTED FRER BY EXl'EKT OPTICIAN. Gold Filled Frames (10-year guarantee) 1.5Q 98c for Alumlnold Spectacles and Eye-Glasses, with Imported lenses, complete, for... Hardware, Stoves, tlousefurnishings. A Great Snap in Granitevare i ii W J Dish Pans No. 2 Wash Basins Colanders Preserving Kettle Two-quart Milk Pan Pint Cups ; Twelve-inch Spoons Three and 4-quart Coffee or Tea Pot.... Large Chamber re 13s 16a 13o 9o 6c 8c 20 2u Ten-quart Water Palls.. S9o No. 7 Tea Kettles 6!ta Sauce Pans 15c 2'-iuart Pudding Pan lite Nine-Inch Pie Pans ., 6c Five-Inch Dippers .. 13c Four-quart Covered Sauce Pans......... 29c CuBrldors 16o Shallow Sauce Pan 9a Deep Gut in Heating Stoves. Pianos and Organs Sold on Easy Payments. We believe comparison will show that this department carries the most complete line of strictly high grade Instruments, and at prices below any kind of competition. Our pianos and organs are made by many of the oldest, largest and most reputable makers in this country, concerns whose reputations for the manufacture of only strictly high grade instruments is a guar antee of quality. There Is perhaps no other article of merchandise In which poor qual ity can be as easily disguised as In the putting together of pianos and organs. For this reason It Is essential In buying these goods to have the guarantee of a reliable house back of them. WE ARB OFFERING NEW UPRIGHT PIANOS IN ANY WOOD DESIRED AT $123.00. $127.60; 132.B0, $147.00, $167.00 $16-1.00 and up to the famous Chlckertng. Fischer, Estey, Wlgman. Price & Teeple, Dlckes, Staines, Franklin, Jacob Doll, Hobart M. Cablo, Brewster, Kohler & Campbell and twenty other makes to select from. A complete line of Estey and Burdell organs In stock. The Cold Wave Has Reached Us. WARM CAP8 ARB A NECESSITY HER E IS YOUR CHANCE. Mon' and boy' GOo caps i)Bn . at M Ma, ..-.BOc Men's $1.50 caps Q8C GREAT CLEARING SALE OF HATS BAT URDAY. Men's, boys' and children's caps, worth up io two oi io at SaW Children's Tarn O'Shanters and stocking caps, worth i-. up to 76c at IC Big Linen and Domestic Department BARGAINS FOR THURSDAY. Be TRAY CLOTHS. 7o. All linen fringed tray cloths, size lBx22 regular 2fk value 71- Bo at d 9 860 DRESSER SCARFS, 19c, Fringed dresser scarfs, plain white and fancy centers, size in.-. 20x63 at VJC 20c BOLTON CAMBRIC, la Fine Bookfold Bolton cambric, 36 inches wide, 200 quality, for one day only at, yard 1JW 75o FRINGED NAPKINS. 89c All linen fringed napkins, size 18x18 reg ular 76c value nnn at, dosn OvC 29o LINEN TOWELS, I60. All linen huckaback and damask towels, slightly soiled, up to 49 Inches 1 E lorg, 29o value at ,!Ofc TABLE LINEN REMNANTS H PRICE 500 remnant of bleached and unbleached table linen from 1 to 3tt yd long-go at HALF PRICE. GROCERIES! GROCERIES! GROCERIES! EVERYTHING IN OUR STORE ROOM HAS TO BE MOVED TO MAKE ROOM vi, t uuiii.iu. x aivxj uimui Kjr HUB tiKii. AT BAClUFICs. aKUh Advertise One Price Sell at Another We A00 occasion this morning to invests gate the report which have been drculat- . " "10 eu sin mas methods" , .ch are resorted to by some of the at In 1? OK EAT EMPORIUMS nr Wmiun -itt-p p:i " VV,no. c" ot Omaha, ii ZS 11 rf-"ur- yes, I'e-ru-na .HMaF.I... . . 1. M . j '. . wrrna xtoyaie ( cause thev MniJi verUslns' asency for this and ..111? i ' . " l u" mis; at 000 kn'l BAH It Tnr IUs nr... . . . . articles at tills proportion. v''"' ,I?.XI""'e equio cut from the NEW KNOCK of the fuU price druggist comblna- - v twro pusi me real pharmacist" of New York City waged War on nut nrliu 4-,,-4... --i-i the latter adulterated their drugn, other- u i a BOil ruB &i ine price PTT APMi PTHTQ Xrcnw rr-itr, ,V, FENDERI NOT ONE VIOLATION of the ;.,vv?? iwvtrfu among tne cut raters. WHILE 800 VIOLATIONS WERE UN- EARTHHin imnn. It.. r i .. ....... -. . v ..u uiuBKiDia wiiv were the chief klcker.,r we have another bomb to explode In the camp of the drug combine In a few days. FRkE SODA In our South Omaha and Council Bluffs stores Saturday. SCHAEFEITS -SVKSb E. T. YATES, Prop. lflth and i'hinnrrt atm aha Thni... T47 and 797. 24th and N St., South Omaha. Phone No. 1. 8th Ave. and Main St.. Council Bluffs. 'Phone No. T All good delivered In either city absolutely free. A Hl'GE PTRCHASR OF MEN'S VESTS. Entire Sarplas Stork of Imperial Vest Co.( T2tt-T.IT Broadway. New York, Bought by J. L. Brandels & Bona ON BALE SATURDAY. JANUARY 2i W announce the most remarkable sale of men's fancy vests ever seen in Omaha, Thousands of very fashionable vests hun dreds of styles. In every size, white mer cerised vests, fancy novelty materials. In every swell color and pattern, double and single breasted, etc. Many of the fin vest In this stock are actually worth aa high a $6 00 each. They all go on sal Saturday at 86c J. L. BRANDEIS St SONS. Props. Boston Store, Bfaurrtage Llceasea. For the twenty-four hours ending st noon Wednesday the following marriage licenses bad been granted by the county Judge: Name and Residence. Ae Qlenn R. Robert, Omaha. 24 Lotus J. Uuall, Omaha 21 Roy Decker, Elk City 23 Hattle Horn. Omaha . 24 Carl S. Llndgren, Omaha............ 23 Mary K. Allwine, Omaha ..... 26 U-K. Wedding Rings. jdholm, Jeweler. LiMktrsiea to Meet Hera. The Nebraska Lumber Dealers' associa tion meets in Omaha, February 4-$. This is the fourteenth annual convention of the organisation. Svaxions will tieln 10:30 o'clock and It Is said that proceedings will be ot more than usual Interest to lum bermen. Notice of the meeting has been aant from the office of Secretary Crltch- fleld in Lincoln to all dealers, whether members of the aitaociaUon or no, and lars aathertng Is exc-ected. The Omaha lumber dealers will curry out a social pro. grant tne nrst evening VI tue meeting tor ine oui-or-town guests. Watches snd dlamonos. Your credit Is good. A Mandelberg, Jeweler. U3 Farttam, Douglas FrlaUfif Ve isut Howard, Tel Mi 21-lbs pure cane granulated sugar ....$1.00 All brands laundry soap, per bar 2Vio iargv aacas wnue or yewow oornmeai.lit'a H gallon cans golden table syrup 16o Good Japan rtoe, lb So Tapioca, sugo, barley or Farina 3o 1-lb. pkg best corn starch Zc Fancy breakfast rolled oats, pkg Sc 8-lb. can solid packed tomatoes 7Hc 1-lb. pkg. imported macaroni ......7Vkc 1-lb, pkg. mincemeat ..50 I-Ib. pkg. self-rising pancake flour ...... 7 Vio Large navel oranges, each lo Fancy California lemons, per dos lOo BUTTER I BUTTER! BUTTER We will sell our best separator creamery butter that we retail for 2 In 28c per pound at m .... "-'V HAVDERj BROS. Good Deniistry J1"' ' I Is our motto. Wo guar- antes our woric to be he very best. You can payhiaher prices else where but vou oannot 0t better woNc no matter what you pay. Gold Set Teeth S5 Fillings ... 75c up TAFT'S DENTAL ROOMS, 1517 Douglas Street ON ALL 20 Discount! Suit I Bags-0' iTrareiliig ICases fOmaha Trunk Factory Te.nhone 1058 120 Fsrnara Street The Atlaatle Express with Nsw York Steeple Care leaves Chicago every afternoon at $ o'clock via Pennsylvania Short Lines, the shortest route to the east, taking pas senger through to New York without changing cars. Pullman parlor cars and Pennsylvania dining cars; all-vestlbuled coaches with head-rest seats and every detail for comfort and luxury. -Daylight run over the Alleghany mountains. Ask C. L. Kimball. A. G. P. Agt.. No. $ Sher man street. Chicago, for full Information. Hurry Up! . The Ice Is on the nond and the skating is fln provided you have a pair of women's Skating Shoes Htgh tops heavy eolee extension edges heavy plump kid uppors a first close skating boot and at the same time a good all around any kind of a weather shoe. These specials are only $3 R0 and we guarantee them to be the best $3.60 shoe you ever bought. Your money back If you don't find them bj. DREXEL SHOE CO., 1419 Pircaa. Street. Ossaha's U-t-Dt She Hons e 1 m 11 iwmjb" iilUBmi a Trusses, Elastic Stockings, Crutches, Supporter, Etc., nads ts order by compe tent wsrkmes. Send to us for measurement blanks and other information. THE H. J. PENFOLD GO. 1408 Firnam St , Omaha, Neb. fl JIF t,W"V mesiycsi lllg V H Vi f.nln. ui.unuud. atsins, kwl M T AOT SI TK MarrUJ llira soil air a intmiMig lo Dmr-y .nuu.d i.k a bol; uu.i.nlu n-.ulu, ukU wetk un .ul K'tt L4w' roijiw. ljat Busrinan UoConasU Drug Co., Omaha. r Gfje Best of Everything The Only Double Track Railway to Chicago The Omaha Chicago Train Par Excellence J iVo. solid trmin mad tin in OmiAi daily OA TIME f 6:50 p. in., srrio tug (JMcmgo 7:30 next inorn ,ng. Library, Buffet Cr, lirbr, nets Standard Sleep. trs, Chir(Jar$Everitfii)ij. 'Aty OffiCea 1401-1403 FARNAM OMAHA TEL. 624-01 ST. ( In all styles shapes and colors at 5 cents and 10 cents a dozen largest variety in the city. Indian Beads, Gold Beads, all kinds of Beads, the larg est assortment of any house try one of our 10 cent Bead Looms by mail, 15c. Special attention to mail orders. Bern ember we make stock ings like mother use to 2 make. Joseph F. Bilz 322 S. 16th, Omaha jganasxssaan 11 rw 1 y . r . e r Jive urcaicst special values in LADIES' Furnishing Goods We have ever off ered Beore you rea l this advertisement we want you to know what to expect. We want to direct your attention to values greater than . you have ever encountered in all your period af shrewd shopping. We want to impress upon your mind the positive fact that each and every value ii exactly what we represent it ta be. Head Special in Ladies' FurnishingsBig Reductions. 50c Flannel Skirts at 25c Flftcnn doien Indies' Flannelette Underskirts, In pink, blue, white snd fancy scalloped ruffle; positively a Wo quality y.TSC. at, each. SI Flannel Skirts at 48c. Thlrty-alx 5oen Indies' light and dark fancy colored skirts, full W Inchc Ions;, cut full and wide In skirt of heavy outing A a uniuici, tt reauiar aoiiar cuaiuv. iinr m. -r w at $1.50 Flannel Gowns at 95c Twelve 4cxen heavy t'aisy Cloth Flannel Gowns. In solid pink, blue anl white and fancy colors. t-nutlfully trimmed yoke, neck and j sleeves, cut xtra Trtdo and long; a regular tl.W lrC quality, at, each, 7&o and 4 Combination Suits and Tights, $1 Suits at 45c Ten dozen ladles natural and white Combination suits. In heavy fleeced Jersey ribbed merino suits and equestrlpn tights, perfectly A r finished end shaped, worth one dolla Ladies' Silk and Golf Gloves. 50c Gloves, 25c Thirty-six dozen ladles', misses' and children's fancy and solid colored mer cerized Golf and Cashmere Gloves and Mittens, f f- ucnuiuui niyiea; our enure une to select irom; j.rv reaular &0q values .L tier nnlr Ladies' Fleeced Hose, 25c Hose for 10c 10c Fifty dozen ladles' heavy Mark fleece lined cotton Hose, full refrular mado, a guaranteed fast dye; a regular 25a vulue at QUICK LUNCHEON Tlie prompt service hero,' combined with excellent cook ing, makes this the most. satisfactory place to take your noonday luncheon. Come today. JBsftraNAM PHONE. 711' ' ' -' ' l Hqvi 0rlea La., $31.50 Omaha io New Orleans and Back February 9th-14th. if! ona Limil and era ii For further lnformaUon and oopy of Mardl Oras Booklet eall at Illinois Central City Ticket Office, No. IMS Farnam B treat. Omaha, -or write, V. II. BRILL. DUIrkt ftutngtr Afent. Follow h Flajr' Last to Leave Omaha, 5:55 p. p. First to Arrive St. Louis, 7 a. m. 1 FREE Information regarding reduced rates on sale everj day to all winter resorts. The only line with sta tion at main entrance World's Fair Grounds. For rates, descriptive folders and all information, call at Wabash Corner, 1G01 Farnam Street, or address Harry E. Moores, G. A, P. D., Omaha.